Just a Promotion Job - Second Little Snippet (m/m) - bad drawing included

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Just a Promotion Job - Second Little Snippet (m/m) - bad drawing included

Post by FelixSH »

A few years ago, we had the thread "Picture Game (M/M)". I can't find it anymore, but one of the pictures showed a young guy, dressed in a vest and tie, giving out leaflets or something like that. I always wondered, what the story behind this picture was, and finally came around to writing one for it.

I do have the picture saved on my computer, but I'm just not too sure about posting pictures from strangers here. I'm not judging others, I'm just uncomfortable doing it myself. But I made a bad version of it, with my new drawing tablet, which I will attach at the end. I'm new to drawing, on a tablet and in general, (just started yesterday) so don't expect anything great. But I might as well share it, because why not. Maybe someone will get a bit of joy out of it. Anyway, here is the actual story.

Just a Promotion Job

“Thanks for helping me out, Tom. I really appreciate it”, Kate said, kissing her friend on the cheek.

Tom blushed. He tried to say something, but the words fell over each other, unable to escape his mouth in an understandable fashion.

Kate giggled. “Don't worry, you just stand here, and give whoever wants it one of the cards. You don't even have to talk to them.”

Tom nodded. “Uh, so, uhm...” The red cheeks hadn't changed back to their regular color, yet. It took the teen all his bravery, to say the words that were stuck in his mind. “No problem, really. I'm, uh, happy to help you.”

The smile was all the payment Tom could have asked for. Well, that and the date he couldn't make himself mention. The idea of a date, of course. An idea, that Kate didn't know anything about.

“Well, I'll see you in six hours then”, she said, a charming smile on her lips. “Try not to be too bored, ok? I really appreciate the help.” And with that, she was gone.

Tom sighed. Why was he doing this? Instead of hanging out on the beach with his friends, he was stuck here for six hours, a ton of information cards about the business of Kates family with him, which he was supposed to give out. There were many people here, at least, this being one of the biggest shopping streets of the city, but still. Everyone knew, that no one was interested in purely informative cards about a random business. This was a waste of time. And he wouldn't even get paid for it!


One hour went by, and Tom had only gotten rid of a a handful of cards. He sighed. It was boring, everyone ignored him, and he started to sweat. He already cursed the decision to dress up, just to impress Kate. Soon, even shorts and a t-shirt would make him sweat. How he was supposed to survive the other five hours, in his shirt, vest and tie, was beyond him. Not that it was worth it. Kate had mentioned, how good he looked, and that it was a really good idea to dress up for this job, but afterwards completely ignored how he had sacrificed his comfort.

Sighing, he picked up his water bottle, taking a few sips. He nearly dropped it, as someone did call his name. “Hey, isn't that Tommy? Let's say hello.”

It sounded nice, but Toms instinct was to run away. It was the awful voice of Brad Dink. Toms brain told him to run, getting away from the bully as fast as possible.

But no. That wasn't a possibility. He had promised Kate.

Taking all his courage, he looked in the direction of the disgusting sounds. There he was, smiling, grinning, planning his next prank.

“Hey, Brad. What's up?” Tom ignored Adrian and Dale. Brad demanded his full attention. “Looking for something?”

Brad put his hand on Toms shoulder, immediately gripping it. Tom gulped, his face losing a bit of color, while the two goons started giggling. “Just looking for something interesting to do. We thought, maybe we could find one of our buddies from school. Just like you, you know?”

Tom tried to change his position a bit, a test that made clear: Brad didn't want him to move. The grip on his shoulder had already become like steel.

“You know, you look very nice. Did your mum choose your clothes today for you? I mean, a little boy like you needs help dressing, I understand.”

Damn it, not only did these clothes not get him any attention from his crush, now they made him a bigger target for this jerk. What a stupid idea. “Isn't it obvious that I'm working? Look, just leave me alone, ok? You can't do anything to me here, with all the people around, and I don't have time for your bullshit. Just go.”

Brad grimaced. He probably tried to look hurt, but for that, he would need to have actual feelings, something that Tom didn't think possible. The face of the bully looked uncanny, surreal.

“Oh, you don't want to play with us?” Brads face changed, back to the evil grin that Tom knew just too well. “But, you know, I don't like to get “no” for an answer. I want to play with you. Today. And you decide, if we do it now, or later.”

Tom swallowed, unsure what to do. People ignored them, but, as no one had screamed, it didn't look like anything was wrong. From afar, they probably seemed like two friends, just talking.

He sighed. There seemed to be a choice, so he might as well know the options. “Ok, get to the point. What do you want?”

