A Bondage Story Part 1 (F)

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A Bondage Story Part 1 (F)

Post by Jess36985 »


It was a beautiful day outside, the sun was just rising, the birds chirping and the air cool. I was taking a walk, breathing in the cool autumn air, looking at the trees with their reddish brown leaves with a smile on my face. The sun was not that harsh and I was making my way to an abandoned childrens park where I usually go to study or just to have a little peace and quiet. Today was different. I needed to be at ease and
relax. Yesterday was the most chaotic day of my life and I needed to clear my head.

But first my love for bondage was inherited not created. My parents were into bondage but they never knew it until they were married. Supposedly they were watching a movie when they ha ran out of popcorn. My dad got up to make some more while my mom reached for he remote to pause the movie. My mom hit the pause button too hard and it got stuck when suddenly a hole opened up in the floor. There was a box in the floor filled with bondage equipment. My mom was shocked, she too was into bondage an she didnt know my dad was too.

Funny enough this story was told to me after I was found in self bondage. My dad was a big tech guy and one of his hobbies was carpentry. He got me intersted in his hobbies. By the time I was 16 I was making y own designs and buliding my own stuff. I had an empty closet that I turned into a bondage chamber. I had built a mechanical arm attached to the door that was operated on the push of a button. I then drilled two screws into the floor and attached a ring in each one of them. They were meant to hold down my heels. On the top I had a metal rod running from on side of the cupboard to another. On the rod were a pair of handcuffs.

I had used that chaimber for many months but I had forgotton to oil the arm , so one day when I used the chamber and when the door closed, the arm got stuck. I tried puching the button many times but the arm needed to be oiled and thus was stuck. I was stuck in a 6 foot 4 inch chaimber for 3 hours wearing 4 inch heels, tight jeans and a tight fitting T shirt. Good thing I had drilled airholes in the door otherwise something bad would happen

Of course my parents had found me and they were pretty angry about what I had done. My dad was particulary sore because I had violated on of his rules of carpentry which was always take care of the objects that you create. But they were pretty understanding because they too were into bondage and the trait must have been inherited.

Such an excuse wouldn’t have been tolerated this time. An incident happened not to me but to my mom and it changed their perception of bondage but not mine.

It was a Friday morning and my dad wanted to take me, my adopted brother Derek and my boyfriend Gray out camping. It sounded like an amazing idea but I was a bit saddened by the fact mom wasn’t coming. She ran an events company and she personally had to supervise an event. The event was on Saturday so she had the whole of Friday to see if everything would be good. We were expected but by Monday morning so it wasn’t that long.

Apparently my mom and dad had quite a few bondage devices and some pretty complicated stuff. I knew my mom’s best method to relax was being tied up. The device was called the “Run Quick” by my parents. Basically you had to be tied to a chair and your hands had to be tied with rope. A release mechanism cut away at the rope only for 4 seconds after which the bound person had to get the rest of the rope of themselves. But the catch was the bound person had to escape within 3 minutes otherwise they would be sprayed with chloroform gas which knock them out for 30 mins. Again they would try to get out within 3 mins before the next blast and so on. It wasn’t very healthy to be kept being gassed every 3 mins and it could be fatal.

My mom didn’t make it passed the 3rd gas blast before she completely blacked out. It was just good fortune that her sister (my aunt) came about to visit her and found the front door unlocked, heard the loud hissing of gas, shut the valve off and got my mom to a doctor. Lucky enough my aunt had a small clinic and my mom was treated there with no questions asked.

This completely broke my dad and he was sad but it promoted a decision that I could never have seen coming nor would I ever accept. He said that there would be no more bondage and all the gear would be thrown out. I was in shock an there was no way I was listening to this.

Being tied in tape is the best feeling ever
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Post by Caesar73 »

The general idea sounds good! Keep it going!
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Post by Jess36985 »

Caesar73 wrote: 4 years ago The general idea sounds good! Keep it going!
Thanks. IM glad you liked it. Im still deciding on a third part but Ill get the second out as soon as posssible
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Post by Jess36985 »


The months past by and I thought my parents minds would change but they didn’t. I never stopped though. I continuously tied myself up but I missed those long bondage sessions we used to share as a family. The feeling to do a long session was so overwhelming that I thought of the most unreasonable but yet enjoyable thought so far.

