Steve’s Birthday (M/m)

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Steve’s Birthday (M/m)

Post by Gil »

Hey guys, here's a new story. As the title says, this time with Steve again. Have fun with it 😊:

Hey, Kyle here again. This happened on October 10, 2010. it was Sunday and it was Steve's birthday. He was turning 18 years old. It was 9 o'clock. I got up and changed my clothes. I put on a green t-shirt and gray jeans with black socks. I took the gift and went down the stairs. I gave him a pendant from his former favorite team: the Seattle SuperSonics. He loved basketball and was playing it too. There was already a cake in the living room, just like Emily's and mine. Only with his name and 18 candles. Next to it, are a few gifts. I put mine next to them. My parents were sitting on the sofa and Emily was sitting at the table eating breakfast. I made myself some cereal and ate breakfast too. While I was eating, I heard footsteps. Steve was awake and coming down the stairs. My parents got up and came over to us. We got up too and joined them. Steve entered the room.

"Happy birthday, Steve!" We all called out at the same time.

"Thanks." Grinned Steve.

He came over to us and hugged everyone. Then he opened his presents. My parents gave him new basketball clothes. From Emily he got.

"Thanks for the great gifts." He said and hugged each of us again."

"You're welcome." I grinned at him.

"But I have one more request." He said and disappeared for a moment.

But he came right back. In one hand he had my TuG bag and in the other the teddy bear costume he had given me for my birthday, only for teenagers: ... L1500_.jpg.
It was a brown jumpsuit with attached mittens but had a hole to pull out the hands and a large head. The head had 2 holes to look and breathe through. My father tapped me on the shoulder. I looked at him.

"Looks like someone is up to something today, haha." My dad laughed and padded my head.

"Are you okay with this, Kyle?" My brother asked me.

"Well, sure. If Emily already got it on her birthday, then, of course, why not. Wouldn't be fair otherwise, haha." I laughed. "Can I finish eating?" I added questioningly.

"Thank you brother dear and of course, do it in peace." He grinned at me, put the bag in the room, and put the costume on the table.

While I continued to eat, he took everything out of the bag and placed it on the floor.

"Should I be worried?" I asked him slightly sarcastically.

"Haha, no. I'm just thinking about what I want to use." He grinned over at me.

When I was done, I put my bowl in the dishwasher and took the costume off the table. I went into the bathroom and took off my t-shirt and pants. I used the toilet and then I put on the jumpsuit. Then I took the head and put it on to try it on. The head was comfortable to wear. Breathing worked well, despite the two holes. Only my vision was limited. I looked at myself in the mirror and had to laugh. I looked like a giant teddy bear. On the back of the head and the jumpsuit were two small Velcro straps that could be used to attach the head to the jumpsuit. I did that, and now it was hanging off the back. I still put my hands in the mittens. I left the bathroom and went into the living room. Steve was already waiting there. He had prepared ropes on the floor. His favorite material to tie me up.

"Ah, there's our little teddy bear." He grinned at me.

"Well then. Shall we get started?" I asked him with a grin.

He nodded in the affirmative and took the first rope. A 5-yard rope. He placed me in front of him. He guided my arms back and put them side by side. Then he wrapped the rope around my wrists. The last piece he wrapped between my wrists and knotted it at the top, out of reach of my hands. A typical beginning, when he tied me up. Then he took another 5-yard rope and brought my elbows close together. He tied them in the same way he tied my hands. In doing so, he had to raise the head of the costume a bit, as it was a little in the way. Then he took the transparent tape in his hand and a sponge. He must have gotten it from somewhere beforehand.

"Now it’s time to make you quit." He grinned at me.

"Then do thammmmppphh." I was about to confirm when he stuck the sponge in my mouth.

He had squeezed it and I noticed how it was now getting bigger and filling my mouth. Then he started wrapping the tape around my mouth. After about a dozen wraps, he stopped and took the tape off.

"Say something, Teddybear." He grinned at me.

"mmmppphhh." My voice was noticeably muffled. More than I would have thought.

"Perfect. Let's get this costume ready." he said, reaching over and pulling it over my head.

Now I could only peek through the two small holes. My vision was limited. Then I heard the tape again and noticed him wrapping it around my head, about neck level. However, since the head was well lined, I noticed it getting tighter but not interfering or cutting off the air. I could still breathe very well. He also wrapped it around about a dozen times.

"Shake your head." he ordered me.

I did as he said. The head stayed firmly in place.

"HAHAHA. Better than expected." Laughed Steve.

"mamahahmpph." I laughed into my gag.

"Perfect, I'll get on with it then." He said.

He took a long 25-yard rope and started wrapping it around my torso. He started at my shoulders and wrapped it down to my wrists. Now and then he knotted it tightly so it would stay taut and in place. In the end, he knotted to the rope that was around my hands. Then he took a 5-yard rope and wrapped it around my ankles. He wrapped it in between a few times again and knotted it tight. Then he did the same above and below my knees. Each time with a 5-yard rope. When he was done, he stepped back.

"tied as always, but always good." He grinned.

