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Bella's Pet F/F, Part 2 added

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2022 10:33 pm
by Transchick85
Kat McNamara was walking down the streets in Downtown LA one fall evening. She was wearing a black long sleeved shirt with a red/black & white plaid long sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, blue denim jeans, black sneakers and a grey beanie cap. She walked past two guys, both wearing hoodies with the hoods pulled back and jeans. They seemed to be looking in her direction but Kat wasn't sure if they were looking at her or something up ahead. They walked behind her and she saw a red sports car pulled to the curb up ahead.

One of the men, who had black hair, grabbed her arm and told her to stop and tried to get her to come with them. She told him no and wouldn't let go of her arm and she got loud. The second man, who had brown hair, put a hand over her mouth and tried to shush her and kept saying we're trying to help you as the first man tried to get her to come with them. She used her self defense training to get her arm out the for man's grip and pulled the second man's hand away from her mouth. Someone ran up behind her and sprayed the first man in the face with an unknown substance.

Kat saw it was her friend and fellow actress Bella Thorne. She wrapped her arm around Kat and quickly ushered her towards the red sports car and had her get in the passenger seat. She got in the driver's seat and drove off. The second man, looking distressed and panicked and yelled "stop please, we were just trying to save you". But, the music coming from Bella's car stereo drowned it out as the car sped off.

Kat was breathing heavily and still processing what had happened. Bella told her to relax and assured her that she was ok. She asked Kat if she wanted Bella to take her home. Kat shook her head. Then she asked if she wanted to drive her out to a nearby beach to calm down and Kat nodded her head. Bella drove to a nearby beach and walked with Kat to a spot and they sat down. Bella was wearing a black bra top, black long sleeved mesh shirt, blue denim shorts, pink mesh leggings and black boots. Kat started crying into her shoulder and Bella hugged her and rubbed her back. She shushed her and told her she was ok. When Kat had calmed down, Bella pulled two bottles of Captain Morgan out of a bag. Both were apple flavored and asked Kat if she wanted one.

Kat nodded her head as she wiped away her tears and she looked at the waves crashing ahead. She didn't see Bella pull a little bottle and empty the contents into one of the bottles and handed it to Kat. She drank from the bottle as she thanked Bella profusely for saving her. Bella had her arm wrapped around Kat as the two girls drank their whiskey. Kat began to feel the effects of the whiskey faster than she usually did. She didn't notice that Bella hadn't even drank half of her bottle. "I think you should probably crash at my place" Bella suggested and Kat nodded her head and softly said ok.

Bella led Kat towards the back of her car. She opened the trunk, claiming she was putting the bag of whiskey back in. Instead she pulled out a couple zipties. Kat was too affected by the drug Bella slipped into her whiskey bottle to process the fact that she was pulling Kat's arms behind her and ziptying her wrists together. Kat became alert enough to snap out of her daze. "What the hell is going on?" she asked Bella in an frustrated tone of voice. "What's going on is that I'm kidnapping you" Bella replied. Kat tried to protest but Bella poured more of the drugged whiskey into her mouth. "Ssh, ssh, sssssh just have some more whiskey so the little drug I slipped in can put you to sleep" she told Kat. Kat tried asking why Bella was doing this but she poured more of the drugged whiskey down her throat.

"That should be enough" Bella said aloud as Kat began losing consciousness. Kat felt her ankles being ziptied. "Those two men were trying to save you, you're not my first kidnap victim.....but you are going to be the only one I keep alive" Bella told her. "I would never hurt you baby, you're like a little stray kitty without an owner.....until now" she told Kat as she stroked her hair and gave her another swing of the drugged whiskey. Bella stuffed a rag in Kat's mouth and taped it shut as Kat passed out. Bella shut the trunk lid and got into her car. She drove Kat to her house were she would begin her new life as Bella's pet.

To be continued

Re: Bella's Pet F/F

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2022 10:58 pm
by Koirtza

Re: Bella's Pet F/F

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 11:18 am
by IrvinKlaw
Interesting start :-)

Look forward to reading more of this.

Re: Bella's Pet F/F

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2022 9:37 pm
by Transchick85
Bella arrived at her house and pulled Kat's unconscious body out of the trunk of her car and carried her into her house. She laid Kat down on her couch and grabbed some more zipties and duct tape. She ziptied her upper and lower arms together & her calves and thighs together. Then Bella used the duct tape to bind her knees together and taped Kat's legs together above and below her ziptie bindings. She taped her elbows together and bound her arms above and below her ziptie bindings. She sat Kat's unconscious body up and wrapped the duct tape around her waist and arms, midsection and arms and above & below her chest and arms. She slept next to Kat's bound unconscious body and woke up in the morning and started to drag her towards a soundproof room

Kat started to come to as Bella was dragging her towards the room. She let out muffled moans through her gag at first and then started mmphing frantically and loudly as she realized what was happening. Bella shushed her soothingly, telling Kat to relax and that it's okay several times. She sat Kat down on a futon. Her captive struggled a little and tried to say something that came out in a muffled voice with an angry look in her eyes. "I can tell you're a little angry right now" Bella said to Kat, who mmphed a response that Bella couldn't understand. "Here's the thing, from time to time, I take home other girls and make them my temporary slave" Bella explained as she sat down next to Kat. "But I want a more long term slave" Bella said as she removed Kat's beanie cap and stroked her hair. Kat shook her head and mmphed furiously into her gag, making it clear she was not a fan of the idea.

