Homeward Bound: Part 8 posted (M/F)

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Homeward Bound: Part 8 posted (M/F)

Post by chaos846 »

Author's Note: So, this was an idea that had been swimming around my mind for a while. Let's see how far it goes.

Part 1: The Invitation

Eighteen-Year-Old, Lindsey Blaire, was a girl that was harshly treated by the cruel reality of the world. She was out on the streets without a family or a home. She was dressed in dirty blue T-shirt and matching sweatpants with a brick red hoodie. She does whatever she can to get by. She sits on a bench on a street corner with a cardboard sign asking for any help she can get.

Still, she did whatever she could with what little money or food she could get. She was able to at least keep her teeth in good order with a toothbrush and toothpaste that she kept in a backpack. In her backpack was also a few basic schoolbooks. It was all she could do to educate herself in what seemed like a futile attempt to get herself out of this mess. She had grown up at an orphanage, but it was burned down by a riot a few years ago, and now she's left with nothing other than her schoolbooks, a ratty set of clothes, and what little hygienic tools she has.

Surprisingly, she was in pretty good shape. She'd jog up and down the road, along with other types of exorcise during times with little traffic. She had all the time in the world to at least try to keep herself fit, after all. With each passing day, she was just hoping, and praying...

* * * *

Danial Rio was Lindsey's exact opposite. Although he grew up in a very rich family, his parents made sure he earned everything he had. With a wit sharpened by harsh tutoring, it wasn't long before this Twenty-Four-Year-Old became a Millionaire just two years ago.

Dan lives alone in a small mansion on a modest property set on a hill and was gated from any would-be intruders. As a stockbroker, he's able to work from his home, and rake in tons of money. What does he do with the money? Well, for starters...he helps people that he can see need it. He also holds a dark secret. He has a great fondness for seeing beautiful young ladies bound and gagged. A secret he has kept hidden from everyone who knows him for a very long time.

Dan sometimes had to drive out to business meetings, and these drives often took him past the bench that Lindsey usually stayed at. For the last three months Dan had stopped by a fast-food place and bought lunch for her. Unlike a lot of homeless people who might just demand money, Lindsey would thank him for the meal, and enjoy it. He also picked up a few extra schoolbooks for her from time to time, and even a first aid kit.

When Dan was stopped at the light on his way back, he'd see her on the bench with a book propped open. Here was someone who was taking the steps to make a better life for herself in spite of what was happening around her.

When he got home one day, he couldn't help but think about her. He had a ton of young ladies that were tripping over themselves to win him over. He was smart enough to know that it wasn't him they were interested in, but his wallet. They had no sense of humility at all. It was all about how he could advance them further in... whatever it is they dwell in.

And then there was Lindsey. He didn't know her name yet, but he knew that she was a better person than these other women would ever be. She had nothing. She was poor and humble. She also appreciated what she had given her so far.

Dan wanted to do something to help her but didn't know how to break it to her. He was also beginning to see an opportunity to exploit his other interest. Dan smiled, as a plan began to form. The situation was perfect: A Young Lady in need of help. Help getting into a home, as well as an education. Given her limited education, perhaps he could persuade her into embracing his secret as well.

The plan was simple: He'd invite her back to the house where she could learn a skill set as a maid around the house. She would also still be able to learn from her books and would also have a few new learning sources to work with from Him. She would simply have to indulge Dan's fantasies a bit in return. He'd also need to get her a change of clothes. She would have clothes that fit, in his mind, what a young lady should wear.

Dan made his usual stop to buy her lunch, and then made his way to the corner where Lindsey was working on some Mathematics. He rolled down his car window, Lindsey approached, and accepted the lunch with a smile, and a “thank you”.

Unlike the last few times, Dan decided to turn at the light. He pulled up on the curbside by the bench and rolled his window down again.

“What is it?” Lindsey asked, as he rolled his window down.

“I'm sick of seeing you stuck on the streets, and I'd like to help you,” Dan answered. Lindsey blinked at him.

“Help me how?” she asked.

“I'd like to invite you to my house. Where you'll be safe, and where I can help you rebuild a better life for yourself,” Dan explained.

“Why me of all people? There are plenty of other people out there, and you're the kind of of guy that should have women crawling all over you,” Lindsey questioned. She could tell by the way that Dan was dressed, and the car he was driving, he was rolling in money.

“You're not like other women I've met. You're not trying to impress me. You're trying to make a better life for yourself. I've seen you with your schoolbooks. You're grateful for what you have. These are traits I admire greatly. I think that with a nice hot shower, and a bit of know-how, you can become a fine lady,” Dan insisted. Lindsey giggled at the compliment.

“What would you have me do in return? I have almost no money, and I only know a little bit of house cleaning, really,” Lindsey told him.

“I will help educate you in that regard. All I'm asking is for a few favors in return from time to time. That's all,” Dan responded. Lindsey thought about this for a second. This stranger had been the only thing close to a friend that she had for the last three months. He never showed any signs of ill intent either. The look in his eyes right now said quite clearly that he wanted to help. Lindsey finally nodded yes.

“I-I'd like that,” Lindsey replied.

“In that case, what size clothes do you wear?” He then asked her.

“Why do you ask?” Lindsey asked back. She looked at him with a bit suspicion

“Well, naturally you'll need something nicer to wear than... that,” Dan answered, making note of Lindsey's less than adequate attire. Lindsey gave him the size of what she was currently wearing. “Alright, next week then?” He then asked her.

“Sure,” Lindsey said. She was still just a tad skeptical about this, but she was ready to believe that anything would be better than living like this. She and Dan shook hands, and with that, He left, and went about his business for the day.

Over the next week, Dan made trips out to various clothing outlets to find the perfect clothes for her. (Still remembering her lunch as well.) Whatever he couldn't find in the stores he ordered online from various clothing sites. He also ordered several rolls of microfoam tape as well as duct tape. The last thing on his list was a pair of soft handcuffs that fastened together with velcro straps...

https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com ... mvhmyL.jpg

Out of all the handcuff options, these looked the most comfortable. Though, when he took them out of the box, he saw that the chain connecting the cuffs was too long. He thought that the cuffs should be connected closer together, and all he needed for that was a tiny padlock. This would connect the cuffs much closer together.

With the stage set, it was time to enact the plan. He made his usual meeting trip out and remembered her lunch as well. On his way home, he pulled up his car onto the roadside curb. He saw Lindsey shivering as she began walking back to...whatever she might use as a shelter from the cold. Dan almost looked angry at seeing this. She did not deserve to spend the Christmas Season freezing on the streets.

Dan pulled his car up beside the curb, and she turned to face it. She then saw the window roll down to reveal Dan smiling at her.

“Back Seat door is open,” He told her.

“Thank you.” She spoke. She opened the door and climbed into the car. She was glad to finally be somewhere warm, as the car drove down the road.

“You're welcome,” Dan said back.

“My name is Lindsey, by the way,” She then stated. Dan smiled.

“I'm Danial, but you can call me Dan,” He greeted back. “Nice to meet you, Lindsey.”

* * * *

Dan punched in the code to open the gate, and Lindsey got a great view of the mansion as the car drove up the driveway, and into the parking garage. Being the perfect gentleman, Dan allowed her to enter first.

Lindsey was awestruck by the size of such a house. The living room alone could have fit the orphanage she used to live in.

“This place is so huge. Do you live alone?” She asked.

“Yeah, more or less. I've always been used to doing things myself,” Dan answered. Lindsey was getting a very humble vibe from him. He was clearly rich, and could easily afford to hire help, but instead, he chose to do the work himself. Dan allowed her a few minutes to take everything in. she paced slowly and admired the decor.

“It's wonderful,” She told him.

“Would you like to see your room?” He then asked her.

“Yeah, sure,” She answered. Dan directed her up the flight of stairs, and down a hallway. He then stopped at the end of it where a door was present on the right.

“This room is yours now. It has a full bathroom to the left as well,” Dan explained. “Why don't you have a nice long shower and put on the bathrobe that's hanging on the door. I'll fix us some dinner,” He then stated, as he opened the door to the room. Lindsey saw that the bedroom had everything it could need and was about the size of most Suite rooms in a grand hotel.

“Okay, thank you,” Lindsey said, and with that, Dan left her in privacy.

Lindsey did as Dan had suggested. She shed her grubby outfit and stepped into a nice warm shower. She had never felt anything so wonderful in her life. She could feel all the dirt and grime fading away to reveal that she was indeed a very fetching young lass with beautiful green eyes, and light brunette hair that reached just passed her shoulder blades.

When she was done, she donned a pink bathrobe that was hanging from a hook on the bathroom door. She tied the belt around her waist, and then went to work on combing her hair. With all the dirt and grime gone, She was almost unsure if she was really seeing herself in the mirror. It seemed as if the nightmare was finally over.

Dan knocked on the door to her room, and she walked over to answer it.

“You look so much better already,” Dan complimented. Lindsey smiled.

“Thanks,” She said back.

“Anyways, Dinner's ready,” Dan then told her.

Dan guided her back downstairs and into the dining room where two plates of steak were set at the table. There was also a pair of large serving bowls that held mashed potatoes and green beans. Lindsey didn't know much about table etiquette, so she just watched Dan and followed his lead. Something he had picked up on.

“You learn quickly,” He stated, noticing she was copying his lead. She smiled at him.

“I've always been a quick learner. I just haven't been able to learn much,” She told him.

“Why don't you tell me your story,” Dan then suggested. Lindsey sighed a bit, but then told him what happened to her. About how her mother died in a car accident, and how her father took up drinking out of grief, and eventually died from that. She told him about her time in the orphanage where she was at least able to learn how to read, write, and do some basic math. Finally, she told him about the riot that burned the place down, and how she fled the city.

“I lost my Birth Certificate in the fire, and without that, I couldn't get a job. So, for the last five years, I've been sitting on that bench trying to-” She trailed off, as she knew that Dan knew the rest.

