Sightings at Duns Cove (Multiple M/mm) Part 5 added Sept 29

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Sightings at Duns Cove (Multiple M/mm) Part 5 added Sept 29

Post by frankburns »

[Cockburnspath - Scotland - 1704 - 8:45 pm]

The two youngsters had sneaked out to check up on what one had seen each Friday for the last few weeks. Alone he had been to afraid to check it properly, but with a friend comes courage.

By travelling almost north east they moved steadily towards the cove just short of a mile away, no distance for the boys. They knew the area well.

"Did you remember the telescope William." Jamie asked. He was nearly fifteen, reasonably well built, grown up if you asked him.

"Aye, and I got mey da's Sgian Dubh as well." William replied. Young William, as he was known, was twelve, but looked about ten. It was him that had seen the flashing lights.

"Ye. I sees it in your hosetop, ya know most people keep it in ya oxter." This was just a little tease from Jamie, he knew that 'young William' had fallen once before with it under his armpit. It hurt him, so started pushing it down his sock instead every time his dad let him carry it. Actually a method of carry that a few now did. "ye betta be truthful 'bout this."

"Would I lie t'ye?" William queried.

"Better not or I'll tak your knife and gut ye" Jamie replied, jokingly "Best keep quiet from now. We're close to the north road."

The two boys ducked down low in the hedgebottom to make sure no-one was travelling. Only when they were sure did they cross. Stealtherly they continued across the old medow into the woodland, then up the banking overlooking the Cove.

They dropped to their bellies and crawled the last few feet.

"There, you see it." William said. "I told ye so."

"Shh, quiet, give me the scope."

William passed the telescope to Jamie, who extended it and peered through, first to the shoreline, where the light had flashed, then out to sea. He indicated William to fall back from the top a little.

"Two on the beech, two in a skiff inbound and a black sail at anchor." Jamie said.

"I was right.. Smugglers.. Let's go tell your da, there may be a reward." William said now all excited.

"So William, just how brave ar ye?"

"What ye mean?"

"They have tobacco and rum. What say you we sneak down once they gone and collect our own reward?"

"You mean we steal their booty?"

"Some of it."

"Your da's the advocate. He'll kill us."

"William, there's four of them, two carrying from the ship, two loading into the tunnels. We watch til all four return to the ship, then we just rehide a couple of cases. Then we go tel ma da." Jamie said. "So ar ye grown up enough?"

William didn't want to feel small, and Jamie was one of his true friends, in fact his only friend. This was his chance to show him he was tough and brave. "I...I'll do it."

"Good lad. Let's get back on top and watch them."

For almost an hour the two boys lay on the ridge above the bay before Jamie nudged William. "All four in da skiff, now's our chance."

Carefully the two boys negotiated the drop down to the shoreline and the cave system. Jamie took a last look out to sea, the skiff now almost at the black sail. A lantern had been left behind some rocks, Jamie picked it up and lit it. "Come on lets go. There's quite a few sidechambers to check.

They had spend around fourty minutes in the caves before they found the right chamber. Loaded with a dozen or so chests and about ten barrels.

"Jackpot." Jamie said smilling.

"Well well, two little boys in skirts." The voice was clearly French by the accent

The two boys turned in horror. There looking at them was four men. Two with pistols, one with a dirk, who the boys knew, and the one that had spoken had his arms folded, a menacing sword at his side.

"It's a feileadh-beag ye French heathen!" Jamie said somewhat offended.

The Frenchman looked at the man with the dirk."Sacre bleu! What did he say McFadden?"

"He said it's a kilt. Sir"

"Do you know these kids then."

"Aye," McFadden replied. "The taller one is the son of the advocate. The little one is the village worm."

"Erm. The captian may be interested." He turned to the other two. "se lient les mains"

Neither Jamie nor William knew what was said, but the two men pocketed the pistols and came towards them with some leather thongs. They understood what was happening. They were going to be taken prisoner.

"Be brave William. If they wanted us dead we would be." Jamie wispered.

Within a few minutes both boys had thier hands bounds behind them. The men started to pull them forward.

"Wait." McFadden said "The little one has a knife down his hose."

The leader moved forward and pulled it out of William's hosetop.

"Best check their oxters" McFadden said.

"Check their WHAT!!!" The leader said.

McFadden smilled. "No not there, under their arms, thats where we proper man carry our Sgian Dubh... Sorry knife."

"les rechercher" He ordered. One of the French men moved forward.

"Best I do it." McFadden said, and signalled the Frenchman away.

McFadden made a good job or searching the two boys from head to toe. He grinned at them..
"At least you dress like men now, but in future if your going to rob someone I suggest that you don't rob their lamp and start waving it around." Turning to the leader. "They have nothin else."

"les faire sortir et se rendre au navire" The leader said.

The two Frenchmen grabbed the boys by the arms and pulled them out of the caves to the skiff, where they made them climb in and McFadden bound the boys ankles.

[Advocate McGrady Household - 11:45pm]

Rory McGrady answered the door to Mrs Poole, Wiliams mother.

"What is it at this time o' the night?" He asked

"William is missing. I have no idea." She started.

"I do." He replied and went to the foot of the stairs. "Jamie..... Jamie ... Is young William with you?" A pause.. "Jamie.." He looked at Mrs Poole, turned and ran upstairs." Moments later he was back. Martha the advocates wife had turned up to find out what was happening.

"The Boys are gone." Rory said. "Those idiots are out playing again at this time o' the night. They'll feel my tawse when they get in."

"Should we call the hue and cry?" Martha asked.

"No dear, they have done this before and the search party won't find anything this dark out." He looked at Mrs Poole. "Go home, If they are not back by dawn thirty, then we hunt them down."

[le faucon - A black sailed French Cutter - Midnight]

The sailors had returned to their duties preparing for departure. The Captain, McFadden and two bound boys remained on deck.

"McFadden you are a fool to get seen, now we will have lost that cache, but you bring me these. The advocates son you say."

"Yes captian. I'll pay for the losses somehow, but now I am known I have to flee."

"I should have you flogged and cast ashore, but this just might work out. My Brother Jacque is being held by the Scots. But you have brought me a good barganing chip so you still have your uses."

"What do you want me to do captain?"

"Well first get these two below decks and make sure they don't cause any trouble or you'll be the first to kiss the Gunner's Daughter."

"Yes sir, thank you sir."

McFadden untied the boys ankles and dragged them to their feet. "With me. If you try anything you will get hurt. I can't kill you, but I might just break your arms for you."

He dragged them to an open hatch. "Get down there." He gave them a shove. the two boys stumbled down the steps into the small hold, followed closly by McFadden. "Sit" he ordered, the two boys dropped down and sat. Young William looked scared.

"William. Stay brave. He cant do a lot, that captain needs us alive and without broken bones." Jamie said. "If they hurt us the whole navy will be after them."

McFadden came over with several coils of rope. "Have you ever been tied up before?" The two boys shook their heads. "Well you in for a treat. The captain told me to make sure you don't cause trouble and I mean to make sure of it." He glared at Jamie. "Your a clever one, you know I can't hurt you bad, but by hell I'll slap your faces if you resist. You are also clever enough to know I can and by god I will slap you two so hard. if I have to."

