Nothing Personal 5- Spies Like Them Part 2 (F/F)

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Post by Caesar73 »

Well, that does not look good for Natalie and Sasha. Let us hope that Gabriela and Victoria save the day. If not .... It looks like it, the bad guys have the better cards. Thrillling, as alwasy [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] !
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Post by Caesar73 »

I am looking forward which way you will take this wonderful Saga. Crawford is still always one step ahead [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] - so as things are, I have my doubts that the Good Guys will prevail in the End - as it should be :) Crawford is soo arrogant by now - it is hardly bearable.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 37

Hamburg, Germany

“Something has gone wrong,” Gabriella said glancing at her watch. They were sitting in their car a couple of streets away staring intently at the corner that Natalie would be walking round on her way back to meet them.

“I tend to agree with you,” Victoria replied. “Or, maybe she is just having a really, really good time.” Victoria tuned and smiled at Gabriella as she made that comment. Gabriella sighed a response.

“I’m glad that you can see the funny side,” Gabriella commented.

“I know that you have recent experience of trouble on an undercover assignment but that doesn’t mean that Natalie is having similar issues.” Despite this Victoria had a feeling that Natalie had run into trouble. “Anyway, we can’t just to marching in and demand to see Natalie. And before you suggest it, we can’t contact the police. For a start we what would we tell them and then I suspect that whoever runs that establishment will know the local police rather well.”

“All fair points I guess,” Gabriella conceded. “Do you have any ideas?”

“I do as it happens,” Victoria lifted her telephone and dialled the number for the establishment that Natalie had earlier. “Guten tag, sprichst du Englisch?” Victoria said when the call was answered. “Great, thanks.” Gabriella gave Victoria a look. “I was passed your number by someone that said you may be able to assist with a special request.” Gabriella could only hear one side of the conversation and wondered what was going on as Victoria hadn’t explained her plan. “Yes, my girlfriend and I are looking for a special room with some privacy to undertake, well have some fun and we were wondering if you had anything like that.”

“What are you…” Gabriella said before Victoria raised a hand to silence her.

“Tonight, if possible,” Victoria said. “You have. That is great thank you very much. We will ask for Phoebe when we arrive later. Thanks for your help again.”

“What was that all about?” Gabriella asked.

“Well, we have to get in and have a look around. I just realised that was the mistake that we made the last time, sending Natalie in herself and then having to take care of one of the young ladies that work in the establishment. Now, hopefully they will be left to our own devices to poke around.” Gabriella considered this before nodding and starting the engine and moving the car out into the light traffic. They would come back later; it was too risky to sit around for the rest of the day as they could get noticed and word may get around the area.
Hamburg, Germany

Amelie had grabbed Natalie’s upper arm and marched her back down the stairs that they had climbed not that long ago. They were following Phoebe and she turned right at the bottom of the stairs and Natalie instantly knew where they were heading. “HHAARRUUPPHH,” Natalie mewed form behind her gag in protest.

“It seems that our guest has worked out where we are going,” Phoebe commented. The small group continued waking along corridors making the turns in the opposite direction that Natalie had come from until they were outside the room where earlier Natalie had left Ingrid unconscious and bound and gagged on the bed. Phoebe opened the door and they all went in to find Ingrid lying exactly where Natalie had left her and still sleeping her enforced chloroform induced slumber. “Dump her in that chair Amelie and tie her ankles then I will knock her out. Once she isn’t a problem, we can assist Ingrid.” Natalie was pushed over to and then down into a chair that was sitting against a wall. Once sitting Amelie used another silk scarf to bind Natalie’s ankles together. Although her bondage was far from severe, Elizabeth Crawford would have mocked it, it was effective enough at this time for the purpose. Whilst Amelie was tying her ankles Phoebe was dumping a good dose of chloroform onto a fresh cloth before approaching Natalie and clamping it over her nose and gagged mouth. Natalie growled and tried to pull away, but Phoebe jammed a hand against the back of her head and pressed the cloth harder, overwhelming her nostrils with the scent of chloroform. With nowhere to go Natalie took deep breaths until her eyes were rolling around in their sockets before starting to slide shut. Natalie hoped that there would be no hard feelings as she felt herself about to succumb to the joys of forced slumber. Any further thoughts were lost as her eyes slid shut and her world blacked out, leaving her totally at the mercy of whatever was going to come next for her.
Hamburg, Germany

“No, hard feelings about earlier?” Natalie asked as Ingrid circled the bed, never taking her eyes off the naked form of Natalie bound spread-eagled on the bed. There was a slight pounding at the back of Natalie’s head and her experience old her that meant she had been dosed at least once more with chloroform to keep her sedated. No doubt that was it give Ingrid more time to recover from her own chloroform nap and to fair from where Natalie was lying, she looked to be in fine form. Ingrid wore a very short silk gown that was tied loosely at the waist and left little to the imagination. In response to Natalie’s question Ingrid just paused for a second and smiled at her. On the far side of the bed Ingrid opened the top draw of the bedside cabinet and produced several items which she placed on top of the cabinet in full view of Natalie. As each item was placed on the cabinet Natalie’s sense of dread deepened and she gulped, suddenly her throat was drying up in addition to the sore head.

“You don’t have to do this,” Natalie said as the draw was shut and Ingrid closed the draw and turned around with the final item that she had removed in her hand. Natalie noticed the large white foam ball gag.

“Let’s remove any objections,” Ingrid said as she loomed over Natalie. “This will give you something to bite on when you need to scream as well.”

“Wait, come on,” Natalie stammered as Ingrid got onto the bed and straddled Natalie, a knee on either side of Natalie’s torso. “Look, I think uummm,” with Natalie’s mouth open Ingrid took the opportunity to force the foam ball into Natalie’s mouth, forcing her jaws open. To keep the ball in place Ingrid leaned around and buckled the leather strap tightly at the back on Natalie’s head. With the foam ball gag now in place Natalie jaw was forced open, the only sounds that she could make were low moans and incomprehensible groans as Ingrid untied the knot, slid off the gown and threw it onto the floor. “I told you earlier that I could show you things. I will now make good on that promise.
Hamburg, Germany

Ingrid approached Natalie and slowly poured a dose of chloroform onto a cloth. Natalie was exhausted, her body covered in a film of sweat and was in absolutely no position to resist the application of the sweet-smelling sedative. It had been two hours of complete sensory overload from Natalie’s point of view and she grudgingly had to admit that Ingrid did indeed know what she was doing and was able to do things to Natalie that she hadn’t party to before. Under other circumstances it would have been enjoyable but not in her current predicament. “I think that will be enough,” Natalie commented. Now that the ball gag had been removed, she was able to flex her jaw and talk.

“I wouldn’t know,” Ingrid replied. “Never done this before.”

“Take my word for it,” Natalie said with a sense of resignation at her fate. “Any chance of a drink of water before you knock me out.” Ingrid nodded and disappeared out of sight for a minute during which Natalie tested the strength of her bonds again but couldn’t find any defect. Ingrid reappeared with an opened bottle of water that she held to Natalie’s lips, allowing her to take several deep gulps. After removing the bottle Natalie nodded her thanks before indicating the toward the cloth that was lying on the bed. “Better get on with it then.” Ingrid put the bottle on the bedsit cabinet and picked up the cloth and moved it toward Natalie’s face. “MMUURRPPHH,” Natalie moaned instinctively as the cloth was tightly pressed over the lower half of her face and the fumes assaulted her senses. Tired, drained, dehydrated and no doubt still having some of the drug in her system from earlier Natalie went out quickly and without a fight hoping that Victoria and Gabriella would come to the rescue quickly.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 38

Geneva, Switzerland

There was a drizzle of rain in the early morning air as Natascha once again sat outside a hotel waiting for Emily St Clare to emerge. In an ideal world she would have been able to sit in the lobby of the hotel and take greater interest in anybody entering of leaving but as Emily would recognise her instantly in was not an option that she had at the present time. Unfortunately, there was nowhere to park her car where she could see the front of the hotel so was currently sipping coffee and nibbling on a muffin in a café across from the hotel. Just as she was contemplating whether or not to have a second coffee the familiar car pulled up outside the hotel. Quickly grabbing her jacket and putting down enough cash to cover her bill Natascha hurried round to where she had left her car.

The car wasn’t far away and Natascha managed to get their quickly and jumped into the front seat just in time to see Emily St Clare’s car drive by going in the opposite direction. I t was early enough in the morning that the traffic wasn’t that heavy so Natascha was able to undertake a sweeping turn and pull in a safe distance behind and follow. There was no sign that the driver of Emily St Clare was aware that they were being followed, he certainly didn’t make any evasion manoeuvres. Although Natascha was following another car she still kept glancing in her mirrors to make sure that nobody was following her. The coast was clear at the moment which was something less to concern her. The target vehicle made four turns during a relatively short journey before indicating and pulling into an underground car park. Natascha slowed down and look at the entrance to the car park as she rolled by. There was a security barrier and two solid looking bollards blocking the entrance so there was no chance of gaining entry to that. As she sped up Natascha looked across the road and saw another handily located coffee house and to make things better there was a car park just further up the road. Maybe she would get that second coffee of the morning after all.
Hauser & Mettler Private Bank

Settling into a comfortable chair Hannah Stanley-Ramos moved the items about on her desk before glancing at the large clock that hung on the wall across from her desk. Then she rearranged the items on the desk again, before glancing at the clock and then removing an imaginary speck of lint from her skirt. Then the intercom buzzed and Hannah leaped into the air. “Emily St Clare to see you,” her assistant’s tinny voiced said.

“Um, send her in,” Hannah responded, standing up and making her way around the desk so that she could greet her visitor. The door almost flew of its hinges as it was flung open and Emily St Clare burst into the room with a take no nonsense expression etched on her face. Instantly, Hannah could tell this was not going to go well.

“Tell me what happened Hannah,” Emily sneered closing the distance between the two women in brisk strides. “And I want the TRUTH!” Hannah glanced over Emily’s shoulder and noted that the door to her office had actually bounced closed. “Look at me Hannah!”

“I don’t know what to say,” Hannah mumbled.

“Just tell me the truth Hannah, no consequences. Well, at least not at the present”

“She had my daughter,” Hannah said. “I couldn’t do anything else, I had to help them.” Emily could see Hannah visible slump into herself with her shoulders started to move up and down as she sobbed.

“Sit down and tell me exactly what happened.” Emily softened her stance when she saw how upset Hannah was, clearly shouting at the woman wasn’t going to get her anywhere. Emily help Hannah round so that the woman could sit on the large chair behind her desk. Emily perched on the corner of the desk and offered Hannah a handkerchief, which she acceptable gratefully and dabbed her eyes. “Start at the beginning.”

“Well, Kendall and I had grown apart over the past couple of years, she thinks that my work is more important to me than she is, but it isn’t,” Hannah looked up Emily when she said this.

“I am sure that you love your daughter very much.” Emily stated. “But, can we get to the point.”

“Yes, well, I received an e-mail with an attachment and it was of Kendall, well, it showed……it was just awful. The person speaking said that they had my daughter and that I was to do as they said or I would never see her again.”

“What did they want you to do?”

“That’s the strange part. They just want me to escort you into the vault and then make sure I played a certain song through the speakers once you were in the vault.” Emily took a second to ponder this, perplexed at what this revelation could mean. “That was all that I did.”

“So, they let your daughter go?” Emily asked. “Afterwards.” Hannah swallowed and looked away.

“That’s the thing. Turns out that Kendall was in on it from the start. Just to hurt me, seems that my own daughter hates me.” Emily looked on as the woman started to silently sob again.

“Can you tell me anything else? Names, descriptions, anything useful.” Hannah shook her head before remembering that she had a visit from one of them and described what had happened along with Gabriela Vasquez and Charlotte Saltzman turning up. Emily removed herself from her perch and headed for the door.

“Is that all?” Hannah stammered. Emily didn’t answer as she powered through the outer office, along a corridor toward the stairs that led back to the underground car park. As she walked Emily pulled out her mobile and dialled The Broker, it was picked up on the second ring. “Did you know about the incident with our information being stolen?” Emily asked, skipping pleasantries altogether and garnering strange looks for bank staff as she strode past them.

“Yes, I did,” The Broker replied with a long sigh at the end.

“I can’t believe that you didn’t tell me!”

“Keep calm Emily. There is stuff in there that involves you and your husband that you wouldn’t want to get out.”

“Did you know that she abducted and brainwashed me to obtain…..”

“I do hope that you are in a private location,” The Broker cautioned.

“No, I am at the bank where I have just had a conversation with Hannah,” Emily stated.

“Well, if you will calm down and listen for a minute, I will tell you how we are going to handle this.”

“I’m listening.” Emily did indeed listen to The Broker all the way from the top floor of the bank until the ground floor when Emily agreed that The Broker had indeed suggested the best course of action and ended the call. As much as she didn’t like waiting it did seem like the only option at this moment. There was nothing else but to head home and see what came first, a call from The Broker or a call from Christina Howard.
Private airfield outside Geneva, Switzerland

As soon as the steps had been extended from the fuselage onto the round Vernie had hurried down them closely followed by Nicole. There was a light drizzle of rain in the air as they stood side by side scanning their surroundings in the small, private airfield until they noticed Horace standing beside a blue car. Without any form of recognition on either side the two women started to walk toward the car as Horace slipped into the driver’s seat. “Nice to see you again Horace,” Vernie said as she eased herself into the front passenger seat as Nicole was putting their cases and compression sacks into the boot. Horace just swivelled his head and looked at Vernie from behind mirrored sunglasses. There was the sound of the boot closing and then one of the rear doors opening and closing as Nicole got into the car. “I would have packed differently if I had known the weather was going to be like this,” Nicole commented as she ran her fingers through her hair. She was slipping of her down jacket as Horace brought the car to life with a growl of the engine and a pulled them away. “Easy big boy,” Nicole commented playfully as she was pushed back into the seat. “Plenty of time.” Horace ignored all of these comments and exited the airfield and headed toward Geneva. As the exited the field the plane was already airborne on it’s return flight.

“Any update?” Vernie asked when it became clear that Horace wasn’t going to initiate any conversation.

“Emily St Clare visited Mettler and Hauser offices earlier today.” That was an interesting and important development. “I wasn’t able to confirm who she was meeting with.” Horace wasn’t prone to speculation so would only report what he knew and could prove. “Also, she was being followed. A single woman in a vehicle. The woman had some training but I was able to pick her up without being noticed.” Horace’s speciality.

“Who was following Emily St Clare?”

“I couldn’t be absolutely sure but I reckon it was Natascha Taylor.” Vernie nodded her head.

“Have you managed to update Elizabeth?” Vernie asked. Horace just shook his head.

“Where are we heading? Nicole asked from the rear seat.

“I have booked a small lodge on the other side of the city that we can use as a base. I thought that it would be wise to go there first.” Vernie nodded her agreement and they settled in for the remainder of the drive. Horace handled the powerful car expertly along the twisting roads before he signalled and pulled off onto a track that was heavily forested on both sides. The track suddenly opened into a clearing where a single level log cabin sat. There was another, smaller building set off to the right of the cabin which also had a porch on the front.

“Nice and secluded,” Vernie commented a Horace pulled the car to a stop just outside the cabin. “Let’s get settled and I will call the boss.”


An island in the Mediterranean

“How would you like us to proceed?” Vernie asked. Elizabeth Crawford had taken the call in her bedroom. Vernie had spent the past ten minutes running through the information that Horace had provided earlier. Elizabeth considered her options before responding, it was a delicate time in the operation and she couldn’t afford anything going wrong.

“Have a chat with Hannah Stanley-Ramos and remind her of her obligations when it comes to staying on her good side,” Elizabeth instructed Vernie. “Remind her that we are the worse of two evils and can do more harm to her than either The Broker or Emily St Clare.”

“Understood,” Vernie replied. “And Natascha Taylor?” Elizabeth once again took time to make the decision.

“Take her and find out what she knows Vernie,” Elizabeth Crawford instructed. It was time to find out what Christina and the rest knew, or what they thought they knew. “I am sure Nicole can extract the necessary information.”

“I think that she is looking forward to it,” Vernie replied.

“Thanks Verne,” Elizabeth said. “Stay in touch.” Hanging up the phone Elizabeth knew that it was time to make the final moves to get her plan to completion
Geneva, Switzerland

Natascha was walking along the road when she noted the black panelled van sitting idling at the side of the pavement. Smiling at her own paranoia she slowed her pace and looked in both directions before crossing the road in order to avoid walking the narrow gap between the van and the buildings. It was a cliché of kidnappings, the panelled van but it never hurt to be careful. After reporting back to Christina on the movements of Emily St Clare she was just wating in word on where to go next. It was rare to have some spare time so Natascha had decided to go for a walk and try and see a bit of the city. Turning a right, Natascha walked along a narrow pavement with cars parked all along it. The street sloped downwards and about two thirds of the way down the street a car door suddenly opened and blocked her path. A quick glance into the interior of the car showed the silhouette of a woman sitting in the far side of the back seat. Without waring the shove in her back sent Natascha sprawling into the backseat with her face hitting the sitting woman's lap. Her first reaction was to think that this was an accident, an embarrassing accident. That was until she opened her mouth to complain and found a woman’s handkerchief being stuffed in her mouth. She tried to scream, but the cotton wad seemed to absorb everything and at the same time made it difficult to breathe through her mouth. The woman whose lamp she had landed in clamped a gloved hand over Natascha's stuffed mouth. Natascha tried to bring her hands up to her face, but they were grabbed and held in a firm grip by the person who had pushed her. There was no doubt about it now in Natascha’s mind, they were attempting to abduct her. The grip on her wrists was then transferred to the woman sitting. The person behind her forced themself into the car under Natasha by holding, lifting and bending Natascha's legs. The car door closed with a thump and the car was in motion immediately afterwards. Natascha started to thrash in order to fight off her attackers but in the tight confines of the car it was difficult to gain enough leverage. Surely someone had seen that she had been forced into the car? Natascha noticed that all of the windows were heavily tinted. Actually, no one could see into the car at what was happening. “MMMMM,” Natascha moaned into the gloved hand that was held firmly over her mouth. Natascha, now lying on her stomach across the laps of two strong women, tried to kick her legs, but the woman held them while Natascha felt strong cord being wrapped several times around her wrists before being tightened and secured in place with a tight knot, securing Natascha's wrists behind her back. If only she could plant one of her heels into the woman's face...but the woman holding her legs had thought of that. Natascha’s heels were removed and tossed on the floor. Natascha then felt cord being wrapped around her ankles and secured. It was then that she realised that she was being kidnapped by professional and truly panicked, her body bucking up and down. Natascha doubted that this was a random attack and if there was one set of professionals that would be looking to abduct her for some reason then it would be Elizabeth Crawford’s crew.

"Nicole, Miss Talyor needs to be sedated. Would you care to do the honours?" the woman with her hand clamped over Natascha’s mouth suggested to her colleague.

"My pleasure, Vernie," Nicole replied. As Natascha entire body was held tightly in their arms, Natascha noted that Nicole had extracted a dark bottle form the pocket of her jacket. Natascha shook her head and squirmed, but the women held her tight as she poured the liquid onto a folded cloth. Natascha managed to turn her head enough to get a look at Nicole, a flame haired Italian woman with a large boson, who was smiling at her, clearly enjoying her distress. No sooner was the leather clad hand removed from over Natascha’s mouth than it was replaced by the sodden cloth. As soon as the cloth was administered Natascha bucked against the ropes and her captors, but it was a losing battle and she knew it. After twenty seconds, Natascha stopped struggling and began breathing deeply, not because she gave up, but because the chloroform sucked away her ability to fight After inhaling enough of the fumes Natascha knew the game was up and all that she would do was injure herself, there would be no chance of escape from the clutches of these kidnappers.

"Smart girl, this one," Nicole commented to Vernie. As the chloroform started to have a greater effect Natascha groaned into the wet cloth as she was overcome with an irresistible light-headedness and her eyelids began to flutter uncontrollably. The last thought that went through her head before her moans softened as her awareness was dissolved in the abundant anaesthetic sweetness was exactly how much trouble would she be in when she regained consciousness.
An island in the Mediterranean

As they entered their room Kirsty and Hayley both had smiles on their faces, it had been a good day as they had been left to their own devices for most of the day. If they had thought about it, they would have known that there was something going on but they were having such a good time in each other company that those thoughts hadn’t even crossed their minds. The only interaction they had had with the staff was a grumpy Harper telling them to get back to their room, immediately. Hayley had responded in a funny voice with a salute which for some reason had cracked both of them up as they hurried back to their room. As the door clicked shut, they heard the electronic lock engage, shutting them in, they glanced at each other and burst out laughing again. “Was it really that funny?” Hayley asked walking across to the wardrobe and opening it up.

“Probably not if I am being honest,” Kirsty replied. “Then again we have to take our small pleasures where we can.” Kirsty’s eyes lingered on the way that Hayley’s hips moved inside the cut of jeans that she was wearing. Having reached the wardrobe Hayley flung it open, pulling out a down suit.

“Madam, can I interest you in this finely tailored, down filled item.” Hayley began in a mock posh accent. “I am sure that it will fit your perfectly and we have it in many colours.” This caused both women to almost fall about with laughter. Whether it was too much sun or the ridiculous nature of their current situation.

“I will need to try that on,” Kirsty replied. “Is there a changing room?” Kirsty walked across and took the down suit from Hayley, as she did that their hands touched and Hayley and Kirsty found themselves standing facing each other. Then Kirsty leaned in and planted a kiss on Hayley’s full, luscious lips before pulling back. A clearly stunned Hayley shook her head to try and physically clear it of thoughts. The two women just stared at each other silently, neither wanting to broach the subject.

“Where did that come from?” Hayley asked.

“Sorry, Hayley, sorry,” Kirsty stammered. “Put it down to the moment, the heat….”

“I know that we have been getting close recently but I didn’t see this coming Kirsty.” A sad look crossed Kirsty’s face. “Sorry, I don’t want to hurt your feelings……I thought guys were your thing anyway.” The two women stood looking at each other. “Talk to me Kirsty.”

“It is just that since I have been on the naughty step so to speak, I haven’t been able to be naughty with anyone………” Kirsty blushed at having to explain this to Hayley.

“And a girl has needs,” Hayley replied breaking into a smile. Kirsty nodded and dropped the down suit onto the ground. Hayley looked at Kirsty and grabbed her hand. Taking a step toward Kirsty, Hayley placed the woman’s hand on her own bottom before using her other hand to place Kirsty’s hair behind her ear.


“Ssshhh,” Hayley whispered as she leaned in and kissed Kirsty, it took a second for Kirsty to react but she then opened her mouth and allowed Hayley’s tongue to explore her mouth. When they broke up Hayley kept hold of Kirsty’s hand and led her toward the bed. “If we are going to do this, let’s do it properly.”
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Post by Caesar73 »

Those were to excellent Chapters, [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] . Especially touching the End of the second one wiht Hayley and Kirsty. But that is about the only positive thing. Things look dire for the good Guys. Natalie is in trouble and Natascha too. At the moment it seems that things are going perfect for Crawford ... too bad. I wonder if there is any Chance for Christina and Friends. In the moment it does not seem that way ...
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 39

Manchester, England

It was seven days later and Penelope found herself sitting in a bar in Manchester wearing a figure-hugging black dress that showed off her curvaceous figure at its best. In the end it hadn’t really been much of a decision. It was either take the thirty years in prison or take her chances with this operation. At least with this choice there was the chance that nothing would happen and she would be free or an opportunity may present itself for her to just disappear.

