Pool Club Takeover (F+/MMMM)

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Pool Club Takeover (F+/MMMM)

Post by bw7098 »

Part I

“How’s it going out there boys?” Asks Jerry Mahoney into his walkie-talkie leaning back in his office chair.

“All clear from chair 1 boss.” Evan responds into his own walkie-talkie.

“Same from chair 2.” Responds Todd.

“No issue by poolside either” Confirms Andre, the last of the three on duty lifeguards.

“Roger that. Let me know if any of those broads get out of line.” Jerry, wearing a dirty white tank top over his beer belly, sets down his walkie talkie, runs his hand through his aggressively thinning brown hair and looks out of the window of his small office scanning the pool like a hawk. Jerry has owned the Greenvale Local Pool Club for almost twenty years but has recently come under fire from some of the local women for what they perceive as “inappropriate behavior by him and his staff” such as Jerry and his lifeguards staring at the bikini clad female pool goers and even allegations of the snapping “stealthy” pictures of those they found the hottest. They were calling for Jerry to sell the pool club to a female owner for the comfort of the local women who made up a vast majority of the pool’s clientele. Instead Jerry made the clever decision to instead ban bikinis entirely at his pool. After all the women are the problem, it’s not his fault they’re dressing like sluts and catching the eyes of him and his men. This decision only caused further outrage, which, while very amusing to Jerry, was the reason he was so on edge and vigilant today.

The pool was rented out for the day by a group of 40-50 local women. Initially Jerry thought this was some kind of protest against him and the new policy, but when he reminded the head woman about the no-bikini policy she actually applauded him for the decision, thanking him for finally standing up against the gross sexualization of modern society. This was comforting for Jerry to hear but he was still cautious which is why he had his three best lifeguards working today. He’d known Evan, Todd and Andre ever since they were College Freshmen and they’ve worked as lifeguards at the pool for the past four summers. The four men would be entering their senior years of college at the end of the summer and despite Jerry being a pretty shrewd businessman, he did have a soft spot for those boys.

“Wait a minute” Evan’s voice cracks through the walkie, breaking Jerry’s train of thought. “Think we have a code pink near the loungers. Andre, can you confirm?”

Jerry turns his attention to the lounge area next to the pool and sees her immediately. A tall woman with short brown hair lounging in a bright orange bikini, clearly in opposition to pool rules.


“Yeah I see her,” Confirms Andre. “I think she was wearing a cover-up that she took off, I can go over and ask her to put it back on.”

“Negative” Jerry responds through his walkie. “Kick her out, the rules are the rules.”

“Roger that boss.” Chuckled Andre. “This should be fun.”

Jerry watches from his window as Andre makes his way to the offending woman. They exchanged a few words, she shrugged and stood up. Andre was a former high school football star and was still in amazing shape, but this woman, probably in her mid 30s, was probably slightly taller than the 6 foot lifeguard and looked to be in even better shape. With Andre trailing her she struts out of the pool area towards the front gate. Jerry sees Andre take his phone out and takes a quick pic of her jiggling butt wrapped in the tight orange fabric. Moments later Jerry and the other lifeguards receive the picture in the group chat they use to pass around pictures of the women.

“Attaboy” Jerry smiles to himself knowing he trained his lifeguards well.

Suddenly the woman turns around with a smile and says something to Andre.

“Uh sir. She says she left her purse in the locker room and needs to get it.”

Jerry sighs with annoyance. “Ok fine, but you accompany her there though. I don’t want any funny business.”

“Don’t have to ask me twice to go into the women’s locker room sir.” Andre, Jerry and the other lifeguards all laugh over their walkie-talkies, the orange clad woman seems less amused as she scowls and follows Andre into the locker room facilities out of sight.

“Ugh women without a sense of humor are the worst.” Jerry complains. “Keep your eyes peeled, boys.” Jerry warns the other two lifeguards who were each sitting on their respective lifeguard towers on either end of the long rectangular pool.

