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The Perilous Pursuits of Kari, the Teen Reporter (MF/F)

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2023 5:34 am
by drgoremd
Based on an idea from [mention]Druid_Princess[/mention]

Kari was not your typical high school student. The 15-year-old girl with long black hair dyed an electric shade of blue, strode confidently through the bustling hallways of her high school. Her attire, reminiscent of a Hot Topic model, drew curious glances from her peers, but she paid them no mind. Kari was on a mission.

Kari had taken on the role of an investigative journalist for the school paper, always seeking stories that delved beneath the surface. Lately, rumors had been swirling about illegal drugs being sold within the school. Kari's curiosity had been piqued, and she couldn't resist the allure of uncovering the truth.

Armed with her trusty notebook and a determined glint in her eyes, she had taken it upon herself to investigate the disturbing rumors. The thought made her blood boil with anger.

Her investigation led her to the shady corners of the school hallways, where whispers grew louder and secrets echoed through the air. She made connections with students who seemed entangled in the web of drug distribution, earning their trust by promising anonymity and a chance to expose the truth.

With her notepad and pen in hand, she approached a group of students huddled together near their lockers. She knew they held valuable information, so she wasted no time in engaging them in conversation.

"Hey, guys," Kari began, her voice filled with genuine curiosity. "I've been hearing some rumors about drugs being sold in the school. Have any of you heard anything about that?"

The students exchanged hesitant glances, but one of them, a nervous-looking boy with dyed hair, spoke up. "Yeah, we've heard whispers about it, but no one really knows for sure. It's all pretty hush-hush."

Kari leaned in, her blue-streaked bangs falling over her eyes. "I want to get to the bottom of this. It's important that we expose any illegal activities happening right under our noses. Can any of you give me more information? Any names, locations, anything?"

The students hesitated, their fear mingling with their desire to do what was right. After a moment, a girl with a rebellious streak stepped forward. "I can't say much, but I've seen some weird stuff happening near the janitor's closet. People coming and going, acting all shady. Maybe that's worth checking out."

Kari's excitement grew as she scribbled down the tip in her notepad. "Thanks for the lead. I'll look into it discreetly and make sure the truth comes out."

Over the following days, Kari immersed herself in her investigation. She discreetly observed the janitor's closet, taking note of suspicious comings and goings. She interviewed students who seemed connected to the rumors, digging deeper into the hidden underbelly of the school.

As Kari gathered evidence, the puzzle began to take shape. She discovered a pattern, a connection between the janitor, Mr. Thompson, and a substitute teacher, Ms. Ramirez. It appeared that they were the ones responsible for providing the illicit substances to the students.

Digging deeper, Kari observed Mr. Thompson's interactions with students, taking note of their subtle exchanges. She couldn't ignore the signs pointing towards his involvement in the drug trade within the school. However, she needed concrete evidence to expose him.

One afternoon, while browsing through a local news article about a recent drug bust, Kari noticed an unfamiliar face. It was the substitute teacher, Ms. Ramirez, who had been filling in for various classes over the past month. The timing and the connection intrigued her.

With a newfound determination, Kari set out to gather more evidence against Mr. Thompson and Ms. Ramirez. She documented their interactions, snapped photos when she could, and followed their movements discreetly, always careful to keep a safe distance.

However, little did Kari know that her relentless pursuit of the truth would soon make her a target. Unbeknownst to her, Mr. Thompson and Ms. Ramirez had caught wind of her inquiries, and they were growing increasingly desperate to protect their illicit activities.


In a dimly lit room, Mr. Thompson, the school janitor, and Ms. Ramirez, the substitute teacher, huddled together, their voices hushed and urgent. They knew they had to silence Kari, who had gotten too close to exposing their illicit activities.

Ms. Ramirez glanced nervously at the door before speaking in a hushed tone. "We can't let that nosy teenager ruin everything. She's been asking too many questions. We need to put an end to it."