The target was a man, hence the outfit, men were so predictable. Well, technically the target was the man’s daughter. Elizabeth Crawford was all about control, she wanted the man’s daughter in order to either get something from him or force him to do something for her. Although, to be fair Penelope had taken a good look in the mirror before leaving the hotel room and she did look very fetching. Penelope was on her second drink when she caught sight of the man entering the bar along with his bodyguard. The man was in his late forties, around Penelope’s height and had a slim build. The bodyguard was a woman, tall and rangy and she moved with an easy athleticism like a panther, prowling rather than walking eyes scanning the entire time. It was action time. Penelope took a deep breath and steadied her nerves. Along with the man and his people there was also the chance that either or both of Rogue Hart and Elizabeth Crawford’s people were watching. The man’s shoes made a clipped noise on the floor as he crossed to the bar and a seat. Penelope pretended that she wasn’t interested and kept her gaze fixed on something behind the bar but twisted her hips so that her long, shapely legs were in clear view. It was midweek and the bar was quiet, the man took a stool three down and there was nobody between them. The bodyguard took up a position about three paces away with her hands resting loosely by her side. The man ordered a drink from the barman and sat dirking it slowly, the room was almost silent. When Penelope finished her drink, she waved to get the attention of the barman. “Can I buy you this one?” the man asked.

“My mother warned me never to accept drinks from strangers?” Penelope replied not turning round. Instead, she watched the man in the angled mirror on the wall behind the bar, he smiled warmly.

“Well, let’s rectify that now shall we,” the man got up and moved to the seat next to Penelope. “Myles Sharpe,” the man said as he extended a hand. “It is a pleasure to meet you.”

“Penelope Gordon,” Penelope responds, taking the hand.

“I will have the same again and whatever the lady is drinking,” Myles nods at the glass sitting in front of Penelope as he addressed the barman.
“Thanks,” Penelope says as she accepted the drink.

“No problem.” When the drinks arrived, they clink glasses and for some reason both laugh. “So, tell me a bit about yourself. What brings you to Manchester?” Penelope took a drink to give herself some time before starting in the story that she had agreed with Jaclyn and Rogue. New in town after moving for work purposes, a bit of family background, trying to get acquainted with the area. It all sounded very plausible.

“Now, tell me a bit about yourself?” Penelope asked. Myles explained that his family business was shipping and that he had been in town tying up some loose end on a contract.

“Sounds interesting,” Penelope commented. Well, shipping certainly would be for Elizabeth Crawford.

“Not as interesting as you,” Myles said with a smile. They continued to chat for around thirty minutes until there was the sound of a cough from behind them.

“Apologies boss,” the bodyguard interrupted. “The table is booked for nine and we have to leave now to make it.” Penelope tried to place the woman’s accent but couldn’t.

“I almost forgot about that, great restaurant as well…” Myles paused. “Would you like to come with me?” Myles asked Penelope. There were sounds of disgruntlement from behind them.

“I don’t think your friend approves,” Penelope nodded toward the bodyguard.

“Don’t worry about Ramona, she doesn’t bite.”

“Neither do I,” Penelope replied before taking the olive out of her empty drink and popping it in her mouth. “Unless, you like that kind of thing that is….” Ramona gave Penelope a look that could strip paint. Rather than say that she accepted Penelope got off the stole and threw her shawl over her shoulders and headed for the door. “I don’t go out with a guy on the first meeting but give me a call and we can arrange something.” Without looking back Penelope walked away making sure that her hips swayed just enough to attract attention.

“I don’t have your number,” Myles shouted.

“Under the napkin,” Penelope replied with a wave.
Manchester, England

In the end the he called the next morning and Penelope found herself being driven to a local art gallery in the back of a black Range Rover with tinted windows. There was a driver wearing a chauffeur’s outfit behind the wheel and a not too happy looking Ramona. “Thanks for picking me up,” Penelope commented, trying to break the ice. Ramona sighed very loudly and the driver just caught her eye in rear view mirror and raised his eyebrows. Penelope settled back to enjoy the rest of the ride. She had dressed sensibly this morning with boots, jeans, a white blouse and a maroon leather jacket. The jeans and blouse were tight in all the right places to show off her curves. The event that Penelope was attending was to showcase the work of a new artist and then there would be a sale of other artwork to raise funds for charity. Penelope expected to be bored quickly by people talking about how well off they were but she would just have to grin and bear it. Hopefully nothing exciting happened at the event as with it being an all-invite event Rogue Hart wouldn’t be around to back her up.

Arriving at the event Penelope grabbed a glass of champagne from a waiter carrying a large silver tray before wading through the crowd and eventually finding Myles Sharpe taking to a small group of people toward the rear of the hall. “Glad you could make it Penelope,” Myles said as he leaned in and pecked her on the cheek. “You look great,” he whispered in her ear. “Now, let me get the introductions out of the way.” Myles introduced Penelope to the other four people that he was chatting with, two men and two women. After the introductions the chat continued until Penelope realised that her glass was empty, Myles noticed this as well and guided Penelope away from the group and toward the bar. “It looked like you were getting bored.”

“No, well…just not my crowd,” Penelope said with a sigh.

“I wouldn’t worry about it,” Myles replied. “What would you like to drink?”

“Gin and tonic,” Penelope replied. Myles nodded and the barman who had heard the order and held up two fingers. Once the drinks arrived on the bar Myles handed Penelope hers and toasted.

“Why don’t I show you around?” Myles was an entertaining and engaging guide, he knew his subject and put the information across in a way that was easy to understand. He explained about the work of the new artist and they also about the charity auction. Penelope chipped in when she could having spent most of her recent spare time reading information on art in general and what Myles Sharpe linked in particular. “Can I ask you a personal question Penelope?” Myles asked as they made their way back to the bar. Penelope nodded.

“Not that I am confirming that I will answer.” Myles chortled and nodded his head.

“How does a woman such as yourself come to be single?” Penelope ran the actual reasons for this through her head quickly, or what seemed to her to be quickly before getting to the ones that she had prepared earlier with Rogue and Jaclyn. “Sorry, if I have crossed a line.” To his credit Myles looked genuinely concerned. Penelope dismissed any worry with a wave of her hand.

“No, don’t bother, was a million miles away for a second. Just the usual stuff, working too hard…”

“DAD! DAD!” Penelope was interrupted by a female voice that got louder. “DAD!” Myles glance around and when he turned back to Penelope there was a wide smile on his face.

“My daughter,” Myles said as a young woman broke through the crowd, wrapped an arm around his waist and raised herself on tip-toes to peck a kiss on his left cheek.

“How are you doing dad?”

“All the better for seeing you my dear,” Myles looked at Penelope. “Someone that I would like you to meet Grace.” The young woman looked at Penelope. “Penelope meet, my daughter Grace, Grace this is Penelope Gordon….my….” Myles paused as if distracted, looking for the best description.

“Date for the night,” Grace said with a laugh and wide smile that had Penelope joining in. Looking Grace up and down Penelope could see the family resemblance. The woman was in her early twenties with brown hair and intelligent eyes that matched her hair colour. “You really are punching above you weight here dad.” Penelope laughed harder as Myles blushed a little.

“Pleasure to meet you Grace,” Penelope said and extended her hand, Grace accepted and shook.

“Sorry, but can I borrow him for a bit. I really want to meet the artist and rumour is the old man has some pull.”

“Be my guest,” Penelope replied with a smile. She instantly liked this young woman and was sorry that she was about to get caught up in whatever was going to happen.

“Would you like to meet the artists as well?” Myles asked.

“No,” Penelope said with a shake of the head. “I wouldn’t want to crowd the artist and besides, it will give you two a bit of time to catch up.” Myles nodded. “Get you back here in half an hour?”

“You bet,” Grace said. Myles put an arm around his daughter’s shoulders and the pair of them turned and disappeared into the crowd. After taking a glance at her watch Penelope thought that rather than meet the artist a better use of her time would be to take a quick look around. After walking around the venue and seeing nothing that caused her to look twice, she decided to get some fresh air. In the back corridor that led to the toilets and kitchen she found one of the caterers having a sneaky cigarette out of a fire escape. The man looked guilty as Penelope approached.

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell if you won’t,” Penelope said with a wink. “Just let me out and your secret is safe.” The man smiled and opened the door its full width to allow Penelope to sneak through and outside into the fresh air. Looking around nothing jumped out as being wrong or out of place so she walked the perimeter of the building and didn’t see anything either, it didn’t take long, the building wasn’t huge. There was a staff and contractor car park at the rear. There were several cars, vans and a small coach sitting idle. With nothing else to do and some time on her hands Penelope strolled across and wandered between the vehicles with her mind on other things until something caught her attention as she walked between a livered van and the small coach. There were very muffled noises coming from the van. Penelope tried the handle but it was locked. Reaching into the inside pocket of her jacket Penelope removed a small lock picking kit and after selecting the correct tools set about tacking the lock on the van. It was an old van and the lock wasn’t great so it wasn’t that long before there was a click. Slipping the kit back in her pocket Penelope gripped the handle again before counting to three and pulling the door open. The scene in the back of the van didn’t shock her, she had seen plenty of people tied up and gagged before. Looking over her shoulder to make sure nobody was taking an interest in what she was doing Penelope hopped into the back of the van, closing the door behind her.

Lying on the floor of the van were two woman and a man. All were stripped of their clothes down to their underwear, matching white bra and panties for the woman and white underwear and vest for the man. All three were also securely tied with rope and heavily gagged judging by the very mumbled response to the door opening and Penelope entering the van. They had all been tied with rope around the ankles, just above and below the knees and then around the thighs. On the upper body their wrists had been tied behind their backs and they a complicated and serious looking amount of rigging had been used to tightly secure their arm to their bodies. “Well don’t you look nice and secure.”

“mmmppphh, uummpphh,” chorused all three bound and gagged people. The man also started to squirm vigorously against his bonds.

“Calm down,” Penelope said kneeling down. “I take it you have been trying that for a bit and it hasn’t done any good before now.” The man stopped struggling and lay still. Penelope looked at the nearest woman and started to remove her gag. There was a lot of material to get off, whoever had applied the gag was serious about it.

“Thank you,” the woman croaked when Penelope managed to pull the last piece of cloth from her mouth.

“No need to thank me. What happened?” Penelope asked.

“I was packing the van when suddenly I was grabbed from behind. Before I could call for help a thick cloth was clamped over my nose and mouth. Then I tried to struggle but I couldn’t get free of the grip…then…then I remember a strange smell from the cloth and feeling weak but it is all a bit fuzzy after that,” the woman shook her head.

“Can you remember anything else? Who attacked you? What they looked like?” The woman thought for a second before shaking her head.

“What were you supposed to be doing anyway to have ended up like this?” Penelope thought it strange that the woman hadn’t asked who she was and why she hadn’t untied them yet.

“mmmpphh,” the man moaned again as he began to struggle against his bonds in obvious frustration. Penelope glanced around and saw a sack sitting next to her, she opened it up and saw ropes and other items. This is what was left over from subduing this lot.

“We are caterers,” the woman said. Penelope listened as she removed a couple of items from the sack. “There was a booking to help with some kind of event, I think that it was for a charity.”

“At an art gallery?” Penelope asked as she removed a handkerchief from her bag folded it into a pad. There was a bottle in the sack and after taking a brief whiff to confirm her suspicions poured it onto the handkerchief.

“uummpphh…hhaauupphh..” the man was at it again.

“Yes, it was something at an art gallery.”

“Is he always like this?” Penelope asked as she leaned over and clamped the handkerchief over his nose and gagged mouth.

“What are you doing to him?” the ungagged woman tried to turn her head to see what was going on.

“Just calming him down. The more he struggles the more chance he has of hurting himself.” The man fought and tried to shake off the handkerchief but bound as he was the man didn’t stand a chance and the fight was short before he slumped unconscious onto the floor of the van.

“Are you going to do that to us as well?” the ungagged woman asked.

“Unfortunately, yes I will be. I just need you to not get found for a while. Don’t worry this is the same stuff that they used on you earlier.” Penelope quickly placed the handkerchief over the ungagged woman’s nose and mouth. “Relax and take deep breathes, it will go easier on you that way.” To her credit the woman didn’t try and resist being chloroformed in any way. “I won’t gag you so you can shout for help when you come around.” The woman said something that was muffled by the handkerchief that Penelope liked to think was a ‘Thank you’ before her eyes fluttered and she slipped away. After knocking out the other bound and gagged member of the trio Penelope exited the van. Well, at least now she knew that at least two of the waiting staff weren’t who they claimed to be. It was highly unlikely that Elizabeth Crawford would use a man on any operation. Checking the time, she realised that if she didn’t rush then she would be later for meeting Myles and Grace.
Manchester, England

“There you are!” Myles exclaimed as Penelope emerged from the crowd. “Starting to think that you had stood me up.”

“I am not that kind of girl,” Penelope replied looking around for the staff moving round. Hoping that a couple of them may stand out for some reason. It would be to much to hope that they had neon signs with kidnapper on their backs.

“Are you alright?”

“Sorry, was just looking for Grace.”

“She had to pop to the ladies room.” Penelope paused and scanned the crowd again whilst thinking that was a nice quiet place to snatch someone.
“Now that you have mentioned it, I need to answer the call of nature.” Penelope walked off before shouting over her shoulder. “Why don’t you get the drinks in and I will get you back here with Grace.” Myles gave Penelope the thumbs up.

As she weaved through the crown Penelope kept her head on a pivot. In addition to looking out for potential kidnappers there was always the chance that Rogue could be about and she could pass on what she had learned. Indeed, in addition to swatting up on art, Jaclyn had given her all of the information that she held on Elizabeth Crawford’s organisation. This included any photographs of operatives that Jaclyn had. Penelope only hoped that her memory would be good enough to remember any faces that may appear. It turned out that the trip to the bathroom was uneventful so she pushed the door opened and entered. “Very nice,” Penelope said under her breath as she entered. The bathroom very well maintained and had been freshly painted just before the event. In the bathroom were five cubicles, two of which were occupied. There was also an older woman using a mirror above one of the sinks to apply some make-up. Penelope used the sink next to her to wash her hands. “Lovely event,” Penelope commented. The older woman just paused for a moment before carrying on with what she was doing without replying. As she was rinsing her hands there was the sound of a flush and then one of the cubicles opened. Looking in the mirror Penelope saw Grace emerge. “How are you doing?”

“Fine thanks,” Grace replied as she started washing her hands in the sink to Penelope’s left. Then the other cubicle opened. The woman exited and Penelope caught a glimpse of what she was wearing. White blouse, black skirt and a red apron. Obviously one of the catering staff. Strange that they would be allowed to use the same toilets as the guests. “Perhaps there is only one set of toilets.”

“What did you say Penelope?”

“Nothing.” The woman that had come out of the cubicle had used the furthest away sick, the older woman was between Penelope and the new arrival. Penelope shut off the tap and picked up a hand towel from the ledge above the sink. As she dried her hands the older woman moved away and she was able to get a better look at the fourth occupant of the toilet. It took a couple of seconds but eventually Penelope’s brain made the connection. She had seen the woman somewhere before, that somewhere was in the files that Jaclyn had made her study. “Christine,” Penelope said out loud before she could stop herself. The woman paused at the use of her real name, water dripping from her fingers. The bathroom seemed to fall into silence for a couple of seconds as Christine and Penelope both decided what to do.

“Something up?” Grace asked. Then suddenly everything burst into action. Christine turned to face them and reached for something inside the pocket of her red apron, prompting Penelope to burst into action. Reaching out with both hands she grabbed bunches of the fabric on Christine’s apron and pulled the woman in close before turning and propelling her toward a cubicle.

“Move Grace!” Penelope yelled as she let go and threw Christine into a cubicle where the woman stumbled and fell onto the floor, banging into the sanitaryware as she did so. As she spun around Penelope noted that Grace had frozen.

“What…” Penelope ran for the door, on the way she grabbed Grace on the forearm and yanked her behind her.

“We need to go now Grace.” Dragging Grace along behind her Penelope burst out of the bathroom and into the corridor. There was the noise of a large crowd in the background as Penelope headed for the door that would see them back into the safety of that crowd. Just as they were halfway along the corridor the door opened and another woman wearing the outfit of the catering company filled the doorway. Taking in the scene the woman had a look of shock on her face. Obviously not what she was expecting to find. Having no intention of stopping Penelope sped up and barged through the woman, trampling the woman underfoot.

“Sorry,” Grace mumbled as she tried to avoid stepping on the woman. “Penelope what is going on?”

“Explanations later Grace. Let’s just keep moving for the moment.” Penelope scanned the room, eventually found the person that she was looking for and made a beeline for them, all the time dragging Grace behind her. “We have to leave now.” Penelope hissed as she stopped in front of Ramona.

“What do you mean?” Ramona asked.

“There is a threat. We need to leave now.” Obviously, the look on Penelope’s face removed any objections that Ramona may have had. She pulled out a phone and hit a key.

“Bring the car around now.” Penelope continued to look around nervously. “You take her to the main entrance and I will get Myles.” Penelope nodded and moved away dragging Grace along with her. They got some strange looks as she forcefully made her way through the crowd until the entrance appear. A man who had been outside, probably for a smoke, held the door open as Penelope and Grace moved through.

“Penelope!” Grace said with a sense of urgency. “Penelope!” Penelope ignored this and scanned the area for threats as she walked toward the road. She could hear the sound of a large engine approaching and they the car that had picked her up appeared around the corner. The timing was perfect, they arrived at the same point at the same time. The car pulled up and Penelope wrenched the rear door open and threw Grace into the car.

“Move, move, move,” Penelope heard from behind her and took five paces back to give the onrushing Myles and Ramona plenty of room. After bundling Myles into the back of the car Ramona slammed the door closed and vaulted over and bonnet and jumped into the passenger seat. The driver didn’t even wait for the front door to close before he hammered his foot door on the accelerator and the large vehicle jumped away from the kerb, the rear fishtailing before the driver caught it and speeding off into the distance. “What about me!” Penelope screamed after them, waving her hands. “That isn’t very nice. Is it?” There was a cloud of dust as the large vehicle pulled away. Penelope turned around to see Christine and the other woman dressed as a member of the catering staff coming toward her from the venue. They didn’t seem very happy. So, Penelope decided to make an exit and headed off toward a public car park. She would cut through that and into the park on the other side.

With her head down Penelope headed off at a brisk pace. Once in the car park she cut straight across it toward the path into the park. The path was basically a hole in the perimeter fence around the car park. Suddenly she could hear urgent footsteps behind her, then a shadow crossed her path and she stopped abruptly. There was a large presence in her way. Penelope looked up. Her route to the path was blocked by a large, blond-haired woman. “Can I help you?” Penelope asked as she glanced around to find that Christine was now only ten yards behind her. There was no sign of the other woman from the venue for the art exhibition.

“You should keep out of other people’s business,” a voice said. Penelope turned to find a young woman standing next to a white panelled van.

“I have no idea what you mean,” Penelope thought that it would be best to start off playing dumb.

“She recognised me back in the bathroom Kendall,” Christne chimed in from behind. That didn’t exactly help.

“Where do you know my colleague from?” Kendall asked. Penelope shrugged.

“Saw her on Tinder.” That comment got a smile from Kendall. Penelope also noted that Christine and the other woman had taken a couple of steps closer. Looking around there was nobody else seemed to be in the least bit interested in what was going on.

“Bring her along.” Penelope tuns on hearing that to find that Christine and the other woman were now standing on either side of her. They each grabbed an arm and started to manoeuvre her subtly but with force toward the side door of the van that Kendall had just slipped open. As she was being pushed in that direction the young woman that had been called Kendall walked toward them, a large white cloth ominously sitting in the woman’s right hand.

“Wait, ladies,” Penelope pleaded as the cloth made its way toward her face. “Can we not talk about this?” Penelope supposed she should put up a fight and make it look good. “There is no need to take me away!” Penelope hope that she sounded suitably panicked and tried not to roll her eyes, well at least not until the chloroform took effect, but sighed then let out a surprised gasp just before the cloth was clamped over her nose and mouth “Please!” Penelope pleaded. “Whatever that is mmmppphh" Penelope immediately begin to wriggle madly in their grasp, trying to make her bid for freedom look realistic whilst the sweet-smelling vapour assaulted her senses. Well, it was still sweet-smelling but not as harsh as Penelope had been used to. There was a rumour that Elizabeth Crawford has engineered different variants of chloroform that were much more effective and didn’t have the same side effects. It looked like Penelope was about to find out if those rumours were true. Penelope knew roughly how long the chloroform would take to have a proper effect so just had to judge her effort.

“Don’t fight us,” Kendall said, “it will go easier if you just relax.”

“UUMMPPHH! MMPPHH!” Penelope screamed into the cloth as she tried to wriggled free as she was dragged toward the van. She swallowed hard, inhaling deeply for the first time since the struggle began. There was no point fighting it, this was how she had planned to make contact with Elizabeth Crawford’s people. Penelope had just hoped that her initial introduction wouldn’t involve the application of chloroform. The world spins for a moment, and Penelope blinks hard, a mixture or fear and excitement coursing through her veins. Was this wave of dizziness because of that or just the chloroform? Not that it mattered at this point. They stop dragging her just before the van and stood looking around, letting Kendall apply the chloroform. Penelope continued to inhale and started to feel the effects of the drug kick in, her thoughts became muddled and her arms became heavier. Just for the benefit of making it look convincing Penelope continued to struggle and even attempted a couple of stamps on the toes of the women that were holding her. Then with the struggling Penelope continued to inhale the fumes from the cloth that was tightly clamped over the lower half of her face. From a professional point of view Penelope could appreciate their professionalism. Pretty soon Penelope felt very weak and could no longer hold her own weight so that her body begins to slump backward into the assailant, and she let out a strained moan for help from behind the cloth.

“Get her in the van,” Kendall ordered as she removed the cloth long enough for the other two women to through Penelope onto a mattress that was lying in the back of the van.

