Foot-Shy Dad Gets Tied Up m/M

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Foot-Shy Dad Gets Tied Up m/M

Post by TicklishGuy22 »

Foot-Shy Dad Gets Tied Up

Randy was a lot of things. He was thirty-five, well-built, pretty good at cooking, a great dad, and a fireman. He was proud of those last two things the most. His wife had died in childbirth fifteen years ago when she gave birth to their son, Leo. He had been a single father at twenty years old and had almost no idea what to do. His parents and in-laws were god-sends. They did a lot of babysitting when he was in the fireman academy.

Now, his son was fifteen and as healthy as a teenage boy can be. And he definitely took after his father a lot.

They were both tall for their ages, his son was 5’6 and still growling while he was 6’2. They also both had dark brown hair that they liked to keep in buzzcut styles. Their blue eyes also matched. He was well-muscled from his work and his son was not far behind since he was on his school track team and worked out a lot.

What he did not like that they shared was their feet. His own were a large size 13 and his son’s were size 11. He did not think his feet were ugly, they would actually be considered quite nice, but he did not like to ever be barefoot. He did not know what it was, but he hated it whenever he was barefoot. When he was in the shower, when he went swimming, any time that required him to be barefoot.

He knows that what he feels would classify him as being foot shy about his feet. He didn’t care. He just really hated being barefoot. It wasn’t even about him being ticklish on his feet or anything. There was just something that he hated about being barefoot.

So whenever possible, he would make sure that his feet were always covered. He did not own a single pair of flip flops or sandals. All he had were boots, sneakers, and dress shoes. He also would always wear socks if he did not have any shoes on.

He got home from work, stretching as he walked down the hall. He was still in his uniform of navy blue firehouse t-shirt and pants. He also did not bother to take his boots off for obvious reasons.

He found Leo in the kitchen, who looked like he was finishing his homework.

“Hey, son,” he greeted as he grabbed a drink from the fridge.

“Hi, Dad,” Leo smiled at his father. “How was work today?”

“No fires, so that was a good sign,” Randy joked. “Did not really do much other than clean the trucks.”

“Guess the universe decided to give you a sort-of day off,” Leo laughed. “You got paid for basically doing nothing.”

“Well, firemen always have to be ready,” Randy reminded. “We may not have had any fires today, but that is not always the case. And we just don’t do fires, son.”

“I know, I know. You also get cats out of trees,” Leo laughed at his own joke.

“Just because you are fifteen doesn’t mean I won’t ground you, mister,” Randy teased his son.

Leo just smiled at his dad.

“You know I love to tease you, Dad,” he laughed.

“So, Leo, how was your day at school,” Randy asked.

“Boring as usual,” Leo shrugged. “Glad that is Friday and I can get a break.”

“You and me both, son,” Randy agreed. “I am glad to have the next two days off.”

“You deserve it, Dad,” Leo says. “You work so much.”

“Maybe we could do something together,” Randy suggested. “Go to the movies or out to dinner or even just stay in and binge-watch Netflix.”

“Actually, Dad,” Leo started. “I do actually need your help with something.”

“Really,” Randy asked, sitting across the kitchen island from his son.

“Yeah,” Leo nodded. “You remember Liam?”

“Of course,” Randy answered.

Liam was his son’s best friend. The two of them were almost brothers with how much they got along and the amount of time they spent together. Liam also lived down the street from them and had a dad that also worked with Randy at the same firehouse. Liam was also pretty infamous for being the kid that rode the line a lot between normal teenager and trouble-maker. He was good at bending the rules, but Leo was who made sure he never broke them.

“I… sort-of… made a bet with him,” Leo admitted.

“Oh, Leo,” Randy shook his head. “What have I told you about making bets?”

“To only do it when I am sure I will win,” Leo answered.

“And are you sure you will win this one,” Randy asked.

“I… I am not sure, Dad,” Leo admitted.

“Oh, Leo,” Randy shook his head again. “What is the bet you made?”

“We had watched a movie where a guy was tied up and Liam wanted to see if he could get out of it,” Leo explained. “So he bet me that I could tie him up and if he could get out in an hour, I would buy him his favorite soda. And he gets me mine if he can not get out.”

