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Sheldon & Missy (M/F)

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 7:27 pm
by LordNelson
I am pleased to present to you a proposed plot for a future episode of the popular television show Young Sheldon.


Working Title; Family Tradition

Scene One – Problem & Solution

It had been two weeks since Mom had accepted the job at the church. Each day nine year old Sheldon and his twin sister Missy came home from school to an empty house. Each day they did their homework, ate the snack that Mom had prepared and found ways to occupy the spare time until the rest of the family returned home at 6:00PM for supper.

Sheldon’s intelligent active mind filled the extra time with reading. Books about science and math were his favorite choices followed closely by history. He was content to sit in his room for hours turning pages and learning.

Missy’s slightly less intelligent but extremely more active mind was at first satisfied to watch television or play with her dolls. It wasn’t long before that became boring. She began to pester her brother to play with her. At first he ignored her but soon her persistence became a problem that began to wear him down so he negotiated with her.

He realized that he couldn’t give in fully to her request so he suggested a compromise. For each game he played he would earn half an hour to himself to resume his reading. He knew that this deal was good for him because with his intellect he could easily win most games quickly and thus he actually sacrificed little of his precious time.

It didn’t take long for clever Missy to catch on to his scheme and in revenge she began to request games that relied on physical dexterity which Sheldon was not so good at. The time spent playing Operation, Mousetrap and KerPlunk was considerably longer than contests of intellectual ability.


In return Sheldon realized that Missy had determined his intentions and now he had to find another way to shorten the time spent with her. This is where he had unexpected and uncharacteristic difficulty. In spite of his superior reasoning skills he couldn’t think of an ethical way to honor the original agreement and still reduce his commitment to it. He needed to be sneaky and underhanded, two skills that he was sadly lacking, but he knew someone who had mastered them.


Across the street lived his grandmother, Meemaw as he called her. He knew no one who was more conniving and devious. Missy and he were allowed to be home alone knowing that she was nearby in the event of an emergency and this, to Sheldon’s way of thinking, had become an emergency. Sheldon entered into another negotiation and gave Missy the cookies from his snack in return for her not telling Mom that he had gone to visit Meemaw.

The insistent knock on the door and the high pitched call of “Meemaw” after every three knocks could only be one person thought Meemaw as she answered the door. She opened it and asked ‘what is it now Shelly?’ in a voice that sounded pained at the inconvenience of having to leave her soap opera on the TV.


‘May I come in’ asked Sheldon very politely ‘I have a problem that I believe you can assist me with?’

Meemaw was very flattered that he thought she was smart enough to help him with something he couldn’t figure out on his own. As she let him in she realized that his flattery was simply a clever manipulation of her ego to get her cooperation.

‘What sort of problem does a nine year old genius have?’ she impatiently asked ‘Make it quick, I’m missing my show.’

Sheldon explained the gaming situation that had evolved with Missy and his dilemma as to how to deal with her now.

Meemaw was actually smiling. Usually she frowned upon any discord between her grandchildren but for some reason this difficulty of Sheldon’s had her interest.

As she got the cookie jar she told him ‘I have an idea for a new game that will give you plenty of time to read and keep Missy from bothering you. Come back tomorrow after your homework is done and I will have what you need to play. Here, have some cookies to replace the ones you used to bribe her.’

‘Thanks Meemaw’ he said gratefully as he took only two cookies ‘you are the best.’ She didn’t suggest taking more, she knew that he must have given up two to Missy and his rigid ethics wouldn’t allow him to take more.

‘I love you Shelly’ she said as she kissed him on the forehead ‘and you know that I would do anything for you, anything at all, you just need to ask.’

Sheldon returned home pleased that a solution was near and optimistic that this would be the last afternoon spent playing with his sister.

Scene Two – Challenge & Success

As requested Sheldon returned to Meemaw’s house the next day. She greeted him at the door with a smile and let him in. Fifteen minutes later he was on his way back home with more cookies, the explanation of how to play the very simple game and a paper bag containing what he needed.

Sheldon & Meemaw.jpg

Missy met him at the door very eager to be introduced to a new game. ‘How do we play?’ she asked in an excited voice.

‘This is a game that Meemaw played with her brothers when she was young and Mom played with her brother too. It’s really easy’ explained Sheldon as he dumped the contents of the bag onto the floor.

Missy looked apprehensively at the half dozen lengths of rope and the roll of duct tape that spilled out of the bag. ‘What are those for?’ she asked in a puzzled voice.

‘This is a challenge for you’ he said with a sly smile. ‘I tie you up. Then I get to read until you can get yourself free. If you get free we play one of your games. The faster you get free the sooner we play. After each game I will re-tie you and we start over again. Depending on how you do, we either have more time for playing or I have more time for reading. Do you accept the challenge?’

Missy & Tape.jpg

Confident in her abilities to escape, she readily accepted. Since they shared a bedroom and he didn’t want to be disturbed by her struggles he decided to tie her right there on the living room floor.

Sheldon began to bind her. Meemaw had given him a short explanation of how to efficiently tie with an emphasis on the importance of tight cinches. Sheldon’s analytical brain broke it down into principles of physics and it all made perfect sense to him.

