Allen's Adventure m/m

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Allen's Adventure m/m

Post by drawscore »

Allen's Adventure

My name is Allen and I'm 14. I live with my parents and my little brother, Scott, 13, and my cousin, Charlie, also 14, just a couple of months older than me, and who is living with us because his dad took an overseas job, and there weren't any schools. The three of us share a bedroom on the second floor of a big house on Orchard Avenue. It's a nice neighborhood of mostly two story houses in a small town, about 40 miles from the nearest big city, and a military base nearby. It's pretty upscale, too. Our neighbors are military officers and other professionals.

Almost every night, someone is having a get-together or evening social. Mom and Dad feel obligated to attend most of them, and to throw these things, too, but I think they're a pain in the butt. When Mom has one, she makes us stay in our room, so we won't get into the guests' drinks, but we do have a small TV set in the room, and the three of us pretty much like the same programs.

It isn't too bad during the summer, during spring break, the weekends, and during the Christmas holidays, 'cause then we can sleep over at one of our friends' houses. Like us, most of them are scouts, so we help each other with advancement requirements, and it's beneficial all around, as we're out of our parents' ways, and they ain't poking their noses into our rooms every 15 minutes.

My best friend is Bill, a kid in another scout troop, which is our biggest rival. Scott's best friend is a weird kid named Doug, who thinks he's the greatest escape artist since Harry Houdini, but I'm better, and so is Bill. We just don't show it off.

Charlie's best friend is Ronnie, who has a little brother, Mark, three and a half years younger, who seems to live for one thing, and that's tying up his big brother. Mark and Doug make a good pair, since Doug likes being tied, and Mark likes tying people up. But Mark can't tie worth a damn, and Doug always gets loose. For that matter, so do the rest of us, at least from Mark's ties, and Doug wanted difficult challenges, not easy ones.

Anyway, Doug's parents were hosting one of these silly "social events" as Mom called them. It was on a Friday night, and Doug wound up as our overnight guest. Mom said the party would last until at least midnight, and probably until after 2:00 a.m., and that the four of us "had damn well better be in bed and asleep when she get home."

We'd had a long day, and were tired. I was in the shower when Doug arrived, washing off the day's worth of sweat and dirt accumulated from 13 innings of softball, and chasing and being chased by my brother, cousin, several friends, and a couple of rivals through the woods behind our house, in games of "hide and go seek," and "team chase."

Scott and Charlie were waiting their turns, and complaining that I'd use up all the hot water. I was sort of worried that one of them might slip in and flush the toilet, cutting off the cold water, and scalding me, so I took the precaution of locking the door. I got out in time to welcome Doug, and hollered "Next!" down the hallway. I had on Charlie's dark blue flannel pajamas 'cause one pair of mine were in the wash, and I'd left my other pair at Bill's house two nights ago. I was pretty sure I was going to have to pay for it, too, as we had a rule about borrowing that said if you borrowed clothing, including pajamas, you got tied up wearing what you borrowed by everyone there, and I figured that Charlie, Scott, and Doug would call me on it sooner or later.

Charlie rushed past me, carrying his needs, slammed the bathroom door, and locked it behind him. When I got to the bedroom, Doug and Scott were laughing about something. Scott was as dirty as I had been, and still wearing his faded jeans and a red mesh shirt. Doug was much cleaner, and obviously had cleaned up before coming over.

Several minutes later, Charlie emerged. He had on his light blue pajama pants, with the top over one arm, and his dirty clothes in the other. He dumped his dirty clothes into the hamper, and returned to the bedroom, while Scott grabbed his stuff, and headed down the hall. Charlie and I joked with Doug while Scott got his shower, and even worked up a little bit of a sweat in a friendly wrestling match, which we thought Doug conceded all too quickly. "Well, I lost!" Doug said. "Are you guys gonna tie me up?" Well, if Doug wanted to be tied up, who were we to argue with him.

I let Charlie tie him, as Doug seemed to want Charlie to do it. Besides, Charlie knew his knots better than the rest of us. Maybe there is something to that theory that says if you lose or don't have an ability, your other abilities are heightened. Charlie was a disaster as an escape artist, but he sure knew his knots.

"Hey Charlie, don't forget the gag." I joked, after Charlie had tied Doug's hands, feet, arms, and legs. Charlie rolled up a scout neckerchief and tied it over Doug's mouth, just as Scott returned. He had both the pants and the coat of his pajamas on, and while he looked at Doug and asked if he needed help, Charlie put on his pajama top.

Scott's question drew a vigorous shaking of the head from Doug. He thought he could do it himself, and he was right. It took him about seven and a half minutes.

I thought Doug looked kind of funny all tied and gagged, so I told Charlie and Scott we should tie him up again. When they asked why, I couldn't really think of a good reason, so I blurted out "Because we're wearing pajamas, and he's still in his street clothes." Apparently it was a good enough reason for Scott and Charlie, 'cause they wrestled Doug's hands behind him, and told me to tie them. I did, then tied his ankles, arms, and legs, gagged him, and let him roll around on the floor and struggle to get loose. Again he did, and in a lot less time than before.

