Another way to payment (M/F)

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Another way to payment (M/F)

Post by dream713 »

The following story contains themes of DID (Damsels in distress), kidnapping and involuntary bondage. Gambling is a very bad thing! Kidnapping is even worse!
If you find any errors in the text, please let me know, I'll fix it! Feel free to contact me!

Another way to payment (M/F)

A sad Alex looked at the announcement, "Site Blocked for Violation..." on the home page of his favorite online casino, La Dame de Pique. He hadn't read the reason for the blocking, he was sure it was far-fetched. Alex had been gambling for two months, every night after school. He despised "roulette" and other games that depended on a random number generator, for he preferred "poker" and "21" with other players. He beat his opponents quite often because of his mathematical skills.
He liked this casino for its honesty in terms of payouts. He had tried many different sites, but this was the only one where he was able to withdraw his winnings. The commission fee was huge, but when the money arrived in the bank account, Alex was happy. He was able to change his smartphone in just a couple of months of successful gaming, but his desire to upgrade his computer became unfeasible. He searched diligently for another site, but they were either fraudulent or with an unclear reputation.
One morning, he found an e-mail from the administration of his favorite casino, La Dame de Pique.
We are open again!
Due to the blockage, we have been forced to change the location of our casino. To protect your enjoyment, we are now on the Sphere network. All your accumulated points and money are saved in full, we do everything for your convenience. Also, we slightly changed the rules regarding account balance, you can read them here...
The letter was quite long, but the most important thing Alex grasped. The casino is now working through Sphere, which means it has gone into the darknet, but that's not the main thing. It works again. After downloading the necessary software, Alex went to the link and entered his username and password. His account was saved, even all the virtual tokens, which were converted to either dollars or euros at a tricky rate, were there. To check, Alex joined a game of "poker" and disappeared for the evening. By the end of the evening, he had won about thirty dollars and that was just the beginning.
The new payment methods were mostly reduced to various cryptocurrencies, but there was also a very strange clause "repayment of debt by another participant". The possibility of debt was also a new innovation, the meaning of which escaped Alex. Usually Alex tried not to get to that point, and when the amount of token was approaching the number "0", he threw his own money in there.

That night, Alex was particularly unlucky. Not only did he have some shady opponents, but a few losses quickly put Alex in debtor's quarters. While he was pondering, clutching his head, what to do and how to repay the debt (by local standards, not a small one), he received a request for personal messages. He looked at who was writing to him and was surprised. One of his opponents was writing to him.
RNRGuy: You are out of luck, guy.
Alex000: What do you mean?
RNRGuy: It's not easy to pay your debts.
Alex000: I can do it.
RNRGuy: I bet you can. You have two days to repay your debt. Read the rules.
Alex was surprised and went to the agreement. The unknown interlocutor was absolutely right, if you don't pay the debt within two days, penalties follow, like a lifetime blocking of your account and transferring the collection to some "third party organizations". The situation was getting worse.
RNRGuy: I can pay off your debt, but then you'll owe me. One month to pay, or we'll figure out how you can pay off your debt.
Alex000: I'll pay you back, I swear!
RNRGuy: I bet you will. Do you want to pay?
Alex000: Yes.
After about half an hour, the account balance went from "-$13827" to "$0. Alex breathed a sigh of relief. He had already raised that kind of money in a month, so he wasn't too worried. After thanking the mysterious RNRGuy and swearing that he would return the money in a month, Alex suddenly received a rather harsh message.
RNRGuy: I can't just rely on the honesty of someone I know nothing about. I need guarantees.
Alex000: What kind of guarantees do you need?
RNRGuy: I'll send you a link. Write to me there.
The link led to the same Sphere site and was some kind of closed chat with video conferencing capability. Alex tensed, but so far everything made sense. RNRGuy texted him right away.

RNRGuy: Hello again. Turn the camera on.
Alex000: Why?
RNRGuy: I need to see you.
Alex reluctantly turned on the webcam. The interlocutor, characteristically, did not turn the camera on.
RNRGuy: Now I'm going to ask you questions, and you answer them as honestly as possible. Do you understand?
Alex nodded in agreement.
RNRGuy: Then let's begin. Full name, date of birth. Mind you, if you lie, I'll find you anyway, there's enough information. I just don't want to waste any more energy looking for you. Got it?
Alex000: Got it.
Alex started to answer the questions. Mostly they were about Alex's own identity. Where he went to school, where he worked. Phone numbers of relatives. It seemed to Alex that he was taking a loan from the bank. In fact, he was. After discounting his sister's social media page, RNRGuy went silent for a while, but eventually wrote:
RNRGuy: The situation has changed a bit for the better for you. I'm willing to write off your debt if you tell me exactly where your sister lives and works?
Alex answered and RNRGuy went silent for a long time.
RNRGuy: You'll go to this page every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. But don't forget to look for the money. That's enough for today.
Alex nodded and ended the call after which he rushed to make money at the same casino. After depositing fifty dollars into his account, he turned it into five hundred dollars fairly quickly, but then his luck ran out and he couldn't get past the $100 milestone. He dutifully approached RNRGuy, but RNRGuy didn't ask anything specific. Something was going on and Alex became very discouraged.