I wanted one of my friends to kidnap me and tie me up. Then after a while I would be free. This was without my parents knowledge of course. I discussed this idea with Greg and Derek but they disagreed. I had a group of 5 friends Greg, Richard, Stacy and Wallie. I didn’t want to ask all of them but Wallie had explained to me the problem of the plan. Where would we take you? What would we do? And most important would you enjoy it knowing that it was your friends? He had a point so I dropped the idea. But I did speak to two senior kids I knew Jay and Erica and they basically told me the same thing Wallie told me.


The Parent Teacher Meeting was over and my parents had picked up my report card. My grades were pretty good so they let me go out and enjoy with everyone that night. Stacy’s parents were out of town so we decided to sleep over at her house for a few days and my parents were cool with it so I decided to go. The plan that nigh was to go out to a local dance club, dance till 2 am, get back home and play video games the rest of the night. I had just packed my bag up and was ready to go when I got a text from Greg saying to come in semi formals and meet at Stacy’s old house -which was empty- at 9pm. We met at the old house because her new one was being painted and no one stayed at the old place. It sounded good to me so I when to my closet and took a look at my clothes. I selected a tight fitting red tight high dress and a pair of black thigh knee high boots with pencil thin heels. I put on my clothes and boots, red lipstick and let my hair loose and painted my long nails black. I looked in the mirror and admired my slim, sexy figure and dreamed of seeing Greg in a tight formal shirt showing of tucked into a pair informal pants.

I picked up my bag and left my room. My parents were in the living room, my dad watching TV and my mom was making dinner. I kissed them both goodbye and they wished me an enjoyable stay. Before I left my dad tossed me the keys to the Corolla and told me to drive safely. I waved him and mom goodbye and left.

Stacy’s old house wasn’t very far so when I got there and saw no other cars parked out-side I was confused so I checked my watch I saw that it was only 8:30, I was 30 mins early. I looked up at Stacy’s window and saw that the bathroom light was on. She must be showering I said to myself so there is no point walking in now. Stacy’s next-door neighbor had 2 pre-teen kids who were the cool kind and loved looking at girls. I was no exception and whenever I came over to Stacy’s I was in jeans. Imagine what they would do if they saw me in a dress and boots. I started the car to go for a round and then the low fuel indicator came so I decided to roll the windows down and sit in the car. It was a cool and surprisingly quiet night, I could hear the wind rustling in the leaves, it was a chilly sensation but I liked it. I listened for Greg’s Royal Enfield bike but I couldn’t hear it strange because that thing was loud. I looked up at Stacy’s window and saw that the light in her bathroom was off and the light I her room was on. I stepped out of the car and went over to her door. I rang the bell ad waited, no one came. I then tried to open the door, it wasn’t locked and it opened.

I stepped into the house and looked left and right. On the left was the kitchen, on the right the living room and in front of me was a staircase which lead to the rooms and bathrooms.

“Stacy.” I called out. “Are you there?” I got no answer.
I decided to go into the living room and stepped in that direction when suddenly the power went out and almost the same second someone grabbed me from behind. The person held my mouth closed and began to wrap tape around my hands. I fought with all my might bringing both of us to the floor but there must have been more than one person because while my hands were being tied someone was tying my legs. I tried to kick them but it was no use my legs were out of my control. In less than a minute I was completely tied up but I was still hand gagged. Almost reading that thought another person appeared carrying a cloth. The hand left my mouth and I opened it to scream but felt the cloth being shoved down my throat, over that I heard strips of tape being torn out and stuck over my mouth holding the cloth in. I counted 26 strips being torn out and applied over my mouth. A sleeping blindfold was then put over my eyes. I struggled on the floor but to no avail.

“Shut up or I shut you up.” A female voice said.

I looked up surprised expecting to hear a man but it was a woman and her voice sounded very familiar but I couldn’t place it. Now I was lifted by both my attackers and kept in a standing position, I was dragged across the living room to the door that led into the garage and laid into the trunk of a car. I heard multiple clicks in the trunk and wondered what it was.

