Misadventures in Europe (M/F & F/F) - Italy

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Misadventures in Europe (M/F & F/F) - Italy

Post by AlexUSA3 »

These will be a series of 3-6 part (or thereabouts) mini-adventures written at the request of @Ellie96. I make no promises about the frequency at which this will be updated. My main focuses are currently on The Sleepover and The Kidnapping of Natalie Woodward, so all other projects are just on an "as I have time" basis. I anticipate there will be 4-6 such adventures all featuring this damsel-in-distress.

Let's get the fun started. :D

Spain Part 1

There is nothing like a vacation in Spain. It's unique anytime of the year, and it's always strangely foreboding while holding its arms open to welcome you. It may be brutally hot and strangely cold depending on where you are and when you go there. When you're a criminal on the run from INTERPOL, it can be a fantastic place to hide with so many rocks to sneak between both in the inland and the coastal regions alike. Those rocks provide a perfect hiding place, and with the frequency of visitors to that spot also provide ripe opportunity for hostages.

Joachim Fritzmüller was such a man on the run from the law having successfully stolen from the largest jewelry store in all of France. He had adequately planned for this crime as he had a large and full mustache and beard and only to shave it off. In addition, he had worn fake glasses during the crime. His clothes had been stuffed with pillows and fabric to make him seem much larger than he really was.

Now here he was in coastal Spain. While he hadn't yet been identified from his perusal of media outlets, he knew the time would come. His goal was to reach Africa and make the jewels disappear into the collections of wealthy descendants of the Berbers. They would transfer some of their wealth to him in a very, very big way.

Ellen Momrak enjoys walking from her parent's vacation home toward the coastline, some two miles or so, and staring out at the bright Mediterranean from that position. You will notice her instantly because she's got a decidedly Scandinavian blonde hair and tanned skin (the loved the Mediterranean sun), and her muscles are large and strong from a combination of different experiences: crossfit, lifeguarding, and bondage rope bunny. This time, however, she was on vacation by herself.

Given the location and where she was heading, Ellen was comfortable letting it all be seen. She was wearing only tight jean shorts and a black tank-top. Little effort was needed to know that you ought not to anger her in anyway; between the muscle and the perpetual confidence on her face, it was easy to see that she could put up a fight. As she walked toward the rocks, she pulled her hair up into a bun using a red scrunchie.

She stood on the beach letting the cool marine wind refresh her senses and enjoying the smells and sounds. It was a lot to take in, and the setting sun behind her created an unique effect upon the calm waters. A beach walk requires walking, though, and Ellie started to move herself along the shoreline toward one of the many rocky cliffs along the coastline.

"Excuse me, are you local?" a male voice asked her.
"No, but I have a place here," Ellie answered the voice.
"I love exploring rock formation. Do these have small alcove?" he asked further.
"Oh, yeah! They're cool. Check it out!" she pointed toward a cliff.
"Thanks to you!" he nodded and walked away.

Ellie thought nothing of that. She had explored the cliffs herself on many occasions. They were a fantastic place to go climbing, and she even knew of one cave that actually exited a hundred feet or so closer to the shore. While she was thinking this way, another person disrupted her thoughts.

"Excuse me, miss, have you seen any suspicious characters around here?" a male voice asked her again.
"Just me and another guy. Why?" she asked the man who looked very official.
"He has stolen 10.000.000€ of jewelry. Keep an eye out for him. Here are a couple pictures; have you seen him?"
"Ummm...," Ellie studied the bearded man in the photos, "No! Good luck, officer!"

How strange of a criminal to come here of all places! Then again, those rocks did provide plenty of places to hide even though they were easy enough to climb. Perhaps she should go explore those before it gets dark? Ellie began heading that way with a smile on her face.

The rocks looked as threatening as ever despite their general kindness. Perhaps a sailor would loathe this locale, but for the people it made a great place to waste an hour during a holiday. For Ellie, it made a great place to spend a little time, and it put her a little closer to the house. That just was a win-win.

"Don't move!" she heard a familiar voice behind her, "Hands where I see them. No turn around!"
"What do you want?" she gruffly asked him.
"You talk to INTERPOL man. Walk toward the cliff!"

Ellie had no choice to do what the man said especially once she realized he had a gun in his hand. She had no clue what was happening beyond the obvious connection between this man and the officer who had just talked to her. Was this man the jewel thief or an accomplice?