Mr. Thompson nodded, his eyes narrowing in determination. "You're right, Ms. Ramirez. We can't take any chances. We need to make sure Kari never gets the chance to reveal what she knows. We'll have to get her out of the way until we figure out how to deal with the situation."

Ms. Ramirez swallowed hard, her voice shaky. "But how do we go about it? Kari is smart and resourceful. She won't go down without a fight."

A cunning smile crept across Mr. Thompson's face as he laid out his plan. "We'll wait for the perfect opportunity, a moment when she's vulnerable and alone. I've been observing her movements, and she usually leaves the school late in the evening after spending time in the library. That's when we strike. But we have to be careful. If she disappears, people will start asking questions."
Ms. Ramirez leaned in closer, her voice barely a whisper. "We need to make it seem like she just ran away. That way, no one will suspect us. Those emo girls are always running away. We just can't leave any evidence behind."

A wicked smile curled across Mr. Thompson's face. "I have an idea. We can lure her to that abandoned storage room near the gymnasium, overpower her, and make it look like she just vanished."

Ms. Ramirez's eyes widened in realization. "And we can use chloroform to knock her out. That way, there won't be any signs of a struggle. We'll make it seem like she ran away and left everything behind."

Mr. Thompson smiled with a cruel edge. "Mrs. Conaway uses chloroform in her science experiments. She keeps a small supply locked in the storage room. I have the keys for it. We can use that."

Ms. Ramirez nodded. "Alright, once we have the chloroform, how do we execute the plan?"

Mr. Thompson's voice grew colder as he outlined the chilling details. "We'll need to get her to come to that old storage room near the gym. Mr. Thompson's lips curled into a wicked smile. "Perfect. We'll lure to that room, under the pretense of giving her information that will lead to an even bigger story.

Ms. Ramirez leaned forward, her gaze fixed on Mr. Thompson. "And then?"

Mr. Thompson's tone turned cold and calculating. "When we confront her, we'll offer some vague answers, make her believe we're on her side. Then, when she least expects it, we'll use the chloroform to knock her out.

Ms. Ramirez's hands trembled as she visualized the scene. "And we have to make sure there are no signs of a struggle. We can't afford to leave any evidence behind. Once she's unconscious, we'll tie her up, ensuring she can't escape."

Mr. Thompson nodded, his voice laced with dark determination. "We'll have to move her to a remote location, far away from prying eyes. Somewhere we can keep her hidden until we figure out our next move. We can't let her jeopardize everything we've built."

Ms. Ramirez shuddered at the thought, but she knew there was no turning back now. Their plan was in motion, fueled by a sinister determination to keep their illicit activities concealed.


Kari walked down the crowded hallway of her high school, her black combat boots stomping against the tiled floor. She wore an open, loose fitting, red plaid shirt with rolled up sleeves over a black Guns and Roses t-shirt that hugged her slender frame, paired with black denim cutoff shorts that revealed fishnet stockings underneath. Her long black hair, streaked with vibrant blue, cascaded down her back as she made her way to her locker.

As she reached her locker, she noticed a folded piece of paper wedged between the metal door and a small, handwritten note attached to it. Curiosity sparked in Kari's eyes, and she quickly retrieved the note. The familiar scrawl read: "Meet me in the storage room. I have important information."

Her heart raced with anticipation. This could be the breakthrough she had been waiting for. Without hesitation, Kari gathered her belongings and headed towards the storage room, her mind buzzing with questions and the thrill of uncovering the truth.

A sense of urgency welled within Kari, overriding any lingering doubts. She had to know what this was about. With determination etched on her face, she hurriedly gathered her belongings and made her way towards the designated location.

The storage room stood at the end of a dimly lit corridor, its heavy metal door slightly ajar. Kari's steps faltered as she approached, a shiver running down her spine. She couldn't shake off the feeling that something wasn't right, but her thirst for the truth compelled her forward.

