The Queen of the Dead: A Fantasy Halloween Adventure (F/F) (Finished)

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The Queen of the Dead: A Fantasy Halloween Adventure (F/F) (Finished)

Post by banshee »

Chapter 1: An Untraveled Path

Daina Maroin and her two escorts entered an Inn in the small town of Draguiseau. Daina, despite arguably being the boss of the trio was probably the least striking to the eye for those who saw the three of them together. She was dressed unassumingly, her black hair wasn’t mess but it wasn’t well prepared for anything either, her brown eyes showed everyone around her that she wasn’t feeling especially happy.

But to say that Daina wasn’t very striking isn’t saying much considering how the pair that walked beside her looked. One was a wood elf named Rinyia, taller than almost everyone in the inn and certainly much taller than Daina. Despite being covered in a green cape, one could still see traces of the elf’s long reddish brown hair falling down her shoulders.

Her other escort, or friend like Daina preferred to call her, was Amelina Wesner, a small but built woman with short blonde hair and blue eyes. Despite the almost childish aspect her short stature gave her she was dressed in a colorful mercenary uniform, a sight that would have prompted may people to laugh had it not been for the massive sword she carried with her, which was almost of her full height.

“So, what’s the plan?” Asked Amelina as she and her companions sat down on one of the tables “Are you going to return empty handed again?”
“Seems like I have no choice” Daina sighed “We spent another year looking for something worth showing them and we found nothing, there’s not much that we can do in the week that we have left other than get going”

It was the second year in which Daina had failed to present a finding to the alchemy academy she assisted to, and she wasn’t sure if they would give her a second chance this time. She wasn’t eager to travel all the way to the academy and be expelled and her tired voice showed it.

“Can we arrive in time?” Asked Rinyia “If there’s only a week left we shouldn’t be wasting out time here”

“I checked the maps, there should be a road leading to the north, if we take it we’ll even have some days left to rest”

Daina’s response seemed to cause shock among those who were overhearing the conversation, who suddenly got quiet and nervously looked at the table where the girls were sitting.

“Huh? Any problem with what my friend said?” Amelina asked as she stood up.

There was no response from anyone until the waitress with her food got to the table and addressed them.

“The road you’re talking about has been getting quite infamous” The waitress said as she served beer on Amelina’s cup, which calmed her enough to go back to sit down “People have been disappearing, and some even say that it is haunted”

“Stories to scare people, that’s it” Amelina replied confidently “And even if it was true, that’s why we travel with you here aren't we?”

Rinyia looked at Daina, awaiting her answer as she had no intention of taking opinion in the matter.

“We have no choice” Daina said after some consideration “If I take any other road I’ll be late to the ceremony, and if I’m late I’ll surely get expelled”

“You’ve been warned” The waitress sighed as she left the table.

The trio ate what they were served without worries, it wasn’t the first time they heard a local scary legend so they didn’t gave much thought to the words of the waitress, after all most of the times those legends ended up being either greatly exaggerated or plain lies meant to scare strangers like them.

By the time they were done eating Amelina had drunk too much, much more than her small body could bare, and when she was drunk both Rinyia and Daina wished that they could pretend as if they didn’t knew her. When drunk, Amelina’s already short patience became even shorter and she became even more easily angered.

Seeing how alcohol was already having its effect on the tiny swordswoman, who had already shouted a few barbarities at the people of the inn, Daina called off the night and with the help of her elven friend, dragged Amelina out of the building all the while she resisted and struggled to get back in.

“Rinyia, I think we’ll have to do it again?” The elf said as she tried to hold Amelina’s legs together so they could more easily put her inside their carriage.

“Seems like it” Daina said with difficulty as she did the same.

Amelina was thrown inside the carriage and had the fortune of falling on a soft bedroll which cushioned her fall. After recovering from the fall which was made worse by her dizziness Amelina rose her gaze to be met with her two friends holding rope in their hands.

“Don’t think I’ll allow you to do that to me again!” Amelina shouted.

“We wouldn’t have to do this if you controlled yourself!” Daina replied “Now please don’t make this hard on us and stay still”

“Not a chance” Amelina said as she tried to stand up.

Amelina was stopped by Rinyia, who quickly put her back in the floor by putting her boot on her back.

“I think she doens’t want to cooperate, but I don’t think she can do much about it” Rinyia said as she pinned her friend to the floor.

“I’ll get you for this...” Amelina said as she felt her hands being forced behind her back.

“You said that last time this happened” Rinyia said teasingly as she began to tie Amelina’s hands crossed behind her back.

Amelina had her hands tied behind her back and her ankles tied together just like the last time this had happened to her, by the time she was tied up like that she thought that her friends were over but she soon find out that she was wrong.

“Hey! What’s that for?” Asked the swordswoman as she tried to roll over only to be pinned to the floor by Rinyia.

“Last time we tied you up like that you got really close to escaping and causing a mess, so we decided to take additional measures” Daina replied as she tied Amelina’s knees together.

“You gotta be kidding me” Amelina sighed, talking to nobody in particular.

Amelina was left tied up inside the wagon which thankfully for her was closed to the outside, because she’d have hated anyone seeing her in that humiliating state. The other two on her part walked out of the carriage and sighed, tying up Amelina while she was drunk and struggling so much surely was tiring.

“What now?” Asked Rinyia.

“I guess we should get some rest” Daina replied “And put the carriage somewhere safe where she wont make a mess.
Last edited by banshee 2 years ago, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Yay! Another Fantasy Story of yours - [mention]banshee[/mention] !!! Interessting Trio - and the Title is very intriguing. Queen of the Dead has a nice creepy ring to it. It rings a lot of bells - there is the Lord of the Rings, when Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas follow the Paths of the Death, or Anne Rice, Queen of the Dammed :) So I a, looking forward where youl will take us this time. I wonder, if we will meet familar characters along the way, but I will surely not complain, if not :)
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Post by banshee »

Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago Yay! Another Fantasy Story of yours - @banshee !!! Interessting Trio - and the Title is very intriguing. Queen of the Dead has a nice creepy ring to it. It rings a lot of bells - there is the Lord of the Rings, when Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas follow the Paths of the Death, or Anne Rice, Queen of the Dammed :) So I a, looking forward where youl will take us this time. I wonder, if we will meet familar characters along the way, but I will surely not complain, if not :)
Always good to have you reading, thanks for the comment.
Enjoy part 2!

Chapter 2: Pumpkin Fields

Now that they were in the middle of an open field with nobody around Rinyia had no need to discrete, she removed her green hood, revealing her pale face sprinkled with freckles, brown eyes and long hair which was braided down to the middle of her back.

For the time being she was the one driving, behind her and inside the carriage were Daina and Amelina, who was still bound like they had left her. Apparently the ropes hadn’t impeded her from sleeping like a log, because she was so deep in her sleep that she snoring, which made Daina want to gag her.

“Why can’t we gag her? She’s so loud I can’t concentrate!” Daina complained as she put down her book.

“Its dangerous to gag someone who’s sleeping, you could kill them” Rinyia replied.

“Well listening to her snoring surely makes me want to kill her” Daina replied.

“Come on, you know you couldn’t live without her” Rinyia replied.

“Sorry, I forgot elves don’t speak sarcasm”

As angry as Amelia could make her sometimes Daina had no shame in admitting that without her she wouldn’t have gotten anywhere. Daina was smart and had many talents, but fighting wasn’t one of them, so if there wasn’t for that small but fierce woman she would have likely never even dared to set foot on some of the places her profession made her go to.

Daina had no way of knowing it but Amelina was also thinking about her, better said she was dreaming about her. She dreamed of the time when they had met, how nobody who was looking for a bodyguard wanted her despite all of her training and just when she was ready to give up Daina came to her, soliciting her services. It was a good dream for her, a nice memory to have, maybe that was why she was sleeping so pleasantly despite of her bonds.

“I think she’s getting used to it” Said Daina “You know, to sleeping tied up”

“She better do, because if she doesn’t plan to control herself when drinking we’ll have to do this very often”

“Its funny that you say that since I don’t think you’re very used to getting tied up” Daina said jokingly.

“Please tell me that you’re not going to bring that up again” Rinyia said as she already knew what her friend was referring to.

“Don’t worry, I’m not complaining” Daina replied as she moved to the front of the wagon to tap the elf on the shoulder “If you were used to getting tied up we wouldn’t be together”

“What do you mean by that?” Asked Rinyia.

“If you weren’t so ashamed about telling the other elves that you got tied up in the forest and rescued by two humans you wouldn’t have decided to come with us instead of telling them what happened” Daina teased.

“Very funny” Rinyia said as she gave the reins to her friend “Maybe I just wanted an excuse to be with you” She said before kissing Daina on the cheek.

The unexpected comment made Daina freeze and suddenly blush, she wasn’t used to her elvish friend showing her such affection.
“Your turn to drive!” Rinyia said as she moved to the back of the wagon.

Since Amelina didn’t woke up Daina had to be on the front driving the carriage until sunset, which came early since they were already deep in autumn. By that time Daina started to look for a nice place to spend the night in, and that was when she noticed it, before her extended a vast field of pumpkins.

Seeing pumpkins wasn’t rare, what was rare was seeing so many of them and arranged in that way. They were apparently growing wild since no farmhouses could be seen and there were enough to make the field have the distinguished orange taint of the vegetable.

Daina asked Rinyia if she had ever seen something like that but she hadn’t, but to her almost all of the world outside of the forest was weird so she wasn’t the best person to ask. She’d have asked Amelina but she was still sleeping.

Daina and Rinyia decided to stay on place beside the road where the pumpkins grew sparsely enough for them to have room to put the carriage in. The horse began to eat one of the nearby vegetables while Rinyia and Daina got a fire going.

“I can’t believe she has slept all day” Rinyia said.

“She’s always like that when she drinks” Replied Daina.

The fire started burning and Rinyia went inside to look for something to cook and to see if Amelia was still sleeping, and she was indeed sleeping as soundly as before.

Meanwhile Daina heard something move among the bush of the pumpkins, normally she’d have thought nothing of it but since she was on a place so weird she decided to investigate. She walked closer to the pumpkins and heard the sound again, but this time she also saw what was provoking it. A root of the pumpkins had moved, like a serpent it had slithered beneath the ground almost as if it was trying not to be seen.
“Rinyia” Daina called her friend “Do you know anything about moving plants?”

“Yeah there are some in the forest where I come from, why do you ask all of a sudden?” Asked the elf as she left the carriage.

“I think I just saw one”


“I was thinking that maybe if I can capture it alive I’ll be able to show it in the academy” Daina said as she looked for another living root.

Rinyia approached her friend stealthily as to not disturb her, but she didn’t quite understood what she was doing. At the moment, the way Daina appeared before her eyes seemed like a crazy woman lurking in the middle of a bunch of pumpkins, but she decided not to question her since she appeared to be extremely concentrated in what she was doing.

But after a few minutes of absolute silence and nothing happening Rinyia decided to break the silence and question her friend.

“Daina are you sure about...”

Rinyia was interrupted at the same time when her doubts were proven wrong, there were indeed living plants in the place they were standing. A root slithered rapidly before her eyes but with surprisingly good reflexes Daina managed to grab it and slightly pulled out the root out of the ground.

“Help me out will you”? Daina requested as she struggled to keep a hold of the root which kept slithering in her hands and trying to get away from her.

Rinyia joined her friend in her fight and got a hold of the root. With her help the task became much easier since Rinyia had strong arms because of her training with the bow which made the task of pulling the root out of the ground easier.

But when they finally managed to fully pull out the root the momentum of their strength made them fall backwards while they saw how the root buried itself back into the ground, right beneath an especially large pumpkin. Daina cursed while she and her friend got the dirt off their clothes.

The sound of vines and roots twitching making a reappearance made Daina’s hopes rise again, but when she looked up she didn’t saw roots but instead the large pumpkin where the root had hidden. The pumpkin was twitching its surface grotesquely until three holes opened on its surface, two resembling eyes and one larger beneath them a mouth.

And before any of the two girls could say something the face that had appeared on the pumpking putted on an angry expression and roared with a sound none of the two had heard before. Then more roots came to life, joining together beneath the pumpkin and making it rise from the ground, forming a vaguely humanoid body made of roots and vines with the angry pumpkin for a head.

“I think we’re in trouble” Daina managed to say.

They both tried to run away from the newly appeared monster but Daina didn’t had the same luck her more athletic friend had. She got caught by vines sprouting from the ground, which wrapped themselves around her body, wrapping her legs together and pinning her arms to her body to then force on onto the floor.

Rinyia fired some arrows at the creature but they didn’t seemed to affect it, the arrows just buried beneath the vines that composed its body with no apparent effect on the creature. When Rinyia was about to fire her third shot she noted something, vines were beginning to wrap around her too. She tried to jump out of their reach but a vine wrapping itself around her leg up to her knee and pinned her to the floor.

When the elf tried to reach for the vine to unwrap it her other leg was caught and she was forced on her knees, vines caught her wrists from behind and forced her arms behind her back. Rinyia tried to struggle to no avail, soon enough vines already had wrapped themselves over he thighs and were slowly wrapping their way up her chest until they reached her face.

