Dressed at my best (Part 56 added) (F-self, F/F, M/F...)

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Post by slackywacky »

> classes would restart tomorrow, and I was looking forward to them with fresh energy.

That's why we play these games, they relax us (sometimes) :-)
Thanks for the latest chapter.
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Post by Beaumains »

Friday evening, three and a half weeks later.

“So, that’s a deal?” Lauren asked. “I would accept it if I were you. Otherwise, you will stay there for a while.”

“Deal!” I said, unsure of what I had committed. I just wanted them to release me from the ropes and blindfold. I laid stretched out on a support beam in Lauren’s and Robert’s attic. Although a blanket separated me from the wood, I was far from comfortable. The wood was hard, and I couldn’t shift my weight to another body part.

“Great,” Robert said. “Be ready Friday at noon next week. Easter gives a weekend of fun, so don’t expect to be home before Sunday evening.”

“Awesome, guys,” I answered. “I cannot wait, but can you please untie me?”

“Please, Kat,” Autumn said with fake annoyance. “Can you stay quiet for once. I am trying to concentrate. Or do we have to gag you again? Julian seems to enjoy his.”

“We will free you after this game,” Lauren added. “It won’t take long. Give or take 20 minutes. If you stay quiet, we will free you first.”

I sighed and closed my eyes, trying to ignore the pressure on my thighs. Earlier tonight, the five of us had played some fancy modern board game and agreed the two who placed last would be tied up. I had played this particular game for the first time, so I had no chance. The other four had finished closer, yet Julian had lost by a few points. I was clueless about his whereabouts, but he was gagged, according to Lauren. I believed her.

Robert, Lauren, and Autumn continued playing loudly, so I couldn’t forget them and enter my subspace. Of course, this was intentional. They could have gagged me after cutting the deal but didn’t. Why? Because now I had to control my body and breath to make sure I didn’t groan. I was left with my thoughts as I could not follow their game and reflected on the past four weeks. They had both been turbulent and tranquil. Terrifying and incredible. Reckless and respectful. Yet, I had never felt better, both in class and outside.

The Monday after I had sent Julian home dressed as Alice, we went hiking through the forest after class. Here, he returned my costume. For a reason I cannot recall, I ended up in it tied to a tree. He had left me blindfolded, gagged with my stinking hiking socks, and with a headset with white noise for an hour. I had no idea if I was alone and had been so scared. Back at my parents’ home, no-one could visit me, and I could untie me anytime. Later I heart he had read a book fifty yards away, so I had never been alone. To Julian’s delight, I had loved it.

That evening, the red rope marks on my wrists were vague when I went to my bouldering training. I had expected nobody would notice them and had been proven wrong. Lauren had recognized them and blackmailed me in her tying me up after the training. I ended up ball tied in one of the kitchen cabinets.

Lauren had gone home not much later, putting Autumn in charge. Autumn told me she would only release me if I slept with my legs tied that night. I had no choice but accepting this and found out a purple tutu and pink t-shirt was mandatory too. The shirt was old, undersized, and had been in my closet since I was ten. I had always been ashamed of wearing it. Still, I had slept like a baby.

So, in short, my life had become much more exciting. Days I was not restrained at least once were rare. Maybe even non-existent, but I was unsure about that. Yet, no-one else had noted this, so my weird hobby stayed private.

Two or three times a week, Julian, Autumn, and I visited Lauren and Robert. These long evenings did not differ much from the previous one. We played board games, videogames, or escape the tie games, and the losers were restrained. The four former scouts showed me their creativity as they discovered I did not mind them at all. They suspended me in magical ways or created insane structures with the wooden poles stored in the room. I had a love-hate relationship with losing al the time as I was fanatical to win, but got the jackpot when losing. The rest was less willing to be restrained and received lighter ties. I did not mind this at all.

Last week, Autumn had persuaded me to tell Robert and Lauren about my collection. I did so, and they had asked me to organize the next night. Despite my nerves, it went surprisingly well. I had worn a Japanese schoolgirl uniform and put the two other girls both in a princess dress, Julian in a black zentai, and Robert in an orange prisoner uniform. We would play Monopoly that night, so I had a chance to win. I got second, but that was not enough. Lauren had won and argued that I went bankrupt like the rest, so I had lost. Thus she tied me up too. I was first and blindfolded, so I had not seen how the others looked bound in their costumes. That was the only thing I had disliked that night.

The next day, Robert and Lauren had come unexpectedly to my dorm room. They threatened Autumn and me with a Nerf gun and tied us spread-eagle on our beds. I got my own ballgag and Autumn her tights, so I had won with respect to gags. Then they explored my collection and reviewed each piece of clothing, embarrassing me. To my delight, they convinced me they adored my secret, and both were keen to introduce it in our play nights.

Now, I was in their attic, lost again, and ended up here, first with a tea-towel taped in my mouth. Perhaps I blew over telling it, but I wore my long-sleeved bright pink leotard. The pain was worse than the cold, so I had kinda forgotten about it.

Robert, Lauren, and Autumn had discussed the upcoming summer vacation we all looked forward to. In hindsight, it had been awful acting. Together with Julian, they had already planned to spend ten days at the summer-house of Lauren’s and Julian’s parents. Now they deliberated whether I could join them as I was not there.

“But we do not know if Kat is worth it,” Robert had said. “These evenings are no problem for her, but how will she handle ten days?”

The little playlet continued, and they decided all four would organize a weekend. Here I could prove if I was worthy. The deal was that I could only join them if I finished all the weekends. Then Lauren ripped my gag off without warning, asking me if I wanted to do this.

Now, after the deal was made, I had time to think about what was going to happen. Of course, I would be often bound, but weekends were long. Fortunately, I had no problems with my homework for a couple of days. The tie-ups cost a lot of time but improved my focus. I worked more efficient and had no problems keeping up.

“Yes,” I heard Autumn scream. “I won!”

I heard someone climbing the ladder and felt careful hands untying me. My blindfold was removed while I stretched my legs, hoping not to fall. Autumn stood next to me, and I asked her to hold my hand. My legs were weak after lying there for so long. She did this gracefully before helping me on the couch next to Julian, who was free already. A simple hogtie had kept him in place.

“Catch!” Robert shouted while tossing my sweatpants and hoodie against my face. I grumbled while noticing how cold I was and put them on. No need to change here as I was confident my leotard was well-hidden.

We did one more round of drinks before Autumn drove us back to our dorm room. To my surprise, the upcoming weekends and vacation had not been named again. Autumn and Lauren had quarreled whether Autumn had won by skill or by chance while Julian and I watched in silence. On the road back, Julian tried to deduce if I had some spare time this weekend. I confirmed this, and I heard he would pick me up on Sunday morning.

“Kat, you have been awfully silent the last hour. You okay?” Autumn asked while I had jumped into my bed already.

“Yeah, I’m fine, Autumn. Only a bit tired.”

“I see, but you’re less enthusiastic than I expected for the weekends and vacation.”

“Sorry, Autumn. That wasn’t my intention. In fact, it’s messing with my head ever since. It was a weird way to tell me this, and I’ve no idea what to expect.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll keep it a surprise, but you will love it. Besides, are you going to sleep voluntarily in that leotard? Not that I want to judge or anything.”

“Oh, yeah. Forgot about it. Now I am in bed already. No need to change.”

“I was just wondering. Sleep well, Kat.”

“Have a good night.”
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Post by slackywacky »

4 days and nobody reacted? Geez, must be holiday season.

> The tie-ups cost a lot of time but improved my focus. I worked more efficient and had no problems keeping up.

I wish that worked for me :-)
Een gelukkig 2020 toegewenst.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

Holiday Season is over 😉
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Post by Beaumains »

> The tie-ups cost a lot of time but improved my focus. I worked more efficient and had no problems keeping up.

I wish that worked for me Image
For me it works a little as long as it is light, say only my legs or so.
Een gelukkig 2020 toegewenst.
Jij ook de beste wensen. (Een beetje laat ik weet het)
“So, Autumn, what’s Robert’s plan? Last chance.”

“Kat, stop this! As I said, keeping it a surprise is far more fun.”

“Too late Autumn. You should have sung like a little bird,” I said, shoving the red ballgag back in my blindfolded roommate’s mouth. For a moment, I stared at her spreadeagled body. She only wore the underwear and shirt she had slept in. Then I jumped on her bed, sat down on my knees over her, and rolled her shirt up. After teasing her sides for a minute with gentle strokes, I attacked them mercilessly. Autumn was helpless.

It was 7 o’clock on Good Friday, the day my first test for the vacation would start. Last night, I dared Autumn to sleep in a very light spreadeagle. She had accepted this, and I had woke up early to get some information about today. I had untied the ropes holding her ankles to the bed, and jerked and tied them tighter at once. My sleeping roommate had not expected this and ended up in a real spreadeagle. The past week, I had received comments from all four about the upcoming weekend, taunting me.

“It will be fun, but I doubt we will see on our vacation.”

“This will be your worst Easter ever.”

“Watch your tone, Kat, Robert has some grand plans. But I’m sure he can find improvements.”

This had made me anxious. Me, alone, against these four childhood friends. Yes, it was mild teasing, but a weekend was longer than the evenings we spent together in Robert’s and Lauren’s attic. I was scared; None provided me with clues or comfort, while they gathered twice without me to prepare everything.

So I devised a plan to make Autumn talk. I wanted to tie her up, but Lauren had made this difficult. Yesterday, she borrowed parts of my collection when I was out jogging and sealed the boxes with tape. I was not allowed to open them, so I could not deduce what was missing. Luckily, no rule prohibited me from torturing Autumn to get intel, and Lauren had forgotten about my closet. Under it lay the ropes and gag that kept Autumn in place now.

“So, you will speak?”

Fear stood in Autumn’s eyes. She had disappointed me by being less ticklish than me but was far from immune. Disgust and fear covered her face that nodded after ten seconds.

“Your hesitation is not very convincing. More tickling might persuade you.”

Autumn now swayed her head forward to show she had decided, but I ignored her and let her sides feel my fingers. Of course, this session was shorter as Autumn gasped for breath. The gag muffled her speech well and made sure she would not wake anyone.

“Changed your mind?”

Autumn nodded.

“So, if I ungag you, you say everything?”

Autumn paused before shaking her head. I forgave her for this and chose not to proceed.

“You taunted me all week, Autumn. Not nice. Any other torture methods might get you talking but will ruin our relationship. I get a shower now, so you can think for a while. Maybe then you can say something.”

I picked the clothes I wanted to wear today, removed Autumn’s gag, and entered the bathroom.

“Autumn, wait...” I heard but did not care. The shower was excellent today, and I stayed a couple more minutes under it than usual. Then I brushed my hear, applied a little make-up, and returned to a begging Autumn. She wanted to be untied.

