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Sister was not happy to babysit me [f/m]

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 2:07 pm
by Gil
Hello everyone. I hope you enjoyed my first story. I still have many stories in my head that I want to share. I had a lot of fun writing my first story and I want to go further. I appreciate every comment and constructive criticism. Please check out my latest story and vote for the next one. Thanks a lot! 😊:
Let’s start with the story:

The second story happened only 2 weeks after the first. Here is some information about my family and our house: I have two older siblings. My sister's name is Emily. She is 15 years old. My brother is the oldest of us. His name is Steve and he is 17 years old. My mother, whose name is Mary, is 40 years old and she works part-time in a supermarket. My father is 42 years old and his name is James. He works in a local IT company. He is one of the executives in the company. He earns good money. We have a big house. In our basement, we store a lot of old stuff and our bikes. On the first floor, we have our kitchen, a dining room, the living room, and a big bathroom. On the second floor are my parents' bedroom, a small bathroom and a work area for my parents. On the second floor are our rooms and also a small bathroom. Everyone has their room to have enough privacy. Each bathroom has a toilet, sink, and shower, and there is also a bathtub on the first floor. At the back of our house, we also have a large garden. Now you know everything, this is important.
In my Halloween story, she was at her friend's house and not at home. But she quickly figured out that I loved being tied up because we bought a lot of stuff for me. She wasn't as interested in bondage as we were. My parents and I went shopping a lot to get my own bondage stuff. We bought: a big crate, a bag, 300 yards of soft rope, many rolls of duct tape, a bag of 200 long cable ties, a bag of 100 short cable ties, 2 real wrist and ankle cuffs, 2 ballgags, 2 blindfold sleep masks, and 2 real straight jackets. We bought enough to tie up 2 or more people at a time. For example, when my best friend Jean comes to visit or another friend. I was so happy when we got all the bondage stuff. My sister and brother got a new smartphone while I get all this stuff. I think that's fair :D. But my mom has another surprise for me. Since Halloween, I love to be tied up in costumes. She saw an ad on the internet about a costume sale website. There she could buy costumes for a very low price. They were second-hand or with minor industrial problems. 90% of the normal new price. When the order arrived 2 days later, she showed me the costumes and matching makeup. There were more than 30 costumes. Many animal costumes (because I like them :D) and some others like a prisoner costume, in orange and black and white. I was very excited and happy about all my new stuff. I was so grateful to my parents and they were happy because I was happy. They said they would tie me up whenever I wanted, but only on the weekends. I couldn't be happier. I have parents who support me in my bondage fascination.

Two weeks have passed since my bondage experience with Jean. It was Saturday morning. I woke up at 10 am and went down to the kitchen. My parents were already awake, but my sister was still asleep. My brother was on a soccer trip this weekend. My mom is making breakfast for us. She makes pancakes with coffee for my parents and hot chocolate for me. We talk about what happened this week. At 10:30, my sister wakes up and comes into the kitchen. She takes some pancakes and a cup of hot chocolate. After we were done, I talked to my parents.

"Mom, Dad?"
"What's up, Kyle?" my mom asked.
"Could you tie me up today? Please?" I begged.
"Sorry son, but we're meeting some friends at 4 pm and then we're going to a party. Tomorrow at noon we'll come back home. Do you remember?" she asked.
"Oh yeah, I forgot. You said it on Wednesday?" I replied a little sadly.
"Another time, okay kiddo?" my dad asked me with a little smile on his face.
"Sounds good dad." I said a little sad because I was going to be tied up this weekend.
"And Emily. Please take care of your little brother until noon tomorrow." Said my mum to Emily.
"Seriously? He's old enough to look after himself, isn't he?" Said she angrily.
"No. You stay here like we say." Said Mum.
"...Yeah...fine." Emily replied a little angrily. But she knows she has no other choice.
Emily went to her room and I went to my room.

