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NightStock in Stock and Bonds MM/M

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2024 11:21 am
by Bonds&Cloth
Kaden- 23, Medium height, Shoulder length brown hair, freckles all over his face, slightly pointed nose

It was a quiet drive over to work. I haven't saved enough to get my own car yet so Tim, the unofficial manager when the actual ones aren't around, lets me ride with him.
He lives close to me so it wasn't a big deal for him.
Normally he likes to talk during the drive but this time he just turned the radio on to some kind of country rock station and drove in silence; I could tell this past week really wore him out.
We pull in to the parking lot of "Everything, Etc, and More!!!" The biggest superstore in the state.
The radio clock reads 10:55 PM, exactly five minutes before we clock in. The cold fall air whooshes past us making me pull my buttoned flannel hoodie over my black uniform and pull my beanie tighter over my head.
As we both make our way through the entrance we both grab a cart and stash them near the back for when we clock in.
I go in the back while Tim gets pulled away by a customer. I stick to the sides by the giant metal shelves, so the workers moving the pallets have a clear path, and slide into the office.
I check my watch 10:57 PM. I would like to just clock in but our new machine bugs out if you clock in early.
I look around the office, no one else is here. Typical. Everyone fulltime on nightstock starts at the same time, but Tim and I are the only ones to get here on time on Friday nights.
As soon as it hits 11:00 PM a voice comes on over the loudspeaker. "Aaaattention shoppers! The time is now 11:00 o'clock which means the store is now clooosed! Please bring all merchandise to the front of the store to checkout. Thank you for shopping at 'Everything, Etc, and More!!!' and have a lovely evening!"
Before the voice even ends saying attention I'm already punching in my code and heading out to the floor.
The store is already starting to clear out as I grab my cart and head over to the pallets.
"Kaden!" Tim shouts from by the pallets. "You're over in section 4!"
I give a thumbs up on head over there.
'Section' is pushing it, aisle is more like it. "Everything, Etc, and More!!!" Acts like its bigger than it actually is. Sure it's the biggest in the state, but not by a large margin. It looks like all the goods of a giant mall crammed into a supermarket. But they pay the bills so if they say 'jump' I say 'Section 4'.
Section 4 is kitchen appliances and decor, the walls in this aisle are taller than the others. and they have two kitchen sets at each end. Every type of dishwasher, stove, or dining table is crammed in here. I go to the pallet right in front of the couches, put my earbuds in, and get to work.