Randy did not know what to think of that. Liam had always been a unique kid, but this was not something he ever expected. He wanted to do a bondage challenge. Personally, he blamed television and the movies. It gave kids crazy ideas. When he was a kid, he had always preferred simple shows and movies like Scooby Doo and Full House. Even if he did know that there were quite a few bondage scenes on Scooby with Daphne as the “damsel in distress.”

“Okay,” he finally got out of shock. “So he wants you to tie him up as the guy had been in the movie?”

“No, he said I could make it as difficult as I wanted,” Leo said. “He was pretty cocky that he could get out of any tie that I tie him in.”

“Wow,” Randy said. “Someone needs to explain the difference between confidence and cockiness.”

Leo laughed. “Yeah. I guess someone does.”

“I am guessing that you would like to tie me up to practice,” Randy guessed, crossing his arms.

“Y...Yeah, actually,” Leo says. “I know it is a lot to ask, Dad, but I would love to win this bet and hopefully bring his ego down.”

Randy had to think for a bit. He never imagined that he would be in a position like this. He would have never guessed in a million years that his son would be asking to tie him up. Not for any reason. He did guess that trying to win a bet was better than any other reason. And he was not about to let his son lose a bet if he can help.

“Alright, son,” Randy accepted. “I’ll help you.”

“Really,” Leo’s eyes widen.

“Of course, son,” Randy says. “Anything to help you win a bet.”

“Great. Thanks, Dad,” Leo hugs his father. “I’ll go and get and rope.”

Leo leaves the room, leaving Randy to almost regret agreeing based on how excited his son looked to tie him up. But he shrugged it off as his son excited to win the bet.

Leo soon comes back in with a small gym bag, probably filled with rope.

“Coming prepared, son,” Randy asked.

“Of course, Dad,” Leo chuckled.

“Where would you like to tie me up,” Randy asked.

“Um…” Leo looked around the room. “How about there.”

He points to one of the sturdier chairs we have in the living room. It was a thick wooden chair with white cushions. It had an attached footrest so it looked like a wooden recliner but did not lean back.

“Alright, son,” Randy went over and sat in the chair.

Leo brought his bag over to him.

“You ready, dad,” he asked.

“Ready as I’ll ever be,” Randy responded.

Leo got out the rope from his bag. He started with his father’s wrists. He brought them down onto each armrest and got to work. He wrapped Randy’s right wrist in rope, tying it securely to the armrest. He gave no wiggle room for his dad’s arm. He then repeated the process on his left wrist.

“Wow, son,” Randy tested his bonds. “This is really tight and well tied.”

“Thanks, Dad,” Leo smiled. “But I am not done, yet.”

He takes out more rope, going behind the chair. He uses the rope to tie across his father’s chest diagonally. He goes around one way three times and then the other way three times. His father’s torso is soon bound to the back of the chair with the rope forming an X over his chest. Randy could feel the tightness on his upper body. He knew there was no way he could get out of these ropes.

“Where did you learn to tie like this, Leo,” Randy asked.

“Just videos and stuff online,” his son shrugged.

“Must have been very detailed videos,” Randy said. “I can’t move my arms or chest at all.”

“Now I need to do your legs,” Leo said.

“Okay, son,” Randy says.

Randy put his booted feet onto the footrest to help his son gain access to his legs. Leo got right to work.

He first started by wrapping the rope around his thighs. He wrapped the rope around his thighs about five times before he tied it off quite tightly. He then used more rope to tie his legs together above and below his knees. Even without his ankles being tied yet, Randy felt his legs become so tight and helpless. He could barely move them enough just to move his ankles.

“Um… Dad,” Leo looked skittish to ask something.

“What is it, son,” Randy asked.

“I need to tie your ankles together, but your boots are in the way,” Leo said. “Would you mind if I took them off?”

Randy could not help but wiggle his booted feet in nervousness. It was one thing to be tied up by his son, it was another to be tied up and lose one part of his foot protection. He did feel a lot better being tied up when he had his boots on. But he figured that as long as he still had his socks on, he would be good.

