The News Anchor roped into Charity - (m+/F) (FF/F) Part 4 added

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The News Anchor roped into Charity - (m+/F) (FF/F) Part 4 added

Post by quietman »

Hi there everyone. I don't know about others, but I always thought news anchors or reporters would make wonderful damsels in distress. I actually wrote this story a month or two ago but didn't post. I actually wrote using a local news girl who I'm a big fan of, but I changed the name to keep my location anonymous. I had a lot of fun writing this story, hope you all enjoy it.

Part 1

“Hey Jennifer, come look at this, this looks like a nice idea!” The producer of one of the morning shows at Channel 6 news called over to Jennifer Nelson, one of the co-hosts of the morning show as well as an afternoon anchor. The station took requests via mail and e-mail, and he had received one he thought looked like a nice story. “We’ve been looking for a nice segment with some local kids, I think this one would be perfect for us!” The highly attractive brunette in her early 30s made her way closer to discuss the idea with the producer. This local station had gained the reputation for having the most attractive ladies, and she was one of their most popular personalities due to both her good looks, and her warm, endearing charm on camera. Jennifer was 5’4”, brown hair that was straight, very thick and down to above the shoulders, with large brown eyes, and a cute smile that showed her nice set of teeth. She had a nice natural tan and a beautiful, naturally curvy body, with her toned legs being further enhanced by a regular fitness regimen. She was not “skinny,” and not skinny in a good way. She was certainly not fat either!

The producer explained that there was a boy scout troop that had e-mailed the station about a little contest they were entering. They had agreed that at an upcoming area county fair, they would have a little friendly competition testing various skills with a nearby 4H club. The proceeds from the crowd and fans would go to a Veterans’ charity. They wanted the show to come document their preparation, and send Jennifer to their normal meeting place for the segment. They wanted to get the public interested to raise money for charity, and they said there was no better way to get public exposure than to have Jennifer stop by for a segment.

“They want to know if we can come out next Tuesday just to take a look and meet them, what do you think?” Jennifer’s face was still focused on reading the e-mail more, “hmm, boy scouts…” The producer, encouraged her, “the e-mail says the boys are all big fans of yours!” She smiled, “well I must say these kids look really cute, and our audience I’m sure would enjoy it.” The producer responded with an e-mail that Jennifer would come out to meet with them the next week to prepare for the segment. If all went well, they’d bring the camera crew in the next day to shoot it. “I’d go with you Tuesday, but I’m already scheduled to travel out to that bakery on the other side of town to prepare for our segment there.” While having an older man who was a father might have reassured her a little, Jennifer smiled with a bubbly giggle, “Oh that’s okay, I should be able to manage some kids on my own. After all, you said they’re big fans!”

On Location

A few days later, she arrived at the F.O.E. hall where the scouts met and was greeted by a boy age 12. “Hi there, I’m Jennifer Nelson, I’m here to meet you all for the news segment!” The boy’s face just lit up and he told her to wait right there. An older boy, maybe 14 came back and told her to come right in and make herself comfortable, he wanted to properly introduce her. Jennifer walked into the dining hall where they met and every head turned as the beautiful woman entered. She had on a sleeveless gray dress with a belt, which didn’t quite reach her knees. On bottom she wore pantyhose and black boots. Her look drove the local boys wild, not just at the meeting, but in the entire region of the state, and had helped make her local station #1.

As the hot news anchor entered, she asked if there was a parent in charge. A 12-year-old blonde boy answered, “oh a little later, it’s just us for now.” Jennifer looked at him for a moment.

“What’s your name, young man?” She said it with a smile but was a little uneasy.

“Jonathan. Jonathan Phillips.” She thought he looked familiar but couldn’t place him. “Well then, I was going to ask one of your parents what the plan was, but I’d be happy to work with you boys. When I was younger I even thought about being a teacher!” The boys then all quickly introduced themselves.

“Well it’s nice to be with you boys. I’m Jennifer Nelson.”