After he got loose, I said that if he changed into his pajamas, he probably wouldn't get tied again - at least not right away. He took the hint, and put them on, and then we worked on some scout stuff for about an hour or so, then watched TV for another two.

The day had taken its toll, and I said I was going up to bed. About a half hour later, Charlie, Scott, and Doug joined me. Doug complained about something being under his sleeping bag, and found he had been trying to sleep on a couple of pieces of rope that we had used earlier to tie him up. He cleared them out, and said "That's better." A few minutes later we were all asleep.

I was sleeping soundly when Scott shook me awake. "There's something downstairs." he hissed in my ear.

"Aww, go back to sleep, Scott." I told him. "It's just the cat."

"No, it ain't." came Charlie's whisper. "I put the cat out just before we went to bed."

Charlie got up and opened the bedroom door, then looked out into the darkness. He could barely make out the steps and the banister down the hall, but he could definitely hear something moving around downstairs.

"Who's there!" he shouted, and immediately there was silence.

"Maybe the cat jumped in a window." Doug suggested.

"We don't keep any windows open." I told him.

We waited another ten minutes or so, and having heard nothing more, went back to bed. I was just about to drift off to sleep again, when I was shaken awake for a second time. "Go to bed, Scott." I said through a fog of semi-sleep.

A bright light shined in my eyes, temporarily blinding me, and a heavy hand clamped over my mouth. "Don't make a sound, kid!" came a rough voice. I was too afraid to do anything more than weakly nod.

Under the light of the flashlight, I saw two men, one of whom had his hand in his coat pocket. I didn't know if he had a gun, but I wasn't going to take any chances. I'd do anything they wanted, if they would just go away and leave us be.

"Get over here, you!" the first one said, pointing to my brother. Scott did as he was told, and had several lengths of rope shoved at him. "Tie him up!" commanded the burglar. I put my hands behind me, and Scott started wrapping them with the rope. "You better tie him good, or I'll pitch you out the window." the first robbers snarled. Scott must have taken the hint, 'cause I felt the rope tighten around my wrists. Still, I wasn't worried; I'd gotten loose from Scott many times before.

I looked across the bedroom and saw Doug tying a scout neckerchief over Charlie's mouth, and figured that he'd been ordered to tie Charlie, just as Scott had been ordered to tie me. I could do nothing except sit there while Scott obeyed the burglars' instructions to tie my arms and legs, and was silently glad that they didn't know that Charlie was the best of the four of us at tying.

"They'll probably hog tie us, too." I thought, but once Scott had finished tying my legs, one of them said "That should hold him. Make sure you gag him good, too." Scott grabbed up a bandana from the floor, tied it over my mouth, and all I could do, was watch as the drama unfolded before us.

I knew Charlie was helpless. He might have been fairly good at tying, but he couldn't escape at all; at least not like me and my brother and Doug could. But then, Doug couldn't tie that good either. Still, Charlie looked like he'd been tied pretty good, and with that thick neckerchief over his mouth, he couldn't make more than a few soft "mmmppfffs."

Apparently impressed with the way Doug had tied Charlie, the burglars ordered him to tie Scott as well. Like me and Charlie, Scott's wrists, ankles, arms, and legs were tied. Another scout neckerchief was tied over his mouth, and he was put next to me on my bed. "You'll never get away with this." Doug said to the burglars.

"Oh, a wise guy!" one of them said. "Better hog tie this one."

"It'll be my pleasure." the second one said.

I watched in the dim light as the second burglar forced Doug's hands behind him, and tied them together. I saw Doug's feet, arms, and legs tied, and thought to myself that this guy knew what he was doing, and that we were fortunate that we were ordered to tie each other, rather than have the second burglar do it. But Scott had been just as scared as I was, and had tied me better than he ever had before. Still, I was confident that once I got the chance, I could get out and free my brother, cousin, and friend.

The second burglar brought Doug's legs up behind him and hog tied him. Seeing that there were no more neckerchiefs or bandanas in the immediate vicinity, he asked Doug where they were. "There are no more." Doug lied.

"Check the closet." the second one ordered.

The first one did, and found a long bandage. "Use this." he said.

The second one took it and wrapped it about three or four times around Doug's head, and knotted it tightly. "There, that'll keep 'em out of the way and quiet." the second one said.

As they went out the door, the first one looked back, and said "We'll be back to check on you, and if any of you even look like you've been trying to get loose, you're all gonna look like your mouthy friend." He pointed at the hog tied form of Doug, and we all knew what he meant.

We must have laid there a good 30 minutes, not daring to attempt an escape. Cautiously, I used my tongue to push out the bandana that gagged me, so that it caught in the hollow between my chin and lower lip. "Do you think they're gone?" I whispered to my brother. Scott kept his gag in and shook his head, then tried to whisper something which was largely unintelligible, so I told him to push his gag out. He did, then said he thought he heard something downstairs. Using my tongue and teeth, I pulled the gag back into my mouth just in case Scott was right.

