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Patti's Payback

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2023 2:43 pm
by Brez510
I would like to tell you a little story about an ex-girl friend named Patti.

I know you like to learn about a person’s appearance when they are involved in a tie up game, so here it is.

Patti was 24 when this incident occurred, right before we started dating. She’s 5’9”, thin, long legs, larger than normal chest, piercing green eyes and short black hair.

She looks pretty much the same several years later as she did back then. I still see her in town from time to time.

Her nickname was “legs.” She did and does have beautiful legs. Long, very shapely, smooth, and sexy. It always turned me on when a guy she knew called her that.

We were once driving back from a movie where one of the stars was tied up.

I asked her if she was ever tied up and gagged in real life circumstances, and she amazingly told me yes. I asked her “as a kid playing games?” and she said no “just two years ago.”

It happened when she was head girl’s counselor at a large sleep a way camp in the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania.

As a little backup, at the conclusion of the eight weeks of summer camp the last week was the highlight of the season…Color War.

For the uninitiated, camp is split into two teams assigned different colors that compete in both athletic and non-athletic activities. Teams wear their colors and earn points for different conquests during the week everything from tug of war, relays, cheers, and stage shows to outdoor skills and arts and crafts. At the end of the week points are added up and there is a winner.

At Patti’s camp one of the point gaining events, and the final event, involved just staff. Whatever staff could “kidnap” the team leader from either the Red or Blue team first would hold them for “ransom.” The kidnapping would take place usually when the opportunity presented itself to find the team leader alone. The kidnapping, from what Patti told me usually meant taking the person to an unknown destination somewhere on the 200-acre camp grounds. For the most part the hostage would just hang out with staff member “guards” chilling while waiting for their team to pay a Color War points ransom. Team leaders usually didn't mind being grabbed because it meant getting away from the frantic Color War festivities for a few hours.
It seems that Patti when she was kidnapped was treated differently as a team leader.

You see a few years back Patti told me she was different.

She told me she was great at camp programming and working with kids but her relationship with staff left much to be desired. At camp, as in real life, she was narcissistic, stubborn, over spontaneous, worked to benefit herself and not be a team player with co-workers, friends, or relatives.
This incident, she said, turned that around and made her a better person.
Patti told me she was the Blue Team staff leader.

All Camp staff were to stay on the grounds all week long during color war. No days off or nights out of Camp to go to the small-town bars.
Patti pulled one of her “spontaneous” episodes by agreeing to meet a college friend who was passing through on a trip. She did this the night before the last day of Color War. The worst possible time.

While all other staff were confined to camp, she felt the rules were different for her.

She told me the story and here it is, pretty much in her own words.

I was coming back to camp from town. A friend of mine was passing through. I told her I would meet her for a drink. I didn't see any harm in doing that.

Well, I parked in the camp lot a short walk away from my cabin. I had a private cabin since I was a head counselor.

I had on a white t-shirt, really short Daisey Duke shorts and open toed black heels. They don’t call me legs for nothing.

As I got close to the cabin, it was about one in the morning, I thought I heard a noise. I stopped but at that point only heard total silence other than frogs chirping.

I got to the cabin and noticed an empty utility golf cart on the side of the house. It was a regular cart that had a long bed in the back for tools and equipment. Some lazy maintenance workers probably ditched it there. Very annoying.

I opened my cabin door and stepped inside. It was dark and as I went to turn on the light all of a sudden, a big hand, a man’s hand clamped over my mouth. I was scared beyond belief.

I tried to grab his arm to pull his hand away, but he was just too strong.

Oh, I tried. His hand was so tight around my mouth nothing could come out.

He whispered in my ear that he was on the Red Team and came with a small squad to kidnap me for Color War.

I could tell the voice was Larry Jenkins one of the boys counselors.

I was pissed. Invading my privacy in the middle of the night. If I was able to speak, I wanted to tell him to come back in the morning with his little silly squad when it would be more convenient for me. The nerve of junior staff to walk into my cabin when I'm not here.

And why all the dramatics anyway I thought? If I did agree now to the kidnapping, I would have just come along with them until the stupid ransom was paid in the morning.

Instead of removing his hand Larry moved me into my bedroom.

