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More of the story please!! :D
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Almost immediately, god Sir
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Part 7

Jonah Gets Justice

“Keep an eye on them, lads, I’m just going to the stores for some equipment, then it’s time for your lesson, What’s-Your-Name.


“Oh yes: Jonah. Sorry. I’m Rob and the gorilla over there is Stewart. He’s Dickhead Dave’s big brother.” Jonah hardly needed telling that, he looked just like a pumped up version of his erstwhile kidnapper and was even dressed in similar black swim briefs.

“It wasn’t very polite of you not to introduce us, was it?” Roy made to answer. “I said, ‘put your hands over your mouth’. Just do it!” Roy grabbed hold of his mouth again pronto.

That left Dave to say, “Oh yes, the gingah in the white swimmers is Rob. I don’t suppose I have to tell you he’s Roy’s brother, do I?” He certainly didn’t. Other than size, the only difference between the two MacGregor brothers was one of colouration.

“OK, Dickhead, that’ll do. You can put your hands over your mouth as well. Nose down, Koff.”

The younger Pirates certainly seemed to be taking the implications of the trouble they were in seriously but Koff was still secretly thinking that he might still enjoy his forthcoming tribulations – but he couldn’t be quite sure.

There was a strange silence as Stewart’s return was awaited but very little surprise as the equipment he had brought was dumped on the ground between the two groups of boys.

Rob explained that, if Jonah watched carefully as they made the three kidnappers comfortable, he would get his own chance to join in very shortly. At least two of the junior Pirates didn’t look too happy about that.

“OK, worms, come and sit here. You in the middle, Carpet-‘Ead. Closer.”

Jonah Gets to Join In

“Look and learn, grockle boy. Your turn soon.”

“. . . and if any of you little rocket-polishers give us ANY trouble, Stewart and I might become only children. Got it?” Even Koff joined in the chorus of nods. What followed was an object lesson in tying up and the best bit, as far as Stewart and Rob were concerned was that they wouldn’t have to do most of the work.

Rob gave Roy and Dave a rope each and explained their task in terms that they could in no way misinterpret it. The language was somewhat colourful. The three defaulters were sitting in a line close to each other; Koff put his hands on his head and spread his legs slightly while bending his knees. Dave set about tying his right ankle to Koff’s left one while Roy waited (also with his hands on his head). Stewart explained that they wanted to give Jonah two chances of seeing what he himself would have to do shortly. Dave and Koff were soon connected by the ankles with a short, Rigid cuff between them. Dave had made a good job of it, believe me! Rob did not bother massaging the ropes to even out any tension.

All the while Dave worked, Rob was giving a running commentary, not only for instructional purposes for Jonah but also to ensure that Dave did as he was expected to. Dave then sat with his hands on his head while Roy cuffed his left ankle to Koff’s right one, again with a running commentary. Stewart examined the work so far and expressed himself satisfied. That didn’t really give the victims much relief as they tried to point their elbows forwards in order not to collide with one another,

“OK, prisoners, stand.” In contrast to Rob’s detailed instructions, Stewart’s were somewhat peremptory. The three conjoined youths tried to stand without removing their hands from their heads; with the mood their gaolers were in, they were taking no chances. Jonah didn’t even bother to repress that smirk.

“Alright, er, Jonah, think you’ve got that?” Jonah was pretty sure that he had; it was simply like lashing two spars together. “Good. You get a go now but my colleague here and I will still be showing you how. OK?” While Rob was explaining, Stewart presented both Jonah and Rob with a rope each. Then Stewart took over the instructions.

“Hold your hands out. Closer. Right, hold it like that, and if any of you little toss-pots so much as moves until our friend here has finished, then you’re going to be staked out over that wood ants’ nest we found last weekend. Understand?” In the right circumstances, even Stewart had a way with words. Always supportive, Rob suggested that they could use some of the jam from stores to attract some wasps as well. Normally, there would not have been any venom in the way the Pirates treated one another but the older boys were genuinely worried about losing the freedom of the island if Jonah told on them to their parents – or even worse if Jonah’s folks complained to the Caravan and Camping Club; in that case, the site could lose its accreditation. The youngest ones seemed to be getting that message very quickly.

Stewart and Rob stood facing their own little brothers and invited Jonah to come between them facing Koff.

“Don’t forget: wood-ants.”

“And wasps. Nod if you understand.” Three heads nodded vigorously.

“Good. Remember that.”

Rob resumed his running commentary while Stewart and he started forming rather longer (but still quite rigid) rope cuffs on their siblings. Jonah did the same on Koff with encouragement from his mentors. They expressed themselves impressed. Koff would normally have considered himself well-suited but, under the circumstances, even he was less so.

“OK, diddle-o’s, holly tree. Go!” Stewart was back in monosyllabic mode. There was a stand of mature hollies on Longholme but only one that mattered and the bound lads knew exactly which one that was. Progress was more determined than coordinated and, with their ankles cuffed as they were and not being able to use their arms for balance, the short distance to the trees took far longer than it should have. The fact that everyone had his own opinion as to the best way to proceed was not helping. Not one of them even dared to complain as they came to the stand of hollies, in spite of the fallen leaves.

While the prisoners made their wat to the torture tree, Rob counselled Jonah to put on his flip-flops just as he and Stewart were going to do. Jonah soon figured out why.

The special tree had been moulded by time – and Pirates – and by the small* mob of fallow deer that lived on the island. The bark on the trunk had been scarred by nibbling deer resulting in a lack of branches up to the browsing line. Seasonal predations by human hands for Yuletide decorations extended the nakedness of the tree trunk to well above human reach, as was so useful for certain purposes.

By the time the avengers had sauntered across to join the prisoners, the roped boys had made their best guess and had spaced themselves around the special holly tree and seemed to be trying to push their noses into it. “OK, dipsticks, backs to the tree.”

“Stewart! Come on, man,”

“Who wants our new friend here to dob the three of you in to Mum?” That was a bluff but, faced with such inarguable logic, the unfortunate trio decided to manoeuvre themselves away from the tree, turn the coffle around and back up again. At least that time Roy suggested that he kept more or less still while Dave led Koff round him. It worked but it was certainly comical. The chi-iking was very gratifying.

“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you, ‘Spazmo’?’”

Roy probably shouldn’t have said that to his brother. “Oh dear, I’d better go and get something to gag you with, hadn’t I? In that case, Roy decided to get his money’s worth. Stewart just laughed.

“Get something for the other two as well, wouldn’t want them getting into any more trouble, would we?” At that stage, Dave thought he’d get his money’s worth as well. Rob handed over the ropes he had brought to Stewart and departed for the gun emplacement. During his absence, Stewart gave the ‘little dickheads’ the benefit of his opinion concerning how they might be able to stop Jonah getting his parents to report the site. He also shared some timely advice concerning what might happen to them, after their parents had finished with them, if he did.

By that stage, Jonah had to make sure he played along. Let’s face it, he had already decided that, as long as he saw that was getting his revenge, he wasn’t going to do anything else. After all, it was only what members of his Scout Troop did to one another when Skip wasn’t looking in any case. The only difference was that they were his mates.