As they marched into the rocks and out of sight, the man ordered Ellie to stop. He clamped three pairs of rigid Irish 8 handcuffs on her body: at her wrists, above her elbows, and at her ankles. Then, a 2 inch (5 cm) black ball gag entered her mouth.

Ellie was now the hostage of a jewel thief who was desperate to escape.
Last edited by AlexUSA3 7 months ago, edited 9 times in total.
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Post by laz »

good start, your stories are always detailed and well written
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Spain Part 2

"Go!" the man pushed Ellie.
"I own't!" she sat down on the rocks with determination.
"Get up!" he hauled her off her seat and spanked her on the butt.
"OW! Go h-ck oorthelf!"

That only got her treated even more roughly than before. Now she was being forced to hop up the natural rock staircase toward the ground above the alcove. When they were hidden deep in the rock but with a strong light source, the criminal got more aggressive.

"You will do what I need!" he grabbed Ellie by the hair and pulled her head back.
"OWW! No, ah ohn't! Oh hill oorthelf!" she sassed him to his face.
"When it is dark, you will take me to where you are staying!" he pulled harder.
"OWWWWW! Oh-hay!" she yelled into the ball gag.
"Obedience will get you far in this situation. Might even get you a present if you do your job well!" somehow his tone was so sinister that she did not want whatever it was.

Now Ellie had no choice but to sit and wait for the sun to set because he held all the cards now. She wished Elias had come, but then she'd probably be bound and gagged on her bed and missing out on this sunset... that she was mostly missing anyway. Was this man even really the jewel thief?

When Ellie tried to stretch her arms and legs, she realized just how horrible it was to have Irish-8s binding her in so many places. The ball gag was starting to make her drool, too. It seemed it was just one source of frustration after another, and she leaned against the rock in an effort to find some sense of comfort.

"No sleeping so soon!" he again grabbed her by the hair.
"OWWW! Amn ooh!" she kicked him with immense force where it counted.
"OH!" he fell to the ground and began swearing in unintelligible, high-pitched German.
"Loo-ther!" she said and hopped away.

She knew these rock caverns much better than he and hopped her way upwards figuring he'd look downwards. It wasn't easy scaling, but she soon found a tight spot to hide herself before he came looking for her. Now she just had to wait and hope he didn't find her.

Ellie felt her breathing increasing with a touch of fear. For the first time, being hurt was a real possibility, and she didn't cherish it too much. She tried to work the ball gag out of her mouth, but it was much too tight for her to do that no matter how much she strained herself trying. And, of course, these rigid cuffs weren't going anywhere!

As she silently panted, she looked for a way out of this. She saw the first twinkles of stars above her and never noticed the arms grab her neck and hair. With a squeal, Ellie found herself hauled out of her safe place. She was pushed down against the rocks and roughly spanked four times.

"OWW! OWW! OWW! OWWWW!" she yelled into the rubber ball.
"Think before you try to sterilize me again!" he snarled at her.

Ellie found herself dragged up to the top of the rock as it was now dark enough for people not to see the cuffs at a distance. She was pushed into a seating position, and he grabbed Ellie's face with his hands. His eyes were thoroughly intimidating.

"Write your home address on the ground," he ordered and shoved her away.
"F-CK YOU!" she wrote on the ground.
"I'm serious!" he angrily pulled her hair.
"OWWW!" she screeched, but he then put his hands around her mouth, "MMMMM!"

With an unhealthy dose of courage, Ellie did as the man wanted and wrote her address. Soon, she was hopping toward her parent's summer home as the hostage of a dangerous jewel thief. By the time they arrived, her legs were tired, and she was glad when he pushed her onto the sofa and took her shoes and socks off.

Unsurprisingly, the strong bondagette had duct tape sitting on the dresser from the last time she had been her with one of her coworkers who doubled as a TUG buddy. She knew now what was coming as the criminal unbuckled the gag and clamped a hand over her mouth.

"OWW!" he yelled when she bit his hand.
"HELP!" she yelled once before her socks were pushed into her mouth, "OH!"

Worse than your own socks are your own dirty socks. Worse than that are dirty sweaty socks. Even worse are another person's dirty sweaty socks. But worse than any of those are dirty sweaty socks from a walk on the beach as the flavors of beach sand, seawater, and seaweed are mixed into the flavor blend.

