The Housekeeper: Secrets (M/F) (M+/F+) (F+/M) Complete

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The Housekeeper: Secrets (M/F) (M+/F+) (F+/M) Complete

Post by chaos846 »

Authur's Note: Hello everyone. Sorry for the long absence. A lot of stuff going on at the time. I also got burnt out from homeward bound, as it didn't have the energy i wanted. Also, Whitefire isn't piecing together the way i wanted as well. I might pick it back up later, but we'll see. Anyways, I was trying to come up with something that had more going on, and also maybe something unique. It took a lot of brainstorming, but i have a new series in mind in which our man character, Maddy Farthing, is basically gonna throw the bondage rulebook a curve ball...

* * * *
Part 1: Just another Routine Morning

Eighteen year old Maddy Farthing woke up very early in the morning. The sky was still dark when she awoke. She didn't know why, but she did, and she couldn't get back to sleep. She groaned, and decided to just deal with it, and wake up. Maddy's room was enormous. It looked much like a suite in a grand hotel. She slowly walked over to a window, and watched the snow falling around the city. As she looked out over the surrounding foothills, her mind drifted back to that fateful day...

Two Months Ago...

“Ah, Ms. Farthing, right on time,” A Man greeted, as he opened his office door. Maddy got up from the chair she was sitting in to shake his hand. He dressed in a nice oxford shirt with a necktie, and a vest over it, a pair of slacks, and finely polished shoes. This man was Kurt Harn: The Owner of The Estate. Maddy felt very under dressed in her red jumper, and blue jeans, but it was the nicest thing she had at the moment.

“Thank you for seeing me,” Maddy responded.

“Well, just come on inside, and we'll get this interview underway,” Mr. Harn stated.

The office was massive. Other than it's size, there was nothing really notable about it. It had several desks with a few laptops present, and it had a nice amount of space to hold two sofas and a coffee table. It would seem that the interview was taking place in a very comfortable spot.

“You're from England?” Mr. Harn then guessed.

“Yes, I am,” Maddy answered.

“I thought so from your accent,” Mr. Harn confirmed. “My Son, Tony, is a sucker for ladies who speak with an English Accent,” He then added. Maddy just chuckled.

“Thank you,” She said.

“I'm curious to hear your story, to be honest,” Mr. Harn told her. Maddy let out a sigh, and then told him the tale...

* * * *

She explained how her parents had died when she was only ten years old, and that she had to stay at an orphanage for about two years, before she was finally adopted by a loving new couple...or at least she thought they were loving at first. This couple was not looking for a child to raise...they were looking for a servant. Her Foster Parents were very harsh, as were their demands.

By the time Maddy had turned seventeen, she had finally had enough. She scraped what money she could, and bought herself a one way ticket to The United States.

* * * *

“And I'm guessing you were granted Asylum?” Mr. Harn then asked her. Maddy nodded yes.

“It took a while, but yes I was,” She stated. “I still have to wait before I can obtain full citizenship though,” She then added.

“Yeah, I know how it is,” Mr. Harn grunted.

“I saw the house keeper job posted in the newspaper, and well, here I am,” Maddy finished.

“Well, that's a roller coaster and a half,” Mr. Harn stated. “And you have my condolences as well,” He then added.

“Thank you,” Maddy said, in a somber tone.

“What's your full name?” Mr. Harn asked her.

“Madeline Ruth Farthing,” Maddy answered.

“Well, you have yourself a job,” Mr. Harn stated. Maddy's eyes widened with joy.

“Oh thank you so much, Sir!” She exclaimed. “I promise I'll do a good job,” She then claimed. Mr. Harn was holding his hand up in a way that told her to calm down a bit.

“I'm sure you will,” He said, chuckling a bit at this Young Lady's excitement...

Present Time...

After so many things had gone wrong in her life, Maddy was so happy to finally settle down. Her job included full room and board within the Estate as well. The Harn's Estate was gigantic, and had an equally massive yard. The Garden and path were lit by dim lights shining from the edges. The Estate was located in the Foothills of the mountains, and even had a small river running through the middle of the property. On either side of the Main House were what looked like two smaller houses that were connected by two hallways that resembled covered nature trail boardwalks. One of these smaller abodes held the Kitchen and Dining room. The other held the Study, and Entertainment Room.

After a few more minutes, Maddy walked to her bathroom to take a shower. She spent a good long time given that she woke up so early. Since the shower pored into a large bath tub, once her shower was done, she set the faucet to fill the tub. Once the tub was full, she decided to soak in it for a little while. The warm water was wonderful.

After some time, she decided that it was time for her to get ready for the day. She wrapped herself in a towel, and walked over to the mirror. Maddy saw a girl of now eighteen years old looking back at her. She was about five foot four with medium long light brunette hair that had some auburn highlights to it. She had green eyes, and thanks to all the running around her foster parents made her do, she was in great fit shape.

Maddy combed out her hair, and then dried it off. Now it was time for her to get dressed. Her job required her to wear a uniform. Much to her relief, it was not a French Maid's Outfit. The Harns decided to provide her with something that looked presentable and elegant, but also relaxed and “at home”, as Mr. Harn put it... ... _x460.webp

Maddy actually really liked her uniform dresses, although she thought that they were lacking in color somewhat, so she added some color with a pair of wine red tights... ... UX522_.jpg
and a gleaming silver belt around her waist... ... _QL80_.jpg

This soon became Maddy's favorite outfit to wear. Even on weekends when she wasn't required to dress up, she would still wear this outfit just because she liked it so much.

