The Phantom (F/M)

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The Phantom (F/M)

Post by Treville »

Alright, here is my first attempt at a story. I´ll hope you will enjoy it, sort of a fantasy of mine. I´m not used to writing long texts in English, but I hope I will get most of it right. :-)

Part one

I had just been out in the kitchen to make coffee and when I returned I found Linda sitting on the sofa going through a pile of comics. I froze since I realized immediately that she had found my special collection. Admittedly very innocent - it was only comics with Lee Falk´s The Phantom - but I guessed a smart girl like Linda was going to figure out the theme.
I was right.
"You know, I noticed something funny in all these comics", she said as I sat down and handed her a cup.
"And that is?" I hoped I sounded just as casually as I tried to do.
"That The Phantom get´s tied up in all these issues that you have."
"Well you know, he gets into a lot of trouble."
"Yes, but not this much. You know, my brother has read The Phantom since he was I kid, and I quite enjoy them as well. Besides ... in a lot of these issues the pages almost fell up to the sides where he is tied up. Like you have read these pages more often."
She looked up and smiled when I blushed.
"So, do you like to be tied up or do you prefer to tie up others?"
I was so surprised that she would be so frank that I didn´t know what to say. She smiled again.
"Come on, you can tell me! I can keep a secret!"
"Alright, alright", I said. "I want to be tied up. It has always been a fantasy of mine."
"You mean you never been tied up?"
"No. I have been trying to tie up myself. But it´s not the same thing."
"I see. And why The Phantom?"
I shrugged.
"I don´t know. I guess it´s because I realized I wanted to be tied up when reading some of these comics as a kid. And besides, I like the way he is dressed. You know, the tight costume and the boots. For some reason, I think it would be nice to be tied up in that kind of costume." I was surprised by how easy it was to open up on the subject. "And it is something more. I like how the villains taunt him after they have captured him. You know, when they say that they will soon find out if he really can be killed."
"Cool. Show me some example."
"You sure?"
"Come on."
"I have an idea", she said with a big smile and my heart jumped. Could she be thinking was I was hoping? We had known each other since we were kids, but even if she had turned out to be a very attractive young woman, there had never been anything between us. And now we were having this discussion. I decided that I would not let the chance slip away and started to go through the collection of comics.
"This is a very cool one I said - it's not much, but something triggers my imagination here."
It was just a few pages, but it was one panel that I wanted to show her. Two villains, a man, and a woman had captured The Phantom. The man was pointing a gun at him while the woman was tying his hands behind his back. While she was tightening the knot she´s explaining how they could capture him: 'never underestimate female intuitin'.
Next I showed her my two favorites - the first one was a classic episode called The Girl - or Lady Luck. Some female pirates capture The Phantom, ties him hands and feet, and bury him alive on the beach. In the other, a never episode called The Pirates of red Dragons, The Phantom is tied up, put in an open coffin under a pendulum blade.
The sexy pirate princess informed him that the blade will cut in half before she leaves him.
"A lot of girls ties him up", Linda said.
"Yes. That is probably another reason that I like it so much. But don´t you worry, there are also some male villains."
We browsed some more comics, looked at all the panels with The Phantom tied up. In one he was spread-eagled on the ground, in another tied to a chair and locked up in a safe and he notes that´s he´s tied up by experts and can´t get out.
He was also tied up left near explosives, alone in the jungle, and thrown into a river.
"Another thing I like is that he often is totally helpless. He can´t get out of the ropes without help."
"I noticed that."
Linda asked some more questions about what I found fascinating about the different panels and how I liked to be tied up. She was very cool about it and it was very relieving to talk about this secret fantasy of mine.
"Great", Linda said after she had finished the coffee. "Now I think I have a general idea about your little fantasy. What do you do next Saturday?"
"Nothing. Why?"
"Oh, that will be my little surprise. Come to my place at about two in the afternoon, will you? But I think I will need to measurements before I go."
Boy, did she leave me with a lot of expectations!
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Post by MaxRoper »

A lot of expectations indeed! I hope you intend to tell us what happened.
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Post by Killua »

That's a nice start. It keeps me intrigued about what could happen next.
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Post by Treville »

Part two:

