The Rope Bunny (m+f+/f+) *Story Complete* *More Bunny Action in the Adult section*

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Endgame. (Kayley)

"We can discuss the token later. After."

Calm, whilst me stood mentally gesturing at the imagined huge piles of money Edward must have. Only a million, I can almost hear myself begging the Bunny.

Just enough to never have to work. Ever.

In response she smiles, at me, something knowing that I clearly am not party to despite the sharing.

"Tell me, Edward." Looking around the room, gaze skating on then off him as Edward stands immobile, the hand not holding his drink clenching and unclenching. "What do you know? What can you show me?" Stepping in closer. "Because, to of called me over others of greater power, I can only assume your granddaughter did not vanish willingly."

"The company is my son's now." Explaining in halting speech, gaps and then the words tumbling over themselves, only to dry up again moments later. "I'm an old man, retired out to pasture. We. The firm, it prospers. We aren't poor."

See. More mental waving. Money.

Which earns me another smile, a mental, playful, threat to hush before she binds and gags me, tosses me into the corner.

Which she can't, of course, without ending up in the same corner herself.

Which she'd probably enjoy.

I shut up.

"Always passed down, father to son or daughter, eldest to eldest as tradition dictates." Holding up his glass, finding it empty, grimacing but making no move back towards the small table with the expensive bottles. "And of course in business there are always rivals. Enemies."

"But to strike at us so." Suddenly, without warning, rage fills his face as showing surprising strength Edward tosses his glass baseball like at the wall.

It hits, shattering.

Bringing Ben into the room at a run, chunky black pistol held low but ready- just like in the movies -in a steady two handed grip.

"I'm." Clenching both hands, seeming lost for a moment. "Okay." Shaking his head, turning from me to Ben. "Sorry, Ben."
"That's okay Sir. Shall I send in a cleaner or...?"
"Yes. Please do." Nodding. "I need to show our guest where Libby sleeps."
"Of cou-" Doing a double take at now looking like the Bunny, Rope Bunny me. Ben slides the pistol back into a shoulder holster concealed beneath his suit jacket.

"Shall I accompany you, Sir?"
"No need." Edward shakes his head. "However please make sure Ted and Mirriam are ready."
"I'll call downstairs now Sir."

"Are you sure it was a rival?"

In a lift, descending from thirty-eight down to thirty-five, the doors open and Edward steps into the gap, turns to face me his bulky body blocking the exit.

"There is a competitor, from a country with laws less rigid. For a fee anyone will talk."
"Someone talked?"
"Yes." Grimacing, looking like he wants to punch the wall. "Lax laws, as I said. A way, apparently, has been found to marry Elizabeth, Libby, to their eldest son. My granddaughter is fourteen, this boy." Spitting the word. "Man. Is twenty eight."

Oh. Fuck me.

Even the Bunny, not immune to my own thoughts, visibly flinches.

"Quite." Looking at me, nodding. "And once married everything will be legally binding. These others will have an in at our top table. A legitimate claim to our holdings and business."
"But...." The Bunny, confused. I step in, the change like peeling her layer back to reveal me. Again.

"Surely they can't?"
"They can." A grim nod. "And. Will." Edward seems to deflate. "I have spoken to my people, law making people I trust. They can and will do this evil low thing, and, unless someone stands, stops them. My families business, several generations old now, will become like dust in the wind."
"Unless I stop them?" Guessing, joining dots. "Steal Libby back, end this?"
"Yes." Looking at me, through me. Does he even see that I've changed, does he even see the Bunny at all, so lost in despair. "Help me. Please."
"I'll." Feeling the Bunny slip her mental hand inside mine, a strong firm grip, a grim expression to match Edward's.

Willing to do what it takes to right a wrong.

"We'll. Bring her home."

Moving on, down corridors, a closed door.

Libby's bedroom.

"I." Staying close to the doorway as I wander further inside. I stop, turn to see Edward sigh. "Libby's father is going through official channels, he would not continence this less then normal approach of mine. I." Another sigh. "Forgive an old man airing his troubles. In truth I do not know what you need?"

What do I need?

What exactly can I do here?


"Someone talked. So, do you know where she is?"
"Within a small radius, yes. They have a headquarters, and like us a large private residence for the family. Libby is likely in one of them. I had hoped that you...."
"Yes." I nod despite the question not being voiced. "I believe we can."

Edward's answering smile, a thing of hope, warms my heart. Making the risks.

"Risks?" I frown as the Bunny shows me, things, a montage of thoughts I can't always follow. "What? Wait."

Hush. She responds, a finger to imagined lips, her conviction so strong that as Edward watches, bemused, I raise my own finger. Shushing myself.