Pushing the door open cautiously, Kari entered the room, her eyes adjusting to the dim lighting. Shadows danced along the walls, lending an eerie atmosphere to the space. She glanced around, her heart pounding in anticipation, unaware of the trap that awaited her.

The storage room was dimly lit, the air heavy with the scent of dust and old books. The shelves were cluttered with forgotten props from past school productions, giving the room an eerie ambiance. Kari cautiously stepped inside, her eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of the mysterious source.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the darkness, its silhouette eerily familiar. Mr. Thompson stepped forward, his gaze fixed on Kari with a sinister smile curling his lips. Beside him, Ms. Ramirez, her expression a mix of apprehension and malice, completed the chilling tableau.

Kari's eyes widened, the truth dawning on her too late. Panic surged through her veins as she instinctively took a step backward, her mind racing. "What is this? What do you want?"

Mr. Thompson's voice dripped with malevolence. "Oh, Kari, you've been quite the nuisance. Asking too many questions, getting too close to the truth. We can't have that."

Ms. Ramirez, holding a folded handkerchief soaked in chloroform, stepped closer to Kari, her eyes cold and determined. "It's time for you to take a little nap, my dear. You won't be causing any more trouble."

Before Kari could react, Mr. Thompson swiftly moved, closing the distance between them, his movements swift and calculated. Kari's instincts kicked in, and she fought back, desperately trying to evade Mr. Thompson's grasp. But with his strength overpowering her, she couldn't escape his clutches.

"No! Let me go!" she cried, her voice echoing through the room.

Ms. Ramirez moved closer, her eyes gleaming with malicious intent. Together, they held Kari firmly, Mr. Thompson pinning her arms down while the Ms. Ramirez pressed the chloroform-soaked handkerchief against her face.

Kari's vision blurred, and her legs weakened beneath her as the pungent odor of the chloroform filled her senses. Panic surged through her veins as darkness enveloped her, swallowing her consciousness whole.

The evil duo held Kari's limp body, carefully lowering her to the floor. Ms. Ramirez's eyes flickered with remorse for a fleeting moment, but the desperate determination to protect their secret overruled any traces of compassion.

"Secure her hands and feet," Mr. Thompson commanded, his voice cold and commanding. "We can't afford any chances."

As Kari lay there, unconscious and helpless, Mr. Thompson and Ms. Ramirez exchanged glances, their relief tinged with a lingering sense of guilt. They knew their actions were irredeemable, but the desire to keep their illicit activities concealed overwhelmed any remnants of remorse.


With Kari unconscious in Mr. Thompson's arms, the duo wasted no time in securing her tightly to prevent any chance of escape. They carried her to a nearby table, gently laying her limp form on its surface. The room's dim lighting cast eerie shadows, heightening the tension in the air.

Mr. Thompson swiftly produced a length of rope from his janitorial cart, while Ms. Ramirez kept a watchful eye, ensuring they wouldn't be interrupted. The harsh reality of their actions weighed heavily on both of them, yet their determination to protect their secrets pushed them forward.

Mr. Thompson's hands moved with practiced precision, meticulously tying the knots that would keep Kari in place. The rope looped around her wrists, binding them firmly together, while additional knots secured her ankles. The ropes pressed against her skin, leaving faint impressions as a reminder of her captivity.

As they worked, their voices were hushed, filled with a mix of urgency and trepidation.

Ms. Ramirez glanced over her shoulder, her voice laced with tension. "Hurry, Thompson. We need to make sure she can't escape."

Mr. Thompson's gaze remained fixed on his task, his voice low but firm. "I'm doing my best. We can't afford any mistakes."

With the final knot secured, Kari's body lay bound and immobilized. The pair exchanged a quick, meaningful glance, acknowledging the severity of their actions.

"She won't be causing any more trouble," Ms. Ramirez murmured, her voice tinged with a mix of relief.

Ms. Ramirez's voice trembled with a mix of anxiety and anticipation. "What do we do next? How do we make sure she stays quiet?"

