"Arrested" by my Ex-girlfriend (F/F) - Updated Part 42 (FINISHED)

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"Arrested" by my Ex-girlfriend (F/F) - Updated Part 42 (FINISHED)

Post by Mineira1986 »

Part 1

College life is good. I mean, for some of us. When I was studying there, it really felt like I belonged there. You’ll see, my name is Carla. 5’ 8’’, straight dark brown hair that falls on my shoulders, a bit asian, from my father's side. And really athletic. Yes, I totally loved sports. Name it: basketball, soccer, volleyball, table tennis… I totally rocked them. That made me really popular, I had tons of friends and pretty much every person there knew who I was. This was my place. Mine.

My girlfriend Maria, not so much. I really liked her. About 5’ 4’’, probably 5’ 4 ½’’, shorter than me and I would go with chubby to describe her. She had long black hair and was really, like really really shy. That got me good and I thought it was cute when I first met her. But she didn’t stand out. I mean, she went to college the same as me and everything, but I was really popular and people just seem to acknowledge her as my girlfriend. We tried our best not to let it bother us, and I even tried to get her into sports but it just wasn’t her thing. She hadn’t found it.

And then she did.

Some robberies started to happen at the campus. All students complained about the security issues, lack of cameras, not enough security guards. Stuff like that. So the security office decided to reclute some volunteers. I remember the time I read about it and laughed out loud with my friends. This was really silly stuff. How could people think this was going to work? I also remember going to meet Maria and to have a good laugh about it.

“Yes, I’ve read it.” She said with a stern expression. “And I’ve decided to sign up.”

“You what?” I said, thinking it was clearly a joke. “Honey, it’s clearly pointless. The thieves could easily sign up for this, or they could be friends of the thieves. This isn’t going to help anyone.”

“I’ve made up my mind. I am doing this. “ Maria replied with the same serious face. “And I hope you’ll be supportive about it.”

And trust me, I tried. But it just seemed silly to me. Since I couldn’t mock that with my girlfriend, I decided to mock that stupid idea with my more popular friends. I know, I know, you would probably call me a bad person. But come on, it was just a token gesture from the college itself. It wouldn’t solve any actual problem. But for Maria, god… it became HER thing. She even got a badge or something and was seen wearing it while patrolling the corridors and buildings. Yes, patrolling. There were other volunteers but none as fanatical as Maria. It was a little embarrassing to me, and at this point, she was no longer the all-popular, sports star, Carla’s girlfriend. For some people, I was starting to be Maria’s girlfriend. Better said, that crazy “police” girl’s girlfriend.

But it was so silly! To make my point, they didn’t even capture any single thief. Just a couple of people doing some minor transgressions, but no robberies. I tried to reason with Maria, try to tell her that it had been good fun, yeah, I was happy for her that she had found a hobby but this had to stop. Or at least try to be less obsessed with this. She didn’t take it well. And soon it became a fight. And after more fights, a break up. What a waste. It ended pretty bad but I regretted nothing. At least I wasn’t going to be related with a crazy, short chubby girl fantasising she was a police officer doing some big job. And yes, of course I mocked the “job” even more with my popular sport girls. This was, as I had said, really silly. Some “college police” were going to do something. Yeah, good one.

Oh boy, I had to learn it the hard way.

It was a Thursday, just before a long weekend. Friday was a Holiday, I don’t remember which one but the campus was going to be closed. My parents (yup, I still lived with them. I lived really close to college so it was really impractical to move out) and my younger brother were going for a quick trip before he ended school that year and moved away to a different town and different college. I was going to have my house for myself and I was planning to have some of my friends for a party on Saturday. I still had to do some cleaning, but yeah, it was going to be good. All the house for myself for three days.

So there I was. Soccer practice had ended late, about 9 pm, and after showering I stayed late talking with my friends about the upcoming long weekend. Eventually they all left and I was the last one. I went to my locker, picked up my things and started walking towards the parking lot, when I found a soccer ball. Funny thing, I thought we had put all things away. Heh, well, better not waste it. I started playing with it, giving some kicks and doing some plays when a familiar voice stopped me.

“Campus is going to close, you shouldn’t be here, student.”

I turned around and I saw Maria.

“Geez, Maria, you scared me.” I said, not having talked to her since our last big fight. “I am going, relax.”

“What are you doing with that ball? Is it from the sports equipment?” She asked, starting to get annoying. “It’s past 9 PM, all training sessions have ended and it should have been put away like the rest of the equipment. The security manual says…”

“My god, I said relax.” I spat back. “I am already going home, just give me a break. Tell me when a real security officer comes, ok?”

Maria stared at me at pointed at her stupid badge. “I am a volunteer, and a real security officer for this campus. And you are in a serious violation of the security code, specifically about the section that talks about sport equipment. And you know what could happen to you.”

I stayed quiet. She had a point: since the robberies, suspects of stealing sport equipment were suspended, temporarily of course, from all teams and training during the course of investigations. All of them. That would mean a big pause for my favourite activities. My activities. And not to talk about the embarrassment. But seeing that stupid badge really got me. “You cannot do that. You are not a real security officer.”

