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DnD DiD 2 (M/F)

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2023 1:58 am
by CaptorDM
Another instance of player-led bondage happened in another of my DnD games.
Again, this is just kind of a summary, I may return and write it more narratively later.

This is a different game from last time. This one is Weird & Wild West themed, and one of my players wanted to play as a cowboy, naturally, using a lasso as one of his weapons. I agreed after working through some of the nitty-gritty and it has been used in many a combat, effectively and interestingly.

As the sessions have gone on, the cowboy player and the player of a bandito decided that their characters were going to have a steamy "worst-kept-secret" romance with their characters and we're all getting a big kick out of it. They have, on a few occasions, referenced that the lasso is used often in their intimate encounters.

So anyway, last session, they were fighting a group of cultists who can puppet people with spirits. The party figured out that if the puppet is restrained and rendered useless to the spirit, the spirit will leave them alone. So they stocked up on nets and ropes and prepared to do battle.

In this fight, the bandito (Ella) became puppetted. The cowboy's player turned to Ella's player and barely said "Are you-?" when Ella's player just said, "Tie me up, baby,"

We all had a big laugh at this when the cowboy player turned to me and said, "Welp. I guess Elroy (the cowboy) is gonna hogtie Ella,"

I stopped myself from going into too much detail as to how strict Elroy was tying his girlfriend, but Ella's player played along, even putting her arms behind the chair and keeping her ankles together, miming being tied up.

Unfortunately, there was no reason to gag Ella, but ah, well.

Eventually, the spirit left Ella and she started yelling at Elroy to untie her, but combat was still happening so, to everyone's humor, he sheepishly left her bound in the middle of the battlefield. It didn't take her long to escape, as she's a rogue. But boy was Ella angry. The players were having a good time, even the ones not involved.