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Hitching a friend F/f

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2018 11:06 pm
by WyattW5
Story request by TomatoaShiny123

Jessica sits on the couch of the apartment she had been able to rent on campus affording it with a pair of part time jobs. This had been her first available weekend off from both the coffee shop she works and the fast food restaurant she works in. Even this weekend she was not off the hook yet. In the class she needed to pass the most, in her business and financing course. She had an assignment she wanted to work first she had gotten herself a little snack of chips and some salsa beginning to look over theoretical projection papers she begins to make quick work of her expectations from these.

Wearing a long blue t-shirt with pink symbols over the front comfortable grey track pants over her legs bare feet as she snuggled her toes between the couch cushions as she read her project papers. Keeping her long blond hair kept up in a bun and a white headband around the top of her head.
Her hazel brown eyes did not leave the papers for nearly forty minutes before her hand reached a chip into the salsa bowl to learn it was empty. Feeling a bit bummed over the little distraction she finally closed her book and set her papers as the book mark.

Standing up cringing her little toes as they were removed from their sanctuary of heat. She walks into the kitchen grabbing the salsa she had left out walking into the kitchen she found the salsa had been returned to the fridge thinking nothing of it. She chose to pour a bit more into the bowl before leaning down inside the grab a bottle of water.

As she leans back to crack the bottle a hand grabs her mouth clamping her mouth shut a muffle voice whispers, “Alright pretty girl, the time is now. Do as I say nothing and bad will happen to you”

Jessica, frozen in fear, nods as her captor smirks “Good, now walk to the bedroom slowly.”

Doing as instructed Jessica could not feel any weapon but the fierce voice in which this person spoke gave Jessica a feeling of fright. Escorting her into the bedroom her captor put some force behind a shove making Jessica fall onto the bed making her turn around in fear she gazed at the sight of her captor wearing a dark hoody with a black ace bandana around the nose and mouth. Jessica could only guess it was a girl because of the black tights she wore the captor rolled her around on her stomach once again.

“Do not look up at me unless you want something bad to happen.” Jessica nods as her captor continued holding her hands crossed.

“Hold your wrists there.” Jessica held her wrists in position listening as her captor stretched duct tape wide connecting around her wrists. Wrapping them four times around the wrist before wrapping it twice in between her hands keeping her from breaking the strands or trying to unravel the tape. The captor now went to her ankles wrapping them around six to eight times.

“Move your ankles.” Jessica moved a half inch before her captor snarled. “I said move them! Shake them!” She lifted her ankles up moving them side by side twisting them around she looks up to her pillows.

“I can’t.” Her captor seemed satisfied with the distressed whine from Jessica. Moving up she tapes around the top and bottom of Jessica’s knees ensuring she can barely bend her knees. Setting Jessica on her knees her captor fell to a crouched position to wrap tape around her thighs as tight as the silver would go. It was at this time she ran out of tape. Breathing a faint sigh of relief but the sound of another crack of tape made Jessica cringe and almost cry.

At the waist of her track pants, she was wrapped from the waist of her pants down towards the pockets of her track pants making sur some tape made it back around her wrists. Pinning them to her waist setting the tape aside her captor walks over to a set of cloth that had been set up before they arrived.

Jessica looks to her captor, beginning to wonder, ”how did she make it into my apartment and set this up before I noticed you?” Taking the first cloth, Jessica leans against her bed as her captor leans forward.

“I am going to leave the room for two seconds if I hear so much as a floor board twinge well your imagination can figure out what I am going to do with you.” Her captor left the room and went for the bathroom Jessica sat there trying to keep herself calm and collected, her breathing was unsteady and hands shook inside the bonds. She could hear the tap run quickly before the captor returned with a wet cloth in her hand.

“Open up.” Jessica shook her head before her captor pulls on her ear making her call out shoving the wet cloth in her mouth taking a second white cloth she forced some of the fabric between her tensing teeth following another wrap that goes over her lips. Tying it together Jessica sat there and her captor commands her to speak.

“mhmm hummph pmmpf” was all Jessica could manage and her captor’s attitude changes from grouchy and threatening to almost playful removing her hood to reveal long ginger red hair. This was now an image of her friend Caitlin

“camphin whapt phe?” Caitlin smiles lowering the bandana from her nose as she looks to Jessica.

“Jessica you look so cute when you are tied up” Realization struck her friend’s face. “Oh,you forgot this was the weekend?” Jessica’s eyebrows lowered Caitlin pulled out her phone allowing Jessica to read the text she had sent her friend two weeks ago. It stated she wanted to do anything to get a chance with Matt alone. Putting a hypothetical comment maybe I could be a damsel and he comes to rescue me. Jessica did not think too far ahead as her friend made comments about doing it some time Jessica began to fight her bonds grunting and groaning.

“Jessica, honey, it is too late. The die is cast; he is on his way, I told him we needed some help moving some furniture. Good thing about southern boys, huh?” Caitlin winked before tapping Jessica’s head looking to the time on the clock, stating it was about quarter after eight

“So, I am going to be in the room messing some things around when your knight in shining armour arrives.” Smiling, she looks to Jessica, who blushes at the thought of Matt entering the apartment finding her tied up like this.