“I'm so sorry,” Dan said, in a mournful tone. Lindsey nodded in response. “That will change tomorrow,” Dan responded. “Tomorrow, I will take you through the first steps on what I look for in a lady,” He then stated. Lindsey smiled again.

“I'd like that,” She said.

“Furthermore, I know a few people that can help you with your identity problem,” Dan then mentioned. Lindsey blinked at him. “Like Birth Certificate, and Social Security, and such,” He then explained.

“Thank you,” Lindsey said, as she smiled, and finished her dinner.

With the evening coming to a close, Dan was ready to watch some television, but Lindsey preferred a different form of entertainment. She preferred to do something rather than watch a screen, and if there was nothing to do...

“Do you have any books I could read?” She then asked.

Dan nodded and led her into a Study that had fully stocked library filled with all manner of books that she could entertain herself with. For three hours she was reading until she was finally tired enough to go to bed. Dan led her back to her room and got out a nightgown from the dresser for her to wear to bed. Lindsey thanked him, and finally nestled into bed. The bed felt like a soft fluffy cloud, and she had no trouble falling asleep.

As for Dan, he was pleased to see that she looked truly happy for the first time since he met her. Everything was coming together, in every sense of the phrase. He had asked her to let him help her, and she had accepted. All that remained was how to introduce her to the art of bondage. He needed to do so in a way that she would embrace it rather than fear it.
Last edited by chaos846 2 years ago, edited 8 times in total.
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Post by some_wanderer »

Looks promising.
If your story has a little sister tied up by their brother,

I'll be there with comment and rating 👍
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Post by chaos846 »

Part 2: The Set Up

Dan was at his computer figuring out a few numbers while he tried to think of a way to introduce Lindsey to the art of Bondage. It's not exactly something on the standard path of hobbies and requires a high degree of trust as well. He knew that he'd have to tell her if he was to perform it. The question was how. What did he know of Lindsey at this time?

As he scanned the screen, he had a thought. Approaching her with the subject could be dicey, but perhaps there could be a way for her to bring it up to him. How could he go about this? He'd have to drop a hint or leave a clue behind. Something to get her to ask questions. If she was the one to ask the questions, and allow him to fill in the blanks, then there might be a better chance of this working out.

Dan got up from his computer. He pulled out the handcuffs he had purchased a while back, and also both tapes. He also grabbed a small pair of scissors. He then took all the items down into the study. The place that Lindsey was most likely to visit at any given moment. He walked over to the end table at the end of one of the couches and opened the top drawer. He put the items inside the drawer and left it only half closed. Perhaps she might get curious enough to look inside. Dan smiled at his genius. With the trap set, it was time for him to also head to bed himself.

Lindsey was woken up by the sound of a car honking its horn. She was then mortified to see that everything that had happened yesterday was all just a wonderful dream. She was still in her ratty clothes. She was still on the bench begging for help. She sighed to herself. She was almost about to cry.
She then started hearing voices in her mind...

“No one likes you!”
“You're a rat, it's what you'll always be!”
“Now get out into that horrible world!”

Lindsey then saw a car pull up beside her. She recognized it as Dan's car. She was overcome with joy...until she saw the window roll down. Inside the car was not Dan, but a gruff man with a scraggly beard, and a harsh looking face. The face of her good-for-nothing Father, as well as the source of the voice.

“See you in hell, Rat!” He shouted. He then backed the car up and turned the front towards her. Lindsey was too frightened to move. The car's motor revved, and it came at her full speed.

Right as the car was about to make impact. Lindsey woke with a start. She was breathing heavily. She took a moment to recover from the nightmare. She realized she had been crying as well and wiped the tears from her eyes. She looked around to see that she was still at Dan's House, and she was sleeping in the same lovely bed she had crawled into.

Lindsey breathed a sigh of relief and made a trip to the restroom. Once she was done, she decided to open the drapes on her window. The streetlights, and porch lights illuminated a light snowstorm. Lindsey watched it for a little bit. From the comfort of the house, it was much more beautiful. After a minute or so, she crawled back into bed.

“No one likes you!” She heard her father's voice say. But then she smiled.

“You're wrong,” She breathed, knowing full well that Someone did, indeed, like her enough to get her out of the hellhole her father put her in.

* * * *

Lindsey woke up the next morning at around eight O'clock. She wasn't feeling as rested as she'd like to be after the nightmare, but she was pleased to see that everything with Dan was indeed very real. She knew she'd have to get dressed soon. She opened a few drawers in the dresser and saw that it was stocked with an assortment of women's undergarments. This seemed...odd. She then opened another door that had a large mirror on it to find a walk-in closet. A closet that was empty. Other than the nightgown, and her grubby clothes, she had nothing to wear.

“Well, maybe I can freshen up,” She said to herself. She adjourned to the bathroom and washed her face. She looked at herself in the mirror, and seeing her own smiling face made her feel much better. Lindsey left the bathroom to put on a pair of the undergarments. She couldn't help but notice that they fit surprisingly well. She slipped the nightgown back on, and then walked back into the bathroom to do her hair.

After combing her hair out again, she needed something to hold it back. She opened a few drawers to find various bathroom items, but one of the top drawers had a pair of silver barrettes. She took them and applied them to her hair to keep it back. As she left the bathroom, she got a knock on her bedroom door.

“Come in,” Lindsey responded. She was unsurprised to see that it was Dan. He was dressed in what could only be described as Office attire with a pair of slacks, and a blue oxford shirt with a white T-shirt underneath.

“How did you sleep?” He asked her.

“Well, I had a nightmare in the middle of it, but other than that, it was wonderful,” Lindsey answered.

“Oh, I'm sorry to hear that,” Dan said. Lindsey then told him about it.

“But then I remembered you,” She finished. Dan smiled.

“I'm glad to hear that,” He said. “Now, before we cook breakfast, I need to go over a few things with you. First of all: Your Clothes,” He then stated. Lindsey scowled a bit.

“All I have is this, the bathrobe, and the grubby stuff laying on the floor over there,” She pointed out.

“Oh, that's where you're wrong,” Dan corrected. He left briefly, and upon his return, revealed what looked like an outfit for her to wear. He laid out each piece on the bed for her to see in full detail.

It was a pair of nice black opaque fleece tights...
https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/41V ... UX342_.jpg
A flared plaid skater skirt
and a black button up shirt with long sleeves, and a nice collar
https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com ... L1500_.jpg

“Oh my goodness,” Lindsey said, in a hushed tone, as she watched Dan lay the outfit on the bed. She looked it over and felt the pieces with her hands. The material was very good quality, and likely expensive as a result. “Thi-this is really for me?” She then asked, wondering if she was dreaming again.

“Yes, it is, Young Lady,” Dan answered.

“Will it fit me?” She finally asked.

“Of course it will, you told me your size, remember?” Dan reminded her.

Lindsey did in fact remember that day Dan had asked what size she wears. It would also explain a couple other things as well.

“I... don't know what to say,” Lindsey said.

“Well, before you try it on, I want to point out a couple things,” Dan Insisted. Lindsey nodded to show she was listening. “The first is that your shirt should always be tucked into your skirt. The second is that your shirt must be buttoned up, but not the top two buttons. Leave the top two undone,” Dan instructed.

Lindsey nodded, and took the outfit into the closet. She couldn't wait to try it on. After closing the door to give herself some privacy, she took off her nightgown and hung it up on the railing. Her hands were almost trembling. She pulled on her new tights first. Not only did they fit perfectly, but they were also quite warm and cozy. Perfect for late November to early December.

Next she slipped her skirt on over the tights. The skirt had a nice bit of flare to it, and Lindsey found it particularly cute. It was now time for her shirt. She buttoned it according to Dan's instructions and tucked it into her skirt. She then shifted her hair back the way it was again. With her new outfit on, she took in a deep breath of anticipation. The outfit certainly felt good. Lindsey was sure it must look good too. She opened the door to the closet, and walked out to a very approving smile from Dan.

“Now this is more like it!” Dan stated, in a proud tone. Lindsey was smiling at the compliment, and Dan then closed the closet door, so that she could look at herself in the mirror. Lindsey was almost stunned.

“Oh my,” She breathed, as she looked herself over. For so long she was stuck wearing slummy t-shirts, sweatpants, and hoodies. Now, for the first time in her life, Lindsey saw herself wearing a nice new outfit that looked polished, put together, and cute.

“What do you think?” Dan asked. Lindsey continued beaming at her reflection as she answered.

“It looks very nice. I love it,” Lindsey said, in a very perky voice, and then turned to face him. “Thank you so much,” She then stated.

“You're very welcome, Young Lady,” Dan responded, which made Lindsey chuckle a bit. She certainly felt a lot more like a lady with this outfit.

“Now then, how much do you know about basic housekeeping and cooking?” He then asked her. Lindsey was no stranger to the duties of a Maid given what she's read in her books, and a few chores that she performed at the orphanage. She just shrugged.

“I can sweep a floor and dust a shelf, but that's about it. I'm not much of a cook, because I never had a chance to learn,” She told him.

“That's okay, I'm here to help you learn,” Dan responded. “What about proper posture for a Lady?” He then asked.

“Nope,” Lindsey said. This was another one of Dan's set ups.

“Let's start with posture,” He then explained.

“Meaning...what?” Lindsey asked, folding her arms in front of her.

“Well, for starters, placing your hands behind your back looks much more flattering than having your arms folded like that,” He suggested. Lindsey responded by unfolding her arms and placing her hands behind her back.

“Like this?” She chirped.

“Yes, just like that,” Dan confirmed. This was another one of his clever tricks to condition her for his little hobby when he was ready to introduce it to her.

“Out of curiosity, why behind my back?” She asked. Dan had the perfect answer for her.

“Placing your hands behind your back is a sign of respect, self-confidence, and shows that you are relaxed,” He explained to her. “And as I mentioned, it looks very flattering,” He then added. Lindsey turned to face the mirror to see how she looked with her hands behind her back.

“I think I see what you mean,” Lindsey confirmed. She couldn't help but feel a bit smarter having her hands clasped behind her back. Especially with such a nice outfit as well.

