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A Ticklish Thriller M/M (Ongoing)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 5:13 pm
by Ticklishguy
01. An Evening At Barefoot Books

Mikey Adam & Jai

Mikey Dante Carter closed and locked the door of his silver nineteen-eighty corvette convertible and walked across the parking lot of Barefoot Books & Lounge. Luck was very much on his side the day he got that car. He attended a foreclosure auction, and after losing two bids, the young man struck gold on the third and won the corvette. The classic sports car was almost new. It only had one owner and was kept in a garage. Mikey loved the feel of the soft, black leather seats.

Mikey and his older brothers, Adam Grant, and Jai Knight, owned the establishment. Mikey did not get involved in the day-to-day operation of the business. However, he did stop by every day. If they were busy or an employee called out, Mikey would jump in and help wherever they needed him. Mikey was responsible for their selection of books. Being a librarian gave him access to an eclectic assortment of subjects and genres. At the end of the week, he added to and refilled their stock. He also did special orders for customers who wanted a specific book.

Mikey loved the freedom of walking around in socks or barefoot. At least in the carpeted areas. You had to wear shoes while serving food or working behind the counter. Of course, patrons could wear shoes, but most chose not to. The lounge part of the business was twenty-one and older and located on the lower level. Its entrance was on the side of the four-story structure. The first, and second levels, housed the bookstore, seating areas, and offices. Adam's and Jai's office had a hidden staircase behind a bookshelf that led up to their spacious four-bedroom apartment on the top floor. The main entrance for their apartment was at the back of the building. The roof was partially enclosed, with an herb garden, eight-person hot tub, heated pool, and entertainment area.

Tonight, Mikey wore a tight, gold shirt that stopped just above his belly button. He matched it with a pair of dark green jeans and a black elastic belt. Then, he put on his favorite pair of ankle socks. They were thin, predominately grey, with gold stripes across the toes. For shoes, Mikey wore his slip-on black skater shoes. His tan suede jacket completed the outfit. The brunet smiled and started giggling when he saw his brother come outside.

"How's my adorable baby bro this evening?" Adam chuckled and grabbed his younger brother around the waist when he tried dodging him. The twenty-five-year-old hefted his brother over his shoulder. He grinned and tickled the back of Mikey's knees.

"Oh, shit! Not the knees." Instantly, the twenty-two-year-old started squealing and writhing from his older brother's tickle assault. Mikey had always been very ticklish, and it was something his family and friends loved to exploit, and he loved it.

The spectacle garnered smiles and chuckles. A few guys stopped to tickle the squirming brunet as they passed. Mikey was the token younger brother for the patrons and the employees. One of the establishment's best customers, Jack, tickled Mikey's neck and armpits. Then he ruffled the brunet's hair and walked to his car.

"Say, you love me, Mikey," Adam ordered. He grinned and tickled his captive's hips.

The new tickle attack had Mikey wildly laughing and thrashing against his brother's muscled body. "Okay, okay! I love you, Adam." The twenty-two-year-old managed to say between his boisterous laughter.

"I love you too, little bro." Adam smiled, set his brother on the ground, and kept his arm around his younger brother till he could stand on his own.

Mikey jumped into his brother’s arms. The younger brunet wrapped his arms around Adam's neck and his legs around his waist. The grunt of surprise made the child-like brunet boyishly giggle. Mikey laid his head on his brother's warm shoulder and kissed his cheek. "I love you, Ad. You're the best brother, ever."

Adam loved how affectionate Mikey was and always had been. The taller brunette smiled and gently ruffled his brother’s hair. “You’re the most awesome brother ever.” Adam chuckled then, kissed Mikey’s cheek, and followed his brother inside.

The brunet slipped his shoes off, then handed them to the man at the door and retrieved his ticket. Excitedly, he greeted Tyler with a hug and kiss on the cheek. “How’s it been this evening?”

Tyler smiled then gave Mikey his nightly tickle hug and instantly had the brunet giggling and squirming. Mikey's slightly higher-pitched giggles were unmistakable. They weren't feminine, but more like a male just before puberty hits. The sound brought a smile to the face of everyone within ear-shot and let them know their favorite kid brother had arrived. 'It's been a pretty good night so far baby bro. Having you here, just made it even better."

Mikey walked around, greeting various customers. A few of them got waves, handshakes, and a genuine smile. Most got a hug, and a quick tickle, which got reciprocated. Mikey had an impeccable talent for reading people he knew who were comfortable with public displays of affection and who weren't okay with displays of affection. As he mingled, Mikey made sure to ask everyone he greeted if they needed anything and how their evening was. For him, the first and foremost goal was making everyone feel at home and like family. After the customers, he checked with the staff. Finally satisfied, Mikey went to order his usual mocha cappuccino. While waiting, the unsuspecting brunette felt fingertips very lightly tickle his lower back. Thanks to his shirt, his unknown tickler had easy access. Instantly, Mikey became a helpless, high-pitched, giggling mass of squirming limbs. His knees got weak and fell right into his tickler's open arms. The tickle assailant gave the smaller brunet a hug that lifted him off the floor.

When he was back on his feet, Mikey turned to face his tickle attacker. "Not fair, Jai Merlin Knight. You know that's a major tickle spot," Mikey said as he tried to pout and give Jai a stern glare but was unsuccessful because he continued giggling.

Jai chuckled, then leaned his head down and kissed the shorter man on his forehead. "I do know that, and I also know this one is too," Jai wrapped his arms around Mikey and twisted his index finger in the exposed belly button crevice.

"Eek!!" Mikey wriggled and squirmed as laughter flowed from his gut and past his lips like a river. He doubled over and tried pulling his brother's arms loose. As soon as he was set free, Mikey panted and began to recover. The brunet tipped the barista, set his cup on the table, and jumped into his second older brother's arms. "I love you, Jai. Thanks for playing with me." Just like he did with Adam, Mikey laid his head on the twenty-four-year-old man's shoulder and kissed his cheek. "I talked to Lance earlier today. He's planning to spend the weekend with me." Mikey stated after Jai put him down.

Seven years ago, Jai and Adam met at a party and, they fell in love. Their families became very close, which was not a very difficult task. Bryan and Max Carter were already professionally acquainted and friendly with Pam and Tony Knight. The families alternated hosting duties for holidays, weekly Sunday dinners, birthdays, and other parties.

Jai's brother was two years younger than Mikey. He instantly claimed the slightly older teen as his new older brother. For Mikey, the feeling was mutual, and, with Lancelot Arthur Knight around, he was no longer the baby of the family. However, being the baby of the family never bothered Mikey. He liked being a baby brother and coddled. The teens became inseparable and alternated weekend sleepovers. Even though he was twenty, Lance still spent some weekends and part of the summer with Mikey at his lakefront house.

"I love you, Mikey. Always have and always will." Jai lovingly smiled at the younger man and said. "I talked to Lance earlier today. Janice and his classes have been kicking his ass, and he needs a break. Oh, before I forget, Papa Bryan said to remind you about hosting the get-together on Sunday at your place."
Mikey ran his fingers through his slightly curly medium brown, neck-length hair and chuckled. He looked at Jai and said. "Please, there's no way I could forget dinner on Sunday. Papa Tony and Mama Pam are coming over. I'm making a big dinner, and Lance is helping me."

“Does he know that?” Jai snickered and massaged Mikey’s neck and shoulders.

“He will, and if he refuses, I’ll just tickle him into submission.” Mikey squirmed and softly giggled. His neck was very ticklish. “You and Adam could help too.”

“Just let us know what to do, and we’ll be glad to pitch in. After all, you’re always helping us.” Adam said, surprising his fiancee and brother. “Tonight, for instance, you stop in, make the customers feel like family, and tend to their needs. Then, you do the same with the staff. Baby bro, it’s incredible watching your positive energy and loving spirit light up a room.”

Mikey blushed and closed his eyes. "Guys, it's not that much of a big deal. I feel like the patrons are extended family. They're more like brothers and good friends." Mikey paused the brunet, suddenly felt a little dizzy and slightly off balance.

Adam and Jai noticed their brother's eyes were not as bright and sparkly as usual, and when he had to momentarily steady himself, they both got very concerned. However, they knew asking about Mikey's health was tricky. He was always so independent and didn't want to burden anyone that he kept things to himself. At least, until he absolutely had to say something. "Bro, are you feeling okay? You stumbled a little just now, and your eyes are slightly dimmer." Adam said as he brought his lips to Mikey's forehead. He noticed his brother did feel warmer than he should.

Mikey's demeanor changed a little bit. He wasn't upset at his brother, but he also didn't want to admit to anyone he'd been feeling run down and hadn't been sleeping as good or as long as he needed. Mikey had always been an energetic person, running all over the place, like he was the energizer bunny. The brunet closed his eyes, sighed, and hoped he could pull off the small fib he had to come up with. "Yeah, I'm fine, just been running around all day." Mikey took a deep breath, partly due to the need for more oxygen, and the other part was he pulled off his explanation.

Jai and Adam exchanged glances. The duo knew Mikey well enough to know he was trying not to make them worry. The pair of soon-to-be husbands sighed and shook their heads. "Okay, we're just concerned about our bro. Ya, know what, why don't you stay with us tonight? Your room's always made up and free. It'll be awesome having our Mikey with us tonight. Maybe we can get Lance to come and spend the night too. We'll have a real brother's night in." Jai said excitedly. His soft brown eyes glittered with happiness over his idea. Adam chuckled at his fiancee's almost child-like giddiness. He wrapped the shorter man in his arms and lovingly kissed his lips.

Seeing his brother's love for one another brought a smile to Mikey's face. He was truly happy for them. The moment they met, Jai and Mikey hit it off. The brunet remembered when Jai took him aside the night, he proposed to Adam. Jai told Mikey how much Adam meant to him. Then he did something that surprised the younger man. Jai looked into Mikey's eyes and asked him for his blessing. It still made Mikey giggle when he remembered Jai's answer after Mikey asked him why he was being asked and not their Dads. Jai looked at him, smiled, and said, "I'm not stupid. Mikey, I know if you don't want the marriage to happen, it won't. You've got your family and mine wrapped around your finger." The two men giggled and embraced before Mikey gave his blessing. The brunet shook his head of the happy memory.

"Bros, I'm more than grateful you look out for me, but I'll be fine. I'm planning on getting another cappuccino and curling up on my favorite sofa, with my favorite book from the Murder, She Wrote series "Murder, On The QE2." Besides, I only live fifteen, maybe twenty minutes away."

"Mikey, we just wish you lived closer to us, the family, and that you didn't live alone. What if something happened to you driving or while you're at home?" Adam placed his arm around Mikey's shoulder and pulled his brother into a warm embrace. "You know, we love you and are just worried about our brother. The entire family would be lost if something happened to you, Mikey."

Tears trailed down the three young men's cheeks as they huddled in a group hug. "Adam, Jai, please don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I've lived at the lake for two years now, and nothing has happened. I've got my panic room, pistols, rifles, baseball bat, pepper spray, and when I'm out running, my body cam is on, and my knife is strapped to my arm. Add to that, I'm still doing self-defense at the police gym, and you know damn well those guys don't play. I'm in good shape and can hold my own in a fight if I have to. Mikey paused and kissed his brother's cheeks. "I know the one thing I can always count on is the two of you having my back." The brunet paused. "And, not just for tickling." He giggled and wiggled his fingers between Jai's ribs.

As soon as he felt the invading fingers, Jai started giggling and jerking side to side. “Of course we love you, Mom, Dad, and Lance do too. You know, the old man’s got his officer’s driving by your house and around the lake every few hours.” Jai said, once his tickle attack ceased, and he recovered.

“Yeah, I told him how grateful I am his guys are looking out for the three of us. I noticed he’s got Dakota patrolling during his shifts. Did I tell you, he’s stopped by and had a soda or coffee with me a couple times.” Mikey stopped and blushed. “I… I really think he might like me, and honestly, I’m really starting to like him. I suspect Papa Tony’s been working to set us up.”

Mikey’s brothers grinned and nodded. “Yeah, Dad came to us and asked if you were still single. He then told us, in confidence, you and Dakota had something in common but didn’t give details. He thought the two of you might hit it off and be really good for each other.” Jai confirmed.

“How are you feeling about the prospect of a new relationship? I mean, you haven’t dated anyone in two years.” Adam asked and placed his arm around Mikey’s shoulder, pulling him into a hug.

“I think Dakota’s very nice, and he’s definitely my type. If he’s interested and doesn’t mind being monogamous, I’d be willing to take a chance. Who knows, he might be the one.” Jai smiled and wiped his brother’s tears. The brothers shared a group hug, and kiss, then went their separate ways. Mikey headed to the mystery section to get the book he mentioned earlier. After picking up his favorite novel, the brunet staked out his favorite sofa. Mikey loved how soft the full-length dark red, plush sofa was. Sitting his cup on the side table, then, removing his phone from his pocket, Mikey laid on his stomach and set off on his imaginary cruise. Mikey’s legs kicked back and forth lazily as he paused to sip his drink. He rejoined Jessica as she boarded the ship, with the hope, of an uneventful crossing, as it was called in the story.

Dakota & Mikey

Dakota Nickolas Buckingham ended his shift. The twenty-seven-year-old officer placed everything he did not bring home in his locker. Once he made sure the safety to his service revolver was on, he placed it in its holster, threw it in his locker, and slammed the door shut. Dakota slipped on his black Vans, put his work shoes in the gym bag, grabbed his backpack, and left the precinct. Outside, the officer did his routine of thoroughly examining his car before driving off. Instead of going straight home, the young man headed for Barefoot. He hoped Mikey would be there, and the two could talk. The officer knew he had feelings for the younger man and hoped Mikey felt the same way. He thought about how Commissioner Knight took him under his wing and asked him to regularly patrol the street Mikey lived on, as well as the Barefoot Lounge.

Nine months earlier, Dakota suffered a horrifying ordeal that almost killed him. It happened when he discovered Will, his ex-boyfriend, had joined a gang. After six months of recovery, the officer returned to work. Tony did not elaborate but told the younger man that he and Mikey shared a similar experience. Before Dakota knew it, he was pulling into the parking lot of Barefoot Books. As he got out of his SUV, the raven-haired man noticed he parked beside Mikey’s corvette and took that as a good omen.

“Dakota, how was your shift?” Tyler greeted the officer warmly with a hug.

“Pretty docile, thanks for asking. How about here?” Dakota smiled and returned the hug, then surveyed his surroundings. One reason was to find Mikey.

“The same here. You looking for Mikey?” The bouncer asked with a knowing smirk. Thanks to Adam and Jai, he knew about the attempt to get the two men together.

“Am I really that obvious?” Dakota’s ears perked up when he heard Mikey’s squeals and giggles.

Tyler chuckled and shook his head. “Nope, not in the least, and I honestly mean that. Jai and Adam told me about Tony trying to get you and Mikey together. All I gotta say is, I approve. Just don’t hurt our kid brother. He’s special and a loving angel.”

“That he is Tyler, that he is. It’s really cool, knowing you got our backs.” The two men shared another hug before Dakota went to get his coffee. The adorable sight of Mikey getting tickled made Dakota smile, which surprised him. Whenever the young man saw someone he liked being so playful and flirtatious, Dakota would become jealous and swear he was being cheated on. However, this time was different. He knew that was Mikey’s child-like personality and his way of making patrons feel like family. It also helped that Mikey didn’t focus his attention on one guy. Except for his brothers, Tyler, and a few other employees.

Dakota ordered his coffee. While waiting, he continued thinking. If they dated, the officer knew, he’d never hinder or limit any of Mikey’s playful personality. Doing so would eradicate the magic that made Mikey special. His thoughts drifted to Tyler calling the younger brunet “our kid brother and an angel.” Dakota smiled as visions of Mikey being tickled while wearing a halo and angel’s wings played like a movie. He softly chuckled while thinking it could actually happen.

Mikey was so engrossed in his book that he didn’t notice someone was slowly and quietly getting closer to him. His feet were screaming trap and tickle us as they swung back and forth. He had just reached the first murder when suddenly, Mikey caught the scent of a familiar cologne, then a fingertip slowly and lightly tickled along his curved arches. Mikey dropped his book and began giggling as he tried to keep his feet away from his tickler. However, his attempts were in vain. The unseen assailant successfully trapped both feet in the crook of his strong arm.

“Ya know, little boys shouldn’t flaunt their adorably cute feet like that. Especially when they’re so incredibly ticklish. Anyone could come along and do this….” The sentence was finished by five fingernails, lightly dragging up and down the center of Mikey’s helpless soles. As soon as the nails touched the fabric-covered feet, the brunette became a writhing and struggling mass of laughter and squeals.

Adam, Jai, and Tyler watched the two men, from the side, with smiles.

“You’d better hope I don’t get my hands on you, Dakota.” Mikey did his best to sound intimidating. Although, combine his ticklishness with the boyish laughter, how intimidating could he hope to be?

“Aww, you’re too adorable to make threats.” The officer snickered and began stripping Mikey’s socks off.

“Hey, don’t take my socks. That’s cheating.”

“Such an unruly young boy needs to be punished.” Dakota’s nails rapidly but lightly scratched back and forth across the balls of the defenseless pair of feet. The ticklish man thrashed and pounded the sofa with his fists while desperately trying to wriggle free. His boisterous laughter turned to silent gasps. Mikey truly loved the ticklish attention and hoped he could return the favor. Dakota’s amused laughter blended with Mikey’s. He slowed down the ticklish assault. His fingertips danced across the giggling man’s soft soles, treating them like a dance floor. “If I stop, can I sit with you?” Dakota paused, so Mikey could catch his breath and reply.

“You can sit with me, even if you don’t stop, handsome.” Mikey blushed while still giggling.

Dakota’s eyes brightly lit up, and a smile graced his olive skin. “Mikey, you’re cute, sexy, and I love your laugh and your adorable dimpled smile.” He saw his angel boy lean over to retrieve his socks from the floor. The sight of the exposed back and sides were too much to ignore. Dakota leaned over and firmly kneaded his fingers right above both hips. An extremely girlish screech flew from Mikey’s plump lips and was quickly followed by his wild high-pitched laughter.

“That’s sooo not fair. You sneak attacked a real bad tickly spot.” Mikey had managed to turn on his back. Unfortunately, that meant his belly button was now in Dakota’s sight. Within seconds, Mikey was once again wriggling and writhing side to side as his tickle monster’s index finger twisted and prodded along the deep crevice surrounding Mikey’s belly button.

Dakota loved having Mikey in such a ticklish situation. He’d always had a fetish for feet and tickling, as well as a few other things. He also saw Mikey’s obvious enjoyment and knew they’d have a lot of laughs together. After another second of playing with his ticklish boy, the twenty-seven-year-old stopped his assault and joined Mikey on the sofa.

“Mikey Dante Carter, you need to keep your voice down.” Both Dakota and Mikey turned to see Adam and Jai standing behind them, with hands-on their hips. “Really, you of all people, should be more respectful in a bookstore.” The fiances were fighting hard not to give in to the rising laughter.

“And, you call yourself a librarian. Well, I never.” Jai snickered the second he stopped speaking. That was all it took for all four guys to start laughing uncontrollably.

“We saw the two of you playing. No matter what either of you decides, we support your decisions.” Adam said, giving his brother and Dakota a hug.

“Just be loving with each other, and don’t hurt one another.” Jai said, and followed his fiance’s example. Then the two headed for their office.

“Your brothers, hell, everyone in here looks out for you. That’s awesome.”

“They get a bit overprotective at times, but they’re always there for me. I love them for it. Wait! You can’t sit down yet.” Mikey sat against the sofa arm and brought his knees up to his chest.

“Why not?” Dakota’s voice was filled with concern he’d taken things too far.

“You’re not properly dressed. I have a strict policy, both here and inside my house, no one sits with me.” Mikey paused for dramatic effect.

Dakota got a heartbroken look on his face. “Oh, okay, I can take a hint. I’ll see you, I guess.” Hoping Mikey didn’t see his tears, Dakota turned to walk away. His attempt was thwarted by Mikey’s grip on his wrist.

“With shoes on. No one sits with me, with shoes on. Unless they have a good reason, like chronic foot odor, and even that I overlook. Provided, it’s not too bad.”

Dakota smiled when he heard Mikey's signature giggle. He slipped his Vans off and plopped down on the sofa. His smile got wider as Mikey's feet were placed in his lap, and his feet were placed in Mikey's. "I have to admit, Mikey, you really got me good with that one." Dakota melted into the arm of the plush sofa and sighed as Mikey's nimble fingers gently massaged his sore sock-clad feet. The younger brunet hit a couple spots that made the officer slightly flinch and softly giggle while his toes curled inside the socks. "Are you really a librarian?" He asked, just before gasping as Mikey's soft lips kissed the balls of his size twelve feet.

A soft giggle escaped Mikey's lips, and his toes slightly curled when Dakota started massaging his bare feet. "Yeah, I am actually a librarian." The brunet paused and giggled when he saw his companion's expression. "You look surprised." Mikey continued his giggling. Partly because of Dakota's surprise and partly because his big cop's fingers were lightly grazing the top and sides of his feet and toes. "I also read to the kids, tutor high school and college students, come here, run the Saturday and Sunday night bingo games, and every other week, I help with the food pantry," Mikey smirked and decided to cure his curiosity.

“Damn, you’re a busy b...” Dakota’s sentence abruptly halted. His usually calm baritone voice was replaced by very boyish giggling and cackles. “You weren’t supposed to figure out my feet are ticklish yet.”

Everyone close to them watched Mikey transform the six-foot burly cop into a squirming giggly schoolboy.

“Hmm, looks like my sexy cop’s as ticklish as I am.” Mikey giggled and wrapped his arm around Dakota’s struggling feet. Facing his prey and laughing evilly, the brunet rapidly scratched his nails across and up and down both wriggling soles.

“Not the nails. It tickles.” The officer’s laughter echoed around the corner where they sat.

“I’ll stop if you agree to one thing.”

“Whatever it is, I’ll do it. Dakota’s laughter was becoming raspier, and he was panting heavily. Inside, he was in heaven. It had been a long time since anyone tickled him anywhere, let alone his feet.

“Be my boyfriend. I want a monogamous relationship.” Mikey paused his tickling, leaned down, and softly kissed each one of Dakota’s wiggling sock-clad toes.

“You didn’t have to stop tickling me.” Dakota squeaked and softly giggled from Mikey’s kisses. “With or without tickles, I’d love to be your boyfriend.” He leaned down, then kissed and playfully nibbled Mikey’s flexing toes. Dakota loved hearing Mikey squeal and the feel of his toes scrunching. “I really like you and want to get to really know each other.”

“I want the same thing. You’re hot and really fun to talk to. I like you, Kota, a lot.” Mikey lightly blushed and boyishly grinned.

“I like that.” Dakota smiled at the sound of the nickname Mikey gave him. “No one’s ever called me Kota before.”

Mikey softly giggled. “Kota just seems to fit you.” The two shared another chuckle and gave each other a loving hug. After talking and cuddling a bit more, the couple exchanged numbers and got ready to leave. Adam, Jai, and Tyler surprised Dakota when they hugged him and welcomed him to the family.

“I’m glad I stopped in tonight. Thanks for an amazing evening, Mikey.” Dakota bashfully smiled while drawing an invisible line on the pavement with the toe of his shoe.

“I’m glad you tickled me and said yes to going out. Umm, I’m usually not the first to ask, but can I kiss you? I wanted to all night.”

“I’d love that, my sweet baby boy.” Dakota wrapped his arms around Mikey’s waist and pulled him into a loving embrace. Mikey lifted his head and gazed into his boyfriend’s light hazel-colored eyes. As soon as their lips touched, they both gasped into each other’s mouths. Both men saw lightning strikes and fireworks going off. Finally, the need to breathe caused the heavily panting, sweat-covered couple to separate.

“That was…” Mikey started saying.

“Incredibly mind-blowing.” Dakota finished Mikey’s sentence, causing them to blush and start giggling. “Can I call you in the morning?”

“Of course, sexy. Hell, you can call me tonight, if you want. Be safe going home, Kota.”

“I just might do that. You be safe too, my sweet angel boy.” The two shared one more hug and a less passionate kiss. Dakota got in his car, watched Mikey leave, and headed home.

Re: A Ticklish Thriller M/M (Chapters 1-)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 5:15 pm
by Ticklishguy
02. Mikey Finds A Body


It was getting colder the later it got. The frosty exhaled breath was the only proof of the man's existence as T.L. stood flush against the building's edge, dressed in all black, concealed by the darkness. The darkened figure kept his eyes on the tan KIA Sportage his target drove. It was a good thing he was a patient man because what the hooded man did wasn't an easy or quick process. Sometimes it took T.L. weeks, even months observing his intended victims. He'd watch them as they went about their daily activities. The ones with an established routine were more accessible. Individuals, who varied their activities and routes, took the longest.

It all started innocently enough. Whatever town T.L. was in, he would browse the local area craigslist, as well as bondage/tickling sites. The locals posted ads and asked for messages from people who wanted to hunt, trap, kidnap, bind, and tickle them. Some wanted a give-and-take scenario. T.L. acquired a sizable collection of costumes because some of the fantasies called for various characters.

The men from the ads were friendly and enjoyable to be around. T.L. discovered similarities between himself and the other guys besides their love for fetish play. Over time, the dark-haired man got less enjoyment from the hookups. A desire for something more realistic and thrilling grew inside of him. The scenarios were fun to act out. What eluded T.L. was the true feeling of fearing the unknown with hookups everything, got discussed, no room for any surprises. Despite his playmate's best attempts, their reactions always fell flat and felt forced. One day a brilliant idea came to him. When he drifted into the next town, he'd troll the sites as usual, but instead of adhering to the plan, T.L. would throw in a little spice and do things on his timetable.

A door slammed and made the shadow-cloaked man close his eyes and get his mind back on the task at hand. The hooded man got inside his car and waited. He licked his thin lips as he watched the man he was after getting into his car. Once the target's Sportage came to life, T.L. started his dark blue, almost black Nissan Altima. He backed the sedan out of its parking space then exited the lot. T.L made sure he was no more and no less than two car lengths behind the tan KIA.

Lance & Sean

Sean Whirley unlocked the door of the apartment he and Lance Knight. Two years ago, the college randomly chose them to be roommates and, after a few weeks, the two became best friends. Sean loved how open, friendly, and accepting his roommate was. When he learned the brunet's sibling and in-laws were gay, it made coming out to Lance a lot easier for the half African-American, half Asian. Sean didn't grow up in a loving environment. His parents treated him like a hindrance and didn't accept his sexuality. So, the affection starved young man soaked up the love, attention, and acceptance Lance and his family showed him like a sponge.

Once inside, Sean toed off his sneakers and placed them in the closet with the rest of the shoes. Among other things, Lance and Sean shared a house rule of no shoes inside the house unless there's a reason, like bringing in groceries or a large box. The young man walked to the shared bedroom, quietly opened the door, and put his book bag beside the desk next to his bed. After they became close friends, Lance and Sean decided to share a bedroom. That way, there was a guest room in case anyone needed or wanted to stay the night.

A light chuckle escaped the college man's lips as he remembered the day they talked about sharing a room. He'd been relaxing with his light tan bare feet resting on the arm of the chocolate-colored sofa. Lance walked into the room, stood in front of him, and said, "Let's share a room." It shocked the hell out of him when Lance suggested they share a room. "Where'd that come from?" He asked his grinning roomie. Lance chuckled and said. "I think it'd be nice to have a guest room. There's no reason we can't share a room. I mean, I've smelled the socks you've worn for almost a week before changing them when I wake you up in the morning." The brunet giggled and dodged the pillow that got thrown at him. They had a very playful relationship, which Lance demonstrated by grabbing his left ankle in a chokehold. The next thing he felt was his roommate's nails lightly dragging up and down the length of his size eleven bare soles. After a minute of Lance's tickles, his laughter, and the failed attempts of pulling his foot free, Lance asked again. "So, Sean, are we true roommates?" The young man blushed as he remembered agreeing while laughing like a hyena. Unknowingly Sean's toes wiggled and curled in the white ankle socks he was wearing because of the memory of being tickled.

Playful tickling became a comfortable and welcome element of the relationship. It was the same with Lance's older brothers. He once asked his friend why the guys were so playful, and he told Sean that's how they prove they've accepted you as their little brother and see no difference between you and me.

"Yo, Sean, ya home bro?" Lance called out after taking his shoes off. He walked over and set his bottled water on a coaster on the coffee table.

"Hey, how's it going?" Sean asked as he hugged Lance and sat beside him on the sofa. He couldn't take his eyes off Lance's Superman emblem-covered socks. They looked cute on the slightly shorter brunet and were his favorite pair.

"It wasn't too bad, except for a couple of classes and Janice." Lance took a sip of water then leaned against the arm of the sofa. He smiled when Sean reached over, pulled his feet into his lap, then massaged them. This was how the guys conducted most of their talks. Because of his brothers, Lance had no problem being physical with other guys. Although he did make it clear he didn't want them touching his dick or ass.

Sean closed his eyes and shook his head. It still baffled him how Lance was still with the bigoted wench. He knew Lance didn't like to run from a situation just because it was difficult, but this was completely different. It broke his heart to see his best friend treated like crap because he was such a loving person. Sean was brought out of his thoughts by Lance's soft pleasure-filled purrs. He couldn't help giggling because he always thought that was one of the cutest sounds his roommate made.

"What are you giggling about?" Lance asked with a bright smile as his toes wiggled inside their house of cotton.

"You were doing your happy purr thingy." Sean continued to giggle as he lightly scribbled his fingers along the thin stretched fabric covering the feet in his lap. Lance jumped and squirmed while boyishly giggling as his toes curled and he pulled his feet away from Sean's lap.

"I'm sooo gonna get you for that." Lance's eyes sparked with playfulness. He leaned over, kissed Sean's cheek, and laid his head on his friend's lap. As soon as Sean's fingers lightly stroked his hair, Lance began to purr. "I love you, Sean. You're always here for me." Tears formed in the brunet's eyes.

"I love ya more, Lance thanks to you and the family, I know what real love is." Sean leaned over and kissed Lance's nose, which made him giggle. The two men settled into a comfortable silence, letting their thoughts run freely.

"I'm pretty sure I'm about ready to break up with Janice." Lance sighed.

"You already know how I feel and that I support whatever decision you make."

"I know, it's just that I..." Lance's statement was cut short by his and Sean's phones, notifying them they had a text message.

"It's from Adam and Jai. It says meeting at their place around nine. They're concerned about Mikey's health." Sean said.

"Mine says the same thing." Lance's mind immediately went into overdrive. He knew Mikey was hardheaded and didn't let anyone know if something was wrong or bothering him unless he absolutely had to.

Sean picked up on Lance's mood and gently rubbed his neck and upper back. "I'm sure it's not anything serious. There's no use worrying over it right now." He snickered and gently squeezed just above Lance's hips.

"You're right..." Lance stopped speaking his words, got replaced with high-pitched laughter, and his body wriggled and tried to avoid the tickle assault. "Okay, I give! I won't worry yet." Lance said after Sean gave him a break. Once he recovered, the brunet looked at his fourth brother and playfully growled. "You're so dead, at some point."

Sean giggled and kissed Lance's cheek. "You know you loved it and needed bro." He got his phone, called the pizzeria, and ordered a large stuffed crust supreme pizza for himself and Lance.

Patrick and T.L.

The Sportage leisurely drove along the barely populated road. Patrick Lyman was looking forward to getting home. He'd just finished up a grueling week. There were so many papers to grade the man was thankful the holidays were getting closer. He needed the break they provided. Patrick just celebrated his fiftieth birthday and was in pretty decent shape. Thanks to his consistent routine of jogging every evening around the lake, the workouts in his home gym, and laps around his indoor swimming pool, the middle-aged man maintained his muscle tone. The man was so focused on his life and watching the road that he didn't notice the dark car following him.

T.L. parked a couple of houses down from Patrick's home. He turned the car and the headlights off, then sat and waited. He giggled and felt himself getting turned on at the thought of playing with this man. Closing his eyes, T.L let his thoughts wander where they wished. He thought about the feeling of god-like power that coursed through his body as he watched his victims realize he held their lives in his hands. That with one swift flick of a wrist, they would no longer breathe or be hurled into an endless abyss of hysterical laughter. T.L.'s breathing got heavier, and his appendage grew harder. The temperature in his car rose, and he writhed in the seat. Soft sensual moans flowed through the interior as his palm rubbed firmly against his sensitive member. A few minutes later, he felt the warm sticky substance fill his boxer/briefs. Letting himself calm down from the powerful climax, the man panted and wiped his brow.

A couple of hours later, the lights in the house went out. Slowly opening his door, T.L. walked to his trunk and retrieved the bag of toys he kept there. He closed and locked his car, then in the shadows, he silently crept up to the house. He reached in his pocket and pulled out his lockpick set. Since the door was a standard design, it only took a minute or two before the tumblers moved and the back door slowly opened. T.L. slipped his shoes off before entering the quiet home.