“Okay, son,” Randy answered. “You can take my boots off.”

“Thanks, Dad,” Leo smiled at his father.

Leo undid the laces on his father’s boots. He put on hand on the heel of the boot and the other gripping the toe and gave the boot a yank. With some difficulty, Leo was able to get the boot off his dad’s foot. Randy could feel himself getting very nervous as his son started pulling off his other boot. His socked feet were going to be tied up and only his black ankle socks will be left to protect him from being barefoot.

“You doing okay, Dad,” Leo asked.

“Yeah,” he lied. “I’m fine. Just keep going, son.”

Leo nodded and brought out more rope from his bag. He wrapped more of the rope around his father’s ankles, tying them as tight as he could. And to make sure they were really secure, he also tied them down to the footrest. Randy tried, but he could not lift his legs off of the footrest no matter how much he pulled. His socked feet wiggled as he tried.

Leo put his father’s boots next to the footrest, finally done.

“Alright, Dad,” he said. “I’m done.”

Randy struggled, but could barely move anything other than his head and feet.

“You tied me really well, son,” he admitted. “These knots are really good and the ropes are very tight. I think you just might win the bet.”

“Thanks, Dad,” Leo grinned, then looked at his watch. “Okay, you have an hour to get out or not. I’ll be back.”

“Alright, son,” Randy said.

Randy watched his son leave the room, probably to pass the time watching TV in his bedroom. He started struggling instantly. Being honest, he expected to be left alone during his struggles. It would not have been that exciting to watch, as it was obvious that he was not going anywhere. He tried to pull at his wrists first, thinking it be easier to get free if he got them loose first. But he quickly failed at that. He could move his fingers, but all attempts to free his hands got him nowhere.

He tried pulling at his legs and feet next, just to try and get some part of him free. But same as his wrists, they were tied too well for him to get them out of their binds. He was glad that his pants kept him from getting rope burn, even though the rope was still quite tight on his legs. And since the footrest was attached to the chair, he could not pull his legs in one bit. His socked feet waved back and forth in his struggles.

What he hated the most was how his boots were right there. He could see his foot protection right next to the footrest and could not do a thing to get them back on his feet. He tried to relax as he still had his socks on, but felt so vulnerable the way he was.

He continued to struggle, even if each passing minute of struggling proves that he will not get out. After forty-five minutes, he finally gave up and decided just to wait for the last fifteen and relax into the chair. He was glad that his son chose a comfortable chair to tie him to.

Leo comes back in once the hour is up.

“Wow, Dad,” he said. “You didn’t manage to even make the ropes loose.”

“What can I say, you tie a very good knot,” Randy chuckled.

“Guess I’m winning that bet after all,” Leo smiled.

“Yes, you most certainly are,” Randy agreed. “So, can you untie me now, son?”

“I want to ask you a few things first, Dad,” Leo sat down close to the chair.

“Uh… okay,” Randy wondered why he wasn’t being untied.

“I noticed you almost never take off your socks,” Leo said. “Only ever to shower or swim do you ever go barefoot.”

Randy gulped, not knowing that his son noticed this about him. He had to think of something quick.

“It’s nothing, son,” he tried to lie. “I just really like being in shoes and socks. Nothing wrong with that.”

“But you go out of your way to not be barefoot in any way,” Leo says. “You even wear sneakers and socks to the beach and that is not the right place for them. You don’t own a single pair of flip flops or sandals.”

“We all have our own fashion choices, son,” Randy dodged that he hated being barefoot.

“You sure that is it,” Leo raised an eyebrow. “Because I think you just don’t like being barefoot.”

“So what if I don’t,” Randy asked, his socked feet wiggling as he talked. “It’s my choice.”

“You have no reason to not like being barefoot, Dad,” Leo says. “It’s a natural thing to feel the ground under your feet.”

“Son, I love you, but me not liking being barefoot is my business,” Randy said, struggling in his bonds. “Now, please untie me.”

“I think I can help you with your hatred,” Leo says.