“And on that note, I think the time has come for us to make breakfast, and for you to take your first cooking lesson,” Dan then told her. Lindsey nodded.

“I'm ready,” She stated.

As they both left the room, Lindsey began to evaluate her situation. For the first time in her life, she finally felt like she had a home. Yesterday she was freezing on the streets. Now she was in a nice house and was accompanied by the first person in the world who seemed to actually care about her. For the first time in her life, Lindsey actually felt happy.
Last edited by chaos846 2 years ago, edited 10 times in total.
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Post by Bandit666 »

This is a great start to the story. Has just the right amount of festive spirit without going over board. I hope you’ll find plenty of ideas to keep this tale flowing for a while. Thanks for sharing
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Post by chaos846 »

Author's note: I should point out that I have not given up on Whitefire. I just wanted to get this one down while i was thinking about it.
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Post by chaos846 »

Part 3: The Build Up

Dan led Lindsey down the hall, and then down the stairs. The two then crossed the living room, and passed the dining room to finally make their way into the kitchen. The Kitchen had everything a kitchen could possibly need, and was almost big enough to fit her new bedroom in it.

“So, we'll start with something simple,” Dan stated. “We're going to make scrambled eggs with bacon, and toast,” He then told her. Lindsey nodded in response, and followed his every step. She watched him pull out a pan from a cupboard under the counter, and he turned to her. “The first thing to remember is that this pan is for eggs,” He then insisted, as he made sure she got a good look at it.

“Why do you have a pan that's just for eggs?” Lindsey asked.

“This pan has a surface that isn't as sticky, so cooking eggs in it isn't as messy,” Dan explained to her. Lindsey nodded her understanding. “It's also the only pan I have that's red on the outside,” He then added.

“Very clever,” Lindsey chirped, knowing that the pan having a different color makes it easy to identify. Dan set the pan on the stove and set the heat to low. He then turned to her.

“Are you ready?” Dan asked her.

“Yes, I am,” Lindsey answered.

Dan then proceeded to teach Lindsey the art of cooking. After getting out another pan, and a few plates, He taught her how to cook the bacon, and that she should always wash her hands after handling raw meat. He then taught her how to cook the eggs while he got the toast cooking in the toaster. Lindsey held onto every word he spoke, and within a few more minutes, she had successfully made breakfast for the both of them.

Dan then showed her the art of plating a dish, and the fact that you always eat with your eyes first. He carefully dished out some eggs and bacon onto a plate while she watched and copied him. He decided to not take the plates into the dining room but placed them on the Island in the middle of the kitchen. The Island had four sitting stools present as well, so it made sense that they'd have breakfast here, since it was just the two of them.

Last but not least, he taught her how to set the silverware out. Forks and spoons on the left, and knives on the right. A drink was to be placed on the upper right corner of the person's spot at the “table”. They both then poured themselves a cup of orange juice to reflect this.

“And there ya have it,” Dan stated, when they were done. Lindsey looked quite pleased with herself.

“That was fun,” She chirped.

“Well, let's not stand here, and wait for our food to get cold,” Dan suggested, and the two sat down on the stools to enjoy their meal. Lindsey took a bite and found that she did a pretty darn good job for her first attempt at actual cooking. She then noticed that Dan kept casting a look at her with each bite he took.

“Why do you keep looking at me?” She asked, with an innocent smile.

“I'm just marveling at how much happier you are right now,” Dan told her. Lindsey chuckled and finished another bite of her breakfast.

“I am too, and I thank you very much for all this,” She told him. Dan nodded his response to her.

Once breakfast was done, Dan showed her that she should rinse everything off, and then load it into the dishwasher. The dishwasher wasn't full yet, so there was no reason to run it at this time.

“What do we do now?” Lindsey then asked him, as she remembered to clasp her hands behind her back.

“Well, I have a few things in my office to take care of, and then you and I have project to take care of,” Dan told her. Lindsey just nodded.

“In that case, I'll be in the study continuing my book until you're ready,” She responded. With that, they both parted ways: Dan upstairs, and Lindsey to the study. Well, Lindsey actually got herself a drink of water first, and then headed to the study.

* * * *

Lindsey set her drink on the end table, and then happily sat on the couch with her book from last night propped open. Her eyes scanned each line, and paragraph, as she immersed herself in the world of a Detective who's girlfriend had just gotten herself into a spot of trouble from a mystery attacker.

Lindsey paused briefly and took a sip of water. As she set her cup down, she noticed that one of the drawers had been left open. She didn't remember it being left open last night, but perhaps Dan was in the study after she went to bed. Perhaps he had opened it and forgot to close it. Lindsey decided to take a peek inside. She saw two different rolls of tape, a pair of scissors, a tiny padlock, and two odd straps with velcro on them.

“Odd,” Lindsey said, as she then closed the drawer, and went back to her book. As she read, however, she kept casting a look back to the drawer like she was afraid something would jump out at her.

“Oh, Lindsey,” She heard Dan call. She looked over to see him standing in the doorway. She set her book down on the armrest of the couch and walked over to him. “You look like you're enjoying that book,” He then commented.

“Oh yes. It's a criminal mystery,” Lindsey told him, as they walked up the stairs.

“I wouldn't know. I have most of those books for collection reasons,” Dan said. “How's it been?” He then asked. Lindsey's answer made his heart skip a beat.

“Well, The Detective's Girlfriend just got knocked out, and now she's tied on a couch with her mouth taped shut,” Lindsey explained. Dan nodded to her while doing his best to hide his own interest. Lindsey didn't notice, because she was trying to hide a thought of her own. She couldn't help but wonder: “What is that like?”

“Oh dear, I wonder how that will play out?” Dan stated. Lindsey just shrugged.

“I'll tell you later when I finish it,” She responded. Dan nodded with a smile, and the two continued to Lindsey's room. Lindsey looked quite shocked to see a few large cardboard boxes on the floor.

“Uh, what are these?” She asked.

“Your wardrobe,” Dan replied.

“My...wardrobe?” She questioned.

“You don't think that outfit was the only one I got for you, did you?” Dan asked her back, with a cheeky little grin. Lindsey blinked at him.

“Seriously?” She asked, seeing that he had once again gone this far out of his way for her. But then again, Lindsey remembered that a couple thousand dollars likely wasn't much for him.

“Oh, by the way, you may want to keep the nightgown in your dresser,” Dan then mentioned. Lindsey had only now just remembered she had left it in the closet.

“Oh my gosh, I completely forgot about that,” She stated, feeling a bit embarrassed.

“It's alright,” Dan reassured her, with a little laugh.

The two of them opened the boxes, and began emptying the contents. They spent the next hour hanging the new clothes up neatly in the closet. On the left side were a good number of long sleeve button up shirts just like the one Lindsey was wearing right now. Most of them were black, but there were a few white ones as well. Behind those were several v-neck sweaters, and even a few plaid flannel shirts. She also now had a dozen or so skater skirts in various colors, as well as a few polo shirts. Dan certainly seemed to like the preppy schoolgirl look for women.

On the right side of the closet were a few jackets, a couple good winter coats, and even some sportswear. Below these on the floor were a few pairs of shoes, and a pair of winter boots. The last box contained a dozen or so more tights for her. Most of them were black, but she had a few navy, and wine red options as well. These were put into the second drawer of her dresser.

“You seriously bought all of this for me?” Lindsey asked, looking quite shocked. Everything looked like it must have cost what most people make in a month.

“I meant what I said, and I really don't have anything else to spend it on, to be honest,” Dan answered. The last items to put away were two pairs of cozy pajama sets into the top drawer of the dresser. The finishing touch was Dan hanging a piece of paper in a plastic sleeve on the closet doorknob.

Dress Code, Weekdays only

“Tights not required in hot weather”
“All Shirts must be tucked in”
“Shirts must look neat and proper. (Buttoned up. Top two buttons undone)"

“Fair enough,” Lindsey stated, after reading it. She noted that “Weekdays Only” must mean that all these rules don't apply to weekends.

With the project done, perhaps she could finish her book. Well, unless Dan had something else for her to do, of course. As they walked back downstairs, Lindsey's mind then tracked back to the items she saw in the drawer in the study.

“Um, Dan?” She asked.

“Yes?” Dan asked back, as the two of them stopped in the living room.

“I spotted. some... odd things in one of the drawers in the study,” Lindsey told him. Dan was trying to keep calm, but on the inside, he was cheering. She had taken the bait.

“Oh?” Dan responded.

“Yeah, it was a pair of straps, and some tape,” Lindsey explained. “What are those for?” She asked him. Dan had his answer planned, but then he thought back to what Lindsey had told him about her book, and decided to improvise with a more comedic response.

“Well, the study is a room for quiet, so if someone makes too much noise, I use those straps as handcuffs, and tape their mouth shut,” He told her, in a joking tone. This got a laugh out of Lindsey.

“Have you ever had to use them?” She then asked. Dan grinned.

“Nope, not yet,” He replied. This was it. Lindsey was asking questions. She would have more for sure as well. He had been preparing an answer for as many as he could think of. Perhaps what happened next was just meant to be...

“Do you mind... if I try them on?” Lindsey asked. She could have asked so many things, and she had picked the one question he was not ready for.
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Post by some_wanderer »

She asked for it...

Reading intensifies (insert wiping sweat meme).

I'm very much enjoying this story.
If your story has a little sister tied up by their brother,

I'll be there with comment and rating 👍
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Post by Bandit666 »

Wonderful she walked straight into his trap. I so hope she likes how it feels. And accepts his kinky ideas as easily as she did the hands behind the back and the top two buttons undone.
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Post by chaos846 »

Bandit666 wrote: 2 years ago Wonderful she walked straight into his trap. I so hope she likes how it feels. And accepts his kinky ideas as easily as she did the hands behind the back and the top two buttons undone.
Yeah, Lindsey's lack of education due to being an orphan and homeless for so long, does make her an easy target for etiquette conditioning (hands behind her back, and such). And again, as far as clothes go, she had pretty much none of her own, so Dan could dress her up however he wanted. As for Dan's trap, one could argue that she RAN into it, and that kinda threw him off.
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Post by chaos846 »

Part 4: The First Step

Dan just blinked at her for a moment. He had a full game plan ready, and Lindsey just completely flipped it around. If he obliged her now, she might get suspicious. He decided that the best move was to let her control the conversation.