I nodded at him. Then he got the camera and, as usual, took a few pictures. Then he showed them to me.

"mmahmamhahaamhaam." I laughed into my gag.

I looked like a giant teddy bear. Steve walked over to the couch and sat down. I looked over at him. He looked back and beckoned me to join him. I jumped over to the couch and saw Steven grinning. Understandable at the sight of a huge, bouncing, tied-up teddy bear. I sat down next to him and he put his arm around me. From time to time he wiggled the head of the costume. I looked at him and he just grinned. We watched TV in peace. I could see the TV, but through the 2 holes I was looking through, it was still partially indistinct. But I didn't care about that. My brother was happy and having fun and I was tied up. So it was a win-win situation. The sponge gag was interesting. It filled my mouth well, but it didn't interfere. The head of the costume also felt very soft and comfortable. After some time, the doorbell rang. Steve got up and went there. A few minutes later he came back.

"That was Marc (one of my brothers' best friends). He wants to hang out with me." He said to me and grinned.

"Mmmmpphh?" Came out of me questioningly.

Steve said nothing and lifted me. He grabbed the TuG bag and carried me to my room. He also laid me down on my bed so that I was lying on my stomach. I turned my head to face him, but because of the limited vision, I could barely see him. I noticed how he bent my legs and tied a rope around them. Then he pulled it to my hands and tied it there as well. So now I was in the hogtie. Not too tight, but not too loose either. Then he went to my desk and wrote something on a piece of paper. He came back to me and held it in front of me so I could read it: <Please don't untie me. I want to stay like this until Steve comes back>.

"MMMPPPHHH?!" I wondered about the note.

"Don't worry. I won't be gone sooooo long. You ate breakfast and went to the bathroom before. So you can be on your own for a while, my tied-up teddy bear." Grinned Steve and then taped the note to my back.

He washed over my head once more and left my room. Now I was tied up alone in the hogtie.

"I wonder when Steve will be back. After all, Marc didn't see me like this." I thought to myself.

I still struggled a bit against the hogtie. I tried to reach the knots but to no avail. Steve had probably placed them out of my reach. So I had no choice but to wait for Steve. I enjoyed the situation of being tied up and for myself. I lay down on my right side so that I could see into the room. It was bright. Lying on my side was much more comfortable. The padded head helped, too. So I could also see the clock. It was 11:52.

"We're about to have lunch. Will they let me out for that, or will they stick to Steve's note?" I wondered.

I just continued to lie there relaxed and enjoying my situation. After all, I had no other choice. And then it didn't take much longer, someone knocked on my room and came in.

"Ah, there you are." Grinned my father and came towards me.

"Mmeeempphh." I nodded.

"Lunch about to be served. Come on, I'll let you out." He said and turned me over onto my stomach again.

He took my hands and was about to start when he found the note stuck to my back.

"Alright, if that's the case and you want to stay tied up, we'll see you later haha." He laughed, patting my head and walking to the door.

"MMPPPPHHH." I screamed into my gag and rolled back onto my side.

"What's the matter? The note says it all. And today is Steve's birthday. So what it says is going to be true, right?" My father grinned at me questioningly.

"mmmeeepphh." I nodded at him, which was true because I liked being tied up like that.

"There you go. I'll turn on your TV so you don't get too bored. And don't worry, we'll save you some of the food." He added with a grin, turned on the TV, and left my room again.

"So, now I have the answer to my question from earlier." I thought to myself.

But this way I had more time to myself. I rolled around in my bonds again, because I want to. Steve had done a really good job. As usual. I just lay there relaxing and watching TV. Two and a Half Man was on. Gradually it got pretty warm under my head, but not uncomfortably so. At some point, I closed my eyes a little but didn't fall asleep.

"I wonder when Steve will show up again. Otherwise, it's getting a little boring in the long run, even though I'm enjoying the peace and being tied up at the moment." I thought to myself.

After a short while, there was another knock on the door and Steve came in.

"And there goes my peace.” I thought to myself, slightly sad and sarcastic at the same time.

"Well, how are you? All fine" He wanted to know.

I nodded. Steve sat down on the bed with me. He wiggled the head of the costume around a few times.

"Lying there like a giant teddy bear. I still think that's awesome, haha." Laughed Steve.

"mmmeemmpph." I nodded at her.

Then he took off my socks and fixed my toes directly with a small cable tie.

"I've learned something, too." He grinned.

And already he started tickling me.


In the hogtie and with the cable tie around my toes, I barely had room to move or squirm. So I let him have his way, even though I didn't like it. He didn't let up and kept going. After a short while, he left my feet alone and started thrusting into the side of my torso. I was wriggling in my bonds again. I especially didn't like that. Not that the tickling was great. Only that was worse. And after a while, he switched back to my feet. Then when Steve was back to my torso, I pulled my legs up and tested if I could reach them with my hands. It worked. This allowed me to try to protect the soles of my feet with my hands. He then tried to tickle the soles of my feet again and saw my <attempt of protection>.

"Ah, someone is trying to protect himself, haha." Laughed he.