He snuggly wrapped three perfectly placed loops each around her ankles, elbows, knees and ankles. He secured them with a pair of neat cinches and finished with a tightly pulled Granny knot (quite appropriate considering who had taught him!)

Missy was quite fascinated by his methodical technique and laid still until he was done. Then she rolled onto her side and asked ‘What do we do now?’

‘Meemaw told me that you would probably do a lot of whining so she said to do this’ he told her as he placed a strip of the duct tape over her mouth. He pressed it on firmly and smoothed it out for maximum adhesion. In his meticulous way he inspected each rope and ran a hand over the tape to ensure that all was done properly.

‘Mmph mmph’ moaned a muffled Missy ‘mmph mmph.’ She wasn’t protesting or begging, she actually liked the feel of the tape and the sounds that she could make.

‘Now you can try to get out’ Sheldon said with confidence as he picked up his book ‘I’ll be in my room if you get free.’


After half an hour of reading he was curious to see if Missy had made any progress. He was fairly certain she hadn’t, he had tied her exactly as Meemaw had instructed him to, but it was his first time doing something like this so he wanted to be sure.

He went to the living room and she was right where he had left her. A quick visual inspection confirmed that she had not managed to loosen any of the ropes or peel back any of the tape. Upon observation he concluded that she hadn’t actually tried to. She wiggled and twisted and rocked and squirmed but none of her efforts appeared to be designed to dislodge her bonds. She just seemed to be enjoying being bound and gagged.

Missy wasn’t able to smile at her brother when he came back but if she could have she would have. This game was fun and she really liked it. There was something about being helpless and silent that she enjoyed immensely. Her only concern was that Sheldon didn’t have much patience for games and she worried that he would tire of playing it. She rolled from side to side determined to make the most of it until then.

Scene Three – Repetition & Revenge

Contrary to Missy’s worries Sheldon didn’t tire of the game. Each afternoon for two weeks he tied her up and gagged her and he never failed to be amazed that she wasn’t losing interest and trying to get him to play some other game. He never tired of the repetition, it only served to prove his mastery of it, but he was puzzled at her tolerance to allow him to repeat the procedure day after day.

As he was prone to do Sheldon liked to educate others and one day he began to explain to Missy the mechanics of her bonds and why they were so efficient. She paid little attention to what he said. She didn’t care how or why he did it, only how good it felt.

One thing was changing though. Sheldon was now staying in the living room to read. At first he took just the occasional glance at her but gradually he became fascinated with watching her. For a brain that liked to see order and patterns she was a mystery to be solved. One minute she was methodically testing her bonds for any slack, the next she was thrashing around randomly.

After a few days of gathering data he was no closer to solving the puzzle of why she did what she did. In the interest of experimentation he decided to try something different. After a bit of analysis he laid her on her back and tied her wrists to her ankles. He tied her knees together and then added another rope to secure her arms to her thighs.

He was feeling talkative again and as he taped her mouth he told Missy about how Meemaw had suggested this game and that she had taught him the basics of how to tie her up. Well bound with little hope of escape Missy had some time to think about what Sheldon had told her.

She knew that Sheldon was Meemaw’s favorite and that was one thing that motivated her to pester him at every opportunity. Now it seemed that the two of them had conspired against her. She realized that this game was not for their mutual enjoyment, it was only a contrivance of hers to help Sheldon get more reading time. This called for revenge and for the first time she actually struggled to get free.


It had been two weeks since she had heard that distinctive knock at the door. Meemaw turned off the TV and answered it. Standing there, as expected was Sheldon, but this time Missy was with him and he had the bag of TUG gear in his hand.

‘Missy and I have renegotiated the terms of our agreement and she has suggested a new arrangement that will be more beneficial for me. We are here to initiate it.’

‘And just what has that got to do with me?’ asked Meemaw.

‘When Missy, with unexpected insight, realized that you were behind our current agreement, she proposed an innovative modification that will result in me having more time to read and give her more time to play. She proposed that if I tie you up instead of her she won’t pester me to play with her and that leaves both of us to do as we please. Remember that you said you would do anything for me, I just had to ask.’


As she looked into Sheldon’s expressionless matter-of-fact face her first instinct of self-preservation was to deny any involvement and to renege on her promise just for the sake of convenience. Then she looked at Missy. The big happy smile and the twinkle in her eye, motivated by the thought of revenge, melted Meemaw’s heart. Her mind drifted back to when she had played with her brothers and she knew that she must have had the same look on her face when she was that age.

‘Well don’t just stand there’ she said enthusiastically ‘get in here and let’s get started.’

Re: Sheldon & Missy (M/F)

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 1:47 pm
by zelda 99
great story. even though if I had wished that missy tied sheldon. but it was still fun to read.

Re: Sheldon & Missy (M/F)

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 3:46 pm
by Emma
LOL! Very clever!

I always assumed someone would write a story with the Big Bang characters; it never occurred to me someone would write one with the Young Sheldon people!

Re: Sheldon & Missy (M/F)

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:29 pm
by Beetlebailey13
Very Nice and Good Story!!! Cute and Adorable!!!