A little tied up! (M/F) A WPC Harris adventure (complete!)

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Deleted User 769

A little tied up! (M/F) A WPC Harris adventure (complete!)

Post by Deleted User 769 »

“Damn and blast it!”
WPC Harris was running late. 
Two hours late for work.
Two hours and twenty three minutes late to be precise.
Dressed in her starched shirt sleeves, and precious little else, Stevie was frantically rushing around her bedroom desperately attempting to locate the disparate missing parts of her uniform
Suddenly she heard a crash from a location somewhere in the vicinity of the back door.

“That darn cat” She muttered under her breath as she strained to fasten the top button of her collar.
Seconds later that crash was followed by a larger, more expansive noise that sounded like a herd of elephants had decided to move into the local area and were paying house calls to all their new neighbours.

“Hey Thunderpants! Knock it off, can’t you see Mommy’s busy?” WPC Harris called out in an exacerbated tone as she struggled to climb into a pair of uncooperative trousers, hopping on the spot like a Flamingo on her hen night.

Grabbing her police jacket from the back of her door, Stevie padded off in search of the cause of the disturbance (and hopefully her tie,..)
The corridor was dark, the young trainee officer having been too busy/ easily distracted to buy a new bulb when the fuse had last blown (sometime last century,..)
Eventually her eyes adjusted to the light (or lack thereof) and she was astonished to find herself standing face to face with a masked intruder.
As if the torn prison fatigues he wore and the stocking on his head were not amazing enough, it was the battered service revolver in his hand that quickly earned Stevie’s rapt and undivided attention. Slowly the officer raised her arms with her palms extended in, what she hoped would be acknowledged as the internationally recognized gesture of surrender.

“Thunderpants?” the stranger inquired with a sideways glance.

“It’s the name of my cat.” She explained, not daring to move a muscle.
He appeared to consider this for a moment.

“It was my niece’s idea. Imagine my relief that she wasn’t a dog,.. the cat that is,.. not my niece,.. at least I don’t have to call her name in public. Thunderpants! Put down that postman,..” Stevie was often accused of talking too much when she was nervous and currently found that words were spilling out of her mouth like water from a broken fire hydren.

Taking a moment to compose herself, WPC Stevie Harris stared at the barrel of the villain’s weapon with a fascinated eye and rigidly set jaw.
“Why don’t you take your finger off that trigger” She said, her voice trying to conceal her mounting concern “You don’t want it to go off, accidentally”

“Hands up” He ordered muzzily.

“My hands ARE up” She replied sweetly “You can see they’re up can’t you? Look. Right up here”
And, as if to emphasize the point she twiddled her fingers as though about to commence a piano recital.

“Why don’t you put that pistol down? Look, there’s a table over there. I’m no interior designer, but I think a gun would go very nicely in that fruit bowl” She suggested warmly nodding in its general direction.

“You don’t keep fruit in the fruit bowl?” 

"Apparently not" She said suddenly noticing her police issue tie 

"I've been looking for this everywhere. Do you mind if I put it on? I'm running a little behind schedule this morning,.."

"Be my guest"

“Look, I don’t know why you’re here, but I promise I won’t cry out, or try to make a run for it.” She said clipping the black and white checked neckerchief in place at her collar.

“That’s a relief”
There followed a lengthy pause.

Why are you here?” she asked, replacing her hands in the surrender position.

“Well here is as good a place as any. Truth is I just need somewhere to lay low for a while”

“Oh,..  Well,.. Would you like me to make you a cup of tea?” She asked in a shaky voice, unsure what else to say.


"In case the accent didn't give it away. I'm from the North. My people prescribe tea on the NHS.”

He found himself saying that he would very much welcome a drink. Well, It had been a stressful morning what with the prison break out and all the hullabaloo that followed,..

Stevie busied herself setting out afternoon tea for her captor, including an assortment of biscuits, taking care to limit herself to slow, deliberate movements.

“So,” She said as they waited for the kettle to boil. “From the state of your outfit, would it be safe to assume that you have recently absconded from custody?”