“This says I am.” She replied, pointing again at her badge.

“Well, then…” I said, coming close to her. With a quick movement, I snatched it. “Now you don’t.”

“Hey! Give me that!” She shouted but I already started running away with the badge and my sports bag towards my car. Now, I would usually be faster than her. Me being taller and more athletic. But I was quite tired from the training session and I was carrying my bag, so I wasn’t that fast. It wasn’t long before I felt her tackling my legs as I felt hard into the floor.

“Ouch, you idiot!” I shouted. Before I could react, I felt my hands being pulled behind me and a cold, metallic sensation around my wrists followed by a quick click. “What are you doing?!”

“What does it look like I am doing?” Maria said, sitting on the back of my thighs. “I am arresting you for your security violations.”

Hell no. I pulled against the cuffs but they wouldn’t break. Sh*t, those things were real. I felt her gripping the small chain holding my wrists and some metallic sounds. I turned my head to look at her. “Relax, prisoner, I am just double locking them, so you won’t hurt yourself. It’s for your own protection.”

“Your prisoner?!” I shouted, really angry. “What the hell, Maria? You are not a police officer. You are not even a security officer! This whole volunteer thing has really got you! Now let me go before you regret this.”

Maria shook her head disapprovingly. She reached for my bag and opened it. “You have the right to remain silent. And you are not allowed to speak without permission. Let me fix that.”

I struggled trying to get her off me, but to no avail. I was too tired and she was too heavy for me. “That doesn’t make any sense. I am telling you, let me go or I’ll just mmphhh… Whmmphh?! HMMPHHH?!”

That was the last thing I said before feeling the taste of my own sweaty socks, the ones used for my training, in my own mouth! I protested through my foul gag but Maria’s hand kept pushing it inside. I tried to push them out, but she handgagged me tightly with her right hand while she kept searching my bag with her left one.

“Lmmphhh mmphh gmmphh! Lmmph mphh…!” My protests were silenced by her finger and thumb pinching my nose tightly. Jerk, I couldn’t breathe! It was just for a few seconds before she let my nose go and I could breathe again. I worked hard to recover some air so I could protest again, but it bought Maria enough time. She pulled my black spandex shorts, the ones I also had used for training and rolled it, before tying it tightly around my mouth.

“NMMPHH!! MMMPHH!! MMPHHH!!” I tried to shout with all my energy, but it was really muffled. The socks weren’t going anywhere. And neither was I.

She climbed off my back. Her hands were inside my pockets and she took my car keys. I protested once again but she just giggled. She then grabbed my arms and pulled/helped me back up to my feet. I struggled some more but her hand quickly grabbed the cuffs and my movements were severely reduced. Without saying another word, she forced me to talk towards my car, which wasn’t really far away.

Ok, this was just probably a practical joke. A prank. So I decided I would let her take me to my car. She would just prove her point and let me go with a warning. But my eyes nearly popped when we got there and I saw her opening my trunk. “In you go, prisoner.”

Hell no! No freaking way! This wasn’t going to happen to me! But she had every advantage here. She shoved me into the trunk while I tried to kick her and missed her. The sock gag wasn’t clearly helping me either. Soon I was laying on my front in my own trunk! I rolled on my side to look at her with all my anger. I could see an evil smile in her face.

“Sorry, you were saying? You are under arrest now. See you in a while, prisoner” she said before closing the trunk.
Last edited by Mineira1986 2 years ago, edited 41 times in total.
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Post by CarouselCowboy13 »

I would definitely say Good and Awesome story
My Dear it's no use to struggle. But I would greatly appreciate it if you, could and would
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Post by Beaumains »

Nice start as it's always good to see the underdog in control! I wonder were this will lead to: A romantic night or a bad break-up.
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Post by Driverman »

Excellent start to the story!
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Post by Ducttapelover93 »

I can’t wait to see where this will go! The mistreated ex finally gets a chance at some revenge! Should be awesome if the first chapter is anything to go off of. Hope to read more soon!
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Post by Tieup1 »

A good start, this story sounds interesting. :)
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Post by puddy300 »

This is a fun start, Maria definitely let a little power go to her head!
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Thank you all for your kind replies!

Part 2

Hell no! This wasn’t happening to me!

I started kicking, trying to open the trunk from inside. I had no idea what Maria had thought, this clearly had gone over her head. I could stay in my own trunk for three days until Monday when people returned to the campus! I kicked and kicked but nothing. I couldn’t even see anything that could help me. I remained still after several desperate attempts to get out. My only hope was to wait for Maria to return and then try to subdue her. I still had my legs free, so I could try and trap her with my legs and probably force her to release me. Or just kick her. That wasn’t a good plan, but I didn’t have any better options.

I felt the trunk getting opened and I was ready to kick her as soon as I saw her. But I saw the lights from the parking lot and just before I could see Maria and attack her, I saw a big black object falling over my head and torso.