“oooooohhhhmmmmmmm……” Penelope moaned as she heard he faint click of the door being closed. Respite was short lived as the cloth was soon reapplied over Penelope’s nose and mouth. There was nothing that Penelope could do to resist now, being forced into unconsciousness was now inevitable. It came not long after, her vision narrowed and then her eyes fluttered a couple of times before they closed over. The last thought was what kind of trouble would she be in when she came round.
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Post by Caesar73 »

That was outstanding [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] :) Good to see Penelope again, and I hope, that for one time the Plans of the good Guys work. In the last Chapters they weren´t exactly successful ...
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 40

East coast of America

If this plan was going to work then Gillian was going to need some help in Headquarters. They had originally planned to approach Mark’s sister Jessica but they had decided against that and gone down a different road. After considering several other possibilities they had decided upon Kristin Chandler, the reasons were twofold. Firstly, Gillian knew that Kristin held a sense of resentment from an incident a couple of years ago when her identification was used to break into Section Headquarters and she had been disciplined. Secondly following some digging by Elizabeth Crawford’s contacts, she had discovered that her parents farm in Kansas was currently experiencing some financial problems. There gave them two angles to work with. “Here you go,” Kristin said as she came back from the bar with two large drinks, each a different coloured straw and an umbrella each.

“Cocktails!” Gillian exclaimed.

“Sorry, but I couldn’t resist,” Kirstin said with a smile as she sat back down in the chair that she vacated five minutes earlier. In order to broach the subject Gillian thought that it would be best to take Kristin out for a couple of drinks, in a relaxed environment. “It’s great that we get out and relax.”

“Yes, much easier to chat and unwind outside the office. Cheers!” Gillian raised her glass and they toasted. The night continued for another couple of hours, several drinks and a good bit of dancing before they decided to call it a night and stumbled laughing out into the late evening air. “How are getting home?” Gillian asked Kristin.

“I will get a taxi at the rank a couple of streets away,” Kristin responded.

“It’s alright, Mark will pick us up,” Gillian said.

“Is that your mystery man?” Kristin asked.

“Not that mysterious,” Gillian said as she subtly put her hand on Kristin’s shoulder and guided her toward where Mark had parked. “He just text to let me know that he is just around the corner.”

“But I live in the other direction from you,” Kristin stated. “It’s out of your way.”

“He will do me this favour if he knows what is good for him!” Gillian. Both women laughed at this comment. “Actually, he is taking me back to his.”

“Ah,” Kristin responded with a wink.

“Come back to Mark’s for a drink or two and some food. He makes a mean lasagne,” Gillian commented.

“I won’t comment that you are trying to get a slightly drunk woman back to his flat.” The two women made the short trip to where Mark had parked in silence. As they approached Kristin leaned into Gillian and whispered. “He is very cute.” Kristin looked around and noted that they were the deserted car park on a closed down shop.

“Good evening ladies,” Mark said. “It looks like you have had a good time.” She didn’t know why but Kristin had a creeping sense of dread about the situation. “Should we get going,” Mark said and opened the rear door.

“I think that I will just get a cab,” Kristin began to dig around in her bag looking for her mobile.

“Come on, you are her now.” Mark held the rear door and held it for Kristin. “Just get in the car Kristin,” Gillian said.

“No, I think I will wait for a cab,” Kristin replied and took a step away from the car. Gillian and Mark exchanged a look and Mark lunged at Kristin, wrapping an arm around her waist and clamping a hand over her mouth. Gillian quickly pulled a single use chloroform pad from the pocket of her jacket and in one smooth and practiced movement smashed the vial of chloroform contained within the pad and smothered the soft, thick pad over Kristin’s nose and mouth just as Mark removed his hand. “MMMM,” Kristin moaned from behind the pad when it was first clamped over the lower part of her face. That was followed by another, more startled moan after a second, once the fumes hit Kristin and she recognised them. Followed by the automatic reaction of more frenzied struggling to try and free herself from the what Kristin knew would be the forthcoming effects of the chloroform’s fumes. Gillian watched intently as Gillian tried to writhe free of Mark’s strong grip but there was no way the Mark was going to let go. Then Kristin tried to shake the thick chloroform pad from over her nose and mouth but Gillian held in firmly in place ensuing the Kristin inhaled as much of the fumes as possible. This wasn’t going to be a fair fight, unless someone came to her rescue Kristin was going out.

To say that Kristin was shocked by the turn of events would have been an understatement, one minute she was out having a couple of drinks with Gillian and the next Gillian was trying to forcibly render her unconscious using chloroform. The attack her been well co-ordinated when they had pounced. The thick pad that Gillian pressed over her nose and mouth had been a bit of a shock, it was the first time that she had come across such a device. Kristin had heard rumours that their Technical Department were developing such things but she wondered where Gillian had gotten hold of one. Despite currently being assaulted by the chloroform fumes coming from the pad Kristin had to admire its design. The thickness of the pad not only meant that it absorbed most of the noise that she was trying to make but it also meant that when Gillian pressed it onto her face it was as if it was welded in place and fitted over her nose and mouth perfectly, blocking out fresh air and making it a very efficient delivery system for the anaesthetic. That wasn’t the worst part, the worst part was that if asked Kristin would have described the sensation as comfortable. As all of this was going through her mind Kristin noticed that her limbs were starting to feel heavy and that her field of vision was narrowing. Kristin knew that she was going out and there was nothing that she could do to change that. “Just relax Kristin and let the chloroform do its work. We aren’t going to hurt you. We need to have a chat and it is best that we do that in controlled circumstances,” Gillian said with what she hoped was her most reassuring smile. The fight had totally left Kristin although she was still just about conscious.

“Let’s get her in the car,” Mark said. Taking Kristin’s weight by holding her under the armpits Mark began to drag Kristin the short distance toward the rear of the car. Gillian grabbed her ankles and between the two of them they managed to get Kristin sprawled into the back seat of Mark’s car. Gillian clambered in the back seat along with Kristin and Mark closed the door before getting behind the wheel.

“OOOHHH,” Kristin moaned quietly. Gillian turned and reapplied the pad over Kristin’s nose and mouth until Kristin’s eyes closed and didn’t open.

“This is not exactly what I had planned,” Gillian said from the back seat.

“It was time to improvise,” Mark replied, keeping his eyes on the road.

“Where are we going?” Gillian asked.

“My flat. There is an underground car park and private lift. We can keep a low profile.” Gillian nodded and leaned back.

“What happens if we can’t convince her. We are in trouble.”

“You will just have to talk her round to your way of thinking,” Mark said.

“Is there an alternative?” Gillian asked.

“Our friend Kirstin takes a holiday on an island.” They drove the rest of the journey in silence until Mark took the turn off the main street and into the underground car park of his apartment building. There was a small bump as first the front wheels then the rear wheels hit the ramp. Mark pulled the car into his designated space and killed the engine. “Call the elevator and I will get sleeping beauty,” Mark said to Gillian as they both got out of the car. Gillian walked across to the elevator, pressed the call button then waited whilst keeping a look out for anybody else in the garage. Fortunately, there was nobody else either in the garage or in the lift when the doors opened. Using her foot to hold the doors open Gillian beckoned Mark who crossed the distance easily carrying Kristin in his arms. They rode the elevator up to Mark’s floor. There were only two apartments on the floor and Gillian knew that the owners were away for their annual trip to the Bahamas. Gillian dipped her hand into Mark’s pocket for his keys, opened the door and Mark carried Kristin all the way into the spare bedroom and carefully lowered her down onto the unmade bed. “I don’t suppose you have anything to tie her up?” Gillian asked.

“Funnily enough, no,” Mark replied. “Wait, there is some duct tape in the cupboard.”

“Be a dear and go get it whilst I find something to gag her with.” When Mark exited the room, Gillian looked in her bag and found a nice, clean handkerchief and a light blue silk scarf. It was amazing how much that woman usually carried in their bags carried be repurposed as a gag in an emergency. Quickly balling up the handkerchief Gillian stuffed it into Kristin’s mouth before folding the silk scarf into a band and tying it over Kristin’s mouth. It wasn’t the best or most effective gag but it would do in the current circumstances. The door opened and Mark tossed the grey duct tape to Gillian who caught it one handed. “Thank you.” Mark took up a position leaning against the wall and watched Gillian as she used the duct tape to bid Kristin’s ankles, then her arms to her body before covering everything from Kristin’s ankles to just below the knee with the sticky grey tape. For good measure Gillian added a couple of wraps around the thighs. “Thanks for the assist.”

“Looked like you were managing. Besides, thought you were the professional.” Having bound Kristen with the duct tape Gillian stood up from the bed and surveyed her handiwork. “Not ideal but as long as we remove anything sharp out of her reach, we should be alright.”

“I better take my wit to the other bedroom then,” Mark commented as he turned to leave. Despite having just kidnapped her colleague Gillian couldn’t help herself, turned and chased after Mark. Well, they would have some time before Kristin regained consciousness
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 41

Hamburg, Germany

Gabriella was nervous as they approached the establishment, the neon signs bright in the gloom of the late evening. It almost pitched darkness as she and Victoria made the last turn onto the street where the establishment was located. As they strode onward Victoria reached out and took Gabriella’s hand. “What are you doing?” Gabriella exclaimed, somewhat shocked.

“Calm down,” Victoria responded. “We need to look the part.” Gabriela huffed but did have to concede that it would look better so went along with it. They climbed the steps in unison and entered the building. Victoria took a look around before noticing the desk and giving Gabriela’s arm a quick tug and heading in that direction. “Classy decoration.” There was nobody behind the desk so Victoria rang a small bell that was sitting on top. Less than ten seconds later a smiling young woman appeared.

“Can I help you?” she asked.

“I was looking for Phoebe,” Victoria responded. “I called earlier about the room.”

“Ah, yes,” the young woman replied. “My name is Phoebe, please follow me.” The young woman turned and headed down the corridor. After a glance at each other Victoria and Gabriela followed her along the corridor, there were closed doors off on either side. Phoebe stopped outside a door, flung it open and gestured inside. Victoria nodded as she entered with Gabriela following behind. Inside was a gloriously gaudy suite with a large four-poster bed, red satin sheets and various other bits of equipment dotted around. Gabriela stopped and took in what she was seeing and couldn’t quite believe her eyes. Phoebe had stopped at the door, holding it open. “I will let you get comfortable and come back in a couple of minutes.”

“Erm,” Victoria said. “Could you come in and show us how some of the equipment works?” Victoria was trying to be sheepish. “It’s our first time.”

“Sure, no problem,” Phoebe replied entering the room and letting the door closed behind her. Whilst that exchange was going on Gabriela had opened the drawer in a chest of drawers and found a selection of rope, cuffs, gags, paddles and whips.

“Thanks,” Victoria said. As Phoebe entered the room Victoria pulled onto a folded handkerchief from one pocket and put it over her nose and mouth before pulling what looked like a small perfume bottle from the other. “What’s that?” Victoria asked, Phoebe turned round obviously confused by the muffled voice. There was a perplexed look on her face as Victoria raised the bottle and sprayed it several times, creating a fine mist that spread out and encircled Phoebe’s head.

“What..” Phoebe exclaimed and coughed as she inhaled the fumes.

“Sorry,” Victoria replied. There was a look of shock on Phoebe’s face and then her eyes blinked and she staggered a couple of paces.

“I...I...feel…” Phoebe stammered.

“Faint?” Victoria asked. “That was the whole point.” Phoebe tried to take a couple of steps but only made it one before sliding down to her knees. The young woman looked around before falling flat on her face unconscious.

“Will she be alright?” Gabriela asked.

“Yeah,” Victoria replied. “Just something to keep her out for a bit. Give me a hand to get her onto the bed.” Gabriela put down the device that she was looking at, trying to figure out what it was, and helped Victoria pick up Phoebe and put her onto the bed. “There should be restraints at each corner.” Taking one side of the bed each they both discovered that there was indeed a padded leather cuff attached to a rope at each corner which they used to secure Phoebe in place. “Any gags about?”

“In that draw over there?” Gabriela said pointing in the general direction of the chest of drawers. Victoria wandered across, opened the drawer and browsed the selection.

“My, my, my, people do have weird tastes,” Victoria commented as she selected a large, black pillow gag. She returned to the bed and used it to gag Phoebe. “Well, she won’t be calling for help when she wakes up.”

“But, how long until someone come looking for her?” Gabriela asked.

“Good point,” Victoria replied. “There will be a lot of rooms to check.”

“Where do we start?”

“I don’t know about you but I was going to start with the room at the end of this corridor with the Do Not Disturb sign on it.” Gabriela gave Victoria and nod and they headed for the door. The door gave a small creek as Victoria opened it and looked each way down the corridor. Noting that the coast was clear Victoria stepped out of the room and beckoned Gabriela to follow. They carefully closed the door and made there way down the corridor until they reached the door that Victoria had noticed earlier. As Gabriela kept watch, Victoria put her ear to the door to listen for sounds. When she didn’t hear anything, Victoria looked down and saw that the key was in the lock. “That was handy.”

“Nothing ventured, nothing gained,” Gabriela commented. Victoria turned the key to unlock the door and sensibly removed the key and put it in her pocket. Slowly Victoria opened the door and slipped inside, the room was pitch black, the heavy curtains were drawn and there were no lights on in the room.

“MMUURRPPHH,” came the muffled cry from somewhere in the room.

“Natalie,” Victoria hissed and moved aside to allow Gabriela to entered.

“UUPPMMHH,” the muffled cry came again.

“Shush,” Victoria said as she allowed Gabriela to close the door before reaching for the light. When it burst into life it revealed a relatively plan room with a bed at the centre. On that bed lay a naked, bound and gagged Natalie Twain.

“MMUUHH,” Natalie moaned as she struggled on the bed.

“Calm down,” Victoria said as she moved toward the bed and sat down next to Natalie and began working on the buckle that held the large white ball gag in the woman’s mouth. As Victoria dealt with that Gabriela looked around for Natalie’s clothes and noted them lying in a pile on a nearby chair.

“Am I glad to see you,” Natalie said once Victoria had managed to remove the gag.

“No problem,” Victoria replied as she went to work on the knots in the ropes that held Natalie’s arms and legs in strict bondage. “So, are you alright?”

“Nothing that a shower wouldn’t fix,” Natalie replied. “Plus, I learnt a couple of things…”

“I won’t ask,” Victoria commented as she finally manged to release the knots on the ropes holding Natalie’s wrists together. “What did you find out?”

“Well, I found some interesting things in the office and took some photographs.” Gabriela appeared and put the pile of clothes on the bed next to Natalie. “Thanks,” Natalie said as she stretched out her arms now that they were free of their bindings. “I didn’t get the chance to investigate any further before I was disturbed and ended up like this.” As Natalie had been taking Victoria had managed to free her legs from the ropes and bound them together.

“Get dressed and we can get out of here,” Victoria said as she got up off the bed. Natalie followed her lead quickly and then began to get dressed.

“We have to make a detour,” Natalie commented as she slipped on her underwear.

“What do you mean?” Gabriela asked.

“I literally bumped into someone else sneaking around this place, we both ended up as captives. Plus, there is a third woman being held in a room at the top of the stairs.”

“Have we got time?” Gabriela asked.

“I think that it would be worthwhile to get them out as well, they might know something,” Natalie replied. “Also, there is the moral responsibility to not leave two women to whatever fate awaits them.”

“What about the other women? They are obviously involved in something dodgy and will be looking to prevent us from doing anything to expose it,” Gabriela commented.

“They might be otherwise engaged at this hour,” Victoria replied. “Still, let’s not waste any time.” Natalie slipped on her shoes and was now fully dressed.

“We could do with a set of keys,” Natalie said.

“I think I know where we can get those,” Victoria said.


There were mumbled moans and groans from the bed as Victoria approached the restrained Phoebe who was stating to stir from forced slumber. The young woman’s limbs twitched and her head moved from side to side as her brain tried to process what was going on before her senses were fully functional. Victoria took a look at Phoebe before running her hands over the woman’s body and finding a set of keys attached to a loop on Phoebe’s jeans. “Thank you,” Victoria said as she patted the young woman on the thigh. Exiting the room Victoria joined Natalie and Gabriela and held up the keys. Natalie smiled.

“Follow me,” Natalie said and headed off. The women formed a small column with Natalie in the lead, Gabriela in the middle and Victoria at the rear. Aware of the layout of the building Natalie was able to guide them to the staircase at the rear of the building and eventually up to the top of the staircase and to a locked door. Natalie took the keys from Victoria and tried them in the lock, it was third time lucky and the door opened as Natalie found the correct key and stepped inside the room. Victoria and Gabriela followed into the room with two beds, each bed contained a bound and gagged woman.

“MMUUPPHH,” chorused the two women.

“You take her and I will get the other one,” Natalie said to Victoria. “Gabriela, keep a look out.” The other women nodded and Natalie rushed across to the bed.

“UUMMPPHH,” Amber Carter mumbled through her gag.

“Quiet,” Natalie hissed and put a finger to her lips. After taking a couple of seconds to assess the woman’s bonds Natalie went about freeing the woman from the ropes holding her in place and they finally removing her gag. Natalie turned to Gabriela and made a thumbs up gesture and received a nod in return.

“Thanks,” the woman said. “My name is Amber Carter and I am a police officer…” Amber trailed off when Natalie held up a hand.

“Sorry, just get out of here first and then make introductions later.” Amber accepted that with a nod.

“Can you just tell me where we are?”

“Hamburg,” Victoria said as she approached them. “Let’s get out of here. Lead the way Natalie.” Once again Natalie took the lead as the group went down the creaking stairs. As they were about to get to the ground floor Natalie heard voices, paused and raised her hand for the rest of the party stopped and pressed themselves against the wall. The voices came and went and Natalie almost jumped when Victoria put a hand on her shoulder.

“Sasha says that there is another way out, a back door.” After catching her breath Natalie worked out that Sasha must have been the woman that had been taken captive at the same time as she had. They had never been formally introduced. Natalie pulled back and Sasha took her place at the front of the column. After the voices died away Sasha lead them along the corridor to another set of stairs and down to the basement. At the front of the column Sasha paused to get her bearings and then headed off again down a narrow corridor.
“I hear footsteps,” Gabriela said from the rear.

“Time to move,” Natalie suggest as Sasha spun round.

“I know where I am, not too much further,” Sasha said and picked up he pace. They race down a slight slope in the floor to a lower level, take a tight turn and then head down another corridor where at the end was a light above a fire escape door. Sasha hit the bar on the door at almost full pace and it burst open, letting a cooling waft of air hit them all.

“Don’t stop,” Victoria yelled and now of them did until they had put a couple of blocks between themselves. “I think that should do it.”

“So, who exactly are you guys?” Amber asked.

“That is a very long story,” Natalie replied, she wasn’t lying.

“Let’s get back to the hotel first,” Victoria said holding up her car keys. “Follow me and try and look relaxed and blend in. It’s just around the corner.” Once They were all in Victoria driving, Gabriela in the passenger seat and the other three in the back with Natalie in the middle. “I think that we should change hotel, to be on the safe side.”

“Good idea,” Gabriela said and pulled out the phone. “Danielle, yes well thanks.” Gabriela said. “Can you book us into another hotel.”

“Can I use that when you are finished?” Sasha. “I have to call Nazia.”

“Nazia’s here!” Amber exclaimed. “Why did you let her do that.”

“She volunteered,” Sasha explained, “to help her best friend.”

“How many rooms?” Gabriela asks herself doing a mental headcount after overhearing that conversation. “Better make that three double rooms.”


Hotel, Hamburg, Germany

They were all sitting around a small table in one of the rooms that Danielle had booked in a hotel. After a pretty quiet car journey they had collected their belongings and Nazia from their respective hotels and proceeded to their new hotel. Once room service had been delivered Amber Carter spoke up. “So, who wants to start?”

“I think Natalie probably has the best knowledge of the whole story and situation,” Gabriela offered. “So, I think it would be best to let her explain what is going on.”

“Ha,” Natalie said. “That is a thankless task. Trying to explain what is going on.”

“Get comfortable,” Victoria commented. Natalie poured a cup of coffee from the pot and settled in to begin. As she went through the story of the groups’ dealings with Elizabeth Crawford’s criminal enterprise Natalie could see Amber and Nazia’s mouths open and eyes widen is disbelief. Natalie ended the story by finishing off with why they were in Hamburg.

“That sounds very far-fetched?” Amber said. “Although, it may be as a police officer I am slightly sceptical about the stories that I am told.”

“Believe it,” Sasha commented. “I have some experience in dealing with this group.”

“So how did you end up tied to a bed in Hamburg?” Victoria asked.

“I was investigating the possibility of drugs being sold the black market by hospital staff and managed to get caught. They wanted to get rid of me, that’s all I know really. I woke up in that room and didn’t know where I was until you told me.”

“Must have been unnerving,” Natalie commented. Amber nodded her head.

“Tell them,” Nazia said to Amber.

“Tell us what?” Natalie asked. Amber and Nazia exchanged looks.

“There was an incident where we were attacked in our house,” Nazia said. “A group of women broke in, drugged us, tied us up and warned Amber off pursuing a case.”

“What case?” Natalie asked leaning forward, suddenly interested.

“The disappearance of a young woman called Lara Sanchez,” Amber replied. “All very strange as the case really wasn’t going anywhere. No witnesses, no direct family to keep the pressure on. Why do you ask?”

“Just seems like a classic Elizabeth Crawford move,” Natalie said. “Her speciality is making people disappear without trace. But she wouldn’t do it unless there was something in it for her.”

“I didn’t find any link with any organisation, Lara seemed like an ordinary girl,” Amber said. “I can look into it again when I get back.”

“Just be careful not to draw attention to yourself,” Sasha chimed in. “These people don’t play around.” Amber nodded and the room fell silent until Natalie checked her phone.

“That’s the flights booked for tomorrow.”

“How did you manage that?” Nazia asked.

“A slush fund and some contacts,” Natalie replied with a smile. “Now I suggest that we all try and get some sleep.” With that the group split up and went to their rooms to get some sleep.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Just clocked that the story has gone over 50,000 views.

Wow!! Thanks so much for continuing the support. Much appreciated.

Hope that you are all enjoying. Comments always welcome.
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Post by Caesar73 »

On the bright Side: Victoria and Gabriella rescued Natalie and poor Amber and Sasha. that looks like Progress. On the other Hand I wonder about Gilian ... she betrayed Hayely and her Boss. So far her conscience seems not to Trouble her much, and obviously she has no trouble betraying her Friends or acting on Crawfords Behalf. Her moral compass is definitely off. It will be interessting to see, if these betrayals will hunt her at some point. Nicely done [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] !
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 42

Manchester, England

“ooohhhmmm,” Penelope moans a little as she starts to come around from the chloroform induced nap. They must have given her a good dose as the scent hung around her nostrils and her head was thumping a little. Then again, there was a rumour that Elizabeth Crawford manufactured her own, special brand of chloroform that had less side effect. Now that she thought about it, the smell had been a little different. Penelope’s head lolled around for a while before she managed to regain enough of her powers to raise her head and take in her surroundings. She was sitting on a chair in a large room. Glancing around it looked to be a bedroom in an old house, they were bay windows but they were all blocked with heavy curtains. The only light came from a bare bulb in the single light fitting hanging from the ceiling. The only other items in the room were a double wardrobe, then a cot bed, two chairs and a couple of boxes. In addition there was also a couple of large compression sacks and other sacks lying in the corner. There was also some paint cans and sheets. It looked as though the place was in the process of being redecorated. Anyway, a quick examination of her predicament informed Penelope that she was securely bound to the chair. It was a high-backed wooden chair and her wrists were bound tightly behind the back with several coils of rope. A quick checked told her that there was no give and the knot was out of reach. Her ankles were bound to each of the legs of the chair with rope. The same rope also encircled her torso pinning her to the chair. “Well, I won’t be going anywhere.” Penelope settled in to wait for someone to come and check on her.

