O.H.M.S.S (FM/F)

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O.H.M.S.S (FM/F)

Post by mrjones2009 »

Luxury Resort, Caribbean

“Club Tropicana drinks are free…..fun and sunshine there’s enough for everyone…,” Penelope hummed along with the tune as it blared of the speakers around the pool. The waiter had just brought her another cocktail from the bar to her lounger as she lay soaking in the sunshine and glorious view of the sea out over the beach. “Tough work Pen, but somebody has to do it.” Penelope signed for the drink, charging it to her room and put her sunglasses back in place. It has been two days of relaxing and working on her tan since landing in the Caribbean, and with the tab being picked up by the firm, although Penelope knew that it couldn’t last. “Just enjoy it whilst you…..” her phone pinged on the table and Penelope could see who the message was from an sighed. “You will jinx it.” Penelope swung her legs off the lounger and into her flip flops. As she stood up Penelope took a look around. The place was busy but not packed and nothing seemed out of place. After wrapping a long sarong around her waist Penelope put her bag over her shoulder and picked up her phone and drink, “waste not want not,” and headed back to her private hut further along the beach. As she walked Penelope knew that she drew admiring glances, she wasn’t ashamed of her curvaceous figure and her outfit was showing it off.
After unlocking the door Penelope entered the shade of the hut and the temperature dropped considerably. It was still warm enough to walked around in a bikini though so not a great hardship. Retrieving her laptop from the locked case under the bed she put it on the small desk and sat down in the wicker chair. “Let’s see what the boss wants.” The laptop fired up almost instantly and the homepage came up. Penelope put the thumb drive into the USB socket and waited for the portal to open before entering her username and password. “You have one new message.” Penelope picked up the cocktail and took a long drag before hitting play on the message and leaning back getting comfortable. The face of her boss, Sir Henry Slade filled the screen.

“Good morning, Agent Stanhope. I hope that you have been enjoying the break.” Penelope raised the cocktail and took another sip. “Well, it is now time for you to earn your wage.” Penelope’s shoulders slumped. She could have used another couple of days of rest and relaxation but I suppose that came with working for Queen and country. “This is Hugo Fazakerley,” a picture appeared on the screen, “officially he is an international shipping agent but that is just a cover for his real profession. Arms dealer.” Penelope wondered why they didn’t just arrest these people if they knew about their criminal dealings. “He was small time but recently had been reaching out to some people that we wouldn’t like to have certain arms.” That was it then. Poor sod just went from having the right clients to the wrong clients. Oh, well. Not Penelope’s problem. “He is currently in the Caribbean to broker a deal. Your mission is to obtain evidence of the deal that we can use as leverage on him to bring down both him and his contacts.” Penelope nodded and took another drink. Another picture appeared of an attractive woman with dark hair and brown eyes. “This is Xenia Onatopp, Fazakerley’s head of security. Be careful around her, she is smart and dangerous. Nolan will be contact you with details this evening.” Also, easy of the eye. “Finally, as always, Stanhope if you are killed or captured, we will deny all knowledge of your actions.” The screen went blank just as Penelope finished her cocktail.

“Suppose I should grab a shower and get ready then.” Penelope got up and headed for the bathroom.

Industrial Complex, Caribbean

Penelope sat in the back of four wheeled drive vehicle as it moved through the lanes between the large warehouses. She was checking through the bag of equipment that Nolan had given her. “Q said that he forwarded everything that you would need.”
“Looks to all be here,” Penelope confirmed as she zipped up the bag. “Just stop at the next junction and drop me off. Turn right and head away from the target.” Penelope glanced at her watch. “Get you back at the same point in two hours. If I am not back, then try again in another hour. After that….” Penelope caught Nolan’s gaze in the rear-view mirror and he nodded as the brough the vehicle to a stop and Penelope slipped out the back door. Penelope pressed herself against a nearby wall until the vehicle had disappeared. Penelope looked around to get her bearings and the moved away from the wall toward the target. Checking out her outfit Penelope ran her hands over the form fitting clothes, black boots, black combats and a tight black sweater. “Rocking it girl.” Once she got close to the target warehouse Penelope knelt down across the road and peeked around the corner to get a look. It was a two-level structure with a wall around the yard. There were lights on in a couple of the high-level windows scattered across throughout the warehouse.

Taking a deep breath Penelope tied her long black hair back into a ponytail and opened the rucksack and removed a long length of rope with a grapple on it. After a last look around Penelope trotted over to the wall surrounding the target warehouse, head scanning around for threats. As she closed on the wall Penelope started to swing the grapple around and then when she judged it to be the correct moment tossed it at the of the wall and it caught. “First time,” Penelope whispered as she pressed her back against the wall. Giving anybody that had seen something a chance to react Penelope counted to thirty before tugging the rope to check that it would hold and started climbing the wall using the rope. It didn’t take long to reach the top where she paused at the top to unhook the grapple and fling it over before hanging off the dropping down into the yard that surrounded the warehouse. She landed with a soft thud and crouched down. Looking around Penelope didn’t see any movement so stood up and walked across to the door on that elevation and knelt down and examined the lock. Reaching around for her lockpick Penelope made short work of the lock on the door and stepped inside into a tight corridor with several doors coming from it.

“Call this security…” Penelope was almost embarrassed about how easy this had been. Carefully she mase her way along the corridor. There were doors off on either side, Penelope tried them all and they opened. Stepping inside each room in turn Penelope found nothing of real interest. Old papers all with dates that looked like nothing had happened here since 2017. “Strange for a logistics firm.” As Penelope made her way along the corridor the general noise increased. As she approached the end of the corridor it was clear that it led to a large open space. Penelope stopped at the end of the corridor and crouched down. In the large open space, there was a lot of activity. Men carried boxes around and drove forklift truck shuttling larger crates from one end of the warehouse to the other. There were piles of boxes scattered around and Penelope judged her time to sprint for the closed pile. There boxes were piled high enough that nobody could see her from the inside the main warehouse with smaller stacked protecting her flanks. “Let’s see what is in here.” Penelope moved some boxes so that she could get easy access to a crate that was sitting on the concrete floor. Pulling a small crowbar from her rucksack Penelope started to attack the crate, prying at the edges. “Geez, they used a lot of nails.” Penelope grunted as she put all her effort into the attempt to get the top of the crate off. The sounds of the men working seemed to intensify. They there was a loud noise as a crate was dropped and smashed. Penelope froze.

“BE CAREFUL!” someone shouted. Penelope then realised that she was holding her breath. After taking a quick look in the direction that the noise to make sure everyone else was distracted Penelope went back to work.

