Billy and the battle of the Language Teachers (mF/F)

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Billy and the battle of the Language Teachers (mF/F)

Post by quietman »

Hello here is another long-time idea of mine I’m putting into a story. A shy student walks in on two of his attractive teachers having a little feud… and decides to give one of them a few pointers! Characters are based on two attractive language teachers I had from middle school.

Mrs./Señora. Trotter (first name Clair): The primary Spanish teacher of the middle school. About 5’4”, 36 years old, she has medium brown hair with a hint of red also, down to about her shoulders, blue eyes, a little bit of freckling on her face. Not a swimsuit model, but a nice tight body. A very good teacher, but uptight and hyper sometimes.

Mrs./Madame Bauer (Leslie): French teacher at the middle school. Mid-40s, 5’6”. She has some dark and grey roots from aging but does a good job highlighting her hair medium blonde, looks natural, green eyes. More laid back, loved by students. Classroom is next door to Mrs. Trotter.

Billy: 7th grader. Average but well-behaved student. On the shy side but has a sense of humor and interests are sports, shop class, camping and outdoors.

Hope you enjoy

Billy was nervous as this particular Spanish class progressed. He had gotten a test back with a C+, and his teacher Mrs. Trotter had left a note that she wanted to talk to him about it. In grade school, everybody got a little bit of the basics of both French and Spanish, and then they could choose for 6th grade. Billy had chosen Spanish but was put in the remedial class, which was mostly just the grade school material. Now in 7th grade he had moved up to the regular class, and also was changing teachers. He loved his 6thgrade teacher, Mrs. Chavez, a kind old lady from his hometown who’d married a man from Argentina. But in 7th grade, he now had Sra. Trotter who was much more demanding and uptight, and generally had a much different approach than Mrs. Chavez.

Like many boys his age, Billy was very shy and on the awkward side, although he was much more confident in his “areas of expertise,” like sports or camping or his other hobbies. He had a huge crush on a girl named Mary Liz, but he could barely work up the courage to even talk to her at school. He told one of his friends that he would marry her one day, to which his friend responded that was great, maybe by the time of the honeymoon he could work up the courage to talk to her. So he hadn’t gotten too far with her.

Then there was Mrs. Trotter. Although she was a little bit demanding and uptight, Billy did find her very attractive and developed a crush on her. She wasn’t known as the “hot teacher” per se – that title went to their English teacher- but she certainly “did it” for Billy. As for his class performance, he was already a little unsure of himself with Spanish, and this just added to it.

Although he would never guess it, Billy was actually one of Mrs. Trotter’s favorite students. He never missed homework and she thought he had a good work ethic and had potential. She thought of him as being shy and polite, and also a little bit of a naïve, uncultured hayseed in a charming, endearing way. She liked to think that her more refined and cosmopolitan self would mold him into a more worldly young man. It wasn’t quite snobbery, but Mrs. Trotter definitely held her own class and self in high esteem. She had traveled through Spain and South America when she was young, and wanted to help Billy with his Spanish skills. He himself liked the idea of learning another language, but didn’t think he had much future with it and didn’t have much confidence, but tried hard, partly to impress Mrs. Trotter.

On this particular day of school, Mrs. Trotter seemed especially uptight, as she had gotten a flat tire on the way to school. This was exacerbated by the fact that the French teacher, Mrs. (or Madame) Bauer, kept popping in the class from next door to ask for favors. She had a free period and was preparing for her next class. Funny enough, a couple of Billy’s friends had decided to give French a try, and they all raved about Mrs. Bauer, saying not only was she really cool, but that she was “ageing like a fine wine.” Billy had seen her before, but now truly realized they had a point!

At the same time, while Mrs. Trotter’s uptight and irritated demeanor was especially intimidating, Billy (and he assumed some of his classmates) couldn’t help noticing it made her even more attractive. She was wearing a tight powder blue blouse with a couple of unbuttoned buttons near the top, and in her frustration, she had rolled her sleeves up. She also had a light gray skirt and pantyhose on.

