The Adventures of Scarlet Ninja and Rose Samurai (various/FFM)

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The Adventures of Scarlet Ninja and Rose Samurai (various/FFM)

Post by ffixwarrior »

Chapter 1: A Trio of Trouble

It was a dark cloudy night and Scarlet Ninja, along with her partner, Rose Samurai, had been summoned by the Headquarters Of Girls To Investigate Evil to look into a disturbance at a local bank in Peril City.

"Looks like a robbery happening," Scarlet Ninja mentioned, peering down from the rooftop of a building nearby and noticing masked men loading bags of money into a van. She was dressed in her tight, black full-body jumpsuit zipped up through the front, a black face mask to cover her nose and mouth, and a belt on her waist to hold her kunai, shuriken, and rope. She had dark scarlet ribbons loosely tied on each of her forearms and one ribbon tied around her right thigh. Completing her outfit was a pair of knee-length black boots with a zipper on the side. Outside of her superhero job, Scarlet Ninja was better known as Natsuki Yamamoto, a 21-year-old student that attended Gray Gadget Academy. One would describe her as a 5 foot 8 female, with dark black hair that went down to her shoulders, a small nose, and normally a worried look on her face from having to keep up her grades.

"Then let's head down and have some fun, shall we?" Rose Samurai replied. She was dressed in her rosy-red tunic with long sleeves and light armor covering her back and chest. She also wore black stirrup leggings with black thigh-high boots. She wore a forehead protector on her head with a rose icon in the middle of it. She also had her trusty samurai sword and its sheath attached to her belt as part of her armor, along with rope to secure any baddies. Her mystical samurai sword was enchanted with an ice spirit, Yukiko, who was bound to her and shared a psychic and semi-limited physical link with her. During the day, Rose Samurai went by Mina Itsuki, a 23-year-old veterinarian that also worked as a part-time barista at Kitty Ears Cafe. She was taller than your average Asian female, 6 foot 1 in height, with long black hair usually tied in a high ponytail, a cute and dainty nose, and a bright smile on her face most of the time. Most of the time she lived her life carefree, but in times of battle, she could turn serious with sharp focus.

The two superheroines made their way down, catching the men by surprise after they had loaded another set of bags in their van.

"Stop right there, thieves!" Scarlet Ninja announced. "Shadowbind technique!"

She formed the hand seals to perform a ninjutsu that extended her shadow that wrapped around the two masked men, allowing Rose Samurai to properly bind them with rope.

Inside the bank, the villainess known as Ringmistress was commanding her band of thugs to secure the bank tellers and manager of the bank along with a few customers who happened to get caught up in the chaos. She wore a large top hat, a bright red tailcoat with gold trim, often red with gold trim and a waistcoat. On her legs, she wore jodhpurs and black riding boots to complete the outfit. She was equipped with an enchanted bullwhip, used to subdue anyone to obey her commands.

"Ringmistress, let these people go!" Rose Samurai ordered. "There's no need for them to be part of this."

"You know how much I like tying people up, though," Ringmistress laughed. "Just like I'll do to you once I capture you!"

Ringmistress cracked her whip and sent 3 of her goons to go after Scarlet Ninja and Rose Samurai. But Rose Samurai drew her sword, using a quick cutting motion to create an icy gust that knocked them backwards. Ringmistress countered by aiming her whip towards Rose Samurai, but she was able to tumble away. One of Ringmistress's men was able to grab Rose Samurai from behind, while another was able to land a punch to her face, stunning her.

Meanwhile, Scarlet Ninja had just roundhouse kicked one of the baddies while grabbing another and throwing him across the room.

"Shadow clone technique!" Scarlet Ninja called, summoning two clones of herself. "Go help Rose!"

The two clones then sprung into action, taking on the 2 thugs, so that Rose Samurai could focus back on Ringmistress. Ringmistress twirled her whip again and aimed it at Rose Samurai, but she was able to dodge and use her samurai sword to deflect any blows. Rose Samurai then stuck her blade into the ground, summoning her Ice Floor technique to try and trip up Ringmistress. Ringmistress ran to another part of the room to avoid the icy areas that Rose Samurai had summoned and decided to whip some of the hostages to use them as shields against Rose Samurai.

"Get her, my pets!" Ringmistress commanded, laughing to herself as she watched the bound hostages throw themselves at Rose Samurai.

Meanwhile, after dispatching a couple other thugs, Scarlet Ninja then noticed 2 lackeys carrying the bound bank manager outside, so she followed them to stop them from getting away with a hostage. She drew 2 shuriken from her belt and putting some of her shadow chi into them, she threw them at the 2 men, hitting them in non-vital areas to incapacitate them with her shadow energy.

"Thank you so much for stopping them!" the bank manager exclaimed.

"Sure thing, now let me get you untied," Scarlet Ninja replied.

After freeing the bank manager though, Scarlet Ninja began to feel faint.

"Hehehehe, what's wrong?" the bank manager, taunted, releasing a concealed canister that contained knockout gas. "You could use some rest after all your hard work."

"" Scarlet Ninja mumbled, before passing out.

"They call me, Mimic Mime," the bank manager replied, changing his appearance to Scarlet Ninja. Mimic Mime then proceeded to restrain Scarlet Ninja, folding her arms behind her back such that her hands could touch her opposite elbows and tying her forearms together. Mimic Mime continued with the rope to bind her upper body, tying it around her arms and up and over her shoulders to secure the tie. Scarlet Ninja was then loaded into the van and had her ankles and knees bound before the back door was locked, with Ringmistress's men driving her away...

Back at the bank, Rose Samurai and the 2 Scarlet Ninja clones were trying to subdue Ringmistress after taking care of her remaining men.

"Enough of these games!" Ringmistress declared, spinning her whip around and landing massive blows on the 2 clones, causing them to dissipate back into thin air.

However, that distraction was enough for Rose Samurai to close distance for her special technique.

"Ice Prison Dash, you're finished." Rose Samurai said, closing her eyes and drawing her blade. With one quick strike, she struck her blade against Ringmistress's body, encasing her in a block of ice. "Now shatter!"

The ice around Ringmistress then shattered against her body, paralyzing her in a wave of cold.

"Time to put this whip to good use," Rose Samurai taunted, guiding Ringmistress's arms behind her back and tying her wrists with her own whip.

Just then, there were sirens outside the building and the authorities had arrived to take Ringmistress and her gang of thugs off to prison.

"Looks like you didn't need my help at all", a voice called out to Rose Samurai.

"Hehe, yeah, although your clones were helpful in keeping Ringmistress's goons at bay," Rose Samurai replied.

"Should we head back home then?"

"Definitely! You don't want to miss school tomorrow with your big test and all. Let's get some rest."

With that, Mimic Mime, taking the form of Scarlet Ninja, followed Rose Samurai as she led them back to their apartment they rented together. They took the outside fire escape stairs up to their 8th floor, not wanting to draw any attention to themselves.

"After you," Rose Samurai joked, opening up the window to climb into their apartment.

Mimic Mime followed through, walking into one of the bedrooms, wondering when would be a good opportunity to strike.

"Hey! Aren't you forgetting something, Natsuki?" Rose Samurai chided, as she removed her forehead protector and took off her body armor.

"Nnn-no, what's that?" Mimic Mime said nervously.

"Boots! Off! You're tracking dirt in my room!" Rose Samurai cried. As she said this, she unzipped her thigh-high boots from her legs, exposing the soft, pale skin of her feet, which contrasted sharply with the stirrups from her dark leggings.

Mimic Mime knew this wasn't possible, as it was part of the form he had taken when he shapeshifted into Scarlet Ninja.

"But I'm still...a bit chilly," Mimic Mime made up, thinking of an excuse.

"Then turn up the heat!" Rose Samurai countered, tiptoeing her way into the kitchen as she felt the cold floor beneath her bare feet. "Come to think of it, I guess it is a bit cold in here."

"Yes! Will do," Mimic Mime replied, cranking up the thermostat.

"Do you want a drink?" Rose Samurai asked as she had her head in the fridge."

