The Games: Monopoly (f/FF) - Complete

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The Games: Monopoly (f/FF) - Complete

Post by AlexUSA3 »

Part 1

“I can't wait to sip on a warm cup of hot chocolate while playing TUG-opoly,” Caleigh said as she trudged through the snow.
“We're playing that? I thought we were playing Risk!” Eva blankly stared at her sister.
“No, no, no. We're playing Monopoly. I told Olivia that blindfolding you last night wasn't a good idea.”
“Well, I’m still playing,” Eva pointed to her ears and shrugged.

Eva and Caleigh Rondell, sisters, and their cousin, Olivia Whipple, were heading back indoors after finishing some outdoor chores. All three of them were looking forward to sitting and relaxing with the fun board game. While they talked, Caleigh repeated everything she and Olivia said in sign language for Eva.

“We haven't gotten to chill and enjoy a simple board game by ourselves since last Christmas!” Eva spoke with excitement as she opened the door.
“I am not surprised. We went a whole year without her visiting,” Caleigh added to it.
“I don't get it. I’m too tired,” Olivia’s eyes were momentarily vacant, “Is it a joke?”
“What did she say?” Eva interjected.
“Let me explain,” began Caleigh.

Caleigh turned on the kettle and stood looking towards the other two so that she could continue talking to both her sister and cousin. Unlike Olivia, who oftentimes forgot, Caleigh made it a priority to accommodate her sister's needs. A world without Eva wasn’t a world in Caleigh’s mind. Olivia instead went to retrieve the game.

“Hopefully this time we'll play the game properly?” Caleigh continued the discussion.
“Now what does that mean?” Eva crossed her arms and took a step back.
“Just that you always bend the rules of every game.”
“Cay,” Eva signed back over the roar of the tea kettle, “You're a futz!”
“You're a semi-professional kidnapper and a total anarchist at every other game, too.”

Eva started laughing so hard that it hurt; she was anarchistic during games and proud of it. She stood by the table in her herbaceous green jumper, which was spotted with little white flower heads. Her long-sleeve t-shirt and knee socks were both chocolate brown, and her bandana headband and calf-length leggings were lavender.

“Eva, someone put the game on the top of the shelf! Could you get it?” Olivia yawned.
“Say that again while I look at you,” Eva regained her composure.
“Eva, could you get the game? I can't reach it.”
“All right, Miss Yawny. You’re awfully tired today!” Eva said quite sympathetically.

Caleigh handed Olivia two mugs, and the cousin put them on the wooden table with a noisy clack. In the top of Eva’s mug was the perfect amount of marshmallow, and the smell betrayed the addition of a dot of peppermint oil; Caleigh had made the cocoa in her little sister’s favorite way. In under a minute, Eva returned with the box.

“Which one of us should be the banker?” Olivia asked as she removed the lid.
“Not you; you're a cheatin’ punk as the banker,” Eva denounced her.
“Hey, you're not an angel either!” the pot called the kettle black.
“We at least we do anything to gain the edge.”
“I think I’ll do it,” Caleigh took the money box.
“Yeah, you do it since you're a prude,” the brazen volleyball player winked at her sister.

On the right of Eva sat Olivia, who didn't seem to realize that she still was masked with the red bandana she had worn outside. A blue long-sleeve t-shirt and black jeans were her clothes, and her blonde hair was back in a ponytail with a black scrunchie. Snow boots were on her feet. She tried to drink her tea before realizing her mistake and pulling down the mask. Was she stepping into warfare?

Across from Eva sat Caleigh, her sister… and either number one enemy or ally during games. On a given day Eva could never predict which role Caleigh would play. The eldest of the trio was wearing pink sweatpants and a purple sweatshirt. She took time to painstakingly organize everything to be absolutely perfect. During this time, Olivia retrieved the bags that were of utmost importance. Monopoly required TUG toys to become TUG-opoly.

Olivia set up the board without a word while Caleigh double-checked the rule sheet for the game in typical fashion. Eva went to retrieve some of her homemade quilts and gave one each to her sister and cousin. She sat back down with her arms crossed and a quilt on her lap; she was now sideways on the chair and looking behind it. It was a nice day home alone for the three teenage girls with all the rest of their families elsewhere; for Caleigh, it was the first Christmas break of college.

“Double count to make sure I didn't rip you off,” Caleigh said to both.
“I trust you,” Olivia took the piles without questions and yawned again.
“Fool! She's honest, but that doesn't make her perfect! What if she screwed up?” the competitive Eva began counting her money, “Winning usually requires covering all bases.”
“I cover bases well,” Caleigh smiled, “Something about softball.”
“Well, whatever, sleeping in my bed sure left Livvie beat! She’s a yawning machine,” Eva laughed, “It’s not my fault the boxspring was our brother’s for 12 years before it became mine.”

Olivia the gymnast was so used to the sisters working together to pummel her during games that she dreaded the possibility. Once she was down enough, she typically just threw away the rest of the game since she figured she had no chance to win. Her cousins were quite the competitors, and the younger one was especially vicious in her efforts to win. Caleigh could show mercy, but Eva destroyed everything in her wake.

Caleigh just wanted everyone to play according to the rules. The rules Olivia’s father had written were sadistic enough; why did Eva want to bend the rules on top of that? Was she that desperate for anarchy? In every game she played, Eva was a source of constant chaos. Olivia arbitrarily handed Eva the iron and Caleigh the thimble.

“She should get the thimble! She sews!” Caleigh teasingly protested.
“That's why she got the iron. And because she's hardheaded.”
“Ok!” Eva accepted the insult, “Ironhead Rondell here!”

The girls paused for a few moments so Olivia could put a frozen pizza in the oven. Eva ensured all the “Chance” and “TUG Chest” cards were in perfect stacks and did the same with her money. Now it was time for Eva’s favorite part of pre-game: trash talk.

“We all look forward to the spoils of victory,” Caleigh said so that Eva could see it.
“I’ll try to be humble in my victory,” Eva was now more business-like.
“At least I have my lucky bandana and lucky socks on!” Olivia said hopefully.
“Livvie, what on earth is lucky about those?” Eva looked at her boots skeptically.
“I was wearing these two of the rare times I beat you girls at something fair and square.”
“Oh, the other times you beat us weren't fair or square?” quipped Caleigh, “Or do you cheat like Eva?”
“You would think Eva would be the square since she dresses like one,” Olivia rubbed her back.
“She’s so old fashioned,” Caleigh giggled, “that she looks like she came out of a 1950s movie.”

Eva paused and clutched her arms more tightly against herself while she huddled under the quilt. She was deciding whether Caleigh was sarcastic, disrespectful, or just teasing. After careful consideration, Eva decided to respond to this statement.

All About Eve is a classic movie for a classic girl,” Eva proudly accepted it.
“Eva, that outfit is too blendy,” Olivia criticized her cousin’s choice.
“Well excuse me for liking earthy tones. You’re the one dressed as a cowgirl!”
“I am a real cowgirl though! At least you have a sense of style. But it’s too matchy.”
“Eva knows I lovingly call her a frump,” Caleigh teased her.
“You’re scared of skirts and headgear,” Olivia now defended Eva.
“Can we shut up and play?” Eva interjected.

That created an awkward silence in which Caleigh slowly ate a fat slice of humble pie. Her strong opinions about Eva’s clothes had ruffled some feathers, and Eva was right that they needed to focus for the moment. A loud slurp from Eva enjoying her cocoa got Caleigh’s mind back on the right track.

“Now, did you get the right amount of money?” Caleigh checked the rule sheet.
“Don't forget the $1000 in protection bonus,” Olivia pointed to the piles.
“The what? Protection money? For what?”
“Don't you know? So that we can pay for protection chits and buy bondage.”
“Is this another unwritten rule of yours?” Caleigh groaned, “Fine.”
“We got more play money to ensure we have enough to include TUGs.”
“Look, you self-aggrandizing blowhard, just give it a chance!” Eva defended herself and her cousin.

Caleigh stared in disbelief. Eva could be clever, but where had she learned that phrase in particular? It didn't matter because the timing was so perfect that Caleigh burst into raucous laughter, and Eva and Olivia joined her. It took a minute before the laughter ended. Caleigh began counting out another $1000 in fifty and one hundred dollar bills. She did it carefully so that she got the correct amount in each pile and then distributed it. From last winter, it felt like so much had changed.

“Um, ‘self-aggrandizing blowhard,’ Evie?” Olivia turned to her, “Impressive.”
“I have wanted to use that for weeks after I looked it up,” Eva blushed.
“What do these protection chits do, Liv?” Caleigh questioned the house rules.
“Oh, you can pay money not to get tied and/or gagged when someone tries to do it or when someone draws a card that involves tying up someone.”

The game was only just getting underway, and Caleigh was facing an onslaught of odd concepts and house rules. It was all too much for her to take in, and she found herself at a crossroads of deciding whether or not she even wanted to play the game. Taking a deep breath, she expressed her concern.

“Why can't we play the game the way the rules say?” she looked at both.
“This is within the rules; house rules are just rules you made up but that everyone still has to follow. See this blue piece of paper?” Olivia pulled it out of the box.
“You’re a chicken, Caleigh! You're afraid to try it,” Eva applied the peer pressure.
“I’m not scared. I just like the game as it is!” groaned the eldest of the trio.
“Chickens like things the futzy way.”
“May I at least read them first?” Caleigh studied the sheet and sighed deeply.
“Take your time, Cay,” Olivia was more encouraging.

Olivia just wanted to have fun and take it easy. There was no need to fight tooth and nail over every little thing. In her opinion, this customizable version of the game was more exciting than the original because it created new strategies. Eva, a lover of strategic warfare, was happy to put even more thought into creating a wake of destruction.

