The Gaming Night Punishment (f/m+)

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The Gaming Night Punishment (f/m+)

Post by cj2125 »

The brunette girl sat on top of the bed looking at the four boys sitting on the floor in front of her. “What do you say?”

“I’m in!” said the red headed boy smiling eagerly

“Me too” added the brown haired boy, everyone turned towards him surprised “What? I thought it was clear by now that I like this!” The two remaining boys exchanged glances. The black haired boy was the first to speak

“I’ll do it if you do”

The blonde kid looked at the girl suspiciously, it was in his nature to doubt of any plan someone as deceiving as Amanda might come up with but he didn’t seem to find any real disadvantage and her proposal was certainly more interesting than the current way they were playing “Fine, I’ll do it!”

And so, Amanda sat back and watched as the other boys turned on the TV, each picking up his controller as the game logo appeared on the screen.

“Dibs on Metaknight!” Tom exclaimed prompting annoyed groans from the other boys

“That’s unfair!” Luke protested

“Should have pick it first!” Tom replied sticking his tongue out

“In that case I’ll be Link!” Luke picked up the green-robed character

“I’m staying with Pikachu” Dylan smiled

“You’re always Pikachu!” Tom complained, the brown haired boy rolled his eyes and pressed a couple of buttons

“See? I’m Pikachu with a wizard’s hat!” Tom groaned

“KIRBY!” Max shouted. Now that each kid had chosen their characters, a stage was randomly picked and the fight begun.

Amanda lay on the bed face down, her chin resting on her hands, watching the four boys fighting against each other. It was fun seeing their competitive sides coming afloat as they tried to best each other; furiously smashing the buttons and trying their best to keep their characters alive

“Take that stupid rat!” Tom yelled as he repeatedly stabbed Dylan’s character

“Get off me! Get off me!” Dylan shouted trying to get away from Tom

“You suck!” Luke laughed, calmly standing on the side watching the fight in front of him

“KIRBY!” Max screamed and rushed towards the others only to be knocked off the stage

“Max is the first one to lose!” Amanda announced. While the other kids kept fighting each other, she picked up a red baseball cap and offered it to Max. The boy put his hand in and pulled a small piece of paper, reading it aloud

“Knees”. He tossed the paper aside and sat on the floor with his legs in front

Amanda picked up a white cotton rope and started tying Max’s knees together. Since there were only four commands and there were five people, Amanda suggested that the four boys would play and each round, the first one to lose would pulled out a piece of paper with a body part that would have to get tied up.

The kids found themselves interested in the idea of using their favorite pastime to spice their second favorite pastime. Of course there was a problem: Max was well known for his fondness for being restrained so the boys didn’t think he would actually try to win. The red-haired kid tried to assure them that he would do his best but nobody was buying it. No problem though, Amanda suggested that if anyone ran out of body parts to be tied, his punishment would be to spent the rest of the evening tied to the pole in their front porch wearing a bikini she would provide, even someone with so little shame as Max was apprehensive at the tough of being publicly tied in nothing but a girl’s swimwear.

The second round came by (is it really important to know who won the first one?), each boy picked up their characters and start their fight. No sooner had the fight started when Luke threw a bomb that blasted Max away

“Oh come on!”

“Gee Max, if you want to wear a bikini so much you can just ask!” Tom teased, Max gave him a deathly glare and pulled out another paper

“Wrists… oh come on! How I am supposed to play like that?” Max asked while Amanda picked up another rope

“You can just give up!” Tom suggested grinning

“Never!” Max exclaimed more out of fear for his punishment than any pride “Can you at least tie them in front?”

“Nope, now turn around!” Amanda pulled Max’s hands behind his back and lashed his wrists together. At least she had the decency to place the control on his hands

Third round! Even while choosing their characters the boys noticed Max was having trouble with his controls since he couldn’t look at the buttons. “Guys…” Tom grinned “Wanna bully Max?”

“No…” Max pleaded yet the other kids had different opinions and as soon as the fight started they forgot any rivalry and joined for the common cause of killing Max’s character “Please guys! Stop it! Ahhhh! Get away from me! Seriously! Noooooo!” and he was promptly disposed of “I hate you” he grunted while everyone laughed. Since, as Amanda pointed, his hands were kinda tied up (Max didn’t find it as funny as the others), it was her who pulled out the next paper.

“Big toes”

Fourth round. “Okay Max, we are giving you a break, you can stand on the corner until one of us dies” said Luke feeling pity for his friend “We won’t attack you”

“Really? Thank you so much!” Max smiled as he stood as far as he could from the fight. Only for the floor where he was standing to break down, sending his character down the abyss. Now, it would have been easy for another player to jump out of danger but Max freaked out and accidentally jumped on the opposite direction “ARE YOU KIDDING ME!”