“Don’t get spooked Pen,” she told herself and went back to concentrating on getting the top of the crate. Then there was a crack and pop then the top of the crate lid was open. Penelope smiled and pushed the top to one side and looked at the packing inside. “What do we have here?” Penelope commented as leaned into the crate and started to rummage around. It had gone quiet and Penelope paused. “Was that some…” It was all in your head girl. The create was full of those loose packing foam chips and Penelope felt around with her hands finding something cool and metallic “And what for we have hear…” Placing both hands on the object Penelope straightened her back and raised it from the crate.

There was a soft crunch, a whoosh and a heavy thump at the back of her head and like someone hitting a switch everything went BLACK.


“ooohhh….my head…” Penelope groaned as her senses started to switch back on. Her head was thumping, like it had been hit with a sledgehammer. “ooohh...what happened…” It was all a bit confusing. She tried to open her eyes but they were instantly assaulted by harsh fluorescent lighting and Penelope slammed them closed again.

“The little snoop is awake,” a male voice with an upper-class British accent commented. “I thought that you had cracked her skull open Jonas.” Then it all flooded back to Penelope and she squinted one eye open to find three people staring at her. Hugo Fazakerley, Xenia Onatopp and a large man with short blonde hair who was obviously Jonas.

“That is no way to treat a lady sport,” Penelope said as she tried to raise her right hand to inspect the source of pain on her head. She found that she couldn’t move it as it was attached to her left wrist. A quick check told her wrists were bond together with rope, tightly by the way that Penelope felt it biting into her wrists. A quick inventory told her that she was sitting in a chair wooden with her wrists bound behind the back of the chair. More rope encircled her body pinning her to the chair and each of her ankles were tied to the respective legs of the chair.

“Spunky, we like that around here,” Hugo replied. “Also, nice to hear another British accent.”

“Wish I could say the same,” Penelope replied as she tested the strength of her bindings.

“I wouldn’t bother expending the effort,” Xenia said. “I tied the knots myself.” Penelope continued to squirm for a bit they satisfied that the ropes wouldn’t budge without significant time and effort being expended. Either that or help from a someone.

“Thanks for not letting Lunk there have the job. I have a feeling he would have gotten a bit handsy.” Xenia smiled and nodded. Penelope looked around the room. There were in a small office, windows behind her, wooden chairs, a couple of desks, coat stand and a couple of filing cabinets. Hugo started to pace around the room with his hands in the pocket of his tweed jacket. “So, what is your story then?” Penelope asked in an attempt to break the silence.
“Pardon?” Hugo asked.

“Why are you knocking out and tying up young women?”

“Well, if we are being accurate Jonas here,” pointing at the large man, “knocked you out and Xenia tied you up.” Semantics. Penelope huffed and had another squirm. “Maybe we should be asking what brought you here?”

“Burglary, simple as that.” Penelope had decided to keep it as plausible as possible.

“Seems a strange target. Plenty of big houses or high-end stores on the island.” Hugo stated. “Yet, you chose a warehouse on an industrial estate.” Penelope shrugged. They couldn’t prove anything else. Just keep your mouth shut and ride in out.

“Shouldn’t you be calling the police about now?” Penelope asked, trying to put them on the back foot. Hugo shook his head.

“We like to take care of these things direct?” Xenia chipped in.

“These things?” Penelope raised an eyebrow. “Direct?”

“Yes, snooping strangers,” Hugo confirmed. Just then Jonas moved and Penelope eyes, drawn to the movement lingered on something lying on one of the desks. Hugo stopped pacing an placed a hand on Penelope’s right shoulder. “I would like to know she was here though…”

“I wouldn’t mind more time with the young lady either but it doesn’t matter. She will just be little tiny pieces when the place goes up,” Xenia commented. Penelope’s eyes went wide as she looked at the explosive device. “A bomb. Main control here but liked to other devices scattered around the warehouse. “Obviously we won’t he here when it goes….” Xenia made an explosive gesture with her hands. After getting over the initial surprise Penelope wasn’t that fussed. There was a mini EMP in her phone that would kill the electronics in the timer. It was voice activated as well. She could see her bag and phone lying on the desk close to the bomb. Everything was cool. Once these idiots left, she would sort it out then find something to cut the ropes. Then there was the sound of a phone ringing.

“Excuse me,” Hugo apologized and he answered his mobile. “No trouble at all…” As he spoke Hugo made a signal with his hand and Jonas and Xenia started to move around, packing certain items into bags. Once that was finished Hugo walked over to the bomb and pressed the counter. It read 10:00 then started to count down. Penelope took a deep breath.

“One more thing,” Xenia said as she picked up a roll of silver duct tape that had been left handily lying around. As she approached where Penelope was sitting bound to the chair Xenia tore a long strip from the roll. Xenia leaned and the placed the tape over Penelope’s lips and then smoothed in place. “There, no calling for help.” Then Xenia leaned in and whispered in Penelope’s ear. “Pity, I think that we could have had some fun.” Penelope’s mewed and her eyebrows shot up a little.

“mmmuuunn!” Penelope mumbled as she watched the woman walk away and join Hugo and Jonas at the door. Jonas held the door opened and Hugo, still on the phone, gestured for Xenia to go first. Xenia turned and blew Penelope a kiss before exiting the room.

“We can talk further with ……. At the charity thing tomorrow night…” Hugo said as they walked out the door followed by Jonas who slammed the door closed. Penelope looked from the door to the bomb, well the timer on the bomb really and relaxed. More than eight minutes. Loads of time. Penelope counted to ten to give her captors time to leave then it was time to make her escape. All she had to do was get this tape off her mouth. There was no stuffing and only a single layer so it wouldn’t be effective in preventing her from calling for help but it was enough so that the voice recognition software on her phone wouldn’t operate. Well, she had been tied, gagged and been in similar positions before. There had been Panama, Berlin, Dubrovnik, Kampala, St Petersburg, Santiago, Anchorage…. Now that she thought about it, perhaps there was a pattern emerging. Come on Penelope! There would be time for that later, concentrate on the problem at hand.