“Please tell me it’s a pepperoni pizza in the oven,” Eva conversed with Olivia while waiting.
“Yes, it’s a pepperoni pizza in the oven,” Olivia repeated with a teasing mockery of Eva’s voice.
“Is there an ounce of humility in your body?” Caleigh never looked up from the sheet.
“I’m deaf and wear reading glasses. My cousin put my favorite pizza in the oven, and my sister made my hot chocolate in my favorite way. I’m spoiled.”
“But you’re cocky about this game, right? You think you’re just going to kick tail?” Olivia pushed further.
“Heck yeah!” Eva nodded her head, “I always believe I can win until the game is over!”

Eva smiled and drank from her cup, but her eyes were focused on her sister in an idolatrous manner. Olivia couldn’t believe the look on her face, and then she turned and saw Caleigh was looking back at Eva in a similar manner. For a moment, she was jealous of them and couldn’t understand the bond between the sisters. One was a brash volleyball player, and the other was a calm softball player. But they had a common bond indeed.

“So what are the stakes here?” Olivia asked her cousins.
“Winner sleeps in Caleigh’s bed,” Eva proposed, “Losers sleep on the floor. Only fair since our guest had such a bad night’s sleep from sleeping in my bed. Mom should have made you give up yours!”
“Oh, sure, Eva, make it something you don't mind doing if you lose!” Caleigh teased her.
“Unlike other people, I know how to get a good night’s sleep in that bed. And I’ll sleep like a princess in your bed.”
“Guess what you're not doing later?!” Caleigh retorted, “Sleeping in my bed!”
“Well, Caleigh, we’ll see about that,” Eva fired back, “You're shaking inside because you know you're doomed!”
“Girls, I hope you like sleeping on the rug,” Olivia picked up the dice, “May the best girl win!”

The game was underway.
Last edited by AlexUSA3 6 months ago, edited 9 times in total.
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Post by Ovi1 »

Off to a nice start, let's see what the girls have in store for eachother
I believe you would be a lot more comfortable in ropes
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Post by hafnermg »

This is gonna be good!!!
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Post by Dpsiic »

The scene is set, looking forward to the next instalment.

@Mineira1986 is a good egg 👍
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Part 2

“Sweet! I get to start with one of my lucky spaces!” Olivia smiled and moved her cowboy boot.

The gymnast turned cowgirl reveled in her fortunes and promptly purchased the space for herself. Skeptically glancing across the table at Caleigh, Eva saw her sister shaking her head in stern disapproval of the decision. Eva had just started shaking the die in her hands when her thoughts were interrupted by her cousin.

“You girls are already in big trouble.”
“Look here, cowgirl, wait until I get my hands on you,” Eva warned her and dropped the dice.
“Tsk tsk, not so lucky,” Olivia shook her head.
“Blasted protection tax,” Eva watched 10% of her money go into the center of the board.
“I’m sure you’ll make it up,” unlike Olivia, Caleigh tried to lift her sister’s spirits.
“Oh, it’s just the first turn,” Eva rolled a second time because of her double, “I’ll take it.”

Caleigh accepted the money from Eva to purchase a property and then took her own turn. She carefully considered her options, but she took her first turn without making any purchases. She was hopeful that Olivia and her “lucky space” approach failed miserably.

The next couple of turns progressed in a similar fashion with minimal commentary and everyone attempting to determine their own and their opponents’ strategies. Eva had her eyes now set on a couple of particular monopolies and eagerly took advantage when Olivia declined to purchase a property of which Eva already owned one of the companions because the property was orange.

“Livvie, I don’t know how good of a strategy that is,” Caleigh remarked about that.
“It works for me. I’ve beaten you before, haven’t I?” Olivia asked quite proudly.
“I can’t blame her for thinking certain spaces are conducive to victory,” Eva nodded.
“Don’t defend her! That’ll build up her confidence!” interjected the older sister.
“Yeah, thanks for the positivity!” Olivia lovingly patted her cousin’s hand.
“The freak, Livvie, please look at me when you’re talking to me.”

Olivia awkwardly drank from her tea when Eva said that. Being inconsiderate wasn’t intentional, but when she got excited she tended to get a bit aloof to things. Caleigh had ADHD, and Eva wondered if their cousin did as well. If this were the case, Eva could exploit the weakness.

Eva eagerly took the dice and rolled them with ease: Snake eyes. She rolled again: a double five. She purchased that property. She rolled again: double two. Now, an awkward silence fell over the room before Eva “went to jail.” Onto Eva’s wrists went the handcuffs to hold her wrists together behind her; this was an odd twist in Caleigh’s mind.

“That isn't necessary!” Caleigh protested the cuffs.
“This is part of what makes it TUG-opoly!” Olivia defended herself.
“We don't need to use handcuffs though.”
“It’s faster than rope, and what do police use when taking someone to jail?”
“Stop being a futz!” Eva sided with Olivia.
“I don't like it,” Caleigh took her turn, “But it's two against one. How does she roll?”
“Just wait and watch,” Eva humbly insisted.

Caleigh took her turn and then watched Olivia take her own. Then came the moment of interest where Eva took a turn while tied up. The heavily bundled youngster stood up and turned around, and Olivia gently put the dice in her hands.

Eva took a deep breath and made sure that the dice were in her hand before cupping her hands together. She did the first couple of shakes at a slow pace until she became comfortable with the motion. Some harder shaking followed, and then Eva reached out behind her and carefully deposited the dice onto the board.

Eva sat back down and waited for it to be her turn once again. The cuffs clinked as she took her seat, and she was grateful for the sleeves that padded her arms against the cold steel. She leaned back in the chair and, impressively, twisted her body well enough to see and study them while Caleigh took her turn.

After Olivia had taken her turn, Eva again stood up and turned around to accept the dice. Again, Eva carefully did a couple of slow shakes to get herself comfortable, and then she rolled harder and cast the dice onto the board. A curious “Ooh!” came from Caleigh, and Eva turned to look at the dice and let out a sigh of relief. Double two.

“You need a nice red gag to add color to your outfit,” Olivia teased while Caleigh took her turn.
“She is cute when she’s unable to talk,” Caleigh agreed with her, “But a gag isn’t necessary.”
“My outfit is fine,” Eva said after putting the cuffs on the table, “I’ll get the bloody pizza.”
“Her color is fine,” Caleigh insisted, “It’s the fashion itself.”
“You do know the rule is that the player on your right cuffs you?” Eva asked from the kitchen.
“Don’t let her bother you; she can’t do more than what I did to her,” Olivia comforted her cousin.

By the time Eva returned with the pizza, it was her turn again. She rolled the dice and landed on free parking. Nothing was odd about this at first since the Rondell’s were a family who gave the pot to whoever landed there, and that player lost a turn. Olivia disapprovingly shook her head.
“Here we go,” Eva stood up slowly and turned around for her cousin.
“She was just tied up! Why are you tying her again?”
“That’s one of the rules we created! Blue sheet! Duuuhhhh!” Eva motioned toward the paper.
“I should have spent more time playing this last summer, it seems,” Caleigh picked up the sheet.
“You really would do good with the spark of a colorful gag!” Olivia smiled at her younger cousin, “But you’re just having bad luck today, Ev!”
“Ugh!” Eva rolled her eyes at that comment.

Caleigh felt a smile forming in the corner of her mouth. There was no captivity she enjoyed more than her little sister’s. She knew Eva would be smiling if it were the other way around. Perhaps these house rules did work to make the game more interesting and more fun.

They progressed in this way taking turns going to jail, landing on free parking, and paying rents to each other when landing on their properties. Each time, the handcuffs came out, and the girl in cuffs would have to try to roll with her hands cuffed behind her back. Caleigh, the least flexible of the three, had the most challenges with it though.

“Dang it!” she complained when she accidentally dropped the dice on the floor.
“I’ll get them,” Eva patiently gave whatever help her sister needed.

One hour into the game meant that the game was still far from done with the only change being that the pizza was gone. Olivia was lucky indeed with chance cards and landing on such spaces leading her to being tied up only thrice the entire time. Eva hadn’t yet established any places to monopolize yet, but in some cases Caleigh had ended monopoly possibilities with her seemingly erratic buying methods. Olivia’s quest to secure “lucky spaces” had likewise been dashed by the oldest girl’s “monopoly wrecking” methodology.

Eva didn’t mind the status quo. She figured careful terrorism would work to wear down her two frenemies. Now wasn’t the time for it, though, and she maintained that same calm confidence. If she could keep her chin up, she knew she could eventually get Olivia’s chin down.

Olivia had no chance to work on her “lucky spaces” and would have to resort to a “Plan B” since Caleigh had bought one of the railroads and one of the yellow spaces. Could she even change her battle plan so late into things? She had no choice, and if diplomacy didn’t work then she would simply go for cutthroat capitalism instead.

Caleigh was the only one whose strategy survived, and that was because her strategy was to upset the other’s strategies! She was quite proud of her own brand of terroristic capitalism, and she did it without any of the vicious tendencies of her sister and cousin. She was hoping to not only win this game but to do so without taking advantage of any of the bizarre rules.

“Do you like pie?” Caleigh asked Eva.
“You know pie is my favorite! I make at least one per month!” Eva laughed at the question.
“By the time this game’s done, you’re going to enjoy a big slice of humble pie!”
“You sure ain’t getting to do that! You can’t even boil water!” retorted the volleyball player.
“No, but I can get you to make it for me just right and make you eat it!” giggled Caleigh.
“Remember this if I’m stuffing my socks in your mouth later,” Eva’s lip curled mischievously as she stood up.

Caleigh shuddered at that thought and then dismissed it shortly thereafter. She was concerned with making sure she won the game, and she knew could do it. Speaking of pie, Eva pulled one out of the freezer and held it up.

“Shall I heat up some humble pie for us all to enjoy?”
“Sounds great! Please do so! I’m ready for a refill on my sugar bomb!” Caleigh responded.
“And I’m ready to drink a sugar bomb!” Olivia agreed.
“Perfect!” Eva smiled widely at them.