Maddy got dressed, and then went back to her bathroom to fix her hair. She put her hair into a half up style, and then walked back to her big closet mirror to see how she looked. Satisfied with her appearance, She turned her eyes to her bed, and her biggest secret manifested. All it took was one look to her bed. The pillows lifted off the bed, and began to shake about in mid air. The blankets also straightened themselves out as well. Before long, Maddy had made her bed without ever lifting a finger. Maddy is Telekinetic.

“I am not a witch!” She hissed to herself.

Maddy left her room, and made her way down the hall. The Harns always loved traveling, and their home reflects this. The Main portion of the house was actually shaped like a hotel. The Living Room and Entry looked like the lobby to a Grand Hotel. Upstairs is where all the bedrooms were located, and they were arranged in a similar manner to that of a hotel as well. The Basement held a full size Gym, as well as the Laundry Room.

Maddy made her way down stairs, crossed one of the halls, and entered the kitchen to find Mrs. Harn making Breakfast for everyone. Normally, one would think that possibly a House Employee like Maddy would be carrying out such a task, but Mrs. Harn enjoyed cooking, so she would usually do the cooking for everyone. Her hair was tied into a pony tail, and today she was dressed in long purple floral dress, as well as an apron given she was working with food at this time. She soon realized that she wasn't alone.

“Good morning, Maddy,” She greeted.

“Good morning Mrs. Harn,” Maddy greeted back, and placed her hands behind her back. “Need any help?” She then asked.

“Actually, could you get me a glass mixing bowl?” Mrs. Harn asked. “Please and thank you,” She then added.

“Of course,” Maddy replied, and walked over to a nearby cupboard. She opened it, and saw several glass bowls all stacked up nice and neat. Maddy looked back at Mrs. Daniels.

“Which one?” She asked.

“The biggest one,” Mrs. Harn answered. After a bit of rearranging, Maddy had the the bowl, and handed it to Mrs. Harn.

“Thank you,” She said. Maddy nodded.

While Mrs. Daniels whipped some eggs, Maddy was now watching with her hands behind her back again. She was also quite fascinated with the art of cooking, and was almost always in the kitchen with Mrs. Harn to help out, and learn.

It was at that moment, The Harn's Daughter, Beth, had walked into the kitchen. Beth was about two years younger than Maddy with dark brown hair. Like everyone else in her family, on a weekday, she dressed up smart. Beth seemed to prefer the preppy schoolgirl style with a pair of black tights, gray school skirt, and a white oxford shirt with long sleeves. A thin black ribbon bow tie adorned her shirt's collar.

“Don't you have chores to do?” She asked, in an almost scornful tone. Beth was Maddy's least favorite person in the house. She was still a far cry from her foster parents, but Beth's bossy nature towards her was causing some bad memories to resurface.

“Oh, stop it, Beth. She's fine,” Mrs. Harn snarled. Beth just shrugged, and got herself a drink of orange juice.

“Maddy, may I see you for a moment?” She then asked.

“Yes, of course,” Maddy responded, and they both exited the kitchen. Beth took a sip of her juice before speaking again.

“Alright, what's going on with you?” She asked. Maddy blinked at her.

“I...don't understand,” She said. “Did I do something wrong?” She then asked.

“On the surface, no, but I've been paying attention, and I can't let this go any longer,” Beth stated.

“Let what go?” Maddy asked, now looking quite worried.

“Remember a few days ago? When you offered to make my bed for me?” Beth asked. Maddy nodded yes. “I also remember how long it took you. You then went to My Brother's room to do his, and it took you thirty seconds,” Beth explained.

“And that's a problem?” Maddy asked.

“There is no way it could have taken you thirty seconds, and yet it was in perfect condition when I looked,” Beth stated. Maddy was worried about doing something wrong. Now she was worried about doing something well...a little too well, perhaps.

“I only needed to touch it up a bit,” Maddy said, with a shrug.

“Right,” Beth responded, not sounding convinced. “What about the time you folded a weeks worth of laundry within two minutes?” She then inquired. Could Beth be on to her?

“I'm just good at what I do,” Maddy answered, now realizing that she should maybe hold back on the telekinesis for a while. She may not have been seen performing it, but it was clear that someone was paying attention to the time frames. Beth just nodded, and sighed.

“Very well, that's all for now, but trust me when I say: I'm going to find out how you're doing this,” She then claimed, and walked towards the dining room. Beth didn't really seem confrontational, and rather just simply frustrated that something didn't add up. Perhaps this is why she had been lashing out as of late. One thing was for sure: Maddy would have to bench the telekinesis for a fair while.

Within a few more minutes breakfast was ready. Maddy had taken the liberty of setting the table, and with that, Mr. Harn, and his Son, Tony, had arrived. Tony dressed in a very similar manner to that of His Father. He had black hair, and brown eyes. He also had about three years or so on Maddy. Tony was a perfect Gentleman. He seated his loving sister first, and then seated Maddy before seating himself.

During breakfast, The Harns discussed some of the business points of the meeting they were going too today. It was stuff that went right over Maddy's head, so she just enjoyed her breakfast, and thought about her daily routine for the house.

“By the way, Maddy, I never asked: Do you have any hobbies?” She then heard Tony ask.

“Well, I like to read mystery novels,” She then answered.