When one of the vines was right before Rinyia’s face she made a last ditch effort to fight back against a fate that by that point seemed unavoidable. She bit the vine fiercely but that ended up being her demise, the vine settled between her teeth and wrapped itself around her face.
“Mpghghg!” The elf complained as the vines were done gagging her,

Daina was scared immensely, she had never been so close to her demise and with one of her escorts tied up it seemed like she would see no escape from this one, but she still had one hope.

“Amelina!” She shouted, hoping that her pleads were loud enough to wake her friend up from her slumber.

In her dreams, Amelia was gloriously fighting a bunch of monsters that had captured Daina and tied her to a post, ready to set her on fire. She effortlessly sliced and diced the creatures while Daina screamed her name pleading for her help. It was only when she had sliced the last monster that Amelia realized that the screams did not came from her but from somewhere else.

Almost immediately Amelia opened her eyes and tried to stand up, only to be reminded of how she had went to sleep in the first place. She was still tied up, hands behind her back, arms pinned to her chest and her legs tied together so the only movement she could make was squirming like a worm.

Amelia managed to peak outside the wagon to see why Daina was calling her and why she had stopped doing so. Outside the wagon Amelia saw her two friends wrapped by vines and roots, fiercely struggling to get free but seeing no success at it.

Rinyia was forced to kneel with vines wrapping themselves over her thighs and her arms wrapped together and pinned to the floor behind her, a vine had also worked her way around her face, between her lips and wrapped around her head the vine was a very effective gag. Daina was laying on the floor with vines going all over her body, at her ankles, knees, thighs, hips, waist, chest and even around her face a vine had forced herself between her lips and forced her to remain fully against the floor, which was the reason why her calls for help had been turned into muffled complaints. She had to rescue them but how could she? She could barely move, let alone fight.

That was when she laid her gaze on her sword, the big weapon was resting against one of the walls of the carriage and at the moment seemed like her only chance of escaping. She rested her back against her weapon and began to rub her wrists against the edge of the blade. She thanked that her friends left her in her uniform because otherwise she’d have been afraid of cutting herself.

The task was hard enough by itself but it was made even harder by the situation, Amelina was running against time for she didn’t knew what was happening to her friends outside the carriage, she knew they were alive because she heard their muffled complaints through their gags but in what condition she didn’t knew and that scared her.

Never before had Amelina struggled to cut something so flimsy as rope with her sword, but eventually her hands were free and all of her other restraints followed. She got rid of the ropes around her chest and used her sword to cut her legs free.

As the vines kept getting tighter around their bodies Daina and Rinyia were starting to cease their struggles, surrendering to whatever fate the pumpkin monster had in mind for them. The beast itself hadn’t done much other than grotesquely smile as it roared with a sound that elevated up the skies making ravens flee from the scene in fright.

“Seems like you need a hand” Amelina said as she jumped out of the carriage “Or better said, a sword”

Rinyia and Daina smiled with relief as much as their gags allowed them to while he expression on the creatures face grotesquely shifted into an angry one. The monster extended one of her hands, hurling vines in Amelina’s general direction.

The swordswoman skillfully cut through the monster’s attack and smiled.

“My turn”

Before the monster could do the same with her other hand Amelina had already closed the distance between them. Left surprised by the swordswoman’s speed the monster froze and stood motionless as Amelina jumped and horizontally sliced its pumpkin head in two. The vines became motionless and fell to the floor as the interiors of the pumpkin began to leak as the vegetable monster fell to the floor.

“Well that was unexpected” Amelina sighed as she wiped some sweat off her brow.

“Mpgh....” Daina moaned shyly as she tried to draw attention to her, it felt uncomfortable to be rescued by her friend who she had tied up for the whole day.

“What was that?” Amelina asked as she crouched beside her friend “Was that a ‘sorry for tying you up and leaving you alone to sleep like that’? Because if it wasn’t I don’t want to hear it”

Just like they expected, Amelina was pissed because of what they had done to her and as much as both Rinyia and Daina hated to admit it she was justified to be so. She was forced to sleep in her uncomfortable uniform, inside a carriage and on top of that tied up, and now she had saved them despite of them having done that to her.

“You see, if you hadn’t tied me up and all of that I’d just free you” Amelina said as she caressed her friend’s face “But since you did, I think that I can have you two like this for a while longer as a small revenge”

“Mpghg!” Rinyia moaned.

“Oh hush, you did this to me so its only fair that I do it to you”Amelina replied as she pinched one of Daina’s soft cheeks.

“Mpghghg!” Rinyia moaned again this time more loudly.

The elf’s complaints prompted Amelina to raise her gaze which allowed her to see that Rinyia was not complaining about what Amelina was saying, or maybe not only because of that, but also because of the dozens of plant monsters just like the one she had defeated that were rising from the field. The light that came from the insides of their pumpkin heads kept getting closer and closer, just another signal that they were in danger.
“Okay I think that my revenge can wait”

Amelina grabbed her sword and released her friends from their plant restraints.

“What do we do?” Asked Amelina as she raised her sword.

“We can’t fight them all, we have to run!” Daina said, almost panicking.

“She’s right, there’s no way we can defeat all of those” Rinyia agreed “We have to flee, but where”

“You’re the one who sees in the dark! Tell us!” Amelina replied angrily.

Rinyia looked in all direction with her elven sight that allowed her to see through the darkness of the night that was already falling upon them until she saw what appeared to be some hills where pumpkins didn’t grew. Since that mysterious place seemed like their only option for a place to flee to Rinyia quickly told her friends about it.

“We can’t leave all of this behind!” Daina said as she pointed to the carriage.

“We’ll come back for it later, we don’t have time now!” Amelina said as she saw the monsters get closer.

Ignoring her friend Daina jumped inside the carriage, both Rinyia and Amelina went to get her out as they had no intention of leaving her behind but Daina left the carriage herself only carrying a small bag with her.

“I’ll just take my alchemy supplies, without them I wont be able to do anything” Daina explained.

Daina poured one of her potions on Amelina’s sword, quickly lighting it on fire, turning it into a massive torch.

With Amelina and her blazing sword in front, the girls ran towards the direction Rinyia had signaled them to go to. It was hard to run with so many pumpkins on the way, especially considering that they had no idea of which of them could turn into a monster in an instant. But thanks to the creatures slow speed, the trio managed to arrive to the hills, which from a closer distance seemed more like mounds.

“What now?” Asked Amelina as she turned back to see how much distance they had putted between them and their monstrous pursuers.
“There is an entrance over there” Daina said as she pointed to a small hole on the side of the mound.

“I guess there’s no other option” Rinyia said after looking into the darkness for a better place to hide, finding none in the process.

And so they entered the mound, walking into the small dark tunnel that served as an entrance under the light of the still blazing sword.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Oh, I missed part 1. Glad I joined for part 2.

Great story so far. I really like how you introduce the backstory of the characters in casual way, so the readers can get it but at the same time not being unnatural for the characters talking to each other. I really would have loved Amelina having her revenge but, alas, that will have to wait.

What will they find inside the tunner? My bet is at least one of them will end up tied up and gagged. I can't wait to find out!
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Post by banshee »

Mineira1986 wrote: 2 years ago Oh, I missed part 1. Glad I joined for part 2.

Great story so far. I really like how you introduce the backstory of the characters in casual way, so the readers can get it but at the same time not being unnatural for the characters talking to each other. I really would have loved Amelina having her revenge but, alas, that will have to wait.

What will they find inside the tunner? My bet is at least one of them will end up tied up and gagged. I can't wait to find out!
Thanks! I wont confirm nor deny your theory just too keep things interesting.

Chapter 3: Misty Mounds

Amelina held the sword as far from her as possible because of the fire, the tight space of the walkway also meant that she had to extend the sword before her because otherwise it would get stuck in the ceiling or against the walls.

It wasn’t long before the walkway ended and they stumbled upon an open cylindrical room, using the fire of her sword Ameline lit the few torches that hung from the sides of the room to have some light and be able to inspect the room in closer detail.

Like everything else inside the mound, the room was made of stone, it had a tall dome like ceiling and a few gates on its walls.

“What’s this place?” Asked Amelina as she putted off the fire from her sword.

Rinyia took advantage of her darkvision and peeked inside one of the gates on the walls of the room to find an answer.

“It a appears to be some sort of funerary structure” The elf replied after inspecting the darkness “There are some things that appear to be tombs and some bones”
“Creepy” Amelina commented “But what are we going to do here anyway?”

“I’ll try to make something to repel those things outside” Daina said as he took her alchemy supplies out of the bag “Living plants have common weaknesses like fire, maybe something like what I used in your sword will work”

Daina got to work, inspecting all of her small flasks and its contents, thinking of a mixture that could keep those pumpkin creatures away. She was concentrated but a crackling noise coming from the darkness broke her concentration and made her look up to see what was happening.

“I think your experiments will have to wait” Rinyia said as she grabbed her short sword which hung from her belt.

Like some sort of twisted marionettes, skeletons rose from their resting place at the small spaces to the sides of the room and started to walk towards the girls in the middle of it. Their skulls showed no expression, but it was clear to the girls that the didn’t had a good intent as some of them had grabbed bones, sticks or even rusted weapons that were laying the floor.

“Can’t we get a break?” Daina complained.

Thankfully for them, the skeletons were much less of a threat than the monsters outside, they were incredibly lightweight which meant that even Daina could knock them to floor, and after falling many of them were unable to stand again.

After a not very long fight which was more of a beatdown for the skeletons, the last skeleton had its skull shattered to pieces by Amelina, who putted down her sword and sighed after the fight was finished.

“Guess this was below us” She said.

“Yes” Rinyia replied “But something tells me that the people in the tavern weren’t lying when they told us that this road was dangerous”

“Hate to admit it but yes” Daina said as she went back to the middle of the room to resume her experiments “But it isn’t like we can go back now”

Daina kept looking for a solution that could serve as a pumpkin monster repellent, but she was interrupted yet again, this time by something even more supernatural than skeletons rising from the dead. Wind blew throughout the room and echoed through the hallway as a chill ran down her spine, she didn’t knew it but her friends felt the same thing The wind caused the torches to be put out and the room to fall in darkness. What had happened seemed utterly impossible but after what they had already seen that night the girls were only barely surprised.

“Rinyia, you can see in the dark, help us out will you?” Amelina said as she touched the ground in search for her sword.

“Mphghg!” Rinyia’s moan echoed from the darkness, scaring and alerting her two friends.

“Rinyia? What’s happening!?” Shouted Daina.

But the only answer she received were more muffled moans from her elvish friend. Daina was scared but also filled with impotence as she didn’t knew what was happening and on top of that she could do nothing to help because she simply couldn’t see.

“Amelina, do something!” Shouted Daina.

“There’s nothing I can do!” Amelina replied with frustration “I wouldn’t dare swing this thing around and risk hurting her!”

Daina had to think of something and she had to do it quickly because Rinyia’s moans were starting to sound more desperate. She ran her hands across the ground searching for something that could light up the room, and she found it sooner than she expected.

A blue liquid inside a tiny flask glowed as it came in contact with her fingers and her bodily heat, it provided almost no light but when Daina smashed the flask against the floor the liquid splashed all over the room, making the scene visible before anyone’s eyes.

“Rinyia! Are you okay?” Daina asked as she ran towards the elf, who was apparently alright but laying on the floor on her knees.

“No” Rinyia said as she looked around, for her, the blue light made seeing harder and not easier, but not being the only person seeing what was happening was better “There’s something else with us this place”

“Something like what?” Asked Amelina as she got near her friends in the center of the room.

“An undead, but not one like those skeletons” Rinyia explained “I think I saw a wraith”

“So, you’re saying a ghost attacked you?” Amelina asked half jokingly.

“Not quite, a wraith is much more powerful than a mere ghost” Rinyia explained “Without a silver weapon we stand no chance against it, so we better leave this place, wraiths don’t usually leave their place of rest”

“But the things outside...” Daina argued.

“We can deal with them” Rinyia replied rapidly “Now lets get moving before it comes back”

The girls ran towards the door but something interposed between them and the exit, a ghostly half translucent figure, covered in a cape that hid almost all of the creature's skeletal figures.

Amelina didn’t thought twice before attacking it with her sword, but she was surprised to see that the blade went right through the creature without harming it and then got stuck against a wall.

“I told you can’t harm it!” Rinyia shouted.

“Then what do we do?” Amelina asked as she tried to get her sword out of the wall.

The creature didn’t seemed to even acknowledge the presence of the three girls, it just menacingly floated in the middle of the hallway. That gave Daina the bad idea of trying to run through it, thinking that because it was intangible by the sword she’d have no problem, but she was surprised when the wraith grabbed her by the face and stopped her, almost at the same time Rinyia tried to warn her about that.

For the first time since it had appeared the wraith looked around and after analyzing the room with its empty black it opened its skeletal jaw and exhaled a green gas that smelled of death.

“What’s this?” Amelina asked as she kept trying to get her sword unstuck.

“Whatever you do don’t breath it!” Shouted Rinyia.

“Too... late...” Daina replied tiredly as she fell to the floor since the undead had let go of her.

And since her friends couldn’t leave her there and escape, they were forced to remain and share her fate, breathing in the foul gas and falling victim to the unbearable tiredness that it filled them with. As much as they tried to avoid it, it wasn’t long before Amelina and Rinyia joined their friend in her sleep, falling unconscious to the floor as the gas filled their lungs.

