Lurking in the dark M/FFF

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Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Lurking in the dark M/FFF

Post by WyattW5 »

An old factory stands tall in the woods surrounding the city of Harrison. This factory is the towns priding bogeyman rumour had it a vicious killer used in back in the eighties to commit all manner of terrible acts. Nearly forty years later the factory still stands and stories about the factory turn to hearsay.

In a silver sedan pulling into the gravel parking lot. Three girls long to test the stories spread about this creepy old factory. The driver of the car Tiffany had convinced her two BFF’s Sasha and Hannah to go inside and spend an hour or two.

Tiffany the leader of their little group had curly blond hair, a slender figure below a tight navy blue turtleneck sweater a short skirt with opaque danskin tights. A green bandana tied around their neck. These girls were nicknamed in school as the bandana band. All three girls wore some form of bandana in a fashion on any school day.

Hannah with brown shoulder length hair, tipped a ginger colour walks behind Tiffany. A ruby red tube top and a pair of blue jeans. A bright blue bandana wrapped around her neck

And finally Sasha, the chubbiest girl of this band, wearing a bright yellow bandana around her neck her straight long crimson red hair. Her torso was covered by a red Camisole accompanied by a denim skirt.

The three girls got out of the car, Sasha feeling the most reserved about going inside asked if this was necessary. Tiffany smiles placing a confident hand on her friends shoulder

“don’t sweat it Sash, if anyone comes after us I’ll nail em with my kung fu skills” “problem is you only made it through one class”

Tiffany lowered her faux karate stance turning to Hannah making Hannah giggle a little before they pull Sasha along. Entering the factory, old dust covered windows allowed bare minimum of the suns light. Giving it a creepy yellow hue.

Walking in and around to an open space around some old machinery Tiffany looks to her two now sheepish companions
“come on guys this way I heard the ghost is best heard in the loading room”

“Tiffany slow down we don’t need to rush”

“Well come on scaredy cats”

Tiffany spoke running down the end of the hall towards a door before going through with excited speed. Her two friends try to call out to her but to no avail. As Tiffany rushes through trying to get to the loading room. She looks around as she comes into a small corridor what appears to be a furnace room.

An echo causes her to turn suddenly seeing no one she exhales with great relief before she could breath in a hand and a cloth clamped over her nose and mouth. A firm arm clutches her by the shoulders holding her tight. The girl struggles but does could not hold her breath any longer. Inhaling the chloroform she collapsed in his arms. Dragging her away.

Soon after Tiffany was tied to a chair her captor did not bother to gag her yet, hoping her voice could lure at least one more girl into the loading room. But he knew she still had taken a good amount of chloroform. Maybe he could catch one more before she rose.


Hannah leading Sasha through dark hallways until they enter an old creepy locker room. Checking each hall Hannah calls out

“Tiffany! Tiffany, come on Tiffany this isn’t fun”

Walking from the locker room into a small hallway Sasha notes something on the ground both crouch down to examine it a small little brass ring too small to fit on any finger.

“it’s Tiffany’s toe ring?”

Hannah exclaims in surprise, both commence to looking around the two girls try to think how it could have fell off. Hannah points in the direction towards the boiler room. The two jolt down towards it. Examining the room to find nothing of interest but they continue down a series of corridors. Sasha took the lead taking deep steady breathes.

Hannah looked deep into the blackness of one corridor going through it the darkness seemed to just overtake her. Stepping around she felt a hand clutch her throat emitting unable to emit a scream as her captor dragged her away. While Sasha felt an eerily silence overtake the room. Turning around with Hannah nowhere in sight Sasha quickly turns around and starts to run away.

Back in the loading room Tiffany had just began waking from her nap to see Hannah tied up on a skid her hands bound behind her back. A black ace bandana wrapped over her mouth that spread down to her neck. Struggling she shook and fought her own bonds tied to the chair she called out one large scream echoing across the loading room.

The trap now baited and set, their kidnapper was happy with her shriek and decided to gag her. Taking a red ace bandana folding it into a band leave half a triangle exposed pushes a cloth into her mouth silencing her before wrapping the band over her mouth silencing her. To look at their captor all one seen was a black mass tying them up.

Meanwhile Sasha had heard Tiffany’s scream for help wanting to leave, yet needing to help her friends Sasha steeled her courage and went towards it. Her nerves had her shaking like a leaf. Feeling completely outmatched. Her eyebrows rose she had remembered her cell phone. Pulling it from her pocket she clicks the phone open for no reception shaking her head she tried to call 911 for it not to work.

Texting the one person who would come for her besides her two bff’s she dialled types in a brief text asking to come get me at Creepy factory seeing a window to get out she ran outside just to set her phone down seeing the message just sending in an area with reception. Turning around Sasha runs to the origin of the scream.