“Maybe this is my costume for a fancy dress party?”

“Possibly. But it certainly looks (and smells) like the genuine article. Have you been on the run for long?”

“Not long enough”

“Where are you from?”

“I’d rather not say”

“I don’t suppose you’d tell me your name?”

“I really shouldn’t. It’s kind of rule 101 for escaped prisoners”

“Hmm, well, you don’t sound local,..” She said trying to place the accent 

“Anyone ever tell you that you ask allot of questions?”

“Frequently. But as you can probably ascertain from the uniform, I am a police officer. It’s very much part of my job remit” She explained.

“Well, I don’t like it. And if you don’t cut it out I’m going to have to insist we sit in silence”
Stevie (wisely) decided to keep her own counsel,.. at least for the moment.
That moment lasted for less than a minute.

“Really? Okay, well I can see the logic in that. But look, you’re going to have to lower the weapon sometime. Why don’t we compromise? You put the gun down and I’ll let you tie me up”

“Tie you up?” 

“Why yes. I mean isn’t that what criminals usually do to their hostage to stop them running away?”

“That seems reasonable. I suppose,..”

“Excellent. I’m so glad that we could come to an understanding”

“Sure. No problem,..” He spluttered “Wait, sorry, no,.. I mean, I don’t want to cause a fuss, but you actually want to be tied up?” 

“Okay Mr. Convict, I’ll level with you. The fact is that this is I’m currently on probation and this is the third time in as many days that I’ve been late to work and I figure that this time I need a really good excuse if I’m going to keep my job,.. I've got my student loan to consider,.. and my cars in the shop,..”

“Ok, ok, so where do I fit in?” He asked interrupting, perhaps worried that this explanation would run and run,..

“Ah, well, I'm glad you asked, you see, in many ways your arrival couldn’t have been more fortuitous. After all, they can’t very well sack me for poor timekeeping while I’m being held hostage now can they?”

“I guess,..?” He replied, sounding unconvinced,..

“,..And, of course, whilst I’m all trussed up like the heroine in some tawdry adventure movie you’ll be free to get some rest, grab yourself a bite to eat,.. and possibly a shower (hint, hint!),..”
The logic seemed impeachable and the convict said as much.

“Okay, I’m game. So,.. erm,.. What do you suggest I use?” He asked suddenly sounding very unsure of himself.

“I think I’ve got some rope left over from when I moved in,.. Do you want me to check?!" She suggested, a little too eagerly 
He nodded trying to hide his growing interest in proceedings,..
“Awesome! It’s upstairs in the spare room”

Stevie felt unsteady as she walked ahead of the villain climbing the stairs. For some reason, the prospect of being restrained was proving to be an unexpectedly pleasing one.
He watched from the doorway, a gun in one hand and a cup of tea in the other as Stevie emerged from the cupboard carrying a handful of cord.

“There. This should be plenty” She said with an enigmatic smile dropping the coil of rope onto the bed with a dull thud.

“So,” She said warmly, almost skipping on the spot “How do you want me?” she said clasping her hands behind her back.

The man paused. A slightly puzzled frown creased what she could see of his face behind the stocking mask.

"Most women in this situation would be frightened."

“I’m not most women. Besides, I don’t think you intend to hurt me. It’s hard to tell under that hood of yours, but you seem to have a kindly face”

True to her word she offered no resistance as he ushered her over to the bedside mirror. It was a basic wooden chair, with a straight, narrow back and reminded the convict of a school class room. Silently Stevie sat down and with an air of mounting excitement placed her arms behind her around the back of the chair.
The whole situation felt vaguely surreal. Almost like an out of body experience. After all, this was the kind of thing that happened to the damsels in old silent movies or snooping dames in low rent gangster flicks, not rookie police officers at ten in the morning. Shouldn’t she be dressed in a billowing high collared frock, or a well cut trench coat and trilby hat? Likewise she would expect her kidnapper to be draped in rich, purple capes sporting a pencil thin mustache and an improbably tall top hat? (‘Was there time for him to go and change?’ She wondered to herself?)
Instead her abductor was a tall, athletic man in his early thirties whose mud spattered boots and torn prison fatigues betrayed the fact that he was a wanted fugitive currently on the run from the law, whilst Stevie, as the brave, if somewhat diminutive heroine, was dressed in the starched uniform of a police constable.  
She glanced over her shoulder at her erstwhile captor with something approaching curiosity as he wrapped the length of frayed cord around her shirt cuffs.
 He smiled reassuringly as he drew the cord tight
“Sorry if it’s a little snug” He apologized

