Missing practice (mf/ff)

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Missing practice (mf/ff)

Post by WayBiggerJaws »


A typical modern home. Large Panasonic television downstairs flanked by sofas. A conservatory and garage all part of the build. Dad is in there right now, doing an oil and spark plug change on the family car before it's time to collect his wife from work. The son, 12, thin with glasses and short brown hair in the messed up style, wearing faded blue jeans with a black Rick and Morty tee, Stan. We'll get to him soon enough. Let's begin with his sister.

Beth is 16. Slim, pale and toned, straight blonde hair to her shoulders. Not as busty as her best friend Maria, who like Stan we'll get to soon enough, Beth is a C, if you follow. We join her stood in her room, giving herself a critical once over in the full length mirror hung on one wall beside the wardrobe. She's dressed for exercises, as keen members of cheer squad fitness is important to both girls, and with finals approaching today is a special Saturday team workout day. So Beth has dressed accordingly, tight dark blue leggings, with an equally tight fitting black leotard worn over the top, and white running shoes to complete the outfit. She smirks at her reflection, the leotard over leggings combination makes her look like a superhero, classic Batman maybe. She picks up her phone to check on the time, Maria is due in a quarter hour, they're walking to the bus stop together. Putting the phone down on her desk, she looks to confirm her black cheer team hoodie is still hanging on the chair, go Pirates, when in walks her brother.

Stan peers around the door before entering, making a show of trying to be sneaky. He's carrying a Dominos pizza carrier bag, and has tied a red bandana around his mouth outlaw style. Seeing him in the mirror Beth sighs, not this again, and turns to confront him. She wags a finger. "Not today Stan, I've no time to be your little kidnap victim, as fun as it is, I've got a bus to catch." But it seems her brother is ignoring her, that or he just doesn't care, because he reaches into the bag and with a flourish pulls out some rope. The bag, she knows from previous games, is full of assorted lengths, all liberated from the trash. Dad used rope and a tarpaulin to protect the family caravan once upon a time, but now it lives on a farm out of harms way, and Stan has put the rope to good use. Also in the bag she knows are several old scarves for gagging her. Seeing him drop the bag onto her bed and advance, rope held ready, Beth sighs again, it looks as though Stan is going for the whole taken without consent variation of the game, a rarity, he usually asks first, but sometimes he likes to attempt catching her unawares. Luckily for her he never quite manages to get the ropes too tight, so if she simply plays along, and waits it out for the abandonment endgame, which sees him walking away and leaving her to some imagined helpless fate, then she can wriggle free and still be ready for her friends arrival. Decision made she kicks off her shoes, and barefoot turns her back to Stan, a clear signal in game speak that she's ready and willing. With a giggle he gets to work.

Five minutes later Stan steps back, his work done. Beth lays face up on her bed, doing little wriggles, testing the knots, checking and confirming her ability to escape relatively easily once her brother leaves. Her wrists have been tied crossed behind her, with her ankles tied together too. The gag is new, Stan knotted the usual cleave, a thin wool scarf forced into her mouth, then pulled tight and tied off behind as she bites down on the material, but this time thick medical bandage wrapping has been added, around and around her head it goes, completely covering her mouth and sealing in the scarf. It's a potentially worrying first instance of actual competence when kidnapping her she thinks, something to watch for or in a couple of games time she may even find herself truly helpless. She's always escaped by the time he comes looking for her, so she actually has no clue what he'd do to or with her were she to still be in the helpless tied and gagged state he left her.

Beth looks at Stan, and Stan looks at Beth. This is the part where he leaves, smiling at a game well played, leaving his sister to anything approaching twenty minutes of struggling before she frees herself from the final rope. Much less for a simple tie up like this one, nearer to the full twenty if Stan ties her to a chair or stretches Beth across her bed. Time for the endgame, except not today. As Stan reaches the bedroom door he nearly bumps into Maria, who arrived early and was let in by the Dad, with a vague wave as he did suggesting he thought his daughter was likely upstairs. She walks into the room, Stan backing up as she does to give her space, and sees her best friend trussed up on the bed, with the bag of ropes still dangling from Stans left hand.