In sock-clad feet, the stalker made his way to Patrick's room. He already had the entire layout of the modest dwelling memorized. Thanks to his memorization, T.L. avoided that one squeaky step almost every multi-level house had. He noiselessly opened the bedroom door, and because of the moonlight streaming in the windows, T.L didn't need artificial light.

Patrick used a sleep mask and was unaware he had company. He was also a heavy sleeper and didn't even feel his limbs getting tied to the bed. It wasn't until something tickled his sensitive feet that the man woke up. Patrick had always been very ticklish. It was something he didn't particularly care to endure. The Count Of Montecristo tickled his victim for two hours with no breaks. Ecstasy, that's what he felt pure unadulterated ecstasy as his prey's restrained body writhed as much as possible under the weight of its tickler. T.L.'s eyes glazed over as he climaxed for the second time that night. This time was handsfree. Finally, Patrick's ordeal came to an end in the form of suffocation as he laughed into the pillow pressed against his face. T.L. wrapped the lifeless body in the bedsheets and carried the entire bundle out to his car. He drove to the lake and deposited the body in the brush of a running path.


Mikey finished his dinner and washed the dishes, then he went to his bedroom and dressed in his running suit. He attached and activated the body cam, strapped the knife to his arm, and locked the door. The young man was halfway through his nightly run when something shiny on the ground got his attention. Out of curiosity, he went to see what it was. He used a handkerchief to pick up the small item. It was a silver pin of the two faces, comedy/tragedy.

The brunet looked up and saw something else that didn't belong. He straightened up and walked over to the unmoving heap on the grass. Mikey leaned over and gasped and almost vomited as he stared at the dead body. Tears came to his eyes when he realized who it was. Instinctively, the young man pulled out his cell phone and pressed the third programmed number.

"How's my Mikey?" Papa Tony's voice came through the earpiece.

"I...found a body, Papa Ton..." Mikey's response ended abruptly with the clicking of a gun.
"Lake Security. Hands up."

"Get here quick, Papa Tony. I think I'm about to be arrested for a murder I didn't commit."


"I said hands up, and give me the phone, son."

Mikey slowly turned around, with both hands raised and, complied with the guard's command. He saw a man who could've been Humpty Dumpty's twin brother, with a bald head so shiny it could light up a baseball field.

The guard roughly took the phone from Mikey's hand. "Yeah, who is this?" He asked in a gruff and uncaring tone.

Mikey couldn't help snickering his Papa Tony was about to rip this guy a new ass hole. The security guard looked at Mikey with a disgusted expression.

"This is Police Commissioner Tony Knight. To whom am I speaking?" Tony didn't use proper grammar very often, only when he tried to be professional. After the disrespectful greeting, Tony was out for blood.

"Yeah, right, and I'm the Queen of England. Look, whoever you are, I'm holding this little bastard till the cops get here to arrest his f**** ass. If ya want to see your fuckin' kid, I'd suggest you get here before he gets locked up." The security guard hung up and put the phone in his pocket.

"I need my phone back, sir." Mikey was working overtime to keep his tone at a respectful level.

"Fuck, you ya little fairy, get in the car."

The guard forcefully pushed Mikey toward the car. Along the way, he knocked the brunet to the ground, hoping he'd retaliate and give him a reason to use his taser. Mikey knew what was happening and didn't take the bait. He just smiled at the guard, which baffled the man. The idiot was unaware of two things. One, his every action got recorded. Two, he failed to notice and relieve Mikey of his knife. Even when he placed the young man in the tiny holding cell, his knife remained on his arm.

The entire time, as he waited, Mikey whistled the same tune over and over. He was giddy over the annoyed look he continued to get.

"Mikey, are you okay?" Dakota asked as he ran right past the security guard without giving him a second glance.

"Excuse me, who the fuck are you?" The guard was outraged at being treated as if he wasn't there.

"Officer Buckingham. Why is Mikey locked up?" Dakota asked as he eyed the man warily.

"I just handed you guys a murderer. I'll get on the force for this."

"You handed us nothing. Not to mention if this man were an actual killer, you'd be dead right now." Dakota said as he replaced his badge after shoving it in the guard's face.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

Dakota walked over to his angel and pointed to Mikey's arm. "I'm talking about this, you imbecile. You're supposed to make sure any possible suspect is unarmed."

Mikey smiled. "Hey, Kota, do you know how sexy you look right now? Oh, he took my phone”

Dakota gently kissed his newly acquired boyfriend. "You poor baby, what the hell happened to you?" The officer asked as he brushed the dirt from Mikey's clothing.

The guard tried to intimidate the younger brunet with a menacing stare. "He tripped and fell a few times and got unruly, so I had to get a bit rough with him."

"I don't believe he asked you." The pissed-off tone got everyone's attention. "You need to give him back his phone."

"Hi! Commissioner Knight. I'm sure you'll want to check my camera's feed on your hard drive." After putting his phone in his pocket, then assuring Tony and Dakota he was fine, the brunet gave his Papa and boyfriend a hug while the guard was placed in the squad car and taken to the precinct. "Don't forget you've got a body to take care of the scene hasn't been processed or cordoned off,"

"Do you happen to know who it is and who committed the murder?" Tony asked with a chuckle.

"Yes and no, in that order." Mikey giggled and yelped as he was grabbed around the waist and hefted over Dakota's shoulder. Being only five-foot-eight and weighing one hundred thirty-five pounds, it was easy to pick him up.

"Are you gonna tell us, or do I have to give you a tickle interrogation?" Dakota smirked and playfully smacked Mikey's ass.

"Patrick Lyman, he's a professor at the college," Mikey answered as his boyfriend put him down/ The three of them got in their cars, Mikey rode with Dakota.

Re: A Ticklish Thriller M/M (Chapters 1-)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 5:17 pm
by Ticklishguy
03. Emotion Filled Night


TL was driving around, getting lost in his thoughts. He didn't have a specific destination in mind at the moment. "I... I killed someone." The realization that he caused another living being, other than an annoying insect, to breathe his last breath was unbelievable to the man's mind. Then his thoughts switched to how erotic and amazingly tantalizing it was feeling the man's body thrash and writhe beneath him. The unchallenged God-like power that surged through his veins and wakening his dulled senses was indescribable. TL wondered if he'd ever be able to recreate the thrill of the first kill.

Before he realized it, the thoughtful driver was cruising around the college apartment area. Mindlessly he looked around as the nondescriptive car traveled down the street. The night was on the colder side, so not too many people were hanging out outside, except for the smokers who didn't indulge their nicotine addictions indoors. As he continued driving, TL noticed the guys outside on their stoops were pretty sexy. He couldn't keep the wonder of which ones were ticklish from filling his head.

After deciding he'd driven long enough, the man turned into one of the complex's parking lots so he could turn around. He was about to exit the lot when a very handsome guy walked in front of the car. Instantly, the hunter's eyes fixed their gaze on the young man as he passed by. TL's tongue moistened his lips as he longed to feel the college guy's plump round asscheeks in his capable hands. His breathing came faster as the excited man tried to guess how the younger man's feet looked and smelled like once freed from the shoes and socks protecting the soft flesh. "He's next," TL whispered to himself as he pulled into the first parking space he saw. Grabbing his dark hoodie, he got out of the car, locked the door, and followed his new target into the darkness.


Janice's naked body sprawled across her queen-sized mattress. She sighed and looked up at the light purple canopy covering the bed. The college girl slightly smiled as William Parks ran his fingers back and forth across her freshly pedicured feet and toes. She turned her head and gazed at the man as he caressed her wrinkled soles. Janice closed her eyes and thought how thankful she was for not being ticklish, especially since William had a fetish for tickling women and, more specifically, their feet.

The lean and slightly muscular twenty-year-old smiled and licked his lips as he lowered his head to sniff Janice's toes. Even though she wasn't ticklish, Will couldn't deny his attraction for the blonde's delicate feet. "Babe, why are you even trying to pretend to be interested in that little bitch, Lance? You could be so much more with my influence and presence behind you. Not that you need it, you're a goddess in your own right."

"Will, we've been through this already. Lance and his f**** brothers are well connected. Daddy works for Bryan Carter. He's one of that little bastard, Mikey's f**** Dads." Janice smirked as she lowered her hand and lightly traced circles along the young man's curved bare arches. The blonde giggled when William jumped and giggled while rubbing his feet against the silk linens. "You're ticklishness is so useful to me, my little Willie-pooh." The blonde grinned evilly as the man blushed.

The redhead’s body quivered, and he lowered his head in defeat. "I can't help being so incredibly ticklish. I admit it's one of my two greatest weaknesses and makes me very controllable."

Janice moved quicker than her male counterpart and wrapped her arm around his ankles. She snickered and rapidly strummed her press-on fingernails up and down both of Will's bare soles. The room filled with the sound of the man's shrill banshee-like screeches. His size ten and a half feet writhed and desperately tried to escape the demonic blonde's tickle assault.

"Mistress, please have mercy." William's head flew back and forth and tossed side to side, making his shoulder-length red hair look like flickering flames. The man was ticklish everywhere, but his feet and asscheeks were the worst spots. His fists pounded the mattress as he continued in vain to try getting his feet out of Janice's grip. Finally, Will got freed after ten more agonizing minutes of tickle torture. The young man's sweat-soaked body lay limp on the bed. He was too exhausted and weak to move.

"Don't ever forget who's in charge. I own your fucking, bitch ass, and you will do anything I tell you. Isn't that right?" Janice's eyes burned bright as she asserted her power over the weakened man on her bed. Before he could respond, she raised her hand and hit him hard enough that the sound echoed off the walls and made Will's head turn sideways.

William's eyes widened, and he gasped as his body quickly retreated to the wall, where he cowered in fear. The ability to speak hadn't returned to him yet, so all the demeaned man could do was nod his head in agreement.

"Good, now, pick your pathetic ass up and get the fuck out. I have things to do, and you're not one of them. You disgust me." The blonde sneered and used her feet to push the man's body off the bed. She giggled when his head hit the wall, and William's body landed with a resounding thud on the floor. As soon as he was gone, Janice went to the bathroom, and after getting the water hot enough, she jumped in the shower. "Ugh, his touch is so disgusting. I'm always afraid I'll catch something from his destitute white trash ass."

Lance's Apartment Complex

"Sean, I'm gonna go warm the ram up." Lance hollered through the bedroom door. The brunet grabbed his FOB, slipped on his sneakers and jacket, then walked out to his truck. He was at the steps outside his door and had just lifted his foot when a sudden blow to the back of his other knee made his body lunge forward. Luckily, he caught himself before hitting his face on the concrete. Lance shook his head and started to get up but couldn't because someone's foot pressed hard into his lower back.

"Damn, Knight, didn't anyone ever teach your punk ass how to walk up a few steps?"

A low rumbling growl came from the recesses of Lance's throat as he turned his head and addressed his attacker. "Parks, what the fuck do you think you're doing?" Lance's brain worked overtime to figure out why this guy attacked him. Although they weren't close to what anyone would call friends or even casual acquaintances, the two weren't enemies or ever gone after one another. Neither one noticed their scene was attracting spectators.

"Parks, back the fuck off Lance now, before I call the police." Sean ran outside when he saw Lance's attack on the monitor.

William looked up and laughed. "Go ahead and call Sean my old man's on the force. It'll be my word against Knight's."

"You're a complete idiot, Parks. Do you have any idea who Lance's Dad is?" Sean paused. "He's the…"

"Sean, he doesn't need to know who my Dad is. He'll find out soon enough." Lance stopped struggling and let himself calm down. He looked to his left and right to see how his attacker positioned his legs.

"Ya know what would make this the best night of my life? If your f**** brothers were here to witness their precious little Lance get the shit beat out of him. Hey, then I could have my turn with them. I'd show them what a real man with a nine-inch dick can do." William failed to notice Lance's darkening demeanor because he got caught up in his verbal taunts. The boastful redhead also didn't realize the crowd backed up.

"Parks, you're about to enter dangerous territory, now would be a great time to back off." Sean tried to warn Will.

"Oh, please. What's this little bastard able to do? He can't even get up." William looked down at Lance. Seeing him in such a vulnerable position made him flashback to Janice's humiliating domination. Being dominated was the young man's second weakness and turn-on. Will got off on women using his ticklishness to control him. However, the downside was he felt so emasculated afterward he had to take his frustrations out on another man to make him feel powerful. Tonight's target was Lance.

The redhead smirked and got an evil idea. "Hey Lance, is it true what Janice told me the other night? Do you and Sean love tickling each other's feet before fucking one another? You know I've been fucking her behind your back. She told me, you need to be tickled, to get your little dick hard." As he looked around, William was shocked his loud announcement got almost no reaction from the crowd.

"Dude, you're soo fucked in the head. Everyone knows Lance and Sean are not scared to be playful with each other. That's what makes them awesome guys. They own their personalities and don't judge or out anyone for being different. And, dude, the man is straight." The voice came from Butch Larkin, the quarterback of the football team. "You've got one minute to get off my boy before I beat the shit out of you."

William sneered. "What's the matter, Knight? Not strong enough to fight your own battles?" The redhead reached down and tickled Lance's sides and between his ribs. In seconds the night air filled with the brunet's cackling and laughter. His legs kicked, and his body wriggled side to side. "Is this how your brothers keep you in line? I bet they tickle you into letting them fuck you. You pathetic little bitch."

Butch was about to knock Will on his ass, but Sean stopped him. He told the bigger man to wait a couple of minutes and that Parks was digging his grave because Lance was about to kick his ass. Lance's anger was building in him, like a volcano preparing to erupt.

William continued tickling Lance for another half a minute. Then he stopped and started pulling at his jeans. "Let's see what kind of ass that bitch, Mikey's been fucking. Ya know, I think I'll fuck your f**** brother's ass instead of yours. God, how pathetic can one man be, twenty-two and still wanting to be called Mikey? Will's second statement got a much greater reaction than his first. Not because of its content, but because of who the subject was. Mikey was very much loved and respected by most of the people at the college. He helped most of them graduate high school.

Will thought he'd won and was completely thrown off guard when Lance made his move. The brunet emitted a low menacing growl, turned over, and situated himself on the steps. Then he reached up, grabbed hold of the other man's nuts, and squeezed, hard as he could. Under normal circumstances, Lance wouldn't use such a move, but the redhead pissed him off. As soon as the pain traveled from his nuts to his brain, William's high-pitched scream pierced the spectator's ears. His body crumbled, and he fell onto Lance's lap at the same time all the guys moaned and instinctively massaged their dicks and balls.

Lance's eyes filled with the fires of disdain for the creature perched on his legs. "Listen to me, William Parks," Lance growled. His voice carried through the gathered audience and made everyone shiver in fear. Even Sean, he'd never heard his roommate and brother so pissed off. "If you ever fucking threaten my family, and specifically Mikey again, I'll use all my power to make sure you don't see the light of day except through iron bars for a very long time.”

Will was terrified of the death stare Lance had fixed on him. It was even worse than Janice's when she hit him. The redhead closed his eyes, swallowed hard, and nodded his head.

Lance nodded then got him to look at the apartment door. "You've been under surveillance this entire time, and the footage got sent to four separate locations. I expect you and your father will be hearing from my parents, as well as Mikey's."

William looked at Lance. "Funny, I never took you for the type to go running to your rents."

Lance's eyes narrowed and darkened to almost black color. "They'll see the recording in the morning that's out of my hands. Oh, just for the record, Mikey is the most dangerous of my siblings. He puts me, Adam, and Jai to shame in weaponry and hand-to-hand combat. He's also armed wherever he goes. Despite that, don't ever fucking threaten my brother again in my presence." Lance paused. "Now, get the fuck off my lap." Will gulped and jumped off the brunet's legs, then ran fast as he could to the safety of his apartment.

While the crowd dispersed, Sean and Butch walked over and helped Lance to his feet. He looked at his friend and fourth brother, smiled, and hugged them both. "Thanks for wanting to help Butch, and Sean, thanks for not letting him. I'm more than lucky to have the most amazing guys in my life." Lance giggled as Sean ruffled his hair and Butch tickled his side.

"Are you okay, bro?" Butch asked as he gently rubbed his friend's shoulder.

"Yeah, Parks is an idiot. He doesn't bother me." Lance looked at Sean. "You ready to go?"

"Sure, see you later, Butch." Sean and Lance gave the football player another hug, then headed for Lance's truck. They were about to climb in when a male's voice stopped them.

"Hey, guys, wait up. Have you seen the news?" The new arrival asked.

"No, why?" Lance looked at the young man.

"Mikey found a body."

The guy's comment made both Sean and Lance slam their doors at the same time, turn to face him, and ask "What?" in unison.

Dakota & Mikey

While they were at the crime scene, Dakota and Tony noticed Mikey's energy wasn't as prevalent as usual. The two men also saw the younger man's legs sometimes quiver as if he were fighting the urge to stumble or lose his balance, and it concerned them. Before everyone left, Mikey made sure he turned over the pin he'd found and showed the officers where on the ground it was. Finally, Tony told Mikey and Dakota they were free for the rest of the night. The younger men hugged the seasoned Commissioner and headed for Dakota's car.

"Thank you for coming to my rescue tonight, Kota." The brunet put his hands in his pockets and fidgeted slightly. He smiled and giggled when he felt the bigger man's arms wrap around him, lifting his body off the ground.

"Any time you need me, my sweet baby boy, I'll be with you." Dakota blushed and kissed Mikey's cheek. He was dying to ask the young man back to his place but didn't want to come off as being an opportunist. Unable to take the internal fight any longer, Dakota decided to seize the day. "Mikey, would you like to go back to my place for a little bit? I know it's been a long evening, and if you'd rather not, I completely understand."

Mikey giggled at his big, burly cop's shy hesitance. "You're sooo cute when you're unsure of yourself. I'd love to go back to your place, Kota." He stood on his toes and kissed the officer's nose, then got in Dakota's SUV.

During the ride to the apartment, the two men continuously stole glances at one another and held hands. After about five more minutes, they reached the apartment complex the officer called home. Dakota parked the vehicle and shut down the engine. As Mikey undid his seatbelt, he gently placed his hand on the brunet's and looked into his angel's eyes with tears in his.

Mikey looked at the gentle giant beside him, raised his thumb, and very lovingly wiped the tears that stained the warm cheeks. "What's on your mind, Dakota. Don't be afraid to tell me things I promise, my brave warrior. I'll listen and never judge you." He slowly raised his boyfriend's hand to his soft lips and gently kissed it.

Just hearing those words come from the man he'd come to care very deeply about made Dakota's heart leap with joy inside his chest. "Mikey, you'll never know how much your words, and more importantly, the actions that back the words mean to me. Before we go in, I need to tell you you'll be meeting my parents."

Mikey's eyes lit up, and he smiled. "Have you been telling them about me, mister cop guy?" He giggled, leaned over, and kissed the bigger man's nose.

The reaction made Dakota shake his head and chuckle. "No... Well yes, and no, my sweet, baby boy." Dakota paused and wiped the tears that fell down his cheeks. "See, Mikey, Mom, and Dad aren't..." It had only been two years since their passing, Dakota still missed his parents.

The smaller brunet picked up on what wasn't said and wanted to alleviate Dakota's suffering.

"They're dead, and you have their urns, don't you." He phrased it more as a statement than a question to show his boyfriend he understood what he'd encounter.

"Yes, my love, and there's a little bit more to it." Dakota paused because this is where most guys leave.

"If you're able to, please, continue. I told you, Dakota Buckingham, I'm here, without judgment. And, I'll be honest, I'm really fighting the urge to say I love you. It's not that I don't feel it I'm not sure we're quite ready for that step yet." This time Dakota lifted his thumb and wiped Mikey's tears.

"Angel, whenever you're ready to say it, I will too. We'll both know when the time is right. Mikey, I still talk to my parents as if they're still alive. I'm not crazy, I know they don't physically answer me, but the conversations we have, I know what they'd say if they were alive."

Mikey turned in the seat, wrapped his arms around Dakota's neck, and placed a very passion-filled kiss on the cop's lips. "It's okay, babe, I get it, I do. Now, let's go in, so I can meet these amazing people that raised you."


Janice had just finished the first draft of her acceptance speech for the Friends of Normal Couples banquet. The FNC was an organization that promoted the rejection of any couple or family that wasn't heterosexual. She was about to check the news when her phone rang.

"Hello, Lancey-pooh. I was…"

"Bitch, don't ever send your little puppy after me again. We're through."

Janice gasped and silently cursed Will. "Babe, I swear. I had…"

"Save it. I'm not listening to your bullshit anymore. I'm tired of your shade and bigoted views. We've been on shaky ground, but tonight was the last straw, it's over between us, and you can have Parks."

Janice started to say something when she heard the call end. The blonde's eyes blazed with rage as she screeched and threw her phone across the room. It shattered when the device hit the wall. Shaking her head, she opened her drawer and pulled out her second phone. After a few deep breaths, she made a call.


"Get your fuckin' ass over here NOW!!! We're going to Mikey's house and fucking with his head."

Ten minutes after calling him, Will showed up at Janice's apartment. After hollering at the shamed redhead and kicking him into the wall so hard it made a dent in the plaster, the two got in her Cadillac and drove to Mikey's lakehouse. Janice wrote notes to wrap around the bricks and rocks she had William gather. Then the blonde retrieved her phone and taped the objects as they hurled through the windows around the house. Then she sent the video to Lance.


Lance and Sean just ended a call with Adam and Jai when a text came through. As soon as he saw it, Lance's face turned bright red, and his body shook with fear and anger as tears trailed down his face.

Re: A Ticklish Thriller M/M (Chapters 1-)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 5:18 pm
by Ticklishguy
04. Punishment And Crime


After vandalizing Mikey's house, the blonde socialite started thinking about her next plan of attack. She periodically glanced at her restrained and gagged passenger turned captive, Will, in the rearview mirror. Janice snickered as her fingers constantly swiped up and down the young man's trapped bare feet, tied to the middle console. Will's muffled laughter and squeals filled the car's interior as his pale olive-like toes flexed and wiggled, trying to avoid the ticklish attack. The devious bitch came up with a suitable plan to punish Will.

Janice pulled over to the side of the road, she took Will's phone and performed a quick search in the gay personal ads. The blonde giggled when she found what she was looking for. Without Will’s permission, she sent a reply to a gay dom looking for someone to dominate with tickle torture. After a few messages that almost made her gag, Janice and Master Paul reached an agreement. Will would be with the Dom till the morning, and everything done to him was to be recorded and posted on the school's gazette's website. She threw the phone at Will, hitting him in the forehead. Then Janice dragged her five nails across the hysterically laughing man's bare feet while driving to Paul's home. Once there, Janice tickled Will out of his clothes, leaving only his dingy white briefs on him, and dragged the man out of her vehicle by his ankles. Then she rang the doorbell and left him on the steps of the Tickler's house. Before leaving, the blonde told Will to enjoy his punishment and cackled the rest of the way to her car.


The redhead stood up as he watched his mistress drive off. "Why did she leave me here, in just my underwear, and what did she mean punishment?" He asked aloud to himself.

"She left you with me, boy."

Will jumped and yelped out of surprise. He wasn't expecting an answer. He turned around and saw a hulk of a man with bulging muscles, wearing a leather strap harness, and blue jeans so tight that his impressive bulge looked like it would break the zipper.

"Whoever the fuck you are, I'm not staying here, and you can't make me, you fuckin' freak bastard. My Dad's a cop, one pho..."

The sentence was cut short when Paul smirked, grabbed Will's arm, and forcefully pulled it behind the shorter man's back. "Listen to me, maggot. The Dom sneered as he wrapped his other hand around the squirming young man's neck and squeezed.

"I can and will make you do anything and everything I want. Your mistress paid me to torture you. So, little boy, you're mine from now till sometime between morning and noon tomorrow."

"Bullshit, you damn fucker."

Will lifted his foot, preparing to stomp on the assailant's bare toes, but instead found himself pulled back and downward so that he was lying on the porch, faceup. Before he could think, the bigger man quickly had his massive arm wrapped around his ankles.

"You will call me these names only. Sir, Daddy, Tickle Dom, or Master Paul. Do I make myself clear, little boy?"

Will's face lost its color when he heard tickle in the list of names. He raised his eyes and gulped. "S...She to...told you?"

"Oh, yeah, my adorable little ticklish boy." The man chuckled. He leaned down, hefted the redhead over his shoulder, and carried the defeated man into the house.


"Shit, I lost him," TL muttered to himself as he turned around and headed back to his car. He slowed his approach when he saw someone trying to break into his car. The hunter took a second to assess the man and decided he'd become the next target. Quietly, TL inched closer to the young raven-haired Asian man, so focused on breaking into the car.

"Fuck! I can't believe this piece of shit car is so hard to get into."

"Ya know, it works much better if you have the key."

TL wrapped the startled man in a chokehold and stuck the chloroform-soaked cloth over his nose and mouth. The new target struggled but couldn't escape, and after a couple of minutes, the limp body fell into its captor. TL chuckled and laid the man in his backseat, tied his wrists and ankles together, and removed his sneakers and socks. Then, the blonde kidnapper placed his prey's feet on the middle console and tied the ankles to the top with his industrial velcro straps. TL giggled as he got in the driver's seat and drove to his secluded rental property.


Tony and his men were almost finished with the crime scene when his phone sounded, letting the Commissioner know Mikey's house had been vandalized. Instantly, he ran to the car, opened his travel tablet, and accessed the security footage. "What the..." He'd just finished watching the scene when his phone rang again. He picked up the second he saw Lance's name. As he listened to his son, he checked the apartment footage. The more he watched the interaction between Lance and Will Parks, the more pissed off Tony became. He finally stopped his hysterical son midsentence and told him he'd check on Mikey after stopping by the house to see the damage for himself. Then, after asking about the altercation, the Commissioner hung up the phone. Tony took a deep breath and called Tim Parks, Will's father. After informing the officer to be in his office Monday morning with his son, and a lawyer, Tony got in his car and drove over to Mikey's house. On the way, he called his wife and the other Dads. Then, after that, his final call was to Dakota.

Mikey & Dakota

Mikey opened the car door and stepped out. He smiled as he walked around the SUV and wrapped his arms around his big strong cop. Shivers went through the brunet's body as their soft, plump lips connected for a passionate kiss. Both he and Dakota melted into each other's embrace. Dakota gently and slowly pinned Mikey's body to the side of the SUV. Finally, after another minute, the couple had to separate due to the need for oxygen.

"Holy fuckin' heart racing kisses, Indian boy." Mikey suddenly jumped and squealed as his trapped body was on the receiving end of Dakota's tickle attack.

"Little pale face ticklish boy shouldn't tease big strong Cherokee warrior," Dakota giggled at his overexaggerated broken Indian speech and continued tickling Mikey's sides and pit hollows.

The shorter brunet wriggled against his boyfriend's body as his high-pitched squeals and laughter floated along with the night wind. "I give, Uncle." He screeched.

"You still gonna be my boyfriend?" Dakota asked as he picked up Mikey's lighter body.

Mikey giggled as he wrapped his arms and legs around the muscular cop and laid his head on the broad shoulder. "Of course, I'm still your boyfriend. You're my big strong warrior, Kota. I always feel safe and protected with you." Tears of love and happiness fell from Mikey's eyes.

"I'm always gonna protect you, even after death. If you're still alive, I'll be watching over you." Tears welled in Dakota's eyes as he lovingly kissed Mikey's forehead. "My heart and inner being, tell me, we were born for one another."

Mikey smiled and kissed Dakota's cheek. "I feel the same way about you, Kota."

The two men entered the apartment. Dakota toed off his shoes, and Mikey followed his example. They glanced at one another and smiled. The half Cherokee took hold of his brunet, led him to the sofa, and gently guided Mikey's body down on the soft cushions. Licking his lips, Dakota placed Mikey's feet on his lap and started to remove his socks. Mikey tried to do the same but jumped and giggled when the other man's fingers quickly but lightly stroked up and down his freshly bared soles. He looked at his mate, who shook his head no.

Mikey relaxed and leaned back against the sofa's arm. Moans of sheer pleasure escaped his lips as soon as Dakota's firm foot massage started. The cop's nimble fingers magically kneaded and caressed his love's soft, warm pale soles. He smiled as he watched the younger man's feet wrinkle at the center of his curved arches. Dakota leaned down and started nibbling and licking Mikey's plump, round toes, and his moans blended in perfect harmony with the brunets.

"Damn, you're good at that, Kota." Mikey softly whispered.

Dakota smiled proudly at the compliment. "Thank you, my sweet angel." He paused. "Mikey, Papa Tony, and I are worried about your health. I'm sure your brothers are as well."

"Kota, I'm fine, please, don't worry."

The half Irishman smiled and wrapped his arm around Mikey's ankles. "Mikey, I'm not gonna argue with you about this. However, I will..." Dakota rapidly scratched his nails along the smooth, creamy soles.

Instantly, Mikey became animated as his laughter and shrieks filled the room. He writhed and pulled against the cop's grip but wasn't getting free.

"Tickle your feet until you give in, baby boy. I will continue to worry about you because I care very deeply for you, Mikey." Dakota chuckled as he continued tickling the younger man's bare feet. He also threw in a few kisses and nibbles on Mikey's toes.

"Okay, you win, this one. I'll go get a checkup." Mikey screeched. He panted and sighed when Dakota's arms magically appeared around him. "I...I'm really fighting the urge to say I love you right now, Kota."

"I feel the same way about you, sweet angel."

"I think we'll both know when the time is right for us to verbally express our inner feelings for one another." Mikey reached up and gently caressed Dakota's cheek.

"I think so too, angel boy." Dakota leaned in for another kiss when his phone rang. He got a serious expression when he saw the caller's id. "What's wrong, Papa Tony?" He paused and reached over for Mikey's hand. "No, Mikey's with me, at my apartment... Okay, we'll be right there."

"What's up, babe?" Mikey nervously asked.

Dakota's face lit up from being called babe but quickly became serious again. "Where's your phone?"

Mikey stood up and searched his pockets. "It's probably in the Cherokee. Why?" The brunet instinctively reached out and embraced his strong boyfriend to anchor him.

Dakota closed his eyes and wiped his tears as he kissed Mikey's head and gently stroked his soft, light brown hair. "Your house's been vandalized. The Dads and Lance have been trying to call you."
Mikey gasped and ran for the door. He quickly put his shoes on and bolted outside, with his boyfriend right behind him. "I gotta get to the house and see what's going on."

"Mikey, babe, I'm not sure if…"

"Kota, I'm not giving in on this one. It's my house, and I'm not gonna be kept away, like some scared little kid. I know that I'm child-like and seem fragile at times, but I'm not letting some fuckin' bullshit run me out of my home."

Dakota rushed to Mikey's side and had him wrapped in a loving embrace. The burly cop couldn't deny the surge of pride and honor he felt for this man and that he was the one Mikey chose to be with. "I think you misunderstood me, babe." He paused and kissed the brunet's trembling soft lips. "I was gonna say, I'm not sure if it's safe for you to be there, but I know I can't stop you. Hell, Superman couldn't stop you." Both Dakota and Mikey chuckled. "I'm gonna be right by your side."

Mikey closed his eyes and smiled. He gave Dakota his signature hug and a passionate kiss. "I love you, my strong warrior."

Dakota whooped and hollered as he excitedly swept the shorter man off his feet and cradled him like an infant causing Mikey to squeal and giggle. "I love you too, my sweet angelic Mikey." He smiled and set the brunet back on his feet, then opened the door for him. He ran back to the front door, made sure it was locked, and then drove to Mikey's house.

Re: A Ticklish Thriller M/M (Chapters 1-)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 5:20 pm
by Ticklishguy
05. Story Behind The Scars

Mikey & Dakota

Dakota stopped at the apartment complex's entrance and started to turn onto Leigh St. when Mikey placed his hand on the cop's wrist.

"Babe, wait." Mikey sighed and closed his eyes.

Dakota turned in his seat and looked at the brunet with great concern in his eyes. He could see how exhausted Mikey was. "Are you okay, baby boy?"

Mikey nodded and kissed Dakota's hand. "I'm fine, just exhausted. I don't think I need to go to the house tonight." Tears trailed down the young man's cheeks. "I'm sorry for being weak, Kota."

Dakota's eyes narrowed, and his face adopted an annoyed expression. "Mikey Carter, don't ever call yourself weak again." He paused and softened his tone. "At least, not in my presence or earshot." The half Indian's hand softly caressed the younger man's cheek. "You're one of the strongest people I've met. You're not weak for deciding not to go to your house tonight. Fuck's sake, you just earlier discovered a body and dealt with being harassed by an asshole. I don't know if I'd still be as calm and collected as you. I know I wouldn't have been with the security guard." Dakota stopped and wrapped his arms around Mikey, pulling him into the best embrace he could.

Mikey dried his tears on Dakota's shoulder and nodded. "Okay, I'll do my best." The brunet squealed and giggled when he felt his man's fingers start tickling his bare skin where they'd worked their way under his shirt. "Kota." He screeched and wriggled in his seat when the tickling increased.

"You're gonna do what?" Dakota smirked and added some knee squeezes to the side tickles.