Alex's sister, named Lisa, was good-looking girl. As she walked down the street, men constantly looked back at her and women had envy in their eyes. And there was a lot to be jealous of. The first thing everyone noticed was her very long brown hair, falling below her waist. A pretty face with bright blue eyes, a small neat nose, and slightly puffy lips. Her D-size breasts gave her a certain completeness to the image. Her greatest virtue was the grace with which she moved. Dancing was a passion of hers from childhood. That's why she decided to tie her life to it. Athletic career collapsed after a minor injury, so Lisa decided to do what she loved and teach it to others. She left her hometown and got a job in a dance studio. Very soon new students began to come to her. There were also a lot of admirers, but Lisa usually rejected them after a short communication.
She lived in a small rented apartment on the first floor of a sixteen-story building, about a kilometer from the dance studio. She usually walked to work, and sometimes even went for a light jog to stretch her legs. She did not socialize closely with any of her neighbors, confining herself to routine greetings. Lisa usually got home late, because the last class ended at ten p.m., but she still had to gather all the equipment, air the room, and many other necessary little things that usually students do not pay attention to.
On that warm spring evening, Lisa, as usual, stayed up until almost midnight. On that day, there was an accident in the dance class - one of the students in the dance craze accidentally broke a mirror and bloodied his hand. After class, Lisa had to clean up the traces of blood from the floorboards herself. The cleaner her shiftmate had left for her helped, but it was slow to work. Finished with the cleaning, Lisa put on her gym uniform and, picking up a small backpack, closed the studio. She gave the key to the elderly security guard and ran home.
It was unfamiliarly dark in the entryway. The light bulbs in the hallway seemed to have burned out, and since it had been dark for a long time, the only source of light was her phone, which she used to light the stairs so she wouldn't fall down. Not that she needed it-she could climb stairs in complete darkness, but she was a little afraid of the dark.
As she approached the door to her appartament, out of the corner of her eye she caught some movement, but she didn't have time to react. Someone came quickly up to her and clamped some wet rag over her nose and mouth, and with the other hand he put his arm around her waist, pressing his arms against her body. A sweet tang came to her lips, and a rather pungent smell hit her nose. Lisa tried to pull away, but the man held her tight. She felt dizzy and weak, so she collapsed in the stranger's arms.

Lisa woke up because the sun was shining directly in her face. Thinking that she had overslept, the girl tried to get out of bed, but she failed. Her arms and legs felt stiff and did not obey her. The girl opened her eyes and was taken aback. She was not in her apartment. She was lying on some faded and worn mattress in a room with brick walls. Moreover, the girl realized that she could not make a sound because she had some kind of rags in her mouth, which something prevented her from spitting out. Trying to move her hands, the girl realized with horror that they were tied behind her back. A few more coils clamped her elbows tightly against her body. Lowering her eyes, she looked down at her bound feet: in addition to her ankles, someone had taken the trouble to tie her thighs and shins under her knees. The girl screamed in fear. She had been kidnapped!
She didn't know what they were going to do to her. At any rate, she was wearing yesterday's tracksuit, which meant she was not undressed. Such humiliation she would not have endured. The girl began wriggling in her restraints, trying to reach the knots and untie them, but she was unsuccessful. Soon she collapsed onto the mattress and wept in despair. If the kidnappers needed a ransom, there was no one to pay for her - her parents were not very rich, and in addition, her lazy little brother, a big fan of computer games, lived with them. The jealous wife decided to take revenge on her husband's lover? So there was no such thing, for Lisa was rather strict of manners. The girl looked around the room. A small semi-basement room, about five by five meters with a single window under the ceiling. Unfortunately for the girl, it was barred. There was a mattress under the window, on which the girl lay, and a metal bucket in the corner. The only entrance to the room was blocked by a heavy metal door.
The girl struggled to her feet. She struggled to keep her balance and started jumping toward the door. As she neared the door, it burst open, causing her to recoil and fall on her side. She cried out in pain. A tall masked man walked into the room. He looked at the girl carefully, then picked her up and dragged her over to the mattress. He took out his smartphone and took a few pictures of the bound girl, then put the phone in his pocket and left.
The girl continued to try in vain to free herself. She struggled with the hemp ropes, but all was to no avail. After a while her body's natural needs began to bother her, but in her bound state she could not fulfill them. It remained to wait for the unknown jailer to come in and try to make contact with him. Or else embarrass herself.
The jailer came about an hour later, when the girl was already moaning loudly. When she saw him, she moaned through her gag. The man grimaced.
"Will you scream if I take the gag off? ", he asked. The girl shook her head negatively. Then the man untied a long ribbon and pulled some rags out.
"I have to go to the restroom", she admitted. "Can you untie me? I'm not going anywhere, I swear! "
The jailer looked at her carefully.
"Aren't you lying? "
"Where shall I go?" the girl was indignant, "The window is barred, and the door is iron. Please, I beg you!"
"All right", said the man mercifully. "If you don't do anything stupid."
"I won't, I promise you!"
The man untied the girl, and without wasting a second she rushed to the bucket. The man did not embarrass the girl and left the room. The freed girl, sat down on the mattress and began to think. The jailer did not seem to be such an interesting interlocutor, but she had to start somewhere. The girl sat down on the mattress, her back against the wall, and helplessly hugged her knees. It was in this position that the jailer, to whom she looked up, caught her.
"What are you going to do to me?" she asked.
The jailer did not answer. He took the bucket and went out, then put it back in. He didn't bother putting it back, he just put it next to the door and closed it again. Lisa was well aware that she would not be able to handle the strong man, but to do nothing and swim with the current was beyond her strength. She began to think of an escape plan. The easiest way was to pretend to be sick. Of course there was a chance that then she would simply be killed, but she could not believe it. Another option was to lull the guard's vigilance with good behavior and willingness to cooperate, and at some point, when he came in, try to run through the open door. Such a plan was bad in that she didn't know the layout or location of the house. What if they were in a guarded area? Unsolicited tears flowed from the girl's eyes.
It was already dark outside the window, and the girl thought hopefully that they must have been looking for her by now. The jailer brought and placed on the floor a tray with some vegetable soup, a piece of bread, and an apple. Lisa quickly ate the ration and lay down on the mattress. She tried to sleep, but she struggled to do so. The mattress was uncomfortable, plus the situation itself got on her nerves.
In the morning, when the jailer brought her breakfast, the girl again tried to find out what they wanted from her.
"My parents are not very rich. Any significant amount of money is beyond their means. They cannot pay ransom for me!", said Lisa.
The jailer, as usual, remained silent.
"He's just the soul of company," Lisa thought irritably.