“Um, I don't mind, but why would you want to?” He asked her, hinting that her request was a bit strange. Lindsey just shrugged.

“Well, I was thinking about the book, and then what you said, and I was just kinda curious,” Lindsey responded. “I know it sounds really odd,” She added, sounding a bit embarrassed. Dan just smiled.

“As odd as it is, It's actually more common than you might think,” Dan told her. Lindsey blinked at him. “Bondage is actually a very popular art,” He then explained.

“What's Bondage?” Lindsey asked. Dan decided to bend the answer a bit to suit his interests.

“Bondage is the art of having someone, usually a lady, bound and gagged,” He answered. “A lot of people actually have a lot of fun with it, as long as it's done correctly and safely,” He then explained. Lindsey looked thoughtful for a moment.

“How do so many people come to like it?” Lindsey asked. Dan now looked thoughtful.

“I can't really say,” He answered. “I guess it's one of those things where you don't know until you simply try it,” He then explained, in a way that might prompt her just that little bit further.

“You seem to know an awful lot about this,” Lindsey then pointed out. Dan knew this would come up, and he held nothing back from her as he told her his story...

Apparently, His brother, and one of his classmates really enjoyed tying each other up with ropes. They were the ones who did a lot of the research, and Dan just picked up some of the knowledge by proxy. These two were the real fanatics, and Dan would usually be on standby as a third party if something went wrong.

“Over time though, it just kinda grew on me a bit as well. I picked up these cuffs, and just kept um hidden in the study on the chance that he and friend, now wife I might add, wanted to use them,” He explained. Dan couldn't help but feel a bit guilty about that last part, as it wasn't entirely truthful. “Or if someone makes too much noise in the study,” He then added, reflecting on his joke from earlier. He was hoping that his revelation, and the way he told it, would increase Lindsey's curiosity.

“Well, I'm willing to try it if you are,” Lindsey stated. Dan thought about it for a moment, or rather, he pretended to think about it for a moment.

“Well, alright then,” He said, and with that.

The two of them entered the study, and Dan walked over to the drawer. He pulled both of the velcro straps out, and laid them on the couch. Lindsey eyed them with anticipation. These would be around her wrists soon. Dan picked one up, and held it for her to see. Lindsey extended her right hand to him. He gave it a cheeky little kiss which made her snicker, and he then wrapped the cuff around her wrist.

“It's very soft,” Lindsey complimented.

“Yeah, the metal ones kinda hurt,” Dan said. He then gave her left hand the same treatment. Last but not least, he needed to secure the cuffs together. He took out the tiny padlock, and brought Lindsey's hands together in front of her. He overlapped the D-rings on the cuffs, and clicked the padlock into place over the middle loop.

“Alright, what do you think?” Dan asked her. Lindsey looked at her hands, now bound by the cuffs. She playfully tugged at them, and saw that they were quite secure, but the soft material made them comfortable as well.

“Feels weird,” Lindsey answered. “I don't know how to explain it,” She then added, as she continued to test her bonds. Dan thought she looked like a cat playing with a tinfoil ball for the first time.

“Is it comfortable?” He then asked her.

“Yeah, it's just-” She started.

“Yes?” Dan asked. Lindsey hesitated for a second, but then continued.

“In my book, the girl has her hands behind her back, and I was wondering if I could try that,” Lindsey suggested. As much as Dan would have loved to accept this request, he knew better. He knew that if he obliged too quickly, and too willingly, she might start to get a bad impression. Even without that factor, it was just bad practice for a beginner, and Lindsey needed to know why.

“Lindsey, this is an activity that revolves around trust,” Dan started, and then went into better detail. “Remember that these are restraints. Once they're on, you are trusting someone to let you go at some point. With your hands in front of you, you can still do other things while wearing the cuffs, so it's not as... nerve racking,” He explained.

“Yeah, you're right,” Lindsey said, with an understanding nod.

“I think it's best that we see how you feel after wearing them in front of you today,” Dan insisted. Lindsey nodded in agreement. She only now realized how foolish she was, and was grateful that Dan did not exploit it.

* * * *

Lindsey only had the cuffs removed for lunch time, and after they were done, the cuffs went right back on. She spent the afternoon trying to do some schoolwork as well. Trying to do it while handcuffed certainly added a new challenge to the activity. She'd have to remember her other hand being dragged along with whatever she was writing down.

Dan was also a good sport, and helped her check her work, and also reminded her to see him if the cuffs ever started to become uncomfortable for her. Eventually it was time for dinner, and Lindsey was ready for her next lesson in cooking.

“So, what are we making?” She asked, as Dan removed the cuffs.

“We will be making Mashed potatoes with turkey gravy, and steamed broccoli with hollandaise sauce,” Dan answered, as he then pulled out some potatoes he had boiled earlier.

Dan let Lindsey do the fun mashing part. He then walked her through making the gravy, and ensured that it was well seasoned. Next, he took out some turkey pieces from his thanksgiving turkey, and added it to the gravy. Steaming the broccoli was easy, and the sauce was equally simple as well.

“How's that?” Lindsey asked, as she finished drizzling some sauce on the broccoli of Dan's plate.

“Looks excellent, Lindsey,” Dan complimented. The two then took their plates to the dining room, and sat down to eat. “So, how did the cuffs feel?” He asked her.

“Oh, it was fine. It added an interesting challenge to some of my activities. I kinda like that,” She answered.

“No discomfort at any time?” Dan asked, eyeing her.

“Nope,” Lindsey chirped. “By the way, thank you for having me not rush into it too fast,” She then added.

“Oh, absolutely,” Dan replied.

Once dinner was finished, Lindsey rinsed off the plates, and loaded them into the dishwasher. There was now enough to run, so Dan showed her how to load it with the soap, and set it to run. Once this was done, Lindsey made her way to The Study to finish her book. The Detective was able to rescue his friend, but the perpetrator escaped. Luckily for Lindsey, Dan had what looked like the whole series, so she'd be able to continue later on. Right now...it was time for bed.

“He rescued her, but the assailant got away,” She told Dan.

“I should have that whole series,” Dan said.

“Yeah, I saw, I'm gonna pick up the next one tomorrow,” Lindsey stated. With that, they parted ways upstairs.

Lindsey made her way to her room, and looked over at her closet door. It was almost a shame to have to take this outfit off. She loved it so much. She diced to have another look in the mirror as long as she was here. She smiled at her reflection, and placed her hands behind her back. Dan had made quite an impression on her, as she really liked how this looked.

But, it was time to get ready for bed. Lindsey took her outfit off, and placed it into a basket, and put her nightgown back on. She went to the restroom to brush her teeth, but she didn't go to bed right away. She walked over to the window, and just looked out over what she could see. She could see the first signs of Christmas decorations being put up. This might be the first Christmas she'd enjoy in a long time.
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Post by Trammel »

Very well written and intriguing story. I'm liking it.
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Post by chaos846 »

Part 5: The Surrender

Lindsey woke up the next morning feeling much more rested. She started the day by going to the restroom. After she was done, she looked over at her clock, and saw that it was about Six O'clock which she thought was a bit early, but she didn't think she could get back to sleep again. She looked out her window, and saw that it was still dark outside. She just shrugged, and decided that she'd simply get an early start on the day.

Lindsey took a shower, and then fixed her hair. Now it was time for her to get dressed. She went to her dresser to pick out a pair of tights. She decided to go with another pair of black ones. She then walked to the closet to check her options. She looked at the skirts first, and she spotted a Navy one with white stripes near the hem which she liked.
https://i.pinimg.com/564x/95/d9/68/95d9 ... f551e2.jpg

Now she needed a shirt. She really liked the black button-up shirt from yesterday, and she had several more just like it hanging in the closet, but she decided to try something else for today. She looked over her options, and something caught her eye...
https://shop.hoolywood.de/images/produc ... -white.jpg

She liked the feel of this shirt, and she thought that the stripes on the collar and cuffs looked particularly cute. She decided that this would be her outfit for the day. After she got dressed, she tucked her shirt in as before, and made sure that everything looked nice and neat. She then noted that this shirt only had two buttons to work with, so she assumed that she needed to leave them both undone.

With her outfit done, she then went to the bathroom to fix her hair. Dan was nice enough to also leave her a reference sheet that featured a few nice hair styles, and how to do them. She put her hair into a half-up half-down style, and then stepped in front of the wall mirror to get a good look at herself. Another really cute outfit. She was ready for the day.

Since it was still really early, and since Dan was likely still sleeping, Lindsey decided to head downstairs, and attempt to make breakfast. She headed into the kitchen, and began opening drawers. She knew one of them had to contain a cookbook or two...or about forty-seven, as the next drawer she opened revealed a massive cookbook collection.

Lindsey pulled one book out and set it on the counter. She flipped through a few recipes until she found a simple one for pancakes. She also noticed a note clipped to the page. This likely wasn't something for her given that she saw a few of these throughout the book, and the paper had been a bit worn. Lindsey looked over what she needed, and began her task.

After performing each step, she'd always check the book again to make sure she did it right. Within a few minutes, she was now cooking pancakes on the stove. While she waited to flip each one, she'd slowly pace with her hands behind her back. She then got to thinking: Would she be ready to have her hands cuffed behind her back? Would she experience having her mouth taped shut at some point?

“Look at you cooking breakfast,” She heard behind her. Lindsey's thoughts trailed off, and she turned her head to see Dan had entered the kitchen. He was dressed fairly similar to yesterday. She smiled at him.

“Good Morning,” She greeted.

“Good Morning, Lindsey,” He greeted back. “I went to see how you were doing only to find you here,” He then told her.

“I woke up early, and I thought when you woke up, you'd like to have a nice hot breakfast waiting for you,” She explained. Dan smiled at her, as she flipped the pancake.