Without a watch or clock, it was hard to be exact but it couldn’t have been more than half an hour until the door swung open and Kendall and the tall blond woman walked in. Kendall grabbed one of the chairs and place in a couple of feet away from Penelope before sitting down. The other woman took up a position behind and to the right of Penelope. “You seem remarkable calm for a person in your situation.” It was a statement more than a question.

“What situation would that be?” Penelope asked.

“Tied up in a room after being drugged and taken by people that they do not know,” Kendall replied with a smile.

“That does seem to sum up my current situation.” Penelope wandered how to play this.

“So, how did you know about us?” Kendall asked. Cocking her head to one side Penelope decided on how to play this.

“I don’t know what you mean,” Penelope replied, “I am just a damsel in distress.” Kendall looked at the woman behind her.

“Valentine. Gag her if she isn’t going to tell us anything useful.”

“Sure thing,” Valentine replied as Penelope heard the sound of movement behind her.

“Wait, no need for that,” Penelope suggested calmly. “I don’t think that you want to do that either.” Kendall heard up a hand.


“I don’t think that you want to have to tell your boss that you missed the target,” Penelope said with a smirk and relaxed a little into her bonds. She could see something drift across Kendall’s eyes. “I hear that she is the kind of woman that doesn’t tolerate failure.”

“What would you know?” Kendall asked.

“Look, professionally I work in your line of business,” Penelope began, “although not anywhere near your level.” Penelope decided to lay it on thick. “If I am correct, you guys have a fearsome reputation. Now, back to today, it was just a case of wrong place, wrong time for you guys. I get chatted up a couple of days ago in a bar by some guy and he invited me along to that art exhibition. I accepted and then I met his daughter, seemed like a nice young lady. When I was at the toilet something about your colleague seemed a bit off and then when my brain clicked into gear and I knew that I recognised the face from somewhere.”

“You expect me to believe that this was just a coincidence?” Kendall asked. Penelope nodded. “Why did you get involved?”

“Honestly, initially it was just a natural reaction. Helping out a nice kid.” Penelope looked round. “But now I see that it was an opportunity.
“To get chloroformed and snatched.” Penelope chortled.

“No, I thought that there was a chance to move up in our particular business.”

“What do you mean?”

“This could be a mutually beneficial arrangement,” Penelope continued. “You get what you need and I get what I want.”

“Why do we need you?” Kendall asked. “We could just make you disappear.”

“You could,” Penelope sighed. “But now that you have tried and failed to snatch Grace her dad and the security detachment will be on full alert. You will be lucky to get close and I have no doubt that you are some kind of time restrictions on this.”

“What do you propose then?” Penelope could tell that the young woman was interested.

“I can get you close,” Penelope said. “He will be on guard but I am the woman that saved his daughter.” Penelope could see that this was starting to hit home. “It could be away around your problem. I am sure that if you phoned the boss, she would agree with me.” Penelope left that hanging. Elizabeth Crawford doesn’t tolerate failure. The younger one, Kendall was taking this in. It seemed to be working, they knew that what she was saying was correct.

“What would you want out of this?” Bingo!

“Bumping into you guys could be a great career opportunity.”

“You want to join us?” Kendall said. “That is purely an invitation only process.” Penelope thought that Kendall was giving away a little too much during this conversation.

“I wouldn’t know about the process but I would like a chat with the main woman herself. I am sure that I can talk her round.” Kendall smiled and stood up.

“Gag her Valentine,” Kendall said. “I have a call to make.” The large blond woman appeared in front of her with a fistful of material in one hand that she deposited onto the chair that Kendall had just vacated. Valentine picked up a cloth, a large cloth and balled it up.

“I don’t suppose it would make a difference if I promised to be quiet?” Valentine shook her head and moved the balled-up cloth toward Penelope’s mouth. With no other option she opened wide and accepted the mass of fabric, almost gagging as Valentine pushed it deep inside her mouth, filling it completely. Then Valentine picked up another cloth of identical material but perhaps a bit longer with a knot tied in the centre, lining up the knot with the centre of Penelope’s mouth Valentine takes both ends and reaching around Penelope’s head to tie them together, tightening it so that it is tight and forces the wad of cotton already in Penelope’s mouth deeper inside. “uummpphh!” Valentine then picked up a very large and thick wad of cotton wool pleats and a large white silk scarf. Placing the thick wad of cotton wool over Penelope’s already gagged mouth she folded the scarf and put it over Penelope’s mouth tying the ends of the silk scarf at the back of her head tightly, compressing the thick wad of cotton wool against Penelope’s lips.

“That should keep you quiet,” Valentine commented before she turned around and excited the room, leaving Penelope alone. After testing out her gag and trying to get it a bit more comfortable, the silk scarf was almost welded in place, Penelope had to agree. There was no chance of calling for help, even if she had been inclined to do so. With nothing else for it, Penelope settled in, waited and said a silent prayer that this all worked out.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 43

Geneva, Switzerland

Slowly shaking her head Natascha moaned involuntarily as the light flooded into her eyes now that they were fully open. A quick assessment told her that her bondage had been improved when she was out, more ropes encircled he body and legs and experience told her that a silk scarf had been tied over her mouth a cloth pad, probably a folded lady’s handkerchief between the silk and her lips. There was something soft and smooth under her head, her best guess would be a folder down jacket. At lease then were trying to keep her comfortable. Just then, Vernie glanced down and noticed Natascha was awake. “I see our friend is awake Nicole. Could you please take care of that?” Natascha whimpered with concern as she realised that they planned on drugging her again, shaking her head and squirmed uselessly. “Sorry, it is just easier if you sleep through the journey,” Vernie said as she stroked Natascha’s hair. Nicole reached over and opened a small black backpack. Opening it up, she pulled out a dust mask, a bag of cotton wool and a bottle. In this enclosed space the familiar smell of chloroform assailed Natascha's nostrils as Nicole opened the bottle and poured a generous amount onto a wad of cotton wool. which Nicole then place indie the dust mask. As Nicole was preparing her sedative Natascha’s mind wondered to how they have found her, had it been luck or had tracked down and caught Christina or was it something to do with Hayley. As the dust make was placed her nose and mouth and almost immediately, the chloroform began to take hold, making Natascha feel lightheaded. She initially held her breath, struggling to stay away for as long as possible, but it was a futile effort and all it brought were thoughts of what fate awaited her, interrogation, torture, captivity or a combination of all three. As she lay, Natascha decided to use the only method of escape available, Natascha took a deep breath and allowed the welcoming darkness of dreamland to quell her distress

Geneva, Switzerland

Natascha awoke with a pounding headache and was starting to lose track of how many times she had been rendered unconscious by her kidnappers, it must have been very close to double figures. She was still blindfolded but they had removed the gag. There was some noise then Natasha recoiled her head into the pillow again and moaned loudly into the cloth that had been pressed over her nose and mouth. The smell this time was strongly of ammonia, they were using smelling salts when she came round to focus her mind from the wooliness of post chloroform haze. “All this stops any time you like Natascha,” Nicole said as the cloth was removed. “Just tell us what we want to know.” The contrast between the effects of the relaxing effects of the chloroform and the stimulation of the smelling salts was very disorientating. But Natascha supposed that was the point. It seemed like days ago when Natascha had regained consciousness the first time and found herself naked and bound spread-eagled to a bed, padded leather cuffs around her wrists and ankles with strong black rope tied from a steel loop in the cuff to a corner of the bed. Almost as soon as came around Nicole and Vernie and placed pads of cotton wool over her eyes and followed that up with a thickly padded sleep mask. Without any chat a thick cloth had been stuffed in Natascha’s mouth and that was followed up with another cloth with a knot tied in the middle was forced deep into her mouth and tied tightly at the back of her head, forcing the knot and stuffing deep into her mouth. Then began this alternating assault with chloroform and smelling salts with almost contact stimulation of a sexual nature thrown in for good measure.

“Don’t knock her all the way out, remember we need her to answer questions. Just enough to make her woozy and confused,” Natascha heard Vernie say to Nicole.

“Please…no….more,” Natascha moaned weakly before the damp cloth was reapplied over her nose and mouth and she was again forced to inhale the vicious fumes she slipped into a heavy dizziness.

“Okay, she is half out,” Nicole said to her partner before changing to the victim. “Don’t go to sleep yet. The fun is just starting. We are going to ask you these questions again and don’t even think about resisting. So, are you ready to talk?” The questioning, the same questions asked in various ways, continued for what seemed an eternity to Natascha. In between applications of the cloths, they were asking questions about she knew about Elizabeth Crawford’s operations and what Christina was after. Up until now Natascha had been able to hold out and not divulge anything but she knew and they probably did as well that she could only hold out for so long. The confusion of the interrogation tactics and exhaustion would see to that.

“No…no, more….” Natascha pleaded.

“Stick the gag back in,” Nicole said. Blindfolded as she was Natascha couldn’t tell where it was coming from but some enough a strong grip forced her mouth open and a wadded-up cloth was forced in before the cloth with the large knot at the centre was also reapplied. There was a buzzing noise just before Natascha felt the vibration on the inside of her thigh, it slowly moved up her inner thigh before coming to rest on her most intimate area.

“MMMM MMPPHH!" Natascha mumble into the gag when the stimulation was too much.

"So…do you like that," Nicole whispers as her fingers roam over Natascha’s sweat drenched body.

"MMMM OOHHMM UUMMPPH," Natascha moaned in delight, despite herself, as she writhed in her bonds.

"Does that feel good Natascha?" Nicole continues, her fingers roving over Natascha’s body. Natascha shakes her head from side to side. “Well, you know what you need to do to make it stop.”

"MMPPHH, MMPPHH," Natascha moaned, her breathes starting to become more raged and her struggling more pronounced as the pleasurable sensations start to course through her body. Then without warning just before Natascha was about to explode again the cloth soaked with chloroform was firmly clamped over the lover half of her face.

"Shhhhh, just breath it in and be carried off to a wonderful dreamland." Vernie whispered into Natascha's ear as sensually as possible and soon Natascha could feel her body growing heavy and her eyes lids near impossible to keep open, it was a strange contrast to what she was experiencing from the bottom half of her body. Her muffled murmurings all but contained by her heavily gagged mouth. Natascha tried to resist the waves of drowsiness washing over her now, but her eyes were rolling up and their lids were fluttering uncontrollably. Soon her head had lolled to one side. Natascha’s eyes finally closed and she announced her surrender with barely an audible sigh. Wherever it was her kidnappers planned to do with her now, there was nothing that Natascha could do to halt the slide into unconsciousness. Instead, she inhaled deeply, surrendering to the abyss of unconsciousness and finally felt her eyes fluttering under the blindfold and her body go limp.

“Tough nut,” Nicole commented as she switched off the device.

“Indeed,” Vernie agreed. “But, they all crack in the end.”

“We can come back later and set her up for the night. Go at it fresh in the morning when we are refreshed and she isn’t.” Vernie nodded her agreement and the two women headed out of the bedroom and toward the kitchen to get a late dinner.
Geneva, Switzerland - The following day

Natascha had no idea how long she has been lying on the bed. When Vernie and Nicole had come back later on that night they had taped earbuds into her ears and strapped the stimulation device in place before saying wishing her goodnight. Even when the device eventually ran out of battery the loud music that played constantly in her ears prevented her from getting any sleep. Exhaustion was he overriding feeling as the door opened and Vernie and Nicole returned. “I hope that you got a good night’s sleep Natascha. Big day ahead!” Nicole said as she ran her fingers all along Natascha’s body from the toes to shoulders.

“MMUURRMM,” Natalie moaned before a cloth was placed over the lower half of her face. Instantly Natascha recognised the scent as chloroform and steeled herself for another intense session of questioning.

“Ready to start again Natascha?” Vernie said, followed by a light laugh. “We can do this for days,” Vernie stated. “How long can you hold out?” Eventually Natascha broke and told Vernie and Nicole what they wanted to know. Vernie reckoned it was the exhaustion that broke their captive. Being knocked out with any sedative wasn’t the same as getting decent sleep and there was only so much that any woman could take, although she admired the woman for holding out for so long. Vernie nodded at Nicole and exited the room to update Elizabeth Crawford.

“Let’s get that blindfold off,” Nicole said as the blindfold was removed for the first time in more than a day. Natascha recoiled as the light flooded into her eyes and blinked repeatedly. When she was able to focus properly Natascha noted that Nicole was approaching with a dust mask in one hand.

“I assume that is dosed with chloroform,” Natascha stated.

“Yes, I hope that you won’t try and resist.” Natascha just shook her head. Nicole placed the mask over Natascha’s nose and mouth, Natascha instantly caught the strong scent of chloroform coming from the damp cotton wool that was in the mask. Nicole slipped the strap of the mask over Natascha’s head and then stepped away and watched with interest as Natascha looked eyes with her. There was no struggling, thrashing or histrionics from Natascha, just a look of defiance as if she had chosen to be rendered unconscious, had surrendered willingly to the chloroform’s fumes. Eventually Natascha’s eyes rolled and she went into the darkness willingly. Just Vernie came back into the room with her mobile attached to the side of her face.

“That’s what she told us Miss Crawford,” Vernie said as she completed her report. “What do you want us to do with her?” Nicole looked at Vernie who shrugged a response. “Fine, understood. We should be wheels up in around two hours.”

“What does she want us to do with Natascha?” Nicole asked.

“Just leave her here,” Vernie said. “The boss doesn’t think that she will be a problem.” With the decision made Nicole set about tidying everything in the room, packing any anything that they had brought with them, including the cuffs and rope that had been used to bind Natascha to the bed. Nicole had left the woman’s folded clothes at the end of the bed with a bottle of water, Natascha’s mobile and shoes piled on top. Slipping in her down jacket Nicole took one last look around the room before grabbing the bag and leaving. In the living area Vernie was waiting for her with their other bags, they nodded to each other and left the house to find Horace waiting for them in a car with the boot open. After depositing their bags in and then closing the boot then got in and Horace moved out to take them to their rendezvous with the plane.
Mark Warwick’s apartment, east coast United States

When she had come around it hadn’t taken long for Kristin Chandler to work out that she was bound with tape, quite securely too judging by the lack of success she had when trying to get free of her bindings. Obviously, she was also gagged, but not with tape. The sensation in her mouth told her that something made of cotton in her mouth, probably a handkerchief or two had been wadded up and inside with a folded silk scarf being tied tightly over her mouth to prevent the expulsion of the packing. It wasn’t entirely silencing but it would do the job assuming that as Kristin guessed she was lying in the spare bedroom of someone’s house or apartment. After spending a fruitless hour or so trying escape the tape or removed the gag the door opened and a freshly showered Gillian Young and Mark Warwick entered the room wearing bathrobes. It didn’t take a genius to work out what they had been doing whilst Kristin had been sleeping off the effects of being chloroformed. “UURRMM, YYHHSSTT,” Kristin shouted from behind her gag.

“Now, I thought she was a professional Gillian,” Mark Warwick commented as he took up a position in the corner of the room leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. Kristin had to admit that looking at the man leaning like that she could see what Gillian found attractive about him. It was obviously his idea to kidnap her. The only question was why?

“She certainly is,” Gillian replied as she settled onto the bed. “That is why we are going to have an adult conversation about the way forward.”

“UUMMKK, UUMMPPHH,” Kirstin screamed, eyes bright and alight at the indignation of being bound and gagged.

“I have a business proposition for you Kristin,” Gillian said as she perched on the side on the bed and locked eyes with Kristin hoping that she sounded confident and in control.

“MMUUHH, UUMMPPHH, YTTUUPP,” Kristin screamed into her packed mouth, starting to thrash and roll about the bed.

“I think that you should hear her out darling,” Mark commented, moving from her position against the wall and now leaning on the frame at the bottom of the bed. “Otherwise we have to report back to our boss that you weren’t amenable to her offer. I don’t think that would be down to well and I hate to think what our instructions would be……” That seemed to calm Kristin down and she put her head back onto the pillow. Mark nodded at Gillian and walked away again.

“I will get straight to the point. We know that your parents are in financial trouble.” Gillian said. “That their farm will be repossessed by the bank unless a payment is made in six weeks.” How did Gillian know about this? Kristin had to admit that the woman was well informed. “Our offer not only includes a substantial payment for you but will also see your parent’s financial worries disappear. Our boss will purchase the farm from the bank if you agree to her conditions and then transfer the title to you on completion of our operation.” Kristin nodded slowly to let them know that she would listen to what they had to say. It was true that her parents were in trouble and Kristin had no real way to help them. “I am going to take that gag off. I trust I can rely on you not to scream? It would be pointless, as we're the only ones on this level of the building and the floor is concrete.” Kristin nodded to confirm that she understood and would comply. Gillian leaned in and picked at the knot in the silk scarf, loosened it and removed it from over Kristin’s mouth. Kirstin used her tongue to push the moist handkerchief from her mouth.

“Can I have something to drink?” Kristin asked. Gillian removed a plastic bottle from the pocket of her silk gown, opened it and raised the bottle to Gillian’s lips so that’s she could take several mouthfuls. “Thanks.” Gillian nodded. “So, what do you want?”

“Our organisation is planning an operation and we would like your help,” Gillian stated.

“Who would your organisation be?” Kristin asked.

“I think that it is better to leave that question unanswered for the moment. This is a simple offer and decision. Help yourself and your parents…”

“Our disappear,” Kristin finished with a hint of spit. Gillian and Mark exchange a look. “What is this operation then?”

“We are planning to take out Section,” Gillian said. The look on Kristin’s face told Gillian that she was shocked by this. There was certainly no chance of an oral response at this time.

“How?” Kristin finally replied.

“It is all worked out but for obvious reason we can’t divulge that at the moment.” Silence fell over the room until Mark made a suggestion.

“Take tonight to think about it and give us your answer in the morning.”

“I don’t suppose you will be letting me go and then we meet up for breakfast?” Mark smiled and shook his head.

“It’s late, dangerous out in the big city. Why don’t you stay here?”

“Do I really have an option?” Kristin asked. Mark just smiled in response. “Can I have my gag back please?” Gillian wouldn’t stuff Kristin mouth whilst she was lying down and sleeping so wrapped the handkerchiefs in the silk scarf so that there was a ball of fabric at the centre. Kristin opened her mouth and accepted the ball into it, biting down on the top and bottom and lifting her head to allow Gillian easy access to tie the ends of the scarf behind her head.
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Post by Caesar73 »

They went really tough on Natscha and Natscha really showed strength - and another Win for Crawford - sadly :)

Fantastically written [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] !

And Gilian and Mark .... again I cannot do but wonder how easily Gilian betrays her friends. Of the Characters in this Saga Gilian is the one who I find most deplorable.
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Post by Caesar73 »

It will be really interessting how things will go from here .... I really wonder if Gilians will have second thoughts at some point, about her betrayal and there is Penelope. If that plan succeeds, things might go different. If not .... I see no way at this point, how the good Guys stand a chance. But [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] has a really good hand for surprising plot twist - so nothing is taken for granted at this point :)
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 44

London, England

“Miss Gordon, please come in.” The door to the large house had been opened not long after Penelope had rung the bell. The house was very impressive, a three-storey brick building located at the junction of two streets across from a small park. Penelope didn’t know much about the property industry but the cost of that house must have been in the millions.

“Thanks,” Penelope replied as she stepped inside. The door had been opened by an older woman that Penelope assumed was the housekeeper. A large man wearing a grey suit and a black shirt and tie stood motionless just out of sight until you entered the hall. Penelope nodded a greeting but got nothing by way of a response. The interior of the house was even more impressive than the exterior. The decoration was modern but tasteful and clearly expensive. Art on the walls, thick carpet and nice furnishings.

“Mr Sharpe is in the study. Please follow me.” Penelope smiled and followed the woman through the hall and into a large study with books all around the walls, leather couches and a large snooker table. As they entered Myles Sharpe stood and approached.

“Penelope!” Myles said. “Lovely to see you again.”

“Same to you,” Penelope replied. “Hopefully without the drama this time.” With the whole being grabbed by Elizabeth Crawford’s gang there had been an obviously delay in getting in touch with Myles. It hadn’t taken long for Kendall to agree to the terms of the deal, hopefully they kept to their side, but long enough that she had fourteen missed calls from Myles on her phone. When she was able to return the calls, Penelope explained the delay as a reaction to the events of the day. It didn’t seem like an unreasonable excuse. Myles had thanked her and asked what was going on. Penelope just said that something didn’t look or feel right about the woman in the toilet. There had been reports in the press about the caterers being found tied up in their van and the speculation was that there was some kind of plan to steal some of the art. Penelope knew better but was happy to go along with that story. Myles had then invited her down to London and here we were.

“Can I take your coat and bag?” the housekeeper asked. Penelope nodded and after slipping off her jacket she handed them across. The housekeeper quietly slipped out of the room.

“How was the journey?” Myles asked.

“Excellent,” Penelope replied. And that wasn’t a lie. Myles had arranged first class train travel from Manchester and for a car to pick her up from the station. For a second Penelope considered refusing the complimentary champagne but didn’t want to be rude.

“I know that we talked about going out for dinner but I have a bit of business to take care of,” Penelope was going to say something but Myles raised a hand to stop her, “don’t worry I have arranged for a private chef to come in and make dinner. It should be good, he is excellent.” Well, that seemed to be the decision made. “Shall we have a drink?” Penelope nodded and Myles headed for the bar. Just then the door opened and Grace entered.

“Penelope! Good to see you.” Grace hugged Penelope and then went on to hug her father. “I will have the same.” Myles laughed and prepared a third glass. The evening progressed well, there was drinks, funny stories, a couple of frames of snooker, a very bad game of darts and some unbelievable food. At the end of the evening Grace showed Penelope to her room on the second floor. “Did you enjoy the evening?” Grace asked.
“Yes,” Penelope replied with a yawn, “but It has been a long day so I am looking forward to getting a good night’s sleep. This bed looks comfy.” Penelope sprawled out on top of the duvet. Grace giggled. “See you tomorrow kiddo.”

“Bye Penelope,” Grace said with a wave and then exited the room. Penelope lay still on the bed and counted to two hundred. She then sprang up and found her overnight bag. Searching through it she pulled out a white blouse and took off the black sweater that she had been wearing. Once the blouse was on Penelope checked herself in the mirror before undoing another button to show a little more of her cleavage. The neck of the blouse drew the eyes toward her bosom anyway.

“Men,” Penelope commented as she turned around and pulled a lipstick tube from her purse and held it in her palm. Another couple of items went into the back pockets of her trousers. Sitting on the edge of the bed Penelope waited half an hour for things to settle down before slipping out of the room and headed for the security room. Kendall had given her the plan for the night and told her exactly what to do and where she would have to go. The security room was at the very back of the house on the third floor. Climbing the stairs scanning in every direction as she did so Penelope soon made her way to the top and then walked casually along the corridor until she found the door to the security office and tapped lightly on it. As the door opened Penelope leant against the door frame so that all the man saw on opening the door was her frame. “Hello there,” she said with her best smile.

