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Punishment in a Summer camp MM/m, mm+/m

Posted: Mon May 10, 2021 1:55 pm
by bosoj_o
So it`s my 2-nd fictional TUG story/
I told that English is not my native language. Sorry for my mistakes.

Part 1
One day, when I was 14, I went to summer camp for four weeks. The camp was only for boys, with a military-sports bias, respectively, there was a daily routine, sports, shooting, driving a motorcycle and a map, but the story is not about this, but about one case when I left the camp territory without telling the counselor and was absent about two hours, it was about 9 in the morning, I returned about 11 in the afternoon, when everything had already been searched. When I returned, two counselors saw me, twisted my arms and took me into the tent.

There I was forced to take off my shoes and undress to my underpants, after which they tied my hands behind my back and tied them to the torso, tied my legs and laid me on the floor in the tent. They said they would report back to their superiors and then decide what to do with me.
The head of the camp said to punish with his decision.

I lay bound for three hours, then they came to me, untied my legs and took me to the stadium in front of the formation. So I stood in my briefs and barefoot, with my hands tied for about an hour, while a punishment was chosen for me. Chosen by a general vote and the options were proposed by the children themselves.

Almost all of them boiled down to stripping naked and tying me up until the evening, there were options to put me naked and tied up in a tent, put me in a shed, leave me lying in the stadium, or tie me to a gate or a tree. The winner was the option of stripping naked and tying me to the goal post at the stadium until the end of the day, stripping my shoes and parts of my clothes until the end of the camp and constantly walking barefoot and shirtless and tying my hands at all formations and movements.

There were three weeks left until the end of the camp.

Immediately they took off my panties and brought me to the gate. I asked to go to the toilet, and they took me there naked and with my hands tied. Then they brought me back to the stadium, untied my hands, put my back to the goal post, put my hands behind it and tied them together. With another rope they tied my legs, then with another rope they tied me to a barbell from ankles to shoulders so that I could not move at all.
All the children in the camp were almost constantly at the stadium to look at me naked and tied up, although if only to look, it would still be tolerable, they touched me on my body, pinched me, sprinkled me with dust, poured water on my naked body and tortured my naked body with nettles ...

It is good that the weather began to deteriorate and it started to rain, then everyone scattered to the tents, and despite the pouring rain, they left me naked and tied to the gate, saying that despite the weather, the sentence had to be served in full.

During the rain, a huge puddle gathered near the gate, where the grass was trampled, and for several hours I stood barefoot ankle-deep in water
At 9 pm, the evening check began, the rain had stopped long ago, all the children were lined up in the stadium, where I stood and again everyone was looking at me.

Me was untied already before going to bed at about 10 pm. I was not allowed to get dressed right away, saying that I must remain naked until the morning, and if I do not want to sleep tied up, then it is better not to argue. So I went naked to the toilet, then to the washbasin and went to sleep in the tent.

In the morning after getting up, I was allowed to put on briefs and pants, but since all the boys went out for morning exercises with a bare torso, I did not stand out among them in principle, except that I was barefoot.

Before the morning ruler, two counselors with a rope came into my tent. They made me give them all my shoes and socks, as well as T-shirts, shirts, etc., leaving me only underpants, two pants and shorts.

Then they tied my hands behind my back, wrapped a rope around my torso and pressed my hands to it and took me to the stadium and put me barefoot, half naked and tied up in formation. The guys standing next to me all tried to touch the ropes on my body.

The head of the camp came out to the formation, seeing me without a T-shirt and in ropes, he called the counselor to him. They talked for a few minutes, then the leader returned to the ranks and told me that the chief wanted to talk to me and after the formation we should approach him.
About 15 minutes later, when the formation was over, the counselor came up to me, and, taking hold of the rope with which I was tied, he brought me to the chief and I stood in front of him barefoot, shirtless and tied.

The boss asked me if I realized my guilt, I replied that yes, I realized and I will no longer leave without asking.

Then the chief said that the punishment would not be changed, since it was appointed by a general vote, so I would have to walk barefoot and half-naked until the end of the shift, and to all the structures and also to all the movements in a tied formation, and even confidence in me had already been undermined at the slightest offenses they will again tie me naked to the gate for everyone to see and then I will walk naked until the end of the shift. After that I was untied and sent to class.