The days repeated themselves with minute-to-minute precision. The jailer brought breakfast in the morning, dinner in the evening, and carried out the bucket. He did not interfere in conversations with Lisa and tried not to look in her direction. The girl was even beginning to get used to the man of few words.
Everything changed one day. In the evening the jailer did not come alone, but with a rather plump fellow in a business suit. He also hid his face with a ski mask. He looked at Lisa with an appraising eye.
"She is a real hottie! " said man in the suit.
"Are you the boss here? " the girl asked. "What do you want me for? What do you want to do with me? "
"She is so curious, doesn’t she?" laughed the man in a suit. "Be patient, Lisa, you will soon find out everything!"
The masked man and the jailer went out, and Lisa ran to the door, putting her ear to the door. Hearing nothing, she returned disappointedly to her mattress, and once again the same days flowed. She even lost count of how many days she had spent in that basement-a week or a little more.
A few days after the boss's visit, the jailer came down in the afternoon, holding a bag of some kind. Lisa looked at him in surprise.
"Lie down on your stomach, hands behind your back", the jailer ordered.
"I say you do. Or I have to use force. Do you understand?"
"I understand," the girl sighed. She lay down on her stomach, put her hands behind her back. The jailer took a roll of rope from his bag and fastened it around her wrists. After tightening the knots, he tied her elbows to her torso and inserted a gag. As a last step, he placed a cloth bag over her head, through which she could see nothing. The jailer led her through some corridors and took her outside. It appeared that they had come to a car. The jailer sat down and deftly tied the girl's ankles and thighs with ropes.
"Whh ith ih nvvcshhry?" the girl moaned through her gag, but without a word she was shoved into the trunk of the sedan and the lid was slammed shut.
It was a long ride. It must have been at least several hours, as the girl even managed to doze off in such an uncomfortable position. She woke up when she was pulled out of the trunk and a bag was pulled from her head. The first person she saw was a tall, large man with a shaved head and a Spanish beard. He had small, black eyes, with which he carefully looked the girl from head to toe. Lisa got the feeling that she was being undressed by the sight. The man smiled carnivorously and then took his phone out of his pocket. He walked over to Lisa and put his arm around her shoulders. After that, he took some "selfies" and stroked her cheek, which made her twitch as if she had been hit. The man laughed. He looked at the jailer.
"Perfect! Let's load up. "
The sack was put over her head again, and she was picked up and carried to the white SUV. She was unceremoniously thrown into the trunk and pulled to the floor with a luggage net. After that, the jailer said goodbye to the "buyer" and got into his car and drove away. The other one looked at the girl.
"Well, sweetheart, let's go with you to your new place of residence. My boss is interested in girls like you!"
With these words he closed the trunk and got behind the wheel. The SUV drove away, taking Lisa to her new life, which did not bode well for the girl.

By the end of the month, when almost all deadlines had passed, Alex saw that the balance at La Dame de Pique was $1500. Surprised, he immediately contacted RNRGuy.
RNRGuy: Yes. Your debt is closed and you even managed to make some money.
Alex000: How?!
RNRGuy sent him a picture of some large man with his face blurred in a some program and holding a bound and gagged Lisa in front of some buildings. Now, Alex understood what RNRGuy meant by "improving the situation" and howled in horror.
RNRGuy: Nice doing business with you.
Alex000: Where is my sister, you basterd?!
RNRGuy: Very far away.
RNRGuy: You'd better forget everything that happened. And yes, don't forget to read what's written in fine letters.
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Post by slackywacky »

Reading the small print might be a good thing...
Thanks for posting.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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