"Ahhh, it's cute how you think you have a choice" Bella said playfully. Bella removed Kat's gag and she started to scream as loud as she could. Bella covered her mouth and told her that the room was soundproof and that no one will be able to hear her. Bella let Kat scream into her hand for five minutes before removing Kat's shoes and socks. She shoved Kat's own socks into her mouth tied a silk scarf over her mouth. "I'll give you some alone time to think it over" she told Kat as she left the room. Kat struggled against her bindings and struggled to yell and scream for half an hour before giving up.

Bella came in 20 minutes after that and sat down next to her. She ran her fingers through Kat's hair and listened to her soft muffled voice trying to speak. Bella removed the tape bindings her arms to her body and unbuttoned her shirt and cut her undershirt right down the middle, revealing her white bra underneath. She used both hands to feel up Kat's upper body. Kat seemed to enjoy this so Bella removed Kat's gag. Kat didn't try to scream so Bella kissed her passionately and slipped her tongue into Kat's mouth. "Will you be my pet?" Bella whispered into Kat's ear. Kat thought about this for a few minutes and told her yes. Bella removed Kat's bindings and handed her a bag with an outfit she wanted her to put on.

She left the room and Kat removed her clothes and pulled out a black bra, pink panties and black pantyhose put them on. Then she pulled out a maroon long sleeved midriff top and a black leather skirt. She put on the outfit and put on a pair of black five inch heels. She walked out of the room and Bella liked how it looked on her new pet. "A good owner makes sure that her pet has a collar" Bella said as she handed Kat a black leather collar with a silver pet ID tag that said Kat on the front and on the back it said Property of Bella Thorne. Kat put it on.

"I think I'll take you for a walk downtown" Bella told her pet "let me put this on you". Bella produced a black neoprene facemask with a pink foam ball attached on the inside. She told Kat to open up and placed the neoprene facemask/foam ball gag over the lower half of Kat's face, making sure the foam ball was secure in Kat's mouth. "Try and talk" Bella instructed Kat and Kat made a muffled attempt to speak. "Oh that sounds perfect" Bella said teasingly. Bella excused herself to change into a black sports bra and leggings with a green hoodie tied around her waist and a white hat. She put a pink retractable collar and attached it to her collar and led Kat out of the house.

"We're going to a coffee shop to meet up with my friend Claudia" Bella explained "I can show you off to her.....and everyone downtown". She led Kat downtown and took notice of the double takes and looks from people passing and driving by. They stopped at a crosswalk and Bella instructioned Kat to squat down and rub her body against Bella's leg while making a purring noise while they wait for the walk sign to flash. Bella removed Kat's gag and she did Bella requested, making a sexy little purring noise that Bella loved. The walk sign flashed and Kat got up and was led across the street by Bella. Bella put Kat's gag back on and they reached the coffee shop.

They saw Bella's friend Claudia Lee, who was wearing a pink sport bra, black leggings and a black hoodie tied around her waist. "Ooohhh I love your pet kitty" Claudia said playfully as she ran her fingers through Kat's hair. "Can I hold her mouth" Claudia asked. "Sure you can" Bella said as she removed Kat's gag. Claudia wrapped her hand around Kat's mouth and they went inside the coffee shop. Bella and Claudia placed their orders. Bella who knew Kat well enough asked her silenced pet if she wanted her fall favorite pumpkin spice latte. Kat nodded her head and the order was placed.

They received their order and went outside to a little table and drank their drinks. Claudia put her hand back over Kat's mouth and asked her to purr into her hand. Kat did exactly that and Claudia removed her hand and Bella's hand replaced it. Bella asked Kat to purr into her hand. Kat did as she instructed. Bella put Kat's gag back on and then they took Kat for a walk down their favorite nature trail.

Eventually they made their way back to Bella's house, unattached the leash from Kat's collar and removed her gag. Bella asked Kat to removed her top, skirt and high heels. Bella let Claudia wrap around her pet Kat's waist and a hand over her mouth while she grabbed a bowl and poured some ice cold peach tea into it. She came back into the room and set the bowl on the floor. "Get on all fours and drink from this bowl like a cat" she instructed Kat. Kat made a cute little meow noise and got on all fours and slinkered over to the bowl and drank from the bowl like a Kat. She purred like a Kat for her owner and her friend as she lapped up the ice cold tea.

When she was done, Kat was asked to slinker over to the couch and climb onto it and lay on the couch like a cat. Kat did as Bella instructed and Bella sat down next to her. She patted her lap and Kat rested her left arm, head and right hand on Bella's lap. Kat purred for Bella and laid like that for a while. Claudia left after a while and Bella excused herself and returned with a pair of leather wrist cuffs and a pink ball gag. Kat sat up and held her arms out as Bella cuffed her wrists together. Next Kat opened her mouth and Bella called her a good girl as she placed the ball gag in her mouth. She cuddle up next to Bella who wrapped an arm around her. Bella turned on the TV and went to one of her streaming services and put on a horror movie. Kat was beginning to love her life as Bella's pet.

This story will be continued....