“OK, Jonah, it looked like you knew what you were doing just now. It’s your turn to tie their legs together.” Dave and Roy even moved their feet ready for Jonah to do his worst just as if it were one of their normal, inter-Pirate games. Jonah made such a good job of his task that it met with great approval – but only on behalf of two of the Pirates. “Nice one, Metal Mouth”. Yes, Jonah did have braces and Stewart was adopting the Pirates’ usual practice of christening one another with unflattering nicknames. Stewart poured oil on troubled waters and explained the practice. In comparison to the various things that they had called Dave until they settled on Muscle Monkey, Jonah thought he’d come off not too badly.

*small – may I remind readers that fallow deer taste good?

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Post by Gino »

I enjoyed reading the story this time too :D
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Good to hear it. Thank you.
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are there any photos to go with your stories? ;)
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Sorry, only the pictures I have already posted. I regret that [mention]LK3869[/mention] has disappeared and I have not asked [mention]Jason Toddman[/mention] to make any more.

Posts might be a bit less frequent from now on due to my not having finished writing them yet!
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Part 8

Jonah Makes Some Suggestions

Rob set about tying a hefty knot in the middle of one of the lengths of fabric that he’d taken from stores but, by then, Jonah had become emboldened enough to ask a question. When he was told that, as he suspected, Rob was about to. “Stop the gob on Shorty the Shrimp; stop him getting into any more trouble,” he had a suggestion to make. Stewart and Rob thought he had a point and asked if, as the injured party, he had any further suggestions. He did.

Jonah’s initial suggestion involved keeping their prisoners’ hands out of action before gagging them. Stewart departed for the stores again. He returned with a roll of packing tape in his possession which he handed to his new partner in crime. Following some further words of advice from Stewart, the ‘little wazzocks’ pushed themselves as far back against the tree as possible before freezing.

Jonah freed the end of the tape from the roll and started winding it round Koff’s left arm several times just above his elbow rather more tightly than was necessary. He then moved on to Dave’s right arm for a few turns and so on round the group until he returned to Koff’s left arm again.

“Go on, matey, use lots.” Jonah needed no more encouragement and did another complete round of all six arms before simply wrapping three layers round the entire group. Those arms were going nowhere; then Koff made a bad move: he lifted his bound wrists and tried to lower his head towards them.

“Bad move, Carpet-‘Ead.”

“Oh, come on, Lobster Boy, I was only scratching my nose.” His gaolers didn’t seem to believe him.

“How much packing tape we got left?”

“Oh, a fair bit.”

“OK, gizz it ‘ere.” Jonah lobbed the substantial remains of the roll gently to Rob who caught it with a grin. “I know I’m making a rod for my own back but anything to help you little spigots keep out of trouble.”

The replies from his victims seemed to indicate that they didn’t really appreciate his consideration. Starting with his brother, Rob wrapped the tape, none too tightly, round all three necks for about five layers. No one could move his head away from the tree afterwards. OK, they had to suffer but Rob though that, having wrapped their necks to the tree, he ought to offer them the chance to use their safe-words. All the while they thought that Jonah would drop them in it with their parents, they didn’t dare.

“Alright, men, let’s put the silencers in.” Stewart picked up two of the lengths of fabric and handed one to Jonah and Rob picked up the one he had already started preparing. They soon had substantial knots tied in their middles and tightened. There followed much ostentatious discussion of whether the other fabric that Rob had draped over a handy branch would be needed until Dave had had enough.

“Look, knob-‘eads, you know you’re going to use them in any case so just get on with it and let’s get it over with.”

“The customer is always right.” Three of the ‘spare’ pieces had already been folder ready for use so it took no time at all to insert them in the correct orifices. The knotted strips were presented but, with their necks bound to the tree, gagging the younger boys was not going to be easy.

“What a good job you didn’t tie their necks too tightly, Lobster Boy.”

“Don’t say I never think about your convenience, Gorilla Boy.” The older brothers bowed slightly. “Guests first.” Rob and Stewart ostentatiously stepped back so that they could observe their guest at work. He shoved the knot into Koff’s mouth. By now, Koff was rather hoping that he could be tied up by this stranger another time without the underlying threat.

Jonah arranged the folded cloth that was protruding from his subject’s mouth so that it was neat and tidy. “Safety first.” Eyebrows were raised; it was obviously not the first time the visiting Scout had gagged someone and he was obviously ensuring that loose wadding was not going too far down his subject’s throat. Jonah tied the knotted fabric as tightly as possible in the circumstances behind Koff’s nape and then reinforced the knot with another reef-knot before arranging the wadding again.

Stewart and Rob looked on approvingly. “Do you do this sort of thing often?” Jonah simply formed a dimpled grin.

First Roy and then Dave were treated in the same manner and Rob asked Koff whether he was going to try to grab hold of his gag again.”

“Nfghh, nghh, wewe fwuuwee.” Very funny or not, Rob continued with his offer undeterred. What it amounted to was that they could teach their visitor the effect of tying a rope tightly round Koff’s waist before passing it forward under his crutch and using it to make sure that he couldn’t raise his hands. Stewart suspected that, perhaps, Jonah wouldn’t need much showing.

“OK, Knob-’heads, anyone got anything to say?” There followed much snorting but it would be some time before and recognisable sounds would be possible.

“What do you reckon, lads: blindfold them?”

“Nah, they can always rub blindfolds off against the tree?”

“Is there any tape left?”

“Y’ know: for a grockle, you’re not such a bad kid?” Jonah was starting to feel quite at home.

Koff, Roy and Dave were not going to enjoy having the tape taken off their faces later even though they each had only two small pieces of tape stretching from their foreheads to their cheeks that kept their eyes closed. It had not escaped their notice that each of their torturers had firmed the tape conscientiously over their eyebrows.

“Alright, last chance. Safety word?” There were no takers.

Jonah Makes Himself At Home

Once the three offenders had been safely accommodated, even if only temporarily, Stewart prepared to return the kayak to Koff’s father. He was probably the person most suited to do so especially as it was just past full moon and the notorious tides in the Channel would be on Springs. His muscles would be stretched to their limits, especially if he was to be able to return to enjoy the fates of the prisoners. Stopping only to collect a loot bag, Stewart ran to the landing stage and started paddling in a direction that should have ensured that the tide pushed him towards the beach near the campsite. At least any return journey should have been easier.

Once Stewart was on his way and following one last check on the treed boys, Rob and Jonah repaired to the chairs to enjoy a not very cold can of fizz and the sort of sweets that don’t melt. They turned their chairs so that they could keep an eye on their charges. The powerful set of field-glasses should have prevented them needing to trouble themselves with moving too much.

Jonah shared his sun-block with Rob who had, predicably, (Remember his nickname?) omitted to top up since he’d left the mainland. Rob turned down his offer to extend his generosity to the prisoners because the tree would stay in the shade all the while the Sun was at its height. Even so, the guards did take it in turns to visit the captives each half hour both to check on their welfare and to torment them verbally for entertainment purposes. After about an hour and a half, Roy had managed to loosen his gag and couldn’t hide the fact when Rob checked up on him. A re-tying accompanied by a few rounds of packing tape corrected that to his brother’s satisfaction and both Koff and Dave declined Rob’s kind offer to do the same for them.