“MMMMMPHHHH!!!” I shouted. That big object was a bag, a big bag and the hit was kind of soft. It didn’t really hurt me but it took me by surprise. It did the trick. I wasn’t able to surprise attack her. As I recovered from it, I felt Maria’s hands untying my shoelaces and tying them to each other. My feet were now bound together, not effectively but again, it worked somehow. I wasn’t going to be able to kick at her, at least not with my full strength. I shouted again. “NMMMPHHHH!!”

“Prisoner, I told you, all of this is for your own protection.” I heard her voice saying. “I cannot have you kicking around. Now lay here like a good captive and we’ll be home soon.”

Home? Her home? Or mine? My question was answered when her hand went for my pocket and took my house keys. “NMMMPHH!! GMMVMPH MMPH MMPHH KMMPHH!”

“Silence, prisoner. You are just making this worse for you.” She said before closing the trunk and leaving me again in darkness.

Damn, she had thought of everything. But there was no way I was letting her take me to my own house. I mean, my house was a better place than this dark trunk. But my family was gone for three days! And I had planned my party! I wasn’t going to allow my ex-girlfriend to keep me as her prisoner at my own place, especially for that much time. I had to do something about it! I kicked again when I heard the engine starting. Soon the car started moving. Darn. Then it came to me.

My phone.

Argh, stupid phone stuck in my front pockets. I had to think beyond the point of being locked in my own trunk and having my own car driven by my ex girlfriend, now my captor, and try to think how to get my phone out of my pants pockets. Probably if I could rub my pocket against the floor, but that big bag nearly over me was making it way harder. Suddenly I felt myself being rolled.


Freaking Maria! That was not the way to drive my car, idiot. But I had been moved, intentionally or not, and now I was in an even worse position. I groaned. Now her stupid big bag and my own bag were pressed against me, making it almost impossible to try and get my phone out. Then, another quick turn of the car.


Not worth it. My trussed up body and the bags rolled all around the trunk and my attempts to get my phone, my only hope, were only making it worse. I decided to remain still and endure. Once she got me out of here, I could probably see and have another escape option.

Thankfully, my house was not very far away, so the bumpy ride wasn’t too long. I felt the car stopping, for Maria to open the garage door, and then moving again until it was parked. A few seconds later, the trunk door was open. And through the stupid bag over my body, blocking half my sight, I could see Maria’s evil smile.

“Hey, look at you, popular girl. How was the ride? Comfy?” She asked, earning a muffled indignant protest from me. “I don’t know why you never let me drive your car before. I am such a good driver.”

This ride was exactly the reason I didn’t allow her. Urgh… But I had to control my temper. I stopped protesting and just glared at her.

“Good, I like you better quiet.” She said once I stopped my muffled sounds. “Now let’s get you out of here, come on.”

She picked her large bag and placed it on the ground. Then she took me by my arms and started “helping” me out of the trunk. Helping wasn’t exactly describing that. She practically pulled me, or at least tried to, into a sitting position. Once I was sitting on the edge, she grabbed my legs and pulled them out, so I could stand up out of my car.

“Perfect, now this way, prisoner.” She stood behind me and shoved my back gently with one hand. I considered running but my shoelaces were still holding my feet with little distance between each other, and her other hand, the one not on my back, grabbed my cuffed hands. Not yet.

I let her escort me to my room, which was upstairs. My house, or better said, my parents’ house was enough for the four of my family (we even had had a big dog during my childhood) but now that I was alone with Maria, it seemed quite big. We went from the garage through the kitchen, then the dining room and then the stairs. My ex girlfriend kept calling me “prisoner” from time to time, demanding me to speed up or slow down, despite her holding me by the cuffs and my feet sort of tied up. Walking upstairs with my feet tied was one of the worst things, and I knew she was holding me, but it didn’t help to make it easier. What a douche.

Once in my room, she guided me to my bed and placed me, right in front of it. She was holding something in her hands I couldn’t see. I tried to turn my head to look at it, but she quickly grabbed my head and forced me to look forward. I groaned again. She then knelt and untied my shoelaces from each other. “Open your legs and bend over, prisoner.”

What? That could have been my moment to try and escape, having my legs freed but her demand took me by surprise. She didn’t wait for me to follow her command. She lightly kicked the inner side of my legs, spreading them, while, with her hand, she pushed my back so now I was bent over my own bed on my stomach.

“HMMMPHH! Whmmph…?” I tried to ask.

“Hush, prisoner. I need to frisk you.” She said as her hands started running through my hair, like a cop. “It’s standard procedure. Now be quiet like a good little girl while I search for any dangerous item you may hold in your hair and clothes.”

I bit the socks inside my mouth to stop myself from shouting back. Her hands searched through my hair, then gently removed the small earrings I was wearing. Of course I didn’t fight her while she did that, just groaned in defeat. Her hands went down my shirt, my torso, my arms and my back. Then she got to my pants.

She took my phone. Darn, that was my escape tool. I would have to think about another one. She removed some coins that were there as well. From the front pocket, she moved into my back pockets, still frisking me. She then moved down through my thighs and legs, patting me like I had some gun or knife hidden there. Maria perfectly knew I didn’t have anything, so it was either she was taking her so called job too seriously or just doing it to annoy me. Or both.