“Can I help you?” the large man asked. Penelope brought up the hand with the lipstick in it and ran the lipstick down her neck and onto her bosom. It was natural for the eye to follow movement and that’s what the man’s eyes did. However, they stopped at Penelope’s bosom whilst her hand carried on.

“I was looking for somewhere with spare bedding,” Penelope said as she unscrewed the top on the lipstick tube, “had an accident.”

“Sorry, I don’t.” The man wasn’t paying attention as Penelope brough the lipstick tube down and plunged the small needle into his neck. “What the hell…” the man’s hand shot to his neck as he took a step backward. Penelope smiled as the man staggered back into the room closely followed by Penelope. “ooohhh………what the…….” the man slumped down against the wall and Penelope reached into her bra and produced a cloth which she balled-up and stuffed into the man’s mouth. “mmmmm” the man mumbled and weakly waved an arm at Penelope.

“Just relax like a good lad.” Penelope took off the bottom of the lipstick that revealed a USB stick. Looking around Penelope found a drive with a USB connection and plugged it in. The man moaned again and grunted. That should be him out Penelope thought as she opened the files on the USB stick and clicked on the only application in the file to launch it. Kendall had told Penelope that this would destroy all of the CCTV recordings that were on the drive and at the same time kill any alarms. Whilst that ran Penelope turned her attention to the unconscious man. Rolling him onto his back Penelope used a couple of zip-ties to secure the man’s wrists behind his back and then his ankles. She produced another cloth from her bra and used that to cleave gag the man and then turned her attention back to the drive. It told her that it was 94% complete. That last 6% seemed to take forever. Then it jumped to 100% and she ripped the lipstick out and rammed it in her pocket. After checking for anyone in the corridor outside she slipped out of the security room and made her way to the back of the house. There was a fire escape stairwell at the back of the house and she opened the door and used the lipstick to hold it slightly open. Penelope then padded down to the bottom where there was another door that she opened. Looking out there was a half brick lying nearby, looks like somebody used this for a sneaky cigarette, and used it to prop open the external door. Going back up the stairs, well her thighs were getting a work out if nothing else, Penelope reached the third floor and checked again. Once again, the coast was clear and she slipped back into the corridor, leaving the internal door propped open by the lipstick.

After unlocking the doors Penelope returned to her room. “I can’t believe that I am doing this…” Penelope delved into her bag and removed the black rope, handcuffs and other items that she had been provided with. “Didn’t even give me the key for the cuffs.” Sitting on the bed Penelope took the first length of the black rope and used it to tie her own ankles together. “Bloody hell,” Penelope complained to herself as she tightened the ropes and knotted them. She them picked up another length of rope and used that to tie her legs together just below the knees, further rope went around her legs at positions just above the knee and then around the thighs. Next Penelope looked at the material that would form her gag. It looked like a lot. Valentine had taken great pleasure in describing how she should go about it. After a sigh of frustration, she picked up a large cloth, balled it up and stuffed it into her mouth. The cloth filled her mouth and she rolled her eyes in disbelief at what she was doing. The knotted cloth came next and she moaned as she knotted it tightly at the back of her head. Then it what she considered overkill a large wad of cotton pleat was placed over her already heavily gagged mouth and they she used a nice blue silk scarf to hold the large was in place. Out of professional pride Penelope insured that the gag was applied correctly and did its job. “mmuupphh, uummpphh,” Penelope mumbled and then grabbed a pillow from the top of the bed and positioned it nearby. Picking up the last item, the steel handcuffs Penelope stared at them. This was the point of no return. Once the cuffs were on that was it. Closing her eyes Penelope slipped the steel ring around her left wrist and locked the cuff in place. Then she put both wrists behind her back and then after swallowing hard slipped the second steel ring around her right wrist and locked it in place. “uummpph,” she gasped as her wrists were now locked securely behind her. Nothing else for it, Penelope lay down and put her head on the pillow and waited for whatever happened next.
There was something not right about that woman and Ramona was going to find out what it was. Myles had been blinded by the smile, eyes and tight-fitting clothes. Ramon had to admit that it was an enticing package but suffered from no such issues. As she was making a check of the house, she rounded a corner Ramona noted a small shaft of light between the fire escape door and the frame at the far end of the top floor corridor. “That isn’t correct.” Ramona approached cautiously and head some faint noises coming from the other side. Just as she was about to pull the door closed it burst open and Ramon found herself face to face with a young woman wearing a full length down jacket, black leather gloves and holding a silver-plated pistol at her midriff.

“Too late Ramona.” Kendall smiled and shrugged. The woman pointed the gun at Ramona and time seemed to stop for a second. Then there was a soft sound and Ramona clutched at her thigh. Romana clutched at her thigh before looking down to find a small dart embedded in it.
“What the…ooohhhh…” Ramona stumbled back a couple a couple of steps, eventually hitting the wall. Kendall stepped through the door into the corridor and looked in both directions. “ooohhh,” Ramona moaned as she slid down the wall and landed with her legs straight out in front of her. Christine came through the door behind Kendall and knelt down beside the stricken Ramon, there was a cloth in her hand and she quickly pressed it over Ramona’s nose and mouth. “mmoohh,” Ramona moaned and tried to resist but she was already weak from the dart and her eyes closed over quickly. As Kendall kept watch Christine used zip-ties to quickly secure Ramona before stuffing a cloth in her mouth and pressing a wide length of white micro-foam tap over Ramona’s lips.

“Valentine,” Kendall said. The tall woman appeared from the fire escape stairwell and grabbed Ramona under the armpits to drag her back into the fire escape stairwell, out of the view of prying eyes. “You know what the plan is ladies.” Christine and Valetine both nodded. The trio made their way along the corridor and then down the stairs. Then all knew the layout of the building from plans that they been able to source. Once of the second floor they split up. Valentine headed along to the guestrooms, Kendall and Christine headed down another floor toward the main bedrooms.
The wait seemed to drag. This time there was a clock on the wall and Penelope watched the hands tick by. One hour came and went and then the second started. When would they arrive? The longer they left it the greater the chance of the door being discovered. Never mind that! How would she explain away her current situation if someone decided to knock on her door and received a very mumbled response? “mmmooohhh,” Penelope moaned. Just then the door opened and Valetine slipped inside before closing the door quietly behind her.

“Nice to see you all tied up like that,” the woman commented as she made the short journey over to the bed where Penelope was lying. “Gags really suit you. Do you ever think about wearing them on a permanent basis?” A wide smile crossed Valentine’s lips as Penelope looked daggers at her from above the blue silk scarf that was the top layer of her gag.

“mmuupphh, hhaauummpphh,” Penelope complained.

“Lovely gag talk. Perhaps you will be gagged on a permanent basis going forward.” That comment shocked Penelope into silence and Valentine gave her a wink. “Who knows,” and a shrug. The woman located Penelope’s phone on the bedside cabinet, turned it off and removed the battery. Next, she had a rifle through Penelope’s handbag and overnight bag. Removing a couple of items Valentine slipped them into the pockets of her down jacket along with the mobile. “Shall we make a move?” Valentine took a minute to admire the writhing Penelope on the bed. “I can get what that Myles guy sees in you. I could be tempted to have some fun with you myself.”

“MMPPHHFF! MMPPHHFF!” Penelope screamed into her gag and started to thrash around on the bed.

“Will you stop that,” Valentine said putting her hands on her hips, “I said could. Under strict orders from the boss not to tamper with the merchandise.” Penelope relaxed a bit. The imminent threat seemed to have gone but the long-term prospects of that statement weren’t exactly encouraging. “Do I need to get the chloroform out or are you going to behave like a good little captive?” Penelope nodded and hoped that Valentine would interpret that as agreeing to behave. Once again Penelope did not like the implications of the use of the word captive. “Good.” Then without warning Valentine reached over and hoisted Penelope up, off the bed and onto her shoulder with what seemed to be not a lot of effort. Once the woman had Penelope positioned to her satisfaction she started to move off. “We have a rendezvous to keep.” Penelope groaned to herself as
Valentine patted her bottom a couple of time.
As Valentine was picking up Penelope the other two members of the team cautiously made their way down the stairs toward the main bedrooms on the first floor. Once on the landing Kendall nodded to the left. They stayed close to the wall as they walked along the corridor until they found the door that they were looking for and took up positions on either side. As Kendall concentrated on listening at the door for any sound of movement from within the room Christine prepared a cloth with a generous amount of chloroform. Kendall looked across at Christine and gave her a thumbs up. Christine nodded to confirm that she was ready and they Kendall slowly turned the knob and opened the door. Thankfully the hinges had recently been oiled and there was no noise as they got inside the room belong to Grace Sharpe. The carpet was a deep shag so there was no issue with noisy footsteps as the crept up on either side of the bed. At the top they paused and looked at the sleeping form of Grace Sharpe tucked up under the luxurious down duvet with her head resting on a large pillow. Kendall held up one hand and counted down from five with her fingers. One the last finger went down both women pounced in tandem. Kendall fell over Grace’s body whilst Christine clamped the chloroform laced cloth over Grace’s nose and mouth and with the other hand grabbed Grace’s arm that was above the duvet and pinned it down. It took split second for Grace to process what had happened from unconsciousness but she woke up with a flutter or eyes and a soft moan.

“mmmnnnuummm,” Grace moaned. Then the chloroform fumes must have hit home as her eyes went wide and a spilt second later, she screamed. “MMMMPPPPHHHH!” and started to properly fight, squirm and thrash. Kendall had to hand it to the young woman, she was putting up a good effort but the struggling was good for them. The more she struggled, the more chloroform fumes that she inhaled. It was two professional against one amateur and they had the advantage of surprise and leverage as well.

“Shush,” Christine cooed just relax and go to sleep. “It doesn’t hurt.” Grace shakes her head from side to side to try and shake free of the cloth but it didn’t do any good, if anything Christine tightened her grip on the cloth, knowing that Grace is trying to escape from the chloroform’s fumes. However, access to fresh air has been cut off and all that Grace can breathe in are the fumes that will send her to slumberland.

Grace’s eyes popped open when she felt the cloth over her mouth and saw the woman looming over her. In shock she started to struggle, it was the natural reaction after all. The cloth was dmap and there was a strange smell on it, some kind of chemical. After what seemed like a very short time of struggle she decided to try and stop breathing but that didn’t go very well. Her lungs screamed in protest at her continued attempts to breathe as little as possible, and soon she realised that she could no longer stop herself from inhaling as usual. As she takes a first actual full breath of the chemical on the cloth in, she feels a harsh smell hit the back of her nostrils she shouts the beginnings of an angry sentence into the cloth, but my words are unintelligibly muffled. Regardless, the sentence comes to a swift, slurred halt as Grace realises that the drug is starting to have an effect on her, her arms and legs feel heavy and her thoughts a bit confused.

Around half a minute later the fight goes out of Grace and she can only stare numbly back at Christine. Grace blinks, for a moment looking quite confused by something before her eyes drift slowly upward, rolling back. Letting out a final, defeated moan, Grace’s head falls limply to one side, unconscious. To make sure that Grace is out Christine keeps the cloth in place for another ten seconds and the lifts an eyelid to confirm. “Good to go,” Christine hisses and removes the cloth. Kendall flings back the duvet and roughly hauls Grace out of bed.

“You get the other side and let’s get going.” After Christine scrambled around the bed they picked up Grace between them, an arm over each shoulder and headed back to where they have agreed to meet Valentine and Penelope.
As they made their way down the stairs from the second floor to the first Penelope felt every bump through Valentine’s shoulder. It was not a comfortable journey. At the bottom of the stairs, they made a sharp turn and headed along the corridor. It was hard to tell from her current position but Penelope twisted and turned to try an get a better view of what was going on. Behind them Penelope could see three sets of feet. Two wearing black boots on either side of a pair of bare feet being dragged. That pair of bare feet belonged to Grace. Penelope’s heart sank a little. Poor girl had been a pawn in a game. The only positive side was that Grace was going to be targeted anyway, al least this way Penelope knew what was happening and could try and help, well if she didn’t find herself in any even worse situation that the younger woman. At the end of the corridor Valentine pushed through the fire escape door and headed down the last flight of stairs. Again, the bump, bump, bump from Valentine’s shoulder jolted through Penelope’s body. At the bottom of the stairs, they barged through a door and out into the garden. The small hurried through the small garden and through a gate into the rear lane where the van was located. As they approached the van the engine kicked into life. The rear door was already open, awaiting their arrival. Valentine dumped Penelope onto the mattress in the back of the van. Landing with a thump Penelope bounced slightly before coming to rest again. A split-second later Grace was placed down next to her. Penelope noted the greater care with which the younger woman was treated. “Don’t move whilst I replace those nasty handcuffs.” Penelope nodded and then felt Christine release released the cuffs. Freedom from bondage around her wrists was short-lived as they were quickly replaced with padded leather cuffs, just as effective but as least more comfortable. Then without warning a blindfold was place over Penelope’s eyes.
“mmmpphh,” Penelope moaned just before earplugs were forced into each of her ears cutting off all sound. Well, this was going to be a very boring journey, Penelope thought to herself.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Nice one :) Somehow I seriously doubt that things will go as planned for Penelope, but we will se :)
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 45

An island in the Mediterranean

Louise Williams and Constance Abernathy sat in two large leather chairs in silence, taking the occasional glance at each other. They had both been on shift when told to report to Elizabeth Crawford’s study when they were finished. There was a sense of apprehension in the air as they both fidgeted nervously on occasion. They the tension was ended by the arrival of Elizabeth Crawford as she burst through the door with a spring in her step.

“I need you to undertake an operation,” Elizabeth Crawford said. Louise gaze Elizabeth a quizzical look then risked an awkward look at Constance before looking back at Elizabeth. “I know what you are going to say Louise but let me explain and you will see why I want this pursued.”

“Now, this operation comes at a time where we have many irons in the fire so I am going to leave it up to you to lead and plan the mission with assistance from Constance.”

“You will select two further operatives to complete the team. The four of you will have four days to make the arrangements and execute the plan.” Elizabeth continued. “I need Vernie, Perrie and Nicole around at the moment for their experience but you can select anyone else to complete the team. As ever should any of you or your team be caught, I will disavow all knowledge of your actions.” Louise cold see the smile on Elizabeth Crawford’s face, her boss seemed to be enjoying this. “I would ask that you keep this operation secret, especially the target.” Louise and Constance looked at each other as Elizabeth just stood, looking at them.
An island in the Mediterranean

Secret Service Agent Lindsay Ralston looked out of the small portal window of the jet as it banked sharply before descending toward what looked at this height a small island. Now, where this island was exactly Lindsay couldn’t have told you. It hadn’t started well as Lindsay hadn’t liked the fact that they had to take Elizabeth Crawford’s private jet. Then it got worse when they didn’t know their final destination before take-off. To compound both of those facts the flight attendant had offered them drinks not long after take-off, which may have sounded great but the drinks had been drugged, laced with some kind of sedative that knocked them out for the duration of the flight. Not that she could have proven it without blood test but Lindsay couldn’t remember anything between the drink and a couple of minutes ago. There was a slight bump as the plane touched down, as it taxied to a stop Lindsay checker her phone and found that there was no signal. She turned and caught the attention of Evan Davenport and waived her phone in the air, mouthing no signal. Evan Davenport was the Senator Mark Davenport’s top advisor despite only being twenty-six years old. It probably didn’t hurt that she was the Senator’s daughter. Now Lindsay found herself at a location she didn’t know, without backup, totally outnumbered and without means of communication. Sitting across from Evan Davenport was U.S. Attorney Amanda Dennard who was along to make sure that everything was above board with the negotiations from a legal point of view. Lindsay was purely along for security, how she was going to provide that without her firearm was another question. “Ladies,” the stewardess began, addressing them all together. “We have arrived at our destination.”

“Where is that exactly?” Lindsay asked forcefully. That earned her a scolding look from Evan.

“I am sure Miss Crawford will be able to answer all of your questions?” the stewardess responded and fixed a professional smile on her face. “There will be vehicles meeting us to take you to the main house and your bags will also be taken care of.” The stewardess turned and headed toward the door, as she was opening it up the three passengers all got up. As Evan passed Lindsay, she leaned in. “Stay quiet and let me do the talking,” Evan hissed. “This is important.”

“There is something wrong with this whole…….” Lindsay stopped talking as she saw the look on Evan’s face before holding her hands up. As the three women exited the plane down the small set of stairs Evan and Amanda shielded their eyes from the sun, Lindsay had instinctively slipped on her shades before exiting the plane. When they got onto the tarmac there were two SUV’s waiting for them, each had two women standing beside each.

“Welcome ladies. My name is Harper.” One of the ladies introduced herself. Evan, Amanda and Lindsay all headed toward the lead SUV and the woman that had greeted them. “Miss Crawford will meet you at the main house, unfortunately something came up so she wasn’t able to meet you off the plane.” Harper opened the rear door and indicated that the three visitors should all get in. “I always ride in the front,” Lindsay stated and stopped. Harper just stood and looked at her. “Don’t worry, the girls will take care of your bags.” Evan and Amanda got into the rear of the SUV but a stand-off had developed between Harper and Lindsay about the front seat. In the end Harper won as Lindsay gave up and slid into the rear seat, allowing Harper to close the door. Not long after Harper got into the passenger seat the SUV took off from the airstrip. Lindsay tired the interior door handle and discovered that it wouldn’t open, this didn’t surprised Lindsay at all. Now inside the car Lindsay slipped off her shades and put them back in her pocket. Taking in the scenery as the SUV drove along Lindsay noted mainly cliffs and trees, there was a turning off the road that that led down to a collection of cottages around a small cove. After a short drive a large, imposing house came into view. Lindsay noted the well-manicured gardens as they turned into the drive, there was a beech and jetty on the other side of the road. They pulled up outside the house but had to wait until Harper opened the door from the outside to let them out. “Just up the stairs ladies.”

“Welcome ladies,” Elizabeth Crawford said as Evan, Amanda and Lindsay entered the reception area.

“My, this is beautiful,” Evan said in hushed tones as she looked around the impression space.

“Thank you my dear,” Elizabeth said as she approached the three women. “You must be Evan.” Indeed, it was, the blond haired, blue eyed young woman wearing a form fitting top that showed off her curvaceous breasts and a light blue business suit. A half-step behind Evan was Lindsay, who was also looking around but for a different reason, trying to identify threats. It was then that Lindsay finally got a look at Elizabeth Crawford and more specifically what she was wearing. It was a large dress, like a wedding dress or something that a woman might her worn back in the late to mid-1800s.

“Will you get a look at that,” Amanda leaned in and whispered to Lindsay. Lindsay ignored the tall, dark-skinned woman in her early forties and kept looking around. There was an alarm going off at the back of her head now. Evan had moved closer to Elizabeth Crawford and was now five paces away from Amanda and Lindsay. It was then that Lindsay noted movement out of the corner of her eye and turned her head to find two women wearing similar dresses to Elizabeth Crawford making their way behind her, blocking the escape route through the main door. A quick glance to the other side noted two women making a similar move on the other side on the hall. That alarm just got louder.

“I think that we are in trouble,” Lindsay hissed to Amanda. The woman turned and gave her a quizzical look. Lindsay indicted with her eyes towards the two pairs of women that had just moved into position to block their escape.

“I am so glad that your father decided to take up my offer to face to face negotiations,” Elizabeth said to Evan, leading the young woman off to one side slightly.

“My father has filled me in,” Evan replied. “I can’t wait to get started. I am sure that we can some to a mutually beneficially agreement.” Before leaving her father had given Evan strict instructions about what to ask for from Elizabeth Crawford to secure the agreement that the leader of the criminal organisation wanted.

“But, first of all let’s get you some rest. You must be tired after your long journey.” Elizabeth looked over Evan’s shoulder and nodded. Suddenly Lindsay felt arms wrap around her body, pining her arms to her body and rendering them useless for striking out.

“Hey!” Lindsay shouted before a woman appeared in front of her. As Lindsay wriggled around in an attempt to break free of the string grip, she noted that the woman in front of her held a thick, blue cloth in her right hand and was currently bringing it up toward Lindsay’s face. “Let me go,” Lindsay said. “What are you doing with that?” Lindsay asked as the cloth got closer and closer, it’s aim directed straight at the lower half of her face. As it got close Lindsay detected a strong odour from the cloth, it was obviously laced with something and she tried to move her head away from the cloth but the wielding it placed her left hand behind Lindsay’s head. “Don’t put that over my face,” Lindsay hissed but it was to no avail, the woman clamped the cloth firmly over the Lindsay’s nose and mouth. Instantly Lindsay’s senses were assaulted by the fumes coming from the cloth. "NOMMMPH! LMMM MMNN GFFHHMM!" Lindsay struggled as much as she could, but her attackers held firm. The fumes were sweet smelling and Lindsay guessed that it was chloroform. Lindsay hadn’t been chloroformed before but had read descriptions and the smell was as it had been described. How could she be so stupid? She had always thought that only silly girls would get trapped like this. And there she was. Being chloroformed by two model-looking women wearing ridiculously old who clearly were professionals at taking women. A quick glance with her eyes told her that Amanda was in the same position that she was. It looked like she was helpless.

“What is going on?” Evan asks having turned around at the commotion to find her two companions being attacker and cloths being held over their faces.

“Don’t worry; it is just chloroform that is being administered, something to put them to sleep. It makes it easier to restrain them properly.” Elizabeth stated.

“Chloroform! Isn’t that dangerous?” Evan exclaimed.

“About one hundred years ago yes, but after various advances in technology not any longer,” Elizabeth Crawford replied. “We even managed to get some different fragrances, some of them are nice but we always start off with the harsher ones and reward good behaviour with some nicer smelling fumes later on.”

“Later on!” Evan exclaimed. “This wasn’t part of our agreement.”

“Unfortunately, this is my island and my rules,” Elizabeth stated. “You brought them along, I didn’t invite them. They will have to submit to being restrained for the duration of their stay, or be sedated and then restrained. I don’t have a preference.”

“Sorry, I don’t understand,” Evan said, obviously now totally out of her comfort zone.

“Don’t worry darling, you will find out soon enough.” Elizabeth replied with a hint of a smile. Seeing the worried look appear on Evan’s face Elizabeth continued. “Don’t worry, we are going to take extra special care of you.”

“I must object to this treatment,” Evan replied trying to sound like she was in charge but she was not dealing with a reasonable person and she was certainly not in any position to object to anything.

“Don’t worry the chloroform will remove any objections.”

“You aren’t going to use that stuff on me,” Evan said, suddenly regaining her sense of self-importance.