The vehicle's interior was filled with shrill laughter from the trapped brunet. "I'm gonna do what you requested." Mikey continued giggling and laughing as he was wrapped in Dakota's arms.

"I love you, my sweet angel boy." The raven-haired man smiled and gently kissed his boyfriend's soft, plump lips.

Mikey's body melted into the embrace, and he closed his eyes, giving in to the feelings of passion that flowed through him like raging river rapids. Heat rose inside of him, and his breath hitched. Mikey's fingers firmly caressed and massaged the back of the bigger man's neck. Finally, the two men broke apart. "I love you too, my sexy warrior. You always know how to make me get out of my head." He paused and laid his sweat-covered head on the other man's broad shoulder. "Thank you, Dakota."

"Anytime, beautiful, anytime."

Dakota kissed Mikey's head and turned the SUV around, returning to his parking spot. He walked around to Mikey's side, opened the door, and carried the giggling brunet to the front door. He set the younger man down, only long enough to unlock and open the door. Then with a mischievous grin, the half-Cherokee grabbed his boyfriend around his legs, hefted him over his shoulder, and carried him inside.

Mikey smiled and kissed his mate as he was gently placed on the sofa. The brunet slightly squirmed when Dakota took his shoes off for him. His signature boyish giggles delighted their ears when the man's fingers started lightly stroking Mikey's sock-clad feet and along the base of his toes. "Kota, not the toes." He squealed and scrunched his toes.

Dakota giggled just as boyishly as his smaller counterpart. "But, Mikey, they're soooo cute and tickly." He mock whined.

Lifting the squirmy feet to his lips. The raven-haired man licked his lips and kissed and nibbled the little plump toes through their cotton housing. He chuckled softly from the sound of happy squeals and giggles Mikey made. Dakota lowered the young man's legs and gently caressed his way upward along the brunet's wiggly body. Love and sheer joy sparkled in the half-Irishman's eyes. "You're the most beautiful man I've ever met, Mikey." Dakota wiped his tears.

"No way, my sweet warrior. You are way more beautiful than I am." Mikey squeaked jumped when Dakota's fingers worked under his shirt, lifting it." "Eeekkkk! Not fair tickling my bare ribs before I'm ready." He screeched. Before he could react, his shirt was removed.

Suddenly, Mikey curled up in a ball, crying and shaking. Dakota stopped playing and shifted into his comforting mode. He had the sobbing brown-haired younger man wrapped in his arms, determined not to let go. "It's okay, sweet boy. I'm here, and you're safe. No one's gonna ever hurt you again." Under his breath, the Cherokee man cursed whoever did this to a sweet and loving person like his Mikey. Dakota's fingers gently stroked his lover's hair, and he kissed his boy's dampened cheek.

"You don't have to pretend to accept me. Just don't stop being my friend, like everyone else." Mikey softly pleaded through his heavy sobs.

"My sweet, sweet love, I'm never leaving you unless you decide you don't want me." Dakota paused. He knew the time was right, and he also realized what Tony meant when he'd said they'd had similar experiences. He sighed and gently lifted Mikey's tear-stained face so he could look into the pair of beautiful eyes. "I need you to see something. It's the reason Papa Tony wanted us together." Dakota closed his eyes and removed his shirt, revealing the scars from his experience.

"Who did this to you?" Mikey asked as he lightly traced his fingertips over the raised marks on his man's skin.

Dakota started squirming and giggling, which surprised both men. "Wow! I had no idea my scars were ticklish." He said between his giggles.

Mikey giggled and cuddled into the muscular warm chest and arms. He looked up at his strong warrior and smiled. "I wonder if my scars are ticklish too." Before he could think, he was squirming and giggling as Dakota's fingers lightly traced over his marks.

"Sweet, new Mikey giggle spots." Dakota chuckled, then he hugged and kissed the brunet. "I got my scars last year. I was so traumatized and physically hurt, it took almost nine months for me to return to active duty." Dakota's face displayed a slight smile. "The only good thing that came from it was Tony, taking me under his wing and then having my main patrol focus being you and Barefoot Books." The twenty-seven-year-old paused and wiped his tears. He was about to continue when Mikey's phone rang.

"Hey, Papa Tony." Mikey placed the call on speakerphone.

"Are you guys almost here? I thought you'd be at the house by now." Tony's voice sounded as if he were in the room with them.

"No, Papa Tone, we're at my apartment," Dakota answered.

"I meant to call you, Papa. Right before we left the parking lot, I decided I'd been through enough today, and since you and your men were there, there's no reason for me to go over tonight."

"Okay, who the hell are you, and what have you done with my real Mikey?"

Mikey and Dakota cracked up laughing from Tony's question.

"It's really me, Papa, and I need to thank you."

"What for, son?"

"For working to get Dakota and me together." Mikey paused. "We just discovered why you kept saying we'd had similar experiences."

"You've seen each other's scars." Tony's voice hitched and sounded like the man was trying to hold back his tears.

"Yes, Papa Tony, and I've told Mikey I'm never leaving him unless he wants me to."

"And, so far, I don't want Kota going anywhere. He's my warrior." Mikey blushed, and so did Dakota. That was the first time the pet name was used in front of anyone.

"I knew the two of you would be perfect for one another. I don't know of any other two people who could survive what you've each been through and still be willing to accept love into your lives and hearts." This time, Tony let his emotions come through. "Dakota, Mikey, listen to me. The two of you are the strongest, most resilient people I've met. Don't ever let anyone or anything come between the love I know you two feel for one another. I know the family will be dying to accept the newest son into our lives and hearts." He paused and chuckled. "After Lance puts you through the wringer, Dakota. That boy's fiercely protective of his family, especially his older brother, Mikey."

Dakota and Mikey joined Tony's chuckling. "I'll do my best to be ready for him, Papa."

"Mikey, we reviewed the footage. I'm having the two people and their parents brought in on Monday. I don't want you alone at any time."


"No excuses, or exceptions, young man. Janice Banks and Will Parks vandalized your house, and the notes threatened your safety and elevated the vandalism to a hate crime. On a separate note, Lance was attacked outside his apartment by Will earlier tonight."

"What, and no one thought to call me?" Mikey hollered as he sat up.

"Calm down, baby boy. Lance is fine, and believe me, he's more worried about you, just like you're more worried about him. I'd never expected anything different from the two of you. You and Lance share an incredibly unbreakable bond." Tony paused. "As for not calling you, that was my doing. I told Lance to wait till the morning to start contacting you that way, the two of you can hopefully relax and get some rest. Your brothers are at the apartment with Sean and Lance. And, now that I know you and Dakota are safe and together, I can let the collective parent unit know all boys are safe and accounted for. That includes you too, Dakota."

Dakota and Mikey smiled. "Thanks, Papa. It's comforting and very cool knowing I have a family to love and who'll love me."

"Son. Pam, Bryan, Max, and I will never try to replace your late parents. However, we all want to be considered a second bunch of parents for you to lean on if needed. You're my son, Dakota Buckingham. Just the same as Mikey, Jai, Adam, and Lance are my sons."

"We love you, Papa Tony." Dakota and Mikey replied in unison.

"I... We all love you guys too. Good night, my sweet boys. Sleep well."

Mikey and Dakota wiped their tears and held each other as they internally processed the phone call. "Wow! I can't believe I've got parents again." Dakota whispered as his tears fell down his cheeks.

"And, brothers, don't forget brothers." Mikey giggled and kissed the muscular cop. "I don't want to destroy the mood, but would you continue your story?" The brunet got up, walked to the kitchen, and brought back two beers. He sat with his legs across Dakota's lap and handed the man one of the bottles.

Dakota smirked as he lightly ran the round edge of the bottle's cold bottom along Mikey's bare feet. He giggled when his man's feet wrinkled, then squealed and giggled. Mikey glared at the muscular man, then got a playful gleam in his eyes. He moved quickly and ran the edge of his bottle across Dakota's bare stomach. The Indian yelped loudly, and Mikey giggled when his warrior squealed and squirmed.

"Okay, we're even," Dakota said as he blushed. He picked up his brunet and carried him and the beer bottle into the bedroom. "I think we need to be comfortable and in each other's arms for this discussion." He said while walking down the hall.

"That's an amazing idea."

The two men got comfortable, laying head to foot in the soft but firm queen bed. Mikey's fingers gently caressed Dakota's bare feet. He loved the warm skin and strength that coursed through the soles. The brunet placed soft, loving kisses on each of Dakota's toes. Dakota softly purred as Mikey showed his favorite body part some affection. The burly cop giggled and curled his toes when Mikey's fingers sneaked a couple of tickles in. He smiled and kissed the brunet's toes giving him the same affection. The Indian couldn't stop the soft snickering when he also returned the tickles he was given.

"Babe, I can sense your hesitation." Mikey sucked on the cop's big toe, causing the room to fill with the sound of pleasured moans. He gently massaged Dakota's heel and his off-white wrinkling arches. "My first boyfriend, Steve, gave me these scars. A nice guy who goes by Master Paul introduced us. Steve was one of his apprentices." Mikey paused and softly moaned when Dakota's fingers worked their magic on his arches. He sharply inhaled and giggled when he felt the dark-haired man's warm moist tongue lick and caress his toes, then slip between and under them. "Steve's been the only man I've been with the last two years. I've just been throwing myself into work and helping others."

Dakota slowly licked Mikey's sole with the broad of his tongue. The slight musky smell of the brunet's soles and very faint sweat taste turned him on so much he was constantly readjusting himself. He glanced at his mate and noticed Mikey doing the same body part rearrangement. "So, this guy introduced you? How nice could he have been if he trained this sick bastard." Dakota couldn't, nor did he want to keep the anger and judgment out of his voice.

"Kota, Paul is one of the most respected Doms in the city. He was completely fooled by Steve. Hell, I was too." Mikey paused and moaned as he mirrored Dakota's actions by licking the bigger man's feet. He giggled along with Dakota's tickle-induced giggles. "Steve didn't start out mean and sadistic. Although, I think he always was, and he just pretended to be loving and nurturing so he could lull guys into a false sense of security."

Mikey paused and wiped his tears as he shivered slightly. "It happened about six months after we'd met. I was closing up the bookstore side and had just left the building. I'd left a message with the bros that I was heading home and would call when I got there. I didn't have time to react. The second I ended the call, I was grabbed in an almost neck-breaking chokehold and started going down. I desperately tried struggling free but couldn't breathe and was out in seconds.

Dakota shifted positions and had Mikey wrapped protectively in his arms. He didn't say anything, just made sure the brunet knew he was loved and safe as he rocked the two of them back and forth.

"Steve kept me tied to a bed in a cottage he rented on Paul's property. The house couldn't be seen from Paul's home, so he had no idea I was there. For two days, he beat me with a metal-tipped whip. It had been heated in a firepit. Steve also tickled me almost to the point I literally couldn't breathe. He also poured saltwater on my wounds and made me drink my piss and forced my own waste down my throat." Mikey paused and visibly shivered. "It was Paul and Lance who found me. Paul released me, and Lance was so livid, he beat the shit out of Steve. I'd never seen my baby brother so focused on causing someone pain. My ex wasn't a small guy, he was maybe a little bigger than you, but Lance actually beat him down without a weapon." Mikey broke down sobbing and pressed himself hard into Dakota's comforting embrace.

"My sweet angel boy." Dakota's tears fell on Mikey's hair. "Where is he now, your ex?"

"He died in prison. I'll never prove or ask about it, but I'm sure Papa Tony had something to do with having it done." Mikey wiped his tears and kissed Dakota's lips. "So, what happened with you?"

Dakota closed his eyes. "I was dating this guy, Will. I had no idea he was following his family's footsteps and joining a gang that all the men of his family were in. Apparently, I was his initiation. I'd just gotten off work and walked into the apartment. He caught me from behind by slipping a rope around my neck. As soon as I was unconscious, Will and his brothers had me tied to my bed with my own handcuffs." Dakota paused and sniffed back his tears. "When I regained consciousness, they began tickling my feet and everywhere else while Will instructed them on how best to make me scream. Once that was done, Will started stabbing me in random spots while his brothers periodically tickled my feet and toes. They drenched me in not only their piss but mine as well. Then, they whipped me with their belts and slashed my arms and upper legs. Luckily, I blacked out from the pain." Dakota completely broke down and sobbed into Mikey's shoulder.

"I love you, Dakota Buckingham. You're the bravest guy and will always be my hero."

"I love you too, angel boy. You're my perfect mate. I know in my heart, we're gonna be together till death."

Re: A Ticklish Thriller M/M (Chapters 1-5)

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 12:23 pm
by Ticklishguy
06 Unexpected Visit & Attacks


The blonde socialite woke up thinking how satisfying it would be to see the footage of Will's being broken by that disgusting gay guy who called himself a master. However, when she turned on her phone and searched the school's website, Janice's banshee-like screeches were shrill enough to break a glass. There on the website wasn't Will being humiliated, but Janice, threatening someone with being outed if they didn't give her the FNC award. The blonde's face was tomato red, and she threw the phone against the wall. Janice jumped out of bed, stalked to the dresser, and pulled out a third phone. She pressed a couple of buttons and waited. "Yeah, it's Janice. Is this Egen? Good, I need a couple of people kidnapped, and I need it done ASAP. Preferably before Monday, I need the leverage." She paused. "Lance Knight and Will Parks, keep them at the lake's library after closing." Janice sneered after ending the call. She giggled and made another call. "It's Janice. I have a job for your boys."

Lance & Will

"C'mon, Parks, you can do this. Manup and deal with whatever happens."

Will's nerves wreaked havoc with him as he pulled into the parking lot of Lance and Sean's apartment complex. The redhead borrowed some clothes from Paul, and the man even lent him his backup truck so he could drive into town. Will, parked the silver Ford F150, turned off the vehicle, got out, and locked the door. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths as he slowly walked up the steps, stood at the door, and rang the doorbell. Fear almost made him turn around and drive off when Lance hollered just a second. As soon as Will heard the footsteps, he knew there was definitely no turning back now.

Lance opened the door and immediately started to slam it the second he saw Will's face.

"Lance, please, wait before closing the door on me." Will hastily said.

The brunet sighed and closed his eyes, shaking his head because he was willing to grant the request. "C'mon in, Parks." Lance opened the door, so the redhead could enter. "This better not be any kind of trick."

"It's not, Lance, I...I'm here to apologize for everything I did last night." Will hesitantly walked inside.

"Take your shoes off and sit down. I have the feeling this is gonna be a long conversation." Lance closed the door, and after Will removed his sneakers, he showed the redhead to the sofa. "Ya want a beer?"

The redhead sat down and crossed his legs, sitting Indian style. His pink toe ankle socks poked out from under his legs. Lance couldn't help thinking how cute they looked on him. The youngest Knight male wasn't gay or bisexual, but he never overlooked a good-looking pair of feet, male or female. He shook his head and walked to the fridge, returning with two beer bottles. Lance handed one to Will and sat facing the redhead, mirroring his pose.

"In the spirit of full disclosure, the entire conversation and visit are being recorded. It was my Dad's doing. After last night he's heightened the security on all of us kids." Lance took a sip of beer. "Normally, I wouldn't have something to drink, but you look like you needed to relax some, and no one should drink alone."

"Thank you for seeing me, Lance. I know that I don't deserve it, but Master Paul said I had to make things right with the law. With you, and Mikey as well." Will paused and took a sip of beer.

"How'd you ever meet Paul?"

Will blushed and lowered his eyes. Tears fell from his eyes. "J...Janice punished me for acting on my own and attacking you. She tickled me into submission like she always does to dominate me. She called me last night after you broke up with her." Will stopped to wipe his tears.

Now that the light was shining on the redhead's face, Lance could easily see the giant, nasty looking bruises on Will's face. He gasped and hesitantly reached out to lightly stroke the side of his visitor's face.

Will yelped, dropped his bottle, and jumped off the couch. The redhead crouched in the corner. "I'm sorry, Lance. Please, please don't hit me. I know I deserve to get the hell beat outta me."

Instantly, Lance was on his feet and slowly maneuvering around the beer on the floor. The brunet slowly wrapped his arms around the hysterically sobbing man. "Shhh! It's okay, Will. I'm not gonna hurt you, and despite everything last night, I'll never let anyone hurt you, if humanly possible. That goes for anyone of my family members as well." Lance shocked himself when he realized he was cuddling Will Parks while he sobbed on the floor of his apartment.

"Thank you, Lance. Master Paul said you and your family were good people." Will sniffed his tears back and hugged Lance so tightly that the brunet softly gasped. "I...I'm scared of Janice, bro. She's so crazy. I don't know what she's gonna do." Will gasped when Lance picked him up, bridal style, and gently placed him on the sofa. He was even more surprised when the brunet took his feet into his lap and began gently massaging them. Even though Lance's effort wasn't meant to, Will's feet were so ticklish that he couldn't help squirming and curling his toes inside his pink and green striped socks. The boyish giggling that escaped his lips made him blush, especially when Lance's giggles joined his.

"So, Will's got ticklish feet." Lance smiled and continued to massage his sofa mate's feet. "Just relax and let yourself relax. It's okay if you giggle and squeal. I'd be doing the same thing." He paused. "It's not like you don't know I'm ticklish." He giggled, then hugged Will before returning to the redhead's feet.

Will had no choice but to react to the attention being paid to his very sensitive feet and toes. "Paul helped me realize I'm not truly a submissive person. I just didn't know how to be assertive, and since my ticklishness was always used against me, I was easily broken and dominated." Will squeaked and giggled when Lance's fingers worked on the ball of his foot.

"I attacked you last night because Janice tickle tortured my feet for ten minutes straight. Then she hit me and left this bruise, and she kicked me into the wall. I felt so emasculated I had to take it out on someone. You were the chosen target."

Lance stopped the massage and digested what Will told him. "She's been torturing you this entire time. Will, why haven't you said anything to anyone?" Lance gently rubbed the redhead's back.

"I couldn't. I felt so weak and pathetic. Last night, Master Paul helped me come to terms with what's been happening to me and how it's affected my sense of right and wrong." Will looked into Lance's eyes. He expected to see malice and disdain. Instead, he saw love and sympathy.

"Will, I'd like you to come with me to Mikey's. I'm leaving in a few minutes. We'll let Paul know you're gonna be later than expected getting his truck back."

"Lance, are you sure that's the best thing?"

"William, I've never been more sure of anything. Mikey'd kick my ass if I didn't offer to let him help you." Lance paused. "Well, maybe not kick my ass, but he'd tickle the hell outta me."

The statement caused both guys to crack up laughing. Lance cleaned up and got himself together as Will talked to Paul and let him know the plans. The redhead smiled when he was met with the older man's complete agreement and encouragement of the idea. After everything was cleaned up, the two young men left the apartment and headed to Lance's Ram. They got in, and Lance checked that the safety was on his gun and that it was loaded.

"You carry?" Will asked in astonishment.

"You don't?" Lance's surprised tone matched Will's.

"No, I don't even know how to shoot."

Lance smiled and patted the redhead's shoulder. "We'll fix that, bro."

"Do you think Mikey and Sean will be able to forgive me?" Will asked as he wiped his tears.

"Yes, although they might decide to tickle you for your actions." Lance giggled and tickled Will's side.

The redhead squealed and wriggled. "Hey, I wasn't ready." He giggled and blushed. "Umm, Paul helped me realize that I love mutual tickling with other guys, but I don't have any desire to sleep with them."

Lance got really excited. "Dude, we're the same in that aspect."

The brunet was so animated and happy that Will giggled and shook his head. "I wish I'd been nicer to you before now. You're really an amazing guy."

"The important thing is, you've come around now. The moment you stepped foot in my apartment, we began healing the tension and rift between us." Lance hugged Will. "I look forward to being friends, maybe even brothers in the future."

"I'd love that, Lance."

Lance nodded and backed out of the parking space. He turned left out of the complex's lot and headed for Mikey's place at the lake. Along the way, he and Will continued to talk. Lance went into detail about finding Mikey and beating Steve for hurting his brother. Will couldn't help shivering as he thought about what Mikey had to endure. In his heart, he questioned whether he'd be able to be as strong as the man he mocked just the previous night.

A few minutes after leaving the city, Lance noticed a strange vehicle following them. He regulated his breathing and slowly increased his speed. The brunet wanted to see if the van was actually following them. Sure enough, the van picked up its speed as well. "Will, I need you to stay calm and do what I say, okay?"

Will nodded his compliance.

"Open the glove box, pull out the gun, and lay it between us." Lance kept his eyes on the road while slowly increasing his speed again. He tried to put enough distance between them and the pursuant vehicle. In the hopes, he could turn off on a side road without them seeing. "Okay, now reach in my pocket, and get my phone. Careful you don't tickle me."

Will did as he was asked. "What's going on?"

"I don't want to worry you, but we picked up a tail just past the city limits. I don't know why but these guys in the van are after us."

Will looked back and gasped. "I know that van. They're part of a shady group the FNC uses to throw their weight around behind the scenes."

"Will, enable the Bluetooth on the phone." Lance looked up into the mirror. "Then, brace yourself for a rear impact. The van's gonna..." He didn't have time to finish the sentence before the van rammed the back of the pickup. Lance fought to keep control of the vehicle. His and Will's body's lurched forward. "Call Mikey and conference in, Dad."

Mikey & Dakota

The two men spent the morning reveling in their newly acquired relationship. They stayed in bed as long as they could, massaging and tickling each other's feet while chatting and getting to know one another. Mikey and Dakota took a leisurely shower and shared a homemade breakfast they cooked together. The men cleaned the kitchen, then locked the apartment. The couple had just gotten into Dakota's SUV when Mikey's phone rang. He looked at the ID and smiled. "Hey, baby bro, I thought you'd…"

"No time, big bro. I need you, and if you're still with him, Kota too. Dad, are you there?"

Mikey put the call on speaker when he heard Papa Tony's voice. "What's up?" The three older men asked at once.

"I'm on the main road, about ten minutes away from the lake house. Dad, Bros, I got a tail, been with us since leaving the city limits." Lance paused. "Fuck! Will, brace yourself again."

No sooner than Lance's statement was heard, the sound of the two guys hollering in fear and metal crashing came across the phone.

"Lance, are you referring to Will Parks?" Tony asked.

"Yes, sir, it's me," Will answered. "Dude, they're coming up again."

Another sound of cars colliding. Everyone on the conference call heard Tony ordering his guys nearby to haul their asses to the area Lance and Will were in.

"Bro, we're breaking the speed limit trying to get to you, are you armed?" Dakota asked while he kept his eyes on the road.

"Yeah, I’m armed. Wait! There's a cruiser... Fuck! That's not a real cruiser. It's going..."

The connection was ended as the fake cruiser plowed into the side of Lance's truck, sending him and Will fishtailing into the field. The Ram hit the ditch so hard that it flipped over and landed in the grass on its wheels. The men in the van jumped out, pulled the unconscious guys from the truck, tied their wrists and ankles, and put them in the vehicle. Once they were on the road, one of the abductors began trying to bandage the wounds.

"LANCE!!! TALK TO ME, BRO." Mikey yelled into the phone, only to be met with silence.

Dakota's phone started going off. "Yeah, Papa."

"I've got Pam calling Tim, letting him know about the accident. Have you made contact with the boys?"

"I wish. The phone is going straight to voicemail, Papa." Mikey said as he wiped his tears.

Tony said a prayer under his breath for the young men's safety. "I'm on the road now, guys." He paused. "Mikey, I don't suppose I can talk you out of being involved, can I?"

Dakota looked at Mikey and chuckled. "I wish you could've seen the look Mikey gave the phone Papa Tony."

"I can only imagine. I'm sure I've seen it before."

"There's no way in hell. I'm NOT staying out of the search for my baby brother. And, God help, the people who have him, and Will, I'm shooting first and asking questions later."

While all this was going on. A body with a video card attached to it was discovered by a couple out for a jog on the peaceful forest trail.

Re: A Ticklish Thriller M/M (Chapters 1-5)

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 12:24 pm
by Ticklishguy
07 The Last Straw

Mikey & Dakota

Dakota pulled up to the wrecked truck. He and Mikey gasped as tears fell when they saw the battered Ram. The couple jumped out and immediately surveyed the scene. Both men were careful not to disturb any possible evidence.

"Where are the guys?" Mikey asked more to himself than to Dakota.

The brunet wiped his eyes as he cautiously walked about the field. The grass was so tall that Mikey kept looking down and made sure he didn't step on either his brother or Will.

"Mikey, come here a moment."

Dakota was kneeling on the ground near the wrecked truck. He found a couple of cell phones and a Glock in the ditch. As well as tire tracks leading into and out of the field. He looked a little further down and saw shoe imprints in the grass.

"What'd you find, babe?" Mikey stopped short when he saw what Dakota was looking at. "Fuck! That's Lance's cell and gun. I'm gonna make a guess, that's Will's phone. He started sobbing. "Where the fuck is my brother?"

Adam & Jai

"What the fuck?" Adam exclaimed as he pulled into the parking lot of their building.

The brunet parked in the middle of the lot, and the two men jumped out of the truck. They held each other and cried as they surveyed the massive damage. The windows were broken, and a fire raged inside the building. Tears fell from their eyes. Suddenly, the entire lot was filled with flashing lights and sirens. The couple turned to see Tyler running toward them.

"Holy fuckin' shit! I"m so damn glad you two weren't here."

The bouncer couldn't stop crying and hugging his friends and employers. Adam and Jai melted into the big guy's embrace and laid their heads on his shoulders.

"Ty, what happened here?" Adam asked

"I have no fuckin' clue. I'm just grateful there was no one here." Tyler replied.

"Are you three the owners?"

The speaker was a pleasant-looking man. His wrinkles and balding head were testaments that he'd lived more than a quarter-century. His generous stomach, protruding over his pants, was proof he hadn't recently missed any meals.

"I'm Adam Carter, this is my fiancee, Jai Knight, and he's Tyler Morgan, our bouncer, and friend."

Adam stood with his arm outstretched and shook the fire marshall's offered hand.

"Carter and Knight. Are you two young men related to Commissioner Knight and Bryan and Max Carter?"

"Yes!" Jai and Adam replied in unison.

"I'm the Commissioner's son, and he's Bryan and Max's son." Jai expanded on the explanation.

"What happened?" The fire marshall asked as he started slowly surveying the damage.

"Sir, your guess is as good as ours. Jai and I just got here." Adam offered.

"I was at home when my phone started going off. The security alarm sends alerts to my phone." Tyler said as he kept his arms protectively around Adam and Jai.

"Where were you and Mr. Knight? Oh, and please, call me Rick."

"We're Adam, Jai, and Tyler. Adam and I were at our brother's apartment. He was attacked yesterday by Will Parks." Jai responded.

"Tim Park's boy?" Rick asked.

"Yeah!" Adam said just before his phone started ringing. "Please, excuse me, Rick. Mikey, are you okay?"

Adam almost dropped the phone as he listened to his brother. Jai and Tyler were watching the brunet with looks of great concern.

"Babe, what' s going on?" Jai finally asked after Adam fell silent and sobbed.

"Lance was on his way to Mikey's house. He had Will with him. They were being chased and had an accident. Mikey and Dakota are there now, waiting for Papa Tony. The Ram's totaled, and they're gone."

"What do you mean gone?" Jai's tears were choking him up and making it hard to speak.

"It's like they vanished."

That was all Adam could get out. He fell into Tyler's arms, as did Jai.

Mikey & Dakota

"Adam! Are you there?" Mikey cried into the phone. The brunet was shivering while Dakota held him.

"Mikey, it's Ty."

"Ty, what are you doing there?"

"I don't want to tell you this, but someone's vandalized Barefoot."

Mikey dropped his phone and stared into the blue sky. The brunet blinked the tears away and thanked Dakota for picking up the device. His eyes narrowed and darkened so much that Dakota visibly quaked when he saw the fire in his boyfriend's expression. "Ty, tell my brothers that Dakota and I will be there as soon as I look at the damage at my house. This isn't a coincidence. It's a fuckin' Goddamned attack on us. Whoever's behind it is going down, fuckin' hard."

"Behind what?" Tony asked as he approached the young men. He got there to hear the very end of Mikey's fueled statement.

"Papa Tony, it's awful. Lance and Will aren't here, and not only was Mikey's place vandalized but so was Barefoot."

The Commissioner gasped and immediately took hold of Mikey's phone. "This is Commissioner Knight. To whom am I speaking?"

"It's me, Tyler, Papa Tony."

"What's the situation, Ty?"

"Barefoot's been destroyed. Windows broken, burned down inside. I'm pretty sure it was empty, but we won't know for sure until the fire's down enough for the fire dept. to get in there." He paused. "Hold on, Papa, Rick wants to speak with you."

"Tony, it's Rick. Adam and Jai informed me that there might be evidence on the hard drives the security footage saves to."

"What's your take?"

"This was a malicious and deliberate attack. However, we'll know more once we're inside. You've got my sympathy, Commissioner Knight. I understand this is a trying time for your blended family. You're in my prayers. And, I've got to say, your boys are handling this very well. They've been forthright in their responses and polite."

"Thank you, Rick, for the prayers and compliment. The collective Knight/Carter parents are very proud of all our boys. I've got to get off the phone. Just in case my missing son calls."

"Of course, I'll be in touch."

Tony ended the call and handed the phone back to Mikey. He immediately got on his phone and held a conference call with the entire blended clan. He brought everyone up to speed on the events thus far. Tony also put the family on high alert and, for the most part, on lockdown, meaning no one went anywhere alone, especially the boys. Once that was done, the seasoned policeman took his boys into his arms. "I'm so glad you're okay, Mikey."

"I'm fine, Papa. It's Lancer I'm worried about." Mikey's tears fell on Tony's shoulder as he relished being in the older man's warm, safe embrace.

"I don't think you should go to your house yet, Son."

"Please, focus your energy on my brother, Dad."

Tony's expression mirrored his feeling of pride and joy. "That's really the first time you've ever called me Dad."

Mikey smiled and nodded. "You are my Dad. Just as much as Max and Bryan. I've always been thankful to have three Dads and a Mom looking out for and loving me."

The two men embraced and kissed each other's cheeks. Dakota smiled and eagerly joined the duo when Tony and Mikey held their arms out for him.

"I've got to go look at my house, Papa. It's the only responsible thing to do."

"Don't worry, Papa Tony, I'll be with my angel boy." Dakota wrapped his arms around Mikey's neck and hugged him from behind.

Tony still had reservations but shook his head. "Please, be careful. Watch each other's backs. Someone is out to get my boys."

"I already told Ty, whoever's behind this, is going down, hard."

The sheer force of the determination in Mikey's expression and tone had both Dakota and Tony beaming with pride.

"You're fucking right about that, Son." Tony paused and shared a chuckle with the younger men. "Be careful, please. I love you both."

The trio shared another hug, then Dakota and Mikey got into the SUV and drove to Mikey's house.

Lance & Will

The first thing that registered in Lance's consciousness was that he and Will weren't in the field anymore. They were on the road traveling in a van. The second thing was he was tied up. However, the position he was in happened to be to his advantage. The brunet took a second to assess the situation. He saw the driver and two other men. Lance heard Will starting to stir beside him. Luckily, the other two men were in front of him and Will. And, for them to get to them, they'd have to climb over the seats.

The brunet slowly wriggled over to Will and gently touched him. "Will, listen to me." He whispered. "I'm gonna get us out of here. Just stay calm, and do as I say." He smiled when he got a head nod from the redhead. "Are you too hurt to walk or jump?" Again he smiled when he heard Will whisper negatively about both parts of the question. Working quickly, Lance maneuvered his legs and got them to Will's hands. "Lift the leg of my jeans, and pull the knife out." Once he had hold of the knife, Lance started rubbing the rope against the blade. In a minute, the brunet was free, and another minute later, so was Will.

Lance took a second to look at the three men. He noticed the van stopped. The brunet looked out the window and saw they were just a few buildings down from Barefoot and stuck in traffic. Lance reached for the back door handle and pulled it down. "Now!' He whispered. Moving quickly, the brunet and redhead opened the door, jumped out, and started running for the bookstore.

"What the fuck?" The driver shouted as he watched Lance and Will run down the sidewalk. "Get after them."

"Fuck that, let the bastards go. We got paid. I'm not down for getting an abduction charge or worse." The blonde said.

"Yeah, man. Let's just take the money and run." The third man said.

"Alright, I can't argue with logic." The driver stayed put, waiting for the traffic to clear.

Lance and Will made it to the bookstore. As soon as he saw the police and firetrucks, the brunet ran faster. "ADAM, JAI, ARE YOU GUYS OKAY?" He hollered as the two young men ran to the parking lot.

"Sir! I can't let you pass. It's not safe." An officer stood in front of Lance and Will.

"Please, I'm Lance Knight. My brothers Adam and Jai own this establishment. My friend and I were in an accident and abducted. We managed to escape, and the van's still stuck in the traffic jam."

Adam was close enough to hear his brother's voice. "LANCE!!!" He yelled. "Let them through, please. He's been missing." The brunet, his fiancee, and Tyler ran to the two missing young men and wrapped them in a hug.

"Are you guys okay?" Jai asked, not even caring that just the night before, Will assaulted Lance. He was just happy to see the two alive.

