She's Literally the Girl Next Door (M/F) - completed

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She's Literally the Girl Next Door (M/F) - completed

Post by iliketights »

I've had a couple of people ask me about this story I had posted on the old site. I finally found it on one of my USB drives. I can't remember what title I had given it (maybe it was simply called 'Jamie'?), so I made up a new one.

She's Literally the 'Girl Next Door'

I had been asked to house-sit my neighbors’ house, so I let myself in with the key they had left for me. I thought it would be another routine check – making sure there were no leaks or problems. There was only one houseplant, but that only needed water every few days. The pets had been boarded, so there wasn’t much for me to do. I walked into the living room, and my routine visit suddenly became anything but routine.

Someone was lying on the floor in the middle of the living room. Other details suddenly hit me. It seemed to be a young woman, and she was bound hand and foot, gagged and blindfolded! I ran to her and started to remove her blindfold. She flinched and murmured behind the gag.

“It’s OK,” I quickly said. “I’m a neighbor. I’ll free you as quickly as I can.”

The blindfold was a pair of tan pantyhose. The knot was very secure, but the hose were stretchy enough that I was able to pull them up and over her head without untying the knot. “Jamie!” I exclaimed. “Oh my god! Are you hurt?”

It was Jamie, the younger of the two daughters who lived here. She was supposed to be away at college, which was why her dad asked me to house-sit.

She shook her head to indicate that she wasn’t hurt. I started to untie the gag. The gag was another pair of tan pantyhose, knotted in the middle. The knot had been stuffed in her mouth, and the hose were pulled tightly between her teeth and knotted behind her head. So tightly that I was unable to remove it the way I had removed the blindfold. The knot had to be untied, which took a little time. Finally the knot behind her head came loose and I removed the knot from her mouth and tossed the pantyhose aside. She licked her lips and cleared her throat. “Jack! Thank god it’s you. I thought my parents were home early.” This comment struck me as strange, but I didn’t have time to think about it.

I gently rolled her onto her stomach so that I could untie her hands. “Handcuffs! I’ll call the police. They’ll be able to get these off.”

“No!” she exclaimed. “Don’t call the police! I know where the key is.”

“Is he still in the house?”

“Who?” she asked.

“The burglar who did this to you.”

“No, no one else is here. Please, carry me to the couch. I can talk better if I’m sitting up.”

I put one hand under her back, and another under her legs and picked her up. She was wearing a tee shirt, shorts, and a pair of opaque black tights. She wasn’t wearing shoes. Her legs were bound together with rope around her ankles and just below her knees. Her tights felt so good! Her small stockinged feet were so pretty. I suddenly reprimanded myself for admiring her legs and feet when she had just gone through a very traumatic experience. How long had she been lying on the floor helplessly bound, gagged, and blindfolded? I gently sat her on the couch.

“Please get me a glass of water. I’m parched.”

“I’ll be right back.”

I ran into the kitchen, searched for a glass, and filled it. I came back to the couch, and again I couldn’t help but admire her legs and feet in those beautiful opaque tights. She looked so adorable all tied up and helpless. I sat next to her and held the glass to her lips. She indicated she was done, and I sat the glass on the coffee table while she liked some drops of water from her lips.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket. “We really need to get the police here. I can untie your legs after I call them. Did you say you know where he left the key to the handcuffs?”

“Don’t call the police! I can explain.” Another strange comment, and she didn’t seem very traumatized.

“Jamie, you really calm about this,” I said as I sat down next to her. “Did your friends tie you up?”

She looked down and shook her head.

“Did your boyfriend do this?”

Again she shook her head, and was unable to look me in the eye. “I don’t have a boyfriend right now,” she said quietly.

“Please, Jamie, just tell me what’s going on.”

“This is really embarrassing. I … I did this to myself.”

I was completely shocked. “You did this? But, why?”

She was reluctant to discuss it, but she had no choice. She was too embarrassed to even look up at me. “I like being tied up.”

I gently lifted her chin so that she would look at me. “Oh. Jamie, there’s no need to be embarrassed. A lot of people like being tied up. It’s not that weird. How were you going to get loose? Do you have a friend coming later to take off the handcuffs?”

“No, I’m too embarrassed to tell any of my friends about this. The key to the handcuffs is on my bedroom floor.”