He kept his hand around my mouth and was still able to push me on the bed on my back. He straddled me on his knees never releasing his hand.
The room was just lit by the light of a full moon, but I could see his squad members standing there…Kyle Adams the nature counselor, Amy Leander one of my staff and Anna Dreese one of the camps administrative assistants.

I wanted so much to curse them out for this, but Larry’s hand gag was so effective I could make even utter the slightest syllable.
Larry said in a whisper that he was going to move his hand away if I didn't make a sound. Finally, I guess now he was going to tell me we were going to their hideout.

As soon as he moved his hand I said I'm going to report.…… He didn't let me finish and put his hand back across my mouth even tighter than before. He said that he told me if I made a sound his hand would go back, and he meant it.

He asked me if I wanted to try again. I shook my head yes.

He removed his hand. I told him to get off me you big moron. I...mmmmmph. He put his hand back again.
Larry said he was going to give me their plan. I would be tied up and gagged and moved to their hideout until the ransom was paid.
Tied up and gagged? I've worked in this camp for five summers and no staff member was ever tied up during the Color War kidnapping. It was always more of a fun event for the staff and kids.

Larry said it was time to go. I looked from the bed to my right and saw Kyle with one red and one blue bandana in his hand while Anna held a length of rope.

Real fast, Larry turned me on my stomach, he kept his hand around my mouth until Kyle was set to put the blue bandana between my teeth and tie it to the back of my head. He made it really, really tight.

Now gagged Larry held me down while Kyle crossed my wrists together to allow Anna to tie them. She was no amateur for a woman, that was for sure. She knew what to do. Like the gag, my wrists were tight.

Gagged, and with my hands tied they took me off the bed and stood me up.
I struggled a little but knowing it was four to one I gave in.

Next thing I know, I guess it was Kyle who took the red bandana and blindfolded me. It was effective because I couldn't see anything.

They walked me to the cabin front door for what I guessed was going to be a trip to their stupid hideout.

Larry asked Amy who was at the door if the coast was clear. Amy said no one around, not a sound. I wish I could have made a sound, but the gag was so tight it was impossible.

They moved me to the golf cart and seated me on the passenger side. Kyle drove while Larry sat in the bed directly behind me with Amy and Anna also in the back.

Unfortunately for me the cart was mechanically silent as we drove off so the chance of someone hearing it was not great.

We drove for a few minutes then suddenly Kyle whispered oh shit. He said he could see on the road up ahead another golf cart parked in front of the arts and crafts building. Larry asked him if he could make out who was walking around it. Kyle said it was too dark to tell.

Larry said he was going to take me off the cart and into some woods several feet away.

That's all they need to see is that we have legs with us. I don't know if they’re on our team or leg’s Blue Team.

Larry stood me up off the cart seat, put his arm around my waist and walked me into the woods.
Just as he did that, I heard the other cart starting to move towards us.

To make sure I wouldn't cause a problem, Larry took one arm, put it around my waist, pulled me towards him and with his other arm used his hand to cover my gagged mouth. I guess he wanted to be doubly sure I was totally immobile.

I heard the other cart stop. It was Leann and Judy, two members of my Blue Team. Leann asked Kyle what they were doing out at I:30 in the morning? Kyle laughter and asked her the same. Judy told Kyle they were getting some arts and crafts supplies together for a color war event for the kids in the morning. Amy told them that they were also working on color war and had to deliver a package. I guess that package was me to wherever I was going, all gift wrapped with a bow in my mouth.

To my surprise Leann and Judy started talking dirt about me.

They said we know another person out late. Patti flitted out of here in one of her slutty shorts outfits to meet a friend in town. Pretty typical. We work our backsides off while she as the leader does her own thing. It's been happening all summer. She’s just lucky the kids like her.

They asked Kyle if he saw me around. Kyle said maybe she's still tied up in town. Amy and Anna laughter in the back of the cart at the remark. Little did Leann and Judy know that I was tied up, blindfolded and gagged just feet away.

While being held by Larry I was fuming at their remarks. It was my business if I wanted to go into town and none of theirs. It was my business what I wore and when I came back.

I bet her and her friend picked up some guys and are staying in the motel in town. She could give two shits about color war. It's always about her.
Leann and Judy kept it up dissing me for a few more minutes before they said good night and wished us luck even though we were on different teams.