“Will do boss” Confirms Evan

“Trust me I’ll be keeping a close eye on these women.” Chuckles Todd

“I hope that this was just an anomaly but you have my authorization to kick out anyone you see violating our dress code. Speaking of, Andre, are you done with that orange bimbo yet? We need you back at look out.

This question was met with silence.

“Andre? Andre come in? Does anyone have eyes on Andre?”

“Last I saw he went into the women’s locker room” Says Evan.

“Hey, maybe he got lucky in there. I mean did you see that ass on that chick?” Jokes Todd.

Jerry laughs. “Well hurry it up in there Andre, I’m paying you to watch these sluts not hook up with them.”

“Now is that any way to talk about a woman Mr. Mahoney?” Says a sultry female voice through the walkie-talkie.

The line was silent for a moment until Jerry broke it. “Who the hell are you? This is a private channel. And where the hell is Andre?”

“Oh your little lifeguard is a bit tied up right now.” Responds the woman with muffled laughter being heard in the background. “It’s ok though, I love guy talk! So who do you boys think the hottest woman here is?”

“Listen woman, you better identify yourself right now!” Starters Jerry before being interrupted.

“Relaaaax honey,” Says the woman in a soothing voice. “My name is Nina, but you probably recognize me from the ass pic your boy sent a couple minutes ago.”

“You!” Jerry fumes.

“Oh so you do recognize me!” She says chipperly. “Well lucky for you boys I’m sending a few more butt pics which I think show off my personality a lot better.”

Jerry’s phone dings and he looks down to see multiple photos stream into his group chat with the lifeguards. As promised these pics did include the fit woman’s orange clad ass in various poses. But the real focus of the pics were Andre, both his ankles and his wrists which were wrenched behind his back were restrained with zip ties. The most horrifying aspect was that his captors had stripped him of his lifeguard uniform and dressed him in a shiny pink bikini which ran up exposing his rear and giving him a wedgie. Nina had posed him to match her with his own bum prominently sticking out next to hers. His face was filled with anger and maybe tears as he appeared to be screaming, but the woman had stuffed his mouth with his own lifeguard trunks and had wrapped his whistle cord around his mouth so he was unable to spit it out. Then looked at the pictures of their bound and humiliated friend in stunned silence.

“You like what you see boys?” giggles Nina.

“What did you do to him?” Asks Evan in shock.

“Same thing we’re about to do to you honey.”

“We?” Asks Jerry.

“Why don’t you take a look out that window of yours Jer?” Asks Nina.

“Uh boss, we have a problem here” Says Todd with fear in his voice.

Jerry looks out again to see all the women at the pool shed their more modest attire to reveal skimpy bikinis underneath. He watches on in horror as the liberated women make their way to the lifeguard towers. It was already too late for Evan, being at the closer tower to the lounge area, the mob of women had already reached the base of the tower before he had time to escape.

“Oh my god, they’re coming to get me! What do I do!” Panics Evan into the walkie.

Jerry can hear the women’s taunts and giggles through Evan’s walkie as they slowly climb the ladder. “Come here boy. We just want to have some fun. No need to be scared”

Evan drops his walkie and backs up to the edge of the tower he looks below to see another mob of women treading water directly below, ready to receive him if he were to try to escape through the water. Evan looked back and forth between the women on the ground ascending the ladder and the women in the water, trying to calculate his best chance of escape. Once the first woman reached the top of the tower he made his decision and dove into the water. He came up and was immediately encircled by the group of women who swarmed him like piranhas. All Jerry could see from his window was the violent splashing as Evan was pulled and pushed underwater by the ravenous bikini horde who laughed maniacally at his attempts to avoid drowning. After mere seconds the struggling had ceased, the women had their prey.

Todd had a bit more time to react, he was making a beeline for Jerry’s office but the women were right on his heels. Despite wearing revealing bikinis these women showed no fear of a wardrobe malfunction and were full sprinting after Todd, breasts heaving with each stride. Todd managed to reach the door to Jerry’s office but found it locked.