“Wait, aren’t all the bedrooms upstairs?” She nodded.

“How in the heck were you going to get it? You’re completely tied up, and you were blindfolded.”

“I’ve done it before. It’s very hard, and it takes a long time. First I have to roll and squirm my way to the stairs, and not being able to see makes it even harder. Then I go up one step at a time, putting my butt on each step, lifting myself up, and doing it again and again. Then when I get to the top of the stairs, I have to make my way to my bedroom, and then feel around until I find the key. The last time, I had a hard time finding the key. I almost had a panic attack. Even after I found it, I was trembling so hard it took forever for me to find the keyhole. I kept dropping it. It was very scary.”

“You’ve done this before?”

She nodded. “This is my third time.”

“Why don’t you put the key where you can get to it easier?”

“Well, that’s kind of the point. It’s exciting knowing that I can’t free myself easily. But, I’ve done the easy escape too, lots of times. Usually I tie the key onto a string that’s also tied to my handcuffs. That way I can find the key really fast. There were lots of times I would say goodnight to my parents, go upstairs and lie under the covers tied up and handcuffed for a while. But what I call the ‘difficult escape’ where the key is far away – I can only do that when no one else is going to come home any time soon.”

“Wow. This is incredible. You gave me a scare when I saw you on the floor, though!”

“I should have realized that mom and dad would ask someone to check the house. Please don’t tell them about this! They would absolutely freak out if they knew about this.”

“Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.”

“Thank you. Since you’re here, could you go get the key for me?”

“I will be the knight in shining armor and rescue the fair damsel in distress from her bonds!”

She giggled and thanked me. I went up the stairs and searched the hallway. One room was obviously her parents’ room. There were two other bedrooms, one for each daughter. I didn’t know which one was Jamie’s, so I searched the floor of the first bedroom I came to. I didn’t have any luck, so I went to the other bedroom. There in the middle of the floor was a handcuff key. I picked it up, marveling that not only was Jamie expecting to climb a flight of stairs while bound hand and foot and blindfolded, but her bedroom was the farthest away from the staircase. She didn’t believe in making it easier on herself. I started back to rescue my tied-up neighbor, when I had a sudden thought. Smiling to myself, I went back to her room. Looking around, I saw a couple of shelves on her wall. I put the key on the highest shelf, behind some pictures. Returning downstairs, Jamie looked up and asked, “Did you find it?”

“I forgot to ask which room was yours, but I did find the key.”

“Oh thank you, thank you!” She leaned forward so that I could access the handcuffs.

After a long uncomfortable pause, she looked up and said, “Well?”

“Well what?” I asked innocently.

She rattled the handcuffs behind her. “I’m handcuffed, and you have the key.”

“Oh, I don’t have the key.”

“What? I thought you said you found it?”

I sat on the couch next to her. “I did find it, and I started to bring it downstairs, but I changed my mind. I don’t have it with me.”

“I don’t understand. Why?” she asked, leaning back again. “Oh, I see. You’re going to teach me a lesson by making me go get it, the way I originally planned. I deserve that. But since you’re here, and you can get the key so much easier than I can. Please go it! Pretty please!”

“No, I don’t think so. I’m much too tired to go all the way back upstairs. I’m very comfortable here.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t want to tire you out or anything! What happened to all that talk about being a knight in shining armor rescuing the damsel in distress?”

“I am your hero. You wanted to be tied up, and instead of ruining your fun, I’m helping you to enjoy it.”

“Can you at least untie my legs and feet? It would make getting upstairs a lot easier.”

I bent down and grasped her ankles, bringing her feet onto my lap. She didn’t try to stop me. In fact, she thought I was going to untie her feet. She leaned back against the armrest.

I began to massage her stockinged feet. Her tights felt so good!

“That feels good, but could you untie my ankles and knees now?”

While I massaged her feet with one hand, my other hand began to move up and down her calves. I was in tights heaven!

“I’m not going to untie your legs. They look so cute all tied up like this.”

“Thanks for nothing!” she pouted, giving out a groan of frustration.

After a minute of sulking, but apparently liking the foot massage she was getting, she finally broke the silence.

