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Post by Xtc »

The first story I posted on the old site turned into a real epic. It was also my most popular work by far.
Let's see how it goes now.

The frequencey of future posts will depend upon page views, replies and new reviewers. The more I get of them, the quicker the new episodes will surface. If it looks as though interest has waned, I shall stop posting.
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Capturing Jamie

Jamie was looking down. Let’s face it: the rope that drew his neck towards his raised knees was so short that it left him little choice in the matter. He, a proud Scout, (a “Land-Farmer” as the local Sea Scouts put it) was bound and helpless in the middle of the floor of the Sea Scouts’ “Log Cabin” awaiting developments.

It was a fine, warm late May Friday afternoon when Jamie set out straight from school for the Scouts’ Cottage from where, as an Explorer, he was due to supervise the Buzzard Patrol on a weekend hiking & camping expedition. He was a tanned, muscular 14 year-old, the kind of boy that filled his clothing well. He had changes of clothing for the weekend, his PE kit and his school books in the rucksack which he carried as he started the 3 kilometre walk through the Forest to the Cottage. Jamie thought that walking the short distance would loosen him up for his forthcoming exertions and he wanted to arrive well before the Buzzards to make some preparations. Little did he suspect . . !

He entered the inclosure surrounding the Cottage and was thinking pleasant thoughts about the coming week: no school as it was the half term holiday, the fine weather that had been forecast, the company of his brother scouts and no adults nagging him! The Inclosure was usually quiet and deserted because the lack of nearby car parks deterred all but the most determined dog-walkers and picnickers. Suddenly he became aware of the presence of the others.

The Sea Scouts had planned their attack well: the six of them could easily overpower Jamie even though each individual was smaller. They had positioned themselves beside the only sensible approach to the Cottage having persuaded their parents to deliver them by car to the nearest lay-by to the inclosure. They had come equipped with the necessary ropes, neckerchiefs and gaffer tape.

Jamie became aware of the “Sailor Boys” just that bit too late. He was taken down to the ground and spread-eagled face down with a Sea Scout on each limb and one seated on the small of his back, who was helping to constrain his legs. GP, the chubby red-head, appeared to him to be especially evil as he sorted out and selected from a collection of ropes. Not being stupid, Jamie quickly understood that resistance was useless and he prepared himself to accept the inevitable.

The Sea Scouts had already decided that it would not be a good idea to strip their prisoner as they had quite a distance to take him before they reached the Log Cabin and anyone walking in the Forest might see them. Jamie’s Rucksack was unstrapped and taken from him. Action Man and Evan, who held his arms, forced them into a back-hammer position and GP took a rope and applied a cross lashing to his wrists. The Sailor Boys knew what they were doing with their knots!

Jamie knew that, if he resisted, even more misfortune would befall him so he cooperated. In the light of his cooperation he thought that the subsequent application of ropes fastening his upper arms to his torso and up across his shoulders and back to his wrists was a bit cruel! His hands were drawn so high up between his shoulders that his fingers could nearly touch the end of his, admittedly rather long, pudding basin hair style. He was still in his school uniform of charcoal grey trousers, formal shoes and a polo shirt, which left him little protection from the rope biting into his well-developed biceps. He made a mental note that there was a certain red-head with piercing eyes who would suffer horribly once he had the upper hand once more.

Very little talk passed between the captors and their prisoner; it wasn’t necessary. T-Boy took Jamie’s rucksack. Jamie didn’t need telling why the Sea Scouts had kidnapped him. The previous weekend the Twins had stolen the Sailor Boys’ flag. The Sea Scouts were out for revenge.

The Sea Scouts needed to get Jamie to the Log Cabin, a distance of about 5 km. Anyone might see them. Alex and Den took Jamie by the arms and propelled him, bent over, along the less popular woodland paths towards the Log Cabin as fast as they could. When they were unfortunate enough to encounter walkers on the same path, they explained that there was no need to worry and that it was just a game. Jamie, who’d been involved in such situations before, also confirmed that it was just a game (What a good job they hadn’t gagged him!).