“She also seems to have taken an interest in your Roller Coaster game too,” Beth then added.

“Yeah, I'm not one for video games, but Roller Coasters have always fascinated me,” Maddy said. Tony just nodded, as he finished his current bite.

“I have to do something with Beth after Mom and Dad leave, and then I'll give you a front row view if you want to watch,” He offered.

“Well, I have to dust the living room first, but once I'm done, I think I'd like that,” Maddy stated. Tony just nodded in response.

After Breakfast, Maddy carefully scraped off the dishes, and was careful not to get anything on her outfit. She then loaded them into the dishwasher to be cleaned. Once she was done with that, she got out a broom, and began sweeping the floor. This was the only consistent part of her job on a day to day basis. This, and doing the laundry on Fridays. Other than that, it was entirely whimsical. It was possible for this routine to be the only thing she did all day long.

As Maddy left the kitchen, She saw Tony and Beth saying good-bye to their parents, as they were off to a business meeting for a fair portion of the day. Maddy waved them good-bye as well, and with that, She went back upstairs to grab a duster from the linen closet.

“Oh no, I forgot to dust the study yesterday,” She said aloud to herself. This was an oversight that needed correcting. She grabbed the duster, and made her way down the hall into the study. She made sure that every bookshelf, desk, and table was spotless before she left. It took a good amount of time, but it didn't matter. This needed to be done. When she left the study, she was greeted in the hall by a most unusual sight. It was Beth wearing what looked like a pair of black straps around her wrists. When she saw Maddy, She quickly folded her arms to try to hide them.
Last edited by chaos846 1 year ago, edited 8 times in total.
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Post by harveygasson »

Interesting start, I hope you continue as I'm excited to see where this goes
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

I like the set-up you have provided with this story. Things can go multiple directions here from the fun and fanciful to quite gloomy depending on your motives.

I'm looking forward to seeing what you have planned next.
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Post by chaos846 »

Part 2: Mutually Assured Mouth Shutting

Maddy did her best to look innocent, but Beth just gave her a scowl, and passed her by on her way to the TV room. As much as Maddy was curious about those straps she had seen, she decided that it wasn't her place to ask, and just let it be.

Maddy made her way back into the living room, and saw Tony making his way down the stairs.

“Did you pass Beth on your way down the hall?” He asked her.

“Yes, she seemed in a hurry, and she was wearing these odd black straps on her wrists,” Maddy answered. Something about the look on Tony's face after she said that didn't seem right.

“Yes, well, don't worry about it,” He choked out, and then tried to look casual as he made his way down the hall himself. Maddy just stood there and blinked a bit. What were they hiding? She just shrugged, and went about her business. Given the fact that she was hiding something herself, she had no right to judge.

It took Maddy about twenty minutes to finish dusting the first few sections of the living room. She decided to not use her mind to do it, after what had happened between Beth and her earlier. She did use it to catch a glass leaf she had accidentally knocked off a shelf when the phone ringing startled her. Once she had replaced the leaf ornament, she walked over to the phone. The caller ID betrayed the caller as Mr. Harn.

“Hello Mr. Harn,” Maddy greeted.

“Oh, Maddy, just the person I wanted to speak to,” Mr. Harn said back. “I realize you might have your hands full with the living room, but could you give the TV room table and shelves a cleaning as well please?” He then asked.

“Absolutely Sir, I'll get right on it,” Maddy answered.

“Thanks a million, Maddy,” Mr. Complimented.

“Your welcome, Sir,” She said back. They said their good-byes, and Maddy hung up the phone. She grabbed a clean cloth and the wood cleaner from the nearby linen closet, and then made her way to the TV room. When she opened the door, she was dumbfounded by what she was looking at.

Sitting on the couch was Tony, and next to him was Beth. Her mouth had been taped shut with black tape, and it looked as though her hands had been tied behind her back in some way. Judging by the looks of fear from both of them, it was obvious that Maddy wasn't supposed to see this. Maddy, herself, couldn't help but feel the same way as well.

“Maddy, this is not what it looks like!” Tony stated quickly. Maddy just quirked an eyebrow at him. Tony looked back at his bound and gagged sister, and then back to the young maid. “Okay, this is exactly what it looks like,” He then corrected.

“Yes, I think it is what it looks like,” Maddy agreed, as Beth was trying her best to hide her embarrassment at being discovered like this. “Alright, I'll ask the obvious question: Why is Beth tied up?” Maddy then asked.

“Because she wanted to be tied up,” Tony answered. “This is something we like to do while Mom and Dad are on business trips,” He also explained.

“Tmnh!” Beth protested. She sounded as though she was rather upset at Tony for spilling a secret.

“Well, what kind of lie can either of us invent for this?” He then asked her. By this point Beth was almost fighting back tears.

“Do your parents know about this?” Maddy then asked.

“No, and we prefer to keep it that way,” Tony insisted. Beth then started mmphing into her gag. Tony rolled his eyes, and peeled the tape from her mouth.

“Do you realize she can use this to blackmail us?” Beth pointed out.

“Oh come on, Beth!” Tony protested. “Maddy's too shy and timid to blackmail anyone!” He then insisted. He paused for a moment after realizing what he just said, and cast an eye over to Maddy. She seemed taken aback by his comment, but it was also obvious that he was a bit stressed out at the given moment as well. “No offense intended,” He quickly added.

“None taken, and you don't have to worry about a thing. Your secret is safe with me,” Maddy claimed, as she then entered the room to do her job. Beth just glared at her as she passed.