"No thanks, Rose," Mimic Mime answered.

"Rose...? You never call me that," Rose Samurai said, looking puzzled. "You've been acting really strange since we've come back, what happened?"

"Nothing, I'm just feeling tired, that's all," Mimic Mime replied.

"Then let me help you there with those boots," Rose Samurai said, before throwing her drink at Mimic Mime and charging towards him. Mimic Mime swiftly moved out of the way and was able to release a knockout gas canister into the room.

" and what have you done with Natsuki?" Rose Samurai coughed, before succumbing to the gas and passing out.

That Natsuki, the real Scarlet Ninja, regained consciousness, finding she was unable to move her hands and feet as they were tied with tight ropes. However, she found herself bouncing up and down and deduced she was in the back of a vehicle being taken somewhere. As she looked around, she saw two of Ringmistress's henchmen napping in the back of the van, not too far away from her, along with her belt and equipment in their possession. She figured it best to save her strength and wait it out till they got to their destination.

Once the van stopped, the driver of the van opened up the back, yelling at his colleagues to wake up and bring Scarlet Ninja outside.

"Where am I?" Scarlet Ninja asked one of them, as she was slung over someone's shoulder.

"You'll see soon enough," one of the men replied. "Our boss wanted to bring you here herself to collect a bounty reward on your head, but looks like she wasn't able to make it. So we'll be claiming that reward instead and splitting it with Mimic Mime."

"Is that the one who did this to me?" Scarlet Ninja replied.

"Yeah, and he'll have your partner captured soon as well, so you won't get too lonely," the goon chuckled.

"I hope Mina is okay," Scarlet Ninja thought to herself. She found herself carried through a fish warehouse and taken into one of the back rooms where the ice was stored. There, she saw another hero who had been taken captive. He was taller than her in comparison, 6 foot 1, with black hair styled in a wolf cut mullet, dark brown eyes, and a small nose and mouth, similar to a music pop star. He was wearing a dark black tuxedo with a white domino mask, along with white gloves and shiny black shows. His arms had been chained together above his head that were linked to a large hook and his legs had been tied with chains as well. He appeared to have been beaten and bruised by a group of 3 strong henchmen that surrounded him.

"Tell us what you know about G.A.G.S.!" one of the men ordered.

"Never!" the masked man replied, earning himself yet another shot to the stomach from one of the thugs.

"I think that's Tuxedo Magician, the Japanese superhero from Guys Against Grueling Supervillains," Scarlet Ninja said to herself, before she was seated on a chair nearby and tied with more ropes binding her upper body to the chair back and her feet to the chair legs.

"You better have the right answers for them," the goon who carried her cautioned, before he and his companions from the van left the room.

"So, you must be Scarlet Ninja," one of the muscle-bound goons said, cupping Scarlet Ninja's chin with his meaty hand. "Tell you what, since you're such a cutie, if you give me the real identities of your teammates at H.O.G.T.I.E., we'll let you go."

"Sure," Scarlet Ninja replied. "Lean in closer and I'll whisper them them in your ear."

As the henchman bent down to place his ear near Scarlet Ninja, she hawked up a large spitball in her mouth and spit into the goon's ear.

"You bitch!" the henchman shouted, slapping Scarlet Ninja hard across the cheek.

"Leave her alone!" Tuxedo Magician yelled in response.

"You ain't got a say in the matter," one of the other thugs replied, punching Tuxedo Magician in the ribs, while the other elbowed him in the back.

"I think he likes you," the thug in front of Scarlet Ninja said, laughing. "Now tell me what I need to know."

"Eat dirt," Scarlet Ninja replied, prompting a hard punch to her stomach, causing her to gasp for breath.

"Looks like these two aren't talking, let's leave them to chill out for awhile to see if they change their minds," one of the men suggested. They decided to set the temperature of the room down to freezing and left Scarlet Ninja and Tuxedo Magician to struggle in their binds.

"I hope Mina's faring better than me right now," Scarlet Ninja said to herself, chattering her teeth as she shivered against the cold.

Back at their apartment, Rose Samurai shook the cobwebs out of her head and found herself lying face-down on the floor of her bedroom. As she tried to move, she found her wrists were crossed behind her back, tied together with a fair amount of rope, coiled around, in-between and over her wrists and cinched neatly with a double knot. She wiggled her fingers and was able to touch the stirrups on the soles of her barefeet, her ankles held together with more rope and connected to the ropes around her wrists.

As she arched her back to test her bonds, she lifted her head and saw an exact clone of herself talking on the phone.

"Yeah, send the van over now," her doppleganger said. "I've got her all wrapped up and ready to go...okay, see you soon."

"Where's Scarlet Ninja?" Rose Samurai proclaimed, continuing to writhe and strain against the ropes holding her. "And who are you?"

"You'll see her soon enough...but you may call me Mimic Mime. I hope you don't mind the precautions I've taken to ensure you cause no trouble."

"I must say, I didn't expect to spend my evening hogtied on the floor of my apartment," Rose Samurai replied, rolling onto her side to relieve the strain on her hands and feet.

"I didn't expect you and your friend to fall so easily," Mimic Mime answered. "There's someone who paid a lot of money to bring me and Ringmistress together to capture you two. It's too bad the cops got to her, but more spoils for me."

"Who paid you? And why does he want us so bad?"

"I only know him by the name, Power Stealer. As to why he wants you, I'll leave that for him to answer once I bring you to him."

Rose Samurai tried twisting her wrists to see if she could slip her hands free, but the ropes were too tight and didn't budge. She tried flexing her leg muscles and pulling with her feet to see if that would help, but that only caused more discomfort on her wrists. She had to think of something to get free before she was taken away. She noticed her samurai sword a couple of feet away from Mimic Mime.

"Oh no, please let me go, I'll do anything, I'll give you my samurai sword! Please, just let me go!" Rose Samurai pleaded.

"Ah yes, your samurai sword," Mimic Mime said, taking notice of it. "It has rather special powers, doesn't it?"

"Yes, it has these special characters inscribed on it," Rose Samurai said. "See for yourself."

Mimic Mime picked up the samurai sword, grabbing its hilt and pulled it from its sheath. Just then, a burst of cold air came out of the blade, enveloping Mimic Mime, causing him to drop the sword as he became encased in a block of ice.

"Hehe, sucker," Rose Samurai said, chuckling to herself. "Hey Yukiko, could use a little help hereee," she called in a sing-songy voice.

Her samurai sword glowed bright-blue and from the light, the sword transformed into a Japanese princess, with long dark hair, a beautiful face, and a pale complexion. She was dressed in a light blue kimono with wooden slippers.

"Konnichwa Mina-chan. Oh my! What happened to you?" Yukiko cried, expressing concern at the predicament of the wielder of her blade. "And why are there two of you in the room?"

"That person you froze is known as Mimic Mime and he took my form after he took me by surprise and put me in a hogtie," Rose Samurai replied. She rolled onto her stomach and tugged on the rope holding her hands and feet together just to prove her point. "Speaking of which, could you untie me?"

"Well," Yukiko laughed, covering her mouth with her hand. "A please for starts would be nice."


"Maybe, if you kissed my foot and let me come out to eat once in awhile," Yukiko demanded.

"Okay, okay, fine," Rose Samurai replied, rolling her eyes. She slithered and crawled as best as she could on her belly until she came in front of Yukiko's feet. Arching her back as best she could, she lifted her head to kiss the top of one of Yukiko's feet.

"Oooh, that feels so nice," Yukiko squealed, loving the attention.

"Can you please untie me now?" Rose Samurai deadpanned.

"Only because you've been so nice," Yukiko replied. She then bent down and worked on untying one of the knots near Rose Samurai's ankle ropes, realizing it was for the hogtie rope once her legs were able to fall back down to the floor.

"Thank you, all that backbending was killing me," Rose Samurai said in relief.

"No problem," Yukiko said, as she untied the ropes keeping Rose Samurai's feet bound together. From there, she helped Rose Samurai up to stand from the floor.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Rose Samurai quipped, wriggling her bound wrists towards Yukiko.

