Shego Fresh as Jasmine (F/F)

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Shego Fresh as Jasmine (F/F)

Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Dr. Drakken, the (self-proclaimed) most evil man in the entire universe, was explaining to his associate, Shego, about his newest plan to, as per usual, take over the world!

“Shego, what’s the one thing I need?”
“A life?”
“No! Power! I need power!”
“So, how are you gonna get that power?”
“Simple! By stealing it from other people!”
“So what? Are you gonna go into politics and steal some political position from some corrupt moron in DC? Because odds are, you’d be less corrupt than the guy you’d replace.”
“Thought of that. But that requires too much time. And the people of this stupid county are still peeved when I tried screwing up the ozone one day. So, I created this!”

Drakken rushed over to an object that was covered by a tarp and flung the tarp away, revealing the object to be what appeared to be an electric chair. The chair had numerous belt restraints at where the wrists, elbows, waist, shoulders and ankles would be. The cap that would go on the head was connected to a metal box that had a faucet-like contraption built into it.

“This, Shego, is my Power-Drainer 6000! This baby will remove the power of whoever is sitting here and transfer it to liquid form. I will then drink that liquid and use my newly-acquired powers to rule the world! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!”
“Ok, but how does the machine turn the power into liquid?”
“I...I don’t know, Shego! It just does!”

Shego rolled her eyes. “So, whose powers are you stealing?”
“See, that’s where you come in-“
“If you’re thinking of taking away my powers, there’s a plasma blast with your ass’s name on it.”
“No, not you! ...well...”
“Okay, fine! I need you to kidnap someone with power!”
“And who am I supposed to kidnap? Unfortunately for us, Kimmy doesn’t have powers. She just has gadgets, a boyfriend with a rat, and a guy on a computer!”
“Ah, but that’s where my next invention comes into play!”

A second tarp was lifted, revealing a large metal circle that was bolted down to the floor with a keypad on the side of it.

“This is my Perfectly Great Portal Generator 3000-“
“Why is this ‘3000’ when the Power-thingy was a ‘6000’?”
“Shut up, Shego! When you invent technology to help complete an evil plan, you can name it whatever you want!”
“Okay, okay! Jesus...”
“Anyway, this baby takes you to another dimension! And do you know which dimension you’re getting sent to?”
“Well, neither do I! This thing generates random portals, so who knows who you’ll meet!”
“Are you sure about this?”

Drakken scoffed. “Please, Shego. Who’s the evil genius here?”
“Considering your track record, I’m gonna say neither of us.”

The mad scientist growled as he pulled a button from his lab coat and handed it off to his associate. “Here. When you’re done grabbing someone, you press this button. You’ll immediately be teleported back!” Drakken explained as he started to power up the machine.

Shego sighed as she watched a portal begin to generate. “Alright, I’ll be right back.”
“Good luck! And make sure whoever you get has powers! Oh, and try not to get killed!”

As soon as Shego walked through the portal, she took notice of where she was: it was a huge bedroom with tapestries hung on every wall. A huge bed was in the center of the room. The west wall had a giant balcony that gave the viewer a view of what appeared to be a desert town.

“Hmm, guess I’m in some desert kingdom. And given how this place makes the White House look like a cramped apartment room, I’m guessing I’m at the palace,” Shego thought to herself before footsteps startled her.

“I’m just gonna take a quick nap. I’ll be back in a bit,” a voice announced.

Shego grinned. ”Time to nab me some power”, she thought as she slipped to the side of the door. A second later, a stunning lady emerged. She had dark skin with even darker hair tied in a ponytail. She wore a sky blue crop tube top with matching pants. She wore a similarly-colored headband as well as wearing gold earrings and a necklace.

She let out a yawn that was cut off by a hand clamping down over her mouth.

“Don’t. Move.”

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Post by SoftlySwitching »

Very intriguing
Bound and gagged, completely trapped in sensations of silk and fur, either giving or receiving, I’m in 100%
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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

Good Start
" No use to struggle, my dear, you're tied up much too tight for escape! However, I'd be in your debt if you would try... "
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Post by Caesar73 »

Very good idea! And a good introduction 😁😁
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Part 2:

“Don’t. Move,” Shego ordered.