This is wh-"-at I do." The Bunny continues aloud, stepping forward, her grey fur back hiding me from sight. "What we do. We. Risk. Because that is how it ever has been when those who know me seek me out."

A warm hug, a promise to protect me as best she can but this, a favour asked, can not go unanswered.

Okay. I nod. Scared but willing.


Together. As you are me I am you, so, let's be the Rope Bunny and help this man.

"I need to see her, then I need to go where she might be."
"Of course." Pulling his wallet from a front trouser pocket, withdrawing a small passport sized photo. "This was taken only a month ago."

Young. Smiling. Black hair in a loose tail and tanned skin, pale grey eyes.

"I have people downstairs."
"Ted and...?"
"Mirriam, yes. They will accompany you, and render any assistance you require." Edward's firm look telling me that any means any, up to and including major damage to both people and property should I ask.

Downstairs we go, back in the lift.

Ted and Mirriam, waiting in an underground carpark beside a sleek black Audi- date a car girl for long enough and you start to pick things up -saloon that looks mean enough to be very fast, are what I expected.

Muscular frames, long limbs, eyes that have seen things. Ted sports a flopping black mohawk, whilst short and straight white hair is held in check by a red bandanna tied around Mirriam's forehead. Both are in blue jeans and army boots, black unzipped jackets too bulky not to be armoured in some fashion.

Whatever weaponry they have concealed Ted is very openly carrying a shotgun, his partner a rifle that looks US military issue.

I'm eyed up, looked over with what feels like professional interest as Edward introduces us, naming me as 'Bunny' which, the whole fact of me dressed up like a literal fluffy grey bunny rabbit, gets nothing beyond a raised eyebrow.

Ted drives, Mirriam sat shotgun and me alone in back. His driving style a world apart from Mum's careful pacing, Ted seems to treat the road as his personal racetrack, other drivers as obstacles to be passed as swiftly and closely as possible.

In one piece, somehow, we arrive at an airstrip, waved through a side gate to cruise passed large passenger airliners in various recognizable liveries, docked at terminals to take on or let off the paying public, others waiting their turn or moving slowly to and fro.

Ted parks at the entrance to a small hanger, doors open wide a small twin engine plane, the posh kind millionaires own, waiting outside.

An older man wearing jeans and a white tee paired improbably with a genuine looking captains peaked hat is waiting for us. He and Mirriam exchange brief words heading up the ramp, walking to the pilots cabin in front, whilst Ted, more by pointing and gesturing then actual talking, shows me a seat, belts me in.

Both of my minders, helpers, are still visibly armed, plus the rather obvious long rifle shaped metal case Ted retrieved from the Audis boot, currently leaning against a seat opposite me.

No passport checks here.

As we take off the Bunny slides back, stepping off the controls, me stepping up to fill the void.

In answer to my unasked question she shrugs, gestures out of my eyes at the planes window, the sky beyond.


"What." Feeling odd sat in such luxury wearing no bra and Spongebob on my tee, tiny shorts. "You think I've flown before?"

Ted, reading a newspaper, peers at me over the top, another raised eyebrow. I smile.

And though the sudden change from her to me can't of gone unnoticed, neither of them comments.

In fact I'm left alone, to sit and stare out the window, to fetch snacks and drinks from the well stocked kitchen in back. To stare at my still asleep phone, pondering all the passing time, Mum and by now my friends- pretty Jody -likely becoming worried by my continuing absence.

But I can't switch it on and explain. What would I say?

Thankfully Ted and Mirriam save me from my internal round and round of worrying and freting over just how I'm going to explain myself to. Everyone.

Coming to sit across from me, jackets discarded to reveal matching fitted black tee's, the modest swell of Mirriam's chest, chunky pistols in shoulder holsters. Ted clears his throat to gain my attention.

"Sure." I nod. "Even being Kayley I'm still her most of the time these days."

Which earns me a frown.

"Sorry." Waving it off. "Yes. I am the Bunny." A sudden thought. "Do you even know what that means?"
"No." Ted shakes his head, Mirriam leans forward slightly, picking up from him.

"We were told to assist." Pointing. "You. In the re-acquisition of Miss Elizabeth Baxter. We were told to follow your lead without question. No matter how...."

Sharing a look with Ted.

"Strange." Ted continues. "Things may seem. Mr Baxter informed us very specifically to defer to you in all aspects of this mission."
"I see." Holy shit fuck we're all dead. "Right."

The Bunny laughing at my panic, pointing out that she has a- batshit crazy and doomed to kill me if not her -plan.