Again, Madame Bauer peeked her head in the room, “Do you also have a couple of markers for the white board? I’m running out of space on the black board!” Mrs. Trotter let out a big sigh and then picked up two markers and handed them to her. She was also talking to herself in Spanish, saying something about Spanish being “mejor” (better) than French. Mrs. Bauer took the markers and then said, “merci, madame.” Mrs. Trotter didn’t seem conciliatory and then sighed, “would you at least speak Spanish in my classroom.” Madame Bauer then became indignant and started quarreling back with her in French.

The funny thing about these two ladies is that they were both really into their respective languages, despite both being native Anglophone Americans and Mrs. Bauer having a German name. The bickering continued and after a minute or two there was an awkward silence. Billy was normally very shy in class, but he would occasionally make a joke at school. He said, awkwardly at first and then gaining confidence, “H-hey how about we just compromise and speak English and take a little coffee break here? Smoke if you get ‘em.”

Mrs. Bauer laughed out loud, while Mrs. T did not look amused at all. Mrs. Bauer looked at Billy, smiling at him, and said, “good idea, young man. See you all later!” Mrs. Trotter still wasn’t amused.
“Adios!” she gave a salute and had an annoyed tone, as Mrs. Bauer left. Sra. Trotter was a little frazzled for the rest of the class after her little verbal catfight, and class ended with her reminding all of them about their next homework assignment and that the next person who forgot to write their name on it would get a 0.

As he was getting ready to leave class, Billy nervously approached Mrs. Trotter. His little joke notwithstanding, he was very quiet in class. “Uhm… Misse- I mean Sra. Trotter, could you uhm, would you be able to go over some things with me after school today?” Not only was he a little worried about the classwork, but he also felt nervous approaching his teacher that he had a little bit of a crush on. Sra. Trotter who had been frazzled and worked up now got a calm smile.
“En Espanol, Guillermo!... I know you can ask that in Spanish… and don’t worry the answer is yes, of course you can come by, anytime.” Her tone was actually encouraging not demanding.

Billy attempted to reword his sentence grammatically so he could get it out in Spanish. She seemed pleased, “muy bien Guillermo, hasta luego!” She warmly smiled giving him a little rub on the arm for a second. He looked down and left quickly so she wouldn’t see him blushing.

A little after 3:00 pm after his friends had gone, Billy began nervously making his way to the room. It was between football and wrestling seasons, so he had no excuse for not being able to meet right after school. He approached the room and heard female voices bickering.
“What are you doing to me Leslie? What is the meaning of this!” He inched toward the door and cracked it to peek in. Billy couldn’t believe his eyes. The lovely Mrs. Trotter was seated on this chair with her hands bound! She also had her ankles bound together with a scarf. Their arguing continued. But he realized the door was a little loose and had already swung open a little more.

“Uhhh, um, Mrs. Trotter, Mrs. Bauer, uh, I was just coming in for some help with class. Should I come back later?” Billy was trying to act normal, but he was completely fixated on his hot Spanish teacher with her hands bound. To add to it, Mrs. Bauer had put a hand over her mouth as soon as she heard the door crack open.
“Of course not, come on in young man!” Madame Bauer smiled at Billy remembering him from class this morning. “We were just having a little class here ourselves. I’m giving your teacher a little lecture on respecting her peers!”

Mrs. Bauer had intended this mostly as just a little prank. She was very well-liked and very laid back, but she decided today she had to stand up for herself against the pushy Mrs. Trotter. She kept an old pair of antique handcuffs in her classroom, mostly as a kind of gag joke or prop. Her dad was a retired police officer. She had told Mrs. Trotter she wanted to sit down and talk with her one-on-one, but had tricked her into sitting in a chair and cuffed one wrist before overpowering her and closing it around the other. She was thinking she’d just hang around for a few minutes, maybe gag Mrs. Trotter, and then leave her there embarrassed for Joe, the custodian, to discover. Billy kind of nodded along to Mrs. Bauer’s statements but was just standing there awkwardly. He thought about leaving, but he couldn’t take his eyes off of Mrs. Trotter for more than a few seconds.