Stan freezes, caught in the headlights. Beth freezes mid wriggle, slightly embarrassed since she never shared the details of this particular family past time with her friend. Both wait to see what Maria will do.
Last edited by WayBiggerJaws 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sniper108 »

nicely done

Post by freyjaceleste862 »

Very interesting form of writing. Waiting for next part. Also, you might want to add this to the catolog.
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Post by Beetle bailey13 »

Nice Start
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Post by WayBiggerJaws »


Both girls are 16, but alongside being bustier Maria is taller. Thanks to her Latina heritage she's a curvier and darker skinned kind of toned, with long curling brown hair falling down her back. She's chosen to dress almost identically to Beth, but with black leggings and a pink leotard over the top.

She walks over to the bed, glancing down at the rope filled bag as she passes Stan. Beth looks up at her, unsure of the situation, unable to speak in any case. Leaning over the bed Maria takes hold of her friend and rolls her over, onto her front, she plucks and tugs on the ropes, not untying them, more like testing, and she turns Beths head to examine the gag. Finally she sits down, and looks at Stan. "You did this to her?" He nods. "You didn't do it very good."
"Have you done it before?"
"And she escaped, right?"
"Not tight enough, see?" And she leans back over to give the wrist knot a hard yank, semi undoing it with relative ease. Stan looks unhappy, and slightly confused, clearly his ropework being the cause of his sisters repeated escapes hadn't occurred to him. Maria sees his frown. "You don't want her to escape huh?" To which Stan gives a vigorous shake of the head. "Why not?" Another shake, Maria grins. "Don't want to tell me?" Stan nods, and she laughs. "Okay, I can live with that. Maybe I can help you, show you how to do a better job here." At which point, having been passively listening in, Beth begins to wriggle and protest through the gag. Maria gives her friends butt a smack. "Quiet you, prisoners aren't allowed an opinion. Isn't that right little man?"
"Yes." Agrees Stan, grinning now at this unexpected upturn in the game. "So," resumes Maria "want some tips?"
"Yes please."
"Okay then, hand me that bag."

Stan looks on whilst Maria works, first removing her shoes and hoodie before emptying the bag out onto the bed, to see exactly what she has to work with. Beth is hauled up off the bed into a standing position, and taking rope Maria first binds her elbows together. Straight away Beth can feel the difference between her friends and brothers styles, everytime Maria yanks a knot tight she can feel the rope biting in. With that first rope finished, and Beths arms bound properly tight for the first time, Maria takes a moment to redo the wrists, tied together and not crossed. Taking a longer length Maria loops rope around the chest, already thrust forward by the tied elbows Beths breasts are now squeezed top and bottom, the chest tie pulls at the neckline of the leotard, revealing a worryingly large amount of cleavage, but thankfully not exposing anything. A crotch rope is added, high up and tight around the waist, fed underneath from front to back and yanked tight before being tied behind. From the front Maria gives her friend a cheeky push, and Beth topples over onto the bed, which makes both Maria and Stan giggle. With two more lengths Maria is finished, the first is used just above the knees, pinning Beths upper legs together, then, just as with the wrists, it's a quick redo of the ankles to bring them in line with the tightness of the other ropes. The final rope turns Beth from a bound captive into a hogtied one. Maria makes sure to pull and yank this last part hard, even enlisting Stan, and the end result is Beths ankles touching her wrists, with the tightness of the hogtie causing her back to arch slightly. Maria stands back, eyeing her work, before turning to Stan. "Got anymore of that medical wrap?" He nods. "Go grab it then." Whilst Stan is briefly gone Beth attempts to struggle, completely failing to free even one hand from the tight ropes, but succeeding in turning herself so she faces Maria. The friends exchange a look, and Beth, clearly with some information she feels relevant, attempts to talk. But with the gag she fails to make any sense. Maria simply shakes her head. "Can't understand you girlfriend. Don't worry though, I'll head over to training, and in an hour or so when your brothers had his fun at winning, because you aren't getting out of that without help I promise you, just catch a later bus and meet me there. I'll tell the coach you'll be late. Okay?" Beth nods, what else can she do. It seems her friend is going to leave her to play out her brothers kidnap game for real, for the first time. The thought causes little tingling butterflies of anxiety and nervousness to pop in her stomach.