Perhaps it was the bandana Eva was wearing that influenced her to commit such treacherous actions. She was going to over-sugar them both, if possible. It was such an underhanded tactic, but “you play to win the game.” Caleigh had medication that alleviated her symptoms, and it was genuinely painful to see her struggling without them. Fortunately, a sugar high would only, if it worked, cause the two to be a bit bouncy and out of focus for a while and allow Eva to pull away to an easy win.

Truth be told, Eva and Caleigh’s jokes about the little sister needing the older one weren’t wrong. Even if they were jokes, Caleigh was the only one in her family who was willing to take sign language courses in school and even continue learning afterwards. Without such love, Eva didn’t know how she would handle her disabilities.

“Your turn, cowgirl,” Eva sat down and straightened out her clothes.
“Thanks for putting the pie in the oven. Caleigh did nothing but roll dice on her turn.”
“Caleigh, you rolled ice on your turn?” Eva teased her.
You’re not that deaf yet, came back in finger form.

Olivia rolled the dice and took her turn, landing right on one of Caleigh’s properties. Of course, Caleigh asked for her rent money, but Olivia hesitated. She was thinking about how to control the game going forward, and she paused to double-check the blue sheet.

“Cay, I’d like to hold onto my money this time around; will you accept tying me up instead?” Olivia asked her cousin in a very direct manner.
“What on earth are you talking about?” Caleigh’s eyes became vacant.
“Let me explain,” Eva put on her reading glasses and took the sheet from Olivia.
“What have I got to lose? But you’re really cheaping out on $20?” Caleigh scratched her head.
“Yes, I am,” Olivia was manipulating the manipulator.

There was much game-play left indeed, and Caleigh had no idea what other surprises awaited her.
Last edited by AlexUSA3 5 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Keep it coming.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Part 3

“Are you sure?” Caleigh asked again to be certain.
“Yes,” Olivia rolled her eyes in frustration, “I’m sure!”

Caleigh didn’t understand that Olivia could easily afford the rent but simply did not want to give money to her cousin. It was a basic use of strategy in the spirit of the rules, and now both Olivia and Eva were starting to see that they could exploit Caleigh’s reluctance to adopt the rules in her own strategy even if she had accepted their existence. All $20 got Olivia was two arm bonds for two turns; it was better than paying Caleigh though! The gymnast took her elbow bondage like a champion.

“How is she going to roll now?” Caleigh challenged the rules that allowed this.
“Oh, I can do it no problem! Watch!” the captive became a little excited.

When her turn came, Olivia bounced up. It was much more difficult, and slower, to do these things in elbow bondage. She took the dice, swung her arms around to shake them, and carefully deposited them on the table, which involved bending at her waist a bit because otherwise she'd drop them on the floor. It was much the same as before but with some extra work involved.

As a gymnast, Olivia had the advantage of simply twisting her body to make sure her rent payment was honest. It was an interesting part of the game but a bit annoying in her opinion. She seemed a little too giggly to Eva. Caleigh couldn’t believe how well Olivia handled the tight binding.

“That doesn’t look so bad!” Caleigh thought out loud.
“It’s not so bad, really. It’s a fun way to pike out on rent! Speaking of rent, pay me, Ev!”
“Fine!” Eva already had the money ready, “Chump change.”
“That’s being a good little girl,” the bound girl accepted her payment and counted the bills.
“She has so much money because she goes so cheap on clothes,” quipped Caleigh.
“Yes, and it costs me less than buying an expensive dress that wouldn’t even make me happy,” Eva stood up to check on her apple pie.

The apple pie was, Eva hoped, the secret to her victory. To increase the odds, the pie, purely by chance, was a Dutch pie with its sweet streusel topping. By the time this game was done, Olivia and Caleigh were going to be giggling like maniacs, shaking in their seats, or both. Knowing her sister, it was likely going to be a loss of focus as the main symptom; contrary to stereotypes, Caleigh rarely lost her self-control.

Shortly after this, Caleigh decided to try a similar action and offered to be Eva’s captive under the same conditions. The rent was for the expensive Boardwalk, so Eva got to use four ropes for three turns. Caleigh’s elbows couldn't touch without breaking her arms, but with proper cinching they came close enough for the bond to be effective.

Flexibility worked against the softball star though. She couldn't contort her body as well as Olivia, so after every motion she had to turn around and look. She rued her decisions and felt she should have stuck to her own strategy. With her legs bound at the ankles and thighs, taking her turn took much more time, and Eva poked at her for it.

“You're such a slug, sis!”
“I’m trying. You owe me $25!” Caleigh announced to her sister and laughed.
“10, 20, 25!” Eva handed her $7 instead, and Olivia said nothing.
“I’ll check it later,” groaned the captive.
“No rush,” Eva looked at Olivia and wiggled her eyebrows.

Caleigh finally slumped into her chair after her next turn and looked at Eva. She seemed to have had enough of her present situation and didn’t really know if she’d made the best decision to accept bondage in exchange for payment. The ropes were fine; it was playing Monopoly while tied up that was difficult.

“Hey!” Caleigh noticed, “You ripped me off! Pay me my $18!”
“Too late!” Eva declared, “You and Olivia have both taken a turn since then.”
“Dang it!” Caleigh stomped the floor with her bound legs, “Even normal Monopoly!”
“Anybody could have fallen for that. Eva’s just taking advantage; you would have as well.”
“Well,” the captive looked at both, “I would never screw her out of her rent. Be glad I didn’t try to escape.”
“That would have been a rude surprise!” Eva crossed her arms and leaned back.

Caleigh knew that escaping wasn’t in the spirit of the rules of the game, but it was a necessity for her own enjoyment of said game. She squirmed and shook her arms while Olivia took her next turn, and Eva watched her sister with utmost pleasure. Olivia took her time making her decisions during her turn and happened to get two sets of doubles, giving Caleigh plenty of extra time.

“What on earth?!” Olivia gasped when the rope was thrown at her.
“Cowgirl lost her lasso, it seems!” Caleigh cackled while untying her legs.
“Well, for one thing, you were Eva’s prisoner, not mine!”
“I’m fine with her untying herself. I think it’s cute how talented she is!” Eva smiled at the scene.
“Ev, your bandana’s squeezing your brains out,” the cousin declared emphatically.
“Escape artist, drawing artist… that’s me!”

When Caleigh was free, she took the pie plates away and put them by the sink. Momentarily, she forgot she was playing a game and paused to admire her little sister and cousin, but mostly Eva. It was when Eva and Olivia both were staring back at her that Caleigh remembered the game. She quietly walked over and sat down with them after a sheepish apology.

“I must say I look better tied up then either of you two,” Olivia had no humility, like Eva.
“I can pull it off just as well as you can if not better,” the volleyball girl responded confidently.
“Oh, you can’t do anything about it with those colors though.”
“I can pay $120 and put this stinking ball in your mouth for 3 turns!” Eva threatened.
“She can do that, and if she does I’ll contribute my own $120 to make it 6 turns,” added Caleigh.
“Well fine! I won’t stop you two!” Olivia got huffy about it.

The sisters looked at each other and at the proud mouth. They weren’t certain if this was the best way to handle this situation, but a little glint in Eva’s eyes told Caleigh that it was worth the risk and the money for the satisfaction. If they lost on account of it, it was well deserved; if they won the game, then it was money well spent for more enjoyment of the game.

Eva and Caleigh eagerly put their money in the bank, and Caleigh took the blue ball gag out of the bag to use on Olivia. There were home rules that said only legal adults could be gagged with the ball gag, and Eva was, for the first time, happy that her cousin was 18 and that she wasn’t. Eva pinched the cousin’s nose while Caleigh jammed the blue 2 inch ball gag into her mouth, and the sisters even high-fived afterwards.

Now Olivia had to play the next 6 turns while gagged and unable to talk or sign to her cousins, or she could spend $75 per turn to get out of some number of turns. She accepted her situation, but before she even had reason to speak she began drooling in an embarrassing manner. Rather than drool like this for the next 6 turns, she pulled her red bandana over her mouth.

“Hay -our -ent!” she grunted to Caleigh and held her hand out.
“10, 20, 25. $25!” Caleigh handed $16 to Olivia.
“No! Hay -e hahhurry!”
“I can’t understand her, can you?” Eva taunted Olivia.
“I’m sure you especially can’t understand her! She must want her money,” Caleigh handed $25.
“Ugh!” Olivia rolled her eyes.

Olivia double-checked to make sure the money was real. She was grateful that she didn’t have to play while blindfolded; the rules made sure of that. Her worst fear, however, had been realized in having the sisters working together against her. She had to somehow break up this alliance if she was to have any chance of winning. Enduring a few more rounds with the gag in her mouth was going to be necessary to achieve that goal.

“Hmph!” Olivia drooled a little the next time she had to collect rent just moments later.
I like her better like this, Eva signed to Caleigh.
You’re cuter when you’re gagged, but right now she’s more satisfying.
“MMMMM!” Olivia stomped in protest of their sign language.
She’s angry at us; let this be a lesson to the little brat, continued Eva.
Like we wouldn’t do it to each other as well, responded Caleigh with a sisterly smile.

Olivia had to suffer with the effects of her prior behavior while the sisters enjoyed her forced silence. By being relatively careful, she minimized the amount of drool that soaked into her bandana, and when it was time to remove the gag she squealed in relief. Eva unbuckled the gag, pulled the ball out, and tossed the gag into the sink.

A couple more turns went by while Olivia finalized her plan. Eva’s clothes would certainly be a topic that would get the sisters going; Eva was always getting teased about it. Because Caleigh loved her sister, it was compulsory to tease her about being old-fashioned and to “poke the bear”; Olivia suspected that, inside, Caleigh truly admired her sister’s antiquated ways. Eva used her cell phone less in a week than either of the other two used hers in a day and used the internet as little as possible. Just during this game, Eva not only hadn’t touched her phone but also hadn’t even brought it to the table; Olivia had looked at hers at least 10 times during the game.