“Four hours remain before we are picked up. I don’t mind if you spend those like this. Maybe gagged too. I will release you on three conditions: No revenge. Not during this weekend and not hereafter. Second, the others will not hear about this. Third, you explain something about what is going to happen. How bad will it be? Things like that. Nothing too specific. Deal?”

Autumn thought for a second before accepting. “Kat, please, this was unnecessary. I would have said this if you asked. Yeah, you won’t like it, but we will respect your safeword. Don’t worry about that vacation. We’ll take you with us. These weekends are to unwind. I assure you, it won’t differ from the evenings. Only longer.”

I smiled and released her wrists. “Good, if I find out you lied or broke this promise, you do what I demand for a weekend. Be warned.”

A distressed Autumn confirmed this, and I sent her to the bathroom after she freed herself. It was early, but her adrenaline made sleeping in impossible. Afterward, we ate breakfast together, and since some time remained, I tried doing homework. As one might expect, this was useless as my thoughts were elsewhere. Ropes. So I browsed Reddit, Youtube, and Netflix while peering to Autumn once in a while. She had calmed down and killed time on her own phone, giggling once in a while. I was unsure if she read something funny or was texting about the upcoming weekend with some of the others.

At 11:55, Julian knocked on the door, and Autumn let him in. He carried a large rucksack and wore sneakers. I assumed packing like this was an old scout’s habit, not for anything in particular.

“Don’t worry, Kat,” Autumn said while grabbing her own filled rucksack she had hidden under her bed. “We got everything. Let’s go down. Robert and Lauren will be here soon.”

We grabbed our jackets and got in Robert’s red Toyota pick-up. Lauren helped to secure the rucksacks in the back, enabling Julian to sneak into the passenger’s seat. Lauren, the shortest, was now forced to sit in the middle of the back row.

“Our first stop ain’t far. But the real magic won’t take place there,” Robert said before taking off. He was right, as we stopped five minutes later on a deserted parking lot next to a trailhead.

“Okay, Kat, here’s the deal. Change between those rocks in this,” Julian said, holding a red plastic bag up. “Wear everything in it. Nothing else, and put your current clothes in it. See ya!”

With pain in my stomach, I left the car and walked to the boulders that formed a secluded spot. It was far enough from the campus to be graffiti-free, but a charcoal pile reminded me others came here as well. I hated this.

I sighed and stripped down to my underwear, laying everything on my jacket as the rocks did not look very clean. Then I opened the bag while I shivered from cold. My lime-green two-piece bikini lay on top. So I guessed I had to miss my regular underwear. After checking no-one watched, I changed in the awful bikini. “Good taste, Robert,” I thought.

I reopened the bag and took out a familiar-looking silver padlock with a note saying, “You know where this goes...”. A grey scrunchy was next with more paper stating a ponytail was required. I obliged to this but waited with the padlock. I did not understand the vague note.

Finally, I found a large pack wrapped in gift paper. Due to the cold, I tore it open without thinking and found one piece of clothing, making my cringe: my bunny onesie. It was light grey, with a few exceptions. Its belly was white like the fluffy ball that served as its tail. Its long ears were pink in the inside and reached over my collarbone when I looked forward. Hideous. At this moment, I realized I had been foolish telling Autumn I spent the previous Easter in this thing. I put it on, defeating the cold and my dignity. Too late to chicken out.

Reluctant, I took the silver padlock as its purpose was now clear. I locked the zipper to the iron ring my friends had added to the top of the onesie. I put my shoes back on, tossed my clothes in the bag, and strolled back with my hood up. They would want that and providing an excuse to penalize me already seemed unsmart. The onesie was tighter around my face than I remembered, so someone had tempered with its elastic. The hood would not fall off anymore.

“Looking good!” Julian smiled when I entered the car. “But, your shoes are part of your clothing.”

“Sorry, it was gross there.”

“No problem, but you won’t need them anymore.”

I kicked my shoes off and put them in the bag with my socks. Never before, I had been so thrilled with tinted windows. I had gotten the seat behind the driver, so I was even safer from random peers. Then the car took off and drove back over the main road to an unknown destination. Well, undesignated was a better word as we stopped at Robert’s and Lauren’s place.

Julian and Robert got out, carried the bag with my clothes, phone, and wallet inside, and returned empty-handed. No magic trick could have occurred as I had watched them. Everything was inside now. These cheats wanted me to wear this all weekend!

“Couldn’t I change here?”

“Nah,” Lauren answered. “The neighbors might have seen you.”

“Speaking about seeing, put this on,” Robert said, handing me my panda sleeping mask. I placed it over my eyes, under my hood.

“Good,” Autumn said. “Keep it there until told otherwise. If you get sick, warn us.”

I confirmed this, and we left the familiar terrain and drove far. Hours I imagined. The radio played, and Autumn entertained us with some Black Stories she had prepared online. For whatever reason, some involved tie-ups. Sweats were passed around, and my hearing told me this blindfolded rabbit was not skipped once.

During the ride, Lauren tied my legs and wrists together for no particular reason. Robert briefed her to untie them 10 minutes before we stopped, so it was some silent teasing. I welcomed it after all the verbal taunting. I partly had expected Autumn to halt them, but she did not. Maybe as revenge, but likely not to raise any suspicion. The threat of a weekend with me in command had not been genuine, but I did not mind to execute it.

After we stopped, the other four got out but told me to wait. The door next to me was opened a couple minutes later, and Julian slipped some long, clean socks over my feet.

“Sorry, this takes so long. Tying some else’s shoelaces is weird,” Julian said, binding thick shoes under my feet. They fitted surprisingly well.

“Arms backward,” Lauren commanded after aiding me out of the car. She put a large rucksack on my
bed, fastened it around my hips and chest, and adjusted it. Then she removed my blindfold.

We were on another deserted parking lot, this time with almost twenty other cars. The road was quiet, and trees surrounded us. Anxiety got the better of me as I recalled what I wore. What if others saw me?

“We are in a state forest and go camping and hiking this weekend,” Robert said after locking the car. “With the scouts, we’ve been here a few years before, and in general, it is not very busy. If we see anyone, say you lost a dare. I mean, its Easter, so that onesie is not that bizarre. Now, let’s go, before anyone detects our little bunny.”

The others laughed while I blushed. I saw I wore my own hiking shoes and socks. I guessed Lauren had taken them yesterday. The others wore their hiking clothes too, but with outdoor jackets and trousers instead of a onesie. All with rucksacks that looked a lot heavier than mine.

We entered a trail while I tried to suppress my panic. I was wearing this thing. In public.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Nice idea!
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Post by wolfman »

Caesar73 wrote: 4 years agoNice idea!
I second that. Thank you for this story, you continue to surprise and entertain with every update. 
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Post by slackywacky »

Bondage in public always adds to the thrill (at least for me).
Nice chapter, waiting to see where this goes (other than the forest)...
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Beaumains »

Nice idea!
I second that. Thank you for this story, you continue to surprise and entertain with every update.
Thanks guys!
Bondage in public always adds to the thrill (at least for me).
Nice chapter, waiting to see where this goes (other than the forest)...
I never dared to do so but can imagine it does, especially the first few times.
“Look! An Easter bunny!” a boy, around 8 years old, shouted to his two older brothers.

“Nah, it’s a woman,” the oldest replied, standing next to me. I estimated him to be 11. “Why do you wear that?”

“Oh, I lost a bet,” I said, forcing a smile.

“A bet? What did you do?”

His bluntness scared me. A senior couple had passed earlier but had no desire to deal with crazy students and ignored us after an obligatory Good afternoon. I liked that approach.

“Oh, nothing...” I stumbled, getting red. “Guessed the wrong team in a football game.”

“Come on, guys. Let’s leave her alone,” their mother said, who was obeyed. “Sorry, they are a little curious at times.”

I gave an understanding nod and continued walking, staring at the muddy trail ahead. I was embarrassed, even though the silver lock was tucked into my suit. Honestly, could this get any worse?

“You should have seen your face!” Julian said after the family had left our earshot. “Beautiful. As red as a tomato. Nice safe, though.”

“Thanks, man. Your turn next week.”

“Kat, just joking,” my boyfriend replied, afraid I would dare him. “You handled it well.”

The rest listened but pretended they did not. Cowards. Five minutes later, we exchanged the gravel trail we had walked on from the parking lot for a narrower one. Long grass survived on it, so fewer people walked on this path. I felt safe.

“It’s quarter past three, and we haven’t had lunch yet,” Robert, leading the pack, said. “Let’s search for a spot.”

The rest agreed, and we found a large boulder to sit against fifty yards away, almost out of the trail’s sight. Keen eyesight and alertness were required to spot my unusual clothing. I could drop my guard while two sacks of sandwiches appeared out of the rucksacks. I wanted to grab one, but Lauren halted me.

“Real rabbits can’t eat with their fingers,” she said and pulled two black things out of her bag. “These are bondage mitts, and we bought them for this trip. With them, you can’t use your fingers anymore. Come here.”

I sighed and watched how Lauren slid the mitts over my fists and fastened the laces, taking away my freedom. I did not mind. Running away had never been an option, so these fascinating mitts were no punishment. Many times, I had looked up pictures of them and dreamed of owning a pair during my high school years. Everyday life would be so much more complicated and exciting. Yet, I had never dared to buy them. Using them on my own had seemed dangerous. Now they were harmless as they only laces and no locks. No keys could get lost.

“Voila!” Lauren said after squeezing the ends of its bound laces outside the reach of my teeth. “Try them. I’ve heard they’re very effective.”

“Yep, that’s true,” Robert said. “When she got your stuff yesterday, she locked me in them. Most boring hour of my life.”

My rucksack still rested on my back, and I attempted to open its belly buckle. I failed; the mitts were thick and soft like a stress ball. They pushed in as they had no sharp corners and spread the tension, so I could not use my knuckles. Exerting force on a small surface was impossible. Robert had been right. These things worked as intended, and I loved them.

Lauren stepped forward and unlocked my wristband within a second and lifted my bag off my shoulders. “See, you’re helpless. Now let’s get lunch.”

I looked around and saw Autumn’s and Julian’s stares. They had both sat down already, and I chose to join Julian. Not because he had claimed one of the sacks with sandwiches but would feed me without teasing me.

“Hey, how ya doing?” I said while leaning against his left shoulder, pushing him against the rock that served as his backrest. Then I turned my head to rest against his.

“Good. You’re begging for food, aren’t you?”

“Maybe a little, but I could use a hand.”

“That’s true, and I have two more than you at the moment,” Julian said before letting me take a bite of his sandwich. Lunch progressed as Julian kept filling my hungry stomach. As expected, Julian and I took the longest, and everything was packed and ready when he aided me to drink a few more sips from my water bottle.

