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Post by thebadguy »

Friends since highschool Rocky Martinez and Blake Grabowski found themselves roommates after they found work in their desired careers. Funny enough, they even found themselves working in the same field, education. Rocky a gym teacher, and Blake a guidance counselor at the same local highschool. Rocky once a football star found himself in a new career after an injury during college sidelined him for good. Rocky however was still a wall of muscle, tall, dark haired, with handsome features. He sat on the sofa of the bachelor home in his red college team t-shirt and blue jeans. Using his feet to slip off his tightly laced running sneakers he propped his white socked feet on the coffee table which made Blake raise an eyebrow.

Blake was nothing to sneeze at himself: a broad shouldered stud with sandy blonde spiked hair, with a touch of stubble popping through on his defined jawline. He sat next to Rocky in his white dress shirt, belted navy dress slacks, and a pair of well worn brown dress shoes. His tie undone as he was home and relaxing.

Rocky and Blake were marathoning old Wes Craven horror movies on the Sci Fi Channel. They had just wrapped up A Nightmare on Elm Street and the Scream franchise was starting up.

Blake got up from the sofa and went to fetch more popcorn that sat in the pot on the kitchenette island only steps away from the sofa.

“You’re gonna miss the best part!” Rocky said as he stretched his body out on the sofa, spreading out his legs and letting his socked feet lay over the armrest of Blake’s sofa.

Blake returned as Drew Berrymore was being harassed with prank calls.

“Did I miss anything?” He said setting the popcorn on the coffee table.

“Nah she’s still making small talk with our killer.” Rocky said cracking his toes.

“What did I tell you about putting your funky ass feet on my sofa man. And would you sit normal so I can sit?!” Blake rattled annoyed by Rocky's smelly socks on his sofa.

“Move your feet, lose your seat! Thems the rules. And they don’t smell that bad!” Rocky said lifting one foot to his face and smelling it. Regretting it as even he was taken aback by his own food odor. They did smell pretty bad, summer laps around the school had taken their toll on top of that he was spending all day on his feet. The fact he hadn’t changed his gray toed ankle socks probably didn’t help either.

“You’re disgusting, and those things are skunks. They look clean and harmless, but cast a deadly odor if ya get too close. Now move!” Blake finished grabbing grip on Rocky's legs. Rocky playfully pushed him away digging his sock foot into his abdomen.

“Just sit over there, I’m comfy now! I ran laps with the little bastards today and I need this more than you do!” Rocky locked himself on the sofa.

“Fine! Now that I missed half of the movie, hand me the remote so I can rewind... Why is this guy tied up on her patio?” Blake asked, trying to refresh it.

“The guy is her boyfriend, he’s a football player at the same highschool as her even though they both are in their thirties. And he's probably in some of the lowest stakes bondage you could imagine.” Rocky joked.

“It looks pretty effective to me.” Blake said pausing on Steven’s peril in the film.

“It’s duct tape, watch one episode of MythBusters and see how easy tape is to bust out of. Just wait, one of the biggest tropes about these movies is the low stakes peril people could easily escape from.” Rocky said.

This gave Blake an idea but he couldn’t act on it just yet. He’d wait for the next opportunity to bring it up. Knowing his friend as well as he did he knew he wouldn’t let a joke go until he’d beaten it into the ground.

The movie was almost finished and Blake wasn’t sure he’d get another opportunity to bring up his special plan, and then it happened. The killers dragged out an older guy bound with duct tape and threw him on the floor. The camera panned in on him and Rocky shouted out “You love it!” He chuckled.

“What did I tell ya low stakes S&M! Anyone could get out of that.” Rocky barked!

“You sure about that?” Blake chimes in.

“What do ya mean?” Rocky asked puzzled as Blake paused the TV which landed on the bound man struggling on the floor.

“If I taped you up like that do you think you could get out of it easily?” Blake said in a jovial tone.

“Is that a challenge Blakey boy?” Rocky said sitting up on the sofa.

“You bet I just got these dining room chairs over there and they look just like the one from the beginning. Let’s see how good you really are at escaping Rocks for brains.” Blake shot back.

“Oh whatever man you are gonna eat your words watch. Here I’ll even get into character!” Rocky said putting his shoes back on and lacing them up.