“Koff, have you been trying to reach that gag?” Koff immediately chomped down determinedly on it and shook his head whilst ostentatiously dropping his hands. Rob pretended to believe him. There wasn’t much room inside Koff’s hi-legs in normal circumstances but he really didn’t want the crotch rope fitted because he knew he was likely to get excited and the result would have been mortifying, especially in front of Jonah. Rob thought he would be no trouble for a while at least.

Rob and Jonah got to know each other better and, all the while the prisoners couldn’t hear them, Jonah reassured Rob that, as long a she got his revenge, he would make no further trouble for the Pirates but both boys agreed not to let the younger boys know that yet. The day wore on towards evening and the bound boys were starting to want release. Jonah reminded them of what might happen if point two of the ‘settlement’ was not met. Standing in a somewhat unstable position was starting to take its toll.

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The next post will be the last for a while.
Living in a field for a few days - no wi-fi!
Keep 'em peeled.
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Part 9

A Brief Call to the Mainland

In still water, Stewart could have paddled a kayak to the camp-site in about an hour but with a strong tide running, it took him an exhausting 90 minutes before he emptied the fibreglass hull and hauled the craft onto the side lot of Koffin’s Boat Hire. His Uncle George asked where Kevin was and Stewart just said he was tied up on the island. Koff’s dad gave a knowing look and asked no more.

“Back in a mo.”


Stewart made for the shop on the next-door campsite. A quick raid on any sweets that would be unlikely to melt and three two-litre bottles of an unreasonably red fizzy drink later, Stewart told his mum that Dave would pay for things later. His mum knew that was not exactly likely but, once she had found out that her sons and his mates were going to be on Longholme overnight, she suggested he take some real food as well. Stewart took three chocolate cakes, six packs of apple pies and a bunch of bananas, shoved them in his loot bag and hung it from his shoulders.

“Thanks, Mum.”

“Hang on, what about the real food?” Her voice followed her rapidly departing, sweaty elder son as he ran back to the boat hire lot.

Stewart persuaded George to ‘lend’ him a ‘Topper’. He needed something fast. Fortunately, there were several of the small dinghies already rigged and ready for hire; one of them was even on the trolley. It took the second-best sailor in the Pirates less than seven minutes to get the Topper into the water, the dagger-board in and the sail unfurled. Koff’s dad’s cry of, “Oi, Gorilla Boy,” (Stewart was used to that but, at the time, he didn’t really notice in any case.) “What about my trolley?” was a vain cry.

“Sorry, Uncle George, in a bit of a hurry.” Stewart started to tack on his way back to Longholme. It was going to be a quick return voyage. The adults were used to their boys being in a hurry, (except for when it came to going to school) and George knew that he could call on Stewart to help stowing the stock of craft on the first evening he was back. It was just understood.

Jonah Gets His Revenge

Stewart thought it would be quicker to drive the dinghy as far up the creek as he could before mooring it, abandoning it, and running for the gun emplacement than to navigate round the island to reach the landing stage. Dagger-board out, sail furled, painter attached to a handy tree, and Stewart shouldered his burden and started off uphill.

Rob and Jonah greeted the new arrival enthusiastically and the contents of his loot sack even more so. At least Dave, Koff and Roy couldn’t see what they were missing. “How’s the worms doin’?”

“Oh, they haven’t gone anywhere.”

“Isn’t it time we untied them?” Stewart and Rob looked at Jonah as if he had three heads. Jonah froze in mid swallow from one of the Corona bottles.

“Don’t you want to see them suffer?” It took very little time to persuade Jonah that he did.

“Take your time, they’re still going nowhere.” Following further drinking from the same bottle and the concomitant belching, Jonah, Rob and Stewart stowed away a couple of fruit pies each and opened another bottle of fizzy pop. During the repast, Rob suggested (sotto voce) how they should proceed. Once Jonah had come to believe that the captives were “good for hours yet”, he agreed that, after all, they deserved it.

Three stealthy torturers approached their victims as quietly as they could. They enjoyed the vain attempts to look through sealed eyes as their subjects realised that someone was near. Quick examinations revealed that the only gag that was securely in place was Roy’s thoroughly taped-over one. So . . .

More precious packing tape was sacrificed to secure newly re-tied gags onto Koff and Dave. Work was inspected and, with silent thumbs-up, it was approved. “Alright, worms, our friend, Jonah here, thought it was time to release you.”

Three boys were very suspicious. “Yes, but we put him right.” Cloth gags simply can’t muffle reactions like that even if they have been taped over.

Three more handy, longish ropes were produced and Stewart attached one of them to Dave’s rope cuffs using a prussic knot, leaving two long free ends hanging from it. Rob and Jonah repeated the process with Roy and Koff respectively. If they hadn’t done so already, the three bound lad lads quickly worked out what was coming next as they heard Rob’s voice saying, “Don’t mind if I borrow your knife, Koff?” He didn’t get an answer.

The tape securing the boys together by their arms was carefully slit leaving slit ends of the tape in place. The older lads did leave them a couple of minutes to loosen up a bit but an escape attempt would obviously have been futile. Rob thought he ought to remind the prisoners of one or two things for their own sakes. “OK worms, resistance is useless. Any attempt to resist by one of you and the other two get extras. Get it?” Let’s face it, they had no idea to what any ‘extras’ would be extra but there was much nodding following Rob’s warning in spite of the tape round their necks.

Jonah had been well briefed out of earshot of the prisoners so the next invitation came as no surprise at all: “On me shoulders, Son.” Jonah mounted Stewart’s, broad shoulders and the pair approached Koff while Rob took care of ground operations.

Stewart thought a further reminder might be necessary. “OK, Carpet-‘Ead, any trouble now and Rob’ll tie the ends off to your balls. Yes?” Koff nodded. Obviously, Rob wouldn’t have done that but Koff couldn’t be sure about that especially with the impression that the older boys had given the younger ones of complete schizoid fury.

Rob handed one end of the rope up to Jonah who managed to pass it up over a branch on the opposite side of the tree and then to reach the free end and hang it over a more convenient branch where he would be able to retrieve it easily. After Rob had handed Jonah the other rope and he had repeated the operation in the opposite direction, he pulled on both ropes as hard as he could. Even with the friction involved, Koff’s arms immediately went very straight. Jonah threaded the free ends of the rope in opposite directions between the tree and the rest of the rope and pulled hard again. Koff got no relief. Tying the free ends round the rising rope with a reef knot did provide some give but the victim’s arms were still very nearly straight

Jonah and his muscular mount moved round one place and Rob reminded Dave, just for the sake of form, what would happen if he didn’t cooperate. Even though what he threatened would have been almost impossible, it was certainly impressive and Dave offered no resistance as Rob handed he ends of his rope up to Jonah who repeated the previous operation on Stewart’s brother. Dave, too, soon had very little room for manoeuvre.

Jonah was getting into his stride as his two previous victims groaned into their gags as they tried, totally unsuccessfully to get comfortable.

“Need a rest yet, Big Guy?”

“Who’re you calling ‘Guy’? Jonah wasn’t quite sure whether he’d said something wrong.

Rob soon diffused the situation. “You, Guy the Gorilla.” And both the senior Pirates laughed. So, after a second of so, did Jonah but he had to hold tight there for a few seconds. Stewart carried his passenger round to face Roy.