"You said you would feed me," Yukiko said, pouting. "I won't untie your hands until I get some food."

"Argh, you're such a p-" Rose Samurai stopped herself, knowing insults would get her nowhere with her spirit companion. "Princess. Let me get you something to eat."

Out of annoyance, she stomped her way into the kitchen barefoot and awkwardly opened the door of the fridge with her hands tied behind her back. She was able to pull out a container of fresh fruit salad for Yukiko. "Here you go, enjoy."

"Yay yummy treats!" Yukiko exclaimed happily, clapping her hands. "You know, you look kinda sexy when you're tied up," she continued, her mouth full of fruit.

"Could you hurry it up? I think Scarlet Ninja could be in trouble," Rose Samurai said in frustration. She began looking through the kitchen drawers for a pair of scissors to cut her hands free.

"Okay okay, I'm done, jeez, always in a rush," Yukiko said. She began to turn her attention on loosening the ropes from Rose Samurai's wrists. "That Mimic Mime guy sure was serious about tying you up, there's all these weird half knots and loops he did around your wrists, it's so hard," Yukiko said as a blue light started surrounding her. "Oh no, I think my time's up!"

"But you haven't finished untyi-" Rose Samurai said, as Yukiko transformed back into her samurai sword, landing blade first on the floor and sticking upward. "That's definitely gonna leave a mark...Natsuki's definitely gonna be upset about this."

Rose Samurai tried pulling her hands free, but the ropes still held firm from all the half knots that Mimic Mime had tied. Sighing, Rose Samurai knelt down on the floor with her back facing her blade, as she tried moving her wrists up and down to saw her way free. After a couple more minutes and effort, Rose Samurai had finally cut her hands free. She rubbed the circulation back into her wrists and proceeded to put on her boots and armor, as she carried her samurai sword with her to look for Scarlet Ninja. Outside her apartment, she noticed a white van pulling up, likely the men that Mimic Mime had called to bring her away. Staying hidden out of sight, she noticed the men come in and carry the block of ice holding Mimic Mime (who was still in her form) with them to the van. Just before they drove away, she placed herself on top of the van and used the ice powers of her sword to keep her there as the men drove away.

Back at the fish warehouse, Scarlet Ninja kept struggling against her bonds, not out of futility, but to keep warm from the freezing temperature that had been set for the room that she and Tuxedo Magician were trapped in. She looked over at Tuxedo Magician to see if he had made any progress at getting free, but the chains were too tight for him to loosen.

Just then, the door to the back room opened and a huge, bald burly figure walked in, wearing a gray scruffy weather and gray sweatpants.

"Hey Tuxedo Magician," the man said in a gruff voice. "Guess what time it is? Feeding time!"

He then placed his hand on Tuxedo Magician's chest and began to absorb his magic powers, causing immense pain for Tuxedo Magician.

"Stop it, you're hurting him!" Scarlet Ninja cried.

"Don't worry hun, you'll get your turn soon enough," the man replied.

" won't get away with this, ahh!" Tuxedo Magician howled, feeling his power and life force drain out of him.

"I'll leave you with just enough to live," Power Stealer cackled. "Maybe you'll give away the names and locations of some of your friends in return for my kindness."

Scarlet Ninja doubled her efforts as she wriggled and writhed against her ropes holding her body to the chair. She tried carefully rocking the chair back and forth to see if she could slip one of the ropes holding her feet to the chair, but it was no use. She decided it was time to use one of her special techniques at the price of expending all her energy.

"Thanks for the power boost, Tuxedo Magician," Power Stealer said. He then turned his attention over to Scarlet Ninja. "Now to get a taste of some of your power."

"Think again, knucklehead," Scarlet Ninja replied. Her eyes began to glow bright red with a dark moon symbol for her irises. "Mind's Eye Technique: Shadow Realm!"

Power Stealer felt his body go limp as his mind was transported to the Shadow Realm.

"Where, where am I?" Power Stealer asked in fear.

"Your mind is trapped here in the shadows, where I have full control," Scarlet Ninja said, in an almost mischievous voice. She then commanded two shadows from the ground to appear and surround Power Stealer. "You're mine to command now."

Power Stealer felt the shadows slowly envelop his entire body, as he eventually replied, "Yes mistress. I will obey."

With that, Scarlet Ninja took hold of Power Stealer's physical form and began to undo the chains that held Tuxedo Magician.

"Don't touch me," Tuxedo Magician said.

"Shh, it's me, Scarlet Ninja, I took control of Power Stealer. I'll need your help in carrying my body out of here while I'm in control of him."

"Sure thing, thanks for your help," Tuxedo Magician replied, as he untied the ropes from the unconscious Scarlet Ninja's body and picked her up in his arms. "Now let's get out of here."

As they made their way outside, they saw Rose Samurai making quick work of a group of henchmen with her samurai sword, turning them all into blocks of ice.

Scarlet Ninja, in Power Stealer's form, turned to Tuxedo Magician, "I'm going to release my hold of Power Stealer now, can you make sure you restrain him thoroughly before I head back to my body?"

"If only I had my wand..."

"You mean these things I found?" Rose Samurai called out, holding up Scarlet Ninja's belt and equipment, and a long magician's stick.

Tuxedo Magician went to retrieve his wand and quickly conjured up a spell to mummify Power Stealer in ropes, as Scarlet Ninja gave up her mind control to head back to her body.

"I called the authorities to clean up the mess here," Rose Samurai mentioned to Tuxedo Magician. "Think you can stick around to explain things to them while I take Scarlet Ninja home?"

"Can do, now that I've got my wand back," Tuxedo Magician replied. He then looked over to Scarlet Ninja and flashed her a shy smile. "And thanks for saving me back there, Scarlet Ninja. I definitely owe you one."

Scarlet Ninja felt herself blush as she returned the smile. With Rose Samurai's help, she then vanished into the night as they both headed back to their apartment.

Once they got to the 8th floor of their apartment, Rose Samurai opened up the window, but looked at Scarlet Ninja quizzically.

"How do I know it'" Rose Samurai asked.

"What are you talking about?" Scarlet Ninja replied hastily, as she unzipped her boots and entered barefoot into their apartment.

"Heh, never mind, welcome home, Natsuki-chan," Rose Samurai smiled.
Last edited by ffixwarrior 2 months ago, edited 9 times in total.
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by crow3467 »

It was a fun story! I hope you continue
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Post by ffixwarrior »

Thanks! I have a couple ideas for a chapter 2 and chapter 3. Will post them once I get them fully fleshed out.
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Post by ffixwarrior »

Chapter 2: Meeting Miss Muscle

Scarlet Ninja and Rose Samurai had been summoned by H.O.G.T.I.E. to assist the superheroine known as Miss Muscle. Miss Muscle was on a mission to stop the villain, Gogo Gizmo, from using his evil inventions from causing destruction to Peril City.

When they got to Gogo's lair, a large machine factory, they saw Miss Muscle was in the process of wrecking three of Gogo's capture-bots with superhuman strength. Miss Muscle, known as Cora Bellingham in her normal everyday life, was a 22-year-old American with reddish brown hair that fell to her shoulders, blue eyes, soft pink lips and a small nose. She was 5 foot 10 in height and loved to play sports such as basketball and volleyball. For her normal day time job, she worked as a sales clerk at Melon Athletics. But when it came to crime fighting, she wore her red leotard (with a large M on the front), blue knee-high boots, white elbow length gloves, and a red mask over her eyes to express her pride as a superheroine. She was one of the most feared heroes in Peril City, as she could use her powers to give her muscles super strength when performing punches or kicks or throwing enemies around like rag dolls. She could also shift the balance of her power for defense by strengthening muscles in her body to absorb impact from anything that came her way.

"Wonder why she called for backup," Scarlet Ninja asked. "Seems like she has everything under control."

"Yeah, she's great, isn't she?" Rose Samurai answered, as she held great admiration for Miss Muscle.

Just then, an army of bots came out of Gogo's lair, a mix of aerial ones, large robots the size of a house, and human-like bots armed with stun guns that surrounded Miss Muscle.