"There!" he said with pride as he finished the 8th layer of duct tape around her head and spanked her butt instinctively, "I shouldn't worry about any more trouble from you!"
"Mmmmm!" she groaned and swore at him.
"Behave! And you won't get punished any longer!"

She knew she had no choice. If she took advantage of him, perhaps she could even give long enough pause for the police to find him. If she delayed him enough, she could get all the thrills of bondage and get out of this with no serious harm. Now, she had to just figure out to get his attention.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Spain Part 3

Ellie looked at the man and knew she had a bizarre opportunity before her. If she could make things miserable enough for this criminal, possibly the jewel thief, then maybe she could get herself put into a position that was more to her liking. These rigid cuffs on her wrists, elbows, and ankles were nice, but there needed to be a bit more binding than this for her to find her happy place in all this. Yes, she had been kidnapped by a strange man and was hoping to get something out of it!

The best way to handle this was by hopping away! Ellie started by hopping toward her bedroom. Doing so led to an increase in the stew that was cooking in her mouth, and the intense flavors made her want to spit the thing out. She wouldn't let this stop her, though.

"Get back here!" he grabbed her again and dragged her back to the sofa.

A resistant captive got tied up better, and this was no exception as he wrapped tape around her thighs and then tape her arms down to her waist. At this point, the overkill nature of everything told Ellie that he knew nothing about bondage and was merely using the tools others had given him. There was nothing good in this.

"GRM!" she kicked at him with fury and landed again right in his happy place.
"B-tch!" he squeaked, "I warned you not do that again."
"H-ck ooh!" she flipped him off again.

That wasn't a smart move to make. He folded up Ellie's legs into her and taped them down tightly all around. He had no clue it was a ball tie; he just did it thoroughly enough that she couldn't move anymore. More than that, he taped her nose shut!

"NNNNNN!" she groaned into the tape as he gave her another spank while she suffered a fate unlike the one she'd intended.

Didn't he know she'd die like this! His eyes showed that even he was shocked by it all, and that helped Ellie to enjoy things as the shock on his part meant he didn't intend to kill. Indeed, she was starting to feel the feistiness wash away, and soon he pulled the tape off. It didn't matter, though, because Ellie had found her emotional high.

"Will you promise behave?" he growled.
"Mmmm mmm hmmmm!" she mindlessly nodded.

That was just what she needed, really, she felt the pairs of rigid cuffs coming off her and tape except for her wrist cuffs gag. Instead, he wrapped tape around her ankle several times. The next phase of his plan was ready to be put into motion.

"You will lie on floor. You wait 30 minutes and then you grab key," he put the key on the table, "Understand?"
"Mmmm hmmm!" she nodded uselessly.
"Good night!" he took his leave into the darkness, leaving Ellie in darkness when he turned the light off.

Of course she didn't wait for him to leave. Of course she called the police and her boyfriend, Elias. OK, maybe she didn't call them in that order, but she did make both phone calls. She was disappointed, though, that he gone for murder instead of helping her get high on bondage induced hormones.

He got what he deserved for being the way he was. He had been a total creep and deserved to get sterilized for kidnapping her like that! She figured the "reward" for "Behaving" would have been a stolen jewel, and she didn't want that. She thought this was the end of the adventure, but it wasn't meant to be that way.


The next morning, Ellie went to breakfast with a friend she had made in her many trips here. It was a pleasant affair between the two, but what happened afterwards was more of what mattered. On the way home, a motorcycle cop began following her, and when Ellie pulled her rental car into the driveway she stepped out for the officer.

"Get on the bike, Ellie," said the officer, and now the prior night's encounters made sense.

Ellie got on the bike and found herself having to ride shotgun in the motorcycle sense. Before the bike was moving, she found her wrists cuffed around the officer. Soon they were at speed and heading somewhere Ellie didn't know.

"I bet you prefer when Elias ride b-tch to you so that you can feel him getting excited by having his arms around you," the driver said.
"You're a snake, Carmen!" Ellie responded with a mischievous smile.