"We're okay. Look, the guys who caused our accident and abducted us are still in the van, in traffic."

Lance and Will ran back to the officer while Adam and Jai contacted their father. Will led the police to the van, and the three men were read their rights and carted off to the squad cars. Will returned to the brothers and Ty, where he received a group hug. Lance and Will explained their reconciliation and newfound friendship to the family.

Mikey & Dakota

"LANCE!!!" Mikey joyfully hollered.

He almost scared Dakota enough that he came close to running into one of the trees lining the long driveway leading up to Mikey's house. Dakota chuckled and said a silent prayer of thanks for the safe return of the youngest Knight.

"Kota and I will be there soon, baby bro. We're just getting to the house."

"You want Will and me to…"

"I want you and Will to stay with Adam and Jai." Mikey giggled. "I love you more than I can ever verbally express, little brother." Mikey ended the call and got out of the SUV.

Dakota was getting something out of the back of the vehicle when he heard a blast come from the garage. "Mikey, get down."

Mikey faintly heard Dakota and turned around just as another blast came from the front door. The explosion sent the brunet flying back a couple of feet, and he landed in the grass.

"MIKEY!!!" Dakota yelled as he grabbed his phone and ran to his fallen angel. "Papa, get down here now. Mikey's house just blew up, and he got blown back a couple of feet. He's not moving, but he's breathing. Please hurry." Dakota hung up and started trying to feel for any broken bones. "Please, be okay, my love. I can't lose you now."

Re: A Ticklish Thriller M/M (Chapters 1-5)

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 12:25 pm
by Ticklishguy
08 Not Out Of The Woods Yet

Mikey & Dakota

No sooner had Dakota hung up than a boot slammed into his back, sending him facefirst into the dirt.

"So, the big bad Redskin's not so tough without the brass behind him."

Dakota shook his head and got to his feet. As soon as he turned to face his attacker, the man's fist plowed into the half Indian's cheek, sending him to the ground on his ass. The raven-haired cop rubbed his chin and glared at the portly man standing over him. "You're the guard. What the fuck are you doing..." Dakota didn't get a chance to finish his question before the man kneed him in the chin.

"You and that fuckin' fairy boy cost me my job and a place on the force. You fuckin' f*****." The ex-guard sneered and picked up a piece of pipe from the wreckage and swung it at the fallen cop.

Dakota crab-walked backward along the ground, trying his best to avoid being hit. He had to keep the guy busy and away from his Mikey until Tony got there. The brunet grunted and hollered in pain as the pipe connected with his knee. Luckily, it didn't break the bone.

"Because of you two and the Goddamned Commissioner, I was sitting in the damn cell overnight with lowlife scum. That's after I got fired and bitched at by my ex-boss. So, once I was out, I got some dynamite and came here to settle the score with you freaks." The man growled and swung the pipe again, hitting Dakota's head.

"You..." Dakota's statement was interrupted by his scream of agony as he saw stars and came close to passing out.

"Once I'm done with your f***** ass, I'm fuckin' the little bastard while you watch, Geronimo."

"Over my dead body," Dakota growled. He pushed past the pain and kicked the pipe out of the man's hand. However, he couldn't stop the heavier assailant from pinning him and wrapping his greasy, meaty hands around his throat.

Mikey's eyes fluttered open. He softly moaned and quickly realized he'd been knocked to the ground from the blast. He shook his head and suddenly heard the sound of struggling. Mikey did a quick body scan and forced himself to fight through the searing pain he felt. The brunet turned his head and almost gave himself away when he saw Dakota fighting for his life as the guard from last night tried strangling him. A fire burned in Mikey's eyes, and adrenaline coursed through his body, giving him the strength to launch an attack. He carefully got to his feet and slightly wobbled his way to the men. While walking, Mikey unsheathed his knife and made sure he had a good grip on it.

"You're so fuckin' weak and pathetic, you Red-skinned, f***** bastard."

The previously employed guard spit in Dakota's mouth as he held the cop in place. Then he pressed even harder on the brunet's windpipe, causing his effort to get free to weaken. "That's it, just let yourself..." The man shrieked and fell to the side, clutching his arm where a knife slashed the skin. He gasped and coughed when the slasher's arm wrapped around his neck like an anaconda. His eyes widened as he felt the cold, sharp steel edge touch his throat.

"Give me one reason not to end your useless, pathetic existence." Mikey's low, grave tone held such rage that the man quaked and shivered.

"Mikey, don't...he's not worth it, angel boy."

Mikey's eyes flashed, and the fire doused as tears fell down his cheeks. The realization of what he was willing to do hit him like a ton of bricks. He gazed at the pitiful man in his grip that peed his pants. The men's noses wrinkled as the smell of fresh shit floated into their nostrils.

Mikey threw the knife, and the captured attacker yelped as the blade stuck in a tree and vibrated. He pushed the disgusting body off of him, got up, and wrapped his arms around Dakota. They looked up as the ambulance and Tony arrived.

"Dakota, Mikey!!!" The Commissioner hollered as he jumped out of the car the second he parked it. The older man wasted no time getting to the young men, wrapping them in his arms.

"I want them arrested, Commissioner. They..."

Tony glared at the idiotic, offensively-scented man. "Shut the hell up. I've been watching the live feed from the remaining cameras. You're just damn lucky my son has a conscience, or you'd be in hell right now." He paused. "Patch him up, and get him to the precinct."

"Papa Tony... I…"

"Shh! It's okay, Mikey. I'm more than proud of you, as are the rest of the collective parents. We all watched you save Dakota from being killed."

Dakota limped toward the two men, rubbing his neck. "Mikey, I owe you my life." He softly rasped as he hugged both men before groaning and cringing.

Mikey smiled and gasped as he swayed and passed out. Thankfully, Tony and Dakota were there to keep him from falling.

"Guys, get these two to the hospital. If at all possible, do not let them be separated." Tony started putting his guys to work, then he took a breath and called the family.

The Hospital

The blended Carter/Knight family wasted no time getting to the hospital once word got around about all the events. Sean came rushing in through the hospital doors and was met with hugs and kisses. His eyes widened when he saw Will amongst the family. However, he smiled and accepted the redhead's hug and kiss on the cheek.

"How was your day, bro?" Lance asked.

"Umm, you and Will were kidnapped, and that's after being in an accident." Sean shook his head and chuckled. "Only you could go through all that and everything else and be the one to ask me how my day was." He paused. "How's Mikey and Dakota?"

"No word yet, Sean," Will said as he wiped his eyes. He looked at Sean. "I'm really sorry for the other night and how I spoke to you."

"I get it, Will. I know how fucked up Janice is. I'm just sorry you had to endure so much torture." Sean smiled and hugged the redhead. He smirked and tickled Will's side.

Will jumped and squirmed as he boyishly giggled and blushed. His toes curled inside his socks and shoes. "I'm sooo freakin' ticklish."

Lance and Sean chuckled and hugged the lanky college man. "You'll fit right in with us. If you need it, we've got an extra room." Lance offered.

"Thanks, bro. I appreciate it." Will sighed and laid his head on Lance's shoulder while Sean held his hand.

"Will, where's your dad?" Adam asked as he came and sat with the trio.

"He had to go back to Barefoot. Dad's helping keep the press and looters at bay while they sift through the chaos and figure out who was behind everything."

Jai and Tony walked up to the four young men huddled together. The Commissioner had just arrived to be with his family. "Babe, they've found something in the recorded footage."

Adam stood up and gave the duo his undivided attention.

"Surprisingly, Janice wasn't behind the vandalism at Barefoot or the bombing at Mikey's." Tony's statement was met with gasps and looks of confusion. The entire blended clan gathered around him.

"If she wasn't, then who was?" Lance asked.

"The vandalism at Barefoot was caused by a trio of guys who got kicked out last night. They came back and trashed the place." Tony paused.

"And, Mikey's house?" Bryan asked as he held Max's arm.

"That was caused by the security guard that took Mikey into custody last night. He blamed Mikey and Kota for his incompetence and job loss."

"So, what was the bitch responsible for?" Pam's question earned the family matriarch a round of shaking heads, giggles, and chuckles.

"Janice paid for the boys to be in the accident and to be kidnapped. She did send someone after Mikey, but he chickened out when he saw the altercation between our son and the guard." Tony then filled everyone in on Mikey's saving Dakota.

"Damn, and last night, I really thought he was a wimp. I'm glad I never got on his bad side." Will's statement was met was hearty laughter and a good dose of tickling from the younger men of the family.

"Are you all here for Dakota and Mikey?"

The family turned and faced the doctor, holding their breath.

"Yes, we are, doctor," Pam answered for the clan.

"Dakota's gonna be fine but sore for a while. He received some bruised bones and lacerations but will be completely healed in due time. I'm keeping him here for observation, and he can go home tomorrow. I'd like him to be on light duty for a few weeks to get over the pain."

"What about Mikey?" Lance asked through his soft sobs. The young man shivered and cuddled harder against his older brothers, Adam and Jai.

"Mikey's going to recover as well. He's a lucky and resilient young man. However, I'm concerned about his weight. Mikey's close to being anorexic. Has he been having any balance issues or loss of energy?"

"Yes, to both." Adam and Jai answered in unison.

"I'd like to run some tests, but I don't think he's eating enough to sustain his active lifestyle. Mikey's also got some blood pressure issues. It's too high for my comfort. I'd like to monitor that for a few months to see if it's situational or needs to be regulated with medication."

"Is that everything, doctor?" Max asked.

"As of right now, yes. I'm hoping to have both Dakota and Mikey in a room very shortly, then you can go see them. Under normal circumstances, I'd limit the amount of family in at one time. However, I don't feel the need to take that route."

"Thank you," Tony said as he shook the man's hand.

"My pleasure, those are two special and bonded young men you've got there. I'm sure you're all very proud of them both."

"You got that right," Adam said with the entire gathered clan nodding their heads.

Once they were allowed to see their fallen loved ones, the family breathed a collective sigh of relief. Each person took time to physically show the bedridden men their love and affection. One by one, everyone trickled out, heading for their respective homes. All except for Lance, he wasn't leaving his two brothers.

A guard was posted outside the hospital room. Lance kept his knife in its sheath under the leg of his jeans. That night a nurse approached the quiet ward. He discreetly pulled a gun with a silencer from his pocket, and when he was close enough, the nurse shot the guard in the back of his neck, killing him instantly. The shooter watched the dead man slump in a puddle of blood in the chair.

Quietly, the man opened the hospital room door and stepped inside. He raised the gun and shot a bullet into each bed. All kinds of bells and whistles were going off. The gunman turned to shoot Lance and was met with the brunet's knife slashing the wrist of the hand holding the gun, followed by the pissed-off young man's fist plowing into his nose, breaking it. Security guards, doctors, and nurses burst into the room. The nurses and doctors went to work extracting the bullets from Mikey's and Dakota's bodies. The guards started sorting out the details from Lance, who immediately called his parents, then Max and Bryan. Once more, the hospital was filled with the blended family.

"I swear, we need to have them give us a group rate," Jai said as he ducked his husband's attempt to swat the back of his head.

"I just got off the phone with the guys at the precinct. They were able to get a confession from the shooter." Tony informed the gathered family members. "He was an insurance policy of sorts, the ex-guard who blew up Mikey's house, had his brother come back here and shoot him and Kota."

"Goddamnit, how many more fucking psychos are gonna target our boys?" Pam screamed.

"Carter/Knight family, I presume?” Everyone turned and faced the doctor.

"Are our boys okay?" Bryan asked with tears streaming down his cheeks. He and the other three parents stood behind their three sons with their hands on the younger men's shoulders.

"They're gonna make a full recovery. We were able to get the bullets extracted. As I said earlier, they're lucky guys. The gun wasn't a high-powered caliber. Also, the shooter was a poor shot and hit their legs."

"Thanks, Doc. You don't know how happy and grateful we are to you for taking care of them. Jai said as the family shared an emotional group hug.

Re: A Ticklish Thriller M/M (Chapters 1-5)

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 12:25 pm
by Ticklishguy
09 The Family Gathering

The Family

When Mikey and Dakota were discharged, it was like a zoo. The entire blended family gathered to retrieve their wounded family members.

"I think Mikey needs to stay with us," Adam said.

The brunet wrapped his arm around his fiancee's waist and held his hand. With everything that's happened, Adam was constantly worried about Mikey and his other two brothers. He was so used to being the protector of the younger guys that he felt powerless and helpless as he watched things happen to his family.

"Son, I think you should wait and discuss it with your brothers before making plans for him," Bryan said.

"I agree with your Dad, Adam. Mikey is more than capable of taking care of himself. We now know the anorexia diagnosis was a mistake, that his balance and energy issues were due to stress, and overexertion makes me feel better about our boy's wellbeing. Not to mention, he's got Dakota looking out for him." Max smiled and kissed his husband.

Adam sighed. "But, even Dakota couldn't protect Mikey."

"What the fuck, is Dakota supposed to protect me from?"

Mikey's sudden appearance with Lance made everyone jump. Adam's head whipped around so fast that he grunted from the shooting pain and rubbed the sore spot. As soon as the brunet saw the look in his brother's eyes and the expression on his face, Adam cringed and slowly backed away.

"Mikey, we've been so worried about..." Bryan started to say, but Mikey's hand flying up brought his statement to an abrupt halt.

"Sorry, Dad, but I'd like to hear where my damned fuckin' asshole of a brother is going with his screwed up idea that he's trying to pass off as a relevant or coherent thought," Mikey growled.

Jai smacked the back of Adam's head. "Adam, I could freakin' kill you right now."

Lance stood by the door, trying not to get in the middle of his brothers.

"Please, calm down, Son. You've just gotten discharged and been through a traumatic ordeal. The whole family's been frantic watching everything happening to you boys." Pam did her best to try and appeal to Mikey's sense of family cohesion.

Mikey hobbled on his crutches and stared daggers at his older brother. "The next time I hear you say anything negative and Goddamned fucking untrue about my chosen soulmate, you're gonna be on the ground faster than you can blink."

Adam gulped and lowered his eyes as tears streamed down his cheeks. "Mikey, I'm sorry, and you're right. I was way out of line with that comment. I'm happy you've got Dakota to lean on, and I know you don't need to be protected, but I'm worried about you." Adam held his hand out to his younger brother.

Mikey sighed, then he wiped his eyes as he took hold of Adam's hand and let himself be led to the chairs. Adam smiled and sat down, then gently guided Mikey's lighter body onto his lap. He laid his head gently on the smaller brunet's neck, kissed his cheek, and wrapped his arms around Mikey's waist.

"I love you so much, baby bro. I don't know if you've heard, but Barefoot Books got torched."
Mikey gasped and turned his head to look at his brother. "W...was anyone hurt?"

Adam smiled and gently cuddled Mikey. "There's my loving brother. No, no one was hurt. Holy fuck, you're scary when you're mad."

Mikey giggled and placed his head on his brother's shoulder. "That's a relief. I'm sorry for going off on you and insulting you, Ad. You've always been my protector and big brother, but I'm a big boy, and Kota's more than capable of protecting me when I need it. I love you for caring about me."

Adam looked into Mikey's eyes. "Baby Bro, do you love Dakota?"

Mikey's tears dripped down his cheeks. "Unless something untoward happens, or his personality changes, and he becomes Mr. Hyde, I'm ninety-five percent sure Kota's gonna be my husband."

Adam gasped. "Has he seen your scars?"

Mikey nodded. "And, I've seen his we discussed our experiences and bonded over it."

The brothers looked up when they heard the doors open. Mikey's eyes lit up as a big smile brightened his face when he saw his boyfriend hobble into the room. Mikey got up off his brother's lap and made his way to his two dads.

"I'm sorry for being rude, Dad." Mikey wrapped his arms around both of his dad's waists and cried on their shoulders.

Max and Bryan wiped their tears and gently rubbed their son's back. "It's okay, baby boy. We love you so much."

Mikey kissed both their cheeks, then headed for Pam. "Thank you, Mama, for trying to bring me back to my senses. You're an amazing Mom."

"I love you, my sweet Mikey." Pam wrapped her arms around the emotional young man.

Mikey sighed and melted into Dakota's warm embrace when he finally got to him. Dakota softly giggled and kissed Mikey's nose, causing the brunet's boyish giggles.

"Dakota, we consider ourselves these four guys' collective parents. We'd love it if you'd let us be your parents also. Welcome to the family, son." Tony wiped his tears, then he, Pam, Max, and Bryan embraced the newest edition to their growing family.

Dakota had to sit down before he fell to the floor. His heart filled with the love pouring from the people in the room. He closed his eyes and heard the voice of his late parents whisper their blessing. "I love all of you and am proud to be a part of this family."

Adam made his way over to Dakota and gave him a gentle hug and kiss. "Kota. We all love you and know we're always gonna be here for you." He paused. "Please take care of my brother. You've got something no one outside of the family has, his heart."

Dakota wiped his eyes and returned the affection he was shown. "I'll do my best to love, honor, and protect my sweet angel boy. I was an only child, so to have younger brothers is still new to me."
Adam looked at Dakota. "Younger brothers? How old are you?"

Dakota giggled. "Twenty-seven."

"Hmm, I'll have to see how that works out. I'm used to being the oldest." Adam said as he rubbed his chin. "Ya know, Kota, if I don't like you being the oldest, you might just have to break it off with Mi..." Suddenly the twenty-five-year-old started laughing and fell to his knees as Jai and Lance tickled his ribs and pits from behind. "Soooo not fair." Adam squealed his protest between his cackling.

"Bro, we're just making sure you don't get yourself into more trouble. You know both Kota and Mikey can kick all our asses. Together and separately.' Lance stated as he and his older brother continued their tickle assault.

Adam lay face down on the ground, overcome by his future husband's and little brother's tickle attack. His legs kicked the floor as he tried getting away while the rest of the family watched in amusement. "Fine, I give. Kota doesn't ever have to break up with Mikey." Adam screeched. He smirked, pulled both Jai and Lance to the floor, and launched a tickle attack of his own.

Mikey and Dakota shook their head and approached the trio giggling and being careful not to get hurt in the playful antics. When Adam, Lance, and Jai were standing, they were all given hugs and kisses from their brothers.

"Nice to know my brothers are as ticklish as I am. It'll at least give me a fighting chance." Dakota chuckled and kissed Mikey. "I know I dropped the ball and couldn't protect Mikey from…"

Adam stepped up to Dakota, placed his hands on both sides of his face, and stared into the older man's eyes. "Listen to me, Bro. You couldn't have done anything to stop what happened." He paused. "I said the same thing earlier and got put back in my place by Mikey, who defended you without hesitation or backing down." Adam wiped his tears. "I'm telling you, my brother's scary as fuck when he wants to be." His statement received a good round of chuckles from the family, head nods, and Mikey's blush. "I know you'll always do everything you can to keep my brother safe, and he'll damn sure do the same for you."

Dakota smiled and kissed Mikey's head. "Don't I know it? I saw the look in his eyes when he had the knife in the guard's throat. I'm not sure if he'd actually do it, but I know he felt like killing the bastard."

"Mikey, have you decided where you're staying until your house is fixed? Max asked.

Mikey smiled and nodded. "Umm, I'm gonna stay with Kota. That's if he's willing to have me." The brunet quickly placed his index finger on Dakota's lips to keep him from answering. "Then, after my house is fixed, I'd love for my brave warrior and his late parent's spirits to move in with me." Mikey giggled and removed his finger.

Dakota whooped and hollered until the pain in his throat reminded him of his being choked. The raven-haired man's tears dripped down his cheeks as he nodded. Dakota wrapped Mikey in his arms and passionately kissed him. "I love you, angel boy."

Mikey giggled and sighed happily. "Love ya too, my strong Cherokee warrior."

The parents looked at each other and nodded. Pam walked over to their coupled kids. "Guys, we all put in for a surprise we wanted to give the four of you." She paused and stepped back.

Tony was next up. "Mikey, Kota, Adam, and Jai, in light of everything over the last couple of days, we thought you four would need to have some downtime together to strengthen your bond as couples and brothers."

"So, we booked you a two-bedroom suite at the Hamilton Resort and Spa." Bryan stepped back.

"Here are dinner vouchers and tickets to whatever activities you want to do. There's also enough for your food and travel expenses." Max finished.

The four young men were shocked and speechless. They stared between the packet Mikey was handed and the parents. Lance was doubled over in hysterical laughter, as were the collective parents because of the guy's reaction.

"Holy shit!" Mikey eloquently said when his powers of speech returned. His exclamation caused even more raucous laughter from the gathered family. "What about Lancer? He's been through as much as we have." Mikey asked as he wrapped the youngest family member in a loving embrace.

"I have bonding time planned with Will and Sean." Lance smiled innocently. "Besides, you old guys need to have this time together before you're even older and married." Lance squeaked and tried to run, but Mikey and Dakota trapped his arms, keeping them over his head. "Bros, we're all kinda adults here..." The brunet's laughter flowed from his lips as Adam and Jai launched a unified tickle attack on their brother. After a couple raspberries were blown on his stomach and neck, Lance was set free and in the middle of a four-way group hug. "I love my big brothers," He said through his boyish giggling.

Mikey looked at his parents. "Guys, we're extremely grateful, and this is an amazing surprise, but we can't leave right now. My house, and Barefoot…"

"Are all taken care of," Pam said, cutting Mikey's protest off.

"Ty's heading the clean-up and restoration at Barefoot." Tony paused. "You guys have made a very positive impact and have a lot of friends and patrons willing to help you guys get their favorite place back up and running in record time."

"Mikey, we're taking care of getting your house restored, and hopefully, it'll be close to finished when you return," Bryan said as he hugged his husband.

The four young men looked at each other, and in seconds, the family was sharing a group hug. When they separated, the parents went to their homes, and Lance went back to his apartment, leaving Mikey, Dakota, Adam, and Jai to decide who was driving them up to the resort and who's SUV they were taking. After a rousing game of rock paper scissors, it was determined they'd take Dakota's SUV, and either Adam or Jai would drive.

The brothers decided to spend the remainder of the time as a group. They stopped at the clothing store, and they all got some new outfits for the week away. Mikey and Dakota had fun being playful and took advantage of the opportunity to tickle Adam and Jai when they were in the middle of undressing. Of course, their playful tickles were eagerly returned. They stopped at Dakota's for lunch and some relaxing cuddling time on the sofa before they packed their new outfits and anything else they might need. After one more check-in with everyone, they hit the road. Along the way, they stopped at Mikey's house. Luckily, the back of his house and his panic room weren't affected by the dynamite. Mikey and Dakota made a quick trip inside and retrieved a couple of firearms and knives just in case. Once they returned to the car, Adam left the driveway and headed for the interstate for a needed relaxing week off for some brother's bonding time.

Re: A Ticklish Thriller M/M (Chapters 1-5)

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 12:26 pm
by Ticklishguy
10 Bonding

Adam, Jai, Mikey, & Dakota

The hour and a half ride up to the resort went smoothly. Mikey and Dakota snuggled together in the backseat. Adam and Jai smiled and held hands as they watched the newly formed couple being cute and playful with each other. They'd chuckle and giggle with their brothers when they'd sneak tickles on each other.

"Were we ever that cute and adorable, Ad?" Jai asked just before he started giggling after Mikey's index fingers drilled between his ribs. "Hey, no fair tickling me when I can't retaliate, little bro." Jai giggled and squirmed in his seat. "Just wait till you're all better, sweet bro. You're sooo gonna get it."

Adam shook his head, then slightly jumped and giggled when he felt Dakota's finger lightly tickle the back of his neck. "Koooottttaaaa, I'm driving." He whined between his giggles.

Mikey and Dakota smirked and high-fived each other while giggling.

"I know two brothers who are sooo gonna be tickled into oblivion when they're healed up." Adam tried to maintain a threatening tone but lost it when he couldn't hold back the giggles.

"We were never that cute and adorable, babe." Adam finally answered his fiancee's question.

"Kota, you might want to move back so that the lightning doesn't strike you on accident." Mikey giggled.

"What do you mean, Mikey?" Adam couldn't even stop his giggles long enough to ask the question.

"You and Jai created the term "cute and adorable." Mikey snickered as Jai nodded his head in agreement. "If you looked up sickeningly sweet in the dictionary, you'd see the footnote, "see Adam and Jai Carter-Knight."

Adam and Jai gasped and stole a quick glance at one another. "Bro, you've just settled one of our marriage questions," Jai said excitedly.

"Umm, what did I say?" Mikey looked at Dakota and shrugged his shoulders.

Dakota giggled and kissed Mikey's nose. "You're too cute, my baby angel boy." He paused and wrapped his arms around the shorter brunet. "Unless I'm wrong, I think you've just given them a solution to the last name dilemma."

Jai smiled and glanced at the couple, giving them a thumb up. "Yep, we've just started talking about it and hadn't gotten to that thought of using a hyphenate."

Adam nodded as he pulled into the resort's parking lot and stopped in front of the lobby to check-in. "I love the way Adam and Jai Carter-Knight sound together." He kissed his future husband.

Adam and Jai assisted their brothers in getting out of the car. They retrieved their luggage and loaded it onto the trolley. Adam gave his key to the valet, and they walked inside as the doorman rolled the luggage inside after greeting the guests. "Welcome, to the Hamilton Resort, gentlemen." A very peppy voiced middle-aged gentleman greeted.

"Good afternoon, sir. A two-bedroom suite has been reserved for the four of us. The last names are Carter, Knight, and Buckingham." Adam smiled and gave the man their last names."

"Yes, I see the reservation. You're in room 267 on the top floor." The concierge handed the young men each a door key, then gestured toward the elevators. "I do hope you enjoy your stay. Don't hesitate to call if there's anything one of our staff or I can do for you during your week with us."

The guys smiled and thanked the man before heading to the elevator. One of the bellhops licked his lips and stared at the four brunets. He discreetly rubbed his crotch with his hand in his pocket, then slipped into the bathroom to relieve his tension before returning to his duties. The young man walked out of the bathroom and grabbed the new arrival's bags, bringing them up to their suite.

Adam slid the card through the reader and whistled as he opened the door. "Holy shit, guys. This place is gorgeous."

Adam and Jai toed off their shoes, then helped Dakota and Mikey remove theirs. The soon-to-be husbands giggled and couldn't resist sneaking a light tickle on their brother's sock-clad soles causing the two brunet's squealing and boyish giggles. Dakota laid the crutches by the door and carefully limped his way to the sofa, then elevated his leg where he'd been shot. Mikey did the same with his crutches, but when it looked like he was gonna fall, Jai's hand was instantly around his brother's waist. Mikey smiled and blushed, then lowered his head.

"It's okay, baby bro. Just let yourself heal a little bit. Don't forget, you had more to recover from." Jai said in a gentle and loving tone as he guided the younger brunet over to his boyfriend's open arms.

Mikey wiped his tears and cuddled into Dakota's muscular upper body. "I know, guys. It's just I..." He paused. "I don't want to be a burden or the weakest."

"Michael Dante Carter!!!"

Adam's stern tone made Mikey jump out of surprise and bury his head in Dakota's chest. He knew that tone meant he was in trouble.

"You'd better be glad you're hurt right now cause if you weren't, I'd soo be kicking your ass, little bro. I've told you before, never call yourself weak or a burden, or anything close to those."

"Yeah, bro, you're probably the strongest of us, possibly even including Kota." Jai smiled when he saw his new brother nodding.

Mikey looked from Dakota to his other brothers, who'd placed themselves on either side of him and his boyfriend. He was about to say something when he started giggling and squirming. "Kkkkooooottttaaaaa." Mikey squealed as his sides were getting lightly pinched and tickled by the larger brunet.

Dakota, Adam, and Jai were giggling along with their ticklish boy. "What ya talking about, babe? I'm not doing anything."

Mikey playfully growled and looked at Dakota but immediately squealed and giggled as Jai tickled him. When he turned his head, Jai's hands were on his lap. Now that his head was turned, Adam reached over Dakota and tickled Mikey's side, causing his younger brother to jump and squeak like a mouse. "Hey, no fair tickling Mikey and not owning up to it." Suddenly the protesting brunet was hurled into a bottomless abyss of hysteria as his brothers and boyfriend launched a combined tickle attack. They were so engrossed with their playful time that no one noticed the bellhop's entry.

The man lecherously grinned, and he got hard watching the three bigger guys tickling the smaller brunet. He inconspicuously rubbed his dick against the trolley's bars, then placed the luggage outside the bedroom doors. He paused to listen to the continued tickle fun the guys were having, then went into the bedrooms. He took chocolates from his pocket, laid two of them on the pillows in one room, then did the same in the other room. He softly giggled as he left the rooms with visions of what he'd be doing later. He smiled and waved at the panting and sweaty young men as he left the room.

"Umm, when did he come in?" Mikey asked.

"I have no idea. I didn't even hear the guy knock." Jai said.

Adam smirked and playfully smacked Dakota's arm. "Bro, some cop you are, letting someone get in here unnoticeeeeedddd. Koooootttaaa, thaaaatttt tttttiiicccckkkkkllllleeeesss," Adam squealed as his older brother's fingers kneaded and wiggled between his ribs. "Fine, I give. You win for now."

The twenty-five-year-old giggled as he sat in Dakota's lap and laid his head on the older man's shoulder. "Is this what it's like having a big brother?" Adam paused and smiled as he kissed his older brother's cheek. "It's pretty cool. I totally feel protected and loved." Dakota, Jai, and Mikey wrapped him in a group hug and kissed his cheeks.

Mikey smiled and sat in Jai's lap. He smiled and leaned back against his other older brother. "Ad, that's exactly how I feel when I'm in one of your hugs." He giggled and squirmed when Jai's fingers lightly tickled his stomach. "And, of course, Jai's, Lance's, and Dakota's hugs make me feel the same way." The other guys laughed as they watched Mikey start counting on his fingers. "Yeah, I got everyone except the parents, but they're not here to tickle me into oblivion." Mikey squealed and wriggled in Jai's lap when his boyfriend and brothers gave him belly rubs and tickled him.

Dakota smiled. "I really love how you guys show each other how you feel."

The half Irishman's smile widened when his boyfriend yawned and curled into the fetal position. Mikey's head was in his lap, and as soon as his eyes closed, the brunet sucked on his thumb. Adam and Jai smiled at their adorable little brother, and they leaned over, kissing his cheek.

"Is he really...?" Dakota asked as he gasped at the unspoiled innocence Mikey exuded as he slept so peacefully. The half Indian could swear he saw an angelic halo surrounding his boyfriend's head. The longer he stared down at his sleeping angel, his tears dripped from his eyes as he gently smoothed Mikey's hair.

"It's an amazing sight. Isn't it?" Adam's pride in his baby brother was prevalent in his voice. The brunet laid his head on his future husband's shoulder and wiped his tears. It had been a while since he sat and watched over Mikey as he slept.

"Kota, this is Mikey at his most loving and trusting. He doesn't know that he does this. We've never had the heart to tell him." Jai softly giggled and kissed his emotional fiancee.

"Why haven't you said anything?" Dakota asked as he stroked Mikey's back. The guys all chuckled when the youngest of them squirmed, and his soft giggles flowed from his lips.

Adam grinned. "We're kinda afraid he'll stop." The brunet looked at his watch. "Why don't you guys stay here and rest while Jai and I go look around. We'll be back in an hour with lunch."

Dakota yawned, pulled his sleeping angle closer to him, kissed his brothers, and closed his eyes for a nap. While he and Mikey slept, the door of their suite slowly creaked open. The bellhop from earlier slowly crept into the room. He looked around, noticing the sleeping men were alone. The man giddily rubbed his hands together and snapped pictures of the two unknowing models. Once he finished, he snuck into the bedrooms and placed cameras in strategic places. He also put them in the ensuite bathrooms. The bellhop made sure the guys were still asleep and left the room.

As promised, Adam and Jai returned with lunch. They opened the door, and the duo had to stifle the awws their lips threatened to release. The young men toed off their shoes at the door. Adam took the subs from Subway to the kitchen area and placed them on the counter. He softly giggled when he saw Jai kneeling at their brother's bare feet. Jai snickered as he lightly tickled along Dakota and Mikey's arches and toes. In seconds the living area came alive with giggles and squealed promises of retribution from the wakened men.

Mikey stretched and yawned, then smiled as he was hugged by three of his favorite men. "Who got lunch?"

"Jai and I left for an hour while you and Kota napped. The two of you were so cute." Adam shook his head. "Damn, babe, I should've gotten pics to send to the family." Adam jumped and squealed as he was grabbed in Dakota's headlock and given a Mikey special. The special consisted of a noogie, served with a side of belly slaps. For dessert, Adam received side and rib tickles. It didn't take long for him to yell out his surrender.

Dakota, Jai, and Adam watched Mikey as he got up and slowly limped to the dining table. Adam handed everyone a sub. He and Jai ordered everyone the same thing, except Mikey's had extra pickles, bacon, and mayo. They all had a strawberry daiquiri wine cooler from the minibar with their subs.

"So, what's the game plan this week?" Jai asked as he gathered everyone's trash.

"I think Kota and I are taking it easy after the last couple of days," Mikey said.