“Don’t make a sound or you’ll be sorry.” The voice said again.
I then heard herd the trunk door slam shut, the car starts and drives away.
I lay there in the car completely still not because I was ordered to but I was actually chained into place. The chains held my wrists and ankles to the side of the trunk and I couldn’t move at all. I didn’t bother about screaming because my throat was bone dry and it would start itching if I tried making a noise. I was only worried about Stacy. What had happened to her? Was she alright? I didnt know and only hoped that she didnt arrive before me or even if she did she noticed the intruder and hid. I could only hope she was fine.

The drive was long and bumpy but we finally came to stop. I heard the car switch off and the trunk door open, the locks opened and I was carried into a building. I was then put into a chair and I heard the voice again.

“I’m going to untie your wrists; don’t you dare move or else I’ll round house you.” The voice said.

I felt the ropes loosen and fall off but only for an instant. I felt my wrists being crossed and then retied this time tighter. Then I felt my arms being forcefully brought together and tied. It was very painful and I meant to let out a small moan but it came out sharp.
“I thought I told you to shut up.” The voice came again. I felt something sharp poke me on my thighs and I felt the pressure gradually increase. It kept coming for 19 seconds and just when I couldn’t take it anymore, the object was removed. Relief washed over me and I felt sweat forming on my body. I felt rope being tied above and below my breasts holding me to the chair then I felt rope being added to my thighs holding me to the seat of the chair. More rope went around my waist and then my ankles were tied to respective sides of the chair.

“Simply beautiful. If you could see yourself you would be amazed.” Said a soft, silky male voice. “We have made our demands and hope that they will be accepted. But we are not without mercy. You have 60 minutes to escape and if you do, you will be set free. If you don’t, then we’ll see.”

This took me by complete surprise. A whole new twist and I was thoroughly enjoying myself. I sat there and thought to myself; this is what I had wanted and now I got it why would I struggle but then I remember the last thing he said I now started struggling hard.

“MMMMMMMMM MHHHHH MMMM.” I screamed truing to pull my hands out of the rope. I was trying everything from pulling my ankles free to rocking violently back and forth in the chair to loosen the bonds.

"MMHHHHMMMPHHHH" "MPHHHMMMPHHMHMHMHMM" "ETTTT EEEEE gOOOOOOO". I continued squirming in the chair and trying hard to free my wrists by pulling them out, cutting them loose using my long nails but to no use.

“ARRRRGHHMMPPPFFF” I screamed trying to pull my hands out but it was not working. It was frustrating because after so many years in self-bondage and I still couldn’t get out of this stuff.

“Ahh sad luck I see you couldn’t get out. I won round one. Now time for round 2.

I felt the ropes falling of my wrists. I had no energy to fight back so I didn’t. The tape and cloth was removed from my mouth I had a long drink of water. After a minuite the cloth and fresh tape was back on my mouth. Now I felt tape going round my wrists, elbows, ankles above and below my knees. I knew I was ready for tape. I had spent time in this and would easily get out. The tape stopped ripping and I heard the same female voice announced to start of the hour. I finally recognized the voice and I was embarrassed when I recognized it. It was Siri. Whoever had kidnapped me had used a voice over software so they could type a bunch of words in any smartphone and it would come out in a synthetic voice. Smart I thought to myself.

Just then I heard a loud noise which sounded like a door being blown open, I was disappointed thinking it was the police but it wasn’t.

“You’re ours now.” A very soft and real male voice spoke to my ear. I was then lifted into the air and felt my stomach rest on someone’s stomach in a fireman’s carry.

"MMMPHHHMMM" "MMMMMPHHHHHH" "MPPPHHMMM" I screamed through my gag while at the same time struggling with my hands and legs. But of no use.

Being tied in tape is the best feeling ever
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Can’t wait for part 3!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Part 2 was real good, and I'm looking forward to Part 3 :)
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Post by Vel »

I wonder what would happen :0, I hope to see the part 3 soon :3
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Post by slackywacky »

> I counted 26 strips being torn out and applied over my mouth.