Yes, it had become necessary for the author to bring Carmen and Cameron Salvaro into this tale just for the fun interactions of Ellie riding b-tch to Carmen. Besides, Ellie didn't mind having the Mexican's black hair whipping around her, and here in Europe no one found it weird to see someone riding around town without helmets.

"I'm surprised you didn't gag me," Ellie teased Carmen.
"It's not winter, baby; I can't do that. Even in Spain, that'd be negative attention. Weren't your beach socks enough anyway?"

Ellie was confused by one thing though... Why was she needed? She was just a lifeguard, not a warrior. Cross-fit gives you raw strength, but that doesn't make you trained for combat or going into dangerous situations!

"I'd rather your arms were further up; actually, on second thought, I'd rather Cam's arms be there!" Carmen teased Ellie.
"Screw you! Was that Cameron I met on the beach last night?" Ellie asked her.
"Perhaps. Was the guy cute?" was the responsive question back.
"I didn't think so," Ellie shrugged not realizing it was a loaded question.
"How dare you say my Cam isn't cute!! You probably do like riding b-tch to a girl then!"
"Sorry! I didn't say he was ugly. Just not my type!" Ellie kept taking the bait.
"He sure isn't your type, and you sure aren't his either. Thankfully he has eyes only for me," Carmen, while stopped at a light, slapped her hair into Ellie's face.
"Where are we going anyway?" Ellie asked her chauffeur.
"You're the only person who has seen him without his disguise," was Carmen's curt explanation.

That made a little sense, Ellie figured. She didn't realize the crueler side of this, though. As the only person who had seen him, she was the perfect bait. In fact, that was the purpose of her being here at the present time.

"So what do I do?" Ellie asked as they got off the bike so that she no longer was hugging Carmen.
"You...do... nothing," Carmen pushed a cloth against Ellie's face.
"Carm, no! I don't...want... that..."

And the familiar smell of chloroform knocked her out cold.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

[mention]Ellie96[/mention] is getting into trouble... A little joke for you The Stanley Parable fans too.

Spain Part 4

That distinctive chloroform headache was something Ellie dreaded. How come chloroform isn't supposed to be really used due to the danger of lung collapse, but this spy/cop routinely could chloroform people with no such concern? What secrets did Carmen Salvaro hide?

Ellie shook her head and opened her eyes, but there was darkness. She tried to stretch out her limps, but there was stillness. Lastly, when she tried to talk, there was silence or, rather, garbled noises and grunts. So, she was bound, gagged, and blindfolded.

"Sorry, my dear, but I just had to take no chance you saw where we went, and I didn't want to stuff you in a trunk," spoke Carmen before removing the blindfold.

Ropes bound Ellie like a piece of sausage. Now that she could see around herself, she could tell that she was in a fantastic suspension of some sort, an incredible piece of work. She was suspended from a ladder of all the bizarre things! Ropes were tied at various places, including her hands, ankles, chest, and waist, in order to keep her in place. Oddly so, her arms were wrapped around the ladder itself so that she had to be held up by her shoulder bonds. Even her hair was roped to the ladder!

A ball gag was stuffed into her mouth, and from the feel of it there was a chin strap. More than, it was probably 2.5 inches (6.25 centimeters) and thus really expanding her jaw. A rope even held her hair in place so that her head couldn't move too much.

"My sweet friend, somewhere a leak has been made to the dark web that you are meeting with police at this place and have a definitive description of Joachim Fritzmüller from your experience with him," Carmen explained, "Now, we wait, just you and me."

Ellie hadn't been used as human bait before, but it sounded... interesting. She had done all sorts of things with Elias, but being bait to capture a criminal had not been one of them. However, she was getting familiar with being bound and gagged by this mysterious and gorgeous Mexican.

"HUH?!" Ellie broke the fourth wall and got angry at the author.
"Ellie, you're a real person, and that's automatically better."
"That'th hetter!" Ellie nods triumphantly and pulls on her hair tie, "YOWCH!"

Carmen finally had Ellie to herself in a much more adult context than normally would be expected. She walked around the ladder and made sure she really was alone before she reached out. With a carefully timed paddling that Ellie could not see...

"Oh! Ow! Carmen!"
"Aw, baby, was that paddle too much for you?" she asked like she was talking to a child.
"Grrr!" Ellie snarled.

Carmen carefully pet Ellie's hair and studied her position before making her next move. She wasn't taking chances and quickly jerked Ellie's head.