Mr. Thompson, his eyes gleaming with a twisted determination, reached into his pocket and pulled out a roll of duct tape. "We'll gag her, to ensure she can't scream or call for help." he slapped a piece of the tape over Kari’s black tinted lips.

Mr. Thompson stepped back, surveying their handiwork. "Now, we need to figure out our next move."

"Let's search her bag. We need to find her notes and make sure she hasn't uncovered too much."

They approached Kari's bag, carefully unzipping it to reveal the contents. Papers spilled out, along with a small notepad and a collection of pens. They sifted through the belongings, their movements quick but purposeful, searching for any evidence that could expose their crimes.

Ms. Ramirez's voice betrayed her anxiety as she scanned the pages. "We can't let anyone discover what she's uncovered."

Mr. Thompson's brows furrowed in determination as he flipped through the notepad. "We have to be thorough. If she has evidence against us, it could ruin everything."

The search continued, their hands rifling through the papers with growing desperation. Every crumpled note, every inked word became a potential threat to their carefully constructed facade.

Eventually, their eyes met, disappointment etched on their faces. It seemed that Kari's notes remained elusive, the truth still concealed within her possessions.

Ms. Ramirez sighed, her voice laden with frustration. "We'll have to search her locker."

“We can't keep her here for long. Someone might stumble upon her” said Mr. Thompson

Ms. Ramirez glanced around the storage room, her eyes landing on a dusty, old wooden cabinet tucked in the corner. "What about that cabinet? It's secluded and we can keep her hidden until we decide what to do."

A twisted smile played across Mr. Thompson's lips as he nodded in agreement. "Good thinking. We'll move her inside, but we have to be cautious. We can't let anyone see us."

Together, they carefully lifted Kari's unconscious body and maneuvered her into the cabinet. With bated breath, they closed the creaking doors, concealing her from view. The silence of the storage room intensified, as if holding its breath along with Kari.

As they locked the cabinet, Ms. Ramirez's voice quivered with a hint of uncertainty. "What if she manages to escape or someone finds her?"

Mr. Thompson's eyes darkened, his voice laced with malice. "We can't allow any loose ends. If she becomes a threat, we'll have to... eliminate her. But for now, we wait and see."


As Kari gradually regained consciousness inside the cramped cabinet, her mind struggled to shake off the remnants of the chloroform's hazy grip. the pungent scent of dust filled her nostrils. Panic surged through her veins as she realized the gravity of her situation. She wriggled her body, feeling the tight ropes constricting her wrists and ankles, digging into her skin.

Gritting her teeth, Kari began her arduous struggle against the bindings. With every ounce of determination she possessed, she wriggled and twisted her hands, feeling the rough fibers of the ropes graze against her skin. Her heart pounded in her chest as her fingers desperately sought an opening, a weak spot that would grant her freedom.

Minutes stretched into what felt like an eternity as Kari's battle with the ropes persisted. She twisted and contorted her body, using every ounce of strength she could muster. Sweat trickled down her forehead, her muscles strained, and her fingers grew sore, but she refused to yield.

With each passing second, Kari's struggle against the ropes grew more fervent. She twisted and contorted her body, testing the strength of her bindings. The coarse fibers bit into her skin, causing discomfort and pain, but she refused to relent and she worked tirelessly to loosen the knots.

Finally, with a surge of triumph, Kari felt the ropes give way. Her hands slipped free, and she hastily moved to remove the tape gagging her mouth. The sound of the tape ripping away sent waves of relief through her.

Just as she was about to make her move however, the door to the storage room swung open, and Mr. Thompson and Ms. Ramirez entered, their expressions filled with sinister anticipation. Panic coursed through Kari's veins, but she quickly masked her newfound freedom, pretending to still be bound.

As they approached her, Mr. Thompson smirked. "Well, well, well, look who's awake. It seems you've been quite the troublemaker, Kari. But don't worry, we'll find out exactly what you know."