Everyone but Max burst out laughing, he merely looked down dejected while Amanda wrapped some more rope around his chest, cinching it under his armpits. At least next time he did got a break and the loser was Dylan

“That happens” he shrugged and pulled the paper from a green plastic bag “Toes… meh!” Max didn’t think it was fair, nobody cared. And so the kids kept playing. Each round the looser would draw a paper from his respective bag and had a body part tied up by Amanda. Luck played an important factor as people like Max were at a greater disadvantage than people like Dylan but, as the evening went on, each boy got progressively more restricted with more and more ropes being added to their bodies.

Amanda smiled looking at the four bound kids in front of him “Fun isn’t it?”

“Speak for yourself” grunted Luke. He had been doing well until he got his hands tied, now he was the closest one after Max to lose the game. The boy lay on his side, wearing a green t-shirt and black shorts. His hands were tied behind his back along with his elbows, forcing him to arch his back and puff his chest out. Below his ankles were tied and the rope linked it to his wrists, more ropes were tied below his knees and, as a last touch, a blue ribbon was tied around his big toes.

“Don’t be like that, Luke” Tom smiled, kneeling beside him “It’s always fun seeing you tied!” Luke glared at him with a blush in his cheeks. Tom was definitely the one with less loses of the four. He wore a black muscle shirt that exposed his skinny arms and a pair of red cotton shorts. His knees were tied together while a yellow ribbon was holding his big toes together. He had lost the last round so his wrists had just been tied up. The boy was anxiously writhing his wrists, testing both their tightness and his ability to handle the control

“I agreed, we should have done this before” Dylan smiled squirming to test his bonds. He wore a blue t-shirt and white cotton shorts. He kneeled on the floor too, his wrists bound behind his back, more rope wrapped around his chest, pinning his arms down and making the muscles in his chest bulge a little bit. His legs were less restricted though, his big toes were tied with a green ribbon and more rope was wrapped around his thighs, slightly lifting his short’s cuffs and revealing his pale skin below where the sun seldom shined.

“Seriously, who are you and what happened to the real Dylan?” Tom asked looking at his friend suspiciously

“Yeah, since when are you so chill about being tied up?” Luke asked craning his neck to take a look at him. Dylan merely shrugged and exchanged complicit looks with his girlfriend. It was a nice change from his usual reservations towards ropes, but too abrupt for Luke’s comfort; of course Luke hadn’t spoken to him in weeks so he wasn’t sure how abrupt the change had been

“It’s not that bad” Dylan explained slightly arching his back “And is always fun to make Max suffer!” on that the other four had to agree

The usually outspoken Max was remarkably quiet. He lay down on the floor, cold sweat running down his face and back, leaving wet spots on his grey V-neck shirt. His hands were of course tied behind his back along with his elbows, forcing him to arch his back. More rope was wrapped around his chest holding his arms down. Ropes were binding his thighs, just over his jean short. More ropes bound his knees and ankles. A red ribbon tied his big toes and his ankles were linked to his wrists

“Well, Max has run out of body parts for me to tie!” Amanda smiled dropping the empty cap on the ground “So, if he loses this round…”

“BIKINI TIME!” the other three exclaimed, Max didn’t look forwards to bikini time. At least this time they would be on equal stance. Each boy had their hands behind their back so the four were equally disadvantaged. The four boys focused on the screen, hands tightening around the control, eyes following the countdown


The players started angrily smashing the buttons trying their best not to run off the edge of the stage; it was hard! Unable to see behind their backs, they could only trust their memory as they tried to perform the necessary attacks and combos yet the four were willing to give their all while at the same time angrily squirming against the ropes that bound them. Max soon stood out from the rest. After being constantly battered for the past rounds, he finally got the advantage, being the one with more time to get used to having his hands behind his back. In fact, his character easily dodged any attack thrown their way, he easily shoved Tom’s character aside, jumped out of the way of Luke’s attack and threw a bomb at Dylan’s character that almost knocked him out. By this point the other kids were starting to realize that beating Max would be harder than they thought, in fact out of the four he was the one who had received less damage

“It looks like you’ll live to see another round” said Dylan noticing how his own character was closer to death
Max didn’t even reply, too focused on his battle to listen what Dylan was saying, he was determining to win no matter what. As we mentioned before, he could have won if the universe didn’t chose that moment to mess with him. Just as he was preparing an attack against Dylan, the game paused announcing that some batteries needed to be changed. Everyone turned to Max: The red-haired boy lay on his side with a frozen smile on his face, a dead control resting on his hands

Finally, he let out a pained whisper “Noooooo”

“Well” Amanda gave him an evil grin that reminded Max of Luke “It seems Max ran out of batteries. Should we call it a tie?” Max quickly turned to his friends with puppy eyes

“Guys… please”

Dylan, Tom and Luke exchanged smirks and shook their heads, Amanda nodded

“Should we unpause the game and keep going?”


“No….” Max seemed about to cry, unfortunately it was 1 to 3 so Tom pressed the “start” button.