Frightened, the princess tried to back elbow her captor in the nose. But Shego grabbed the arm with her free hand and wrenched it behind her back.

“Uh-uh. What did I just say?” Shego chided as she forcefully walked Jasmine to her bed. She let Jasmine go to push her onto the bed, but she immediately pounced on her captive once she got on the bed, straddling the hips while holding her wrists down with her own hands.

“Who are you?!” Jasmine asked with panic in her voice.
“Well, my name is Shego and I’m here to take you away so that my boss can steal your powers.”
“My powers?! You nor your boss will ever take away the throne of Agrabah from me!”
“I don’t care about your crown, Princess. I just want your powers. So, what can you do? Shoot lasers out of your hands like me? Invisibility? Flight?”
“What?! I can assure you that I have no such powers nor do I know anyone who possesses those powers either!” Jasmine replied, purposely leaving out the fact that she had a blue pal who could do all three things and much more.

Shego raised an energy-filled fist at the princess. “Seriously?!”
“Yes! I swear! I swear!”

Reluctantly believing her, Shego lowered her fist. “Goddamnit, Drakken! You send me to find power, but the portal just leads me to some powerless princess?!” she shouted to herself.
“Now that you have realized I cannot help you fulfill whatever goal you have in mind, I demand that you release me at once, or else I will see to it you spend an astronomical amount of time in jail for assaulting royalty!”

Now, if Jasmine were anyone else, Shego would’ve deemed her worthless and tossed the princess over the balcony, letting gravity decide her fate. But...there was just something about her. Maybe it was the outfit, or her looks, or the fact that she was a princess, but Shego decided that maybe, a little fun could be had...

Shego clamped her hand over Jasmine’s mouth. “Okay, so my plan was to take you to my boss’s lair so that I could drain your power. But, you apparently don’t have powers. However, that doesn’t mean I can’t use you...”

Jasmine shook her head away from Shego’s hand. “What do you mean ‘use’?”
“Oh, you’ll find out soon enough. But for now, let’s get you all nice and quiet.”

Before Jasmine could react, Shego took her middle finger and pressed it into the princess’ neck. “Shh, Princess. It’s sleepy time now.”
“What are you doing?! Stop,” Jasmine got out before her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she passed out.

Shego chuckled at Jasmine’s plight. She always liked using that nerve hold to KO her opponents when chloroform wasn’t available to her. With the princess out like a light, Shego moved Jasmine so that her head was on the edge of the mattress before wrapping her up in the sheets, turning the princess into a trussed-up pretty package. With that, Shego activated the button given to her, opening the portal back to Drakken’s lake up. She picked the wrapped-up princess onto her shoulder and carried her through, failing to notice the purple carpet that had followed her through...

As soon as she returned, Shego was confronted by her boss. “Shego! Great! You got someone! What powers does she have?”
“Uh, Dr. D-“
“Please tell me she has growing powers! If she does, I’ll finally realize my dream of literally crushing the town of Boston under my boot!”
“Dr. D-“
“Never liked Boston with their beans and their historical tours and their stupid Red Sox, who pale in comparison to the Yank-“
“Drakken! She doesn’t have powers!”

Drakken’s jaw nearly dropped in shock. “What?!”
“She’s powerless. She’s sans power. If power was cash, she’d be dead poor.”
“Then why did you bring her back here? Were you trying to screw with me by getting my hopes up?!”
“Simple: I wanted to have some fun with her,” Shego replies as she carried the unconscious princess to her room.

“Shego, what kind of ‘fun’ are-“
“Sorry, can’t hear you,” Shego shot back before slamming her door closed.

Drakken was rolling his eyes at his associate’s behavior when his eyes spied a purple carpet that was laying by his feet. Confused by its sudden appearance, Drakken called out to whatever minion was closet, “Did one of you lay out this weird rug?”
“Not to my knowledge, sir,” the minion replied.
“Well, find whoever did and fire them! They should know that the color doesn’t blend with my lair whatsoever!”