"Time to go," Scarlet Ninja said. "Shadow clone technique!"

Four clones quickly formed from Scarlet Ninja and began to attack the bots that had encircled Miss Muscle, while the real Scarlet Ninja created a large shadow shuriken to take out one of the large robots.

Rose Samurai took focus with her samurai sword and jumped into the middle of a pack of bots with stun guns, twirling around with her sword to turn them into ice blocks before using her shatter technique to cause the bots to malfunction.

"Thanks for your help!" Miss Muscle called out, just as an aerial bot dropped a large net on her.

However, this barely deterred her as she ripped the net to shreds and jumped high in the air to punch the bot to the ground. She then took the remains of the bot and threw it into a wave of capture-bots that had just arrived on the scene.

Watching the superheroines crush his army, Gogo Gizmo decided to unleash his elite robots and come out in one of his ultimate capture-bots, a towering hulk of machinery with all the bells and whistles to restrain its prey. He took aim at Rose Samurai to fire a homing rope, which could quickly bind and incapacitate its target.

"Look out!" Miss Muscle warned, as she pushed Rose Samurai out of the way before the rope could get her. The rope then began to wrap itself around Miss Muscle's arms and upper body, using its ends to force her wrists behind her back before tying itself off with a knot. Miss Muscle began to flex the muscles in her arms to break apart the ropes, but it let off an electric pulse shock to cause Miss Muscle to fall to her knees.

"I wouldn't struggle if I were you, Miss Muscle," Gogo cackled. "The rope has sensors to detect any amount of struggling and will release a wave of electric energy through your body to prevent you from breaking loose. Hahahahaha!"

"Don't worry, I'll cut you loose," Rose Samurai said, as she cut down a wave of robots with her samurai sword with her ice shatter technique.

"Oh no you won't," Gogo countered, as it fired multiple stun beams at Rose Samurai. Rose Samurai tumbled and flipped her way to avoid the beams but a large capture-bot was able to swallow her up.

Meanwhile, Scarlet Ninja and her clones were continuing to wreak havoc on the robot army, using ropes to tangle up some of the larger robot's legs, causing them to fall and crush the smaller bots. As she got closer to Gogo's ultimate capture-bot and its elite robot guard, she felt her heart beat faster as she spotted Miss Muscle kneeling in defeat with her arms bound behind her. She also watched as a large robot spit out Rose Samurai with a collar placed around her neck and her wrists restrained behind her back with metallium handcuffs that emanated a green glow to suppress the powers of her sword and her strength.

"Get the remaining one!" Gogo ordered his bots, sending them after Scarlet Ninja. He aimed his stun beams and homing rope at Scarlet Ninja and her clones and was able to capture two of the clones, one stunned and the other bound in the same style as Miss Muscle.

"Gotta retreat for now," Scarlet Ninja told herself, taking out a hidden smoke bomb from a pack on her belt to conceal herself as she and her remaining clones escaped outside of Gogo's lair.

As this was happening, Gogo and six of his elite bots helped Rose Samurai and Miss Muscle to stand and marched them away from the action, deep inside of his factory. Rose Samurai and Miss Muscle could barely struggle in their ropes and handcuffs, as Gogo's inventions kept them weak.

Back outside, Scarlet Ninja directed her clones to cause a distraction as she tried to think of a plan.

"Need some assistance?" a voice called from afar.

Just then, the superhero known as Tuxedo Magician appeared next to Scarlet Ninja and conjured up some fireworks to go off, causing the aerial robots giving chase to Scarlet Ninja to explode.

"Thanks for the help," Scarlet Ninja said, looking dreamily at her savior. "Look out!"

She imbued her shuriken with some of her shadow power and threw it at a gang of capture-bots, causing them to malfunction and shut down.

"We've gotta help Miss Muscle and Rose Samurai! Gogo's got them captured inside his lair!"

"What's the deal, Gogo?" Miss Muscle asked. "Why all the robots?"

"Keep walking," a capture robot answered, prodding Miss Muscle in the back with its stun gun. Miss Muscle clenched her bound fists and thought about kicking the robot in return, but thought better of it as the ropes binding her continued to send small shocks throughout her body to remind her to keep calm and obey orders.

Rose Samurai could only watch in pity, her wrists trapped behind her back in the rigid cuffs that one of Gogo's robots had put her in and the collar around her neck to prevent her from using her psychic link to summon Yukiko. She followed behind Miss Muscle with two capture robots behind her to continue to guide her along.

"I wanted to build a shrine to celebrate you superheros and superheroines," Gogo answered Miss Muscle, taking them to a large room with capsule prisons inside. He then opened two of the capsule prisons and had his robots place Miss Muscle and Rose Samurai in them before locking them inside.

"You'll never get away with this," Rose Samurai said.

"Oh, but I think I have," Gogo said, as he pressed a button within his robot that triggered a shock from Rose Samurai's collar, causing her to fall into a kneeling position.

"You're despicable," Miss Muscle. "You have us trapped in here, at least take the ropes and cuffs off."

"But you look so nice in them," Gogo countered. "I love seeing a pretty superheroine bound and helpless, hehehe."

Just then, an alarm went off, alerting Gogo and his robots to the commotion going on elsewhere in his lair. A large screen came on showing Scarlet Ninja and her clones running amok and causing confusion to the rest of Gogo's bot army with Tuxedo Magician lending his assistance with his magic tricks. Infuriated, Gogo led his elite robot guard out of the prison room to put an end to Scarlet Ninja and Tuxedo Magician's havoc.

Meanwhile, as Scarlet Ninja and Tuxedo Magician progressed through the lair, they found the entrance to the power room.

"Hmm, I wonder what a little water can do to Gogo's hideout," Tuxedo Magician said. He used his magician wand to conjure a water spray from the tip of it, causing the breakers in the power room to short circuit, leading to total darkness within the lair.

Back in the prison room, Miss Muscle could feel the ropes binding her weaken, as they lost signal with the source that would tell it when to send a pulse shock. Flexing the muscles in her forearms and biceps, she was able to snap the ropes around her upper body and wrists and punch a hole through the capsule prison she was in. However, the emergency power from Gogo's backup generators were just starting to kick in with the lights and electricity coming back into the room.

"Let's get you out of there," Miss Muscle said to Rose Samurai, as she punched her way into her prison and pulled her out.

"Thanks, think you can get these handcuffs and collar off of me?" Rose Samurai asked, turning her hands towards Miss Muscle.

"Shouldn't be a problem," Miss Muscle replied, as she ripped the collar off Rose Samurai's neck like a donut and broke through the middle of Rose Samurai's handcuffs, freeing her hands from behind her back.

"Guess I've got new bracelets," Rose Samurai joked, as she rubbed the circulation back into her wrists.

"Consider it a gift. C'mon, let's go help your partner with Gogo," Miss Muscle said.

"Give it up, Scarlet Ninja," Gogo called out. "We've captured your little friend."

One of Gogo's large capture robots had just spit out a collared and cuffed Tuxedo Magician next to Gogo. Tuxedo Magician struggled and strained against the handcuffs, but the collar shocked him into submission. Gogo's honing ropes and stun blasts had also caused Scarlet Ninja's clones to dissipate.

"Let him go, Gogo," Miss Muscle said. She began to use the super strength of her muscle to punch and kick some of Gogo's robot army into itty bitty pieces.

"Time for payback Gogo!" Rose Samurai added, using her sword and spinning her way into a whirling dervish to slice and dice Gogo's elite guard while adding on a freeze effect to any other nearby robots.

"My precious robots! Noooooooo!" Gogo cried out in pain.

This gave Scarlet Ninja time to cast one of her special techniques.

"Moonlight Shadowbind technique!"

Inside Gogo's lair, it suddenly became dark with a red moon appearing in the room. From it, a giant shadow was cast upon Gogo's ultimate robot, holding it in place with Scarlet Ninja's shadowbind ability. From there, Miss Muscle pulled Gogo out of his robot and proceeded to restrain him with a pair of handcuffs.

"Looks like I owe you again," Tuxedo Magician said, as Scarlet Ninja freed him of the collar and handcuffs.