“Step out of your shoes.” She ordered. I closed my eyes and bit my sock gag harder. But I complied. She searched through my shoes and discarded them after she found nothing there. Then I got to see what she was holding before. I was a zip bag. She placed my phone, the coins and my earrings inside it and closed it. “You won’t be needing these until you are released. Now I think I have frisked you well, but just in case…”

Her hands went back searching my back pockets. Jerk. My face started turning red from the anger and the embarrassment as I bit the socks even harder. After some more frisking, Maria placed her hands on my waist, came close to my ear and whispered. “Ok, now you stay here like the prisoner you are while I prepare your restraints for the night.”

She then gave me a quick pat on my butt. I would have protested against it but my mind was just thinking about what she had said. For the night? The whole night restrained? Not freaking way. This was going too far. I had to do something: she was going to pick her stuff and this was my chance. I turned my head to see her going out of my room with the zip bag. I then heard her steps going down the stairs.

This was my chance. I stood up and walked out of my room. I quietly walked down the stairs. She probably was in the garage retrieving her big bag, which most likely had the restraints she talked about. So I had to use the front door. I stepped out of the stairs and headed for the living room when I heard Maria’s voice.

“Carla, what the heck do you think you are doing?!”
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Post by Caesar73 »

I really liked that part :)
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Post by Tieup1 »

Good continuation, that Maria is a real pain. :(
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Post by Ducttapelover93 »

Amazing continuation! Can’t wait what happens next. Your stories always do a great job of grabbing and keeping attention.
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Post by CarouselCowboy13 »

Awesome and Good Chapter!!! Things are starting to get interesting and juicy
My Dear it's no use to struggle. But I would greatly appreciate it if you, could and would
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Thank you all for you replies!

Part 3

“NMMMPHHH!!” I shouted through my gag.

I turned my head. There was Maria with some chain and cuffs in her hands. We froze for just a second. No way, I wasn’t going to let her put those things on me.

I was the first to move.

I started running towards the front door.

Running inside your house, in close spaces, is hard. Now imagine running with your hands cuffed behind your back. And with your own dirty socks stuffed inside your mouth. Despite that, my legs had kind of recovered from the training and the ride home, so I could get to my front door before Maria even got into the living room. I turned around, my back against the door trying to open it when I realized.

It was locked.

We had entered the house through the garage door, not this one, so of course it was going to be locked. I needed another way to get out. Probably the garage itself, but she had closed it. Maybe going through one of the ground floor windows. It could work, I just needed to…

“MMMPHH!!!” I felt Maria’s weight tackling me into the ground. “MMMMPHHH!!”

“Where the heck do you think you were going, huh?” She said, falling on top of me, me lying on my stomach. Darn, I had been close! Close to escape and get some neighbour’s attention! Now I was back at Maria’s clutches. I struggled and jerked my body as strongest as I could but, darn, this girl was really heavy. I couldn’t push her. I even tried to push her with my bound hands but it was useless. She quickly shifted her position to have my foot and a metallic sound filled the room.


“NMMPHH!! NMMPHHH!!” I protested against it but it was pointless. She cuffed one of my ankles and, despite my intense kicking, got to cuff my other ankle with relatively ease. Now I couldn’t run away or even move. I was stuck! “MMMPHHH!!”

She then double locked my new cuffs. Maria shifted her body again, now straddling my back. I kept trying to push her way but she just came close to my ear again and whispered. “I was going to treat you well, prisoner.” I groaned at her calling me that way. “Now you are going to get it the hard way. Rebellious prisoners should be punished.”


“Shut up. I haven’t given you permission to speak.” She merely replied. “Now, your new ankle cuffs should prevent you from running away, but you could still hop like a little bunny. Let me fix that.”

What was she talking about? More restraints? I was already gagged with my own training socks, cuffed behind my back and my ankles cuffed, what else could possibly be needed?

My question was answered when she climbed off my back and started bending my legs towards my hands. I reacted too late, taking too much time to realize what she was doing. Too late. When I started kicking my legs away, they were already touching my hands. A small chain followed, attached to both my handcuffs and my ankle cuffs, leaving me effectively in a tight hogtie.

“MMMPHHH!” I protested as I pulled my limbs, trying to break the chain holding me in this uncomfortable position. I was already tired from my soccer training, that stupid ride in MY OWN car, and now this. This was unbearable!!

As I kept pulling and struggling, Maria just sat next to me watching me. I gave her a quick look. She had a serious expression but I knew her. She was enjoying it, way too much. Finally having her ex-girlfriend, the one who had mocked her volunteer job as security officer, the one who had told her that wasn’t a real thing, hogcuffed on the floor and gagged with dirty socks, unable to do or say a single thing. I looked away and moved my head away from her as I kept trying to break my restraints. Nothing. I was stuck.