“Given that you're keeping secrets from us, you'll have to forgive me if I don't exactly trust you,” Beth stated.

“This again?” Tony asked, becoming annoyed. Maddy just let out a sigh.

“No, She's right,” Maddy confessed. Tony turned his attention to her. His curiosity clearly perked. “I'm probably going to regret this, but if it gives you piece of mind, then so be it,” She then stated. She saw that Beth's hands were bound by what looked like a pair of velcro handcuffs, and the cuffs were fastened with a tiny padlock. Tony's eyes widened, and his jaw dropped when he saw the straps of the cuffs fly open all on their own.

“Holy Cow!” He snapped upon seeing this. Beth didn't see it, but she felt it. She looked to her left, and saw the cuffs, still held by the padlock fly past her, and into Maddy's waiting hand.

“Oh my god,” Beth breathed, as her hands reached her face in shock. “Telekinesis,” She then whispered.

“Now you know how i've been doing it,” Maddy told them.

“How is that even possible?” Beth then asked.

“How long have you been doing it?” Tony then asked.

“Since I was eight years old,” Maddy answered. “And I still don't know how I've been doing it. It just came to me, and I really have no explanation,” She then claimed.

“Beth, remember when Dad used to talk to us about laws of attraction, and energy?” Tony asked her.

“Yeah,” Beth answered.

“Maybe in Maddy's case, it's those laws being hyper concentrated,” Tony then theorized.

“Well, whatever it is, you're the first people I've allowed to see this since I showed my Father that one time before...” She said, and then trailed off.

“Something bad I take it,” Beth guessed.

“Remember how I told you that my parents had died?” Maddy asked. They both nodded to show they were listening. “Well, that wasn't strictly speaking true,” She then confessed.

“Oh?” Tony asked.

Maddy told them her storry of when she showed her Father her “new trick”. How he was furious at her. He grilled her for where her cult and witchcraft books were. Maddy's mother also joined in as well. They spent days tearing Maddy's room apart looking for where she hid them, but found nothing. Maddy had never used her telekinesis in front of anyone again since that day.

One day her parents were going on a trip, and since they couldn't get a babysitter, they had to leave her at a daycare for a little bit.

“They waved good-bye to me, and I never saw them since,” Maddy finished.

“They left you at the orphanage instead of a daycare,” Tony stated, and Maddy nodded to show that he was correct.

“Everything else after that is true though,” Maddy said, now with a few tears forming from the painful memories.

“You didn't lie,” Tony stated. Maddy looked at him. “If my parents did that to me, they'd be dead to me too,” He then explained.

“Your secret's safe with us,” Beth told her. Maddy finally smiled again.

“And yours is safe with me,” She stated back. “Friends?” She then asked with her hand stretched out.

“Friends,” Beth said, accepting her hand in turn. Maddy then looked the cuffs, or whatever they were, that were still in her hand. Since it was safe to do this now, she had them twirl around her arm a bit.

“I still don't know how you get entertainment value from this...activity, but to each their own,” Maddy said, and then floated them back over to Beth. That was when Beth had an idea.

“I actually find being bound and gagged to be relaxing,” Beth confessed. Maddy just blinked at her. “Maybe you should try it, and you'll understand,” Beth then suggested, as she handed the cuffs back to Tony.

“Um, no thanks,” Maddy replied, as she then began her job of cleaning the wood table. Tony had taken the lock off the cuffs, and handed them back to his sister.

“Oh, come on, Maddy,” Beth pleaded. Maddy looked over to her, and saw her pleading eyes. “Please?” She begged.

“Beth, I have a job to do,” Maddy insisted. Tony just snorted, and Maddy looked at him.

“Well, to be fair, you've already proven you don't need your hands to do it,” He pointed out. Maddy looked thoughtful for a moment, and just blinked. He was right, of course.

“Very true,” Beth agreed. She then began to slowly wrap a cuff around her right wrist, as if tempting Maddy's curiosity. Maddy continued with her work, but Beth noticed that her eyes would shift back every few seconds or so. Tony decided that now was a good time to be the voice of reason.

“Maddy, we're not going to force you to do something you don't want to do,” He informed her. Maddy just scowled at him.

“No, you're just gonna try to peer pressure me into it,” She snarled.

“Exactly,” Beth chirped, which did get a chuckle out of Maddy. Tony took hold of Beth's wrists, and pulled them around behind her back where he locked the cuffs in place again. He then held up a roll of white tape.

“How about it Maddy,” He said to her, and Maddy looked over to him from the table. “You want to tape her mouth shut?” He then asked her. Maddy thought about this for a moment.

“Nah, this is your thing,” She said.

“It's okay Tony,” Beth said. “She's too timid and shy to gag me,” She then challenged. Tony felt the roll of tape being ripped from his hand. The roll yielded a piece of tape which then was ripped away as if the wind had cut it free. This piece of tape then flew right onto Beth's mouth, and sealed her lips shut.

“Piece and quiet at last,” Maddy claimed, and then went back to cleaning the table. Tony just nodded his approval at such a display, and then added two pieces of black duct tape to Beth's gag.

“So, would you like to join her?” He then asked.

“Well, I can't deny that you've both piqued my curiosity,” Maddy admitted. Beth was now looking quite hopeful. “Let me think on it for a while,” Maddy then said. Beth just shrugged, and nodded.