Rob gave a few well-chosen words of advice – not that they were needed; and his curly-headed little bother was soon left with as few options as Koff and Dave. The condemned men were left looking like inverted capital Ys with hardly any way to escape the inevitable forthcoming chastisement, leaving their armpits and inner thighs completely exposed and indefensible. Dave, especially, was not looking forward to this.

Rob suggested that they left the ‘little dickheads’ a while to think about things. Dave considered trying to use his safe word but he doubted that, in the circumstances, even if anyone could understand him saying, “Muscle Monkey,” any of the older lads would take any notice. He just had to brace himself and hope not to embarrass himself too much. Stewart, Jonah and Rob prepared the equipment. The sight of the three prisoners exercising the limited options available to them was certainly entertaining.

Rob decided that about ten minutes was long enough for them to increase the trepidation they were feeling so the armed torturers approached their victims. Stewart insisted on cutting the tape holding their necks to the tree. “Can’t let the worms strangle. OK, guest gets first go at the monkey; he’s the easiest meat.” If Dave hadn’t been so despondent, he would have caught the implication of what had just been said and become even more desperate. Jonah took up his position in front of Dave while Rob faced Koff and Stewart positioned himself in front of Roy. Not being able to see was a torture in itself while the prisoners awaited the inevitable tickle assault.

“Just a word of advice, Grockle Boy, my brother can’t stand having the insides of his thighs tickled. One, two, three; - - - GO! Enjoy.”

Having their victims tied together at the ankles might not have made things particularly easy for the assaulters but it certainly did no favours to the victims either. Muffled squeals, squeaks and snorting mixed with barely comprehensible imprecations as the victims interfered with one another, made for five minute’s fine entertainment until Rob declared loudly, “One. Place. To. The. - - - Right! Go.” There was hardly any respite until the tickle assaults resumed. It was no use, Dave embarrassed himself. He started sobbing. “Enough?”

Dave nodded. It sounded like he was trying to say “Muscle Monkey” and Rob thought he’d had enough. Stewart agreed. “But not the other two.” Rob and Stewart resumed their attack for another five minutes on Koff and Roy respectively. Dave might have been spared the tickling but he still got no relief from the desperate jerking of his fellow sufferers. With the end of the assault, Dave just had to wait in wet briefs as the prisoners were left to consider their sins. At least his little mates couldn’t see that he had wet himself - but Jonah could.

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Post by Veracity »

Enjoying the story, but I hope someday the little brothers get their revenge. After all, Jonah was kind of asking for it.
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I love it when boys are tickled, so I'm all for victims getting revenge on their tormentors :D :D :D
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Oh, you never know but not in this tale, perhaps. Sorry!
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Part 10

Jonah Settles In

Jonah and his new friends retired to predate on the proceeds of Stewart’s raid on the campsite shop while the younger boys recovered (As best they could because, even after the tickle assault, they could still hardly move). The Pirates congratulated Jonah on his tying skill and he had to admit that the games his Scout troop played had something to do with that. He had, however, started to feel sorry for Dave as he remembered that friendly guy who had given him that game of table tennis and treated him to an ice cream, even if he didn’t pay for it, when he arrived. Stewart was more interested in deciding what forfeit his brother would have to pay for being let off the final tickle assault. The kangaroo court soon came up with a fair decision – sort of. They did agree, though, that there was no urgency in the need to free the defaulters.

While there was nothing else going on, Rob suggested that they, “Do the bit about Jonah’s challenge.” Jonah collected his instamatic camera and he set off with Rob for the gun that, although it’s undercarriage had disintegrated long ago, still stood atop the emplacement. He posed, Rob took a photo, and they headed off for the landing stage where our hero posed for another photo that would show the state of the tide. Another photo of Jonah by the gun at night followed by another tide photo in the morning would prove that Jonah had spent the night on Longholme because of the numbers on the slides. So far, points one, two and three of the settlement seemed to have been satisfied. Jonah thought he would not detail all the adventures he had enjoyed with his new friends when he got home.

The companions returned to camp and Jonah started to consider the domestic arrangements. Rob told him that he needn’t lift a finger because he knew some certain somebodies who would be delighted to help. For some strange reason, they were.

Stewart and Rob headed off towards the torture tree and shouted to Jonah that he should, “Bring Caarrpet-‘Ead’s knoife wiv yer.” Stewart put it to the captives that, IF they were prepared to wait on Jonah hand and foot, he MIGHT let them all off being betrayed to their parents. Jonah was giving nothing away.

Stewart suggested just cutting the rope cuffs and leaving the worms to finish freeing themselves. Jonah was shocked: only a Pirate could possibly suggest ruining a perfectly good rope. He extended the marlin spike from Koff’s knife and suggested that, if Stewart would be so kind as to give him a boost, he would rescue their ropes for them. Not that they deserved it. Yes, there was still a game to be played in front of the littlies.

Stewart agreed and hoisted Jonah onto his shoulders. They went and stood in front of Koff who was threatened with a fate worse than death (Stewart was fond of hyperbole) if he didn’t reach as high as he could to take the tension off the reef-knot that was keeping him stretched out quite strictly already. Jonah made short work of untying the knot and instructed his mount to move round one place. Before doing so, Rob asked Koff how much he wanted to be naked. Koff shook his head frantically and Rob said that, in that case, he’d better not start pulling on the rope until he was told that he could. Koff nodded several times.

Once Dave and Roy had been treated similarly, Rob gave a lecture about acceptable and unacceptable behaviour which was followed by much nodding from the three captives. “Alright, worms, free your arms, just pulling should do that and then you can remove the tape from your eyes.”

“But don’t try even touching your gags”, reinforced Stewart. More nodding followed. There was hardly any friction to impeded the first manoeuvre and bound hands reached for the tape that was sealing their eyes shut. By then, the older boys had regained their chairs and enjoyed the barely stifled squeals as six eyebrows were partially pruned.

“Good job you told them not to remove those gags, I don’t approve of strong language.” Jonah was feeling more at home with every passing second.

“You’re not related to Koff’s mum, are you?” More of Stewart’s loot was given good homes while the lads laughed.

“Let’s see what they do now.” Much muffled, and completely useless communication ensued until it dawned on Roy that he could reach Koff’s knife where Jonah had dropped it – just! Having his ankles tied to both the other boys made things far from easy but he did manage to kneel down and reach out for it. Rob congratulated Jonah on the careful positioning of the spike. “Well judged, “Grockle Boy”.

Roy could just reach the knot that completed his cuff with the marlin spike but it took over five minutes before he could free his wrists completely. At least he could pass the knife to Dave. No, it didn’t dawn on the ‘worms’ that it would have been easier for all concerned if Roy had untied one of his ankle cuffs first so that they could have helped each other. In all, it must have taken a good half-hour until all ropes had been removed, but only about another five minutes after Stewart had threatened the newly untied prisoners before they had tidied them up and come to kneel in front of Jonah.

Domestic tasks were allocated, none of which seemed to require any effort from Jonah, Rob or Stewart and soon camp had been established and dinner was under way courtesy of the stores. The domestic slaves were starting to wonder whether they would be allowed any.

Dinner was served and, once more, the servants came to their knees.

“Well, what have you got to say for yourselves?” The ensuing chaotic replies were completely incomprehensible but were, in fact, a mixture of pleas, apologies and promises of perfect behaviour from then on. Rob let the chaos go on for as long as he found it entertaining. “RIGHT! Shut the **** up!”