"OK worm, get your legs together." William looked to Jamie.. He nodded. William moved his feet.

McFadden wrapped a length of rope five times round the boys ankles tightly and knotted it off. He then moved to Jamie. "That's just to stop him from running. I'm starting with you."

"Do your worst McFadden. At the end of the day you'll be the one air dancing." Jamie replied.

McFadden slapped Jamies face hard, then again."They'll have to catch me before they can hang me. Now get your legs together."

Jamie complied and McFadden strated to wrap the rope round the boys ankles. Then he stopped and grinned. "No no no..." He said. "I have something far better for you." He unwound the rope tossed it aside and went to the far side searching through some sails.

"This is much better for you." He held up a handful of twelve foot lengths of sail cord.

He came back and laid them next to the boy. Taking one length he made three horizontal loops round Jamie's ankles heaved it as tight as he could then added two vertical loops around the coils and pulled that tight. Jamie grimaced. McFadden took the end up to Jamies knees looped it back and through the vertical strand from Jamies ankle and made another three loops roung the boys legs just below his knees.

Making sure the loops were on Jamies bare skin, in the small gap between his knees and the boys hosetop, McFadden pulled the narrow cord as hard as he could before adding two vertical loops around the coils between his legs and tied it off.

This was much tighter than was needed and Jamie groaned. McFadden didn't care, he just grinned. "You don't like me do you McFadden?" Jamie said.

"No. Your pa has fined me too often so now I'm gonna get my money back in you." McFadden replied.

"Ye knows yer just gonna get gibbet time for this. My time will come." Jamie said.

"Best make sure it'll be worth it then. You think you are so tough don't ye." McFadden laughed as he grabbed Jamie's hair and dragged him foward and down so the boy crashed face down on the deck.

McFadden now went for Jamies arms. He didn't bother unbinding the leather thong. He added loop after loop of the sail cord round Jamie's crossed wrist tightly, going in both directions before securing it off. By the time he was done then whole 12 foot length was used.

Young Willam, who was being forced to watch this started to look scared. He could see how the strong cord really dug into his friend and wondered if he could manage to be as brave as Jamie when it was his turn. 'McFadden is just being cruel. He could have just gone out and barred the hatch.' William thought.

By this time McFadden had taked another length and again using the whole length he had bound Jamie's elbows, again pulling the cord as tight as he could. He grabbed Jamie's hair and pulled him back into a sitting position. Taking up yet another length of the cord he made three loops round the boys arms making sure it was pulled as tight as possible before knotting it off.

Jamie Looked up at McFadden who was grinning at Jamies discomfort. "Is that a little uncomfortable?" McFadden asked.

"I'll ask you the same when they rack you. All your doing is making it worst for yourselve." Jamie replied.

"Why you little.." McFadden was getting anoyed at this boys backchat, he's much rather the boy had begged him to stop. "I'll bind you even more for that."

"Do your damnest you slobberknocker. I just make sure they add tar and feather ye. Maybe I'll be doing the tar poring myself." Jamie replied.

Mcfadden was fuming. He took up another length of cord. Folded up Jamie's kilt a little to reveal the boys bare skin above his knees wrapped and tied that length aronud the boys legs just above his knees. He pulled and tugged it as hard and as tight as he could. Without any hesiatation he added another round of tight coils around the boys thighs over the boys kilt and yanked that as tight as he could.

Jamie glarred at this vicious man.

"Nothing to say?" McFadden said laughing.

Jamie opened his mouth to say something but a hard slap across his face shut him up.

McFadden picked up another length of that cord and coiled it around Jamies legs a couple of inches below his knees. Pulled it tight and tied that off. Still not done he took up another length and looped that another two inches lower down Jamie's legs. As always he heaved it as tight as he possibly could.

Jamie still refused to cry out, even though the four hellishly tight coils round his lower legs were starting to hurt. "McFadden you're a swine, just like your mother." He said.

William couldn't understand why Jamie was being so stupid as to antagonise this man. It seemed he was just making things worse.

Once again McFadden grabbed Jamies hair and dragged him down. He folded Jamies legs over double and taking up the last length of cord he used it to further bind Jamies Legs in the folded over position. He dragged the boy back up, now being forced to kneel, and dragged him back up to the gunalls.

McFadden looked for another length. "Damn." He said when he realised he had actual run out of sail cord. He went over to the other side to fetch more, but was unable to locate any more sail cord, so he brough over three lengths of hemp rope. All that he could find.

He used one to secure Jamie to the gunnels, and another around William's arms and the gunnels.

"McFadden... Get up here there's work to be done. Quit your dallying." It was the captians voice.

"Go to your master you dog." Jamie said.

McFadden glarred back at the boy and slapped his face again. "I'll be back agin." He left.

William started to wriggle. He thought he could get free and help his friend.

"No Willam, stay put. Be silent and get some sleep, I think we'll need it." Jamie said.

"But Jamie..." William started.

"William." Jamie said enforceably. "Do as I say. Be silent."

Last edited by frankburns 2 years ago, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by Paris_bondage »

Wonderful story.
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Post by cj2125 »

Like this story so far! Reminds me of the old kid's in peril movies, what will this smugglers have in store for our heroes? Good job with the accents too!
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Post by wataru14 »

Wow! Really great story so far. Love the cultural pieces and the language. Gives it a real air of authenticity. And I'm a sucker for historical stories. Keep it up!
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Post by Smythdean »

Love this story.
Hopefully these boys get gagged at some point
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Post by frankburns »

[mention]wataru14[/mention] Thank you for the comments. As a point of interest: The palces do exist; Cockburnspath is there, the cove is there, the caves are there. Even the boats did exist at that time. You have to cross the north road to get to the cove. (Alas I have never been there).The clothing also should be correct for early to mid 1700s Scotland. Just the people are ficticious. I have tried to add authenticity to the story by dropping in historical facts..

Sorry [mention]Smythdean[/mention] The boys don't get gagged (but someone does).The pirates/smugglers would have no need to do that, so it wouldnt happen.

[mention]cj2125[/mention] It's a myth that such people harmed children. So don't expect the youngsters to get beaten and tortured..... A few ropes wont hurt them though.

[mention]Paris_bondage[/mention] I'm pleased you are enjoying it.

Part 2 Follows.

EDIT Sept 18
Just added part 3 and 4.... I hope you are enjoying the tale.

[mention]Smythdean[/mention] I hope you like the like the implications at the end of Part 4.... I couldn't let you know earlier... After all I did say 'the pirates' would not hurt them. [mention]cj2125[/mention] So now both of them seem to have problems :)
Last edited by frankburns 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Part 2

[Advocate McGrady Household - Sunday 5:45am]

Advocate McGrady; the sergent at arms; Mr and Mrs Poole, Williams parents; and Mrs McGrady stood talking.

Rory McGrady was speaking. "Sergent, Jamie seems to have gone off playing again last nigh. He took young William with him. I fear they have fallen somewhere. We must call out the cry. You women stay here, have no fear. We'll return with them."

"Aye sir, Let's go, they'll be up in the woodland neigh the tower, there's a hide they use to watch the wildlife. No doubt they still be snoring." The sergent said.

The mensfolk set off through the village calling for the cry, by the time they reached the far end they had been joined by five other men.