“What are you doing?” Blake asked, genuinely confused.

“I’m gonna be your football star being held prisoner.” Rocky said as he got up and fetched his old letterman jacket he had hanging up in the closet. “Still fits!” Rocky said confidently.

“And it still smells like you haven’t washed it since 2009.” Blake shot back.

“I’ll have you know I won every game I ever wore this jacket too. It’s magic, and in it I’ll win this too.” He said as he pulled up the dining room chair and sat in it. Even going so far as to put his hands on the armrests and his feet together like he was giving Blake a visual aid on how to bind him.

“Okay. I’ll fetch the duct tape then.” Blake walked over to the kitchenette and grabbed a couple rolls of duct tape from the junk drawer.

“Now if memory serves they bound his hands to the arm rests.” Blake said as he wrapped tape from Rocky's wrist to his elbow. And did the same to the other side.

“And wrap my torso too! Don't wanna make it too easy.” Rocky chimed in.

“You got it!” Blake said tightly wrapping duct tape around his torso binding it back to the chair. Rocky was so pumped up about winning he didn’t even notice how tightly Blake was restricting him.

“They tied him off at his legs, knees and ankles so let’s finish you up!” Blake said as he wrapped more tape around his knees.

Blake finished taping up Rocky's ankles and stood up to look over his work. “It looks pretty accurate to me.” Blake said inspecting his work.

“Yeah you just need to wrap my mouth with tape and it’ll be complete!” Rocky said squirming in the chair.

“Thought you’d never ask.” Blake said, tearing off a long strip of tape.

Blake walked around the chair impressed by his work. “I would say you are pretty secure. Think you can get out of it?”

“No sweat..” Rocky tugged a bit and noticed there was little to no give to the tape.

“I may have gotten carried away with the assignment, but I’m sure you’ll have no problem.” Blake said sarcastically.

“Gag time! Now you gotta wrap my mouth like his. You could see his cheeks pucker from how tight it was.” Rocky said, pursing his lips tightly shut.

“Now, now we’ve gotten this far let’s get creative.” He said grabbing a bandanna from one of the drawers in his living room. “The way you talk you’ll have that tape covered in slobber in no time. Let’s give you more of a challenge. We couldn’t see but I’m sure they probably stuffed his mouth before taping it shut, he could barely talk.” Blake explained.

“It was also a movie..” Rocky tried to jab in.

“So now you suspend your disbelief. Open up Brett Farve cause this is goin in!” Blake ordered.

Rocky sighed and opened his mouth, Blake wasted no time stuffing the black bandanna into Rocky's mouth. Rocky closed his mouth around the dry wad of fabric and Blake took to taping his face up. He wound the tape so tightly his cheeks were puckering up just like Steve’s in the film.

Blake took a step back and admired his handy work. “Okay I think I’ll start Scream 2. You got thirty minutes to get yourself loose pal!” Blake said with a big grin.

He looked over at Rocky and couldn’t help but laugh at his plight. Seated in that dining room chair all taped up like he had just been in a home invasion. And best of all gagged! Now he could actually enjoy a movie and not have to hear Rocky’s bad Mystery Science Theater commentary.

“Mmmmmmph!” Rocky moaned from under his tightly wound gag.

“Thirty minutes works? Great! See ya then.” Blake laid out on the sofa propping his dress shoes up over the side of the sofa. He could hear the chair squeaking against the hardwood floors and the occasional grunt of frustration behind him. Blake didn’t care; he just grabbed the remote and turned the volume up.

Rocky grunted and moaned into his gag. The bandanna made it impossible to work his gag. And Blake wrapped his torso so tight he couldn’t reach the restraints on his wrists. He was effective stuck and silenced.

The most he could do was an inaudible “Mmmmmm!” into his tight silver gag. He rocked back and forth in the dining room chair and was unsuccessful in making any tears to the tape. Even the fast sudden jerks MythBusters taught him made no real impact on his bonds.

“Gggrmmmmph!” Rocky grunted hard as he jerked his body stiff and fell back into his bonds that hadn't budged a bit.