It was a bit of a comical sight. There were 7 boys there, between the age of 11 and 14, all in their scout uniforms. They were all just kind of staring at her and giggling a little. She turned to the older one from before, a redhead.

“Okay guys, well why don’t you start by telling me about your competition, and then we’ll prepare for the news segment we’re going to do later. It’s a contest with a 4H club, right?”

The redhead, named Andrew answered her. “Yep, it’s really just for fun, we’re trying to help raise money for the new V.A. center. We’re gonna have a test of skills between us and them at the fair. Basically, it’ll be a test of everything we’ve learned and there will be a couple of Vietnam vets that are going to come by and be the judges for each category. It’ll be held at the race track at the fairgrounds, we’ll charge for admission and then whatever we’ve constructed will be for sale, and everything will go to charity.”

Jennifer listened along, nodding warmly as the boy gave her a detailed answer. “Wow, what a nice idea! So, what will some of the categories be for this competition? Can you guys build birdhouses? Maybe you can make me a jewelry box!” They boys again started giggling and Jennifer chuckled nervously, looking around as if she was missing something.

Red again answered, “well Miss Nelson – can I call you Jennifer?”


“Well yes, a couple of us will be in the woodworking category. But we called you here for a special reason, our favorite category…”

“What’s that?” The bubbly news girl tilted her head a little playfully.

“Knot tying.”

The six other boys all snickered looking at Jennifer.

“O-okay. What makes me the ‘special reason’ for the category?” Her eyes darted around a little nervously.

The redhead continued speaking. He seemed to be the “natural leader” of the boys. “Who better to practice knots on than you, Jennifer? Don’t worry, this’ll just be for fun, the actual segment isn’t even happening yet. We just want to tie you up lightly, and then you can report back later on what good scouts we are!”

“Tie me up?”

Just the sound of her saying ‘tie me up’ made the boys giddy. Although they all claimed to watch Channel 4 (for reasons to be revealed soon), many of their folks watched Channel 6, and they were quite familiar with Jennifer’s beauty. She did not disappoint in person!

For Jennifer, Andrew (the redhead) was giving off a strong Eddie Haskell vibe, but she had agreed to come out, and he did seem to be telling the truth. It was true, this was just an interview, they weren’t even going to shoot the segment today (at least not her segment…)

“Yeah, it’s for charity Jennifer! When Jennifer Nelson tells everyone how well she was tied up, they’ll all want to come and check us out!”

She rolled her eyes but eeked out a little smirk, exhaling a little dramatically, blowing the air up toward her hair. “Okay, okay. What are you going to do with me?”

With this little line, the boys had permission and all kind of cheered. The redhead continued speaking. “Would you put your hands behind your back?” The boys dropped a duffle bag on one of the tables, and unzipped it, revealing a treasure trove of ropes.

She gulped a little. “That’s a lot of ropes… you’re not using those all on me?”

“We’ll just see about that… you know what actually… put your hands up! Boys, escort our lovely prisoner to me!” He walked over to a support post under a beam a few paces away. “This looks like a nice little spot.”

“Prisoner?” She was a little nervous but compliant as she raised her hands in the air. As 4 boys surrounded her and nudged her in the back, she made her way over to the pole.

“Now put your hands behind your back.” Before she could barely move, a set of hands grabbed each one of her arms and pulled them behind the pole.

“Ready to get tied?”

“Uh, I guess so… How tight will it be?”

The pulled her hands behind the pole, crossed her wrists, and wrapped them up tightly.

“Wow very impressive. My viewers will enjoy hearing about this.”

“Oh we’re just getting started.” They then repeated the process with her ankles, only this time, they were bound directly to the pole. They followed suit on her legs, just above her leather boots, roping up her pantyhose covered thighs. Jennifer once again thinking they were done, she was surprised as they grabbed more rope.

“This is where we really show our skill!”

“I think I’m tied up pretty tight guys!” She was laughing and dramatically struggling a little.