The advovate addressed them. "Thak ye all for coming. My Jamie and young William are missing. The sergent and I will search on the leigh of the tower. Two of you check out moorlands, two of you check out the wood near the north road. Two of you to the leigh heath. Any questions?"

A series of shaking heads. "Thak the all agin, we'll meet here in four hours. I'll drink well the ones that find them. Nah.. I'll drink thee well to all. Lets go." The men split up anad headed to their search areas.

[le faucon - Sunday 8:30am]

McFadden stood in the captains cabin before the oak desk. He had been summoned by the captain who sat behind it. "I assume that you secured them boys in?" He said

"Aye captian they be no trouble I can assure you." McFadden replied.

"And they be scared?"

"The little one yes, but the older is dispited, I can soon turn him though." McFadden wanted to get to the boys, his revenge still not fullfilled.

"Plans are made in my mind." the captain said. "First I will speak with the boys."

"I can relay your message captain." McFadden replied.

The captain looked anoyed. He didn't like to be questioned or challanged. His word was the only law on the ship and this scotsman was not even crew. "You think I can't speak for myself!"

"Sir... I..I.. " McFadden started..

"Silence and lead on." The captain ordered.

McFadden and the captain left the cabin and moved to the forehold. McFadden opened it without being asked. He dare hardly speak. The two men went down. William was sleeping. Clearly Jamie hadn't slept much.

Shocked at what he saw. The captain went almost beserk."McFadden what the hell have you done to that boy."

"I just bound him. His lip was bad so I bound him." McFadden blured.

"Bound him! You put him in torture. Get out! Go to the aft cabin and send Fransoir down I'll deal with thee later."

William woke up with all the comotion.

McFadden hesitated. "NOW!" the captian shouted.

McFadden wasted no time in getting away from the livid captain. The captain moved towrds Jamie as Fransoir came down.

"Oui monsieur, vous m'avez appelé?" He said.

"The captain rose up. I called you as you speak their language, I am not mistaken?" He said

"Aye, My captain. I do, thou art not mistaken, and if thee were I would learn their language almost instantly." He was not being rude to the captain. They had sailed together many times and were more friends than captain and boatswain. The captain smiled at the extent of loyalty shown to him, if only through jest.

"Boys. This is Fransoir. He understands thee and will guard.. well take care of thee while on board." He turned to Fransoir. "Be so kind as to unbind that child. He must be suffering badly."

The sailor came across. Once he realised just how poor Jamie had been bound. He too was not pleased. "Who did this to thee?" He asked as he started to remove the tight cords that pained the boys legs.

"McFadden. He hates me for who I am."

Fransoir looked up at the captain, "Let me lay the cat on that turncoat captain. These cords were tied purely to inflict pain on the child. That is not in our code."

"I have plans for him. Take care of them. Report to my cabin when the chance is right, I'll abrest thee of my plans. Get some water and food for them. But having said that, they are not to be given the chance of escape."

"Aye captain." the captain left as Fransoir finishing unbinding Jamie, then he released William.

"Boys" he said. "I will leave ye for a short time to get food and drink and speak with tha captain. Do not attempt to leave this hold. Understand this, though I'll leave ye free for now, under thy oath. But once thee be fed and rested, I will have to bind thee again, though not like that madman did. There is no bar to this hold and I have other duties. If the captain sees you on deck I will get flogged and he might put McFadden back in charge of you. I will trust you to stay while I am gone so you can recover a little."

Jamie nodded, so did William. "I know you feel it is your duty to try to escape, but this is not the time for folly, even though we be close to shore." Fransoir said and left the hold.

William turned to Jamie who was still trying to rub some life back into his legs. "Why did'st ye rile McFadden like that?"

"He was gona hurt one of us at least. I figured the more he did to me the less he could do to you." Jamie said.

"I'm big enough to take my punishment." William said.

"Your brave William, but you no big enough... YET." Jamie smiled.

"What will they do to us."

"I dunno ken. But clear as day they mean to keep us for a while."

"Ye fugur they'll hurt us?"

"No. I've a mind that McFadden has anoyed them. I ken that pirates, even smugglers dona hurt children. The worst I can think is that they keep us as cabin boys."

"So we be slaves now."

"Have no fear. my da will find that booty and he'll work out what happened. I'm minding the captain wants to trade us for his brother. To be true, that Fransoir seems fair minded."

[Cockburnspath Cross - Sunday 10:15am]

The cry had reformed after the initial search. "Nothing?" The advocate said.

"Not even a sign." One said.

The sergent turned to the advocate. "That only leave the cove on the far side and the highmoor."

"They are banned from the cove, it is to dangerous." The advocate said.

"Begin your pardon sir," the sergent said, "and with respect, this is your Jamie we speak about. The cove nor the highmoor is beyond him."

"Your right sergent, you men tak the highmoor, you'll need to spread out up there. Sergent you and I will tak the cove."

One again the search party went off. It was nearly an hour before any sign was found.

"Over here sir," The sergent called.

The advocate ran across to the sergent.

"Flatened grass, sir. The boys lay here." The sergent pointed to the floor. "Perhaps watching birds. I prey they neh fell."

The two men scrambled down the banking but found nothing. Somewhat releived that bodies were not there the advocate pointed to the tunels. "Pehaps lost in there. We'd best check."

For several minutes they searched the many chambers, calling their names. It was the advocate that came to the loaded chamber. "Sergent, come hither." He called.

The sergent ran over. Seeing the chests and barrels he wrenched one open. "Tobacco," he said, "The barrels be French brandy or Rum to be sure."

A dreadful thought flashed through the advocates mind. "Ye don't think.."

"I fear so, sir. Odds show the boys wandered where they need not to be." The sergent then noticed an object on the ground. He bent and picked it up. "Your clan badge sir. Jamie to be sure was here, and leaves us a clue."

"If they hurt either of them, they will dance the line."

"Sir," the sergeant assured him. "That is not the way of either pirate or smuggler. Even they have honor code with children. But I see not why they took them."

[le faucon - Sunday 10:30am]

Fransoir had returned with some water and victuals of hard tack and salt beef. True to their oath, the boys had remained still, greatful that they were no longer bound and feeling less afraid.

"Here." The Frenchman said. "It may not be as tasty as mothers milk, but it will satisfy you."

"You have our gratitute Fransoir." Jamie replied, taking the food and passing some to William. "What is to becom of us? Can you tell?"

"Yes. Indeed I am ordered to. Firstly be assured you are not to be harmed. I have spoken with the captain." The Frenchman replied. "You are the advocates son?" He indicated Jamie.

"Aye." Jamie replied.

"It is the orders of the captain that you will be traded for his brother. The complication is relaying the message to your father. That is where you," He pointed at William, "come in. Tommorow eve, just after darkout you will be put ashore with McFadden."

"No Nah.. Please I beg you not McFadden." His face full of terror.

"Fear not young one. He will be in no condition to harm you." Fransoir assured the boy.

"Why not this night?" Jamie asked between chews of the hard ship biscuit.

"It is necessary to have concern an worry built up in your parents." Fransoir explained. "McFadden hurt you quite bad din't he?"

"To be true, aye he did, there is no comfort in being forced to kneel on legs bound as tightly as he bound mine."