“mmmooonn,” Penelope tried to get her mouth scraping against her shoulders to try and rub the edge of the tape. After trying several times Penelope blew the air through her nose in frustration, Xenia had smoothed it out well. Obviously knew what she was doing with gags. Well, perhaps it had to be the old-fashioned way. Penelope checked the timer. Six minutes. Loads of time. Penelope started to rock the chair over to the table, it was a delicate operation, she needed enough momentum to move across the floor but not enough that she would tip over. Not my first rodeo! It took a bit of time but Penelope managed to make it across. Another quick glance at the time. Four minutes. Loads of time. Next problem. Get the phone. “mmuuffhh.” Penelope was going to have to knock the phone onto the floor. So, that was what she did. Bending over and using her forehead Penelope pushed the phone onto the floor. Penelope watched as the phone bounced and landed not far away. As she started to rock the chair to topple herself over Penelope took another glance at the timer. Two minutes. Getting a bit tight now. Penelope could feel the sweat running down her forehead and her back now. Just the physical exertion Pen. “uummppff!” Penelope grunted as she landed heavily on the floor and immediately started groping around for her phone. Finding it Penelope flicked her thumb across the screen to bring it to life before typing in the passcode. The phone vibrated. “uummppff!” Penelope grunted. Back to front Pen! Second attempt it worked. Penelope concentrated on the phone for a while. Having to do this through memory without seeing what she was doing was awkward. Then she caught a glance at the timer on the bomb.

“MMIITT!” Penelope shouted...fifteen, fourteen…stay calm Penelope, almost there…

“uuummmm,” thirteen…twelve…almost three…just one more…

“gggrruuppp,” eleven…ten…nine…a bead of sweat ran into her eye

“mmppff….uummppff…” eight…seven…six….
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Centennial Club
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Thanks for all of those that have read the story. Hope that you like the next installment.
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Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Gala Ball, Mansion on Caribbean Island

Before leaving Penelope had taken some time to appraise herself in the mirror. Nolan had done well to find her such a beautiful ball gown at very short notice, the cut even flattered her assets and the skirt made a lovely swish when she spun round. Not her usual attire but anyway, what girl didn’t want to be a princess at least once. Well, she had cut it close the previous evening but that was part and parcel of the job. She had lived to fight another day and had a score to settle. Once Nolan and picked her up and they had debriefed Penelope had mentioned Hugo’s parting words and he had known what Hugo had been talking about. “That will be Martha Wainwright’s annual charity fancy dress ball at her estate.” Penelope had enquired about and an invitation. If Fazakerley was going to attend and meet someone then it might be good for her to be there. “That shouldn’t be an issue. I should be able to source an invitation through the embassy.”

“Is the tiara too much?” Penelope asked form the back seat of the large black car as she pulled up the elbow length gloves of the Belle from Beauty & the Beast outfit.

“No ma’am,” Nolan said from the driver’s seat. “Q was insistent that you wore that and the pendant.” Penelope nodded and played with the pendant that hung around her neck before picking up her phone and scrolling through the briefing pack that Q had sent through. Interesting stuff. They continued on in silence as Nolan steered the large car toward the estate. As they pulled off the main road Penelope could see the back-up of taillights. “Looks busy,” Nolan commented. That was good, made it easier to disappear into the crowd. Dusk was beginning to fall as Penelope’s car reached the main entrance. It was an impressive place, high wall around large gardens, pool, tennis court, three levels that she could see from the car. Not too bad. The door opened and Penelope snapped back into business mode.

“Midnight. No later,” Penelope said to Nolan in the front seat. No nodded as Penelope held out a hand and was helped out of the car by one of the security guards. Once out Penelope adjusted her skirt before delving into her bag and taking out the gold embossed card and smiling. Presenting her invitation to the security guards at the door Penelope was waived through. Penelope entered the building and was met by a smiling young man carrying a large silver tray.

“Glass of champagne madam?” the young man asked.

“Well, seeing as you asked so nicely…” Penelope smiled again and took a glass. Taking a couple of steps past the young man and deeper into the large house and marveled at the decoration and ornaments. She stopped in front of a painting and examined it. “That is an original.” Martha Wainwright obviously had deep pockets and good taste. Moving on Penelope worked her way deeper into the house and blended in by making polite conversation with Cinderella & Captain Jack Sparrow, Fred & Wilma Flintstone, Danny & Sandy from Grease and then Gomez & Morticia Addams. All very nice people but it was all a cover for her to work the party and see if she could find anything interest. It was after she had been there for around an hour and a half and her facial muscles were sore from smiling that she order a cocktail at the bar and turned to survey the room. “Bingo!”
“Your drink ma’am,” the barman said behind her but Penelope wasn’t listening. She had spotted Hugo Fazakerley, Xenia Onatopp and that slab of meat Jonas. Although he was now wearing a nice suit. What was interesting was that they weren’t wearing fancy dress costumes. As she was following Hugo and company crossing the room a bell rang. “Ma’am, your drink…”

“Ladies and gentleman. Your attention please,” a man dressed as a town crier bellowed. “The auction will commence in ten minutes. Please make your way to the main hall.” There was a shuffling of feet as the crowd made their way out of the bar stage right. Penelope’s eyes didn’t leave the side of Hugo’s head as he exited stage left.

“Have it yourself,” Penelope said over her shoulder as she headed off to follow. As she swam through the crowd of people with her eyes firmly fixed on Hugo. Her skirt swished as she shimmied past a couple dressed as Star Wars characters and then she bumped into Bigfoot and got turned around. “Sorry…” For a moment she lost track of where Hugo, Xenia and Jonas then when spinning her head around she noticed a door swinging. “Must be through there.” Penelope went up to the door and paused for the count of five to let whoever was on the other side get away a little before nudging the door open and stepped through. She found herself standing in a small hallway with a staircase straight in front of her. The door closed and the noise of the party was always muted. The lights on the wall threw out pools of light, rather than bathed the whole staircase in light which was a benefit to Penelope. Hiking up her skirt Penelope reached up to her suspenders where she removed her gun from its holster. “Never leave home without protection.” Penelope started to slowly climb the stairs, taking one step and a time, trying to make as little noise as possible. Now, Penlope was as demure and ladylike as any woman you could think of but she was struggling in these heels and large skirt. There was a small landing at the top of the stairs and a T-junction that meant you could go left or right. There was the sound of voices, very muted, male and female so Penelope flattened herself against the wall. There she waited, silent, almost not daring to breathe for fear of being discovered. Penelope remained in place until the voices receded and there was a dull thud as a door closed. She bent down and dared a peek around the corner. There was a man standing guard outside the door. A large man, well broad more than tall, he would be shorter than Penelope’s five foot ten. Did I mention I was tall? Obviously on guard duty the man quickly got bored and started to pace in front of the door, first five paces and then ten in each direction. At least that gave her a closer look at him. He needed a better tailor or to stop hitting the gym as the tightness of his suit jacket gave away the holster. Penelope didn’t have a gun on her but she would be able to come up with something from her handbag. She did want a look behind that door.
Having made preparations from what she had in her bag Penelope peeked around the corner and after slipping off her shoes Penelope quietly approached the guard, he seemed oblivious to her presence behind her. Closer, closer, just don’t turn around. Penelope eventually got close enough to strike and clamped a gloved hand over his mouth. “mmmpphh!” the man moaned into the hand as Penelope pulled him tight against her body and thrust her lipstick tube into his ribs.