I laugh, out loud. Clamp a hand over my mouth as Ted and Mirriam share a frowned glance.

"Sorry." Tapping a finger against my head. "I'm not going to explain, because you probably won't believe half of it anyway. But. She-"
"-With the fur and the smile?"
"Yes." Grinning a Bunny grin at them. I can smile too, now. "With the fur. She's in here. And so am I. Always. So, when I'm steering the ship I can still hear her. Alright?"

Silence. Which I take for a yes.

"She." Another tap. "Has a plan. That's what you want to know, right?" Looking from him to her. "You want to be sure I'm not just some little girl."
"All due respect." Ted, Mirriam adding a single nod to confirm and back him up. "Yes."
"Well." I nod back, dropping any humour. Showing my best serious game face. "Follow my lead, once we land, and we'll get Miss Elizabeth back without too many issues."

I hope.

This is how it goes.

The Rope Bunny, ghost like, can travel as she pleases. Anywhere. Drift in, drift out.

But not now she's trapped in me.

The Rope Bunny, inside of me, travels when she's called, and then home. Where home is wherever we were when she, we, were called. No more drifting.

There are exceptions: her temple, we could, can, go there anytime.

Jody. There is, some kind of connection being built between Jody and me/the Bunny, something which allows the Bunny/me to travel to Jody's location at will.

Like I did to tie myself to her bed.

What we can't do is drift in to wherever Libby is, snatch her, then drift all three of us back. Which is a shame because that would be a great fucking plan.


New plan.

Bizarre, but then the clues in my name, if I'm close by I can sense, find, someone who's tied up. I can take a brief mental dip to discover who they are.

And now I know what Libby looks like, provided she's in some form of restraint. Even, thankfully, a locked door counts, providing the person behind the door doesn't want to be locked up.

We can find her.

And then, well. Once I find her, then the risk taking begins.
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

I am impressed by Ted and Miriam's ability to humor Kayley - clearly they are getting paid very well :lol:

Although I suppose the wardrobe changing act helps sell it.

And as much as Kayley has been pulling into/showing the Bunny her own world, it seems the roles are about to be reversed.

And quite the interesting power - a sort of 'bondage sense'. Interesting how it works based on the perception of the bound person (ie how they perceive their own bondage). Wonder if that ties into the Bunny's implied 'trickster' nature.

Regardless, seems a daring rescue is in the cards - and then a lot of explaining to Kayley's mother, I suppose :lol:
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Post by RopeBunny »

BlissfulMisery wrote: 11 months ago
And quite the interesting power - a sort of 'bondage sense'. Interesting how it works based on the perception of the bound person (ie how they perceive their own bondage). Wonder if that ties into the Bunny's implied 'trickster' nature.
I liked this whole idea/concept too. Thanks for the comment.

Three chapters below. Really planned on splitting them up, there's at least one good cliffhanger, and I wanted to make you all wait :lol:

But the trouble is they're all written, and I want to catch things up. Plus these three are pretty TUGs light, which doesn't help.

So. Enjoy.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Endgame. (Kayley)

I don't know how far we travel, I don't know where Edward lives, nor where we land?

I fall asleep, exhaustion and the steady hum, the gentle vibration. Waking to darkness, gentle shaking of my shoulder. Mirriam.

"We're here Bunny." A small nod as she sees my eyes open, focus on her. "Time to work."

I nod back, stretch and yawn.

"Five minutes." Tapping a wristwatch. "Ted's checking the car over. You want coffee? Juice?"
"Juice, please."

Another nod, retreating back towards the kitchen. I yawn again, waking up some more.

Discover that one of them draped a blanket over me as I slept.

I down the juice, use the on board facilities to pee, to splash water on my face and rinse out my mouth in lieu of a toothbrush.

Thoughts of Mum, the girls. Jody. I stare at my reflection in the small mirror, see the ghost of the Bunny beside, holding my hand, an imagined grip I'd swear was real.

I grimace. Shut off the tap.

Head outside to discover a dark blue Land Rover sat on oversized tyres, engine an angry bubble that betrays real power under the hood- so I've been told by a certain busty rope loving girl -even at idle. Ted already behind the wheel, Mirriam waiting beside her open door and mine, rifle held low but ready. Both of them scanning a near constant left then right.

Mission focused.

I climb in.

And at some point, whilst Ted drives, whilst Mirriam checks the loads on their guns: four pistols all of which now sport long silencers, Ted's shotgun and her bulky rifle with what I'd guess could be an underslung grenade launcher. At some point, like a gentle welcome slither the Bunny takes back the helm, her mind and thoughts tightly focused.

