Hide-and-seek m/fff

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Hide-and-seek m/fff

Post by lasse672000 »

Hope you like it, Mask 6190

Egil Svendsen came home from school one day, and found a note from his younger sister, Marit, on the kitchen table. 'Dear brother,' it began, 'Sonia, Eva and I are hiding somewhere in the house. Find us! Usual rules apply.'
Now, for a person outside the Svendsen-circle of family and friends, the note just meant she and her friends wanted to play a standard game of Hide-and-seek, with him being the seeker, but Egil knew better. He knew that he would have a virtual Carte Blanche, in terms of what he could do to the girls, once he found them, as long as it didn't hurt anyone.

The first thing Egil did, after having read the note, was to go to his room and fill a small bag with supplies enough to capture one of the girls. Then he stepped out and shouted: "Ready or not; here I come!" Then he stood absolutely still, and just listened, and sure enough; it didn't take long before he heard a girl giggle quietly to the right of him. He focused his attention in that direction, and soon saw the sole of a foot, covered in white nylon, sticking out from behind a cup-board.
"Oh; please!" he sighed, shook his head, rolled his eyes and tip-toed over there. He bent down, grabbed the foot, and pulled Sonia, who was dressed in a dark blue, long sleeved leotard, and white nylon footless tights, from her hiding place. He forced her to lie her stomach, as he tied her wrists behind her back. He made sure she could just about reach the knot, and when she protested, he shoved a scrunched up handkerchief in her mouth, slapped a couple of pieces of tape over it to hold it in place, and wound about half a roll of vet wrap in front of her eyes. He pulled her to her feet, took another piece of rope from the bag, and tied her knees together before leading her to his bedroom, where he forced her to once again lie on her stomach, while he tied her feet together. He took the longest piece, folded it in half, fed the loop under Sonia's chest and up the other side and fed the loose ends through the loop, thus securing her arms to her sides, and giving him the opportunity to hog tie her at the same time.
He examined his work closely, including checking she could breathe properly, before slapping her butt a couple of times and getting to his feet.
"You know the rules of this game; don't you, Sonia? No trying to get free until all of you are captured. However, if I notice the ropes having been tampered with in any way while I'm out looking for the others, there will be an additional 15 minutes of penalty time added before any of you can begin to try to get free."

The next girl he found was Eva, also dressed in a long-sleeved leotard, hers being green, and white nylon tights with feet. Well, truth be told, she was so well hidden, it was only when she accidentally moved one of her feet, that he spotted her. He forced her on to her stomach and tied her wrists, elbows and knees, blindfolded and gagged her the same way he had Sonia, without paying much attention to her sobbing, which he knew was an act.
He took her to the same room he had left Sonia, and stood there for a few seconds. Should he let them lie separately on the floor, or should he tie them together? That was the sixty-four thousand dollar question.
In the end, he decided to leave them lying side by side, but about a foot apart. He gave Eva's butt a few slaps too, and went to look for Marit.

It took him a while, but he eventually found her, dressed in an gold-and-blue striped, long-sleeved leotard with light blue cotton tights, hiding in a linen-cupboard upstairs.
"So, there you are?" he growled, as he pulled her outside, and tied and gagged her.
"Now, move!" He slapped her butt.

Egil smiled as he leaned against the door post, savouring the sights and sounds before him: three moaning girls lying on their stomachs, their wrists and ankles tied together, in addition to which he had tied their knees together, and tied ropes around their chests, above and below their budding breasts, that also tied their elbows to their sides, generous amounts of duct tape holding handkerchiefs in place in their mouths, and equally generous amounts of vet wrap acting as quite effective blindfolds.
"O.K: listen up, girls!" he said. "I have in my hand a bottle of cool, refreshing, water, and a small tube of cooling skin ointment, which I will give to the first one to get free. The next one to get free will only receive a mug of water. The slowest? Well, she'll have to rely on the generosity of the others, because she'll be left with nothing.
I don't care how you do it, as long as you save the blindfold and gag till last. O,K?" He got a choir of "oomph's" and nods.
He placed his feet on either side of Eva's hips, bent down and slapped the girls' butts one last time, and whispered: "GO!"
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Post by Caesar73 »