His eyes fixed themselves onto the roll of duct tape on the floor next to his bound sneakers. The inside of the roll read “Industrial Grade”! No wonder he hadn’t made any progress, he was bound to a chair with industry grade sticky fabric! He wasn’t tearing it, he had to be cut out of it.

The minutes flew by and before he knew it he was pumped over in his seat. He was trapped. Blake looked at his phone and noticed it was forty minutes past. Looking back at his poor friend sweaty and slumped over in defeat in the dining room chair.

“Ready to be let out pal?” Blake asked, feeling pretty cocky over his victory.

He walked over to the knife drawer and pulled out a long butcher’s knife. “Time to gut you like a fish!” Blake said doing a horrible job disguising his voice.

Rocky perked up a little alarmed as his friend approached him with the knife.

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Post by Volobond »

Hah! I always loved those two scenes in Scream! I wonder how psyched the bondage-inclined students at their school would be to see them having such fun. ;)

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I loved the friendly bondage between two buddies. Helps that they are both handsome men in uniforms. :D
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Post by tapegagged08 »

Can’t wait to see what happens next! :D
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Post by thebadguy »

“Just kidding man, do you want out though?” Blake asked.

Rocky nodded his head furiously. He wanted out now! Blake took his time cutting him loose. It felt like ages, but eventually he could feel the duct tape around his wrists pop free from being cut. He ripped away at his gag, pain that was pretty memorable. And spat out the soggy bandanna to the floor.

“That tape was a lot harder to break than normal! I thought we would be using regular duct tape, not the shit you could seal a ship leak with.” Rocky said popping Blake in his arm.

“Well you wanted a challenge and I gave you one, you are just mad you lost.” Blake teased.

“If is was regular duct tape I could have!” Rocky shot back in frustration.

“Well shaddup and watch the movie with me, sore ass loser.” Blake laughed as he sat back on the sofa.

Rocky joined him and slipped off his shoes yet again and propped his socked feet back on the coffee table. Somehow his feet smelled worse and Blake has to comment.

“For fuck sake man! Wash your feet!” Blake shouted sitting down next to him.

They sat and watched stage movie and got to the point in Scream 2 when Jerry O’Connell is kidnapped by his frat brothers.

“Flashback to you in your frat!” Blake teased.

“Not me, they put an end to hazing years before I got into college. But boy if the old geezers there didn’t bitch about it constantly.” Rocky added.

“But check out how loose the ropes are!” Rocky laughed mashing a handful of popcorn into his mouth.

“There you go again. Still haven’t learned your lesson about talkin’ shit.” Blake shot back.

“You cheated earlier! And I know I could get outta ropes!” Rocky sat up fired up.

“Prove it.” Blake calmly responded.

“Fine! Do we have any rope?! Rope me up bro!” Rocky shouted getting worked up.

“Bro? Haha you can take the boy out of the frat house…. let’s see what we got.” Blake got up from the sofa and made his way to the garage.

In there he would find at his wood working station five thick bungles of laundry cord. This would work perfectly for what he had in mind.

He made he way back and saw Rocky on his feet cracking his neck and gassing himself up like he was about to get tagged into a wrestling match.

“Let’s do this!” Rocky was pumped up now.

“Okay here we go. Bro!” Blake mocked.

Blake started to cut lengths of the clothesline. Cutting a small section he took Rocky’s wrists and twisted them behind him And began to wrap them tightly. Forming handcuffs of rope around Rocky’s wrists he pulled tight and they cinched snugly into tight rope shackles. Knotting them off behind his hand, he tucked the knots

Then he moved on to tying Rocky’s chest up. He tucked ropes backwards and forwards, up, down and around his arms and chest. Soon his chest was covered in the clothes line.

“Somebody was an Eagle Scout. Oooff.” Rocky joked before being caught off guard by Blake putting his foot in his back to pull the cords TIGHT!

“Top in my troop for knots… Well second in my troop. Some four eyed ginger took the top.”

Tying his back off Blake sat him back down on the sofa. “Okay time to bind your legs and feet!” Blake instructed.

Rocky being the cheeseball he was plopped his sock feet into Blake’s lap. Blake retaliated by pulling Rocky's legs closer, knocking Rocky forward and bumping to his back on the sofa.