Eventually the Sea Scouts delivered Jamie to the Log Cabin. By then he had been tied up for about two hours. The two Troops had a history of capturing one another but the provocation of having their flag captured meant that Jamie was probably treated more harshly than usual by the “Sailor Boys”.

Jamie asked to be allowed to visit the toilet. Sam, the SPL of the Sea Scouts, had to make a decision. He put it to Jamie that, if he were to give his word of honour (as a Scout) not to escape, he would be allowed to visit the toilet. Jamie gave his word. GP untied him and Jamie was allowed a few minutes to massage his arms and wrists. Not entirely reassured by Jamie’s promise, Action Man then insisted that Jamie remove his polo shirt leaving him bare-chested and then tied his wrists in front of him using a soft, white rope tied in a classic handcuff knot (with a few extra turns just to make sure . . .).

Although the Log Cabin had a water tap outside, it had no inside toilet. The sanitary arrangements were the traditional outside privy with an “Elsan” bucket. Jamie, being an honourable man, made no attempt to escape but the Sea Scouts still mounted guard outside the door just in case!

Jamie, the Hostage

When Jamie returned, under escort, Sam put it to him that the Sea Scouts were a bit dischuffed (English understatement) by the capture of their flag. He wanted the flag to be returned and the culprits to be delivered, “suitably packaged” as he put it, to his Troop for punishment. He also knew that the Land Farmers needed Jamie if their weekend activities were to take place. Sam was in a strong negotiating position!

The Sea Scouts decided that their prisoner should be photographed in a predicament that would ensure that his own Troop would decide to procure his release as soon as possible. It was obvious that, if the Scouts wanted to ensure the successful completion of their expedition plans, it would be better for them to trade Jamie for almost anyone else from their Troop rather than enter into the usual war between the “Land Farmers” and the “Sailor Boys”.

Jamie was already stripped to the waist with his hands bound securely but not too closely in front of him. He was looking around the Cottage for escape routes but realised that such hopes were pointless. He heard the words that he was dreading: “OK Farmer Boy, strip”. He had the choice: undo his school trousers and wriggle free of them or risk being thrown to the floor and having them (and, perhaps, his underpants) forcibly removed. Jamie was not stupid. He kicked off his shoes and sat down and pulled off his white sports socks. He struggled to his feet and undid his belt, an unusual adornment for an adolescent boy, and tried his best to wriggle free from his trousers. He was, eventually assisted by T-Boy who floored him and pulled them over his ankles leaving Jamie sitting on the floor in only his underpants. At this point Jamie was glad that he was wearing his long boxer shorts with the button fly but he was wishing they were black rather than white.

The Sea Scouts looked at Jamie and decided that it would be good if he was photographed “sitting on the parrot perch”. His knees were forced up between his arms and a cricket stump was threaded over his right arm, under his knees and over his left arm. This restricted his movement almost completely. Jamie accepted it almost uncomplainingly except for the occasional “ouch” and only the odd rude word (The Sea Scouts were surely not all born out of wedlock?).

Following the insults it dawned on Alex that their prisoner was not gagged. It wasn’t really necessary with the nearest public footpath some distance away, but surely Jamie’s Troop would move more quickly if he looked more vulnerable. GP came into action again. He was really stacking up the future retaliation. Jamie didn’t see why he should be gagged, having been cooperative up until that point; it was not something he thought he deserved. GP produced a rubber ball, which he placed into a football sock (one of Jamie’s own navy blue ones retrieved from his rucksack) and offered it to Jamie’s mouth. The only movement left to the victim was to shake his head frantically in an attempt to avoid the gag, which he did. Sam got impatient; he wanted to get on with things. He put it to Jamie: “Either you open wide or we cut off your boxers and the photos go straight to Facebook and YouTube.” Jamie made a mental note that Sam was also due for special attention later. Sam was short and skinny, a skilled windsurfer and climber, so what there was of him was pure muscle.