“Well, I may as well get going. I have a long difficult trip ahead of me to get the handcuff key. And you brought me to the couch, so I have to travel even farther now to get to my room. Thanks for all your ‘help’,” she said as sarcastically as she could. “Oh, and you might as well gag me and blindfold me again, since you obviously don’t intend to make this any easier for me.”

“I will gag you and blindfold you again, but first there’s something I have to tell you. The handcuff key isn’t exactly where you left it.”

“Where is it?”

“I hid it. Even if I told you exactly where it is, it’s in a high place, so you would never be able to reach it with your hands locked behind you. There’s no reason for me to untie your legs. Being able to walk upstairs would not help you one bit.”

Jamie’s eyes got big. For the first time, she looked scared to be in the predicament in which she had placed herself.

“Why are you doing this to me?” she asked in a very timid voice. Gone was the sarcastic tone of just a few moments ago.

“You did all this to yourself. I’m just helping your experience with ropes and handcuffs.”

“Oh, you’re teaching me a lesson. Believe me, I learned my lesson. I’m never going to tie myself up again. I promise. Please let me go.”

“No, I promise that I’m not doing this to teach you a lesson. I’m not trying to scare you into giving up your interest in being tied up.”

“Then why won’t you help me?”

“What you’re doing is called ‘self-bondage’. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. A lot of people do it. There are entire websites devoted to it. I’ve tried it.”

“You have?”

“Yes. It feels exciting. Self-bondage has one big disadvantage, though. You know that you can free yourself whenever you want. Oh, you can do what you did and make it so that getting to the key isn’t very easy. But knowing you can eventually free yourself keeps it from being a complete bondage experience. Now I’ve taken it up a notch for you. You’re bound hand and foot and completely helpless, the same as before. But now you’re unable to free yourself. There is absolutely nothing you can do now to free yourself. You’re a captive for real now. It’s not pretend.”

She looked at me, and visibly gulped with the realization that her bondage was real and inescapable now.

“How long are you going to keep me tied up?”

“I don’t know for sure. Even if I had a time in mind, I wouldn’t tell you. Part of your experience of being held captive is not knowing when you will be untied. I can tell you that it’s not going to be very soon. I hope you didn’t make plans for the near future.”

“I was going to meet one of my friends later. But I can text her and cancel. Oh, wait, I don’t think I can text while handcuffed. You might have to get my phone and text her for me.”

“I can say, ‘I can’t meet you tonight. I’ll be tied up for a while.’ Or will that arouse her suspicions?”

Jamie giggled. “I think we can phrase it better. I’ll think about it. What time is it?”

“About 3:30. Why?

“I’ve already been tied up for about 2 hours. I’ll eventually need a restroom break.”

“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. It will require LOTS of begging and pleading on your part before I will even start to think of untying you.”

She nodded her head, somewhat sadly. The extent of her helplessness and complete dependence on someone else to free her was beginning to sink in.

“Besides, it’s in my best interest to keep you bound and helpless as long as possible. I love your tights! As long as you’re tied up, you can’t remove them. And I can massage your legs and feet as much as I want, and there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop me, as long as I keep you tied up,” I said, while rubbing my hands up and down her legs and feet.

She perked up. “Oh, it that what this is about? My tights? Look, if you untie my legs and unlock my handcuffs, I promise I won’t take off my tights. We can have pizza delivered and watch a movie, and my legs and feet are yours to massage as much as you want. A massage will feel good after being tied up.”

“That sounds like an excellent plan. I will hold you to that suggestion.”

“So you’re going to untie me now?”


She moaned and sank back into the sofa cushions.

To be continued ...
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Yes!!! I love this story! I hope to hear more of it very soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Check out my DeviantArt page!
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Post by iliketights »

She's Literally the Girl Next Door, part 2

“Speaking of your tights, do you often wear them, or just when you tie yourself up? Or are the two things completely unrelated?”

“I like wearing tights sometimes to school and church, especially in colder weather. And I’ve found that I really like to wear them when I tie myself up. I’ve tried tying up my bare legs, but the rope kind of irritated my skin. Then I tried wearing jeans, but they got in the way of the ropes too much. It was harder to make the ropes really tight. Tights work the best. I love the way they feel.”

“Me too.”

“I could tell.”

“For an amateur bondage enthusiast, you did a remarkably good job tying up your legs.”