Blake wasted no time tying Rocky’s knees together with the clothes line. Wrapping his friend up good and tight. Then allowing Rocky to sit back up he had his socked feet tight in his lap. He could smell the foulest stench emanating from Rocky’s feet. And like that another idea popped into his mind. He started to tie rope around Rocky’s ankles until they were snug.

Rocky shifted in his bonds impressed by what Blake managed to pull off with just some clothesline. “I’d say I’m roped up pretty tight. Not exactly how Jerry was but it’s pretty good!”

“Well I could of tied you to the staircase but you’re too heavy, plus you’ll bruise the wood with these ropes. Oh I almost forgot. I need to gag you.” Blake grinned.

“Ah, come on we don’t have to use tape again. That last batch nearly gave me a fade!” Rocky pleaded.

“I’m not using tape my friend.” Blake said ripping away Rocky’s left sock.

He rolled it up like a small egg roll and squashed it deep into Rocky’s mouth. Then grabbed the other sock from his foot and smashed it in too to fill his mouth. Rocky had little to no time to react, and Blake used more clothesline to wrap the socks inside Rocky’s mouth. He didn’t stop till it looked like a thick Cleve gag of rope.

“Mmmmm!” Rocky grunted into the stinky socks that filled his gob.

“Way better!!! Now those socks can get a rinse cycle!” Blake’s said smacking Rocky’s stuffed cheeks. “Now let’s finish this damn movie!”

Blake continued to watch the film as Rocky’s bound legs were laid across his lap. Rocky squirmed and his bonds, Much to his surprise the ropes were so tight even when he felt some slack the rope would go right back to snug.

“Mmmmph! Mmmm!” Rocky moaned in the gag.

“Pipe down! Just for that you’ll stay tied up for the next movie too!” Blake taunted slapping Rocky’s bound feet on his lap.

To be continued
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Another great chapter.

Man, it's almost like Rocky wants to be tied up. He also definitely asking for that sock gag. I wonder what types of bondage will Blake test on him...
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Sockbound1234 »

Love this can’t wait to read more very nice sock gag stuffed in mouth
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Post by jammer212 »

Loving this story. Can't wait to see what comes next
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Post by The slave »

great me too i want to prove that i am able to break free from anything and everything lol
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Post by thebadguy »

Rocky tried to break free of his bonds to no avail. They were halfway through Scream 3 and he hadn’t budged an inch. Blake really did a number restraining him.

Blake hadn’t seen these films before so the shocks took him by surprise. He even gripped Rocky’s bound legs in fear as a jump kill happened on screen. The finale was soon approaching and Rocky had pretty much given up in trying to break free, he was stuck. Again.

Blake watched as the killer had David Arquette and Courtney Cox bound back to back in chairs. Even he found himself laughing at it “You know you are right it’s pretty low stakes here. They could easily get themselves freed. But this does give me another idea.” Blake pushed Rocky’s legs off of him so he could get up. He pulled up the chair and walked back to Rocky.

“Mmmmmph?” Rocky moaned confused.

Blake picked him up from the shoulders and dragged him over to sit him in the chair. Rocky sandbagged him the whole time, making Blake jab his fingers into Rocky’s sides cause him to go into hysterics.

“Sit still!”

“We are gonna make this quick cause I wanna order pizza and watch Scream 4.” Blake said fetching the rope.

He bound Rocky to the chair by wrapping his torso and legs with a long cord of the rope. Now he was bound and seated in front of the television.

Blake started to undo Rocky’s gag and Rocky apt out the soggy socks.

“Mmmmmgah! Gross man!” Rocky said, trying to clear his mouth of the foul taste.

“What kind of toppings do you want?” Blake asked, completely glossing over the situation.

“Pepperoni I guess, but are you gonna untie me?” Rocky pleaded.

“Nope, now open wide!” Blake said shoving the two wadded you socks back into Rocky’s mouth. He held them there with his palm as he cracked open a fresh strip of duct tape. He plastered Rocky’s jaw with strips of tape.

“Mmmmmm!” Rocky whined from under the tape.

“We got 40 minutes to go until the pie gets here so sit tight, pun intended. And I will enjoy the film without commentary for a change!” Blake teases tapping Rocky’s gagged face.