"OW!" she yelped as her hair was pulled upon.
"Serves you, you dumb b-tch!" Carmen snarled and smacked her butt with the paddle again.
"Ow! Ohhhh!"
"You are such a fool walking into my hands like this! You're nothing but a rope slave!"
"Ooooohhh!" she felt herself starting to feel different.
"Some frontal pain will keep the slave in place!"
"Ugh! Ohhh," she groaned for the first, then "Urrrrr!"
"Keep fighting, you idiot," Carmen said and the smacked Ellie again.

The cycle continued with little whipping to tingle her nerves and little else added. With time, Ellie was growing more and more excited by her position until she started to relax. She noticed the torments less and less and less until... She did notice anymore.

"I hope you're happy," Carmen smiled at her, but Ellie didn't hear anything.

That was just what Carmen wanted... a degraded, humiliated Ellie in subspace. The girl appeared lost in a world of her own. Now it was totally relaxing from the release of hormones both from the rope and the play. It all seemed perfect for 10 minutes until a jerk!

"EEEEEK!" Ellie shrieked as the rope was pulled.
"It's time to go to work. Just act like you've been kidnapped for real, OK?" Carmen explained.
"What'th ha-ening?!" Ellie asked her.
"Our mark has arrived!" Carmen announced, "Do your thing."

Ellie didn't know what to exactly do except wish she were being degraded further. Suddenly, she realized what being human bait was about when she heard the door to the abandoned house being opened...
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Post by Ellie96 »

Perfection! Carmen puts me into place every time😁
Always keep Ellie bound and gagged
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Spain Part 5

Ellie had never been scared of bondage until now. When the jewel thief entered the building, her eyes met his, and they paused. Not knowing what else to do, she went for the nuclear option.

“HAR-EN!” she yelled as loudly as she could.
“Freeze, you criminal cabr-n!” she pointed a gun at him.
“You’d better do as the lady says!” Cameron was behind him.
“You know something, Ellie?” Carmen turned to her friend while a team of cops swarmed Joachim Fritzmüller.
“The author conceived of me and Cameron before he ever knew that Brooklyn 99 was even a thing,” she deadpanned.
“Huh?!” Ellie wasn't that familiar with American TV.
“Sucks to suck, and here you are my person p-ta once again,” Carmen pet her hair.
“NNNNN!” Ellie enjoyed that sensation.

Carmen didn't need Ellie to pull this off. A simple faked message would have sufficed, but Carmen wasn't going to pass up an opportunity to torture the Norwegian beauty. Now it was time for Ellie to go home…

“NOOOOO!” she yelled as the now legendary red bandana approached her face.
“Good night my friend. I’ll see you when…,” was all Carmen got out before the girl was out cold.

When Ellie opened her eyes, she was sitting in front of the same police station as before. It was almost like it had never happened. In fact, she was so in the same place she started to wonder if it had all been a dream. A look at her arms proved otherwise.

There were all manner of rope marks, and she realized her butt was sore from the spanking. Gravity showed itself by the depth of the marks in certain places. Her head was sore from the hair pulling, and she had a headache from being knocked out. Yep, it had happened.

“Show me you can ride,” Carmen motioned, and Ellie noticed the cop/spy standing nearby.
“I sure will… After I can walk straight,” Ellie put her hands on her head.
“I wasn't that bad! Get going!” Carmen’s shoe poked into Ellie’s ribs.
“I'm going!” she jumped up.

Ellie could ride, but it was very difficult to ride the bike when Carmen was taking advantage of riding “p-ta.” For one thing, she occasionally squeezed Ellie’s breasts in a teasing manner, and second Carmen was the ultimate “backseat driver” and playfully criticized everything.

“You lean funny.”
“Hand signals?!”
“Why didn't you ride around all those cars?”
“This baby has a seven-fifty; use it!”

“Get in that house!” Ellie had enough when they arrived at her place.
“What now?” Carmen raised her eyebrows.
“Get in that house! NOW!” the Norwegian’s smile grew.
“OK,” she led the way indoors.

Ellie and Carmen were going to have a threesome with a pair of rigid cuffs.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

To [mention]Ellie96[/mention] and all other readers, I offer my apologies on the delay for such a short chapter.

