The Elf Maiden (M/F)

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The Elf Maiden (M/F)

Post by chaos846 »

Author's note: While I don't intend this as a massive series, I do want to make a few stories out of this. it was an idea I had pop to mind, and I couldn't resist. So here we go with part 1...

Clarice felt her eyes flutter for a moment. She couldn't remember what had happened to her. One moment she was in pain, and then the next, darkness. The Bandits hadn't taken her by surprise like they had hoped. As an Elf, she knew those woods far better than the humans who foolishly tried to jump her. She didn't count on their numbers though.

She groaned a bit, and finally opened her eyes. She did not see what she expected to see. The humans she was fighting looked wild, and dirty. No doubt they had ventured out of a flimsy camp. She was not in a camp. No, she was laying on a bed in a grand looking stone room that looked to be part of a fine castle-like building. The room was warm, the bed she was on was soft, and cozy. It was lit by several torches from the top corners, as well as a few candles at the bedside tables.

Clarice looked at herself, and saw that she had been undressed from her forest garb, and was now wearing a fine red tunic with gold trim. ... 13f3f4.jpg

When she tried to move, she quickly realized that something was holding her down. She looked over at her right hand, and saw a rope had been tied around her wrist, and the rope was also connected to the bed post. She looked to her left hand, and saw it had been bound to the other post.

The Elf now begun to panic. Perhaps those men were just lackeys for a greater power. Perhaps someone very powerful, and rich had taken her hostage, and planned to ransom her. Regardless, she knew she needed to escape. She yanked on her right hand, and instantly regretted it, as the wounds on her back, arms, and chest began to argue with her. She groaned, and stopped her struggle. Then she heard it.

“Now let that be a lesson to you to just lay there, and be grateful you're still alive,” A Man's Voice said. Clarice was, of course, quite startled, as no one was in the room a second ago, but now sitting in the chair beside the bed was a human male that looked about six and a half feet tall with amber colored hair, and bright blue eyes. His voice was commanding, but at the same time, gentle. He wore a simple silver robe and a pair of matching slippers on his feet.

Either this man had been invisible the whole time, or somehow he had known she had woken up, and teleported into the room.

“Who are you? What do you want with me?” Clarice asked him frantically. She was close to panicking again. The Man held out his hand in a gentle gesture.

“Easy, easy, I'm not going to hurt you,” He insisted. “I'm the one who rescued you from those brigands. You suffered quite a few wounds, as you just discovered, and I've been healing them,” He then explained.

“Why am I tied to the bed?” Clarice then asked.

“I've restrained you in the hopes that you don't move around too much. I don't want you accidentally undoing my work,” The Man told her. The poor elf just sighed. Why did this have to happen to her. At least being kidnapped by this man seemed nicer than the bandits she might have been stuck with, but never the less, she was now a prisoner.

“Who are you?” She then asked.

“My name is Adrian. Sorcerer, and healer, at your service,” The Man greeted. “What is your name, fair elf?” He then asked, now with a gleam in his eyes. The elf blinked, and turned her head to look at him again.

“My name is Clarice,” She said. Adrian nodded.

“That's a beautiful name. Nice to meet you Clarice,” Adrian greeted to her, trying to be as comforting as possible. Clarice could only nod a bit. Adrian couldn't blame her. She was in an unknown location with an almost complete stranger, and tied to a bed, so that her wounds could heal. It was only natural she'd be both scared and miserable.

Adrian couldn't help but look upon her. The beautiful maiden with her gorgeous shiny dark hair, and her cute pointed ears. She seemed to be about a foot shorter than him as well. She looked back at him with her lovely green eyes.

“Why are you starring at me?” She asked. Adrian snapped back to reality.

“Oh, i'm sorry, I just got lost in thought,” He answered.

“How long am I going to be here?” Clarice then asked.

“As long as it takes for you to recover, I'm afraid,” Adrian answered, his voice having a hint of sorrow. Clarice nodded in her own sorrowful manner.

“Do I have to be...restrained...the whole time,” She then asked. Adding to her disappointment, Adrian nodded yes.

“Sadly yes, and I have my reasons for doing so outside of what I've already told you,” Adrian told her. He then got up off his chair. Clarice flinched, as he did. “Please try to relax,” He insisted. “I just have something I need to do, I'll be back to check on you in a little while,” He then told her.

“What if I need something?” Clarice then asked him. Adrian smiled warmly at her.

“Just call my name, and i'll be here shortly,” He responded, and then left the room. Clarice could only sigh again. Nothing to do but wait it out, and pray.

* * * *

Adrian headed down the stairs to the main room where his butler was cleaning one of the massive rugs.

“Are you heading out, Sir?” The old man asked.

“Yes, but only for a little bit. I need to find out where those men came from, and how they were able to navigate elvish woodlands so easily, and unnoticed for that long,” Adrian told him. The butler blinked.

“Does she know...about you?” He then asked. Adrian blinked a set of menacing reptilian shaped blue eyes. He then blinked his human ones soon after.

“Only what she needs to know...for now at least,” Adrian said. The butler nodded. He seemed to not mind his Lord's eye change at all. It's as if it was perfectly normal.

“I see, well, best of luck to you Sir,” The Butler told him.

“Thank you, Harold,” Adrian said back to him.

Adrian left out the front doors to the castle, and looked over the massive horizon that stretched out before him. The Castle sat atop a mountain that overlooked Feverwood, as well as the winding river that cut through it. His eyes were set on what looked like a human city in the far off distance.

Adrian closed his eyes briefly, and when he opened them, his reptilian eyes shined through again. His size grew, and soon his silver robe turned into a pair of silver wings, and scales to match. His human body took the shape of a giant bipedal dinosaur. His true form and power was now revealed: A Silver Dragon.

With one beat of his wings, Adrian took off, and headed for the settlement. It wouldn't take him long to reach such a settlement. He could here the warnings within the walls sounding. It was at that moment, he took in a breath, and shot out a shining cone of ice into the air above him. The alarms within the city surprisingly stopped.

“Get the area clear!” One of the human guards inside the city shouted to his men. They were clearing a large area on the ground, and leaving it open. Adrian circled around the city once, and saw what looked like his landing zone. With a few beats of his wings, he slowed down, and landed as softly as he could. Due to his size, it was impossible not to cause the ground to shake a bit, but he still did the best he could.

“Greetings Lord Adrian!” The Guard called out to him.

“Greetings to you Captain Aldar!” Adrian greeted back. His voice was much deeper, and naturally louder, but it still had the same kind, and gentle touch to it. The people around the site didn't seem to bothered by The Beasts presence which suggested that Adrian visited here rather often.

“What brings you out this why M'lord?” The Captain asked him. Adrian re-assumed his human form beside the man before answering.

“I'm trying to figure out how a bunch of human brigands were able to travel almost to the heart of Feverwood almost undetected,” Adrian answered, as the two then began to walk down the street.

“They escaped the notice of the elves for that long?” The Captain asked. Adrian nodded. “And you think they came from here?” He then added.

“I don't think they came from here, but I was wondering if Marshal was around, so I could enlist his assistance,” Adrian told him.

“I believe he's at the lodge right now,” Captain Aldar answered.
Last edited by chaos846 5 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by WyattW5 »

I like the story so far, so far so good.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I agree!
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Post by FabianStr2016 »

Please Continue!
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