That is one massive gag :-) Looking forward to chapter 3.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Solarbeast »

This is a great start to the story, and I can't wait to read more to this story. I do wish that I had the multitude of creative bondage equipment that was a part of this story, with the exception of the gas machine, I can live without that one.
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Post by Jess36985 »

Solarbeast wrote: 4 years ago This is a great start to the story, and I can't wait to read more to this story. I do wish that I had the multitude of creative bondage equipment that was a part of this story, with the exception of the gas machine, I can live without that one.
Thanks a lot. I got the final part coming in a few days. Yeah that machine is kinda scary
Being tied in tape is the best feeling ever
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Post by Jess36985 »

slackywacky wrote: 4 years ago > I counted 26 strips being torn out and applied over my mouth.

That is one massive gag :-) Looking forward to chapter 3.
the Bigger the better =)
Being tied in tape is the best feeling ever
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Post by Jess36985 »


I tried to kick my attacker in the stomach but he had held me very tight. Within minutes I was put in the trunk of an SUV and handcuffs were attached above the tape on my writs and ankles. I tried to get into a sitting position and look out of the back glass but the vehicle lurched suddenly that I hit my head on the window ledge.

“OOOOOOWWWWW.” I screamed through my gag. There must have been a female kidnapper as well because I heard a loud voice yell “Shut It back there.” I listened to the voice and once again tried to get into a sitting position to see out the window. To my disappointment, the glass was heavily tinted so I could only see the reflection of my face. It looked good with that massive gag with at least wasn’t wrapped around my head. My admiration came to a sudden end as I nearly avoided colliding head on with the glass due to the car jerking to a halt and immediately lurching forward again. Who on earth drives like this I thought to myself? Then I thought about the voice, it sounded familiar but I couldn’t pinpoint it. Maybe because of the face mask muffling his voice.

Once again, a few minutes later the car came to a halt this time gradually stopping and not lurching to a halt. The trunk opened and I was lifted put of the SUV and into a run-down building. It was pitch black outside and all I could make out was overgrown grass with a poorly defined tire trial in the grass. We entered the building shrouded in complete darkness and the walls were filled with brightly colored graffiti.
The male kidnapper led the way with a flashlight while the female dragged me along with one of her arms locked with mine. I didn’t resist in case she threw a punch or something. She was pretty strong.

We stopped at an open door with a bright light illuminating the darkness, I looked into the room and saw stained pink walls and an old rickety iron railed bed with an even older, stained mattress on it. I was laid into the mattress and uncuffed.

“Alright, now we don’t mean harm but if you try anything foolish, things are not going to start well, continue well and end well so you better behave nicely. Now I’m going to tie up again and so don’t resist.” The man said. He wore a green face mask hat and green sunglasses, the woman wore the same mask.

He then removed my boots and tape and tied me up in a spreadeagle style on the bed. The bed creaked when he went up on the bed and tied my hands to the headrest. After that he tied my legs to the edges of the bed more creaking following. It was such a hot feeling being tied up spreadeagle on an iron bed just like how it was done in the 60’s and 70’s!!! I was tied very tight and I couldn’t move much in any direction. The man and woman had left the room without telling me anything so I just stayed still on the bed.

The door opened again and the man entered with a roll of tape and a bottle of water in his hand, he laid the tape on the floor and peeled of my gag. I didn’t make a sound.

“No point trying to yell. Only people here are me and my GF so you’ll just be alerting us instead.” He said as he poured the water slowly down my throat. After he was done, he put another cloth in my mouth and tore of more strips of tape to seal it in. After he finished, he closed the door and left.

A few minutes later I heard both the doors of the SUV slam, the engine start and the vehicle drive off. Immediately I started struggling but there was little to do, the bonds were too tight. Then I had I idea, the bed was old and rickety so I thought what if I break the whole bed then I’d be pretty mobile and look for something to free myself. It seemed like a long shot but I had nothing else to do anyway plus I really needed to get back home, my friends would be missing me and my parents would be worried to death. I started pulling and pushing wildly and
bouncing on the bed to break it.


“CCCC’MOOOOOOOOONNNNNN RRRRRRAAAKKK” I screamed while still bouncing as hard as I could on the bed. The mattress was thin so that also helped. I then gripped the railing to which my hands were tied and pulled with all my might while continuing to bounce on the bed. MY efforts were now bearing fruit, I heard the bred start to creak even louder that ever and I was confident it was going to break soon. After about 15 minutes of bouncing and pulling and screaming, the bed broke and I came crashing to the floor on the mattress.

