Capturing the Guy FF/M

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Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Capturing the Guy FF/M

Post by WyattW5 »

Characters by TamataoShiny123

Walking over the cafeteria Kim watches Eric march down the hall he was a giant among his fellow students which did help his ability as a football player. Nose tackle on the defence he was nicely structured. Short brown hair unkept giving him a rugged unassuming look.
Ana sets her tray down in front of Kim smiling as she oogled the boy from a far “wakie wake Kimmie” snapping her fingers Kim blinks rapidly looking to Ana who smiles
“come on just go over and talk to him worst thing that will happy is he will say no” Kim shrugs
“I don’t know I am afraid he will reject me” shuttering the thought Ana places a hand on Kims wrist
“do you notice his defining feature, he walks alone works alone and except football players hang out alone” Kim’s eyebrows lower
“what does that mean?” Ana smiles shaking her head patting her friends arm
“if Eric had a girlfriend he would probably be with her” Kim nods looking to Eric “he is going to library again, always sits on the computer hidden by those filing cabinets maybe we can recon?” Kim shakes her head
“no no” Ana grabs Kims hand and walks her out from the cafeteria down to the library entering they seen him take his usual position all alone in the big library only the Librarian who was busy eating her lunch.
Walking back Ana lead the way smiling
“hi Eric, mind if we sit here?” Eric nods shuffling some of his books over.
“sure” his eyes momentarily scanned Kim and Ana, Kim dressed in nice jeans with decorative beading on the bottom pockets, combining denim with a red t-shirt and a thick red headband holding her honey golden hair back. Ana was dressed in all black from a black lone sleeve shirt and pair of black tights she sat down her black hair being held back by a thin white headband.
Ana turns to Kim
“you get the computer set up I will grab the material” winking Ana left Kim beside Eric she turns to see him typing away like a madman on a word processor “school work?” she asked nervously he looks up to it
“not quite a private project” he adds continuing to type. Unable to see it without physically getting in his way she kept peeking glances.
Ana remained on the other side watching the other side attempting to read what he was writing. With five minutes left of lunch break Eric saved logged off and got in a matter of minutes. Ana took his seat when he left
“so did you get anything” Kim shook her head
“I could not see through his binder you?” Ana smiles deviousness radiating off her grin.
“I have a perfect plan to catch your boy” Kims eyes grew wide as Ana laid down the battle plan.

That night.

Eric was home alone his parents had went off for a week in Niagra falls leaving the house in his care. After football practice he came homed to shower coming back downstairs in a pair of shorts and t-shirt in hand. Grabbing a glass of water a knock on the door surprises him.
Turning to answer the door Eric approaches throwing the shirt over his shoulder opening the door he was surprised to see two hooded figures standing in his door one side a pure purple hood with a purple bandana drawn just above the collar, sunglasses keeping their eyes covered.
The other had a black hoodie with a white bandana around their chin spreading above their nose below a pair of sunglasses. The only real difference between the two was the one in black wore Nike running shoes while the one in purple wore white Adiddas lace ups.
All three stopped dead in their tracks as they felt more then uncomfortable, the two hooded figures did not contemplate their plan well, thinking it a robbery he ran to grab the phone. The purple hooded figure charges after him.
The one in black watches as her associate tackles Eric wrapping arms around his stomach she forces him down as he grabbed the portable phone. What they did not expect was the large thump that came after.
The one in black enters the house closing and locking the door. The one in purple grabs her friend and pulls her to Eric’s body the boy had been knocked out after his head had crashed into the corner of a wall.
The two captors look nervously to each other the one in purple begins to wrap tape around his legs, while the one in black began with his hands.
Having him predominantly taken care of they work together dragging him upstairs both had him by an arm carrying his large body up the stairs. Having forgotten aboutthe size of their chosen quarry had not expected nearly two hundred pounds of dead weight to carry up two flights of stairs.

Finally getting him into the bedroom the one in purple bends Eric forward and the duo work together to set him onto the bed. Using this time they began to wrap his knees, elbows and waist before the one in purple hands the girl in black a folded up handkerchief the girl in black rushes it under a tap before coming back they begin to feel Eric stirring mildly.
The girl in black begins to shove the handkerchief in his mouth before the one in purple sealing his lips with one they added another two pieces of tape. His eyes drowsily open looking to the girl in black before he began to test his arms and legs finding them bound as they were he began to panic fighting vigorously struggling the girl in purple placed a hand on his shoulder as she did he lurched away trying to escape it was now Kim lowered her white bandana
“Eric, Eric calm down calm down” jumping on the bed she pressed herself on top of him trying to hold him still she began to stroke the brown hair on his head. Having an unusual effect on him he looks up to her. The girl in purple looks to Kim and says
“I will leave you two at it then” leaving the room Eric looks nervously on her talking into the gag calmly
“I am sorry how this turned out Eric, I never meant for you to hurt yourself or well any of this, but Ana read what you were typing and she had an idea for a chance for me to get alone privately” his eyebrows lower as he tries to put the pieces together
“I am gonna come out and say it, I have always had a crush on you going back to public school when you stepped up to Riley Benton” Eric nodded recalling the incident back in grade five
“I have always been afraid to bring this up to you for fear of rejection, so Ana trying to be helpful thought if we could make this happen to you, you might like it and maybe considering going out with me” mumbling incoherently in his gag Kim nods
“so I am gonna ask here and now, Eric Webster would you date me” a slight pause he tried to speak but gave up after the second word and nodded
“if I let you out of this tape, will you go on a date with me” hesitating a little she smiles
“if you don’t I’ll take my sweatty socks and stuff your mouth with them” she adds trying for humour he simply nods she leans him up removing the gag first licking his lips a number of times he looks to her
“come here” leaning towards her he gave her a nice kiss to the cheek before whispering
“next time use rope” she nods pulling a pair of scissors from her back pocket she began to cut and carve the tape off
“or at least let me put a long sleeve shirt on because this tape is gonna peel layers off my skin” hissing as she began to cut and unwrap his tape. He was not kidding red irritation marks went all around his body.
Taking some hand cream she began to rub the red irritated areas
“I am so sorry we just had the tape because it was the easiest thing we could use” he nods
“so for a first date I think I am buying” he nods as she places the hand cream away
“sounds fair” he admits. When he was finally released she awaited some form of retaliation be it he tie her up or something but instead he wrapped his giant arms around her small frame
“I’ve always had a little crush on you to, but I figured you wanted someone a little better” smiling a warm feeling built inside as they hugged each other. Ana stands in the door frame smiling
“cute couple” she whispers walking out.

Later the week, Friday afternoon. Football practice cancelled Eric walks with Kim out of the school yard and towards the shrub near a park, their first date was going to be her treat and his surprise.
Once they were out of view from anyone, Kim takes some rope of the bag tying his hands behind his back cinching it tight, the takes a headband she wore earlier and places it over his eyes.
“Open wide please” he did as instructed she placed a bandana in his mouth and sealed with two pieces of tape. Placing his spring jacket over his shoulders taking another rope tying it around his waist, he let her lead him around the path down the trail until they came to a little park setting him down she ties a rope around his ankles before she commences to set everything out. Both had chosen not to eat lunch as for Kim's request.
Once it was set up she smiles “are you ready for the surprise” he nods removing the headband his eyes blinked and flickered to adjust to the sunlight. Finding she had set up a nice picnic. Removing the tape from his mouth and the stuffing she smiles
“I am going to feed you Peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches” she mused spending the whole afternoon with him tied at her mercy but between them they were both happier then clowns.

TamatoaShiny123 story idea.