Stewart took over. “Who wants some dinner?” Three hands were raised. “Who needs the bog?” Only one hand went down. “Who’s got anything to say to the Grockle?” There was much embarrassed shuffling and mumbling and three heads hung as, once more, three hands were raised.

“OK Jonah, who do you think should get first go?” To cut a long story short, first Koff, then Dave and finally Roy got to strip the tape off their faces and mumble apologies, explanations and pleas for mercy, some of which were actually sincerely meant. Jonah gracefully (or smugly, depending on your point of view) accepted the apologies and even believed some of the explanations of the Pirates’ behaviour. He was still giving no indication of how likely he was to extend mercy to the supplicants.

All that was left was the washing up and the matter of the evening’s entertainment.

Jonah Joins In Properly

“What you think, Mate? How about a worm hunt?” Stewart was addressing Rob.

“Sounds good to me, mush. Worms, Jonah seems to have finished his drink.” Three Pirates got up and ran for the gun emplacement. Dave made it to the stores first and returned with a warm Coke. Jonah raised an eyebrow before accepting it. Three swim-suited Pirates took to their knees. Jonah nodded approvingly and took the can.

“What’s a ‘worm hunt’?” Look, by now you know and I know that Jonah could have made a good guess, but it’s always wise to come up to speed on the local rules. Even if it was under duress the ‘worms’ agreed to take part and even agreed on the prize awards and, rather more reluctantly, with the penalties.

Each worm then retrieved the rope that had recently bound his wrists and returned to face the latest in ‘justice’. If they weren’t still so shit-scared that Jonah might dob them in and what their brothers would do to them if they lost their privileged access to Longholme, their situation would have been no worse than a normal evening in the Summer Holidays. As it was, though, they had some decisions to make: should they play the game hard or should they allow Jonah to win?

The ropes were prepared as ‘negotiations’ continued. Centres were located easily because the worms made sure that they wound the ropes properly, bights were returned and loops opened and slipped over the arms of the quarry. The loops were tightened leaving the free ends hanging behind the subjects. Simple knots secured the captors’ work so far. There followed much ostentatious (and completely unnecessary) adjustments as those knots were grabbed and the victims pulled around until their tormentors declared themselves satisfied. Simple knots in the doubled ropes about six inches below the initial knots provided further pairs of loops which drew the worms’ upper arms towards each other once they had been inserted. Roy found that less demanding than his fellow-sufferers and his elbows nearly touched. He thought he could handle that.

“Oh, come on, man, not so close, please.” Dave, being more muscular than flexible, was really suffering at his brother’s hands.

“Did your brother say something, Stewart?”

“You know, Rob: I believe he did.”

“OK, Muscle Monkey, want to beg?” That was too much to ask, Dave thought he would rather not lose face again; after all, he wouldn’t have to stay like that for long - would he? Almost imperceptibly, Stewart did ease off on the tension slightly but not so that Dave would notice. Once more, the free ends were simply tied-off round the vertical cords. All three worms raised their forearms behind them on orders and, at least, with their arms pulled together, the older boys did not need to tie their forearms too tightly. Jonah had seen that tie before somewhere. Perhaps it was when he was captured by Hawk Patrol in that wide game recently. But at that time the members of his patrol only got tied up after they had been captured.

“Are we going to gag them?” Jonah assumed they were.

“Nah, not safe; if they hide too well and have an accident, they need to be able to shout for help.”

“Although, - - - perhaps we could gag my brother - - -“ Dave thought it would be better to keep schtum.

A brief recap of the rules and it was time to release the worms. They had ten minutes to hide before the hunters would try to find them. After that, the last one captured would be untied. The last hunter to be without a captive would obviously have to suffer in a manner not yet specified but the decision of the Court would form part of the evening’s entertainment. Jonah was now feeling very much at home.

The hunters repaired to the gun emplacement so that they couldn’t see in which direction the worms fled and, of course, the Pirates’ Code of Honour demanded that they had to stay there until the ten minutes had elapsed. It was decided that Jonah was at a disadvantage in not knowing either the Island or the habits of the quarry as well as Stewart and Rob so they said they wouldn’t start the search until Jonah had had a five-minute start. So, the game was on.

All three hunters slipped some of the fabric strips into the waist-bands of their swimmers and waited for the start time. To cut a short story even shorter, Jonah soon located Dave who was trying to change his hiding place as he passed the concealed visitor who took him down with a rugby tackle. By the time he could react, Dave found himself blindfolded and effectively defenceless. It was probably redundant of Jonah to ask whether his prize was going to cooperate but, nevertheless, he did so before tying another strip, knotted this time, into Dave’s mouth. He contemplated bringing the ends round and tying them into another knot in Dave’s mouth. It certainly wasn’t necessary – so he did it. Dave objected.

Jonah marched his captive back to the gun emplacement, took him into the innermost compartment and made him sit cross-legged. He used another of the discarded (but neatly hanked) ropes to secure Dave’s ankles and just pulled his head forwards. By the time he had tied the rope off, he would not be able to straighten up. Dave couldn’t help thinking that Jonah was quite good at that sort of thing. He had been tied, there was no feeling of constriction round his neck but he was completely unable to slip the rope free and he simply could not straighten up.

The two of them had only a couple of minutes to wait before Stewart dragged a blindfolded and volubly complaining Roy into the chamber. Before Roy could have his ankles bound completely, Rob brought a compliant, but also blindfolded and gagged Koff to join the party. It was then decided to delay any decisions until refreshments had been taken – well, at least by three of the participants. Once Koff had been secured, Roy had been gagged, and threats made about escape attempts, the hunters withdrew.

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Post by blackbound »

I finally have some time to read this epic and have caught up to the beginning of part 4.

My personal highlights were Koff's endurance bet and Dave's hogstaking/mud workout. Definitely getting some inspiration here.

Now to dive into part 4...

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You're welcome to the inspiration, especially now that you are sharing your creativity with us.
Thanks for catching up on the Pirates.
More of Koff's trials to come.
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Part 11

Jonah Helps to Make Judgements

By the time the prisoners had been ‘assisted’ to their knees in front of Jonah again, their feet had been untied but the hunters considered that it would be less inconvenient if their victims remained blindfolded and gagged. That way they would be able to hear the results of their captors’ deliberations with, perhaps, fewer interruptions. It almost worked for most of the time.

The decision was that Dave, as the first to be captured, had lost and that he would remain tied up until bedtime. He accepted that just as he would have done during one of the Pirates’ normal games. Rob suggested that he would still have to pay for the mercy is ‘masters’ had extended him earlier on. Dave said nothing. By the same logic, Jonah had won but no one could come up with a suitable reward so they let that pass.

On the other hand, Koff, as the last to be captured, had also won so Rob was told to untie him immediately. He was then reminded that he had lost because he was the last to make a capture. He had a suggestion to make in that respect that he would explain once a decision had been arrived at concerning Roy. Obviously, he shouldn’t be kept tied up for as long as Dave but should have to serve some forfeit compared to Koff. It was decided that, in fairness, he should stay bound until it was time for him to prepare supper. He nodded his acceptance. He then had his gag and blindfold removed whereas Dave had his gag reinforced and his ankles secured once more.