They fell into a dreamless sleep so deep that it made it impossible for them to tell what was happening, had it been a normal sleep what they were put through would’ve probably waken them up although Amelina may be the exception, but under the effects induced by the breath of a wraith being woken up was nigh impossible.

When Daina woke up after how long she did not know she was met with two unpleasent sensations. First she tried to instinctively sit up, but she banged her head against a hard surface as soon as she rose her head a few inches from the ground, and when she moved her hands to touch her now sore forehead she was met with the second unpleasant sensation, her hands were tied up.

Even though she was in complete darkness she could clearly feel the ropes running around her wrists and holding them together in front of her, so even though she could touch touch her face she could only do so with difficulty.

“Are you okay?” Rinyia’s voice came from the darkness.

“Rinyia? Where are you?” Asked Daina as she looked to her sides, careful not to rise her head again.

“I’m right beside you” The elf said as she bumped her shoulder against Daina, apparently she too was laying on the floor like her “Amelina is on your left, apparently still sleeping but unharmed”

“What happened to us? Where are we?” Daina kept asking questions.

“We inhaled the wraith’s breath so we fell asleep and apparently we’re tied up in some sort of coffin” Rinyia replied.

“Coffin? You’re saying we’re being buried alive?” Daina asked with audible fear in her voice.

“Not exactly, I can feel air coming from outside so its safe to assume that we’re not buried” Rinyia replied “But we’re still very much in trouble”

Daina tried extended her hands up only to confirm what Rinyia had told her, when she stuck out her arms her hands met the stone top of the coffin when her elbows were still against her sides, so even though the space was big for a coffin, it was small when considering three people were crammed inside it.

“Ouch!” Shouted Amelina as she woke up and made the same mistake her friend did “What the hell?”

This time it was Daina’s turn to do the explaining, but Rinyia remained to be the one that better understood the situation as she, unlike her two human friends, could see what was happening.

“What do we do then?” Asked Amelina after Daina was done explaining “I’ve no plans of becoming a skeleton inside this coffin and I don’t think you have either”

“I have an idea” Rinyia replied “Let’s take advantage of the fact that our hands are tied in front of us, so untying us shouldn’t be so difficult”

“Yeah and after that? We’re still in a coffin remember?” Amelina asked sardonically.

“After that we use our hands and legs to push away the top of the coffin” The elf replied, annoyed by Amelina’s tone.

“Whatever, its easy for you to ask us to get untied when you’re the only one who can see the knots” Amelina said as she started to search for a weak spot in her restraints.

“Wait... Rinyia, can you first help me with something?” Daina asked shyly as she squirmed around the place.


“There’s something under me and its really annoying” Daina explained “Can you please remove it?”

Although the request was strange it was understandable, unlike her two companions she wasn’t used to most of the hardships of traveling, but to be fair none of them was used to being put inside a coffin by a wraith.

Daina made as much space between her and the floor as possible and Rinyia looked for whatever was bothering, and she was pleasantly surprised, She was expecting to find a rock or something along those lines, but she instead found something that could made their escape much more easier.

“What is it?” Asked Daina.

“A dagger”

The news were met with cheers and Rinyia soon put the dagger to use, cutting herself free and quickly doing the same with Daina. With the blade being rusty, the ropes surprisingly sturdy and the tight space they had to work in meant that the process wasn’t as fast as it could’ve been, but it was doable.

“Wait why did you stopped?” Asked Amelina when she felt Rinyia stop moving the dagger against the ropes.

“Shh, someone’s coming!” Rinyia said as she covered Amelina’s mouth with her hand.

Tension grew for a few seconds until Daina and Amelina became able to hear the sound of someone approaching too. Many footsteps echoed outside their prison, the fact that they were hearing whoever was getting closer meant that it wasn’t the wraith but something told them that such thing didn’t meant that the newcomers were there to help.

The top of coffin began to me moved aside by whoever was outside, slowly but surely it allowed light to enter the coffin, initially blinding the three girls who had spent a great deal of time in pitch darkness.

“Well well” A mysterious woman said as she looked into the coffin, looking down upon the three girls “What do we have here?”
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Post by Mineira1986 »

I just want to say that I'm happy that it's stated that hands in front are easier to untie. That's why I personally don't use them. But I'm very happy somebody else says it hehe.

Now we'll have to wait to see who the mysterious woman is.
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Post by banshee »

Mineira1986 wrote: 2 years ago I just want to say that I'm happy that it's stated that hands in front are easier to untie. That's why I personally don't use them. But I'm very happy somebody else says it hehe.

Now we'll have to wait to see who the mysterious woman is.
Hands in front has its appeal but its hard to ignore that it isn't really hard to get out of. You'll find out who this mysterious character is in this chapter.

Chapter 4: The Commander of the Dead

As their eyes became accustomed to the light, the girls became able to see who had just opened the coffin. It was woman of very pale skin, long straight hair of an unnaturally white color and very dark eyes. She appeared to be wearing some sort of armor, but from their position the girls weren’t able to see much.

And she wasn’t alone, to the feet, head and other side of the coffin stood three other armored figures who looked down on the girls inside the stone coffin intimidatingly.

“You know what to do” The woman said as she walked away from the girls field of vision.

Before anyone could ask any of their very needed questions, the other armored figures pinned them down to the floor of the coffin to which the girls didn’t responded happily. They kicked and thrashed as much as they could, giving the armored ones difficulties in dragging them out of the coffin.

They asked questions and spat curses, but both of them had the same effect on their attackers, none, no reaction whatsoever.

What got the girls’ struggles to cease was the woman who they had seen looking down on them before, who unexpectedly returned and without warning nailed her sword between Amelina and Daina in the exact small space as to not hurt them.

“I don’t think I’ve made myself clear” The woman spoke “You don’t have a say in any of this, so I don’t advise you to keep resisting”

She then gracefully stowed her sword in her scabbard.


The girls looked at each other only to confirm by just looking at each other’s eyes that they were all thinking the same. They ended up reluctantly nodding, thinking that whatever that woman had planned for them couldn’t be as bad as being stabbed by her.

Now with less trouble, the girls were taken out of the coffin and once they were standing outside they had their hands tied again, although this time behind their backs. The only one who was exempt of this treatment was Amelina, who still had her hands tied in front of her.

“What is this?” Asked Rinyia as she tested her new restraints, which just by the fact of being behind her back were more effective.

“Oh, that reminds me” The woman said before snapping her fingers.

Apparently that gesture was an order, an order to gag them. As soon as whoever the people inside the armor were hear the sound of her fingers snap they grabbed cloths from some pouches in their belts to then shove them between the girls’ teeth, for Rinyia and Daina that was the second time in the day they were being gagged.

“Take them to my tent, I’ll be there in a few minutes” The woman ordered.

The armored one walked the girls outside the tomb where they realized that they were already deep into the night and that apparently, there was a whole camp set outside the mound. They were able to spot their carriage, apparently unharmed but because of the fast pace they were forced to walk on they weren’t able to see many details.

The tent they were taken to was the biggest of the whole camp, big enough to have a small campfire inside and it was supported by six support beams made of wood, and the girls were tied to three of them. Forcefully their captors pushed each of the girls against the beams and made them seat and once sitting they started tying them to the beams with rope.

From below their breasts down to their waist rope tied them to the beams, forcing them to remain stuck against the wooden pole and for Daina and Rinyia it meant that their hands were tightly squeezed between their backs and the pole, which wasn’t pleasant at all due to the beam’s rough texture. Since Amelina still had her hands tied in front of her, her assigned captor tied her hands to the pole above her hear head instead, which Amelina didn’t knew if she should be happy about or not.

Once the three girls were properly tied up the armored ones left, leaving them with the only company of the dying fire inside the tent. Almost as soon as their captors were gone Amelina started to thrash and kick around, she was clearly the most angry of the three, or at least the one that showed it the most.

Daina on the other side didn’t looked angry but afraid instead, maybe even sad. She was looking down to the floor asking herself how it had come to this and regretting with every inch of her body not listening to the woman who told her that this road was dangerous.

“Domph be sadph” Rinyia said as she looked at Daina, who was tied in the middle of the three.

The gags made a poor job at both muffling their speech and making it unintelligible, all they did was making them sound somewhat funny, but they weren’t in the mood for laughs.

“We’ll get outph ot thiphs one” Rinyia kept trying to cheer her friend despite even she being usure of what she was saying.

Amelina only stopped her struggling and moaning when the woman responsible for their situation entered the room, smugly looking down on them just like when she had found them. She stood in front of her prisoners and looked at them in silence for a few seconds. Amelina gave her best defiant look, Rinyia tried her best to pretend not to care about her situation and Daina kept looking to the floor.

“I see those guys are just as bad for gagging people as always” She spoke, breaking the silence “Don’t worry, if you remain silent I won’t change your gags”

Hearing that was enough of a reason for the girls to stay quiet for the time being, even Amelina who was being the most rebellious of the three understood that as humiliating as staying quiet was the benefits of it far outweighed having a worse gag put inside her mouth.

“I think I haven’t properly introduced myself yet, my name is Cordelia Lisith, but you can just call me Cordelia” She introduced herself, smugly pointing at herself with her hands “You are... well, you’ll tell me later”

Cordelia crossed her legs to once again take a few seconds to enjoy the views before her.

“To answer some of the many question you have right now, I am a wight, a powerful undead that thankfully does not rot and has a mind, the others outside are skeletons inside armors, that’s why they’re so stupid” Cordelia explained to her prisoners, who were much more eager to listen to those details “I came here to capture you on behalf of my queen, Aldaris Blackhand, who doesn’t take it kindly that intruders trespass their land”
“Queenph?” Asked Amelina.

Even though they didn’t spoke, Rinyia and Daina had the same question for they had never heard of an ‘Aldaris Blackhand’ in their lives and according to all that they knew the path they were on was on a kingdom called Béroux, which certainly wasn’t governed by an Aldaris Blackhand.

“Oh, I see you still haven’t heard of her, happens to all intruders, which makes sense, someone who knows her wouldn’t dare trespass her lands” Cordelia chuckled “Queen Aldaris Blackhand is the greatest necromancer of the continent, that’s why someone so powerful like me sees serving her like a honour”

Every time Cordelia mentioned her power Amelina clenched her fist, craving to fight her and defeat her, which she was certain that she could do. It was in her angered tugs against the ropes that held her wrists together that Amelina realized something, but she was smart enough as to not do anything with it at the moment.

“Everything in this land serves her, from the plants to the kind wraith that informed us that you were hiding here” Cordelia explained “So if you’re thinking about escaping I’d abandon that idea, you have no chance”

Cordelia stood up and walked out of the tent, making only one stop at the entrance to say some words to her prisoners.

“Oh, and we’ll be heading to the city in a few hours, there I’m pretty sure that the queen would like to ask you some questions herself!”

Cordelia smugly laughed and left the tent. Some moments of silence followed as the girls waited to make sure that Cordelia wasn’t around and once they were sure about it, Rinya broke the silence.

“We havph to escaphe” The elf spoke as she looked at her friends.

“No need to tell me” Amelina said after removing her gag from her mouth.

“Howph did youp!?”

“Shhh” Amelina silenced the elf “We don’t want any of those walking corpses to hear us”

Rinyia apologized and Amelina proceed to untie herself from the post, which even with her hands free was still hard because the knots were behind her, but since the knots weren’t very refined Amelina managed to free herself without much trouble after she had found the knots.

“How did you freed yourself?” Asked Rinyia after Amelina ungagged her.

“I managed to break the ropes, you have not freed me but you left them weak enough for me to break them” Amelina explained as she ungagged Daina “But my strength also did some work there!” She playfully boasted as she flexed her right arm.

“No time to play, untie us!” Rinyia demanded.

“Fine, fine” Amelina said as she moved behind the posts.

“By the way, use this” Rinyia said as took out the rusty dagger that she had found in the coffin, which she had hidden beneath one of bracers “I was planning to use this to escape but it seems like you can give it a better use”

With the help of the dagger Amelina released both of her friends, who silently stood up and rubbed their sore wrists as they thought about how to proceed.

“What now?” Asked Amelina.

“I think we should cut a whole and get out of this tent, if we leave through the entrance everyone we’ll see us” Rinyia replied.
“What about my sword...” Amelina asked shyly.

“I’m sorry but you’ll have to find a new one” Rinyia replied “I am also not excited about leaving everything behind, especially to these ‘people’, but going to get them is not an option”

Amelina went to cut a hole in the tent’s wall while Daina and Rinyia stood behind her, despite already being free, Daina was still looking down and visibly sad.

“Are you alright Daina?” Asked Rinyia.

“Its just I’m not sure about this...” Daina sighed.

“What do you mean?” Asked the elf.

“I don’t know if we should be escaping” Daina explained as she nervously looked around “What if we get captured again? After all those pumpkin things are still outside, what will they do to us if they find out that we tried to escape?”

Rinyia laid her hands on Daina’s elbows and looked at her friend in the eyes before trying to ease her fears.

“Daina, you have nothing to fear, at least not when you’re with us” She spoke.

“We’re like you’re bodyguards after all, aren’t we?” Amelina interrupted with a smile on her face.