“I got the prettier sister to free me!” Olivia tried to be a wedge, “Colorless or not, she’s a doll!”
“She’s a doll from 1955!” Caleigh pushed back almost instinctively, “Doll’s where it ends.”
“An old-fashioned doll though. She belongs in one of those old dramas she likes so much.”
“Caleigh, you can forget about me being nice to you any longer. You’re my sister; I love you; but I’m going to kick your tail, you little brat!” Eva’s competitive side raged to Olivia’s relief.
“You’re on your own! I can play this game your way! All’s fair in love and war.”
“Yes, let’s make it all about love. My clothes bother you so much? I’m a doll? When, then, how about this for you and Miss Color Theory? The winner controls the other two’s outfits the rest of the day.”

There was a mischievous confidence on Eva’s face. Olivia looked at both with the satisfaction that she had gotten them to stop playing nice with each other; until now, Eva had been merciful while Caleigh adjusted to the rules. Now, it was a battle between the three factions. For Caleigh, the thought of wearing one of her sister’s dresses was unbearable; but the thought of making Eva wear pants was amazing. Olivia had no qualms about the matter. Eva knew it would be dreadful if she lost and glorious if she won.

That put a smile on each girl’s face. There was now a much greater price for defeat, and Olivia rejoiced in the dissolution of the alliance. Eva’s own smile was soon wiped off her face when she drew a chance card. She donned her glasses to double-check that she was indeed correct. There was no doubt about it:

You were kidnapped. Spend 5 turns bound and gagged (see rules).
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Post by hafnermg »

I'm loving this so far! Best game of Monopoly ever!
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Part 4

“You were kidnapped. Spend 5 turns bound and gagged (see rules),” Caleigh read it aloud for Olivia.
“DANG! I’m going to buy a protection chit or three,” Eva declared and began counting her money.
“Wait, wait, wait,” Caleigh, despite the desire to beat her little sister, still wanted to play fair.

Caleigh checked the blue sheet carefully to see if Eva had any options. Her eyes seemed to be all over the sheet instead of slowly reading one thing at a time in order. She finally paused and took a deep breath in an attempt to regain some control over herself. After a couple minutes of silent study, Caleigh was ready to give Eva her possibilities.

“You can only do all or nothing. Buy yourself out of a turn or more, but that’s it. As long as you are ‘kidnapped’ you are unable to collect rent. When your turn comes, roll the dice and pray for snake eyes.”

Eva stared at the card and screwed up her lips. This was far from a certain defeat; if anything, it was more a freeze on her finances. During this time, she would get to watch and see how, if at all, the other two handled the situation. There was the added wrinkle of, while in this position, continuing to roll the dice and move backwards based on the roll in the meanwhile even though no rents could be paid or collected. After intense contemplation, Eva nodded in acceptance.

Olivia used the five ropes permitted in the simplest way: ankles, thighs, wrists, elbows, waist. The waist was done because Olivia wanted to see how Eva would handle taking her turns while so bound. Indeed, even Eva was curious how she would handle this. A strip of microfoam tape gagged her for the duration of her situation.

“The big bad volleyball star is tied up. How will she fare?” teased Caleigh.
“Ah’ll -e hine,” Eva brushed off her sister’s humor with a wink.
“I know you’ll be a sport,” Olivia pinched Eva’s cheek.
“Mmmm!” the bound girl pulled back.
“Eva,” Caleigh bounced in her seat and smiled at her sister, “We’ll have fun with it!”
“Mm hm,” Eva looked back at her sister while happy to see her sugar plan at work.

The stricter the bondage, the harder the game was to play. While this was basic logic, it didn’t change that the sensation and frustration that came with it was real; at least, however, this was but a fun and different element of a game as opposed to an annoying glitch. Eva was enjoying her odd situation.

That first roll was a loud one. Eva growled when she stood up and slowly hopped around to face away from Olivia. She tried to grab the dice when Olivia put them in her hand, but she dropped them on the floor. The clack and the wail made by Eva told Caleigh what had happened.

“Try it again,” the older sister was sympathetic and climbed under the table to get the dice.

Caleigh gently put the dice in her sister’s hand for a second time. This time, Eva held them well enough, but she couldn’t shake them because of the waist rope. Instead, she flicked them with her fingers and slowly deposited them on the table, but she couldn’t see and let one hit the floor.

“Don’t worry about it,” Caleigh picked it up as it is, “You got a 2 and a 5.”
“Mmmmm!” Eva sighed in mild frustration with the circumstances and the unfavorable numbers.
“I’ll get it,” the older sister turned Eva around so she could watch Olivia move the piece for her.
“-hank -ou,” the younger one gave a smile that even the microfoam couldn’t hide.

This pattern continued with Caleigh helping Eva on each turn. Eva dropped the dice on another occasion, but with her sister there no frustration was to be had. Olivia was more ruthless in her sense of competition and wished Caleigh had volunteered to roll in Eva’s stead. For Eva, rarely did she have such confidence that her older sister cared for her.

Olivia gave her best when she tied up Eva. Eva’s arms were crushed together as were her legs, and that waist rope had completely seized her arm. Being bound and gagged was fun, but she felt that Olivia had gotten a bit too eager. That, however, was a good thing because it meant the sugar terrorism had worked according to plan.

For Caleigh and Olivia, fortunes were mixed. Despite not having Eva in play, Olivia found all sorts of trouble, and she found her money being drained by her older cousin, the tax man, and the chance cards instead. She watched her money dwindle down to the low hundreds, and she realized that “lucky spaces” weren't so lucky after all.

“You’ll look cuter dressed as a cowgirl like Livvie,” Caleigh teased her sister’s outfit again.
“Hmph! -ell ah -on’h think tho,” Eva disagreed while she took the dice for her fourth roll.
“While I agree,” Olivia smiled, “That’s not what I would do!”
“YAY!” Eva interrupted them because she rolled snake eyes.
“You did it! Way to go, Evangeline!” bounced the big sister.
“Well this sucks!” the competitive side of Olivia flared.

The fortunes almost seemed to be shifting in Eva’s favor. With that roll, not only had she freed herself from her rough bondage, but she also put herself in position to finish her Monopoly of green streets once she was untied. Caleigh began happily untying her sister while Olivia sat there and pouted over Eva’s improved position. From those four turns, all Olivia had done was get poorer.

But the salt was soon to be rubbed into Olivia’s wounds.

Eva purchased her needed North Carolina Avenue with glee. First, Caleigh landed on Eva’s new monopoly, and then Olivia landed on the “Income Tax” space. Then Eva, after passing “Go,” put a row of houses on her green monopoly. Caleigh collected the money from “Free Parking” and got cuffed by Eva, and then Olivia took her turn and landed on Eva’s monopoly!

Of all the girls, it was Caleigh who seemed to have made an art of rolling dice with her arms tied behind her. In fact, she giddily volunteered, when she was out, to roll the dice for her next turn without getting uncuffed just yet. It was a good decision because she rolled a 12 and got sent to jail right away.

“Thankfully, I got Park Place when I had the chance,” Caleigh smiled at her sister and cousin.
“Ev’s squeezed her brains out with the bandana; you need one to squeeze yours back in.”
“You’re just having one of your little meltdowns,” Eva cracked, “Be a sport.”
“OK,” Olivia took a deep breath, “I’ll try.”
“Remember, it’s more fun if you go down fighting.”
“But hara kiri is more honorable, no?” the gymnast tried to lighten her mood with jokes.

In a break from her approach, Olivia took a risk with her few remaining dollars and bought an “unlucky space” that also made a three way split of the color with her two cousins. As long as she was still in the game, she could still somehow mount a big comeback. It would be more fun to figure a way out of her mess than to simply give up. She imagined herself causing trouble for them and nervously pulled at her bright red cowgirl scarf.

“Livvie, you can still do this! You're as smart as Cay if not smarter!” Eva encouraged her.
“I know it can be done. I’ve seen you overcome worse. I’m giving it my best.”

She just knew it was a matter of time before the steamrollers hit her.

Caleigh stood up and easily took her next turn despite the cuffs, but she failed to roll a double. She was certainly confident in her abilities, and Eva was proud of her sister’s adaptation to the new version of the game. When Olivia landed on one of Caleigh’s spots, the softball player had no problems with collecting her rent.

Olivia was the kind whose face showed her feelings, and she became very long in the face when she found herself with two choices: sell a lucky space, or offer to allow Caleigh to tie her up. Not wanting to be tied up again, Olivia chose to sell her space to her cousin for full value, and then she promptly watched Caleigh line it up with three houses each when she took her next turn. Another nervous TUG at her neckerchief clued Caleigh into her cousin’s anxiety.

“Olivia, keep trying. You might land on free parking, and then you’re in business!”
“I am giving it my best, but things just aren’t falling into place yet,” the rueful girl frowned.
“That’s the way the game goes, though; things fall into place when you least expect it,” Caleigh shrugged, then added with a laugh, “Sometimes Eva falls into a kidnapping!”
“Free parking, and maybe a chance card that helps me. Community chest.”
“That’s the mantra!” the eldest of the trio seemed ready to float away like a helium balloon.
“Livvie,” Eva put a kind hand on the cowgirl’s shoulder, “Just a few turns ago, I drew that card, and I thought for sure you two would gallop away because you wouldn’t be paying my skyhigh rents. Instead, it turned into something good; you’re always one turn away from something that will put you in the catbird seat.”

Olivia rolled the dice and got a double three that allowed her to draw a community chest card and get $50. At the bare minimum, she finally saw the possibilities instead of just believing that they existed. A little bit of “capitalistic terrorism” could do herself some favors. Her problem was that she seemed unable to focus enough to make a coherent plot.