Kari's heart raced as they untied her from the cabinet, their eyes fixed on her every movement. Before Kari could react, they grabbed hold of her. She kicked and squirmed, her body thrashing in an attempt to break free. But their grip was strong, overpowering her efforts.They brought her to a chair in the center of the room, firmly securing her wrists and ankles with fresh ropes. The realization dawned on her that her escape would not be easy, and her determination deepened.

A wicked grin twisted across Ms. Ramirez's face. "Since you won't willingly tell us where your notes are, we'll have to find another way to make you talk."

Kari's heart sank as realization dawned upon her. They intended to torture her, to use her vulnerability against her. Her breath quickened, and her mind raced for a way out. But surrounded by her captors, hope seemed distant.

They forced Kari down onto a nearby chair, her feet vulnerable and exposed. Each captor took a position at one of her feet, their eyes filled with sadistic glee. The room echoed with a chilling silence as they prepared to carry out their twisted plan.

Mr. Thompson's fingers traced a trail along Kari's bare foot, his touch sending shivers of dread down her spine. "Tickling can be quite persuasive, my dear. So, where are your notes?"

Kari clenched her jaw, determined not to give in. But as their fingertips danced across the sensitive soles of her feet, tickling her mercilessly, she fought to stifle her laughter. The struggle between pain and laughter became unbearable, her body betraying her defiance.

Laughter erupted from Kari's lips, a mix of desperation and vulnerability. Each ticklish sensation further weakened her resolve, and tears streamed down her face. They continued their cruel assault, pressing harder, searching for the breaking point.

Through her laughter, Kari's mind raced, grasping for a way to turn the situation to her advantage. She knew she had to endure, to protect the truth that lay within her notes. Though physically restrained, her spirit burned with a relentless flame, vowing to outlast her tormentors and find a way to expose their evil deeds.

In the darkness of the storage room, Kari's struggle continued. Her resilience tested, she clung to the hope that justice would prevail and that she would emerge victorious against the darkness that threatened to consume her.

As the tickling torture continued, Kari's mind raced, searching for any opportunity to escape. She knew she had to buy herself time, to endure the torment until she could find a moment of weakness in her captors' watchful eyes.

Summoning her courage, Kari focused on her breathing, calming her racing heart. She let out bursts of laughter, allowing her body to react to the tickling, but she refused to succumb completely. She mustered all her strength to keep her secrets hidden, her determination fueling her resistance.

Mr. Thompson and Ms. Ramirez exchanged glances, frustration flickering across their faces as Kari withstood their relentless assault. But their sadistic determination remained unyielding. They intensified their efforts, their fingers becoming even more merciless, seeking to break her resolve.

Yet, in the midst of the tickling torment, a daring plan formed in Kari's mind. She feigned exhaustion, letting her laughter fade into soft gasps, as if her spirit had been finally crushed. It was a calculated move, a ruse to lower her captors' guard and catch them off balance.

Her mind raced, analyzing the situation, searching for a way to outsmart her captors. She knew she couldn't endure another round of tickling without breaking, so she needed to act quickly.

As Mr. Thompson and Ms. Ramirez approached, ready to resume their torment, Kari summoned all her acting skills. Her face contorted into an expression of pure fear, her eyes welling up with tears, as she pleaded, "Please, I'll tell you everything. Just stop... please."

Their sadistic pleasure evident, the captors paused, their curiosity piqued by Kari's sudden change in demeanor. Mr. Thompson leaned in, a malicious glimmer in his eyes, and demanded, "Where are your notes, Kari? Tell us everything you know."

With a tremble in her voice, Kari hesitated, drawing out the tension. Then, with a calculated move, she pointed towards the cabinet she had recently escaped from. "They're in there... inside the cabinet in the school paper office. Please, just let me go."

The two villains looked at each other.

“She’s lying.”

“We have to check it out.”

“OK. But make sure to gag her again.”

Mr. Thompson reached into his back pocket and took out a dirty rag from his pocket stuffing it into Kari’s mouth.
“That’ll keep her quiet for now. Let’s go.”


