The Haunted House (m+/m+)

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The Haunted House (m+/m+)

Post by cj2125 »

“Sorry I’m late!” Rick yelled kicking the door opened. He was ready to have Peter angrily chew at him for his tardiness; instead he found an eerie silence. That was way more disturbing since, knowing his friends, they were probably ready to punish him by jumping on him and using him as a human scarecrow that night.

“I said I’m sorry! Mom wouldn’t let me leave without cleaning my house!” in fact he simply overslept but he knew that excuse wouldn’t get him much sympathy “Peter? George?” he yelled and pushed the door into the improvised staff’s room “Jeremy? Harry?” there was no sign of his friends yet their backpacks were piled on a corner of the room “Guys! I said I’m sorry!” the teenager yelled tossing his backpack in the pile

To be honest, this place could be creepy. The decoration they had used to turn 33 Puritan Road into a decent haunted house for Halloween was definitely doing its job. The old dusty portraits seemed to be following him as he made his way through the rooms, the fake severed heads were unnerving, even the fake blood looked rather realistic.

“Okay guys! This isn’t funny!” Rick yelled feeling a chill going down his spine. He made his way across the different rooms looking for a sign of his friends “Come on! We’ve got to get this place going before the others arrive!” he yelled hoping that they will pop out claiming this was a prank but something in his gut told him that something was very wrong.

“Stupid murder house” he muttered under his breath, he knew using the house where that family was murdered 60 years ago as a Haunted House was a terrible idea! Right now that fact that it was supposed to collect funds for a local hospital and it would look in his college application as social work didn’t seem worth it. Even though they hadn’t experience anything supernatural the two weeks they’ve been working there. The whole place stunk of death!

“Come on guys! I’m leaving!” he yelled ready to follow his threat when he heard a child laughing “Nope!” Nope! Nope! Nope!” he told himself spinning on his heels and hurrying towards the front door “I’m not dealing with creepy children! Not today!”

But as he passed in front of a door he heard a faint moan from the inside along with the sound of something hitting the wooden floor, repeatedly. The teenage boy debated whether to run away or go investigate the noise but eventually his curiosity got the best of him. “I swear if this is a joke…” he pushed the door open revealing the dark descending stairs. Rick pulled out his phone using it as a flashlight and slowly made his way downstairs

“Hello?” he called, the steps creaked beneath his feet “Guys this isn’t funny!” he yelled, the tremble in his voice betrayed his inner fear. He could hear the moans growing louder the closer he got to the basement “Guys! If this is a prank…” yet the moans sound awfully familiar; in fact, he had heard them before, whenever he decided to tie his little brother up and stuff something in his mouth.

He finally stepped in the dark basement and gasped, covering his mouth in shock. Peter, George, Harry and Jeremy where there. The four teenagers were sitting against the wall, their hands were tied behind their backs, their ankles were tied together, black rags were tied over their eyes and knotted rags were tied over their mouths with the knots in the middle. The moment the light fell upon their faces, the four teenagers started screaming at the top of their lungs, kicking the floor and struggling for their lives

Rick froze in place, watching his four friends struggle desperately; either they were really good actors or their terror was quite real. He was inclined towards the second option. He’d never seen them like that. Peter was screaming like mad, a noticeable difference from his usual chill demeanor, Harry seemed to be sobbing, George’s breathing was heavy as if he were hyperventilating and Jeremy was pale and trembling.

The boy took a few cautious steps towards the boys, ready to untie them when he heard the dreadful childish laughter behind him. His heartbeat stopped, cold sweat ran down his face and his body paralyzed in fear. Richard Sherman slowly turned around, praying that it was just his imagination.

It wasn’t

There was a boy, only a few inches shorter than him, standing in the doorway, blocking the stairs. He wore a plaid red and black shirt, dusty jeans but more distressingly, a dirty, bloodied pillowcase on his head. Rick jumped backwards, stumbling and falling to the floor, his phone flew of her hands landing near George’s feet, lighting the side of the room where, too his horror, three other kids dressed in the same manner were standing.

Finding himself corners, Rick could only think of one thing to say


The four kids rushed him, the teen was far too scared to fight back and was quickly overpowered, the only thing he could see where shadows all over him; his screams were muffled by a rag tied between his teeth, his eyes were blinded with another rag and soon his hands and feet were tied and he was sitting next to his friends.

Rick cried in fear and struggled desperately but the ropes were giving him any slack. What was worse, the kid kept giggling around them, those high pitched giggles! But the worse was to come. He could hear his attackers walking around the room until one of them got closer to him and he felt a sharp metal blade against his arm. Rick’s body froze as he let a loud, pathetic whimper

It was surprising how long the four kids managed to remain quiet in the face of their victim’s cries and pleas. But finally, when the four were alone, having left the older boys to tremble upon their uncertain fate, they allowed themselves to remove their makeshift hoods and burst into laughter

“Did you see them cry? Good thing I was recording!” Luke smiled showing them his phone

“I kinda feel bad for them” Max admitted as the group headed to the staff room “Aren’t we going too far?”