It was close to 4 pm and our parents called us downstairs.
"Okay, listen up, kids. Money for food is on the kitchen table. Stay home and have fun. Got it?" my father said to us.
"Got it." We both answered.
"All right! We're leaving now, kids. I love you both." Said Dad.
"You too." Said we.
Then they drove away.
"Try not to bother me, Kyle." Said she to me in an annoyed voice. We have a good relationship. We like each other, but I think Emily was a little upset that she had to watch me.

Nothing special happened until then. I was in my room playing PS3 and she was in her room doing stuff. At 8 pm we ordered pizza for dinner.
"What have you done so far?" I asked her.
"Video chatting with my friends." She replied, still a little pissed, I think.
"I've been playing video games, but now I'm bored." I told her.
We were silent until we finished eating.
"Hey Kyle, I have an idea. I heard you this morning asking our parents to tie you up. How about I tie you up?" she said.
"Are you sure?" I asked her hopefully.
"Yes. You'll get what you want and I'll have some time to myself and my friends on a video call and not be bothered by you. A win-win for both of us." She explained. "But I decide how you get tied up, for how long, and what you wear. Do you still want to do it?"
"Sure, let's go." I replied excitedly.
We walked up the stairs to my room. I was very excited. We got the crate with the costumes and the bag with the bondage materials out from under my bed in the middle of my room. She opened the crate and looked around.
"Wow, a lot of costumes you have," she said.
"I know, but they're cheap and second-hand." I replied
She found a costume and held it up to me.
"I think the mouse costume looks pretty good on you right now." She handed it to me. That was the costume: ... ostume.jpg.
It was a gray jumpsuit with attached mittens, a small tail, zipper on the back, foot covers, and a hood with mouse ears. "Go to the bathroom, go to the bathroom, put on the costume, and come back. I'll get everything ready."
I did as she told me. I used the bathroom and put on the costume. When I went back to my room, Emily had everything ready. There was a wooden chair in the middle of my room, many ropes were on the floor: 6 of the 10 yard ropes, 2 of the 25 yard ropes. There was also a roll of tape.
"You look cute mouse, Kyle. Let's get started, then I can go back to my room. Get your hands behind you."
"I thought you were going to tie me to the chair?"
"First I tie you down, then I tie you to the chair."
Emily picks up 5 of the 10 yard ropes. She put the mittens over my hands and tied my hands with the rope behind my back, vertically and then between my hands. I tested the restraints. She did a very good job and since the knot was out of my reach, I had no chance to escape. Then she tied my elbows together like my hands. Then she tied my ankles, above and below my knees, like she did to my hands and elbows. Then she took one of the 25 yard rope and tied it completely around my torso to tie my arms to my back. My upper body looked mummified. She sat me down on the chair. She picked up the same lengths and secured my torso to the chair. With the last 10 yard rope, she tied my already tied legs in the middle of the two front legs of the chair. I could no longer move my legs. I was completely immobilized with 110 yards of rope.
"How do you learn to tie someone up so well?" I asked her.
"I'm also in that family and I've also been into bondage or shortcut TuGs. I tied up some friends when I was your age. I learned a lot. No one ever escaped. And I lost interest in it. But it felt good to tie you up." She said with a big smile on her face. "Now for the gag." She went to my closet and opened the drawer where my socks were. She held a pair of my socks in front of me.
"Open wide." She said to me. I opened my mouth and she put the socks in my mouth. My mouth was very full. It was hard to close my mouth. Then she took off my hood and took the tape. She started to wrap it around my head. At least 6 times. Then she put the hood back on my head.
"Okay, try to speak."
"mmmhh mmhh mmmmmhhhh" She did a very good job of shutting me up. I don't think anyone could hear me except in my room.
I thought she was done, but she wasn't. She found the makeup.
"Now let's make you look even more like a mouse, little brother." She painted my nose black and some whiskers on my cheeks. She looked at me.
"You look so cute, my little bondage mouse. Let me take some pictures." She went to her room, got her cell phone, and came back. She took a dozen photos.
"Don't worry, no one will see them. I'm going to leave you now. It's a little before seven. I'll check on you again in a few hours before I go to bed. Have fun, little mouse." She smiled and left the room. I looked at my watch on the wall. It was 8:30.
I knew I had no chance of escaping. She was doing a brilliant job. Not in a million years could I escape on my own. I mean, I don't want to escape. I have plenty of time to enjoy my fate of being tied to a chair in my mouse costume.