Spain Finale

Ellie led Carmen into the living room with the utmost confidence behind her. Taking the pair of rigid cuffs from the table, she put them on Carmen’s wrists and made the Mexican super spy sit on the sofa. Ellie thought for a moment and knew what to do.

“I have tape in my room. You wait here!”

Ellie marched into the bedroom and grabbed the roll of duct tape. She stared at it thoughtfully and thought of how to use it on Carmen. But doubts started creeping into her mind. The doubts crept deeper and deeper until they had erased the confidence. Instead, she was thinking of ways Carmen could use the tape on her.

There wasn’t a dominant gene in her body.

She wanted to have Carmen put those cuffs on her and march her right into that jail for the night on some trumped up charge that Carmen would just as easily expunge in the morning. She’d take just being locked in the closet even. Maybe they could even stage something in public? There was this park where local bands would play… That’d be a fun place to stage such a scene.

“Carmen, I just had an idea,” Ellie walked out.

But Carmen was gone. In true fashion, there was a note on the table waiting right next to the rigid cuffs.


Thank you for your help in catching the jewel thief. If it hadn't been for your chance encounter on the beach, catching him might have been impossible. As thanks, here's the combo to this wonderful little place we have up in the Apennines near Perugia. You and Elias can take a couple weeks on us.


Ellie took a picture of the paper just in case before she put it in her suitcase. She knew exactly where to take her next vacation.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »


Italy is home to so many wonderful things: beautiful sights, beautiful food, and beautiful arts. It's the home of millions of people, and it was once the epicenter of some great nations. Many other things are to be found here, but only one thing is of particular interest in this story.

Alba Zevon is one of those unforgettable sights. This Italian bondage model is, to some, a sight to die for. For others, she's but a more recent example of what happens when the model loves bondage and puts her best into making quality films. Even her own website will say that she enjoys being bound and gagged.

There's a secret within all this though. Within Alba Zevon's lair is an interesting service of which few details are provided on that same website. Alba, for a fee, will dominate people as well. I do not know the details of this, but it's out there. Europeans beware.

Tight shorts and a black t-shirt were all that Ellie needed. The muscular girl was riding b-tch on a motorcycle that was piloted by her boyfriend, Elias. Through an Italian city they rode; I imagine on this occasion it's northern Italy. My apologies to the amazing Miss Zevon if I am wrong.

Oh, it doesn't matter. All of Italy is characterized by old stone buildings, twisting roads, tight alleys, and beautiful sights. It doesn't matter where it is; what matters is that there's a blonde Norwegian girl riding b-tch on a motorcycle. It was Ellie Momrak's natural place to be in all things.

It was a surprise; she had no idea where they were going. As far as she was concerned, it was a joy ride through the city. The wind blew her hair around her, and she had a messy bun to reduce the chaos.

"Why are we stopping?" Ellie asked when Elias pulled in front of a house.
"Because we are where we were going."
"Don't give me that! What's going on?" the sassy girl demanded.
"Just follow me," Elias groaned and grabbed her by the arm.

Ellie liked when people got pushy with her; maybe she was pushy in her own right. When they reached the door, Elias rang the doorbell and waited while Ellie tried to extract her arm from his tight grasp. Despite her efforts, he held firm until the door opened.

"Hello," spoke a person with an official air about them, "You have an appointment?"
"I'm Elias. Yes, we have an appointment with Alba Zevon."
"Come right in and take a seat!"

El and El were led into a waiting room that looked like it came out of a doctor's office, but the walls, instead of medical information posters, were covered with photos of damsels bound and gagged at the hands of various studios over the years. Apparently this building was used by bondage producers to create their art!

Ellie felt her heart racing within her when she realized that an appointment with Alba Zevon could only mean that she was about to be tied up by one of her favorite bondage models! Just as she was about to say something, a female figure emerged.

"Y-yes?" the excitement caused her to stammer as she jumped out of her chair.
"It was requested that you be blindfolded so that what happens is more of a surprise."
"What?! Nooooooooo!" a harsh whine came out of her.
"You are free to back out..."
"Oh, all right," she quickly surrendered.

Ellie turned around so that the leather blindfold could be used. It was solid black and the kind with a hole to go over the nose. The strap was tightened after the assistant had pulled Ellie's bun out of the way. The assistant now took Ellie by the hand.