Jennifer felt ropes being pulled around her upper body, wrapped around the pole. As they were pulled, she could feel the pole pressing against her tighter and tighter. There were ropes being wrapped above and below her breasts, and she was getting a little nervous. Finally, another boy, whose name she had forgotten, said she needed a little more. "You have such a nice figure Miss Nelson, so I'm sure you won't mind this!" He wrapped another rope around her slim stomach above her waist and pulled it nice and tight so that her beautiful figure was now tightly bound in nearly all places.

She looked down and just stuttered out, “uhh, guys, I think that’s enough rope, haha.” She didn’t want to sound angry but she wondered what in the world was going on.

“Sorry Jennifer, it’s just that we really wanted to impress you with our rope skills. Do you think you can escape?”

She wiggled against the ropes and could barely budge. The struggling made her beautiful curves even more prominent for the boys in front of her.

“Well, you guys did a really good job tying me up. I will definitely give you a 10/10 review on the news.” She was trying to sound in control even though she was tied to a pole and surrounded by boys. The boys all just snickered as they continued to check her out. “I’ve tried getting loose, I think I’m tied up pretty good. How much longer? Sorry guys, but I’m going to have to leave eventually to go do the news!”

The boys laughed again. Jonathan, the blonde haired boy, then spoke up, “actually, you’ll be on the news from this very spot. We’ll get the cameras set up as soon as our special guests are ready!"

“What cameras… Special guests? …. I think it’s time to untie me!” She was starting to struggle again, but this time more seriously. What had Jennifer gotten herself into?
Last edited by quietman 3 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Ianc1980 »

Great start! Looking forward to finding out what the boys have planned!!
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Post by Caesar73 »

A very promising first Chapter!
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Post by DommeKirsten »

Nice start I love a willing victim gets in bit too Farr x
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Post by quietman »

Thanks for the comments! I will post part 2 soon
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Post by quietman »

Part 2

“Yes, special guests!” Jennifer heard a familiar female voice nearby, and out of nowhere emerged Leslie Phillips, the lead anchor for Channel 4. She was an attractive blonde woman a little over 40, about 10 years older than Jennifer. She still had her looks, but had children and had put on a few pounds and natural age. She had a nice following in the area, but she couldn’t catch Jennifer in the ratings. So she decided to catch her in another way!

Jonathan, the blonde boy, was grinning, “We got her mom!”

“Great job son, and I promise, you all can play with her soon!”

The boys again were giddy with excitement and couldn’t believe this little news stunt was seemingly working. Not only was there Scout troop going to be on local TV, they also had a beautiful damsel to showcase!

Jennifer looked stunned. “Leslie Phillips?”

“Yes, hello there Jennifer! Nice to see you... You look great!”

Jennifer sighed and rolled her eyes.

She struggled in her ropes as she spoke. “Leslie, I don’t know what you’re doing, but you’ll never get away with this. You need to untie me so I can go do the news!”

“Oh don’t worry Jennifer, we already alerted the station that you’re indisposed. And the boys already told you, you’re doing the news from right here. The difference is, you’re not going to be doing much talking. In fact tonight, you are the news!”

“Let me go NOW!”

“Denise, gag her.”

Out of nowhere, from behind Jennifer, a scouting neckerchief with a knot in the middle was stuffed into her mouth and forcefully knotted behind her head. She had been gagged by Denise Allen, the seasoned area news anchor who had joined Channel 4 not long ago. She was the oldest of the 3 ladies. She had once been a popular nightly news anchor and now had a part time position with Channel 4. The dark-haired ageing beauty eyed up her captive.

“Don’t worry, we’ll have our makeup crew fix your hair!”


Leslie smiled at her struggling news rival. “Be careful Jennifer, Denise heard what you said about her at the local Emmys last year… that she is old news.”

Denise then taunted her, “since you’re so good at dominating the news, we thought we’d just give the people more of what they want… Jennifer on the news!”

“Hmmph?” Jennifer whimpered into her gag.

"I hope you’re ready, you’re going to be our feature segment tonight!” Denise then made a headline motion with her hand. “A special report on location: our old friend from channel 6 Jennifer Nelson gets a little tied up with 4 evening news!”