"Here close enough Bunny?"

Queuing at a drive thru McDonald's, of all places, blending in as much as a souped up four wheel drive can. Across the main road a lowered red and white barrier blocks the entrance to the part of the dockyard owned by the rival company. A large spread of warehouses and tall cranes and stacked containers for miles. Ships lined up, no doubt more out of sight on final approach or holding, or leaving the bay. Here is where the company builds, and maintains the fleet, where business gets done.

"I." Concentrating, eyes closed, the sensation like reaching out with invisible tentacles, each one questing, searching for the familiar- to the Bunny -feeling of helplessness.

"Can we get closer?"
"Do we need to be closer?"
"It's." Shaking my head at them both, though it'd been Ted, eyes still in front, who'd spoken. "It isn't an exact science, it isn't something I've ever had cause to measure in terms of how far my reach extends."
"So." Ted, nodding. "We can do two slow drive bys, maybe, without being noticed?"
"What about...." Pausing to swallow, the Bunny looking at me, am I sure? I nod. She risks, I risk.

Because we're the Rope Bunny.

"Could we get closer on foot?"

They exchange glances, locking eyes in silent communication. Mirriam nods.

"If you can lose the ears." Mirriam, gesturing. "Take my jacket and a hat, walk a circuit with Ted."
"Right." Nodding. "Well then le-"

"-t's get closer."

Ted swears under his breath, Mirriam jumps, but only a little, as I emerge from behind the peeling fur.

"Tuck in your hair," walking beside Ted, slowly, away from the car, Mirriam now in the drivers seat sipping a milkshake for appearances sake, "the blonde is too striking."

Lifting the white Yankees baseball cap up I turn it around, peak facing backwards, then tuck my fringe in whilst lowering it, stuff most of my hair down into the bulky heavy jacket.

"Good." Side glance at me. "Now." Ted stops a dozen metres away from the barrier, the small security booth beside it. Inside of which sits a single bored looking guy. "Stay here, and when I wave you come, okay, give me a hug."
"A hug?"
"Like you mean it." Looking me in the eyes. "And try not to flinch when I kiss you."

But he's already off, walking towards the barrier.

I watch, nervous, as the guard comes out, as he and Ted talk, shake- flash of folded up white banknotes as they do -hands. The guard laughs, Ted turns to wave. At me.


Walking briskly towards them I try to superimpose Jody onto Ted, feeling the Bunny smile but nod approvingly at the tactic. Deep breath from two paces away, then I kind of jump the final approach, throwing my arms around Ted's waist, more pulling myself to him then the other way around given how huge he is.

Manage to smile, to keep it together as Ted's lips find mine, a brief but very real kiss.

And then, impossibly, we're being waved through. The guard says something in a foreign tongue I don't recognise- which really only means it isn't French -however the Bunny helpfully translates.

I blush. Manage, two for two go me, not to slap Ted for implying to the guard that I 'like' big boats.

That I really 'like' them.

We explore. I stay close to Ted as he works the shadows, keeping out of sight, skillfully avoiding the two foot patrols we come across. I focus, eyes open but I let those invisible tentacles roam.



Shaking my head each time Ted stops, turns to silently check in.

"Found h." I whisper. Ted stops, turns and retraces the half dozen steps back from the corner he'd been peering around.

"Wait." Whispering still, I close my eyes, checking again. Taking precious seconds to be sure.


"Yes." Nodding. "Found her."
"Hundred percent?"
"Hundred." Throwing the term back at Ted, who gives an approving nod.

"Right. Boss." No sarcasm in his tone, pure professionalism. "What now?"

What indeed.

The Bunny can't drift, not in her trapped state. Nor can she jump, except when called. Or, we can jump anytime to the temple. Or, maybe, sometimes- wait, really, I throw an internal glance back at the Bunny, who seesaws a hand, apparently it isn't yet a rock solid thing we can do -to Jody.

What we can do is switch. Because Libby is, lucky, tied up.

Again, it's a rope thing. Ropes, the helplessness thing, it's like a conduit. Most of what the Bunny can do, can influence or change, is rooted in the application or removal or bindings, or the people in them.

"I'm going to switch." Removing my hat, jacket, handing both to Ted. "In a second I'll vanish, and Elizabeth will appear in my place. Get her back to the car, and...."

Think. Kayley. Damn it. Where?

"That back gate we drove passed."
"Opposite the park?"
"Yes. Bring the car around. Wait. But." Deep breath, don't shake. "If the alarm sounds, if anything seems off, at any point." I look Ted in the eye, keeping my voice level, giving an order. "Leave. Get Elizabeth and yourselves back on that plane. Get her home."
"Boss." A single tight nod. Professional. Not trying to talk me out of it, not pointing out any flaws, if he sees them. Taking my orders and plan as gospel.