“Let me in!” He screams through the window, not bothering to use the walkie-talkie.

Jerry froze, the women were right behind Todd. He knew if he unlocked the door for him, the women would probably be able to plow their way inside and get to him too.

“I’m sorry, I can’t! They’ll get me too!” He screams defeatedly at Todd through the window.

At this point the women knew Todd was finished. They halted their sprint and instead surrounded him in a half circle formation, slowly encroaching on him while taunting and jeering.

“Please!!!!” Screams Todd. “Don’t let them take me!”

“I’m sorry.” Jerry says again, closing the window shades to the office so he didn’t have to see what came next.

All he saw of the incident were the silhouettes through the shades. He saw Todd’s silhouette being absorbed into the mass of female silhouettes as they dragged him away kicking and screaming accented by the gleeful laughs of the women. The screaming got fainter and fainter as he was dragged further and further away leaving Jerry alone a prisoner in his own office, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
Last edited by bw7098 2 weeks ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by gaggedbyawoman »

Great start :D can't wait for Pt. 2😉😊👍
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Post by bw7098 »

Part II

“Knock knock, Jerry!” Nina’s sultry voice crackles through the walkie talkie on Jerry’s desk. “We know you’re in there, we just want to talk.” She lets out a giggle as does the rest of her band.

Jerry can see the silhouettes of dozens of pissed off bikini clad women all gathered outside his shaded window. In front of them, eyes pressed to the window he can make out the orange bikini and athletic tall body of Nina, the women’s revolutionary leader. Jerry had been under siege by these women for close to ten minutes but it had seemed much longer.

“I’m not opening this damn door!” Jerry screams back through his walkie-talkie, wiping sweat from his brow with his dirty tank top. “You get off my property or I swear I’ll call the police!”

“Ooooh, you hear that ladies? Jerry’s gonna call the cops on us!” The female crowd erupts in laughter which Jerry can hear through the window. “Say Jerry, why don’t you open up the window shade, someone wants to say hi.”

Jerry saw another female silhouette step up next to Nina in the window. “Who is it?” Jerry answers back into his walkie.

“Uh, uh, uh! I don’t want to ruin the surprise! Open the shade.”

Jerry reluctantly goes to the window and does as he’s told. As the shade rises he sees the nearly 50 women assembled against him. Some wear triumphant grins, while others sneer at him in anger, all are wearing their skimpiest, most revealing bikinis in protest of Jerry’s rule. Nina stood in front of the pack, inches from the window, arms crossed in triumph under her sizable breasts. Upon seeing him through the window, she kisses the glass and tilts her reflective sunglasses down to give him a wink. The woman next to her scared Jerry most of all. She had traded in her dark blue uniform for a dark blue bikini, but he still recognized her hard scowling face.


“Oh good! I see by your surprised reaction that you recognize Sheriff Linda Tucker.” Nina’s grin widens as Jerry’s stomach drops.

Sheriff Tucker takes the walkie from Nina’s hand and gets as close to the window as she can, her breasts pressing against the glass. “Mr. Mahoney, I am happy to tell you the police department knows of the disturbance here. I told them I’d handle it personally.” Her serious sneer flicks into a wicked grin for a second. “No one is coming to help you. So why don’t you be a good boy and open the door?”

“Never!” Jerry denies her command dispute having lost all hope. “You can’t wait here forever!”

“All my police sieges end with the perp bound at my feet.” Starts the Sheriff. “You won’t be any different. We have ways to make you cooperate.”

At that the sheriff whistles and the crowd of women starts to part. Nina smiles at Jerry’s horrified expression as the three captive lifeguards are dragged to the front of the crowd by six bikini babes, one on either side of each man, dragging them by their arms. They had all been bound in identical fashion, hands behind wrists restrained with zip ties and their ankles bound together the same way. They had all been stripped with their lifeguard uniforms stuffed in their mouth, bulging their cheeks, and all being held in by their whistle cords. Most embarrassing of all was that they were all dressed in too tight bikinis. Andre’s was bright pink, as they had all seen in the pictures Nina sent. Evan, still soaking wet from his attempted water escape, was forced into a leopard print bikini. And Todd, covered in scratches and marks from an apparent minor beatdown, was in a metallic gold bikini. Nina and Sheriff Tucker part as Jerry’s three employees are shoved onto their knees in front of the window.

