The Games Player: Family Time (M/mfF)

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KP Presents
Centennial Club
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The Games Player: Family Time (M/mfF)

Post by KP Presents »

Hey – sorry I haven’t been around recently folks. What’s new?

Hey Ivy - was just talking to Timmy here.


Hi – I’m Timmy, and yes I’m a boy – but Vi was saying other boys have been here.

There have indeed – so Timmy, what happened to you?

Well, I should say I’m ten, and I’m the youngest in my family – my twin sisters are two years older.

Oy vey – twin sisters?

Yeah – Annie and Alex. They’re not that bad, and we live with my mum and dad in Oxford. Mum’s a teacher, Dad works for the government. And we were visited by the Games Player a couple of weeks ago.

So what happened?

It was a Sunday afternoon – Dad was away on business, so Mum took us to the cinema. I was wearing a blue sweatshirt with penguins and the words “Just Chillin” on the front, jeans, and black trainers. As for my sisters – the thing I find strange about them is they like to have their long blonde hair up in bunches.

Very old school

Yeah – Annie had hers held by two rubber bands, and Alex with two butterfly clips. Both of them were also wearing jeans and black trainers – Annie had on a long-sleeved red top, and Alex a black and white zebra print top. As for Mum, she had on a grey dress, dark tights, and knee length black leather boots.

So, as I said, we had been to the cinema, and we picked up some food on the way home from McDonalds. So we were all in a great mood when we got home, and we carried our meals into the main room while Mum went to make herself a drink. I had a Big Mac, and the girls chicken nuggets.

So when did you first realize something was happening?

Well, I had gathered our rubbish up, and was taking it into the kitchen when I heard Mum talking to someone. It was when I walked in I saw there was a man in the kitchen with Mum – a man wearing a black jumper and trousers, and with something pulled down over his head that made him look funny.

Mum has long hair, the same red brown colour as mine – she looked at me, and I could see her hands were behind her back, as she said “Timmy – your dad has arranged a special surprise for us today. This man is pretending to be a robber, and he wants us to be the family he is here to rob.”

Yeah, that’s him. What did you think when your mother said that?”

Well, Dad does sometimes watch programs and films with s when that happens, and he did once wonder what it would be like if this happened to us, so I sorta believed he would do this – although I thought it was a bit unfair he wasn’t there to take part. so I asked the man what we were going to do – and that’s when he said like a real robber, he had to make sure we all stayed together and could not tell us what was happening.

Mum turned round and showed me her hands, which were tied together behind her back with white rope – and then the man said it was time for me to start to play the game, so he took from a rucksack another length of rope and told me to stand in front of Mum, and put my hands behind my back.

So I did that – and then I felt the rope on my wrists as he tied them together. He was quick – and when he was done, I could not move them apart, and all I could do was wriggle my fingers.

It didn’t hurt, did it?

No – I mean, it was tied tight, but it didn’t hurt. Mum looked at me as the man took two long lengths of rope out of his bag, and put one on the table before he doubled the other one over, and wrapped it round me. As he pulled it tight and passed it round, my arms were forced into my sides, so all I could do was twist round.

Let me guess – he took the second length of rope and tied it round your mother next.

That’s right – he made two bands, and Mum smiled and nodded to show she was all right while he was doing it. She then stood up, and said it was time for my sisters to play the game as well. So we waited until her picked up his rucksack, and walked to the front room – giving both Annie and Alex a fright when they saw us.

Yeah – I remember how I felt when I first saw my mother. So what happened?

Mum smiled and said they should come and look at both of us, because we were playing a game of robbers – and they were going to play as well. I turned and wriggled my fingers as they looked at my hands, and then they looked at the masked man.

He told them that Dad had hired him to play this game with all of us, and part of the game was he had to make sure we all stayed in the front room while he pretended to take Mum for a walk to find her jewelry. I said it would be fun, and that seemed to convince them, as he told me and Mum to sit down, and the girls to stand in front of us while he took his rucksack off.

The girls were giggling – I guess they were getting excited as one by one the masked man took their hands behind their back, and tied their wrists together. He then used tow longer lengths to tie their arms to their sides, so they were just like me and Mum, before he got them both to sit on the floor, and knelt down with more ropes in his gloved hands.

He tied their ankles and legs together?

That’s right – and then he took two more lengths of rope out, and tied my ankles and legs. It felt really funny, watching him take the rope round and between my legs in both places – and then I lifted my legs up and down, looking at the white bands.

So what did he do next – say you had to stay there and keep quiet, with the television on?

Almost – he did say he was going to put the television on, and we had to stay quiet, but he said he was going to put something in our mouths to do that, and we had to promise to keep them in as part of the game. He then folded a clean handkerchief, and put one in each of our mouths – but he also promised when he and Mum came back, we could all have a drink before the next part of the game.

We all nodded as Mum stood up, and then turned to watch the programs on the big screen.

How long were they away for?

I’m not sure – maybe an hour or so, but when they came back in the mand was carrying a tray with three glasses of water and straws in each glass. Mum sat down in an armchair, and watched as one by one he took the cloths form our mouth – I remember how dark it looked – and helped us all to have a drink.

He then knelt by Mum, and tied her ankles and legs together with more rope as well – and I asked what the next part of the game was going to be. He looked at me and smiled – and then said the robber had to make sure none of us could raise the alarm.

So he was going to make sure we really could not move or call for help, and wait in the kitchen. He also asked us to remain still for half an hour, and then we could try and get free – and whoever came to the kitchen first would get a special prize.

This is the best bit, for all of us – so what did he do?

He took care of Mum first – folded up another cloth, and put it in her mouth

All the way in, so that she could close her lips over it, before he took a roll of white tape from his bag. IT made a funny squelchy noise as he peeled a long length off, and then gently pressed it down over her mouth while we watched. We could all see the shape of her lips under it as he stood back, and when she tried to talk she could only mumble.

Annie and Alex were next – he put the cloths back into their mouths in the same way as Mum, before he covered their lips with the white tape as well. He then put two cushions on the floor, and helped them to lie on their stomachs before he pulled their ankles back ad tied them to the ropes round her chest. They seemed to be happy and could watch the television from where they were.

Which mean you were the only one who could talk?

Only for a few moments, because he did the same to me before he helped me to stand up and hop over to the chair Mum was sitting in. he then stood up and jumped over to the couch the man helping her to lie down and then tying her legs in the same way as Annie and Alex. She then rolled onto her side and watched as he picked me up and sat me on the chair, my legs under me before he tied my ankles to my chest ropes as well.

He smiled at all of us, and said he would be waiting in the kitchen before a new episode of Scooby Doo started.

So wat happened?

We watched the program, the girls wriggling round on the floor and Mum watching all of us – and then some Tom and Jerry cartoons started, as I managed to untie the rope holding my ankles to my back. I then managed to stretch my legs out, and push myself forward to stand up when Mum motioned with her head I was to come over.

I did so and knelt down as she rolled over to face the back of the couch, and put my mouth near her fingers as she started to try and peel the tape away form my mouth. That took another half hour, before I managed to get the tape away and pushed the cloth out of my mouth. Mum looked back at me and wriggled her hands, as I looked at the knots and started to work at them with my teeth.

So you freed your mother?

Yeah – and then she managed to sit up and free her arm, before she hugged me, took the tape and cloth from her mouth, and told me I had been a very brave young man. That’s when I knew it wasn’t a game.

The police came after I freed my sisters.

Were you scared afterwards?

No – I was excited, and then I heard about this chat room. So, what happened to you two?
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