I enjoyed this story. Amusing and lighthearted! :)
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Post by Canuck100 »

Caesar73 wrote: 4 years ago I enjoyed this story. Amusing and lightearted! :)
Same here!
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Post by BindPam »

Same here, too! Short stories are great!
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Post by lasse672000 »

Egil and the girls had planned on going swimming in a nearby pond, so he had changed into his brown-and-beige chequered swimming trunks, and they wore a pink swim suit with green trim (Marit), a red swim suit with pink trim(Eva) and Sonia was wearing a white flowery swim suit.

Just as they were ready to go, the heavens opened, and the rain came down by the bucket load, and the temperature came crashing down.
"NOOO!" Marit moaned. "What's the matter with this summer? Huh? One minute the sun's shining and it's blistering hot, the next it's raining so heavily you can't see your hand in front of your face, and you risk getting frost bitten? COME ON, already!" She started walking towards her room.
"Where are you going?" Egil asked.
"To my room and change, that's where!"
"It's raining! In case you hadn't noticed? Come on, girls!"
"Just wait right there one darned minute, will you!" The sharp edge in Egil's voice made them stop dead.
"What?" Sonia sounded disappointed.
"Remember the 'get-free-fast'-competition you won a couple of days ago?"
Yea; what about it?" Sonia asked.
"I'd bet my bottom dollar the others would like a rematch. Wouldn't you, girls?" Egil grinned, from ear to ear.
Marit and Eva looked perplexed for a few seconds, before Marit started grinning, too.
"Mm; I know I would, anyway!" she nodded.
"What competition are you all talking about?" Eva was still perplexed. Then, the penny finally dropped.
"Ah," she breathed, "you mean THAT competition; do you?"
"Yea; THAT competition." Egil slowly nodded. "How about it? You in?"
"Cause I'm in!" was the somewhat cocky answer.
"Good! Now; don't you all dare go anywhere but into the living room. I'll join you in a minute or two. Just have to gather some supplies first."

Egil went to the wardrobe in his room, where he stored some essential supplies. He put bandanas, handkerchiefs and soft rope of different lengths a bag.
"O.K, girls!" he chimed, as he entered the living room. "get some chairs, and we'll begin!"
They did as he asked and sat down.
"Good! Arms behind the backs of the chairs, your legs against the legs of the chair and open wide, please!" he said.
Egil crossed their wrists and tied them together, making sure the knots where just about within reach, tied a rope around their waists, pulling the loose ends snugly between their legs and tying them off around their wrists, and ropes to hold their lower legs to the legs of the chairs. Then he put handkerchiefs in their mouths and tied bandanas to keep them in place. "Right!" he said, as he stood, astride and fists on his hips, in front of them.
"Same rules as before, more or less: the first two girls to get free gets something to drink, the last one will be left without. No time limits, and only one rule. Anyone caught cheating will be tied up for an additional 30 minutes, after the competition. Understood?" The y nodded. O.K. The competition tart when I say Go!" He placed himself behind them, and whispered 'go!'

A frantic search for the knots began, but he soon noticed Marit, whose wrists he had tied using a slightly different technique, began to fall behind, and he smiled. This was working out exactly according to his plans. So far, anyway.
After 15 minutes, Eva stood up and triumphantly plonked the ropes and gag on the seat. Sonia was free about a minute later while Marit just gave up, and let her brother retie the ropes she had managed to loosen.
He told Eva to put her chair on the side and pour herself a glass of water i the kitchen, while he retied Sonia. Round two began as soon as she returned.
"Wo are you rooting for?" he asked.
"I don't know." Eva replied. "Sonia, maybe."
And sure enough, Sonia won that round, but only with the slightest of margins, and by then the rain had stopped and they decided to go swimming, after all.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Short - and to the point :)
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Post by JohnnyRockets »

Very cute short story!
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