“How often the chloroform is administered is dependant on how you behave.” Elizabeth produced a set of padded cuffs and dangled them on a finger in front of Evan. “Now, put you hands out in front of you.” As this exchange was taking place Lindsay was losing her fight to stay conscious. Despite her best efforts she had been unable to either break free of her attackers or removed the cloth from over her nose and mouth. The two women were obviously well practiced at subduing people and there was no escaping the fumes or their effects, Lindsay knew that she was defeated as she had now inhaled too much of fumes. It was a weird combination of making her body feel weak but almost an explosion in her senses. Her strength had been sapped, her legs were like jelly but her ears were buzzing and their were colours behind her eyes every time she had to close her eyes. The worrying thing is that the sensation was not unenjoyable. The woman that had grabbed her from behind was now supporting most of Lindsay’s weight and effortlessly manoeuvred her into a wheelchair that seemed to have appeared from nowhere. The cloth wielding woman expertly kept the cloth in place throughout forcing Lindsay to continue to inhale the fumes. As she felt something being strapped around her ankles Lindsay’s eyelids fluttered and closed for the last time.

Having watched this intently Evan stuck out her hands and felt the padded cuffs being tightly around them by Elizbeth Crawford. Evan winced a little as they were tightly fixed in place and turned to look at her wrists which were now encircled in padded leather and held closely together by a short length of chain. “Was that really necessary?” Evan asked.

“Yes,” Elizabeth replied. “And so is this.” She produced a cloth and purple silk scarf from a pocket in her down jacket.

“What are those for?”

“You need to be gagged.”

“But…but…why?” Evan seemed panicked by that. Elizabeth sighed; it was always the gag that worried women the most, far more than having their wrists bound.

“It is part of being a guest here. You have to be gagged when not in your suite. Besides. I like peace and quiet and I particularly like gagged woman. You will remain gagged at almost all times and when not gagged you will only speak when spoken to. Do you understand Evan?”
An island in the Mediterranean

Lindsay’s eyes fluttered open slowly, her head was sore and her vision was blurry. Where am I? she wondered. There was something covering her mouth. She tried to reach up to remove it, by she found that she couldn’t raise either of her hands to remove whatever it was. A quick glance down informed her that she was strapped into a wheelchair with padded nylon straps. She was a prisoner! In a flash she remembered the arm around her body in the reception hall and the smell of chloroform from the cloth that had been clamped over her nose and mouth. Lindsay shook her head to try and clear her mind, the attack had been co-ordinated and also had the element of surprise. There was nothing that she could have done to fight back. That didn’t mean she didn’t find it embarrassing to have been so easily subdued with what she guessed was chloroform. “MMMUUHH, UUMMPPHH,” Lindsay moaned into her gag, now realising that her mouth was stuffed in addition to whatever had been tied tightly over her mouth. Lindsay bucked against the restraints but she was held tightly against the thickly padded sections of the chair. In fact, even with the brake on, the chair moved more than she did, it was a total waste of effort.

“I see our guest is awake Andrea,” Taliana Londo commented. Her partner Andrea Vargas stopped what she was doing to turn around and look ay Lindsay. They both approached Lindsay in a swish of fabric and stood in front of her. “How are you feeling?”

“UUMMRRPP, MMUUPPHH,” Lindsay mumbled into her gag, still rocking the wheelchair.

“Seems to have taken it well,” Andrea commented. “Maybe not her first time.” Lindsay stopped struggling and looked at these women, wondering exactly what she had gotten herself into. “Her second time should be easier for her.” Lindsay looked on as the woman called Andrea produced a bottle and a cloth from the pocket of her down jacket.

“MMOOHH,” Lindsay said shaking her head.

“Yes, it is time for you to have another nap whilst we get prepared to get you properly restrained.” Properly restrained! What was she now? Lindsay certainly didn’t want restrained further, nor did she want another dose of chloroform.

“Sorry, it is something that you will have to get use to during your stay here. Chloroform will be administered on a regular basis and immediately if you do not obey instructions or resist in any way,” Taliana said. “Better that you learn this lesson early and get used to the sensations.” These women were out of their heads” How long did they intend to keep her here? Watching on as Andrea was satisfied that the cloth had enough chloroform on it Lindsay steeled herself by taking deep breathes through her nose. Andrea kneeled down so that she was at the same level as Lindsay and smiled before she thrust the damp cloth under over Lindsay’s nose and gagged mouth, forcing a sharp, sweet smell into Lindsay’s nostrils. She recognised the odour immediately and it only increased her alarm, knowing as she did that the fumes would soon take their toll and render her unconscious if she did not act quickly. Although she knew it would be fruitless, restrained as she was, Lindsay tried to twist free of the cloth, but found her efforts thwarted as the straps that encircled held her in place. Her own arms were pinned, and useless as she attempted to reach up and pry the soaked cloth away from her face. As she feared, the powerful vapour was making its presence felt. Her thoughts were becoming sluggish, and her strength was ebbing, causing her limbs to go rubbery. She realised the end of her resistance was drawing near then quicker than last time the chloroform took effect and Lindsay slipped into the darkness.
An island in the Mediterranean

The experience of recovering from a second application of chloroform was even worse than a single application and her head was thumping as the wooziness started to clear a little. “OOOHHH,” Lindsay gave an involuntary moan, which got the attention of Andrea and Taliana.

“Awake again,” Andrea said. “Time to get started I guess.” The two women walked across and stood in front of Lindsay. It was then that Lindsay realised that she was no longer gagged.

“What have you done with Evan and Amanda?” Lindsay asked. Andrea and Taliana exchanged a glance.

“I think that you should just concentrate on you at this point in time,” Taliana commented. “Now, we are going to let you out of the chair but no funny business our you know what happens.”

“I get chloroformed again.” Lindsay stated. The two women just nodded. That was something that Lindsay did not want to experience ever again, never mind a third time in such quick succession. “It’s not too late to change your mind about this,” Lindsay said as she was released from the chair. “You can let me go.” Andrea and Taliana just laughed gently at that suggestion, as if there was a joke that Lindsay wasn’t in on. Once the straps were removed Lindsay was helped out of the wheelchair and onto her feet. It took a while for Lindsay to find her equilibrium and Andrea kept a steadying hand on her arm whilst Taliana handed over a bottle of water Lindsay nodded, accepted the bottle and tore off of the lid. As Lindsay took sips from the bottle, she took the opportunity to look around the room. It was like a very nice hotel room with a large window, nice furnishings with a large double bed at the centre. Her gaze paused when she noted two very large, puffed up, overstuffed sleeping bags sitting on the bed. Lindsay wondered what they were for before a chill ran down her spine, surely it couldn’t be that.
“Would you please remove all of your clothes,” Andrea sated once Lindsay had put the cap back on the bottle. “Guests are provided with suitable attire during their stay.”

“Strip! You can’t be serious?” Lindsay had no intension of getting naked in front of these strangers.

“Lindsay,” Andres said wearily, “you will remember the conversation that we just had.”

“This whole process is easier when the subject is conscious,” Taliana chipped in. “But if we have to get the cloth out, we will. Don’t get embarrassed, we are professionals.” Having no desire to be subjected to the chloroform treatment again Lindsay grudgingly started to strip. Slowly she took off her suit jacket and then looked around.

“Where do I put this stuff?” Lindsay asked.

“Pile it on the wheelchair. We will take it to be cleaned and pressed.” Andrea must have caught the look on Lindsay’s face. “All part of the service,” she said with a curtsy.

“What’s with the dresses?” Lindsay asked as she hung the jacket over the back of the wheelchair.

“Strikes the right impression, projects a strong image,” Taliana responded.

“Plus, they look nice,” Andrea chipped in. “Less questions, more stripping.”

“Would it help if we played some music?” Taliana asked with a smile. Lindsay had to stop herself from laughing at that one as she perched on the edge of the bed and slipped off her socks and shoes. It was then that she noticed the plastic band around her ankle.

“What’s this?” Lindsay asked pointing at the band.

“Tracker,” Taliana replied. “Everyone wears one.”

“Why do you need sleeping bags for when there is a perfectly good bed in the room?” Lindsay decided to ask as she slipped off her suit trousers. The two other women just smiled at her, like a child who had asked a question to which there was an obvious answer.

“That’s a surprise!” Lindsay just shrugged and folded her suit trousers placed them o the wheelchair before following that with her blouse and turning to face the guards. “The panties have to go as well.”

“Why is that?” Lindsay asked crossing her arms.

“You will be wearing a diaper,” Andrea responded.

“WHAT!” Lindsay exclaimed. “No way am I letting you put a diaper on me, that’s embarrassing.”

“Look, we are professionals and so are you. You will be restrained for long period of time and we can’t be checking and releasing you all of the time to get to the toilet. If you want to take the risk then it is up to you.” Taliana continued her explanation. “Personally, I wouldn’t want to take the risk. Don’t think of it as embarrassing, think of it as practical and professional. The diapers that we have are comfortable and breathable. Just think of them as a different type of underwear.” Although not convinced by the argument Lindsay did remove her panties and put them onto the wheelchair, her face growing rede with embarrassment. “If you would just lie on the bed we can get started.” As asked Lindsay shuffled across, trying to hide her modesty, before lying on the bed beside the two large sleeping bags. “Now, we need a bit of help so if you could raise your bum that would be great.” Lindsay lifted her hips from the bed and heard Taliana slip something under her. After a couple of seconds Lindsay felt a tap on her hip and took this as a sign to lower them again. When she did Lindsay felt her bum land on something soft and thick. Lindsay lay perfectly still as Taliana finished the process of putting on the diaper by applying cream, talcum powder before bringing up the front and securing the sticky tabs to keep it in place. “Not so bad that, was it? Right get back up off the bed.” With the diaper firmly in place this more difficult than normal and Andrea gave her a hand. Whilst Andrea and Taliana were getting something else prepared Lindsay had a look down at the diaper and ran her hands over the smooth outer shell of the diaper.

“Next,” Andrea said to Lindsay, bringing her back to the here and now from running her hands over the diaper. Lindsay looked around and saw that Andrea held what looked like a ski suit but far more voluminous and with built in feet. Andrea brought it over and positioned it on the floor in front of Lindsay. “Step into the legs if you please.” Perplex as she was Lindsay once again complied and then with a little help from Andrea, especially with the arms found that she was wearing the down filled suit. Once again, she noticed its thickness and smoothness of the fabric that it was made from. Andrea zipped up the front of the suit and taking a step back commented, “that is definitely your colour.”

“Look, this is getting a bit weird now,” Lindsay said, baffled by her current predicament and the process she was currently being subjected to.

“Hands out in front of you” Andrea commended. Lindsay complied and Martinez produced a pair of finger control mitts and proceeded to put one of each of Lindsay’s hands. The mitts had a small buckle at the wrist section which Andrea tightened to lock the mitts in place. Lindsay winced as the buckle was secured and tried wriggling her fingers. The mitts were thickly padded and severely limited the movement of her fingers. That combined with the silky smoothness of the fabric on both the inside and outside of the mitts meant that trying to pick something up almost impossible rendering her hands useless. They with her hands still out Lindsay watched as Andrea placed padded cuffs on her wrists, just above the end of the mitts, locking them together with not much of a gap. “We have to gag you next, but not like before, this is different. Long term, not something that needs changed that often like a silk scarf and cotton stuffing.” Lindsay gulped and had a feeling that she was not going to like what was coming her way.

“Open your mouth,” Lindsay jumped slightly, having not noticed that Taliana had made her way behind her, then did as instructed. Taliana brought something over her head. It was a large padded gag with a ball in the middle. The large soft ball at the centre of the gag was forced into her mouth. Lindsay reacted and closed her mouth around the ball as the pad was pushed against her lips. Lindsay felt it push down on her lips as a buckle was used at the back of her head to secure it in place. Concluding that the pad was made of the same material as the mitts, thickly padded and smooth to the touch. The large ball in her mouth was smooth and didn’t allow for much movement of her tongue. Why had they gagged her? Lindsay thought. Assuming there was nobody on the island that wasn’t involved with this group then there no was point in shouting for help.

“GHHAATT, MMUURRHH,” Lindsay mumbled. Lindsay watched as Taliana picked up two straps from the bed and used them to secure her arms of her body. They were picking up the pace now as if she had somewhere to be and grabbed Natalie by the upper arm and guided her round to the other side of the bed. Andrea fully opened up one of the sleeping bags and pushed Natalie down so that her bum was resting on the inside of the sleeping bag.

“UUMM HHOONN IM DARE,” Lindsay mumbled.

“Yes, Lindsay into the bags, both of them.” Andrea must have seen the look on Lindsay’s face. “Wouldn’t worry about it, very comfortable.” As Lindsay sat in stunned silence Andrea used three more of the straps to secure Lindsay’s legs at the ankles, just below the knees and around the middle of the thighs. Lindsay felt slight discomfort as the thigh strap was tightened due to the thick diaper that she was wearing. Noticing this Andrea smiled and commented “You’ll get used to it.” This did not fill Lindsay with confidence that she would escape her current predicament anytime soon. “Swing your legs up and get in the bag.” Dazed and confused Lindsay did indeed swing her legs up and Andrea pulled the top of the bag over her and zipped the bag. “Just lie still and do not struggle whilst Taliana and I put you in the second restraining bag.” Stunned, Lindsay lay still as she felt her legs get lifted as they were slid into another bag. Lindsay didn’t struggle as the two women managed to slip the bag under her body, finally getting the hood under her head. This bag had a centre zip so Lindsay was a little shocked when she looked down to find Andrea almost straddling her to bring the two halves of the top section of the bag together and zip them in place, fighting against the loft of the down to get the zip up to the top before locking it off. “That’s us finished Lindsay. No means of escape but you will be very comfortable for the duration of your captivity as long as you relax and get comfortable.” With that Taliana grabbed the wheelchair and push it toward the door, Andrea hurrying to open it for her colleague. Once Lindsay heard the door closed Lindsay took the opportunity to have a wriggle, then a thrash about but couldn’t get free of her bonds. There was no give in the cuffs on her wrists and very little in the straps that surrounded her body. The loft in the sleeping bags made movement difficult and the smoothness of the material made getting purchase all but impossible. Someone had thought this through carefully and come up with this system. It did seem to be effective. All that she succeeded in doing was tiring herself out and building up a sweat. Thumping her head back in frustration she noticed that the thickness of the sleeping bag was increasing as the loft inflated. The bag was unlike any sleeping bag she had used before. The material was smooth and the down filling must had been very high to make the bag feel so tight around her body. “These women were out of their minds!” Lindsay thought “Who could have come up with this kind of thing!?” She felt defeated. She could not see any way out. The only way she could ever get out of the bondage was that the women would cut her loose. She could see a way of escaping on her own.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Well that was one interessting update again, more unwilling guests, and I wonder what Operation Constance and Louise shall execute. At the moment the only thing that good go wrong for Crawford seems her overconfidence and that she tries to juggle to much balls. Trusting Louise Williams with an operation seems not the wisest choice though .... [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] :) I would really like it, if something goes not according to plan for Crawford.

It is a very complex tale you have woven here, sometimes difficult to keep track, but fascinating nevertheless!

And I miss Hayley :)
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 46

London, England

Looking at the ceiling Penelope finished counting the cracks in the ceiling for the third time. When the van had finished its journey, she had been hauled up again and carried up a flight of stairs. Then she had been dumped onto a bed and all of her bindings and gag removed. “Thanks,” Penelope said to Valentine as she sat on the edge of the bed rubbing her wrists. Without replying Valentine picked up a cuff and snapped it around Penelope’s right ankle. A shocked Penelope gave the woman a look. “Almost like you don’t trust me.” Valentine pulled out one of those large cloths with the know tied at the centre. “You can’t be serious.”

“Earn some trust.” Valentine forced the large knot into Penelope’s mouth before tying the ends at the back of her head. “Now, just lie back and be quiet.” Penelope grunted a reply but lay down on the bed. The room wasn’t as nice as the room that she had been in earlier. It looked this room was lower down the list of priorities when it came to decoration. All the furniture that was in the room was the single bed that she was lying on and a single wooden chair. It was now just a case of waiting until the door opened.

Then when it did Kendall and Christine walked in. Kendall took the chair and moved it to the middle of the room and nodded toward Penelope. “You can take the gag off now.” Penelope picked at the knot and removed the offending length of cotton from around and in her mouth. “I will get straight to the point. Having discussed with our employer she is keen to find out more about what you could potentially bring to the organisation. How does that sound?”

“Ideal,” Penelope replied. “When do we have a chat? Telephone or video call.” This wild idea might actually work.

“No, she prefers to conduct most meetings in person,” Kendall replied with a smile. Penelope didn’t like that smile. “She would like to invite you to come with us.”

“Oh, really.” Penelope had an uneasy feeling creeping up her back.

“Does that put you off?” Kendall asked. Yes, it does slightly. “This is it Penelope,” Kendall began, “last chance.”

“I am keen to get going.” Penelope swallowed down any fear and apprehension that she had and managed to answer in the affirmative.

“Good. You know that you have to be properly restrained for the duration of the trip?” Penelope nodded. She didn’t want to speak for fear that her voice may crack and give away her fear. The rumours were that Elizabeth Crawford’s restraint system was unbeatable. You didn’t escape. “There won’t be any histrionics as we restrain you?” Penelope shook her head. “Alright then, let’s get started.” Kendall stood up from the chair and started to leave the room. “If you could just strip down to your underwear for the Penelope and I will let Christine gag you. I will be back before you know it with the good stuff.”

“Get that stuff off then sit in the chair,” Christine said. Penelope slowly took off her boots, socks, jeans and sweater before folding them and carefully putting them on the bed. Next, she hesitatingly moved across the room and sat in the chair. “No need to be nervous. We are professionals at this.” Christine dumped a fabric bag onto Penelope’s lap. “Could you hold that open?” In a surreal moment Penelope did as requested and watched on almost in fascination as the women delved into the bag and from it produced a white cloth and scrunched it up in her left hand. “Open wide” Christine said. Penelope froze for a moment before complying and allowing Christine the opportunity to stuff the cloth deep into her mouth, filling it completely. Penelope moaned and glared in indignation as the woman went back into the bag but didn’t attempt to expel the cloth from her mouth. Penelope watched on thinking what was next as Christine picked up a bag of cotton wool and a silk scarf. The woman reached into the bag of cotton wool pleats and produced a large wad which she placed at the centre of the silk scarf that had been folded into a wide band. Christine picked up the scarf and centred the cotton wool over Penelope’s packed mouth and held it in place whilst she took both ends of the scarf and walked behind Penelope who felt the cotton wool compress and the two ends were tied together, there was a brief pause in that increase as the woman freed Penelope’s long, black locks from under the gag then pull it tighter, eliciting a muffled groan from Penelope before securing the scarf with a knot. Then Christine picked up another cloth and folded it into a pad, placing it at the centre of another folded scarf. Christine had a wicked smile on her face as she lined the folded cloth up with where Penelope’s mouth would be and placed it over where the cotton wool was and then tied the silk scarf behind Penelope’s head, very tightly keeping, viciously compressing every other part of the gag, keeping everything snugly and securely in place. Penelope winced as the second scarf was tightened, encasing and compacting all of the material over her mouth. What was this woman doing? This gag was far more than was required to stop her from calling for help from anyone outside the house. Plus, technically she was a willing member of this party. Surely this was overkill. As the gag was completed Kendall came back into the room carrying a suit carrier in one hand and what looked suspiciously like a large version of a baby changing mat in the other.

“Good you have finished,” Kendall commented as she laid the mat down. “Slip your panties off and lie down on that will you.”
“mmmppphhh,” Penelope moaned as she complied with the instruction. Lying nervously on the mat Penelope heard the sound of fabric and rummaging before she felt cream being applied around her private areas. “mmmooohhh.” Penelope tried hard not to react.
“Just a little something to prevent a rash. Now, you may have worked out that we are going to have to put a diaper on you for the duration. Don’t think of it as embarrassing, more a practical solution to a problem. Raise your hips.” Penelope did and Kendall slipped the diaper into place. “Now down.” Penelope did and felt her bottom land onto the soft, thick fabric of the diaper. Kendall then flipped up the front of the diaper and used the sticky tabs to hold it snugly in place. “There, not that bad.” Christine offered Penelope a hand and helped her up. Glancing down Penelope took in the bulk of the diaper and ran her hands over it. “Let’s keep up the momentum.” After looking up Penelope found that Kendall was holding up a blue down filled suit. “Not sexy but extremely comfortable.” Kendall offered her opinion of the outfit as she unzipped it, knelt down and held it open. Taking the hint Penelope stepped into the built-in feet and stood still has Kendall brough the suit up and over her shoulders, Penelope put her arms into the sleeves as Kendall zipped up the suit all the way to the neck. “There we go.” Penelope felt a little weird in the suit, although it did seem to fit perfectly. Almost like it had been made for her. Penelope swallowed hard.

“mmmpphh, uummpphh,” Penelope mumbled.

“Yes, that gag is very effective and it suits you very well,” Kendall replied. “Arms out.” With a growing sense of dread Penelope did as instructed and Kendall slipped a large white padded glove on each of Penelope’s hands. “These are finger control mittens. Originally designed to stop hospital patients hurting themselves but they work just as well at preventing captives picking at knots and trying to get free. Penelope didn’t move her hands from their position, just tried to wriggle her fingers. She couldn’t move them very far. Not enough to grasp anything. The thick padding and smooth fabric inside and outside made her fingers useless. Then almost without noticing Kendall slipped a pair of padded cuffs around Penelope’s wrists and tightened the straps to keep them in place.

“uummpphhff,” Penelope winced in slight shock as her wrists were secured together. And, just like that she was their bound and gagged captive. The heavy gag insured that she couldn’t call for help and the bindings insured that she couldn’t now resist anything that happened. All that she could do was barge past them, run down the stairs, which wouldn’t be easy in this down suit and hope that there was an open door that she could burst through and get out. Opening a door was out of the question wearing these padded mittens.

“Stop complaining,” Kendall commented. “All of this is for your own comfort and safety.” Penelope’s eyebrows almost jumped off her head when she heard that statement. Then Kendall held up two large padded straps. “You can lower your arms now.” No sooner had Penelope done this had Kendall used the two straps to securely pin Penelope’s arms to her body. After completing that task Kendall spun around and headed for the door. “Bring her along Christine.” A little confused Penelope felt Christine take a firm grip of her upper left arm and start to guide her. Penelope, sort of resisted for a couple of steps, more out of bewilderment at what was going on than anything else but then fell into step and followed Kendall out of the small bedroom, almost directly across the hall and into the room where she had been tied to the chair earlier. Kendall entered first so Penelope’s view was blocked. It wasn’t until the young woman stepped off to the left that Penelope saw what was lying on the floor. It was three sleeping bags, three large sleeping bags. No change that. It was two large sleeping bags and some kind of monstrosity that was posing as a sleeping bag and hoping that nobody noticed. Penelope had used sleeping bags to restrain people before, they were good for it but these contraptions were on a different level entirely. They were obviously custom made for a start.

“mmpphh,” Penelope mumbled a question.

“Yes, all three Penelope,” Kendall confirmed. “Let’s get stared by getting you lying down on that bag on the right as we look.”

“uummppff, hhuummpph.” Penelope stopped dead, her mind racing about what was about to happen. What would it be like inside those bags?