“You used enough rope. Sometimes beginners wrap the rope around once or twice. Then they have to tie it tight, which impairs circulation. More rope means the pressure is distributed more, so they can really be secure without hurting. And you wrapped the rope neatly, making each pass of the rope right above the last pass without overlapping. That also distributes the pressure.”

“Yea, I learned through experience. It’s not a skill I can put on a job application though.”

I laughed. “But, there’s one improvement I can make.”

“Oh no. This can’t be good.”

“Do you know about cinching?”

She cautiously shook her head, not knowing what was in store for her.

I began to untie the knot on her ankle rope. After her ankles were completely free, she kept her feet in my lap and didn’t try to escape. I could tell she was interested in how I was going to improve her leg bondage. I wrapped the rope around her ankles, and then finished off by bringing the rope between her ankles and winding the end of the rope several times vertically around the horizontal rope. When I pulled on the rope, it tightened the horizontal rope coils.

“Oh,” she sighed, but didn’t protest. I securely knotted the rope. I untied the rope around her knees, and retied and cinched them.

“See how that feels.”

She tried to move her legs separately, but there was almost no movement.

“It’s tighter, but it doesn’t hurt.”

“Yes, cinching takes up the slack, and makes the bonds more secure without being too tight.”

She leaned back again, looking up at me. “You know, anyone else who found me tied up would have fetched my handcuff key, freed my hands and untied my legs. You, on the other hand, hid the key to my handcuffs, and then tightened the ropes on my legs. You really don’t get the whole ‘rescuing the damsel in distress’ concept.”

“No need to thank me. I was happy to do it.”

“Look, I appreciate that you showed me how to cinch my leg ropes, and I like that you’re helping me to more fully experience being a captive, but we’ve both had our fun. I really need to insist that you untie me now.”

“Oh, that’s so cute! You’re insisting that I untie you! I’m sorry Jamie, but you’re not in a position to insist on anything right now. You can beg and plead all you want, but any more insisting and the gag goes back in now.”

“Sorry, I shouldn’t have used the word ‘insist’. Jack, I’m begging you. I’ve been tied up for two hours already. Please, please untie me!”


“You said I could beg as long as I don’t insist!”

“Yes, you can beg all you want. It doesn’t mean that you will get what you’re begging for. If you had been kidnapped, do you think your kidnapper would untie you just because you begged him to? Jamie, you’re my captive now. The ropes and handcuffs are part of your reality now. Just relax and enjoy it. Now, no more ridiculous talk of freeing you from your bonds.

To be continued ...
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Post by iliketights »

Yes!!! I love this story! I hope to hear more of it very soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you notice how I posted the second installment at almost the exact moment you said this? I read your mind!
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

U totally did! Can’t wait to hear more (hopefully) very soon!!
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Post by hafnermg »

Yes a third installment is needed. Very badly. Like right now. :)
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Post by iliketights »

Thanks! Unfortunately, there was a gap in the story I had saved. I must have typed part of it directly into the old site without saving it. I hope to fill in the gap soon so that I can post the rest that I had saved.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Alright. I hope we hear more soon!!
Check out my DeviantArt page!
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Post by iliketights »

Thanks for the feedback, everyone!

I'm filling in some of the gaps I hadn't saved from when this was on the old site. I've probably left some things out, and I hope there are no continuity errors! :)
Here goes:
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Post by iliketights »

She's Literally the Girl Next Door, part 3

We didn’t say anything further for a long time. I continued to massage her legs and feet. I think she even napped for a few minutes. When she woke and tried to move, she seemed to have forgotten that she was tied up. She scowled at me when she remembered my earlier refusal to untie her.

“Jamie, you seem to be angry with me. I can’t imagine why. I haven’t done anything to you that you didn’t already do to yourself. The only thing I can think of is that I caused a delay in you rescuing yourself. You probably would have freed yourself by now if I hadn’t interfered. Is that it?”

She nodded.

“OK, I’m going to go get your handcuff key. I’ll be right back, and I’ll have you completely free in a few minutes. You can then kick me out of your house if you want. I’m sorry I took matters too far.”

I went upstairs and grabbed the key and came back, and marveled at how cute she looked in her ropes and handcuffs.

I returned and unlocked and removed the handcuffs.

