The Mummy's Curse (M/M) episode 1

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The Mummy's Curse (M/M) episode 1

Post by Devilmaymoan »

CRASH! Went the oversized crate as a couple of sweaty men in yellow vests lifted an oversized box into the museum loading dock.

“Watch it! They call it priceless for a reason!” Screams a well dressed man overseeing the operation.

“What’s even in this thing anyway an ancient refrigerator.” Called back one of them men as they struggled to shove the large crate up the dock.

“If you must know it is a crypt for our new exhibit. It’s very fragile so if you could please not drop a centuries old piece and break it before the public gets a chance to see it I’d greatly appreciate it.” Squawked the man as he led the way through the corridors.

The men used crowbars and opened up the old crate. After much fuss it was lifted up onto a beautifully lit platform.

“It’s glorious!” Exclaimed the well dressed man whose name tag read Alfred.

“OH SHIT!” cried one of the men.

Alfred looked over and seen one of the mon had cut his hand on something.

“What happened?!” Alfred shrieked looking over the empty box to see shards of broken glass where the sarcophagus had been.

“Oh no the the glass casing has shattered on the trip over here!” Alfred exclaimed in a panic.

“Screw your stupid case my hand is cut here!” The man shouted.

“I am screwed, the case is supposed to protect the exhibit, now I had to make sure to sticky fingered brat presses his filthy little hand on this priceless artifact!” Alfred storms off in a huff.


“Noah, you can handle this okay. They are just teenagers. Now I will be in a meeting with Alfred Williamson Morris in regards of a partnership program for this history department. So I need to to have a reign on things while I’m absent.” Mr. Van Camp said in an effort to boost Noah’s spirits.

Noah was on his fourth week as a teacher’s aid at Dixen Prep, and he was now feeling as though he was being thrown to the wolves. Though Noah hardly had much to be fearful of. Standing at 6 feet tall and being built made him quite the intimidating figure. He had a pretty boy face and shaggy dark hair that made him look anything but his age 27. For the occasion he was dressed in the prep schools colors. A white dress shirt, blacktop, gray dress pants, brown shoes with a fun pair of goofy orange and green striped socks to add a bit of fun to the stuffy profession.

“Wipe that fear off your face these boys are just teens. You are the adult and address them as one and you will have no trouble at all keeping them in line.”

Noah nodded and followed his boss onto the crowded bus, The teens jeered and made inappropriate calls at passers by as they made their way over to the museum.

“Brian sit down!” Noah called out in a deep put on voice and watched the boy fall in line. He guessed Mr. Van Camp was right after all.

He didn’t see the nasty look Brian was sending him while his back was turned nor did he hear what him and his friends were whispering.

The boys queued up outside the building and walked through it’s gigantic wooden doors

“Boys, listen up. I will be in some meetings for the remainder of the trip so I will leave you in the care of Mr. Carstairs here. He will be your chaperone for the duration of our trip and I will meet up with you in the Egyptian exhibit as the trip is wrapping up. Don’t embarrass me now, or this will be the last trip we ever take.”

Noah gulped and tried to hide it as he directed the group through the museum. Much to his surprise the boys were all on their best behavior as they made their way through the large building. As time passed they reached the final exhibit.

Noah was mad his was around the room and stopped at each individual diorama. He read aloud the plaques and to be honest a lot of them were pretty boring. It wasn’t until he spotted the elegantly lit stage that help a gorgeous gold tomb. It was hand painted and looked so distinguished. Somebody of high rank must of been encased inside. The stage was roped off but if one really tried they could touch it if their arms were long enough.

Noah looked at its plaque and read it aloud for his class.

“Here is high advisor Neptu. He was a high ranking official who upon further investigation was entombed after being found guilty of stealing from his lord. His sarcophagus reads that he was buried alive. Unlike most who are preserved for an afterlife this is a rare display of corporal punishment dulled out to an offiicalof high rank who betrayed their lords. This punishment was made to assure that this person never experience an afterlife but be kept in his bonds for all eternity, never to be set free or those who dare shall be punished.” Noah read and the boys looked on fascinated.

Brian’s brow raised and he signaled to his friends Cliff and John to get into formation.

“Hey Mr. Carstairs I got a question.” Brian asked walking towards Noah.

“What’s that Brian?” Noah asked not seeing Cliff sneak behind him. And start to tie the laces off his brown dress shoes together.

The other boys snickered under their breath as they watched this happen. John was slowly sneaking away to the other end of the darkly lit room.

“Why would they dull out this kind of punishment for just stealing?” Brian asked.