“Fair enough,” Tony said back.
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Post by some_wanderer »

I wasn't intrigued at first 🤔

Part 2 came, then you got my attention 🤔
If your story has a little sister tied up by their brother,

I'll be there with comment and rating 👍
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Post by chaos846 »

Part 3: Party Guests

Maddy continued polishing the table, and then took to cleaning off the books, and board game boxes. Every so often she'd cast a look back at couch. Tony was seated at one end with a laptop, and Beth was sitting blissfully at the other end watching Futurama on the TV. Maddy did her best to not get distracted, though a few lines of dialogue did make her laugh.

“By the way Maddy, I just realized that tomorrow will be your first thanksgiving here,” Tony pointed out, as the episode had finished.

“Yep, I'm looking forward to it,” Maddy said back. “Is there a dress code?” She then asked.

“We don't hold business meetings on holidays, so they are typically treated like weekends,” Tony explained.

“Bnp, ymn phpll nmmd tm lmnk hmphwmy prmphmpbl,” Beth added. Maddy just blinked at her. Beth simply giggled at her confusion.

“I think she said that you still need to wear something presentable,” Tony guessed. “As a point of reference, Beth likes to wear a red cocktail dress for most holiday parties,” He then stated. Beth just rolled her eyes.

“Mh phrn, gmvn mwmn nll mh phrcrph,” Beth retorted. Maddy just smiled, and went back to her duties.

* * * *

After lunch, Tony got a text from his father saying that he and his wife were on their way back, and that was Tony's que to let his sister free, and hide the evidence. Even once Mr. and Mrs. Harn got home, and the day returned to normal, Maddy was still thinking on the events that had transpired that morning.

“Maybe I should join her next time,” Maddy thought to herself, as she was reading a book in the study. By the time ten O'clock rolled around, she was feeling very sleepy, and decided to call it a night. Tony and Mr. Harn were still staying up for a while though, but Maddy needed to get some sleep. As she went through her night time routine, she smiled at the thought of the secrets that were shared between Herself, Tony, and Beth. As for joining Beth in a session, as they called it...that was coming up sooner than she had expected...

Maddy woke up very early on this thanksgiving morning. She did her usual morning routine, and decided to pick out her outfit for the day's party. Although Maddy was employed, Mr. Harn was still fighting to get her on the actual payroll for his business. That didn't stop him from slipping her a few bucks under the table though. Maddy had used a piece of that to update her closet a little bit for her weekends, and the occasional formal gathering.

Maddy found a pretty dark blue lace cocktail dress, and slipped it on. After putting her hair into a loose ponytail, she left her room, and made her way towards the living room. She then met Beth who was just leaving the hall leading to the TV room..

“Oh, Maddy, I was just on my way to find you,” She said, upon seeing The Maid now coming down the stairs. As Tony had said yesterday, Beth had on a red cocktail dress of her own, although this one looked to be made of satin.

“What for?” Maddy asked.

“The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade,” Beth explained.

“Oh, uh, doesn't your mother need help in the kitchen?” Maddy asked her.

“Nope, on Thanksgiving, it's get your own breakfast, as she usually sleeps longer today,” Beth answered.

“Well, I suppose I'll join you,” Maddy stated, and the two of them headed into the TV room.

* * * *

Maddy followed Beth into the TV room where Tony was seated on the couch with a small bowl of fruit in hand. He was dressed in a pair of slacks, and a white t-shirt with a blue vest over it. Maddy decided to help her self to a spot of breakfast as well. A door within the TV room lead into a small kitchen that had a few provisions for watching TV. She helped herself to a donut, and a small bowl of fruit as well, and then rejoined the other two on the couch.

Maddy watched with fascination at the balloon floats, and performances within time's square.

“Yeah, the Rockettes are a in a class of their own,” Beth said, after that famous performance had taken place. It was at this point that The Lady of the House entered the room.

“Good morning, you Three,” She greeted. She got a similar greeting back. “First time seeing the parade?” She then asked Maddy.

“Yep,” Maddy chirped, as she then took a bite of her fruit.

“Well, I need to start the turkey soon,” She then said. “Oh, and your grandmother is on the road now,” She then added.

“Do you need any help I nthe kitchen?” Maddy asked.

“Oh no, I'll be fine,” She answered, and then left the room.

* * * *

The parade continued with it's numerous balloons, and performances, and finally ended with Santa Clause waving to the crowd.

“Wasn't that fun?” Tony asked.

“Yeah,” Maddy said, with a smile. She took responsibility for the dishes that were used, and took them into the main kitchen to be washed.

“Did you enjoy the parade?” Mrs. Harn asked, as Maddy set the dishes in the sink.

“Yeah, it was a joy to watch,” Maddy answered, as she ran water over them. She turned to see Mrs. Harn laying out strips of bacon over the turkey before setting it into the oven.

“You tell anyone about my secret to a perfect turkey, and I will end you,” The Lady of the House stated. Maddy just shook her head no. She knew the dangers of revealing a Mother's Secret Recipe. It was at that moment the doorbell rang.

“Ah, that must be Rose,” Mrs. Harn said.

“Rose?” Maddy asked.

“My Mother-In-Law,” Mrs. Harn answered. “She's a wonderful person, but being raised in Texas, she has a serious road rage problem,” She then explained.