During the previously aforementioned sequence Eva watched with wonder while the handcuffed Caleigh rolled the dice, received her new property from Olivia, and went through the process of putting the money in the bank in order to purchase her homes. Caleigh’s artistic flourish showed with how perfectly positioned each of her houses was on the respective properties. Adequate satisfaction was evident on Caleigh’s face. Much as with her other artwork, Caleigh’s exactness wasn’t for the attention of others.

The greatest trick however was yet to be seen. On the next turn, when Caleigh had to be released after three attempts to roll doubles, she put the handcuffs on the table without anyone releasing her! At some prior moment, she had casually slipped the key away, and neither of the other two had noticed.

“It’s getting better for you,” Eva said when she landed on the Electric Company after rolling an eleven.
“Yeah, I’m getting some money back in my pockets!” Olivia fidgeted in her chair.
“We might be here until everyone gets home!” Caleigh cackled and squirmed similarly.
“We’ll see about that,” the volleyball girl noticed both girl’s behavior.
“My mind is just racing with possibilities!” how ironic were Caleigh’s words.
“Caleigh,” Eva took some of her money and added another row of houses to her monopoly, “I’m taking a minor financial risk, given that we both have thousands, and fully within the rules.”

Eva carefully counted some money and put it on the table. After putting on her glasses, Eva read the blue sheet to be certain that what she was doing was within the rules. Once she was certain, she handed the sheet to Caleigh to double-check that she was doing something that was fair.

“I’m kidnapping you for four turns.”
Last edited by AlexUSA3 5 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Part 5

Caleigh nodded in silent approval of her sister’s treacherous ways, but Olivia grew increasingly confused by the seemingly random actions of her younger cousin. She didn’t see the strategy behind what appeared, on paper, to be absolute nonsense. Eva had enough financial security to be able to risk this amount of money, and Caleigh wasn’t able to counter without putting herself in a dangerous predicament.

“5, 10… a thousand dollars,” Eva handed the money to the banker, “To kidnap my big sister.”
“Well,” Caleigh put the money in the bank, “I am going to spend $250 so you can’t gag me.”
“I don’t think it will matter either way; in fact, it might help.”
“You’re engaged in cooperative anarchy?” Olivia started giggling at them.
“The cowgirl’s bandana has choked her brain out of its oxygen supply,” Eva returned the quip.
“Ba ha ha! Oh, Livvie, she got you really good there!”

The cowgirl put her hands on her hips and turned to her cousin and looked right at her. What was said is not fit for print in this tale, but it caused Eva to laugh heartily and nearly fall out of her chair. The kidnapper took some rope from the bag and approached her sister in as menacing of a manner as she could. It was only temporary, and only four ropes were allowed, so Eva made them count. At $250 per turn, she had to get her money’s worth!

“Put your hands together behind your back very slowly,” the bigger sister said to the shorter one.

It was actually a mundane part of the TUG-modified game of capitalistic warfare. Eva was simply making the most of the situation for their entertainment, so she chose a boxtie with a very basic chest harness. She used the other two ropes on Caleigh’s ankles and thighs. She wanted to see how Caleigh would handle the financial activities now!

Caleigh had no way of getting out of this one besides buying her freedom at some high cost, a cost that was beyond her means. Eva had planned this out too well, and now the older sister had to ride out the storm. Just then she looked down and saw her first challenge: she had forgotten to put her “protection chit” money in the bank.

With a groan, Caleigh stood up and turned around. To her relief, getting the money while in a boxtie was much easier than doing so with a waist rope. She had to struggle with counting her own money, though, instead of simply receiving it from Eva or Olivia, and taking money out of the pile was much more difficult than putting it back. With her typical artistic flair and a massive dose of patience, she got the money from her piles without disturbing the perfectly arranged piles and put the money in the bank. She sat down with a big smile and watched the show unfold.

The smile was quickly erased, however, over the next four turns. During this time, Caleigh could collect rent payments like the earlier “chance” kidnapping which Eva had suffered, but she had no opportunity to roll the dice and get out: she had to sit and wait. The horror she was now forced to watch made her heart sink.

Eva had planned it all perfectly. Olivia was unable to collect any payments from Caleigh, and Eva had passed her most expensive properties. On top of this, Olivia was entering a stretch in which Caleigh’s monopoly was located followed by the stretch with Eva’s green monopoly, the dreaded “Luxury Tax”, and the blue properties split by Caleigh and Eva. In addition, Eva owned the stretch’s railroad.

“Oh, Lord, I’m doomed,” Olivia groaned while she rolled the dice to take her next turn.
“You’ve still got a chance as long as you’re in the game,” Eva reminded her.
“But you’re loaded, and Cay’s almost as loaded, and…,” the gymnast groaned at her seven.
“Um… $220?” Caleigh asked sheepishly.
“$220? O… OK,” the cowgirl pulled at her neckerchief and started counting from her pittance.
“You can’t become my hostage because I’m currently one.”

Olivia put the money in the piles while Caleigh supervised. Olivia had just paid over 80% of her remaining balance to Caleigh on that one turn. On her next turn, Eva passed “Go” and converted her green monopoly to a strip of hotels. When Olivia’s next turn arrived, she landed on the most expensive of Eva’s green streets.

“How much?” Olivia relaxed and accepted her fate; she had tried her best.
“$1400, sorry,” Eva crossed her arms in her vain battle to keep warm.
“Well, expletives,” the gymnast cursed for dramatic effect, “Will you accept a hostage?”
“No. I want cold, hard cash. Beautiful bills, if you will. I’ll pay full value for your yellow and red spaces though,” the volleyball player was playing hardball.
“Two reds, the yellow, my utilities, and my railroads?” Olivia thought carefully.
“Deal. Shake?” Eva accepted, they shook, and Eva even added a surprise kiss in there.

The luxury tax was bad luck for sure. Landing on Eva’s blue space, however, was the finishing blow: Olivia was out of the game. Eva leaned back and pulled her quilt up with a smile on her face, and Caleigh put an arm around Olivia in comfort while trying to help her find a way out. Unfortunately, there was nothing she could do because she had nothing to mortgage.

Olivia was so disappointed that her usually acute observations were down to nothing. She put her face in her hands and made a deep, long sigh. Eva started giggling, and Olivia became red from blushing. It seemed so rude of Eva to giggle at her defeat, and she turned to rebuke Eva.

“You’re terrible!” Olivia snapped, “How can you laugh at me?!”
“Because Caleigh’s supposed to be tied up, and she’s rubbing your back!”
“She’s what?!” the gymnast turned, “How long have you been there?!”
“I’ve been free for a while!” Caleigh smiled, “You did well! I’m proud of you!”
“You should be proud of yourself! You gave it your best right up to the end!” Eva agreed.
“Evangeline,” Olivia sighed, “Sorry I just snapped at you. Losing sucks.”
“Since I escaped, does it count as the end of my kidnapping a turn early?”
“NO!” Eva and Olivia shouted at her in concert.

The game, now down to the sisters, resumed in earnest despite the massive deficit between Olivia and Eva, the latter of whom essentially had the entirety of Olivia’s former kingdom now at her disposal. Now, as a neutral party, Olivia had no rooting interest really. If Eva won, then Caleigh would get humiliated by wearing something chosen by Eva; if Caleigh won, poor Eva would be likely forced to wear pants. At least, this is how it played out in the gymnast’s vivid imagination.

Eva now felt safe to play much more conservatively. Her aggressive tactics had worked to the fullest of their potential; she had amassed all of Olivia’s empire while Caleigh merely sat by and watched. It had all happened quickly, and Caleigh realized that this was the motive behind what, at the time, had seemed an arbitrary kidnapping, possibly only for anarchistic kicks or just to be a nuisance. In a game of strategy and luck, Evangeline had received enough of the latter to make the former work to perfection.

Caleigh found herself unable to settle upon a plan to attempt to mount a comeback. Instead, she felt panicked and unusually scatterbrained even by her standards. Each turn, she switched to an entirely different plan, and she foolishly wasted money on one of the few remaining properties. She thought carefully about this and realized that she was in full-blown ADD mode. Something came to her mind when she saw the mug next to her: hot chocolate and pie. She was overloaded on sugar.

“You treacherous swine!” Caleigh leaned back and stared at Eva, “Liv’s wrong. The bandana did not squeeze your brains out. It’s a reflection of that evil gangster that’s in you.”
“Oh, sweet Caleigh, what do you mean?” Eva pulled her quilt tightly around herself.
“You made that pie and that extra cup of hot chocolate on purpose to sugar coke me!”
“I simply asked if you wanted me to do those things, and you said ‘Yes’ to both,” the volleyball player innocently shrugged.
“But you asked hoping I would say ‘Yes’ for those reasons!” the psychology major remained firm.
“Yes,” a grin formed in the corner of Eva’s mouth, “yes, I did, didn’t I? Mua ha ha!”

Caleigh shook her head and rolled her eyes with a deep sigh. If anyone had domestic terrorism as their master artform, it was her little sister. She looked back at her sister and got a kiss blown across the table at her. All was truly fair in love and war when playing with Eva. Olivia groaned that she hadn’t thought of such devious tactics to use on the others. In their respective schemes, Olivia and Caleigh had never considered this sinister brand of warfare.

It took only two turns for Caleigh to watch her money get drained by one of her sister’s sapping monopolies. She started sweating, and soon, however, Eva had landed on her monopolies; even if it was a smaller amount of money, it was still some good padding. The death blow seemed to come, though, when Eva landed on “Free Parking.” Inside that pot was some $500 or more, and now that money was added to Eva’s already ample funds.