“Don’t worry, I’m not made of glass. Besides it’s got to look convincing if I’m going to still have a job tomorrow,..” She said happily

“As you say,..” He replied still sounding a trifle bemused by the whole affair

“Besides, this still beats cleaning out the drunk tank after the night shift”

“That doesn’t sound much fun” he conceded

“It’s not, but that’s the standard punishment for any officer who has the temerity to be late for her shift. Sgt Chalmers seems to think it’s funny”

“You have to admit it is a little amusing,..” he suggested

“I guess it all depends which end of the mop you’re facing” Stevie replied somewhat curtly

“I guess it would,..” He said with a lopsided grin

Stevie allowed her captor to place her feet together before wrapping the rope around her ankles and over her winter socks. With a quick tug he secured the knot and fed the excess material though the loop provided tying it off in a neat bow.

“There” He said with an effort “I hope it isn’t too tight”

“I’m sure I’ll survive” She said shuffling in her seat, exploring the new environment and trying to get used to her reduced circumstances.

Having securely bound her hands and feet, the convict began looping coils of rope about the police officers waist, securing her to the back of the chair. 
"I should warn you, this might be a little uncomfortable,.." he said performing a shank knot which he gradually tightened around her plump waist pressing her lower back against the chair's frame causing the police officer to grunt involuntarily.

“That’s okay. It’s probably a sign I should cut down on my oats.”

“It’s none of my business. But I think you’ve got a fine figure”

“You’re right. It is none of your business.”
But a compliment was still a compliment and when she was sure her kidnapper wasn’t looking Stevie smiled to herself.

“Now this might get a little intimate, but I don’t want you to get the wrong idea..” he said as he began looping the excess cord around her body, just below her breasts,..

“That’s an interesting choice of words. You mean you’re not tying me up?”

“Well,.. obviously I am doing that. But what I meant to say was that, aside from the inconvenience, I don’t intend on doing you any harm,..” He spluttered tripping over the words.

“Provided I do as I am told?” She replied in a matter of fact tone that belied her situation

“Well,.. yes” He stuttered attempting to regain a little of his former composure. After all, he reasoned to himself. Shouldn’t the kidnapper in this scenario have a little more control over the situation? He got the distinct impression he wasn’t getting the level of respect his status as the ‘man with the gun’ warranted. 

“Ha, ha! It’s fine. An occupational hazard if you will,.. Besides, I seem to recall it was my suggestion in the first place,..”

“And I was grateful for the advice”

“Aww, you’re too kind, well, I guess it seemed like a good idea at the time”

"And now?"

"It's still kinda' cool I guess. I feel a little like Nancy Drew in one of her adventures. Like I’ve been captured by pirates or something,.." she mused as he fastened yet another knot.

“Were you a fan?”

“Of the books you mean? Oh definitely. I had boxes full of them”

“And did you have a favorite?” he asked completing another circuit with the cord.

“I remember there was one, I think it was called “The Secret in the Old Attic”, and in it Nancy Drew was captured and left bound and gagged with a tarantula. I remember as a kid I was utterly fascinated by this scene and tried to recreate it using some old scarves and a rubber spider”

“Hehe! Then this should be all too familiar for you,..” He said tugging on the ropes, making sure they were tied sufficiently tight.

Despite herself Stevie smilled.

“So,.. how am I doing?”

“With the kidnap?” she asked, a little unsure as to what she was being asked.


“Pretty good I guess. I mean I’m not going anywhere,..” She said looking down at her thoroughly restrained body her chest straining at the cords. 
“And these ropes are certainly doing wonders for my posture”

“So would you recommend this as an exercise for chiropractors?”