“Oh my,” Maddy said. “So, do you need any help?” She then asked. Mrs. Harn never got a chance to answer. The kitchen door violently burst open, and storming through it were 2 men dressed in thick coats, and ski masks. Not fully unusual for mid fall in the mountains, but the pistols they were brandishing were not part of standard cold weather atire.

“What in the-” Mrs. Harn started.

“Shut it, and move!” One man barked. “Both of you, move!” He barked again.

“I've heard of In-Law relations, but this seems a bit extreme,” Maddy stated.

“I said shut it!” The other man now snapped.

Maddy and Mrs. Harn were marched down the hallway, and into the living room. They saw An elderly woman on the couch along side both. Both of them looked to have their hands bound behind their backs, and had two more men hovering over them. One of them had hold of Tony, and a gun in his side. Beth was looking to her mother for some kind of comfort, but there was none to be had here.

“I'm sorry, Heather,” The Old woman said. “They ambushed me as I was arriving at the gate,” She then explained. She then had a gun put right on her neck.

“Not another word,” The Assailant growled. “Get those two restrained,” He then called to his colleagues. Maddy had little time to process this, as her hands were yanked behind her back, and secured together with duct tape. The same treatment was given to Mrs. Harn as well. It was at this point that Mr. Harn was making his way downstairs, and seeing the horrific sight unfolding in front of him.

“What in the name of-” He started.

“Ah, Mr. Harn, just the man I wanted to meet,” One of them stated. He looked a bit bigger than the rest of the goons, and had on a blue coat instead of green like the rest of his crew.

“Oh really?” Mr. Harn questioned, trying to look strong for his family.

“Yes, you and I have some business to discuss,” The Man in Blue stated.

“My business partners call me or text me,” Mr. Harn stated. “They do not take my family hostage,” He then added.

“What can I say: I like to make a good first impression,” Blue Coat stated in response. He then turned to his captive audience. “Alright people, this is how it's gonna go down: Mr. Harn and His Son are coming upstairs with us, and we are going to discuss some business. If a deal goes south, one of the hostages dies. Do I make myself clear?” He stated, in a very firm tone. Everyone nodded yes.

Maddy was marched to the couch were she was pushed onto it. She gave her captor a harsh glare, but said nothing. Mrs. Harn was pushed into a nearby recliner chair. Maddy looked over at Beth who was now terrified. It pained her to see Beth like this, especially after what they had achieved yesterday.

“I'm going upstairs, you keep an eye on them,” One man said to his partner.

“Do you think we should tape their mouths shut,” the other man asked. Maddy felt her blood run cold.

“Oh, I don't think that will be necessary,” He answered. He then cast an eye to the hostages. “Will it?” He then asked. Everyone shook their heads no. “Of course, if they get too wordy, do what you have to,” He then added, and then left to go join his other two colleagues upstairs. Maddy could almost feel the fear in her voice. Maddy, however wasn't feeling the same level of fear as everyone else. She had a secret weapon at her disposal.

“Can you get us out of this?” Beth whispered to her while the Guard's back was turned briefly.

“I'm working on it,” Maddy answered back, just in time to avoid being seen talking to Beth. Maddy could easily overpower all four of these twats, as she would call them. The trick was doing it without anyone else seeing it.
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Post by chaos846 »

Part 4: Troll Face

The worst part of this whole situation was just the waiting. A few minutes had past, but it felt like hours. The Man standing guard was just pacing back and forth like he was hoping something went wrong, so that he had an excuse to start shooting. If it came to that, however, Maddy would not hesitate to prevent it. She had never stopped bullets before, but maybe something else could go wrong with his gun.

Maddy was also trying to process the sensation of having her hands bound. She was certainly no stranger to having her hands behind her back, as she always does this while standing, but she this was the first time her hands were bound. The feeling was giving her a lot of anxiety, but it also brought another feeling of cunning to it. There is no way a bound hostage could cause any trouble, right?

Her thoughts were broken by what sounded like shouting from upstairs, but it quieted down after a minute or so.

“Anything wrong?” The Guard asked on his radio.

“No, just computers being computers,” Someone from upstairs answered. The Guard then put his radio away, and then turned back to his hostages.

“Well, how about you lovely ladies and I pass the time, and get to know each other,” He then suggested.

“I'd rather not,” Beth answered.

“Perhaps you, then,” He then said, looking over at Maddy.

“Don't even think about it,” She snarled.

“Oh, a Limey, how adorable,” The Guard complimented. Maddy just glared at him. “You are really beautiful when you're angry,” He then added.

“Leave them alone,” Mrs. Harn then insisted. The Guard then walked over to her, and pointed his gun right at her. Maddy wasn't paying attention to what he may have threatened her with. She was looking around the room. Was there something that could distract him? Was there some kind of accident that could take place to escape this. The first thing she needed to do was draw his attention elsewhere. She looked over to a nearby shelf and...


Everyone's eyes turned to the direction of the noise. Something sounded as though it had fallen onto the hard wood floor.

“What was that?” The Guard asked. Everyone just shrugged, as they all looked as puzzled as he did. He walked over to the direction of the noise. Beth then turned to Maddy.

“Was that you?” Beth mouthed, once he was far enough away. Maddy subtly nodded yes. Beth was trying to keep a straight face, but the smile she was fighting against was proving to be a challenge. The Guard had picked up what looked like a crystal of some kind that looked as though it had fallen from the shelf. He placed it back, and then walked back to where he was.