Jamie gave Sam one of his “burning” looks. But he did open wide. GP squashed the rubber ball, forced it behind his teeth and tied the sock tightly behind his neck. Up till that point, Jamie accepted that he was going to suffer for what his Troop had done last weekend but he thought that things were going a bit too far now. The final indignity was applied when GP (He should have really considered what was likely to happen to him later.) produced a short length of rope, tied it loosely around Jamie’s neck with a non-slip knot and, with some difficulty, looped both ends around the stump between his knees, drawing Jamie’s head towards his knees. He knotted the rope off and brought the loose ends back up to the prisoner’s neck, fastening it again with a non-slip knot. Jamie was not happy. Jamie was looking down.

At the Cottage

The Scouts went home from school, changed, packed and arrived at the Cottage individually ready for their forthcoming expedition. Some Scouts who weren’t involved turned up too just to get away from home and chill with their mates for a few days at half term with their parents’ permission. Little Steve might have regretted that later.

Things were fairly normal with one exception: Jamie was missing. As each Scout arrived, he noticed the stolen flag that was proudly displayed on the front wall of the Training Room. The Sea Scouts were sure to be unhappy about that!

The “Land Farmers” had a special way of accommodating their “guests” and Scott had already ensured that he was accommodated. His idea of a good weekend was to be bound in various different positions by his mates. He made sure that he was so irritating to the rest of the Scouts early in the evening that they decided to “hang him in the wardrobe”.

The Cottage was an incredible legacy that the Scouts had for their exclusive use and in its training room was a substantial bar which spanned the room at a height of about 2.5 metres. This was ideal for drying out wet canvas. It also had another use. When the Scouts decided to hang someone in the wardrobe, the victim would be fitted with a ball gag (for some reason there was an enviable collection of bondage gear in the cottage!). This would be tightly applied and padlocked at the back of the “guest’s” head. The padlock would be hooked into a chain which would then be slung over the bar. The victim was then hauled up until his heels were clear of the floor. The return end of the chain would be hooked into the padlock and snapped into place.

Scott, with his hands cuffed behind him, was perfectly suited. He was a slim, athletic 14-year old with square shoulders and well-defined pecs. He must have annoyed the rest of the Troop quite a lot because they had stripped him down to his garish square-leg briefs. (from Top Man, as he told everybody) He was beginning to wish that his mum didn’t have his new black Calvin Kleins in the wash.

Scott was looking down!

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Post by Jason Toddman »

I was wondering when you was going to finally re-post your own classics. Bloody well about time, i'd say. I thought I was going to have to do a [mention]cj2125[/mention] and start posting them myself! :mrgreen:
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Post by Xtc »

Thank you, I appreciate that!
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Post by MaxRoper »

I was late to the party at the old site and missed much, including this gem, so am quite pleased you've reposted it. Well written with some great bondage action and room for much more to come. The characters are well-developed and believable. I'm definitely looking forward to more.
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Thank you. Watch this space.
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Post by Tsuhaya »

I liked it a lot, a good read, I like how you explain everything that led to the capture, and how you narrate the scenes, no doubt incredible, please continue
Yes, it's me in the picture. What are you waiting for to tie me up and gag me?
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Thank you for the encouragement.
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Post by Johnsnow »

Great story. Added gender tag to the title but I may have missed a character or miss counted
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Post by cj2125 »

Glad to re-read a classic!
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Post by Xtc »

Thanks, [mention]cj2125[/mention]

Thanks, [mention]Johnsnow[/mention]. Perhaps I'll learn eventually. I'll change the suggestion now to account for the rest of the tale.
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Post by Veracity »

I have read this story in full at least five times. Shall I go for six?
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Step by step, day by day . . .
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Post by LK3869 »

A classical start, but you called it your most popular work, so I'm curious to see what had so many others remembering it so well ...
Don't wait too much to post what follows, we new readers need regular doses to see if the product's addictive :lol:
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Post by Deleted User 153 »

Fun to read, curious to see the rivalry rise between the two groups
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LK3869 wrote: 6 years ago A classical start, but you called it your most popular work, so I'm curious to see what had so many others remembering it so well ...
Don't wait too much to post what follows, we new readers need regular doses to see if the product's addictive :lol:

Thanks. The lads just seemed to spring to life on their own account. There is more truth in this saga than you would believe. I assure you that it is an innocent tale. Two fine artists have previously made work for this story but Stevie has asked me to keep the results between ourselves and Cinched has asked me to withdraw them *Sigh*.
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Post by Xtc »

Boundluis wrote: 6 years ago Fun to read, curious to see the rivalry rise between the two groups
The rivalry is traditional, but Scouts' Honour rules!
The feud also keeps them off the streets - - - or, at least, it did: Sam now has two degrees and Action Man is an expedition leader specialising in white water rafting. I'm proud of the "kids".
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Post by Xtc »

I must thank members for the reaction to this old work.
Same rules apply as far as posting new episodes is concerned.

Here we go again . . .
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A Sort of Explanation

It should be understood that most of the boys involved in this story were the best of friends at school. An insult to one would be considered an ill-deed to all. However, the rivalry between the two Troops took precedence over that at weekends and holidays! Even Sam’s own brother, Vic, was a “Land Farmer“.

This rivalry was their reason for being, their entertainment and their excuse for tying one another up at any opportunity.

Both Troops were lucky:
• The Scouts (“Farmer Boys”) had a legacy of what was previously a Forest “cottage” surrounded by about a hectare of land. All that was left of the original cottage, which had burnt down, was the chimney. This had been built into the current training room. Further developments included a shower and toilet block and a small hostel.
• The Sea Scouts (“Sailor Boys”) had the legacy of a real Forest “hovel” or cottage, known as the Log Cabin. It had very few modern conveniences but had the advantage of being quite a distance from any public footpaths. It had an over-size wood burning grate and a traditional sleeping loft rather than a first floor. It also had a small galley. There was a large shed for storage purposes and a small plot of land, no more than a tenth of a hectare, for camping and other activities.

The Forest is an area of “open access” land in the South of England. Some of it is wooded (the Inclosures and Ancient Woodlands) but most of it is heathland and deep sphagnum bogs. The two HQ’s are about 5 km apart connected by a network of paths of various standards. The area between the Cottage and the Log Cabin is well wooded making it an ideal venue for the boys’ wide games.

The Negotiations

At the Cottage Vic’s phone gave two short pips. Looking at his phone he saw that he had a text message. Opening the message, which he noticed was from his brother, Sam, he read, “we got sumink u need. px on the way”. A little while later Sam had sent two pictures of a very uncomfortable and pissed-off looking Jamie. He was wearing only his underpants and was “sitting on the parrot perch”, almost totally immobilised with his head drawn down towards his raised knees denying him even the ability to look up. The final indignity was the way he had been gagged with one of his own football socks into which a rubber ball had been stuffed. The next text read, “u wanna trade? ring me”.

Vic immediately rang his brother who said that all he wanted was the return of their flag and the culprits “suitably packaged” and ready for punishment. Then they could have Jamie back that evening.

The Scouts needed to come to a decision. Fast!

The Buzzards needed Jamie if their weekend event was to go ahead. There was a problem: the Twins, who had stolen the Sea Scouts’ flag, had been grounded for the weekend by their parents and wouldn’t be around until Monday. Vic explained the situation on his mobile but Sam answered that that was tough and that they’d just have to keep Jamie as their “guest” until the culprits could be handed over on Monday.

Vic asked for time to make a deal. Sam told him he had until Monday!

Zac suggested that the Sailor Boys might be prepared to accept someone in place of Jamie as a hostage. A sort of “ng ng ng” noise came from Scott, who was hanging, gagged and in chains from a rail with his feet barely touching the floor. Wearing just his square-leg briefs, it was only too obvious that he was excited by the possibility of his being the hostage and wanted the others to know it.

“OK, OK, we get the idea, just turn around to face away from us; we don’t want to look at you in that state”, was George’s response. He was Scott’s best friend and well understood that Scott would do almost anything to experience different bondage situations. Scott tiptoed, with some difficulty, to face the other way.