"Don't mention it," Scarlet Ninja replied with a wink.

With that, the superheroines along with Tuxedo Magician were able to bring Gogo Gizmo to justice and save Peril City from Gogo's evil robot army. Tune in next time for another adventure of Scarlet Ninja and Rose Samurai!
Last edited by ffixwarrior 3 months ago, edited 4 times in total.
Jeff K
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Post by Jeff K »

Very nice! Loving this series! Makes me want to see a cartoon of it.
This conversation would go a lot smoother if you just gagged me already!
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Post by ffixwarrior »

Thanks! I was hoping to maybe someday collaborate with an artist who can illustrate some of the characters/story scenes from the series.
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Post by ffixwarrior »

Chapter 3: Enter the Emerald Viper

It was another day in Peril City where Scarlet Ninja and Rose Samurai were called to action. This time, they were to lend assistance to Leopard Queen and Panther Princess, who were trying to stop the poaching of endangered animals at a reserve park.

Leopard Queen, age 25, was a British African-Caribbean woman that was 6 foot 3 in stature with a slim but muscular build. She had long dark hair with wavy curls, dark eyes, luscious lips, and a small nose, often drawing the attention of other men. For her outfit, she wore a leopard-print catsuit and went barefoot to allow herself to transform to gain superhuman strength and speed to that of a leopard. Outside of her superheroine job, she went by Jamila Jackson, who worked as a business manager at a top consulting firm.

Her colleague, Panther Princess, age 24, was a African-American woman, 6 feet in height, with the athletic build of a gymnast, but more curvy. She had shoulder-length hair often tied back in a ponytail, bold eyes, and a round nose. For her outfit, she wore a dark catsuit and also went barefoot, similar to Leopard Queen, in that her powers involved transformation to gain the strength and speed of a panther. In her normal day-to-day job, she went by Teneisha Wilson and worked as a legal aid, focusing her efforts on helping minority communities.

Today, however, Leopard Queen and Panther Princess were struggling to stop Speed Roper and Broodwebber, who were looking to make money by helping a bunch of henchmen that worked for a rich billionaire known as Mr. Honeybank. Speed Roper was dressed as a tall cowboy, armed with multiple ropes to subdue anyone who came up against him. Broodwebber, his partner in crime, was a mutated human dressed in brown fur-like clothing with six arms who could spawn broodling spiders the size of dogs and spin up webs from his fingers and mouth. When Scarlet Ninja and Rose Samurai arrived on the scene, they saw many animals had already been caged and loaded onto large trucks. Broodwebber had just finished his capture of Panther Princess after spinning his web around her entire body like a cocoon (leaving only her nose uncovered) and hanging her upside-down from a nearby tree. Leopard Queen, in her leopard form, had managed to tackle a group of henchmen from loading another caged animal into one of the vehicles, but this opened her up to an attack from Speed Roper. Using one of his magic ropes, he was able to lasso Leopard Queen's feet together, which allowed him to use his powers to perform his legendary speed binding techniques. In a manner of seconds, Leopard Queen found herself back in her human form in a tight front-facing hogtie on the ground with Speed Roper standing in triumph over her.

"Shadow Clone technique! Go help Leopard Queen and Panther Princess!" Scarlet Ninja commanded, as she summoned four clones of herself. She then imbued her shadow energy into three shurikens and threw it at a group of henchmen who were keeping guard near Panther Princess, taking them out.

Rose Samurai jumped into a crowd of henchmen but before she could unsheath her samurai sword, it had been webbed away from her by Broodwebber, leaving her unarmed. One of the henchmen attempted to grab her from behind, but she quickly ducked and performed a leg sweep on him to take him down. She then performed a spinning roundhouse kick on the other two henchmen near her to knock them unconscious. She then rushed towards Broodwebber to try and reclaim her sword, but found a rope fly in front of her as she was lassoed from behind by Speed Roper. Speed Roper then put his powers to use as he pulled the lasso tight around Rose Samurai's arms and upper body, looping it around several times before bringing the rope down and crossing her wrists behind her back to further bind her. After cinching the ropes and tying some half knots along the process, he brought Rose Samurai face-down to the ground and bent her legs back to tie off the remainder of his lasso, leaving her hogtied and helpless to aid her allies.

"Damn, he's fast!" Rose Samurai said to herself, purely in shock of how she had been bound so easily by Speed Roper. "Watch out for his lasso, Scarlet!"

"Oh no! Rose, he's captured you too?" Scarlet Ninja remarked, as she and two of her clones had just shadowbound and restrained the remaining henchmen while her other two clones continued to distract Broodmother.

"You're next," Speed Roper taunted, tossing his lasso out and making contact. He quickly bound his target in a similar hogtie as Rose Samurai. "Gotcha!"

"Sorry, just a clone, nyah!"

Scarlet Ninja's close then dissipated, leaving the rope behind.

"Looks like you're mine," Scarlet Ninja said in Speed Roper's ear, capturing him in her shadowbind technique. Her remaining clone then worked to tie Speed Roper into a hogtie.

Meanwhile, the other two clones who had been fighting Broodwebber were cocooned in web and hung upside down from tree branches like Panther Princess, eventually causing them to dissipate into thin air. He then spawned several broodling spiders to go after Scarlet Ninja.

"Go help the others, I'll take care of this," Scarlet Ninja instructed her clone.

Just as she was getting ready for her Moonlight Shadowbind technique, a loud rumbling sound was heard and a large snake came out of the ground to swallow Scarlet Ninja whole.

"Scarlet Ninja! Nooo!" Rose Samurai shouted, doubling her efforts to get loose from her hogtie. She reached and reached with her fingers, hoping to pick a knot loose from her bound booted ankles, but she couldn't find any.

From the top of the snake, a woman dressed identically to Scarlet Ninja, but all in green appeared, laughing in delight. She commanded the snake to disappear back into the hole they came out of, leaving behind a smokescreen in their getaway.

"What perfect timing," Broodwebber mentioned, watching as his broodling spiders were able to overpower Scarlet Ninja's form and cause it to dissipate. "Looks like I've got three captives to bring along to Mr. Honeybank."

"Think again," Leopard Queen replied, having gotten loose from her ropes. She had used her leopard abilities to gnaw through the ropes around her hands and feet and had fully transformed to her leopard form to pounce and maul through Broodwebber's broodling spiders.

"Did you really think you two could hold us?" Panther Princess chimed in, as she had used her panther claws to slice herself out of Broodwebber's web cocoon to join the battle.

With that, Panther Princess and Leopard Queen used their strength and agility to weave through the webs that Broodwebber aimed at them and tackled the supervillain to the ground, clawing and biting at Broodwebber until he begged them to stop. The two superheroines then proceed to bind all six arms of Broodwebber behind his back and tape gagged his mouth to prevent any more web from being created.

"Great job you two, now can you help me out of this hogtie?" Rose Samurai said, feeling the strain from having to backbend due to the rope connection between her hands and feet.

"Sorry about that," Leopard Queen replied, using her claws to cut through the ropes binding Rose Samurai and setting her free.

"I need to go rescue Scarlet Nina," Rose Samurai mentioned, as she retrieved her sword back from Broodwebber. "Can you and Panther Princess stay behind to help the authorities take these guys away?"

"Sure thing and good luck," Leopard Queen answered. "If we don't hear back from you, we'll certainly lend our aid to repay our thanks."

Rose Samurai then descended into the hole that the large snake and mysterious woman had come out of to track where her partner had gone.

Deep underground, the mysterious woman had her large snake pause at a three way crossroads.

"Release her, Sasori," the woman commanded.

The snake spit out Scarlet Ninja from its stomach, covered in snake goo. Her wrists were crossed in an X pattern behind her back, having been bound with a magic white snake that coiled itself around her and sunk its fangs into her forearm.

"What's the deal, Midori? Or should I call you by your villain name, Emerald Viper?" Scarlet Ninja said.