Scott was having trouble getting his back in, so I pushed mine out again, and told him to put his face down by my hands. He did, and I was able to get his gag back in, then use my teeth and tongue again to replace mine.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was a quarter of two. "My folks should be home any minute." I thought. Then, I heard a car start, and took a chance and hopped to the window. It wasn't a car I recognized from the neighborhood, so I thought it must be the burglars.

Scott began struggling to get his hands under his butt, but I stopped him, and told him to sit quiet. He did, and the next thing, both of us were bent forward, untying our legs. I teetered over, and used the opportunity to untie his hands with my teeth. As soon as Scott's hands were free, he untied my hands, then got his arms, ankles, and legs free. I did the same, and a few moments later, we had freed Doug and Charlie.

We picked up the ropes, neckerchiefs, and bandanas, stuffed them in a bag, and tossed it in the closet. Just in time, too. The lights of a car turning into the driveway illuminated the bedroom for a split second, and I knew my parents were home. I also knew that if my parents thought the least little thing was wrong, my brother, my cousin, and I would spend the better part of Saturday at the hospital, which was something I did not particularly want to have happen. "Quick!" I loudly whispered. "Under the covers, and pretend you're asleep."

The door to the bedroom burst open, and the light flicked on. "You boys all right?" came the voice of my father.

"Sure, Dad, we're fine." I said. "What's up?"

"Oh, nothing." Dad said. "The cops just caught a couple of burglars trying to break into the Simmons place. I guess they didn't know they had a silent alarm. Some of our stuff was found in their car."

"Did you boys hear anything?" Mom asked.

"No, Mom." I said. "We were all pretty tired, and went to bed around 11. If they raided our house, I guess we slept right through it."

I really didn't like lying to my parents like that, but the thought of spending a perfectly good Saturday at the doctor's office, or in some emergency room, only to be told there was nothing wrong, was not very appealing. And if Mom knew the burglars had tied and gagged us, she'd have had a fit, and in a fit of motherly protection, probably wouldn't have let us out of the house for a month. And there'd be the phone call to my aunt and uncle overseas, and they'd rush home, and Charlie would move away with them. And Charlie was my favorite cousin. He was the closest in age to me, and was a neat kid. In this case, a little white lie could be excused, at least in my mind.

Mom and Dad seemed satisfied, and we went back to sleep. When morning came, I told Charlie, Scott, and Doug not to mention the events of the previous night to anyone for any reason; that if they did, I'd cut out their livers and feed them to the cat. They seemed to understand the reasons for remaining silent, and agreed. Doug, of course, boasted that he could have gotten loose without my help, and I agreed that he probably could have, just to avoid an argument with him.

He wanted another chance, and I told him he could go down to the jail, bail out the burglars, and have them tie him up again. He laughed at that suggestion, and said that the burglars weren't really that good; that Charlie and I tied him up better. "I suppose that means you want me and Charlie to tie you up like the burglars did, right?" I asked.

"You catch on quick." he replied.

I snickered under my breath, and said "Fine! We'll each tie you the same way they did right down to the last detail. I'll ask Mom if you can sleep over again tonight, and we'll do it then."

Doug agreed. Too quickly, I thought, but then maybe he hadn't caught it when I said "Right down to the last detail." To me, that meant everything would be the same, or as close to it as Charlie and I could make it. That meant Doug was going to get hog tied in pajamas again. Twice.

As Doug left for home, I giggled, then, ran back up to the bedroom to tell Charlie about Doug's challenge, and to ask Mom if Doug could stay over one more night. Charlie loved the idea; Scott griped that Doug hadn't challenged him.

But Mom tossed us a curve ball, and said we couldn't have Doug as a guest tonight. I asked why, and Mom said that she and Dad were hosting another neighborhood social. "But I tell you what, Allen; I just got off the phone with Doug's mother, and she said the three of you can spend the night there with him."

A big smile lit up my face. "Gee, thanks, Mom!" I said, and hurried back upstairs to tell Charlie and Scott, and to call Doug. I could hardly wait for the day to go by, and get over to Doug's for his challenge.

Last edited by drawscore 4 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by fratboydanny »

Love it. Thank you, drawscore, for a fun and interesting new story!
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Post by Xtc »

Good to meet up with your boys again.
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Post by cj2125 »

That was a fun story!
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Post by harveygasson »

Lovely to read this little gem again :D
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Post by Killua »

Finally found another one of your stories :lol:

That's a great story. They are a good team. They better make sure Doug like the way they'll tie him or he might decide to bail the burglers out for real to get tied up again, huh? :lol: :lol:
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Post by drawscore »

Once again, thanks for the kind words.

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Post by drawscore »

Killua wrote: 2 years ago
That's a great story. They are a good team. They better make sure Doug like the way they'll tie him or he might decide to bail the burglers out for real to get tied up again, huh? :lol: :lol:
There are others out there. "Doug Moves In," "Welcome Charlie," and others. Just enter "Drawscore" in the search field, and you'll wade through a number of my posts, but will come up on my story contributions

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Post by Tiengag5 »

Great bondage story.
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