When Larry heard them drive off, he took his hand off my gagged mouth and starting waking me back to the cart where again he put me in the front seat. Kyle said to me I guess your likeability rating is suffering with those two. Everyone laughed and I was able to get through my gagged mouth a faint mmmmmfh.

Well, we drove a little while longer and again Kyle said shit. The on duty night watch were still walking around.

Again, we stopped. Larry took me out of the front seat and into the woods near the cart path like he did before.

Even though I was blindfolded I could tell by their voices that the two OD’s were Evan and Carole who I supervised. Kyle said he thought the OD shift ended like 45 minutes ago.

Then Evan disrespected me by saying Miss Legs the Great never got on her radio to say the shift was over.

I guess with running into town I forgot I had to do that, but they should have been smart enough to know on their own, I guess.

Kyle said that maybe you should forgive her because I hear she has laryngitis and can't speak now.

Carole said you guys are on the Red Team and we’re on the Blue but if you get the change could you please kidnap her and don't bring her back even if the ransom is paid.

Evan said my greatest pleasure would be to see posters all over camp that say- Legs kidnapped and being held for ransom - It would be like a national holiday around here without her BS.

Everyone laughed. Carole and Evan said they were going to sleep, and I heard them walk away.

Well Larry put me back in the cart seat. I was pretty pissed at Evan and Carole’s disloyalty.

We started to drive again, and Anna said you know we all found it funny but Evans poster idea wasn't bad.

I thought, wasn’t bad?, what does that mean? I hope these fools aren't going to try to embarrass me.

Kyle had his left hand on the wheel and with the right took my gagged and blindfolded face and said Evan and Carole two more satisfied or shall I say dissatisfied customers. I pulled my face away from him as everyone in the cart laughed.

End of Chapter 1

Well, during the cart ride we came upon two groups of people who could have saved me but neither had any idea I was tied up, gagged and blindfolded just a few feet away. To hear their disloyalty, they probably would have enjoyed seeing me like this.

Finally, after driving for another 10 minutes the cart stopped. It seems like maybe we reached the hideout.

Larry took me out of the front seat, took me by the arm and started walking me down what felt like a dirt path. Kyle, Anna and Amy followed.
After a few minutes I heard the water in the camp stream moving.

We took a fork to the left and in a minute, I could feel the warmth of a fire as I was seated in a camping chair.

Kyle took my blindfold off, and I could see I was at a camp site. Kyle was the nature counselor, and this was his overnight nature camp where campers one time during the summer had the chance to rough it, sleeping in tents, making their own meals, fishing, swimming in the stream and learning about the plants and wildlife in the camp. It was off the beaten path for sure and not used for color war. I have to give this gang of fool’s credit. A good choice for a hideout.

After the blindfold was removed, I figured the gag would come off, the ropes on my wrist united and the chance to sleep and relax for a few hours in one of the tents until my ransom was paid.

I guess I was wrong though. No one offered to do that.

By now it was 2:30 in the morning. I could see that the squad that kidnapped me seemed tired. Each one had their own tent with two beds.
Larry came over to me and told me they were going to sleep and if I was good when they woke up it would be my turn to take a nap.
This was getting out of hand. The usually fun color war leader kidnapping was becoming anything but pleasant.

My mouth hurt from the gag, my wrists were stiff, I was hungry and needed the bathroom.

Kyle disappeared for a few minutes and then returned with a junior counselor named Rory.

Legs this is you guard for the next few hours while we rest. You know Rory.

I did know him sort of. I was never one to really pay attention to every staff member in camp. Most staff knew everyone, I felt that it was hard enough to just play up to the big shots like the camp owners. Maybe it would have been to my advantage to know Rory better.

Well, everyone went to sleep, Rory took a camp chair to the other side of the fire and stared at me.

I saw him looking at my legs like most men do. I thought maybe this little punk had his hormones flowing and I could get him to untie me.
Mmmmmmh…….mmmmmh, I tried to nod and talk through the gag to get his attention. He just continued to stare.
Maybe if I struggled and crossed my legs in a sexy way it would do the trick.