Even though Daina was still afraid, the words of her friends calmed her down at least a bit and made a subtle smile draw itself in its lips.
By that time Amelina was done cutting an exit for them, and Rinyia saw with her darkvision that the way ahead was clear they ran out of the tent, crouching below the height of the pumpkin trees as to not be seen by the sentinels and hoping with all of their souls that none of the plants they came across was a monster.

The girls ran under the cover of the night, getting bolder and less stealthy with their movements as they got away from the camp, so far that the camp ended up becoming a small set of lights in the distance. Thankfully it was a full moon night, so even though the visibility was poor, Amelina and Daina could still make out something out of the vague figures that the moonlight showed them.

“What now?” Amelina asked with a sigh once they stopped at a safe distance.

“Maybe we should try to get back on the road, but how?” Daina said as she scratched her chin.

“That we be too dangerous, if we were on the road they would know exactly where to look for us” Rinyia replied “But I can’t think of anything other than keep walking”

Plotting a way out of their situation wasn’t easy, both Daina and Rinyia, who were the ones who usually came up with solutions were having trouble thinking about what to do. Because walking away, which at the moment seemed like the only possible solution, seemed not only dangerous, but tiring, because by that point of the night and after battling monsters, skeletons, ghosts and running away from that camp none of the three girls could say that she wasn’t tired.

“Excuse me...” Someone brought the girls out of their thoughts “Could you help me with something?”

After the initial scare caused by the sudden interruption the girls turned to look at the newcomer, who turned out to be a small old woman who smiled at them when they laid their eyes on her.

“I was wondering if any of you could help me take a pumpkin to my house” The woman explained “My old body can no longer do it”

The girls looked at each other, all of them were utterly confused and they could see that in each other’s eyes.

“Uh... Sure” Amelina replied awkwardly “Where do you live?”

“Not so far from here” The woman replied “You can come in if you like, I don’t think that you’d like to spend the night out here and neither do I think that I can eat a whole pumpkin by myself”

Yet again the girls looked at each other, this time maybe even more confused than before. Even after all that they had seen that night, an old woman all by herself alone in those fields was fuel for confusion.

“Should we?” Amelina whispered the question to her friends.

“I don’t know... It seems weird” Rinyia replied.

“Considering what the other option is I don’t think we have a choice” Was Daina’s response “But keep an eye for anything weird that might happen”
The girls broke away the small circle of whispers that they had gotten into and put on their best faces to reply to the old woman.

“Yes, we would love to go to your house!” Replied Daina with a smile on her face.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Oh, lots of information here. But we can finally understand the reason behind the title of the story. I wonder what Aldaris Blackhand could have in store for our protagonists, but I guess we'll have to wait. Meanwhile, I am not sure if they should trust the old woman. But again, it doesn't seem they have much options here.
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Post by roguehorseman »

really enjoying the story, can't imagine the old woman is going to turn out to be on the side of angels thou :)
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Post by banshee »

roguehorseman wrote: 2 years ago really enjoying the story, can't imagine the old woman is going to turn out to be on the side of angels thou :)
Thank you! I'm really glad that you're enjoying the story.
Mineira1986 wrote: 2 years ago Oh, lots of information here. But we can finally understand the reason behind the title of the story. I wonder what Aldaris Blackhand could have in store for our protagonists, but I guess we'll have to wait. Meanwhile, I am not sure if they should trust the old woman. But again, it doesn't seem they have much options here.
Thanks for the comment! Like always, you'll see how things turn out for the protagonists on this chapter, but something tells me that we all know how they will.

Chapter 5: Hermit of the Fields

The woman introduced herself as Hilde and guided the girls to her house, a small but cozy cabin in the middle of the fields. How that place stood so peacefully in the middle of those fields inhabited by monsters was beyond the understanding of the girls.

The interior of the cabin was comfortable, the girls were invited to sit on a couch while the old woman began to cook some sort of stew in an oversized cauldron that was in the middle of her kitchen, making use of the big pumpkin that Amelina had carried to her house for her.

“I don’t want to be invasive but... may I ask what you were doing alone in the fields at night?” Daina asked shyly.

“I could ask the same” The woman replied with a friendly tone “It may be weird to see an old woman in the fields at night, but seeing two young woman and an elf in them is maybe even more weird”

“What makes you think that I’m not young?” Asked Rinyia, wondering why Hilde had excluded her from the ‘young woman’ category.

“I know how elves work, you must be twice the age you appear” Hilde replied.

The woman certainly was knowledgeable, certainly more than they expected from an old woman that lived alone in the middle of a field.

“But don’t worry, you don’t have to tell me what you were doing there” Hilde continued “I think I already know”

The girls were scared by the prospect of being discovered in their escape even if it was by that old woman, just thinking about going back to the hands of the wight was terrifying.

“You got lost didn’t you?” Hilde assumed “Happens all the time, the road is old so people usually get lost when night falls”

“Uh... yes, we got lost!” Daina replied, trying her best to sound convinced of her lie.

“Well don’t worry then, you can spend the night here and tomorrow the road will be easier to find” Hilde said “Plus, at day the pumpkins don’t come to life”

“That’ll make things easier” Amelina replied, she was much better at pretending to be calm that her friend.

After the initial scare the girls were able to calm down, and the environment was certainly one that provided the conditions for doing so. The inside of the cabin was cozy, warmed by a stove and the couch they were sitting on was so comfortable that Amelina began to doze laying her head on Daina’s shoulder, which made the alchemist smile despite of the situation.

“The food is ready” Said Hilde as she grabbed the cauldron and laid it on the table.

Those words quickly woke up Amelina, who on top of having a huge apetite was very hungry, and so were her friends. They sat around the table in the middle of the room and saw the interiors of the cauldron, it was filled by steaming pumpkin soup that made them hungry just by looking at it.
“Feel free to eat” Hilde said invitingly.

They didn’t need any more words, they quickly filled the plates Hilde had given them and began to eat the food, which unsurprisingly was delicious. After running from the day they’ve had they were all hungry, so they made short work of the food within the cauldron, which was empty in a few minutes.

“That was delicious” Daina complimented, a sentiment which was echoed by her two friends.

“I’m glad to hear that, when you need to sleep tell me and I’ll get the beds ready” Hilde said as she went to sit on her armchair.

“I don’t want to bother you but I’m already feeling kinda tired” Amelina said “ So if we can get the beds ready now that’ll be good”

“Oh, you don’t bother me at all” Hilde replied “I’ll just ask you to help me”

Of course the girls agreed to help their host. They laid three pads on the floor for them to lay on and Hilde provided them with pillows and blankets, with that, their stomachs full with hot food and the stove blazing the last remnants of its fire, it was hard not to fall asleep once they were laying on the pads and covered by the blankets.

Hilde left to her room which was probably the only other room in the house and the girls were left alone. True to her word, Amelina was the first one to fall asleep, curled up against Daina who was laying in the middle of the three.

“So, at least we got away with a nice story” Daina spoke.

“And a nice excuse for you to present to the academy” Rinyia added.

“I don’t think they’re going to believe me if I tell them what happened” Daina replied “But I’ve come to terms with what’s going to happen, I’m going to get expelled”

“Well that’s not the end of the world” Rinyia replied “You’ll still have us”


“Do you think we’re with you because you’re part of that academy?” The elf asked “Come on, we’re with you because we’re you’re your friends!”

Daina was hugged by Rinyia which along with the elf words made her blush, she was surprised but also happy to hear that, maybe she was worrying too much about what was going to happen to her on the academy when she had so much more to do. Rinyia and Daina fell asleep like that, smiling and hugging each other.

After she could no longer hear the girls whispering, the old woman came back to the room and grinned, her plan had worked right like she had expected.

Hours Later

Elves naturally slept less than humans so it made sense that Rinyia was the first one to wake up, she opened her eyes and found out that she was staring directly at a stone ceiling and the pain on her back told her that she was no longer laying on a pad but on something hard instead.

Rinyia tried to stand up to see what had changed, but she found it impossible, just like she found impossible to roll over or move, something was pinning her to the hard surface she was laying on that scared her.

Looking aside Rinyia managed to find out why she couldn’t move, she was strapped to the hard wooden board she was laying on, her hands were bound at the height of her head and her elbows were also strapped to the board. Her legs were bound at the ankles and knees separated from each other. Another strap pinned her torso to the table, running above her waist and tightly pinning her against the board.

All of the straps were made of tough leather and were tight enough to feel painful for the elf, who was lightly dressed in the clothes she had went to sleep on, just her loose shirt and pants that didn’t provided much protection against the straps that seemed to bite onto her skin.
But even if that was enough to cause fear within the elf, it wasn’t the worst thing that she saw when she looked around, she saw that her friends were also there, tied up exactly like her to her right, with Daina being in the middle and Amelina to her the left.

Rinyia struggled fiercely but she didn’t accomplished nothing other than harming herself, she couldn’t believe that after the unbelievable escape they had made from the camp of the undead they had fallen captive again, this time she didn’t knew of who, but that didn't made things better, not knowing who was going to enter through the heavy door of that stone room only made the situation more terrifying.

Daina woke up next, probably because of the harsh conditions of her sleep. Just like it had happened to Rinyia it took her some time to realize her situation, but when she did she couldn’t believe it, but she didn’t had the same reaction that the elf did, she didn’t struggled, she was far quicker to surrender.

“Rinyia? What happened?” Daina asked as she began to panic.

“I don’t know” Rinyia replied “it seems like they captured us on our sleep”

“That’s bad” Daina said as she looked in detail at her restraints “That’s very bad!”

Daina only needed to look at the straps over her body to be able to tell that she had no chance of getting out. The leather was tough and the straps buckle was securely clasped over and bolted to the wooden board, not something that someone with her strength could break out of.

“Any idea of how to get out?” Daina asked with despair.

Rinyia looked down and bit her lower lip, frustrated by the fact that there was no satisfying answer she could provide.


“No” The elf replied abruptly “Even if I had the dagger we used before I wouldn’t be able to reach it, but we’re on our sleeping clothes so unless you with a knife under your sleeve we’re screwed”

Daina looked down to, internally cursing her luck in utter silence as she tried her best not to show how afraid she was.

“Someone´s coming” Rinyia alerted after hearing a door being opened in the distance.

Rinyia and Amelina tried to look forward to the entrance to the room as best as they could, but it wasn’t an easy posture to hold since they were horizontally strapped to the boards and they had nothing to rest their heads on, but they managed to hold it for long enough to see who had entered the room.

It was a woman of normal height dressed in a long black robe, she had very red hair which waved down her shoulders and deep green eyes. Her reddish lips were drawing a subtle but smug smile on her face, which quickly told Rinyia and Daina that this woman had no good intentions with them.

“Good evening girls” The woman spoke as she walked up to the two awaken girls “I was planning on coming down here when the three of you were awake, but apparently your friend seems to be unable of waking up on her own”

“Who are you? What did you do to Hilde?” Asked Rinyia as she futilely tried to rise to her captor’s height.

The woman cackled with annoying smugness after hearing the elf’s words.

“Oh I am Hilde” The woman revealed “Sometimes I forget how easily fooled people can be fooled by our disguises”

“What are you?” Asked Daina as fear grew within her.

“A witch” Hilde replied “And I’ve been tasked with giving you back to the queen of this land, who you tried to escape from”

Fear kept growing within the two girls, finding out that they had escaped just to be captured again was beyond descriptions for them. And to that they added the fear of not knowing how the undead that captured them will react once they saw them again, but they were sure that whatever reaction they had it wasn’t going to be good.

“So that’s what you’re going to do with us?” Asked Daina “Can’t we do anything to change your mind?”

“In your situation it doesn’t seem like you could do much for me” Hilde replied “Aside from that, I’m going to do much more with you than just giving you back to Cordelia.”

Those words made Daina gulp, what could a witch have in mind for them?

“How about a small tease of what I want to do with you?”

Hilde walked away from the boards and towards a table, there she had many things in bags that the girls couldn’t see very well because of the angle they were at, but they were sure that they weren’t instruments for their pleasure.

Out of one of the bags Hilde took a leaf, green in coloration and tiny in size, she delicately handled it with her gloved hand and walked besides Amelina, who was still sleeping.

“Since your friend is still sleeping I think I have a fun idea of how to wake her up” Hilde said before opening Amelina’s clothes, revealing her abdomen.

“Do not dare to hurt her” Rinyia demanded, although she couldn’t ask much from her position.

“Don’t worry, she’ll wake up unharmed” Hilde said “Just... Very annoyed”

Hilde moved Amelina’s shirt up just below her breasts and then laid the leaf on Amelina’s abdomen, which was slowly going up and down as Amelina breathed calmly, but such tranquility wouldn’t last long. Amelina began to breath faster and she quickly woke up, she tried to reach down to her abdomen but found it impossible, that was when she found out that she was tied up and she did not liked it.

Amelina struggled and she did so much more than her two friends, fiercely fighting the leather straps holding her down as she drowsily but audibly complained.

“This isn’t funny!” Amelina shouted, still thinking that this was a joke by her friends.

“What’s happening to her!?” Asked Daina.

“Oh, nothing you should worry about” Replied Hilde “Those leaves are probably giving her an unbearable itch though”

After hearing that conversation Amelina turned to look at her side, seeing her friends tied up exactly like her and also Hilde, standing as their captor, but to her she still appeared as a mysterious woman.