I nodded again. Steve tried to tickle me, but I was able to fight it off well with my hands.

"Alright, let's do it another way." Steve stood up and went to his TuG bag.

He pulled out a roll of tape, added a pair of scissors, and came back to me.

"I know we have the mittens, but that will only protect you more. So back to the beginning." He said and took my hands out of the costume mittens.

He put my hands together like I was praying. Then he wrapped the tape around them so they became one big silver fist. He cut the tape off and put one of the costume mittens over it, then the other.

"You can't protect your feet like that anymore as before, haha." He laughed.

Steve was right. If he started again, I could cover one sole like that, but not the second. So I just let him do what he want to and laughed into my gag. He kept switching from the feet to the upper body and barely gave me a moment to breathe. I was already starting to cry because I had laughed so hard. This was their favorite way to tease me. He kept it up for a full hour until he finally let me go. I gasped for air and calmed down. Steve stood up and squatted in front of me so I could see him through the costume.

"I think you need a break now. You've earned it." He grinned at me and patted me on the head twice.

Steve got up and left my room. Now I was alone again. But he kept my hands taped together. Probably as a small punishment or he had simply forgotten. By now it was 13:55.

"Let's see how long he leaves me here like this. Whereas our relatives would also be here at 4 o'clock. And at least this time I won't have to smell the socks." I thought to myself.

I didn't worry about it anymore and continued to watch TV in a relaxed way. But a short time later Emily came in.

"Well, still not free?" She asked me with a grin.

"Mmmonnmph." I shook my head.

"Having a good time?" She wanted to know.

"Mmeemmph." I nodded at her.

"Well after all." She said and sat down on my bed.

"Mmnoom, plemphh." I shook my head, having a bad premonition.

"Haha, don't worry, I won't tease you today. Steve already told me that he tickled you and that was your gift to him." Emily said to me and began to rub my back.

I always liked that very much. I could relax very well. I closed my eyes a little bit. I didn't notice the television anymore. At some point, the door opened again.

"Ah, there you are, Emily. So you're keeping Kyle company?" asked Steve. He had my clothes that I was still wearing this morning with him.

"Yes, I spoil him a little because we tickle and tease him all the time." she replied.

"Very nice of you. But I think it's time to release our giant teddy bear. Or Kyle?" He asked me.

"Mmmeemmpph." I nodded in agreement.

"Alright, let's do it then. Otherwise, all the relatives will see you like this, haha." Laughed Steve and placed my clothes on my desk

"Mmamammaahaam." I laughed into my gag as well.

Steve came over to me and the first thing he did was loosen the rope that held me in bondage. First on my hands, then on my feet. Emily went out of my room at the same time. Steve then helped me to stand. He then turned his attention to my upper body. He began to untie the rope around my upper body. It took a while, but after the long rope was gone, he untied the rope around my elbows. Steve quickly removed it and then went to work on my hands. He removed the mittens from my duct-taped hands and carefully cut the duct tape, which he did. He then untied the rope around my hands and my upper body was free. Then Steve began to work with my knees. I stretched once and clenched my hands a few times. I was about to put the head of the costume down, but then I remembered that Steve had taped it shut. So I had to wait until he was done with my legs. And he almost was. At the same moment, he was at my feet. When they were free, he carefully removed the tape and then took off the head of my costume.

"Ah, so that's what you look like again, haha." Laughed Steve.

"Mmmahaha." I laughed sarcastically.

Then he loosened the tape around my head some more and I took out the sponge.

"Whew, finally talking." I said with relief.

"Was it that bad?" he grinned at me.

"No, all fine. Just the tickling, but you know I don’t like it and that’s why you doing it, haha. And I didn't have to smell any socks this time, so it's a win." I grinned at him.

"Yeah, you're right about that, haha.” He laughed. “Then go change and get ready before the others get here. And thanks." He grinned and hugged me.

"No problem, it was funny." I grinned back.

Steve and I put all the stuff back in the TuG-bag first. Then he left my room and I took off the costume, put my clothes back on, and put the costume back in the costume crate. I also put the Tug-bag away and went downstairs. There I ate the food that was kept for me and shortly after that our relatives came. It was a nice birthday for my brother.

The End

I hope you like my story 😊.

If you have an idea for a scenario or costume, just post it in the comments or private message me, and I’ll try to incorporate it into the stories as best I can and I will link you. Thank you 😊.

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Post by Stormee »

Well happy birthday to Steve. Nice to see what a birthday is like to all of the Cooper family. Kyle was a kitty cat for Emily and a giant teddy bear for Steve. And on Kyle's birthday, he got to tie his siblings up. Quite the fun family bonding experience here.
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Post by Gil »

Stormee wrote: 2 years ago Well happy birthday to Steve. Nice to see what a birthday is like to all of the Cooper family. Kyle was a kitty cat for Emily and a giant teddy bear for Steve. And on Kyle's birthday, he got to tie his siblings up. Quite the fun family bonding experience here.
Yeah, maybe it will become a family tradition haha :D
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