Unfortunately for Caleigh the unthinkable happened. Just when it seemed like she had a fighting chance, she rolled double sixes and landed on a utility; then she rolled doubles and landed on the first of the green monopoly properties; then she rolled a three and landed on the other space. It was, in Olivia’s words, a “dumpster fire.” Eva called it the more old-fashioned “train wreck.”

They stared blankly while Caleigh figured out all of the financial damage she had incurred. All the tabulation found was a negative income; Caleigh was bankrupt; in other words, Caleigh had officially been defeated. The death blow had been cast; Eva was champion. With a sigh, Olivia started cleaning up the game carefully. Eva kept yammering about her victory and how good her fortunes had been, Caleigh recalled her favorite moments of the game, and Olivia maintained a strict silence. Soon, the game was put away.

“Well, it was a good fight; your risks worked,” Caleigh looked at Eva, “Good job.”
“I think it sucks; playing dress up with her would have been more fun,” Olivia pouted.
“She did a good job; you are such a sore loser!”
“So what if I am? I play to win! It’s only fun if you’re winning.”
“I,” Eva stood up and put the quilt down, “am more competitive than you, but I can at least take losing,” then she looked at Caleigh, “As long as it’s to a gracious winner.”
“Oh, you go for reactions,” Caleigh shot that down, “You’ll torture us as long as we react.”
“Whatever,” Olivia rolled her eyes, “You won fair and square.”
“Good. Now, c’mon, cowgirl,” Eva took her by the arm, “Let’s go through everything and see what will look nice on you first. Follow along, Cay.”

It was time to be… sentenced.
Last edited by AlexUSA3 5 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ovi1 »

nice finale to a nice game Alex, Though I must admit that I am a bit too rusty at monopoly to catch all of what happened. I had been wondering how the sign language went along while the girls were tied.
I wonder if we'll see an epilogue(or regular continuation) when the punishment for loosing gets dealt.
I believe you would be a lot more comfortable in ropes
Millennial Club
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Ovi1 wrote: 7 months ago nice finale to a nice game Alex, Though I must admit that I am a bit too rusty at monopoly to catch all of what happened. I had been wondering how the sign language went along while the girls were tied.
I wonder if we'll see an epilogue(or regular continuation) when the punishment for loosing gets dealt.
Eva isn't 100% deaf, so sign language and lip reading are helpful when the person isn't speaking loudly enough for her to hear clearly. Not necessary, but it's kinder to her when Caleigh and Olivia accommodate her.

We'll get to see the punishments in the coming chapters. :D
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Post by hafnermg »

Can't wait to see their sentences!
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Part 6

Eva was ransacking her cousin’s suitcase, her sister’s drawers, and her own clothes. This meant every clothes drawer in the bureau she shared with Caleigh was wide open, the closet door was open with the light on, and Olivia’s suitcase was open and sitting on Eva’s bed. The victor of the game was trying to find the things that would be more frustrating for each of them.

To Eva’s advantage was that Olivia was between the sisters in height, weight, and age. She had the world at her disposal between their three outfit selections. The question was to determine which color would be most frustrating to Olivia. By doing it in this fashion, she was making the two have to watch her thought process evolve, and with more time she could create more sinister outcomes.

Purple was the solution to Eva’s questions. Caleigh had purple leggings; Olivia had brought a purple long-sleeve t-shirt; from her own bandana collection and her TUG bag she found two that were purple and didn’t yet have holes chewed in them. Eva folded the laundry into a perfect pile of legs, shirt, and bandanas, in that order, from bottom to top. On top of it she added fresh socks.

“All right, cowgirl, put them on,” Eva ordered her cousin and handed her the pile.
“This is monotone! And leggings?! Leggings are stupid!”
“I said to put them on,” the big volleyball player crossed her arms, “We had a deal. And remember to stuff your socks in your sneakers. Headscarf and neckerchief.”
“Oh, all right,” Olivia groaned and turned to leave.
“Dang, that’s harsh. Are you going to be nicer to me?” Caleigh interlocked her fingers.
“No,” Eva dropped it like a cartoon anvil and then howled in laughter at her sister’s face.

Olivia didn’t want to do it, but she was a person of her word. She always honored the terms of an agreement to the fullest, and this had to be no different. Purple leggings, purple long-sleeve t-shirt, purple kerchief, and purple neckerchief. She stared in the bathroom mirror and mentally vomited, but she took a selfie so she could one day look back at what happened when she lost TUG-opoly.

Eva knew it was going to be a jumper, dress, or skirt for Caleigh, who loathed any and all of the choices and only had one skirt she wore rarely because even their parents felt that it was way too short for wearing to church. It was the exact opposite for Eva, who aside from her athletic wear had nothing else, and a quarter of what she had was homemade. That brought a new thought to her mind: it had to be homemade. It also had to be Caleigh’s least favorite fabric: denim. Out came Eva’s beige denim jumper and matching leggings and a forest green long-sleeve t-shirt and matching bandana. This was going to be Caleigh’s humiliation.

“There it is. Now, get in the closet and put them on just like I would,” Eva smiled proudly.
“Are you freaking kidding me?! I loathe headgear! THIS?!” Caleigh held them away as if they had been sprayed by a skunk.
“Caleigh, you should have thought about that before you derided my style,” she signed this part.
“You’re right,” Caleigh responded in equal silence; the coals were being heaped upon her.
“Now go!” Eva’s smile remained, and she pointed at the closet.

Caleigh didn’t smile, but she accepted the playful side of it unlike Olivia. She had made a deal, and she wasn’t going to ruin her sister’s moment of triumph. It was going to be fun, perhaps, to be in her little sister’s shoes for a change. Even if it wasn’t her style, she put on the beige jumper and all the other things that, while not matching too well, were all earthy, just as her sister liked to wear best. The kerchief was a bit humbling, but like Eva she made sure the flower was centered above her nose.

“How is it?” she stepped out, spoke, and twirled as if she were in a clothing store.
“Pretty even if I’m a size bigger than you everywhere but the bust.”
“Thanks, I hate it, but I’ll do it for you. We look kind of similar,” Caleigh could smile for a game.
“Now, change your socks, please.”
“Oh, Lord, I’m not going to get Olivia’s socks, am I?” Caleigh asked just as Olivia returned.
“Behave, get your own. Misbehave, get one of each. Terrible, get the other’s. If only one acts up, it’s my sock that’s the substitute for your own. March back downstairs!”

Both girls were forced to carry their own shoes and socks down the stairs. While they weren’t a family much for forced stench, Eva’d make an exception to make it all more memorable; forced consumption of the layer between the source and the shoe was a family favorite, especially of Eva’s. Regardless of how things played out, she’d have two pairs for now, two for later, and a pair to use later for forced sniffing.

“You sit there,” Eva motioned for Caleigh to sit at the table where they had played the game.
“And what about me?” Olivia scowled at her.
“You get the joys of being a cowgirl!” the captor reached into her bag and grabbed a piece of her rough brown rope.
“No, you are not doing that to me!” instantly the cowgirl became argumentative.
“Yes, I am!” Eva grabbed her cousin in a vice-like grip.
“I said no! I want to be taped up!” Olivia dragged herself and Eva to the carpet.

Caleigh calmly sat there in her humiliating outfit while watching her sister and cousin wrestle on the carpet. While she had no rooting interest in the match and knew the inevitable result, she still worried that Olivia’s resistance would lead to both of them getting one of Eva’s socks included in their respective gags. There were few things nastier than getting gagged with a dirty sock that had been on someone else’s foot.

Eva and Olivia rolled around on the floor with each girl taking turns being on top. Finally, Eva pushed her elbow against Olivia’s belly to make her reflexively curl up and then tickled her in the ribs to subdue her long enough to roll her over and sit on her back. The brown rope started by tying Olivia’s arms together above her elbows. To reduce the risk of an escape, Eva turned around and tied Olivia’s ankles next.

“There we are, O’Libya!” Eva gave her cousin two sharp raps on the butt.
“Don’t call me that!” came an aggressive snarl.
“Quit being a terrorist then!” the captor took a purple bandana from her bag.
“Caleigh and I will work together to escape, and we’ll humiliate you worse!”
“That,” Eva took her socks off, “isn’t a real concern of mine.”
“You’re not really going to do that to me, are you?”

Eva smiled and cackled, a bit too sinisterly to be perceived as a real threat, when she pinched her cousin’s nose shut. Olivia, once her oxygen ran out, simply breathed through her teeth instead of her nose, but a quick tickle from Eva ended that. A sharp yell came out of her, and Eva’s socks were pushed into her mouth with a very defeated groan. The purple bandana was pulled between her teeth and knotted tightly. Eva continued securing Olivia with the rough brown rope by tying her wrists, knees, thighs, waist, and breasts. The captive was forced to hop to the table and laid upon the top of it. A strict ankles to wrists hogtie finished the binding.

“Take that, cowgirl!” Eva swatted her butt again.
“Mmmmmmm!” Olivia groaned.
“I’ll see you later,” the volleyball player used yet another purple bandana as a blindfold.
“You’re having too much fun with this,” Caleigh commented with a smile.
“You’re being cute and well-behaved,” the sinister captor jumped up.
“I intend to keep behaving.”
“You had better,” Eva warned her sister while taking the packages of zips from the bag.

Caleigh offered no resistance of any kind when Eva zipped her wrists together behind the chair. It was but the beginning of her captivity, though. Eva knelt by her sister's legs and began zipping them together, and more is safer with zips when used properly. Twelver zips were on her legs, to be exact. Because her elbows couldn't touch, police style zip cuffs were used on either side of her elbows, but regular zips secured the rest of her forearms

Eva had a trick, though, and began using zips on Caleigh’s hands. Each of the fingers of one hand were zipped to the fingers of its mate. One was placed above the third knuckle, and the other was below the first. The thumbs were zipped below the first knuckle only.