The two ladies laughed as their trussed up rival just wiggled and mmpphed with all her strength. They then began directing the boys on how they wanted everything set up, and the cameras all moved into place.

Leslie spoke calmly to her son’s scout troop. “Okay guys, I know you're very excited, but remember what we talked about. We want to speak clearly and concisely and show everyone who is watching what the plan is, okay?”

As it got past 5:00, they had everything ready, and even wheeled in a TV to keep tabs on events at the studio. Going into a break, the in-studio anchor read, “Coming up, we go on location with a special feature: an old friend from Channel 6 gets tied up with Channel 4!”

“Okay, shut the volume off, we don’t want any feedback!” Everything was in place. Jennifer was desperately trying to free herself from the ropes pressing her against the pole, but she was completely helpless and red from total embarrassment. Even if she succeeded, she was surrounded and would just be re-tied. The break ended and back in the studio, the anchor spoke. He said Leslie, the usual anchor, was on location with a special surprise. “Let’s go to Leslie Phillips with a special surprise for our viewers!”

“Hello there Chris” she looked to her left at the bound, gagged, and struggling Jennifer as she started to speak, feigning surprise. “We’re coming to you fro- Oh! - Oh my, look what we have here... Well, hello there Jennifer!” Leslie just smirked at the camera as it zoomed in and then went up and down the body of the hot Jennifer, who was mmphhing repeatedly into her gag and desperately struggling against the rope. “Well Jennifer, you were going to give the public a sneak preview of the Boy scout competition… you’ve done a great job! This is some phenomenal ropework!”

As Jennifer struggled and spoke gibberish, Leslie held up the microphone to her gagged mouth for comedic effect.

“MMMMPPHHH! Nngg-et at amera owe uh ere!”

Jennifer had struggled a little dramatically for the boys, but she was now desperately pushing and wiggling against the ropes, trying to avoid this total embarrassment as a trussed up captive of her news rival. She was wiggling from side to side, and moving her neck, trying to flick her pretty brown hair out of her face.

“This sounds like quite a story you were going to run tonight Jennifer. Would you mind telling our channel 4 viewers a little more about it?”


“Hmmm, well Jennifer seems to be having some technical difficulties… why don’t we go to the scouts here.” The seven boys all entered the picture and stood around the pole to which the struggling Jennifer was bound. “Here’s troop leader Andrew.”

“Yeah uh, we’re doing a little fundraiser competition with 4H coming up here. Jennifer wanted to do a little promo for it, so we decided we’d do our own version. Pending Jennifer’s agreement, and I think she’ll agree, after our competition with 4H, we’re gonna get together with them and tie her up at the fair. This will all take place at the fairgrounds racetrack. $15 general admission for the fair, and for just $10, all guests can buy 30 seconds of time to play with Jennifer who will be tied up and gagged. So hurry up and buy your fair tickets! All proceeds will go to the VA. As you can see, our ropework is quite impressive, and our damsel is quite beautiful! Oh and it’s B.Y.O.F…. that’s ‘bring your own feathers!”

The other scouts all howled with laughter and Jennifer’s eyes widened and then rolled. Were they serious?!

Leslie continued the report. "Hmmm, can you tell us anything else about the plan for the fair Andrew?"

He grinned. "Oh yes, she will be barefoot!" He turned to Jennifer and smiled "Won't you my dear?"

Leslie then pulled the mic back to herself. “Wow, great stuff Andrew, thanks! You boys obviously are quite handy with a rope. Well Chris, we’ll send it back to you for now, but we’ll talk to you later!” She turned to Jennifer “Wave to the camera Jennifer!” Denise poked her head in the shot and then pinched Jennifer’s cheek, waving with her other hand.

The camera cut. “Great job everyone!”

After just a few minutes, Denise looked down at her phone. “Oh boy, they're saying the station phone lines are ringing off the hook. Apparently word is spreading, and the county fair board said they’ve sold more tickets online in 15 minutes than they have all year combined!” The scouts were all cheering. Jennifer whimpered as she tried to turn her head from side to side.