Coming through a small man door Sasha’s eyes grew wide as she looks to see Hannah squirming around on a skid while Tiffany was tied and gagged on a chair. Rushing to hannah who was closer Sasha began trying to undo the knots on Hanna’s wrists and shoulders. Unfortunately Sasha’s fingers were large and not very nimble as her hands struggled to get free all she could hear was Tiffany frantically grunting into her gag trying to speak. Sasha tries to block out the noise so she could concentrate when a hand clutches over her mouth.

Pulling her aside he binds her wrists wraps rope around her shoulders above and below her chest. Stuffing some cloth in her mouth before applying a bandana over her mouth. Pulling her down on the skid beside Hannah he bound her ankles. Before their captor laughs creepily. Walking away his black hooded form continues to hide in the dark.

Sasha and Hannah struggle to break free, Tiffany bows her head in shame knowing she should have listened to Sasha, Hannah tries to untie the knots holding Sasha. And poor Sasha begins to feel only the little hope her rescuer would get the message. Her moans were of pity until she heard the deep rumble of pickup truck. Their captor startled by it’s sudden approach walks out to a window. Whispering a curse they hide back into the darkness.

Walking in a tall broad young man looks around “Sasha, come on I am not in the mood for games”

Walking around the man walks the length and width of the factory around the loading room. The three captives commence to call and shout into the gags as loud as possible. Their captor draws a large sharp knife. Making Tiffany shriek in terror and her shriek was enough to lure their rescuer into the loading room.

Tiffany Sasha and Hannah all called in joy as Ray Sasha’s big brother standing two hundred pounds of work horse muscle enters the room wearing a t-shirt jeans and a pair of steel toe boots. Their captor dressed in black hoodie and blue jeans attacks. Jumping on Ray’s back he commences to try and stab Ray but the larger man throws him off with ease making hit cement floor Ray kicked the assailant in the stomach with steel toe boots he shot away dropping the knife. Using his own work knife Ray cuts Tiffany free before cutting and freeing Sasha

“now sis what have I told you about things lurking in the dark?”

Sasha leans up on her tip toes hugging her big brother. Tiffany comes up and gives him a big kiss on the lips before Hannah could just pat him on the back. Returning to their assailant who had been groaning in agony. Ray kicks him on his back before removing the hood from his head. To find an old aged man with wiry grey hair.

Tiffany, Hannah and Sasha called the police while Ray held the old man down. The police took him away and the four were commended for locating the infamous Carson Factory Captor. Reported to had tied up and raped even killed his victims for a span of twenty six years. When it was over Tiffany and Hannah look to Sasha curiously “what made you think to call Ray?”

“When we were little we went to see that scary movie monster in the closet” the two girls nod remembering the general memory.

“That night I could not sleep, my parents said I was too old to sleep in their bed, so I went to Ray’s room asked if I could sleep with him”

“Being he is big brother you did?” Hannah states with a warm smile almost teasing Sasha

“Yes, before he went to sleep he told me something I would never forget, if your ever afraid of what is lurking in the dark, don’t be afraid to call big brother, cause all things fear big brother”

the two girls burst into laughter then Sasha informed them of her first date with Mason Hedley Mason tried to go further then Sasha was ready for she had to call her brother to rescue her. Tiffany smiles as Ray finished his report with the police officer approaches looking to the girls “so you girls ready to go home?”

Sasha nods Tiffany and Hannah look to each other
“say big brother, do you think that we can become under big brothers protection” Tiffany spoke as Hannah blurts into laughter and Ray smiles gently placing a hand on Sasha’s shoulder.

“you girls have been like sisters to Sasha, you were always under big brother protection”

Kissing his sister on the cheek Ray walks back to his car. Hannah and Tiffany did not stop yapping about the adventure but decided to go back home and watch a scary movie. In this movie one of the heroines got kidnapped and tied up and gagged. The three girls agree that the movie was far too theatrical and that they had experienced real helplessness. Laughing it off the girls finish the movie. Tiffany left the two girls with a parting thought as she went to the bathroom.

“What do you suppose lurks in the dark?” giving herself an intensely eerie voice.

Inspiration for this story came from this song:
Millennial Club
Millennial Club
Posts: 4934
Joined: 5 years ago

Post by Caesar73 »

Well, there things lurking in the dark - ander there things :D Your Story was fun to read! The setting was nice! I always like abandoned factories. They offer so many possibilities :D
Deleted User 1665

Post by Deleted User 1665 »

This was a fun story :D
Deleted User 4370

Post by Deleted User 4370 »

Interesting little tale!
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