As soon as I realized I was going to be kept this way until Maria decided to let me go, I stopped. I panted hard through my nose, trying to recover some energy. She then came and patted my head mockingly. “There, you finally understood your current status, Carla. You are my prisoner now, and I will teach you not to mock the security officers. That’s a serious offense and you’ve been doing it for quite some time without punish, but luckily we have this long weekend just for us. Don’t worry, I’ll teach you and train you properly,... my prisoner.”

The long weekend? The whole long weekend? No way! No freaking way! I started struggling again, with all my anger and frustration. How could I have let this happen to me? My chubby, shorter, non athletic ex girlfriend had gotten the better of me. And I was now a helpless captive in the middle of my own house, at her mercy. There was to be something I could do. Something!

But she just patted my head until I calmed down again. Or better said, I ran out of energy. “Still rebellious, heh? Not a problem, we can deal with that before bedtime. Come here.”

She stood up and grabbed my legs. Then she pulled me back to my living room. I groaned indignant at this treatment. More and more humiliation as each minute passed. Not only I was hogcuffed and gagged, but also dragged like some package… across my own floor! My own house! But she didn’t care.

Maria sat down on the floor next to me and smiled. That evil smile. I knew I was screwed. She reached for my feet and, slowly, removed my socks. I wasn’t sure why when her index finger started running through my bare soles, making me giggle involuntarily.

“Just as I thought, I detect some ticklishness here. Good.” She said, still running her finger through my feet. “Let’s do some tickling and we can call it a night.”

My eyes went wide. No, come on, this was just going to be torture! “NMMPHH! NMMPH TMMPHH!!” I tried to tell her to stop, but she just giggled. An evil giggle. I started to struggle and to try to get away from her but she had complete advantage here. She quickly sat on my back facing my hogtied feet. And then it started.


But her fingers went crazy. Up and down, running through all my feet. I couldn’t do a thing about it. Her weight stopped any struggle attempt and my exposed soles were that… exposed. Totally exposed to her. For her relentless tickling torture. And I just had to take it. All I could do was moaning, laugh through my gag and attempt failing struggles. Nothing more.

Eventually it stopped. I panted hard. Maria climbed off my back and gave me a good look. I didn’t care at this point. I was just glad her weight was off me so I could breathe again, or at least breath good enough considering my mouth was filled with sweaty socks. I turned my head and just leered at her. She seemed quite pleased with my new status.

“Alright, prisoner. That will do for now.” She said patting my head again. “You will learn your true place, but not just yet. Now, it’s bedtime. Lights out.”

She took my discarded socks and tied them around my eyes. I didn’t fight her. I was just too tired now. Now I was effectively blindfolded. And even with the blindfold, I could see her, in my head, smiling, enjoying the view of her ex girlfriend now captive at her mercy. She took my face in her hands and gave me a long kiss on my forehead.

“I was going to let you sleep on your own bed, prisoner, but you just had to be rebellious. So you’ll sleep here on the cold floor.” Maria said. “On the other hand, I will be the one taking your bed. I am sure you won’t mind.”

Of course I minded. Freaking Maria. I protested once more, just a muffled protest through my gag. But I was powerless. Maria laughed and gave me a quick pat on my cheek.

“Get some rest, prisoner Carla. Now, I should change your gag, the taste is probably awful, am I right?” I groaned in response. “But it’s already too late, I am too tired to do that. I guess you will just have to find the way to endure for the night.”

“MMMMPHHH!” I shouted again. It was pointless. She just laughed and continued.

“Tomorrow your training and punishment will begin. Sleep tight and don’t go anywhere.” That was the last thing she said before leaving me. I heard her steps going up stairs.

This was going to be a long, long weekend.
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Post by Tieup1 »

Super chapter, I wonder what Maria, has in store, for her prisoner. ?
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Post by Caesar73 »

Tieup1 wrote: 3 years ago Super chapter, I wonder what Maria, has in store, for her prisoner. ?
Harsh treatment, that Maria dishes out :)
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Post by CarouselCowboy13 »

Super Good and Awesome Chapter!!!! Carla is in for torture and lesson in punishment I bet
My Dear it's no use to struggle. But I would greatly appreciate it if you, could and would
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Post by TripleZero »

Great story so far. Wouldnt mind if this happened to me :)
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Thanks again!

Part 4

The night was hard. I was lying on the cold floor, in the middle of my living room, barefoot, hogtied tightly in cuffs, blindfolded with my own socks, and my other sweaty socks stuffed inside my mouth. It was so humiliating. To add insult to injury, Maria had taken my own bedroom, my own bed. Meaning she was sleeping all comfy and warm in my own house while I had to try and sleep on the hard floor.

Eventually I got some energy back. Pulling the cuffs was pointless, I already knew it. I tried to rub my gag or blindfold against the floor, attempting to get them off me. Nothing as well. The spandex shorts holding the socks in my mouth were tied too tight. The socks around my eyes too. None of my restraints were more loose than before. I was stuck. Really stuck. I don’t know how, but probably exhausted from all the things that happened, I managed to close my eyes and fell asleep.