“Thanks, Julian,” I said as I turned around to kiss his cheek. He flushed as I jumped up to let Autumn put my rucksack back on.

“Not cool, Kat. Not cool,” Lauren said from behind, and I spun around, allowing her to shove my black ballgag in my mouth.

“Emotionally abusing my little brother like that? That’s cheap.”

“Mmmppphh,” I screamed, but my argument was not persuasive enough, as Lauren secured the ball. I waited for a shawl or so to cover it, but it never came. Instead, my hands were cuffed behind me, pressing them against my rucksack. Now they were totally useless.

“Let’s go,” Robert said. “I would like some daylight at our destination.”

He left, and those who could speak followed, but I did not move. The bunny suit had been outlandish but still explainable. This, however, was not, as I looked like a fetish freak. My gag made it a thousand times worse.

“Mmmppphh,” I screamed from the top of my lungs, and Robert turned around.

“Kat, don’t worry,” he shouted. “This place is deserted. No one has passed in the last half an hour, and the trails only get smaller.”

I shook my head, not convinced. “Mmmppphh.”

“Kat, please, let’s move. Trust me.”

I refused and stared him down.

Lauren walked back to me. “Come on. We ain’t gonna remove anything if you hope that. Your gag and mitts stay.”

I sat down on the ground, striking. The rest whispered what to do, not even removing the gag to get my explanation.

“Let’s cut a deal,” Lauren said. “If anyone sees you before we reach our camping spot, I take your place and be our bunny. Okay? Otherwise, we might consider this dare as lost. Final offer.”

I nodded and returned to the group. Julian gave me a pat on my back before we continued our hike. The trail got narrower and more difficult. Rocks, tree roots, mud, and steep slopes made it tricky. Almost dangerous. During a water break, I voiced this, and my cuffs were removed so I could catch myself. Safety came first, just as they removed my gag, so I could drink. After all, no monsters were among my friends.

The four scouts marched fast, giving me trouble to keep up. They carried more weight but were experienced and not gagged. I panted unable to catch enough air in my lungs and often stumbled due to poor concentration. Julian, loyal as always, stayed behind me and halted the others from time to time. Then he removed my gag for a moment, so I could catch my breath, drink a little, or eat an energy bar. Once, I got a carrot as a reminder. More would follow this weekend, I thought. In general, I felt almost like a burden but knew the others were teasing me. Testing my limits.

“We’re there,” Robert said next to a small lake. “Our little paradise.”

I had made it. We walked a hundred yards into a group of trees, not much different than those I had seen all day. We dropped our bags in a small clearing, and Robert gave orders. Sitting down would not get us back on our feet before sunset.

“I got to visit the bathroom first,” Julian said, defying the command to help me with my tent. I tapped him on the shoulder to signal I also had to.

“What do you think?” Julian asked the others.

“Let her,” Autumn replied. “Oh, Kat, you know here’s no bathroom? Julian means a tree.” From my bag, she removed an olive green tarp sheet and laid it out on the ground. I walked on it, and Lauren and Autumn removed my mitts, and surprisingly, the lock of my rabbit suit.

“This has no buttflap or anything,” Autumn said. “Take it off here to keep it clean.”

I removed my shoes, socks, and sweaty onesie to remain in my lime-green bikini in the wilderness. It was chilly. I wanted to put my hiking shoes back on but was stopped.

“You might like to wear some other shoes,” Autumn added and handed me black socks and my old running shoes we had gotten from my parents’. “Your feet will appreciate that.”

After a rather cold adventure, I jogged back to the clearing, still gagged. Robert was off collecting firewood, Lauren pitched a small tent, and Autumn chopped onions for dinner. Julian was waiting for me and locked me in my onesie.

“Robert says we share a tent tonight but has only packed one. We’ve to build our own with the tarp and ropes. I can only provide hints. It’s your job,” my boyfriend said while lacing my right mitt. “Also, you’ve to be blindfolded and can use one arm. Luckily, you enjoy a little challenge. Robert is generous, isn’t he?”

I purred in my gag in understanding as darkness replaced my vision. While I carried the supplies, we searched for a spot. Well, Julian did, as he dragged me along. Silly blindfold.

“Let’s do it here,” he said, and I dropped everything in my hands. “Okay, let’s start. Take a rope and bind one end to the tree, three-foot to your left. Chest height.”

This sounded manageable but was not with only five fingers and a blindfold. My self-bondage had taught me tying knots one-handed, so it was possible. Using the mitt to hold the rope against the tree, I could tie reasonable knots. Not exceptional, but workable. After tying the other end at ankle height to another tree, I lay the tarp over the slack rope, as Julian explained. It was rolled over it, creating a cone-like structure with one flap acting as a door. I fastened the two sides with herrings to the ground, finishing our tent.

“Great, Kat,” Julian said, hugging me. Then he put my free, right arm in the other mitt.

“Dinner is almost ready. We don’t wanna miss that,” he said before tying a rope around my wrists. He pulled me through the forest to the campfire. I was still blindfolded but could tell this was not the direct route as it was long with many corners. But I forgot that as I smelled the smoke and heard utensils and playful chatter.
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Post by slackywacky »

A scout are we? :-)

Slept under tarp tents a lot in my scouting time. Nice idea to have as part of your story, although you mentioned they had been in scouting.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

I agree! The hiking trip was a fine idea.
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Post by Beaumains »

A scout are we? :-)

Slept under tarp tents a lot in my scouting time. Nice idea to have as part of your story, although you mentioned they had been in scouting.
Technically a former scout, but I have been one for most of my youth. Kat is not a scout, but the other four are.
I agree! The hiking trip was a fine idea.
Thanks! They'll be stuck there for a couple more chapters.
Julian led me on another tarp, told me to kneel, and removed the rope around my wrists. The food smelt delicious, and I knew I burned a lot of energy today. When I sat down, he raised my blindfold, and I gazed at a plate of chili in front of me on the ground. The others all sat around the campfire on little tripod chairs, but there were only four. None for me.

"Bon appetit," Robert said while starting to eat. Autumn, Julian, and Lauren followed his example, while I noticed I did not receive utensils and still wore the mitts. So, I reasoned, they wanted me to eat like a dog. This was humiliating, hard, and unpractical, especially with the plate on the ground level.

So I did the sole logical thing: staring at my eating friends. Striking. I had eaten like this before, but always alone. Except once with Autumn, but then I sat on a chair. Not in this onesie whose ears would fall in the wet pool of beans. This was a big nope.

"Kat, dinner is getting cold," Robert shouted a few minutes later.

I ignored him. I had made my choice, and this went too far.

"Not hungry?" Autumn asked.

"Nah, not really," I answered, hoping she caught my lie.

Robert walked toward me and shoving some on his own plate. "If you're good, I gladly take it myself."

He received my angry gaze. Was he blind or trying to get a verbal complaint?

Julian shoved the remains of my dinner on his plate, and I settled for sleeping with an empty stomach. I could handle that. Water was heated for the dishes as I lied on the tarp in hunger. I regretted my decision already.

"Time for a little game," Robert said after finishing cleaning. "Two versus two. Please make teams yourselves."

Julian and Autumn teamed up instantly, so Lauren was left with me, not too her delight. Then Robert removed my mitts. "It's a dead give-away the losers will be tied up. Except you, Kat, you play to be bound snugly. Rules. You pick a paper with the name of an animal and communicate it blindfolded and gagged to your teammate. You get thirty seconds. They're also gagged and have to write the animal down. Five rounds per person. Clear?"

We all nodded. "Great, get the socks you wore today during the hike."

I waited near the campfire as the others managed my clothes. When they returned, everyone stuck one of their socks in their mouth and secured it with a scarf. It stunk, and the enormous socks made breathing horrendous.

"Kat, you begin," Robert said, offering a plastic bag with tiny folded papers. I took one that read "Wolf" and blindfolded myself with the panda sleeping mask.

"I forgot to say, but no writing in the air or touching your teammate. Only imitating. Your thirty seconds start... Now!"

I sat down on my knees and held my arms in front of my mouth and threw my head backward like a howling wolf. My blindfold prevented me from seeing Lauren's face to judge whether she got my clue. The gags blocked all other forms of contact, including howling for real.

After ten seconds or so, I felt stupid and stopped to think. Was I sitting correctly? Which other animals did I resemble? How else could I describe a wolf? Crawling could be any animal, and I could not think of any defining feature. So I sat down and counted the spare seconds in my head, hoping not to confuse Lauren.

Robert lifted my blindfold and showed me a notebook. "This is what Lauren wrote down: Wolf. That's correct. My compliments. Autumn, your turn."

Autumn picked a paper, blindfolded herself, and started squiggling on the ground. Julian's face revealed his confusion, but he wrote down the correct answer: Snake.

Lauren was next and successfully imitated an elephant. This continued, and I enjoyed this silly, childish game. Innocent, except for the gags and forfeit, and I could imagine Robert playing it during his youth. Then likely with the rule "Don't talk" instead of an odorous sock in his mouth. In the end, I had a perfect score in imitating animals, including a sheep and a turtle. Lauren had also done well as I had only mistaken Lauren's whale for a dolphin. Julian and Autumn had slipped thrice, making us the winners.

"Kat, Lauren, you can remove your gags," Robert said.

"Thanks. That was awful, Robert," Lauren said. "Glad we can take them off. Fresh air is amazing."

Autumn mumbled in her gag as her eyes shot fire. I smiled, content she felt how cruel taunting could be.

"Stop your games, Lauren. Lace Kat back in her mitts, tie her legs together and her arms behind her back."

Without hesitation, Lauren tied me, her loyal teammate, up. Not super tight, as my elbows were a few inches apart. Lauren knew they could touch, but Robert said they should not. I deduced I would be stuck here for a while. Say, the whole evening.

I wiggled around and saw Autumn and Julian were blindfolded and wearing their gags. Autumn had received the same treatment as me, except her elbows were farther apart, and she had no mitts. Lauren aided Robert to get Julian restrained too.

Robert and Lauren lay us on the tarp and bound us together: My legs to Autumn's arms and my arms to Julian's legs. We had to bend our bodies at a 120-degree angle, so I could see my feet and Autumn's head behind them. Lauren and Robert bound our three hips together, enhancing this effect. Now our arms were pressed between our bodies and someone else's legs. Finally, our shoes were removed, letting the cold wind smother our soles.

"Good," Robert said. "See you in an hour. If there's something, hit or kick Kat. She can scream for help."

They wandered away, while Autumn and Julian made muffled objections in their gags. I tested my secure bonds, which were less limiting than I expected. One movement remained: My hips formed a hinge. That was all. It was far more natural to lie straight, so a long pushing game started. All tried to get a better angle, and the tarp and lack of shoes provided little friction. This was annoying as it gave no opportunity to relax. Otherwise, I would lose ground. I wondered how Robert could describe this as snug. Losing would have brought far worse consequences.