"This way, please."

Ellie was led down a hallway and into a room that she could tell had smooth tile. Just as soon as the assistant had left, she heard the clack of heels, and they were getting louder. The noise increased until the clacking was inches from her body. Nothing was said, but the female figure, who seemed familiar to Ellie despite the blindfold, gently opened her mouth and pushed a bright red ball gag into her mouth, probably a 2 inch based on how comfortable the fit was! Straps were tightened all around her: a head harness!

"I'm filling in for Miss Zevon for this session," the chilling voice of Carmen Salvaro broke the air.
"Hmmm! Nooo! Eliath!" the girl tried to get attention and run away.
"We're finishing our play date!" gloved hands grabbed her.

Ellie's imagination would be correct. Black leather heeled boots, black pantyhose, a black leather knee-length skirt, a black short sleeve t-shirt, and a black leather jacket were all on Miss Salvaro. In addition, she had black leather gloves on her hands. The sexy figured wrestled her with frightening ease and crushed her body against the counter.

Black leather straps wrapped around her upper arms and were tightened with a brutal care that wanted neither harm nor escape. Three more tightened around her forearms, or so she thought. Further inspection by squirming told her this was a small strap arm binder.

"MMMM!" Ellie tried to kick at Carmen.
SMACK! SMACK!, Carmen was harsh on each butt cheek.
"Behave yourself, Ellie!" Carmen hauled Ellie up onto the counter, actually a stone-top kitchen island.

Carmen began binding Ellie's legs with more of the black leather straps. It was no easy task when Ellie was kicking out so strongly, but Carmen ended that with the first successful strap around Ellie's ankles. Strap after strap went up Ellie's legs, 12 in all. The Mexican professional kidnapper was fully in control now.

"Warning you to behave yourself!"

Carmen began the pain phase of this in a simple fashion: by removing Ellie's shoes and socks. It seemed relief was in sight when Carmen unbuckled the gag, but it was a brief respite. Ellie's socks were jammed into her mouth, and the harness ball gag was put back into place!

"GMMM!" the girl roiled on the taste of her own feet, but Carmen wasn't done and grabbed two pieces of black rope to use on Ellie.

The first rope wrapped around Ellie's bun and ran to her ankles for a painful hair tie. The second, a thinner rope, bound her toes and ran to the top of the harness. It was going from bad to worse in a hurry! Ellie couldn't believe how effective Carmen was with the vicious bondage straps and the rope. Nothing had even a bit of give by which she could attempt to escape, not that Carmen would walk away long enough for that to happen!

"Awwwww, poor baby! Are you a bit tied up?"
"H-ck -ou, Har-en!"

Carmen gave a devilish smile before pulling on the hair rope. Ellie let out a shriek, but just as quickly she found herself in more trouble. It didn't seem too troublesome at first, but then Ellie realized that her feet were being oiled. Then, she heard the sound of a hair dryer.

Let's be clear: this trick is fantastic but dangerous. If done improperly, the victim is literally cooked alive and can suffer severe permanent harm. If done properly, as done by Carmen, it simply causes a rush of blood to the foot and heightened nerve function.

It makes the foot ready for beating and tickling.

"YEOOOWWWWWW!" Ellie screamed as loudly as she possibly could.
"I think I will stick to the tickling," Carmen cackled wickedly and turned on an electric toothbrush.

The toothbrush was a perfect tickle toy to use on Ellie. It worked to build her up from a soft giggle to raucous laughter in a hurry. But just as fast the laughter became painful. And just as quickly, Ellie was reduced to nothing but pained grunts. At this point, tickle torture is true tickle torture.

And then Carmen left. True to herself, she disappeared and left the assistant to release Ellie. It seemed impossible; there was no way it could be true. How did Carmen so easily work her way into Ellie's affairs? How was Carmen good enough friends with Alba Zevon to hijack a session for which Elias had certainly played dearly.

"How was it?" Elias asked when Ellie emerged.
"Wonderful," Ellie smiled, "I'll explain when the high has worn off."

Ellie never did get tied up by Alba Zevon, but she did have a very fun afternoon.
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Post by Evo »

Fun little story! Always fun to hear Ellie bound, gagged and tormented😁
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Post by Beppejolly »

Good story!
I wonder for the sequel!
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