A good soldier.

Not giving myself any more time I flex, making the switch. Throwing myself down what feels like a dark tunnel, almost feeling Libby flying back the other way, her bonds becoming mine as we pass.

A small room. Dark, I blink, which doesn't help it's pretty much windowless and unlit. No light from anywhere. I'm sat on a chair, ankles bound together, wrists crossed and tied resting in my lap. No gag, but both thick ropes are knotted to the chair legs.

Pausing, listening. The Bunny slides her fur atop my skin, sensing my quickened heart and breathing, my anxiety at a situation so far beyond my comfort zone.

In a strange building, in a strange country, tied up. And I'm not even wearing trousers or a bra.

Her taking charge calms us, her confidence radiating through me, an old hand at this. Evading guards, escaping castles or palaces.

Not getting hung for kidnapping the princess.

Not getting shot.


Hang on.

I turn to face her as the Bunny, her bindings loose and useless on the floor, walks a circuit of the room, hands on the wall, feeling for a door.

Has she ever been hurt? Stabbed? Shot?

Can the Rope Bunny die as easily as me?

Because, if we're seen, if we're slow to react, then I might. Just. Fucking. Might. Get shot at.

And for all that I have her power, it's still my fifteen year old human body.

I did not- damn it shit fuck and balls -think this through.

"Temple?" Saying the thought aloud, an out, instant freedom.

No. I shake my head, seeing in her head the vague, because she's never actually walked it so isn't even sure, route back to civilisation from that small stone room deep in the forest.

We find the door, which opens with a quiet click of Rope Bunny not magic but special skill that looks an awful lot like magic. Careful, slow, I push it open, slip outside, push the door closed and zap the lock back in place behind me.

Set about trying, quietly, with as much stealth as I can manage having watched a bunch of spy movies and played some assassin based console games, to find my way across the huge compound to a gate I'm fairly. I think. Certain of the location of.

All the while trying to ignore the fact I'm probably being filmed by closed circuit security, hoping the Bunny's skin distracts from my very visible face well enough.

All the while praying that said cameras aren't being watched, willing that high pitched silent night splitting alarm not to ring.

Between the room and the gate, likely taking the long away around because I'm not exactly trained to do this.

Didn't- silly little girl -think to study a map of the compound beforehand.

No doubt Ted and Mirriam know every corner, every buildings purpose.


Before reaching the gate I run across five people, five shadows. Could be men, could be women. Impossible to tell in the dark from far away, and I'm not going in for a closer look.

Each time I subdue them on sight, reaching out without touching, throwing the force of my will at them. Binding and gagging all five into something like a hogtie, plus a gag. Variations each time because I'm not thinking first, am not planning the attack am merely acting on reflex each time a shadow moves.

And then, finally, around a corner the tall steel mesh inlaid gate looms, a thick chain and fist sized padlock all that stands between me and freedom.

Child's play for the Bunny.

Reaching out for the padlock, mentally, I hear gravel crunch behind me, and whirl around fast enough to make the view spin.

A shadow, in front of me on the road.

I- instinct -throw my fur clad arms out, shoving the building power at this person instead of the padlock.

The shadow drops to a crouch, points, it looks like, at me.

A truck backfires, twice, so loud in the still night.

Pain explodes like white fire across my left shoulder, left bicep.

The Bunny, in shock I can feel, mouth wide head shaking denial at this awful new sensation. Real pain. Retreating, sinking away and out, willing herself down down down into the deep dark.

I try to call out, to offer comfort, to offer my hand. But, limbs feel heavy, head fogging.

With an effort I look down.

Discover red, like spillage, leaking and spreading across the blue of my tee.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Endgame. (Kayley)

More thunder, a half dozen rapid cracks and bangs, from behind as I sink down onto numb knees. My whole body, numb.

Think I'll just lay down, here, rest for awhile.

Or. Maybe. Forever.


From behind, again, now something roars, too loud that I want to say hush the guards will hear and we're doing stealth.

I giggle, feeling drunk, feeling cold.

Mirriam, tall like a giant strides into view, rifle held tucked in, smoking barrel about a mile long facing out towards....


"-ove Bunny, come on get up."

Shouting, yanking and dragging me up and back I blink, slow, forcing my legs to support me. Stumble, falling back against and tumbling into the four wheel drive.

Pushed in by Mirriam, climbing in behind me.

Slam of the door.