"Now now, is that the way to speak to your twin sister, Natsuki?" Emerald Viper replied, grabbing ahold of one of Scarlet Ninja's cheeks and tugging it hard. She was completely identical in looks to Scarlet Ninja, but kept her hair tied in a pony tail and didn't keep any strings tied to her green catsuit. Her ninja specialty was in poison/paralyze techniques and she learned some of the same shadow techniques of her sister when they were growing up.

"Seriously though, why capture me?"

"There's someone high up who paid my leader to find you and bring you to him to make you pay for what you and your friends did to Gogo's factory. He invested a very large amount of money in Gogo's robots, you know."

"Ugh, I guess being a superheroine leads to having lots of enemies," Scarlet Ninja replied, wincing, as she felt numbness and discomfort in her wrists. "Can you take the snake off? I'm losing feeling in my hands."

"Ahh, you're feeling the effects of my new poison. Sharp, isn't it?" Emerald Viper laughed, as she complied with her sister's request. Taking out a long rope, she formed a knot in the middle and placed it behind Scarlet Ninja's neck. She then began to loop the ends around Scarlet Ninja's arms, pulling them behind her back before she lashed her wrists together and cinched the wrappings. Feeding the ends of the rope through the loop behind her neck, Emerald Viper proceeded to wrap the rest of the rope around Scarlet Ninja's body, going above and below her breasts before tying the knot out of reach.

"That's ugh, tight! This is different from the Shibari and Hojojutsu techniques we were taught," Scarlet Ninja remarked. "I don't think I'll be able to get out of this anytime soon."

"It's a Chinese style tie I learned under my new clan, hope you like it," Emerald Viper replied. "Plus, you always liked it when I tied you up when we were kids."

"So what now?"

"I take you to one of my clan's hideouts, where we wait for my leader to pick you up to make the exchange. Sasori will stay here to make sure there aren't any interruptions during the process."

Emerald Viper then led her sister down the right most corridor, where a long ladder awaited them once they got to the end.

"Upsy daisy," Emerald Viper said, carrying Scarlet Ninja over her shoulder as she climbed up the ladder. At the top of the ladder, Emerald Viper opened a hatch door leading to an old dojo on the outskirts of Peril City.

"This is where" Scarlet Ninja asked.

"Show some respect," Emerald Viper replied. "The Snake clan is the best clan out there and we like to keep ourselves hidden like true ninjas."

Scarlet Ninja was then led to a large dojo, where Emerald Viper unzipped Scarlet Ninja's boots from her feet and taking off her own green knee-high boots before stepping inside. There were six ninja bodyguards guarding the dojo, a mix of men and women, who were also barefoot.

"The leader is on his way," one of the bodyguards said. Another bodyguard took hold of Scarlet Ninja and had her kneel on the floor beside them. "Just behave and stay quiet and no harm will come to you."

"Too bad I can't say the same for you," a male voice exclaimed.

From the ceiling of the dojo, the superhero known as Tuxedo Magician had transported himself, Rose Samurai, Leopard Queen, and Panther Princess inside.

"Impossible! How did you get pass Sasori and find us?" Emerald Viper exclaimed.

"Your snake was no match for our combined strength," Leopard Queen replied.

"And my colleagues at G.A.G.S. told me about your little secret hideout," Tuxedo Magician added.

"Everyone! Watch out for their poison techniques!" Scarlet Ninja warned.

"They won't get the chance," Rose Samurai quipped. "Spinning Ice Technique!"

Two of the bodyguards were caught in Rose Samurai's whirling samurai sword technique, turning them into blocks of ice.

Leopard Queen and Panther Princess were able to pounce on two other bodyguards, while Tuxedo Magician conjured some ropes to bind another.

One other bodyguard was about to throw poison darts at Tuxedo Magician, but Scarlet Ninja was able to use her feet to trip her up.

"Should've hogtied me when you had the chance," Scarlet Ninja joked, before kicking the bodyguard in the face. "Sister, give it up! My friends are here to stop you."

"Not yet..." Emerald Viper countered, setting off a smokescreen in the room. "Summoning technique, Snake Man, arise!"

A congregation of snakes were summoned and fused together to become the monster known as Snake Man. He then unleashed a wave of poisonous snakes from arms towards Scarlet Ninja's allies.

"You're coming with me, sis," Emerald Viper commanded, grabbing Scarlet Ninja and slinging her once again over her shoulder to bring her outside.

"We need to get out of here," Tuxedo Magician told Rose Samurai and the others. "I'll summon a portal to send you back to your headquarters. Go! Now!"

"But what about Scarlet Ninja?" Rose Samurai asked, freezing three snakes nearby with her sword.

"Don't worry, I'll save her, hurry now! Before the portal closes!"

Leopard Queen, Panther Princess, and Rose Samurai were able to fend off the remaining snakes from advancing upon them and entered the portal that Tuxedo Magician had summoned, heading back to their headquarters at H.O.G.T.I.E.

"Grand Illusion Technique! House of Mirrors!" Tuxedo Magician shouted, erecting large mirrors from the ground into the dojo to create multiple images of himself through mirrors.

Snake Man and his snakes attempted to attack Tuxedo Magician, but for every blow, they ended up breaking a mirror.

With Snake Man distracted, Tuxedo Magician made his way outside, where he saw vehicles making their way towards a waiting Emerald Viper and a struggling Scarlet Ninja.

"Summoning Technique: White Doves! Fly down and stop Emerald Viper from getting away!"

This caused Emerald Viper to drop Scarlet Ninja from her grasp onto the ground, while she summoned snakes to fight off the doves. Tuxedo Magician used this opportunity to summon another portal near Scarlet Ninja, where he grabbed ahold of her and teleported off to safety.

"Curses! That Tuxedo Magician and his damn birds," Emerald Viper fumed. "Master is not going to like this..."

"Whoa whoa whoooooooaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Tuxedo Magician exclaimed, landing in his bed in his apartment, with Scarlet Ninja falling on top of him.

"Ooof! Owww, where are we?" Scarlet Ninja asked, smarting from the fall. "And my boots were left behind too..."

" was the first place I could think of teleporting during all the commotion, hope you don't mind the mess," Tuxedo Magician replied bashfully, helping Scarlet Ninja off of his bed. "He--here, let me ggg-get you untied," he continued, stammering.

As Tuxedo Magician looked for a knot to untie around Scarlet Ninja's wrists, she felt something hard press against the tips of her fingers.

"Oooh, is that your magician stick or are you excited to have me in your room?" Scarlet Ninja teased, playfully moving her fingers as she caused the bulge in Tuxedo Magician's pants to further grow.

"Ssss-seriously...where's that knot?" Tuxedo Magician blurted out, feeling flushed with embarrassment.

"I think my sister tied the knot somewhere in front...right under my breasts," Scarlet Ninja replied, spinning around to face Tuxedo Magician. "What's wrong? Why are you so nervous? I'm the one that's tied up here."

She advanced towards Tuxedo Magician and pressed her bare foot against his chest to push him back onto his bed.

"Maybe you can help me pull my mask off so I can kiss you for saving me," Scarlet Ninja suggested.

Tuxedo Magician had no choice but to comply as he slowly removed the mask, revealing a sexy devilish look on Scarlet Ninja's face. Mounting him with her arms still bound behind her, she locked lips with Tuxedo Magician, feeling the passion come over her from all the previous encounters she had with him. She continued to kiss his neck, moving her way downwards as she used her mouth to unzip and free the bulge that had been growing. She then gently placed her mouth and tongue over it and bobbed her head to and fro, causing Tuxedo Magician to moan louder and louder as he released all the tension that had been building.

"Ughhhhhhh, thank you," Tuxedo Magician sighed in relief.

"You're welcome, now...maybe you can untie me. And you owe me a new pair of boots too," Scarlet Ninja added, kissing him on the cheek.