"Why don't we spend some time with the four of us together and some time mixing up between brother and mate bonding?" Adam suggested.

"That's a great idea, Adam." Dakota smiled and high-fived his brother.

They made quick work of cleaning up. Then the men separated and went to the bedrooms with their mate for some alone time. It wasn't long before the men's pleasured moans, mixed with their giggles and squeals, were heard from both rooms.

After his shift, the bellhop lay in his bed, jacking off to the recorded material. When he finished his physical pleasure, the man began taking screenshots and posting them to his favorite websites.

Re: A Ticklish Thriller M/M (Chapters 1-5)

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 12:29 pm
by Ticklishguy
11. It's Always Something

At The Hotel

After their midafternoon playtime, the young men decided to have a group shower that way, Adam and Jai could help Mikey and Dakota keep their wounds from getting too wet. Of course, this was accomplished with some playful foot tickles courtesy of Adam and Jai and giggles provided by Mikey and Dakota.

Abner Sternum kept looking at the live footage as he made his way from his suite to the young men's suite. He used his master key to enter the room while the guys were busy with their playful tickle shower. Abner used his key to open the utility closet and then locked the door from the inside. The hotel provides suites to all their employees who don't already have homes and a family. It's one of the perks of working for Hamilton. The thirty-year-old man continued getting hard as he watched the water drip off the four tight bodies. His eyes glazed over as he thought of what he'd planned to do to them in their sleep.

In their room, Mikey and Dakota helped each other get dressed. Mikey chose to wear a light blue pair of jeans with a tan sleeveless shirt. The brunet jumped and squirmed around, giggling as Dakota's fingers lightly tickled his slightly hairy armpit hollows. "Kooootttttaaaaa, not my pits." He squealed while twisting and trying to bury his face in the muscular light tan chest of his cop boyfriend.

Dakota softly chuckled as he gently lifted Mikey's arms. "It's not my fault, babe. You're the one who decided to wear this sexy shirt."

The half Cherokee licked his lips and slowly ran the broad of his tongue along the cavernous pit hollows. Mikey's body shivered and jerked as soft moans of excitement and pleasure mixed between his giggles. Their breathing got heavier as the young men's bodies smashed together. Dakota's dark green jeans were not the only thing close to bursting. Dakota gasped when Mikey nibbled and licked along his neck and ears. It didn't take long until they were changing their underwear and giggling.

Adam and Jai giggled when they saw their brothers finally emerge. "Damn, took ya long enough. How many pairs of underwear did ya go through?" Adam said.

Jai wrapped his arms around his taller fiancee. "Get 'em, bros."

Adam's shrieks and cackles rang through the suite as he was tickle attacked by his big and little brothers. The brunet fought to get free, but the tickling weakened him, plus he wasn't any match for Jai and Mikey when they teamed up. Throw in Dakota, and he had no chance at all. "Okay, I give, Uncle!!!" He squealed a couple of minutes into the ticklish onslaught. Jai, Dakota, and Mikey giggled and shared a group hug with him.

"For your information, bro, we only changed our underwear once. Mikey stated just before blowing a raspberry at his brother, causing the four of them to bust out laughing.

Once the coast was clear, Abner came out of the utility closet. He giddily jumped and giggled as he skipped to the couple's rooms like a schoolboy. The horny man grabbed a pair of socks and underwear from each guy. Then Abner lay on Adam and Jai's bed. He made sure he was in the camera's view and undressed. The man sniffed and chewed on the gathered items. After matching a pair of underwear and socks, he jacked himself off to the musky scented clothing. As soon as he recovered from his marathon jack-off session, Abner returned the soiled items to the pile of clothes and slipped out of the room. On the way back to his room, the depraved man licked his lips as he thought of the encore performance he'd have later that night with the sleeping couples.

The four young men walked into the dining room. After a short wait, the guys were seated. They all ordered a mixed drink and appetizers. Dakota had a Long Island Iced Tea, Mikey had a White Russian, Adam got a Malibu and Pepsi, and Jai had an Appletini. They settled into a comfortable conversation. Eventually, the topic turned to Adam and Jai's wedding.

"So, have you guys picked a date yet?" Mikey asked as he sipped his drink.

Adam and Jai shared a quick glance, then looked at their brothers. "Well, about that. We have picked a date." Adam paused and put his hand up to hold off his brother's excited reaction.

Jai giggled and continued for his soon-to-be husband. "We've got something to ask you two." He paused and took a bite of his fried pickle. "Neither question has anything to do with the date."

Mikey glared at his brothers. "Alright, you two out with it, or I start introducing you to ninja fighting fried flying calamari." He giggled and squirmed when Dakota squeezed just above his hip.

"Behave, kiddo. I'd hate to take you over my knee and tan your hide in this place." He paused. "Scratch that. You'd probably act up more just to have that happen." The eldest man's statement caused the entire table to erupt in boisterous laughter.

"You're sooo on thin ice, Warrior Boy." Mikey stuck his tongue out at his boyfriend and caused even more laughter.

"Anyway, what we wanted to ask was would you guys like to share our wedding and have a double wedding ceremony next October?" Adam asked. He and Jai cracked up laughing as their brothers stared open-mouthed at them.

"Hear us out." Jai paused to sip his drink. "Dakota, Michael, we've been watching the way you two look at one another, and you two have each put your lives in danger, saving each other."

"Jai and I talked this over, and while we were out when you two were napping, we also called the parents and Lance to get their input on our idea." Adam smiled as he and Jai grasped their brother's hands. "Bros, you're in love. The entire family sees it, and more importantly, you both already know it and openly admit it to each other and the world. We all agreed that if you guys agree to the double wedding, there's more than enough time between now and then for you guys to be comfortable with one another and the idea of spending your lives together."

Jai picked up where Adam paused. "Dakota, don't think. Let your heart guide your answer." He paused and stared into his brother's eyes. "Kota, in your heart, do you want to marry Mikey next year."

Dakota's tears streamed down his cheeks. He looked at his gathered family and nodded his head. "Mikey, from the moment we met, I prayed that you'd be my husband." He paused. "I'd marry you now if I thought it was a safe thing to do." Dakota giggled when he saw his brother's expressions. He borrowed from the stereotype of Indians using broken speech. "Cherokee man not stupid, parents kill brave warrior if there no wedding to plan for second youngest boy."

Dakota's statement had everyone cackling. The waiter shook his head and giggled at the four young men whose dinner he brought. The guys thanked him and continued the discussion before digging into their food.

Adam smiled and stared into his brother's eyes. "Alright, baby bro, your turn." He tried but failed to not giggle cause he already knew the answer. "Do you want..."

"Yesterday. I'd love to marry this big warrior of mine." Mikey blushed and giggled along with his mate and brothers. "Umm, sorry for cutting you off, bro."

Adam and Jai smiled as they hugged and kissed Dakota and Mikey. "So, I'm thinking next October 20th would work for a date," Adam said as he and Jai returned to their seats.

Mikey and Dakota shared a glance and nodded their heads. They lifted their glasses and toasted each other on their double wedding decision. The guy's chatter quieted just a little as they ate their meals. They handed the waiter the voucher, and each left him ten dollars for being so excellent. Then the two couples separated, Adam and Jai went to the suite, and Mikey and Dakota took in a late evening comedy show at the resort.

Abner returned to the suite and then hid in the corner of Adam and Jai's closet just before the door opened.

"Babe, I'm gonna go get ready for bed." Jai winked and kissed his mate. Then walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

Adam giggled and eagerly undressed. He sat on the bed and pulled his socks off when an arm wrapped around his neck, and a chloroform-soaked rag covered his nose and mouth. The six-foot-tall man struggled to get free of his unknown assailant, but the soaked rag worked. The brunet fell back on the bed, unconscious.

"Hey, babe, ya..." Jai stopped in his tracks when he saw his fiancee passed out on the bed. "Adam, what the fuck..." Before he could continue, he was grabbed from behind. Abner was about to place the rag over Jai's nose when he was flipped over the brunet's shoulder. Jai pulled his phone out and was about to dial but was kicked in the stomach. He fell backward, dropped his phone, hit his head on the bedpost, and passed out.

Abner licked his lips and rubbed his hands together as he positioned his victims on the bed. The sex-crazed man pulled their underwear down, and after setting the cameras for a live feed, he began molesting the unconscious men. He moaned and licked Adam and Jai's bare asses, then sucked their toes and licked their soles. Abner ground his body against both guys and worked himself to his first orgasm.

Mikey and Dakota had just entered their room when Mikey's phone rang. He looked at the Id and, after seeing Lance's picture, he answered the call and placed it on speaker. "Hey, baby…"

"Mikey, no time to explain. Where are you and Kota?"

Lance's frantic voice made both men pay attention. "I'm right here, baby boy. What's wrong, little bro?" Dakota asked with a concerned tone.

"One of you, get your gun and stop the guy in Adam and Jai's room from raping our brothers."

"Mikey, where..." Dakota started to ask but stopped when he heard the door smash into the wall and the other bedroom door slam into the wall.

"Get in there with Mikey, Kota. I'm on the road with Lance." Tony said as he drove as fast as his car would go. He had his siren blaring. "Off the record, I hope he shoots the bastard."

"Get the fuck off of my brothers, you Goddamned sick bastard," Mikey growled.

Abner turned to face the speaker and laughed. "Yeah, right, like that thing's loaded. Sit down, kid, and wait your turn." He turned around and went back to his task.

Dakota came running in just as Mikey pulled the trigger twice, putting a bullet into each one of the bare ass cheeks. He watched the man scream in agony as he fell off the bed, writhing on the floor.

Mikey kept the firearm pointed at the wriggling pitiful man on the hotel room floor. "I warned you." He cocked the gun and pointed it right at Abner's temple. "No one fucks with my family." The fire in his eyes blazed like never before. He was so enraged that he didn't even feel Dakota's pulling at his arm and talking to him.

"Mikey, babe, stand down. You've stopped the threat." Dakota's tears dripped down his cheeks. He desperately tried to break through the wall of rage surrounding Mikey's senses. "Please, don't become a killer. You're not a killer. You're a protector and lover. Mikey, you've done that. He's no threat to anyone."

The rage subsided, and Mikey placed the safety on and put the gun on the dresser. He turned and gazed into Dakota's eyes. His tears flowed down his bright red cheeks. "Kota, what have I done? What was I about to do?" He broke down and sobbed into the muscular cop's chest.

"You protected your brothers from being hurt even more. Mikey, I love you so much. You're way braver than I could ever think of being." Dakota whispered in Mikey's ear as he wrapped the younger man in his arms. “You, make me a very proud man, my love.”

The suite door opened up and the bedroom filled with hotel security and the managerial staff. They called for an ambulance, and Dakota showed them his badge and called Tony, placing him on speaker. It wasn't long before everything was sorted out. Mikey surrendered his gun for evidence, and as soon as Adam and Jai regained consciousness, the young men were moved to another suite.

Re: A Ticklish Thriller M/M (Chapters 1-5)

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 12:30 pm
by Ticklishguy
12. Mikey! Mikey! Mikey!

***Earlier that day***

Lance, Sean, & Will

Lance yawned as he unlocked the door to his shared apartment. "Hey, guys, I'm home." The brunet called out as he crossed the threshold. He stood by the door, toed his shoes off, then placed them by the others against the wall. Lance smiled when he noticed a pair of Will's shoes beside his and Sean's footwear. The twenty-year-old walked over to the fridge, got a bottle of strawberry-flavored water, and picked up the note on the counter addressed to him. "Hey, bro, I'm with Will. We're going to Daddy-Paul's to return his truck, then we're picking up some things from Red's apartment, and after that, we'll be home. Will doesn't want to stay by himself anymore. His roommate's in league with Janice, and he's not feeling too safe there. We're giving him a new home. Love ya, Sean." Lance giggled and pumped his fist in the air. "Yes!" After Will came to talk with him, then being kidnapped together, he really started liking the guy.

The brunet sighed as he flopped down on the sofa. He placed the water on the coffee table and stretched out on the piece of furniture. His toes wiggled and flexed inside the thin cotton socks decorated with the superman emblem. He turned on the TV and chose CSI NY. He was asleep before the episode was even halfway through.

Sean pulled into the complex's parking lot, followed by Will's Pontiac Firebird. He parked beside Lance's Ram, and Will parked on the other side of the Dodge. The two got out, and Sean helped the redhead with some of his things.

"Sean, are you sure about this? I mean, I can..."

Sean set the things down on the grass and stared at the redhead. "Will, you're no longer a bully or treated like shit. Lance and I want to help you feel better about yourself, and we want to help keep you safe." He paused and hugged Will. "You're our brother." He giggled. "And, if you get out of line or just for fun, we can tickle you." Sean grinned and wiggled his fingers between Will's ribs. Instantly, the redhead screeched and fell to his knees, bringing the tickling brunet down with him. The two young men rolled around and wrestled with each other. Finally, Will's fingers latched onto Sean's sides and kneaded the soft area above the college man's hips. Sean's tickle-induced laughter and cackles bounced off the buildings. His legs kicked the ground as he hollered his surrender.

"What the fuck are you doing, Parks? If you're here to..." Butch's threat was cut off by Sean jumping up and placing himself between Will's quaking body and the massive football hulk.

"Bro, thanks for having my back, but I'm fine. We were just playing around. Will's moving in with Lance and me." Sean paused and glanced back at the shaking redhead. "It's okay, Will. Butch isn't gonna hurt you. In fact, he's gonna be a great friend once the two of you work on mending fences."

"Bro, why's he acting like a puppy who's been kicked too many times?" Butch asked as he slowly approached the terrified redhead. Hed gently wrapped Will in a comforting embrace. "If Sean says you guys are bros, I got your back, Will."

"Butch, Janice, and her friends were torturing Will. That's why he acted the way he did. They used his fetish and ticklishness against him." Sean said as he wrapped his arm around Will's shoulders.

"Please, Butch, can you forgive me for what I did before?" Will hung his head and cried on Sean's shoulder.

Butch gasped as he watched the former bully breaking down and asking for forgiveness. The muscular jock nodded his head and lifted Will's head so he could gaze into the redhead's eyes. "I give you my word, Will. I'll stand up for you as long as you want and need me to. Just know that if you hurt Sean and Lance, I'm gonna make you regret it." He smiled and embraced Will's less muscular body.

Will nodded and returned the embrace, feeling more confident about the hulk. "I'm never hurting Lance and Sean, ever again. They're my brothers."

Sean and Will parted ways with Butch and entered the apartment. They toed off their shoes and brought Will's things into the second bedroom.

"Dude, I know I'm straight, but Lance's well... cute when he's asleep." Will softly said as he and Sean went to get a couple of flavored waters. He chuckled. "I love his socks."

Sean giggled. "You should see Lance when he's comfortable with you or around his brothers, and he curls up with his head in your lap." He smiled and gently kissed Lance's forehead. The brunet smirked and walked down to Lance's feet. "The socks are cool. The emblems on the soles actually land on some very ticklish spots on our bro's feet." He giggled.

Will got up and walked over to Sean. "Really?"

"Just watch." Sean snickered and started lightly scratching his index fingernails up and down the center of the Superman emblem on the middle of Lance's curved arches. He and Will smiled as the brunet softly giggled, and his feet wriggled and tried protecting one another. "C'mon, Lancer, Wakey wakey."

Lance squirmed and continued softly giggling. He loved waking up with tickles. The brunet worked hard not to show that he was awake. Lance wanted this to go on. He almost lost it when he felt fingers lightly tickle the ball part of his foot.

Sean smirked and moved his light tickled to the emblems on his brother's big toes. "Will, this is the best way to wake Lance."

Instantly the room filled with Lance's squeals and boyish giggles as he scrunched his toes and tried to break Sean's grip on his ankles. "Nope, Lance's not awake yet." He said between his giggles. Lance's body jumped, and his laughter reached a higher pitch as he felt Will’s fingers knead between his ribs and travel up to his pits. "Shit, Wiiiillllllll." Lance squealed. His legs pushed and pulled against Sean's grip as the brunet at his feet removed his socks and lightly strummed his nails up and down the bared soles. "Not the feeeeettttttt too." Lance screeched and cackled. "Okay, I give. I'm up." He yelled and giggled as he was wrapped in a double bear hug. Lance quickly grabbed Will in a chokehold, gave him a noogie, and tickled the redhead's side.

Will yelped as he fell into Lance's lap. He wriggled and boisterously laughed as he was tickled into hysterics. "Laaaannnnccceeeeee" He screeched. "Sean, help me." The college man's shrill laughter echoed through the apartment when the other brunet grabbed his ankles, removed his socks, and tickled his pale, wrinkled soles and toes. He writhed and tried to break both tickler's grip.

Lance giggled and started tickling Sean's sides and ribs. Sean instantly let go of Will and fell onto his brunet brother, hysterically laughing and squealing his pleas. After a minute, Lance ceased his tickle attack. Sean giggled and hugged the two guys, then went to get a drink.

"Welcome to the brotherhood, Will." Lance kissed Will's cheek and let the squirmy redhead go.

"That was fun." Will smiled and stayed sitting in his new brunet brother's lap. He cuddled into Lance's embrace. "Umm, Lance, I need to tell you something, and even though I had nothing to do with it, I hope you won't take it out on me and hate me." Will's tears dripped down his cheeks.

Sean walked over and sat beside Lance and Will. "Bro, it's bad." He wrapped his arm around Lance's shoulder and held Will's hand.

Will moved and sat between Lance and Sean. He looked at both guys and sighed. "Lance, there's a reason Janice chose to date you." He paused again. "She wanted to destroy Mikey and thought she could use you to get close enough."

Lance's eyes clouded over and darkened when he heard what Will said. "Go on."

Will shivered and gulped. He looked over at Sean when he felt the brunet's hand squeeze his hand, and he nodded. "It started two years ago. Janice tried asking Mikey out on a date. He turned her down and told her he was gay. Janice blew a gasket and stormed off. That's when she planned her revenge."

Lance's face got ashen, and the color drained from him. He started breathing heavier, and his eyes were like narrow slits.

Sean's eyes widened, and he placed his hand on Lance's shoulder. "Bro, please, breathe and listen to everything. Remember, it's not Will's doing."

Lance glared at the two men beside him but closed his eyes and nodded his head for Will to continue.

"Janice knew Steve. They used his connection to Daddy-Paul, as a way to get Steve close to Mikey and then beat him. And, the worst part, Steve wasn't even gay. The whole thing was for Janice's revenge, and Mikey was her initiation into that group. Her task was to seduce a gay man and either turn him or destroy him for his sexual deviancy. Steve was a member and her sponsor. Janice got cosmetic surgery to change her looks and then became a candy striper. She snuck into Mikey's hospital room and forced herself down on him, raping him in his sleep. Then she abused him and recorded the entire scene." He paused and wiped his eyes. "When she found out about you and your relation to Mikey, you became her next plan of attack."

"Can this be proven?" Lance asked through his soft sniffles.

"Yes, Janice has no idea, but I copied all her dirt onto hard drives. That girl's got tons of people in her pocket."

Lance got up and called his dad. "Dad, I just found out that Janice was behind Steve's getting involved with Mikey. She also raped Mikey in the hospital room while he was healing after Steve's attack... I asked the same thing, Will said there's proof... Sure thing, I'll have him email you and the parents... I love you too, Dad" He looked at Sean and Will. "Send the things you've collected to this email, please."

Will nodded and grabbed his laptop and the drive with the things about Mikey on it. Afterward, he stood and looked at Lance. "Lance, I can't apologize…"

Lance stopped Will by bringing him into a hug and kissing his cheek. "Bro, you've given us some answers." He paused and wiped his eyes. "Guys, this doesn't leave the room. Mikey's gonna have to be told, but I want to do that when I'm with my brothers. Sean and Will nodded, then the trio shared a group hug. Lance pulled back and looked at Will. "I'm still lost. Why didn't Janice move on to another target?"

"Mikey's honesty. He was just too honest, and since he was open about his ownership of Barefoot, being gay, his ticklishness, and everything else, there was nothing Janice could use to force him into her pocket."

Sean lightly scratched the side of his head. "How'd Steve get connected to Daddy-Paul?"

"Steve targeted Daddy-Paul for Janice's challenge. He posed as a novice bondage Master and worked his way into Daddy-Paul's trust."

Later that evening, Tony stopped by to take the guys to dinner. He'd just walked in when Sean came running into the room.

"Guys... Oh, hey, Papa Tony." He ran over and greeted the older man with a hug and kiss. "Umm, damn, what I wanted to tell Lance and Will is kinda..."

Tony chuckled and kissed Sean's forehead, then ruffled the young man's hair. "Sean, whatever it is, I'm sure I've seen it or heard about it before."

Lance and Will giggled at the antics. "Sean, what's up, bro?" Lance asked between his giggles.

Sean blushed and looked between the three men whose attention was focused on him. "Umm, well... I was kinda having some private time, to myself…"

"You were watching porn," Tony said with a smile.

"Y...yeah, Papa Tony." Sean nervously giggled. "Anyway, the guys in this clip look exactly like Adam and Jai."

The three other men looked at one another. "Son, what do you mean?" Tony asked.

"C'mon and see for yourself." Sean led the other guys into the room and turned the screen toward the three men.

Lance's and Tony's jaws dropped. "Dad…"

"They don't just look like Adam and Jai. That IS Adam and Jai. What the..." Tony immediately got on his phone and called the hotel. "Guys, raincheck on dinner. Lance..." Where's Lance?" Tony asked as he turned around.

"Get the lead out, Pop. I'm going to the car." Lance hollered. Once he and Tony were on the road, Lance picked up his phone and called his brothers.

Re: A Ticklish Thriller M/M (Chapters 1-5)

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 12:30 pm
by Ticklishguy
13 Mikey's Dark Secret

At The Hotel

Once they got moved to a new room, the couples calmed down and waited for their Papa Tony to arrive. Mikey and Dakota sat side by side and comforted their brothers as they recovered. Adam laid his head back against Mikey's toned but less muscular chest. He was surprised at how safe and protected he felt, feeling his brother's strong heartbeat. Mikey's tears splashed on his older brother's hair. He leaned down and kissed Adam's forehead.

"I love you, Ad. I don't know what I'd do if..." The emotional young man smiled as Dakota's head lay on his shoulder.

Adam smiled and kissed his brother's hand. "I know, baby boy. I love you too, more than you'll ever know." He chuckled. "This is a bit different, huh."

Mikey nodded and smiled. "It does feel good, protecting you and Jai. It's like I'm able to pay you guys back for all the years of being protected."

Adam raised his eyes and looked at his brother. "Mikey, you never have to pay Jai or me back for anything. We love you and are always gonna look out for you. I've loved you since you were born, baby bro." He chuckled. "Don't get too used to it, kid. I'm gonna be back to my usual protective self."

Mikey giggled. "That's good cause I'll always need my two big strong brothers and Cherokee warrior soulmate to protect me."

Jai, Adam, and Dakota looked at one another and started giggling.

"What's so funny?" Mikey asked in confusion.

"Baby boy, you're always gonna be our sweet, loving, and very ticklish Mikey," Jai smirked, and to prove his point, he lightly tickled the younger man's bare foot, causing him to jerk his leg back and boyishly giggle. "However, like you've been telling us, you don't need our protection anymore. Mikey, you can definitely take care of yourself."

Mikey looked at the other three men and wiped his tears. "I know what I always say, but I never mean it. I'll always need your love and protection, no matter how old I get. You guys make me feel safe." Mikey cried as his mate and older brothers wrapped him up in their arms. He giggled and squirmed when Dakota lightly tickled his sides while placing him in his lap. "Umm, guys, I need to ask something."

"What's on your mind, sweet boy?" Dakota asked.

The half Cherokee nuzzled Mikey's neck. The brunet's squirms and giggles only encouraged him to do it more. Adam smirked and did the same with Jai. It wasn't long before the young men's giggling lightened the atmosphere.

"I'm not sure if I want to continue staying here. After what happened, I'd really feel safer, at least until this unsettling event's behind us." His statement was met with a trio of head nods.

"I didn't want to be the first to admit it, but I feel the same way. At least at home, we'd know if someone came in." Adam offered.

"Besides, I'd like to enjoy the trails around and everything this place has to offer without being crippled," Dakota stated.

"Do you think they'll refund the parents?" Jai asked.

Dakota chuckled. "I'm sure they will. They don't want the bad press."

Adam giggled. "And, if they don't issue a refund, we'll sic my big bad baby brother Mikey on them." His statement got the other three hysterically laughing and giggling.

Mikey smiled. "Umm, I've got another suggestion." He giggled and squealed when Jai and Adam lightly tickled his bare feet and toes.

"What is it this time?" Adam chuckled as he and Jai did the same to Dakota.

"What? We wanted you to know you're our brother, just like Mikey." Jai said when Dakota playfully growled at the younger pair.

"This might be a wild idea, and it's definitely unusual. We're already planning a double wedding next year. Why not do a shared honeymoon here at the Hamilton?"

The trio gasped and turned to look at the youngest of them and get really excited.

"Holy fuckin' shit!!!" Adam said.

"Bro, that's genius." Jai giggled.

"It seems brave Cherokee wise man, choose well fall in love with smart pale face angel boy." Dakota's comment had them all boisterously cackling.

Suddenly, the topic of conversation was the double wedding and honeymoon.

Tony pulled into the hotel's parking lot. The entire way, he had Lance fielding multiple calls to the other parents and the precinct closet to the Hamilton. One of the calls was Sean and Will with more info on Janice's involvement with Steve. Tony and Lance were shocked when Will told them Janice blackmailed a guard into killing Steve. Tony shook his head and muttered something about Janice causing a major upheaval among the city's leaders. As well as the possibility of some very good people losing their hard-earned reputations or even worse, facing jail time because this girl discovered their dirty laundry. Lance jumped out of the car the second it came to a stop and ran inside the hotel.

"Fuck, I gotta get back to the gym," Tony grumbled as he did his best to keep up with his youngest son. He finally caught up to his son at the check-in counter. He showed the man his credentials, and once he got the new room number for the guys, he sent Lance on ahead while he made his way to their old room to get briefed on the situation.

"Bros!" Lance hollered.

The brunet burst through the door and ran to his big brothers. The four older men chuckled as they were bombarded by their excited baby brother. Lance's tears dripped down his cheeks as he embraced the young men on the bed and kissed their cheeks.

"Bro, what are you doing here?" Jai asked. He wrapped his arms around Lance, out of love and in an attempt to calm the rambunctious twenty-year-old down.

"How are my guys?" Tony asked as he walked into the bedroom. He stopped and, despite the circumstances, smiled. The sight of the five young men being affectionate and cuddling with each other warmed the older man's heart.

"Dad/Papa!" The guys greeted almost in unison.

Tony walked over and hugged his sons, even Lance, so he didn't feel left out. The patriarch took a minute to assess the four young men and gaze into their eyes. When everyone got situated on the bed, Adam pouted and looked like a sad, lost puppy because he was the only one with no one holding him.

Tony shook his head and chuckled as he pulled the younger man to his feet, then he sat down, patting his lap. "Is this better? Ya big kid."

Everyone started giggling when Adam smiled and eagerly jumped into Tony's lap. Tony wrapped his arms around Adam and playfully tickled his sides, causing him to squirm and giggle.

Tony got serious and looked at his boys. "When you're ready, we've got some important things to discuss."

"What's up, Papa Tony?" Dakota asked as he cuddled Mikey and smoothed his hair.

"Of course, Abner's been arrested, and according to the prelim investigation, Mikey's shooting was judged righteous."

The five guys breathed a sigh of relief, and they hugged and patted their mate and brother.

"This is harder to talk about." Tony paused. "Abner was recording and live streaming you four since you got here. Every bit of your playtime together, brotherly bonding moments, and intimate time as couples have been uploaded to various sites around the net."

"What are we gonna do?" Adam asked.

"We're already dealing with all the other issues, not to mention the damage at Barefoot," Jai commented.

Mikey stood up and paced back and forth in front of his mate, Papa Tony, and brothers. "We're getting through this as a family. That's what we're gonna do." He said, looking each man in the eyes. "It's how we always deal with things. I'm guessing my shooting's been plastered across the web also."

Tony nodded as he stood up. "Mikey's right. We're gonna support each other through this difficult time. I've been on the phone with the other parents. They're working on a collective statement for the press."

Lance's tears streamed down his face. "I'm glad Mikey and Dakota were here to stop the physical rape." He paused and looked at Mikey. "I just wish someone had stopped Aaron and Trinie from raping you." The twenty-year-old wrapped his arms around his older brother.

Mikey froze, as did the others in the room. He swallowed hard and then gazed into Lance's eyes. "How'd you find out about that?"

"Mikey, what is Lancer talking about? What rape?" Adam asked with a hint of anger for whoever raped Mikey and disappointment in his brother for not telling anyone.

Tony gasped and gently guided the younger man into his lap. His tears fell on Mikey's head as he kissed his son's forehead. "What happened to you, son?"

Mikey kissed Tony and got up to retrieve his laptop. He accessed the drive attached to the computer in his panic room, then opened a folder with a video file and an email. He then crawled onto the bed and hugged the pillow.

Everyone except Mikey gasped as they watched Adam's old roommate Aaron and Trinie getting high on cocaine. The guys watched and listened to the doorbell ring. Trinie opened the door, and a sixteen-year-old Mikey walked inside. He asked if they knew where Adam was, and after being told he was camping, the boy turned to leave. He'd just reached the door when he was grabbed by Aaron, lifted off the ground, and pinned to the floor. Trinie put some lines on the floor, then she and Aaron forced Mikey's nose into the powder and covered his mouth, tickling him to make the teen snort the drugs. Then Aaron and Trinie proceeded to rape Mikey as he kicked and screamed in agony, trying to escape. Trinie gagged the hysterical teen with her panties and raped him a second time. Adam, Jai, and Lance took turns throwing up in the bathroom.

Dakota's tears streamed down his face. He crawled onto the bed and cradled his soulmate. "Baby, it's okay. You're no longer that boy in the video.

Tony's face got red as a beet. He immediately got on the phone and told the person on the other line that there were more people to take down and then hung up after telling them he'd be in touch.

Adam and Jai got on the bed with Dakota. They gently massaged Mikey's feet. The brunet's toes wiggled and curled as he softly giggled despite their efforts to not tickle him. Lance worked his way between Mikey's legs and laid against his brother's chest.

"Why didn't you say anything, bro?" Adam softly asked. He was livid after watching the video. The disappointment with Mikey subsided. Now he just felt guilty for not protecting his brother from those monsters.

"I...They made threats." Mikey's voice quivered as he cried onto Dakota's shoulders.

"Sweetie, you've never caved into threats before. Why their's?" Jai asked.

"They didn't threaten me. Aaron and Trinie threatened the entire family." Mikey paused. "It's all in the email they sent."

Tony opened the message, and his anger boiled as he read the graphic threats against his family. "Fuck!" He growled. "They're done. I'm making sure the two of them are investigated and fired." He turned to look at the emotional young man. "Son, this is not your fault. You didn't ask for any of that."

"Mikey, I wish you'd said something. Do you know who those people are now?" Adam asked.

Mikey shook his head no.

"Aaron's on the unit that investigates sexual abuse of minors, and Trinie is a social worker specializing in traumatized and sexually abused youths," Tony said.

Mikey gasped. "I just hope no one else got hurt because of my cowardice."

Dakota wrapped his arms around his angelic boy. "Babe, I've said it before, and I'll say it as many times as possible. You're not a coward. I don't know how you lived all this time, not talking about the hell you endured." He paused and wiped his and Mikey's tears. "I love you, my sweet, baby boy."

"I love you too, my warrior." Mikey buried his face in Dakota's chest as his brothers surrounded the couple and wrapped them in a group hug.

Tony walked out of the room with his phone glued to his ear. He returned and chuckled when he saw the five young men piled together as they slept. The older man pulled the blanket from the bed, then got the one from the other bedroom, covered his sons, and put pillows under their heads. He leaned down and kissed each one. "Sleep peacefully, my angels. I love you, boys." Tony took one last look and smiled at the heartwarming sight.

Re: A Ticklish Thriller M/M (Chapters 1-5)

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 12:32 pm
by Ticklishguy
14. The Barefoot Photoshoot


TL was at a complete loss for a new target. The disappointment of his last endeavor stayed with the tickling killer. Despite the carjacker's insistence that he wasn't ticklish, TL had no reason to believe him. He'd heard that claim before, and it always proved untrue. Everyone's ticklish, even TL, albeit you had to work hard finding out the secret of his ticklishness, but once you did, he could be tickled into hysterics. However, this guy turned out to be truthful. No matter how hard the man dressed as Skeletor tried, he couldn't get a toe twitch or snicker from his victim. Finally, after an hour of failed attempts, he placed a gas mask over the struggling man's mouth and nose. He opened the valve and watched as the hose filled with nitrous oxide. TL conjured the sounds of his other ticklish victims to work himself up to a climax as he masturbated over the wriggling, dying man.