Brad looked back at Dale, who nodded, and opened his backpack. After a few seconds, he produced a roll of duct tape in shining silver.

“Look, you get two options. If you have it your way, we will wait. Adrian heard you talk to that girl on Wednesday, we know that you are done in five hours. But then, you can add two hours to that, because we will tie you up. Like a mummy. Just imagine, your whole body covered in tape, your sweaty socks in your mouth. And completely invisible, because you will be wrapped up in this nice carpet.”

Tom followed Brads hand, and he realized for the first time, that Adrian carried a rolled-up carpet over his shoulder. The main bully really demanded his full attention.

But this was too absurd. “You clowns seriously decided to carry a fucking carpet around, just so you can tie someone up? Are you crazy? Get a live, damnit!”

Tom had raised his voice, but regretted it immediately. If someone heard it, and Brad got into any sort of trouble, the bully would make him pay even more, on another day.

“It's called being creative. Just imagine how much fun you will have, when we use you as a seat, and you can't do a thing. Just think of the helplessness, and the smell of your socks. And how you will not even be able to say anything, because your disgusting socks will be stuck inside your mouth.” Brads voice got softer and softer, but there was more and more of an edge to it. Barely audible, he whispered: “And you will not be able to do a single thing about it. Just imagine that.”

Tom could picture it. He nearly felt it, already. This was not a choice, and if Brad gave him an alternative, he was sure to take it. “Ok, what else do you have.”

The bully grinned. “We could use the carpet for someone else. I mean, we need to put someone in there, you know, but it doesn't have to be you.” This alone made Tom very uneasy. His decision would mean torture for someone else.

If only there was something he could do. But there just wasn't. He remembered, when he tried to talk to his parents about Brad. He got to know his locker very well, in the following week. And he made his first experiences in being tied and gagged.

“Instead, we help you with your job.” Tom was confused. This certainly didn't mean, what it should.

“This way, you will take forever to get people to take your cards. I mean, just imagine how disappointed that girl will be, when she comes back, and you still have half of them left. But, if you let me help you, you will get way more attention, promise.”

And, for the first time since these two knew each other, Brad seemed to be sincere. “Believe me, people will notice you, if you let us help.”

“Ok, let me think this through”, Tom said, closing his eyes. So, he would be able to continue doing his job, which meant it couldn't be too bad, whatever these jerks had planned. They probably weren't going to do the work for him, while he was tied up – Brad had already said, that he would look for another victim. And, being out in the open, there just wasn't much they could do, if the plan for him was to keep giving out cards. Especially, if he was supposed to be more efficient at it.

Tom sighed. Whatever it was, it had to be better, than spending two hours tied up in a carpet, gagged with your own, sweaty socks and being sat on by these three clowns. “Yeah, whatever, I choose option two.”

A happy smile appeared on Brads face. “You won't regret it. I'm sure of that.”


It had been one hour, since Brads visit. And, to Toms big surprise, he hadn't lied. People actually took the cards now. They gave him their attention.

Well, the attention wasn't due to the cards. Tom held them up, whenever someone came closer, but it wasn't the peoples focus. They were probably just confused, why this teenager was not only dressed up, but also tied and gagged.

Tom didn't like it, but at least it had helped. And, granted, it wasn't that different from before – he was stuck here for the next few hours, no matter what. So it didn't matter, that duct tape was wrapped around his feet and upper legs.

Also, it wasn't like he needed his hands and arms for more, than holding up some cards. He could lower his upper body and grab a few new ones, if needed, which was no problem. Well, not much of a problem, as it was a bit harder with his hands tied together and his upper arms pressed to his body with duct tape.

And yes, the gag was strange, but it probably drew the most attention. It's not like it was efficient, being only a single strip of tape over his mouth, but it did look off, and made people look. But Brad had had a stroke of genius, when he wrote the word “Silence” on said strip of tape. Why was he supposed to be silent? People wanted to know! The word “Help!”, written on the tape that held his hands together, did the rest. These two words made it look, like he was trying to tell a story, and the cards would give some additional information.

The bully had actually done something useful! Tom couldn't believe it, but it was the truth. Not that it mattered for their relationship. Brad was just happy, to tie up someone, for everyone to see, without getting into trouble.

Tom wondered, how Kate would react to this. Partly to him being tied and gagged, but also to the fact, that he would have gotten people to actually take all the information cards. Would she ask him, to do it the same way again, another time? Tom sighed. This probably wasn't the last day, where he gave out cards, dressed up and tied up. It wasn't like he could say no to his crush.

The End



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Post by EzraMarubayashi »

An effective ad campaign, after all. Unpaid jobs are tight!
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Post by FelixSH »

Thanks for the comment. :)

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