Well after a few minutes of my best imitation of a damsel in distress he got out of his chair and finally came over.
I did my best green eye stare at him while trying to moan into the gag.

He said he wasn’t supposed to take the gag off. I pleaded with him through my eyes. It seemed to work.

He said well only for a minute. He stood behind me, untied the gag and took it out of my mouth.
Just as fast he put his hand around my mouth.

Listen legs he said. You fired my cousin Jill the counselor after she worked here for just two weeks and she didn't do anything wrong. You're mean. You fired her for being 10 minutes late to a meeting. She was in the infirmary visiting one of her campers.
Oh boy another, like Kyle said, dissatisfied customer.

Rory loosened his grip on my mouth so I could speak.

Listen, all I want is the bathroom and a drink. Could you walk me to the bathhouse?
Rory asked what he would get in return.

How about anything you want from the canteen for all of color war week.

He tightened his grip on my mouth and said to avenge Jill’s firing I want you to kiss me on my lips and I want to touch your legs.
I said you little perverted monster absolutely…mmmmmmfh. He hand gagged me again.

What was I to do? So, I kiss him on the lips and let him touch my legs in a safe spot. If that's my ticket to get out of here so be it.
I nodded yes into his hand.

He came around the front of the chair knelled down and rubbed his hands from my ankles to knees. He then rubbed my legs above the knees knowing that's as far as he could go without getting in trouble.

I saw a budge in his hiking shorts.

What a little sorry germ.

Next, he moved his head close to me and kissed me on the lips a few times. I moved my lips with his to give him the thrill of his obviously boring life.

If that's all he wanted this kid has a lot to learn.

He said he would untie my wrists when we got to the bathhouse, but when we came back he would have to tie them and put the gag back on.
I told him sure because I had no intention of returning.

He put his finger to his lips to make sure I was going to be quiet.

He stood behind me and guided me by my bound arms to the bathhouse.

He took a scout knife out of his pocket and cut the ropes.

Rory, you were very nice. I'll be out in five minutes. To give him a going away present I kissed him again on the lips.

Inside the bathhouse the picking was pretty easy. There was a window that faced the stream. If I could open it, I could sneak around the back of the tents out of everyone's view and escape. It was kind of difficult to open. I knew I could do it if I was able to open it without rattling or squeaking. I needed a few more minutes. I spoke out to Rory that I was almost done.

It took me a few minutes, but I quietly got it opened and climbed out.

What a bunch of amateurs to leave this sorry kid to watch me.

Now I just needed to go behind the tents like planned without making a sound and I could walk up the road out of the nature camp. As a matter of fact, maybe I’ll even steal their golf cart and take it back to my cabin.

The utter humiliation for these fools!

End of Part 2

Part 3

Read Parts 1 and 2 to read the whole story up until now.

When Part 2 ended Patti through tricking the young and naive Rory was able to escape the Red Team's hideout.

So, I quietly walked up the trail and saw the golf cart parked on the road in the same spot as before.
I moved behind the wheel. The keys were in the ignition.

Just as I was about to turn it on the big strong hand of Larry clamped across my mouth again.
Going somewhere? he said.

I guess you didn't plan on me sleeping in the golf cart bed.

Good try to escape though.

He took a handkerchief out of his free pocket, removed his hand from my mouth and stuffed the white cloth in.
He then grabbed my arm while jumping out of the bed of the maintenance cart.

When he was next to me, he pulled my arms behind my back and started guiding me back to camp.

I tried to push the handkerchief out of my mouth with my tongue but that was a failure.

Back in camp Larry took me to Anna’s tent. He woke up Anna and told her she had a new roommate.
That meant one of two things.

Behind door number one…Everyone was getting tired of this insane game of ultra Color War kidnapping on steroids with me as the star. Maybe they figured they tortured me enough and were offering to let me sleep, all shake hands in the morning, collect their stupid ransom after they tell the Blue Team that they kidnapped me and let me get back to the Color War.

The other prize behind door two is that things would get worse than they currently were, and this needless ordeal would continue.
Larry pushed me onto the extra cot in Anna’s tent and left.

Anna came over to me and took the handkerchief out of my mouth.

Thanks Anna I said. Can we get some rest now and continue this in the morning?