“Looks like our dasher is some dweeb name Marvin. He’s waiting for my order. Can’t wait to eat it in front of ya!” Blake taunted from his perch on the sofa.

The forty minutes flew by as he sat there tether to the chair. Blake on the other hand was living it up on the sofa. His shoes propped up over the sofa like he was Grecian royalty. He would steal glances at Rocky who was busy at work shifting around in the ropes Blake wrapped him up in. It was an enchanting sight, every time Rocky thought he was closer to freedom he was stopped in his tracks by Blake’s excellent rope tying skills.

The doorbell broke him for his trance as he slowly got up and Blake slowly made his way over to it. Opening it up Blake greeted the pizza man.

“Howdy! You folks order a pie?” Said the dasher with big rimmed glasses and a mop of red hair.

“Marvin, glad to see ya. I actually would live to give you a cash tip could you step inside and I’ll grab it?” Blake’s invited him in. He couldn’t help but make the most of this situation.

“Sure…. Wooh what’s going on in here?” Marvin asked as he got a full view of Rocky bound and gagged.

Marvin squinted his eyes and looked closer at Rocky. “Is that Rocky Martinez? From Evergreen Hills High??!” Marvin asked in shock.

“Go Grizzlies!” Blake said in jest.

“So that would make you?...” Marvin asked being cut off.

“Blake Grabowski, track and debate.” Blake said extending his hand for a shake which Marvin took hesitantly.

“Marvin Hinkly..” Marvin said which made Rocky stir like crazy in his chair.

“MMMMMMPH! Mmmmm! Mmmmm!” Rocky groaned into his gag in a panic.

“Look who’s all mad he can’t get out. Rocky here bet he could escape being tied up the same way as the guys in these scream movie.” He said rewinding the tv to the scene of the two bound to chairs.

“Interesting, but I can’t help but notice there’s two people tied up there. Did you win or something?” Marvin asked.

“Nah he’s been getting tied up this whole time.” Blake chuckled.

“How could you win if you didn’t even play along with him?” Marvin asked him.

“How so?” Blake asked confused.

“Well you would have to be tied up too, that’ll make it authentic to the Scream movie.” Marvin suggested.

“You know what you make a good point.” Blake agreed and didn’t even notice Marvin had pulled up a chair behind Rocky.

“Say if you are interested in making twenty extra bucks I got a job you could do for me. If you have the time.” Blake asked patting Marvin on his back.

“You know I think I can make time to help.” Marvin said sarcastically.

“Great, well it’s pretty simple. Well simple enough for you I hope. I need ya to truss me up like our friend Rocky here! I mean I really did some award winning knots on him so I doubt it’ll be as effective. But in the spirit of competition, help me show this cat he really ain’t shit!” Blake boasted taking a seat behind Rocky

“I think I’ll be able to manage.” Marvin said grabbing the clothesline and beginning to cut lengths of it.

“Mmmmmmmph!! Mmmmm!!” Rocky shifted aggressively in his seat.

“He’s excited about this.” Marvin said with a grin.

“He just knows he’s gonna lose. I’ll break out of this and finish that pizza before it even gets cold. Now quick!” Blake said nudging Marvin with his now bound ankles.

“You got it!” Marvin said tightly knotting the ropes on his ankles.

Marvin proceeded to wrap rope around Blake’s knees securing them, then came time for his hands.

“How should I tie your hands? To the chair? Behind you? In front?” Marvin asked.

“Let’s do in front.” Blake responded with a wink.

And with that Marvin began to tie Blake’s hands in front, he cinched ropes around his wrists and expertly tucked the knots out of reach. Then before he could react Blake noticed Marvin connecting his wrists to the restraints on his knees. And soon he was wrapping the thick clothesline around Blake’s torso forcing him to sit upright in the chair. Before he knew it he was completely restricted.

“Woooh! Okay man, I think that’s enough rope. You are using more rope on me than I did Rocky now.” Blake said, growing a bit concerned.

“I’m just about done, we just need a gag.” Marvin said tying double knots to the ropes keeping him in the chair.

“Mmmmm!” Rocky bucked in the chair.

“How’s he gagged so effectively?” Marvin asked looking over Rocky’s gag.