On his way back, Maddy has spotted her next target. Beside the wall was a coat closet, and next to that was a small rectangular table. Upon this table was an animatronic cowboy on a horse. Maddy thought it be really funny if his coat had somehow brushed the hand, and activated it.


“Holy jeez!” The Guard shouted as he turned his gun to the toy that he had “accidentally” activated. Once he saw that it was a toy that couldn't harm him in anyway. He breathed a sigh of relief, as the cowboy sang some sort of awful song.

“You should be more careful, Sir,” Maddy stated, as she looked over at the entertainment room door that was still open. Her eyes then shifted back on her captor.

“Don't start with me, Limey,” He growled. Beth was now trying to fight laughing. Even her Grandmother was trying to keep a straight face. “Quiet!” The Guard then barked, as he had finally heard enough snickering. The Hostages were quickly reminded of the situation, and settled down.

“Maddy please don't test him,” Mrs. Harn insisted.


All eyes now turned to the door that just closed somehow. The Guard was now on edge after what had just happened. He was almost where Maddy needed him. She needed him to get frustrated, but she also needed him to leave the room briefly.

“Is there anyone else in the house?” The Guard asked. Everyone shook their heads no, but he wasn't trusting them. He just shook his head no in response, and pulled out his radio. “Boss, there may be someone else left in the house,” He stated.

“Go get um, and have um join the others,” The Boss answered.

“How's it going up there?” The Guard asked.

“Still waiting on a download,” The Boss answered. With that, the Guard had left the living room, and headed down the hall.

“Maddy, can you get me untied?” Beth asked, as she showed Maddy her bound hands. Maddy reached over with her own, and tried to undo the tape.

“Turn the other way a bit,” Maddy instructed. She needed Beth to block Her Grandmother's view of what she was doing, and Maddy had carefully positioned herself to block Mrs. Harn's view. Beth soon felt the tape on her wrists unraveling at a very rapid pace.

“Oh my lord, how did you do that so fast?” Mrs. Harn asked, now seeing Her Daughter was freed of her bonds.

“Maddy's just really fast at what she does,” Beth answered, as she then began to free The Maid. With Maddy freed, they both started to work on the other two.

“I don't know how much time we have till he gets back,” Mrs. Harn said, upon being freed.

“We'll act like we're still tied up, and wait for an opportunity,” Maddy suggested. With all four hostages freed, they hid the evidence of their bindings in the couch cushions, and then resumed their positions while holding their hands behind their backs now. This was a good call, because three seconds later, The Guard had returned.

“What is going on here?” He asked aloud, clearly not finding the person he was looking for.

“Sir, I think you might be just a little bit paranoid,” Maddy taunted.

“I swear, one more word out of you, Limey, and i'm taping your mouth shut,” The Guard insisted. This was the opportunity they needed, and Maddy decided to pay homage to Beth as a means to push him over the edge.

“You don't have the guts to tape my mouth shut,” she claimed.

“That's it!” The Guard barked, and with that, he grabbed the duct tape. He marched over to Maddy with evil intent in his eyes. Eyes that were not focused on the large rug that the furniture arrangement was sitting upon. Maddy had mentally scrunched up the carpet to catch his foot, and the results were quite predictable.

“Whoa!” He yelled, as he tripped and fell to the floor. Everyone knew this was their que, and pounced. All four ladies pinned him down, and Beth had the honor of tying him up with the duct tape. She also decided to wrap a bunch around his mouth to ensure he couldn't warn his colleagues.

“Quite the outrageous fellow, wouldn't you say?” Maddy then asked.

“That is thee most british thing I have ever heard you say,” Beth said, now laughing. Maddy just shrugged.

“How's it going down there?” The Now Captive's radio asked.

“Mmmph!” He yelled. Everyone else just paused. They knew they couldn't answer it, as it would give away what had happened, but not answering it would cause someone to head down, and check on the situation. As if that wasn't enough, the sound of police sirens could now be heard outside. Maddy cautiously looked at the window, and saw about five or six police cars lining up at front of the house outside.

“Who called the police?” Maddy asked.

“Kurt has a silent alarm in his office,” Mrs. Harn explained, as she was heading to the front door.

“Oh,” Maddy chirped in response. Mrs. Harn opened the door, and held her hands out, so the police could see them. Within a few moments, about eight officers were inside the house. The first thing they did was make sure everyone was unarmed. They then saw the care package that the ladies had left for them.

“Are there any others, Ma'am?” One man asked.

“Yes, three of them have my Son and Husband upstairs,” Mrs. Harn answered. It was at this moment that one of the thugs had appeared at the top of the staircase. He was obviously sent to check on the situation since his partner had failed to answer his radio. All eight sets of guns from the officers zeroed right in on him.

“Uh oh,” Was all Maddy could hear him utter. He tried to slowly, and subtly reach for his radio, but...

“Don't!” One of the officers barked, while another one motioned for him to head down the stairs to meet them.

It wasn't long before all of them were finally taken into custody. The officers took statements from everyone involved.

“I don't know what happened, but near as I can tell, they either had some very bad luck, or we have a guardian angel looking after us,” Mrs. Harn told everyone. She then turned to Beth who was chuckling.

“What are you laughing at?” She asked her daughter.

“Don't worry about it,” Beth answered.