Fransoir nodded. "I have addressed this matter with the captain and even though McFadden is not a member of this crew, he is a turncoat. I have arranged, with the captains blessing, to make example of him before the entire crew. The crew must not think the captain, or I, am weak. No member of the crew save myself and the captain will come hither."

"What ye gonna do t'im?" William asked.

"He is to kiss the cannon's daughter and receive ten strokes of my cat." Fransior replied. "You will be hearing his pleas after high sun. But fear not, you will not follow him."

"Kiss the cannon's daughter?" William queried.

"Tied to a cannon and whipped." Jamie said. "A harsher punisment that at the mainstay."

"Tomorrow, when I put you ashore," He pointed to William. "You will be bound, though not as I will bind McFadden. Once I return to the ship. It is ordered that we commence empty cannon fire to attract people to find you. You must then tell the advocate that on Wednesday next at 7:15 in the eve a skiff will be waiting in the cove for the captains brother. At no time must a high sail or ship must be seen. You will be given a note with his name and the details so you mistake not. It is my suggestion that you also tell the advocate all that McFadden has done, and how he hurt your friend. Once Jacque is on board. This one." He indicated to Jamie. "is to be placed in the skiff and released."

"Why do you keep me so long?" Jamie asked.

"'Tis but a few days and the tides control us. Wednesday next is Spring tide, 7:30 it is turned shoreward. The skiff carrying you will be tack to shore. And no doubt your father will also have a skiff ready to come out to meet you."

The boys realised that both the captain and this Frenchman my well be pirates and smugglers, but they still had their pride and honor. "Thank ya f' telling us." Jamie said. "I feel that ye be trusworthy."

"Alas boys I now have to bind thee agin. I have my duties to attend. And teach a turncoat a lesson." Fransoir said. "It will be secure but it will not pain thee."

"We can give our oath." William said.

"It is the captains orders, and I would think little of thee if thou did'st not follow your duty and try to escape. I am quite sure you both know how to drop the skiff and row. Earlier your friend was in no state of capacity to attempt escape, thus it was correct to make your oath. But youngster, once you are fit and capable thou shoud'st never make such an oath."

"We understand." Jamie said. "By the by, Fransoir, I regret... we have releived ourselfs in yonder bucket. We knew not what else to do."

Fransoir grinned. "I will dispose of your waste. You did correctly, have no shame. Now stand and turn away, hands behind you."

Jamie stood up and turned placing his crossed wrists behind him. Fransoir took up a length of the sail cord. He was about to start binding when he noticed deep red marks still on Jamie's wrists. He placed the cord down, moved over to the sail rack and with his knife cut away a few pieces of an old sail, then returned to Jamie.

Carefully he seperated Jamie's crossed wrists and loosely wrapped the cloth pieces round them independently, then positioned the boys wrists parallel. The cords that the Frencman added were tied in a figure of eight round Jamie's wrists. It was secure and tight, but not painful.

"Sit back down boy." Fransoir said.

Jamie complied. "Thank you for the cloth. I am indebted."

"Your turn young one." Fransoir said. William, following Jamie's lead he complied. Fransoir noticed that at least McFadden hadn't harmed the youngster, but he still wrapped some cloth round the boys wrists before binding them in the same way.

William sat back down. Fransoir then bound Willaims ankles with the same figure eight method. Finally he eased the boy against the gunnels, tied a rope to the gunnell on the boys left, which was then fed under the boys armpit, across his chest, under his other armpit before being secured to the gunnell on the right of the boy.

He moved across to Jamie, who having seen what Fransoir had done with William, had already moved himself back to lean on the gunells. He had earlier pushed his socks down as far as he could when he had tried to rub some of the pain from his legs, so Fransior eased his socks back up slightly to prevent the cord rubbing his skin at the ankles. Then he bound Jamie's ankles in the same figure of eight method and secured him to the gunells.

Again Jamie thanked him. There was still dark red marks on the boys legs and the start of some scaring just below his knees. "Do your legs still pain thee?" Fransoir asked.

"Aye, a little." Jamie replied.

"I'll see if the ships cook has something that will help later." With the boys now 'taken care off' he collected the bucket and left to attend to his other duties.

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Part 3

[Advocate McGrady Household - Sunday 1:30pm]

Mrs McGrady was almost in a panic when her husband told her of what seems to have happen. Mrs Poole likewise, shedding tears.

"Pull yourselves together. No anger or sorry will change anything." McGrady said kindly. "I have spoke words to the Proctor General. It is know the nearest available vessel, an English Frigate, is at anchor for final refit before goin to France, and can be here in 3 days. He is sure that the English will assist as they want this unification thing. Relay riders are already sent."

"Is there nothing we can do?" Mrs Poole, who had now stopped weeping, asked.

"I suggested we sent our fishing fleet to search, but the sergeant advised against it as it may antagonize them. The Proctor agreed. So I've ordered all ships to dock." The advocate said.

"The Ruby is a 40 gunner." The sergeant added. "That should scare the smugglers to surrender the boys."

"Then als we can do is wait." Mrs McGrady said.

"And Pray." Mrs poole added.

[le faucon - Sunday 2:00pm]

It was Jamie that first heard the rumpus above them. He looked at young William. "I think that be Mcfadden." He said with a slight smile.

Above then on the foredeck McFadden was being dragged by four burley sailors under orders of the Boatswain. Fransoir had deliberately chosen a fore cannon so the boys below would hear McFadden.

"Unhand me." McFadden screamed. "You cannot do this I am a civilian."

Despite all his protests the sailors dragged the man and held him face down on the top of the iron cannon. Above the mans head lay the cat-o'-nine-tails. The sight of it filled McFadden with terror, that being the whole reason for it's placement. A fifth sailor took up a length of hemp rope and bound Mcfaddens wrists, one to each side of the cannon with the rope passing beneath, and he had not been lean with the knots. The crew knew the reasons for the unusual flogging of a non crewman.

McFadden's protests suddenly became pleas for mercy as his ankles were somewhat viciously tied, each to a rear wheel.

"Assemble the ships company and advise the captain we are ready to proceed." Fransoir ordered. One sailor left to report to the captian. Two other shouted. "All hands on Deck. Toutes les mains sur le pont."

The ships company soon started to get orderly on the deck and the captain arrived. He nodded to Fransoir. The boatswain went across to Mcfadden and ripped open the back of his shirt and picked up the cat.

"No. Please I beg of thee. I have learn. I will never harm a child again." Fransoir smiled into the face of the terrified man. "Je ne vous comprends pas" He said and moved back to the captain.

The captain grinned at his friend. "You don't understand him?" he whispered. Fransoir smilled back.

The captian took two steps back. "Come hither one, come hither all. Hear the charges and sentence." The entire crew fell silent. Just the gentle creaking of the ship, the waves lapping the hull and a man weeping was the only sounds.

"Insolence to the captain; Guilty. Sentence 5 strokes."
"Misstreatment of a prisoner; Guilty. Sentence 5 strokes."
"Destruction and loss of goods; Guilty. Sentence 5 Strokes."
"Betraying his kith and kin; Guilty. Sentence 5 strokes"

"In my leniency and the fact this subhuman is not crew I shall half the punishment. Fransoir please translate my words into French for our non-english speaking crew members."

Fransoir started to repeat the captain orders in French.