“Great work guys, now let’s get her ready for the next segment.” Jennifer perked up and looked around again. “Meph Phegme? Phleaphe et ee mmpho!”

Denise now chimed in. “Of course! We have to give the viewers a preview of what’s to come!”
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Post by NabHer »

Oh boy I've always had a thing for news ladies. And she's going to get tickled in her pantyhose? I for one cannot wait for the next chapter.

Great work!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Looking forward the next part! Feathers sound good to me :)
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Post by quietman »

[mention]NabHer[/mention] Same here, I always thought they'd make excellent DiDs! Thanks for all of the comments. Like I mentioned, one of the local news anchors in my area is a real beauty and I always thought she'd look great tied up. I thought this was a fun little scheme to use!

Part 3
The boys quickly worked on untying her from the pole. As the ropes came off, they held arms behind her back.

“Can we take our prisoner to the next spot?”

“Of course! We have limited time.”
They stood at attention, waiting for Leslie’s instruction. Jennifer remained gagged.

“Now, let’s give the fair-goers some pointers on what they can do with Jennifer. Why don’t we start by taking off her boots.” As the boys unzipped and pulled off her boots, her beautiful toned, curvy calves were exposed.

The boys all then picked her up, taking her to the nearest table where they tied her up spread eagle to the table legs. They used additional ropes over her thighs, waist, stomach and breasts which wrapped underneath the table to keep her stable. Jennifer was so taken aback by this little stunt that she hardly resisted, although the little bit that she mustered did very little.

Leslie continued directing the scouts. “Good. Now before our next segment, let’s find out where she’s ticklish so we don’t waste any time.” She mmphhed no and shook her head, but the two ladies gleefully egged the scouts on. The boys began exploring her body and found the soles of her feet were the sweet spot, as well as her neck.

Leslie and Denise looked on with glee but checked their watches. “Okay, okay guys. You can play with her more later, back to your spots! It’s almost time.”

They turned their attention to the audio from the station studio. “Well that wraps it up for us in the studio tonight, thanks for tuning in folks. To finish, let’s go back out to Leslie.” The camera had a close-up shot of Leslie that covered the entire screen.

“Leslie Phillips back with you… wait a minute… where’s Jennifer? Oh! There she is!” Leslie stepped back and exited the shot as the camera zoomed in to Miss Nelson bound to the table, gagged, and anticipating what her captors had in store for her next. While her body could barely move, her eyes were wide and her head was slightly craned up, looking around, trying to figure out what they were going to do to her.

“Looks like you lost your boots there Jennifer… Well, boys… she’s all yours!”

The scouts all quickly pounced and began tickling the captured newsgirl incessantly, much more intensely than they had before. There were 4 minutes left on the 5:00 news, and the reporter didn’t speak at all for a while, the news ended with raw footage of the tickle torture of the bound Jennifer. With her boots still off, 2 boys each grabbed a foot and began tickling her wrinkled, nylon covered soles, occasionally giving her knees, calves, and thighs some action as well. Her lower body convulsed at the foot torture, but the rope around her waist and thighs kept her toned lower body pressed to the table, completely helpless to resist the play fest on her feet.

Things were no better for poor Jennifer to the north, as another group of boys worked her belly and her ribs. Jonathan, the son of her nemesis, was closer to her head, running his fingertips behind her ears, and then moved down her neck toward her chest.

“MMMPPHH!” She was trying to speak but it was useless. First of all, she couldn’t gain her composure since she was being tickled by six boys from head to toe, and secondly, even if she did, she was tightly gagged. As the segment continued, she became worn out and slightly sweaty from the struggle, with fiendish little fingertips running up and down her luscious body. Her loud protests gradually turned into muffled moans, whenever she wasn’t giggling of course. Finally, the boys let up, and she breathed heavily, sighing and turning her head slowly from side to side, trying to relax, moaning helplessly.