The next morning came quite quickly. Or maybe I just woke up really early. My body ached from the tight position I was forced to sleep in. I could see a little light through my blindfold, so it was definitely morning. I tried to call Maria through my gag but there was no response. Maybe she was still sleeping. I just had to wait there. Not that there was any other thing I could do.

After an eternity I heard footsteps. Finally. But Maria took her sweet time. What a jerk. I stayed there, without moving until her hands took my blindfold and removed it. “Good morning, prisoner. Did you sleep well?”

I blinked and looked at Maria. “Grmmphh…” I groaned angrily at her.

“Great. I slept well too. Your bed is really comfortable.” She said while checking my restraints. “Not sure why you would prefer the cold and hard floor but heh, I guess you were always a little freak.”

“MMMPHH!” I protested again just earning some laughs from her.

“Still an angry prisoner, tsk, tsk… We have a lot of work to do. But first I am going to give you your bathroom break. See?” She dangled the cuff keys right in front of me and started waving them in front of my eyes. “I am a good security officer, despite everything you once said.”

I breathed hard through my nose but decided to give her that. I just wanted out of my hogtie. She detached the chain holding it and I let my legs drop on the floor. It felt wonderful. Finally able to stretch my legs after hours. Maria took me in her arms and helped me on my feet.

“On second thought. I think you still need to learn. So now, hop.” She said pointing at the corridor. I gave her a confused look over my shoulder and looked at my cuffed ankles. “Yeah, yeah, I see them. That’s what I said hop, not walk. Quickly before I decided to hogtie you again for the whole day, prisoner.”

A sharp slap on the bottom followed. I instinctively jumped forward and started hopping. One step at the time. My legs were still a little numb but I had no choice. I could really use a bathroom break. I had taken a shower after training last night, but I really could use the bathroom. I hopped and hopped my way followed by Maria until we reached our destination on the ground floor.

Maria opened the door. “You have five minutes, prisoner. You better not keep me waiting.”

I heard key sounds behind me and I knew she was going to uncuff me. This was my chance. My long awaited chance. I waited carefully as Maria unlocked my hands. Soon my ankles would follow, right?


Once my hands were freed, and before I could turn to face her, she pushed me into the bathroom hard. I had to hop forward to prevent myself from falling forward. And then she slammed the door closed.

“Five minutes, prisoner! And before you decide to open that door and try something funny, you better listen to me!” She shouted.

Her voice was sounding like she was walking away. Making some space between me and her. Darn, this girl was clever. I looked at the mirror and started removing my gag. Argh, these spandex shorts were holding it good. It took me a minute after I started to untie Maria’s knots before getting some actual progress.

“Four minutes! And I am guessing you are going after your gag, so I’ll talk for a little while. I have here, in my phone, an email ready to be sent to the security officer with a report that places you as a suspect from stealing sports equipment, with some visual evidence as well.” Maria said. “This is going to lead to temporary suspension of you from your silly training sessions and matches, not to mention your reputation as a sports star. And I’ll make sure everybody in your circles hear about this.”

“WHMMMPH?!” I asked, still gagged. She couldn’t do this. I thought she was bluffing the night before but she sounded dead serious. Or maybe she was bluffing again. After I froze for a second, I restarted the ungagging process.

“That’s right, you heard me, Carla.” She said. “And in case you are thinking of coming out that door, hop your way to me and attack me, I’ve set this email on a timer. You’ll see, if you are not cuffed again in less than four minutes, it’s going to be sent to the security office anyway so… I’d hurry if I were you.”

Come on! She has really planned this. She was clearly prepared for this! I accelerated my ungagging attempts and soon I was ungagged. I was still processing everything as I washed my mouth and face quickly before speaking. “Listen to me! You wouldn’t freaking dare, Maria. This is getting out of hand! You've proved your point! You are a security officer, ok?! There, I admit it. Now end this! Now!”

“Three minutes!” That was just her response.

I was screwed. I went to the toilet and kept thinking about this. There had to be a way out for me. Something. Anything. But I was on a deadline here. And my ankles were still cuffed. Even if I could get to Maria on time, I would still need to stop that email from being sent automatically. Maybe the phone was in her pocket. Maybe she had hidden it so I wouldn't find it in time. My face turned red from the anger. I had to play her game for a little while longer.

“One minute! Sounds like you don’t care about your reputation, so...”

“I am coming out!” I said washing my hands quickly.

I opened the door. As I thought, Maria was enough feet away, pretty much safe from my range. On the floor, next to my feet, was a black bandana. “Gag yourself with it and lay on the floor on your stomach, hands behind your head. And before you say anything, you have about 50 seconds before the email is sent so…”

I wanted to refuse but decided to comply quickly. I took the bandana and tied it quickly and sloppy over my mouth. Almost immediately, I lay down on the floor with my hands behind my head as she required.

She came to me then and brought my hands, one by one, behind my back and cuffed them again. “Good, ten seconds to go. And…” she took her phone from her pocket. Darn, I could have taken her if I knew it was there. “...mail cancelled. Your reputation is safe for now. See? It isn’t that hard to obey… prisoner Carla.” She then double locked my cuffs again.