After dropping the corpse off, TL drove around for quite a while, lost in thought. He tried to think about what he wanted to do for an encore. The man managed to not get caught yet. He didn't want to press his luck too much in this town. However, the most recent kill was a disappointment, and TL felt he had to follow it up with something spectacular. Finally, it came to him. He'd go out with a bang by going after not one but two guys, and he knew who it had to be. He just needed the time to let them be at their best. For this last endeavor, he didn't want to kill the duo. Just tie them down, tickle them, and then leave. The more he schemed, the harder his dick got. The car filled with his moans as he rubbed himself to his climax. TL smiled and licked his lips as he continued driving.

Will, Lance, & Sean

It was just three weeks until Christmas, and classes were winding down for the fall semester. Lance, Will, and Sean were spending a night together before going and spending the holidays with family. Sean got up, went to the kitchen, and returned with three beers. After handing two out to the other men, he sat and opened his own beer.

Lance and Will smirked. Once Sean's beer was on the coffee table, the pair launched a unified tickle attack on their unsuspecting brother from both sides. The living area filled with the half Asian's shrieks and boisterous laughter. His legs pushed against the sofa cushions as he wriggled and tried to escape. Finally, he yelled out a surrender. Will and Lance giggled. They both kissed his cheeks and went back to watching the movie. An hour later, there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Lance asked as he got close to the front door.

"It's Duncan"

Lance smiled and opened the door. "Dunker!!!" The brunet giggled and jumped into the taller, more muscular blonde man in the doorway.

"Hey, little bro." Duncan Marshall giggled and embraced Lance.

"C'mon in. Ya want a beer?" Lance closed the door after the visitor entered and slipped his shoes off.

"Sure, I'd love one. It's been crazy at Barefoot, getting ready for the reopening." Duncan said as he sat down.

The six-foot-two, the twenty-six-year-old blonde smiled and looked at the other two men in the room. Duncan worked doing pr for the bookstore/lounge. The man's eyes instantly found their gaze landing on the three pairs of bare feet, one belonging to Lance. Duncan also hosted an online blog devoted to ticklish guys and their feet. The man smiled and thanked his host as he opened the beer and took a generous swallow. He set the bottle on the coaster and stretched his legs, his size thirteen feet flexed inside the white athletic ankle socks.

"So, what's up, Dunk?" Lance slapped his forehead, causing the others in the room to giggle. "I'm sooo sorry. Duncan, I don't know if you've been introduced yet." Lance paused and placed his hand on Sean's foot. The brunet smirked and tickled the bare sole. "This is Sean." He said between his and Sean's giggles. Lance repeated the action while introducing Will. The two pounced on the introducer and tickled his sides, causing the room to erupt in a symphony of male laughter.

"Nice to meet you two." Duncan smiled and looked Sean up and down. "Umm, especially you, Sean, you're cute." Duncan gasped and shook his head. "Not that you're not cute, Will. You're hot, but I'm not getting a gay vibe from you."

Sean, Will, and Lance laughed and cackled like hyenas.

"Thanks for the compliment, and your straightdar doesn't need adjusting." Will giggled when he saw the expressions of the other men.

"Straightdar?" Duncan asked.

"Sure, isn't that what the gay community has to detect straight people? I just figured since there was gaydar, there's also straightdar." Will's boyish laughter joined in with the others.

"Thanks for the compliment, and you're a hot guy too." Sean blushed and softly giggled.

"He's single too, Dunk, just like you." Lance smiled and yelped as he was pulled into Sean's headlock. Then given a noogie and tickle attack by Will.

Duncan giggled and shook his head at the younger men's antics. "I'm putting together a calendar to sell at the reopening. It's called "The Barefoot Boys" I'd love to have you, Will, and Sean in it." He paused and blushed. "Umm, maybe if you're interested, I'd like to take you out for dinner after the project's finished. Would you be interested, Sean?"

Sean gasped and looked at Will and Lance. Who smiled and nodded their heads. "I'd love to have dinner with you, Duncan."

Duncan smiled and released the breath he was holding. "I'm looking forward to it." The blonde smiled as he and Sean exchanged phone numbers and social media info. "Now, about the calendar. Are you three interested?"

"Are my brother's going to be in it?" Lance asked as he kissed Sean's cheek and playfully ruffled the slightly taller guy's hair.

"Surprisingly, yes, even Dakota."

"Sure, I'll do it." Lance smiled.

"I'm in," Sean stated.

"Count me in," Will said.

"Sweet, I think this is gonna be an amazing product." He paused and looked at Lance. "I'm thinking of having you come in on the same shoot as your brothers. I assume you're okay with that." Duncan giggled.

"Well, you didn't make an ass out of you and me with that assumption." Lance giggled and sat in the bigger man's lap, giving him a hug.

Duncan and the other two guys broke out laughing. "You're definitely Adam, Jai, and Mikey's brother." The blonde shook his head and returned the affection. "I've always been curious about something." He paused. "Why aren't you an owner of Barefoot also?"

"I receive a portion of the revenue, but I'm just not interested in it. I love going in and helping out when needed." Lance went back and sat between Sean and Will.

Duncan finished his beer and started to get up. He walked over to give the three roommates a hug goodbye. Once he bent over, Lance grabbed him and pulled the hulking man down onto their laps. The trio wrapped their arms around the struggling guy on top of them.

"Will, tickle his feet. It's Dunk's main ticklish spot." Lance giggled.

Duncan's Studio

The day of the photoshoot was freezing. However, Duncan made sure his studio's heat was blasting so that his models weren't uncomfortable. The twenty-six-year-old was all smiles and giggles as he set up the camera equipment and backgrounds. He'd chosen some beach scenes and ones that made it look like the guys were in the forest. Duncan's home and studio happened to be two lots down from Mikey's house, which was still being worked on. The blonde photographer was even more excited to have Mikey and Dakota barefoot in his studio. He loved seeing the couple together. Dakota's natural tan skin tone seemed to glow when he was next to Mikey's paler tone. They just looked perfect together.

Duncan had set out coffee, donuts, pastries, and various juices for the guys. He'd just finished taking some test shots when the doorbell rang. The blonde just about skipped to the door because he was so excited.

"Hey, Dunker." Mikey giggled and jumped into the taller man's arms, hugging him. He wriggled and squealed as he got tickled by both Dakota and Duncan at the same time.

Duncan giggled and set the brunet back on his feet. He gasped when Duncan wrapped him in a bear hug and lifted him off the floor. "Damn, you're strong, Kota." He smiled and kissed the couple's cheeks.

"Brave Warrior need much strength to protect little white angel from bad men." Dakota and the other two guys broke out in hysterical laughter from his exaggerated broken speech.

Mikey smirked and kneaded his fingers between Dakota's ribs. The half Cherokee jumped and cackled as he was brought to his knees.

"Brave warrior strength no helpful when tickled." Mikey giggled and ran behind Duncan.

"Nope, I'm not your human tickle shield, little guy." Duncan chuckled and hefted Mikey's squirming body over his shoulder. He and Dakota then tickled the trapped younger man's ribs.

"Get his feet too," Lance said as he entered the studio, giggling.

"We'll help get his shoes and socks off," Adam added as he lifted Lance off the floor. He and Jai tickled their squirming little brother's sides.

The studio echoed with the sound of boisterous male laughter and useless threats. Everyone calmed down and greeted each other with loving hugs. Duncan showed the guys where they'd be working and the backgrounds. He also had some costumes for the five of them to wear. Dakota fell in love with the Eagle's head headdress and matching feathered armbands and loincloth Duncan chose to display Dakota's Cherokee heritage. Mikey squealed when he was shown a less ornate outfit of just a brown leather vest and loincloth and a headband with a single feather in the back. Duncan explained he wanted to have Mikey and Dakota wear the costumes in the same photo. The blonde then told them they were the featured models for the calendar, alongside Will and Sean.

The photoshoot took close to four hours. It might have taken less time if the models weren't so full of mischief and playful. They were having a blast, tickling each other and taking advantage of their exposed ticklish spots being bare. Duncan got a great shot of Adam and Jai pretending to be sunning on the sandy beach with only their speedos covering their tight asses. They posed separately and together. One pose was downright adorable. Adam was pinned facedown on the floor with Jai, straddling his waist and poised to tickle his foot. Lance looked adorable when Duncan got a photo of him on the floor, kicking his bare feet back and forth with a lollipop stick between his lips against the forest background.

One of the most breathtaking shots of the entire shoot was with Mikey and Dakota, back to back, in their Indian costumes. Dakota looked like a Cherokee Indian chief. Once some spray tan had been applied to his skin, Mikey looked like a warrior ready to fight to the death, holding his bow and arrow. Duncan had his models pose in different scenarios and pairings. The studio erupted in laughter when one of the shots had Adam caught in Dakota's headlock and Adam tickling Dakota's side. However, the most endearing pose taken was the five of them, side by side, with Mikey sprawled across their laps. By the end of the day, the models and the photographer were exhausted. Although, they were excited and proud of the photos chosen for the finished project. After Will and Sean did their photo session, December's photo was a group shot containing all seven of the guys.

Re: A Ticklish Thriller M/M (Chapters 1-5)

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 12:32 pm
by Ticklishguy
15. The Housewarming & Release Party

Mikey & Dakota

A few days before the photoshoot, Mikey and Dakota went to the court and had Dakota's name added to the deed. Then a week after the shoot, the house was ready to occupy. They bought new furniture, including a king-sized bed for their renovated and enlarged bedroom. Now that Dakota was living with him, The men changed the home's layout. The pair enlarged their bedroom, closet, and bathroom. They had a concave, with a window built into the living room on the wall facing East. This was where the altar for Dakota's parent's urns was placed. The couple chose a pair of comfortable chairs to sit in when talking to the spirits of his late parents or meditating.

They were in the middle of taking a break when Dakota noticed some boxes that looked like they had artwork in them. "Hey, angel boy."

"What's up, sexy Warrior?" Mikey asked as he pulled Dakota's muscular arms over his shoulders, then kissed and sucked the man's long fingers.

Dakota softly giggled because Mikey's tongue and suckling on his fingers tickled like crazy. "What's in the boxes? I don't remember getting any artwork." The half Indian smirked and launched his own playful attack of sensual tickles. The brunet leaned his head down and to the side. He lightly blew on Mikey's neck, and then he very gently nibbled on the younger man's earlobes.

Mikey's back arched as he sucked in air between his teeth as his soft boyish giggles floated their way up to his mate's ears. "Kooootttttaaaa." The brunet squealed as he slightly wriggled side to side and tried to scrunch his neck, only to get the same treatment on the other side. "It's a surprise for you and our brothers."

Dakota narrowed his eyes and stared into his boy's eyes. "A secret? You couldn't even tell me?" Dakota licked his lips. "Pale face angel boy must reveal great secret. Cherokee warrior knows ways to make little boy talk." Dakota smirked and started lightly wiggling his fingers between Mikey's ribs.

Instantly, the less muscular brunet's squeals filled the newly furnished living space. His attempts to escape proved ineffective as he squirmed and kicked. Mikey’s head thrust back and forth as he bent forward, then side to side. "You're cheating." He managed to screech.

"Tickly pale face adorably cute boy must give in to superior Warrior." Dakota giggled and moved his ticklish assault to the damp armpit hollows.

Mikey's eyes squeezed shut as he clamped his arms down to his sides. Unfortunately, as always happens, he'd now trapped his tickler's devious fingers in his tickled hollows. "Yes! I Give. Uncle! Uncle!" Mikey squealed.

Dakota worked his fingers out of the giggling man's pits and wrapped his arms around Mikey's waist, kissing his boy's head. "So, what's in the boxes."

Mikey continued giggling and panting. "I'm sooo paying you back, Indian boy." He smiled and melted into the loving embrace. "I love you, Dakota Buckingham." He paused. "You're the perfect man for me."

Dakota beamed with pride as he turned the shorter man to the side. He lowered his head and kissed his boy's soft lips. "You're my dream, Mikey Dante." The half Indian chuckled, wrapped his arm around the younger man's neck, and slightly squeezed. He smirked and poised his other hand close enough to Mikey's side to make his mate squirm and nervously giggle. "Cute angel boy trickster, try to confuse wise brave Indian."

Mikey boyishly giggled and buried his face in the muscular warm chest of his soulmate. "I really can't tell you, babe. See then, the bros can't tickle any info outta you."

Dakota released his hold on Mikey and kissed his boy's neck. "And, how is it they don't do the same thing to you?"

Mikey smiled like the angelic being he was. "They know better. The last time they did that, it didn't end well. I lost a friend when Lance accidentally blurted the secret out to the person it was about." He paused. "I sparred with all three brothers that night and beat their asses. That's when we made a pact to not actually tickle anything important outta each other." He giggled. "You don't have that pact with them, so you'd be fair game."

Dakota threw his head back and laughed heartily. "Damn, I love this family."

Mikey nodded and was about to stand up when his phone rang. "Hey, Dunker. What's up?"

"Hey, bro. The calendars are finished, and I'd like to throw a launch party this weekend."

"That's awesome, and we can have it here. The work's finished on our house, and Kota and I will have everything set up and decorated. We'll be ready for a housewarming and release party by, I'd say, Saturday night."

"That's perfect." I'll have the calendars printed and ready by then. I'll also be launching the sale on my blog." Duncan paused. "I'm planning to donate the proceeds to charity, with a portion going to the charities you guys support."

Mikey shot up like a rocket. "Are you serious? That's amazing." He squealed. His reaction had Dakota doubled over laughing. Mikey and Duncan worked out the final details and ended the call. The brunet was about to get back to work when his and Dakota's stomachs started growling.

"I'll go order us some dinner." Dakota smiled and kissed Mikey's warm, soft lips. "I love you, my sweet angel boy." He hugged the shorter man and lifted him off the floor.

"I love you too, my gorgeous Cherokee." Mikey giggled as he wrapped his arms and legs around the muscular man's waist and neck. "Be safe, my warrior," Mikey said when he was back on his feet.

"I will, love. Don't forget to lock up, just in case." Dakota smiled, grabbed his keys off the hook by the garage door, and locked the door on his way out.

Mikey walked to the front door, locked it, and went back to set things up. While working, the brunet sent out a mass text to the family, including Sean, and Will, informing them about the combined release and housewarming party. After getting everyone's response saying they were excited and would be there, the brunet returned to unpacking boxes.

Mikey sat in front of the altar and lit a votive candle. He sighed and wiped his eyes. Even though he'd never, to his knowledge, met his soulmate's parents, the brunet felt like they were family and watching over him, just as they did with Dakota. "Hey, Mr. and Mrs. Buckingham. I'm sorry for not introducing myself beforehand. However, if you're watching over us like I believe you are, then you know there hasn't been time for that. It's been really hectic between crazy people trying to kill us." He paused and chuckled. "I promise to do better in the future at not getting your baby Kota shot." Mikey had to stop and wipe his tears.

Dakota returned with Chinese. He was about to announce his presence but stopped when he heard Mikey talking. The half Irishman set the food on the counter, and he silently stood by the doorway and watched his boyfriend chatting with his parents.

"I hope it's okay if I call you Mama and Papa. I feel like that brings us closer and that I've got another set of parents to turn to with my problems or if I just need comforting. I truly hope that you both feel welcome and loved in this house. I will always do my best to make my future husband's parents feel at home. It doesn't matter to me that you're spirits. You still have the right to feel respected and loved."

Dakota had to lean against the wall. If he didn't, he'd be on the floor, crying. This beautiful man was sitting down and talking to his dead parents. Tears streamed down his face as he heard Mikey call him his future husband.

"Please know I'll always be glad and comforted to feel your presence in our loving home. I love you and am grateful that you gave birth to and raised my soulmate as well as you did. My only regret is that I never got to meet your flesh vessels. However, I look forward to getting to know you through Kota's memory and pictures." Mikey paused and chuckled. "Just try not to visit when we're sharing intimate time in bed together. I'm not sure if Kota could handle his parents spying on him." Mikey paused and smirked as he raised his voice. "Like he's been doing." The giggling brunet blew out the candle and turned to face his flabbergasted lover.

Dakota rushed over to his mate and wrapped his arms around Mikey. "I wasn't really eavesdropping or spying on you, love. I couldn't disrupt your time with Mom and Dad." Dakota had to stop and wipe his tears as he sobbed on Mikey's shoulder.

Mikey gasped at the complete vulnerability Dakota was displaying. "Shh! It's okay, my strong warrior." He lovingly stroked the taller man's hair and led them to the chair in front of his parent's urns. "Did something happen, babe?"

Dakota smiled and nodded. "When I came home, you were talking with Mom and Dad. I was so moved by your words to them, and I know they were from your heart and soul. Mikey, no one's ever done that. You've invited the love my parents possessed into this home and embraced it." Dakota softly chuckled. "You even joked with them. While you were talking with Mom and Dad, their spirits spoke to me."

Mikey's thoughts raced, wondering how they reacted. "And?"

The half Cherokee smiled and lovingly placed his hand on his mate's shoulder. "They wanted me to tell you..." Dakota sighed. "Pale face boy make parent spirits proud to call him son." He giggled. "Mom said that we haven't got or are doing anything she hasn't seen or done. Also, she'd avert her eyes if they visit during our lovemaking." The pair's snickers gave way to boisterous cackles and laughter. Dakota passionately kissed Mikey. "I know, in my soul, you'll always be the light and living love in my entire being."

Mikey couldn't speak as he listened to Dakota's words that came from the very depth of his entire being. The only thing he could do was wrap his arms around the man and join his hands with his mates. The brunet gasped because he could feel the love and energy flowing back and forth between them.

Dakota smiled. "By the way, how'd you know I was there?"

Mikey giggled and pointed to his nose. "Great Cherokee Warrior should never hunt with Chinese food."

Dakota opened his mouth to say something. All that came out were wild cackles.

Saturday Before The Party

Saturday morning, the sky was a brilliant canvas displaying the dawn's expert painting techniques. Soft pinks and oranges blended with the gentle golden rays of the rising sun. The grass sparkled and shimmered, covered by the morning dew. Mikey and Dakota stood side by side, stretching and getting ready for an invigorating morning run. The couple smiled at one another and took off along one of Mikey's favorite trails. The brunets were pleasantly surprised when they were joined by Sean and Duncan, who were out for a morning jog. It soon turned into a race to see who was fastest. Mikey ended up the winner, with Dakota a close second. The boyfriends giggled as they waited for their running mates to catch up... about three minutes later. The four young men shared a sweaty group hug, followed by a quick tickle fight. Well, Mikey and Sean enjoyed being tickled. While their mates had fun tickling them.

The rest of the day was spent making sure everything was ready for the combined party that evening. Dakota was given a list of things needed from a couple of stores. While his mate was gone, Mikey unboxed the artwork and hung them in the three bedrooms, then closed the door. The brunet gigged as he placed a sign on his brother's bedroom doors that said, "Do Not Open Till It's Time." He hung a sheet over the painting in the bedroom he and Dakota shared. Mikey made sure the caterers were on track for the evening's party, and after ending the call, he flopped facedown on the bed. The brunet's eyes closed as he relaxed.

Dakota walked into the room and gasped as he saw his angel dressed in only his adorable Smurfs briefs, bathed in a shaft of sunlight. The taller brunet licked his lips and gently caressed Mikey's soft creamy skin. He softly giggled as his mate sighed and sunk further into the mattress. Straddling Mikey's waist, Dakota smiled and laid down on his boy's legs.

Mikey's face brightened when he saw his love's bare feet on either side of his head. Gently his fingers caressed and lightly tickled the half Indian's toes as he kissed and licked along the side of each foot. He squirmed and giggled when Dakota's warm moist tongue slid along the base of his toes and the ball of his quivering feet. His toes slightly scrunched and flexed as his mate's lips wrapped around each plump digit.

Dakota slowly licked up and down the length of Mikey's bare soles. He turned around and rolled the toned boy on his back. He lovingly caressed the soft cheeks as he leaned down and shared a long, passionate kiss with the man who'd captured the half Cherokee's heart and soul. Their tongues danced together as the men's fingers massaged and pressed into warmed skin. Mikey's slender feet caressed and lightly grazed Dakota's size twelve velvet-like soles, causing both men to softly moan and writhe in pleasured ecstasy. The couple smiled and giggled boyishly as they sensually tickled and caressed themselves to a synched climax. Soft whispered I love you's and deeply felt feelings were conveyed between their giggling as they recovered.

Housewarming/Release Party

Mikey and Dakota were busy with preparations and barely got dressed in time for everyone's arrival. Mikey wore a light button-down mint green long-sleeved shirt with a silvery light green necktie and skin-tight black slacks. Dakota's long-sleeved white silk shirt was almost see-through. His turquoise beaded choker had a silver feather hanging from the center. A pair of ass-hugging black jeans completed the outfit.

Duncan and Sean were the first to arrive. The young men shared a loving embrace with the homeowners. The house came alive as the family and most of the staff from Barefoot arrived. Mikey and Dakota were on hand to greet them with a hug and a glass of White Zinfandel. Bryan looked classically handsome in the tailored black button-down shirt and black pants with a white necktie. Max was as handsomely dressed as Bryan in his white shirt and white pants with a black necktie. The proud couple smiled brightly and gave their sons bear hugs and kisses on the cheek. Mikey giggled when both his dads lifted him off the floor while hugging him.

Pam and Tony entered immediately after the other two parents. Tony wore a white shirt with black pants and a white and black checkered necktie. He called Max and Bryan so the dads could have coordinating outfits. The Knight matriarch turned heads in her strapless sapphire dress, accentuated by matching teardrop earrings and silver chain necklace. She was beaming with pride and wrapped her arms around the two young men. "You two men look like models, just like all my boys."

"Us, look at you, Mama Pam." Dakota gushed and let the love from his second Mom fill his entire being.

Tony bear-hugged Mikey. Like Max and Bryan, he lifted the younger man off the floor. He chuckled when the second youngest of his kids laid his head on his shoulder. "I love you and Kota very much, Kiddo." He set the brunet down and hugged Dakota.

"We love you and Mama Pam too, Dad." Mikey smiled and handed his second set of parents each a glass of wine.

Adam, Jai, and Lance came in together. Adam and Jai lifted their younger brother off his feet, hugging him. Dakota chuckled as Adam tried lifting him. The farthest the younger brunet got was getting his brother's heels off the floor. Adam almost glowed in his golden shirt and silver pants. Jai shimmered in his silver shirt and golden pants. Lance was handsomely dressed in his burgundy shirt and black slim-fit pants.

Mikey took his brothers and future husband aside. "I'd like to show you guys somethings I had created for four of the most important men in my life." The brunet led the others upstairs and stopped in front of Lance's room door. He joined their giggles when his brothers saw the signs on the doors. Mikey held up his hand and opened the door. "Lance, this is your room."

Lance turned the light on and gasped as his hand flew to his mouth. His brothers were in a similar state of awe. Mikey turned a switch above the headboard, and the painting was illuminated by small spotlights over it. It showed Lance in just his blue jeans and barefoot. He stood by the window in Duncan's living room, looking out at the lake. The winter sunlight bathed him in a brilliant light. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he wrapped his arms around his brother. "I...I can't even describe how I'm feeling about this amazing gift. Mikey, you're..." Lance couldn't continue because his emotions got the best of him.

"I love you, little brother." Mikey smiled and kissed Lance's head. Then he led the men to the next room. "Jai, Adam, this is your room."

The couple opened the door and had the same speechlessness as their brother. Above their bed was a painting of them sitting, looking at the fireplace. Their arms were around each other's waist, and their heads leaned on their shoulders. The couple hugged Mikey from both sides. "It's gorgeous, baby bro."

Mikey smiled and kissed both his brother's cheeks. "There's one more to see." He paused and looked at Dakota. "You ready, big Warrior?"

Mikey chuckled when Dakota eagerly nodded and smiled. The shorter brunet squealed and giggled when he was hefted over his boyfriend's shoulder and carried off to their room. Dakota opened the door and eagerly waited to see what his boy had done. Mikey smiled and turned on the spotlight over the painting.

"Dakota, my brave Cherokee warrior, I hope you love this as much as I loved having it created." Mikey pulled the sheet off and held his breath.

The four men's jaws dropped when they saw the splendorous piece of artwork. Dakota dressed in his Indian costume. His arms crossed over his chest, standing back to back, with Mikey, in his costume, holding his bow and the arrow against the forest background. Mikey gasped when he was lifted off the ground in an almost bone-crushing hug. Tears streamed down the men's cheeks as they shared an emotional group hug. Suddenly, a scream from downstairs grabbed their attention, and the five of them went running to the source of the commotion. Janice, wearing a caterer's uniform, had a sharp knife pressed against Will's throat.

"Janice, what the fuck are you doing? Please, put the knife down." Lance pleaded, hoping to get through to her.

"Back off, all of you. I'll end this pathetic bitch's life right here and get blood on your nice, new flooring." Janice sneered.

The deranged woman had a clear path behind her and started backing up towards the door, dragging her hostage along. Will reached up, pulled Janice's arm away from his neck and slammed his foot down on hers. The blonde screeched, she dropped the knife, and started to lunge at Will. Pam got close enough to the socialite and quickly grabbed the girl's arm, swung her around, then let go. Janice stumbled into the wall. Will took the opportunity and ran into Mikey's arms.

Janice faced Pam. "You fucking whore." She pulled back and aimed her fist at the older woman's face, but Pam stopped the punch and landed hers on Janice's jaw, knocking the woman to the floor. The socialite tried to get up but was restrained by Max and Bryan and was cuffed with Dakota's handcuffs.

Pam walked up to the shrieking girl and slapped her so hard that Janice's head was flung to the side. "Don't ever touch one of my boys again. You're lucky I don't have my Glock, or I'd put a bullet in your skank ass." The matriarch walked away without a hair out of place, a broken nail, or her makeup smudged.

"Way to go, Will and Mom." Mikey giggled as he hugged his Mom and newest brother.

Tony called one of his men patrolling the property and had them cart Janice off to jail. "Pam, you know I'm not supposed to let that happen."

"Sweetie, just pretend you didn't see a thing. I'm sure that no one in this room will say any different." Pam giggled.

"How much sex will you withhold if I don't?" Tony smirked.

"Tony, darling, it'd be Mother's Day before you'd even see this sexy naked ass of mine. With all the rooms empty in our house, we'd have separate beds." The matriarch sighed, walked over, and mingled with the guests as her boys watched with their mouths open.

Duncan got everyone's attention. He announced the official release of the calendar and handed out free copies to everyone there. Mikey and Lance gasped. The cover photo was of them lying on their backs on Duncan's bed. The two of them had their heads leaning against each other's shoulders. Their bare feet were entwined, and each one had a lollipop stick hanging from his lips. Mikey wore Scooby-Doo underwear. Lance, Superman emblem decorated underwear with a giant "S" emblem on the clothing's opening.

February, had a picture of Mikey dressed as cupid. July's photo was of Mikey, Dakota, Adam, Jai, and Lance in Duncan's indoor pool. Dakota had Mikey on his shoulders as he tickled the shorter brunet's bare feet. Adam, Jai, and Lance were also in the shot, engaged in a splash war. June showed Will and Sean against the beach backdrop, tossing a beach ball back and forth. August's scene was the seven models having a volleyball game in the pool. The back cover was the seven guys with arms over one another's shoulders. However, the most endearing and adorable photo was December's picture. It showed all the guys dressed in matching green pajamas decorated with candy canes. They were sitting in front of the fireplace with stockings hung on the mantle. A decorated and lit tree was in the corner. Duncan was reading to the models. Finally, everyone was ready to leave. A little while later, the only ones left in the house were Adam, Jai, Lance, Mikey, and Dakota.

Adam got his brother's attention and raised his glass. "Here's to one hell of a successful party." He paused and joined in the celebratory cheers, then continued. "Also, I'd like to toast my brothers and mate. We've been through hell and came out mostly unscathed and closer to each other than ever. We're a brotherhood of love and fellowship. I love every one of you more than I could ever express with words. Also, here's to Mikey and Dakota. May this home be filled with your undying love, lots of family gatherings, and eventually some kids."

Re: A Ticklish Thriller M/M (Chapters 1-5)

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 12:33 pm
by Ticklishguy
16. Almost Christmas

It was four days until Christmas Eve, and Mikey was in the grocery store, spending enough money to make people twice his age have a stroke. However, it was all needed for the annual brother's Christmas Eve gathering and the Family get-together on Christmas Day. This year, both were at his and Dakota's house. The brunet softly hummed as he walked to his forest green Nineteen-Ninety-Seven Ford Explorer. Mikey found the truck at a police auction in almost new condition. Once the weather got colder, the twenty-two-year-old let his corvette rest until the warmer weather returned. He finished loading the food into the back of the vehicle, then placed the cart into one of the corrals, got into his Explorer, and headed home. While he was at a stoplight, Mikey's phone started ringing. He smiled when he saw his Dad, Bryan's name, on the caller id. "Hey, Daddy."

"Hey, Mikey, how's it going?"

"I'm great, on the way home from the store. I've just about gotten all the food I needed."

"You're not holding the phone while driving, are you?"

Mikey chuckled as he turned onto the ramp for the interstate. "Of course not, Daddy. I'm being a good little boy." The brunet giggled as the older man's laughter joined with his. "So, is this just an I miss my baby boy call?"

"Sort of, it's also an I've got a proposal for you call." Bryan excused himself momentarily to thank the courier.

"A proposal? Sounds interesting." Mikey made sure no one was behind him as he merged onto the exit ramp, five minutes from his home.

"I don't know if I mentioned it with everything that's been happening, but I'm at the end of my term on the council. I've got to start looking into the person I'm endorsing to take over my spot."

Mikey carefully pulled into an abandoned service station's lot and parked the Explorer so he could give Bryan his full attention. "Daddy, I've just pulled off at the old gas station. What's this all about?"

"I want you to run for city council. I think you've got the political clout to pull this off. I know you're on the young side, but you're old enough, not to mention you've got the perfect platform. You're all about literacy and education. Also, you're one of the biggest hearted people I know. You'd make an amazing councilman."

Mikey was glad he'd pulled off the road cause he dropped his phone out of surprise and shock. He reached down and picked the device back up. "Daddy, I'm not sure I'd even want to do that." The brunet paused. "What about Barefoot, my job at the library, and all of my charity work?"

"I'm aware of everything you do, and that's why I thought of you first. You're an almost perfect candidate. You were adamant that the officer who gave you the speeding ticket when you got your corvette did his job. Anyone else in your position would've thrown names and relationships around to get out of it. Not only that, but you then went and held the judge to his oath and asked for what was fair. I've never seen anyone your age or older who's done that. Mikey, your brothers, they look up to you and consider you a moral compass."

Mikey closed his eyes and thought a moment. "I'm not giving you an answer yet. I need to talk with Kota and my brothers before deciding either way."

"Of course, I'd expect nothing less from you, son. You've always made the entire family very proud of you, Mikey. I love you, baby boy."

"Thank you, Dad. Our four parents have been the perfect role models. I love you too, Daddy." Mikey ended the call with Bryan and sat in contemplative silence for a few minutes. Finally, he was ready to finish the drive home.

The brunet pulled into the garage, shut off the truck, and closed the automatic door. After opening the passenger's side back door, he put the extra frozen items in the second freezer. Next, Mikey brought in the turkey and the packs of chicken for Christmas Eve. The brunet started making a list of the snacks, drinks, and the other various items he needed to buy for the family gatherings. Because Sean's parents finally came to terms with his sexuality, he and Duncan decided to split the holiday between their two families. Usually, Sean would be at Mikey's for Christmas. Will was already out of state with his family. Mikey was looking forward to sharing the tradition with his soulmate. A smile came across his face as he thought about Dakota while putting everything away.

He poured a glass of merlot and got a plate. Mikey put some crackers and sliced cheese on it, then set them on the side table. He walked over to the altar with his mate's parent's urns on it, lit a candle, and sat in the chair facing them. "Hey, Mama and Papa. I just wanted to sit and have some quiet time with you guys. Thank you again for sending my brave warrior to me. I love Kota more than I could ever verbally express." Mikey paused and wiped his falling tears. "I wish you two were physically here so I could actually embrace you guys. My Daddy Bryan asked me to run for his place on the city council. He made some good points and arguments for why I should run. It would be a great learning experience, but I've got a lot that I do already. Well, I'm kinda hungry, so I'll chat again later. Thanks for listening, and I do know you both are listening. I can feel it in my heart. You've helped to bless this house and relationship. I can never thank you enough, Mom and Dad." Mikey leaned over and kissed the top of the urns. "I love you both." He lightly blew the candle out, then went to eat his snack and sip his wine.

Dakota stopped by Barefoot's building after his shift. He called Adam and Jai when he pulled into the parking lot, letting them know he was outside. The half Cherokee got out of his SUV and walked up the stairs to the penthouse's door. "Hey!" He called from the doorway.

"Kota, come on in." Jai smiled and boyishly giggled as he was given a bear hug that lifted him off the floor. The brunet laid his head on the older man's shoulder and wrapped his arms and legs around the half Indian's neck and waist.

Dakota chuckled and kissed Jai's cheek, then let him down. He was about to ask where Adam was when he was tackled facedown on the floor. His boisterous laughter and screeches filled the penthouse as his other brother tickled his sides and into his pits. "Addddaaaammmmm" He squealed as his fists and legs kicked and pounded the floor.