“This is the price of entry to the, what did you call it, the big leagues?” Kendall confirmed. With her mind racing Penelope shuffled forward and stood beside the bag. It wasn’t that easy getting around wearing a down suit, large diaper and with your arms fixed to your torso. “Apologies, you will need some help.” It must have looked awkward for anybody looking on but with some help from Christine, Penelope found herself lying on the bed of the bag. “Need to secure your legs first.” Now, that did seem like overkill bondage to Penelope. It was to late to object now and she lay still as Christine put a set of padded leather cuffs around Penelope’s ankles and followed that up with other padded leather straps just below and above Penelope’s knees and then around the thighs. Penelope winced slightly as the thigh straps was tightened as it pinched against the diaper.
“You will get used to that,” Christine commented on noticing the facial expression. That was not a statement that eased any of Penelope’s fears. Picking up Penelope’s feet Christine started to position the bound woman to her satisfaction, placing Penelope’s feet into the box of the bag Christine then stepped away and happy with her handiwork flipped the top open and pulled the zip up before Penelope could roll out, it was a double zip and Christine clipped them together with a small travel padlock. Penelope was now encased in a down cocoon with no means of escape from inside. Christine disappeared and Penelope heard another swish of fabric and groaned. There was little that she could do to prevent what was about to happen. Penelope could only lay on my back and squirm, trying to get comfortable. Fortunately, in this bag there was a built-in pillow in the hood and Penelope just lay back and waited for what would happen next.

“Just you relax and let us do the work Penelope,” Kendall said. With the hood it was hard to see but Penlope could hear shuffling around. Then she felt herself being lifted from the ground and moved a couple of paces to the right before being placed down again, this time on something soft and puffy rather than the floor. As Christine worked to get Penelope’s feet and the bottom of the frist bag into the box of the second Penelope felt herself partly sink into the loft of the bags, it felt like being swallowed up by some strange device. Finally satisfied at what she had been doing Christine flipped over both halves of the top of this bag, it had a central zip, and slowly began to zip it up, given the loft that took a bit of effort. When she reached the top of the bag Christine locked eyes with Penelope, clearly enjoying the helpless look that she gave her in return. Then Penelope found that she was now fully zipped into the second bag, there was no chance of escape and Penelope moaned softly to herself. Then Penelope felt something press down around her thighs, which was a good effort considering how much down was surrounding her. “Won’t tighten these too much.” Two ratchet straps were applied around the thick down cocoon. There was silence until Penelope felt herself pivoting at the waist as she was lifted up by the second strap that had been placed around her torso. Finding herself face to face with Kendall who indicated off to her left. “Meet the monster!” Rachel exclaimed, clutching the ratchet strap tightly and pointing at a sleeping bag sitting on the floor next to Penelope’s already massive down cocoon. In panic, Penelope frantically shook her head, pleading not to be placed in that thing, the last thing she wanted was to be shoved into that beast. It was an absolutely monstrous bag. The mass of shiny blue nylon was unbelievably puffy, Penelope had never seen anything like it. It made the puffy restraining bags that she was currently wearing practically look like nothing in comparison, it looked so massively insulated. Kendall dropped Penelope back down with another whump and pulled the bag onto the floor next to Penelope’s already heavily bound body. Kendall began slowly unzipping the bag, relishing in seeing the panic in Penelope’s eyes and her soft whimpers. Once the bag was unzipped it sat there ominously waiting to gobble up its soon-to-be occupant. “Had to get this specially made,” Kendall commented as she went about unzipping the bag and making sure that it was laid out perfectly to accept its unwilling occupant. “Made to measure size wise and a lot of extra down stuffing.” Kendall finished unzipping the massive bag, stood bag and left the bag lying open, awaiting its captive. Leaving Penelope to mull over what was about to happen. “Only had I think one other bag like this before. Boss, obviously thinks that you are special.”

“Let’s just get this finished,” Christine said as she grabbed the bottom strap. With Kendall taking the top strap then both hoisted Penelope into the air and dropped her into the welcoming grasp of the last bag. Christine, obviously happy with the initial positioning of Penelope, flipped over the top of the bag and stood aside as Kendall took over. She began zipping the monster bag shut at a very slow pace, both for dramatics and because it was such a tight squeeze that she really had to force the zipper to keep moving. Penelope moaned as he felt the fat mass of nylon and down squeeze against her from all sides. The zipper was only up to his waist at this point, but she could already feel the pressure of her situation magnifying greatly. Penelope frantically shook her head no and tried to beg into her massive gag for mercy in one last frantic attempt to avoid this brutal mummification. Her pleas came out as an unintelligible mix of moans and mumbles as the gag did is job to almost perfection. The bag was nearly zipped closed now and as she was squeezed uncomfortably on all sides by the thick wall of insulated nylon, she cursed her bad luck for ever agreeing to this in the first place. If she ever got out of this then Jaclyn Sanders was going to owe her big time.

“mmmhhmm, oohhmm,” Penelope moaned as she adjusted to her current position.

“Comfortable?” Kendall asked, her head appearing in Penelope’s vision. Penelope just glared a reply. “Almost as if they were made for you.” Kendall had a wicked smile on her face. “Well, they actually were. We got your measurements when you were having a chloroform nap the first time that you were here.” Penelope sense of dreed was increasing rapidly. There was no way that she could keep that to herself now. “The boss was that keen to meet you that she had these rush made and sent across. As I said earlier, keep you comfortable and safe in transport.” Kendall laughed softly as Penelope lost control and started to squirm and thrash for all that she was worth, trying to ger free of her bonds. It was pointless. In addition to being tightly bound the down loft and cloying but at the same time smooth fabric around her made any kind of movement difficult.

“mmmppphh! gguummpphh!” Penelope complained pointlessly into her gag whilst continuing to thrash around. It was pointless, the only thing that she was doing was burning energy and building up a sweat, but she couldn’t help it.

“I think that you need something to help you calm down,” Kendall disappeared from view for a minute before reappearing half a minute later with a thick cloth in her left hand. “This is the good stuff. A properly applied dose of this will keep you out for a couple of hours.” As the cloth was lowered Penelope turned her head one way, then the other in a vain attempt to avoid the inevitable. Penelope moved her head as far away as possible and kept it there. “What is that going to achieve? Nothing.” Blowing out air through her nose in frustration Penelope had to admit that the young woman was correct. So, against her better judgement she turned her head back to face upwards and was rewarding with a face full of material as a cloth was pressed over her nose and gagged mouth. The intense smell hit her immediately, fortunately it wasn’t that bad. “Nice and relaxed. Good girl.” Penelope inhaled the fumes and took deep breathes, hoping to get this over with quickly. The drug started to take effects, Penelope felt herself relax, almost as if she was floating away. Then her vision started to narrow and she suddenly felt tired and it was a fight to keep her eyes open. Eventually they fluttered and then closed over. Kendall kept the cloth in place for another couple of breathes before removing it. “Well, that was enjoyable.”
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Post by Caesar73 »

Interesting - so Crawford had the Bags custom made on short notice for Penelope - indeed she must think her something special. Hayley had the pleasure to enjoy the Comfort of this massive third Bag too :) And Penelope´s Apprehension is nicely described [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] What may lay in store for Penelope?

We haven´t heard from the good Guys in a while: we left Natscha as she was put to sleep after the Interrogation, and the others are still around to ...this is such a complex tale, I know, repeating myself here :)
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 47

Mark Warwick’s apartment, east coast United States

It was an uneasy night’s sleep for Kristin and it wasn’t all to do with the being bound and gagged. After recovering from the shock of being abducted by a colleague and her boyfriend, who also happened to work for a shadowy Government organisation, Kristin had tossed and turned trying to make her mind up. It had been a punch to the gut. They she had been presented with a choice, betray her country, friends and the organisation that employed her or rescue her parents from financial oblivion. The door opened and Gillian and Mark entered looking fresh but slightly apprehensive at what would happen over the next five or ten minutes. Gillian walked over to the bed and removed the scarfs that had been used to gag Kristin. “Any chance of untying me?” Gillian asked.

“Let’s see how this goes first,” Mark replied. An awkward silenced descended over the room whist they waited for Kristin to give her answer. In the end it was an easy decision. Kristin nodded her head.

“I will help you,” Kristin said, closing her eyes and hanging her head slightly.

“Good,” Mark said and nodded at Gillian who then spent the next couple of minutes extracting Kristin from the tape that enveloped her body before helping her up onto her feet.

“Why don’t you get freshened up and then join us for breakfast,” Gillian. Then she left the room with Mark and left Kristin to use the small bathroom. Whilst washing her face she caught her reflection in the mirror and then had to quickly look away. It would be some time before she could look herself squarely in the eye again. Leaving the bedroom Kristin trudged along the short corridor toward the kitchen. Gillian and Mark were sitting around a table and Mark indicted that Kristin should take one of the spare seats. There were bagels and oranges juice and despite her situation Kristin tucked in. There was silence until Gillian indicted toward a phone that was sitting on the table. Kristin recognised it as her own. They must have rummaged her bag last night. “We have cloned you phone so that we can monitor all calls, texts and e-mails.”

“There is an encoded group chat that only the three of us can access. Keep looking at it for updated about what is happening.”

“What is the plan anyway?” Kristin asked. “There are three of us,” she looked around the room. “Surely we would need more numbers.”

“You will be advised of the exact plan closer to the time,” Mark answered.

“And don’t worry about the numbers, that has all been taken care of,” Gillian commented.

“What are the timescales?” Kristin asked.

“It is flexible but it will be soon,” Mark said. “So, be prepared.” The discussion over silence fell over the three of them again as they finished off breakfast. When that had been finished off Mark offered Kristin a lift but she declined and called a cab to take her home.
An island in the Mediterranean

As she sat in forced silence on the chair Evan Davenport followed every movement with her eyes, growing more and more nervous with each passing minute. After the shock of seeing her two companions attacked, forcibly sedated using chemical-soaked clothes and then wheeled away Evan had been escorted from the main hall and into this study by Elizabeth Crawford. There she had been led to a classically styled hard backed chair and gently eased into it. Once seated a woman wearing one of the large dresses had appeared, knelt down and snapped a plastic bracelet around her ankle before tying her ankles together using a silk scarf. The bondage wasn’t tight but was effective. “Thank you, Gisele. Please leave us now.” Gisele nodded and left in a swirl of fabric. “As much as a like a nicely gagged young woman I am going to remove that gag,” Elizabeth said. “Well, after taking a photograph.” Elizabeth picked a mobile up from the large desk and quickly took a snap of Evan. “You look great.” Evan watched Elizabeth push buttons on the phone before setting it back down. “Sent.” Then the woman removed Evan’s gag.

“What are you doing?” Evan asked wit ha little bit of confidence.

“I believe the technical term would be extortion but you could go with holding you hostage.”

“What have you done with Lindsay and Amanda?” Evan asked.

“I would start worrying about your own position rather than theirs if I was you Evan.” Suddenly that little bit of confidence disappeared.

“Senator Davenport has asked me to come here and commence negotiations on his behalf.”

“And I am glad that he did,” Elizabeth replied, clearly enjoying her position of dominance. “Why don’t you just call him dad?”

“Well, that would be unprofessional,” Evan replied.

“I can see where that would be an issue,” Elizabeth said nodding her head as if agreeing. “How was the fligh….” Elizabeth stopped as the phone on the desk burred softly. “I think that I had better take this. Be a good girl and keep quiet.” Evan watched on as Elizabeth accepted the call and took a couple of steps away from the desk.

“Senator Davenport, I was hoping that it was you. A pleasure to speak with you.” Startled slightly at finding out that it was father on the other end of the call Evan listened intently as she could only hear one side of the conversation. There was an exchange before Elizabeth’s voice took on an edge. “You don’t understand Senator the time for negotiations has passed. Now, I will make this very quick and to the point. I am holding all of the cards so you will do as I say or not only will your daughter disappear.” Elizabeth held up a finger to silence any objection from Evan. “The evidence of your little backhander from certain business interest will find it’s ay to the New York Times.” Elizabeth stood stock still and listened. “I won’t even mention that night in Las Vegas……”

“What?” Evan asked.

“I am glad that you see it from my point of view. Now, what I want is relatively simple. I would like Jaclyn Sanders replaced as head of Section 12.” Elizabeth stood listening. “You are one of the most powerful men in the Government and with your position on a certain Committee I have no doubt that you can make it happen. I am sure a man with you power and way with words can remove any obstacles that may get raised.” Elizabeth listened again. “Very perception of you Senator, I do indeed have someone in mind to replace Jaclyn Sanders. Well, with all the controversy that I have seen on the news I thought a name face would be welcome. I have already prepared a statement for you. There has been enough going on within that organisation to justify the action. I shall e-mail you the details. Lovely to speak with you.” Elizabeth hung up the call. “Well, the good news is that the Senator has agreed to my terms.”

“Why?” Evan said

“Well, your boss hasn’t got any option. He will do exactly as I ask or I shall release the information that I have on him and let the masses make up their own mind.”

“What was that talk on Las Vegas?”

“He, hasn’t told you what it is?” Elizabeth asked. Evan shook her head. “I think I should let him tell you himself when you get back.”

“Are you letting me go then?”

“No, sorry, not until the part of the plan that I need your father’s help with has been completed.” Elizabeth said. “I think that it is time to properly establish the captor and captive dynamic.” Elizabeth pushed a button on her desk.

“But, but; I don’t understand. I thought that I was here to negotiate.” The door opened and Perrie and Gisele entered the room.

“It is now time for you to experience that the wonders of being properly restrained and chloroformed Evan,” Elizabeth said.

“Sorry, but I really, really don’t understand,” Evan almost sobbed.

“Don’t make this any harder than it has to be. Just go with these ladies, they are Perrie and Gisele, obey their commands and they will take good care of you.”
An island in the Mediterranean

Then the door opened and being inquisitive and to honest bored Raquel English struggled against her bonds and the loft of the down filled restraining bags to get a view at what was happening. After managing to lift her head and get an unobstructed view Raquel saw two of Crawford’s female goons, Perrie and Gisele, leading a bound and gagged young woman with shoulder length blond hair wearing a smart business suit and white blouse into the room and toward the other bed. It looked like she was about to get a roommate, well that was something to look forward to if they ever let her out of these restraining bags for long enough to socialise with anyone. Even taking the gag off would be a start. It was then that Raquel noticed that another pair of restraining bags had been laid out in anticipation of another captive being welcomed aboard. They must have done that after they had administered her last dose of chloroform earlier in the day. This blond woman was obviously the unwilling victim that was to get to sample the delights of a down filled cocoon. “Let’s just use the chloroform and knock her out Perrie,” Gisele suggested. “I can’t be bothered with any struggling. The boss said it was time that she sampled it’s delights.”

“MMOOWW,” Evan mumbled from behind her gag.

“Stop teasing the young lady,” Gisele said. “Besides, you know it’s easier when they are awake. Harder to move a dead weight around.”

“UUMMPPHH,” Evan mumbled again and nodded her head.

“Looks like she is going to comply,” Gisele said with a smile.

“Alright then Evan, that’s better. Don’t resist us. As long as you behave and do exactly as we instruct, we can forgo the use of chloroform.” Evan nodded her understanding. Looking on Raquel could see the young woman’s shoulders slumped, the realisation of her predicament suddenly hit her. It was amazing what the threat of being forcibly put to sleep could achieve on a woman’s behaviour. Raquel didn’t like accepting defeat, but the in this situation there was no other option but to comply, she had enough experience of this binding system to know that there would be no escape from the restraining bags without help. Unless you managed to hide a sharp knife on your person. Perrie moved behind Evan and removed the cuffs that kept Evan’s wrists bound behind her back. Once they had been released Evan rubbed both of her wrists, even though they had only been bound for ten minutes. Perrie then undid the knot on the scarf that was tied over Evan’s mouth which allowed Evan to spit out the cloth that had been forced into her mouth earlier. “Now, was there any need for that,” Perrie chided.

“Right strip, everything has to come off except the bra, including panties. Don’t worry its nothing kinky we just need to put a diaper on you,” Gisele ordered, taking a step back and planting her hands on her hips.

“Why…why do you need to do that?” Evan asked.

“It is purely for practical reasons and also your comfort. Don’t worry you will get used to the diaper. You will be restrained for a long period of time so if you want to take the chance it’s up to you but I certainly wouldn’t want to” Gisele said nodding toward where Raquel was lying. Evan took a glance across as if noticing the large sleeping bag like contraption for the first time. Evan took in the sight and inhaled deeply. There is someone in the middle of that. Evan thought she detected some movement within the object on the other bed. That is what is going to me was the next thing that crossed her mind. From her position Raquel noted the change in the young woman’s body language and knew that Miss Blond had just worked out what was about to happen to her. Once Evan has stripped, leaving a neat bundle of clothes on the floor Gisele began the process of securing Evan. “First things; hands out in front of you”. Evan reluctantly complied and watched on nervously as Gisele picked up what looked to her like a pair of large, heavily padded white gloves and proceeded to put one of each of Evans hands. “They are finger control mitts. Originally developed for the medical sector but adapted by us to stop captives picking at knots and buckles” Gisele explained. The mitts had a small buckle at the wrist section which Gisele tightened to lock the mitts in place. Evan winced as the buckle was secured and tried wriggling her fingers but the thick padding severely restricted their movement. That combined with the silky smoothness of the fabric on both the inside and outside of the mitts meant that trying to pick something up almost impossible rendering her hands useless. Evan had a feeling that she was not going to like what was coming her way.

“Open your mouth” said Perrie. Evan jumped slightly as she was still staring, engrossed at the strange mitts that had been placed on her hands; then did as instructed. Perrie advanced toward her with something in her left hand; it was a large padded gag with a ball in the middle. The large soft ball at the centre of the gag was forced into Evan’s mouth. Elise’s reaction was to close her mouth around the ball and Perrie pushed the pad firmly against Evan’s lips. Evan felt the pad press down on her lips as a buckle was used at the back of her head to secure the in place. Evan concluded that the pad was made of the same material as the mitts, thickly padded and smooth to the touch. Whilst Perrie was busy gagging Evan her partner Gisele went to the large cupboard in the room and took out a changing mat and a chunky pink package. With the restraining bags covering the bed Gisele put a changing mat on the floor.

“Lie down on that and I can get a diaper on you.” Evan looked on as Gisele unfolded the chunky pink object out into the recognisable shape of a diaper. Evan knew that her face was getting brighter by the moment but awkwardly managed to get into a prone position on the mat. Evan’s embarrassment not helped by the two women that were now looming over her. Gisele then got down on both knees in a position, careful to protect her beautiful dress, to apply the diaper. “Raise your bum like a good captive” Gisele requested. Evan lifted her hips from the mat. After a couple of seconds Elise felt a cold rubbing sensation over her bottom and most private areas, once that had been completed, she felt a substance being applied to the same areas and then a tap on her hip and took this as a sign to lower her bottom again. When she did Evan felt it land on something soft and thick and she remained perfectly still as Gisele proceeded to diaper her like a child. “Lift your knees up toward your shoulders.” Evan did as requested and then Gisele applied talcum powder and pulled the diaper between Evan’s legs, making sure it was nice and tight before she finished the process of putting on the diaper by securing the sticky tabs to keep it in place. “Not so bad Evan. Right, get back up off the mat.” With her hands in the mitts and the diaper firmly in place this more difficult than normal it would have been normally and Evan needed the help of Gisele. Whilst Gisele was helping Evan to her feet Perrie had removed a large, pink garment that was hanging in the cupboard and held it up against Evan.

“That should fit nicely.” To Evan it looked like a ski suit but far more voluminous and with built in feet. Perrie unzipped the suit and held it open “Step into the legs if you please” Evan once again complied and with a little help from Perrie, especially with the arms found that she was wearing a down filled suit. Again, Evan noticed its thickness and smoothness of the fabric that it was made from. Perrie zipped up the front of the suit. “Hands out again” Evan did as ordered and watched as Gisele placed padded cuffs on her wrists, just above the end of the mitts, locking them together with not much of a gap. Perrie picked up two straps from the bed and used them to secure Evan’s arms of her body. Evan had never been tied up before, not even when playing as a kid and was stunned and shocked at the seriousness and professionalism with which these two women had set about binding her. Evan was brought out of her reverie by the sound of the zip that Gisele had just pulled down in order to fully open up one of the sleeping bags that were lying on the bed. Perrie grabbed Evan’s shoulder and pushed Evan down so that her bum was resting on the inside of the sleeping bag.

“Legs together Evan” Gisele then used three more straps to secure Evan’s legs at the ankles, just below the knees and around the middle of the thighs. Evan felt slight discomfort as the thigh strap was tightened due to the thick diaper that she was wearing. “Swing your legs up and get in the bag” Gisele said sternly. Once again with a little assistance Evan managed to do as instructed. Lying perfectly still, nervously awaiting what was coming next Evan looked on as Gisele pulled the top of the bag over her and zipped the bag up fully. Out of the corner of her eye Evan noted Perrie pick up the second bag. Raquel watched all of this with a detached professional eye. “Evan please do not move around whilst we put you in the second restraining bag.” Evan lay still and felt her legs lifted as they were slid into another bag. Evan didn’t struggle but she wasn’t going to assist her captors either so she lay there as dead weight as the two women managed to slip the bag under her body, finally getting the hood under her head. This bag had a centre zip so Evan soon found Perrie almost straddling her to bring the two halves of the top section of the bag together and zip them in place, fighting against the loft of the down to get the zip up to the top before locking it off. “That’s us finished Evan. No means of escape but you will be very comfortable for the duration of your stay with us. Hopefully that won’t be too long.”

Having now been left alone, well with only the other down entombed woman called Raquel on the other bed for company she may have well be alone Evan took the opportunity and had a wriggle but there no give in her bindings. What’s more with the smoothness of most of the material she couldn’t gain any purchase to get something loose by rubbing them against each other. The bag was unlike any sleeping bag she had used before when camping with her family. The material was very, very smooth and the down filling must have been very high to make the bag feel so tight around her body. Raquel now relaxing with her head resting in the thickly padded hood of the restraining bag and the soft, thick pillow under her head heard the movement on the other bed and smiled, well as much as the large gag in and over her mouth would allow. For her own sake I hope that she stops that soon.
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Post by Caesar73 »

So Evan is a another pawn on the Chessboard - and we met Raquel English again, it has been a while :)

As to Gillian .... I already said my piece, so I am repeating myself here. Among all the Characters of this outstanding Saga, she is by far the one, whose morality is most questionable. Crawford and her Associates are Criminals and do not pretend to be anything different, Gillian on the other hand has no Problems with betraying her Friends and Colleagues - at least so far she showed no scruples till now. I am really curious if she discovers her conscience at some point.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 48

Geneva, Switzerland

With her hand in her hands and bare feet planted on the floor Natascha ran her fingers continuously through her hair. The chloroform on the cotton wool in the mask had finally dried out and the fumes had become weak enough that Natascha had been able to regain enough of her wits in order to remove the mask from over her nose and mouth. Once that job was complete it still took Natascha what she reckoned was about an hour of lying on her back taking deep breathes to regain enough of her strength and faculties to actually get into a sitting position on the side of the bed. Natascha had no need to rush, if they had left her unbound and conscious then Nicole and Vernie were long gone. They had left her clothes piled on a chair on the other side of the room but she couldn’t face putting them on just yet. Having drank the full bottle of water that Nicole and Vernie had left for her Natascha noted that there was a shower in the bathroom and decided that she would have a long hot shower before doing anything else. Anyway, with her phone dead she would have to walk so there was no rush.
In the air over the Mediterranean

As the plane levelled out and the seatbelt sign went out Louise and Constance leaned down and released the lock that kept their seats facing forward and spun them round so that they were now facing the two other member of their team, Gisele and Yelena. Constance had been glad that they had been allowed to select these two operatives to complete the team on what would be a difficult mission. “What’s the job?” Yelena asked in her usual blunt manner. Constance couldn’t supress a smile as she leaned in and pulled four slim folders from the side pocket of her seat. Admittedly it was a bit old fashioned but she had enjoyed putting the information together, made her feel like a spy in some old-fashioned film.