“Stomph callmmph me a prisommpher!” I protested.

“How could a big athlete girl like you be so useless at tying knots?” She said, checking my gag. She untied the knot and pulled it tightly behind my head. I protested as now, the bandana wasn’t covering my mouth but was now between my teeth, cleave gagging me. Maria didn’t seem to care as she tied the knot tightly. “Better. That’s why I am in charge of you.”

“Now up.” She commanded.

I looked at her for a second but she didn’t move to help me. What a jerk. I struggled to get on my knees and then slowly tried to stand up. I was almost standing when I lost balance. Luckily for me, she grabbed me by the waist on time before I fell on the floor.

“You’ll get used to moving in restraints, prisoner.” She said, making me groan. “Now hop to the kitchen. It’s breakfast time and we can discuss how your sentence is going to be.”
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Post by CarouselCowboy13 »

Good and Awesome Chapter
My Dear it's no use to struggle. But I would greatly appreciate it if you, could and would
Kik Username CarouselCowboy15
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Post by GagHerRealGood »

This is a clever story! I love the set-up and how devilish the ex is getting. Great gag talk description too. I can't wait to read more! :)
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Post by Beaumains »

Somehow I hope Maria was bluffing and is still in love with Clara. Only she imagined the relationship slightly differently. Or is it only revenge for Clara's horrible treatment of her? Either way, awesome stuff and I can't wait on what Maria's next plan is. I have a feeling thw breakfast won't be communal too.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Maria is really hard on Carla. The look in Carlas head is great!!
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Post by Tieup1 »

Carla is going to have to be real clever, to out fox Maria. But, maybe Maria will make a mistake ?
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Post by Ducttapelover93 »

I’m really hoping that Carla’s party will come into play. I think that could be a real fun scene no matter who is in charge by that point. I do have a feeling that at some point little miss security officer is gonna be on the receiving end though.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Thanks a lot for your replies!

I don't want to spoil anything but... there is probably going to happen something at the party (that's supposed to happen on Saturday and we are still on Friday morning) and, maybe tables will get turned but... who knows?

Part 5

After more hopping with my bare feet cuffed and my hands cuffed behind my back, we reached the kitchen. There were another set of cuffs on the table, I could notice. Maria pulled a chair and I took the message. I hopped some more and sat down on it. She took the new cuffs and attached the chain of my handcuffs to the back of the chair. I had some slack but essentially, I was going nowhere.

She checked it before stepping away. “Good, now sit still while I make some breakfast. And yes, before you ask, the gag stays. You still don’t understand that you need my permission to speak. I hope to teach you that during this weekend, prisoner.”

I just glared at her, knowing that any response from me would only encourage her. I sat there, pondering my options while she started making pancakes. Escaping was my priority, and I could even go to the police and claim kidnapping, but such trouble would lead to all the students knowing what had happened, at least the ones who knew me. And she could just escape and deny the whole thing. I would end up being the sports star who got captured by her shorter, non athletic ex girlfriend, even if the story couldn’t be verified. That’s how the rumours work. So just escaping would do it.

But my restraints were unescapable so far. I had failed looking for an opening: Maria was clearly one step ahead of me. I would have to wait even longer for an actual chance. She would make a mistake, I just had to be patient. But until then, maybe I could talk her out of it. After all, she had had me as her prisoner for about 8 hours so far, at some point she would get tired of this and understand that this thing couldn’t continue for my sake and hers. That was going to be my plan while I waited for my escape window.

I looked at her as she got the table ready. She occasionally gave me quick looks, clearly enjoying my situation. I had to admit this was an improvement, from being stuffed in my own trunk, having my sweaty socks in my own mouth and sleeping hogtied and blindfolded. The cleave gag was annoying but way better than my previous gag. Maybe she was trying to show that, if I “behaved”, I wouldn’t get worse treatment. Sure, fair point, but I was still trapped inside my own house. I wasn’t going to give up so easily.

Once the pancakes were done, she prepared two glasses of milk and sat down next to me. Maria looked at me and smiled again. I waited for her to remove my gag but she didn’t. She just started eating.

“Now that you are a quiet prisoner, I’ll explain how this is going to work.” She said. “You have committed some serious offense in the past. Disrespecting a security officer is no joke. Now you are going to do your time. Also, you have been seen using sports equipment after the allowed hours, that makes you a suspect for stealing it. That’s another serious crime and you will be treated accordingly.”

Shoot. The same boring explanation from yesterday. And from just a few minutes ago. I wasn’t going to be intimidated. I kept staring at her, quietly while she took some bites and some milk.

“Also, you tried to escape from your imprisonment last night. Tsk, tsk.” She shook her head in disapproval. “That’s also a serious offense. Prisoners need to do their time and you made it worse for yourself. If you continue with that attitude, you’ll force me to take more harsh measures in order to assure discipline.”

Of course, she was going to mention my failed escape attempt. It wasn’t just the fact that I had, indeed, failed, but the way she talked about it, like it was yet another victory of her over me. I felt the red coming back to my face because of my anger but I remained silent.