“Nothing funny or the gun goes off and you get a large hole in your chest,” she hissed into the man’s ear. The man nodded. “Alright, now that we understand each other slowly reach into your holster with two fingers, remove your gun and drop it onto the carpet.” The man paused for a split second and Penelope rammed the lipstick into his ribs. “Don’t get cute.” The man obeyed the command and there was a soft thud as the pistil hit the floor. “Good boy. Now I am going to remove my hand for a second but no screaming.” Penelope removed her hand and made a quick lunge for the folded handkerchief that was stuffed in her bosom. The handkerchief was quickly pressed over the man’s nose and mouth.

“uummppff!” the man said a spilt second later as the smell coming from the damp handkerchief invaded his nostrils.

“Now, breathe in honey,” Penelope whispered into the man’s ear. The man started to squirm and struggle, perfectly understandable when someone presses a chemical laced handkerchief over your nose and mouth. Penelope stopped that with another firm prod of her lipstick. That focused the man’s mind. “Better. Just close those eyes for me.” They stood like that for about thirty seconds and then Penelope felt the man start to sag a little. After another ten seconds the man slumped back into her and Penelope had to take all of his weight. “Well, glad I have been doing some core work.” The handkerchief remained in place until Penelope was sure that the man was out. Then she dragged him along the corridor until she found an open door that led to a bedroom. Dragging the man inside Penelope dumped him onto the floor and flipped him round onto his stomach. “Now, to find something to tie you up with…” After searching through a draw Penelope sounds some silk scarves and used them to secure the man’s wrists, arms and legs. A couple of clean handkerchiefs were stuffed into his mouth and another scarf used to made sure that those couldn’t be ejected. Penelope patted the man’s jacket and found a key. “Thank you,” she said as she patted him on the head. “Don’t you go anywhere.”

Slipping back out of the bedroom after checking both ways that it was clear Penelope casually walked along to the door. Using the key that she had taken from the security guard she opened the door and looked inside. It was a sparsely dedicated landing that led to a staircase that head down. It was parallel to the stairs Penelope had come up. It was well lit by fittings at regular intervals on the wall. As she started to descend the stairs Penelope saw that there was a half landing at what would be ground floor level of the house. At the landing there was a one-hundred-and-eighty-degree turn. She pulled out the compact from her handbag and angled it so that she could see around the bend. It was another set of stairs that went down another level. “Basement…always a basement…” Penelope put the compact back in her bag alongside the lipstick, the chloroform laced handkerchief back against her bosom for easy access should it be needed. Stepping round the corner Penelope slowly descended the second flight of stairs until at the bottom she found herself in a long corridor, again well lit from fittings in the wall. The orientation of the corridor to the house told Penelope that she was walking toward the back garden under the house. To help focus her mind Penelope counted the steps on her head…fifteen…sixteen…this seemed to be well although where did this lead…twenty-five…twenty-six… Suddenly, something shot out of the wall a couple of yards in front of Penelope and she jumped back as it thudded into the other wall and caused a cloud of dust. Penelope coughed and waved a hand in front of her face. “What was that?” It was a solid steel wall and it blocked her way forward. A chill ran down her spine and Penelope took a step backward. Then there was a loud WHUMP from behind her. “Shit!” Penelope closed her eyes for a second and turned around to find an identical wall had closed behind her, shutting off her escape. “Well, this was not in the playbook,” Penelope mumbled to herself as she started to hit the walls looking for a weak spot. Then she heard a hissing sound and she looked down. There were vents at low level in the wall. Penelope quickly established that was where the hissing sound was coming from. “That doesn’t sound very promising…” Penelope went about trying to find someway out of her current predicament frantically trying to lever the steel door open with her hands, even though she knew it would be hopeless. Then whatever the gas caught the back of her throat and she coughed. “That…”cough…”wasn’t”…cough…”nice…” the gas had a lavender and chamomile smell. “Great. That doesn’t help…” cough… “why…do…” cough… “they think that…” cough…”nice smell will help…” cough. Penelope changed tack and started to press and bang one of the walls either side of the door looking for a weak spot but that proved footloose. The she stumbled as she worked her way across to the other. “OOPS!” Penelope paused as she felt a bit unsteady on her feet. They gas may have been starting to have an effect on her. Time to hold my breath. Penelope walked to the other wall and worked her way along, pushing, probing and banging, whilst holding her breath. It was harder than she thought. Need to work on the cardio Pen. Reaching the end of the wall her eyes started to water and she grunted in frustration and looked around the confined space. There didn’t seem much that she could do. Her lungs were burning and she couldn’t hold her breath any longer. “Oh!” Penelope wailed as she had to take a lungful of air and gas. The small of the gas instantly caught her in her nostrils and she burst into a fit of coughing that Penelope though would crack a rib. It wasn’t long before her movements started to slow down and her head felt fuzzy. She had to bend over and put her right hand on the wall to keep herself balance as her knees were now wobbly. The world seemed to be spinning and there was a buzzing in her ears. “This…is…strange…” Penelope turned and put her back against the wall as her legs could do longer take her weight. She was so dizzy and then the vision started to narrow. With her strength gone Penelope slumped down the wall and found herself sitting on the floor with her legs out in front of her. “oohhmm…uummm….” Penelope moaned as the gas took over. Her eyes were streaming and she was struggling to keep them open. Penelope assumed, well hoped that the gas was only going to put her to sleep, nothing worse than that. This was the final thought that went through her head as her eyelids fluttered closed and her head lolled onto her left shoulder.


The lights were harsh as Penelope come around. Her head seemed to be spinning, as was the ceiling. She was lying on her back looking at the heavy wooden sections of a large ceiling. “ooohhhmmm…” God, that gas had done a number on her. It took a while for Penelope to regain her senses before she tried to move. It was then that she discovered that she couldn’t move. A quick glance informed her that she was being held down by heavy metal manacles around her wrists and ankles. “Well, this is awkward….” Then a familiar voice interrupted her thoughts.

“I can’t put my finger on it but I think that we have met somewhere before.” It was Hugo Fazakerley. Penelope strained her neck as she twisted around but she couldn’t see where the voice had come from. It seemed to come from the gloom. “You are the proverbial bad penny young lady.”
“Oh, you have no idea how accurate that statement is…” Penelope trialed off as she had another go and escaping the metal shackles around her wrists and ankles. No success. Then the sound of several steps of footsteps pierced the gloom and as if they materialized out of this air suddenly three faces loomed over Penelope from above. Hugo Fazakerley, Xenia Onatopp and a woman in her early fifties, well that’s what Penelope guessed, she could have easily been forties and well preserved.