I don't think so. I don't trust you at all. You got poor Rory into trouble and that won’t happen with me.

I wouldn't think so. Anna was an exchange staff member from Germany. She was a high ranked amateur pole vault at one time, about 5’10” tall with a very muscular lean body and white blond spiked hair. She always wore track shorts, a sports bra, and sneakers. Not someone to mess with.
Why are you guys treating me like this Anna? No one has ever had to put up with the BS you are putting me through.

Well Legs, Anna said, to be honest we are killing two birds with one stone.

We kidnapped you to help our Red Team win Color War with the points we get from the ransom.

Obviously, like in years past we could have made it easy. Brought you here and let you hang out for a few hours at the nature camp site, but your different legs. You heard staff talking on the way here in the golf cart. Seems like everyone in camp has a bone to pick with you. Your kind of evil in a camp that promotes harmony and fun. You make life a tension convention. Just consider this a Color War kidnapping in addition to a payment for treating so many people poorly.

So, I thought to myself I guess my prize is behind door two unfortunately.

But to show you some good faith legs I’m going to offer you a box of food and snacks to eat before we go to sleep

I didn't like the way all of this sounded. First of all, Anna is the first women who ever called me legs and not just Patti. I guess I'm reading something into nothing…I hope.

I guess I'll eat my food and wing it.

I dragged out my meal to about 20 minutes. I could see Anna was getting very impatient.

Sorry Legs. The dining room is closed.

It’s time for us to go to bed legs. Take your shorts and top off.

Oh wow. This doesn't seem cool. Rory wanted to play with my legs and kiss me now Anna seems to have ideas and is telling me to take off my clothes.

Weeks at a time in camp can make you horney I guess.

Anna was a lot bigger and stronger than me so no chance to run away. Maybe she just wants my clothes as another reason for me not to try to escape.

So, I did what I had to do. I took off my top and shorts and handed them to her.

You want my shoes. Anna looked at me and ran her eyes up and down my legs several times.

No legs keep them on. I like the look. It's very becoming.

Now if you please can you get on the bed face down and put your hands behind your back.

I did as she asked. At this point I was tired, and she was so big and athletic I decided to just lay still and do what she asks me.

Anna sat on her bed and just looked at me laying there in my bra, panties and heels with my hands crossed behind my back. I didn't move a muscle.
After studying me for quite some time I saw her starting to rip up a sheet.

When she was done, she accumulated several white lengths.

Shit, she's going to tie me up and do God knows what.

Anna hovered over me, took a strip, and tied my already crossed hands together tightly.

She took another strip and tied my elbows together. She moved to my legs, lifted them up, crossed my ankles and tied them together tightly.
She then lifted my legs up, tied a sheet strip to my already tied ankles, pulled them towards my hands and tied the other end of the strip to my bound wrist. She left hardly any slack. My feet were literally touching my hands. She had me totally hog tied.

I was more immobile than any other time during this ordeal.

Well at least she didn’t gag me.

I spoke to myself too soon dammit. Within seconds she took a long strip centered it and put it between my teeth. She wrapped it around my head several times, each time running it between my teeth.

She then laid down on her cot, vaping and staring at me.

Great, stuck in a tent strictly hogtied and gagged by a bondage queen who seems to have a fetish for my legs and keeps staring at me like that little brat Rory did.

Even though I was in this uncomfortable position I fell asleep. I was so tired.

End of Part 3

Part 4.
Read Parts 1, 2, 3 for the background and full story so far.
When we left off, Patti thought she outsmarted the Red Team by escaping only to find Larry sleeping in the rear of the maintenance golf cart. He brought Patti back into camp where Anna hogtied her on a cot in her tent to keep our kidnapped Blue Team leader out of trouble.

Sleeping hogtied, Patti was woken by Anna.

Well legs did you sleep well? Let me take that gag out of your mouth.

I told her once it was out that I slept the best I could after being tightly hogtied by her.

Well, it's 8:30. The time the Red Team is announcing that we have kidnapped you. Larry, Kyle and Amy left to make the announcement.
Kyle went to the Color War headquarters earlier to get the scores and he came back to tell us.

Your Blue Team is up by 90 points.

Your ransom is 100 points.