“Our target is Jasmine Lockspeiser,” Constance announced as she slid the folders across the polished surface of the table that was between the two sets of chairs. There was an audible intake of breath from Gisele to go along with a disbelieving look, even Yelena who had little interest in popular culture arched an eyebrow.

“She is one of the most famous people on the planet. How are we going to pull this off?” Gisele asked after she had recovered from the initial shock. “I follow her on Instagram.” Constance smiled again. Now, for some context Jasmine Lockspeiser was a star of stage, screen and music before her thirtieth birthday. Jasmine was the biggest selling musician of the first half of the decade before moving to stage and screen where she had won a Tony and Oscar before switching back of music twelve months ago with a critically acclaimed and commercially successful album that had landed her numerous awards including a couple of Grammys

“That is a good question,” Louise answered. “Gisele as you follow Jasmine on social media you will have noticed that she has not been as active as usual on that front over the past couple of weeks.” Gisele nodded to confirm that was indeed the case. “Now as some background Jasmine’s parents both died in a tragic accident when she was young and she was taken in by her father’s sister and her husband and they became her legal guardians. With her natural talents being obvious her aunt and uncle started a management company and signed young Jasmine to an exclusive ten-year contract that gave the company massive control over her career and a large cut of her earnings.”

“I think I heard rumours about this,” Gisele commented. Constance glanced at Yelena and could tell that the woman had no interest in this kind of chat.

“All legal and above board from our research and sources. The contract automatically renews for a further period of ten-years in six weeks unless she signs with another management company in the final week of the contract.” Constance chipped in.

“That is very specific,” Gisele commented. “And probably the reason that she has disappeared.”

“Exactly,” Louise responded. “The rumour is that this woman,” Louise held up a photograph from the file, “Melissa Jackson has her stashed away somewhere. Hoping to keep her away from the influence of her aunt and uncle long enough to get the contract signed in five weeks.”

“Certainly, motivation for her aunt and uncle to remove any chance of that happening.”

“That’s why we have been brought in.” Louise didn’t mention that the fee that Elizabeth Crawford had extracted from the aunt and uncle had was a twenty-five percent stake in their management company. It would be another good start to their legitimate business dealings.

“What’s the plan then?” Yelena finally entered the conversation and always getting straight to the point.

“Well, it is old fashioned extortion. Melissa Jackson has a daughter who is currently on vacation. We snatch her and use her as leverage to force Melissa to give us Jasmine’s location.” Louise responded. With the serious conversation over Constance settled in for the long flight, fingers crossed she would get some sleep as it was going to be a long trip.
Washington State, United States of America

The flight was indeed long with two stops along the way and its was a slightly weary group that made their way down the stairs from the fuselage and onto the apron of the private airfield. Constance and Louise looked at each other and shrugged, they had arranged for someone to meet them on landing but they couldn’t see anything. They had instructed the pilot to taxi the plane to the far end of the airfield away from the terminal and hangers. There was a chill in the air and all of the team had slipped on their down jackets, Constance and Yelena had full length versions whilst Louise and Gisele had on the shorter variety. Constance also slipped on a pair of sunglasses and a thin pair of leather gloves. As Constance walked clear of the jet Louise just stared at the woman, she seemed to wear anything well. “Where is she?” Constance asked as she spun around and started to walk back toward the rest of the group.

“I think that I can see something,” Louise responded whilst pointing at something in the distance. Constance turned around again and followed the line of Louise’s finger to a reflection of light in the distance. They all stood and watched as the reflection of light turned into the solid shape of a black van that grew bigger and bigger until it pulled to a halt just short of them. A tall woman stepped out of the driver’s side and made her way toward them wearing jeans, sweater, a suede jacket and hiking boots.

“Good morning ladies,” the woman said. “Shannon Benoist.” The woman extended a hand and shook all four offered hands in turn as Constance made the introductions. “Let’s get the van loaded and head to the safehouse.” Shannon went back to the van and opened the side door to reveal the interior. They then packed the van with all of their luggage, a suitcase and bag of clothes and personal belongings, a lot of compression sacks and bags containing other equipment. After that job had been completed the group piled into the van, Louise and Constance up front on a bench seat with Shannon and Yelena and Gisele on individual seats in the back. Before they left Louise had instructed the pilots to have a day off but then be ready to leave at short notice any time from noon the following day. As they left the airfield Shannon turned left.

“How long to the safehouse?” Louise asked.

“Forty-five minutes obeying speed limits and other laws of the road,” Shannon replied with a smile. “The hotel where the target is staying is closer as it is basically a straight drive on the main road once you come off that junction.” Louise and Constance both craned necks to get a look at the exit from the main road onto the road they were currently on.

“Did you manage to undertake all of the tasks that we asked?” Louise asked.

“Yes. I have all of the notes, diagrams and plans waiting for you to review,” Shannon caught the look on Louise’s face. “Don’t worry, everything sensitive is locked away in a hidden safe. It would take hours to find and then longer to get into unless you wanted to use a lot of explosives.” They all settled in for the remainder of the ride to the safehouse. Constance looked in the scenery which was mainly large trees and steep mountains, Shannon hummed to herself and tapped a rhythm on the steering wheel, Louise concentrated on her phone, Gisele had nodded off and Yelena stared intently out of the front windscreen with a blank expression.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 49

London, England

Since coming around Penelope had been undertaking a breathing exercise to retain her composure. This was the situation that she found herself in and there was no point in worrying or panicking at this point, although that may come later on depending on what happened later. There was something about Kendall that Penelope thought wasn’t quite right and there could be a chance that the young woman could be playing a game. Taking some time to properly assess her situation Penelope noted that the down lost in the bags had increased significantly during the duration of her forced slumber so that the smooth fabric was pressing even tightly around her body. Having been bound in sleeping bags before this wasn’t exactly a totally new experience but there was something different about her current situation. There was far more down and it seemed tighter around her body. They again, they were purpose made so perhaps that was the difference. On a professional level Penelope had to give them credit for this restraint system. Even in the sort time that she had been inside the bags Penelope could tell there was no way to escape without help. Bloody hell! As much as she didn’t want to admit is she did feel incredibly cosy and comfortable, almost to the point of not wanting to escape. Not that she could. As she lay there thinking about the choice that Jaclyn had given her, do this go to jail. The thought that she may have had more freedom in jail crossed her mind.
Then the door opened and being inquisitive Penelope struggled against her bonds and the loft of the down filled restraining bags to get a view at what was happening.

What she saw was Valetine and Christine wrestling a bound and gagged Grace into the room and toward the bed. It was then that Penelope noticed that another pair of restraining bags had been laid out in anticipation of welcoming an unwilling captive that would soon sample their down filled delights. That was obviously to be Grace. No doubt they would be custom made to closely hug the younger woman’s body as well. Penelope sniffed, it seemed that she was indeed special with her own three restraining bags whilst Grace only had the pleasure of two. “Let’s just use the chloroform and knock her out Christine I can’t be bothered with this struggling.” This comment had come from Valetine. “Get a cloth prepped whilst I hold her.” Christine let go of Chritine’s left arm and pulled a thick white cloth from the pocket of her full length down jacket. The sight of the cloth seemed to strike fear into the Grace who stopped struggling at once.

“mmmoohh, mmmooohhh,” Grace mumbled shaking her head.

“If you don’t want the chloroform then behave,” Christine admonished the young woman like a naughty primary school child. Penelope was struggling to get a good view from her position on the floor but it looked and indeed sounded like Grace was already thoroughly gagged. From the quick look that Penelope had of Grace she was already wearing a down suite and therefore would already be wearing a diaper, not diaper Pen, you are English. It was nappy. Plus, the rest of the upper body bondage. Then Penelope heard the sound of a zip, that was Christine pulling down the zip in order to fully open up one of the restraining bags that were lying on the bed. Another bonus for the main prisoner obviously, the bed rather than the floor. Valentine grabbed Grace’s shoulder and pushed her down so that her bum was resting on the inside of the restraining bag. “Legs together Grace. After the younger woman complied Christine applied the ankle cuffs before using three more straps to secure Grace’s legs at the just below and above the knees and around the middle of the thighs. Grace felt slight discomfort as the thigh strap was tightened due to the thick diaper that she was wearing. “You’ll get used to it.” Penelope didn’t like this comment. It did suggest that they would both would be bound like this and wearing a diaper for a significant amount of time.

“Swing your legs up and get in the bag,” Valentine said sternly. Once again with a little assistance Grace managed to do as instructed. Lying perfectly still, nervously awaiting what was coming next Grace looked on as Christine pulled the top of the bag over her and zipped the bag up fully. Out of the corner of her eye Grace could see Valentine pick up the second bag.

“Please do not move around whilst we put you in the second restraining bag.” Grace lay still and felt her legs lifted as they were slid into another bag. Out of fear Grace didn’t struggle but she wasn’t going to assist her captors either so she lay there as dead weight as the two women managed to slip the bag under her body, finally getting the hood under her head. This bag had a centre zip so Grace soon found Christine almost straddling her to bring the two halves of the top section of the bag together and zip them in place, fighting against the loft of the down to get the zip up to the top before locking it off. “That’s us finished Grace. No means of escape but you will be very comfortable for the duration of your captivity as long as you relax and enjoy the ride.”

“Ladies that is you now secured for our trip; lie back and get some rest. We will be back to check on you later.” That was Kendall’s voice, there was a hint of joy in it. Penelope heard faint footsteps and then the door creak and close. Having now been left alone, well with only the down entombed Grace on the bed for company she may have well be alone. Grace took the opportunity and had a wriggle but there no give in her bindings. What’s more with the smoothness of most of the material she couldn’t gain any purchase to get something loose by rubbing them against each other. Thumping her head back in frustration she noticed that the thickness of the restraining bag was even now increasing as the loft inflated. The bag was unlike any sleeping bag she had used before. The material was very, very smooth and the down filling must have been very high to make the bag feel so tight around her body. She gave it another thrash but after several minutes of pointless struggling against her bonds Grace’s muscles relaxed as she submitted to the situation, stopped struggling and thought about how she could get out of this situation. Penelope, now relaxing with her head resting in the thickly padded hood of the restraining bag and the soft, thick built-in pillow under her head heard the movement on the bed and smiled, well as much as the large gag in and over her mouth would allow. She had to admire the young woman’s pluck but she had struggled and squirmed against her bonds but only succeeded in making noises as the fabric of her suit rubbed against the fabric of the restraining bag. Penelope could have told the young woman that there was no chance of getting free. You only got free if they made a mistake or they let you. They again maybe better that she was gagged and couldn’t depress the young woman any further.
The only way to pass the time was to stare at the ceiling or run through things in your head. Neither of which Penelope was really wanting to do at the moment so she closed her eyes to see if she could get some unforced shut eye. It must have worked as she was jolted awake by the sound of the door opening and heavy footsteps. “You will be glad to know that it is time to make a move. Next stop. Paradise.” That was Kendall using heavy irony again Penelope assumed. “Having gone to the trouble to getting you so secure we won’t be letting you out for the duration of the journey.” Both Grace and Penelope moaned slightly as this news. “Don’t worry, the time will fly by.” Then Valentine and Christine appeared in Penelope’s vision.

“Going to move you onto a stretcher now.” Penelope nodded slightly to show that she understood. They lifted the large down filled cocoon with Penelope safely and comfortably encased at its centre from the bed onto the stretcher. There was a soft, thick pillow attached to the stretcher that Penelope found her head positioned on. With the large hood around her Penelope’s vision was blocked so she felt more that saw the straps being applied over the down cocoon. That was some feat considering the amount of down that surrounded her. There were also straps built into the sides of the external bag that allowed it to be attached firmly to the stretcher. They Penelope felt herself being lifted from the floor as the two women picked up the stretcher with Penelope on it and headed out of the room. The two women carefully manoeuvred the stretcher out of the room before making the turn and moving slowly down the stairs. They made another turn at the bottom of the stairs and walked toward the back of the house. It was then that Penelope saw a quick flash of the night sky before she was hoisted into the back of a van. The stretcher was paced on a plinth on one side of the van and locked in place. Christine and Valentine exited and after the rocking of the van finished Penelope was left alone with only the sound of her regular breathing for company. The silence continued until the two women arrived carrying another stretcher between them. That contained the down filled cocoon with Grace at its centre. They locked that in place on a plinth on the opposite side of the van from Penelope. Then silence returned.

“Give the house a final check Valentine and then you can get going,” Kendall said.

“Pleasure working with you Kendall,” Valentine replied. “Heading straight to the airport?” Kendall nodded and jumped into the back on the van. The engine kicked into life and the van shuddered until it started to tick over properly. Valentine slammed the door closed and hit the side of the van to tell the driver to take off.

The driver of the van took her time, always obeying the speed limit, always indicating and making sure never to go through a light at amber so that they didn’t draw attention to themselves. The journey to the private airfield took around an hour. The gates opened as the van approached and they cruised through and onto the tarmac. “Should be in the air in fifteen minutes,” Kendall informed the twin captives. The van crossed the apron until it stopped next to large, sleek private jet. “Your carriage awaits.” When the engine died the operatives sprang to life and it happened so quickly Penelope was shocked that she had been lifted from the van and was now being hauled onto the jet via a platform to the rear. It whirred as it raised her from the tarmac and into the fuselage of the plane. It took a while for Penelope’s eyes to adjust bright lighting in the plane until she could see the very nice internal paintwork and nice wooden panels.

“mmmpphhh,” Penelope moaned as she lifted off the platform and onto a very thin bed. As the platform whirred again and lowered to get Grace heavy straps were placed over Penelope’s massive down cocoon to hold her in place. There were other clips built into the external bag that were also used to secure the down cocoon in place. The team worked quickly and judging by the sounds Grace was quickly brought into the plane and secured on other bed. That was when the engines fired up and a split-second later Kendall’s face appeared in Penelope’s vision. “Raise your head and I will get that gag off.” Penelope did and Kendall went to work on the gag and got it all removed, lastly picking the sodden cloth that had been stuffed into Penelope’s mouth.

“Thanks,” Penelope said working her jaw. “Where are we going?”

“I can’t tell you that,” Kendall replied although her concentration was somewhere else. When she turned around her right hand held a black rubber mask. This she lowered toward Penelope’s face.

“This is some job interview process,” the last part of that echoed as the mask was placed over Penelope’s nose and mouth with the strap placed over her head to hold it in place. Instantly Penelope felt the soft breeze against the skin around her nose mouth and on her lips. It didn’t smell half bad but no sooner had Kendall disappeared from view did Penelope start to feel woozy. Then very quickly darkness started to appear at the edges of Penelope’s vision. She felt the plane start to taxi and then stop at the end of the runway. The last thing that Penelope remembered was the engines being flared up for take-off before she couldn’t keep her eyes open any longer.
Washington State, United States of America

Louise had to hand it to Shannon, the woman had done her homework. There were plans of every floor of the hotel where their target was staying, photographs of every entrance and entrance plus interior shots and shift patterns for all of the different staffing elements such as reception, security and maid service. There were also photographs of their target, Blair Jackson and her friend who she was on vacation with. It was all superb work and made planning this part of the operation quick and easy. It was decided that Constance and Yelena would be the strike team with Louise and Gisele keeping watch and strategic positions and Shannon parked nearby in the van waiting the call to move in and pick them up.

The Outlook Hotel has both a restaurant and a bar that catered to none guests and Louise had found a seat where she could monitor both the main entrance and reception desks and ordered a coffee. Once the waiter had delivered it to her table Louise glanced at her watch before casually lifting up her mobile and texting the operation group chat that it was clear to go. Almost immediately Shannon and Gisele confirmed that it was clear from their positions and then Constance and Yelena confirmed that they were about to move in.

In the basement of the hotel Constance slipped into the maid service area hoping to find at least one but if not two lockers lying open. The shift change had just occurred so this area of the hotel should be empty. Carefully Constance walked along trying each locker in turn, none were open. Then she heard footsteps behind her and spun round. A woman in her mid-forties wearing a black suit, white blouse and a pearl necklace stood looking at Constance from five paces away. “Hello. My name is Mrs Gibson and I head up maid service at the hotel. Can I help you?” The woman was smiling but there was no warmth to it.

Without missing a beat Constance replied “Hi, my name is White, Jane White and I work with internal security. I am just running routine check whilst everyone is away, save any hassle.” As Constance responded she noticed Yelena slip into the room from over Mrs Gibson’s shoulder.

“I must say, I don’t recognise your face. Can I see some identification?”

“How long have you worked here then?” Constance asked as she kept Mrs Gibson talking whilst checking her pockets, pretending to search for identification. Constance was making an attempt to distract Mrs Gibson from the approaching threat of Yelena coming up behind her. At the last second the Mrs Gibson seemed to sense the peril that she was in and went to turn round but it was too late. Yelena wrapped her left arm around the Mrs Gibson’s body pinning her tight against the down filled jacket that covered Yelena’s own body to lessen the impact of any struggling whilst simultaneously pressing the cloth over the lower half of Mrs Gibson’s face smothering it over the woman’s nose and mouth. Constance quickly moved forward and grabbed both of Mrs Gibson’s wrists to prevent the woman from using her arms break free of Yelena’s grasp or dislodge the cloth pressed over her nose and mouth.

Instantly panicked by the cloth placed over her mouth Mrs Gibson reacted by trying to scream for help but the sound was effectively muffled by the soft thick cloth that Yelena had pressed over her face. The beautiful young woman that was snooping around had moved across and grabbed both of her arms preventing her from fighting off her attacker. Mrs Gibson did wonder what these two women were after and why they had decided to attack her, perhaps they were petty thieves and she had caught them. They had used a cloth to muffle her and prevent her from screaming. It was at that moment that she noticed the smell coming from the cloth, a pungent sweet-smelling aroma. Now she was starting to panic! What kind of chemical were they administering to her and what were its effects? As her sense of panic deepened, she increased her efforts in an attempt to at least shake off the cloth for a second and scream for help but the women were stronger than her and seemed to know exactly what they were doing. The struggle meant that she involuntarily began to take deeper and deeper breathes drawing the fumes from the liquid deep into her lungs. After about forty-five seconds of struggle Mrs Gibson began to notice that her arms and legs were starting to feel numb and her strength was ebbing away. This must be the effects of the chemical I have to break free she thought to herself. Unfortunately, the fumes had weakened her enough that her efforts became more and more inept with every passing breathe so she stopped taking breathes.

Standing in front of Mrs Gibson, Constance noticed this and smiled “It’s too late for that trick. You can’t hold your breath for that long and trust me the chloroform has had enough time to weaken you already that there is no chance of escape. My colleague and I do this for a living. The chloroform will just put you to sleep for a while, nothing to worry about really. My advice is don’t fight it, take deep breathes and enjoy the rest, we have no interest in hurting you.” Constance hoped that the words sounded reassuring.

Mrs Gibson was struck dumb. To have this woman explain her current predicament in such a calm, assured manner was in some way reassuring. It was then that she noticed that she had involuntarily started breathing again. The fumes once again invaded her nostrils, the smell overpowering. Now she had stopped struggling, her strength gone. She felt her eyelids getting heavier and it was an immense struggle to keep them open. All the fight drained out of her as the woman facing her let go of her wrists and they dropped uselessly to her sides. The last thing she saw before her eyes closed to sleep was the woman offering silent encouragement with a reassuring smile. It said don’t worry everything will be fine. One last breath and then darkness engulfed her. Yelena lowered Mrs Gibson gently to ground careful to make sure the cloth remained secured over her nose and mouth so that she would receive the full effects of the chloroform and stay unconscious for longer. “We need to find somewhere to stash her” stated Constance. Yelena removed the cloth and started to pat down the woman, finding a set of keys and tossing them to Constance.

“They should come in useful,” Yelena stated as she flipped Mrs Gibson onto her stomach and began to bind the woman’s wrists together with a length of strong black cord that she had pulled from the pocket if her jacket.

“Get her security pass as well,” Constance replied as she headed toward the short corridor at the end if the room to see what lay behind the various doors that led off it. As Constance strode off Yelena finished off tying Mrs Gibson’s wrists then used the same kind of cord of bind the woman’s ankles and thighs together before hogtying the woman by running a length of cord between the cord around Gibson’s wrists and ankles. Yelena stood up and looked anxiously at the door into the room, expecting someone to walk through at any time.

“Constance,” Yelena hissed. “Quickly.” Constance had been opening doors to find an office and a couple of linen closets before opening the last door Constance found exactly what she was looking for, a room full of maid uniforms and as a bonus three laundry carts. “Bingo,” she exclaimed softy.

“We can stash her in here,” Constance called back to Yelena. Grabbing the first cart and wheeling it out of the store room and back to where Yelena was standing over the prove form of Gibson laying bound on her side. After a quick look around the room gave Yelena the materials that she needed to gag Gibson. Two cloths, one which was stuffed in Gibson’s mouth and other tied around Gibson’s head, carefully cleaved into the woman’s mouth to keep the packing in place. The two operatives then lifted Gibson into the empty laundry basket and covered her with some sheets to make sure it wasn’t obvious that there was somebody lying in the cart. As Constance wheeled the cart containing the slumbering and bound Gibson back to the storage cupboard Yelena opened the door and retrieved three holdalls that Gisele had recently left there whilst casually walking past.

As Yelena carried the holdalls back into the centre of the room Constance reappeared wheeling an empty cart in front of her carrying two maid uniforms in the other hand. “I think that these should fit,” Constance said with a smile. Yelena just glanced up as she removed the compression sacks from the holdalls that had contained them. Then they removed the down filled devices from the compression sacks and placed them on the floor. They stripped off their own clothes, carefully folded and placed them into one of the holdalls, before putting on the maid uniforms. Constance admired herself in a mirror and nodded and then looked over at Yelena. “Looking good.” Now that they had changed clothes Yelena and Constance packed the laundry cart with the holdalls, first the one containing their clothes, then the two empty holdalls followed by the three down filled devices on top. Lastly, they draped a couple of sheets over the top to hide what was inside before nodding to each to confirm that they were both ready.
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