“Just another random burglary I assume?” Hugo asked. Penelope rolled her eyes.

“I decided to take your advice, try some upmarket houses.” Penelope countered.

“Not this time,” Hugo replied, “the gun and some of the other items on your person would seem to suggest that you are something other than a simple burglar. Also, you walked through the front door with an invitation.” Penelope shrugged as much as she could.

“I would have a word with your security if you aren’t happy about who they let in.” Penelope liked that riposte.

“An invitation to my house,” the woman said sternly.

“Well, we have business to discuss Martha. I really don’t think that we should spend too much time dealing with Little Miss Snoopy here.” Hugo suggested.

“That is a good idea,” Penelope stated. “Now, if you would just undo these restraints then I shall be on my way…”

“This is an interesting scent,” Xenia commented as she held up the perfume bottle from Penelope’s bag. The woman sprayed a little onto Penelope’s handkerchief and lowered it toward Penelope’s face. “I wonder what is it?” Penelope looked at Xenia and tried to turn away. Chloroform wasn’t her favourite, such a cliché.

“You don’t have to mmpphhff…” Penelope’s protest was cut off when the drugged laced handkerchief was clamped over her nose and mouth. Penelope coughed into the handkerchief as the sweet-smelling fumes assaulted her nostrils.

“What do you think of this scent?” Xenia asked. “Can you recognise it?” Penelope shook her head. “Take you time, have another sniff, see if you change your mind.” The handkerchief remained in place and when Penelope tried to hold her breath Xenia tickled her ribcage causing Penelope to involuntarily take a deep breath. God, she was starting to really hate this woman. Anyway, just as she was starting to feel a bit woozy Hugo interjected.

“Enough of the fun Xenia,” Hugo said. “We need her to be able to talk.” Xenia removed the handkerchief.

“Maybe next time,” Xenia said with a smile, “assuming you last that long.” After putting the perfume bottle and handkerchief back in Penelope’s bag and then dropping the bah onto the floor Xenia walked away. Penelope could hear the woman’s heals clip on the floor.

“Thanks…” Penelope mumbled as she shook her head a little, trying to shake off the effects of the dose of chloroform that had been applied.

“Now, if you don’t mind what are you doing here?” Martha asked.

“Taking…his…advice…” Penelope nodded toward Hugo. “Try…the…nice…houses…” Her head was still buzzing a little and she was screwing her eyes up to focus.

“So, a thief?” Martha asked. Penelope nodded. It was a poor story but she had to keep going with it.

“Nothing more than that?” Marth asked. Penelope nodded again. Martha and Hugo exchanged a look before Martha clapped her hands. Suddenly the lights in the rest of the room. Martha started to move around and Penelope raised her head slowly to follow her movement. Something about the way the woman had said the last question had unnerved her. Oh shit! Penelope had another tug the restraints holding her in place when she identified what was in front of her. “My husband loves working with wood and building things,” Wainwright turned and looked at Hugo and shrugged. “Keeps him out from under my feet.” She looked back at Penelope. “I’ve seen him with full tree trunks down here.” Wainwright reached up and hit a large button and suddenly an intense buzzing sound filled the air as the machinery kicked into life. Penelope looked down between her legs to see a very large circular saw spinning around.

“Whoa! Lady. What are you doing?” Penelope asked startled at the buzzing sound and not liking where this could be heading. Martha pointed at her ears and shrugged in a ‘I can’t hear you,’ gesture. The two women locked eyes briefly before Martha shut off the machine.

“Now, what are you doing here?”

“I was attending the party to case the establishment and got lost!” Penelope said now somewhat panicked. She tried to back away but the restraints held her firmly in place.

“You do have a habit of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.” Hugo commented. “What about the bound and gagged security guard upstairs?”
“Maybe he has a fetish?” Penelope said with a shrug. “If not, I would start with your lady over there.” Penelope nodded toward Xenia who was standing off in the corner. Penelope could here footsteps again as Xenia came back across.

“Not my type,” Xenia drawled.

“As much as I love this banter, I think it is time to move on.” Wainright nodded and Penelope saw a flash of movement and then something thrust into her mouth. As she struggled and thrashed her head around, she felt straps being tightened behind her head. “A ball-gag from my own collection.” Wainwright raised an eyebrow as Penelope mumbled and chewed on the large ball that was now invading her oral cavity.

“mmpphh…uurrgghhff…” Penelope fought in vain to avoid being gagged.

“Now concentrate,” Martha clicked her fingers to get Penelope’s attention. “See, with this device it is the table that you are on that moves. Not the saw.” Wainwright reached down and grabbed a lever and threw it slightly to the right. There was a click and Penelope felt a jolt as the table that she was on started to move. Very slowly toward the saw.

“mmppff…ggrruupphh…” Penelope growled as she bit into the foamy ball in her mouth.

“This is the lowest setting for very accurate cutting. At this setting it will take five minutes until you reach the saw and probably another two until it is finished chopping you in half.” Wainright patted Penelope on the thigh. “It will be a very clean cut. My husband just had the blade sharpened and oiled.” Then Martha leaned and turned on the saw. It glistened as the artificial light caught it’s spinning blade. The noise loud. Perhaps louder than the first time as Penelope’s brain was thinking what it was going to do to her.


“Can’t hear you.” Martha mouthed before waving and moving away. Hugo smiled and shrugged before moving off. Xenia packed Penelope on the forehead and disappeared from view. With the noise of the saw spinning Penelope couldn’t tell where they were but guessed that they had left the room. The blood splatter would get everywhere.

“uummppff!” Penelope groaned as she thought about it. The blade! The blade! That was all that she could concentrate on. Think Penelope! Think! It seemed to take forever but it was problem only a couple of seconds until her brain made the connection.

“MMPPFFHH!!” The tiara! Thankfully she had read that briefing note from Q. Now, it was pressure activated so she had to make sure that she could get to the switch. Penelope rolled her head down and tried to get to the switch on the side of the tiara. “mmpphh.” Not quite! Penelope risked a glance down at the saw. It looks large. Ominous. And very, very close. Plenty of time Pen. Trying again Penelope pressed her head onto the table and suddenly the beam shot out of the front of the tiara and hit something near the far wall. “OOHHMM!” Penelope screamed. Surprised that it worked. I mean a laser, come on! And also, how powerful it seemed to be. She would have to be careful with the alignment. Then maybe losing a hand was preferable than being cut in half. That saw seemed very loud. Penelope risked another glance down. Now, it did seem very close. Penelope went back to concentrating on the task at hand. Keeping herself from being split into two sections. She lined up the tiara as well as she could with the metallic cuff around her left wrist and tilted her head so that it pressed the switch down. Fighting the urge to close her eyes Penelope saw the beam jump out and hit the metallic cuff, “MMPPFFHH!” Penelope cheered. Now, it as just a race for the laser against the saw……
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Thanks to all that have read this story. Was trying something different so feedback welcome.