“Thank you,” she said. “I really need to go to the bathroom.

“I better hurry, then,” I said as I started to untie her knees.

“You untie my ankles while I untie my knees. If we work together, it’ll be faster. Please hurry!”

We worked fast, and soon she was completely free. She tried to stand up but seemed to be having trouble. “My legs are shaky. I need you to massage them, but I don’t think we have time. Just let me lean on you, and I think we can make it.”

Instead of helping her walk, I picked her up and carried her in my arms to the bathroom. I placed her on her feet so that she could grab the sink for support.

“Do you need me to … help you further?” I asked.

“No,” she said, making a gesture to shoo me out the door. “I think I can manage from here.”

I closed the door and waited. After a few minutes, I heard her call me.”
“Jack, could you come in here a minute?”

I opened the door. She was standing at the sink washing her hands.

“Don’t look so worried! I’m fine. I was just wondering if you could carry me back to the living room. My legs feel kind of wobbly.

She dried her hands, and I picked her up to carry her to the couch. “Jamie, I’m so sorry. Did I tie your legs too tight? Do I need to call an ambulance? I’m sorry … I can’t believe I …”

“Jack! Relax and breathe! You’re babbling. I’m fine. My legs aren’t tingling or numb, so there’s no problem with circulation. It’s just that I haven’t used my legs for hours. Just rub them for a while, then help me walk around a little, and I’ll be fine. On second thought, maybe you should call an ambulance. I would love to hear you explain to them what happened!”

Always happy to massage the legs of a pretty girl who’s wearing tights, I eagerly complied. After a while, she wanted to walk around to stretch her legs, so I helped her up.

“See Jack,” she said. “I’m fine. No need to call an ambulance after all!”

“That’s great!” I said. “You probably want me to leave now.”

“Leave? Only if you have to. Do you have a hot date tonight, Jack?” she asked with a wink.

“No,” I laughed. “I just assumed you were going to ask me to leave. You didn’t seem too happy with me earlier.”

“I had dozed off, and then I felt a little grumpy when I woke up. Don’t take it personally.” She poked me in the chest with her finger. “And don’t skip out on me after you promised pizza tonight. Are you trying to get out of paying for dinner?”

“OK,” I laughed. “I would be happy to have pizza with you tonight. Should I order it now?”

“Not just yet,” she said. “Now that I’ve gone to the bathroom and stretched my legs, I feel good as new. I want to show you how I go up the stairs and down the hall to my bedroom to get the handcuff key. You said you wanted to see me do it.”

“Go put the handcuff key on my bedroom floor where it was before,” she said. “Then … come back and tie me up!”

To be continued ...
Last edited by iliketights 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Cannot wait for the next part!!!!!
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Post by harveygasson »

Really great so far
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Post by Solarbeast »

This is a great story that I am glad has made its way back to this site. I can't wait to read more of it when it gets updated.
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Post by iliketights »

[mention]Solarbeast[/mention] , [mention]harveygasson[/mention] , [mention]TamatoaShiny123[/mention]

Thanks! Next part is about ready.
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Post by iliketights »

She's Literally the Girl Next Door, part 4

“Well, OK! If you’re sure,” I said. I ran upstairs, put the key on the floor in her bedroom, and ran back downstairs. She was sitting on the floor doing stretching exercises. She looked so adorable, and I was soon going to bind those cute legs with rope and imprison those delicate wrists in handcuffs. This was turning out to be such a good day!

“Are you ready?” I asked.

“Absolutely,” she said. She picked up the handcuffs and stood up. After handing me the handcuffs, she turned around and put her hands behind her back. Once her wrists were locked in place behind her, I guided her to the nearest chair and helped her sit down. Oh, those gorgeous legs! They were soon securely bound together at her ankles and below her knees. What a beautiful sight – the contrast of the white rope on black tights!

I picked up her blindfold off the floor and tied in in place. “Don’t forget the gag too,” she said as I knotted the blindfold.

“If you don’t mind, I won’t gag you. I want to hear your commentary as you make your way to the key. Also, I want you to be able to beg for help when you fail.”

“You still don’t think I can do it, do you? I can’t wait to hear you admit I’m an excellent escape artist. Now, put me on the floor where I was when you first saw me.”