Seeing his condition, Mrs. Bauer smiled at him warmly, “Comment t’appelles tu?”
“I – I beg your pardon Mrs. Bauer?” She explained it meant what is your name, but that she would show him how to answer in French.
She then worked with him for a minute and got him to say the phrase, “Je m’appelle.”
“Je m’appelle… uh, well in Spanish it’s Guillermo. I don’t know, um-“
“Guillaume! You are Guillaume. Very nice to meet you Guillaume.” Mrs. Bauer’s demeanor was entirely different from the strictly-business style of Mrs. Trotter.
Billy smiled shyly, “Thanks… uhm, you can call me Billy if you’d like…”
Meanwhile, Mrs. Bauer’s hand had relaxed a little, and Mrs. Trotter blurted out, “don’t listen to her, she’s just trying to screw up my class.” Then she looked up, “Darn you Leslie, he was supposed to come in to go over his Spanish test with me! Don’t listen to all this French, Billy!” Mrs. Bauer recovered her firm grip and said, “Clair, I’ll pull my hand away if your promise you’ll stop shouting out and let me speak. Can you handle that?”

Mrs. Trotter rolled her eyes and let out a humiliated sigh, before nodding her head. Madame Bauer looked down at her “good,” then looked back up at Billy, smiling again.

“Billy…hmm… you know what, I remember you Billy, from two years ago when we met all of the 5th graders for the language selection interviews. I didn’t recognize you at first, but now I remember. Your hair was much blonder then! And I must say you have grown a lot since then too; you must be very athletic!”

Billy was old for his class, he had already turned 13 and had gone through an initial growth spurt. He was about 5’5” and was pretty lean, but his shoulders had started to fill out just a little with some muscle. He did not have a man’s face yet, but he did not have a boy’s either. He was also at the point where his voice was just starting to change, and would frequently crack, often around Mrs. Trotter. He loved the flattery from Mrs. Bauer. The situation of these two teachers fighting over their job had left him in the lucky position of being the neutral 3rd party in between two beautiful women – and with the one he had a crush on tied up!

“Well, I try to play hard, haha. I guess we do a lot of pushups in football and wrestling practice. My dad says I’m too young to start lifting weights.”
“Ah, now I know… I’ve heard your name from people in my class. From Mike, and Cody…” Billy thought to himself, “yeah, wait ‘til they hear about this!”
… “and from Mary Liz.” His face lit up, “Another reason to switch to French. Maybe she likes me!”

“I’m going to go watch those two guys wrestle this winter, maybe I’ll watch you too!” Her tone was warm and a little flirtatious.
“Billy how would you like to learn French with me? You could talk to your buddies in French?”
“Don’t listen to her, she ju-mmmpphhh”
“I warned you madame!”
“By the way, how do you think I’m doing with this gag? I have her cuffed behind the chair.”

Billy was nervous at first but then smiled a little as he looked over his lovely but distressed teacher and sensed an opportunity. His heart was pounding against his chest and almost couldn’t believe his own words when he responded, “Well, um, actually Madame, I think you could probably tie her up much tighter than this!”
“Wha-mmmphh” Mrs. Trotter’s eyes widened and a tissue filled hand once again gagged her. She gave a look like “no way, Billy would even do this to me?”
“Really? Hmmm, that’s interesting.” He was loving this whole interaction.
“Yeah, you know, I’ve done my fair share of tying – never really people – but I think we could get her much more secured.”
“Well then what do you say you find some rope and we get this hot-tempered chica trussed up nice and properly?”