Meanwhile, Robert and Lauren whispered around the campfire as the sun went down. A few times, they stood up and stepped around the campsite, getting things ready, but never bothering us.

"Can you guys please stop moving?" I said after I guessed what had been fifteen minutes. My legs hurt from the constant strain, and Autumn mumbled something unintelligible.

"Mumble twice for yes, once for no. Do I move too much?"

"Mmmpphhhh. Mmmpphhhh," Julian and Autumn said.

"Not true. I can see I have the least space. So, Autumn, can I get some?"


"Okay. Then we keep it unfair. Your choice," I said before pushing myself in what I thought was a 120-degree angle. My fellow captives did not appreciate this and fought back. The silence from the campfire told me we were watched, and I quit attacking. I could not win.

This continued for some more time, ages from my perspective before a phone alarm went off, and we were freed. Well freed, Autumn and Julian had to keep their legs tied together, and my mitts had to stay as well.

While the others sat on their tripods around the campfire, I lay down on the tarp, a bit farther away. Otherwise, my onesie would smell like smoke all weekend. My sweaty onesie cooled down, and I was shivering from the cold.

"Already hungry, Kat?" Julian shouted.

"A light snack would not hurt!"

"That's okay," Robert said. "Julian, as you made the offer, you have to do it."

I waited on this blindfolded as "I did not need my eyes to eat.". It seemed like Julian could not find the correct back as it took him ages, hopping around the entire campsite.

"Sit on your knees," Julian sat while sitting in front of me. "Otherwise, this might get messy."

I complied and felt a warm spoon touching my lips, and I opened my mouth. Chili.

"This was dinner?" I asked after devouring the bite.

"Yeah, you thought we would let you starve? Oh, my legs are untied. We used that time to heat the food. Open up."

More chili passed my lips as my body warmed up. I loved the food, and despite everyone watching, I preferred this over licking it up from a plate. Afterward, my blindfold was removed, and Autumn explained she had hopped two laps around the campsite to create the hopping noise.

"Time for bed, young lady," Robert said to me. "That takes some time, and tomorrow might be exhausting. Better to get some rest."

I nodded as he released me from the onesie to pee. It was much colder in the forest this time, and back on my tarp, I jumped back in my disliked onesie without hesitating. Then I brushed my teeth and walked to my tent to sleep.

There were two sleeping bags: one thick and elegant and one thin and old. From my onesie, I deduced the thinner one was for me. I climbed in it, laid my head on the pillow, and closed my eyes.

"Kat! What are you doing?" Julian shouted minutes later. "You thought it was this easy. Get out. The ropes miss you already."


"Yeah, sorry. I got orders. Or are we going too far."

"Nah, it's fine. I'm tired, so knots won't bother me."

I withdrew from my sleeping bag and let Julian lace me in the familiar mitts and cuff my wrists in front of me. He wrapped a long rope about ten times around my ankles that were about a foot apart. Then he circled it around the wrappings, forcing them together, creating a stiff, unbendable block of hemp. I disliked this as I slept on my side. Now I had to choose between my back and chest. I should show less hubris in the future, I told myself.

"Mind if I zip our sleeping bags together?" Julian asked after helping me return in my sleeping bag.

"Sure," I said. "Actually, I would love to." Julian did this, and ten minutes later, we had entered the land of dreams where I was tied up too.
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Post by Beaumains »

“Kat, you awake?” Julian whispered. I was, in fact. I opened my eyes and saw the weak sun rays piercing the olive green tarp.

“Yeah,” I murmured and attempted to pull my hairs out of my face with my cuffed, mitted arms. I failed, and Julian helped me, removing his arm from around my middle.

“Thanks for tonight. This thing is too warm,” I said, referring to waking Julian and letting him unlock and zip down my onesie. The sweaty heat had been awful. He had saved me.

Julian zipped the sleeping bag open, letting fresh, chill air enter, and untied the annoying ankle ropes. “How do you feel? Slept well?”

“The night was fair, and I am sweaty, dirty, and a little stiff. Sorry, you’ve to see me like this.”

“I expected worse,” Julian laughed. “I have an idea. Let’s dive into the lake. It’s cold but totally worth it.”

“Sure,” I yawned, trusting Julian this was no trap. Outside in my lime-green bikini, I emptied my bladder under a tree thirty yards away while shivering. Julian got in his swimming trunks before we ran to the lake and walked in. The gravel on the lake’s floor made the water clear and mud-free, but as Julian predicted, freezing cold. The swimming pool in my parents’ garden was warmer at this stage of the year. What was I doing?

Julian dived forward, submerging his body while I stood knee-deep in the water. “Jump, Kat! Too late to play chicken!”

I sighed, hesitating while the water reached my middle. Then Julian grabbed me from behind, rising up. He dragged me forward, causing me to lose my balance, and I tumbled into the freezing cold water. I front-crawled to Julian in a deeper area and tried to push him underwater in retaliation. Useless as Julian was stronger and longer, but still entertaining to try.

“And? Refreshing, isn’t it?” Julian shouted after a few minutes.

“It’s perfect!” I returned. “But let’s return. It’s too cool to stay here for long.”

Julian agreed and admitted he forget bath towels. We ran back in the cold, passed Robert and Autumn out near the fireless fire-pit, and dived into our tent. We dried ourselves and rolled in our sleeping bag, warming up and cuddling. This did not last long, as Robert kicked our lazy asses out ten minutes later.

“Get dressed,” Robert said, flinging the onesie toward me. “Pull on your running shoes. Breakfast is ready.”

At first, I thought he was gruff, but dressed up, I understood what was happening. Again, no regular meal.

“Your breakfast grows on the trees,” Autumn said with a devilish smile and pointed to a wide hazel-tree Lauren slipped out of. “There’re ten bags with tiny sandwiches hidden in it. Good luck.”

After my request not to wear my hood due to my wet hair was honored, I scaled the hazel-tree. Lauren was better on the bouldering wall, but I hoped my parents’ backyard gave me the edge. But Lauren, as a life-long scout, would have gotten her fair share of tree climbing experience too.

I went up and found little plastic bags at the end of long branches. Not particularly high, so I would not die if I fell. It was challenging, frustrating. Enjoyable and doable, letting me showcase my inner, unashamed monkey. The others watched from their tripods and drunk powdered coffee while I collected and ate the mini sandwiches. The onesie and special treatment embarrassed me, but less than during dinner. I preferred this.

After 40 minutes, about as long as the rest combined, I returned to the ground. Julian helped me in my mittens, Autumn brushed my hair, and Lauren and Robert tied my legs together. Playtime was over. Walking was impossible, and by taping my shoes together, shuffling was also out of the question.

“You didn’t think our little bunny would not bunny-hop, do you?” Robert smirked when helping me on my feet. “Half a mile west, there’s a nice view. Lauren and I catch our dinner while Julian and Autumn join you.”

Robert handed Julian a bag he had to open at the top with further instructions, and Autumn got food and drinks. After a brief wish of good luck, Lauren smacking my bottoms, we went on our way. The other two knew the path, and I hopped behind them, which I had done many times before. I did much better than Autumn more than a month ago, by using my arms to swing and my gag-free mouth. Still, this was a marathon distance.

“Absolutely nuts,” Autumn called it, having trouble to slow down to my pace: ten hops and ten seconds rest. The unclear trail climbed uphill, and I struggled: I had underestimated the distance and elevation. I had started off too fast. Julian fed me water and carrots all the time, but my energy was drained half-way through.

“Can we sit down for a minute,” I panted. My heart hammered inside me, and my moist, fleece prison hugging my back, cheeks, and upper legs.

“That’s up to you,” Autumn said, getting a roll of tape out of her bag. “I don’t mind, but displaying weakness has consequences. Say, if you decide to sit down, you’ll be tape-gagged for the rest of the way. Of course, you’re free to rest while standing.”

I wanted to curse Autumn but decided against it. Useless. They were exploring my limits. Julian fed me an energy bar, helped me with a hard step over a boulder, and let me hop further. My feet, legs, back, and shoulders hurt, but I continued. Giving up was not my habit. The pain was part of the game, and my boundaries had to be pushed.

“I join you,” Julian laughed as Autumn cuffed his legs together with a feet slack. My sluggish pace had bored them. They even had enough time to tie each other up.

“I always hate this,” Julian said, waddling behind me. “Why did I sign up for this?”

“Dunno, but no quitting,” Autumn laughed. “The tape gag rule applies to you too.”

At first, I could appreciate my boyfriend’s joke, but now I desired silence. Quietness to concentrate as I entered the final, steepest part. Five hops before half a minute rest were now necessary, and my motivation and willingness not to disappoint kept me on my feet. Failing was no option.

I kept hopping and resting. Resting and hopping while ascending the hill. My body hurt, but my mind continued, letting me enter a light-gray limestone platform on which Autumn led me to a lone tree, five feet from a cliff’s edge. The valley we looked down on was one vast forest with a motorway cutting through it about a mile away. The view was great. Not astonishing. Factories and energy plants on the horizon created large brown columns of smoke.

“Stand still,” Autumn ordered. Julian removed his cuffs, climbed in the tree, and lay down on the horizontal branch about seven feet above the ground. He bound my wrists to it, and Autumn removed the ropes around my legs, the tape, my shoes, and my socks.

“I’m sorry, Kat,” Julian said. “I’d love to give you some rest, but we have directions.”

My boyfriend took my socks and made a ball with them. Resisting, or starting about being spotted from the motorway would be useless, so I complied and waited. I got some last water and carrots before realizing what Robert meant by “tomorrow will be exhausting.”

“For your own good, open up,” Julian said, shoving the ball of socks in my mouth. Autumn braided my now dry hair, rolled tape five times around my head to secure my gag, and placed my hood over my head.

“You’ll hate me for this. Please blame Robert for my own safety,” Autumn laughed while diving in her bag. I heard some jingling and screeching Styrofoam and got a clue what going to happen: Torture by sounds.

Autumn took ten brass bells about 1.5 inches in diameter with safety pins attached to them and held them before my face, jingling them to show they worked. She gave half of them to Julian, and they pinned them all over my body: my elbows, knees, tiny bunny tail, my chest, my back, and finally, my long rabbit ears.

“Amazon sells these in bulk,” Autumn laughed. “This is about a quarter of them, Robert said. So more can be added if necessary. Please don’t run away. Julian and I are about fifty yards away behind some sturdy rocks. We knew about this, but not about what’s next, so that promises little good. See ya!”

Julian hugged me, saying I had to be strong, and joined Autumn. “Sorry, Kat, I know this will be rough, but we’ve to do this. Robert will punish us otherwise, and my socks taste horrible.”