So with all the events completed, when we return you that will put our Red Team up 10 points and allow us to win!!! You Legs are the key to our victory.

I felt terrible. I was so mean to so many people this summer. I shouldn't have gone out last night. I came back alone. It made it easy for them to kidnap me. I can't believe the final score for Color War is coming down to this.

If I could only figure out a way to escape Anna. I could get to the Color War headquarters and present myself. There would then be no ransom and the Blue Team would win!

So, Anna, when is your little squad coming to pick us up?

In about 40 minutes.

So just you and me here?

You know Anna, I liked the way you hogtied me. I think you would like to see me like this.


And you know Anna, I think after Color War, maybe tomorrow night I could try to tie you up. I think about that.
Do you really?

Yes, you all tied up and gagged in your track shorts and sneakers and your sports bra. You are very hot.

Would you like to try that tomorrow night?

I never knew you thought about things like that legs.

Oh, all the time Anna.

You know I volunteered to join the kidnap team just to tie you and see you tied up.

That's very flattering Anna.

Legs I want to show you something.

Anna went to her back pack and pulled out a black ball gag.

So, you want me to ball gag you tomorrow night Anna?

Yes. And tie me up.

Oh Anna. I'd love to put that ball gag in your mouth right now.

Now? You can't. We are leaving soon.

Anna, you know you want me to do it now, and I want to do it now. Neither of us can't wait until tomorrow night.
I know. Let me untie you, maybe we can do it for a few minutes.

Anna unties Patti’s hog tie.

I knew this would work! I got Anna all hot and bothered. This kind of sexual desire could make people do stupid things.
Sit on your cot Anna.

That's good. Just like that.

I'm going to use this ball gag on you Anna. Open your mouth.

I put the ball in her mouth and tied the strap as tight as I could.

I could see it put Anna in a different zone.

I sat on my cot, crossed my legs and stared into her eyes.

You look hot Anna. But we are leaving soon. I'll take the gag out.

Anna shook her head no.

But Anna I must, we’re leaving.

She shook her head no again.

I think tomorrow night I’m going tie your wrists tight like you did to me when I was kidnapped. All gagged up with my wrists tied tight.
I knew I had Anna going. She laid on her cot face down and put her wrists behind her back.

Anna, I can't do that, we are leaving soon. Tomorrow night.

Anna looked at me.

So, you want me to tie them now?
Anna shook her head yes.

Well, maybe for just a couple of minutes. I don't want us to get in trouble.

With that I grabbed a rope from another back pack in the tent that had all the ropes they tied me with.

I crossed Anna’s wrists and t
ied them together.
Ok Anna. You look so hot.
Why are you crossing your ankles? We don't have time Anna. We’ll get in trouble. Maybe they’ll come back and tie me up in my cot as punishment. Then both of us would be tied together at the same time.

I could see Anna was ready to explode.

Ok Anna. I'll tie your ankles but then I must untie you right away. Do you understand. We’ll get into trouble.

Anna shook her head yes.

I tied Anna’s ankles. She was now helpless. She struggled to test her bonds. I was pretty good. I made them nice and tight. To be honest her athletic body tied and gagged did look hot. The idea of us each tied up on cots looking at each other in the tent was actually arousing me.

Now unfortunately I had to give Anna the bad news.

Anna, I’m leaving.

Anna suddenly came out of he self-induced bondage spell. She looked at me with wide eyes. She tried to scream through her ball gag and struggle against her ropes.

I can’t let my team lose Color War. I was nasty and mean to so many. This will be my first step at redemption and to become a better person.

I must go to the Color War headquarters and tell them what happened.

Tell your squad I got out of the hog tie and overpowered you while you were still sleeping. They’ll believe you.

I then leaned down to Anna’s head and whispered in her ear.

I told her our little bondage date was still on for tomorrow night.

Anna shook her head yes, several times.

Just knock on the door behind my cabin.

It was the least I could do for poor Anna. You know if the payback for escaping is tying her up and having her do the same to me, well that’s not a bad deal at all!

The End

Re: Patti's Payback

Posted: Thu May 02, 2024 4:09 am
by Bandit666
You know this is really quite good and it seems such a shame it never received at least some support and appreciation. So I will say for my part, thank you for sharing and taking the time to use your imagination to entertain