“Possibly the kinkier ones. So, what do you intend on doing now I’m all tied up?.. “

"Well, Miss,.. I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name,.."

“WPC Harris is fine”

“Okay Ms. Harris, this is the first chance I’ve had to sleep in a real bed in quite some time. So I’m really looking forward to catching up on some shut eye," replied the convict. 

“No one’s stopping you”

“And you don’t mind if I borrow your bed?”

“Not at all.”

“Thanks” he said sitting on the edge of the bed removing his heavy work boots “Can I trust you not to try anything foolish whilst I’m asleep?”

“You mean like try to escape?”

“For instance, yes”

“Well I’m not promising anything. I would be failing in my duty somewhat if I don’t at least try, although I don’t anticipate much success. You’ve done a most admirable job immobilizing me”

“Why thank you. I got a badge for my knot tying when I was in the scouts.”

“I’m not sure this is the kind of thing Baden Powell had in mind when he conceived of the movement,..”

“Ha, ha! Maybe not,.. Okay, enough of this frivolity I’m going to take a nap. But I need to make sure you don’t shout the place down whilst I’m asleep”

“You can rely upon me to be quiet” 

“That would be asking a lot”

“You don’t trust me? I’m hurt” 

“Try not to take it personally. So, as much fun as this has been, I’m afraid I am going to have to gag you”

“Okay. If you insist” Her demeanor displayed an expression of pleasant composure.

“You’re being remarkably calm about it”

“Well I’m hardly in any position to say no am I? Besides, it’s all part of the experience”

“How do you mean?”

“Well, Nancy Drew was always being gagged whenever she was tied up”

“Still, you seem to be taking to the situation with remarkable composure” He commented wryly.
She shrugged in her bonds trying, and failing, to appear indifferent.

“Maybe I was just curious how it would feel to be a damsel in distress”

Upon reflection this was probably true,  being tied up didn’t so much frighten her as it caused her to marvel at the hand fate had dealt her. This kind of thing simply didn’t happen to police women in real life. Strangely there was something inherently fun about the whole experience. Like when she would play dress-up as a child when she would persuade her grandparents to act out parts in her stories, usually as kidnappers. (Although disappointingly she could never convince them to tie her up very tight,..)

“Have you got any packing tape?” He said, bringing her thoughts back to the present.

“I’ve probably got some downstairs" she remarked without enthusiasm "but if I have to be gagged, I’d much rather that you used something else”

“What would you suggest?”

“A silk scarf would be nice. I guess,..  I mean, if I had to choose” She found herself stammering.

“I’ll see what I can do” He said with an affectionate grin

“Actually, there should be one in my bedside draw,.. no, the other one”

“How about this?” He said holding up a red scarf.

“It certainly matches my hair” She said approvingly.

“Would you like me to loosen your collar,” he said as he saw the way her ropes had been stretched over her breasts, “I should imagine it might get a little warm tied up in that uniform of yours.”

“My very own gentleman kidnapper. Thank you, but no. I’m sure I will cope.” WPC Harris replied with what she hoped was the appropriate levels of stoicism “Besides, technically speaking I’m still on duty” ..”
Truth be told Stevie took a great deal of pride in her smart appearance, especially when in uniform. Even as a young girl she was one of the few pupils at her college who could always be relied upon to always have her shirt buttoned at the neck and her necktie knotted impeccably.

“Suit yourself”

"Still, it was sweet of you to ask"

“Don't mention it. Any last words?” He said circling around her.

“Just promise you’ll make the bed when you’re done”

“That seems more than fair” he said as he bought the scarf over her head, pulling it firmly across her mouth and lips, before knotting it at the back of her neck under her hair. In reality there was little point in protesting. Bound as she was, Stevie could do nothing about it. Instead she accepted the gag without a struggle. In a strange way she found that she enjoyed the feel of the smooth, soft material, pulled crisp and taut around the lower half of her face.

“There.” He said proudly, “Snug as a bug in a rug”

Silently she had to agree.