As Mr. Thompson and Ms. Ramirez hurriedly made their way to the school paper office to retrieve Kari's supposed notes, Kari's heart raced with anticipation. She knew she had only a fleeting moment to free herself before they returned and discovered her deception.

With every ounce of strength and determination, Kari focused on the ropes that still bound her wrists. She twisted and wriggled her hands, leveraging the lingering looseness she had created during her struggle earlier. Beads of sweat dotted her forehead as she fought against the resistance, her determination unyielding.

Finally, her efforts paid off. The ropes slipped off her hands, and she gingerly rubbed her wrists to alleviate the discomfort before pulling the foul smelling rag from her mouth. Her heart soared with a newfound sense of freedom and empowerment as she realized her escape was within reach.

Kari quietly tiptoed toward the storage room door, her senses heightened as she listened for any sign of Mr. Thompson and Ms. Ramirez's return. Time seemed to stand still as she cautiously turned the doorknob, praying that it wouldn't creak and give her away.

Silently, she slipped out into the dimly lit hallway, her pulse quickening with each step. The sound of her boots echoed softly against the tiled floor, prompting her to remove them to move with more stealth and agility. Clutching her boots tightly, she padded barefoot through the corridors, her heart pounding with a mix of adrenaline and determination.

Kari's mind raced with thoughts of the next steps to take. She needed to find a safe place to regroup, strategize, and gather evidence to expose the truth once and for all.
Instinctively, Kari sought refuge behind a tall bookshelf, her heart pounding against her chest. She held her breath, straining her ears to listen to their movements. The sound of the office door opening sent a shiver down her spine.

Mr. Thompson's voice cut through the air, filled with frustration. "Where are the notes, Ramirez? They're not here!"

Kari's mind raced, realizing that her captors had discovered her ruse. She needed to act swiftly. Pushing fear aside, she counted down the seconds in her mind, waiting for the opportune moment to make her escape.

As Mr. Thompson and Ms. Ramirez continued their frantic search, Kari seized her chance. With a burst of determination, she darted out from her hiding spot, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and adrenaline.

She sprinted down the hallway, her bare feet slapping against the cold floor, the sound reverberating through the empty corridors. Panic and determination fueled her every step as she navigated the maze-like hallways of her school, her only goal being to put as much distance between herself and her captors as possible.

As she navigated the labyrinthine halls, memories of her investigative journalism training flashed through her mind. She recalled the lessons on quick thinking and resourcefulness, using her surroundings to her advantage. The determination to uncover the truth fueled her every step, propelling her forward.

With a stroke of luck, Kari spotted an open window at the end of the hallway. Her heart raced with renewed hope as she sprinted towards it. She knew that escaping through the window would expose her to potential dangers, but the risks were worth it.

Without a second thought, Kari flung the window open, feeling a cool breeze rush against her face. She hesitated for only a moment, glancing back at the school that had become a den of deception and treachery. With a deep breath, she took the leap of faith, propelling herself out into the open air.

For a moment, time seemed to suspend as she sailed through the air, her heart pounding with exhilaration and fear. The ground rushed closer, and she braced herself for impact.

But fate smiled upon her, as her fall was cushioned by a nearby bush. Kari landed with a thud, a mixture of relief and pain coursing through her body. Ignoring her scraped knees and aching limbs, she pushed herself upright.
With her heart pounding, she reached for her phone and dialed the emergency number, connecting her with the local police.

"911, what's your emergency?" a voice on the other end of the line asked.

Breathing heavily, Kari spoke in a hushed but urgent tone. "I need help. There are individuals at my school involved in illegal activities, selling drugs to the students. They've been holding me captive, but I managed to escape."

The operator quickly reassured her, "Stay calm. We're sending officers to your location. Can you provide us with the name and address of your school?"

Kari relayed the necessary information, her voice steady despite the fear still coursing through her veins. The dispatcher assured her that help was on the way, urging her to find a safe place to wait until the police arrived.