“Mmmphhh,” I screamed in panic as they walked out of my sight. I turned around, causing ten bells to jingle. Autumn and Julian laughed, not considering mercy. I turned back forward as the Y-shape my body was in made this natural and stared into the valley. The hopping made my legs soar, and relieving them was hopeless. My wrists were merely cuffed to the tree, not tied to carry my weight. I could shuffle on the ground with my bare feet as I was allowed this freedom.

Yet, this freedom was a curse. No bondage to spread the tension or subspace to zone in to, only jingling, pain in my legs, awful smelling socks in my mouth, and strain in my arms as physical discomfort. This was psychological torture too. Cars passed by every few minutes that might notice me. I had no idea when I would be freed and had to keep myself from moving. It drove me mad.

“Mmmppphh,” I screamed out of frustration. My bloody bells jingled. “What were Autumn and Julian doing?” I had barely heard or seen them since they left me. Some scraping on the rocks and Julian’s laugh once were the sole clues I got.

The ropes cut in my wrist as I made a plan: Jump. My hands were only half a feet from the branch, and I could wrap them around it. Then lift me up.

As always, my inner wanna-be-superhero could do this easily. But me, an ordinary mortal with an interesting hobby, struggled. I could get one elbow around the five inch wide branch, but throwing my entire body up was another story. My wrists were too far apart. I let myself drop, and fell backward while my feet slipped toward the edge of the cliff.

“Kat, you okay?” Julian shouted, running toward me. He helped me on my legs, and I had trouble to stand up. “It’s seven more minutes. Then the forty-five minutes are over. Can you do that?”

I nodded automatically, thankful I finally got some information. The bells and being seen didn’t bother me anymore. I wanted to sit. Rest. Heal my legs.

“I got a plan,” Julian said. “Robert instructed your wrists to be bound like this, and no other ropes or twigs to support you. How about this?”

He walked behind me, stuck his head between my head, and lifted me up on his shoulders. “Kick my right side if this is better.”

I did so, and a bell jingled again before getting silent again. I tried to sit still, and rested my arms on the branch, enjoying the view. Autumn walked toward us, laughed, climbed in the tree, and sat down next to me. “Robert hates these little tricks, Julian. You’re responsible.”

“Yeah, I know you’re a coward, Autumn,” Julian said. “Now let’s enjoy the view and the last few minutes here. Then we’ll tie her up, and the real party can start. She needs the energy, and you would have tapped out by now. It’s only getting worse.”

I sighed. What was coming? Should I be afraid?
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Post by Caesar73 »

Poor Kat :) She shows resilience though and strengh - and I hope that what comes around goes around - and Kat will have some sort of revenge :D
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Post by lochness »

I think I want to kick Robert.
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Post by Caesar73 »

lochness wrote: 4 years ago I think I want to kick Robert.
Me too :) Where it hurts :) Honestly I think, Robert should taste some of his own medicine -and Autum too :)
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Post by Beaumains »

Caesar73 wrote: 4 years ago Poor Kat :) She shows resilience though and strengh - and I hope that what comes around goes around - and Kat will have some sort of revenge :D
Hmm, maybe she gets some, but I'm afraid she'll mostly on the receiving end this weekend.
lochness wrote: 4 years ago I think I want to kick Robert.
That's maybe a bit drastically. He promises a friend to give her an unforgettable weekend and delivers. Maybe some little revenge would be just for his actions, but Kat is not angry with him.

“You guys are crazy!” I thought while Julian and Autumn returned with a long, sturdy branch without side twigs and my ten-by-ten feet cargo net. They had allowed me a quick toilet break but had to keep myself gagged. Now I lie on the cold stone back in my mittens and with my legs tied together.

“Robert wrote to return you wrapped in this net without touching the ground,” Julian explained. “Please don’t be too angry with us, Kat, but this branch is our solution. You okay with it?”

I nodded, unsure whereto this was leading but delighted Julian had noticed my struggles. I would never reach the evening if they continued like this. He was this bunny’s sole ally in this desolated wilderness. Autumn was quieter than usual and left her teasing remarks for herself. She worked in silence, not even responding with a smile to my gaze. So she had noted it too.

“Let’s get you ready for transport,” Julian smiled. Together with Autumn, he raised me and rolled me into my net. I lay stretched out, with my hands above my head, waiting to be rendered helpless. They shoved the long branch through the net and secured the net, my wrists, and bound feet to it. Both lifted an end and rested it on their shoulders.

“No!!” I yelled in my ineffective gag, drowning out the bells attached to my onesie. The net was not tight, and I painfully hung by my ankles and wrists. The branch was lowered, adjusted, and lifted again. Julian was still not content. At try seven, I could feel what he had searched for: The net supported my weight and only allowed me to squiggle.

“You fancy this?” Julian inquired, holding the branch still. I hummed a relaxed tone in my gag in reply. “Comfortable?” got the same response.

I waited on the ground, appreciating my legs could rest during our journey. The two filled their bags with the leftover rope and drunk a couple sips of water (which I could use too, but I was gagged). Then Autumn and Julian lifted me up and carried me off the stone plateau. Well, journey, I had bunny hopped for two hours to come here, but we reached our camp in ten minutes. Autumn and Julian had walked careful, hence slow, so we had almost been in hearing distance. My bells jingled, scaring the birds away and irritating all while I lay relaxed, watching trees and clouds float by. The ride was bumpy, but the net acted as a hammock, absorbing the vibrations.

“You’re going on a diet,” Autumn joked while placing me down on a tarp, thirty or so yards from the improvised firepit. These were Robert’s directions, and he was pleased his idea had worked. Autumn was no bodybuilder or gymgoer and panted from her efforts. “Robert, next time, the heavy lifting is yours.”

I was glad her usual crude jokes had returned. The four walked to the firepit where their whispering, pointing and peering scared me. Then they untied me and removed my gag and all bells except those around my ears. “No move, word, or do anything else than lying still,” Robert commanded.

The four bunny-keepers spread the net open on the tarp, lay me in its middle, and bound its four corners together with a climbing rope. They weaved its sides together, making a knot every foot, trapping me inside. I understood their plan: A hanging prison. The ends were near the corners of the dense net, so even without mitts escaping would be difficult as my weight pulled the ropes tight.

I sighed and made puppy-eyes. Pointless. Robert lifted me up, and Lauren climbed in a tree and bound the climbing rope to a sturdy branch. Robert released me, and I felt the net settling around me, accepting my weight. It pressed me together, urging me friendly to form a ball while my bells clinked. I looked down and saw my lowest point was about three feet from the ground. Robert removed the tarp and from under me, leaving only soil and leaves to land on. “That makes it more natural,” he explained.

Autumn chuckled while collecting the bells and pinning them all over the net. They ringed uncontrollably with my slightest movement. The wind also never halted their infuriating cry. My disdain for them formed within seconds.

“You okay?” Julian asked, caressing my face.

“Yeah, this is cozy. This net is old, and I’ve never used it like this, so I’m surprised it holds my weight.”

“As a test of concept, we tried this last Tuesday with me inside. It’s stronger than you think as it spreads the tension, but we won’t swing you. Your safety comes first.”

“Okay, this is wonderful,” I replied, a little saddened they had tied each other up without me. It was a charming surprise, but I studied all night alone in my dorm room that night. “Although I hate those bells.”

“That’s the point,” Julian replied, teasing me. “But you can’t truly detest them... Yet.”

The others wished me fun while leaving with the tarp, leftover rope, and all other unnatural items to prepare lunch on the campfire. I could see their glimpses through the trees and hear their laughter, but could not take part in their joy. Those brass bastards were my sole company.

Fifteen minutes or so later, Julian walked up to me with a plate of burritos a bottle of water. “I drew the shortest straw, so I’ve to fill your stomach,” he stumbled.

“You are quite content for an involuntary loser job.”

I had caught Julian’s bluff, and he reddened like a raspberry. “That’s the story.” He winked and started to feed me my lunch. I had to take bites through the gaps in the net, almost the size of the burritos themselves. “Uncorrelated,” Julian called it, unconvincing. Besides, each movement shifted my center of gravity, creating little swings. I either missed my bite, or the burrito was pressed in my throat. As one could expect, this was messy, and Julian caught all my spills on a spare plate. He fed to me with a fork at the end, calling me clumsy and wasteful. Autumn would say no different but would punish me, I thought. Julian, the sweetheart, made the remarks laughing. No snide.

“How long could you handle this?” Julian inquired after aiding me in emptying a water bottle.

“Dunno. The net all day. The bells drive me mad already.”

“Yep, they serve their purpose. You sure about this? You looked horrible at the top.”

“Yeah, my legs lacked energy. Lactic acid build-up. Stupid me went too fast at the start.”

Julian smiled and gave me an awkward kiss through the net. “I gotta go back. I don’t want Robert angry, or worse, eating my burritos.” He left, and I was alone with my thoughts and those damn bells.

My prison was not uncomfortable. I could sit and stand up, and even lie stretched out, but this was strenuous. Rolled up on my side was best, there were loads of alternatives. Throw in some pillows and music and remove the bells, and I would be in heaven. With a book, phone, or laptop, I could have sat here until sunset, and that was my problem: boredom. Again, no blindfold to zone in into my subspace, let alone a gag, restricting ties, or silence. It was amusing to be secured in a tasteless costume but purposeless. The wrong intermediate. Nothing to do, no challenge to complete, or involuntary rest. Like a class by the most monotonous professor with participation grades, so you cannot doze away. Only without time-limit and other victims. I used to tie myself up doing homework, household tasks, watching movies, or for bedtime. Always doing something. Always busy. Now, I was not, and my mind was not programmed to sit still.

I listened to the chirping birds, the scouts’ voices playing board games, the wind humming through the leaves, and my bells. I watched how a curious fox observed me from a distance, and how time altered the shadows of the trees. I smelled the fresh spring air, campfire, and my sweaty onesie. I felt the cold and strings of the net on my unprotected feet. There was nothing to do, nothing to accomplish, and nothing to occupy my mind. Only trivialities to observe. Yet, I could not sleep. Those bells.

I waited, unsure for how long. I could yell and call my captors. That was equal to giving up. Letting them win. If I had to pee, they had to help, I thought, while the pressure on my bladder increased. “Don’t, Kat,” I told myself. “You’re stupid, your mind plays games with you.”

Soon, I lay rolled up inside the net. Tossing and turning, not able to keep me still. The bells celebrated this, but defeating them was impossible, I had concluded long ago. After draining my energy earlier today, I required to exercise. Run, walk-out, hop, or whatever. My energy levels went through the roof, and I developed a conspiracy my burritos contained extra sugar.

“Hey, you’re doing?” Robert asked, who had sneaked up to me with Autumn.

“You slept?” Autumn asked with big eyes, seeing me jump up in my net.