Next update below.
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Centennial Club
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Beachside cabin, Caribbean Holiday Resort

“Now, that was a close thing,” Penelope said out loud as she walked across the wooden path toward the beachside cabin where she was staying. The what was clearly a mad laser in tiara idea had just saved her life. As she walked in the moonlight Penelope twirled the tiara in one had hand and played with the pendant around her neck with the other. Everything was quiet as she approached the door and opened it. Penelope entered the hut and instantly heard the click of a gun being cocked.

“Come in and close the door.” The accent was Russian, well Georgian to be exact. Penelope swore under her breath as she complied with the instruction. “Good girl. Now drop that bag onto the ground and kick it under the bed.” Penelope dropped the bag and kicked in under the bed. Just as the bag disappeared the lamp on the on the corner table sprang to life and Penelope saw Xenia illuminated in its cone of light. The woman was sitting crossed legged in a chair and in her right had she held a gun that was pointed at Penelope. “The tiara can go as well.” Penelope sighed but tossed the tiara into the corner of the room.

“So, nice to see you again so soon,” Penelope said with a grimace.

“I wish I could say the same,” Xenia looked Penelope up and down. “Now, I think that dress can go as well.” Penelope gave Xenia a look. “Either you take it off or I will do it for you.” Penelope sighed and after taking a look at the barrel of the gun that was currently leveled at her chest reached behind her back, found the zip and pulled it down. With a shake of her shoulders and shimmy of her hips the dress fell to the ground and Penelope stepped out of the dress that had been lying crumpled around her feet. “Very, nice, very, very nice…” Xenia licked her lips and eyed Penelope’s almost naked form with hungry eyes. Penelope felt slightly exposed standing in front of the woman in only her underwear.

“Happy now?” Penelope asked.

“Not quite,” Xenia replied as she flicked the gun toward the bed. “You talk too much. There is something on the bed to fix that.” Taking the hint Penelope made her way across to the bed slowly, all the time scanning for something that would help her in this situation. “I found the knife under the pillow…” Penelope winced slightly when she heard that, “and the gun taped to the bedframe.” Bugger, she was good. Penelope was out of options. When she reached the bed there was a bundle of fabric lying on it.

“Eh, this looks like a lot of fabric,” Penelope commented.

“From what I remember you have a large mouth and use it quite a lot.” Penelope grunted. “Take a couple of those large handkerchiefs, ball them up and then put them in your mouth.” Penelope gave Xenia a look and shook her head. “Either you do it or I will,” Xenia looked down at the table where the lamp was and Penelope’s gaze followed, “after giving you something to make you a little more compliant.” There was a vicious looking syringe sitting on the table. Penelope rolled her eyes and picked up the two handkerchiefs, made them int one mass of fabric and put them into her mouth. Penelope gagged as the soft fabric filled her mouth.

“mmaappyy,” Penelope mumbled. Xenia considered this for a moment.

“No, still too loud. I think you could fit a third in there.” Xenia had a cruel smile on her face. Penelope blew air out through her nose and picked up another handkerchief and carefully used her long, slender fingers to stuff it into her mouth. With her mouth now completed pack Penelope didn’t even bother to try and speak. “That is better. Now, take that cloth with the knot in it and…well, you know what to do with it.” Penelope knew what Xenia wanted and after placing the knot at the center of the fabric in her mouth proceeded to take the ends at the back of her head. “Make sure and tie it tightly.” Xenia smiled but Penelope just glared as she pulled the ends tight and knotted it, pushing the stuffing deeper into her mouth. “Now, I have been nice to you here and given you a hand. You will see a silk scarf with a folded cloth in it. The cloth goes over your mouth and…well…” Xenia shrugged. Resigned to her fate Penelope picked up the scarf and placing the thick folded cloth over her already gagged mouth Penelope went about tying the ends of the silk scarf at the back of her head tightly, compressing the thick cloth against her lips. When finished Penelope held up her hands as if to ask Xenia if she was satisfied. Xenia nodded. “Just give it a try.”

“mmppffhh,” Penelope mumbled.

“Much better,” Xenia confirmed. “That is a good look on you. Perhaps you should consider a gag as a permanent addition to your wardrobe.” Penelope sighed. “Get on the bed. There are ankle cuffs at each bottom corner. Use them to secure your ankles.” Penelope complied and sat on the bed. She stretched out her legs and found both padded leather cuffs, slipped them around her ankles and secured them with the straps. Penelope gave them a little pulled with her legs and confirmed that she was now secured to the bed by rope at both bottom corners. “Lie back, get comfortable.” Penelope did as Xenia instructed and put her head on the pillow. As she did there was a tickling noise. Looking up Penelope saw a set of cuffs with a chain between them that ran through the iron headboard. “I suspect you know what you should do now.” Xenia had gotten up from the chair and now stood a couple of yards away from the bed. Far enough away that Penelope couldn’t make a lunge for the gun. Yes, yes she did. Penelope was resigned to her fate and seeing no other option she slipped her right hand through one of the cuffs and clicked it into place, then slowly she did the same with her left hand and fastened the cuffs around her left wrist. That was it. Penelope was now very much secure and her fate in the hands of this other woman. Xenia slipped the gun into a bespoke holster that was built into her garter and suspender combination and sat down on the bed. Penelope felt very exposed as Xenia hungrily looked over her bound and prone body on the bed. “You have a very attractive body Agent Stanhope. I can see why the men look all the time.” Xenia ran a finger slowly down Penelope’s body, stopping to cup Penelope’s breasts. “Yes, very nice.”

“oohhmmppff,” Penelope moaned into her gag. Xenia then stood up and slipped off her own dress. As she walked around one side of the bed to the other Penelope tracked her with her gaze, the woman undid the bun and let her long black hair fall down and shook it loose.

“The guys will be here in a couple of hours to pick you up. I wonder what we can do to pass the time until then.” A wicked smile was on the Xenia’s lips as she bent down and took the big toe of Penelope’s left foot in her mouth and ran her tongue around it. Penelope started to squirm and mew into the gag. Xenia stopped and looked up. “Oh, I can do a lot more than that with my tongue.” This could be an interesting couple of hours!

Two hours later

With her body covered it perspiration and breathing deeply through her nose Penelope closed her eyes and counted to ten before opening them again. God! She wasn’t kidding about that togue. Penelope was glad that she had been gagged most of the time.
There was a knock at the door and Xenia walked across. A quick check through the peephole and then she opened the door. Penelope watched as Jonas and an athletic looking woman entered the cabin. “Bring her along.” Xenia signaled toward Penelope lying splayed out on the bed with her head before heading out the door. “Keep her quiet. Use the chloroform.” Penelope started to squirm and fight against her bonds even though she knew it was fruitless.