Not even twenty feet below them the two boys had heard everything.

"Is that bad?" William asked.

"By thunder it is, Did'st thou not know a cat has nine strands, so one blow is like nine lashes. The captian first said twenty. No-one get's more than fifty, they say fifty one is the killer blow. He reduced it to ten but that still be like ninety. Just immagin ya pa belting ye with a tawse ninety times." Jamie said.

"I cried when I got three from pa for cussin at ma." Wiliam said.

"Methinks McFadden will cry in less." Jamie said. At the same time he heard a slash of leather on flesh and a blood curdling scream. "It begins." He said to William.

[Advocate McGrady Household - Sunday 3:00pm]

Advocate McGrady, the proctor general, the sergent at arms and the proctor fiscal sat at the table talking. Mrs McGrady dutifully supplying whiskey to the assembled mensfolk, some of the most important men in the district. Mr McGrady spoke. "So what becomes of you two, should this unification with England take place?"

"I feel that, to be sure, it will. In fact, the PG and I are both in agreement with the proposal." The proctor fiscal replied. "There will be little loss, we will just become the new Crown Proctors and instruct on English laws as well. The benifits outweigh the losses. Us getting help from The Ruby is a good sign of that."

"Politics." Mrs McGrady said. "Is that all can talk of.. Our son may be dead, or a slave. What of him. Do you not care?"

"Excuse me gentlemen." McGrady said to the men. He rose and took his wife to one side. "Dearest Martha, of cause I care, we all do. I worry and am scared for our son, and William. At this time there is nought we can do. It helps us not to speak of this trouble. You want for us men to sit and weep?"

"I am sorry husband." She said.

"I'm sure all will be well. Now go and make some food for us please." Mcfaden said. "Our guests have travelled far to give us their support."

[le faucon - Sunday 4:30pm]

The forehatch opened and Fransoir came down. "Are thee fair?" He asked.

"Yes." Jamie said. "What happened to McFadden, he went silent after six blows. Is he dead?"

"The weakling passed out so the captain had us lay off. Worry not of him. Look I have a few hours spare some unsalted butter for your wounds, some food and water. Do you wish for me to attend you, or would you like some freedom for a while."

"It would be nice to move around if we be permitted." Jamie said.

"So be it, but you are aware what I must do later?" Fransoir said

Jamie looked at William. "Aye we do, we must be bound agin for the night." He said.

"As I said, I have a few hours so can stay guard here. Let me remove those bonds."

"Before you do. I must say we both will require the bucket, if you need to retrieve it first." Jamie said.

"'Tis only above the hatch. I'll free thee both first. Be warned though it still be great folly for you to be stupid while I am here. Not only that but five sailors are above decks at this time." Fransoir said.

Young William, remembering what the Frenchman had said regarding oaths, looked up and grinned." I give thee not my oath, but understand the folly."

The Frenchman smilled back lay the food, butter and canteen down. He untied the bonds holding the boys. and gave Jamie the pack of butter for his wounds, then went to collect the bucket. The boys stood stretching there aching limbs. It was joy to be free if only for a few hours. Jamie smearing the butter on his still painful legs. He was surprised just how soothing it was.

Soon both the boys started to relax, having used the bucket. Fransoir sat on some old sailcloth in front of them.

"Sir," William started. "If I am to be freed tomorrow, why is it necessary to bind us, it would indeed be pointless folly to attempt to run away?"

It was Jamie that answered. "I had hoped you would not ask such." He said. William looked puzzled. "Whilst you indeed be set free, I will not. I am to be traded. But for that to happen both the Protor General and the Proctor Fiscal must agree to release the captains brother, else there will be no exchange. I know this. The captain knows this. Fransoir knows this. Therfore we all know that I will, if I can, get on deck, release a skiff and make for the land. For that is my certainty."

"Then I stay with you. I will not go." William said.

"You must go William." Jamie said. "For that is my best hope. Without that there is little hope."

"You are indeed wise, Jamie. I fear your father has taught you well the way of the world." Fransoir said.

[Advocate McGrady Household - Sunday 7:30pm]

By now the asteemed guests had left, arrangements had been made at the Inn. Rory McGready stood with his wife in the kitchen. Only now had the strong, proud scotsman lowered his guard. He and his wife hugged each other, both with tears in their eyes.

"I had hoped for some news this day." He said. "We know not even where the ship that carried them is."

"Will we ever see our son again?" Mrs McGrady asked, sobbing.

"I have never lied to thee wife, and I cannot now. I have no knowledge of what has become of them but we must keep our resolve. With good fortune The Ruby should have left by now. Our true hopes lay on board an English Frigate."

"You are right Rory, thou always are. The ship may be here by Wednesday noon. We must hold firm our hopes. Let us go sit in the cozy, we should try to get rested."

[le faucon - Sunday 7:30pm]

Fransoir spent as long as he could with the boys. He told tales of wonderous treasure, yet tales of bloodshed also. The time had arrived for Fransoir to leave them. "Boys it is time, I must report the eve to the captain. You know what that means."

"Aye" Jamie said and stood up, he wrapped the sail cloth round his own wrists and looked at Fransoir. He nodded in reply.

Jamie turn his back to the Frenchman who took up a length of sail cord and bound the boys wrists, this time looping round both wrists and adding a single loop between his arms. He secured it with a stout knot above the wrists where the boy would be unable to reach. Completed he tapped Jamie on the shoulder who turned back and sat, his back against the gunells. As before The Fenchman bound Jamie to the gunells in the same chest loop method. Then bound the boys ankles securely.

Fransoir motioned to William, who followed Jamies example. Ten minutes later the younger boy was similarly and just as securely bound.

"I trust thee will get some sleep and bid the well. Tommorow eve youngster ye shall be a messanger, and thence sleep in thy own bed." Both boys nodded and Fransoir left.

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Post by frankburns »

Part 4

[le faucon - Monday 9:00am]

It turned out that this day would be start uneventful. Fransoir unbound the boys and was to spend most of the day with them, as was the orders of the captain. He knew the parting would not be easy for them.

[Cockburnspath village - Monday 9:00am]

Likewise on shore, the village was awash with tales of concern and worry, but little else. The Proctor General and the Procture Fiscal returned to there duties. Mr and Mrs Poole were invited to spent the next few days with the McGradys'. Which they greatfull accepted. Confirmation of the arrival of The Ruby had been received. It would arrive on Wednesday at about 6:30pm and was ordered to follow instruction of either the Proctor General or the Proctor Fiscal. It was assumed that these two would be in agreement as to what course of action be needed.

[le faucon - Monday 8:00pm]

The two boys tied to the gunells heard some shouting, somthing that sounded like fighting, a few grunts and groans. Then McFaddens voice. "NO... NO please... Aghhh" Then a gurgleing sound. The forehold hatch opened and Fransoir came down. "Well youngster it is time. Are you ready to leave?"

William looked at Jamie, who smilled and nodded. "I'll see you soon William." Jamie said.

"I'm ready." Willaim said.

Fransoir unbound Williams ankles and released him from the gunells. "Come up yung 'un" the Frenchman said. For the first time since his capture he was out in the fresh air.

