Jane, Grace and Lena dark slumber party. m/fff

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Jane, Grace and Lena dark slumber party. m/fff

Post by WyattW5 »

It was supposed to be this big awesome weekend for Jane and her girlfriends. Her parents were away for the weekend for their anniversary. Leaving Jane to plan a nice little slumber party for her and her two best friends in the whole world.

Lena Greyson a lean blond wearing black tights that matched her Leotard. While the clothing was tight the fabric was soft and Lena felt like she was being hugged around her skin whenever she wore tights to bed.

Lena was the great leader of the group. Helping boost the girl's confidence. Lena was the only reason Jane's good friend Gracy signed up for the swim team. Sixteen years old shoulder-length wavy blond hair. Lena was a force to be reckoned with once her mind was set.

Beside Jane her Best friend since pre-school. Gracy Holmes a lean brunette with a Pixie style hair cut. She wore bright pink leggings and a thin red turtleneck that hugs her thin frame nicely.

Then there is Jane. Shoulder length black hair that was tucked in a pair of small braids. Wearing a blue leotard and black leggings Jane huddled in her sleeping bag as Lena had control of the party.

about a half-hour ago the power was killed by the thunderstorm raging outside. Leaving them to amuse themselves. So for Lena’s choice of amusement was telling scary stories.

“So when the Maid went to the end of the hall she saw her the Widow in black in her left hand stood the bleeding heart of her husband who had not died yet” Lena spoke with an eerie voice as she looks at her friends holding a flashlight below her chin.

“When you hear a noise don’t go down the hall for the Black Widow known as Claire Dumond is waiting for you at the other side like over there” Lena quickly faces the light to a painting on the wall and how the flashlight struck it made the painting look like a ghost.

“Jeez Lena you trying to give us a heart attack” Jane called out with exasperation ripping the flashlight from her hand and Gracy found herself still scared.

“I think... I need to use the”

“Don’t worry Grace there are no ghosts in this house” Jane glares at Lena who shrugs playing the innocent one of her many charms.

“I know it is just a silly story... but I think... I think well I need to go the bathroom” Grace spoke standing up nervously walking from the living room. The rupture of thunder outside made Grace quietly tremble as she looks up to the window watching as the rain was pelting the window glass.

The sound of branches scratching at the window caused Grace to jump as the lightning flash illuminated the damp tree branch. Grace bit down her fear and burst through the door into the bathroom.

After a few minutes, Grace came out relieved of her bladder. Walking from the bathroom Grace soon realized she was in the hallway. With no light and fear began to cripple her thoughts.

From behind her, a cloth was put around her mouth and nose. Her eyes shoot open and she becomes fearful as she looks behind her.

“Hphf plephf” the girl screams as she feels the form pull her backward screaming as much as she can. But the girl is brought into a dark crevice when she feels her captor lob her onto a flat soft surface.

“Please don’t you don’t need to do this please...” a firm hand was placed to her lips

“Do not scream” a husky male voice growls from the darkness Grace looks into the abyss not recognizing the man behind the blackness.

“What do you want?”

“Silence...” the voice echoes in the empty darkness as he sets beside her watching as the rope around her wrists behind her back.

“Please I will be... I will be” he did not allow her to finish he applies the same cloth he used earlier stuffing it into her mouth making her gag and yak from the dry cloth brushing her tongue. Applying a second cloth around her face.

Graces olive green eyes were wide with fright as the man tied off the cloth and stood up taking rope he binds her ankles together cinching them good and tight before binding her ankles to her wrists with a slipknot. that was too far out of reach.

“One down... two to go...” the voice echoes as another blast of thunder alerts Grace and a trickle of lightning splashes the darkness in light. Her eyes go wide

“Maphphf?” Jane's little brother Matthew looks from the window outside down to Grace. His face was calm and his eyes were peaceful as he leans down beside her.

“Grace... I do not mean you any harm alright... I just need you and the other girls to be quiet I can’t get to sleep with Lena making you squeal like” he stopped himself short as he began to think of the chubby little pink animals people get ham and sausage from.

“Once I get Lena trussed up I will let you go understand just play along for a little bit please” Grace gave an exasperated sigh. Not like I can do much now! She voiced through her gag and Matthew smiles.

“Thank you”

ten minutes later.

Lena was rolling her eyes back as Jane was growing ever more concerned about Gracy. It is not like she could’ve gotten lost on her way to the bathroom. Lena decided mentally.

“Alright I can’t take this anymore, you check the bathroom, I am going to check your room, knowing her she is likely quivering in your bed like a ten-year-old girl or maybe she decided she needed to try and scare me... well newsflash not happenin” Lena spoke with a wave of her hand her index finger forming a wall over her chest. Strutting forward Lena decided to go for Jane's bedroom while Jane went for the bathroom.

Walking into the bedroom Lena was surprised to find it nice and orderly. Jane herself was usually out of sorts always a bit of a mess. Her room though, her room was nicely organized.

With her flashlight in her hand, Lena began to scan everything. The stuffed animals on the left pictures on the wall. Lena turns to her right and finds what looks like a scrapbook. Opening the front page Lena’s eyes grew wide as she saw pictures taken Janes pretty face eyes wide. But her mouth was covered.