Linda still lived at her parent's house, but she had informed me they were out of town during the weekend. I have had a lot of fantasies about what would happen and was very excited when she let me in the house. And I could tell that she also was dying of anticipation.
There wasn´t much time for small talked before she led me to her room and showed me the surprise. On her closet door, it hung. A costume, just like The Phantom´s, that she had made!
"Wow! This is fantastic", I said. I fell the fabric. It was made of thick blue spandex (The Phantom´s costume is blue in the Swedish comics), complete with everything. She even had bought toy guns, riding boots, and the two rings that The Phantom wears.
"How can I thank you?"
"By putting it on. I´ll leave you to it. But hurry up, I´m dying to get started."
She didn´t have to ask me twice. As soon as she left her room, I started to undress and put on the costume. It fitted like a glow, although it was a little difficult to get the tight hood over my hair. I wondered how Mr. Walker did?
When I was almost ready I looked at myself in Linda's big mirror. It was fantastic. I wasn´t quite as muscular as The Phantom, but I still thought I looked good. It sure felt good, I felt confident. And ready to play. But there was one thing left to do - to put on the mask. It was also a little difficult, and you could still see my eyes through them, but with the mask on, the disguise was complete. I couldn´t believe my luck.
Linda knocked on the door and entered.
"You look great! How does it feel?"
"It feels great too. But I noticed one thing is missing. The Phantom always has a knife hidden in one of his boots."
"Yeah, but then you could use it to cut yourself free if you by any chance was tied up. And we can´t have that, can we?" She grinned at me and I couldn´t help smiling back.
"No, we can´t. You know, it´s fantastic that you put all these efforts into doing this for me."
"Hey, I´m doing it for me as well. I think this is so much fun. And I have a confession to make. I kind of like tying up people. Too bad you never told me your secret before."
"Yes. But better later than never."
"I guess so. Are you ready to play?"
"Yes. What shall I do?"
"You´ll notice. But there are two things before we start. The first one is that I want you to struggle. To try and get out. Can you do that?"
"Of course. That´s half the fun, isn´t it? What´s the other thing?"
"We need a safe word. You know, if something happens and you really need to be free. For example, you can say 'Spiderman'. Will you remember that?"
"Yes. Spiderman. No problem."
"Good. Because as long as you don´t say the safeword, we´ll totally be in character."
I was so excited now. It was a dream coming true.
"Alright, so what now?"
"You´ll wait here for ten minutes, then you can head down to the basements. The story is that you have a lead on some modern pirates that you must stop at any cost. Understand?"
"Good. And good luck. You´ll need it. But you will probably don´t have any."
She knows how to build up the tension!
I waited for ten long minutes before I finally headed down. Since Linda´s parents had a big house, the basement was also big, and as basements can be, a little scary. There was this long corridor and a lot of rooms that they used to store things in. They also had a room for a washing machine and a boiler.
The light was damp, and the stairs creaked when I went down. This was it. I had no idea what should happen, but I tried to imagine myself being The Phantom. I was out on a mission, and since I´ve heard rumors about a group of modern pirates having their base here, I needed to check it out. No matter the danger!
I went down the corridor, looked out for clues. I heard nothing, saw nothing. I went to the first room, a small storage room, and opened the door. No one was there. I opened the next room and just as I was about to enter the room I felt someone sticking something in my back.
"Hand´s where I can see them," my assailant said and I was so surprised that I first didn´t recognize Linda's voice. How could she have sneaked up on me like that?
I raised my hands and Linda pushed me into the little room. I could see that there were rope on one of the shelves. A lot of it. I felt her hands as she opened my holsters, took out my guns, and threw them on the floor.
"Don´t want you to try and do something stupid", she said. "Now, slowly put your hands behind your back. Or I will shoot you!"
I could do nothing but comply, and of course, it was precisely what I wanted to do. This was after all the whole purpose of our game. Linda, or should I say the pirate that had captured me, crossed my hands and started to tie them. Finally!
She tied several loops around my wrist before she cinched it and then tied what was left of the rope around my waist. First I wondered why she did that, but when I tugged on the rope I realized that it was a way to make it even more difficult for me to get out as this connection made the rope become tighter if I tried to struggle. She had only tied my hands, and I was already helpless. And I loved it!
She continued to tie my arms to my body with several coils. She cinched the ropes to each arm to make sure that the ropes wouldn´t slip in any way. I tugged a little but I knew that I was stuck.
"You won´t get out of that", she said with a mocking voice. "Now on the floor so I can secure your legs!"
It´s not easy, as I was about to find out, to sit down on the floor with your hands tied behind your back. I almost fell over, and Linda laughed mockingly when I landed on the hard floor. I now turned around and could see her. She was dressed in a trenchcoat and wearing a bandana over her hair. I thought she would dress up more, but I also figured she had more things planned.
As soon as I was on the floor she started to tie up my legs just as tight as she had tied my upper body. She began by tying my thighs, then right under my knees, and finally my ankles. My boots made a squeaking sound when she secured the ropes.
"That should hold you", she said and stood up over me. "The boss told us to expect that a masked man should pay us a visit and that it was important to capture him. I figure you are that man. I wouldn´t want to be in your strange clothes when she arrives. 'I will make him pay' she said. Well, we will see soon enough what she means by that. Don´t go anywhere. Ha ha!"
With that, she blew a kiss, left the room, and closed the door. I was alone. In a small and dark storage room. Dressed up as The Phantom. Tied up hands and feet. My feelings were mixed. I was so excited. I loved it. But it was also a little scary. For how long would she keep me like this? What would she do with me?
I tugged on the rope as hard as I could and realized that there was, after all, nothing I could do about it. I was truly her prisoner now. The Phantom had once again been captured. And this time, he was in real trouble.
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Post by Treville »