“What is this you...”

Hilde grabbed Amelina by the jaw, silencing her in the process, she took pleasure in gloating over Amelina even more than she did with her other prisoners since she enjoyed seeing her fight so fiercely.

“I have some things to explain to you and something tells me that your screaming wont allow me to make myself clear” Hilde said “But I know how exactly how to solve this problem”

Hilde lifted a ballgag that she had grabbed from the same table where she had the leafs and showed it to Amelina, who didn’t liked what she managed to see.

“No way you’re going to put that in my mouth!” Shouted Amelina after seeing just how big the ballgag was.

“You don’t get to choose dear” Hilde said as she grabbed Amelina by the jaw.

Getting Amelina to open her mouth was a difficult task, she was already struggling because of the herbs she had on her abdomen but to that she added even fiercer struggles against her captor. But it was ultimately fruitless because Hilde managed to get her to open her mouth by pinching her nose, forcing her to open her mouth to breath and therefore, creating an opening for the witch.

“Much better” Hilde said after she had gagged Amelina, who was now giving her muffled complaints under her gag “Now that she has been taken care of, what should I do with you?”

Daina and Rinyia shrugged on their restraints, fearing what could that witch have in mind for them.

“I could just give you the same treatment I gave your friend but that would be too boring” Hilde spoke “But I think I know exactly what I should do with you”

Hilde ran one of her fingers along Daina’s left foot, which tickled her greatly and made her instinctively squirm to try to get free.

“Great, just what I needed”

“Please don’t!” Daina pleaded as she began to grasp the idea of what Hilde was planning to do.

The witch walked up to the bound elf and tried the same, she ran her finger across one of her bare feet but there was no reaction whatsoever from the elf.

“You wont be able to do that with me” Rinyia said as she looked at Hilde.

Even though the witch tried other spots in the elf’s body that may be ticklish she still didn’t got any reaction. Poking her ribs, tickling her armpits or her neck, nothing affected her.

“Well that’s a problem” Hilde said after trying everything that she could to tickle the elf “I guess your torture will have to be more psychological”

The witch looked around the room, it was a roughly empty stone cell but eventually she laid her eyes on something other than the table and her prisoners, an old big chair which was overrun by cobwebs in a corner of the room.

Hilde snapped her fingers and the chair began to move, dragging itself against the floor making an awful noise which drawn out for quite long since it took long for the chair to get in front of the three girls where Hilde wanted it.

“Sorry about that, ghosts aren’t really known for their strength” Hilde excused herself as she cleaned some dust off the chair.
“Mpghgghg!” Amelina moaned, dying to scratch her belly yet still unable to.

“Don’t worry, I swear that wont last forever” Hilde chuckled “Now elf girl, I need to untie you but I don’t really want that to be troublesome, so I’ll demand from you that you stay docile”

Again Hilde snapped her fingers, this time she made the restraints that held Rinyia unlock, instantly releasing her.

It was so sudden that Rinyia didn’t knew what to do, she sat down on the board and glared at Hilde, who was smiling at her so blissfully that it was annoying. She was brought out of her trance by one of Amelina’s muffled complaints, that were loud enough to get through the ballgag that Hilde had put inside her mouth and that reminded Rinyia of the suffering her friend was being put through.

The elf jumped over the board where Daina was laying and reached to Amelina to try to remove that leaf from her body, but in an instant and with a speed that Rinyia didn’t thought possible Hilde interposed herself between her and her friend.

“I think I told you to stay docile” Hilde said as she grabbed Rinyia by her wrists.

Rinyia tried to get free but the witch’s grip was incredibly strong and Hilde didn’t even seemed to be making an effort, her face stayed just as calm as before as she held Rinyia with that incredible strength. That was what made Rinyia realize that Hilde didn’t asked her to behave because she needed it, she did so for comfort because she had no way of being anything but an nuisance to the witch.

“Now are you ready to behave?” Asked Hilde after Rinyia had ceased struggling.

Even though her face still showed anger, Rinyia looked aside and nodded, she had no choice that would end right for her other than that.
Rinyia allowed herself to be sit down on the chair by Hilde. Despite its size the piece of furniture wasn’t the most comfortable, it was hard and almost too big even for someone of Rinyia’s size, who felt as if she were a child sitting on a normal chair.

“Now I should tie you up but I’m not feeling like it, tying you to that chair would be take too much time” Hilde said as she looked down at the elf sitting down on the chair “But don’t think I don’t have another way to take care of you”

Calmly, Hilde walked towards the table where she had all of her instruments and took seed out of a small bag. Rinyia wanted desperately to get Amelina out of her suffering but having seen what Hilde was capable of she decided against it and just stood there, sitting awkwardly on the chair occasionally looking behind her to try to figure out what her captor was doing.

This time the witch grabbed a small flowerpot where apparently nothing more than a small green plant was growing. Rinyia had no idea of what Hilde’s intentions with that plant were, but she was still more concerned with Amelina’s situation, which made her only notice the plant again once it was too late.

Rinyia felt vines crawl up her legs and pin them to the front legs of the chair, she looked behind her to see what was happening and was met by Hilde, holding the flowerpot from which countless vines were emerging and crawling like snakes to wrap around Rinyia.

“Don’t worry, they are harmless” hilde said as she laid the flowerpot on the floor “But they’ll be easier on you if you stay still”

Rinyia immediately understood what Hilde was talking about when the vines tightened immensely around her body when pinning her to the chair’s back, only ceasing to be so tight once she stuck her back against the chair’s and the vines could work their way up her chest with ease.

Daina was the only one that could afford to care for her friend because Amelina was too busy cursing her own luck and thinking about what she was going to do with Hilde when she broke free, even though she wasn’t sure if she was going to get free.

By the time the vines were done with the elf, Rinyia had her legs tied to the front legs of the chair, and since the chair was so tall she could barely reach the floor. Rinyia’s arms were bound to the armrests of the chair form the wrists to the elbows, her tights were tightly pinned to the seat and vines went form her waist up to below her breasts, securing her to the chair. She didn’t even needed to struggle to realize that she had no chance to escape.

Thankfully there were some good news for the prisoners, or at least one. Because after making sure that Rinyia was secured to the chair properly Hilde walked up to the board where Amelina was tied to and removed the dreaded leaf from above her abdomen, which brought great relief to Amelina who felt the unbearable itch she was feeling before gradually fade away,

“You can thank me later” Hilde said as walked away from Amelina and towards Daina.

“Mpghgh!” Grunted Amelina in response.

“I’ll need you to make silence for this, so please open up and make this easier” Hilde said as she showed a ballgag to Daina.

“Please I swear I will..” Daina was interrupted by Hilde, who felt like she had spent enough time with her other two prisoners to be able to afford hearing what Daina had to say.

“Much better” Hilde said as she turned back to look at Rinyia “Since you are the only one of your friends that has not been gagged, I need you to answer me a question”

Rinyia didn’t verbally replied but she nodded.

“Torturing two people would be too much for me, let alone three, so I want you to choose who of your friends that you have in front of you will be tortured next” Hilde explained “I’ve noticed that both of them are pretty ticklish, so that already gives me an idea of what I’ll do with them”
“Mpghgh” Grunted Amelina, who found the prospect of being tickled somehow even worse than her previous torment.

“So, who will it be?” Asked hilde “Will it be your small, sheepish alchemist friend? She looks like she can’t take it but maybe you think she had it too easy until now” She asked as she pointed at Daina “Or maybe you’ll choose Amelina, she has already taken quite a punishment already but she also looks quite tough, maybe you think that she’s faking it”

Saying that the decision was hard would be an understatement, because as much as Hilde made an effort to sound annoying most of her points were valid. Daina was not the toughest person around but Amelina had already suffered enough.

“Daina” Rinyia muttered.

“What? Speak up please” Hidle demanded.

“Daina, I choose Daina” Rinyia repeated regretfully.

Daina felt chills run down her spine and she was immediately overwhelmed with fear, but even if she was the one that had it worse the decision didn’t left anyone happy. Rinyia felt awful about dooming her friend to that fate and Amelina felt guilty about knowing that it could be her the one suffering Daina’s fate.

“Interesting choice, I wonder hoy she feels bout it” Hilde said “But its not like she can tell you, lets get started”

Again Hilde walked towards the table where she had all of her torture devices, and this time she came back with the strangest selection of objects she had chosen so far. One was a small box covered by a blanket, the other a bucket which judging by the steam that was coming out from it, was holding something hot inside.

Hilde sat on the board beside Daina and smiled when she looked at her, the fear was visible in her prisoner’s eyes and that only made thing more exciting for her. The witch introduced a small brush inside the bucket, which came out tainted in some sort of orange liquid.

“I saved some of the soup just for this purpose” Hilde said as she started to brush Daina’s feet.

Daina had to make a great effort to keep calm, she breather deeply and tried to keep her mind focused on something else, trying with all of her energy not to let out a frantic struggle that would for sure get her in trouble.

“I can see that this is already enough of a torture for you” Hilde said as she began to brush Daina’s other foot “But this is not even the beginning, one could say that it is just the set up”

“Mpghgghg?” Daina moaned, still trying to conceal her suffering.

“You see, the reason why I selected soup to put on your feet its not to torture you, its because there’s someone who’ll take pleasure in licking it out of your feet”

Before Daina could even ask herself who was Hilde talking about, her question was answered when something inside the box moved, making a metallic sound that revealed that the object was not a box but a cage. Hilde brought the cage up to her lap and uncovered it, revealing what was inside to her prisoners, it was a medium sized amphibian creature, one of blue coloration, wet blue skin and a big mouth equipped with a proportionally big tongue that the creature was using to clean its eyes.

“This creature that you’re seeing here is a frost salamander” Hilde explained as she released the creature and began to caress it “Since your an alchemist I take it that you know of many of they magical capabilities, but did you know about their taste for hot food?”

As Daina realized what Hilde’s intentions were she began to struggle, tigging the board straps to no avail.

“Despite being exceptionally cold creatures, salamanders love hot things like fire, boiling water, and maybe my pumpkin soup” Hilde began to let go of the salamander, allowing it to crawl onto the board with its stubby legs “What do you think?”

“Mpgghghghg!” Shouted Daina.

Daina’s screams only continued after the creature began to lick the soles of her feet, her tongue was cold and wet and its licks ran slowly from her ankles up to her toes. It was downright torturous.

Hilde appeared to find Daina’s suffering quite amusing, she chuckled as she looked down on her helpless victim, who relentlessly but futilely struggled against the restraints that held her with every lick that the salamander took.

But Hilde’s pleasure was short lived, as a loud knock on the door upstairs prompted her to change her expression to one of annoyance. The witch called its pet which obediently returned to its cage where it snuggled up and quickly fell asleep. Daina was immensely relieved because she wasn’t sure of what would happen to her if her torture continued.

“I’m sorry but it seems like our fun is over” Hilde announced before leaving the room.

Now Daina didn’t knew if she should be thankful of her torture being over, because according to what her captor had previously told her there was only one person looking for them and she didn’t had the best of intentions.

Daina looked aside and was met by Amelina, who was still struggling to break free to no avail, her relentless yet futile fight made Daina feel guilty, after all none of them would be there if it wasn’t for her choice to take this knowingly dangerous path.

After a few minutes when Daina was regaining her heat after cooling down immensely because of the salamander licks, she and her two friends heard the noise of people coming into the room, which made them look towards the door as much their restraints allowed them to.

“Well, was the escape worth it?” Cordelia asked as she walked into the room with Hilde and her two guards.
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Post by Caesar73 »

You have been really busy [mention]banshee[/mention] ! And I am looking forward to read the three Chapters I missed!
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Yeah, the trio shouldn't have trusted the lady/witch. They cannot catch a break (good for us, the readers). I loved the psychological torture: having to choose one of her friends to suffer the torture. I wonder if more of that is coming from Cordelia, and of course, how will the protagonists escape eventually? In those realms, there doesn't seem to be much hope.

Great work!
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Post by Caesar73 »

So I had finally time to read Chapters 3 - 5! You did a great job [mention]banshee[/mention] ! The location of Chapter the Three, the mound reminded me of the Lord of the Rings, Book One. I looks, like the Girls are in a tight Spot. They walked right into a trap - and I think Cordelia´s appearance at the End of Chapter 5 won´t change things for the better, I guess :)
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Post by banshee »

Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago So I had finally time to read Chapters 3 - 5! You did a great job [mention]banshee[/mention] ! The location of Chapter the Three, the mound reminded me of the Lord of the Rings, Book One. I looks, like the Girls are in a tight Spot. They walked right into a trap - and I think Cordelia´s appearance at the End of Chapter 5 won´t change things for the better, I guess :)
Thanks! It was kinda inspired by that.
Mineira1986 wrote: 2 years ago Yeah, the trio shouldn't have trusted the lady/witch. They cannot catch a break (good for us, the readers). I loved the psychological torture: having to choose one of her friends to suffer the torture. I wonder if more of that is coming from Cordelia, and of course, how will the protagonists escape eventually? In those realms, there doesn't seem to be much hope.