"Punch it." Mirriam shouts, deafening. I giggle again, shiver. Am thrown back into the cushioning as Ted stamps on the go pedal.

A young girl, my black haired twin. Lisa? Ella Beth? Staring at me from the front passenger seat.

Darkness reaches up for me, and inside it, waiting as I sink, standing beside a wide grey river, the Rope Bunny. Reaching out.

Take my hand.

We stand together, not speaking, my head leaning on her shoulder, her arm around my waist or possibly the other way around. One or both of us sporting matching red stains, slowly spreading as she sings a soft lullaby. Nonsense words in an old sounding tongue. Gentle.


If the Boatman comes, st-


"-ay with me."

Awake. Alive.

In too much pain to be dead. Constant hum and vibration of, I crack one eye open to see.

The curving ceiling of the private jet overhead.

"Try not to move." Ted, leaning in, looming. For a moment my foggy head is convinced he's going to kiss me again. Bloody hands and forearms. "You've lost a lot of blood, but, you're going to be okay Bunny."

I flop, slowly, my head left. Needing to see.

My shoulder and upper arm, a dull constant throb, somewhat muffled like the promise of more pain to come. Both are wrapped in white bandaging, twin red stains showing through from several layers down.

My Spongebob tee, ripped from the neck halfway down on that side, my head and left arm now using the neck hole, my not wearing a bra modesty only just preserved.

Beside me on this side Mirriam stands, her hands a red mirror of Ted's. She looks down at me, smiles.

"Field dressing," waved gesture to my shoulder, "best we can do. Don't worry they'll be medics waiting when we land."

I nod, eyes closing, drifting back down.

Darkness. Sleep.

Dream of Jody in her uniform shirt but without the accompanying skirt, instead she's wearing cute black pants with 'Team Bunny' slashed across the crotch in white. She's holding out coils of rope, offering. Lips moving, asking me to bind her.

"I'm." Stirring, shifting. "Coming, pretty lady."

Waking, I shiver. Disturbed, Jody's school tie had been wrapped and knotted around her left bicep, the skin on that hand black. Dead.

Falling back down into sleep.

Another dream. Jody, leading the Bunny and me around my house in the pitched dark of midnight. Collars around our necks, leather leashes linking us to Jody's fisted hand. We're all gagged, even Jody, and whilst the two of us being led have wrists bound behind us, Jody's ankles are tied, forcing her to hop not walk.

The sight of her large chest, braless under a fitted black Chevrolet NASCAR tee, is mesmerising as it bounces with each hop.

In the kitchen we pass Mum, sat sipping coffee. She raises the mug in salute. "You three girls have fun."

This time it's her bandaged, just a bra and jeans, her upper left side a mass of red stained white wrappings.


The sudden touch, real, and I'm suddenly bolt upright, too fast and instantly regretting it as pain bursts down my left side.

I wince, suck in a breath of unvoiced choice curse words.

"We're on final approach." Mirriam tells me, one now washed hand on my right shoulder, steadying me. "We'll send a stretcher in, Mr Baxter has doctors waiting for us at the penthouse okay?"

I nod, sweating. The pain, that earlier promise, now coming on strong.

Catch sight, as I lay back down, eyes closing whether I want them to or not, of the black haired girl.


Giving me a nervous smile, a small thumbs up. I smile back, try to.

Fall back into the dark.

Sometime later, awake but drifting, talking to myself. To the Bunny.

"S'okay." Giving her a smile, left arm feeling heavy, stiff. "Scared shit outa me too."

"Never? Not even a little prick?" She laughs, wincing after moments. Shrinking. "No." Taking a firm hold, right hand, hugging her close. "We." Emphasis on the word. "Are the Rope Bunny. And we take risks. Together."

Which earns me a small smile, a thank you. A promise to never shrink or run again.


"You know," male, somewhat gruff, deep, half familiar, "you talk an awful lot in your sleep."
"I." Cracking my eyes, not fully just slits, to look. "Wasn't asleep."

Edward. Sitting beside the bed I'm laid in, in a posh room that bears enough resemblance to where he called me that I'd safely bet I'm in his house.

There's a thin white sheet draped over me, beneath which I'm naked and.

Black fur ripples across me, it's appearance pushing out the two needles, hospital drips, attached to my left arm. The Bunny, stepping up sensing the sudden rush of anxiety at being without clothes in a strange house, in front of a strange man.

Brief flash of pain, but only a dull throb nothing more, as her fur constricts and moulds to my upper left arm and shoulder.

"Facinating." Edward muses, nodding. "And you really don't ask her to come?"
"No." Gritting my teeth against the throbbing to push myself into a sitting position. "And nor does she ever stop me."