Rob suggested that his mates wouldn’t really want to make him suffer. No one else seemed to agree. He was made to kneel in front of the jury to explain himself. The agreed solution was a masterpiece of diplomacy. He suggested that Dave should pay for the goods Stewart had raided and that he himself should have to stay tied up until supper. Negotiations ensued during which Dave obviously didn’t get a say. Stewart agreed about his brother having to pay for his raid and, surprisingly, Dave even nodded his acceptance. That was merely a face-saving arrangement for all concerned because, let’s face it, neither boy was likely to be faced with having to pay for what their parents considered to be reasonable recompense for being rid of their hyper-active sons for a day or two when they wouldn’t have to feed them at home. Honour, however was satisfied and Dave still had to stay tied up until bedtime.

Having made such a compassionate judgement, the Court proceeded to next matters and it was suggested that, as a winner, Jonah might care to tie Rob up. His cover as an inexperienced tier had obviously been blown as was made clear to him by those of the assembled company who could actually speak. Jonah took up one of the neatly hanked ropes and Rob presented himself for his forfeit.

Jonah made pointed remarks about longer ropes being more useful because they could be doubled to make the results safer on the victim. If his cover had not been blown previously, it certainly was then. However, he located the centre of the rope and hung it over Rob’s neck with the ends hanging down in front of him. Jonah reached round to retrieve the ends of the rope, crossing them over Rob’s chest and returning them under the opposite armpits. Needless to say, he had to field the inevitable remarks such as, “Don’t just hug him, he likes a wet snog,” and similar remarks from the others. They were obviously not meant maliciously and Jonah’s answers gave as good as he got. Even Rob was giggling as Jonah secured the free ends of the rope behind his back with a reef-knot.

Just for the sake of using a different technique from the one he had used on Koff earlier, Jonah then looped one end round each of Rob’s arms and, after warning him to cooperate, twined them and pulled tight drawing his elbows towards one another. Rob proved to be as flexible as his little brother and Jonah tied off the ropes once more. By then Rob’s elbows were almost touching and Jonah secured his arms just below the elbows and again at the wrists. Rob tried his bonds. He was quite impressed.

“Will that do?”

“Come on, Grockle Boy, you can’t leave Lobster Lad like that, he can still walk around.”

“Oh thanks, mate – not!”

“You’re welcome. Wouldn’t want you damaging yourself by falling when you were trying to run away, would we?” On Stewart’s suggestion, Jonah got Rob to lie down on his face and lift his feet so that he could tie his ankles. It was decided that a hog-tie was probably not in order due to the length of his sentence but his legs still ended up secured at the ankles and just below his knees. He was then told to turn over and work his way on his bum towards a nearby tree so that he could prop himself up against it. That was entertaining and Rob bore it with remarkably little bad language.

Just when things seemed to have been settled, Roy chimed up. He reckoned that he, who had not lost at all was having to stay tied up until supper time so his brother, who was a real loser, should have to stay tied up for longer. Rob asked whose great idea it was to remove his little brother’s gag. Obviously further deliberations were called for. Following those deliberations, it was decided that Rob could be untied at the same time as his brother as long as he helped George to stow his craft safely for the next four days when he was on the mainland and that the others would not have to raise a finger towards it.

Roy didn’t get away with his further suggestion that his big brother should be blindfolded and gagged like Dave, which was considered unreasonable. A compromise was obviously called for and Rob merely had to suffer being gagged until suppertime

Jonah Stays the Night

Jonah spent the next couple of hours getting to know his hosts and they him. Rob’s gag gradually worked its way loose and no one bothered to replace it, but one knot of Dave’s gag stayed stubbornly in place as the boys, all except Rob, sat round a fire composed mainly of dried-out driftwood. It came to supper time and the MacGregor brothers were freed and prepared supper between them (drinking chocolate, chocolate cake, ‘Bird’s’ custard and custard creams) and Dave was freed from his gag and blindfold. His pleas to have his ankles freed was turned down. Jonah offered to feed him and I still don’t know whether Dave believes that all the yellow gloop running down his chest got there by accident but, of course, Stewart and Rob assured him that it did.

Not long after supper, Rob took another photograph of Jonah with his new friends (Dave was carefully excluded from the group) sitting by the fire and it was agreed that the night was much too hot for sleeping in the gun emplacement. Insect spray was produced and all the boys, even Jonah in spite of the fact that his mosquito net had already been pitched, showered in the stuff. Stewart staked a tarp over Jonah’s upturned canoe for his brother and himself, Rob slung a pair of hammocks for the Lennoxes while Roy tidied up after supper, and Koff, who had produced a sleeping bag liner was asking a favour. By then, it hardly surprised Jonah at all.

“Hey, boys, anybody going to tie me up tonight?”

“Yes,” replied Stewart, “We don’t want to hear you wanking, do we?”

“You’re funny. Nah, please, just lightly.”

Rob explained that such a request was not uncommon and made the usual assertion that, “He’s gross.”

“Yeah,” confirmed Stewart. The younger Pirates were still minding their P’s and Q’s.

“Oh, come on, boys just my wrists. Please.”

“Where are you sleeping?”

“Out here. It’s too bloody hot anywhere else.”

“Want to share my mozzie net?”

“If he does, you HAD better tie him up first.”

“Yeah, you might be safe then.”

“Oh, ha ha.” The badinage continued but eventually Koff got Jonah to agree to tie him up a bit and thanked him for offering to share his inner tent with him. There was plenty of room, especially as there was no need to store anything in the mosquito net.

Night-wear, such as it was, was donned and swimming costumes rinsed out and pegged to the line that had been rigged between two nearby trees. Lilos and sleeping bags and were laid out, not for sleeping in but for lying on, and Koff presented himself to his host with two ropes and asked to be ‘made comfortable’ for the night. Jonah took the hint that he wanted to be bound both hand and foot.

The two boys agreed that, if he was going to get any sleep, Koff’s wrists should be bound in front of him and Jonah tied another set of rope cuffs between them, but quite a short one compared to the earlier example. Koff thanked Jonah and asked about his ankles.

“Get into the tent first; it’ll make things easier.” Both boys entered the inner-tent and Jonah zipped up the door. Koff laid down on his back and raised his knees. Jonah told him to move his feet to be about a foot apart and tied several rounds of doubled rope around his left ankle. A few turns round his other ankle and tied off tidily had him secured with a double strand of rope between his ankles. Koff really wanted less scope for movement but Jonah didn’t want to be disturbed either by his clumsy turning over at night or by the need to untie him before morning.

By the time the fire had been damped down and everyone had adopted their accommodation, Koff was ready to retire. Rob and Stewart threatened their little brothers with what would happen if neither they nor, more importantly, Jonah, got any sleep that night and everybody settled down for the night.

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Post by Gino »

Always nice to read... tied up boys being tickled... I love it :D
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Good to hear fro you again.
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Part 12

Jonah Waits around a Bit

The night was uneventful, Koff manged to hold out without needing a loo-break an no one even managed to keep the others awake with his snoring. The early sunrise passed unnoticed and everyone managed to wake up in the shade.

Jonah woke first and decided to take a couple more photos featuring the gun-emplacement and the sleeping Pirates and the rest of the boys soon rose and dealt with their morning routines. Even Koff managed to crawl from Jonah’s inner tent without assistance and to make his way over to one of the seats that had been left out overnight.