“That’s all very well but who’ll deliver him and free Jamie?” asked Zac, a tall, blond 13 year old who, although he carried a fair bit of excess weight, was a good man in a fight. He knew that the “Postman” would be in danger of becoming a hostage himself.

Vic, a short, dark-haired boy with astonishing eyes that made all the girls’ knees go like jelly when they saw him, was always somewhat irresponsible but, although he often did risky things, he was not unintelligent. He said that he would take the hostage on the final stage because, if his brother had wanted him as a hostage, he would have got a couple of the Sailor Boys to help secure him at home earlier.

The Scouts thought that their offer was worth putting to the Sea Scouts so Vic went back on the phone. Sam put it to his Troop.

Before long the Sea Scouts sent their answer: “No Way!”

They argued that there were two culprits to be delivered so there should be two hostages. Besides, knowing him of old, they knew that Scott would enjoy being a hostage and that the Scouts would not need to bother rescuing him. Sam suggested that, if the Scouts could come up with a second hostage as well, then a deal might be possible.

The Final Arrangement

It was obvious that none of the Buzzards could be the extra hostage because it was their expedition that the Scouts were trying to save. As “Postman” Vic was out of the running. The only remaining candidates were Little Steve, George & Zac. The three boys were used to being tied up during games between the Troops but Little Steve was relatively new to the set-up. They decided to cut cards to decide who should be sacrificed. It would be a matter of honour to abide by the decision.

They decided upon aces high with the lowest cut being the loser. Little Steve (Big Steve is one of the Twins) shuffled the cards, George said when he should stop and Zac got first cut. He drew the eight of hearts and was feeling fairly confident. Steve drew the five of diamonds and hoped that George would be out of luck. George was relieved to draw the nine of spades. Steve accepted that he was to be the sacrificial victim. He had not been involved in this sort of game for as long as the others and, although he had enjoyed himself so far, he felt a certain sense of apprehension about this particular situation.

Vic was on the phone to his brother again. Sam agreed to accept the two hostages as long as Vic sent him pictures of both of them trussed up and gagged in a manner acceptable to the Sea Scouts before they delivered them. The Land Farmers would have to take their hostages through the Forest and deliver them to the Log Cabin. Other than the hostages only Vic would be allowed on to the property and he would have to untie Jamie having secured the hostages outside the Log Cabin.


The Land Farmers were reluctant to deliver their ball gag and handcuffs to the Sailor Boys so Scott obviously had to be let out of the “wardrobe” and tied anew. He thought things were getting better and better!

George got the key and undid the padlock that fastened his friend into the chain that kept his heels from the floor and the ball gag fastened tightly into his mouth. Scott lost his balance and collapsed to the floor when he was released, his hands still cuffed behind him. By now he had hung there for well over an hour and needed release, not that he would ever have admitted it. George unlocked the handcuffs and gave Scott’s wrists a massage. Scott waggled his jaw and took a much needed drink of water from Zac. Zac gave him his lightweight boots to put on. There was no way two bound & gagged boys could have been taken through the Forest barefoot in a reasonable time and without injury.

Vic got two long, soft white ropes from stores. Once Scott had had a few minutes to visit the toilet and finish massaging his aching jaw and painful wrists, he submitted to the rope.

George tied a large, fixed loop in the middle of one of the ropes which only just fitted over Scott’s head. The two ends hung down behind his back. George knew that he didn’t need to be too gentle with his friend but he was thinking that he’d better be kinder to Steve when it was his turn. He tied both free ends together using a figure of eight knot at about the level where Scott’s elbows would be once they were pulled together behind his back. Zac then forced the victim’s elbows so close that they touched. He knew that to be possible due to Scott’s renowned suppleness. After applying several turns around Scott’s arms just above the elbows, George knotted the rope and moved down his forearms knotting it six more times ending at his wrists. The two loose ends were then threaded back up Scott’s forearms, pulling the previous ties tight, and knotted off well out of the reach of his fingers. This left Scott with his hands palm to palm and his forearms tied closely along their length. Scott was rather hoping that his thumbs would also be fastened with cable ties but it didn’t seem appropriate to ask so no one bothered.