“That was very thoughtful of you,” Dan complimented, he then looked her over. “And I see you've picked out a nice fetching outfit as well,” He then added. Lindsey let out a little laugh.

“Thank you,” She said, as she turned her attention back to the pan, to put the finished pancake in the oven. The note in the cookbook had informed her that setting the oven to low, and setting the finished pancakes on a sheet pan are a good way to keep them warm while the rest are still cooking.

“You know, a lot of Girls your age hate the preppy school uniform look, but you seem to really like it,” Dan stated.

“I think it looks really cute,” Lindsey said back.

“That red polo shirt looks really nice with the navy skirt,” Dan pointed out. Lindsey smiled, and nodded in agreement, and within a few minutes, breakfast was done. It was now Dan's turn to add his own touch to them. He went to the fridge, and pulled out an assortment of berries, as well as a can of whipped cream.

Both of them added their choice of condiments to their pancakes, and then sat down at the counter again to eat. Lindsey took a bite, and was quite pleased with how they tasted. She had done well.

“How are they?” She asked Dan. He nodded as he finished his bite.

“Lindsey, you did a great job,” He complimented. Lindsey couldn't help but smile. All her life she wanted to do something productive, and have it appreciated.

“So, what work detail do you have for me today?” She then asked him.

“Well, after lunch, we both have a project in the living room,” Dan told her. “I always put the Christmas Tree up on the First of December,” He then explained.

“Sounds like fun,” Lindsey stated. She then thought for a moment. “Dan?” She then asked.

“Yes?” He asked back.

“Do you mind if I try the cuffs on again later?” Lindsey asked him. He nodded, as he was finishing his bite.

“I was about to ask you about that,” He told her.

“I really enjoyed having them on yesterday. It was a fun challenge,” Lindsey stated.

“Well, having your hands cuffed behind your back will be an even bigger challenge,” Dan told her. Lindsey blinked at him with an almost hopeful look in her eyes.

“I'm going to have my hands behind my back?” She asked in confirmation.

“If you want, yes,” Dan answered. “Of course, this will be an even bigger challenge to deal with,” He then added.

“I know, but that's what makes it fun,” Lindsey told him. Dan awkwardly nodded at this.

“Alright, we can do it after breakfast,” Dan stated. Lindsey nodded in agreement. “I also have a little surprise for you as well,” He then added.

“Oh,” Lindsey chirped with a slight giggle at the idea.

Once they were done, They loaded their dishes into the dishwasher, and Lindsey decided to take it upon herself to give the kitchen floor a light sweep. Once she was done, she put the broom back, and headed to the study where Dan was waiting for her.. As she entered, she saw Dan rummaging around in “that” drawer. He then revealed the cuffs from yesterday.

“Alright, hold out a hand for me,” He instructed. Dan wrapped the cuff around her right wrist as before. Lindsey was also now able to appreciate the soft fur lining on the interior of the cuffs. Dan then did the same with her left wrist. Lindsey looked at each cuff on her hands, and she began to feel her heart flutter with anticipation.

Dan walked around behind her, and then placed his hand upon her left wrist. He made sure not to actually grip her wrist. He just simply placed his hand upon hers, and used it as a guide. Lindsey allowed Dan to gently guide her left hand around behind her back. He then held it in place for a second.

“Ready?” Dan asked her. Lindsey nodded yes. Dan then guided her right hand around behind her back as well. Lindsey heard the padlock snap which meant that the cuffs were secured together now. As Dan walked back around in front of her, Lindsey tugged at the cuffs. They didn't budge. Dan noted the smile on her face as she tugged at her bonds. She seemed to really like having her hands bound behind her back.

“I don't know why, but I really like this,” Lindsey stated. She stopped struggling once she realized it was futile. There was a certain exhilaration in knowing that her only chance at freedom was when Dan decided to set her free.

“I'm glad you're enjoying it,” Dan said to her. “Any discomfort?” He then asked.

“No, it feels great,” Lindsey chirped. Dan allowed her a moment to take it all in. this was more than he could have hoped for: A Lovely Schoolgirl with her hands bound behind her back, and who seemed to be enjoying it. Perhaps she'd be willing to go just one step further...

“Lindsey, are you ready for the surprise?” Dan asked her. Lindsey blinked at him.

“Meaning,” she said, waiting for the punch line. Dan walked over to the drawer, and pulled out the roll of microfoam tape.

“Would you like to try on your first gag?” He asked her. “You can say no if you want,” He then added, seeing her expression change a bit.

“Oh no, it's fine. I had thought about this as well,” Lindsey told him. “It was just a bit sudden, that's all,” She explained.

“It's your choice,” Dan told her. Much to his glee that he was trying not to show, she nodded.

“Yeah, I'd like to try wearing a gag,” She told him. Dan nodded, and then pulled out the roll of black duct tape as well. As he did, Lindsey snorted a bit. “Gag: It's such a funny word,” She said, with a giggle.

“Yeah, it does have an amusing tone to it, doesn't it,” Dan agreed, as he then cut a piece of the microfoam tape. “This is microfoam tape It's stickier than duct tape, and doesn't leave bad residue, or damage the lips like duct tape can,” He then informed her.

“So what's the duct tape for?” Lindsey asked.

“The duct tape goes on over the microfoam type for reinforcement, and color,” Dan explained. “black is a good universal color for gags,” He then added. It was time. He had cut the piece of microfoam tape, and held it up to Lindsey's lips. Lindsey took in a deep breath to calm herself, and then pursed her lips together.

Dan pressed the microfoam tape against her lips, and smoothed it over. He then cut two pieces of duct tape to cover up the microfoam tape for a perfect black tape gag.

“There you go: A perfect gag for a perfect lady,” Dan stated, as he looked at her. Lindsey knew she couldn't reach the gag with her hands given that her hands were bound behind her back. Her only option was to try to work it free with her mouth. The gag didn't budge. Her mouth was firmly taped shut. “Lindsey, you look adorable,” Dan complimented. Lindsey then did her best to respond.

“Thmnkmnh vrmh mnph,” She said, and then giggled at the sound of her muffled voice.

“Would you like to see how you look?” Dan asked her. Lindsey nodded yes.

Dan guided her out of the study, and into a nearby downstairs restroom. Maybe not the most flattering of locations, but it did have a mirror. Lindsey stepped in front of it, and her eyes grew wide with excitement.

“Mm mh gmph! Thmp lmnph phm cmnp!” She exclaimed. She knew she couldn't talk with her mouth taped shut, but her excitement got the better of her. Dan was right, She looked absolutely darling. Her cute outfit. Her arms curling around behind her back where her hands were bound. A lovely gag covering her mouth, and keeping it shut.

“That gag really brings out the beauty in your eyes,” Dan pointed out. Lindsey blinked a bit, and she spotted what he meant.

“Ynmh, mh dmnf,” She said. Dan was chuckling now. Lindsey gave him a look of bewilderment.

“Lindsey, I can't understand you,” He told her. Lindsey gave him a scowl.

“Wmnl, mm cmn'p pmlk vrmy wmll wmph mh mmmph tmnph phnt,” She stated. Dan just smiled.

“So, what you're doing right now is called gag-talk,” He told her. Lindsey just blinked at him. “It's a term used to describe when someone tries to talk through a gag,” He then explained.

“Ih mp fmnphnng m fmmnd bm dnmmg?” She asked him. Dan could tell she asked a question, and decided to give what he thought might be the answer.

“Gag-talk is...i don't want to say it's a tradition, but it is considered very flattering,” He said. “And your gag talk is quite lovely,” He then added. Lindsey giggled at the compliment. Her attempts to talk though her taped mouth were amusing, and the fact that the gag looked so cute made it even better. “Well, Lindsey? Do you like being bound and gagged?” Dan asked her. Lindsey turned to face him,

“Yph, m dn,” She told him, and nodded yes.

“I'm glad you're enjoying it,” He told her, and they both exited the restroom. “Will you be okay like this for a little while?” He then asked her.

“Mm hmm,” Lindsey hummed, with a nod.

“Well, I just need to get my laptop from my office, and then I'll be in the study if you need anything” He stated. "One big rule is to never leave a bound and gagged person truly alone," Dan then explained. Lindsey nodded to show she was listening. Dan made his way back upstairs to his office while Lindsey just let out a brief sigh. What was a bound and gagged girl to do now?
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Post by Trammel »

I truly love this story. The way you write is so believable and the back story you started with is so compelling. This is perhaps the best story I have read on this site. I'm looking forward to the next part.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.

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Post by chaos846 »

Trammel wrote: 2 years ago I truly love this story. The way you write is so believable and the back story you started with is so compelling. This is perhaps the best story I have read on this site. I'm looking forward to the next part.
Thanks for the feedback. I wanted to make Lindsey someone the "Captor" could educate in his own way, and this seemed believable: A person with only a small education, and easily swayed to Dan's mindset. that being said, Dan is making sure she's learning a skillset as well. He knows that Lindsey will want to start a life of her own when she gets the chance, and gives him something to invest in. Seeing this Young Lady so happy with her new lease on life is worth it. (He just likes to watch from time to time)
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Part 6: The Afternoon

Lindsey thought about what she could do in this state. Menial daily tasks were going to be much tougher to do, and some would be flat out impossible. She decided to step back into the restroom, and look at herself in the mirror again. She let out a happy sigh. She could see herself as a model of sorts. She posed a little bit, and giggled with each one.

“M wmndnr mf m phmnd wmnr m gmg mvrh dmh?” She asked herself, just so that she could her muffled voice again. She was wondering if she should just have her mouth taped whenever she didn't need to use it. No, that would just be silly.

Lindsey left the restroom, and was deciding what to do when she spotted Dan coming back down stairs with his laptop tucked under his arm. He simply pointed at the study door to show that this is where he would be. Lindsey nodded.

“Trying to think of something to do?” He asked her.

“M'lh fmngrh phmphng mnt mmvnpnlh,” She responded.