“Good, good,” Maria smiled, noticing my furious look. “You are learning how to control your temper. You are going to be a wonderful prisoner, Carla. It doesn’t have to be this way, though. If you behave like a good girl, I’ll treat you better.” She winked at me. “Now, I am going to remove your gag and I don’t want to hear a single word or I’ll regag you and keep you that way until lunch time. Do you understand, prisoner?”

Urgh…. My face turned even redder. But I nodded slowly.

“Perfect.” She took my cleave gag and pulled it down to my neck. I kept staring at her. I wasn’t sure if she was actually going to leave without food or drink that many hours but I didn’t want to test her. Maria waited a few seconds before feeding me some of the remaining pancakes. It was embarrassing, having to be nourished, but I decided to endure. Maybe complying would make her get too confident. And she would let her guard down.

“Look at the mess you are making.” Maria said after the third or fourth time she fed me. “Look at all the crumbles. What would your friends say? Big Carla knows how to play all kinds of sports but never learnt how to eat properly?”

My face was beet red by this point. She smiled wider. This was clearly some kind of sick dream of hers. I remained silent as she took some napkins and started cleaning my mouth.

“There, there, sounds like you could use some help. Maybe after your time as a prisoner, I should be in charge of you. You know, like your ward. Or more like your babysitter. Making sure you don’t go around doing your crimes or even having to feed you and taking care of you.”

Ok, that was it. I wasn’t going to take more trash talk. She finished cleaning my mouth and went for the glass of milk. “Alright, Maria. Enough! You don’t have the right to treat me like this! Now uncuff me right now or…!”

I couldn’t get to finish my sentence as she placed the glass on my lips. I had to stop talking and start drinking the milk. After half glass, I started again. “What the hell? I am talking to you and now you will listen! This is kidnapping and you will pay for this if you don’t let me go right nnmppphhh!!!” NMMPHHHH!! LEMMPH MMPH GOMMPH”

She took the opportunity while I had my mouth opened to regag me. Argh, and she did it without a sweat! She just looked at me, with no visible reaction in her look and pulled my gag from neck back to my mouth. I shook my head but she stood up and retied it tightly behind my back, even tighter than before.

“I said not a single word or you’d be gagged again. This is your own fault. I was going to treat you better but you just had to screw things up. But as I said, you will learn, prisoner.” She said, patting my head.

I shook it away from her reach. How much was I going to have to suffer until this crazy girl let me go? She knelt behind me and unlocked the cuffs holding me to the chair. “Up, let’s move to the living room to start your training, prisoner.”

Hell no! That was it. As she made me stand up again, I saw it. She had left the cuffs key on the table! She turned me to face the kitchen door and I hit the glass with my elbow, making it crash hard on the floor along with the dishes.

“What the…?!”

I got lucky here. The glass and the dishes were made of plastic, so they didn’t break. But it did make a mess on the table as well as the kitchen floor. While Maria was busy trying to figure out what to do first, if to clean up the mess or take me to the living room, I stood up on my tiptoes and grabbed the cuff keys.

I turned around and started working. Why did it have to be so difficult? My fingers went looking for the key hole, relatively calm at first, but soon I started to panic. It was probably more time than I remember, but my mind was going too quickly and I was in a really desperate situation. I watched carefully as Maria came out of her initial confusion while my clumsy fingers failed to unlock my cuffs. My ex girlfriend went for a towel to clean up. I shifted my body to face her and to hide my hands. So close, so freaking close. She put the towel on the table when her eyes opened wide in surprise.

She knew it.

“Carla, where are the…?” She looked at me, realizing what was happening. “Turn around! Now!”

No! Not this time! She grabbed my arm trying to make me turn around but I struggled with all my might. I was stronger than her, tallen than her, even with my hands cuffed. But not with my feet cuffed. Eventually I lost balance and fell on my side. Ouch! As I tried to recover from the hit, Maria managed to roll me on my stomach. I was doomed.

“Give me that!” Maria said trying to get the key away from my fingers. “Give me the key! Carla! You are going to be in serious trouble!”

I didn’t give up. I tried to kick her. I had to hold on the key. This was my only hope. I pressed my fingers against the key with all my strength available. But then Maria took me by surprise. With her other hand she gave me a quick pinch on my thigh.

“HMMMMPH!” I yelled in surprise. It distracted me for less than a second. But it didn’t distract Maria. In that time, she managed to snatch the key from my still cuffed hands. “NMMMPHH!!!!!!”

Maria panted hard from the struggle. “You are in trouble now, Carla. Anything that happens to you from now will be your own fault!” She stood up and looked at me while I struggled like crazy on the kitchen floor. I had been so close! So freaking close! I rolled on my side and looked at her in a mix of anger, frustration and misbelief. I couldn’t believe I had been so close to freedom!

She looked angry. We stared at each other for a few seconds before she spoke. “Now…” she smiled in an evil way. Her voice was different from before. It was cold. “Wait here while I bring more restraints for you.”
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