“Funny story, he’s got the worst smelling feet in the world…. so I stuffed his socks in his mouth and taped it shut.” Blake laughed.

“Not a bad idea. Let’s do the same.” Marvin said bending down and unlacing Blake’s brown dress shoes.

Marvin tore them off exposing Blake’s sweaty socks that were teal with red sharks on them. He was big on the crazy socks, just not big on changing them the last couple of days.

“Looks like you got some competition in the smelly feet department there Rocky!” Marvin said jabbing Rocky in his side.

“Hey! Give me a break those shoes heat up fast and it’s the middle of summer so they…..Mmmmmph!” Blake tried to finish until his mouth was packed with one of his crew length colorful socks.

Marvin ripped the other sock from Blake’s foot and worked hard to pack it into Blake’s mouth. He grabbed the heavy duty tape from the shelf and started to tear from it.

“You really don’t remember me do you?” Marvin said plastering tape over Blake’s mouth.

“Mmmm??” Blake grunted in confusion.

“MMMMMMMPH!!!” Rocky shuffled like crazy in his chair.

“We went to school together, I remember you two. You were real assholes when you wanted to be. I remember when you guys lit off fireworks during the science fair. Ruined my presentation. Small world eh?” Marvin said as Blake and Rocky looked on in shock.

He was holding the last bolt of clothes line and he begun to unwind it. Loop after loop he wrapped around both men their chairs were tightly restrained back to back so tightly almost to the point of the chairs lifting from the floor they were so tight.

“Mmmmmph!”, “Mmmmm!” Both groaned as they couldn’t move an inch.

Marvin even tied their big toes together, every bit of twine he used to keep them restrained. “My, my, my looks like you boys are ready for the challenge now. Good luck. Maybe I’ll pop over and check on ya tomorrow. It felt really good to reconnect with some old highschool peers. Bye.” Marvin waves goodbye as he showed himself out.

He left the knife on the coffee table in front of the television meet feet from theme. The problem was getting there. They couldn’t budge an inch.

“‘Mmmmmmph!” Rocky roared.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmm!” Blake’s barked back under his thick gag.

They shifted and struggled, but it was no use. They were stuck. They just had to hope Marvin visited and took mercy on them. If they could only get to the knife.
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Post by harveygasson »

Great story
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Post by blackbound »

Great twist! Blake seems to be a bit of an idiot.

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Didn't see that coming. Blake's hubris really brought his downfall. :D
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Post by privateandrews »

great , loved this . nice twist at the end.
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Post by Socksbound »

[mention]privateandrews[/mention] thanks for bumping this. Hadn’t read it but glad I did.

[mention]thebadguy[/mention] Really enjoyed the banter between the Rocky and Blake. The playfulness of their jibes makes for a fun atmosphere. The addition of Marvin and the fact the two boys bullied him at school bodes well for an interesting continuation.
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Post by cj2125 »

I really enjoyed this story, Rocky and Blake where so fun to read and it was a nice bonus seeing them tied up in the end, nice foreshadowing of Marvin too!
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]thebadguy[/mention] Absolutely wonderful storytelling, bud.
LOVED the tight duct taping and smelly sock gags!

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this and will definitely be keeping an eye out for other works from you in the future.

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Post by FelixSH »

Completely missed this one. Very fun and lighthearted, and I loved the ending. I can't help but feel satisfaction, thinking about how the two bullies pay for their bad behaviour by spending the night tied and gagged.

Blake being dumb as a wall of bricks at the end was just funny. Letting a stranger tie you up is a really good idea. :D

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Post by JerryLarry225 »

Absolutely loved this story
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Post by Ropespecialist »

Great story! I enjoyed the setting and the vibes of this story. Two bros having fun and challenging each other while chilling on their free time. I like the descriptions of the two 28 year old men and the way that they were both bound. I appreciate the homage you made of the iconic scene from scream. Recreating it with your own original character, Rocky, who was even dressed similarly. Great description of Blake’s work attire too. I can picture the ropes around their outfits. Rocky and Blake make a great bound duo.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

How did I miss this two years ago??

Great story!!!

I absolutely loved the bondage in the "Scream" movies...especially the Dad at the end of the the lot.

Thank you, so much, for writing such wonderful characters like Rocky and Blake.
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