Tune in next time for another adventure of Scarlet Ninja and Rose Samurai!
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Post by Caesar73 »

A fascinating world you created here- Please do carry on!
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Post by ffixwarrior »

Chapter 4: Babysitting Nightmare

It was a dull day for Scarlet Ninja (Natsuki Yamamoto) and Rose Samurai (Mina Itsuki) when they received a notice from H.O.G.T.I.E to go babysit the 13-year-old daughter of the superheroine, Gadget Girl, who was away on a mission. When they got to the house, they were greeted by a blonde American teenager with shoulder-length hair, hazel eyes, long nose, and wide mouth. She was dressed in long sleeve white shirt with a pink vest, gray sweatpants, white socks and white sneakers.

"Who are you and what do you want?" the girl said, answering the door.

"Hi, I'm Natsuki and this is Mina. We're friends of your mom. She sent us to look after you while she's away on a business trip. May we come in?"

"You guys better not suck like the last babysitters I had..."

"No, I promise we'll have fun! What's your name?"

"The name's April...make yourselves at home."

With that, Natsuki and Mina walked inside as April closed the door behind them. Natsuki was dressed in casual clothes, wearing a light blue sweater with a black skirt, black tights, and her black knee-high boots, which she removed and left by the entrance. Mina wore a purple tunic dress with her black stirrup leggings and black ankle boots, which she also took off and left by the entrance. The both of them also brought travel suitcases with them in case Gadget Girl ran into any delays.

"Why are you taking your shoes off?" April asked.

"It's a sign of respect for one's home and so that we don't track dirt inside," Mina replied.

"Makes sense, I guess. Hey, so since my mom is away, do you want to play a game?"

"Sure," Natsuki answered. "What do you have in mind?"

"Well, there's this game that me and my mom sometimes play. She asks me to tie her up and see how long it takes for her to escape. Would you be up for that?"

"Umm, sure," Mina replied.

"I suppose we could use the practice," Natsuki whispered.

"Awesome! Lemme go get the ropes, be right back," April said, as she ran upstairs to her room to grab her stash of ropes.

"She's just a kid, how hard can this be?" Natsuki mentioned to Mina.

"But she's also the daughter of Gadget Girl, so who knows what her mom's taught her..." Mina replied.

"Okaaaay, back! Who wants to go first?" April asked as she returned carrying a pile of ropes in her arms.

"How about we make this a bit of a challenge?" Mina suggested. "We can make it a game of hide and seek. Natsuki and I will go hide somewhere and if you find us, you can tie us up. But if we're able to hide from you for thirty minutes, then we win. Deal?"

"Sounds good," April replied. "I'll go stand outside and count to fifty while you go hide."

And with that, Natsuki and Mina broke off, looking for places to hide within the house. Natsuki decided to hide in the kitchen, using her ninja skills and flexibility to hide in one of the cabinets beneath the sink. Mina decided to take a more practical approach, figuring it'd be more comfortable to wait thirty minutes in one of the bedrooms upstairs by hiding in a closet.

After counting to fifty, April came back into the house with a sly grin on her face.

"Hehehehe, little do those two know that I've found one of my mom's cool inventions from her science job that allows me to see where body heat is coming from. Finding these two will be a cinch!"

April then put on a pair of goggles and decided to start upstairs.

"Hiding in my mom's closet, eh? Better hide these goggles though to not make it too obvious..."

April went into her room first and pretended to search around for awhile before making her way to her mom's bedroom.

"Oh no! I hope she doesn't find me," Mina gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. She crouched down low, hoping to avoid being spotted.

"Aha! Found you!" April exclaimed, opening up the closet and helping Mina step out.

"How'd you find me so easily?" Mina wondered.

"Hiding in a closet is like the first thing anyone thinks of for hide and seek," April replied, trying to conceal the fact that she used her mom's special goggles to find Mina.

"So what now? I become your captive?" Mina asked, holding her wrists out in front of her.

"That's right," April said gleefully. "But it won't be that easy. Hands behind your back please."

Mina felt her wrists crossed behind her back as April doubled over a length of rope and fed the ends through the loop to tighten it around Mina's wrists. She continued to wrap the rope around several times before applying the center cinch in between hands and tying a double-knot out of Mina's reach.

"I'm guessing you've done this a lot with your mom, huh?" Mina mentioned, moving her wrists up and down a couple of times to test her bonds.

"My mom used to get out so easily, so I might've learned a few things here and there," April replied. "I need to tie your feet next, so if you don't mind, could you sit on the bed over there?"

April used the same process, again taking a length of rope and doubling it over before wrapping it around Mina's ankles. She made sure to cinch the rope tight before applying a double knot in front of the ankle bind.

"I like your toenails, they're so pretty," April complimented, as she went to grab another length of rope.

"I just did them last night. You like the pink?" Mina asked.

"Yeah! They really stand out with your leggings," April added. "All right, lie down, just need to add some finishing touches."

April put a pillow underneath Mina's head as she had her lie down and roll over on her stomach. She again doubled over the rope she had and placed the loop in between Mina's ankle ropes before feeding the ends of the rope through it to tighten it. She then pulled Mina's feet back towards her hands and tied the knot off at the top of her wrist bonds, placing Mina in a simple, but effective hogtie.

"That should hold you," April commented, admiring her work.

"Yeah, that's a pretty tight hogtie you put me in," Mina agreed, as she arched her back.

"Not done yet," April said, cutting Mina off.

"Wait what are you doing now!?" Mina replied, lifting her head off the pillow as she turned her gaze towards April.

April playfully concealed what she was holding her hands as she mounted herself on to of Mina, behind her head. Mina felt a scarf go over her eyes as April proceeded to blindfold her.

"I'm not sure I like this..." Mina said nervously, as she fidgeted in her ropes.

"My mom had me try this with her one time and almost didn't escape, so I figured I could try it on you," April replied. She quickly followed up with a silk scarf and used it to cleave gag Mina before she could further protest.

"And this'll keep you quiet," April joked. "Time to go find Natsuki now...good luck!"

April then went to retrieve the goggles from her room and went back downstairs to find Natsuki. It wasn't long before the goggles detected Natsuki's heat emissions from the kitchen. Again, April made sure to hide her goggles before opening the doors of the cabinet beneath the sink.

"Nice hiding spot," April remarked, as she helped Natsuki come out.

"Definitely wasn't the most comfy spot to hide," Natsuki replied, as she stretched her arms overhead.

"Well you know what this means, right? Time to tie you up!" April exclaimed.

"Ummm, can I go use the bathroom first?" Natsuki asked, with a coy smirk on her face. "Wouldn't want to pee myself from having to wait so long under the sink."

"Sure, I guess, but hurry up!"

With that, Natsuki headed upstairs to go use the bathroom. Before she came out though, she had an idea.

"Shadow clone technique!"

A couple of minutes later...


April grabbed one of the kitchen chairs and had Natsuki's clone sit in it. Taking a long piece of rope, she bound her wrists behind her back and cinched it down before using the rest of the rope to tie the upper body and arms to the chair. April then bound her ankles and wrapped the end of the rope to one of the slats underneath the chair before bringing it up further and tying the knot off to the ropes bindings the wrists. April went back upstairs to retrieve two scarves and used those as a blindfold and gag to finish the job.

"Just to let you know, I've got Mina hogtied upstairs in my mom's bedroom already. Sooooooooo, I'm just going to head to the mall for a bit. Have fun trying to escape while I'm gone! Byeeeeeeeee!"

April then abruptly left her house, leaving Natsuki's clone to struggle against her chair tie.

Meanwhile, back upstairs...

"Hmm? Did I hear the door close just now?" Natsuki said to herself. She stepped outside of the bathroom and made her way downstairs where she saw her clone trussed up tightly to one of the kitchen chairs.

"What happened?" Natsuki asked, pulling the blindfold and gag off her clone.

"She tied up Mina upstairs in her mom's bedroom and left the house to go to the mall," the clone replied.

That's not good...her mom had us look after her since she's become a target of some of her enemies who've been spying on her. We need to track her down," Natsuki mentioned. "Summoning technique: Crow! Go find April, now!"

After Natsuki freed her clone from the chair, her clone left to join the summoned crow to find April. She then made her way upstairs, where she heard muffled groans and creaking noises from April's mom's bedroom.