It was just before midnight. I was tied up for almost three and a half hours, but it felt like 100.
I heard my sister's footsteps. She opened the door and came in.
"Hey little brother, how are you?" she asked.
"mmmmhh mmmhh." I tried to answer her that everything was fine.
"Oh yeah, I forgot." She started laughing. She walked over to me, took off my hood, and started unwinding the tape. Once the tape was off, I pulled my socks off. My jaw hurt a little.
"I'm fine, Emily." I replied.
"Good, it's midnight now and I want to go to bed now." She said to me and began to untie my bonds from the chair.
"Are you going to untie me completely?" I asked her.
"Yes. Or are you going to be tied up all night?" she laughed.
"Absolutely." I said to her.
"Oh. Okay, if that's what you want. But you'll be gagged and won't have a chance to escape until I wake up. Got it?" Said she to me.
"Clearly." I replied.
"Do you need to go to the bathroom?" She asked me.
"No, I'm fine. But please don't put the socks back in my mouth. My jaw hurts a little," I asked.
"Yeah, no problem. Then let me gag you again." She picked up the tape again and started wrapping it around my head again. Six times like the last time. She put the hood back on my head. She laid me down in my bed and put the covers over me.
"Goodnight little brother.", she kissed my head and walked away with a smile on her face, and turned off the light.
"MMMHHH MMMMHHH." I tried to say goodnight, but with the tape over my mouth, it was a little difficult. I looked at my clock on the wall. It was 00:15. I fell asleep very quickly, maybe only 15 minutes later.

I woke up when my sister walked into my room.
"Wake up, Kyle. It's 9:30," she said. I slept for about 9 hours.
"MHH MMMHH?" I was still half asleep.
"How are you feeling, brother?" she asked me. She started to unpack my gag.
"It's all nice. I'm enjoying it a lot." I replied.
"Does anything hurt you from the rope? Do you need to go to the bathroom or something?" She asked me.
"No. The ropes don't hurt me and I don't have to go to the bathroom." I said to her.
"Fine. Because I decide to keep you tied up until mom and dad get back," she said to me. "Don't worry, I will feed you, and if you need to go to the bathroom just tell me."
"Yeah okay, I'm okay with that." I replied.
"Then let's go downstairs. I'll help you out of bed, but then you have to hop into the kitchen. I'll help you with the stairs." She said.
The way to the kitchen was not too difficult. Emily helped me with the stairs. She sat me down on a chair.
"Oh, I forgot something." She said and ran back upstairs, 1 minute later she came back with another 10 yard piece of rope and the roll of tape.
"I'll tie you to the chair so you don't fall off." She did as she was told.
Emily made cereal for us. After we were done, she untied the rope that was holding me to the chair. She picked up the rope and told me to follow her into our living room. I did as she told me. She put a blanket on the floor and laid me on it.
"Do you know what a hogtie is?" she asked me.
"I read about it. The feet were tied to the hands." I replied.
"That's right. I'm going to tie you up like this until Mom and Dad get back, but then I'm going to gag you." She gagged me like the two times before. Then she tied me up in a hogtie. The hogtie was strict but comfortable.
"Okay, I'm done. It's 10:15 now. You have less than 2 hours like this. If you have to go to the bathroom, you make 3 quick noises. Got it?" she asked me.
"MMHH MMMHH." I said and nodded my head.
"Good, I'm going to watch TV now."
She turned on the TV and watched one of her soaps. The Hogtie was new to me, but not bad. I liked it. After an hour, she turned off the TV and walked over to me. She started tickling my bare feet. I fidgeted around and laughed into my duct tape gag. She did this for at least 30 minutes. Then she said she had had her fun and turned the TV back on. Just a few minutes later, our front door opened.
"Emily, Kyle, we're back." Mom called.
"We're in the living room." My mum and dad entered the living room, saw me, and started laughing.
"Oh hey, son. You look cute." said my dad as he laughed.
"MMMHHH." I tried to say something.
"How long have you been tied up Kyle? My mom asked.
"Since yesterday at 8 pm. But he wanted to be tied up for so long." Explained Emily.
"It's okay, honey. You've checked on him sometimes, haven't you?"
"Sure, Mom." She said.
"MMMMMHHH." I nodded my head.
"That's good, kids. But I guess it's time to untie you now, Kyle." Mum said to me and I nodded back.
Emily untied me. It took over 15 minutes. Once I was untied, I moved around for 5 minutes. The ropes didn't hurt me, but being tied up for almost 16 hours was intense, but nice. I went to the bathroom and used the toilet. After that, I took off the costume and cleaned my face because I had the makeup on. I put on a t-shirt and a pair of short jeans. I went downstairs to the living room and we talked about our day alone at home. My sister said she was sore at first. But she ended up having a lot of fun tying me up. My parents were happy that we had a nice weekend. They also had fun with their friends at the party. Afterward, I went to my room to play video games. It was a nice weekend.