Seeking refuge, Kari found a secluded spot nearby, hidden from view. She sank to the ground, her mind racing with a mix of relief and anxiety. It was a race against time now—to ensure her captors wouldn't escape or destroy the evidence she had gathered.

Minutes felt like hours as Kari anxiously awaited the arrival of the police. Every sound amplified her nerves, but she reminded herself to stay strong, knowing that she had taken the first step towards justice.

Finally, the sound of sirens pierced the night air, growing louder and louder until the flashing lights of patrol cars illuminated the surroundings. Officers spilled out of their vehicles, their presence instilling a renewed sense of safety and determination in Kari.

She emerged from her hiding spot, approaching the nearest officer and explaining the situation in detail. The officer listened attentively, his eyes filled with a mix of concern and determination. He assured her that they would thoroughly investigate the matter and bring those responsible to justice.

As the officers entered the school building, Kari felt a sense of relief wash over her. She had taken a courageous step towards uncovering the truth, and now it was in the hands of the authorities to follow through.

Days turned into weeks as the investigation unfolded. The police meticulously gathered evidence, interviewed witnesses, and brought the full weight of the law down upon the perpetrators. The janitor and substitute teacher were apprehended, their illicit activities exposed for all to see.

Through her bravery and determination, Kari had not only escaped the clutches of her captors but had also played a pivotal role in dismantling the drug operation that had plagued her school. Her story made headlines, shedding light on the darkness that had lingered within the halls.


Gathered in the bustling cafeteria, Kari's friends leaned in attentively as she recounted the events that had transpired. They listened with a mix of awe and concern, their eyes widening with each detail she revealed.

"And then," Kari exclaimed, emphasizing her words for dramatic effect, "they tied me up and started tickling my feet to find out where I hid my notes!"

Gasps of disbelief echoed around the table as her friends exchanged astonished glances. They had known Kari as the fierce, unapologetically emo girl with a flair for the dramatic, but this revelation took their understanding of her bravery to new heights.

One friend, wide-eyed, stammered, "Kari, that's... that's intense. How did you manage to escape?"

A wry smile curled on Kari's lips as she responded, "Well, it took some quick thinking and a whole lot of determination. But I refused to let them break me. I found a way to free myself, outsmarted them for a moment, and then made my escape."

Her friends erupted into a chorus of applause and admiration. They marveled at her courage and resilience, unable to fully fathom the harrowing ordeal she had endured. Kari had become their real-life hero.

Re: The Perilous Pursuits of Kari, the Teen Reporter (MF/F)

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2023 5:29 am
by JulieG
Excellent story with a nice take on the old Nancy Drew style of schoolgirl detective. The main character is very well described, motivation, feelings and actions, and there is a a good narrative. And of course she gets tied up. The tickle torture is fun too.

Just one thing. They tickle her bare feet without taking her boots and tights off, but when she escapes to run she has her boots back on!

Re: The Perilous Pursuits of Kari, the Teen Reporter (MF/F)

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2023 7:47 am
by drgoremd
JulieG wrote: 1 year ago Excellent story with a nice take on the old Nancy Drew style of schoolgirl detective. The main character is very well described, motivation, feelings and actions, and there is a a good narrative. And of course she gets tied up. The tickle torture is fun too.

Just one thing. They tickle her bare feet without taking her boots and tights off, but when she escapes to run she has her boots back on!
I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

I forget to mention that she put them back on but like her, I was in too much of a hurry lol.

Re: The Perilous Pursuits of Kari, the Teen Reporter (MF/F)

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2023 8:50 am
by Druid_Princess
Overall I thought it was good. Thanks for taking my request! I enjoyed this

Re: The Perilous Pursuits of Kari, the Teen Reporter (MF/F)

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2023 7:42 pm
by Python_Struggles
Druid_Princess wrote: 1 year ago Overall I thought it was good. Thanks for taking my request! I enjoyed this
Thanks for suggesting this! And thank you [mention]drgoremd[/mention] for making it happen