However, when Drakken looked back down, the rug that was right next to him was gone! Drakken felt like he probably should investigate this carpet matter further, but if the mad scientist halted his plotting of evil plans whenever he saw seemingly-disappearing floor decorations, his evil plans would never come to fruition, now would they?

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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

When Jasmine woke up, she found herself layed out on a metal table. Her arms were shackled above her head and her ankles were shackled and slightly separated. She noticed her shoes were missing. The door of the room she was in opened, letting her captor in.

"Well, it looks like the princess is awake," Shego stated with a smirk.

Jasmine struggled in her restraints. "What have you done to me?!"
"I simply got you all comfy for all of the fun we're gonna have," the villainess replied. As Jasmine continued to struggle, Shego chuckled. "Don't bother trying to escape. Those cuffs you got on are escape-proof. The only way you're getting out is with the keys, which are in the possession of Moi," she explained, pulling the shackle keys out of her pocket, shaking them in front of Jasmine's face before placing the keys on a high shelf in the room, far away from Jasmine's reach.

"Where even am I?"
"You're in my playroom, where I torture and play with pretty little ladies like yourself."
"You plan on torturing me?!"
"Oh yes. And I plan on using the worst type of torture imaginable," Shego ominously stated as she slowly stalked towards the princess' legs.

"Listen, I don't know who you are nor who you think you are. But know this: I, Princess Jasmine of Agrabah, will never-HAHAHAHA"

Startled, Jasmine lifted her head to see that Shego had her fingers on top of the soles of Jasmine's feet.

"Something wrong?" the villainess innocently asked. "You seemed startled."
"Did you just tickle me?!"
"Whoops. Did I forget to tell you that's my preferred method of torture?"

Jasmine gulped. Her husband, Aladdin, sometimes tickled her, and she always hated when he did. "Well, I'm not ticklish, so don't bother."

Shego gave her a toothy grin. "Really? Because I think you are. I think you're just denying it."
"I'm not! I can assure you I'm not, so let me go now!"
"Sorry, but I have a new goal now: making you admit that you're ticklish!" With that, Shego plunged her fingernails into Jasmine's feet.

“Why are you laughing, Jasmine? I thought you said you weren’t ticklish.”

Shego stopped tickling, walked towards her and stroked her captive’s cheek. “Know what? I’ll make you a deal: you admit that you’re ticklish and I’ll stop.”
“I’d never do such a thing! I don’t bow to wicked people like yourself!”

Her captor shrugged. “Suit yourself, Princess. Just let me know when you change your mind.” With that, Shego returned to the base of her feet and resumed her attack.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! STOP IT!!!” Jasmine shrieked as she flailed about in her shackles.
“Do you admit it?”
“Just admit it already, damnit!”

This went on for a solid 20 minutes. Shego used her sharp fingernails to scratch all over Jasmine’s feet and occasionally rubbed her knuckles onto her soles all while Jasmine screamed with laughter. Every five minutes, Shego asked if Jasmine wanted to give up and was always met with a firm “no”. After a fourth time of Jasmine refusing to break, Shego growled.

“Fine! I’ll just speed up the process!” Shego shouted as she walked over to a cabinet in the room and pulled out a cardboard box.

“What’s that?” Jasmine asked wearily.
“This box has all my tools,” Shego replied as she rummaged through the box. “Baby oil, electric toothbrushes, the fluffiest feathers you can imagine, you name it! We are gonna have soooooooo much fun together!”
“You will NOT be using that stuff on me!”
“You’re right. Because I’ll be using THIS!” Shego exclaimed, pulling out a green hairbrush, causing Jasmine’s eyes to bug out.

“Don’t you do it.”
“I’m being serious!”
“I’m warning you!”

Shego started to scrape the brush up and down Jasmine’s feet. With tears of laughter in her eyes, she considered her options. On one hand, submitting to this torture would fly against her very nature. But on the other...this was absolute torture that didn’t seem to end!!!

“Say it, Princess!”

Shego put one hand up to her ear while using the other to hold the brush. “What was that, sweetie? I couldn’t quite hear that?”
“That’s all I needed to hear,” Shego sweetly stated as she threw the brush off to the side, not noticing the carpet that had slid underneath her door...