Great work!
This isn't exactly the chapter that will get their hopes up but you'll see

Chapter 6: The City of the Dead

In order to be taken to what Cordelia referred to as the capital of the kingdom the girls were untied from the boards or chairs they were tied to, but like all good things their freedom didn’t lasted long. It wasn’t like they didn’t expected to be retied in the first place, but at least captor was kind enough to let them get dressed again. But such act didn’t came exactly out of kindness, Cordelia simply thought that showing off the three girls in their traveling gear would be a more impressive sight than showing them on their sleeping gowns.

And so the girls got dressed as requested. Daina putted on her dirty and worn but fine clothes, Amelina her colorful and somewhat tight uniform to make her look more intimidating and therefore a more impressive capture. Rinyia was allowed to put on her green clothes and leather armor, but she wasn’t allowed to put on her cloak since Cordelia wanted everyone to know that she had captured an elf.

Once they were dressed the girls were finally tied up again, a fate that they didn’t welcomed happily but also didn’t fought against since they saw how they had no chance. Their hands were tied parallel to each other behind their backs and ropes were tied around them above and below their breasts in order to pin their arms to her backs.

“Anything else?” Amelina grunted as the guard tying her finished tightening one of the ropes around her chest.

“Not yet, we need you walk so get going” Replied Cordelia, who had already finished tying Daina “What we can do now is gag you”

Amelina regretted not staying quiet, but the truth was that Cordelia would have gagged them anyway. They were gagged by their respective guards with thick white clothes which they were forced to bite on as the gag was tightly tied behind their heads.

Then they were walked out of Hilde’s basement and then out of her house. The witch wasn’t at all happy about seeing her prisoners get taken away from her as she had many ideas that she didn’t got to try out on them, but she knew that antagonizing Cordelia wasn’t a good choice.

Once out of the house the girls were put inside their own carriage, which the undead had made their own. Plenty of more undead were there for good measure since Cordelia didn’t wanted to have the girls escaping from her a second time.

After they had been thrown inside the carriage Cordelia personally tied their legs together, both at the ankles and knees to make sure that her prisoners didn’t put those legs to use.

“Now that you have settled down I’ll tell you what’s going to happen to you” Cordelia spoke as her prisoners leaned back against one of the carriage walls.

Daina couldn’t gather the strength to look up to her captor, she looked down, still baling herself for the situation she and her friends were in. Rinyia, despite being heavily bothered by the ropes hugging her body remained stoic, she didn’t wanted her captor to know nothing of what she was feeling. Amelina on the other side was visibly angry, fuming below her gag as she glared at Cordelia, which only brought more smug happiness to the wight.

“You’re going to be taken to the capital, that you already know, but there you’ll be displayed for everyone to see, even the queen herself?” Cordelia explained.

“Mpghg?” The three girls moaned at unison as they couldn’t give credit to what they were hearing.

“Just like you heard it” Cordelia said “Now sit tight, the way isn’t long but I’m sure it can get boring when you’re tied up”

Amelina moaned at the obvious tease, she couldn’t imagine how humiliating her fate was going to be.

As the carriage got going the girls began to analyze their situation with the fullest intent of trying to escape since they didn’t not wanted to be displayed as a trophy any time soon. The carriage had been emptied of anything that could have helped them escape and so were them, only to add to the difficulty of trying to escape there were at least two guards driving the carriage, which meant that they couldn’t make any noise.

“Mphghg” Amelina whispered as she turned her back to her friends and moved her bound hands.

Rinyia was the first one to realize what Amelina was trying to say. She got back to back with her mercenary friend and began trying to untie her hands.

Daina on her part remained still with a steady eye on the carriage’s front. Not only because there wasn’t much she could do to get untied by herself but also because the fear of some of their captors finding out that they were trying to escape was paralyzing.

Rinyia was near getting the ropes around Amelina’s wrists undone when a voice was heard by the three of them coming from very close to them. They all felt chills run down their spines, but for Amelina and Rinyia that feeling was accompanied by an immense feeling of rage.

“Keep going, I’m waiting” Cordelia said as she peeked at the inside of the carriage from the front entrance.

It had never occurred to them that Cordelia could be one of the guards in front of their carriage, but it now seemed so obvious that they blamed themselves for trying something so stupid.

But seeing how Cordelia stuck to her words and kept waiting, Rinyia attempted to free her friend in a last ditch effort which was surprisingly successful. Amelina immediately began to try to untie herself but she was quickly stopped by Cordelia, who grabbed her by her arms and pinned her to the floor.

“Mpghgh!” Grunted Amelina.

“That was impressive, you three truly are a problematic trio” Cordelia said as she brought Amelina’s hands behind her back with surprisingly great strength “But your escapades are over”

Cordelia tied Amelina’s hands back together with more tightness, tight enough that the mercenary could feel the ropes eve through her gloves. Then she grabbed another rope from a set of loops that hung from her belt, she ran those ropes through the restraints around Amelina’s hands and then she tried to get them to her ankle restraints.

Amelina moaned and struggled fiercely as she did not wanted to be tied like that, but her kicking and thrashing ended up being for nothing as she ended up being put in an especially tight hogtie because of them.

Rinyia and Daina suffered the same fate. While the elf took her punishment stoically Daina found herself on the verge of tears as she felt Cordelia tighten the hogtie that she would have to bare until who knows when.

“And just for good measure” Cordelia said as she took some bandages out of her pocket, which she then wrapped around the hands of each of her prisoners “If you manage to break out of this I’ll be more impressed than angry, but I doubt that you’ll be able to impress me”

And Cordelia was right, during the whole journey the girls made no progress at escaping and at some point they stopped trying, only sharing some gazes of mutual sadness from time to time.

But like Cordelia said it wasn’t long before the carriage reached its destiny and stopped, the girls couldn’t see much but they could certainly hear that they were no longer in the country fields but instead in some sort of city.

“Seems like the preparations are not ready, so you’ll have to wait a bit” Cordelia said as she entered the carriage “Thankfully for you we have a place just for that”

The girls had their ankles untied and they were forced outside the carriage. There they found out that they were in some sort of fortification, many of the guards that had escorted them to that place were patrolling around and there was no visible exit since the main entrance seemed to be closed.

But they didn’t had much time to look around, they were forced to walk as quick as they could with their knees tied up and moved deeper into the structure. None of the guards seemed to acknowledge their presence, but that made more sense since they knew that there were no humans below the armor but instead skeletons. Eventually and after walking down a long staircase they arrived at a dark hallway, illuminated only by the light of some torches that were close to fading out, it was the castle dungeons.

“These have been empty for a while now, I hope you don’t mind the dust” Cordelia said as she opened one of the cell’s doors while she left the girls under the custody of the six guards that had accompanied them.

Since all of the torches were on the hallways the cell the girls were thrown in was especially dark, they could see what was out of the cell but they could barely see what was inside.

“Since these may as well be your last moments together I’m going to be kind enough to ungag you” Cordelia said before removing the prisoners’ gags.

None of the girls dared to utter a word when Cordelia walked out of the cell and locked the door behind her or when she left the dungeons, banishing in the darkness upstairs.

“I can’t believe that this is the end” Daina said sadly after some long minutes of silence.

“It isn’t” Amelina said “Give me your hands’ I’m sure we can work out this bandages if we try!”

“What for?” Asked Daina “Even if we somehow managed to get untied we’re still locked up inside this cell, and even if we get out we still have all of the fortress to go through!”

Silence filled the cell as Amelina was left with no answers.

“I guess that this really is the end then” Rinyia spoke, she had already settled in a corner, almost like if she had accepted her fate.
The following hour went by in absolute silence, everyone thought that any spoke word would only end up making the situation more tragic than it already was. And just when everyone was gathering up the courage to say their goodbyes Cordelia came back into the room without anyone noticing.

“Well, everything has been prepared so I hope you’re ready” She said as she began to open the cell’s door.

The first thing she did once she was inside was gag all of her prisoners again in the same cleave gag manner she had used before, but this time she stuffed a cloth inside each prisoner’s mouth to make their gags more effective. All of the girls were too defeated to pose any resistance so they just allowed themselves to be gagged.

But they didn’t expected what came next, they were blindfolded and only then they were taken out of the cell by some guards who walked them upstairs again.

Blinded by the blindfolds, the girls couldn’t tell much of where they were being taken to or what was going on around them, but judging by what they heard they could notice that at some point they left the fortification and went to a crowded place.

By the time they began to walk in some sort of wooden floor the three of the girls had their legs immensely tired because of how long they had been forced to walk with their knees tied together, they would have loved to sit down but they weren’t allowed even that.

Each one of the girls was forced against a thick wooden pole, then they had their hands untied only to had them tied again behind the poles. Amelina made a last ditch effort at escaping but was quickly subdued by the guards around her, who bound her more tightly in reprimand for her behaviour.

After a few minutes the girls were securely tied to the poles, with their hands behind them and ropes running from below their breasts down to their waits and at their knees pinning them to the their respective post. Their situation was bad enough already, they could feel that it wouldn’t be long before the strain on their legs became unbearable, but it was about to get worse,

When their blindfolds were removed the girls became able to see their situation, and they saw themselves standing bound to posts atop a wooden podium surrounded by hundreds of people who had their eyes fixed on them. None of them, not the proud Amelina nor the humble Rinyia, could bare such humiliation.

“In case anyone needed a reminder of what happens to those who go against our kingdom” Cordelia spoke to the crowd before her “Look at them and asks yourselves if you want to end up like them”

The crowd murmured as they kept looking at the displayed prisoners, who tried to no avail to hide their ashamed faces. Daina looked at her sides to seek some relief in her friends, but both Amelina to her right and Rinyia to her left seemed to be having an equally bad time as her.

It was impossible for the girls to tell how much time had passed, they were exhausted enough to think that hours had gone by but seeing how Cordelia and the crowd before them didn’t seemed to care much they knew that it wasn’t the case.

But they also didn’t knew what would be worse, if not much time had passed that meant that whatever came after all the time they had left would be unimaginably worse than what they were going through now, and it hours had passed that meant that they weren’t going to be freed any time soon and that they may as well spend the whole night in that situation.

So it was hard to tell how much time had passed when the crowd went silent and made way for a woman and a small entourage of heavily armored guards. But when it happened it quickly caught the prisoners’ attention.

“Well well, this is a very impressive catch Cordelia” The woman spoke beneath her black hood as the guards allowed her to take a closed look at the prisoners.

“R.., Really? Thank you!” Cordelia replied, apparently very flattered.

“I’d like you to take them to my palace once their time here is over” The woman continued.

“As you wish your majesty!”
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 7: The Queen of the Dead

Eventually the girls felt ropes around their bodies being untied, which brought great relief to them, but they weren’t allowed to sit down as they would’ve wished to. They were immediately grabbed by their upper arms and taken away from the podium.

They were just untied from the poles, their wrists were quickly retied behind their backs again and her upper arms pinned to their chests with more rope. The only thing they could be happy about was their knees being untied.

They only remembered that a woman who appeared to be the queen demanded to have them taken to her palace when they were brought before a carriage guarded by some armored skeletons and Cordelia Herself. Whether those were good or bad news they didn’t knew.
Cordelia entered the carriage with the three girls who sat in front of her. Quickly after the carriage got going.

“Ready to meet the queen?” Asked Cordelia.

Her question was met with utter silence.

“Why so gloomy?” Cordelia asked again “She’s not going to hurt you, you just nee to behave”

Again, the girls were not feeling in the mood to say anything, so they remained quiet. They didn’t even moved in their restraints.

“Whatever, just know that if you misbehave during your captivity in her palace you’re going to regret ir, and I’ll make sure of that”

No more words were spoken during the travel. The girls just watched through the windows as they left the city and approached an ominous mansion on a hill that overlooked the city. A place that looked anything but inviting.

The carriage stopped once it was before the mansion’s gate. Before the gates of the vehicle were opened Cordelia grabbed some black cloths from a pouch and dangled them before the prisoners.

“Did you miss these?” She asked.

The girls were quickly blindfolded again and once they were properly blinded they were walked out of the carriage. Once inside the mansion they expected to be put in some sort of hidden room or dungeon, so they were surprised when they were walked into a room rather quickly and then sat in rather comfortable chairs.

The girls could feel the plushy velvet seats and armrests of the chairs, a sharp contrast to the dungeons they were running into as of late, but that didn’t made up for the uncomfortable feeling of being tied up.

Their arms were forced behind the backs of the chairs and their chests were tied to the backrest below and above their breasts. Ropes also pinned their waist to the backrest and lap to the seat. Their feet were tied individually at the ankles to the back legs of the chair, a position that was anything but comfortable and that also made moving the chair on their own extremely difficult.

Cordelia checked the restraints that the guards had tied on Amelina and Rinyia, and after tightening them for good measure she and her guards left, leaving the three, bound, gagged and blindfolded prisoners alone.

Even though their hopes of escaping were already none, the three of them began to try and feel their restraints. They were uncomfortably tight and forced them on a very uncomfortable position. Amelina grunted in anger as she tried to make herself comfortable only to find out that it was impossible. Both of her friends would’ve loved to console Amelina but their gags impeded them from doing so.

But the commotion was quickly put to an end when the prisoners heard the door being opened, followed by the recognizable sound of heels over the floor.

“Well well, if it isn’t the three intruders who I have before me...” The queen spoke.

She followed her words with a notoriously fake laugh that Amelina almost laughed at. If this woman was trying to be intimidating she was doing a less than poor job at it.