“What on earth are you doing?!” Caleigh felt it but couldn't see it or stop it.
“I am making sure you cannot escape,” Eva smiled while securing the zips.
“That’s not very nice of you to punish my talents!” neither could see the other’s smile.
“My goal is to keep you prisoner… for once!” the captor took all of her sister’s hair pins.
“Oh, surrreeeeee! This’ll be different! Especially since you took my secret weapon.”
“I’ll just put a few of these to hold you and Liv’s scarves.”

Caleigh remained still to allow her sister to humor herself and then shuffled around in her zip bindings while Eva did the same to Olivia. Ordinarily, Eva wouldn’t care about such things, but this time she wanted to be sure everything remained in place until she was done with both of her captives. The older sister didn’t pay too much attention to what the younger one did because she was enjoying being in the younger one’s position of a kidnapped frump.

Out came the wide long zips now, the heavy duty ones they only got because of their brother’s job. The first wrapped below her breasts, passed between the outermost spindles and the actual chair back, and was fastened between the chair and her arms. This repeated at her waist and above her breasts. Eva took more zips and began fastening Caleigh’s arms to the spindles of the chair’s back. She went up Caleigh’s forearms and secured them in four places. Then, above Caleigh’s elbows, she used one zip for each arm along the three chosen spots. With her sister’s legs tied and her torso secured, Eva used one last small zip to secure Caleigh’s ankles to the legs and underframe of the chair, and two big zips secured her thighs to the chair just above her knees and below her waist. Throughout the process, Caleigh remained silent and cooperative.

“Honestly, it’s more comfortable being tied in your clothes!” observed the softball player.
“It does make a difference!” Eva grabbed Caleigh’s socks from the shoes.
“Do I have to get the socks?” came with a whine from the victim.
“Yes, you must,” the captor said in her usual cold but kind manner.
“All right,” Caleigh opened her mouth and made a face at the taste of her feet, “BLECK!”
“That’s a good girl!” Eva smiled at her, “You deserve a reward! MWAH!”

Caleigh tried to smile at that, but she instead received a tight, wide dark green bandana gag to hold her socks in her mouth. This was followed by an equally tight and wide beige bandana gag. The captive did some initial retching while adjusting to the flavor in her mouth. Hilarious wasn’t the right word, but she did find something humorous about how she had arrived at this position.

The captivity phase was truly underway.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Part 7

Eva couldn’t and wouldn’t deny just how special Caleigh was to her. How many other big sisters would learn sign language in order to be their deaf little sister’s number one ally? Caleigh only saw it as her duty of love. If anything ever happened to Eva, Caleigh had promised herself that no sacrifice would be too small for her sister’s sake.

Caleigh was strongly into the concept of “love languages” and tried to seek these possibilities out with each and every one of her loved ones. In this case, a prime example of love was behaving for her sister because of Eva’s personality. A prime example of the rewards of good behavior was her present bondage and gag; Olivia had Eva’s socks in her mouth, after all.

SMACK! Eva spanked Olivia roughly.
“MMMMM!” the captive protested into her captor’s socks.
“You should have thought a little harder before you acted like such a brat.”
“MMMMM!” the hogtied girl blindly struggled.

Eva knew how to push a captive’s buttons to say the least of things. She was quite skillful with placing her hand on just the right spot, and years of volleyball gave her a powerful spike. Often, she was the player on the school team who was the one “set up” for such plays. Her spanking was aided by this.

“UGH!” the victim squirmed a lot.
“Hot stuff, you would like to know that you are absolutely adorable dressed like that!”
“Mmm mmm mmmm!” the victim responded in a muffled tone that was like silence to Eva.
“You keep behaving so well, and I won’t spank you, Caleigh.”

Caleigh wasn’t sure what was worse. She had a beige denim jumper, matching leggings, a dark green long-sleeve t-shirt, and matching kerchief bandana. Olivia had all purple: kerchief, socks, leggings, long-sleeve t-shirt, and neckerchief. Both were worthy of a night in prison in her eyes. Eva’s smile, however, was intoxicating to the softball player, and she couldn’t help but notice the spark of mischief in her captor’s eye. Worse, Olivia had a purple blindfold and gag, too.

Of course Caleigh tested her bonds, and, as expected, there was no hope of escape. There were too many zip ties securing her body both to itself and to the chair in which she sat. Any chance of escape relied upon her getting her hands on a knife, and a quick glance revealed that the knife was well out of reach as were the scissors. She was going to have to sit back and be content.

“Onnnnn!” Olivia shouted at that painful spank.
“Just think, you’re 18, so I get 15 more of these!” Eva laughed a little.
“Um mm ohh!” whined the helpless girl from her rough rope prison.
“I can’t understand you. Look at me when you talk! Ha ha!” the captor reminded her.

Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it, especially when you’re being inconsiderate of your beloved little cousin’s disability. Olivia was a person who typically learned things the hard way, and this was no exception. She fully deserved any and all taunting she received, and it was understood by both cousins to be OK as long as it wasn’t mean-spirited taunting.

The three girls all had a thing for giving and receiving spanking. Eva wasn’t supposed to play such games, but she participated with Eva and Olivia’s permission when the boys and adults weren’t around. It was a fun kind of cruelty, and with Eva’s volleyball touch it was different to receive when she gave it as opposed to the other two. Caleigh felt that Eva’s spanks simply spanked more area while still delivering a decent amount of force.

“Mmmmmm!” Olivia wailed in a rather… monotonic manner.
SMACK!, Eva wasn't too impressed by her responses.
“Mmmmmm!” same as always.
SMACK!, she tried a little differently.
“Mmmmmm!” the oft repeated reaction was… repeated.
“Oh, come on, spanking slave, you’re so dull!”

Eva put her face in her hands and contemplated this situation. If Olivia was going to be such a boring captive, then she would have to force Olivia to be an interesting one. The easy way to make a captive interesting is to put them into a situation where they must react. This was a moment that demanded tickling, and tickling was something that she could also do to Caleigh. Was that a sadistic thrill that was changing how she was breathing? Or did she merely need to take her coat off after so much excitement?

The captor told her sister and cousin to stay put while she picked through her bag. Of course, Olivia rolled her eyes, but Caleigh stared blankly until Eva explained the joke to her. She found her special tickle weapon, a hairbrush. Caleigh, for the first time, seemed uncomfortable being tied up by her sister, and Olivia was clueless that danger was lurking so closely by her.

Eva looked at Olivia and then at the wide-eyed grunting Caleigh. The captive, stuck in her sister's dress, despite her concerns about the brush, had a resounding joie de vivre that Eva admired. Surprise was the key element here, though, and the purple hogtied gymnast was the more deserving captive. The hairbrush would work despite the socks on the captive’s feet.

“Ha ha ha! Mmmm!” Olivia felt the first scratches on her sock-covered feet.
“If you can handle 20 minutes of this without surrender, I’ll make ravioli for supper!”
“Mmm!” Olivia accepted this warfare.
“It's no fun for you to do it to me, but boy you sure like when I do it to you!” Eva laughed too.
“No no no! Ha ha ha!” Olivia couldn't help herself when the hairbrush assaulted her.
“Olivia,” the captor warned her, “Prepare to suffer!”

Is it suffering if you had fun? Is it really torture if it's consensual? Is it a TUG when there are non-consensual elements? Did Eva really wear her bandanas too tightly, or was Olivia sarcastic? How did Eva find it comfortable to dress as she did? Caleigh couldn't answer a single one of these questions. Then the answer to the last question popped into her mind: Eva found it comfortable because God made her that way, just like how he made Eva to be Caleigh’s little sister.

Eva found it easy to empty her mind of all worries and focus on one moment at a time. Tickling Olivia was a perfect way to occupy her entire mind without losing her sense of time and place. It was a time where she could be herself and still have fun; in other words, it was competitive like volleyball but had all the comforts of home. Home was indeed where the heart is.

“Ha ha ha haaaa! NOOOO!” Olivia pleaded for mercy with her eyes having successfully shaken the blindfold off herself.
“Ha ha! You’re going nowhere, tickle slave!” Eva ran the hairbrush on her cousin’s feet.
“Ohhh! Ohhhh! Ha ha haa! MMMM!” the laughter made Olivia really taste Eva’s feet.
“Oh, my beautiful cackler, whatever will you do?” the captor taunted her.
“Heh heh!” Caleigh laughed with them.
“You’re next my sweet,” Eva turned toward the eldest of the trio.

Caleigh’s eyes grew wide at that statement, but there was truly nothing that she could do. Olivia at least provided a satisfying captive to watch if she had to be tied up. There was a definite spark in the gymnast’s eyes that said that she wasn’t really suffering. Despite the layers of gag, bumps were visible at the tops of her cheeks. Her tone was one of genuine laughter despite the forced nature of it.

Eva’s eyes betrayed just as much. The girl was like a hybrid of athlete and housewife. Sinister captivities seemed guaranteed with her, and the sharp tongue was perfectly matched by kindness that also permeated all that she did. She was a vicious tickler, pushing Olivia now to the verge of tears, but she never pushed so much that Olivia ever seemed to be in any pain beyond that which naturally arose from the tickling. The psychology of TUGs could be so much fun indeed!

By the time Olivia was done being tickled, she was absolutely exhausted. Thirty minutes of the hairbrush running along her feet while she was in a strict hogtie was one of the most exhilarating experiences she knew, except perhaps being suspended upside down. The young girl panted and stretched, and Eva showed a little mercy by undoing the hogtie. That mercy was short lived as Eva followed that with a SMACK! that Olivia grunted angrily against.

“Just lie there and remember I get 10 more of those. You earned your ravioli, champ.”
“Aww,” Olivia couldn’t resist the big kiss Eva gave her.
“Now as for you, my lovely fellow frump, it's time for you to learn a lesson.”
“Huh? Eee?” Caleigh started struggling against the dozens of zips that bound her.
“You laughed when Livvie was getting tickled, Cay,” Eva explained, “Now I tickle you.”
“Oh no!” Caleigh’s brightened, “ell, ing ih ah!”