“Well, whatever you do, try to avoid going upstairs if you can,” Dan then suggested. It was a good note to make, for if she somehow lost her footing, the result could be disastrous. With that, Dan entered the study, but left the door open.

Lindsey looked around the living room, and decided that she should actually take a walk around the house for a bit. This was only her second day, and she didn't really know much about it. Perhaps she should explore it a bit, and get to know it. Since she was in the living room right now, she decided to slowly pace her way around it.

She paced slowly around as she took a look at some of the artwork on the walls. One of them was a framed photo of a man in a boat with quite a fish in his hand. She then felt an itch on her nose. She instinctively tried to reach her right hand to it, but she then remembered that her hands were bound behind her back. She solved this problem by walking over to the nearby sofa, and rubbed her nose against the back of it.

Once Lindsey had rid herself of the itch, she then jerked her head to toss her hair back behind her again. She decided to mosey her way into the dining room now, and really took in just how beautiful the dining room table was. It was made of a finely polished oak, as were the chairs around it. When Dan wasn't using it, he had a pair of candles placed at either end. The candles looked like they were never lit, and were likely meant as decoration.

She then made her way passed the living room, and into the TV room. It had all manner of electronic devices, but it also had a large round table behind a couch with six chairs positioned around it. On the back wall was a bookshelf that held no books...but board games. Lindsey walked over to see a few of them. A few of the usual suspects were present like Monopoly and clue. She also spotted a few she hadn't seen before, along with a few decks of cards.

Lindsey left the room a few minutes later, and made her way back to the study where Dan was seated in a recliner with his feet up, and working on his laptop. Lindsey made her way over to the bookshelf, and was glad that the book series she was reading was on a low shelf. This meant she could still reach it. Lindsey knelt down beside the bookshelf, as it was the only way for her to see what book she wanted, and still pick it out with her bound hands.

Lindsey picked out the book, and carried it to the couch. She set the book down, and was now kneeling on the couch with it. Dan had taken notice of this, and was quite fascinated to see how she was going to do this. Lindsey didn't want to try to read the book sideways. She turned to page one, and then used her knee to hold the book open in front of her, so she could read.

“Quite creative,” Dan said in a hushed tone. Lindsey looked at him.

“M dm whmp mm cmn wmph whmp mm hmnv,” Lindsey responded.

* * * *

Lindsey would only shift herself to have the book beside her when she needed to turn a page. Other than that, she used her knee to hold the book open while her hands stayed happily behind her back. Dan would cast a look to her every so often to see if she showed signs of discomfort, but there were none to be found. She looked quite comfortable being bound and gagged. As for Lindsey, It was an exciting feeling to be bound, gagged, and completely helpless. She knew Dan was right there to protect her, and provide her something if she needed it.

Lindsey was so immersed in her book that she got a bit startled when she felt something fiddling with the cuffs on her hands.

“Mmp!” Lindsey yelped, and jerked herself away. She turned her head to see that it was Dan, now laughing a bit.

“I'm sorry Lindsey, I didn't mean to startle you,” Dan told her. “I'm unlocking the cuffs. It's Lunch Time,” He then explained. Lindsey calmed herself, and felt the the cuffs go free.

“Mp mp lmnpn tmmn nlwndh?” She asked, as she unwrapped them herself, and put them back in the drawer. Dan nodded, and then made his way to the kitchen. Lindsey followed, and was ready for what Dan had in store for them.

“Uh, Lindsey, you can take the tape off your mouth,” Dan pointed out. Lindsey just giggled, and carefully peeled the tape free.

“That was an experience,” She stated.

“You looked like you were having a great time,” Dan said.

“I was. It was fun,” She said back. Lindsey tossed the used tape into the trash can, and then walked over to where Dan was slicing some bread. “So, what's for lunch?” She then asked.

“I was gonna get out some stuff to make pastrami sandwiches,” Dan answered, as he cut a few more slices, and put the rest of it away. Lindsey helped by getting out condiments at Dan's request, along with several types of cheese, and some very nice looking pastrami slices. Both of them stacked their sandwiches with what they wanted, and began to eat.

* * * *

Sandwiches proved to be an excellent quick meal, and when the two of them were done, It was now time to get to work on Christmas decorating. Dan walked to the staircase, and opened a door to reveal what looked like a storage room built into it. Dan took hold of a very large cardboard box, and began sliding it across the living room. Lindsey joined him, and together, they pushed it just off to the side of the front living room window.

“Thank you,” Dan told her. Lindsey nodded, and they both went to grab another box.

“How many more?” She asked.

“Two more,” He told her. The first box was another one just like the first. The second box wasn't as bulky, but it was about eight to nine feet in length. It was fairly obvious that this one held the tree.

“I would have thought you were someone who'd buy a live tree every year,” Lindsey mentioned. Dan smirked at her.

“Now why would I spend about ninety bucks a year when I can spend two fifty for one I'll always have?” Dan asked. Lindsey just shrugged in response. “And besides: this one's pre-lit as well,” Dan then added. Lindsey saw his point. Obviously not having to string up lights would mean less work.

Dan went through the process of assembling the tree while Lindsey Fluffed out the branches, so that it looked like a tree, and not something that might have been a tree that was squashed into a box. Lindsey saw that the completed tree was a good eight feet tall. Too tall for her to actually reach the top. She or Dan would need a stepping stool, or something to put the topper on.

Dan opened up the first box, and sure enough, and angel topper was present at the top of the contents. Dan walked into the kitchen, and got himself a stepping stool. He stood on it, so he could reach the angel on top of the tree. He then plugged the lights in, and turned the tree on.

“Wow,” Lindsey marveled. This was her first time seeing a Christmas tree from inside the warmth of a house since the orphanage was wrecked. She couldn't help but feel happy inside. Dan then made his way back to the kitchen, and got another stool.

“This is for you,” He told her.

“What for?” She asked.

“To help me string up the garlands,” He answered, as he pulled out a plastic bag that had a very large assortment of garlands.

Lindsey stood on the opposite side of the tree, and Dan would pass the beaded garlands to her when he could no longer reach from his side. Lindsey draped each one as best she could, and then passed it on to Dan when she could no longer reach.

“So, about earlier,” Dan said, now striking up a conversation while they worked.

“What about it?” Lindsey asked, with a smile.

“I think it's an activity we don't want to do too often, as It could become boring, or just unfun at some point,” Dan told her. It made perfect sense after all.

“Maybe once a week, or something like that?” Lindsey suggested.

“I was thinking that I'll give you the straps, and I'll hold onto the little lock,” Dan suggested himself. “If you decide to wear the straps at any point I'll know you're up for a game,” He then explained.

“Will I know when you're going to cuff me?” Lindsey asked. Dan snorted.

“Nope, the fun is in the surprise,” He told her. Lindsey giggled at hearing this.

“Will you gag me again?” Lindsey asked, as she got started on a new garland line. This one was made of wooden beads.

“Only if you want me to,” Dan said.

“I thought the tape on my mouth looked so cute,” Lindsey told him, as she remembered seeing it in the mirror.

“Yeah, you really seemed to like how it looked,” Dan agreed. He then paused for a moment. “That reminds me. I have something you might like,” He then stated.

“What?” Lindsey asked.

“I'll show you when we finish the garlands,” Dan answered. Lindsey shrugged, and continued with her work.

When they were done, both stood back ,and admired the job they did. Lindsey looked particularly pleased with how it turned out. Of course they still had the ornaments to place as well.

“Looks beautiful already,” Lindsey complimented.

“Lindsey, would you mind if I took a photo of you standing by the tree?” Dan asked her. Lindsey just smiled.

“No, go right ahead,” She stated, as she walked over beside the tree while Dan took out his phone. Lindsey held her hands comfortably behind her back, and smiled warmly. Dan then snapped the photo. Lindsey walked back over, took a look at it, and nodded her approval.

“This one turned out real nice,” Dan stated, and Lindsey was in complete agreement.

“Oh, what was it you wanted to show me?” Lindsey asked.

“Oh, thank you for reminding me. I'll be right back,” Dan told her, and then headed upstairs.

Dan was only gone for a minute or two when he came back down holding what looked like something in the shape of a doctor's mask.

“What is that?” Lindsey asked.

“This is a mask that skiers, and Snowboarders wear to stop the icy wind from ripping their faces off,” Dan answered. “Our Mother got them for us for when the freezing wind starts blowing outside,” He then explained.

“Makes sense,” Lindsey responded.

“Anyways, I thought you might like to try it,” Dan mentioned, as he offered it to her...
https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/618 ... SX569_.jpg

Lindsey took it, and felt the inside. It was very soft. The outside seemed to be a good thick cotton. She then noticed the beads on the end of the loops.

“Do these adjust it?” She asked.

“Yep,” Dan answered. Lindsey nodded, and put the loops around her ears. She then lifted the mask over her nose and mouth, and adjusted the beads on the loops for a perfect fit.

“Fits perfectly,” Lindsey said. Her voice being only slightly muffled by the mask. Dan could still understand her just fine...unlike when her mouth was taped. The Mask had no gapping, or looked awkwardly too big or small. It seemed to fit just right.

“Looks good too,” Dan added. Lindsey chuckled, and then walked over to that bathroom to see for herself.

“Oh, this is perfect,” She chirped. "It's cozy too," She then added, with a grin showing in her eyes.

“And you can see how having your mouth covered makes your eyes really shine,” Dan then pointed out.

“Yeah, I noticed that with the tape as well,” Lindsey told him.

“Why don't you hold onto that one,” Dan suggested.

“Oh, thank you,” She said. Dan nodded his “You're Welcome”, and then looked back to the tree.

“We still have a lot of work left on this thing,” He stated. Lindsey nodded, and the two went back to work. It was time to start on the ornaments, and given the size of the tree...this was going to take at least two days.