Adam giggled and ceased his playful attack. He wrapped his arms around Dakota, hugging and kissing him. "Hi!" The brunet chuckled, got to his feet, and extended his arm to help the older man to his feet. Adam yelped and wriggled in Dakota's arms when he got pulled into his brother's lap. Adam's screeching laughter rang through the room as his armpit hollows were tickle attacked. After a minute of playtime, he squealed out his surrender.

Dakota giggled and wrapped his arms around the younger brother as he kissed and hugged him. "How are you two?"

Jai chuckled and shook his head at the two men as he helped them off the floor. "We're good, Kota."

The trio shared another hug, and Adam brought three beers handing one to his older brother. After clinking bottles, the young men sipped their drinks and relaxed. "Dakota, how happy are you with police work?" Adam asked.

Dakota sat his beer on the coaster and picked off a piece of lint from his sock-clad big toe. "It's not what I ever thought it would be, but I like it, for the most part. Why are you asking?"

Adam and Jai looked at one another, and they held hands. "We haven't told Mikey this yet, but Ty's leaving at the end of this month." Jai leaned his head on Adam's shoulder.

Dakota's eyes widened. "Wow! That's sudden. What's up?"

"His Dad died years ago, and it's just been his Mom living back in his home state. Earlier this week, he got a call informing him that she's got cancer." Adam wiped his tears and kissed Jai's cheek.

"Fuck!" Dakota got up to sit beside Adam and cuddled him with Jai on the other side.

"He's moved back home, for the most part. He's coming back after Christmas to work the reopening and try to help us find someone." Jai stated after sipping his beer. "Lance came up with the idea of asking you to be our head security guy."

Dakota's jaw dropped as he gazed into his younger brother's eyes. "Me?"

Adam and Jai were doubled over in laughter at the older man's reaction. "Yes, you. You'd be perfect. You've got experience on the force, you're our brother and Mikey's soulmate, we know you'd train your team right, and you'd kick some serious ass if anyone tried anything with anyone at Barefoot." Adam hugged Dakota as Jai sat on his lap and laid his head on the Cherokee man’s shoulder.

Dakota smiled and kissed the younger men's cheeks. "I guess you've gotten used to having an older brother, huh, Ad?"

Adam smiled and nodded with his head on the Indian's shoulder. "Yeah, you're a keeper, and most importantly, you've made my brother the happiest I've ever seen him." He giggled and squirmed when Dakota's fingers lightly kneaded his ribs.

"I'll have to talk with my angel boy before giving you an answer."

"Definitely, trust me, you don't want to face the wrath of Mikey's pout if you make a decision like that without his input." Adam's statement caused the men's boisterous laughter.

"So, what's the brother's gathering for Christmas Eve? Am I gonna have to be dressed up?" Dakota asked as he finished his beer.

"Yes, a fluorescent pink Tootoo and neon stiletto six-inch heels are required," Jai stated with a momentary straight face before the three men started laughing like hyenas. The youngest brunet squealed as he was pulled across his brother's and future husband's laps. His squeals became high-pitched laughter as Adam tickled his armpits and blew raspberries on his exposed stomach, and Dakota slipped his ankle socks off, tickling his soft bare soles. After everyone calmed down, the trio was again enjoying cuddling each other. Dakota smiled and let himself get lost in the happiness he felt about not being an only child anymore. Adam and Jai seemed to pick up on the older man's feelings and kissed his cheeks.

"Are you nervous about Christmas Eve, Kota?" Adam asked as he gently massaged his brother's shoulders.

"Not really nervous, maybe a little unsure of what happens." Dakota loved the gentle massage. He slightly jumped when he felt Jai, giving his sock-clad feet the same attention Adam gave his shoulders. "Damn, you're both awesome at that." The half-Irishman complimented.

Adam and Jai giggled and continued helping Dakota relax. The couple did their best not to tickle the big guy this time. "It's all fun and games," Adam assured his brother.

"Yeah, we don't do anything different except Mikey cooks his ass off. We have playful wrestling and sparring matches with each other. Have food fights and pillow fights. If it's snowing, we have snowball fights. We enjoy cuddling, ticklish fun, and strengthening our bond as brothers." Jai added.

That's awesome and sounds fun." Dakota giggled and squirmed when Adam tickled his sides, and Jai got his feet.

"We usually make it a two or three-day event, depending on our schedules and when Christmas Eve is. I think this year, we're making it three days. Lance is usually the first one to get there. He does a lot to help Mikey get ready." Adam said.

Dakota smiled. "Sounds like I'm gonna have a good workout over the holiday. Which will burn off a lot of calories." The men shared another hug and kiss before Dakota left to head home to his lover.

Mikey was outside stringing more lights when he heard the alarm at the end of his driveway, letting him know someone was driving up. He smiled and got excited, thinking it was his mate coming home. The smile changed to one of wonderment at who drove up and was parking. Mikey slipped inside the window, opened the top drawer of his bedside table, retrieved his Glock 17, then the brunet grabbed his shoulder holster and holstered the weapon before going downstairs.

The doorbell rang right as Mikey reached the bottom of the stairs. "Yes, who is it?"

"My name is Crandle Dyson. I'm with the Times-Dispatch. I was wondering if I could speak with Mikey Carter."

Mikey opened the door, making sure the man saw he was armed. "I'm Mikey Carter, and if you're truly from the Times, then you should know I don't give unscheduled interviews, and certainly not from my home. You also passed at least five no trespassing signs, easily seen and posted on both sides of the driveway." The alarm sounded, interrupting Mikey's interaction with the reporter. "Now, you have two choices. One, you can leave and don't come back." Mikey paused when he saw Dakota's Cherokee park and his lover getting out of the car.

Crandle was clearly thrown off his game and having trouble regaining his ground. The seasoned reporter was not used to this kind of no-nonsense welcome. He realized he'd definitely underestimated his subject. "What's the second option?"

"You get arrested by Officer Buckingham, Crandle Dyson." Mikey smiled.

The gray-haired man let loose with a gut-busting cackle. "Look, kid, I'll be gone before this...Officer Whathisname even gets on the road. So, unless you want to be vilified in print, you might as well give me an exclusive. I know who your family is. You don't want to see both of your Dad's names or your name dragged through the mud, do you? A story can go either way. If you cooperate, you and your family will come out at the end smelling like roses. Fail to do so, and I will paint you guys in the worst possible light. Your choice."

"I've heard enough. Crandle Dyson, you're under arrest for trespassing and extortion." Crandle's smirk changed to an expression of disbelief as his arms were pulled behind his back and cuffs were placed on his wrists. Dakota proceeded to read the stunned man his rights as he put him in the backseat of the Cherokee. "This is Officer Buckingham. I need a squad car at…"

"This will never stand up in court. I'll fry your entire family in print, Carter."

Mikey just shook his head. "You've been given the right to remain silent. I suggest you take it because everything has been recorded visually and audibly by my security cameras. The security camera signs are beside the no trespassing signs."

Crandle finally heeded the read rights and shut up as they waited for the squad car, which arrived ten minutes later. The reporter was moved to the cruiser as Mikey and Dakota thanked the officers for responding quickly. Once they were alone, the smaller, brunet boyishly giggled and squealed when his mate bear-hugged him, lifted him off the ground, and threw him over the broad shoulder.

"What trouble did you get into this afternoon? I'm starting to wonder if I can ever leave you alone, my sweet a chuja."

"Kota-Bear, I've been just an innocent happy Mikey-Pup today." Mikey giggled and squirmed as his ass was playfully smacked. "Hey, that's police brutality." The brunet's legs kicked, and his high-pitched squeals sliced through the afternoon air when Dakota's fingers kneaded the trapped man's inner thighs.

The half-Indian giggled. "And, that's a police tickle tactic." Dakota carried his mate inside and closed the door.

As soon as Mikey was on his feet, the playful brunet jumped back into his man's arms and kissed him. "I missed you, babe."

"I missed you too, my beautiful angel."

"I've gotten a proposal." The couple said in unison before falling prey to boisterous laughter.

"You first, brave warrior." Mikey poured two glasses of wine and handed one to Dakota. Over the next thirty minutes, the men sat beside each other, sharing the proposals and ticklish foot massages.

That night, Dakota and Mikey lay head to foot on the bed. The younger brunet's toes twitched while his soft bare feet wriggled. His light giggles wafted through the bedroom as his mate's tongue licked across the bases of his toes and slipped along each crevice between them. Mikey's cock was hard and dripping precum. Dakota was in the same soft, giggly aroused state as his younger soulmate. The older man locked eyes with his bedmate and licked his lips as Mikey nodded. Dakota reached over he pulled a condom and tube of KY from the bedside table drawer. The half-Cherokee applied a generous amount of lube to his hot wet ass, then after slipping the rubber on his mate, he coated Mikey's perfectly sized and protected cock with gel. The men positioned themselves with Mikey on top. After some passionate kisses and slowly working their bodies into each other, they settled into a comfortable rhythm as the room filled with the pleasured moans and encouraging words about their being the perfect lover.

Lance pulled up to Mikey's house before sunrise and parked in the garage. "This should be fun." The giggling brunet thought to himself as he quietly entered the house and entered his code into the alarm system. The twenty-year-old slipped his shoes off at the kitchen door, and his sock-clad feet padded up the stairs. Lance put his ear up to the bedroom door and stifled his giggling as he silently entered the room. Lance tiptoed over to the bed, then, without any warning, he roared and jumped onto the bed. The jovial brunet started giggling as he got tangled up in the bedsheets. It was then he realized the bed was empty.

"Get 'em!" Mikey shouted as he and Dakota jumped out from the closet and pinned the younger brunet to the bed.

"Shit!" Lance screeched before drowning in a sea of hysterical laughter as his older brothers wrestled with him. "Fuck! Kota, not my toes." Lance squealed as his socks were removed and the eldest of the trio's fingers tickled the cackling brunet's toes and bases.

"Good morning, baby bro." Mikey giggled as he tickled Lance's armpits while blowing raspberries on his stomach and cuddling his brother.

"How'd you guys..." Lance asked between his giggles and panting after the two ticklers gave him a break and cuddled him.

"We were already up. Mikey heard the ding, and then he saw your headlights." Dakota said. He hefted the youngest brother into his lap, kissing his forehead and laying his head on Lance's shoulder.

"Well, I was right." Lance giggled and kissed his brothers.

"About what, baby boy?" Mikey asked as he massaged both Lance's and Dakota's feet.

"I told myself this would be fun, and it was."

Re: A Ticklish Thriller M/M (Chapters 1-5)

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 12:34 pm
by Ticklishguy
17. Strengthening The Bond

The Lake House

After putting his things in his room, Lance donned a sweatshirt, sweat pants, and dark blue sneakers decorated with silver snowflakes. He then joined his older brothers downstairs in the kitchen. Mikey was in a light blue jogging suit, with his body camera charged and ready for use. Dakota wore a pair of grey jogging shorts and a Bugs Bunny tee shirt.

Lance walked up to the older pair, quickly kneaded his fingers between each man's ribcage, and said, "You boys ready to get your old asses kicked?"

Mikey and Dakota jumped, and their bodies wriggled as they rapidly tried to dislodge the younger tickler's ten digits from their ticklish spots. The trio's elder's robust laughter mixed and mingled with the younger men's slightly higher-pitched tones.

"Oh, you're sooo going down, baby bro," Mikey said with a playful growl. His eyes fixed on his giggling brother.

Lance rolled his eyes and blew a raspberry at the other two brunets. "Yeah, yeah, whatever, big bro. Don't choke on the snow I kick in your face when you watch my sexy ass fly past ya."

The young taunter yelped and squirmed when Dakota's muscled arms wrapped around his waist, lifted him off the floor, and threw him over his shoulder.

"Hey, ya big ape, put me down," the twenty-year-old childishly squealed as his fists playfully pounded the older man's back, and his legs kicked against the broad chest.

"Pale face boy speak big for one so little," Dakota said. The half-Cherokee chuckled as he and Mikey tickled Lance's bucking sides and behind his knees.

The house was filled with tickle-induced squeals and laughter from the trapped young man.

Mikey giggled and said, "Pale face little brother need reminding of his ticklish situation." The younger of the tickling duo moved his tickle attack to the helpless prey's armpit hollows and blew raspberries on his neck.

Lance was momentarily incapable of coherent speech. All that came from his open mouth was lost in the hysterical cackles. Finally, Mikey and Dakota took pity on their brother and ceased the playful attack. Lance's giggles continued to flow as he panted. He was gently placed on the kitchen island's counter. Dakota firmly rubbed his back and shoulders while Mikey got him a cold bottled water. His brothers ensured he didn't choke as he sipped from the plastic spout. When he calmed down, Lance looked at his older brothers, smiled, then hugged and kissed them.

"That was freakin' fun as fuckin' hell," the brunet excitedly exclaimed.

"Lancelot Arthur Knight, language," Mikey stated in a mock stern tone as he shook his index finger at his giggly brother.

"Damn, I fuckin' LOVE this family," Dakota said as he wrapped the younger men in a hug and kissed their cheeks.

"Language," Mikey and Lance said in unison as they returned the affection. The boisterous trio continued their playful banter and taunting as they left the house for their run.

For all his jovial boasting and hijinx, Lance finished in second place. Mikey was first, with Dakota finishing a second or two after his younger brother. The young men walked inside the house, stripped down to their underwear, and barefoot, they walked upstairs, where the trio shared a fun and ticklish shower.

An hour and a half later, Mikey was in the kitchen, fixing breakfast. Once the biscuits were in the oven and the timer was set, he stood against the doorway and smiled. Lance and Dakota were on the sofa, watching the news. The younger of the pair lay in the fetal position with his head in his older brother's lap. Mikey wiped the tears from his eyes, then quickly pulled his phone from his pocket and snapped some pictures, which he sent to the family. Not wanting to disturb his mate and brother's bonding time, he returned to the kitchen to finish making their food.

Lance turned his head, looked at the older man, and said, "I can see why Mikey always feels so safe with you. You've got this strong, love-filled protective feeling that radiates from your body."

Dakota smiled as he looked down at Lance and lightly stroked his hair. "As long as I'm able, I'll always be here to love and protect my sweet angel boy and my brothers.

Lance leaned his head up and kissed Dakota's chin. "Thank you, Kota. I hope you know that's a two-way street. We'll always be here for you, no matter what. You're the perfect addition to our family," he said.

"That means a lot, baby brother," Dakota said, with tears in his eyes.

Lance could feel a tinge of sadness mingling with the happiness in the room. He closed his eyes and gently clasped Dakota's hands. "You've never really talked about anyone in your family other than your parents," he softly said. "Is there a reason why?"

Tears welled in his eyes as Dakota mulled over the statement and question. He gazed out the window at the falling snow and deeply inhaled. "My family isn't like yours at all," he responded in a low tone. "I...I've never met anyone from either side of my family. Both sides shunned my parents because they fell in love."

Lance had to blink a couple times because of the tears stinging his eyes. He sat up, moved onto Dakota's lap, and wrapped the muscular man in a vice-like bear hug. "I'm so sorry, Kota. I can't even begin to imagine how that feels. Knowing you've got family you've never met and who won't have anything to do with you because of your parent's love for one another."

Dakota leaned his head down and kissed his emotional brother's head as he returned the hug. "Shh, it's okay, sweet brother. I've gotten used to it. Besides, I can't miss what I never had."

"Well, you'll definitely never have to feel abandoned or shunned again, my brave warrior," Mikey stated. The brunet giggled because his sudden presence made his mate and brother jump two feet off the sofa. "Are you boys ready to eat?" He asked as he kissed and embraced Dakota and Lance.

Lance giggled and said, "If you made it, I'm eating,"

Dakota brightly smiled and nodded his head in agreement.

Mikey turned towards the kitchen and yelped as he was grabbed from behind. He squirmed, giggled, and tried getting free before he was pulled back and over the furniture's arm. "Hey, no fair teaming up on poor, defenseless Mikey," the brunet squealed as he got pinned beneath his brother and mate.

"Oh, it's totally fair, baby boy," Dakota said as he smirked and lightly tickled along the edges of the shorter man's armpit hollows.

Mikey's high-pitched giggles flowed like a rushing river from his lips. His body wriggled side to side, and his legs pumped back and forth as he attempted to escape his playful captors.

"It's also a necessity, big bro," Lance exclaimed as he straddled his brother's animated legs. He giggled as he licked his pinky finger, then twisted it back and forth along the cavernous walls of Mikey's innie belly button.

The result of the youngest brunet's tactic was like getting shocked for Mikey. His body bucked, his midsection arched, and his head flew back and forth as his boisterous laughter bounced off the walls. His toes scrunched and uncurled inside the thin rainbow snowflake-decorated socks on his feet.

The trio's noise was so loud that Adam and Jai were allowed to enter the kitchen totally undetected. The soon-to-be-married pair giggled as they watched the scene. After a minute or two, when Mikey squealed his protest to tickly raspberries, the guys made their presence known. Adam's fingers latched onto, and wiggled between Dakota's ribs, then traveled up to the older man's pit hollows. Jai pulled his baby brother to the floor, pinned him facedown, and pulled the candy cane socks from his flailing feet.

Dakota fell off the couch in a fit of cackles, with Adam following him and trapping his writhing, muscle-toned body. Lance's upper body bucked. He squirmed side to side, screeching and wildly laughing as his soft, bare soles were treated to an unescapable ticklish assault. While his ticklers were being tickled into oblivion, Mikey got up, went to the kitchen, and began setting the table. Once he finished, he grinned and jumped into the pile of limbs. He started blindly tickling anything his fingers came in contact with. Finally, the five tired and sweaty young men called a unified truce. They got to their feet, shared a group hug, and walked into the dining room. All except for Mikey, who went through the room and into the kitchen, followed by Dakota. Adam, Jai, and Lance sat at the table. The trio cracked up laughing when the oldest brunet returned, with Mikey standing in the doorway, slapping his palm with a wooden spoon.

Dakota pouted and glared at his younger brothers as he gently rubbed his reddening knuckles. "Damn, at least one of you could've told me about Mikey secretly being a nun," he paused and blew on his sore hand.

Lance shook his head as his body quaked from laughing. Half a minute later, he patted Dakota's shoulder. Then he said, "sorry, big bro, but we've all experienced the wrath of Mikey when you're in the kitchen on the first morning of our celebration of brotherly love."

Dakota giggled. "I'm sooo making you guys pay for that," he said with a playful growl.

"Kota, Mikey does this ritual every year," Jai said as he sipped his grape juice.

"Our mystery-loving brother never tells us the biscuit-shaped theme he comes up with. He loves seeing our reaction as we see what's under the covered plate he gives us," Adam said as he reached over and lightly noogied the half-Indian.

"Arrgh, hey, nooo fair, baby bro," Dakota childishly squealed. "Miiikkkeeeeyyyy, Adam's noogieing me," he hollered.

"Tattle tail," Adam replied.

Mikey shook his head and boyishly giggled as he rolled covered plates out to the dining room on a dual-shelf cart. "Adam, don't make me send you to the corner, again," he said as he placed the food in front of the guys and kissed each one's cheek. Finally, he set his plate on the table, then stood at the head, with Dakota to his right and Lance to his left.

One by one, the others stood and grasped their brother's hands. Dakota was intrigued and excited by everything he'd been experiencing. Mikey looked around the table at his family and smiled as he let the tears drip freely down his cheeks. He took a breath and began to speak. "Guys, this is, by far, the most trying month we've been through. It's also been the most amazing. Our family has grown and adopted my soulmate, Dakota. I'm grateful to my three brothers for showing him the love and acceptance we were raised with. I love, treasure, and rely on each of you gathered here," he paused to get control of his emotions. "Since it's Kota's first time, I'll explain why we do this. We take this opportunity to tell and show each other what we mean to one another. It also lets us vent any unresolved issues or baggage of any kind. That way, we don't carry them into the new year." Everyone raised a glass and toasted their time together. Alright, guys, let's eat. I'm fuckin' starved," Mikey pronounced.

"Mikey, language," Adam, Jai, Dakota, and Lance hollered in unison before the table roared with laughter.

Everyone's eyes, but Mikey's, lit up when they uncovered the plates and saw their biscuits in the shape of their birth signs. Mikey's eyes lit up, watching the faces of his tablemates. Once breakfast was finished, everyone helped clean up the mess.

Later that morning, Adam approached his younger birth brother. He smiled, wrapped his arms around Mikey's chest, kissed the side of his head, and laid his chin on the shorter man's shoulder.

Mikey sighed happily and melted into his older brother's comforting embrace. "Ya want to choose the first activity of the day?" Mikey asked as he reached behind him and tickled his brother's sides.

"Yyyeehheeeesssss," Adam responded between his giggles. He squirmed but managed to keep hold of his tickler.

Mikey nodded and let out a midrange wolf whistle, getting the other three men's attention. "Guys, Adam wants to choose the first activity we're gonna enjoy."

Adam grinned as he gazed into the eyes of his brothers and mate. "Target practice with the bows and arrows," he said. A smile crossed his face when the other men became excited and offered high fives.

Mikey held Dakota's hand as they followed their brothers to the garage. "I love you, Kota," he whispered.

"Love ya too, sweet angel boy," Dakota responded before he kissed his man's hand.

"So, who shoots first?" Lance asked after everyone gathered in the heated shooting and target range with their bows and arrows.

Jai smirked and said, "I nominate Kota."

Dakota displayed a mock, hurt expression and vocal tone as he said, "It's the Cherokee blood, isn't it." He could only hold the giggles back for a couple of seconds before they bubbled to the surface of his throat and sprang from his lips.

Mikey patted his mate's back and said, "Go on, brave warrior. Show us pale faces how it's done." He jumped back and wriggled like a worm when Dakota's fingers kneaded his sides just above his hips. "Let’s all go at once," the giggling brunet said after he kissed Dakota's soft lips.

The young men got into position, raised their bows, took aim, and let the arrows fly into their targets. They high-fived and congratulated each other for their effort. Mikey's and Adam's mark was just off center of the bullseye. Lance's and Jai's mark was in the circle outside of the bullseye. There were no surprises except for Dakota. His shot didn't even hit close to where the blended brothers thought it should be. Mikey, Adam, Jai, and Lance were flabbergasted as to why their eldest's mark was close to the edge of the paper target.

Adam glared at Dakota and said, "Alright, Kota, come here. Let's talk."

Mikey, Lance, and Jai giggled when Dakota gave them an innocent puppy expression and pointed at himself.

Adam nodded and motioned with his index finger for the half-Irishman to approach. As soon as the other brunet was within reach, Adam grabbed his arm, moved quickly to trap the taller man in a headlock, then pulled him to the floor on his back.

Dakota was shocked at how easily he'd been trapped. His legs kicked and squirmed until Jai jumped onto them, thus ensuring he wasn't going anywhere.

"Now, here's what's gonna happen," Adam paused as he got Dakota's arms trapped under his knees. "We know you've got to be a better shot than that to be on the force," he paused again, leaned closer to his new brother's face, and grinned.

"Bro, ya need to brush your teeth 'cause your breath is rank," Dakota chuckled at his juvenile response to the situation. His brother's giggles joined his.

"Oh, you're sooo gonna regret that, Kota," Adam said as he cracked his knuckles. "Now, you're gonna answer truthfully. Did you miss the target on purpose, or are you that bad with a bow and arrow?"

The half-Cherokee man's toes wiggled inside the pair of ankle socks and shoes covering his feet. Inside he was dying to know what would happen if he wasn't truthful.

"Just a fair warning, brave warrior," Mikey said. He playfully tweaked his mate's nose, giggled, and quickly moved his hand away when Dakota growled and acted like he was gonna bite his fingers. "If you don't answer, you'll be tickled for three minutes," Mikey licked his lips, then leaned down and slowly licked up and down Dakota's cheeks with the broad of his tongue.

"I ain't sayin' nothin' white men, not till my lawyer gets here," Dakota said. “I’m a smart Cherokee,” he punctuated his statement with a blown raspberry at the guys surrounding him.

Adam nodded to Jai, who untied, then removed his trapped brother's shoes and socks. Lance pulled a pouch from his pocket, emptied the contents into his hand, and attached them to his fingers.

Dakota's eyes widened when he saw the guitar picks glued to thin metal bands. "Oh, fuck," he said as his toes curled and uncurled, and his soft pale arches wrinkled and smoothed out.

Jai had a vice-like grip on Dakota's ankles to keep them stationary. Then, with no warning, the pointed ends of the picks attached to Lance's fingers wreaked havoc on the older man's defenseless soles. The alternate tactics of slow strokes on one foot, then rapid strokes for the other, forced boisterous cackles and laughter from the ticklish cop.

Dakota's head rolled from side to side as he used all his muscles and tried to pull free. He was so focused on the thin plastic wafers that he didn't notice his toes being pulled back. Suddenly, he felt the feather end of an arrow saw back and forth between each of his plump toes. This, combined with the addition of fingers kneading his inner thighs, made the elder brunet's laughter become an octave higher. Finally, Adam's warm lips blowing raspberries turned the shrill shrieks into silent gasps.

Mikey signaled the end of the tickling. He walked over to the mini fridge, pulled out a bottle of water, and handed it to Jai. Adam helped Dakota sit up while Jai held the plastic spout to his lips so he could safely sip the cold liquid.

Dakota panted and eagerly accepted the drink and assistance from the guys. When he'd recovered enough, the tickled man looked each of his companions in the eyes. "That was freaking amazing. I've never experienced anything like that before. I loved it," he paused. "Pale face brothers sleep with one eye open in fear of ticklish Cherokee justice," he giggled and glared at Mikey. "Especially, pale face ticklish angel boy."

Mikey smiled as he placed his mate's big feet in his lap, firmly massaged the pink soles, and kissed every toe. Despite the attempt not to tickle him, Dakota's toes twitched, and he softly giggled when he felt the loving kisses.

"So, big bro. Did you miss the target on purpose?" Lance asked just before he dissolved into a boyish fit of giggles when Adam and Jai launched a tickle attack on his sides and knees. The twenty-year-old male's body writhed and squirmed as his high-pitched squeals filled the enclosed carport.

Dakota sighed and closed his eyes as he melted into his mate's warm embrace. "Yeah, I did," he sheepishly said.

Adam slid over to his brothers. He lifted Dakota's chin and stared into his eyes. "Dakota Nickolas Buckingham, don't you ever do that again," the brunet firmly stated. "Not doing your best at any given time is the quickest way to lose respect in this family," he softened his tone. "I'm only saying that cause we love you and want you to be the best Dakota you can be."

Dakota was overcome with the love that poured from the men around him. Salty tears streamed down his pink cheeks. "I give my sacred promise that I'll never throw any challenge again. I love you all too much to disrespect my mate and brothers." He giggled and said, “Damn, I fuckin’ love this family,” He kissed Mikey, Lance, Jai, and Adam as they shared a group hug.

Re: A Ticklish Thriller M/M (Ongoing)

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 7:33 pm
by Ticklishguy
18. Bitches & Bad Guys Always Return


Back and forth, she paced in her room, consumed by her hatred for the blended Carter/Knight family. Thanks to her dad's connections, the blonde socialite was out on bail, and the only restriction was she had to wear an ankle bracelet. However, the only thoughts that filled her head were of revenge and how best to obtain it. Janice knew she couldn't make an open attack on Mikey, especially not at his house because it was protected too heavily. So, she had to get crafty and devise a way to possibly divide and conquer. If she could separate Lance and Dakota from the others, she could have them kidnapped and used as bait. The conniving blonde knew if there was a surefire way to hurt Mikey where it would inflict the most damage, Lance and Dakota were the keys. She just had to find the people to go after her targets since she couldn't leave her home because of the ankle bracelet monitor. She got online and researched some doms who loved to kidnap their victims. Finally, she saw one who was mentioned in a lot of different domination sites. The blonde giggled and grabbed her phone, then after a couple of rings, someone answered.

"Hello," a man's voice said.

"Hi, is this Jack?"

"It is. What can I do for you?"

"My name is Janice Banks. I've got an interesting proposal for you."

The Lake House

After the impromptu ticklish intervention, the guys returned to their target practice, with Dakota performing even better than any of them, except Mikey, thought he would. In fact, at one point, Jai, Lance, and Adam stopped shooting and enjoyed watching their brothers take on each other. Without realizing it, having his mate beside him, performing at his best, caused Mikey to up his game. The shooting range filled with cheers for both Dakota and Mikey when they had four consecutive shots hit the center of the bullseye.

"Holy fuckin' shit," Lance exclaimed, "Mikey's never had this many bullseyes in a row." The brunet whistled when a fifth perfectly aimed shot hit its mark dead center.

Adam smiled, and his face beamed with pride for his baby brother and new older brother.

Jai looked at his soulmate, patted his knee, and whispered, "We all feel the same, babe. Mikey and Kota are an incredible duo. You can tell they're having a blast trying to one-up the other."

"Yeah, it's also starting to take its toll on their arms," Lance offered. "I can see the bows slightly quiver."

Adam nodded and released a wolf whistle to get his brother's attention. When the pair turned to face him, he said, "Bros, I think you guys are starting to reach the end of your stamina. It might be a good idea to make this the last shot."

"I don't know if you've realized it, but you've been the only ones shooting for the last half hour," Jai said.

Mikey and Dakota looked into each other's eyes, then at their audience, and in unison, asked, "are you fucking serious." Their response had them all laughing and doubling over.

"Okay, this will be the last shot for the day," Dakota stated.

Mikey smirked when he got an idea, then said, "let's make a bet, Indian boy."

Dakota's eyes sparkled with love, and the offered idea piqued the half-Asian's interest. He grinned like the Cheshire Cat, gently leaned on the bow, and asked, "what pale face boy have in mind?"

Mikey giggled and lightly stroked his mate's chiseled jawbone. He took a deep breath, then said, "winner gets to tie the loser to the bed and tickle him."

The bet made everyone's jaw drop, and they were so silent you could hear a pin drop.

Dakota was the first to recover. He reached out to the shorter brunet, placed his hands on his shoulders, and stared into his mate's unwavering eyes. He swallowed hard, then asked, "Mikey, given everything we've both experienced, are you sure that's the right bet?"

Mikey stood on his tiptoes and softly kissed Dakota's lips. "Before Steve, I used to enjoy an element of light bondage when being tickled by someone I was interested in or tickling them," he paused. "Until I met you, I've never even dated, let alone thought of trusting anyone that much, but I do trust you." He lightly stroked the raven hair that covered Dakota's scalp. "I'm sure, and I know in my soul's core, that you're the one I want to explore that side of me with again. The question is, do you trust me that much yet?"

Adam, Jai, and Lance were glued, open-mouthed to the exchange. Although they didn't know the particulars of Dakota's experience, they knew the weight of the decision their brothers were about to make.

Dakota closed his eyes and took a couple minutes to ponder his decision. When it was made, he opened his eyes, gazed directly into Mikey's eyes, and said. "I do trust you, Michael Dante Carter-Buckingham," he paused and smiled when he saw the looks on everyone's faces after he spoke the last name. He chuckled and said, "I wanted to test it out to see how it sounded, and this was the perfect opportunity." After everyone finished chuckling, he continued. "I know, you know the severity of the challenge you've laid out. I will take that bet. However, I'm attaching an addendum to it.

The love in Mikey's heart overflowed and brought tears to his eyes. He looked into his mate's eyes. "I loved hearing your last name attached to mine, my brave warrior," he paused. "What's your addendum?"

"Any time before or during this challenge, if either of us wants to call off the bondage element, we don't do it. Also, you and I talk about how we're feeling after we go through with the bet."

"Terms accepted, Dakota Nickolas Carter-Buckingham," Mikey firmly stated. He and Dakota cemented the deal with a handshake and a passionate kiss on their lips.

Lance gazed at his brothers and pouted.

"What's wrong, baby bro?" Mikey asked as he walked over and hugged the younger brunet.

The youngest of the five sighed as he wiped away the nonexistent tears and said, "I'm just Lance Knight."

The enclosed carport erupted with boisterous laughter as Mikey worked his way behind his little brother. He smirked, wrapped his arms around Lance's midsection, kissed his cheek, and said, "Bro, you've never been just Lance Knight."

Jai and Adam moved over and got on either side of their brothers. "Yeah, bro, Mikey's right," Jai said with a shit-eating grin. Adam giggled and ruffled Lance's hair. "Dude, you're named after a kick-ass knight and a king," the second eldest brunet said.

Lance's eyes were going crazy watching his brothers surrounding him.

"You're The Amazing!" Dakota said as he joined the younger guys.

"The Spectacular," Jai added.

"The Kingly," Adam offered.

Lance's mind finally caught on to what was happening, and he began squirming and trying to wiggle out of the hold he'd been trapped in. Involuntary squeaks and giggles escaped his lips as he said, "Oh shit."

Mikey's eyes sparkled with mischief as he finished the affirmation. "And, The Ticklish!"

"Lancelot Arthur Knight!" The four older men hollered as they launched a massive unified tickle attack on their wiggling prey.