“WWWOOOOO Yesssss” I exclaimed. I was so glad that my idea worked out. The headrest and the bottom of the bed had broken so I was on the floor, the rod to which my hands were attached was now in front of me but my feet were still in the air tied to the unbroken side of the bed. I just needed to take off the tape gag and bite the ropes of my hands then I could free my legs. That’s when my heart skipped a beat.

“Wow good job on breaking the bed. I see what you wanted to do and it nearly worked. It would have worked if you had just paid a little more attention to your surroundings.” He said. “And now you’re going to pay.” He growled. He then strode forward angrily pulling out a pistol from his pocket and pointed it at me. His girlfriend then entered the room and he gave the gun to her and she pointed it at me without a word.

I glared at her as he untied me from the rod and the foot of the bed and retied me on the floor. My wrists, elbows, above and below my kneed were tied when he bent my legs closer to my arms and tied my wrists and ankles together into a hogtie. He stood up and looked at me obviously happy with his work. I could even hear the girlfriend smile.

“Hmmm looking good. If you had just stayed like that, we were going to let you go but now we don’t mind keeping you a few more hours he he he.” He said cheerfully. “Hey girlfriend, what say we tie her big toes together?” He asked his girlfriend. She just stared at me.

“WAAATTT NO NOOO PLLSSS NO.” I whimpered behind my gag shaking my head at the same time.

“Hmmm I think we should, boyfriend.” She responded. I could hear the smile in my voice.

“NO NO” I said shaking my feet as best I could but to no use. He reached over to my side and picked up something which he then ran very gently over my feet. It was very ticklish.

“HAHAHAHAHAH NOO PLSS HAHAHHA” I yelled from behind my gag. I was crazy ticklish and I hated it when peopled ticked me, my 5-year-old
cousin usually tickeled me just to irritate me but this was different.

He stopped and after I had calmed down, he tied my big toes together I was left to struggle against my bonds. The door shut and I was left alone. I started to struggle hard because I wanted to get out but the hogtie was too constricted and my toes being tied together didn’t help.

“HAHAHAAHAHAHA NOOO SSSSOPPPPP HAHHAHAHAH NOO MMMMMMMMRRRRRMMM HAHAHAHAHA” I yelled out again as someone started tickling my toes again and not just my toes bit my side and neck as well.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA LEEMEEEE GOOO SSSSSSOOOOPP HAHAHAHAHAHA.” Whoever was tickling me was resting on my back to stop me from turning and was up to by neck and now my armpits. I was dying of laughter and I couldn’t take it anymore. I was laughing way too much and then I started to cough violently because of all the laughing. The tickling stopped until I had calmed down. I was breathing heavily from all that laughing when I heard a familiar voice.

“Hope you enjoyed yourself. After all you wanted it.” The voice said peeling off my gag and remiving the cloth in my mouth.

“GRRREEEEEGGGGG!!!!” I exclaimed. I rolled onto my side and I saw his smiling face along with Wallie, Richard, Stacy, Derek, Jay and Erica standing together looking at me and smiling and then realization dawned upon me. This was all their idea. They turned me down so the feeling would be more real and they all coordinated among themselves to give me this surprise. It was the best time I had ever and I was happy and thankful for having such friends.

“Yeah you are kind of right. But we didn’t involve Jay and Erica, they just took you and we didnt even know who it was so were very worried. We were supposed to meet them at the dance club so after you were taken from the warehouse we called them to see if you were at the club and that’s when they told us that you had asked them to take you as well.” Greg revealed as if reading my thoughts.

“Its time to get you back so lets get you out of the rope and get you a nice shower, clothes and a rest.” Jay said stepping in.

It was a beautiful day outside, the sun was just rising, the birds chirping and the air cool. I was taking a walk, breathing in the cool autumn air, looking at the trees with their reddish brown leaves with a smile on my face. The view was amazing and I was making my way to an abandoned childrens park where I usually go to study or just to have a little peace and quiet. Today was different. I needed to be at ease and relax. Yesterday was the most chaotic day of my life and I needed to clear my head.
Being tied in tape is the best feeling ever
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Post by Caesar73 »

Nice turn of events :)
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Post by Dpsiic »

I would have kept your boots on
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