“Alright boss,” the woman said as she pulled a cloth and a small glass bottle from a pocket. Penelope watched on with grim fascination as the woman opened the bottle and poured a lot of the liquid from the bottle onto the folded cloth. It was thick and white. The cliché of knocking out the damsel with chloroform. It must be a folded white cloth. The woman handed the bottle to Jonas and approached Penelope wielding the cloth menacingly in her hand.

“mmppgghh…ffhhuumm…” Penelope moaned as she started to squirm again.

“This will go easier if you just relax and go to sleep,” the woman said in a Scandinavian accent. Then the cloth was pressed over Penelope’s nose and gagged mouth.

“mmmppffhhh…” Penelope bleated into the combination gag and cloth as it was pressed tightly in place, shutting out all access to fresh air and forcing her to inhale the soporific fumes. Now, bound as tightly as she was Penelope knew that it would be pointless to resist. They wanted to put her to sleep and she was going to sleep. However, when someone presses a chemical laced cloth over your face it is a natural reaction to resist so Penelope tried twisted her head from side to side, shaking the cloth away, but the woman held it firmly in place. Plus, Penelope had her professional fit and reputation to think of! She was no weak damsel in distress! Of course, Penelope had been rendered unconscious with chloroform before so was familiar with its scent ad effects “mmmppphhh…” The smell was intense, the cloth had obviously been doused in chloroform! Liberally! Was there any really need?

“Helga. How long?” Jonas asked. Penelope continued to write and struggle fruitlessly.

“It takes a bit of time,” Helga replied looking over her shoulder before turning her attention back to Penelope, the damsel prone on the bed.
“Shush...” Helga cooed, leaning down, giving Penelope a peck on the forehead. “Just let it take you, dear...relax...” Penelope thought that this evening was getting weirder. This prompted one last effort to try and shake the cloth loose, or get a hand free, or just…just anything to get free. "Now, now. Struggling will accomplish nothing," Helga said calmly. "Taking deep breaths will make it easier for us both." At that, Penelope redoubled her efforts, squirming against the bonds with the last of her strength. Helga tried once more. "If it makes you feel better, don't think of this as being chloroformed; think of it as... an unscheduled demonstration of aggressive aromatherapy." Penelope's big eyes rolled at the ridiculous euphemism, not as a sarcastic response but a natural result of the knockout drug taking its toll. In fact, if given the chance to speak, Penelope would have to admit that the drug was indeed starting to having a soothing effect. The powerful sedative, one that provided a euphoric feeling even as it occluded her sight, muddled her thoughts, and reduced her muscles to the consistency of wet noodles. The lightshow in her head was spectacular, colours of all kinds exploding into starbursts as her eyelids fluttered rapidly. Penelope went limp, the struggle over, weak but not fully unconscious her head lolled to one side. Helga changed positions with Penelope while continuing to administer the chloroform, compelling her to take whiff after whiff of the befuddling fumes. Eventually Penelope went out, slumping peacefully on the bed, her head lolling forward as her eyes closed, a final muffled moan announcing her surrender. Helga kept the chloroform laced cloth in place another few seconds until she was satisfied Penelope was fully sedated. Then she tucked the cloth in her coat pocket. Helga and Jonas undid the bonds keeping Penelope tied to the bed and then manoeuvred her into a position where Jonas could easily pick up Penelope and carefully cradle carry her out of the hut, down the beach toward where a small launch sat partially pulled out of the water.

Caribbean Sea

Penelope clenched her eyes closed and tried to get the pounding behind her eyes to stop or turn down to five or six from eight or nine. She had come around earlier but as soon as Xenia has noticed the chloroform-soaked cloth had been reapplied and Penelope had gone back to sleep quickly. During the brief time that she was conscious it had felt that she had been on a small boat. Now, after coming around again Penelope could confirm that she was indeed on a boat. “Oh…god…” Penelope rolled over and lay on her back on the bed with her forearm covering her eyes. God, she hated when they used chloroform on her. It was such a cliché and it always gave her a sore head. You would have thought at having being chloroformed so often, there had been Paris, Algiers, Dubai, Jakarta, Stockholm (3 times), Hong Kong…. At least she wasn’t restrained in any way. However, she felt a little fresher than she should do so wondered who had cleaned her up and put her in a purple bikini. Anyway, that was for later. Right now, she had to work out where she was and then a way to escape. “One step at a time. Swing legs off bed and onto the floor.” Penelope took a deep intake of air. “One…two…three…” Penelope swung her feet down onto the floor. Looking around she saw some cupboards and a wardrobe and a couple of portholes. “I wonder if there is something in there that I can…”

“You are awake Penelope!” Penelope turned to find Xenia standing in the doorway wearing an orange swimsuit with a sarong wrapped around her legs and a large floppy hat on. In one hand she held a set of restraints like a prisoner would wear when being transported from jail to court. Xenia made her way across to the bed. Penelope clocked the restraints and rolled her eyes. “I didn’t even have to use chloroform to get that reaction this time.”

“You do stand-up as well?” Penelope asked.

“Any more quips and I shall rethink the no gag policy.” Penelope decided that discretion was the better part of valour on this occasion. As the woman approached Penelope noticed that Xenia was wearing the pendant round her neck. “Would you like to pick up where we left before you went for a nap?” The woman had a wicked smile. When Penelope didn’t react, Xenia shook her head. “Disappointing. I think you were enjoying yourself. I know that I was.” Xenia held up the restraints and Penelope grunted, got up from the bed and raised her hands. Xenia pulled the leather strap around Penelope and fastened it around her waist, a little more tightly than Penelope thought was actually necessary and then the metal cuffs were placed around both of her wrists and then both of her ankles. The cuffs were tight but not uncomfortable but her range of movement was restricted. Xenia sat on the bed and suddenly pulled Penelope over her knee. “The boss wants a chat but first you need to learn some discipline.”

“Hey! What are you…HELL!” There was a whump and then Penelope felt a stinging sensation on her buttocks. “You did not just…ARGH!” Another whump was followed by another stinging sensation. “Are you spanking…” Whump and another stinging sensation. Penelope writhed a little.