Little Steve was watching the procedure with mixed emotions. He was hoping that, when it was his turn, it would not be too painful but he was strangely keen to experience the sensations caused by such restrictive bindings.

Little Steve was a ‘fly swimmer. Although one of the youngest and smallest members of the Troop, he was already developing the triangular body shape typical of such athletes. His broad shoulders made the spindly little legs that poked out from under any shorts that he was wearing look quite out of scale. As well as being a swimmer in training, Steve could climb like Spider Man. He had already stripped down to his knee length black & gold swimming shorts and his walking shoes.

“Sorry, Steve,” said George, even managing to make it sound like he meant it, “Your turn now.” He decided that both boys ought to be bound in the same manner but was worried about being as rough with Steve as he had been with Scott. He need not have worried. In spite of his broad shoulders Steve’s elbows still met behind him when Zac held them in place. Perhaps George didn’t quite tie the little guy as firmly along the forearms as he had Scott but he made sure that Steve was not going to escape from the knots that fastened his elbows and wrists. Steve wriggled to see if there was any relief to be found from the ropes but not with any real intention to escape.

The Scouts had put off gagging the hostages until the last minute. That minute had now come.

Zac found a large reel of grey gaffer tape in the stores and instructed Scott, “Lick your lips.” He then wound several layers of tape tightly round the hostage’s mouth and lower face in general and ripped the tape, pressing the loose end into place. A few more strips were fastened under Scott’s chin and a few more around his head to keep them in place. Scott was going to regret the long hair at the back of his neck later!

Steve saw what had happened to Scott and made a request. In spite of being one of the youngest members of the Troop, his blondeness concealed an incipient but certainly present moustache. He knew that, when a gag like the one that had just been applied to Scott was ripped from his face, it hurt!

Zac considered for a minute then came up with an idea. He put it to Steve who accepted it even though Zac pointed out that it would be more “uncomfortable” than simply being muzzled with Gaffer tape. Zac cut a straight stick from one of the nearby hazel trees. It was about 2.5 cms thick and he cut it to about 30 cm long. He stripped the bark from it and bound gaffer tape around the middle to form an oval pad. Steve submitted to having the resultant gag placed in his mouth. Zac then took some whip-cord and used it to pull the stick hard back into Steve’s mouth before tying it off round a padded neckerchief to try to avoid some of the pain of having thin cord digging into his victim’s neck. Steve was quite embarrassed about the muffled squeal that escaped as the cord was pulled tight. “You OK, Steve”, enquired Zac who wondered whether he had gone too far. An apologetic looking Steve looked up to him and nodded his head reassuringly.
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Post by MaxRoper »

The boys are quite adept with ropes and gags. I'm enjoying this one quite a lot but will wait patiently for the next chapter.
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Post by Xtc »

They have had quite a lot of practice. Thanks for reacting.
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Post by LK3869 »

That Scott character is obviously fun , two sentences about him and I was smiling.
And another of your nice " gags with woodsticks" tutorials :lol: I'm trying to make a sketch out of that one following your instructions...

Nice bunch of characters with cool games. It's a little like the British equivalent to CJ's stories, with Scout honor and gentle respect. ( or the other way round, CJ's are like yours with less rules and no hierarchy, i think you started writing first :mrgreen: )
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Post by cj2125 »

Really like this story. Even though I've read it plenty of times, still looking forwards to see you post it here :mrgreen:!

[mention]LK3869[/mention] you got me :D ! I took inspiration fom [mention]Xtc[/mention] and other authors for my stories so yeah, as you said....
LK3869 wrote: 6 years ago CJ's are like yours with less rules and no hierarchy
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Post by LK3869 »

cj2125 wrote: 6 years ago
@LK3869 you got me :D ! I took inspiration fom @Xtc and other authors for my stories so yeah, as you said....
And that's all good, best thing such a site can do is encourage anyone to express themselves, and I won't pretend to be original so... And you could find worst inspiration. ( Becoming very cheesy, sorry :mrgreen: )
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Post by Xtc »

It's good to know I can still corrupt inspire younger writers.
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