Trying on a smile, liking it.

"Thems the rules."
"Indeed." Putting down the magazine- a warship at sea on the cover -that I assume he'd been reading, hands in his lap, facing me. "Bunny."
"Mr Baxter."
"Edward. Please."

"I." Stopping to look down at his hands. "Thank you. Bunny, for repaying my faith, for the safe return of my dear Libby."
"As you asked," the response almost ritualised, but no less sincere, I, we, are happy to help, "so it was done."

"How long was I drifting?"
"Two days." Flinching, slightly, as I flinch, curse in several dozen languages. "I'm sorry Bunny. You." Waving towards my shoulder. "Heal fast, so the medics told me, but they also advised keeping you under, giving you at least close to normal human timescales to heal before bringing you back."
"Fair enough."

An internal shrug, mouthing 'all your fault' to Kayley, laughing as she flips me off and sticks out her tongue.

"Sorry." Hadn't realised I'd laughed aloud. "Just. Um. Talking to myself."

Mum's going to kill her. Me. Us.

Jody too.

Whilst I'd been distracted by my thoughts, Kayley's and mine running tandem, wondering afresh just how the fuck to explain what must by now be close to a week.

A. Week.

Away. Edward has crossed the room, returned. He places three books beside me on the bed: one of which is thick, bound in blood red leather, the other two thinner yet still roughly A4 sized, one black leather bound with black pages, the other yellow leather.

"I would like you to consider these tomes to be my offering, my, token." Tapping the pile. "A show of gratitude from an old man."
"What are they?"
"Before, when I called, you described being trapped inside the girl. Bunny. That it, the magics used, were not of your knowledge, and more importantly not of your choosing. These represent, after consulting my index cards, the best of what I have of the subject of entrapment and reversal, alongside other potentially useful subjects. Please."

Stepping back a pace, hands clasped at the small of his back as though in refusal to take the books back.

"Thank you." Running a hand across the topmost- the black -cover. Feeling. Something? A tingle, power contained within.

Whatever they are, whatever's inside, they're real.

Brief squeeze to Kayley's shoulder, the right. Her pouting but not really, still hoping for that pot of gold instead.

"Edward. This offering is indeed generous. I thank you for it."
"At some point, sometime later, I would very much like to introduce you properly to my granddaughter, and my son. They are all eager to meet with you."
"Are they?" Raised eyebrow. "Even your son?"

Who you went around by calling on me, thereby rescuing his own daughter when he had nothing.

"Well." Smiling. "Prehaps Libby more so. But." Edward stands, and taking the cue, not feeling a hundred percent, but, good enough to go home and face.


"I dare say you need to leave?"
"Yes." Kayley nodding too. "There are people, things, I need to help Kayley take care of."

"You need to dismiss me." Standing face to face with Edward, eye not quite to eye, he's taller. I smile at the rigid nature of the specific calling, holding me until satisfied.

Like not so old times.

"Please. Edward." Asking politely, and yet giving my voice a slight edge. "Otherwise."

Spreading arms wide.


"You are," bowing to me, deep, low, respect shown, "dismissed from my service, Bunny. Freed with my thanks."

I bow back, head only. Bring the smoke.

Return to life. To Mum. To Jody.

Taking, both of us, a mental deep breath, because this: explaining my absence, not to mention that I got actual shot, with actual bullets.

How the fuck am I going to explain any of this?
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Post by RopeBunny »

The end of part 002?
The end?

A month later, still, even after four weeks and now getting bored of repeating myself. I mean, how many times can I say.

"No Mum I can't switch the Bunny off, and by the way she can still hear you, and besides which I don't want to turn her off."


"I'm fine. I don't need the hospital. ANY, Mum, girls, kind of hospital."

Or. Sadly.

"Sure. Jode, whatever you want, need, to do. Your parents. Of course. I totally understand."

A month that feels like a year, and I'm still weathering the storm, varying degrees from all angles.

Home from school, and somehow- thanks but not, girls, whomever it was -there's now a rumour doing the rounds that I'm mixed up in a gang war, and the reason I missed over half a week of school is that I went on the run with some older boy.

That old story. Again.

And got shot by the cops who arrested him. Ten times.

Honestly, how us kids like to take a simple- ha -thing like being shot in a foreign country and blow it out of all proportion.

There's a letter, no Mum but a letter with a half dozen strange stamps on the envelope, waiting leaning against the ketchup bottle on our kitchen table.

Still, surprising given our current state, sealed.

I take it up to my room with a glass of water, change from uniform to casual baggy drawstring trousers and an old tee.