At this point Stan returns, with five more rolls of wrap. Maria takes a couple, and uses them to upgrade the gag. The old wrapping and scarf are torn off, but before Beth can speak a couple of pairs of pants, liberated from the top draw of the dresser, are stuffed into her open mouth. Maria wastes no time in wrap sealing them in, holding Beths head up to allow her to add several layers without the bed causing an obstruction. Using the second roll she blindfolds Beth, more or less completing her helplessness if Maria was correct when she stated earlier that they'll be no escape without help.

Now Maria seems satisfied, she smiles at a job well done before turning to Stan, who is stood next to her. "Well, there you go, that's as good and tight as I know how. Happy?"
"She won't get out?" Maria shakes her head, which makes Stan grin. "She won't, she can't reach a single one of those knots, and besides she can't even see. Nope, she's stuck." And with that Maria turns towards the bedroom door, but before she reaches it Stan calls out. "No, wait." She turns to face him, one hand on the door holding it open. "Yes?"
"I thought I might be able to practice, have a go at what you've shown me. Please." Maria looks from Stan to Beth, then back, her mind working. She nods. "And you don't want to untie her right, or else she'll escape, and then she'll win the game again, right?" Stan nods, letting her reach it on her own, which she does. "Oh, I see, you were hoping to practice on me huh?"
"Yes, I thought I could look at what you did to her" at which Stan gestures to his hogtied sister, laid on her bed doing the occasional rope testing little wriggle "and then attempt to copy it on you. Can I?" Maria looks at him, then at her friend. She does feel slightly guilty about how tight all those ropes are, enduring the same tight hogtie, provided Stan is able, seems like justice of a sort. So she shrugs. "Okay, hold on." Grabbing her hoodie she retrieves her phone out of the pocket, and sends a brief text to a girlfriend also attending training.
'Beth and me will be late, tell the coach please x'.
She turns her phone off, and replaces it. Then turns to face a grinning Stan. "Okay, do your worst Mr Kidnapper."
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Post by Sniper108 »

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Post by WayBiggerJaws »


And now there are two girls on the bed. We've jumped ahead fifteen minutes into the future, because there's no need to explain and describe the exact same hogtie a second time. Right?

Stan has done a very competent job of replicating the work Maria did on Beth, all of the ropes are in the same locations, all of the knots unreachable, and tight. Maria, like Beth, is now in a very immobilizing arched back hogtie, with two pairs of Beths pants stuffed and sealed in her mouth, and a wrapped blindfold for good measure. The girls are laid out side by side, with their heads up the foot end of the bed, facing the door. Both girls are laid on their stomachs, with the added bonus being that if Stan chooses to drop down and look, then thanks to those tight chest ropes he'll have a wonderful view down the front of both leotard tops. Plenty of cleavage, yes indeed. It's no wonder he's smiling.

But what do the two girls think of current events? Both have had sufficient time individually to test their predicament, to wriggle and strain against the various knots, testing for weakness or a stray loose end. Both have managed to come to the same realisation, that they are trapped. Helpless. Prisoners and losers in Stans game. Neither of them knows what this means exactly though. Maria has over the past couple of minutes realised that when she agreed to be Stans test subject she never actually specified, or indeed even asked, what he'd do after he'd practiced on her. A rookie mistake she now sees. She's definately beginning to worry at what might come next. Beths butterflies of nervous anticipation have only been getting worse, all those easy ties she wriggled free of, all these times playing the game and she never thought to go over ground rules with Stan, why bother asking about an eventuality that you were sure would never come. It's safe to say that both girls are feeling very vulnerable right now.