As this happened, the camera zoomed in on Jennifer’s bound feet, slowly making its way up her tightly bound body, over her rising and falling chest, heaving from the long tickle torment she had just endured, and of course still restrained by rope. It reached her gagged head where Leslie was petting the hair of her rival and then looked up at the camera. “Well, that’s it for us tonight. But we’ll see you tomorrow… won’t we Jennifer!”

“MMMPPHHH!” Although most of her mmphhing had been helpless whimpering, this was a defiant grunt.
“Hahaha, by-bye” Leslie waved her fingers and turned back to her captive, and the camera cut.

“Great work!” The scouts were so excited.

Jennifer continued to breathe heavily, still in disbelief that she’d been had so badly by her news rivals! Leslie and Denise then looked down on her and told Jennifer it would work out perfectly. Jennifer would remain popular, the ratings for Channel 4 would skyrocket, and the VA would be able to afford a Tajmahall by the time the fairgoers paid their $10 to tickle her. Ungagging her, she just tried to catch her breath and plead with them.

“I can’t believe you did this to me! And there’s no way I can do this at the fair!”

Denise just tickled her foot a little. “Oh come on Jennifer, everybody will laugh it off, it’s just a little news prank. And besides, I don’t think you’ll want to back out of this…”

She rolled her eyes. “And why is that?!”

Leslie giggled and held up a small paperclipped stack of papers. “Because when you signed an autograph for my son earlier, you actually were signing a contract. You signed an alternative fundraising agreement. With this, you will go on a little “tie-up tour” to over 40 local VFW halls. It’ll be open to the public and the scouts, and of course they’ll be free to tickle you. Let’s see, let me find the clause…” she flipped through the paper. “Here it is! Free to tickle you with an instrument of their choice, including but not limited to: dust brushes, feathers, hairbrushes, combs and feathers!”

The scouts all snickered to themselves. "That would be even better than the fair! It could become a full-time thing for you Jennifer!"

Jennifer’s eyes zeroed in on the paper in disbelief. She had signed a light paper that must have been aligned over top to bleed through to the contract.

Leslie continued. “Of course, if you agree to go to the fair, this contract will conveniently be destroyed… probably. Your choice my dear!”

She rolled her eyes. “Uggghh… oh, fine! I can’t believe this!”

The kids all cheered and said they couldn’t wait for the fair, it was going to be the best county fair of all time!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Well it surely seems like Jennifer is in a tight spot! I like the tone of the story: Playful most times, but some more earnest stuff beneath the surface!

Great tickling sequence!
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Post by Ianc1980 »

Great stuff.
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Post by dogrednuht123 »

Another amazing story Quietman. No clue who I missed the first two parts until now. Great read. Look forward to the next exciting installment of this great story.
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Post by DommeKirsten »

Nice, so intresting to see part 4, maybe the other 2 rival reporters get roped in by the boys lol
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Post by quietman »

Thanks for the comments! Unfortunately this is all I really came up with.

If I come up with more I will most certainly post it.
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Post by quietman »

Thanks again for all of the comments everyone. This was kind of a quick little story I did for fun and I never really thought I would do any more. Since you all seemed to request more, here is a little part 4. I might try to do more later, or this could also serve as a conclusion. We'll see.


Part 4

About an hour later, a van pulled up to the headquarters of Channel 6 News. Inside of it were all of the star cast from the evening news that had just recently aired.

The van pulled up to the employee entrance of the news headquarters and the van door slid open. The scouts, being the young gentlemen that they were, exited the van and were the ones to open the door.

“Need a hand getting out Jennifer?” They were being both considerate, but also gleeful. The beautiful news anchor was still bound and gagged!

“mmpphh! Irrr oo id mrrseeff!” She rolled her eyes and swung her bound ankles out a little feistily. Additionally, her ankles were still bound and she now had a duct tape gag over her mouth.