“Nah, hallucinations,” I answered jovially before explaining how much I hated this net, and most of all, those bells.

“Interesting,” Robert said, requesting further details. I felt they would not use my displeasures against me, or at least only as punishment, so I was honest. It was weird to discuss my feelings so openly, but they listened, not judging. Then Autumn fed me some water, and Robert spread the tarp on the sandy forest floor. He lifted me up, and Autumn climbed in the tree, untying the rope holding the net up far less gracious than Lauren could have done.

“Toilet break!” Robert said, freeing me from my onesie and sending me in the forest in my bikini. When I returned, I was again locked in my bunny costume and helped in my mittens. Autumn blindfolded me, gagged me with two of my socks and a bandanna cleave gag, and guided me in the net. Together with the boys, she tied ropes to my arms and legs that pulled me in a tight-eagle. I noted that the anchors were far away, as I could move my limbs sideways. Trees, I guessed, as I could not pull my body-parts together. This differed from a bed.

In contrary to my expectations,
I would not spend the rest of the afternoon like this. The bells lacked. I heard them approach, and someone stumbled into the net. I expected they would be cleverly pinned to me, but that was not the case. My feet and hands were forced inches above the ground as the net was pulled up and secured. They tied some more ropes, but their whispering and my blindfold made me clueless.

“Kat,” Robert said condensing. “If you stay here for two hours, we won’t irritate you with those bells anymore this weekend. We played a few board games this afternoon, and Lauren lost. As punishment, she joins you inside the net until dinner. As her tie-up passion is significantly smaller, we only blindfolded her and taped her arms behind her back. To quit, mumble the SOS-morse code to Lauren. See ya!”

I heard the others leave, and Lauren, lying on me, tried to make herself comfortable. “Okay, I understand you have questions. We’re stuck together, and those bells are pinned to my clothes. They tied the net together, leaving little space. So I’ve to lie or sit on you.”

“Mmmppfff,” I screamed when I felt a knee on my stomach.

“Sorry,” Lauren laughed. “But expect that to happen some more. Sorry in advance.”
Last edited by Beaumains 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by slackywacky »

Nice addition to to the story. Enjoyed it.

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Post by Beaumains »

slackywacky wrote: 4 years ago Nice addition to to the story. Enjoyed it.

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Thanks! Fixed it.
“I’m trying, Kat, but those bells can’t shut up,” Lauren said after another gagged cry of me: an awkward high pitch. The clangs bothered me, but not like her ongoing apologies, awful long monologues. I could not express this, as her yes-and-no questions were our sole form of communication, and she never asked if I desired to shut up. This had been Robert’s intention, and we had to deal with it. Lauren felt guilty, irritating me by resting on me, shuffling around, chatting, and with the bells pinned to her clothes. I sensed she wore something different, maybe in a dress. At least no shoes and stiff trousers anymore.

Like earlier today, I tried to access my subspace. Of course, I failed. Robert understood me and made this impossible when he desired. So waiting, tasting my socks, and hearing Lauren’s excuses were my sole forms of entertainment. This lasted for a while, hours, as I felt my legs disliking the spread-eagle. Cramp. But what could I do? Give up? Nah, too early. Not after everything I had done today.

“You holding on? I doubt I last much longer,” Lauren whined.

“Mmmpphhh!” I answered affirmatively.

“I hate this. How can you cope?”

I decided to stay silent and closed my eyes: Be quiet and ignore Lauren and her bells. Struggling would not speed up time. This was troublesome, if not impossible, but I had to endure. Lauren was getting more restless and fidgety, grumbling about her punishment. Annoying, but the reason she was gagless. Taunting by Robert, an insane genius.

Then out of nowhere, branches cracked around us. I assumed the others had checked up on us during our ordeal, but I had never heard them. Now I did, and the ropes around my legs and arms were loosened, or at least around their anchors. I balled up, stretching my legs while Lauren, also blindfolded, asked what was going on.

“You can go free,” Robert said, only five feet away from me. “Self-service. Kat, your left arm. I will remove the mitt as a gift.”

The three left as we lay on the olive green tarp and pressed into the net. I lifted the sleeping mask and understood why Lauren had had trouble finding a stable position: There was no spot for her to rest. As the others had added extra ropes, only a low room shaped like my body remained. Enough room for her to move and irritate me. Then I turned around and saw Lauren, who wore no shoes or socks like me. Her arms were tied palm-to-palm, and her hands taped into balls. No survival clothing for her anymore.

So far, unsurprising, but then her new clothing. No survival clothing anymore, but another favorite of mine from my collection. A mauve sleeveless leotard with deep V-neck stitched to a matching frilly tulle ball gown. The ball gown was part of a hideous thirty-year-old prom dress from a garage sale. Cheap as its top was torn wide-open. I even some extra discount when I enthusiastically described my restoration plans. However, it was ruined and irreparable. So I bought the leotard and sewed them together, creating a perfect fitting dress. The leotard made it even uglier and unwearable in public. Yet, it was snug and suitable for running, climbing, and tying myself up. I loved it.

The gown scraped the floor when I wore it, so it was way too long for Lauren. The bells were pinned to it, which explained Lauren’s inability to silence them. With her long black hair and the black ribbon as a blindfold, she looked cute.

“Get on with it, Kat,” Lauren said. “I know you love my dress, but get us out!”

“Who said I would free you?” I laughed after removing the cleave gag and spitting my socks out. “It sure looks good. You wear it all evening?”

“I haven’t seen myself. Please, I’m sorry for annoying you. Now hurry up!”

“Sure,” I laughed, starting working on Lauren’s tied wrists with my free left hand. The knots were tight, making it cost a while. Lauren was already displeased with her punishment, not making me hurry. A few more minutes among the bells could not hurt me. Then she removed her blindfold, helped me out my right mitt, and removed our brass opponents from the dress. Meanwhile, I removed the long ropes connected to my ankles and wrists and created an opening in the net we could crawl through.

“You see, you look marvelous,” I said when she stood up, making a pirouette to examine the dress. “Do you keep it on?”

Lauren nodded, examined the pile of her own clothes, and changed into them. “Nah, my punishment is over. From now on, I ruin your weekend again.”

I smiled. Disappointed, as I had lost my partner in bonds but understood her choice. This afternoon had been dreadful for her.

“Over here, guys,” Robert shouted. “Dinner’s getting cold.”

I put on my socks and shoes, stood up, and grabbed Lauren’s hand, and we walked to the delicious smells near the campfire. Autumn stood up, offered me her seat, and sat down cross-legged on the ground. “You suffered enough today, so you get an evening off.”

“Of course, you stay our rabbit,” Robert added, handing me a full plate and a set of utensils.

“Thanks, guys,” I said. “It was quite the day. I can’t handle a week like this.”

“Who said it would be a fun vacation?” Julian joked. “You get breaks. No worries. Now let’s eat.”

I agreed and studied my plate. Carrots, potatoes, and a hump of an unknown fish.

“Rainbow trout,” Robert called it. “Freshly caught. A big one.”

With this news, I launched my attack on my meal, as tasteful as it smelled, although my drained energy might have altered my perception. The others enjoyed it too, I saw, refilling my plate. That one was also emptied soon, and with a well-filled belly, I helped with the dishes. “So, Robert, what have you planned for tonight?”

“Eh, sorry to say, Kat,” Robert said, trying to stare away from me. “The original plan was to let you retaliate by tying me up, but I’m a little scared right now.”

“You scared?” I smirked. “After today? You should be. Coward.”

“Be careful,” Robert warned. “I’m tired and nervous, as those bells will surely be part of your revenge.”

“You can read minds? It seems like you deserved them.”

Robert, dodging my gaze, knew he had passed the point of no return.

“So… let’s make a deal,” Autumn interrupted. “No bells.”

Robert nodded, and with Julian, I returned to the tarp and net to untie them. “Better not use the net,” Julian said. “You only get the evening off. Not the night, and we’ll need it.”

“Sure,” I said, already skeptical it could hold Robert, almost 80 pounds heavier. “I need some help. You in?”

“Always, and Lauren too.”

“Great, let Robert change in his swimming clothes and take him for a dive in the lake. Keep him there for a few minutes, and let him dive underwater too.”

Julian smiled and followed my request. In the meantime, I collected the net, ropes, tarp, and dress, and brought them back to our camp. I instructed Lauren to collect Robert’s clothes and put them in my small rucksack.

“Now unlock my onesie,” I said to Lauren and Autumn. “Padlock on the bag. You can guess what’s next.”

Lauren and Autumn chuckled and complied. That lock had been a brilliant psychological tool to keep me in my suit, but unnecessary as I had no other clothes to change into. We watched how a freezing Robert returned from the lake in his speedo, and I flung his towel to him.

“Kat, that was bloody cold. Was that essential?”

“Nah, but you’re awake now, aren’t you?”

“True, but...”

“So... Ready to be tied up?”

“Yeah, but I need...”

“Clothes? Nah overrated. You ain’t that bad looking.”

“But the cold...”

“Yeah, that’s true,” I said as if I was considering this and showed my locked bag. “Your clothes are in here. If I only had the key...”

Robert blushed in the last light of the day as Autumn carried the purple dress forward. “Oh no, that won’t fit.”

“You tried?”

“No, but I’m at least twice your size, Kat.”

“It’s a leotard. One size fits most. It’s small, but you haven’t tried. Or if you prefer the speedo...”

“All right. All right. Give it,” Robert said before accepting the dress and stepping into it. Lauren helped him to get the zipper up, chuckling from laughter. It was narrow, the leotard’s fabric was stretched out, and Robert complained about pressure around his private parts. He seemed quite unhappy as I let him parade around the campfire.

“Warmer?” I said, and Robert answered with a single nod. “Good, then I can start tying you up.” I blindfolded Robert, guided him to a nearby tree, and ordered him to spread his legs. Then I tied his ankles to the heavy branch that Autumn and Julian had used to carry me. Lauren fastened ropes to his wrists, climbed in the tree, and secured the ends to it.

“Okay, Robert, here’s the deal,” I said while putting a blindfold over his head. “You can leave anytime. Shout, and I release you. But I only return your clothes if you last longer than thirty minutes. Otherwise, you’re bound to your speedo and dress until I get my clothes back. Have fun!”

I saw how Autumn started her phone’s stopwatch, and we turned back to the campfire. “Oh, and remember complete silence. No word.”

The four of us sat down, and Julian took an aluminum foil package out of his bag. “Eh, I baked a cake, but we all had a piece this afternoon. You want some?”

“Awesome,” I replied, accepting the almond cake. It tasted marvelous like most of Julian’s baking creations, and I felt accepted as a human being again. Lauren made tea on the campfire while Robert fought in silence. His face betrayed the pain in his legs and cold arms while he lacked any indication of the time. Only suffering.

