Lorna's kidnapping

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Lorna's kidnapping

Post by lasse672000 »

It was late, one cold, rainy, miserable Friday afternoon, and I hardly had anything to do all week. I was just about to close the office for the weekend, when a man stormed in. He looked quite panic-stricken, with his hair standing on end, and his face was red.
"Detective Lars, you've got to help me. She's gone! Kidnapped!"
I sat down behind my desk, and grabbed a pen and a pad.
"O.K." I said, and took a deep breath. "Let's start at the beginning: Who are you? And who are you talking about?"
"My name is Lohnnie Arbuthnot, and I'm the VP of Arbuthnot Industries!" the man said, "and I'm talking about my girlfriend, Lorna."
"M-hm," I hummed, and scribbled something on my pad. "So; what happened, and when?"

"I was at work, when I had a call from the police saying someone had broken in to our house. Naturally I rushed home, only to find the house pretty much as I had left it. The only thing missing, except for a few worthless items, was my girlfriend!"
"M-hm!" I hummed again. "And now you want me to find these burglars, and get you stuff back?"
"I couldn't care less about the 'stuff', as you call them!" he screamed. "I want my Lorna back"
"Of course you do." I tried to calm him down. "Did the intruders leave anything?"
"Leave anything?" Mr. Arbuthnot looked confused. "No, they did not; didn't you hear what I just said? They took something! Something very precious to me!"
"Cause they did." I said, in an effort to calm him. "No; what I meant was: did they leave a note or anything like that? With a demand for a ransom, perhaps?"
"A note?" Mr. Arbuthnot looked confused."Yes, they did. How did you know that?"
"Because that's what kidnappers usually do." I patiently said. "That, and/or a part of the victims body, usually a finger."
"A finger? No, no finger, thank God!"
"Yea; thank God for small favours, eh? Have you brought the note?"

Without saying word, he put his hand inside his jacket, and took out a paper, folded in four.
I unfolded it, and sighed. It was, of course, a standard ransom note, of which I must have seen hundreds in my years as a private investigator, with letters cut out from various publications, the spelling being atrocious, telling him not to go to the police, or his girlfriend would be in serious trouble, and that he should leave a suit case with a rather substantial amount of money, all in small bills, in a public place, later that evening.
"M-hm." I nodded and looked at him. "You just get the money, and leave the rest to me. I assume you have the cash?"
"No; not at the moment. But I can get them."
"Good! You do that, and meet me close to that place," I pointed towards the paper, "in what; two hours?"
"It's going to be a bit tight, but I'll be there! You have my word."

Two hours later, I stood leaning against a wall, and watched him approach, carrying a rather heavy-looking suit case. He placed it on the ground, and looked around, wiping his forehead as he did so.
He casually sauntered over to me, and we waited.
A couple of minutes later, a man in ha dark suit and hat sauntered by, and casually picked up the suit case.
"O.K, go!" I hissed, and we started following him.

We didn't have to walk far, only a couple of blocks.
The man opened a front door and went inside, and we, as carefully as possible, followed. I could hear a door being closed a couple of floors above us, and we walked up the stairs. Luckily, there were only two doors on every floor, so it was quite easy to determine which one was the right one.
Slowly, I pressed down the handle, and to my surprise, the door swung open. I crept inside and saw a girl, who I supposed was Lorna, dressed in a blue-and-green, diagonally striped leotard with a white belt across her waist and sneakers, sitting in a chair with her wrists tied behind her back and her ankles tied to the legs of the chair.

A couple of minutes later, the thugs lay unconscious on the floor, Mr. Arbuthnot had untied his sweet-heart, and the police were on their way.

It was around then, I woke from my dream.
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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

Awesome and Cool
" No use to struggle, my dear, you're tied up much too tight for escape! However, I'd be in your debt if you would try... "
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