I picked her up and carried to the approximate location. I suddenly spun around in circles. She shrieked, “What are you doing?”

“I’m trying to disorient you.”

“Stop!” she yelled amidst her hysterical laughter. “Please stop!” I stopped suddenly.

“Never spin a blindfolded person around!” she said, trying to sound stern. “Do you want me to get sick and throw up all over you? Please put me down.”

I placed her on the floor. She panted as if she were already tired, but she hadn’t even started yet.

“Thanks a lot!” she said. “Now I don’t even know what direction I need to go!”

“That was the whole idea!” I told her.

“What am I supposed to do now?” she asked.

“Just pick a direction, start rolling, and keep going until you get stopped by something. Hopefully it will be the staircase.” I told her.

“Thank you for all your ‘help’,” she said sarcastically for the second time today.

She started rolling and squirming. Soon her legs brushed against the coffee table. She lifted her legs and explored the unknown object with her stockinged feet.

“It’s the coffee table!” she said in exasperation. “I’m going in the exact wrong direction! Why didn’t you tell me?”

“This is your escape attempt. I’m just an observer,” I replied.

She grunted in frustration. “Now I have even farther to go!”

“Aren’t you glad now I gave you a bathroom break? This might take some time.”

She didn’t reply to this, but began rolling and squirming in the opposite direction. She was heading for the staircase, but unfortunately, she missed it by inches and continued past it. When she came against a wall, she made another exasperated sound. She was figuring out her location, though, and before long she arrived at the bottom of the staircase. She wiggled and struggled until she was sitting up with her back against the bottom stair.

“I found the stairs, no thanks to you!” she said in triumph, panting with her exertions. She rested several minutes.

“Yes, I’m very proud of your progress. The harder part of your journey is still to come, though,” I said. Poor Jamie! She had gone up and down these stairs thousands of times in her life, but now it must seem like a mountain to a girl who whose legs were securely bound together with rope and whose hands were locked behind her. The blindfold certainly didn’t help matters either.

After resting for a few minutes, she began the arduous task of going up the stairs. She went up facing backwards, pushing up with her legs to lift her butt up to the next step, then raising her feet up one step, then repeating. She went slowly enough to be careful, but in spite of her extremely limited mobility, she made it look pretty easy. I followed her, ready to catch her if she started to tumble down, but she didn’t need my help. She eventually reached the top second floor, rolled away from the staircase for safety’s sake, and took a short break.

“You are doing really well, Jamie! I am very impressed at how you got upstairs. If there is ever a Bondage Olympics, you should try out for the obstacle course event.”

“I would win at least as silver medal,” she said with a smile. “Would you be willing to be my trainer?”

“Oh yes!” I said enthusiastically. “I would insist on daily practice though.”

“Now to get the key,” she said, as she resumed rolling and squirming her way to her bedroom.

She made her way past her parents’ room, then her sister’s room, and then finally she arrived at her room. She suddenly got angry at me again. “The door is closed! Jack, you’re such a jerk! I’m going to kill you! This is not fair.”

I was laughing so hard I could hardly speak for a minute. “Relax, Jamie, just say the word and I’ll open the door for you. I just wanted to see your reaction. I’ll tell you what – if you can open the door yourself, we’ll forget having pizza delivered, and I’ll take you to any restaurant you want, no matter how expensive.”

“How am I supposed to reach the doorknob when it’s up there, and I’m down here?” she whined.

“It should be easy for a potential silver medalist at the next Bondage Olympics,” I told her. “Just lean against your door, push up with your legs until you’re standing, and grab the doorknob behind you and turn it. After the door is open, just ease yourself down using the door frame, and find the handcuff key on the floor.”

She mumbled under her breath, but didn’t ask me to open the door. She did as I suggested, but I could tell she was getting tired. Oh, and she called me a jerk for the second time.

“No need to call me names. I offered to open the door for you.”

She didn’t respond, but saved her strength for opening the door. After some effort, the door finally swung open. She leaned against the door frame, eased herself slowly to the floor, and flopped onto her side on the floor.

“Very good! You are truly a bondage athlete!” I said.

“Are there any additional surprises in store for me Jack?” she asked. “Did you put a 200-pound block of granite on top of the key or something?”

“No, I swear, no more obstacles. The key is where you left it before. I can clearly see it.”