Author's Note: Gonna work on the next Whitefire chapter now
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Post by Bandit666 »

Well I have to admit I love this tale. It’s just so heartwarming and well paced. The interaction between Dan and Lindsey can so easily lift the spirits. Which why it seems such a shame that more comments and support haven’t arrived just yet. But for what it’s worth. Keep it up and don’t let the style and flow change even slightly. And most of all let’s have no upsets between the two. Let’s see Lindsey develop. In fact that’s see them get together as one
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Post by chaos846 »

just letting people know that i haven't forgotten this. I've just had a lot of other things happening that required my attention. I've updated Whitefire, (adult section), and I'll be working on the next part of this one while working that one as well.
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Post by Mr.Stranger »

Good writing. Wait for next chapter coming.
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Post by chaos846 »

Part 7: The Christmas Spirit

Lindsey continued to help Dan throughout the whole afternoon with the decorating. She mostly picked up ornaments out of the box, and gave them to Dan, so he could stay on the stepping stool. He only left briefly to put on some Christmas Music for them.

“Is there anything in particular that you're looking for?” Lindsey then asked him, just in case there was a particular ornament that he wanted.

“Nah, just anything that's small is fine,” He answered.

By the time six thirty had rolled around, they had only finished the top section of the tree, and the time that this would take had really sank in.

“I can only imagine how long this took you by yourself,” Lindsey pointed out, as She followed Dan into the kitchen, so they could make dinner.

“Yeah, and once we're done with the tree, we have the rest of the house to do,” Dan then told her. Lindsey just blinked. The rest of the house?

“Oh boy,” Lindsey said, letting that thought sink in as well. Dan just laughed.

“Oh, don't worry, the rest of the house isn't as concentrated,” He said, as he pulled out several pieces of cookware. Dan decided to teach her how to broil Teriyaki Steak with Rice, and mixed veggies today. Lindsey took her mask off, and set it on the counter, as she was ready for her next task.

Lindsey held onto every one of his instructions as she went through the paces. Dan couldn't help but notice that she was becoming a lot more comfortable in the kitchen than she was yesterday. It got to the point where Dan just stopped instructing her, and simply cooked the rice while she stirred the vegetables. When they were done cooking, they took each dish to the table along with a pair of plates, and silverware.

“Oh, Lindsey, I should inform you that I have some friends visiting tomorrow,” Dan stated, as he loaded his plate with some food.

“Business, or just fun?” Lindsey asked, as she did the same.

“Yes,” Dan answered. Lindsey blinked at him.

“Oh,” She chirped, catching that he obviously meant both. Lindsey then looked slightly worried, as she remembered that these friends of his might not be expecting her to be here.

“Do they know I'm here?” She then asked, as she began to eat. To her relief, Dan nodded.

“Yes, I told them that you are my house maid, although I did leave out the grizzly stuff,” He told her. Lindsey nodded in agreement. He wasn't wrong. Lindsey remembered that Dan had taken her in as a maid, and the fact that he left out her homelessness was a good idea.

After dinner, Lindsey decided to examine their handiwork with the tree for a little bit. She held her hands behind her back, as she circled around it, and looked over all the ornaments they had placed so far. She heard a soft snapping sound to her right, and turned to see that Dan had snapped another photo of her standing beside the tree.

Lindsey snickered a bit when she saw this, and then decided to make her way to the study, and catch up on her reading. Before she could open her book, she saw Dan approaching with the handcuffs in hand.

“Oh, do you want to cuff me again?” Lindsey asked.

“No, I'm giving them to you, as I said before,” Dan answered. Lindsey nodded, as she did remember he said that he was going to let her hang onto them while he held onto the padlock, and that she would wear them if she was up for a binding. “Did you want to wear them now?” Dan then asked. Lindsey thought for a moment.

“Nah,” She said. Dan simply placed the straps on the end table, and then left to go relax in his TV and Game room. Lindsey was pleased to see that the choice was entirely hers. Dan had told her that consent was important. Perhaps even if she didn't wear the cuffs, she might just go along with a game if Dan was to just ask nicely, as he did.

A few hours later, Lindsey looked at the time, and saw that it was ten o'clock, and decided that she should head to bed now. She took the straps upstairs to her room with her, and placed them inside the bottom drawer of her dresser. As she past the mirror to head into the bathroom, she decided to look at herself in the mirror one last time.

After going through her nighttime routine, she crawled into bed to enjoy a good night's sleep again.


Lindsey woke up the next morning, and saw that it was quite late. When she looked at her bedside clock, she saw that it was almost nine o'clock. In fact, as she got out of bed, she heard a knock on the door. Dan obviously had come by to check on her.

“Come in,” Lindsey called. The door opened to reveal Dan, dressed in his usual attire.

“Oh, I see you're finally awake, Sleepy Head,” He greeted.

“Yeah, sorry about that,” Lindsey told him.

“Its fine, I'm in no rush,” Dan said, brushing the matter aside. “Sometimes you just need to sleep,” He then added. With that, he left Lindsey in peace, so she could get herself ready for the day.

Lindsey decided to take another shower, and once she was done, she blow dried her hair. Now it was time to get dressed. Lindsey was feeling in much more of a Christmas Spirit than ever after yesterday. She wanted to wear some Christmas colors.

She started with a pair of her Wine Red Tights...
https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/41g ... UX522_.jpg
She then added a beautiful Green Velvet Skater skirt to them...
https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/91l ... UL320_.jpg
She topped her outfit off with a nice White button up Shirt with Long Sleeves...
https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com ... _QL70_.jpg

Even though Lindsey liked the black one a bit better, she knew that a white shirt would look better for this outfit.

With her outfit on, she went to the bathroom to do her hair. She really seemed to like the half up style, as it was elegant, yet simple. After her hair was done, she stepped in front of her closet mirror to make sure everything liked nice. Lindsey smiled at seeing herself looking so festive and Christmasy. Now it was time to see what the day had in store for her.

As she entered the kitchen, she saw that Dan was making what looked like French Toast for them. When he turned to see her, she got an approving smile from him.

“Well, don't you look festive,” He told her. Lindsey chuckled a bit at the compliment, and placed her hands behind her back.

“I wanted something in Christmas colors today,” She told him.

“I think it looks very cute,” Dan said. Lindsey just smiled.

“I will say that I like the black button up shirt a bit better, but this white one looks better for this outfit,” She told him. Dan flipped the piece of toast he had in the pan.

“Hmm, maybe it just needs something to spice it up a bit,” Dan suggested. Lindsey blinked at him.

“Like what?” Lindsey asked him.

“I'll show you after breakfast,” Dan said, as he turned his attention to the pan, and flipped the piece of toast in it. He then turned back to her. “Would you like to take over?” He asked her.

“Yeah, sure,” Lindsey said, as she walked over.

Dan explained to her that cooking French Toast was not too much different than cooking pancakes. She just needed to dip the toast in the egg mixture, and then add it to the pan. Cooking was pretty much the same.

After breakfast, Lindsey loaded the dishwasher, and then turned to see Dan holding up her mask from yesterday.

“You left this on the kitchen counter yesterday,” He told her. Lindsey couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed.

“I'm sorry,” She said, as she took hold of it. Dan just grinned, and nodded. It was clear that Lindsey seemed to have tunnel vision at times, but Dan didn't mind. Within time, she'd remember. “I'll go put it in my dresser,” She then told him.

Lindsey went back to her room to put her mask away. She added it to the same drawer as the handcuff straps. As she shut the dresser, she heard a knock on the door.

“Yes?” Lindsey asked. The door opened to reveal Dan holding onto...something in his right hand that she couldn't make out.

“Now then Lindsey, I'm gonna have you break a rule,” He told her. Lindsey just blinked at him, as breaking house rules did not seem to be something that Dan would appreciate. “Go ahead, and button your shirt all the way, and then close your eyes,” He then instructed. Lindsey now understood what he meant, as he had always said for her to leave the top two buttons on her shirt undone. Lindsey did as she was told, and then stood with her hands behind her back, and her eyes closed.

Lindsey felt her shirt collar being lifted up, and then something circling her neck. It was too thin to be a neck tie, but it was something of that nature. She felt it being tied firmly, but not too tightly. Once Dan was done, she felt the collar being folded back down again.

“Alright, open your eyes, and look in the mirror,” She heard Dan say. Lindsey opened her eyes, and saw what Dan had given her. It was a darling floppy style bow tie...
https://i.pinimg.com/736x/2c/34/ca/2c34 ... ribbon.jpg

“Oh, it's adorable!” Lindsey stated.

“See? Just a bit of spice is all it needed,” Dan explained.

“Yeah,” Lindsey agreed. It was simple, and added that little bit of extra pop that she was looking for. “Are we gonna be doing more work on the tree today?” Lindsey then asked, as she felt the soft velvet used to make the bow tie.

“We will, but if you could give my Game and TV room a light dusting, I'd appreciate it,” Dan answered. Lindsey nodded, and with that, Dan left the room. Before Lindsey went about her task, she decided to test what he had told her yesterday, about the straps. Curiosity was getting the better of her. What could she expect if she was to wear them? She wrapped the straps around her wrists, and then went down to the TV room.

With the help of a swiffer duster, Lindsey carefully went over each item in the room. The TV, the board games, the bookshelf, the table, anything she could reach. Lindsey took her time, and made sure everything looked spotless. The task actually took her a good two hours, and by the time she was done, Dan had entered the room to let her know it was time for lunch.

“You did a marvelous job with the room, Lindsey,” Dan complimented, they enjoyed some chicken noodle soup in the kitchen.

“Thank you,” She said, and then took another sip. “We doing the tree after lunch?” She then asked. Dan nodded yes.

Lindsey loaded the dishes into the dishwasher, and as she rounded the corner out of the kitchen, she felt two hands take hold of her wrists from behind. Dan wasn't kidding when he said he'd surprise her.

"Oh, you're doing it now?" Lindsey asked, as she felt her hands being moved behind her back.

"You had the straps on, and i did say i would let it be a surprise," Dan explained.

“But how will I help you with the tree like this?” Lindsey asked, as Dan snapped the lock on the cuffs to secure her hands behind her back.

“Oh, I'm sure you'll find a way,” Dan answered, with a grin. Lindsey gave him a playful scowl. This would make helping with the tree a bit more difficult for sure. Maybe she'd just hand ornaments to him, and he'd put them up. Regardless, Lindsey was determined to be a good sport about it.