There was three stout sailors standing there. At their feet was McFadden, at least William thought it was McFadden. The man was bound with so much rope. His arms twisted high behind his back between his shoulder blades. Rope surrounding his wrists and his elbows. Even more surrounded his body. The mans legs had been tied, the cords looked even tighter than McFadden had done to Jamie. His entire legs were almost entirely covered with harsh sail cord and folded double with several more coils forcing them to remain in place. A cord tied to his feet apeared to go up round and through his mouth and back to his feet straining his head up and back. It was like he was frozen in place. William though it would be impossible for him to move even a single musle.

William suddenly started to back away. Fransoir calmed the boy down. "Have no fear William, you are not to be bound like that. We felt he needed to know a leson. The Frenchman turned to one of the sailors. "Get that thing into the skiff." The french sailor said something in French to the others.

The skiff had already been lowed to the gunall level. Two of the sailors simply picked up McFadden by his knees and shoulders, swung him twice and tossed him into the skiff with a crash. Deep gutteral sounds escaped the mans lips. Clearly he was unable to speak.

"Your turn William." Fransoir said. William looked absolutely terrified. "No. No. William take this note and care it, then climb in." Willam looked a little releived when he realised he was not to suffer the same fate. He turned his back to Fransoir, took the note in both hands and stuffed in down the inside folds at the back of his kilt below his belt.

Two sailors held steady the skiff and William somewhat awkwardly, as his hands were still bound, climbed in. Followed by Fransoir. "It is I that will row thee to shore, so have no more fear." He said. The two sailors cast the brace and the skiff slowly dropped to the sea.

"I must bind your feet." Fransoir said.

Why. I can just go to the advocate surely."

"William please don't fail at this stage. If you were to run and fall all would be lost, and Mcfadden must also be found. I will set you on the shore and light a torch. When I get back on board, as I explained cannonfire will sound to bring people to you, the torch will guide them." Fransoir explained.

William nodded and moved his legs close together to allow Fransoir to bind them, after which the Frenchman took to the oars and pulled away from the darkened ship. Within fifteen minutes Fransoir had reached the sandy shoreline, jumped out the skiff and pulled it ashore.

He carefully lifted William out and lay him on the beech. Then he dragged the skiff a little higher and tipped the skiff up. McFadden fell and rolled amongst more grunts. Fransoir went over to William "I'll get you a little higher." He picked up the boy and carried him a few yards up the beech, set a torch into the sand a few feet way, drawing a match he lit it. Turning to William. "You are indeed a very brave young guy. Be proud and wait. You will be safe and warm very soon. I must go. You'll hear the cannon shortly." He refloated the skiff and in seconds was out of sight in the dark expanse of the sea.

[Advocate McGrady Household - Monday 9:15pm]

"That be thunder?" Mrs McGrady asked.

"Nah lass, that be cannon fire sound to be high the cove." McGrady said

At the same time the sergent, Mr Poole and two other men came knocking at the door. "Sir, can that be the Frigate anouncing it's arrival?" One asked. Three women of the village also were at the door, one of them being Mrs Poole.

"No 'tis not British Cannon, the sound is too high. That's a French boat. Women stay here we will investigate. Are you armed sergent?"

"Always advocate, always."

Mr McGrady picked up his flitlock and a musket. "Let's go but with caution as we approach. The cove you think sergent?"

"No sir, the beech land north of the cove. I'm sure. Quickest to take the high track going beyond the cove." The sergeant replied.

[Cockburnspath beechhead - Monday 9:45pm]

The men had made great haste and came up on the shoretop within twenty minutes." See yonder sir," One of them said. "A torch set in the ground." The men started to close on the torch with weapons at the ready.

William heard the men before they could see him. "Here, Here.. I'm over here." He called.

Wiliams father recognised his sons voice and put on more speed than a gazell. "William.... Wiliam... Tis I your father. I'm coming for you."

Mr Poole had reached Willaim before the others, grabbed at him and hugged him close. "Father unbind me please, is the advocate with you."

"I be, where is Jamie." McGrady asked.

Willaim now unbound pushed back from his father. "Sir, Jamie is safe and well. I have a note."

"Ye gods, there is another bound here." One man said. "I think it's McFadden."

"No sir don't release him he is one of them, no he was their shore contact, and he tortured Jamie badly." William said

Mr McGrady looked worringly.. confused.

"Did they hurt you as well William?" Mr Poole asked.

"No sir, the men on the ship were kind and caring. It was only McFadden. It was they that bound him like that. They also whipped him for what he did to Jamie." He looked at the advocate. "It's well sir. The French tended kind to Jamie. He is well now." Finally for Willaim, it was over. He started shivering in the cold, and tears started to form in his eyes. He pulled the note from his kilt. "I must give thee this for fear of loosing it.'tis the terms for Jamies' release."

The advocate took the note and carefully placed it in his trews pocket. "Let's get thee to my home Willaim, your mother is there." McGrady said. He turned to some of the men. "Unbind McFadden bar his hands and lock him in the Inn celler. We'll get details later. The man I know is a pest, a petty thief, but this I would not expect." As an afterthough. "Get thee a dram while there I will settle the bill in the morrow."

William suddenly burst into floods of tears. "Father I am sorry to go without word. Please forgive me, lay not thy tawse."

Mr Poole Hugged his son. "Only once in your live did I lay a tawse, and never again will you feel it. You be safe and alive now and that is all that matters."

"Advocate McGrady. It was me that led Jamie. I saw flashing lights at the cove. I led him to investigate, I had not the courage to do so alone. Please forgive me I meant no harm, nor Jamie. I will take the courts punishment whatever that be." Willaim said to the advocate.

"Willaim." McGrady said. "I feel you have been punished enough, you bring news to us of Jamie's safety and that is a releif. Let's not dally here 'tis getting cool."

Mr Poole Picked Willaim up in his arms and carried him.

McFadden, now freed bar his hands, shouted "Listen not to the boy he is nout but a liar. I was captured and tortured by those murderous French."

McGrady turned and stuck the man in the face with his fist so hard that he fell to the ground. McFadden though it best not to speak again.

[le faucon - Monday 10:15pm]

Fransoir folded the telescope and turned to the captain who stood with him on the fordeck. "The child is found captain, the message delivered."

"Order cease fie, Weigh anchor and move 2 leagues to seaward. We bide our time at a safe distance." The captain ordered his botswain.

[Advocate McGrady Household - Monday 10:30pm]

Advocate McGrady, having studdied the note, handed it to the sergeant who quickly scanned the contents, the terms. "We must keep this information from the women, for they will panic." The sergeant said.

"Aye." McGrady agreed. "This is indeed a complication. The exchange to be wednesday eve, and the Ruby to arrive wednesday eve. If the pirates see The Ruby I fear what may become of Jamie."

"We must try to get word to the Ruby and stall her sailing. I think it best if I take on that challange, though in truth I fear getting word to the ship will be nigh impossible." The sergent said.

"I will go and speak with the proctors and try to arrange for the release of this captians brother. I prey thee gods speed."

Behind the door a young voice had heard all this. 'I must try to find the pirates, I have to tell them... I have to save Jamie' William thought. He skidadled his way backwards 'but I can't go in the dark and mother is to sleep in the room with me, I must go at first light.'