“That’s a great question, many customs of ancient times are considered extreme today, and that's putting it lightly. Some cultures would chop the hand off out those who stole. Some poured hot gold down the throats of thieves as a form of punishment.”

Suddenly the fire alarms started to go off and the boys went into a frenzy pushing and shoving their way out of the exhibit. Brian acted as if he was shoved and knocked himself into Noah who stumbled back and tripped over his tied up shoelaces and over the roped off stage.

He crashed backward into the tomb of Neptu and his body shifted the lid of the sarcophagus opening it only slightly. A cloud of dust sprayed out from the inside of the airtight tomb and a security guard rushed over and tackled Noah to the floor.

Noah struggled as the buff man took Noah’s flailing arms and pinned them behind him.

The boys watched on in shock. Brian looked and noticed something strange. The guards eyes had a sort of great glowing hue to them, almost like he was in a trance. He watched the guard take out a pair of handcuffs and tightly locke them onto Noah’s wrists.

“Wooh isn’t that a little much?” Brian asked trying to walk toward them and the guard shoved him away.

“Boys, get Mr. Van Camp...Mmmmmph!” Noah tried to call out as the security guard placed his hand over Noah’s mouth and dragged him away.

Noah was shoved into a steel chair of the security office.

“Look this is all a big misunderstanding. Can’t we just call my boss and sort this out?” Noah asked nervous.

He watched the guard search the office in a fit for something but what? His panic started to set in as the man pulled from a supply cabinet an assortment of twill and rolls of tape.

“Look is this really needed? I promise I wasn’t a security risk, it was just some young boys doing some horse play..MMmmmmph” Noah’s words were cut off as he felt a thick wad of fabric fill his mouth. The man was stuffing his mouth jam packed with rags. Until Noah’s face bulged.

His eyes went wide as the man then tore long wraps of duct tape around Noahs face, Holding in the huge wadding. Then the mand proceeded to wrap Noah’s torso in the tape. Wind after wind until Noah could hardly budge from the chair. All he could do was look on as the security guard then took more tape and wrapped layers and layers around his knees, and then his ankles. He even wrapped around Noah’s shoes.

Soon Noah couldn’t budge an inch from his seat. He looked on as the man stood up almost as if he was in a trance and left the room. Noah sat there in his bondage and couldn’t understand what was going on.

Noah looked around the small office which was no more than some cabinets a desk, and now him held prisoner in the chair set across from the desk.

He heard a chair squeak and Noah’s eyes darted in front of him. He saw a chair slowly turn around and the sight nearly made him pass out. It was a man, no a mummy.

The man gripped his face and slowly removed the wrappings. It felt like ages until finally in the last couple winds the beautiful skin of a man could be seen underneath. The man opened his mouth and pulled out a huge bundle of rags he had been gagged with from under the wrappings.

“It appears your setting me free has passed my curse onto you Mr. Carstairs.” He spoke and never broke eye contact with Noah.

“Mmmour mmmmurse?” Noah struggled to respond.

“Yes, an eternity of bondage was what my lords wished upon me. But with your opening of my tomb I was et free. I may now pass over, but I’m afraid this all come at a price.” He said standing up.

“Mmmmm?” Noah moaned under his gag.

“You will have to suffer in bondage for all eternity Mr Carstairs. My bonds have been broken, so you must bare them in my place. I’m sorry it must to be this way.” Said the spirit as he vanished into thin air.

Noah was spooked he didn’t know what was going on, but he knew the last thing he wanted to be was tied up for the rest of eternity. He had to get out of here. He struggled in his seat in a panic.

He was startled by a loud knock at the door.

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Really unique story, I enjoyed it a lot.

Mummies are perfect for combining horror and bondage and you pulled it off quite well. Looking forward for the rest!
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Roboticrobin20 »

I watched "The Mummy" (2017) today. The coincidence.
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Post by Mummyboi »

Love this story..... please continue .
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Post by Wrappedmouth »

Yesss. I love this! Please continue? 😁
You gag me, I'll gag you. MMMPH! 🤐
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Post by Devilmaymoan »

Episode 2 Noah flexed and stretched in his bonds the best he could. The ropes and tape made a deadly combo in keeping him bound. The door opened up and in walked Alfred the exhibits overseer. He looked like he was furious over something.

Surly Noah thought what he did couldn’t of been that bad.  

“Well if it’s not one thing it’s the other what the?...” Alfred stopped in his tracks when he saw the man held captive in the security office. 

“My word I know Hank can be rough but this is excessive.” Alfred said tearing away at the tape that held Noah’s mouth closed.

 Noah spat the wadding our onto the floor and pleaded. “Please! I don’t know what’s going on, but I assure you i only fell onto the exhibit. That’s it! No harm no foul.”  