The End

I hope you like my story 😊.

If you have an idea for a scenario or costume, just post it in the comments or private message me, and I’ll try to incorporate it into the stories as best I can and I will link you. Thank you 😊.

My DeviantArt Account:
My TuGstories Account: ... file&u=272

Re: Sister was not happy to babysit me [f/m]

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 7:33 pm
by Killua
That family is so cute :lol: I want to be 13 again and then have such parents. I like it that you added some details like that they have plenty of money because it makes it more realistic that they just bought Kyle tons of equipment to tie him up. I'm curious if Kyle gets tied by his older brother too someday.

You have definitely made less spelling mistakes than in your first story. There are still some but nothing too bad. You are definitely improving. And I'm sure your writing will improve further when you write more stories. I saw that you edited your first story a lot, so I guess you corrected most of the mistakes there too. Good job ;)

I hope you there will be more stories about Kyle soon.

Re: Sister was not happy to babysit me [f/m]

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 7:52 pm
by Gil
hey man. Thanks for your nice words 😊. I used the Grammarly tool you were talking about. I use only the free version but it helped me a lot. I like the tool. Yeah, I got a lot of stories in my mind I want to share with all of you. The details are important. I want it as realistic as it could be. Also for the other stories, I want to write. It is so much fun to write these stories and I am even more happy when I see that people like my stories. And all the votes in my first story are great. Already 30 and it will go on for a few more days. I love to see the constructive criticism and the positive feedback here and on deviantart :D. I love it and I’m happy about it.

Re: Sister was not happy to babysit me [f/m]

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 8:28 pm
by Killua
I use the free version too. It's good enough. But it can't find wrong words when the sentence would still work like that. If you are missing a word and want to translate it from your mother language, I would recommend you to use "DeepL" ( It's a translator like the one from google but a lot better. It's using an AI to improve it's translations. It's important to give it more than a single word though or it might give you a wrong translation because it needs a bit of context. I'm using it too when I need to find a new or just a different phrase for my stories.

Re: Sister was not happy to babysit me [f/m]

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 8:34 pm
by Gil
oh yes I have just found by chance. that website is really good.

Re: Sister was not happy to babysit me [f/m]

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2021 4:21 pm
by Wuuu4542
Love the series!

Re: Sister was not happy to babysit me [f/m]

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 12:50 pm
by Gil
Thank you :) It was really fun writing it :)