She squirmed her way further into her room, between the bed and the dresser. Finding a small key while bound and blindfolded is no easy task. It took her longer to find it than it had taken her to stand up and open her door.

Finally, with a squeal of triumph, she said, “Got it!”

It still took a little time to get the key into the little keyhole. Eventually, the cuff on one of her wrists opened. She pulled off her blindfold and removed the remaining cuff. She gave me a cute but smug smile. “You didn’t think I could do it. Admit how impressed you are with me.”

“Indeed I am. That was wonderful to watch!” I said, and I very much meant it in more ways than one. “I will untie your legs. Have you thought about where you want me to take you for dinner?”

She ignored my question. “Do you remember when you said that a disadvantage of self-bondage is that you never get the full experience, because you know that you can free yourself whenever you want?” she asked. I nodded, not sure where this was going. “There’s another disadvantage of self-bondage. I’ve always wondered what it would feel like to have my wrists tied with rope. I’ve had to rely on handcuffs, but I don’t really like them. They’re cold, and they hurt when I roll onto my back.”

There was a long pause. “So, … you want …” I started to say.

She pointed to a small zippered handbag that was on her dresser. “Look in there,” she said.

I grabbed it and looked inside. It was obviously her “toy bag”, the place where she stored her handcuffs and ropes. There was an opened and partly-used 100-foot rope package (sections from that rope were evidently currently bound around her legs), a pair of scissors, and a roll of duct tape.

I looked at her and she smiled and nodded. “Cut off another section of rope, please.”

To be continued ...
Last edited by iliketights 5 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Well, that was very fine!
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Post by harveygasson »

Very nice indeed
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

The best chapter yet!!!
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Post by iliketights »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] , [mention]harveygasson[/mention] , [mention]TamatoaShiny123[/mention]
Thanks for the comments! I should be posting more tonight.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Yay! Cannot wait!
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Post by iliketights »

She's Literally the Girl Next Door, part 5

I cut off another section of rope, about fifteen feet. I helped her stand up and made sure she was stable on her still bound-together legs. She put her hands behind her back and I crossed her wrists, palms out. Soon I had her wrists bound securely, with rope bound horizontally and vertically around her crossed wrists. I tied the knot where she wouldn’t be able to touch it with her fingers.

“How is that?” I asked.

“It’s amazing!” she said. “I’ve never had my hands tied with rope before. It’s even more restrictive than handcuffs, but more comfortable.”

“It’s not too tight or too loose?”

“No, just right!”

I cut off an even longer piece of rope, and proceeded to tie it around her so that her arms were secured against her back.

“This is so you won’t be able to move your hands from behind your back to in front of you.”

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“If your hands were simply tied behind your back, you would be able to curl up into a ball, move your tied hands down and under your butt, past your feet, and then bring your hands in front. You would then be able to pick at the knot with your teeth and possibly escape.”

“So, when I was handcuffed, I could have moved my hands to in front of me that way?”

“I don’t see why not.”

“It never occurred to me to do that!” she exclaimed. “You know, you’ve ruined self-bondage for me. Not only will I be very disappointed to go back to handcuffs after this, but now I’ll have to think of a way to prevent myself from moving my hands from behind to front. You’re so good at tying me up that self-bondage just isn’t good enough anymore.”

“I’m sorry I’m so good at tying up pretty girls,” I said as I competed cinching and knotting the rope on her upper body. “But whenever you tire of self-bondage and want the real thing, you know where to find me. There, how does that feel?”

She squirmed and struggled while I held her shoulders to keep her from falling. “This feels great! I love it! Please help me lie on the bed. I got really tired out climbing the stairs the way I did. Please don’t make me do any more Bondage Olympics practice today. I need a bondage nap now.”

“You certainly deserve a rest,” I said, picking her up and lying her on her side on her bed. I made sure her head was comfortable on the pillow, and then went to cut off another piece of rope.

“What’s that for?” she asked. “I think I’m tied up enough, don’t you?”

I didn’t answer right away, but proceeded to hogtie her.

“Oh no!” she said, although she sounded more intrigued than frightened.

“There, now you’re hogtied. You said you wanted to rest and not have to do any more obstacle courses. Now you have enforced bed rest. You can no longer stand up and hop. Even rolling around is no longer easy. Just relax. Take a nap if you want.”