So what is Stans plan, what will he do now he finally has not one but two helpless girls at his mercy. Let's find out.

Walking out the front door Stan finds his Dad clearing up the last of his tools, with the car back off the ramps and ready to go. "You ready champ?" His Dad looks down. "Where are your shoes? Your Mum just called, we're going to visit her sister and then do a food shop. So come on, shoes and coat, she'll be out of work by the time we get there."
"Can I stay home Dad?"
"You're too young son, you know that. Got to wait a couple of years until you're nearer your sisters age remember." Stan smiles. "I remember, she's home though, said it's okay with her if I stay too. Can I?" Dad frowns. "Your sister's home, I thought she had that thing?" Stan shakes his head. "Cancelled."
"Oh. Well, that's a shame. Maybe I should go see if she wants to come too." Just then, as though answering Stans prayers, his Dads phone vibrates with a hurry up message from Mum. Dad looks from the phone to the house to his son, clearly undecided. Stan takes the oppertunity to step in, and attempt to wrap this up.
"She's got Maria over Dad, I think they're watching MTV in her room. I'll be fine here, just going to play Xbox. Okay?" His Dad sighs. "Okay then son, got to trust you at some stage I guess. Your Mum and I will be back late, it's half ten now, maybe around seven? Tell Beth to order you both a pizza okay, there's cash in my desk." He tossles his sons hair affectionately. "Be good okay?"
"Okay Dad, see you later." Stan watches his Dad drive off, standing out on the driveway for almost ten minutes, checking I guess, that mixed in with a crazy sense of disbelief that kids feel when something this amazing actually comes together. Eventually, he goes back inside.

Upstairs. A brief stop on his room, before returning to his sisters bedroom. Stan can't help but feel anticipation as he steps across the threshold. Every previous time he's attempted to play the game this is the point where he's supposed to return as the triumphant kidnapper. His sister is supposed to be right where and how he left her. But she never is. Instead she's at her desk, or not even in the room anymore, whatever rope and scarves he used on her are neatly piled on the bed, mocking him. So he's somewhat surprised to find both girls not only still on the bed but both still securely hogtied on the bed. Both are exactly where he left them, still gagged and blind, still completely helpless it seems. Seeing this makes Stan grin wider then he's possibly ever grinned in his twelve years of life. Occasionally one or the other of his captives wriggles or struggles, either pulling at the hogtie rope or attempting to move around on the bed, which the tight ropes and soft mattress prevent them from doing. He can hear both of them breathing, and occasionally moaning as the ropes dig in all over, through the thickly wrapped and packed gags.

Feeling like a winner Stan takes his phone from his pocket. Kneeling down at the foot end of the bed, facing both girls, he takes a photo, making sure everything is in frame, the hogtied pair, their gagged faces appearing to stare blindly into the lens, and of course all that cleavage front and centre. Standing again, keeping quiet the whole time so as not to alert them to anything going on in the world outside of their predicament, he retreats downstairs to the kitchen to grab a can from the fridge. Using his phone to open the group chat on messager, he uploads the photo and sends it with a caption.
'look what I've got hehe.'
He wonders which of his friends will arrive first.

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Post by Beetle bailey13 »

Awesome and Good Story
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Post by MisterMistoffelees »

Stan has a death wish, doesn't he? ;)
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Post by Veracity »

I like your writing style. Thanks for contributing.
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Post by ArrestedForever »

Nice story! Hoping for more. :)
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Post by ryan »

Good story. Please continue.
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Post by Solarbeast »

I’m glad you joined this site, because this is a really good story. I’m hoping that you continue writing stories with these characters, or any other story you want to share with us.
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Post by damsel »

Just finished reading, really good story!
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Post by Deleted User 961 »

This is great story telling, Stan sure is learning fast!

Post by freyjaceleste862 »

Funny sort of writing but ok
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