While we roasted marshmallows (and discussing this aloud), we heard grunts from the background. “Robert, is that you?” Julian shouted, getting no response.

I decided to let this slide, refocusing on my almost flaming marshmallow. Minutes later, this occurred again, and now Robert answered he wanted to get out. I checked the stopwatch: 26:22. No thirty minutes. Robert lost.

“What do you think? You made it?” I asked, standing next to him. Lauren had climbed into the tree while Autumn and Julian removed the branch.

“I hope so,” Robert shivered.


“Honestly, I have no idea, Kat. Stop playing with me,” Robert said while he laid down on a tarp, relieving his legs.

“So, if you failed, what would you do to avoid your punishment?” I said. The other three watched me in awe, fearing what I would do. This action would haunt me. But, hey, let them try. I cannot wait.
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Post by Beaumains »

I woke as the first sunrays pierced the olive-green tarp above me, sensing my wrists were still snugly cuffed together in my sleeping bag. One rope held my knees together, and two my ankles, one within my sleeping bag, and one around. I tossed my head to force one of my bunny ears out of my face and swung a bit to the side. Yesterday night, the other four had forced had rolled me in the net, hung it between two trees, creating an inescapable hammock. The tarp above me kept me dry, but let fresh air surround me, cooling me down. I loved it.

After teasing Robert for several minutes, I had told him he had succeeded. He traded the dress for his usual clothes and joined us at the campfire. Julian had seen my timer but promised not to say anything. I usually trusted him, as he had seen Robert's willingness for more ties and embarrassment was almost zero. Of course, my lies in his advantage gave him an excellent excuse to punish me, so I had lost nonetheless. "Revenge!" he had called it, seeing my eyes sparkle. "Time you learn a lesson!"

Lauren was tonight's volunteer to sleep near me for safety reasons and snorted happily under me as the birds tweeted, announcing the final day of this camping trip. In the next half an hour, the others whispered in their tent fifty feet further, not only about a sinister plan.

"Let's get her," Julian muttered, zipping their tent open. "It's ages since I woke her like this. Lazy sleepyhead."

"Unfair to tie her again. Absolutely disgusting, Julian. I'm in," Autumn agreed, and together with Robert, they sneaked out and ambushed a still dreaming Lauren. She stood no chance as her younger brother jumped on her, pressed something in her screaming mouth, and wound tape various times around her head.

"That's the danger of sleeping bags," Robert laughed. "No way out." Lauren was zipped out of her polyester coffin and reluctantly let Julian tie her arms behind her and join her legs. I waited entertained, unworried about my release, as Robert threw Lauren over his shoulder. "Time for a refreshing dive!"

Five minutes later, Autumn lowered the net, apologized for the wait, and untied me. Lauren returned trembling and unamused in her soaked pajamas, ripped her gag off, and got in warm clothes, already plotting her revenge. The three of us joined Robert and Julian near the burned-out fire-pit, where ropes lay ready.

"Hey little bunny, come over here," Robert said very childishly, waving me to sit on the tarp. "We need help hiding our eggs. Could you help us? It's Easter, after all."

I nodded and let Robert tie my legs as bunnies can only hop. He escorted me to a small patch of forest and handed me a plastic bag with about fifty eggs cut from colored paper. Two were taped atop each other, covering the writing inside them. "Don't hide them too well. That won't help you," he said, leaving me. I hopped to the nearest tree and grabbed the first paper egg. By bending it, I could read it:

The target is blindfolded for the next fifteen minutes.

I sighed, slid the card behind tree's bark, hopped to a fallen branch, and lay the next egg against it. It forced the victim to lose their right shoe for half an hour. I continued hiding the eggs poorly but skipped reading the forfeits as they alarmed me, and Robert demanded them to stay secret. This was strenuous without breakfast, but I could scatter the eggs everywhere, making the distances small.

"Kat, we owe you an explanation," Julian smirked twenty minutes later, gasping. When I had returned, the four had jumped away, running toward the eggs and leaving me to eat breakfast alone. "To make the walk back more interesting, we take a different, longer, more desolate route. Each of us has found those eggs and can use each once on someone of our choice. That person has to do what it says. Understood? Oh, and you can untie your legs."

I nodded, recognizing each got the eggs they found. More eggs meant fewer forfeits for themselves, and I had none. We stood up as the others had packed the bags and tent when I was gone. The other rule, only one egg per person at once was told, and Lauren played her first card two seconds later. "Robert, half an hour with your hands cuffed in front of you. Have fun."

Robert laughed, not intimidated. "Sure, you spend the same amount of time gagged, with two bandannas, one in your mouth, one around it. You liked that earlier today." He smiled, getting them out his backpack and glanced at Autumn and Julian. "Let this be a warning. I return every attack on me."

I observed how Lauren and Robert were restrained, realizing this game was busted. Only one person could not retaliate, making her fair game: me. Julian and Autumn promised the same as Robert, worsening my position even more. Autumn played an egg, one of the least annoying, on me: Climb ten feet in at least five trees.

After I climbed my first tree, the same hazel I ate breakfast in the previous morning, we started our hike. The mood was great, the rucksacks light, the pace high, and Lauren's grumbles silent. To my delight, Robert had been honest as we hiked over narrow trails, passing no-one. I was still aware of my unusual appearance.

After half an hour and four more trees, Lauren and Robert removed their bonds, and a waiting game started who would strike first. After five minutes, one egg was played on the unarmed, helpless rabbit. Walk 10 minutes backward.

Of course, bothersome, but my merciful friends slowed their pace to match mine while playing chicken and not attacking each other. Next, I carried Julian's rucksack next to mine for twenty minutes and spent half an hour ball-gagged. Lauren dragged me forward blindfolded on a leash for fifteen minutes, and Robert tied me in a strict karada for the same amount of time.

As I protested to Julian about this unfair treatment, he laughed. "You're complaining about too many ties? Remember to what you signed up?"

"Yeah, but is this in the game's spirit?"

"Now wait, Kat. One moment."

I sighed as my boyfriend smiled. He grabbed something out of his coat's pocket out of his bag and tapped Robert on his shoulder. "Robert, crawl under everyone's legs with your backpack on your back."

Robert, the biggest and longest of us, smiled but did not retaliate instantly. He dove down, crawled through the grass, laughing, before cuffing Lauren's feet together with a foot of rope. She, in turn, tied Autumn's hands together, who let Julian and me suffer by binding our ankles together.

Our slow convoy marched like this for half an hour, giggling. The four others played poker with how many and which eggs they still had before we sat down for lunch in a charming meadow. Again, simple sandwiches, but they replenished my energy, which the forfeits had drained. Only with my arms cuffed behind me, so I needed Julian. Annoying, but I was getting used to these disgracing practices.

"Would she fit in your bag?" Autumn asked Robert when we were ready to go. "Get everything out, split it over our bags, and tie her up."

"Dunno, but then I got to carry all that weight," Robert laughed. "What's in for me?"

"Eh, I play no more eggs on you if you held her for at least ten minutes."

"Deal," Robert said, opening his rucksack and taking the weighty tent and pots out. "Kat, here."

I had heard the conversation and detested my opinion was not even sought. "And what about my consent?"

"Unnecessary. You gave that last week," Autumn laughed. "Come on, I can see you want to."

This was true, and after my hands and ankles were tied together, we tested I actually fitted. I removed my socks and shoes and climbed in the bag, and Julian zipped it close until only my head stuck out.

"Something lacks," Lauren said when Robert tried the rucksack on and complained loudly about the weight.

"I know!" Autumn shouted enthusiastically, holding my socks up. The girls forced one in my mouth, sealed my mouth with tape, and added my panda sleeping mask, for fun and giggles. In this way, we renewed our journey, as everyone except me complained. Robert about my weight and Autumn as she carried about twice as much. Julian forced his sister to strip to her underwear, and she blindfolded her brother as revenge. In short, no-one was comfortable, but others had a harder time.

I faced backward and enjoyed the irritations of the others, feeling a little sick from the constant bumps and movement Robert made. I was small and light for a human, but he panted and scolded me every time I moved an inch. Both of us preferred me to walk. Naturally, after the ten minutes were over, Robert lowered me, freed me, and took another break. His bag was refilled while I watched Lauren and Julian, whose half an hour was still unfinished.

In the following six hours, the game continued. Lauren and Julian made each other's life as miserable as possible, and Autumn and Robert focused on me. I was broken. I got about half of the total number of forfeits, was an untrained hiker, and had the worst gear. In short, they bullied me. Yet as we neared Robert's car, my struggles were not over, as Autumn showed me the last egg:

The target jumps in her bunny onesie in the lake and spends the ride home mummified in saran wrap.

I read it twice, knowing this one was written for me, likely added such that I could not have seen it before. I saw the cars and a family, but Autumn's gaze told me I had no alternatives.

"Come on, Kat, they're gone in five minutes. Get ready, we bring everything to the car," Julian said, removing two rolls of wrap from his bag. This had not been set-up at all.

I discarded my socks and shoes and waited until all bags were secured on the truck before taking a running start and jumping in the crystal-clear, ice-cold lake that made the fleece stick to my skin. At least the water washed the salt from my sweaty back, I thought. I dived underwater, returned to the shore, and shook me dry like a dog as directed. Then I sat down on a rock to imitate a backseat. Julian took care of my upper body and Autumn of my legs as I grasped that telling her I craved to try mummification had been a gross mistake. Or well, I still relished the idea, only not shivering in a soaked onesie.

"Coast is clear!" Robert shouted from the parking area, fifteen minutes later, and two of my friends grabbed me and aided me on the backseat on a piece of plastic, again behind the driver. My hands were useless, wrapped to my sides. The clear saran went all the way around my head, save my mouth and nose. Of course, my hood on, but my bunny-ears dangled freely. It was fascinating, as the first water bubble formed around my feet, and Lauren pulled a binbag around it, to catch the leaks.

"Originally, you would also receive a gag, but that might be unsafe," Lauren said, taking the middle seat next to me. "If anything's wrong, warn us. We got no idea if you're either gonna freeze to death or get consumed in the heat."
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Post by Caesar73 »

Wow, that last card was a real test - brrrr .... jumping in the icy cold water then being mummified :) But Kat made it! Beautifully told again!
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Post by slackywacky »

I agree with Ceasar73. Not something I would do.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Beaumains »

Caesar73 wrote: 4 years ago Wow, that last card was a real test - brrrr .... jumping in the icy cold water then being mummified :) But Kat made it! Beautifully told again!
Hmm, the end was still open as they just drive away. I honestly doubt this idea would be manageable for her, so it's better to see the ending as open, and that Kat will tap out shortly into the ride home. It's just too much cold water to warm up for a body.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Well, I hope, that Kat will get home without getting the cold ...and some rest, after that tripp 😉
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Post by Beaumains »

Caesar73 wrote: 4 years ago Well, I hope, that Kat will get home without getting the cold ...and some rest, after that tripp 😉
She would deserve some rest, doesn't she? I promise you, she won't touch a single rope in the next chapter if that's enough rest.
“Hey, Kat, slept well? Ready for a new, dull day of studying?” Julian greeted the following morning as I let him in my dorm room.