“Well, well. Look what we have here,” Smiles Nina, regaining the walkie talkie. “Don’t you boys look sexy!” She smiles and ruffles Evan’s hair.

“Hmmmmmmmmmm! HMMMMMPH!” The captives complain, thrashing around in their bonds but being held steady by the women behind them.

“Ohh, what’s wrong boys, don’t think bikinis are sexy anymore?” She giggles, slightly bouncing her hips side to side in front of their faces which causes them to erupt in further futile grunts and struggles.

“Let them go!” Jerry asks angrily into the walkie talkie. “They had nothing to do with my decision!”

“Awww, it’s so cute how much you care for them!” Nina pouts her lips mockingly as the other assembled women chuckle. “Don’t worry Jerry, we’ll take very good care of them, won’t we girls?” This thinly veiled threat is met with raucous whistling and hollering.

“MLMMMM MPHHH MMMMM!” Andre shouts through his gagged, bulging mouth, as Nina tickles his chin.

“Oh what’s that honey? You have something to say to him? Well here you go!” Nina shoves the walkie in his face.

“MMMMMMMMMPH! MMMMMMMMM!” Andre screams and thrashes in anger at Nina’s taunts.

“I think what he’s trying to say is:” Nina then switches to a mocking baby voice. “Pwease open the door for the pwetty girls. Did I get that right?”


“I’m not opening this damn door!” Jerry shoots back through his walkie.

“Okaaaaay, Jerry. I didn’t want to have to do this, but…” She snaps her fingers and the boys are dragged back and brought to their feet right at the side of the deep end of the pool.

“Wait, what are you doing?” Jerry asks.

Nina follows them back to the edge of the pool. “Well, I’m afraid if you don’t open the door, then your boys here might have to go for a little swim.” She then places a hand on Todd’s golden bikini top and gives him a small but firm shove, with his ankles bound he slowly topples over into the water and starts to sink to the bottom.

“Stop! What are you doing!” Jerry cries in horror through the walkie.

Nina turns around to look at Jerry through his window. “Only what’s necessary” she shrugs and then pops her butt out backward into Evan’s leopard printed bikini bottom, who follows Andre into the water.

“Stop it! They’re going to drown!” Cries Jerry.

“I know, so sad!” Nina pouts, getting ready to push Andre into the water. “I think I’m going to miss this one the most!” she cries back to Jerry, not using the walkie and plants a kiss on his cheek and pushes. “Bye bye cutie!” She giggles as he falls into the pool.

Jerry looks on in horror as the struggling bodies of his lifeguards try to thrash and kick their bound legs to get to the surface for some air. He sees their heads occasionally break the water but he knows they don’t have too long. The group of women are laughing and pointing out which man they think will drown first. Meanwhile Nina’s eyes remain locked on Jerry. She give him a sly smile and then puts one hand on her nose and the other in the air and drops her hips in a snorkel dance movement.

“You can stop this anytime Jerry!” She reminds him though the walkie. “Just open the door and we’ll fish them out.”

Jerry looks again to see the trashing getting weaker. He knew they might only have seconds left.

“Ok!” Jerry cries through the walkie and rushes to the door and throws it open. “You win!”
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Wow! Love this story of women's revenge on three little pigs and the Big Bad Wolf, who is their ringleader rather than nemesis here.

On the beach or at the pool, I've often pictured some hunky lifeguards bound and gagged!

Cannot wait to read about what the women have in store for Jerry!!

On an editorial note...is this story in the right category? Should it be in "Fictional Stories For Everyone" or in "Fictional Stories For Adults"?
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Post by JadeAnn »

Amazing! Can't wait for more. I loved how Nina mocks him with the snorkel dance
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