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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

“So, are we done here?” Jasmine panted, gasping for air.

Shego chuckled, stroking Jasmine’s chin with the side of her hand. “Oh, we’ve barely started with all of our fun.”
“But you said you’d stop tickling me!”
“No, silly! I said I’d stop tickling your feet. On that note...” Shego’s eyes slowly wandered towards the princess’ exposed stomach.

Jasmine’s eyes followed her gaze. “Please don’t...”
“You’re practically asking for it with your midriff exposed like that, Princess.”
“You stay away from my stomach or else-“

Shego laughed. “Or else what?! You’re all shackled up with nowhere to go. I think it’s time to...”
“To what?!”
“To give your tummy some big wet kisses!”

Jasmine gulped, feeling a sense of dread building up in her (soon-to-be tickled) stomach. Whenever Aladdin tickled her, he always ended with a raspberry right on the stomach, which would never fail to send her into a giggling fit. As her mind refocused, she noticed the villainess had her lips puckered and they were slowly approaching her body.

“Please don’t!”
“I am begging you!”

Panicking, Jasmine’s eyes zipped around the room, hoping to see something-anything-that would halt Shego’s actions. As her gaze fell to the floor, she found her saving grace-the magic carpet! It must’ve snuck through Shego’s teleportation device! The carpet raised one of its corners, signifying it was ready to help out.

“Wait, Shego!”
“Ugh...what, Princess?”
“Before you torture me further, I just have one last request.”
“Is your request about me showing you mercy? Because that ain’t happening.”
“Actually, I just noticed that interesting carpet on the floor. Where did you find it?”

“What rug?” Shego asked right before she saw the carpet on the floor. Confused and slightly annoyed, she opened the door to her room and shouted out, “Drakken! Did you put this rug in my room?!”
“No! If it’s about that weird purple rug, I saw it before. How did it wind up in your room?!”

Shego growled before turning to her captive and sinisterly smiled. “I’ll be right back, Princess. When I get back, I’ll give your tummy those kisses I promised!” With that, Shego pinched Jasmine’s cheek and left the room, closing the door behind her while muttering something about Drakken being a moron.

The second the door closed, the carpet sprang to life. It flew up to the shelf where the keys to Jasmine’s restraints were being held, scooped them up, and flew them down to the princess’ reach. Within a minute, Jasmine freed herself from the cuffs. Hearing her former captor’s footsteps approaching, she gestured for the carpet to hide itself on the ceiling while she sat down on the table.

“Sorry ‘bout that. My boss was being a moron,” she heard Shego say as she opened the door back up. “Now where were-“

The villainess stopped dead in her tracks upon seeing her captive free on the table.

“‘We’?” Jasmine offered with a smirk.
“What the-how the hell did-“ Shego uttered in a befuddled tone before Jasmine snapped her fingers. Immediately, the carpet fell from the roof right on top of the wicked woman, entangling her.

“Shego! I’ve been standing outside your door for the past two minutes listening to you laugh hysterically. You had better not be laughing at that ‘Lather, Rinse, and Obey’ rap video again!”
“That’s it! I’m coming in!”

When Drakken entered, he was stunned by what he saw: Shego was now on the floor wrapped up in that purple carpet he’d seen earlier with only her head and (now-bare) feet sticking out. The girl who Shego was carrying before was now sitting right next to her captive, tickling her feet mercilessly with a hairbrush.

“Now, say that you’re sorry,” Jasmine (not seeming to notice Drakken’s presence) haughtily ordered.
“Are you suuuuure?”
“And do you promise that after I’m done doling out the punishment you so rightfully deserve, you’ll bring me back to Agrabah?”

The mad scientist stood in the doorway for a minute. On one hand, he should probably rescue his associate. But on the other hand...this seemed like a “Shego” problem. With that, Drakken quietly closed the door and snuck down the hallway. Unfortunately, Shego must’ve seen him standing there, because he heard his associate cry out, “DRAKKEN! I SAW YOU! I WILL KILL-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-YOU!”

Drakken was now sprinting down the hallway.

The End
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