She patted Mrs. Trotter on the head and then gave her hair a quick stroke and rested her right hand on her shoulder.
“Well…” he couldn’t pass it up, “it’s just a joke, right, Mrs. Bauer? I mean I wou-”
“Just a prank between two adult teachers, my boy.”
“Okay then, I think there’s some stuff in the shop room!”
“Parfait, Guillaume!”

As Billy scampered out of the room, Mrs. Bauer removed her hand from over Mrs. Trotter’s mouth. Panting a little, she said, “I can’t believe you’re corrupting that nice boy like this!”
Mrs. B just laughed, “Come on Clair, I’m sure he’s seen a woman tied up before on tv or something.”
“I don’t mean that!” she snapped. “I mean turning him against my class and getting him to switch to French. Billy has a lot of potential. I think if he applies himself, he could be one of my best students!”
“Haha, well, it looks like I’m gonna poach him from you Clair. Did you hear him? He can already say his name in French, and his pronunciation isn’t bad at all!.”
“He’ll never switch!”

“Look Clair, I know that you’ve lobbied for French to be eliminated from the department. So I might just have to take one of your students. By the second semester, Billy will be Guillaume! And it seems you won’t be able to do much about it, after all, your hands are tied!” The cuffs rattled against the back slats of the chair they’d been fed through, as Mrs. Trotter thrashed in futility.

She let up and then sighed. “Leslie that’s not true. That was a rumor and my words were misconstrued. And that doesn’t give you the right to try to take students from my class.”
Mrs. B was just amused, “I wonder who he will choose, hmm” she held up both hands with palms up and moved them up and down like a scale. “The crazy, uptight Spanish teacher, or moi?” she said this as if presenting herself to a crowd.
“That’s not true Leslie! Billy likes this class! He is very attentive and he is always very polite with me.”
“Haha, yeah, but are you polite to him? … you know, I don’t care whether you speak Spanish or English, but I know I’ll like the sound of it a lot better once Guillaume gets back and we gag you permanently!”

Mrs. Bauer then shoved her tissue filled left hand over Mrs. Trotter’s mouth and kept her hand-gagged. Despite Mrs. Trotter’s attempts to jerk her head away, she couldn’t dislodge the hand, and her angry cries turned into more occasional whimpers.

Billy returned with several lengths of twine rope in his hands. “Mr. Porter had these in the room. Don’t worry, I will re-wrap them and return them when we’re done.”
“Well that could be a while, Billy, I think we should keep her like this more often!”
He stuttered out a little laugh, not knowing what to say.
“Well go ahead Billy, show me your best work, we’re here to learn after all! But actually, first, let’s switch one thing around.”
Seeing that Billy hadn’t brought a rag or hanky, Mrs. B untied her colleague’s ankles and then stood up and quickly gagged the uncooperative Mrs. Trotter with the scarf. She pulled it wide tightly in front of Mrs. T’s face before yanking it backward into her mouth.

“Okay Billy, she’s all yours!”

Billy, ignoring his reservations, stepped forward confidently, “well, the key is to use the correct knots, and to make sure all of your slack has been pulled out.” He went to work on trying her to the chair. He started with two turns around her upper body, between the breasts and shoulders. As he hovered over her and guided the ropes around her body, Billy’s heart was beating so fast he was worried he wouldn’t be able to speak. He even managed to “accidentally” brush his hand up against her hair a couple of times.

When this rope was finished, he repeated the process around her stomach. Mrs. Trotter was surprisingly not struggling much. When she was initially cuffed and hand-gagged by Mrs. Bauer, she had been loud and defiant, struggling at every turn. Now she seemed more to be pleading and even would smile at Billy as he tied her up. He himself had gone against every initial instinct to leave; he just couldn’t resist tying up this beauty. Mary Liz was cute, but this was unbelievable! Mrs. Trotter was a grown woman with a mature female body.