“So, I have one more implement to add to you and I will let you sit and simmer.” Jessica groaned as Caitlin took a long strand of cloth she wrapping it around her head three times securely blinding her. Caitlin left the room as Jessica began to fidget fighting her bonds, testing them, but the tape that was connected to her skin caused some pain, making her not want to squirm as much.

Still wanting to escape before Matt showed up, Jessica began to think of ways that could assist her escape. Remembering her bed had at least two sharp edges because god forbid the practical models are as fit and fine as the display models. Jessica began to thank those loose fittings as she scanned each iron bed post knowing one had a sharp edge she was out of luck the one it had was out of her reach, only her shoulder could connect to it, only ripping more and more tape off her arm. With each grunt and groan she caused more and more attraction from Caitlin her captor smiling Caitlin shook her head.

“I left you in here to simmer not boil over.” Jessica groaned angrily into her gag as the tape had began to irritate her Caitlin walks back into the kitchen opening cupboards and shelves.

“Now that you have overheated yourself, I am going to have to cool you off” Caitlin helped her climb onto the bed setting her head along the pillows pulling her close enough to an edge Caitlin did not need to climb too far on. Caitlin began to pry and twist on plastic until a crackling sound followed.
In her blindness Jessica was curious as to what her friend was doing. Alerted with a cruel brisk shock to the skin on her neck making her scream and squirm as an ice cube began to melt around her skin. Jessica screamed into her gag with shock and surprise at her friend.

“I told you to simmer, but you got too worked up. Now I have to cool you off” Jessica growled into her gag as Caitlin placed another ice cube this one down her back making her fight and fidget to keep it off her skin. The sound of the door bell rang giving Jessica fear it was Matt but Caitlin placed a hand on Jessica’s forehead.

“Dont worry dearie. I ordered a pizza for you and Mattie to share when he gets here, which should be only a few minutes.” Jessica grumbled as Caitlin left the room grabbing the door accepting the pizza with a cheery expression she placed the warm pizza on the counter. The scent of the hot melting cheese was enough to make Jessica’s stomach cringe as she recalled she had not had supper or lunch, her only sustenance was a bagel with cream cheese and chips with salsa. Jessica heard Caitlin put the ice back in the freezer before she walks back into the room sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Oh, I got a message from Matt, he is just downstairs, so it is time for me to vanish. Take care, pumpkin! I hope you both have fun!” Caitlin gives Jessica a peck on her nose before a hand reaches for the hair knotted bun.
“No guy likes seeing the hair in a bun, but the head band is a nice touch.”

Jessica mumbled something into her gag as Caitlin releases her hair to fall but held back by her white headband. The sound of the doors opening and closing was last Jessica heard before she tried to shuffle again, now her back half covered in water the girl grumbled, trying to move without being inflicted by another shock of cold water down a warm part of her back.

This distracted her from hearing the door open a final time hesitant footsteps enter the apartment cringing from the water Jessica moans into her gag before the door to the bedroom opens. Jessica could not see the look on his face but Matthew stands in a little shock.

“Jessica are you alright?!” Shocked by his voice, she shrieked as he approaches sitting down next to her.

“Wait, hold on. Let me help.” Removing her blindfold, he raised a hand to keep the light that was on in the kitchen from blinding her in the bedroom door. Her eyes blinked numerous times as Matt looks to Jessica with a humoured smile as he holds up a piece of paper reading the following:

Thank you for coming over Matthew it means the world to Jessica and I, we did not need any of the furniture moved we only needed and excuse to get you and Jessica alone. You see Jessica has had a huge crush on you since we arrived in college, I have tied her up from keeping her from running away, the gag to keep her from screaming at me after we had discussed this two weeks ago. If you do not believe this not simply ask Jessica if she likes you and her reaction should give you enough verification. There is pizza on the counter and a pair of rented movies on the living room table I thought perhaps a romantic dinner and film might set it up nice. Anyway have a good night, behave yourself as we all know you will. Btw Jessica loves shoulder rubs.”

Jessica read this then looked nervously into Matthews blue eyes. Smiling nervously, he asks, “Is it true? Do you like me?”

Red began to fill her cheeks with brightness as she nods indicating truth in her words and Caitlin’s letter. Pulling a small folding knife from his pocket he deflty cuts the tape winding her knees, elbows and ankles using great care to pull the tape off it had began to leave red marks on her skin he looks over them.
“Perhaps I can rub some ointment on them while we are watching the movie?” Jessica began to blush as he cuts the bonds of her wrists. Leaving the gag for last, he waited for Jessica to say something. Even a scream of profanity would have made him happy because a nervousness had taken over him. Leaning across giving him a kiss before whispering, “Thank you for saving me.”

Matt took Jessica into the next room where they ate pizza he rubbed some ointment on her arms to sooth the irritated tape remnants on her arms before giving her a back massage that made her pass out in his arms.

The next morning Caitlin receives a notification through social media: Jessica Spenser was now in a relationship with Matthew Shepherd.
thanks TomataoShiny123 for the edit.

Re: Hitching a friend F/f

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2018 11:16 pm
by TamatoaShiny123
Really really awesome!

Re: Hitching a friend F/f

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 3:41 am
by brashieel
Nice story and a sweet little ending.