Eva carefully tipped the chair onto its side on the floor and sat down cross-legged by her sister’s feet. She carefully dug the brush into Caleigh’s soft stocking feet and began the second cackle convention of the afternoon. Immediately, a difference in the two captives was apparent. Olivia, when being tickled, wailed and thrashed about more, but Caleigh had a distinctly feminine laugh that was accompanied by a more conventional resistance. Olivia worked toward a red-faced and tired sweat, but Caleigh became more mentally exhausted than physically.

Being tickled was better than being spanked in both captive’s opinion. Caleigh couldn’t do much except giggle and laugh until her lung muscles started to hurt from being overused. Eva wasn’t trying to push her sister as much as she had pushed her cousin. Caleigh had several severe health problems, and Eva kept that at the front of her mind when she engaged in TUGs with the person whom she admired most of all.

“Hee hee hee!” the victim continued to laugh.

For Caleigh, the most embarrassing part wasn’t being forced to dress like a 1950s relic like Eva or being tickled. The worst part was that she couldn’t escape no matter what she did; she was fully at Eva’s mercy and had to accept whatever baby sister threw at her. Is it suffering if you had fun? No. It was still a TUG because it was still a game; even a kidnapping was a TUG just because the floor was open and permitted kidnapping, meaning they were perpetually playing a TUG. It’s still torture, though, even if it’s consensual, because Caleigh’s lungs hurt. Eva gave Caleigh a kiss at the end of her festival of cackling.

“All right, sweeties, I hope you’ve enjoyed this. I only had fun because it was you two.”
“Ha!” Olivia taunted her knowing that nothing lay between her and her ravioli now.
“Because you two behaved and took your punishments so well, once I have this pot on the stove I’ll let you two losers go for now.”

Eva casually filled the pot with water and put it on the stove. She took her knife off the counter and sat on Caleigh, now a human chair, while she untied Olivia. The rigidly bound captive could do nothing but accept her humiliation since Eva was taking her time to untie Olivia. When “Liv” sat up, Eva turned to Caleigh and began cutting each of the many zips until Caleigh was free.

“You two had better butter me up so that I don’t tie you up before bed. Whoever does the better buttering gets the better fate of sharing the good bed with me, and the other gets the bitter fate of sleeping on the floor.”

Olivia and Caleigh looked at each other. Who could offer the higher praises of Eva to win this game within the game?
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

The conclusion to this tale that lost everyone's interest. ☺️ 😇

Part 8

Flattering Eva wasn't too tall of a task in Olivia’s eyes. For Caleigh, creativity would be essential for her to outdo her cousin. Neither wanted to be the one sleeping on the carpet. It was an odd shift in the stakes, but Eva could now do whatever she wanted.

“Your dress is so pretty,” Olivia tried first.
“How trite,” Caleigh shook her head, “Make it special.”
“You are cute; the outfit is cute; together, you are adorable.”
“No, no, like this,” the second frump tried, “Eva, you look prettier than normal today.”
“That's gay!” Miss Whipple drew back while staring blankly at Caleigh.
“I'm…somewhat offended,” Caleigh stared back until Olivia melted into the carpet.

Eva stood by the sink washing the dishes and laughed so hard that she almost dropped a dish. Only the three girls knew of Caleigh’s bisexuality, so it was doubly hilarious for Olivia of all people to protest. It was a total backhanded slap to the softball star that Eva would remember for a long time.

Olivia quietly walked over to Eva and began wiping dishes. Caleigh then put away those dishes and acclimated herself to her sister's world. Even if it wasn't for her, she now felt like she understood Eva much better. The agreement was, for her, as though it were written in blood. She didn't see what was so preferable about skirts and dresses over pants and shorts or what made headscarves better than a hat. However, she experienced many of the things Eva would talk about, like the feel of the air under her.

“We’ve got the best chef in Minnesota right here,” Caleigh heaped the praise.
“It's freaking ravioli; get real, Cay,” Olivia again remained practical.
“You want to know something, you twisted little freak?” Eva turned to her cousin, “You S-U-C-K SUCK SUCK SUCK at this game.”
“No need to be so rude,” Caleigh hewed that attitude down to the roots.
“No, no, I think I get it…,” the gears finally were turning, and Olivia snapped her fingers, “Got it!”
“Go for it,” Caleigh gave her cousin the floor.
“Eva, you are one of the most multi-talented girls I have ever met!”
“Now we're talking,” Eva smiled and turned to her boiling water.

Olivia continued piling praises in this fashion. Occasionally, Caleigh interjected a word of her own, but it was mostly Olivia. Frankly, Eva wasn't impressed by any of them, but she appreciated the effort. Caleigh sat, mostly in silence, because she was trying to concoct something that would be truly special.

There were so many things that made Eva special to Caleigh besides the obvious fact that they were sisters. The shining example was right here: Eva could do anything she wanted in the kitchen, and she could do almost all of it the old fashioned way. It was like watching the skills of a grandma, but Eva could do those things when she was 14! Olivia’s comment was an understatement.

Throughout the cooking and eating of the meal, Eva heard both girl’s attempts to heap praises upon her. While deserved compliments were too readily accepted, none of the words either spoke felt meaningful. She was looking for something that could only be from the bottom of the heart. These clichés were forced and applicable to anyone; it had to be something from the speaker to her. Even most of a hockey game came and went without anyone saying something that resonated with her.

“So far, you unimaginative twits have failed to impress me,” Eva admitted as she sat on the sofa and took off her coat.
“We're trying,” Caleigh had her chin in her hand.
“That's the problem; you're trying.”
“Well, you challenged us to compliment you, but you’ve been unimpressed by all our kind words,” Olivia threw her hands up.
“You're trying too hard. It'll come naturally,” cautioned the tall volleyball player.

Caleigh put her arms and watched Olivia try a different method “buttering up” Eva. A hug was an odd strategy, but Eva accepted it… and tightened her grip to absorb some body heat. Olivia then pushed herself away, and that's when the idea came to Caleigh just as she watched a routine play on the ice.

“It's an honor to get to spend a day in the shoes of such a beautiful soul,” Caleigh genuinely smiled, “I have always loved my baby sister, and I'm glad I understand you a little better now.”
“All right, that wins… no question,” Eva declared, “Caleigh wins the flattery contest.”
“God d-mn it!” Olivia stomped the floor.
“And you will get the dirty sock gag again while Cay gets the ball gag.”
“Double d-mmit!”
“And I am going to do it right now!” Eva grabbed a roll of duct tape, “Cay, grab her!”

Holding Olivia was merely ceremonial. Eva had no trouble duct taping the gymnast’s wrists, elbows, ankles, knees, and thighs. The taping was quite tight, and windings on either side of Olivia’s breasts and at her waist ensured her cooperation. Caleigh took off the captive’s socks, stuffed one in the other, and tied a purple bandana around the outer sock. Eva stuffed the package into her victim's mouth, knotted the bandana, and wrapped her face in duct tape. The same purple bandana blindfolded her yet again.

“Let's finish this,” Eva threw Olivia across her lap.
“OWWWWW!” squealed the victim, then complained, “Ewwww!”
“Your spanking is done. Caleigh, let's go to bed. I’ll tie you up in there.”
“Be nicer, Eva,” the older sister cautioned, “You could have spaced those out better.”
“But that was the point. She wasn't expecting all ten at once!” grinned the captor.

Olivia cackled a little at that despite the wretched flavor of her own socks. As she hopped down the hall toward the stairs, she privately, quietly reflected on their games and the fun afternoon they'd shared. Today was certainly one of the most humbling days of her life, but there were many lessons learned. Most importantly, she had had fun.

Olivia sat down and enjoyed scrunching up the stairs. Tape was comfortable, more so than rope, and made for what she felt was the superior gag. It was odd moving about so blindly, but it was just as much fun being at Eva’s mercy. After such a long day, bed time sounded so good. Eva was ready for bed anyway; this was a normal bedtime for her even if early for her sister and cousin. She and Caleigh carried the quilts from before to keep warm while they slept. The older girl looked at the younger and saw a smile on her little sister's face just from the recollection of the day.

Eva took a sleeping bag out of the closet and rolled it out on the floor for Olivia to sleep upon. She made her cousin lie down on the open bag and gave her the biggest quilt to ensure she kept warm. Once Olivia was comfortable, Eva had the pleasure of tying up her big sister as well.

A comfortable boxtie with a heavy network of ropes to hold it in place was used to bind Caleigh for the night. Underneath the jumper, Caleigh’s lower and upper legs were bound in three places each and with a perfect balance between security and comfort. The blue ball gag and a few strips of duct tape gagged the girl, and a beige bandana blindfolded her.

“I love you two girls more than life,” Eva said with a loving grin they couldn't see.
“Mmmmm,” Caleigh groaned as she was laid in the bed.
“It'll be fine. Hold on,” Eva got on the ground and hugged Olivia.
“ood ight,” responded that before roiling a little on the gag.
“Good night,” the volleyball girl stood up and turned out the light.
“Mmmm,” Caleigh squeaked giddily when Eva got on the bed with her and pulled the quilt over them.
“Sweet dreams, both of you, and thank you for a day I will always remember.”

Eva had no idea how long she had before she would be completely deaf, so she always soaked in the sounds of every moment just in case someday she couldn't hear her loved one’s voices anymore. It was truly a special day for all of these girls, and sweet dreams were indeed had by all.

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Lucky Lottie
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Post by Lucky Lottie »

Thank you for such a fun story. Nice to see a good playful session.
In her natural habitat is:
-Giddy when approached
-Passive when suspended
-Bratty when loose
-Obedient when cuddled
-Cheeky when gagged
-Truly happy when tickled
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