“My money's on the guardian angel,” Tony stated, and cast a sly wink over to the Maid. Maddy just stood with her hands behind her back, this time by choice, looking quite proud of herself.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

[mention]chaos846[/mention] I like this model of minor adventures in which only Maddy, Tony, and Beth are privy to what is really occurring here. You have the potential here to make this a serious of hilarious situations such as this latest tale in which some folks find themselves find themselves tied up or untied as a result of Maddy's tricks. :D
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Find my other CGC Stories in the same link above!

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Post by chaos846 »

Final Part: In Conclusion

Once the aftermath was over, everyone was now in a mad dash to get the house ready for the other guests who were supposed to be arriving. Mrs. Harn, and Her Mother-in-Law were in the kitchen getting the food back on track. Everyone was also grateful that the turkey hadn't been ruined.

“It went for about twenty minutes overtime, but it's still fine,” Mrs. Harn said, as she checked on it. Maddy was in the living room with some cleaning supplies, and she was about to head into the restroom when Beth came down the stairs.

“Maddy, how long will that take you?” She asked. Maddy thought for a moment.

“A couple minutes or so,” She answered.

“Right, when you finish, can you meet me in the dining room please?” Beth asked, no longer phased by Maddy's impossible time frame.

“Yeah, sure,” Maddy answered. Beth continued on her way while Maddy entered the restroom, and closed the door behind her.

Two minutes, and a few mind powers later, the restroom was sparkling clean. Maddy put her supplies away, and then headed down the hall to the dining room where Tony and Beth were setting the table.

“Oh, Maddy, can you give the chairs a quick wipe?” Tony asked her. Maddy just nodded yes, and a small cloth sitting on a cabinet flew into her hand. Since it was just them, she could do that. “Beth told me what you did to that chump,” He then said, with a grin.

“Oh, yeah,” Maddy said, with a giggle. Beth also began smiling in remembering it as well.

“I need to get the silverware,” Beth told them, and left the room.

“So, what was your first session like?” Tony then asked her. Maddy gave him a bit of a scowl, seeing the smile on his face.

“It was exciting to say the least,” She explained.

“I can imagine,” Tony said back.

“It was a certain kind of fun in it though,” Maddy then stated. She now had Tony's undivided attention. “As in, he thought I was completely helpless,” She then explained.

“That feeling of I-know-something-you-don't,” Tony surmised. Maddy then nodded, as Beth had come back, now carrying a plastic bowl with a bunch of silverware in it. It looked heavy, so Maddy mentally lifted it over to the table.

“Thank you,” Beth said. With that, all three of them began placing it within some napkins, and folding them into a neat display. Maddy decided to let her mind do one briefly as well.

“Okay, now you're just showing off,” Beth snarled. Maddy just giggled, and went back to doing the rest by hand.

“By the way, how much money were those guys after?” Maddy then asked.

“They weren't after money,” Tony stated. The two girls blinked at him. “They were after employee identities, and security clearances. They also wanted several train schedules,” He then explained.

“That's frightening,” Maddy responded. The Harns owned at least a dozen Railroads which made up the core of their business, so for someone looking to infiltrate that was very bad news.

“But thankfully that was averted,” Beth stated. Maddy then nodded.

“I'm gonna head to the kitchen to see if your Mum needs any help,” She then said. The siblings nodded, and with that, Maddy made her way to the kitchen.

Mrs. Harn, and Rose looked like they were trying to juggle a bunch of food items at once. Maddy also noticed that the dishes were beginning to pile up.

“Maddy, the dishes are-yep,” Mrs. Harn started, but then stopped when she saw The Maid putting on a kitchen apron so that she didn't make a mess of herself.

“So, you're the New Maid,” The Elder Harn stated, as she was folding what looked like some sort of dessert in a bowl.

“Yes, My name is Madeline Farthing,” Maddy greeted.

“Nice to finally meet you. I'm Rosmary Harn,” Elder Harn greeted back. “I'm sorry our first meeting was under those awful circumstances,” She then added.

“It is what it is I guess,” Maddy insisted. Elder Harn just nodded in agreement while Maddy continued to scrape food off the dishes, and load them into the dishwasher.

“British, and beautiful,” Elder Harn pointed out. Maddy let out an embarrassed chuckle.

“Thank you,” Maddy said.

“I also want you to know that while a lot of employers out there claim their employees are like family, My Son is the only one I've seen so far who actually means it,” Elder Harn told her. Maddy smiled, and nodded. She put her apron away, and then walked over to see what Elder Harn was making.

“Dessert?” Maddy asked, as she put her hands behind her back as usual.

“Nope, this is topping for the dessert,” Elder Harn answered. Maddy just nodded, and then walked over to The Mistress of the House to see if she needed any help.

* * * *

In spite of the incident earlier, everyone pitched in to make sure the house was ready for the guests arriving later on. There weren't a whole lot of people. Just a few Aunts and Uncles were present, and when six o'clock rolled around, it was time to eat. Maddy, Mrs. Harn, Tony, and Beth all helped carry the food to the table while Mr. Harn prepared drinks for everyone.

Once everyone was seated, Mr. Harn lead the saying of grace, and before any turkey carving began, he stood up with his wine glass in hand.

“I just wanted to propose a toast,” He stated. Everyone else held their glasses up as well. Since a few members were under age for wine, they had sparkling cider in their glasses. “To Pilgrams old!” He stated, but then cast an eye to Maddy briefly, “And new,” He added. Maddy just smiled, and then took a sip from her glass. Her first Thanksgiving.
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Post by harveygasson »

I've really enjoyed this story and see you've done a sequel to it so I'm looking forward to that
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