[Pathway just outside Cockburnspath village - Tuesday 11:00am]

William had not been able to get away at first light. He was up but the women had insisted he had some food with them, then there was all the adult talk. It was well into the morning before he had the chance to get out. Unfortunately for William he was not the only boy out that morning.

"Look here worm. You tell us what you done to Jamie." The boy was Jock Perason, a 16 year old friend of Jamies' but certainly not of William and he was not alone. In total there were four of them. Two were holding Williams arms tightly, Jock and another boy, Jonathon, the 15 year old son of the Inn landlord, stood barring the way.

"Let me go." William pleaded. "I have to find the smugglers. Please you can help me."

"He's nout but a liar. I heard them questioning McFadden. Worm and Jamie were never even on the boat." Jonathon said.

"Let me beat the truth out of this worm." One of the boys holding William said.

"Ney." Jock said. "I have a better idea. We'll keep him til either Jamie turns up or he tells us what he did. We'll make him talk later."

"Please fellows. I speak the truth, 'tis Mcfadden that lies. If you wont help me then so be it, but let me go." William pleaded.

One of the boys holding William, grabbed the youngsters hair and pulled his head back. "Shut up you lying little worm." Then to Jock "What we do then Jock?"

"I know the very place. Well tak him to McFaddens root hide in the woods. McFadden wont be going there for a while." Jock said.

"I dinna ken he had a hide." Jonathon said.

"Very few do, 'tis a hidden dug out with a concealed trap door. He keeps brandy and tobacco down there. I've been there with him. McFadden is a cool guy." Jock said.

"They'll send the cry to search for the worm ye know." Jonathon said.

Jock grinned. "They neither see him nor hear him once he's in the hide. Bring him along I'll lead the way."

Pleading to be released William was dragged off the pathway towards the woodland.

Last edited by frankburns 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by wataru14 »

The mood and tone of this tale are fantastic. I'm a sucker for period pieces and this one is really hitting the marks. Happy to see that the Pirates' Code is being followed and that Fransoir seems to be a rather standup guy, all things considered! Still, I think things aren't going to go quite so easy for Jamie. And William will soon be having his own troubles.

Hoping to see a failed rescue attempt where the advocate himself gets the treatment. There's just something about men in kilts...
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Post by frankburns »

Part 5

[St Abb's Village - Tuesday 01:00am]

The sergeant, in his wisdom, knew that his best hope would be to get to St. Abb's some dozen or so miles south of Cocksburnspath. From there he could set up an encampment at St Abbs Head, north of Mire Loch. The headland there would be a good lookout and a fishing boat then launched to intercept The Ruby when first sighted.

"Landlord, 'tis the sergeant at arms from Cocksburnspath. Open up in urgent haste." The sergeant shouted as he banged on the Inn door.

Angus McCarthy came down in nothing but his nightwear. "Good God man doth thou know the hour?"

"Let me in I'll explain all."

[Advocate McGrady Household - Tuesday 11:30pm]

"Rory... Rory.." Mrs McGrady called to her husband. "William has gone."

"Martha, keep thee still, and stop thy panic. William has been through a lot, he is a growing into a man. If I be him at his age, I too would take off for some quite. Use your sences dear. McFadden is under lock and key. Willaim is a hero to all in the village, no harm will befall him. Let Mrs Poole know that William has gone for a walk. He will be jarred by all the attention and will need peace and time to himself. The procters will be arriving soon with news of this captains brother."

[McFaddens Hide - Cocksburnspath Woods - Tuesday 12:10pm]

Jock Pearson moved aside some elder bushes in the ditchside to reveal a trapdoor. He pulled it open and went down a series of steps deep underground. Once at the bottom he called to the three boys above. "Bring the worm down here." as he lit a lamp hanging from a crossmember in the roof.

Jonathon just threw William down the steps and he crashed onto the floor some ten foot down with a groan. Jonathon and the other two climbed down the steps, one of them closing the trapdoor behind him. "Get him up and hold onto him." Jock ordered. The two younger ones grabbed William and pulled him up to his feet and held his arms tightly behind him. Jonathon was amazed at the hide and the contents laying around as he moved around the hide. Three cases of tobacco with three clay pipes laying on one of them, two barrels of rum and one of brandy, a couple of boat oars, some old clothes and a couple of tin boxes of whale oil.

"Please Jock.. You have to believe me." William begged.

"Look worm. We know you have done something to Jamie and your gonna tell us." Jock said as he held up Williams head by his hair. "So talk.. Wot you done. Did you kill 'im?"

"No Jock, I did nothing I have spoken the truth." William said. Clearly the youngster was terrified.

"So be it." Jock said as he slammed a fist hard into Williams belly.

William groaned in pain and nearly doubled over. The two boys holding him pulled him up straight again. Jock viciously swung his fist again, followed by a double blow driving the breath out of William. William coughed and tears formed in his eyes. "Please Jock. I know Jamie is your best friend, but I did nothing to hurt him. Please help me save him."

"Your nowt but a little liar worm. I know McFadden, me and him have had some good fun times down here. The guy is cool and your just nothing but some worm trying to be liked. Get used to it. No one likes you, no one believes you." For a fifth time Jock slammed a fist hard into Williams belly.

"You two get him on the floor face down. Jonathan there's some sail cord in that old chest, bring it over." Jock ordered. "After he's spend an hour or two down here he might want to tell us what really happened."

[St Abb's Head - Tuesday 01:00pm]

The sergeant and two men from St Abb's set up a small camp and signal fire just outside the old kirk. They were to take it in turns to watch for a sign of The Ruby. Once spotted the signal fire would be lit to tell a flotilla of fishing boats to set out from St Abb's harbour to hold The Ruby.

[Advocate McGrady Household - Tuesday 12:05pm]

"Thank you for your help in this delicate matter. Please tell me that the high justice will allow the trade." The advocate said to the Proctor Fiscal.

"Rory, we have negotiated and spoken with the justice. This man is being held in Edinburgh. Good fortune is that he is held on only minor charges and the justice has agreed to have him released to our custody as long as a fine of 75 merks is paid." the proctor fiscal said.

"Then we must start a collection as quick as possible. I'm sure the villagers will help raise that amount. even though it be quite a large amount." the advocate said.

"There will be no need for that. I have spoked to some wealthy traders I know, who have agreed to make the payment, but they want McFadden in Edinburgh in return. It seems they would like some unfettered sport with a traitor." The proctor general said.

"I foresee no issue with that. I owe you a great debt." the advocate said.

"Secure riders have already been dispatched. This Jacque fellow will be brought to us tomorrow, he will be of no danger as he is to be made aware as to the situation here and the deal made and will be under guard."

"All I now prey is that the sergeant has a plan to hold off The Ruby." McGraddy said.

[McFaddens Hide - Cocksburnspath Woods - Tuesday 12:15pm]

William was being held down by the two boys. Jonathon came across to where they were and gave Jock a length of sail cord.

"Get that worms hands behind him and hold him tight while I bind his wrists." Jock ordered.

One of them dragged Williams hands behind him, the other holding his legs so he was unable to kick. Jonathon knelt with a knee either side of Willaims head holding his shoulders. "Please no.. No don't Jock." William begged.

Jock ignored Williams pleas and wrapped the sail cord round Williams wrists first one way then the other pulling the cord tight as he went, then tied a secure knot. "Now hold his legs still while I tie his feet." Jock said.