The first it looked like a band of metal but upon closer look the picture had tape. The next picture had her with a blue scarf in her mouth. Another had a red bandana around her nose. And Lena found herself gaping as she found a small box filled with special items.

Ropes, tapes, and other things. Lena found herself smiling oh the fun she can have.

A few moments later.

“Lena hey, Lena...” Jane calls out opening her bedroom door Jane rolls her eyes

“if this is a plan to freak me out you can stop it is working” Jane opens the door and walks into the darkness. An invisible force grabs onto Jane clamping a hand over her mouth pushing her to the Bed. Jane gave a fight as she and her attacker roll over the edge of the bed before collapsing to the floor screaming and fighting Jane soon found her mouth filled with something soft and chewy between her teeth.

Her wrists were bound behind her back and a rope was added above and below her bosom. Creating a V running from her shoulders before connecting with the ropes below her bosom. Jane began to whine as she felt self-conscious of someone touching her bosom.

When the captor finished with the chest. They went down to her ankles binding them together then tethering them to the leg of the bed. The last rope her captor added was a length of rope tight around her waist before binding the strands through Janes legs making her yelp from the reaction as the rope was bound tight to her bottom.

“There we go pretty as a present” Lena smiles on her knees at Jane's side. Jane's eyes were as wide as saucers and she began to yell.

“Memah lmmphf mmphf gmphg nmphf!”

“Oh don’t pretend you don’t like it I have seen some of your portfolios over there... that reminds me” taking a soft roll of fabric style tape Lena began to wrap it around Jane's mouth from her upper lip to her chin and the base of her neck.

“Good girl... now you sit quietly I’ll go find Gracy and see if she wants in on this fun” Lena smiles standing up Jane could only scream angrily bucking in her binds. Rolling on the bed Jane growls and moans. As the rope between her legs digging almost painfully into her private part. She nearly fell off the bed when a large hand was placed on her shoulder.

“Lena tied you good, seen your stash did she?” the male voice booms and Jane could only nod her brother a year older than her. He seemed to have the wisdom of an old soul. Kneeling to her side Jane felt Matthew beside her.

“Alright wait here while I tend some business” Jane whines as her brother sets her back on the bed. Closing the door behind him leaving her in darkness even the lightning was stopped only rain pummelled the window pane.

Lena had begun to search the bathroom, the closet, and even under the cabinet of the sink. Growing tired in her search Lena only pouted holding a length of rope in her left hand. And cloth and wrap in her right hand. Pouting as she wiggles the cloth in her hand. She was not expecting a pillowcase to come over her head. Shrieking from fear. She felt an immense weight crash on her pinning her belly down she felt two hands begin to bind her hands behind her back.

“I promise you... you bugger I will get you for this” Lena warns fighting and the attacker did not relent. Their attention turns to her ankles.

“Leave those Help...Help Grace is molesting me” her attacker sits her up before taking the rope from her hand. Forming two lines above and below Lena’s not yet developed bosom. Pinning her arms to her torso Lena felt the rope begin to entwine around her bosom pushing the little nubs forward.

“Stop that this is so uncool” Lena complains before her attacker takes some rope and binds it to her waist and between her thighs for a crotch rope. Tethering the rope to her knees Lena growls as she tries to kick.

“Help me please someone help!” suddenly the pillowcase was removed to reveal Matthew his tall form folded into a kneeling position by her side.

“Matthew what are you let me go”

“No, you are too bloody loud I need to be up for four am tomorrow and I can’t when you are making Jane and Grace squeal like bloody pigs, so you left me no choice but to silence the lot of you for good!” Matthew snarls thrusting the cloth she had gathered into her mouth. Binding the turquoise vet wrap around her mouth.

“I saw how you tied my sister, I am intrigued by your ropework how did you learn that?” Lena began to explain through her gag. Matthew did not understand a single word she uttered but shrugged it off.

“alright now sit tight”

“Lmphf mphf gophf” Lena yells and squirms on the couch. Walking to the bedroom Matthew finds Jane tied up glaring at him. Using the flashlight, Matthew examines the rope.

“Lena got you good didn’t she?” Jane mutely nods and bows her head in a kind of embarrassment.

“Well I think I am going to untie you... but I need something from you okay?”


“One I need you and Gracy to be quiet I have Lena tied in the livingroom. You and Gracy can torment her all you like just to try and keep it down... you know I have to work tomorrow okay agreed?” it took two seconds for Jane to nod and Matthew began to remove the ropes binding her body.

Matthew and Jane untied Grace and Matthew apologized. Before closing and locking his bedroom door.

How girls occupy themselves during thunderstorms. Matthew thought to himself rolling onto his bed.


Jane and Grace loom over Lena unable to see through the darkness. grunts and fidgets because the ropes were too well done. what Lena did not expect was Grace to pounce digging her fingers into Lena's soft belly. even over the clothing Lena gave a shriek and a never ending giggle.
Millennial Club
Millennial Club
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Post by Caesar73 »

Siblings can be difficult :) This was fun!
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