Re: Punishment in a Summer camp MM/m

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 7:03 am
by lepangolin
Hey, thanks, I love your story, waiting for more!

Re: Punishment in a Summer camp MM/m

Posted: Mon May 17, 2021 2:48 pm
by Finn
Not sure I would have wanted to go to a camp like that. Seems like the camp director lets the kids get away with too much. Never liked a bully, and these guys are very close to being bullies, if not actual bullies.

Re: Punishment in a Summer camp MM/m

Posted: Mon May 17, 2021 6:09 pm
by chadmc90
Finn wrote: 3 years ago Since you're going to be there at least four weeks you need to spend that entire time, perhaps the entire summer locked in a chastity device.
Since chastity devices are seen as sex toys and used for sexual purposes, putting a chastity device on a child by an adult would make this story in violation of our site rules. Hopefully, the author will refrain from this plot theme.

Re: Punishment in a Summer camp MM/m

Posted: Tue May 18, 2021 4:45 am
by bosoj_o
I not planned to use a chastity devices in my story. Ropes only. Blindfolding and gags sometimes.

Re: Punishment in a Summer camp MM/m

Posted: Tue May 18, 2021 6:33 pm
by bosoj_o
Part 2
Classes lasted until lunchtime.
After lunch we were again lined up to make an advertisement. Before that, my hands were tied again.
The counselors said that war games would begin soon and we would split into several groups. In the game, you will need to capture opponents. The prisoner will have to be taken to headquarters and tied up. Therefore, today, from lunchtime and tomorrow, the whole day, we will learn to tie prisoners. And in the detachment there will be one person on whom everyone will train. Naturally, this role fell to me, since it is more convenient to tie a barefoot and half-dressed boy, all the ropes and knots are better visible on the naked body, and there is no point in undressing someone else, but I still need to be tied up from time to time. Therefore, now until the evening, as well as tomorrow from early morning until lights out, I will be dressed only in swimming trunks and I will be tied up all day, all in turn. They untied my hands and sent me to the tent to undress to my swimming trunks. In general, for this I only needed to take off my pants. Having done this, I returned to the stadium and the tying training began. The guys stood in a circle, they put me in the center and the counselor began to show how to tie the prisoner in several ways. First, with a short rope, he tied my hands together behind my back. Then he pulled another rope around my elbows and tied my arms to my torso. With another rope, he tied his hands to his belt. Then he laid me face down on the ground and tied my ankles and knees. I was lying in my swimming trunks, barefoot and tied on the ground, and all the boys in turn came up to me and examined and touched the ropes on my body in order to better remember how I was tied. This went on for about an hour.
Then the counselors told the guys to take turns tied me up in the same way. And I had to try to untie for 15 minutes. It happened like this: the first boy untied me, let me rest for a minute and tied me up again, and I tried to free myself. If I could not, then the next did the same - untie me, and then tied me up again.
This went on for about 5 hours until dinner. During this time, I was tied at least 20 times and on my naked body there have already appeared many marks of the ropes with which they tied me. Dinner was brought directly to the stadium, so there was no need for me to go for my pants and I stayed for dinner in my swimming trunks.
After dinner and a short break, the training continued. And before lights out, I was tied 8 more times. At the same time, the last time they tied me securely and I could not untie myself. Therefore, after they announced the lights out and all the children went to wash and sleep, I remained tied up at the stadium. One counselor came up to me, but did not immediately untie me, but helped me to sit down and lean my back on the goal post, and sat down on the grass opposite me.
- Like you? - he asked
- Fine.
- You like being tied up.
- Um, actually yes.
- I noticed. Do you want to sit like this a little longer?
- Yeah I do not mind.
- OK. We have another half hour. Then you go to sleep.
So we sat for another half an hour, I was almost naked, barefoot and tied hand and foot, my back resting on the football goal. And he's in pants, a T-shirt and sneakers in front of me on the grass. At the end of the time, he untied me.
- All go to sleep, tomorrow you will have a hard, but probably pleasant, day. You will be tied up all it.
I, as I was in some swimming trunks and barefoot, went to wash, and then went to the tent to sleep.