I kicked off my shoes so as to not mess up her bedspread and climbed onto her bed. I lay down behind her and began to gently kiss the soles of her stockinged feet. Her tights felt so smooth and nice against my lips! I kissed each tights-covered toe while rubbing massaging her legs with my hands. If she objected to being the recipient of some foot worship, she gave me no indication. I heard a small sound coming from the top of her dresser. “That’s my phone. Could you check my messages for me?” she asked. “I seem to be incapable of going to get it myself.”

“Oh, yes,” I answered. “As soon as I have finished covering your pretty feet in kisses.” When every part of her feet had received attention from my lips, I went to get her phone.

“It’s your dad. He said they’re having a great time on their trip and want to know how you are.”

“Could you send a text for me?” she asked. “I don’t think I could manage that on my own right now.”

“Sure,” I said. I pretended to type and to read aloud what I was typing. “This is Jack, your neighbor. Jamie can’t use her phone right now because she’s completely tied up with rope. She sends her love.”

“Don’t you dare! You can’t tell my parents that I’m all tied up! Please, just pretend that you’re me, and tell them that I’m fine.”

“You want me to impersonate you? Would that be proper?”

“Nothing we’ve done today has been proper! Please, just send a short text. Make it sound like it’s me.”

“OK, how is this?” I asked. “‘Are you having a good time. I’m fine. I love you’. Short and simple.”

“Let me see it before you send it,” she said.

“You don’t trust me? OK, here.” I held her phone so she could see it.

“That’s good. But, change ‘are you’ to RU, and don’t use complete sentences and so much punctuation,” she suggested.

“What?” I exclaimed. “Why would I do that?”

“Because, if it’s too perfect, he’ll know it’s not from me.”

“What do you really think will happen?” I asked. “Do you suppose he’ll call the police and say, ‘Send some officers to my house. My daughter sent me a text, and it’s too perfect. I’m afraid she is all tied up, and her grammatically correct captor is impersonating her’? No, I can’t force myself to use bad punctuation and sentence fragments. I’m sending it as is.”

“OK, but don’t blame me if the SWAT team bursts down the front door ten minutes from now.”

“But you’ll tell them that being tied up was your idea, right?” I asked.

“Not a chance. I’ll tell them that I was minding my own business, when all of a sudden my crazy neighbor came in and started tying me up, and that I’ve been held captive all day.”

She was obviously enjoying teasing me, so I returned the favor. I used her phone to take a couple pictures of her in her bound and helpless state. “What are you doing? Stop!”

“I’m just taking some pictures of you to send to your parents.”

“No!” she wailed. “How would I ever explain this?”

“Don’t worry, I was just kidding. I’ll delete them now.” I suddenly put a horrified look on my face. “Oh no! I accidentally sent one to your dad instead of deleting it!”

I must not have been a very convincing actor, because she rolled her eyes. “Put the phone down before you do something stupid for real. You didn’t really send a picture, did you?”

“No. But if your dad texts back and wants to Skype, what will we do then? There’s no way he won’t notice that you’re hogtied.”

“Just put down the phone, and come lie down and hold me. I’m not scared for real, but I just need to be held for a little while.”

I did as she asked. She felt so good in my arms. She nestled her head on my shoulder.

“No wonder you need to be comforted. I estimate that you’re tied up with at least sixty feet of rope.”

She giggled. “It sure feels like it! I didn’t even realize it was possible to feel this helpless. Thank you.”

She drifted off to sleep in my arms.

To be continued ...
Last edited by iliketights 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Aww, can’t wait to read what happens after she wakes up!
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Post by Caesar73 »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 5 years ago Aww, can’t wait to read what happens after she wakes up!
That will be interessting, I agree! :)
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Post by Solarbeast »

This is a very interesting story. I can't wait to read more of this when you decide to post the next chapter here.
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Post by iliketights »

[mention]Solarbeast[/mention] , [mention]Caesar73[/mention] , [mention]TamatoaShiny123[/mention]

Thanks so much for the comments! I've come to another gap where I must have typed a chapter directly into the old site without saving it to my USB drive first. I'll try to bridge the gap in the next few days. I wish I had been better at saving my own stuff! I guess I thought the old site would last forever!
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