Part three:

At first, I just laid still, thinking about the situation. Occasionally moving my hands and legs a little, just to feel the rope around my limbs, encircling my body. The tight-fitting costume made it even more intense, and even if the ropes were tied so it didn´t cut off my circulation, it did cut into my skin a little.
This was it. Finally I had the chance to experience something that I had fantasized about for so long. Tied up like The Phantom by a murderous female pirate.
And it was at that point it hit me that I had to play my part. Even if I loved being tied up, I did have to get out of the ropes. That was after all what The Phantom would have done. And I had promised Linda to struggle. I figured that if I did get out, I could possibly be captured again. And if I didn´t get out, well then I would really know what it was like to be completely helpless, wouldn´t I?
So I started to use all my strength on the bonds. I tugged for all I was worth, I struggled the best I could. But Linda had done a very good job. She knew how to tie a knot and not give it any slack. And she had also tied those knots so I couldn´t reach them.
I´m not sure how long I tried, but it must have been at least fifteen minutes. The ropes had moved a little, and given time I could probably make them move more. But would it be enough? And how long time did I have to try to escape?
With much difficulty, I sat up. My eyes had started to adjust to the darkness and I looked around. In the small room were I was imprisoned, there was at least some shelf and I could see a lot of stuff on them. Problem was, they were a bit up from the ground I couldn´t possibly reach them.
If I only could get up in a standing position I could try and see if there were any tools I could use, but as I soon found out, trying to stand up when your tied hands and feet is very difficult.
I imagine The Phantom himself could have succeeded. Me, I fell over so badly on the hard floor my second attempt that I gave up.
But now I was really frustrated. Helpless and frustrated. I lay still for a while, catching my breath until I started a new attempt to break the bonds.
The ropes did loosen a little bit if I struggled with all my force, but not by much. I did my best but after I while I was too tired. I didn´t know how long I had been tied up, and even if I loved every second of it, I also started to worry. When would Linda return? Why did she leave me for so long?
Later she told me that I was left tied up for an hour, and she had planned it that way to make me get the true feeling of being helpless. Which I certainly did!
I was tired, aching from the ropes around my body, and most definitely beaten when I at last heard footsteps in the hall outside the storage room ...
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Post by banshee »

This is an interesting story! I really dig the tone you're going for.
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Post by Ebascoray »

Treville: Great story. Continue...but don't make it a year before you do! Best Regards.....Ebascoray
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Post by Rtj65 »

I like the fun, light-hearted tone you've struck with this story. I'd definitely be interested in seeing what happens when Linda returns

The only suggestion I'd make would be to separate your paragraphs to make it a bit easier to read, but good stuff otherwise!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by Treville »

Thank you everyone, glad to hear that you like the story.
I will definitely not wait a year for the next part. And a very good suggestion to paragraphs!
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