"Ooohhhhhh, Fuuuuccckkk," Lance screeched. His body writhed as his legs pulled and pushed under Dakota's weight as he lay across them and tickled his knees. His arms feverishly pushed against his other brother's hands. "Yohohohuuhuhu're ahahahahahall dehehahahahad," he squealed when Mikey's lips blew raspberries on his neck, and his thin fingers wiggled and stroked in the center of his pit hollows.

"Really, baby bro?" Jai asked. The older brunet chuckled and continued tickling the left side of Lance's ribs and just above his hip.

Adam giggled and tickled the same spots as his future husband. "Yeah, kid, I don't think you're in the best position to make credible threats," he said.

Mikey tapped his brother's and mate's shoulders to signal the end of the tickle attack, and they released the panting, sweat-covered younger man.

Lance's body continued to quiver, and he giggled while the others worked to calm him down enough to sip some cold water. When he'd recovered, he looked at his brothers, smiled, and gave each one an almost bone-crushing bear hug. "I love my big brothers, and they're all gonna get the shit tickled out of them when they least expect it," he said before he giggled boyishly.

"Oh, shit, we've got a bet on the table," Adam said.

Everyone broke up laughing as they got to their feet. Mikey and Dakota hugged and shared a kiss before getting ready. They stood before their targets, raised their bows, and took aim.

Adam gave the countdown. "Three, Two, One, FIRE!"

Dakota and Mikey released the arrows, and everyone held their breath as the thin pieces of wood pierced the center of the bullseye.

"Fuckin' shit," Lance exclaimed. "The arrows hit the same exact spot."

"Umm, how are we gonna decide this one, angel boy," Dakota asked.

"Well, we can tie each other up," Mikey said. He giggled. "Who's gonna go first?"

Lance chuckled and rubbed his hands together. "I've got an idea." His laughter joined Adam's and Jai's when Mikey and Dakota glared at him. "Alright, you two sit side by side on the floor. Mikey, take your left shoe and sock off, and Kota, take off your right ones."

"Just remember, Lancer, this is not for revenge," Mikey huffed as he and his mate did as instructed.

"What's he gonna do?" Dakota asked with a confused expression on his face.

"Don't worry, big guy, you're gonna have fun," Lance said while giggling. "This is also the most scientific and ticklish way to decide who'll be tied up first." He sat on the floor and pulled their bare feet into his lap.

Adam and Jai lay across their brother's legs to keep them from pulling away. Dakota's eyes widened, his foot began wriggling, and his plump toes flexed and curled when things clicked into place. Mikey gulped, and his soft, pale arch wrinkled as his toes scrunched.

"Whoever giggles and laughs first will be tied up first," Lance smiled angelically.

"You'd better wear socks and shoes to bed, baby brother," Dakota mock growled at the younger man.

"I could go for your belly buttons," Lance threatened with a smirk.

Everyone chuckled when Dakota quickly responded with an exaggerated head shake and indicated that feet would do just fine.

"Alright, boys, try not to laugh and giggle," Lance said before giggling and continuing. "As if either of you could ever resist your ticklishness."

"You're one to talk, baby bro," Mikey said.

"Yeah, not giggling or laughing when we're tickled is definitely something none of us has ever aspired to," Jai eloquently stated.

The brunet squealed and cackled when Adam trapped him in a choke hold, gave him a noogie, and tickled his side.

Lance licked his lips and made a show of inspecting the pair of feet in his lap. His fingertips very lightly traced the left side edges of both soles. Instantly, Mikey and Dakota squirmed, their feet jerked from side to side, and the pair sharply inhaled as they fought against the growing urge to giggle. Their brother's full attention was on the couple and their reactions.

“Coochie coochie, bros," Lance teased. He smirked when the older brunets clenched their jaws and glared at him. He used his index fingernail to barely scratch up and down Mikey's big toe and the base. At the same time, he slowly dragged his other index fingernail back and forth across the ball of Dakota's foot.

Mikey's hands slapped the ground. His face turned red as he used every ounce of resistance in his being not to let the giggles rising in his throat escape. Dakota wasn't in any better condition. His toes rapidly scrunched, and his foot twisted and pulled back to avoid the devious younger man's tickling finger. Lance paused to crack his knuckles. Then, without warning, he struck in earnest. He had Jai and Adam pull Mikey's and Dakota's toes back as his nails rapidly strummed up and down the center of his brother's helpless arches and just under the balls of their feet. The catastrophic result was Dakota's boisterous cackles echoing off the walls, just a second or two before Mikey's higher-pitched screeches joined in. Jai and Adam wasted no time in releasing their older and younger brothers.

"Wow! I'm surprised Mikey held it in," Jai said.

"He's never lasted that long before," Adam concurred.

"I'm proud of you, my sweet baby boy," Dakota praised his mate as they panted and recovered.

Lance started to get up but was stopped by Mikey's pulling him on top of his body, holding him down, and Dakota tickling his sides and stomach. The younger brunet squawked, screeched, and hysterically laughed as his brothers took much pleasure in their ticklish endeavor. Once the playtime ended, the three young men got to their feet, and with Adam's and Jai's help, they straightened up the range, put everything away, and locked the door before heading back into the house.

“Hey guys," Jai said. "Adam and I are gonna shower, then we're going to visit a couple of friends," He stripped to his underwear along with his mate and brothers.

"When are ya getting back?" Mikey asked. He walked over to the Keurig and started making coffee while they talked.

"We'll be back this evening," Adam said. He smiled, wrapped his arms around his soon-to-be-husband, and kissed the shorter man's cheek.

"That's gonna work out perfectly," Mikey stated while handing out mugs of steaming liquid ambition.

"Do you have plans, babe?" Dakota asked after thanking his mate for tending to his need.

"Yes, we do, my brave warrior," Mikey said. He giggled, then jumped and squeaked when his tight underwear-clad ass was slapped by the older man after he wiggled his ass at him.

"What are we doing that I'm not aware of?" Dakota asked as he wiggled his fingers in front of his boy's bare stomach.

Everyone broke up laughing when Mikey squeaked, wrapped his arms around his midsection, and bent over, giggling without even being touched.

"Aww, my angel's soo cute and easy to threaten," Dakota teased after kissing Mikey's soft lips.

"He's always been a lightweight when it came to tickles," Adam grinned and playfully ruffled his younger brother's hair.

"So, back to Mikey's plans," Lance said after his giggles subsided. "What's up?"

Mikey grasped Dakota's hand, brought it up to his warm lips, and kissed it. He turned his head, gazed into the eyes of his beloved brothers, and said, "guys, I've got one of those feelings y'all say I'm famous for," he paused. After closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, the twenty-two-year-old brunet continued to explain. "The silver pin I found near Mr. Lyman's body has constantly been on my mind. I know it belongs to one of the Barefoot patrons. I need to check on a couple things at the store and go from there." He stopped and stared into his mate's eyes. "Kota, I don't have enough to go on to bother Papa Tony with, not yet. I need to have something concrete before I take anything to him, and I'd like your presence to lend me some credence if needed. Also, you're my trusted backup in case there's danger."

"Whatever you need, baby boy, I got your back," Dakota said. "However, if I feel things are too dangerous for you, You're to adhere to my every word. I'm not letting you out of my sight unless I have to."

Mikey kept his expression serious as he agreed to the terms of the outing. He turned and looked at his younger brother. "Lancer, is it okay if you stay here?" Mikey paused and embraced the youngest member of the brotherhood.

Lance nodded and said, "yeah, that's fine. Besides, I want to take a shower and a nap. When I get up, I'll work on planning what I'll make for our dinner tonight."

The young men finished their coffee, then separated and prepared to leave for their intended destinations.

Lance & Jack

Two hours later, Lance was at the door, saying goodbye to his brothers and watching as they got in their vehicles, then drove away. He closed the door, locked it, and headed upstairs to jump in the shower.

The ideas that ran through the blonde man's head made him giggle and erect. Jack sat in his Nissan, parked in the driveway across the street from Mikey's. He patiently watched as two SUVs carrying two passengers each left the property going in opposite directions. His eyes shimmered with excitement as he hacked into the security system, placing the cameras on a loop and turning the driveway alarm's volume down to an inaudible level. The dark-colored sedan approached the house, undetected by its lone occupant. The man snickered as he picked the front door's lock and gained entry. He leaned against the wall to remove his shoes, then placed them on the porch, and in stocking feet, followed the sound of the music up the stairs and into the open bedroom.

Lance turned off the faucet, picked up his towel, dried off, hung the towel on the metal bar attached to the wall, stepped into his slippers, and walked into the bedroom. He yawned, stretched, and was about to pull the covers back when a pair of strong, leather jacket-clad arms wrapped around him, and a black leather glove covered his mouth. Fear coursed through him as he struggled with his captor, trying to escape.

"C'mon, pretty boy, behave for ol' Jack, and you'll live to talk about your experience," Jack huskily whispered into the younger man's ear. He chuckled as he removed his hand from Lance's mouth, then pinned the brunet face down on the bed.

"How the fuck did you get in here?" Lance hollered as he wriggled under the bigger, more muscular man. His bare legs kicked uselessly in the air, his toes scrunched and wrinkled his pinkish soles.

Jack moved quickly and began kneading his fingers between the ribcage of his prey. His cackling mixed and mingled with the boisterous laughter that forced itself out of Lance's mouth.


The brunet's body writhed and thrashed on the mattress as he was being tickled into hysterical oblivion by the stranger. Jack placed his knee in the center of Lance's back to keep the ticklish guy pinned. He managed to grab the flailing arms, pull them behind his victim's back, and slip a pair of cuffs on the wrists. Lance huffed and cursed up a storm as he continued an attempt to flee. Next, the assailant trapped his victim's legs in an arm lock. He forced them down to the bed, got the rope he brought, and successfully tied the ankles together. Finally, he attached them to the footboard post.

Lance never stopped trying to find a way to free himself, despite knowing it was a lost cause. However, he was not one to give up until he exhausted all ideas and avenues at his disposal. With his ankles completely helpless, all he could do was flick his feet up and down and wiggle his toes. "What the fuck do you want with me?" Instead of getting a verbal response, his answer was relayed by the ticklish sensation of gloved fingertips stroking along his bare soles. Before he could even try and stop them, the giggles flowed freely from behind his lips. He squirmed as much as possible, and his toes scrunched. "Duhuhuhuhude, Ihihihihi'm hehehe freheheheakin' hahahaha tihihihickklish ahahahas fuhhuhuhuck," he squealed.

Jack smirked and continued tickling the young man's feet. He turned his head and said, "ya don't say, kiddo," with a giggle. The tickles stopped long enough so the tickler could pull a knotted bandana from his pocket. Then after lightly tickling Lance's stomach to get his mouth open, he inserted the fabric between his lips and tied it. He took a picture with his phone and sent it along with a message to the person he was really after.

Re: A Ticklish Thriller M/M (Ongoing)

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2023 1:47 pm
by Ticklishguy
19. Loose Ends Tied & Culprits Caught

Adam & Jai

The snow started falling faster as the tan four-wheel-drive Cadillac SUV turned left and entered a mostly upscale subdivision. The vehicle turned right onto another street with its immaculately decorated lawns and cookie-cutter homes, then made another right-hand turn into a paved driveway. The driver turned the engine off, then he and the passenger exited the SUV and gazed at the two-story brick home with a for sale sign in the yard.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, babe?" Jai asked as he followed his mate up the brick walkway that led to the front porch.

"Probably not, but you know how I am," Adam responded.

The two brunets climbed the steps, stood at the screendoor, and rang the doorbell. It wasn't, but a few seconds before, a male's voice inside hollered that he'd be right there. As soon as the door opened and the screendoor was unlatched and opened, Adam's fist flew and collided with the homeowner's jaw and knocked the blonde male on his ass.

After gingerly rubbing the spot where he'd been hit, the man's eyes lifted. He visibly shivered when he saw the blazing fire in his assailant's eyes. "I was wondering when you'd show up," he said after opening and closing his jaw, ensuring it wasn't broken.

A woman with dark red hair came rushing into the foyer and gasped when she saw who was in the doorway. Tears streamed down her cheeks when she realized the gravity of her and her husband's past deeds.

"Aaron, be glad that's all my conscious, and Jai will allow me to do to you, and not a word of this to our parents or baby bros," Adam growled.

Without another word, Adam and Jai turned around, walked back to their SUV, and left. Jai turned to his mate and smiled as he clasped the other brunet's hand.

"You realize that if Mikey ever hears of this, we're both in a world of hurt," Jai said after he kissed the top of Adam's hand.

Adam grinned and said, "I know, babe. However, I was justified in my action."

"You'll get no argument from me there," Jai responded. He paused and giggled, then said, "damn, you were sexy as fuck back there. I sooo wanted to rip your clothes off and fuck you right there on that porch,"

Adam's eyebrows wagged, and he chuckled. "Oh Yeah? Well, we'll have plenty of time for you to make that happen, my sexy man,"

The pair continued their banter as they drove along the highway, heading to the friend's house they told everyone about them going to. A few minutes later, while waiting for the light to turn green, Adam and Jai stared into each other's eyes and shared a brief but passionate kiss. They'd almost reached their destination when Adam's phone rang.

Jai looked at the number, smiled, placed the phone on speaker, and said, "hey, Papa Bry."

"Hi, Dad, how are ya?" Adam said.

"Hey, boys," Bryan greeted. "I know you guys went to Aaron's house," he said.

"How?" Jai asked.

Bryan chuckled and said, "one of the neighbors is my dentist. He called me to tell me about what happened," he paused. "Boys, you know I've got to give you the obligatory parental speech, so here goes. Adam, you know better, and Jai, you should've stopped him."

Adam and Jai looked at one another, then at the phone, and in unison said, "And…"

Bryan's energetic laughter filled the SUV. When he recovered, he said, "That's it. Honestly, none of us expected anything less of you two. We know how protective you are of your brothers and vice versa." There was a pause before he continued. "Make sure you two don't do anything else to Aaron or Trinie. As it is, we're doing our best to keep Mikey from finding out that Pam gave Trinie a black eye in the grocery store parking lot after we found out everything."

Adam and Jai's laughter joined with their dad's. "Don't worry, Daddy, I'm good now, and so's Jai," Adam said as he turned into their friend's driveway. "Hey, Pop, not to rush you off the phone, but we just pulled up to Jake's house."

"Okay, boys, have fun. We'll see you at Mikey's on Christmas Day. We love all our kids and are very proud of every one of you," Bryan said.

"Love ya too, Dad," Adam and Jai said in unison before the call ended.

The pair giggled and shared another kiss. Then after Jai grabbed the gifts from the backseat, they walked up to their friend's doorstep and rang the bell. However, as soon as the door opened, Jai's phone rang. When he hung up, the brunet whispered something in his mate's ear, then handed the presents to Jake. He and Adam gave a quick explanation, hugged their friend, then ran back to the SUV.

Mikey & Dakota

"So, what now, my sweet boy?" Dakota asked.

The young men rushed out of Barefoot Books, across the parking lot through the rapidly falling snow, and jumped into the SUV. Dakota started the vehicle, cranked the heat up to high, and put it on full blast.

Mikey sat in thought for a moment before he came to a decision. "I think I'm ready to at least let Papa Tony know what my gut's telling me." He giggled, squirmed, and squealed when his mate leaned over, kissed his nose, then lightly tickled his sides.

"I like that idea," Dakota chuckled and backed out of the parking spot, then headed to the main road. "Have you decided on Papa Bryan's request to run for his place?" The half-Indian asked as he pulled up to a stoplight.

Mikey smiled and said, "yep." He giggled when Dakota turned his head and glared at him before returning his attention to the red light.

"Well?" Dakota asked as he turned right and got on the ramp for the highway.

Mikey chuckled, and his eyes sparkled with playful mischief. He started picking at some nonexistent lint on his jeans, then responded. "Well, what?"

"What do ya mean, well, what?" Dakota growled. "What did you decide?"

Mikey's adorable boyish laughter filled the vehicle's interior. "You'll find out when I tell the rest of the family," the jovial brunet answered.

Dakota shook his head and said, "fine, be that way. I didn't wanna know anyway," he punctuated his statement with a blown raspberry.

Mikey was about to inform his mate how mature his response was when his phone alerted him to a message, and Dakota's phone rang. The pair stole a quick glance at one another before they reacted. “What the fuck..." Mikey hollered as he opened the message and almost dropped the phone.

The older brunet enabled his Bluetooth and answered the call. "Hey, Papa Tony..."

"Kota, where are ya?" Tony's voice boomed out of the speakers.

"On the highway, heading back to the lakehouse with Mikey. He believes he knows who killed Lyman," Dakota responded.

"We'll get to that later. Boys, Janice somehow disabled the ankle monitor, killed the officer watching her house, and is missing. I also just got word that she has officers working with her."

"Dad, we've got another problem," Mikey broke in.

"Go on, son," Tony said.

"Someone's in my house. Lance is tied to his bed, and the guy's tickling him," Mikey paused. "I think it's Theodore Jackson Lincoln. He's the same guy who I'm pretty sure killed Patrick."

Tony's gasp was loud and clear.

Dakota floored the gas pedal and sped down the road. "Papa, we're about three minutes from the house," Dakota said as he carefully maneuvered around some slow drivers.

"Guys, I don't like suggesting this, but as soon as you get home, Mikey needs to get inside and save his brother. Kota, you need to patrol the house and immediate grounds, but don't lose sight of the house. I think Janice is on her way to Mikey's to settle her score with him. Kota, I called Adam and Jai before calling you guys. They'll be there to back you up as soon as possible. I'm on the road now and will be there after I assess the situation at the Banks' home," Tony said.

"Affirmative, Dad," the young men answered in unison.

The Lake House

Dakota pulled into the drive and parked by the garage. He turned, gazed into Mikey's eyes, and lightly stroked his angelic boy's cheek. A few tears fell as he lovingly kissed the younger man's warm, soft lips. "I love you, Mikey. Please, be careful. I'll be with you as soon as possible," he whispered.

Mikey nodded and returned the affection. "I will, my brave warrior. You be careful also. I'll have my phone if you need me."

"Ditto," Dakota said. He and his mate exited the vehicle and headed in their separate directions.

Mikey stopped at the front door of his house. He took a deep breath, pulled his Glock from its holster, and prepared to enter. Fear of the unknown coursed through his body when the wooden door creaked as it slowly opened without being unlocked or Mikey having to turn the doorknob. Quietly, the brunet crossed the threshold into his home and closed the door. He kept a firm grip on his firearm and pointed its barrel to the floor as he went up to the second floor. The muffled sounds of Lance's laughter and screamed pleas reached his ears when Mikey reached the top of the stairs. The brunet made his breath shallow and carefully inched closer to his brother's bedroom. He stopped when he heard a familiar voice in the room start speaking. Mikey reached for his phone, pressed a few buttons, and enabled the video and audio surveillance system, so everything inside and outside the house got recorded.

The icy cold wind blew across the collar of Dakota's leather jacket. His Cherokee instincts and senses were going crazy with the deafening silence around him. The raven hairs on his neck stood up, letting him know there were people within close proximity to him. Slowly, the twenty-seven-year-old cop turned around in circles every couple of steps, visually sweeping the area. His service revolver's safety was off and ready to fire. Suddenly, Dakota felt a woosh of breeze flow across the back of his neck just before something hard, long, and circular hit the back of his knees. He grunted and fell to the ground, his gun clattering against the paved parking area. Before Dakota could stand up or even think straight, someone's foot slammed into his ribs, followed by fists and knees. The young man did what he could to protect himself from being beaten to a complete pulp, but the endless barrage of hits, kicks, slaps and punches made it very difficult.

Lance panted as his eyes never left his tickling assailant when the gag was removed, and he was given some water. "Thank you," he said.

Jack's eyes darkened, and he rubbed his hands together. The older man stood beside the bed and stared into his victim's eyes. "I'm surprised Mikey's not here yet. After all, he is the one I'm really aching to tickle. Him and that cop of his."

"Are you gonna kill us, like you did Patrick, and Mikey thinks you did?" Lance asked, hoping to buy some more time.

"I wasn't planning on killing anyone, kid," Jack responded. He softly chuckled, then continued. "Ya know, I never intended to kill anyone, Not that Lyman guy or the other man I left on the running trail. The jury's still deliberating on whether or not you're gonna live to see your next birthday."

Lance gulped, and his toes scrunched. Jack was about to start tickling his prize again, but before he could, the man crumpled to the floor and writhed in pain from the forceful kick to his ribcage.

"MIKEY!!!!" Lance hollered as his brother rushed to him, picked up the key, and unlocked the cuffs on his wrists.

"Hug and talk later," Mikey said as he began untying his brother's ankles. He'd just gotten the left one free when a pair of hands clutched his sides and squeezed. His eyes closed while waiting for the laughter from his ticklishness to start, except it never happened.

The three men were in momentary shock because the twenty-two-year-old male's usual reaction to tickles didn't occur.

"What the fuck?" Jack asked.

"How the hell are you not helplessly laughing and squirming, bro?" Lance inquired.

"Don't know, but since I'm not..." Mikey said. He elbowed his tickler in the eye, stomped his boot down on the man's sock-clad foot, turned around to knee Jack in the stomach, and finally knocked the guy out with a left hook. Mikey got the cuffs, restrained Jack's wrists, then tied his ankles together. He quickly threw a pair of sweatpants, a shirt, and socks at his brother. "Hurry up, get dressed. I think Janice is..." His statement was cut short by a bullet flying over his and Lance's heads. Mikey acted on his instinct. He tackled Lance to the floor and covered his brother's body with his.

"Janice is here," the blonde woman said as she entered the room with her gun pointed at Mikey and Lance.

Dakota's vision was starting to waver, and he was close to passing out when suddenly the beating stopped. He looked up and saw Adam shoot one in the thigh, Jai's bullet hit the second assailant's leg, and the third had his hands up because the lovers had their guns pointed at him. He shook his head and shakily got to his feet.

"You okay, big bro?" Adam asked as he and Jai cuffed the rogue officers with their own handcuffs, then placed the men in the backseat of their own patrol cars.

Dakota coughed and groaned as he gingerly massaged his ribs and ensured none were broken. "Yeah, thanks to my baby brothers," he paused and kissed the younger men's cheeks. "Thanks for having my back."

"What are brothers for?" Jai asked. He was about to say something else when their attention was grabbed by a gunshot coming from inside the house.

"MIKEY AND LANCE!" The trio hollered in unison before Adam and Jai ran to the door, with Dakota bringing up the rear as fast as he could.

"Aww, that's sooo sweet," Janice sneered as she approached the men on the ground. The socialite kept her weapon trained on Mikey and Lance. "You two get up and don't try anything funny, or I'll have my guys kill that precious half-breed mutt."

Anger coursed through Mikey's veins as he growled, "If you even think of hurting Dakota, I'll fucking kill you, bitch."

Janice's head flew back as she cackled. "Please, you're such a fucking little bitch of a boy scout. You'd never make good on a threat like that." She smirked as the men got to their feet and were marched to the doorway and then downstairs.

The entire time, Mikey kept himself between Lance and the gun. If Janice did shoot them, he damn sure wanted to protect his brother to his last breath.

"Wanna see what my guys have done to your savage?" Janice asked as she opened the door. The blonde gasped and yelled when she was face to face with a pissed-off trio of men, but not the ones she expected.

Mikey didn't waste a second. He pushed his brother out of the way, tackled Janice to the floor, and slammed her wrist against the hardwood until she let go of the gun. Adam and Jai cuffed the screeching woman's wrists with Dakota's handcuffs just in time for Tony, his men, and the other parents to swarm the lake house.

Re: A Ticklish Thriller M/M (Ongoing)

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2023 5:39 pm
by Ticklishguy
20. Back To Bonding

The second Mikey saw Dakota's injured appearance, the brunet's eyes darkened, and he made his way to the front door.

Adam moved faster than his younger brother. He wrapped his arms around the shorter man's waist, then hoisted Mikey's squirming, struggling body over his shoulder. "Whoah, you're staying right here with us," he said with a chuckle.

Dakota smirked and said, "Yeah, you've done enough today, Baby Rambo."

Mikey sighed, closed his eyes, then let his body go limp as he was carried across the room and gently deposited on the sofa. Before the twenty-two-year-old could think about or say anything else, the youngest Knight boy's body magically appeared beside his, with his head on his lap.

"You never stopped protecting me," Lance softly said as tears dripped onto his brother's jeans.

Mikey had to wipe the tears from his eyes as he cradled his brother. He leaned his head down and gently kissed Lance's hair. "I love you, Lance. Of course, I'm gonna protect you," he whispered. He gasped when his brother latched onto him like he was a security blanket and Lance was Linus.

The family's three patriarchs and one matriarch were in tears as they watched the scene before them. They loved the constant fierce devotion their boys had for one another. While that was happening, Tony's men quickly gathered up Janice and T.L. They placed them in the squad cars and took them to the station to be booked along with the guys in the blonde socialite's employ.

"Mikey," Tony said as he leaned over and gave his boys a kiss and hug.

"Yeah, Dad?" Mikey responded.

"You never cease to amaze us and make us proud of you and all our boys," Pam answered for her husband as she repeated Tony's actions. She was followed by Max and Bryan.

Mikey blushed, hung his head, and said, "I didn't do much of anything. My soulmate and brothers are more deserving of the praise, Mom."

Lance's head shot up like a rocket. "Mikey, you saved me from that guy and were between me and Janice's gun the entire time she had it pointed at us," he energetically stated as he stared into the older brunet's glistening eyes. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he bear-hugged his brother. "Without hesitation, you pushed me to the floor and shielded me with your body when she fired the first shot."

"Son, you're the heart of this blended family," Bryan said. He and Max wrapped their arms around Dakota, who had his head on their shoulders.

"Micheal Dante Buckingham-Carter," Dakota started to say. The half-Cherokee male giggled along with his mate and brothers when they saw the looks the parents gave him. The raven-haired twenty-seven-year-old shrugged his shoulders, then said, "what, I love the way it sounds. It rolls so easily off the tongue." His statement added some much-needed comic relief and had everyone gathered together smiling.

Pam walked up to Dakota, stood on her toes, and kissed the younger man's cheek. "It does sound nice," she said.

Mikey giggled and said, "Aaaand, my future name's Mom tested, and Mom approved." He smiled and moved over to let his mate squeeze in beside him.

Dakota kissed his future husband and gazed into the younger man's eyes. "Mikey, it's easy for a person to say they'd take a bullet for someone or die to protect someone. You, however, have put action behind that sentiment."

Jai was in front of Adam, with the taller man's arms around his chest. "On more than one occasion, baby bro," he added.

Mikey was so emotional that he couldn't do anything except remain silent with tears streaking his face.

Lance raised his arm and lightly dried the dampened cheeks with his thumb. "We know how hard it is for you to accept this kind of praise, but you need to hear it because you deserve every bit of it, big bro," he said before kissing Mikey's cheek.

The parents visited a while longer after the officers were gone. Once they'd ensured all their boys were okay, Pam, Tony, Max, and Bryan left with the promise to be back Christmas morning.

Adam went into the kitchen and brought back five bottles of ice-cold Bud Lite. He handed them to his brothers and mate, then sat on the plush carpet by the fire with Jai in his lap. Lance was stretched out on the sofa, his head was in Mikey's lap, and his legs were across Dakota’s lap.

Mikey had a concerned facial expression. "Lancer, I need you to be honest," he said in a tone that matched his appearance. His statement garnered the attention of his intended subject and the other young men with them.

Lance sat up, shifted his position as he mirrored the older brunet's expression, and said, "I'll be as honest as I can be, Mikey."

The twenty-two-year-old took a breath, then continued. "I'm pretty sure I'm speaking for all your older bros when asking this. After what happened to you today, are you okay with being tickled?"

Lance's toes wiggled and flexed inside the thin cotton covering his soft, pale soles as his legs jumped up and down because Adam and Jai gently massaged his feet and legs. His light, airy boyish giggles floated into the older male's ears. When they paused their loving show of affection, he gazed into Mikey's eyes, smiled brightly, and said, "Not only am I still okay with it, but I'd be upset if it stopped." He paused for a moment, then continued. "If I don't get tickled, I can't tickle you guys back." He wriggled around and boisterously cackled as he was given a four-way tickle bear hug. After everything calmed down, Lance had an inquisitive expression. He grinned and said, "while we're on the subject, I still wanna know how you resisted T.L.'s tickle attack, Mikey."

Mikey giggled and ruffled the younger male's hair. "Like I said in the room, baby bro, I have no idea." He and Lance started laughing when they saw the looks on everyone else's faces.

"What the fuck?" Adam asked with a look of disbelief on his face.

"There's no way in hell our brother could resist laughing when he's tickled," Jai said.

Dakota closed his eyes and thought for a moment, then after a second or two, his eyes popped open, and he snapped his fingers. "I think I've got the answer," he said. He turned and looked at his mate and youngest brother. "What was happening at the time, guys?"

Mikey shrugged his shoulders, then started explaining the scene. When he finished, Dakota, Adam, and Jai looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

"So, do the wise older brothers have an answer?" Lance asked. He giggled and tried to hide behind Mikey but was trapped by his brothers and treated to a combined noogie and tickle assault. He smiled when Dakota pulled him onto his lap, wrapped his arms around his waist, and kissed his cheek.

"As it happens, we think we know how Mikey blocked the tickles," Dakota said with a chuckle.

"It was a combination of adrenaline and fearing for your safety, Lance," Jai offered.

"We all know Mikey loves us unconditionally," Adam said. He and Jai grasped Mikey's legs, pulled him off the sofa, and encased his giggling body in a double bear hug. "Lancer, you were helpless and in danger. The bond you two share fueled his resolve to save you at any cost."

Lance and Mikey shared a look then, in unison, they said, "that makes sense."

"However, under the circumstances, I think a tickle test is in order," Dakota said with a smirk.

Mikey shook his head and struggled against Adam and Jai as they maneuvered his arms over his head and pinned them to the floor. Dakota slid down to the floor and trapped his ankles in the crook of his arm. His lover giggled when his legs moved back and forth, and his toes scrunched inside the thin pink and purple cotton socks. Lance grinned as his slender fingers wiggled above his restrained body. Mikey's eyes shut, and his body shivered in anticipation of the first ticklish touch. Boyish giggles started to flow past his quivering soft lips. Lance leaned forward, pulled the hem of the t-shirt up, and bared the taut pale skin of his brother's lower stomach. Slowly, he licked his warm lips as his hands descended closer to his victim.

"Yohohou ahahre ahahall sohohoho deahead," Mikey vowed while giggling. Nothing more was said before the excited tickler struck. Fingers kneaded and lightly wiggled along the bare flesh right above his hips. Instantly, the room filled with his wild screeches and hysterical laughs.

"I think his ticklishness is intact," Jai said with an amused chuckle.

The ticklish male's body pulled against the hands holding him down. His sock-clad feet flapped up and down, and his arches curved. His laughter reached a feverish pitch when his brothers' free hands tickled his exposed pit hollows. His raven-haired mate relieved him of his socks and ravaged his poor wrinkled soles with rapid strokes of his dull fingernails. "Ohohokahahay! Ohohokahahay! Ihihi'm stihihillll tihihicklihihish," Mikey squealed.

The four ticklers ceased the tickle test. Lance jumped up, ran into the kitchen, and returned with a warm washcloth and bottled water. He handed Adam and Jai the water, then gently wiped down his brother's sweaty forehead and kissed his cheek. Adam and Jai helped their brother sit up. They supported his head while he slowly sipped the refreshing ice-cold liquid. Dakota slid the ankle socks onto his mate's feet, then gently massaged Mikey's soles but not before he kissed each wiggling toe.

"Ya still love us, Mikey?" Lance asked as he worked his way onto his brother's lap.

Mikey giggled. He gave Lance a bear hug and kissed his cheek. "Always and forever," he said.

Mikey smirked just before blowing a raspberry on Lance's neck. The younger brunet's head jerked to the side, and he squealed like a little boy from the ticklish action performed on his sensitive neck. They giggled and sighed happily as Lance's body pressed into his warm cocoon-like embrace. Dakota, Adam, and Jai watched their boys with warm smiles as they gathered around the younger pair, then shared a group hug.

"I just wish I knew why Janice did everything she did," Mikey said.

Lance gulped and gazed into the older men's eyes. He took a deep breath, then said, "I can answer that." He took his time to explain everything that Will provided and told them the parents and authorities already knew.

"Fuck! All this chaos and bullshit because she couldn't blackmail Mikey," Dakota muttered as he shook his head. He turned and lovingly kissed his mate. "I'm so proud to call you mine, Michael Dante," he said.

"Little bro, you've always been the most honest of all of us," Adam said.

Mikey's tears streamed down his cheeks as he buried his face in Dakota's muscular chest. "I can't help feeling..." he started to say but was interrupted by his lover's fingers lifting his chin.

"Don't you dare finish that thought, baby boy," Dakota firmly ordered.

"You're not to blame for anything, Mikey," Jai added.

Mikey closed his eyes, smiled, and said, "I've sooo got the most amazing family."