“Nonsense!” Tom, who looked remarkably similar to his older brother Rick, shook his head “They are always assholes to me! This is revenge!”

“I agree with Max” said Dylan dropping the pillowcase on the table “The knife was far too much”

“Tom wasn’t going to actually hurt them! I think it was a neat detail!” Luke smiled getting a high five from Tom

“Right! If you’re going to scare the shitless you have to go all the way!” he opened Rick’s backpack and pulled out a box of chocolates and offered them to his friends “But frankly, Luke was the genius who came with the idea of the laughter!”

“I only had to find the correct laughter and download it” Luke blushed as he looked through his pone until he found the file and played it again, the creepy children laughter echoed in the room

“By the way Tom, when are you planning on letting the go?” asked Dylan

“In a couple hours. I want to see if they pee their pants!” Tom grinned

“Remind me to never get into Tom’s bad side” Max rolled his eyes “he might be a total wimp but he surely can hold a grudge!”

“Exactly! If you ever cross me… Hey! I’m not a wimp!” Max rolled his eyes and effortlessly twisted his arm behind his back “Ouch! Ouch! Okay! I’m a wimp! I’m a wimp!”

Max let go of his arm and exchanged mocking smiles with Dylan “Exactly, even Luke is stronger than you! No offense buddy!”

“None taken” Luke replied deadpan when a kid’s laughter echoed in the room

“Luke, can you stop that? It’s kinda unnerving” Dylan crossed his arms

“It. Wasn’t me” Luke looked at their friends slightly concerned, Tom gulped but quickly pushed the thought away, no way… then they heard the laughter again

“I suggest we get the hell out of here”

“I second that!” said Dylan turning pale
“Yep, let’s get out of here” peeped Max

Luke was the only one who didn’t seem convinced “Guys! I’m sure there’s an explanation for this…” he said ignoring the fact that the laughter hadn’t sound anything like his recording “maybe one of us let it in auto play or loop-” suddenly they heard the laughter again but this time, one of the backpacks tipped over its side. The four kids assured each other that there was a perfectly normal explanation for that, all the while losing the color from their faces and walking as fast as their legs allowed towards the nearest exit but something far scarier than ghost was waiting for them in the entrance room

Five angry teenagers

The screams the boys let out that day were even more terrifying than those of the poor souls murdered there sixty years ago

“Well, the Haunted House was a success! We gather more money for the hospital than any previous year! Thank you all for your help!” Peter smiled raising a can of soda “Wouldn’t have make it without you guys!”

“No problem Peter!” a girl dressed as an insane patient smile “Though I’m surprised that Rick’s brother and his friends volunteered”

“Well, when he heard what we were doing they just had to help” Rick exchanged grins with his friends

“Shouldn’t we let them go?” asked a boy dressed like a butler with an ax stuck to his head “We are all going home now…”

“Don’t worry, they volunteer to help us clean up so we’ll bring them back soon, we want to thank them with a pizza” Jeremy explained

“That’s sweet!” said the girl “You guys seem like such good brothers!” if she only knew!
One by one each volunteer left the house after saying their goodbyes to Peter until only Peter, Rick, George, Jeremy and Harry remained. The boys picked up their backpacks, turned off the lights and left the room.

“Mppphhh!” Luke whimpered from the fake electric chair, he had been dressed in a black and white stripped costume, his wrists were strapped to the armrest and his ankles were strapped to the legs; more leather straps pinned his torso to the backrest and a leather panel kept his own socks inside his mouth. The older boys ignored his desperate please and walked to the next room

“Lmt hf gh! Thnf Hmfn't fhnnn!” Max shouted angrily struggling. He lay shirtless on an operating table, his wrists and ankles tied to the corners, medical tape had been wrapped around his head to keep his socks in his mouth and fake blood was spread over his torso where, an hour ago, Jeremy had been gleefully pretending to vivisect him for the guests’ entertainment. Once more he was ignored, except for Jeremy who playfully slapped his stomach, and they made their way to the next room

“Ghmmmm” Dylan grunted glaring at them from the sarcophagus, for him they had stripped him down to his boxers, wrapped him in saran wrap, added a layer of duct tape all the way from his feet up to the top of his head and covered him in toilet paper turning him into a mummy. Of course everyone thought he was just acting since there was no way the toilet paper would hold down a 14-year-old boy, little did they know what lay beneath the paper! The teenagers didn’t even bother to acknowledge him and move on to the next room

“Plmhfm! Lmt hf gh!” Tom pleaded, his fear of staying one more second in that place was greater than his current hatred for his brother. He had been allowed to keep his original costume, even the bloodied pillowcase! A cross had been planted next to the door and he had been tied to it like a scarecrow, the pillowcase making a good job to cover the duct tape that kept his socks inside his mouth.