"Jock please stop this, I am not lying. Please don't do this." William pleaded. Jock, now getting anoyed with William's begging, smashed a fist hard down into the back of Williams leg. "Aghh." William cried out as again another fist slammed down into Williams other leg." "Shut up." He Shouted. "Jonathan give me another length."

Jock ripped off Williams shoes and started to wrap coil after coil of cord round Williams ankles and up his legs. After some five or six turns he reversed the cord and started to tie it vertically between his legs creating a tight cinch and tied that off.

"Please, please Jock, just ask the advocate, he knows the truth." William said. "Don't do this to me."

"I told you to shut up worm. He only knows the lies you told him." He looked up at Jonathon "Pass me that old shirt. "The worm clearly knows not when to be quiet." Jonathan fetched over an old torn shirt. Jock ripped off the sleeve and a section of the body of the shirt. He grabbed Williams hair and janked his head up. William screamed in pain. Jock took advantage of that and rammed the torn shirt piece into Willaim's mouth then used the sleeve to wrap around the boys mouth, pulling it hard between his teeth and fastening it tightly behind Williams neck. Now only sobs could be heard from the helpless boy.

Jock stood up with the others. "Now here's the plan. Young Jimmy you go to Ma Poole's place and tell her that you and William are spending some time and the night near the old Tower. Tell her that William just want's some time alone. And make sure the witch beleives you." Jimmy nodded. "No sweat Jock, I can manage that. She knows me and the worm used to be friends."

"Phill you go to the dock and get some old sail, ropes and a net. Tell your olddie your gonna make a den to play in for a while and overnight. Bring the stuff here."

"Jonathan, You go tell your folks, and mine we gonna be campin for a while. They'll believe that as we do that often." Jock said to Jonathon. "Guy's once you done all that get back here. Don't be seen coming back. I'll stay and guard the worm. Once your back we can have some fun with the worm. I have some ideas that will make him tell us wot he did to Jamie."

[Advocate McGrady Household - Tuesday 2:00pm]

The advocate answered the door to a stranger who knocked upon it. "How can I help you?" He asked.

"Sir, " the stranger said. "'tis I that can help thee." The advocate invited the man in and introduced him to the two proctors.

"I am from St Abbs, sent by the sergeant at arms to allay your concerns and bring you news that all is in place to stop the progress of The Ruby." The man continued. "I am at your service should you require it. Is there news of your son?"

"That is indeed good news and greatly reduces my fears. Alas there is no news of my son, but all other points of the plan for his release are in place. Please take a seat and relax. I assume your horse is well attended?" THe advocate said.

"Yes sir, at the inn." The stranger confirmed. "It is indeed good to know that plans are in place."

Unknown to the advocate someone elses plans were also in place...

[McFaddens Hide - Cocksburnspath Woods - Tuesday 2:30pm]

"About time you returned Jonathan." Jock said as Jonathan climbed down the steps into the hide. "We've all been waiting. All olds made aware so none will search for the worm."

"I have some unfortunate news." Jonathan said. "The serving wench at the Inn claims to be unwell and my father will require my help later. He says I must be home by five o'clock. Your olds think you are camping with these other two, so that part is covered. I gave thought to food and have brought some meat and fruit for us." He placed a basket on one of the barrels. One of the younger boys went and looked in the basket. "Oh my... Oh My... an apple pie as well." He said.

"Aye.. That cannot be helped then. Will you return in the morn?" Jock asked Jonathan, ignoring the younger boy.

"Yes indeed. I'll be back as soon as I can.

"I'm sure us three can keep the worm safely here without you. But first give me a hand getting him in a more stressfull position for a while. See if that loosens his tounge." Jock said.

"Gladly. " Jomathan replied.

"Phill get me that cart rope." Jock said. "You other two get him up to his feet and under the crossbeam."

William was dragged up and across a few feet under the crossbeam near the roof of the hide. Jock took the cart rope and tossed it over the beam. Taking one end he tied it securely to the cords holding Williams wrists. Then went to the other end of the cart rope and started pulling. Williams arms raised up behind him forcing the boy to bend over at the waist. He only stopped when Williams arms were pulled almost straight up behind him and only his toes were on the floor. His body bent over at ninety degrees. William groaned as Jock tied the cart rope off once more at Williams wrists. Jock grabbed Williams hair and pulled up his head staring into his eyes. "Just hang tight worm boy. We'll see if you want to talk in an hour."

"You guys want to try some of this Brandy?" Jock asked.

The two younger boys readerly agreed, neither of them had ever been allowed such a drink before. Jonathan decline saying his father would smell the brandy when he returned to the Inn.

[St Abb's Head - Tuesday 03:30pm]

"It would seem we have company." the sergeant said to the men with him as he saw some riders coming towards them.

"'Tis just some from the village with provisions. We are a kindly lot at St Abbs, I'll wager they have some rum and fresh food." One replied.

[McFaddens Hide - Cocksburnspath Woods - Tuesday 3:45pm]

Jock moved over to William and removed his gag. William panted. "So you ready to tell us.. wot was it, an accident or did you kill 'im? Where is he?" He demanded.

"Please Jock." William wimpered. "Please I cannot tell thee of what has not happened. I speak the truth. Please let me go. Please, this hurts me."

"Your a liar. Everyone knows that. Where does Jamie lay?" Jock demanded.

"Jock... I tell the truth. I have not hurt nor harmed Jamie. Please beleive me. You have to." William pleaded.

"Clearly you need more time, and I'll increase your torment more for another hour." Jock said

"No Nerrrr uggh" William gasped as Jock once again forced the old shirt into his mouth and fastened it in place with sleeve.

"Pass me another length of that cord." One of them passed a length to Jock. He wrapped it around Williams elbows and slowly pulled it tighter and tighter till Williams elbows almost touched. William groaned into his gag. He looked at young Phill. "You want to bind him?""

"Yes please, but he is already bound." Phill replied.

"Get a length of that cord and bind his legs just below his knees, and get it as tight as a bulls rein." Jock said.

Phill grabbed a fairly long length and stumbled slightly as he went over to William, clearly the brandy had had an effect allready.

"Start real close to his knees and work down getting it tighter as you go. You should get five of six loops then work back up and tie it off." Jock instructed.

Phill feeling like he was now one of Jocks 'gang' followed the instructions and not only wrapped it tight but put all his effort into it heaving the cord as tight as he could. The cord had started on Williams bare flesh just above whers his socks were and continued down onto his sock tops. William was glad the boy hadn't thought to lower his socks to get all the cord on bare flesh.

Jock inspected the work and deemed it to be tight enough. "Ok Jimmy your turn, you add some just above his knees the same way, start right at the top of his knees and work up about six turns then back down. See if you can get it as tight as Phill." He said.

Jimmy took up his position and started tying the cord. There was no protection at all now, it was all on bare flesh just below Williams kilt. Jimmy actualy grunted as he pulled the cord tight.

William now hung bent over, his arms hurting and his legs hurting every time he moved slightly. Jock once again grabbed Williams hair. "Let's try an hour or so like that." Tears were forming in Williams eyes. Jock couldn't care less as he went to sit with the others poring more Brandy out.

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