“Leo, I am fine the way I am,” Randy struggled even more. “Just let me out of this chair.”

“Not until I help you get over your weird hatred of being barefoot,” Leo reached toward his father’s feet.

“Leo, stop,” Randy ordered. “Stay away from my socks. Untie me this instant!”

“Sorry, Dad, but this is for your own good,” Leo says.

Leo reaches over and starts pulling on his father’s socks. Randy tried everything he could to stop it. But that wasn’t much since he was tied so tightly. He waved his feet back and forth, clenched his toes, put one foot in front of the other. Nothing worked. His son soon pulled his black socks over his heels. They slowly passed his arches. When the socks reached the balls of his feet was when he really tried to keep them on. He tried to hold them with his toes, but his socks soon popped off his feet.

His bare size thirteen’s were now on full display.

“Son, no,” Randy really struggled. “Give me my socks back right now and untie me. I’m serious!”

“So am I, Dad,” Leo says. “You need to make peace with your feet.”

“UNTIE ME NOW,” Randy yelled.

“Dad, there is nothing wrong with bare feet,” Leo says. “There are guys that, in fact, have a thing for feet.”

“Well, I am not one of them,” Randy snapped. “Just let me go and give me back my socks!”

“Not until you agree to be barefoot more often,” Leo crossed his arms.

“Leo, let me go right now or you are grounded for life,” Randy threatened.

“Threats are not going to help you, Dad,” Leo tells him.

“Untie me right this minute and give me back my socks and MMMPH!” Randy was cut off.

Leo had had enough of his father’s orders and shoved those socks right into his mouth. Both socks barely fit, but he got them in.

“You did say to give you your socks back, so I did,” Leo smirked.

“MMMMMPH! MMMMMMMPH,” Randy yelled into his gag, struggling even more.

Leo then took out a roll of duct tape. With a loud RIP, he took off a big piece and slapped it over his father’s filled mouth. He wrapped the tape several times around his father’s head to keep the socks in.

Randy was pissed. First, his son refused to untie him and he was stuck in this chair. Then, he took his socks off and exposed his large bare feet. Now, he was gagged with the very socks that he wanted to be covering his feet with tape sealing them in. And even during all his more furious struggles, he still felt no closer to freedom than before.

“Don’t go anywhere, Dad,” Leo says. “I’ll be right back.”

“MMMMMMPH,” Randy growled and glared at his leaving son.

He looked at his, unfortunately bare, feet. They wiggled, waved, and flopped around as he struggled in his bonds. His feet were so big so that only made them more obvious to the eye. They could very easily be seen. At least, to him.

“I’m back,” Leo was way too gleeful according to his father.

When the teenager walked back into the living room, Randy immediately noticed that he had a video camera, laptop, and headphones.

“MMMMMPH,” Randy yelled through his gag, demanding to be let go.

Leo ignored him, setting up the camera on the table in front of the chair he bound his father to. He positioned it so that it would only capture his father’s feet and not any other part of him. He made sure to not let his dad’s face show. He connected the camera to his laptop. He types in a few commands, ignoring his dad’s muffled demands.

“There,” Leo smiled at the screen. “Now the show can begin.”

“Mmmph?” Randy was confused.

Pulling a side table next to the chair, he positioned the laptop to put it in plain view for his father to look at. When he did, Randy’s eyes widened in fear.

On-screen was his bare feet. But the terrifying part was that it looked like it was on some type of live-stream site. And when he looked more at the site, Randy realized that it was a foot fetish site for guys. Above the screen image of his feet, there was a title. Size 13 Fireman Feet Foot Show. His son was going to live-stream his bare feet for a bunch of guys that like feet.

“MMMMMPH MMMMMMMMMPH MMMMMMMPH,” Randy struggled and yelled into his gag with all his might.

His feet’ struggling showed on the screen as they squirmed in full view of the camera.

“There,” Leo said. “This should allow you to overcome your hatred of being barefoot. Having a bunch of comments thrown at you.”

His son plugged in the headphones, putting them on his father. He used more duct tape to keep them there.