11:30 PM
I've almost finished the whole pallet when the power goes out.
"Are you serious?" I say to no one as I take my earbuds out.
The power's supposed to stay on 24/7. I didn't see anything about a storm and our generator's brand new.
Tim was saying a few days ago that the store went over the budget for Halloween. Did they seriously not pay the electric bill?
The back up lights kick on with a hum, casting dim light all around me.
Unbelievable. I start to head out of the aisle when I see a dark blur at the other end of the aisle out of the corner of my eye, but when I turn to look it's gone. My heart jumps in my chest.
Don't be ridiculous, it's just a shadow. I
turn around and stop dead in my tracks. A tall, hulking figure is standing at the other end. This was definitely not Tim.
I sucked in air to try to scream when a gloved hand covered my mouth from behind. "Mmmmmpphhhllpp!"
I raised my hands to remove the hand but the figure in front of me raced over and grabbed both my wrists.
"We've got a live one here!" The figure behind me says. I try to wriggle out of their grip but they were too strong.
"What are we gonna do with you?" The one grabbing my wrists says. He's a hulking man wearing a black turtleneck, a black beanie all the way down to his eyelids, and a black bandanna over his nose and mouth.
I tried to yell again but the hand on my mouth was like iron, muffling any noise I made.
The one behind me shifted around. "If you can hold him for a minute I think there's enough stuff in here to make sure he won't cause any trouble." The one in front nods.
With one fluid motion the hand holding my mouth let go just as I was pulled forward. Before I could yell the figure in front placed his giant gloved hand over my mouth and grabbed both of my wrists with his other hand and forced them behind my back.
I could finally see the other guy. He was about my height only with a bit more muscle, and he was wearing the same thing as his cohort. He started rummaging, through the shelves that held the dishcloths.
I shook my head back and forth, trying to dislodge the hand to call for help, but the robber just chuckled, pressing me closer to him.
When robber number two finished he had an assortment of rags in his arms.
"Spin him around." He said to the one holding me.
With deft precision robber number one spun me around while the other one grabbed my wrists and wrenched them together, all while the gloved hand never left my mouth.
The second robber started wrapping a long green rag around my wrists. He pulled it tight hard and stepped back for a minute.
I tested the bonds.
No luck, these guys were definitely professionals.
"We're not done yet." The robber snickered before placing a red and white striped apron across my chest. He took the strings of the apron and tied them over my arms. "There, now you look like a little kitchen boy."
They both chuckled as I kicked and thrashed. When I kicked out the one behind me caught it and started to slowly tilt me forward.
"Mmmmphhh!" I yelled, which only made them chuckle louder.
"Naughty kitchen boy. We'll have to do something about that." He grabbed my other leg and pulled it up.
For a brief moment I thought I would smash into the floor but the one hand gagging me shifted quickly to the side and grabbed my shoulders with his free hand. They both gently lowered me down.
As soon as I touched the floor the one behind me quickly got another towel and started binding my feet together. As he did, the reality of what was happening sunk in. Two masked men broke into the store and had me pinned to the floor. I couldn't move or scream, and there wasn't anyone around to help me. I started thrashing more erratically, trying desperately to get them off of me.
"Woah there Buckaroo!" The one in front said. "You just don't know when to quit, do ya?"
He put his elbow at the small of my back and dug it in, making me yelp in pain. He started applying more and more pressure until I eventually stopped squirming. "That's a good little kitchen boy." He said, stroking my hair.
When he finished with my feet he moved up to my knees and started tying them together. After that they lifted me up onto my knees and the shorter one walked in front.
He wadded up a pink washcloth and held it towards my face. "You've been an obedient kitchen boy so we haven't had to hurt you, but that could change very quickly if you resist anymore, understand me?"
My eyes widened at the man. A part of me wanted to resist, but there wasn't anything I could do now.
I slowly nodded and the robber's eyes crinkled. "Good, now open wide."
Before I could even process this command the hand around my mouth lifted and pinched my nose. Instinctively I opened my mouth to breath.
The pink washcloth was jammed into my mouth right before the hand was back on it. "MMmpphhhh!" The cloth filled every part of my mouth, making me taste the cheap fabric in the back of my throat.
"Good kitchen boy, just a few more."
And with that the hand was gone again. I tried to spit out the washcloth but a maroon dishtowel took the hand's place. The robber placed it between my teeth and tied it so tightly I thought my cheeks would tear.
"And now, finishing touch!" He said as he waved a yellow flowery towel in the air.
He folded it into a triangle and placed it over my already gagged mouth. I could feel the cool fabric pressing against my face and pushing the cleave gag deeper in my mouth as he tied it. When he was done I could barely make a sound.
The robbers inspected me from gagged head to trussed toe.
"I think it needs a finishing touch don't you?" The taller one said.
"Quite right." The other agreed.
They grabbed me by the shoulders and dragged me to the kitchen set at the front of the aisle. They took a tall chair by the island and tied the legs to the island and then placed me in the chair as the shorter one started to my hands and feet together. I was effectively hogtied in the chair.
I bucked in the chair, trying to get it to topple over, but I was stuck fast.
"There, now you sit here and look pretty while we deal with your little friends, kitchen boy." The taller one said as he draped a checkered blue dish towel over my shoulder. "Perhaps you can cook us something nice while you wait."
They both started chuckling and disappeared into another aisle.
"Mmrrphm." I hung my head low in defeat. I couldn't move or scream and at this angle with the lights dim, no one would see me unless they were right in front of me.
If I thought I was helpless before, I sure was now.

Thank you for reading the first segment of my story! I'm planning on making this have a lot of parts so let me know what you think! What kinds of gags do you want to see? What kind of characters do you want to see get tied? Let me know!
Note: I'm only doing male characters

Re: NightStock in Stock and Bonds MM/M

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2024 4:38 am
by Veracity
Thanks for posting! I'm looking forward to the next installment.