Re: Punishment in a Summer camp MM/m, mm+/m

Posted: Wed May 19, 2021 10:25 am
by Killua
I'm still not quite sure if I really like the story. The theme of getting tied up during the whole time at the camp is interesting though. I guess I'll have to read the upcoming parts to find out of I really like the story. Part 2 was good, but I was not that much of a fan of nudity in the first part. But I'm definitely curious how the story is going to develop.

Re: Punishment in a Summer camp MM/m, mm+/m

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 4:53 pm
by bosoj_o
Part 3
In the morning I didn’t dress for exercise and immediately went out in some shorts. Immediately after charging, my hands were tied behind my back and we went to the stadium. There we were told that today they will continue training on tying me, which will continue until lights out.
Here breakfast was brought to us. I was untied and after breakfast we were lined up and I was taken out in front of the formation for further training. First, we checked how we learned yesterday’s lesson. Three boys were chosen from the formation and they took turns to tie me up and I was again given 15 minutes to free myself from the ropes.
The first did not tie me very well and I was free after three minutes.
The second one first tied my hands, and then with another rope pulled my elbows so that they came close. Then he took a long rope and tied his arms tightly to the torso and arranged the knots so that I could not reach them in any way. Then he tied my knees and ankles. I was tied very well and could not even untie one knot, and after 15 minutes I was tired and covered with sweat, but remained tightly tied. Trying to get out of the ropes, I tightened the knots even more, so even the counselor could not untie me right away and it took him about 10 minutes.
I was given a few minutes to stretch my arms and take a break from fighting the restraints. Then it was the turn of the third boy.
He first tied my hands, then pulled off the rope additionally, making several turns between my hands and tied a knot on top. Then he tied my elbows in the same way. After that he tied the rope hands to the belt, but again made several turns between the hands and the back in order to press the hands more tightly to the back. Then he took another rope and wrapped me with it just above the elbows, while throwing the rope over his shoulder several times and again made a couple of turns between his arms and back, so that my hands were pressed tightly to my back. Then he tied my legs in three places - just above the knees, just below the knees and ankles, not forgetting to additionally tighten the ties, making 2-3 turns of rope between my legs. After he finished, I was tied so tightly that I could not make a single move. In addition, since I was wearing only panties, the ropes pressed hard on my naked body. I was given an additional 15 minutes to free myself, but even after half an hour of trying to untie, I was still in the same position as immediately after being tied and tired and sweating even more than during the previous attempt.
- Okay, - said the counselor, - it's time to untie him.
It took another 20 minutes to untie me. After that the counselor said that there would be a break of 30 minutes so that I could rest and wash. Rather deep red marks appeared on my body from the ropes. For about 5 minutes I just lay on the grass, then I went to the tent, took a towel and in my underpants and barefoot went to the shower. Then I returned to the stadium again barefoot and only in shorts.
- Well, how are you, - the counselor asked me.
- Fine.
- Okay, then let's get started.
I put my hands behind my back and the counselor tied my hands in a cross and tied them to the belt again, then pressed my hands above the elbows to the torso, wrapping them with a rope and securing them with additional turns under the armpits.
Then I lay down on the ground face down and the counselor tied my ankles also in a cross and, bending my knees, tied my ankles to my hands. It turned out something like a Hogtie, but the arms and legs were crossed.
This time I was tied in a more complicated way and it took much longer for the guys to remember this method than the first time. Therefore, I lay on the grass tied up for 2 hours until lunchtime. I didn't try to free myself, and I shouldn't have. Therefore, I just lay on the grass and enjoyed my position and the feeling of ropes on my naked body.
After lunch, training continued. The counselors said that now we will learn to work in a team, so they will tie me not one at a time, but three boys at once. Because it is not always possible to defeat and tie up the enemy alone, sometimes it needs to be done in a group. And, since we will save quite a lot of time, then I will be given not 15 minutes, but 40 minutes to try to free me. And just in time for the evening, everyone will be in time.

Re: Punishment in a Summer camp MM/m, mm+/m

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 9:49 pm
by Killua
I like that part. It was well described.

Re: Punishment in a Summer camp MM/m, mm+/m

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2021 8:58 pm
by mig137
nice storie. ;)

Re: Punishment in a Summer camp MM/m, mm+/m

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 3:44 am
by Dominik
Great story so far.
I'm really looking forward to part 4 -- and more, especially about the war games announced in part 2!