Things went smoothly as the fire was attended to, Koff was freed, the burners retrieved from the stores and breakfast (cereals and milk eaten straight out of the inner packs, bacon baps with tomato ketchup, and the leftover fruit pies) was washed down with a large aluminium teapotful of the most ferocious navvy-strength tea. The individual cereal packets (roughly two-per person) were consigned to the fire, spoons were licked clean, and Stewart asked Dave whether he wanted to enjoy that wedgie he had in mind or whether he would prefer to clean the over-sized frying pan. Dave made the obvious choice as Roy set about tidying away the rest of the kit.

That’s when Rob noticed Koff taking his ease.

“So, Carpet-‘Ed, who told you that you could use one of the chairs?” Koff’s expression was hard to read. “Jonah, did you give your new mate permission to use one of the chairs that are reserved for those Pirates who did not kidnap you?” By now, Jonah couldn’t give a stuff but, taking his cue from Rob’s deliberately formal language, the game was obviously back on.

“Of course not.” Koff took the hint and took to his knees. He didn’t exactly look upset. His quiet conversations with the new guy as they lay under the mozzie-net had given him the impression that Jonah was not going to dob him in - nor any of the others for that matter – but he would never pass up the possibility of being tied up.

“And you, Shorty the Shrimp, on your knees; you still have to persuade our visitor not to lose the Island for us.” Roy did not adopt the posture with as much equanimity as Koff had done. The older boys made themselves comfortable until Dave could join the display of the defaulters.

By that time, everybody except Koff had manged to grab their cozzies and apply some sun-screen (even Rob) and Koff was left wearing only an old pair of school football shorts. They were OK for overnight but were a bit precarious under other circumstances without any underpants and without the ability to adjust them. Koff was used to it.

While Dave was at his task, the older lads came to an agreement that, in order to allow Jonah to achieve his challenge, he should be invited to stay overnight. Two of the Pirates didn’t seem too pleased with the situation but they didn’t get a say. Koff thought things might be looking up.

The kangaroo court went into session again. Obviously Koff had a forfeit to pay and the older lads pretended not to know that he wouldn’t mind that: perhaps they had to come up with an idea to make him mind? Dealing with the other two appropriately would be easy but there remained the problem of making their distress entertaining. Much discussion ensued, during which Dave found himself face down and snorting sand.

Eventually, the decisions were made. Even Koff was not too sure about one of them.

Jonah Shows His Skills

If Koff was simply going to be tied up for his transgression with the furniture, not only would he probably enjoy it but he would also escape having to wait on Jonah hand and foot. So, an appropriate (and uncomfortable) posture had to be devised. Many such came to Dave’s mind (Who said that he should have a say in any case?) but most of them were ruled out as being too dangerous. Koff kept the fact that he wouldn’t mind suffering some of the less extreme ones to himself. The decision came down to one consideration: should he be prevented from sitting or should sitting be made unpleasant for him? Much cogitation led to the obvious conclusion: Koff was to prevented from sitting until he begged to be allowed to do so when it should be made as unpleasant as safely possible for him. Koff enjoyed a challenge and Jonah got another chance to show his skills.

Dave and Roy were set to tidying site and stowing the accommodation at a brisk pace so that they would have plenty of time to collect driftwood for future fires. They got the distinct impression that, if their gleanings were insufficient, then the deliberately unstated consequences would be best left that way. As the younger brothers worked away diligently and very productively, a long, quarter-inch hemp rope and another, shorter nylon one was produced and Jonah set to work.

Just to show off, Jonah eschewed Stewart’s offer off a bunk-up (Watch your dirty minds!) in favour of tying a monkey’s fist in the end of the rope. He inserted a pebble in the knot and tightened it. That made a good throwing line which, after only a few attempts, flew over a high branch and returned to Jonah’s hand. It was the opinion of all those who mattered that the branch would be suitable for the purpose that Jonah said he had in mind, especially when the rope had been eased a bit closer to the trunk of the tree.

Jonah untied the monkey’s fist and released the pebble prior to evening out the free ends of the hanging rope. Then he asked Stewart if he could still avail himself of that bunk-up. Jonah came to a decision about the easiest way of tying the required knot in the doubled rope and decided to make a classic re-tied figure of eight. He pulled some of the rope through and tied a very loose figure of eight in that strand. Stewart crouched down and allowed Jonah to mount up on his shoulders. Once he was standing, Rob carefully handed Jonah the knot ensuring that it would not tighten. He then gently pulled the unused end until Jonah called, “Stop”. The free end was then handed into Jonah’s free hand. He still had to work quite high in front of his face as he threaded the free end through the various loops of the figure eight until the desired effect had been produced. Careful manipulations diminished the over-sized loops before Jonah pulled the knot tight. With all that loose rope hanging around, that was a real masterpiece. Jonah asked Stewart to let him down and the ends of the rope were hanging only about six inches apart.

“OK, Koff, bring that short rope here, please.” He was only too pleased to do so but hoped that his enthusiasm would not show too badly. In truth, a gentleman would not have pointed it out. “Wanna put your swimming costume on?

“Yeah, we don’t wanna see your thing.”

“Na, ‘s alright. You’ve all got one, an’ no one else is gunna see.”

“He’s gross.”


Jonah wasn’t used to that sort of thing but he thought he could cope. He told Koff to hold his hands out in front of him. Having doubled the rope, Jonah wrapped it three times around Koff’s wrists, slackened it of a bit and pushed the bight between his wrists and the coils and tied it off. Jonah checked to see that the resultant bindings were not too tight for prolonged use and Koff thought he had been short-changed – until Jonah made a few frapping turns between his wrists and tied off round his left wrist. Jonah then rubbed the loops firmly to even out any tightness. There was now no way that Koff was going to be able to slip a wrist out of the loops but neither was the whole thing too tight. That was impressive.

Koff was invited to make his way over to the hanging rope while Jonah mounted his porter again. Compared to the technical nature of the knotting Jonah had already demonstrated, the next procedure was simplicity itself. Rob threaded the two ends down between Koff’s arms and handed them up to Jonah. No threats were needed before Koff raised his arms. Jonah threaded the ends between the rope strands above the re-tied figure of eight, pulled them through and pulled tight. Koff’s arms were drawn straight. Once Jonah had tied off the ends round the hanging cordage, Koff’s arms relaxed a little. Jonah though he would not bother to add another re-tied figure of eight to his construction yet.

As Jonah dismounted once more, Koff thought he had got off quite lightly in terms of his sentence until Jonah did tie that other re-tied figure of eight at the level roughly of the middle of Koff’s thigh. “OK, Carpet-‘Ed,” Jonah though he was entitled to address his prisoner so, “Get your foot in there.”

That was more like it, Rob and Stewart approved. Koff needed quite some assistance but his right ankle was soon ‘safely’ secured off the ground leaving him hopping around on his left foot.

“Just let us know when you want a sit down.” Stewart was impressed.

Koff was having trouble with the under-seam of his shorts and was beginning to regret not having changed into his swimmers.

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Post by Gino »

I like Koff... he's always the first one who wants to be tied up hehe... awesome guy :D
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Post by blackbound »

Jonah is far too kind not blindfolding his victim to make this position even more untenable.