“MMMMMMMPH MMMMPH MMMMMMPH MMMMMPH,” Randy begged his son not to do this.

“Now you will hear all the comments that the guys post on the chat for your little show,” Leo smiled at his father. “Enjoy.”

With one click on the computer, Leo started the live-stream. Randy just hoped that no one would watch and that would force his son to give up and let him go. That hope was bashed when alert sounds made their way into his ears through the headphones. Looking at the screen, Randy was horrified to see over a dozen guys watching his feet already.

“MMMMMMMMMMMPH,” Randy yelled, struggling to try and pull his feet out of view of the camera.

He failed, and comments started to come in. They played out for him to hear through the headphones.

“Wow. These are some amazing feet.”

“They’re so big. I LOVE IT.”

“These must be the best feet I have ever seen.”

“Wiggle them, man. They’re so cute.”

“I love your toes.”

Randy’s struggling was him unwillingly providing the viewers with a show. As he struggled, his feet would constantly wave around and wiggle. Even him trying to block one foot with the other was also providing the guys with a show. The comments kept coming in, telling him how great his feet were.

Leo smiled as he watched his father struggle and put on a show all at the same time. He got out his phone and texted Liam.

“I won the bet,” he sent.

He got a response almost instantly.

“What! Already! No way,” Liam responded.

“What can I say, I have my ways,” Leo sent back.

“There is no way you got your dad to be barefoot,” Liam responded.

“Then have a look at this,” Leo sent him a link to the live-stream.

“WHAT THE HELL! Is that your dad’s bare feet being live-streamed on a foot fetish site,” Liam was shocked.

“They sure are,” Leo smirked as he sent that text.

“How did you manage to pull that off,” Liam asked.

“Well, you never said he had to willingly be barefoot,” Leo sent.

“What did you do,” Liam asked.

“My dad is currently tied to a chair and gagged as his feet are tied up in front of him,” Leo tells his friend.

“You are one devious mind, my friend,” Liam responded.

Leo only had to smile at that. He was glad he was able to trick his dad by saying he had made a different bet with his friend.
Last edited by BoundJana 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by BoundJana »

Congratulations on your first story here!

But please add a gendertag to your story, it is mandatory for every story posted on the board!
What are you waiting for? Finally put a gag in my mouth and play with me!
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Post by Inkstain »

That was perfect.
Do a sequel in which Dad ties the kid.. and then maybe one when they BOTH get tied.
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Post by wataru14 »

Nicely done! Extremely enjoyable!
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Post by bondagefreak »

Wow! That was a wonderful read [mention]TicklishGuy22[/mention]!
Brilliantly told!

The dialogue between Randy and his son - though a bit mechanical due to the lack of contractions - struck me as very believable.
You have the father/son vibe down to a T, my friend ;)

As for Leo, I think he is due for his comeuppance.
Seriously, the gal of that kid!

I don't know if you're exclusively into m/M scenarios, but if you're also into M/m then I think we're bound for a sequel in which Randy takes it upon himself to administer a serious grounding and some well-deserved justice.

Between wearing fireman boots all day and having size 13 feet, I'm sure our muscular daddy has some old socks in the hamper that would work wonders in teaching Leo a lesson in humility.

Pretty sure [mention]Sockgaggedman[/mention] and [mention]squirrel[/mention] are going to agree with me on that one 8-)

In any case, wonderful stuff!
Very glad you decided to post this here.
Looking forward to seeing you becoming active on here.

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Post by squirrel »

Wow, the story is great! Leo is one sneaky kid, isn't he? 8-)

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Post by Volobond »

I'm so glad to see a new addition to the oft-neglected side of the father-son tie up genre, where the father is the one tied up! I thought the gag and the live-streaming was a nice touch. I hope at least Randy may get over his hang-ups about his feet through his son's, ahem, unorthodox form of exposure therapy! :lol:

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Post by szlm1515 »

Truly awesome story, i like how tricky the son is😏
Would be curious to read more of their adventures😏
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Thank you [mention]TicklishGuy22[/mention]

Just love to see a brawny man with large feet getting tied up and gagged!

Look forward to more from you!
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