Post by h56jh1 »

I like your story
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Post by chaos846 »

Part 8: The Magician

Lindsey followed Dan to the living room where the tree decorating had been put on hold yesterday evening. Lindsey playfully tugged at her cuffs to find that her hands were stuck behind her back. Lindsey didn't mind, as she was happy to have the feeling again. She was just a bit concerned about her ability to help Dan with the tree now. She looked into the box, and saw that there were still plenty of ornaments that she could still reach.

“Oh, Lindsey, before we start, would you like a gag as well?” Dan asked her. Lindsey nodded.

“I do believe I would like a gag,” She chirped, and with that, Dan went upstairs.

Lindsey decided to look at all the ornaments that were still in the box. The ones that clearly came from a store were all still inside the little boxes that they come in when purchased, so she knew that Dan took very good care of them. There were also what might have been some custom made ornaments that had their own means of protection. Tissue paper, and such was used to protect these. Lindsey was so blissfully admiring the ornaments that she didn't even notice that Dan had returned.

“Lindsey?” Dan asked, as if trying to get her attention. This broke Lindsey's train of thought, and she turned to face him...only to have a piece of microphone tape pressed against her lips.

“Mmmp,” She said. She then that saw Dan had two pieces of the duct tape dangling from the sleeve of his shirt. He removed these, and covered the microphone tape with them.

“There you are,” Dan said, once he was done. “Can you say: Thank you for the gag?” He then teased Lindsey's eyes scowled, but Dan could see a smile lurking beneath her gag.

“Thmnk ymn fmr thm gmg,” She answered. Dan then pulled out his phone from his pocket.

“One more photo?” He asked her. Lindsey nodded yes, and stood comfortably for the photo. Dan snapped it, and Lindsey walked over to take a look.

“What do you think?” He asked, as he let her see herself. It was perfect. A Maid dressed up in a festive outfit, and she was all bound and gagged.

“M thmnk m lmnkv mdrmhblh,” Lindsey said. Dan then put his phone back in his pocket.

“Well, shall we pick up where we left off?” He asked her, and Lindsey nodded yes. She still didn't quite know how this was going to work out, but she was determined to make it work however she could.

* * * *

Lindsey did the best she could in spite of being bound and gagged. She didn't really have a good way to pick out any one ornament, so she just had her back to them, and fumbled with her bound hands until she had hold of one. She then walked over to Dan who would take it from her, and then place it on the tree where he wanted it.

“You doing okay, Lindsey,” Dan asked, after some time had passed.

“Ymmh, M'm fmnh,” She chirped, and then turned her attention back to the box again. Dan just smiled, and decided to poke a bit more fun at her.

“Do you like doing this normally, or do you prefer doing it while bound and gagged?” He asked her. Lindsey paused for a moment., and shrugged.

“Dmnng mp whmlh bmmnd n gmgghd mv mmrr mnprmphtnng,” Lindsey answered.

“Lindsey, I can't understand your gag talk,” Dan then teased. Lindsey's eyes looked to be scowling, but she had a come back of her own.

“Wmll, mnbmh ymn phmnd prnctmph trmng tm mndrnphpnd mh gmg tmnk,” Lindsey retorted, in a rather sassy tone. Dan gave her a somewhat bewildered look.

“What was that?” He asked, noticing that a perky smile could be seen in her eyes.

“M phhd thnp ymn nmmd prnctmph,” Lindsey stated, still smiling.

“Did you say I need to practice?” Dan question. Lindsey nodded yes. “As in, I need to practice understanding you trying to talk with your mouth taped shut?” He then clarified.

“Mm hmm,” Lindsey hummed, in a cheerful tone. She looked quite proud of herself. Dan just shook his head, and lamented on the moment.

“I just got challenged by a bound and gagged Maid,” He said aloud. Lindsey began laughing, and actually sat down on the nearby couch to avoid falling over. All Dan could do was just stand there and watch, which he had to admit: He thought it was really cute.

Once Lindsey had calmed down, She picked out another ornament, and then sauntered up to Dan with a very content look on her face.

“You know, I was going to release you, but maybe I should leave you bound and gagged a bit longer,” Dan teased. Lindsey turned to face him.

“Wmll, mnbmh M wmnp tm bm bmnnd n gmgghd fmr m bmp lmngnr,” She stated, in the same sassy tone, and showing no concern at all. If Dan was going to leave her bound and gagged for longer, then so be it. She knew that he would be forced to release her when his guests were arriving soon anyways. The line between who was teasing who was now blurring. Dan with his talk of her staying bound and gagged, and Lindsey with her sassy gag talk which she could tell he was enjoying. Dan finally just sighed.

“Alright Lindsey, you win,” He said. Lindsey giggled a bit. “In all seriousness though, would you like me to let you go?” He then asked. To Dan's surprise, she shook her head no.

“Nmph, M'm pmrfmnclh fmnh,” She answered. Dan could tell by her tone that she was content as she was. He just nodded, and the two continued their work on the tree.

* * * *

After about two hours of long, but easy work. The two took a moment to look upon what they had accomplished so far. The first box had been completed, and this took a bit of time since some ornaments were just simply out of Lindsey's reach given her current predicament. This left only one more box to go.

“I think maybe two more days, and it should be done,” Dan suggested. Lindsey just shrugged.

“M'm mnjmng thph phm phr,” She told him. Dan decided that this was a good place to stop, and sat down on the couch. Lindsey then sat down beside him. “Ymn mkmy?” She asked.

“I'm fine, I just wanted to sit down for a moment,” Dan answered. He then looked at her to see her beautiful eyes shining over her gag. “I still say that your gag talk is very sweet,” He then said. Lindsey smiled.

“Phnnk ymn,” She said back.

“You ready for me to let you go now?” Dan then asked.

“M phmnk fm,” Lindsey said, and nodded yes. Dan obliged by pulling out his little key, and unhooking the padlock from the cuffs. With her hands free, Lindsey pulled the tape off her mouth.

“I had a lot of fun with that,” She said, once her mouth was free.

“I told you that you'd think of something,” Dan stated. Lindsey nodded in agreement.

“Do you need me for anything else before your friends arrive?” She then asked.

“Yes, actually I do,” He answered, as he got up off the couch. “Follow me into the Game Room, please,” He then added. Lindsey did as she was told, and followed him into the Game Room. He pulled a roll of something from a corner, and unrolled what looked like a large felt mat onto the table. He then pulled out a chair for Lindsey to sit in.

Lindsey took her seat while Dan walked over to a drawer near the bookshelf, and pulled out a deck of cards. He then sat down at one of the other chairs.

“Alright Lindsey, my friends and I want to have a session of Poker, and I thought you could have some fun being our dealer,” He then suggested. Lindsey nodded.

“Yeah, that sounds like fun,” She agreed. Dan smiled, and pulled the cards out of the pack. He spread them out face down, and mixed them up a bit. Lindsey just held her hands in her lap, as she watched. Little did Dan know, Schoolbooks weren't the only books she was learning from...

“Now the first thing to learn about dealing cards is proper shuffling, and cutting,” Dan explained. He held two halves of the deck in front of him, and lifted the corners of the two packets. He then let the corners mix with each other, and pushed the deck back together. “That's called a riffle,” He told her. “We do two riffles, and then do a strip cut,” He explained, as he pulled some of the cards out from the middle, and placed them on top of the deck. He then handed the deck to Lindsey.

“Like this?” She asked, as she tried to perform a riffle. She let the corners drop a bit more slowly, but it looked close enough.

“Not bad, just a little more practice, and you'll get the hang of it,” Dan complimented. Lindsey was smiling. She did another slow riffle, and then cut the deck. “Now we riffle one more time, and do a block cut,” He then explained. Dan did another riffle, and then took the bottom half of the deck, and placed it on top. Lindsey then did the same.

“You make it sound like an official procedure, or something,” Lindsey told him.

“As a matter of fact, that is basic casino procedure for almost all of their card games,” Dan informed her. Lindsey took the deck, and repeated the procedure again. “Go ahead, and try it a few times,” Dan then said to which Lindsey picked up the deck.

“So, I shouldn't do this?” She asked, as she then split the deck with only her right hand, and shuffled them. Dan just blinked.

“Uh, no,” He said, as he was starting to feel she might have been sandbagging him.

“Or this?” She asked, as she performed a one handed flip around cut.

“Okay, I see you've handled cards before,” He stated, now seeing that she had duped him. Lindsey was grinning from ear to ear, as placed the deck face up on the table.

“Would you say these have been well shuffled?” She asked, as she spread the cards out. Lindsey had shuffled the cards perfectly back into new deck order. Dan was stunned.

“Holy Cow!” He stated, and Lindsey was laughing. “Care to explain this?” He asked her.

“Well, Schoolbooks weren't the only books I got, and cards are cheap, and since I had to entertain myself somehow,” She explained, and then trailed off. She assumed Dan could figure out the rest from there.

“Show me something else,” He requested.

“With pleasure,” Lindsey chirped. She performed the casino card procedure again, although this time she revealed that she could do it very quickly. This earned her a scowl from Dan as well which only made her giggle again. Lindsey dealt out four hands of Hold um to three imaginary players, as well as Dan. She then burned a card to reveal the flop: 2s, 3s, 4s. Lindsey burned another card and then revealed 5s. She finished with the last burn, and then turned over 6s. A straight flush on the community cards.

“Let's see what they have first,” She stated, and then flipped over the imaginary player hands to reveal AK off-suit for all of them. “Now look at yours,” She told him, with the most innocent smile on her face. A smile Dan could tell was laced in deceit. He turned over his cards to reveal AK of spades.

“Okay, I'm impressed,” Dan said, and even gave her a round of applause. Lindsey chuckled, and gave him a cheeky little bow as well. “Just remember who's side your on during the game,” He then added.

“I'll think about it,” Lindsey said, still grinning.
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Post by Trammel »

I like this story and I'm glad you're continuing it.
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