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I suspect that he's learning rapidly.
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Part 13

Jonah Demonstrates His Skills Again.

The timetable was working out fairly well and the older lads had time to take a leisurely, though rather warm, Coke while waiting for the beachcombers to complete their task by leaving their new finds near the fire to dry out. There was also plenty of time to goad Koff, who was determined to tough things out for as long as he could.

The day was still young when Dave and Roy were called before the Jurors once more. Dave had chosen his black swim-briefs when he got dressed and Roy, predictably, was wearing his red boxer-briefs with the thin black stripes. Actually, he is such a skank that he had worn them throughout the previous day and overnight. He thought better of objecting when he saw that his brother had ‘borrowed’ his fashionable red braces and clipped them onto to his white swim-briefs. Rob pointed out that Roy had, in the past, said that making judgements was a serious matter that required formal attire. Roy thought better of responding.

In truth, by that stage, Rob and Stewart had run out of appropriate ideas concerning the way their younger brothers should be treated. There were no domestic tasks for them to do until they would need to deal with lunch and just tying them up would be no different from any other weekend. Inspiration was needed so that they could make any tying more unpleasant than usual but not so unpleasant that they would get into trouble with their parents for it. For once, Dave could not be trusted to come up with such suggestions. Oh well, anything was worth a try.

“Alright, Diddle-o’s, listen up.” Rob was in complimentary mode. “You three need to suffer like the little twats you are. Our new friend, Jonah here, needs to be persuaded that you have learnt your lessons.” This was, of course, pure bullshit: Rob and Stewart just wanted to torment their little brothers and, in any case, neither Roy nor Dave was renowned for learning such lessons. “So, any ideas?” Surprisingly, Dave became unusually reticent on that front.

Stewart took over the situation. “Let’s put it this way: the one who comes up with the best idea only gets to suffer it for half as long as the other dipstick.” Stewart was also in complimentary mode. “Five minutes to come up with an idea before you both go onto the wood ants’ nest.”

“Now, that’s an idea!” Rob knew that not even Koff would want to suffer that fate.

While Rob and Stewart waited, Jonah thought he ought to get into the spirit of things. “Oi, Koff, want to sit down yet?” Koff was still desperate to tough things out as he hopped around uncertainly whilst trying to avoid the small items of detritus that were occasionally lobbed in his direction. “Just let us know when. Ooops, sorry!” Koff yelped as Jonah scored an involuntary hit on his tender parts.

“Don’t worry about it mate, he’s got nothing you can harm there.” Koff was indignant.


“Gag.” For once in his life, Koff didn’t want to be gagged; he knew he was nearing his limit and really did not want his ‘friends’ pretending not to be able to understand his inevitable words of surrender.

“Too late, Carpet-‘Ed, you know the safety words.”

“Yeah, I think we’ll understand you. OK Jonah, your honour, I think.” So saying, Rob handed Jonah one of those ubiquitous fabric strips. At least it was a clean one.

Jonah looked indignant, “What, only one?” Rob and Stewart were taken aback – until Jonah smiled.

“Anything for a guest.” Rob bowed elaborately and departed for the stores as Stewart dealt with the other two prisoners who were both talking at once in an attempt to make themselves understood.

“Shut up, Weeds. We’ll listen to you when Jonah has finished with Koff. Don’t worry, we won’t keep you to the five-minute limit - - - as long as we like your first offers. Just shut it - - - yes?” Roy and Dave nodded.

Jonah tied a substantial knot in one of the lengths of fabric and presented it to Koff, who took it in his mouth while Jonah folded the second strip neatly. “Ready, Koff?” Koff nodded and grunted an affirmative. “Give.” Koff relinquished the knotted strip which Jonah draped over his subject’s left shoulder and knotted loosely for security. The folded strip was lodged neatly into the bound boy’s mouth and held in place by the other one. “OK, turn round.” That wasn’t really necessary but Jonah was getting into the swing of things and Koff bit down on the embryonic gag and obligingly hopped until he had turned his back on Jonah. Jonah twined the ends of the cloth strip round one another a couple of times and pulled tight. Koff yelped.

“Safety word?”

What Koff said obviously wasn’t, “Carpet-‘Ed,” because it had only two syllables. The others assured Jonah that it would be alright to continue so he pulled tight once more and knotted the free ends again.

Then Stewart spoke: “Alright, wankers, you may speak. You first, Shrimp.

Jonah Accepts an Offer.

Roy made his best offer, “How about a hunt?”

“Done that.”

“Perhaps the ant-heap wouldn’t be such a bad idea after all?”

“No, no, listen. You take us to somewhere we tell you and tie us up so that we can’t move and leave us blindfolded and gagged . . .”

“Can’t do that. Too dangerous.”

“. . . alright, then, no gags; we wouldn’t want to draw attention to ourselves in any case. But leave us for Jonah to find.

“How do you know we won’t just tell him where you are?”

Roy turned to Jonah, “You’re a Scout, could you go on Scout’s Honour?”

“I suppose I could – if you ask nicely.” Much grovelling followed and Jonah graciously condescended to go on his honour not to ask where his quarry had been abandoned.

“OK, Shrimp, what makes that different from any of our usual games?”

“Yeah, how does Jonah see that you get to suffer?”

There followed a momentary silence before Dave found his voice. “We could both stay tied up but the winner gets to choose whether he or the loser gets to cook dinner.”

“What, and then the cook gets tied up again?” That wasn’t strictly what Dave had in mind.

“Yes – I - suppose – so.” Dave was obviously listening for loopholes.

Rob went into sensible mode. “Look, it’s quite a good idea but we can’t keep you tied uncomfortably for the rest of the morning and all afternoon . . .” At that time, Koff objected as best he could, after all, he had been kept bound for much longer than that in the past – often!

“No, Koff, I know what you’re trying to say, but you weren’t tied in a particularly uncomfortable way for all that long.” Dave and Roy were beginning to regret the way things were going.

“No, I’ll tell you what, same as before except that after lunch, the diddle-o’s fight and the loser acts as a target for a catty-wang contest.” Things weren’t sounding good for Dave and Roy.

“Hang on, what about Koff?” Having heard the rather disorderly discussion, for once in his life, Koff hoped that he was actually being overlooked.

“Right, all shut up!” Rob thought it was time to take a hand. “Here’s how it’s gunna be: one, the hunt is on – one at a time.” There was general assent even from Dave and Roy. “Two, winner gets to choose who prepares lunch.” Again, there was general assent. “Three, after lunch there will be a tickling contest including Koff. No penalties for the ticklers.”

“Awwah, no’ fair!”

“Did your brother say something, Stewart?”

“D’you know, I believe he did, Rob.”

“That’s OK, then; we can gag him more severely when he’s tickled, in that case. Anything to say, Muscle Monkey?” That was the clue to Dave to use his safe-word: Dave saw his world disappearing down the plug-hole. “Good, that’s agreed, then.” Dave had a very good idea who the loser in any tickle contest was certain to be and, unlike Jonah, he had much experience of the consequences of such losses.

“Alright with you, Jonah?”

Jonah assented.

They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
Posts: 130
Joined: 6 years ago
Location: Germany

Post by Gino »

I'm looking forward to the competition :D :D :D
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