An unforgettable night

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An unforgettable night

Post by Davezz23 »

An unforgettable night

It was a cold night like many nights in November this particular month was the coldest it’s been in years at least -2 it had been this way for most of the week. It was roughly midnight and Ben was with some of his mates having a few drinks, as it was his birthday he had just turned 18 and wanted to celebrate at his local pub, the pub was 30 minutes from his apartment, tonight the pub was quiet much quieter than it normally would be for a Friday night, and I think the weather had something to do with that, cold and wind are not exactly a recipe for attracting the crowds. which was good because this particular pub is fairly old and isn’t that big and could get crowded on some nights.

So a little about Ben he loves women especially those that are slightly older then he is, about 20 – 28 year olds is his preference, he often takes them to his apartment and sleeps about with them most of the day when he is not working, he has been doing this since the day he turned 16, he first popped his cherry on his 16th birthday with a 25 year old blond girl of whom he brought back to his apartment it only took him 10 minutes to cum and was a shooter and he wasn’t quiet either.

The apartment was bought by his parents so Ben has actually been working in a nightclub and the pay is good. When he turned 17 he started working at the nightclub in order for him to pay his parents back,
he is well on his way to achieving this.

Ben was having shot after shot he was playing a drinking game which he lost most of the time as he was a lightweight, many people could drink him under the table and this night was no different, Little did he know he was being watched by a man in the corner he had been watching Ben for at least half an hour this evening and was turned on by Ben’s attractiveness, he was at least 25 years old and he has short hair and a short but well groomed beard, the man obviously took care of his appearance, he was dressed in dark blue Adidas sports gear he also had a Adidas gym bag as he had been to the gym a few hours before going to the pub as he liked to keep fit. It was about 3am now and Ben decides to call it a night, so Ben and his friends say good bye then pay their tabs.

Ben called himself a taxi the man overheard him order and proceeded to leave and get in his car and wait for Ben’s taxi to arrive.

Ben’s taxi arrives after about 5 minutes and the man waits for the taxi to drive off and then shortly follows it to the apartment, so after a short drive the taxi arrives at Ben’s place, so the man parks opposite the apartment and he promptly gets out of his car and proceeds to quickly follow Ben into the building the man quickly ducks into an alcove as Ben looked behind him, the man watches Ben enter his apartment and close the door.

Shortly after entering his apartment Ben started getting blurred vision and quickly decided to sit down on his Bed and within seconds Ben fell onto his back then just like that he was out, earlier that evening a waiter left Ben’s drink unattended the man knew this was Ben’s drink and slipped a slow acting sleeping pill in there, of which he knew when Ben would go home as he knew a lot about him.

The man had waited a few minutes and then proceeded to enter the apartment to his surprise he didn’t have to enter the house by force as it was unlocked, so once the man was inside he shut the door and proceeded to look for Ben, who he quickly found on the right of the entrance. In the apartment There Ben was the man had waited for this a long time and he was gonna make damn sure he got what he wanted the man picks he targets and when they get in his sights he don’t miss.