“Well Mr?” Asked Alfred.

 “Carstairs, Noah Carstairs.” Noah blurted out hoping he didn’t sound too James Bondish with the pronunciation. 

“I assure you something is quite foul Mr Carstairs. I have a centuries old mummy missing. And you were the only person seen bumping into the exhibit. As of now I want to know if you had any more involvement in this disappearance???!” Alfred asked very sternly. 

“I can assure you I have no idea what you are talking about! I’m just a teachers aid. I didn’t even know any about this mummy until I entered the museum today.” Noah tried to explain as he watched Alfred move around the office. 

He kept his back to Noah and within seconds Noah saw the mans back snap straight almost unnaturally. He turned around that that glossed over glow could be seen from Alfreds eyes. He worked quickly and in silence as he grabbed the wadding from the floor at Noah’s feet. He gripped Noah’s face and started to shove it in again.  Noah shook his head vigorously to stop the gagging from happening.

His attempts were futile as soon he felt a pen being pressed into the corners of his mouth. Alfred was packing the wadding in right. Making sure Noah’s mouth was jammed as tightly as could be. He could barely move his tongue as Alfred took the roll of tape and started to wind Noah’s face. Wrapping Noah’s jaw from chin up to his nostrils. And then redirected the tape to wrap under his jaw and over his head. Noah watched on in silence for as long as he could, within minutes his vision was cut off as the tape sealed his eyes closed leaving him in darkness.

Panic didn’t initially set in until one fatal detail was added. Alfred warped a tight loop over Noah’s exposed nostrils cutting off his line of air. Now Noah begin to panic and shift in his chair! He heard Alfred storm off and leave him in his situation. Noah shifted back and forth in his chair.

He had to act fast as he had literal minutes of even to spare. He shifted and knocked him to to the floor. Toppling over with a large thid. Noah struggles but his efforts seemed bleaker and bleaker. He could feel himself slipping. It all happened to fast as he felt a pair of fingers dig into his face. Someone had torn away at the tape over his nostrils and Noah took in a huge bucket full of air. He could feel his face being undone and when the tape left his eyes he was looking up at none other than Brian.  

“What in the hell happened to you??!” Brian asked as he tore away at his restraints. 

“Mmmmmm mmmmm!!!!” Noah tried you communicate best he could.  

Brian tore away at Noah’s gag and bonds. And within minutes he could soon sit up from the floor as Brian finished the last of his bonds it was just a matter of getting off the cuffs.  

“How do I free your hands?” Brian asked getting up to search the office. 

“This is a security office so there must be a spare set somewhere. Check the drawers!” Noah insisting as he tried to move his hands in front of him.

 Brian searched the desk but found himself distracted as he watched Noah somehow have enough flexibility to get his arms in front of him.  

“What the?” Brian asked. 

“Look I do a lot of yoga okay. Keep looking, I gotta get my other leg past!” Noah tried to explain.

 “I think I found something!” Brian said bringing over a small set of keys. He used the first key and lick was on their side, it worked.

The cuffs fell to the floor and both men darted out of the office. They ran outside to the bus where Mr Van Camp was rapping his foot. 

 “Noah you lost track of the boys. Honestly I left you in charge. What in the hell were you doing all this time?!” Mr Van Camp asked. 

“It’s my fault Mr Van Camp. Mr Carstairs needed to escort me to the lost and found. I lost my phone and it took longer to recover.” Brian piped up much to Noah’s surprise. Maybe this kid wasn’t so bad after all. 

 “Well it’s fine no harm done. Some vagrant from another school must of pulled the alarm. I didn’t even get to finish my meeting. Let’s just get on the bus as head out of here.” Mr Van Camp finished and the men made their way onto the bus.  As

Noah say there he couldn’t help but think of what a kind thing it was for Brian to cover for him like that. He looked back and seen Brian who just shrugged and went back to his conversation with the other boys on the bus. Noah was grateful for his kindness, but things were only going to get weirder later when he returned home. 


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Post by Mummyboi »

Excellent continuation ...wish I was the teacher asst. Can’t wait for PT 3
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Post by beserkade12 »

Great second part. Can’t wait to see what happens to Noah, I’m sure the worst is yet to come for him
If bondage is a cake then a gag is the icing ⛓
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Post by Wrappedmouth »

Great addition. Excited to see what happens next!
You gag me, I'll gag you. MMMPH! 🤐
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Post by privateandrews »

great start to this story. enjoyed it very much... I know the creator of the ned adventures ,I will let him know how his work is inspiring others...
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