The ride over had been interesting. Leslie had driven the van with Denise in the passenger seat. Jennifer had been invited to sit in the middle - bound and gagged, with a bunch of scouts piled in around her! It had been a fairly normal car ride, Jonathan's mom asked him how school was and the boys talked about their daily happenings. Occasionally they would ask Jennifer a question and she would just roll her eyes and muffle an answer, much to the delight of the scouts. Occasionally, some of the boys in the back row would lean forward and tickle her neck.

Still, Andrew, the troop leader and one of his friends held her arms as they guided her out of the van and Jonathan grabbed Jennifer’s purse and other of her personal items and walked them to the door. Leslie directed him. “That’s good, leave them there son. I think this is as far as we can go!” Her tone was light – she had tried to convince Jennifer they were just joking – but also triumphant. She had most definitely gotten what she wanted!

“Here we are Jennifer, why don’t you walk to the door?” Leslie asked with a tongue-in-cheek grin.

Jennifer again rolled her eyes and mmphhed as she placed her high heeled boots on the pavement and was helped onto her feet by the scouts. She stood tall for a moment and took a deep breath and tried to thank the boys through her gag for steadying her. Then she swallowed her pride and did what she knew she had to do. She began hopping toward the door where her things had been left.

“There she goes!” Leslie, Denise, and the boys all giggled with glee as the attractive anchor hopped methodically, bending her knees and pushing up her skirt line revealing her gorgeous smooth, toned legs.

Denise then chimed in. “It’s been a pleasure Jennifer… I think it’s time for us to be going now. Everybody wave!” Jennifer finished her hopping and then turned to face her captors. Leslie added, “what do you say boys?”

“Thaaank – youuu Jennifer!” They shouted out in unison like a grade school class would.

She rolled her eyes and tilted her head back, letting out a few mmphhs, but then finally obliged them and gave them a reluctant little curtsey. The boys all laughed and then clapped.

“Ta-ta Jennifer!” Leslie called out as the van pulled away.

Her eyes widened. “Mmmphh! Rrrnt dyu drrnna urndie mrrre?” Jennifer realized she was going to have to find a way to untie herself. She really didn’t want to walk into the building (or hop really!) and have to be seen still bound and gagged. She tried to come up with a plan.

She had her leather jacket on now over her dress and tried to wiggle her hands, which were tied behind her, to her coat pocket to call her best friend at the station to come help her. Unfortunately, she couldn’t do it, and decided she’d have to go to plan B, which would be sneak in quietly and try to get help from the first person inside who saw her.

She hopped to the door, half turned, and brought her hands to her side to pull. Nothing. “Ughh” she sighed. She’d forgotten, at this time at night, she would need her key fob to buzz in and enter the building. She would have to bend back down and go through her purse to try to find the keys.

She turned around yet again and took a couple of hops to where her purse was sitting and tried to brace herself as she lowered her body onto her knees. With the purse at her side she tried to bring her bound hands also to her side. It was a real struggle and she was really losing patience. Jennifer was considered a really cool and bubbly person by her coworkers, but this was definitely not her best mood!

As her futile attempts to find her keys continued, finally, Darren, a young intern who worked in production approached the door. Truthfully, Jennifer found him to be kind of dorky and annoying. She had been friendly enough with him but he wasn’t exactly the first person she was hoping to see. Darren was a pretty skinny young guy with medium brown hair combed back and always wore dorky looking ties – the kind with bugs bunny and other cartoon characters on them. He also would occasionally try to talk with the news ladies. Jennifer was too nice to tell him to go away, so she would always just nicely nod along and listen to his dumb jokes. He kind of struck her as a 21 year-old Eddie Haskell type.

On this day however, she would need his help.


“Mmmphh! Drr-rrnn!”

Darren tried to act serious and not grin at the sight in front of him. He had caught wind of the segment – and been sent a bunch of videos of it by his friends. Jennifer was already popular, but now she was a sensation!

“What do you need Jennifer?”

She tried to mmphh in an annoyed tone that she needed to get in!

“Oh right, you need to get in” he said from the other side of the door. He then checked his watch and looked back up. “I’m sorry, I can’t let you in if you don’t have a fob. After 6:00 you have to buzz in. The rules are the rules. HR was very adamant about that when I was hired. I guess you’ll have to keep looking for your keys!”