Poor Max could only helplessly watch as his character was utterly destroyed by the other three players, there was nothing he could do but beg for mercy yet the other boys had agreed that the universe clearly wanted Max to loose, soon his lifeless character was knocked out of the stage

“The game is over!” Amanda announced much to the cheers of the other players but Max. The boy merely lay on his side, pulling his knees against his chest and slight shaking. Luke and Tom exchanged smirks; being the only one who could move, Tom lay on the ground besides Luke and playfully elbowed him, their own version of a high five.

Now that the game was over, Amanda could drop the pretense of impartiality and go to cheer for her boyfriend. The girl kneeled on the floor and gently pulled Dylan’s head closer until he was resting on her lap “You were great” she smiled gently stroking his brown hair

“Hey! I’m the one who got less losses!” Tom exclaimed indignant

“You were great too” she replied far less enthusiastic before turning back to the boy on her lap “I just wish you could have lost more, would be fun tying more parts of your body”

Dylan grinned “We can always arrange it!” Amanda leaned forwards and planted a kiss on his lips, the bound boy closed his eyes and kissed her back, letting out a happy moan. Behind them, Luke and Tom rolled their eyes and made loud gagging noises

“Gee! Get a room!” Luke grunted turning to his best friend “Right Max?” Max didn’t reply, he remained lying on a fetal position, face devoid of any color and eyes closed, clearly dreading the moment of his punishment. Luke didn’t feel so good about punishing Max anymore, he might be a slightly sadistic evil genius but even he didn’t like torturing people who didn’t want or deserve it

“Hey guys… maybe we can forget everything about Max’s punishment?” Tom made a sour face while Dylan and Amanda exchanged glances but to everyone’s surprise, Max shot his eyes opened and lifted his head

“No!” he exclaimed shaking his head “I…I can do it” he didn’t sound too confident “I will do it! I lost the game so… I have to take the punishment” he said not looking too confident on himself.

“Are you sure?” Luke asked trying to give him a way out, Max nodded although he didn’t seem too sure

“Maybe we can think of something else for him to do” Dylan suggested “something that doesn’t requires public exposure… that if Max agrees”

“I agree!” Max exclaimed, he would have made the chicken dance naked as long as it was only in front of the people present… well, perhaps not in front of Amanda. The other four exchanged look, silently asking for suggestions. Finally, Amanda raised her hand sheepishly

“I have an idea…” Max didn’t like the smile on her face

“Stop laughing!” Max snarled “It wasn’t that funny!” he and Luke were walking back home, a few hours after what he would call the most embarrassing moment of his life. It was already dark outside, which hid the scarlet blush on his cheeks.

“On the contrary! It was hilarious!” Luke laughed holding his sides “I can’t believe you did it!”

“I can believe I did it either!” he grunted and pulled his hood over his head, trying to cover his face as much as he could. He really wanted to forget everything although he was sure he would have nightmares about it for the next month. At least he had done it in front of Luke, Dylan and Tom. Amanda had reluctantly leave before his punishment, and he was sure that if there was someone he could trust with his darkest secrets, it would be his best friends.

He glanced sideways at Luke; the boy was still giggling, looking at his phone. Max leaned sideways trying to catch a glimpse of whatever Luke was watching. After a little effort, he finally saw a picture displayed on Luke’s screen. A picture of Max.


“It was only one!” Luke laughed and quickly dodge Max attempt to grab the phone “Come on Max, in twenty years we’ll laugh about it!”

“GIVE ME THE PHONE LUKE D’ANGELO!” Max roared glaring at Luke, the dark haired boy took a few steps back, hiding the device behind his back and grinned

“You’ll have to catch me!” and with that he started running. Max watched him dumbfounded for a few minutes before he too burst out laughing and chased his friend

“WHEN I GET YOU, I’LL MAKE YOU SWALLOW THAT PHONE D’ANGELO!” he shouted. The neighbors peering through their windows could see two boys running down the street loudly laughing.

It wasn’t the first nor the last embarrassing situation any of those boys would find themselves but probably no other would top it. Even years later, as their lives would grow more complex, as their schedules grow busier and more stories filled their little group, they would still find time to make sure that Max remembered the Gaming Night Punishment
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Handsome Scoundrel
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Post by Handsome Scoundrel »

Absolutley love the story. You have a way of building and resolving tension that is admirable.
Male, 29, with a preference for ropes, tape, and cloth. I like to do the tying and am only interested in non-sexual bondage. If you'd like to chat, send me a private message sometime!
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Post by Veracity »

Generally speaking, I enjoy stories where guys are getting tied up by other guys. I'm not really into Femdom and the presence of girls in tug stories... UNLESS the story is exceptionally well written. I really liked this story.
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Post by Solarbeast »

I don't know how I didn't think of this idea sooner, I could have easily brought this into my life. Overall though, I loved this story and wish we can hear more about these characters.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Okay, this was lots of fun.Great tie up game. It's nice to see the kids enjoy Smash as much as I do, especially Max. 8-)
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Canuck100 »

Great story, well written. The video games tournaments I played with my friends weren’t as fun as this, but I wished they were!
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Post by harveygasson »

Another great story as always!
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