Left arm moving stiffly, still.

Refusing to look at the scars, still.

Inside I discover a single folded sheet, handwritten words on official 'Transcontinental Shipping' headed paper.

'Miss Kayley.
Mistress Rope Bunny.'

Flowing script, of all the odd things green ink.

'Please forgive this intrusion, and, please, accept this additional offering. Freely given, from me to you for services rendered.

For a call answered.

Yours, in thanks and faith.

E Baxter.'

I read it through again, lower the letter to look across my room, three obviously old books that according to the girls 'don't feel right' or 'feel like they're moving' to the touch. All I feel is a far away tingle, which the Bunny tells me is power. Teasing. Goading. Whispering.

Seeking a way out.

Should I hide them? No matter how pissed Mum is at me- and we're somewhere around eighteen on a scale of ten these days -she wouldn't dare to touch let alone destroy them.

The books represent Edward's offering. So, what else?

I realise somethings been tickling at my hand, a small sheet of paper clipped to the original sheet.

With a frown I release it, move it atop the letter.

Stare with widening eyes whilst inside the Bunny laughs.

A cheque, made out to me in the same flowing script and ink as the letter. For five- fuck -million- wow -pounds.

"Well," for some reason sniffing the paper, totally failing to stop the Rope Bunny grin dwarfing grin spreading across my lips, "guess if I'm going to open a bank account I've got to start somewhere."
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Post by RopeBunny »

And so here we are, you made it.

Awesome :D

The end? Unlikely, I'm having a lot of fun with the Bunny and Kayley, plus there's plenty of scope to go forward.

However. If/when I do write more, expect a time jump. Expect Kayley to reappear in the 'Adult' stories section. Mostly because I want to see how things work out for the Bunny/Kayley if she's an adult but still twinned :lol:

Thank you all for reading.
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Post by tickletied84 »

What an ending, great thinking on her feet to immobilise the guards, and glad that there's a potential way of controlling the Bunny/Kayley interchange going forward.

Also - that 5 million isn't going to reduce the rumours of Kayley being in a drug gang!

Looking forward to any continuation of your works - either in the PG or adult sections
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Post by RopeBunny »

tickletied84 wrote: 11 months ago Also - that 5 million isn't going to reduce the rumours of Kayley being in a drug gang!
True :lol:
tickletied84 wrote: 11 months ago Looking forward to any continuation of your works - either in the PG or adult sections
Definitely continuing this in the adult section, I've got some ideas, will begin writing today. Time willing.

Thanks for commenting :D


Sorry but not sorry, quoting myself again :lol:
RopeBunny wrote: 11 months ago Darkness reaches up for me, and inside it, waiting as I sink, standing beside a wide grey river, the Rope Bunny. Reaching out.

Take my hand.

We stand together, not speaking, my head leaning on her shoulder, her arm around my waist or possibly the other way around. One or both of us sporting matching red stains, slowly spreading as she sings a soft lullaby. Nonsense words in an old sounding tongue. Gentle.


If the Boatman comes, st-


"-ay with me."
I know this part has nothing whatsoever to do with TUG's, but I'm proud of it. The imagery, the flow.

Wanted to say so.
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

As already been said, quite the set of chapters!

I had been wondering how things would work out (or not) with her mother. About as well as could have been expected (ie not very).

I suppose going forward, having 5 million of her own money might make things easier in that regard... Although I could certainly see it causing issues as well, and perhaps in some ways, tension between her and Jody.

But that is all vague speculation - certainly many ways things could play out.

Lots of good lines, but this one was certainly amusing - the juxtaposition of serious versus what she is 'concerned' about.
RopeBunny wrote: 11 months ago In a strange building, in a strange country, tied up. And I'm not even wearing trousers or a bra.
RopeBunny wrote: 11 months ago I know this part has nothing whatsoever to do with TUG's, but I'm proud of it. The imagery, the flow.
You should be - it was a great part. Pretty much the whole 'drifting in and out of consciousness' part was quite well done.

Not much else to say that has not been said before at some point or another, other then great work overall - it was quite an enjoyable tale.
RopeBunny wrote: 11 months ago Definitely continuing this in the adult section, I've got some ideas, will begin writing today. Time willing.
Good to hear! Something to look forward to, more adventures of the Rope Bunny/Kayley duo.
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Post by Switchgirl »

I loved this - another twist in this absorbing story. And to hear that Bunny/ Kayley are to continue!! Great story - loved it!!
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Post by RopeBunny »

Thank you both, always enjoy reading what you thought/think.

Glad you're still around, and looking forward to more.

On which note.


I'll be posting the beginning now.
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