“Okay WPC Harris, I’m off to bed”

"Fwmmt drmhmf” She found herself saying causing the captor to collapse into fits of laughter.

“Sorry. Do you want to try that again?” He teased.

Stevie remembered how ridiculous it had often seemed when watching films that the heroine could be kept silent by a simple handkerchief tied either over their mouths or between their lips or teeth, however she now realized that, provided it couldn’t be shaken off it would be most effective in keeping her quiet. Or at least render her hard to understand.
Still, this didn’t so much frighten the young officer as it caused her to revel in the sheer novelty of her situation. She certainly didn’t feel threatened, quite the opposite in fact,..

“’N fhnd, 'nnght nnght'" Stevie repeated, a little clearer this time.

“Night Night Officer Harris” He echoed happily as he began too undress.

Fortunately for our heroine her make-up chair was stationed directly opposite a large dressing mirror (framed with fairy lights) so she was in the perfect position to watch the convict as he removed his shirt.
Stevie was pleased to discover her initial instincts were correct, stripped to the waist, his upper body still damp from his his exertions he cut an impressive figure. Despite herself, Stevie found herself grunting positively into her gag at the sight of her abductor. She wondered if this was the first sign of Stockholm syndrome,..
‘I can't wait to tell the girls at the station’ Stevie thought to herself breathlessly, trying not to appear too interested in the half-naked convict in her bed.

After five minutes of silence Stevie began to wonder if her captor was asleep,..
She got her answer in the form of a bout of snoring that sounded like a fox treading on a piece of lego.

Her captor firmly in the land of nod Stevie had little else to do she decided to study her own reflection in the mirror.

She was a pretty, if generously built, red head in her early twenties whose smile was a study in warmth and round cheeks and dimpled chin could easily be considered cute.
Naturally shy and somewhat socially awkward as a youngster Stevie found that she had really grown into the role (and uniform) of a police officer.
Stevie was surprised to discover the sight of herself, restrained against her will made her blush.
Was it possible she actually ‘liked’ being tied up?
She wriggled experimentally in her ropes.
The feeling, she quickly discovered, was not unpleasant.
Well, she thought to herself, at least this would help to pass the time.

An indeterminate amount of time later the sound of a door opening caused the sleeping police woman to stir in her chair.
It took Stevie a moment to remember where she was, and why she appeared to be tied to her make-up chair.

Moments later, as if by magic, the fugitive padded softly into the room.

“Did you sleep well?” he asked warmly, his face now concealed by a freshly laundered pair of tights.

“Hrm thmn mnnm?” She asked

“I hope you don’t mind”

“Nt’f fnnm” Stevie mumbled through the cloth (She could have added, ‘Actually I think it’s kinda’ hot’, but, perhaps wisely, decided against it)

The escapee walked to the window and looked out across the expanse of fields behind the house.
“It’s finally stopped raining”

“Hmmm?” She replied quizzically, unsure how she was supposed to contribute to this conversation with a gag on her mouth.

“I said the weather seems to be improving”

“Hh! Thht’f nngm,.. Hm ghmff”

“Sorry. Would you like me to take that off?”

Actually, she wasn’t sure that she did, but nodded nonetheless, since it seemed like the right thing to do.
He bent down and removed the gag from her mouth leaving it hanging loose around her neck.
“Better?” He asked, sounding concerned.

“Much” She said working her jaw. Then after a pause she added, ‘Do you mind untying me for a while? I’d really like to stretch and get my circulation going again. These ropes are pretty uncomfortable.’

“Maybe later.

“What’s that in your hand?”

“This?” He replied producing a china plate with a smile and a flourish worthy of a stage magician “It’s breakfast!"

“It’s three in the afternoon”

“Brunch then. I made it especially for you” He said proudly.

“Hmm,” She said eyeing the scorched remains of, what appeared to have once been scrambled eggs

“I hope you haven’t made too much of a mess of my kitchen”

“You know what they say, you can’t make an omelette without breaking some eggs”

“If you made an omelette I would expect to find an unconscious chef and a kitchen on fire”

“Why don’t you try some. Maybe you’ll like it” He said cutting off a piece.