Inside, she saw Mina roll over from her side back onto her stomach, bending her legs towards her hands as close as she could to try and reach for a knot with her fingers. The blindfold that had been tied over her eyes had now become a headband of sorts but her gag still held in place, soaked with saliva. She was looking back over her shoulder to see if there was anything she could do to untie her ankle ropes, but the best she could do was graze the soles of her barefeet with her fingernails.

"Mina, are you okay?" Natsuki said, coming to Mina's side.

"Yeah, my jaw's a bit sore though," Mina replied, as Natsuki removed her cleave gag. "I had no idea April had it in her. Her mom and her must've gotten a lot of...practice."

"She's a sneaky one too," Natsuki added. "She left to head out to the mall. She doesn't realize how much danger she's in."

"How'd you get loose so fast?" Mina asked. " The hogtie she put me in was pretty tight. Didn't help that she added a blindfold."

"I can tell, these knots are pretty tricky, but I it!," Natsuki exclaimed, undoing the knot that held Mina's feet to her hands. "Too bad you can't summon clones like I can."

"Ahhh, that's better," Mina sighed in relief. "If only I had my sword with me from downstairs...then maybe I could've gotten myself loose."

"Haha, you mean with Yukiko?" Natsuki replied. "She would've tormented you again like she always does."

"Yeah, I guess," Mina said in agreement.

It took a couple more minutes, but Natsuki was able to untie the ropes around Mina's ankles followed by the ropes keeping Mina's wrists tied behind her back. Mina rubbed her wrists vigorously to get the circulation back into them.

"We should get changed into our outfits and head after April before she gets into any trouble. I summoned one of my crows and sent my clone to see if they can track her."

With that, Natsuki and Mina headed back downstairs and changed into their superheroine costumes that they brought in their suitcases, transforming themselves into Scarlet Ninja and Rose Samurai. Once they caught up to Scarlet Ninja's clone and crow, they saw that April had been kidnapped by the villainess, Mummy Dearest, and was being held in an abandoned warehouse. Mummy Dearest, true to her name, had mummified April in her wrappings and suspended her from the ceiling of the warehouse, leaving only her head exposed.

"What are you going to do to me?" April said in frustration, as she tried to break loose from the mummy bandages.

"You'll fetch a fine ransom...I'm sure you'll be in for quite a surprise," Mummy Dearest replied.

"Let her go, Mummy Dearest!" Scarlet Ninja shouted, appearing from a cloud of smoke with Rose Samurai right next to her. "She's just a kid, so leave her out of this."

"My, my my, if it isn't Scarlet Ninja and Rose Samurai," Mummy Dearest said, laughing as she summoned a group of mummies that arose from the floor of the warehouse. "I didn't expect to have you two here, but no matter, soon you'll be joining this girl in captivity!"

"Two can play at this game," Scarlet Ninja said. "Shadow clone technique!"

Four clones appeared next to Scarlet Ninja and began to attack Mummy Dearest's horde of mummies.

"Spinning sword dance, freeze!" Rose Samurai added, not wanting to miss out on the action as she sliced through a couple of mummies while freezing some other mummies that were nearby.

"Shadowbind technique!" Scarlet Ninja exclaimed, extending her shadow to grab ahold of Mummy Dearest.

"Oh no, looks like you've got me," Mummy Dearest said. "But you can't control me...since I'm already dead!"

She then used her bandages to wrap up Scarlet Ninja from head to toe, leaving her wriggling on the ground like a worm.

"It's not over yet," Rose Samurai said to herself. "Yukiko, I summon you! Blast these guys back to the Pyramid Age!"

From her blade, a flash of blue light appeared, transforming the samurai sword into the ice spirit known as Yukiko.

"Hailstorm blizzard!" Yukiko said, drawing in her breath and blowing out an icy blizzard at the group of mummies in the warehouse, freezing them in place. "Now shatter and turn to dust!"

Each of the mummies experienced a mini ice explosion, reducing them into a frozen pile of appendages on the floor.

"As for you," Yukiko added, pointing at Mummy Dearest's direction. "Ice Crystal Prison!"

"No, nooo, what's happening to me?" Mummy Dearest cried, as she felt herself being covered up in ice, forming a crystalized statue of ice.

"Thanks Yukiko," Rose Samurai said to her spirit companion.

"Don't forget, you owe me one," the ice princess answered, as she transformed back into her samurai sword.

"Mmmph! Hemlpjh mmmffe!" Scarlet Ninja said, still struggling to get out of the mummy bandages.

"I'll have you free in a second," Rose Samurai said, as she cut Scarlet Ninja out of her mummy prison.

"While you're at it, can you cut me down too?" April reminded the two.

"You're in big t-, you're lucky we found you here and rescued you," Scarlet Ninja said, catching herself before potentially giving their identities away.

"Ahem, you better get home safe," Rose Samurai added.

"One of my clones will escort you home while...Rose Samurai and I...go defeat some other evildoers," Scarlet Ninja brought up, thinking on the fly. "Let's go Rose Samurai!"

As they left April with one of Scarlet Ninja's clones, the two began to think of how to cover themselves during this whole big mess.

"Well for starters, we definitely need to get back to April's house before they do."

"But then what? What if she wonders why we didn't come to help her?"

"She did have us tied up though, remember? We can use that as an excuse."

"Wait, are you saying...I have to be hogtied again?"

"It's only for a little while. Just think of it like we're having one of our special tie-up sessions back at the apartment. Don't you like being tied up?"

"Only when I'm in the mood Natsuki. Plus I always seem to end up in a hogtie one way or another..."

"But you look so cute like that! With your bare feet up in the air and how you giggle when I tickle them..."

"Is that how you play with Tuxedo Magician?"

"Ouch, you sound annoyed. Guess I should stop talking now then. Plus, we're back!"

Scarlet Ninja changed out of her superheroine outfit back into her sweater, skirt and tights while Rose Samurai changed back into her tunic and stirrup leggings. They made their way upstairs to April's mom's bedroom, where Natsuki began to untangle some of the ropes to use on Mina.

"You better not tie me up so tight," Mina said sternly to Natsuki, as she crossed her wrists behind her back.

"It's gotta look realistic though," Natsuki replied. "Just relax."

"Just relax she're not the one getting hogtied, ow!" Mina winced, as Natsuki pulled the ropes tight to secure her wrists together. Natsuki then grabbed a long length of rope and began to wrap it around Mina's upper body, above and below her breasts before Mina snapped her out of it.

"She only tied my hands and feet together, numbskull!" Mina shouted at Natsuki.

"Sorry, couldn't help myself, Mina-chan," Natsuki said in apology with a bow. "Please have a seat on the bed and I'll tie your feet."

Mina then felt her ankles bound together as Natsuki took the same measures in tying the rope around them and cinching the rope before tying the knot out of reach.

"What do you want next? Gag, blindhold, or..." Natsuki said, smiling. "Hogtie?"

"Blindfold and gag I guess, I'd hate to be hogtied any longer than I need to be. Just make sure you come back to untie when they get back, okay?" Mina replied.

Mina leaned her head forward as Natsuki gently placed the silk scarf in her mouth and use it to cleave gag her. She then blindfolded her with the other scarf before having Mina roll over onto her stomach to finish hogtying her.

Natsuki then went back down to the kitchen and summoned one of her shadow clones to tie her in the exact same way that her clone had been chair-tied earlier before having her clone disappear.

Within a couple of minutes, Natsuki heard the door open with April coming back.

"I see you haven't escaped," April murmured, as she removed Natsuki's gag and blindfold.

"You definitely have some serious rope binding skills, kid," Natsuki replied, as April untied the rest of the ropes to free her from the chair.

Just then, a woman in a lab coat walked in, looking like a taller, older version of April.

"Mom! You're home!" April said.

"Yeah, long day at the lab," April's mom commented. "Sounds like you've been having fun with Natsuki, but where's Mina?"

"She's a bit...tied up upstairs," Natsuki replied, nervously. "And we've certainly had a long day ourselves, haven't we April? By the way, would you like to play a game that April taught us?"

Tune in next time for another adventure of Scarlet Ninja and Rose Samurai!
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