Jennifer rolled her eyes and mmphh. “Ugghhh! Rrru grraa br krrdding mrr!”

She knelt back down into a squatting position, and then onto her knees, a show Darren quite enjoyed and then after about 3 minutes of shimmying her roped up hands through her purse finally produced her keys. She again wobbled and pulled herself up and then half turned to hold the fob up to the buzzer.

When the door finally unlocked, Darren opened it from the inside to face her.

He tried to make a little joke. “Well good thing you found your keys. I hate it when I can’t find mine, that fob system can be so annoying!”

She rolled her eyes and mmphhed.

“Oh I’m sorry, where are my manners, I should have ungagged you.” He approached the anchor slowly and she closed her eyes in anticipation as Darren slowly peeled the 3 pieces of tape that had been applied to her pretty face.

Despite his little shenanigans with the door, Darren now tried to be accommodating and nice. “Are you alright Jennifer?” He of course knew, as everyone did, the little prank she had been through, but he was trying to at least appear to be sensitive.

“Yes, Darren I’m fine.” Her answer was a little short with him. She was trying not to be rude but it hadn’t exactly been her day.

“Can I help you with anything… Do you have all your stuff here?”

Now untied, she wanted to tell him she was fine and move on, but then she realized her car was still parked in front of the FOE hall where the scouts met. It was located on the square of a smaller town and she realized she’d parked in front of a meter. It really just wasn’t her day.

“Well… " she sighed, "actually Darren, yes.” She again had to swallow her pride as this dorky intern she’d caught ogling her would now have to help her out. She told him she needed a ride.

“Oh no problem Jennifer! I’d be glad to. I have to make a couple stops on the way if that’s okay. It’ll be fun, sort of like a date!”

She wanted to roll her eyes a little, but instead eeked out a smile. “Th-thanks Darren. I guess I owe you one!”

I guess it was better than being tied up!
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Post by DommeKirsten »

Should cost her some more rope ;)
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Post by dogrednuht123 »

Love the twists and turns in your stories. Great stuff as always. Keep up the good work.
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Post by milagros317 »

This is a wonderful story!

If you decide to continue it, after writing the part about the fair itself, then you should use Leslie's word "probably" to doom Jennifer to the tour of over 40 more sessions of tickling in bondage!

Leslie continued. “Of course, if you agree to go to the fair, this contract will conveniently be destroyed… probably. Your choice my dear!”
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by quietman »

Thanks for the feedback on this story, to be honest I was pleasantly surprised by it!

I think this will be it for now. If I continue it, there is quite a bit I'll have to figure out, as some of the details I mentioned were more plot devices I used for the initial story. But I'm very glad you all liked it and I always welcome and appreciate feedback and suggestions. Thanks a lot!
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Post by Alboreland »

Can you give a clue who this is based on? A picture of the reporter would be nice.
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Post by quietman »

[mention]Alboreland[/mention] i sent you an email since you can’t receive pms. Hope it helps!
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Post by ChelseaEevee »

just finished reading part 1, I can’t wait to read the rest!!
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Post by Alboreland »

quietman wrote: 3 years ago @Alboreland i sent you an email since you can’t receive pms. Hope it helps!
I didn't recieve it yet. Can you send it again? Thanks
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Post by quietman »

Just sent another one. I sent it through the email option on your profile, hopefully it works. Let me know.
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Post by NabHer »

quietman wrote: 3 years ago Thanks for the feedback on this story, to be honest I was pleasantly surprised by it!

I think this will be it for now. If I continue it, there is quite a bit I'll have to figure out, as some of the details I mentioned were more plot devices I used for the initial story. But I'm very glad you all liked it and I always welcome and appreciate feedback and suggestions. Thanks a lot!
I enjoyed the ending as much as I enjoyed the nylon foot tickling part. And I genuinely think you ended the story at a great spot.

Also would you mind showing a picture of this particular anchorwoman through PM? :)
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