“Well brother, I’m glad you had fun today” Rick smiled ignoring Tom’s desperate please “What was that? You and your loser friends are having so much fun you want to stay here all night?”

“NHHHHH!” Tom screamed shaking his head

“Well, sure! I mean, mom and dad probably won’t approve but I’ll cover for you, bro! What do you think guys?”

“No objection” Peter grinned

“If he really wants to…” Jeremy smiled

“I’m impressed; I wouldn’t have the gut to stay here all night!” Harry added

“Yeah, you guys really rock!” George patted Tom’s chest, judging by the way the bound boy screamed and struggled in panic, he didn’t care to rock, he just wanted to get away from that cursed place!

“Well, we’ll come tomorrow to pick you up!” Rick announced as Peter opened the door. The terrified scream Tom threw was music to his ears.

“Think they’ll learn their lesson?” Harry asked as the five teens walked down the sidewalk, it was quite late at night and most of the trick-or-treaters had gone home, only a few older teens remained in that windy night

“Oh sure! I bet they’ll never mess with us again!” George added

“Though to be fair, I’m impressed they pulled something like that in the first place” Jeremy admitted “and kinda mad that we didn’t think of that first!”

“Pfff! It was nothing!” Harry scoffed

“You were crying like a baby” Peter pointed making everyone laugh “But for real, how did you get out of those ropes Rick? I was struggling for almost an hour without any progress and you got out in five minutes!”

“Maybe it’s practice for being tied by us all this time” Jeremy chuckled “see Ricky? We did it for your own good!”

“Yeah! You are a total wimp but are good escaping!” Harry chuckled

“I’m not a wimp!” Peter rolled his eyes and effortlessly twisted Rick’s arm behind his back “AHH! Ouch! Okay! I’m a wimp! I’m a wimp!” everyone laughed at him while a Pleased-Looking-Peter let go of his arms “Screw you guys!” Rick rolled his eyes but couldn’t help but smirk “But I didn’t get out on my own, one of you managed to untie my hands right?” the others exchanged confused looks

“What are you talking about?” asked George

“Well… I felt a couple hands fiddling with my knots, didn’t any of you guys did it?” none of the other four boys took credit for the escape

“Wait… if none of us untied Rick, who did it?” asked Harry but everyone already had thought of an answer. The five stood in silence, face growing pale as goosebumps ran down their skins. It dawned on Rick that perhaps they hadn’t been the only beings in that house, perhaps it would be a wise decision to just walk away and never come back to that place.

“Didn’t we just leave your brother and his friends there?” asked Peter

“Tied up…” George continued

“Helpless” Jeremy said

“With no one knowing they were there…” Harry added. The five teenagers looked at each other and without any more words they ran back to 33 Puritan Road as fast as their feet allowed.
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Post by zavulon »

Excellent story! Very well written, a really fun read, and very appropriately themed, just in time for Halloween! Well done. Really like the different ties and use of props. The mummy one in particular :)
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Post by Ossassin »

Well that was a delight, you always do provide excellent content.
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Post by David Han »

Very nice story
Tie me up and have fun with me
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Post by FelixSH »

Thanks for the delightful story.

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Post by Chris12 »

That's probably one of your best stories yet :D I like little brothers tying up their elders in general and I just adored the Halloween themed tie up positions that team lil bro found themselves in at the end.
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Post by Nightly Binds »

Days after Halloween and it's a story from last year, but I still had to comment on this lol firstly it was a fun and enjoyable little tale, I especially loved the creative Halloween Tie ups tie ups the boys were placed in ( always enjoyed themes like that ) And the to the spooky little twist ending and having the older kids run back to the house , it at least showed they still cared despite how annoying they found the younger boys :lol:
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Post by Canuck100 »

[mention]cj2125[/mention] For some reason I had not stumbled upon this story before. Loved it! I enjoyed the spooky ambiance and imaginative tie up. Well done!
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Post by 1960gerson »

Waiting for a sequel.
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Post by drawscore »

Quite good.

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Post by Veracity »

Very enjoyable. So glad I finally caught up with it.
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Post by harveygasson »

I seemed to have missed this one as well, really great story. I loved this whole series
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Post by Killua »

That's really a great story. I'm quite late but I'm glad that someone showed me that story. I'm always a fan of the idea of someone getting tied up as part of a halloween costume or halloween decoration. The positions they were tied in are great. I'm sure all the visitors had grest fun. Now that they earned so much money with it, maybe they should ask the volunteers to come back the next year :lol:
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Post by The slave »

Great stories
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