“Now what am I going to do with you” The queen continued once her laughter was over “Because by this point there’s not much I can’t do to add to your humiliation”

Again she laughed, this time Amelina couldn’t hold back and laughed too. But her gag made it so her laugh was made into a brief chuckle.
But that was enough for the queen to notice that she was being laughed at. She grabbed Amelina by the jaw and forced her to look up, despite most of her face being covered by her gag and her blindfold it was not hard to notice that she was holding back her laugh.

“You dare mock me?” The queen asked, with her voice breaking at the exact moment when she tried to sound the most intimidating.
And them Amelina lost it, she began laughing too much to care for whatever this queen could do to her.

Even though Rinyia and Daina were made uncomfortable by her friend’s laugh, they couldn’t help but agree to the fact that the queen was more funny in a pathetic or disappointing kind of way that she was scary. For someone who reigned over legions of undead, she was certainly not as scary as one would expect.

“Let’s see if you laugh after some interrogation” The queen said after a long sigh.

The girls heard the queen sat before them and then they had their blindfolds removed, apparently by some of the queen’s magic. That allowed the girls to finally see their captor.

The first thing that came to their notice was her age, she was far younger than they expected. While their minds had pictured an older woman with a cold evil look and sharp features the woman they had before them was on the first years of its adulthood, had pale soft skin, round soft cheeks, blue eyes and long blonde hair, not exactly the aspect one would expect from the queen of the dead.

Aside from their captor, the room was also a far cry from what they expected, even though the chairs were unfit for a dungeon they didn’t expect them to be in a room so fine, which judging by the massive bed, also seemed to be the room of the woman before them.

“First, I want you to tell me why you came here” The queen demanded to know, bringing her prisoners’ attention away from her unexpected appearance “Who will be the one to talk?”

“Mphgh” Daina moaned, hoping that maybe if the queen heard their explanation she would let them go.

“Okay then, go ahead” The queen said as she crossed her legs “I’m waiting”

Silence followed, since none of the girls could talk and apparently the queen wasn’t going to allow them to there was not much they could do.
“It feels bad doesn’t it?” Asked the queen as she smiled “Wanting so badly to talk yet being gagged, maybe you even hope that your words would get you out of this”

“Mpghgg” Amelina groaned as she gave a light tug to her bonds.

“Almost as frustrating as wanting to break free yet being held so tightly by those bonds, truly your situation is a bad one” The captor laughed in her distinguished way again, but this time her laugh didn’t brought the girls’ attention away from the fact that they were being mocked.

“The truth is, I’m sure that if I let you talk now you’d lie” The queen spoke as she stood up, with the visible intent of leaving the girls “You’d say that you didn’t know about this place, that you were just passing by, that you weren’t looking for this”

The queen grabbed a small necklace that was hanging from her neck, tiny enough that the girls hadn’t seen it up to that moment. But upon contact with her fingers the necklace emitted a dim green glow, clearly signaling that it was magical.

“I’m going to trust what you say after you spend a few hours, or maybe a few days, in the dungeons”

“Mpghgh!?” The girls moaned, not giving credit to what they were hearing.

“That’s right, I hope you won’t miss the ropes because from now on all of your restraints will be pure metal or worse!”

Despite the queen laughing again, the girls no longer could find humor in her ridiculousness, not after receiving those news.

“Enjoy your last moments in those chairs, they will be the most comfortable seat you’ll get to enjoy in a while.

Amelina struggled furiously, refusing to accept her fate, and Rinyia was close to following that path to. So it was only Daina who noticed a small detail that her two friends missed, as the queen left and her guards entered the room, her necklace glowed.

But whatever was the meaning of that it didn’t do anything to stop the guards from untying them from the chairs and taking them to the dungeons. Amelina kicked and thrashed but that only made more guards join the effort of holding her, and soon enough they were taken out of the room and dragged to the dungeons.

But this time they weren’t blindfolded, so they were able to see exactly where they were being taken. They were walked out of the mansion and put in front of a well. Cordelia was waiting there for them, and she had the same smug smile on her face she always seemed to have.

“So you ended up with this treatment huh?” She asked as the rope that lead down to the bottom of the pit was pulled “I’m sure you’ll like it down there”

The rope came to an end, and it ended on a hook. That and the three manacles that Cordelia showed the prisoners was all they needed to know to know how dire their prospect was.

Amelina struggled against the two guards holding her, but that and the tight ropes holding her only made her the first candidate to be sent down. She was untied while guards kept a hold of her arms to make sure her struggles remained fruitless. Her arms were then forced in front of her and Cordelia manacled her hands.

Having her hands tied in front of her was a nice break from the restraints she was being put in as of late, but like all good things it didn’t lasted long. Just like she expected the chain that linked the manacles was hanged from the hook, and then Cordelia began to lead her towards the well.

“Stop struggling, you’ll only make things worse” Cordelia said as she kept pushing Amelina.

Amelina closed her eyes before her feet were forced off the ground, afraid of looking down at the black void below her feet. The pull that gravity made on her hanged body was all she needed after so much time tied up, but it quickly became painful.

Cordelia signaled the guards to lower the prisoner, and so they did. Slowly but surely Amelina’s muffled moans got further and further away until they were no longer heard.

“Come here elf girl, you’re next” Cordelia said as she grabbed Rinyia by her chest restraints.

And so the same process was applied on the elf, who could no longer keep up her stoicism and lashed out at her captors, struggling fiercely but to no avail to break free. Soon enough, when the hook was pulled back up again free from Amelina,, Rinyia was hung from her wrists and lowered into the darkness.

Daina was not struggling, she was too afraid to do so. Her breath and heartbeat were out of control and she couldn’t stop shaking, fearing whatever had happened to her friends and what will soon enough come to her.

Unlike her friends Daina didn’t struggled to break free when she was untied to have the manacles applied, she couldn’t find the strength to do so. She merely allowed herself to be manhandled by Cordelia, who manacled and hanged her with pleasure.

“Have fun!” Cordelia said as she let go of Daina.

Unlike her two friends who were warriors Daina couldn’t resist the strain from being hung and the pain was quick to overcome her. Her body was not nearly as hardened as that of her friends so every second that she descended into the seemingly endless darkness seemed unending. But at least that pain allowed her to distract herself from thinking about what she was going to find down there.

Daina unhooked her wrists as soon as her feet touched the floor and then fell on her knees, nearly sobbing. She looked around and saw only darkness, she was standing on the only illuminated spot in a seemingly endless dark room.

The alchemist was about to remove her gag and call for her friends, but when she did she felt something that made her skin craw. A pair of cold hands were laid on her shoulders from behind, and then she heard someone, a woman with ghostly voice unlike anything that she had heard before, speak right to her ear.

“Well well, so there’s more to play with”
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Oh, nice, nice. Public display. That has to be so humiliating. I would have suggested a forced march among the crowd, being parade as prisoners, but just showing them tied to poles was really great. The fact that Cordelia explains to them what it's going to happen adds so much to the punishment. They know what is going to happen and they cannot prevent it from happening.

I really don't know how the trio is going to get away. I mean, they have to, right? They are the protagonists. But, oh boy, they have got themselves into a big mess.

Keep it up! I am absolutely loving this story!
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Post by banshee »

Mineira1986 wrote: 2 years ago Oh, nice, nice. Public display. That has to be so humiliating. I would have suggested a forced march among the crowd, being parade as prisoners, but just showing them tied to poles was really great. The fact that Cordelia explains to them what it's going to happen adds so much to the punishment. They know what is going to happen and they cannot prevent it from happening.

I really don't know how the trio is going to get away. I mean, they have to, right? They are the protagonists. But, oh boy, they have got themselves into a big mess.

Keep it up! I am absolutely loving this story!
Thanks! About your question, you'll find out, I hope you like this chapter

By the way this is the final chapter, happy halloween everyone

Chapter 8: Dethroned

Daina was knocked out after someone bit her in the clavicle, she could feel soft human bite but also some sort of poison running through her veins, rapidly weakening her and putting her to sleep. She thought that maybe that was for the better, after all, considering her condition she’d rather not be awake to see anything of what was happening.

She was right to assume that the same had happened to her friends, who were now trapped somewhere in the darkness where her limp body was dragged to.

Out of the three prisoners the first one to wake up was Rinyia, she felt weakened when she did, just opening her eyes was more of an effort than it should. The pitch darkness was no obstacle for her to see, but considering what there was to see she’d have rather not have seen anything.

They were not in a normal cave, this cave had cobwebs everywhere, dense white cobwebs so big that made her question if there was a spider big enough to make them. Like most people, Rinyia was not fond of spiders, so the cobwebs were anything but good news to her.

Rinyia tried to move, to see if there was something she could do to get out if that hellish place, and that was when she realized that she couldn’t move at all. Down from her neck her body was paralyzed, she could barely move her legs or torso, her whole body was encased, mummified in cobwebs like those that were covering the rest of the cave.

She was also suspended mid air, linked to the walls of the cave by cobwebs strings, she was like a trapped fly waiting to be devoured by her captor. She looked at her sides, somewhat above her was Amelina and below her Daina, wrapped in the exact same way as her.

The wrapping was soft but really tight, she had no chance of getting away from it with her bare hands which were also encased on the cobweb wrappings.

“I wouldn’t move if were you, the more you struggle the tighter it gets” Someone spoke from the darkness.

Scared, Rinyia directed her gaze towards the source of the voice and there she saw the silhouette of a woman, slender and with short hair, she appeared to be sitting, but Rinyia couldn’t make out much details out of her.

Her fear only grew bigger when the woman stood up, revealing that her lower body was not that of a human but of a spider instead, and a giant spider at that. The creature walked closer and closer to Rinyia until she became able to see her clearly.

Her upper body was that of a dark elf, she had purplish skin, shoulder length white hair, pointy ears and red eyes. She was almost half naked, with only some torn robes covering her upper body, leaving her abdomen and arms exposed.

“Oh, are you scared?” She asked as she rested her hands on her hips.

“Who are you?” Asked Rinyia with a shaky voice.

“You can call me Salith” The captor replied “And I am the queen’s... jailer I guess”

“What are you going to do with us?” Asked Rinyia.

“I’m going to keep you like that until they want you back up” Salith replied “Now that I’ve answered, why don’t you tell me what you were doing here before you got captured”

“We were just passing by I swear it!” Rinyia replied.

“Don’t worry, I Believe you” Salith answered “But that won’t change anything”

“What does that mean?”

“The queen doesn’t care about your intentions, she’ll always think that you’re here to steal her magic amulet” Replied Salith “She just sent you down here to make you suffer”

Rinyia gave a strong but short struggle against all of the strings holding her, unsurprisingly nothing happened, so she just looked down, utterly defeated.

“What so special about that necklace?” Asked Daina, surprising both Rinyia and Salith. She had waken up in the middle of the conversation, and since she woke up still feeling the effects of the poison she decided to wait before speaking a word.

“Haven’t you noticed?” Salith asked rhetorically “It is what allows her to control the undead, without it they would either crumble to pieces or turn against her because of what she did to them”

As much sense as everything made, it didn’t made sense that Salith was speaking to them so freely about it. Those were type of facts that one would expect that a captor would keep hidden from her captives, but Salith didn’t seemed to care.

“Why are you telling us this?” Asked Daina “It doesn’t make sense”

Salith looked at Daina sternly, she clearly didn’t liked her words, but Daina kept talking.

“Is it the queen? Do you have something against her?”

“Silence!” Salith demanded as she fired cobwebs to Daina’s face, cobwebs which stuck to her face and covered her mouth from below her nose down to her chin and from cheek to cheek, gagging her with extreme effectiveness.

Daina tried to move her mouth but the cobwebs were so sticky that her jaw was rendered useless, she was unable to open her mouth at all.
“I can tell you whatever I want, and I can do with you whatever I want” Salith said “And I thing I know exactly what I should with you”

Salith grabbed Daina’s encased legs and removed the cobwebs below her ankles. For a second Daina thought that she was going to release her but that hope didn’t lasted long. When Salith removed her boots Daina knew exactly what she was going to do and she couldn’t believe it.

“Something tells me that you are very ticklish” Salith said before tickling Daina’s feet and confirming her suspicions “And that tells me that I’m right”

“Mpghgh!” Daina begged, but her gag was too effective.

“What about here?” Salith said as she poked Daina’s sides, making her instinctively squirm as much as she could, which wasn’t much “I’m going to have so much fun”

“Please” Rinyia interrupted “She has had enough already”

Salith looked seriously at the elf for a few seconds, Rinyia hoped that she was considering the choice but she soon find out that it wasn’t the case when inadvertently Salith fired cobwebs to her face, leaving her with a gag just like the one Daina had on.

“It has been long since they have sent me captives, so I’m expecting to have a lot of fun with you” Salith spoke.

And she certainly delivered on that. Daina had her sides and feet relentlessly tickled by her half arachnid captor who took great pleasure in seeing her squirming to get away from her.

At first Salith switched from ticking Daina’s sides to Daina’s feet, but when Salith changed her methods that Daina began to miss that. While she used her human hands to tickle Daina’s feet Salith used some of her spider limbs to poke Daina’s ribs, now there was not a part of her body that wasn’t under attack.

Rinyia tried to look away from her friend’s suffering but she couldn’t ignore her screaming nor she could ignore Salith’s smug laugh which would put the queen’s fake evil laugh to shame.