He finished with her ankles against each chair leg, and then Mrs. Bauer had him tie her wrists together, as she wanted to take off the cuffs. They took a while to come off, as Mrs. Bauer had looped them through the slats of the chair to prevent escape.
“Okay you man, why don’t we get back to some French? How about learning some numbers?” The easy-going Billy went with the flow, “okay, sure.” Once again, the muffled protests of Mrs. Trotter started again, and this time she was struggling harder, pressing against the tight ropes her student had trussed her up with.

By the number 7, Mrs. B’s cell phone rang. It was a call from her husband, and she announced she would have to head out. “Well folks, it’s farewell and adieu for me, I’ve got to go.” She walked over to her bound and gagged colleague and patted her on the head, “have a nice night Clair!”

Then before leaving she turned to Billy with a charming smile, “You can carry on with whatever your plans were. And remember Billy, the French room is always open if you’d like to switch!” She closed the door, and a minute later she was heading out down the hall from her own classroom. Billy couldn’t help but feel a little sad to see her walk away and was just kind of standing there with a far-away smile. She was trying to make a point of course, but still, she had been quite kind to him, and even a little flirtatious.

This daze was interrupted by the non-stop muffled sounds of Mrs. Trotter through her gag. Her eyes had a wide and urgent look. Billy snapped back awake to reality and walked over to her. He felt a combination of euphoria and also sheer terror. He thought about just leaving and letting Joe, who he knew well, find her and try to cover for him. But still, he could be in for a major punishment from his parents if they found out what happened.

He nervously approached Mrs. Trotter and untied the gag. “A-are, are you okay Mrs. Trotter?”
The gag dropped from her mouth. Still panting a little, Mrs. Trotter said intently, “Billy, don’t listen to her, she is a bad influence. Stay in my class! You have potential, please stay with me.”
Billy noticed that for the first time since the “introductions” on the first day of school, she had called him his name in English, which made him smile. “You really think so Mrs. Trotter? Sometimes I don’t know if I’m cut out for learning a foreign language.” Billy was still a little nervous and figured she was angry with him.

“Yes Billy, I think you are a very intelligent, and very kind young man.”

He was very relieved, not only was she not angry but she had complimented him.
“Wow… thanks Mrs. Trotter, I didn’t think you felt that way… and you aren’t mad at me for tying you up like this?” He was still a little nervous.

“No Billy, you were just listening to adults. I know you were brought up to obey teachers. In fact, I must say, you did quite a job tying me up! I don’t think I could break free from this.” She started wiggling her arms a little, which also made her breasts move up and down a little, something not missed by her student. Mrs. Trotter had been uptight and honestly a little cranky all day, but now that Mrs. Bauer was gone she was actually kind of enjoying being totally restrained from shoulder to ankle. She was also impressed with how well Billy had tied her up. “How did you get so good at tying knots?”

Billy could now talk about something he knew and his confidence soared. She had never asked him anything about his interests outside of class. “Well, a lot of places. I did some scouting in elementary school so we camped a lot and stuff like that. Plus, sometimes I’ll help my dad and uncle load things on trailers to haul, you know, ratchet straps, bungee cords, ropes. So it’s always important to have restraints on tight!”
“Wow, what a skilled kid you are! Well this is definitely tight!”
“Well that is twine rope, what farmers use for bailing hay. It’s incredible strong.” He didn’t mention out loud that it also looked very nice tightly wrapped around her arms and under her breasts.

Billy loved that she was now complimenting him. It was amazing how much her demeanor had changed compared to how she was in class. Now that it was just the two of them, she wasn’t so intimidating anymore. Not to mention, her tight body was nicely restrained by the twine rope.
“Oh and Billy, I’ll come and watch one of your wrestling matches this winter. Teachers should support their students in all their activities and interests. I will have a long talk with her tomorrow, but I think I understand some of what Mrs. Bauer was saying.”

Billy had a happy look on his face, “Thanks Mrs. Trotter, that’s really nice of you.”

After a little bit of awkward silence, she said, “Well I’m sorry Billy, you just came here to get some help on the class material, and instead you’ve had to deal with all this!”