“Okay, go ahead” 

He speared a lump of, as yet, unidentified foodstuff and placed it between her lips.
It somehow tasted worse than she feared. Like burnt hair on toast.

"Well? What's the verdict?" He asked, seemingly on tender-hooks.

“Sorry!” She appologised “It tastes like a robots bathwater”

“I’m hurt” He replied sounding anything but.

“I’m afraid cooking may not be a club in your bag”

“Ha, ha! Well,.. don’t I at least get points for trying?”

“Of course you do sweetie" She said with a generous smile,
"I take it you’re ready to leave?” She asked glancing at the well laden backpack slung over his shoulders.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve borrowed a few things. Mostly clothes and food”

“Be my guest”

“You really are a most wonderful hostess. This place gets five out of five chainsaws on my convicts guide to hideouts”

“Why Mr Darcy, you flatter me”

He held up another fork laden with further burnt offerings, but Stevie turned her head away in mock disgust.

"I think one bite was quite enough," She stated firmly. "I don’t want to contract scurvy. In fact, I'd like my gag back please.  It certainly beats your food for taste"

“Really?” He said putting down the plate in mock disgust,  “Well, if the lady insists,..” he said hooking the gag back in place, this time between her teeth. 

However, rather than look upset she actually winked at him. In fact, the young police officer seemed to be making giggling noises under her gag.

“You find this funny?” 

“A little” She mumbled through the silk scarf,..

“And don’t worry, when I'm far enough away, I’ll be sure to call the station to let them know where you are,..”
She smiled, 

“Take care Officer Harris,.. Maybe it's about time that you think about getting a better alarm” He said biding her a fond farewell leaving Stevie bound and gagged and alone with her thoughts,..

WPC Stevie Harris will return,.. maybe?

Please let me know what you think of our new heroine. As ever, all feedback, comments, suggestions, story ideas gratefully received.
Last edited by Deleted User 769 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MaxRoper »

Yet another character in the pantheon of Amore heroines. As usual, she entertains and deals with adversity in a commendable manner.

A question: At one point it seemed she compared a red scarf to her hair while in another she mentioned being a brunette. Two-tone?

Any new story from Ms Amore is a reason to celebrate. Thank you!
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

MaxRoper wrote: 6 years ago Yet another character in the pantheon of Amore heroines. As usual, she entertains and deals with adversity in a commendable manner.

A question: At one point it seemed she compared a red scarf to her hair while in another she mentioned being a brunette. Two-tone?

Any new story from Ms Amore is a reason to celebrate. Thank you!
Thanks for all the kinds words about our newest heroine/ damsel, it really warms the heart to now that there is an audience (of sorts) for my clumsy, dialogue heavy fiction.
As regards the question of Stevie’s hair colour, whilst I had intended to include some expository dialogue talking about her faltering attempts to dye her brown hair red (like Jessica Rabbit) I now realize I neglected to do so. This has since been amended. I feel there should be a prize of some description for anyone who can spot continuity errors in the stories, ( much like the Marvel No-Prize of yore) but fear that with my lack of attention to detail the cost alone would force me to lose my flat,..
Deleted User 1591

Post by Deleted User 1591 »

I found this to be delightfully humourousm
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

AlexUSA_99 wrote: 6 years ago I found this to be delightfully humourousm
Awesome! So glad you enjoyed it :D
Would you like to hear more from Ms. Harris?
Deleted User 1591

Post by Deleted User 1591 »

Stiletto Amore wrote: 6 years ago
AlexUSA_99 wrote: 6 years ago I found this to be delightfully humourousm
Awesome! So glad you enjoyed it :D
Would you like to hear more from Ms. Harris?
I know I would!
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

AlexUSA_99 wrote: 6 years ago
Stiletto Amore wrote: 6 years ago
AlexUSA_99 wrote: 6 years ago I found this to be delightfully humourousm
Awesome! So glad you enjoyed it :D
Would you like to hear more from Ms. Harris?
I know I would!
That’s really encouraging to hear. Thanks for all of your support :)
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