“Leave her alone!” Shouted Amelina, who had been waken up by her friend’s screaming and was horrified by seeing her friend suffer like that.
“Try to stop me!” Salith said as she looked to the mercenary without stopping to torture her victim.

Ameline clenched her teeth as she felt the rage built by the frustration of being unable to save her friend grow inside her. She was her escort, her bodyguard, and most importantly her friend, she should be there to protect her yet there she was, encased in cobwebs like a helpless insect.
“Tickle me instead!” Amelina shouted “I’m far more ticklish than her!”

That made Salith stop torturing Daina which brought immense relief to her. She looked up to Amelina and crossed her arms below her breasts.
“That’s a sacrifice I’m willing to accept since you’re so willing to make it” She said as she began to wrap Daina’s feet again with her spider limbs.
“Mpghghg!” Daina shouted, despite not being tickled anymore she still moaned as loudly as her gag allowed her.

“What’s with you now?” Asked Salith with frustration “I’m no longer tickling you, you should stay quiet or I’ll make that gag worse”

“Mpghgh!” Daina moaned again, not caring about her captor’s words.

“Since your friend has already made sacrifice for you I’ll allow you some words” She said as she began to remove Daina’s gag “But if this is just begging for me to torture your friend I’ll end up tickling you both and her sacrifice will become pointless”

Daina nodded and Salith finished to remove her gag, which was an easy task for her as she apparently was unaffected by the stickiness of the material.

“What is it then?” Asked Salith after she finished ungagging her prisoner.

“I know how to cure you!” Daina replied almost immediately after Salith had finished speaking.

Salith grabbed Daina by her arms tightly and looked at her in the eyes with a terrifyingly serious look in her red eyes.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about” Salith said as she prepared to put an even worse gag on her prisoner.

“I know you’re a drider, I know you’ve been cursed!” Daina spoke rapidly, trying make herself heard while she could “But I know how to reverse that curse!”

Even though Salith remained as serious as before she crossed her arms, clearly signaling that she wasn’t going to gag Daina again at least for the time being.

“I’ll give you a minute to explain to me whatever it is that you’re trying to say” Salith sighed before using more cobwebs to gag Amelina, who was taken by surprise by the disgusting gag “And I want no interruptions”

Daina made the best of the time she was given, she explained to Slith how exactly a cure for the curse that made her body into a half spider one could be made and she also told her that if she were to let them go she would come back and deliver the antidote to her.

“And how do you plan to get through the unded guarding this land?” Salith asked “Also, how can I trust you to come back?”

Daina didn’t had exact response so she went silent, but her silence was interrupted by Amelina, who moaned into her gag trying to get Salith’s attention.

“Ugh, I said I wanted no interruptions!” The drider complained.

But Amelina kept complaining, hoping that her muffled moans would eventually get her ungagged.

Salith snorted as she was clearly annoyed by her captive making noise, but she ended up ungagging her anyway.

“I hope you have something very important to say” Salith said.

“I do, I think I know how to solve this problem”

Salith raised an eyebrow but stayed silent, allowing Amelina to continue.

“The necklace is what allows the queen to control the undead right? Then we’ll just get to her and steal it” Amelina explained.

“And how do you plan to do that?” Asked Salith, doubtful about Amelina’s proposal “Also, why would I trust you to come back”

“I swear we can get through those mindless guards if you give us weapons” Amelina replied “And you can be sure that we will return because...”

Amelina made a pause and bit her lip, she didn’t liked what she had to say.

“We we’ll leave Daina with you” Amelina continued.

“What!?” Daina asked, but quickly had her mouth covered by Salith.

“Your plan makes sense to me” Salith said “If you get away with it you’ll have to come back for your friend and if you don’t you’ll be captured again and surely tied up so strictly that escaping will be nothing more than a dream for you”

Salith cut the cobwebs that held Amelina and Rinyia prisoners and after they fell to the floor she unwrapped them from the cocoon. Rinyia struggled to remove her gag by herself and she even left some of the sticky material on her cheeks, but soon enough they were both standing before Salith, waiting for her to tell them what to do. In the meantime Salith had gagged Daina again to ensure that she heard no complains from her.

“You can take the weapons of any of the corpses around here, after you have done that you’ll have to climb up the chain that leads down here, I’m sure you’re fit for that job”

Amelina and Rinyia nodded, regretfully giving her back to their captive friends as they went to look for weapons. After grabbing a pair of rusty swords they went to the cave’s entrance and begun climbing up the chain.

The distance seemed much shorter when climbing the chain, surely because that didn’t had to deal with the pain of being hung from her wrists while they were lowered. Soon enough they were at the entrance of the well.

Two skeletons guards were guarding the entrance, the two girls left the hole stealthily and grabbed the skeletons from behind by surprise and threw them down the well, where they smashed into pieces once they reached the bottom.

“Seems like your friends are doing well” Salith said as she caressed Daina’s face.

Daina was still looking down, fearing for her friends and still trying to process their decision.

“What’s the matter, are you afraid?”

Daina nodded.

“Afraid of what? Of what is going to happen to them or of them betraying you?”

Daina could not answer, but she was sure of something, her friends would never betray her.

Outside the Mansion

“How do we get in?” Amelina whispered as she hid among some bushes with her friend.

“The windows are our best option” I’m sure the lower floors are packed with guards.

“And how are we going to get up there?”

Rinyia replied by showing her friend a rope she had taken with her from Salith’s cave.

“Sound nice, now we just have to find out which window we should sneak in” Amelina said as she turned to look at the mansion and its many windows.

“I think I know what window we should aim for” Rinyia replied.

Amelina raised an eyebrow, she knew that her friend was good at finding what they were looking for but considering their situation she had no idea of how she could have done that.

“When they took us out of the bedroom we weren’t blindfolded, and considering what I saw from the windows we walked by the bedroom window should be...” Rinyia began to tie a loop on the rope she had taken with her “That one!”

After she said that she threw the rope to the mansion, which looped around a gargoyle’s head.

“I can’t be sure of this but whatever, I trust you” Amelina said after waiting in silence for a few seconds to make sure nobody had seen or heard them.

Amelina was the first one to climb up the rope, she did as quickly as she could while also being silent. Once she reached the balcony atop she helped Rinyia get up and soon enough the both of them were standing on the balcony. They pulled the rope back up as to not cause any suspicion and them they peaked inside the bedroom to make sure Rinyia had made the right call.

They could not believe what they saw.

“My my” Amelina said as she entered the room “Isn’t this the famous queen of the dead?”

Rinyia didn’t wanted to blow up their cover but the situation was one in which she couldn’t complain.

The queen was on her knees in the middle of her own bed half naked on black underwear, tightly bound and gagged.

Her legs had been forced to kneel by rope around her calves and thighs, tying her lower thigh to her knees and upper thigh to her ankles. Her chest was encircled by a complex patter of rope that went around her waist, shoulders and above and below her breasts and that also pinned her bound arms behind her back. Arms which were tied at the wrists and the elbows, with the latter almost touching.

On the queen’s mouth there was a big black ballgag which had its black leather straps buckled behind her head. It seemed like the queen had been tied up like that for a while because her gag had made her drool quite a lot.

Needless to say the queen was panicking, her face was red out of shame but she was also shaking out of fear. She tried to call for help but her gag and Amelina, who laid a hand over her mouth, impeded her from doing so.

“Oh what I would do to you if I had the time” Amelina said as she sat beside the queen on her bed.

The queen tried to get away from Amelina but she held her against her body and gave her an evil grin, taking the exact same pleasure in seeing her tied up that the queen had taken when she had them in her current position.

“Someone’s coming!” Rinyia alertad.

Amelina immediately begun to try to remove the queen’s necklace, which made the queen pose great resistance once she realized what the mercenary was trying to do. And just to add to the already stressing situation the sound of the door being unlocked was heard.

“Change of plans” Said Amelina as she let of the necklace and grabbed her swords to put it against the queen’s neck “Guard the door Rinyia”
Rinyia readied her sword and stood aside the door, not knowing who what was going to come in.

“Well, Is your majesty ready for me?” Asked Cordelia after she entered the room.

But the expression on her white face quickly became one of concern once she saw her queen being threatened right in front of her, and just when she took notice of that Rinyia closed the door behind her and pointed her sword towards Cordelia’s neck.

“Payback time” Amelina said after they had been locked inside.

“What are you doing? How did you escaped?” Asked Cordelia angrily.

“You don’t get ask the questions, in fact you shouldn’t even get to speak” Rinyia said as she forced Cordelia to move towards the bed with her sword “Now get on the bed with you queen”

Codelia obeyed with reluctance and sat on the bed at a safe distance form Amelina and the queen.

“Tell us Cordelia, do you have anything we can tie you with?” Asked Amelina “Please ,consider what is at stake before lying”

Cordelia bit her lip and looked away, towards the board where she knew that she and the queen kept a lot of rope, the only thing she could be thankful about was that the rope there was soft and easy on the skin. She nodded towards the board and told her captors where to find the rope.
“Good, Rinyia, make sure to tie her real good, she’s kind of a force to be reckoned with” Amelina told her friend.

And so the smug and sadistic Cordelia was left with no choice other than allowing herself to be tied up by the elf. She glance at the queen in front of her from time to time, trying to hide the disappointment she felt about herself whenever she did.

Rinyia took some time to tie Cordelia as securely as she could, and she did so with crude effectiveness. Unlike the queen who was tied very aesthetically, Rinyia tied Cordelia with her only regard being how inescapable the bonds were. By the end Cordelia was tied in the same manner as her queen, although much more tightly and much less aesthetically.

Seeing how in no way they could leave Cordelia ungagged, Rinyia removed the wight’s boots and then her socks, to which Cordelia complained only to have Amelina’s sword put against her neck.

“Care to do the honors?” Asked Rinyia as she handed the socks to her friends.


Cordelia bit her lips and tried hard to prevent the socks from being put inside her mouth, but with the combined efforts of Rinyia and Amelina one of the socks was eventually put inside her mouth and pushed deep inside while the other was laid between her teeth and tied tightly behind her head.

“Just one final detail before we leave” Amelina said as she grabbed one more piece of rope.

Amelina used the rope to tie both captives together at the waist, to which made even the white Cordelia blush, but the captives didn’t complain as it was clear that it clearly something that they liked.

Amelina removed the Queen’s collar to which she could pose little resistance, and then they walked away to the balcony.

“Have fun!” They said before dropping down from the balcony with the rope.

Salith’s Cave

“So, do you think they managed?” Asked Salith “Or do you think they got captured?”

Daina waited in silence. She was hoping for the better but she couldn’t deny that with every second that passed she became more and more nervous for her friends.

Time had passed immensely slow, not only Dana had to deal with the nerves of having her friends outside doing who knows what but she also was tied up, which made time go by with immense slowness.

But the nerves were put to an end when the sound of the chain being moved and the voices of her friends echoed throughout the room, signaling that they had been successful.

“Here’s the necklace” Amelina said as she extended her hand towards Salith “Now release our friend”

Salith was quick to get rid of the ropes wrapped around Daina, who fell to the floor once she was untied. Once on the floor Rinyia and Amelina ran towards her and hugged her.

“Seems like you had quite an adventure” Salith said with irony as she smiled at the scene.

“You had no idea” Sighed Daina as she hugged her friends.
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Post by banshee »


Without the threat of any undead, living pumpkins or witches, the girls were able to continue their way to the academy. They were able to retrieve most of their stuff and what they couldn’t get back they gladly replaced with what they could take from the queen’s mansion.

The people from the region were glad to get rid of the undead and the monsters. They never knew how they had gotten rid of them but theories tended to circle back to the three girls that the queen had taken to her palace that last night the unded reigned in the city.

Salith agreed to wait for Daina to come back with the antidote for the curse the queen had put on her. But to make sure that her wait wouldn’t get boring she waited in the mansion of the former queen, who she was glad to take revenge on after having been cursed by her.

“So, what are you going to tell to the people of the academy?” Asked Rinyia, remembering their originar purpose for taking this route that now seemed so distant.

“I don’t have nothing to tell them, i already have something to show them” Daina said as she showed the necklace to her friends.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Oh no, sadly all stories have to end.

Great one. I wasn't expecting the twist, but it was delivered nicely. All the loose ends were tied up, even Daina got the object she could show at her academy to avoid being expelled. I knew it had something to do with the queen of the dead.

I hope to read more fantasy-style stories from you. They are just great!
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]banshee[/mention] that was quite a finish of this Adventure. At first the situation looked very dire for the three Adventurers! I liked the Mummifictation in Spider Webs and the Tickling Sequences very much. The Atmosphere was very creepy, well done! The icing on the cake in my opinion? The Revenge Amelina and Rynia took was well deserved. The Queen and Cordelia deserved that. I have to agree with [mention]Mineira1986[/mention]: I am looking forward to more of your Stories too!
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Post by King321 »

I like how the story acknowledges  realistic details about bondage. For example, when the trio is lowered into the deep hole by their wrists the characters feel severe pain on the wrists, which is realistic. Most authors will include extremely intense bondage elements like that but without acknowledging how severe it is. Your stories are based in fantasy worlds, but the bondage elements are remarkably realistic which I appreciate. Well done!
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