“Absolutely perfect. Although I still have to adjust to jeans and shirts.”

“Oh, no problem. Our classmates wouldn’t mind your usual clothing,” he laughed, grabbing my bag and flinging it at me.

I caught it and thought about a snarky reply, but Autumn was faster, turning away from her laptop: “Do I hear I need to tie someone?”

“Yeah, yourself,” I returned, seizing my coat. Julian and I left the room and walked toward the college library. There were no classes on Easter Monday, but we had to hand in almost impossible exercises later that week. So most students from our class gathered together to work collectively. After three lazy days of vacation, Julian and I were behind on schedule, but the deadline was still manageable.

We walked hand-in-hand in silence, not mentioning how awful yesterday had ended. After four minutes of driving, I had given up. Too cold. Too much water for my body to warm up. The big blob around my feet grew, leaving my feet drenched in an ice-cold bath. So Robert halted at the roadside, helped me out of the car, cut me out of the plastic, and freed me from my onesie. No teasing as he saw I was serious. Lauren gave me a towel and my own clothes they had carried all weekend for emergencies. “Raynaud’s syndrome,” she had called my toes, of which three were pale. “No worries, my cousin has it too. Now get a warm pair of socks.”

I had accepted her offer as my entire body hurt from the cold. Wearing three pairs of socks, sweatpants, and a t-shirt, I had been zipped in a sleeping bag before we continued our journey. Half an hour later, they had tied me up again as I “looked quite warm and energetic already.” At home, I napped before eight o’clock without dinner and woke up well-rested as if I never defied my body and mind to cross all my boundaries. Julian understood I had to focus now, and did not want to discuss this, let alone reflect on our hiking adventure now. Excellent.

“Hi, guys,” a few of our classmates murmured, looking up from their notebooks as we entered the classroom. We took two desks, grabbed our stuff from our bags, and started working. It was not like everyone cooperated, but there was social pressure to get things done and give little hints to the weaker students. So boosting productivity and motivation.

As the morning progressed, more students trickled in: Almost half of our class, as few managed to do everything on their own. Triple integrals, differential equations, and reaction-diffusion equations boggled my mind. Julian’s even more as he repeatedly asked questions and struggled to come up with the answers himself. We advanced slowly but outpaced most, who had started days earlier. In the middle of the afternoon, I caught up with the leading pack who had started on Saturday.

At six, I finished the last gruesome computation together with four other girls, and I slipped Julian a note with not-so-subtle clues. Then we drove to one of their apartments, Michelle’s, for a girls’ night, something we rarely did but loved in our male-dominated field. It was unplanned, but as we had finished already, we had nothing else to do.

“Kat, Onions, garlic, and paprika are yours,” Michelle shouted to me, pushing a cutting board and five onions in my hand. She was the only local, so she had chosen not to live in the dorms. All others, like me, did and had to build a whole new social circle. At the start of the year, we gathered weekly, but as all found new hobbies and met new people, it was now unnecessary.

“Sure,” I replied as the almost militaristic process of warming up various kinds of food in complex ways and combinations began. Michelle took, as usual, the lead, and within an hour, we finished all three versions of risotto simultaneously. We sat down, and Michelle, Alison, and Olivia continued sharing their bottle of red wine while Sophia and I drunk water. No-one cared about that as we were from all walks of life. Alison and Olivia were more traditional nerds playing DnD, gamed, taught themselves to code et cetera. Contrarily, Michelle was your stereotypical popular attractive cheerleader. Only a thousand times smarter. Sophia was shy, never on the foreground, but her body exceptional flexible being a gymnast competing nationally. Often this gave me dreams about her potential, and you can imagine which, and no particular reason, my usual lab partner.

The night progressed with tiramisu Alison had made yesterday night and a C-level romcom, none of us loved. So we started gossiping shamelessly about the guys in our class, our professors, and crushes. Like middle school, only with tipsy, less insecure companions.

As expected, my new well-known lover made me a clear target. Their attacks were relentless. I was unprepared for these vicious killer-instincts as I usually was far from the most fascinating or mysterious. I never dated in high school and was not very popular, attractive, or exceptional. I had relished that image, but today differed.

“What do you like about Julian?”

“What do you do together?”

“What cute things he says to you?”

Clearly, I should not answer these questions truthfully, but I had never experienced such a cross-examination. The others perceived my stumbling and anxiety and persisted, sensing I was hiding something. Of course, the correct response would be to tell them to shut up in gradually more demanding manners. Yet, stupid, ignorant me, dodged the questions, making me fair game. Even Sophia joined, creating idiotic theories about Julian and me, and what we did together.

Yet, I blundered again by saying we had hiked for three days in the forest and had our own tent. These girls were way too nosy as each scrap of information brought them closer and energized them even more.

“C’mon, Kat, no need to cover anything. How bad can it be?” Alison asked. “I mean, none of us is entirely conventional. No need to be afraid.”

“Yeah, speak. You got nothing to lose. We won’t judge,” Olivia added with a bittersweet smile. “Not like I’ve had many dates in my life.

“Maybe I should spoil something about myself,” Michelle said. “I tied my high school dates to my bed. That gave a clue who was in it for sex, too desperate, too stupid, too boring, or a decent match. Let’s say none fell in the latter category.”

And there was my final slip: My mouth dropped open.

“What? Nothing wrong with that,” Michelle laughed, sipping from her sixth glass of wine.

“No, no, that ain’t no problem. Please, Michelle, I meant no offense,” I stumbled. “I had not suspected that.”

“So, you’re familiar with bondage?” Olivia cut in. “That’s you hiding? I couldn’t care less about you being kinky. That’s almost mainstream nowadays.”

I sighed. I had lost. Poor Julian. I had ruined it for him too. “Yeah, we tie each other up. Only rope and such, nothing extreme.”

This lie slipped through, as yesterday’s cold bath and spending half of Saturday in a net invaded my brain. The others smiled like hyenas after getting their prey. I wanted to nope out as Alison out of nowhere cracked up. “That’s all? Tying each other up? Saying that would have saved us half an hour.”

“Girls, this wasn’t easy for her, or am I the only one who’s never been tied up?” Sophia interrupted. Alison and Olivia said they had only read about it but had never done it themselves. Michelle liked to tie people up but solely to her bed and tease them. This made me feel like the bondage junkie once more, but the others missed the clues to get deeper into my mind. Or well, until Sophia opened her mouth again:

“You know, I fantasized about that, ropes, but who could I ask? Friends? Too risky. Family? I’ve no siblings, and my parents are a hard no. My coach or fellow gymnast seems foolish as anything that could injure me is prohibited.” She paused, taking a sip from her water. She looked around the room, fumbling with her t-shirt. “Will… Will you guys help me? Only once. Nothing big. Not too complicated.”

I looked at Michelle, who smiled from ear to ear. “Now? I’ve no ropes lying around.”

“Tape or bandannas, perhaps?” I said, not knowing toward this was going.

Michelle doubted this but left the room to search for any flexible materials to restrain someone with. Alison and Olivia gawked at Sophia and me sitting next to each other on the couch. She crouched towards me, trembling and letting her fingers play with each other. Everything had gone so fast, but she would not back down.

“Scarves it will be,” Michelle said, throwing four on my lap. All different colors and materials, so not her standard collection. “I’m curious about your skills, and you haven’t drunk anything, so you’re responsible.”

I accepted them, grabbed the first, inquired whether Sophia was sure before asking her to spin around and place her arms behind her back. “Nothing too complicated, you said, didn’t you?” I repeated as I picked the nicest shawl: a fake silk one, two feet in length. I wrapped it around her wrists that I tied palm-to-palm together, carefully. I intended to bind her, not to cut her skin.

Sophia was short with blond hair tied in a ponytail, freckles, and no unnecessary ounce of fat. A perfect gymnast, still in her study clothes: wide throwers and a bright yellow t-shirt from her team. She had hidden it underneath a more presentable vest all day but had taken it off in the temperate apartment. As I pulled her elbows together to inspect their capabilities, I required no force. Almost as if them touching was their usual position. A little jealous, I secured them with another scarf while quizzing her thoughts about the tie so far. “Peculiar,” was positive enough for me to continue.

The three other pairs of eyes in the room were aimed at me, placing pressure to act professional, whatever that meant. I could have played clumsy, nervous, or untrained but would only raise Sophia’s nerves. So I did not hide my abilities.

Having used the two best scarves, I tied her ankles together with a long, almost six feet, broad, woolen one. I could have knotted it but mummified her lower legs until her knees. Snug, and not leaving any marks while she could not kick out. Not as secure as I would have tied Autumn, as escape was plausible but sufficient for tonight.

“Is this acceptable, or should I blindfold you?” I asked, laying her against me on the couch. Each of my movements would remind her of her bounds, amplifying her despair.

“Eh, sure,” she responded. “This is weird, surrendering myself like this. Not that you’ve to free me, but I feel imperiled.”

“That’s the idea,” I responded as I folded the last scarf two times double and bound it over her eyes. “You stay here. If there’s anything, food, drinks, you want to get out, ask.” I could have gagged her, abandoned her in Michelle’s bedroom, or teased her, but decided to continue our girls’ night like usual: talking and snacking. Much cozier and giving Sophia a positive, not frightening experience.

Trying to act as if no bound classmate rested against my shoulder, I initiated a conversation. It led to bondage, so I retried, failed again, and this time said in no uncertain terms ties was a banned subject. As the others had more trouble putting our blindfolded friend out of their heads, we put on another movie. An epic fantasy movie Sophia had never seen.

She had tried to chat with us but missed the subtle social cues her blindfold absorbed. Interrupting, awkward silences, and general clumsiness, but the movie was even worse. Stunning music, complicated dialogue, us discussing the ladies’ apparels, and rating the males, included only one activity for her and three frustrations. She was agitated, and I liked my choice not to gag her as her inability to talk made her more excluded than an ignorable piece of furniture. I fed her popcorn, chocolate, and whatever else while her broad unambiguous smile this was she had hoped for.

Yet, all good things come to an end. Around midnight, I untied Sophia and let her acclimatize for ten minutes before we left Michelle’s apartment. Sophia still recovered and took in all emotions in silence during the half an hour walk to the dorms. Here, our ways split to different enormous concrete buildings, and she thanked and hugged me, saying she “had waited for ages for such a chance.”
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