“Oh, are you not enjoying this little bit of play Penelope?” Xenia teased and raised her hand again and gave Penelope’s bottom another firm strike. “Just call this a warning to behave in company.” Xenia let Penelope get back to her feet. Xenia had a beaming smile and Penelope was flushed with embarrassment. “I will give you a minute to regain your composure.” Xenia stood up and stretched for around thirty seconds before indicting toward the door. “Time to go.” Penelope started to shuffle toward the cabin door with Xenia following close behind. As they approached the door it opened and Jonas waved them through, out onto the deck. The sea hair and sun hit Penelope as soon as she was out in the open. It was a lovely warm day and the breeze took the worst of the heat out of the air. It would have been lovely had she not been drugged, brought here against her will and wearing prison style restraints. Penelope felt a tap on her shoulder and then Xenia pointed in the direction of a group of four chairs, three facing one. Two of the three were occupied by Hugo and Martha. There were four other figures hovering around the group of chairs. Penelope shuffled across the deck toward the chairs with Xenia and Jonas following on. Once they got to the chairs Penelope made her way to the single chair. It was obviously for her and turned around. There were now three men dressed in traditional sailor outfits wearing Bretton hats and smirks. This annoyed Penelope a little. “Who are you? Master Bates, Seaman Staines and Rodger the cabin boy…” Penelope felt a heavy hand on her shoulder and folded into the chair that had been placed behind her. She was sitting across a table from Hugo, Martha and Xenia with the three sailors standing behind them and Jonas and Helga behind her.

“All of this for little old me?” Penelope asked.

“Keep that up and…” Martha started before Hugo placed a reassuring hand on her thigh.

“Prefer the older lady, Hugo?” Penelope asked with a wink.

“Someone with a bit of class,” Hugo retorted. “Anyway, let’s get to the point. My colleague Martha and I have a very important appointment to get to so I am not going to insult your intelligence with beating about the bush…” Hugo removed his hand from his pocket and Penelope saw that he was holding a stub nosed black pistol and it was aimed at Penelope’s stomach. “Look, I don’t go in for torture Penelope. Just tell me what you know and we can avoid any unpleasantness.” Penelope looked from the gun to Xenia and then back again.

“Says the man that left me facing a large circular saw.”

“And yet, here we are again,” Hugo said with a shrug. “With me trying to find out who you are and what you know.” There was silence as only broken by the occasional sea bird calling. “So, if you wouldn’t mind spilling the beans…” Hugo made a had gesture.

“I bet your little pet there does a good line in torture.” Penelope stated nodding at Xenia.

“You weren’t complaining last night,” Xenia said almost under her breath. This got her looks from Hugo and Martha. The response was a nonchalant shrug. “I decided to ask her some questions in private.” The silence continued. “She is British Secret Service,” Xenia said with a smile. A girl can only hold out for so long. Penelope raised an eyebrow.

“Well, now that we have that you may as well tell us the rest Penelope,” Martha stated. Penelope remained silent and gave them a steely glare.
“I have run out of patience. I am going to count to five and then…” Hugo left the threat implied.

“Surprised you can count to….” Penelope was about to make a quip when she was interrupted.

“Five…” Hugo shifted a little, “four…” Penelope looked into the guy’s eyes and decided that he would pull the trigger. “Three…two…” Penelope closed her eyes and pushed back into her seat like that would help. Well, Penelope not how you wanted it to end but it has been a good ride. Then there was a click. Penelope felt nothing, maybe that was what it was like. She opened her eyes and found Hugo smiling at her.
The gun was empty. No bullets. Dick! “If you aren’t going to tell us anything then you are of no use to us. Well, except or a little bit of entertainment.”

“Entertainment?” Penelope asked. Hugo nodded and she felt Jonas grab her under the armpit and haul her to her feet. “Hey! That is no way to treat a lady.” Without pausing Jonas dragged her along the deck. “Look I can’t walk quickly in these chains,” Penelope complained but the man took no notice. His grip tightened as he pulled her toward a gap in the Taffrail that surrounded the deck. Penelope eyed it quizzically as Jonas quit dragging her and walked toward a chest that was sitting on the decks. Then one of the sailors walked past them carrying a long piece of wood. He was heading for the gap in the Taffrail.

“You can’t be serious!” Penelope exclaimed as she turned around to find Hugo, Martha and the rest standing in a semi-circle smiling. The chains connecting the manacles around Penelope’s as she raised her hands in frustration and closed the distance to the group. “There is no way…” Penelope stopped as Hugo raised the pistol again and pointed it at her chest.

“I can assure you that this time it is loaded,” Hugo stated. “And I can’t miss that target.” The two sailors laughed at that comment. Penelope gave him a crooked smile before lunging at Martha Wainright. The older woman jumped back but Penelope managed close enough to grab her before Helga wrapped her powerful arms around Penelope and drag her away.

“Now, now we wouldn’t want you to do anything silly and make me shoot you before the fun begins.” Penelope tilted her head and gave Hugo a sarcastic smile.

“I didn’t know that you bit,” Martha commented as she felt around her neck and patted her hair back into place. Hugo made a turn round gesture with his finger and Penelope did, chains jingling as she did so. When she had finished Jonas was standing in front of her with a
Attaches the weight to the leather strap around Penelope’s waist and then hands it to her. Penelope’s knees buckled slightly at the weight.

“Thanks.” Without having to be asked Penelope shuffled toward the gap where the plank had been put in place. They had obviously done this before as the plank slipped into a niche in the deck perfectly. At the start on the plank Penelope stepped onto it and looked out. The plank was about eight feet in length and at the end it was just blue as far as the eye could see until the darker blue of the ocean met the lighter blue of the sky. “Great.” Penelope mumbled and shuffled outa couple of feet. She could feel the plank start to bend at the strain of taking the weight now on it. As she edged further out along the plank Penelope scanned the sea and saw nothing. Then on the horizon there was a flash of light. Then another, then another, the flashes continued.

“Get on with it,” someone shouted from the deck of the boat. “We haven’t got all day!” The gathering burst out laughing at that comment. Penelope concentrated on taking long deep breathes and shuffling along. As she moved further from the safety of the boat the plank sagged, more and more. Then she was at the end of the plank. Nowhere else to go Penelope stopped and gathered herself.

“Don’t make me come and push you over,” Jonas shouted. Um, it speaks. Penelope turned awkwardly so that she was now facing the boat and the gathered crowed. She made a rude hand gesture before taking a step backward. There was a cheer then a splash and suddenly there was no sound for Penelope. Don’t panic. Keep clam. Eyes open. Penelope said to herself once she was submerged. As she descended Penelope reached her hands up as far as they would go and then brought her mouth down and managed to get the hairpin that she grabbed from Wainwrights head from her mouth and into her hand. Then she spun it around and started to work on the locks on the manacles around her wrists. Penelope felt her feet hit the seabed and she stopped descended. Closing her eyes Penelope focused on feeling the hairpin in the lock……
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