He thought to himself, “no kidding, it couldn’t have worked out any better!”
He was then surprised to hear her start talking again about some Spanish grammar and phrasing he needed to learn. She was still tied up and was teaching as if nothing was different! He could tell a couple of times, she wanted to make hand gestures, but that was impossible with them still being bound behind her back! Her entire upper body would wiggle and press against the twine, and she instead would move her head around more to make a point, flipping her hair around, which he enjoyed.
“Okay now Billy, write a sentence on the board using what we just went over.”

Billy thought for a moment and then smiled, “I have a sentence. But, uh… como se dice-“
“No you can’t ask me Billy. You know the rules in this classroom. If you want to learn a word you have to look it up in the dictionary. Pretend I am still gagged, there is no Sra. Trotter able to help you!”
“Ha! No problem!” he thought. He flipped through the dictionary and then approached the blackboard. “Me gusta atar a Sra. Trotter.” She read it out loud word-by-word in Spanish as he wrote it and then again in English, “I like to tie up Mrs. Trotter.”

She rolled her eyes a little but smiled, “okay Billy, very funny. It’s actually good you bring that up, I think it’s time you untie me now, we both should be getting home.”

Although Billy was loving every moment of her being bound, he of course obeyed his teacher. He crouched down in front of her and untied her ankles first. Then he moved behind her, and started to free her upper body, working as slowly as he could, trying to enjoy every touch he could get on her body and arms. His hand even shook a little when he her hair briefly brushed against his face. He finished by untying her hands.

Now freed, she stood up slowly, “okay young man, I think it’s time you head home.”
“Sure thing. Thanks for you help Mrs. Trotter. I, uh, I’m glad I decided to take Spanish.”
She smiled back at him, “So am I. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

That December, Billy gave Mrs. Trotter the best gift of all his teachers. He didn’t want to be too weird, but he decided to make her a jewelry box in shop class. He didn’t wrap it with paper but he did tie a ribbon around it. Mrs. Trotter saw him approach her desk and smiled, accepting the gift, “Uh, he-here you go Mrs. Trotter. I um, made it myself.”
Mrs. Trotter kind of smiled and even blushed a little, “thank you Billy, that was very sweet of you. I hope you didn’t go to too much trouble.”

“Oh no, don’t worry. Mr. Porter actually helped me with it a little bit to be honest.”
Later after school, Mrs. Trotter pulled the ribbon off and opened up the small jewelry box. There was a short note in it, wishing her a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. She pulled out the note, and under it was a small little piece of twine rope. She saw the bottom of the note, “maybe you can help me after school again sometime!”
Last edited by quietman 3 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Ianc1980 »

Nice job! I love the dialogue between the characters! I’ll beer rivalries and jealousies really do exist between teachers! Billy is a lucky kid!
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Post by boundking79 »

Excellent story. The details are great and hot teachers bound and gagged are always a winner.
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Post by dogrednuht123 »

great story and excellent writing as always. love the original topic nice deviation from the standard stories.
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Post by quietman »

Thanks so much for the feedback, I’m glad you liked it. You’re right, you really can’t go wrong with a hot teacher. Mrs. T might be making another apparence soon!
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Post by Ianc1980 »

I totally agree with dog, it’s great to see an original idea for a plot! Keep up the good work!
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Post by Mask6190 »

Fun story! The interactions between the characters were well done!
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Post by quietman »

Mask6190 wrote: 3 years ago Fun story! The interactions between the characters were well done!
Thanks a lot! I mentioned above, it's kind of something I imagined a long time, all they way back to 7th grade actually!

I drew a little bit on your story as well. I really like it. The hot teacher who is still instructing the student even in a bit of a perilous situation.
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Post by Rtj65 »

This is a fun, well written story - thanks for sharing!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by quietman »

Thanks so much, glad you enjoyed it! A nice light story, which can still be a lot of fun!
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Post by noggip »

A classic fantasy, can't wait to see where the three go on from here. Love your work!
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